P0300 код ошибки audi a4

Фото в бортжурнале Audi A4 (B7)

Сегодня запустив в гараже свою машинку заметил неприятную вещь — горит чек (да и вибрация поначалу была странная, потом как погрелась, секунд 30, ушла). Покатавшись по городу, несколько раз глушив и заводив мотор лампочка не погасла. Поехал к знакомому. Пока мой шнурок с поддержкой CAN-шины трясется в посылке из Китая, воспользовались ELM-кой. Появились следующие ошибки:

Фото в бортжурнале Audi A4 (B7)

P0300 — Обнаружены пропуски зажигания
P0303 — Пропуски зажигания третьего цилиндра
P0302 — Пропуски зажигания второго цилиндра

Сбросив ошибку решили покрутить мотор. Катались минут 10 до 170 км/ч чуть не доходя до красного сектора. Все супер. Поведение машины прежнее. Приемистость все такая же отличная. Ошибка больше не появлялась.

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Что пишут умные книжки:

Критерии оценки пропусков зажигания:

Более частые пропуски зажигания, чем допустимо за время последних 200 оборотов (при температуре катализатора, превышающей 1 000 °C).

Пропуск зажигания наблюдался 15 или более раз за последние 1 000 оборотов (соответствует превышению предела стандарта выбросов в 1,5 раза).
Возможные причины возникновения пропусков зажигания:

P0300-Random cylinder misfire detection system (Обнаружен многократный пропуск зажигания в цилиндрах)

Сбой одного или более компонентов системы зажигания
Сбой датчика угла поворота коленчатого вала
Сбой инжектора
Неправильный состав воздушно-топливной смеси
Низкая компрессия
Сбой в датчике температуры всасываемого воздуха
Сбой в датчике температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
Сбой датчика расхода воздуха
Неисправность газораспределительного механизма (проскок ремня ГРМ)
Сбой системы рециркуляции и клапана рециркуляции ОГ
Сбой блока управления двигателем

P0302-No.2 cylinder misfire detection system (Обнаружен пропуск зажигания в цилиндре № 2)

Сбой связанной детали(-лей) в системе зажигания
Сбой инжектора № 2
Повреждение электропроводки в цепи инжектора № 2
Низкая компрессия
Сбой блока управления двигателем


Соответственно по третьему цилиндру тоже самое.

Что ж товарищи, готов выслушать ваши предложения по грамотному прислушиванию к автомобилю или же все-таки ждать следующей предпосылки (мол типа один раз ничего страшного)?

3 410

Ошибка P0300 — при работе двигателя обнаружены случайные пропуски воспламенения.

Возможные причины появления ошибки в автомобиле Audi:

  • Неисправна одна или несколько свечей зажигания
  • Обрыв или замыкание проводки катушки(ек) зажигания
  • Неисправна одна или несколько катушек зажигания
  • Обрыв или замыкание проводки форсунки(ок)
  • Забит или неисправен инжектор
  • Неисправность разъема проводки форсунки(ок)
  • Неисправность разъема катушки зажигания
  • Неправильное давление топлива
  • Низкая компрессия в цилиндрах двигателя
  • Подсос воздуха впускного коллектора

Код ошибки P0300 означает, что в одном или нескольких цилиндрах двигателя автомобиля Ауди обнаружены случайные пропуски воспламенения зажигания. Диагностику лучше проводить в следующий последовательности – проверить на подсос воздуха впускной тракт, следующий шаг это замена свечи зажигания в первом цилиндре. Если проблема не удалось решить этими двумя пунктами, то необходимо провести дополнительную диагностику , которая детально описана здесь.


  • Горит сигнал «CHEK ENGINE»;
  • Отсутствие/потеря мощности двигателя;
  • Двигатель «трясет». Неровная работа мотора;
  • Затруднен запуск двигателя. Особенно холодного.

Описание ошибки P0300 Audi

При возникновении пропуска воспламенения частота вращения двигателя будет колебаться. Если изменения частоты вращения двигателя достаточны, для изменения сигнала датчика положения коленчатого вала (CKP), блок управления двигателем (ECM) определяет ошибку P0300 Audi.

P0300 is a generic OBDII code that can occur with the Audi A4. This code indicates that your car’s engine is misfiring and can be a drivability threat.

P0300 is often accompanied by cylinder-specific misfire codes (P030X, where the X indicates the cylinder number that is misfiring). If you have P0300 and a cylinder-specific misfire, the cylinder indicated by the specific codes would be where to start looking for your problem.

Audi A4 P0300

Worn spark plugs, coil packs, or plug wires are the most common cause of P0300.

Table of Contents

  • P0300 Meaning
  • Symptoms
  • Causes + Diagnosis
  • Fixing P0300
  • Common Questions
Definition P0300: Random Multiple Misfire Detected.
Symptoms Rough idle, jerks when accelerating, decreased MPG.
Common Causes Ignition components or it’s a symptom of another problem.
Breakdown Risk? Yes.
Repair Cost (Parts) Typically less than $250 for the common issues.
Repair Difficulty Easy, if it’s ignition related.

Audi A4 P0300 Meaning

Worn plugs are a very common cause of P0300.

P0300 is a general diagnostic trouble code. Specifically, it indicates that there is a:

Random, Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0300 is a random misfire code, which means that it is not going to tell you which cylinder is causing the misfire.

Since something is causing cylinders to misfire randomly, figuring out the cause is less cut and dry than a cylinder-specific misfire code. This code can indicate an issue with the ignition system, but it is often a symptom of another problem.

How you approach P0300 depends on if there were any other codes present.

P0300 Symptoms: Audi A4

There are almost always noticeable symptoms associated with P0300 other than the check engine light.

P0300 OBDII Code Diagnosis Audi A4

  • Check engine light (it may be flashing, which indicates you should stop driving your car ASAP).
  • Your car will likely have a noticeable misfire sound to it.
  • Your A4 will jerk while accelerating.
  • Excess vibration, especially at lower RPM.
  • Decreased fuel economy.

If your A4’s engine is misfiring enough to damage the catalytic converter, the check engine light may flash on and off as a warning to stop running the engine until you can fix it.

P0300 Trouble Code Causes + Diagnosis

Audi A4 P0300 Diagnosis

When diagnosing the cause of P0300 in your Audi A4 the problem can be broken down into two main categories.

  1. Something related to the ignition system caused the random misfire.
  2. P0300 is a symptom of another engine problem.  

Important to pull and weigh all the codes together.  The misfiring could just be a symptom of the real problem.

For example, if you got a fuel pressure-related code, that indicates your A4’s fuel rail isn’t getting enough fuel pressure for the fuel injectors to work properly, which would cause a random misfire.

Spark Plugs, Plug Wires, or Coil Packs (Ignition)

P0300 Ignition Fix

A fouled iridium plug vs. a new one.

Start here if your A4 has only misfire/ignition-related codes.

The most likely cause of P0300 in most vehicles is a bad ignition component (particularly the spark plugs).

While most modern vehicles use iridium spark plugs that can last a long time, they still should be changed at Audi’s recommended maintenance intervals.

If your A4 has a few cylinder-specific trouble codes, it may be a good idea to check and see if there is any wiring damage around the wiring harness connecting the PCM to the coil packs.

Here’s how to test a coil pack, how to tell if a spark plug is bad (video), and how to test plug wires (video).

Low Fuel Pressure

Fuel Injectors can Cause P0300

Fuel injectors need a lot of fuel pressure to produce a fine mist.

If your A4’s fuel pressure is low, you may also encounter P0171 (fuel trim lean) or P0087 (fuel rail pressure too low).

If there isn’t enough fuel getting to the engine, it will keep leaning out the air-fuel mixture. 

If your car’s fuel pressure is really low, it’ll cause noticeable misfiring as there won’t be enough fuel pressure to atomize the gasoline as it enters the combustion chamber.

Typically, if your A4 has low fuel pressure, it’ll act fine when it doesn’t need a lot of fuel. But it’ll sputter and act like it will die at speed or under heavy acceleration.

As the fuel pressure decreases, it’ll start happening when you give it less and less gas. Or, your A4 will shut down when driving but then turn back on.

It’s really easy to check the fuel pressure at the rail.  Autozone or any other parts store will usually have a loaner fuel pressure testing kit. 

The two most prevalent causes of low fuel pressure are an issue with the fuel pump or fuel regulation.

Here’s some information on how to tell if you have a bad fuel filter. Here’s how to test fuel pressure with a fuel pressure tester.

Vacuum Leak

P0171 is the most common code to see with a vacuum leak

If your A4 has a vacuum leak, unmetered air is entering the combustion chamber, which usually leans out the air-fuel mixture.

A lean air/fuel ratio will cause the cylinders to misfire, and it’ll throw the P0300.

Since a vacuum leak almost always affects each cylinder the same, you’ll typically get P0300 with it and not any cylinder-specific misfire codes.

Here’s a great article from Popular Mechanics on how to detect a vacuum leak. Chasing one down is pretty easy. Popular Mechanics: How to find a vacuum leak.


Most mechanical issues won’t throw other codes.

Mechanical issues can cause misfiring. Here are the most common mechanical issues that can cause P0300:

  • Blown or leaking head gasket– A compression test will confirm whether or not the head gasket is leaking.
  • Engine timing– The timing chain could have jumped, or there could be an issue with the crank or cam sensor.
  • Burned Valve or Broken Valve Spring– A burned valve will reduce the compression rate and cause a misfire.
  • Clogged Catalytic Converter– A clogged cat can increase backpressure and cause misfiring.

Bad Gas

Bad gas

Old gas can cause misfiring.

If your misfire started a minute or two after filling up, it could be that your A4 has some bad gas. The same goes if it’s been sitting for over 90 days.

How to Fix P0300 in the Audi A4

P0300 will often be fixed by something obvious. When it’s not glaringly obvious what is wrong, a tune-up is a great place to start. Here’s a good order to approach fixing P0300 in the Audi A4.

  1. Check for other codes. Use them to eliminate as many of the causes listed above as you can.
  2. Check the wiring harness going to the coil packs. Verify that it isn’t burnt, frayed, or otherwise damaged. If it’s wintertime, look for signs of rodent damage.
  3. Pull a few random plugs. Replace them if needed.
  4. Test the coil packs.
  5. If your A4 has plug wires. Run the engine in the dark and see if you see any spark “leaking”.
  6. Check for a vacuum leak.
  7. Test the fuel pressure.
  8. Do a compression test.

Q & A

Q: Is P0300 a serious concern?

A: P0300 is cause for concern, and left unfixed can get worse. Left ignored, a misfire will eventually get bad enough that your A4 may not start.

Q: Can a bad catalytic converter cause P0300?

A: Yes. A clogged converter will increase backpressure. An engine is a pump. When there’s too much backpressure, air can’t quickly move through the combustion chambers and will misfire.

Q: How do you clear P0300?

A: You can use an OBD II scanner to clear P0300 in the Audi A4. You have to fix the root cause of P0300 in your car. Otherwise, when you clear the code, it’ll come right back.

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  • 09 Audi A4 2.0T P0300 P0303 P0304

  1. 09-27-2020 08:36 PM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    Exclamation 09 Audi A4 2.0T P0300 P0303 P0304

    Hello, I own a 2009 Audi A4 2.0T Turbocharged FWD and I got 3 trouble codes (P0300, P0303, P0304). My audi drives fine but it idles rough and lost a bit of power. What I first did was I changed all spark plugs to new stock ones and the misfires was still on cylinder 3 and 4. I tried swapping the coil pack to different working cylinders but the misfires was still on 3 and 4. Another thing I did was I added San Lucus fuel injector cleaner and didn�t seem to solve the problem. Last thing I did was bought a PCV valve and didn�t solve it. I ran out of ideas and don�t know what the problem could be. Any ideas? Thanks! Btw my car milage is 188k

  2. 09-27-2020 09:02 PM


    Grouch is offline

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  3. 09-27-2020 09:13 PM


    mbizzle is offline

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    Also what is the compression saying?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. 09-27-2020 10:13 PM


    elpeterson is offline

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    I’m still new to the Audi world but experienced this on my Subaru. What’s your mileage like? This could be coming from carbon build up. Normally I’d say check injectors, plugs and coil packs but it seems you’ve gone through that already.

  5. 09-28-2020 01:50 AM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by mbizzle
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    Also what is the compression saying?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Compression cylinder 1-4 is 180-150-180-180

  6. 09-28-2020 01:51 AM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by elpeterson
    View Post

    I’m still new to the Audi world but experienced this on my Subaru. What’s your mileage like? This could be coming from carbon build up. Normally I’d say check injectors, plugs and coil packs but it seems you’ve gone through that already.

    My audi has 188k miles on it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine Forum

  7. 10-11-2020 09:08 PM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    It could possibly be that. What are the symptoms of a boost leak?

    — — — Updated — — —

    Quote Originally Posted by hcuorG
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    Boost leak?

    It could possibly be that. What are the symptoms of a boost leak?

  8. 10-11-2020 09:17 PM


    Grouch is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyR9822
    View Post

    It could possibly be that. What are the symptoms of a boost leak?

    — — — Updated — — —

    It could possibly be that. What are the symptoms of a boost leak?

    I recently had a huge boost leak and basically had all the same symptoms as you. I was throwing bunch of misfire codes, rough idle and loss of power.

  9. 10-11-2020 09:27 PM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    So is it worth it replacing the whole turbocharger?

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  10. 10-11-2020 09:28 PM


    JohnnyR9822 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by hcuorG
    View Post

    I recently had a huge boost leak and basically had all the same symptoms as you. I was throwing bunch of misfire codes, rough idle and loss of power.

    So is it worth it replacing the whole turbocharger?

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine Forum

  11. 10-12-2020 09:43 AM


    Grouch is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyR9822
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    So is it worth it replacing the whole turbocharger?

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine Forum

    I would get a boost leak test done and see if that’s really the cause. Usually about 100 bucks at the shop or you can do it yourself if you know how. Bunch of DIY on here on the forum.

  12. 10-16-2020 09:10 PM


    Jacon is offline

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    Have you replaced the injectors? That’s very high mileage for stock injectors. Id start there.

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What Does Audi A4 Code P0300 Mean?

  • Audi A4 P0300 definition: Random, Multiple Misfire Detected
  • Issue Severity: SEVERE – Stop driving immediately
  • Repair Urgency: Fix this code immediately (same-day if possible) to avoid ignition failure, catalytic converter damage, and dangerous conditions
  • Diagnosis: A multiple misfire can be caused by anything from faulty spark plugs to low engine compression. You can take your car into a shop, or or click here to save money by fixing P0300 yourself with FIXD!

Your vehicle moves when gasoline is burned and power is generated inside a chamber known as the cylinder. Most engines have a 4, 6, or 8-cylinder engine, where more cylinders typically mean more power. Power is generated by pistons that move up and down while fuel is ignited at very specific times. A misfire typically occurs when the timing of this ignition is off. Audi A4 P0300 indicates that two or more cylinders are experiencing misfires.

Most Likely Repair And Cost For Audi A4 P0300 By Year

The chart below shows the most likely repair and cost range for A4s for all of the years that FIXD has data on.

Year Most Likely Repair Cost Range
2016 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve w/P0171, P0506, P0507… $54 – $170
2015 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve w/P0171, P0506, P0507… $54 – $170
2014 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2013 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2012 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2011 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173
2010 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2009 Spark Plug(s) $58 – $167
2008 Spark Plug(s) $58 – $167
2007 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2006 Spark Plug(s) $58 – $167
2005 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2004 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2003 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2002 Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve $54 – $170
2001 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor $172 – $309
2000 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173
1999 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173
1998 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173
1997 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173
1996 Ignition Coil(s) $51 – $173

Audi A4 P0300 Causes

Multiple misfires can be caused by many reasons from a faulty ignition system, fuel system, or internal engine failure. The most common reason for this to happen is faulty or worn-out spark plug coil packs, especially if it’s been a while since you had a tune-up.

  • Faulty or worn spark plugs and/or spark plug wires
  • Ignition issues, including failing or damaged ignition coils
  • Distributor failure
  • Faulty fuel injector
  • Vacuum leak
  • Low fuel pressure
  • Camshaft and/or crankshaft sensor defective
  • Engine timing off
  • Leaking head gasket
  • Low engine compression
  • Poor quality fuel that is old or contaminated

Audi A4 P0300 Symptoms

  • Check Engine Light is on or flashing
  • Engine runs rough, hesitates, or jerks when accelerating
  • Drivers may not notice any adverse conditions when driving
  • In some cases, drivers may experience decreased fuel economy, fuel smell from exhaust, rough idling, or lack of power from the engine
  • Commonly associated with error codes: P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0307, P0308

How Do I Fix Audi A4 Code P0300?

With a misfire fault, the first step is to get it diagnosed to figure out what is causing the engine to misfire. We’ve created this 100% free step-by-step guide to show you how to diagnose and fix your P0300 code.

>Click here to download your FREE P0300 Fix-It Guide!

If your vehicle is misfiring and you’re not comfortable diagnosing this issue at home, we recommend finding a RepairPal certified shop nearby to pinpoint the problem and give an accurate estimate for repairs.

These shops can not only help you figure out what’s going wrong before you waste time and money on the wrong parts, but they also offer a minimum 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty and stand behind all their estimates with guaranteed fair pricing.

How Much Does It Cost to Fix Audi A4 Code P0300?

P0300 can be caused by anything from old spark plugs to vacuum leaks to poor engine compression. It’s impossible to give an accurate estimate without properly diagnosing the issue first.

If you take your car to a shop for diagnosis, most shops will start with an hour of “diag time” (the time spent in labor diagnosing your specific issue). Depending on the shop’s labor rate, this typically costs somewhere between $75-$150. Many, if not most, shops will apply this diagnosis fee to any required repairs if you have them perform the repairs for you. From there, a shop will be able to give you an accurate estimate for repairs to fix your P0300 code.

Possible Repair Costs for Audi A4 P0300

Once properly diagnosed, P0300 may require one or more of the following repairs to resolve the underlying issue. These prices are based on national averages and include parts and labor. Your cost may differ depending on your location and type of vehicle.

  • Spark plugs: $66-$250
  • Ignition Coils: $230-$640 (some cars require Intake manifold removal)
  • Spark plug wires: $180-$240
  • Fuel injectors: $1500-$1900
  • Vacuum leak: $100-$200
  • Fuel pump: $1300-$1700
  • Fuel pressure regulator: $200-$400

DIY Steps to Diagnose Audi A4 Code P0300

Engine code P0300 could be caused by a number of things, including faulty spark plugs, faulty ignition system, distributor failure, and more. If you’d like to try to fix code P0300 at home without throwing money at parts, you’ll want to follow the steps below for proper diagnosis. Keep in mind this is an intermediate-level diagnosis and repair and not recommended for beginners. Diagnosis requires more specialized equipment beyond what the FIXD Sensor can provide, and it can be a time and labor-intensive process for inexperienced DIYers.

DIY difficulty level: Intermediate

This repair requires mechanical knowledge and is not recommended for beginners.

Tools/parts needed (our top picks from Amazon):

  • Screwdrivers
  • FIXD
  • Digital multimeter
  • 5/8in. Spark Plug Socket
  • Ratchet, sockets, and extensions
  • Fuel pressure gauge
  • Compression tester
  • Leakdown tester
  • Spark plugs
  • Spark plug wires


Use FIXD to scan your Audi A4 vehicle to verify P0300 is the only code present. If other codes are present, they must be addressed first.


Look for loose engine ground wires as well. These can cause random misfire conditions. Tighten or connect where necessary.


Worn and old spark plug wires are common causes of random misfires. Replace spark plugs and wires if needed and recheck for misfires.


If you have determined that your ignition system is operating correctly, there may be a problem within your fuel system that is causing the random misfires. The following should be checked to ensure the engine is getting the proper amount of fuel.

  • Check fuel pressure: Low fuel pressure can cause intermittent misfires on multiple cylinders. When the pressure is below the specification, the engine does not receive the proper amount of fuel and will start to lean misfire. The fuel pump or fuel pressure regulator could be the source of the low fuel pressure.
  • Check fuel injectors: Make sure the fuel injectors are functioning properly and activating. Random misfires can be a sign of faulty or clogged fuel injectors that need to be replaced. Also, check that the fuel injector wiring is not damaged and is connected properly.


If the ignition system and fuel system checks out, you may want to perform an engine compression test and leakdown test to see if there are any mechanical problems causing your misfire.

Common mechanical problems that can cause misfires:

  • Leaking head gasket
  • Broken valve spring
  • Broken piston ring
  • Worn valve guides
  • Burned valve
  • Timing chain or belt skipped tooth and engine is off time

Common Audi A4 P0300 Diagnosis Mistakes

Loose fitting electrical connectors and broken or disconnected vacuum hoses are often overlooked. Oxygen sensor(s) are another common misdiagnosis for P0300.

Still Need Help Fixing Audi A4 Code P0300?

If you’ve followed the steps above and are still experiencing Audi A4 check engine code P0300, please contact the FIXD Mechanic Hotline if you’re a FIXD Premium subscriber or find a RepairPal certified shop near you to get the right repairs at a fair price.

FIXD Research Team

At FIXD, our mission is to make car ownership as simple, easy, and affordable as possible. Our research team utilizes the latest automotive data and insights to create tools and resources that help drivers get peace of mind and save money over the life of their car.

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