Ошибки на панели приборов альфа ромео 156

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Фото в бортжурнале Alfa Romeo 156
Индикатор износа тормозных колодок. Информирует о необходимости проверить изношенность тормозных колодок.

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Заголовок сообщения: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 25 июл 2015, 19:47 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

Вот и купил Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 1998 года выпуска с пробегом 312500. Покупал с учетом вложение в нее денег. И так, следующие проблемы на данный момент в этой машине
1)Горят лампочки:
— контрольная лампа неисправности в системе впрыска топлива
— подушки безопасности
2)плохо набирает обороты на 1-ой и 2-ой передачи(продавец сказал что проблема в силовом кабеле, который на свечи идет, но мне ему слабо верится)
3)не работает стрелка спидометра(останавливается на 20km)
4)треск/гул в правом переднем колесе, когда жму на газ

Еще записал звук работы двигателя на холодную

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 25 июл 2015, 22:05 

Зарегистрирован: 28 мар 2013, 20:33
Сообщения: 882
Откуда: жодино

Авто: 146,156

[quote=»exil»]Вот и купил Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 1998 года выпуска с пробегом 312500. Покупал с учетом вложение в нее денег. И так, следующие проблемы на данный момент в этой машине
1)Горят лампочки:
— контрольная лампа неисправности в системе впрыска топлива
— подушки безопасности
2)плохо набирает обороты на 1-ой и 2-ой передачи(продавец сказал что проблема в силовом кабеле, который на свечи идет, но мне ему слабо верится)
3)не работает стрелка спидометра(останавливается на 20km)
4)треск/гул в правом переднем колесе, когда жму на газ
Пункт 1комп смотри ошибки
Пункт2 комп поможет
Пункт3 либо приборке капут либо здохли датчики абсзадних колёс
Пункт 4 шрус менять надо
А по поводу видео варик здох ну и распредвалы смотреть надо :arrow: вскрытие покажет проблемы

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 25 июл 2015, 22:30 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

На комп. диагностику завтра поеду. Вот думаю с чего начинать ремонт. В принципе шрус можно сразу поменять и датчик абс сразу можно поменять, а вариатор нынче сколько стоит поменять? И где лучше это все делать?
В теории беда с оборотами могут из-за вариаторы быть?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 25 июл 2015, 22:56 

Зарегистрирован: 13 окт 2012, 00:27
Сообщения: 33
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156 1.6 TS

Варик поменять можно у Кислого на Каховской.Тока уж и ремни заодно.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 25 июл 2015, 23:57 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

А как можно связаться с ним?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 26 июл 2015, 11:59 

Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2012, 23:52
Сообщения: 673
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 145, 155, 156 2.5V6

погодь. погодь)))) тихо))) ты сначала узнай — шрус ли это точно) ато купишь себе запчасть про запас) если выворачиваешь руль и при развороте треск — то это внешний шрус, если просто набираешь скорость а идет треск — это внутренний шрус . да и то — это слышать нужно, трески разные бывают)) может там колодок нет и у тебя железо об диск трет. а ты шрус купишь) разберись с начала
Что касаемо кислого — 8029-668-73-37 — если не поменялся.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 26 июл 2015, 13:02 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

По звуку на колодки точно не похоже и звук именно при наборе газа. При выкручивание руля, треска нет. Может подскажешь код внутреннего шруса?) Глянул бы на экзитсе

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 26 июл 2015, 13:44 

Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2010, 16:40
Сообщения: 1133
Откуда: Витебск

Авто: 156 2.0ts ss. 156 1.8 тс

отговорили тебя от одного ведра так ты все равно не советуясь другое взял . зачем про первое тогда вопросы были а косаемо этого комп рулит и грамотный диагност .
но с таким пробегом ждет тебя капиталка или повторная переборка

— Если хочешь услышать о себе
хорошее — умри.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 26 июл 2015, 17:12 

Зарегистрирован: 28 сен 2014, 19:01
Сообщения: 108
Откуда: Гомель

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156 2.4 JTD

Поздравляю с покупкой! Эту машину ты долго будешь вспоминать, и дай бог хорошим словом ) !

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 26 июл 2015, 18:47 

Зарегистрирован: 28 мар 2013, 20:33
Сообщения: 882
Откуда: жодино

Авто: 146,156

Не растраивайте вновь испечонного альфиста, я сам полтора года назад сабирал 156 с голого кузова ,главное рвение и упорство альфа ето машинка со своими :evil: главное упорство

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 31 июл 2015, 20:23 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

Добрался до СТО (семашко 25)
На словах там рассказали, что был порван патрубок, подшипник ступичный задний разбил датчик ABS, клинил суппорт на заднем правом колесе и куча всего по подвески. С каждым днем, стоимость ремонта становилась все выше и выше, т.к. находили все новые и новые косяки. Кстати, с подушкой так и не разобрались, компьютер не смогу прочитать их. Было предположение, что их нету, хотя визуально не видно, что они стреляли.

Выполненные работы:
1) диагностика системы питания — 15 у.е.
2) электротехнические работы — 20 у.е.
3) переустановка фаз газораспределения — 55 у.е.
4) верхний передний рычаг левый с/у — 25 у.е.
5) рычаг нижний левый с/у — 30 у.е.
6) тяга переднего стабилизатора с/у — 5 у.е.
7) тяга заднего стабилизатора — 5 у.е.
8) пыльник ШРУСа внутреннего правой полуоси — 35 у.е.
9) задний тормозной суппорт (правый) с/у — 12 у.е.
10) трос стояночного тормоза — 18 у.е.
11) датчик ABS задний левый c/у — 12 у.е.
12) ремонт суппорта — 81 у.е.
Итого: 313 у.е.

1) хомут ШРУСа 87mm (87-93), метал. — 10 у.е.
2) трос ручного тормоза правый — 15 у.е.
3) трос ручного тормоза левый — 15 у.е.
4) тяга переднего стабилизатора — 10 у.е.
5) тяга заднего стабилизатора — 14 у.е.
6) тяга заднего стабилизатора — 14 у.е.
7) датчик ABS задний — 60 у.е.
8) рычаг подвески передний верхний левый — 38 у.е.
9) рычаг подвески передний нижний левый — 84 у.е.
10) ремкомплект суппорта — 8 у.е.
11) жидкость тормозная DOT4 — 6 у.е.
12) пыльник ШРУСа внутр. К-кт — 8 у.е.
13) шланг тормозной — 8 у.е.
14) подшипник ступичный задний — 47 у.е.
16) шестерня — 35 у.е.
15) патрубок (б.у.) — 35
Итого: 407
Всего 720 у.е.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 31 июл 2015, 23:24 

Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2010, 16:40
Сообщения: 1133
Откуда: Витебск

Авто: 156 2.0ts ss. 156 1.8 тс

ну всё вроде адекватно только «12) ремонт суппорта — 81 у.е.» что это за страшная сумма чё с ним такое делали за такие деньги?

— Если хочешь услышать о себе
хорошее — умри.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 01 авг 2015, 00:34 

Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2013, 21:58
Сообщения: 494
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156 1.8ts

А я не расслышал, за сколько тачку взял?

+375291999137 Андрей

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 01 авг 2015, 10:55 

Зарегистрирован: 24 июл 2015, 14:51
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: Минск

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156

VEL писал(а):

ну всё вроде адекватно только «12) ремонт суппорта — 81 у.е.» что это за страшная сумма чё с ним такое делали за такие деньги?

Они вообще сказали, что кому-то будут отправлять на ремонт, так что его не они даже ремонтировали

_Dedda__ писал(а):

А я не расслышал, за сколько тачку взял?

за 2000

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 01 авг 2015, 20:28 

Зарегистрирован: 28 сен 2014, 19:01
Сообщения: 108
Откуда: Гомель

Авто: Alfa Romeo 156 2.4 JTD

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 02 авг 2015, 15:36 

Зарегистрирован: 16 апр 2013, 23:10
Сообщения: 174
Откуда: Брест

Авто: Alfa Romeo 146 (1,9 jtd)

это точно только начало.
если бы я услышал такой ценник, развернулся и покатил в гараж делать сам )

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Работа двигателя и ошибки на приборной панели

Сообщение Добавлено: 03 авг 2015, 09:46 

Зарегистрирован: 22 дек 2010, 16:40
Сообщения: 1133
Откуда: Витебск

Авто: 156 2.0ts ss. 156 1.8 тс

exil писал(а):

VEL писал(а):

ну всё вроде адекватно только «12) ремонт суппорта — 81 у.е.» что это за страшная сумма чё с ним такое делали за такие деньги?

Они вообще сказали, что кому-то будут отправлять на ремонт, так что его не они даже ремонтировали

_Dedda__ писал(а):

А я не расслышал, за сколько тачку взял?

за 2000

походу это как в анегдоте «официант счёт— позвольте а что такое за строчка прокатило 200. официан в ответ ну значит не прокатило » наверняка на сто первым вопросом был «ДАВНО АЛЬФУ КУПИЛ?» второй «это твоя первая альфа?» ну и погнали искать чё бы такого поменять . либо другой вариант бывший хозяин убил всё и тогда это самое безобидное что пришлось поменять

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Warning: partially or

fully ignoring these rules may lead

to serious injury.

The texts, illustrations and specifications given in this booklet refer to the vehicle at the time of going to press.

As part of our ongoing striving to improve our products, Alfa Romeo may introduce technical changes

during production, therefore the specifications and fittings may be altered without prior notice.

The symbols illustrated in these pages show the subjects which should,

in particular, be closely studied.



This indicates the correct procedures

to be followed to prevent

the vehicle from damaging

the environment.

For details on this subject, please apply to the manufacturer’s sales network.



Warning: partially or fully ignoring these

rules may lead to serious damage

being caused to the vehicle which, in some

circumstances, may cause forfeiture of the

warranty cover.


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Summary of Contents for Alfa Romeo 156

  • Page 2
    Whats more every single component of the Alfa 156 is fully recyclable. At the end of your car’s useful lifespan any Alfa Romeo dealer would be pleased to make arrangements for you car to be recycled (in compliance with current regulations in force).
  • Page 3
    MUST BE READ! REFUELLING Petrol engines: only refuel with unleaded petrol with octane rating (RON) no less than 95. Diesel diesel: only refuel with diesel fuel conforming to the European specification EN590. ENGINE START-UP Petrol engines with mechanical transmission: make sure the handbrake is pulled; put the gear lever into neutral; press the clutch pedal down to the floor without touching the accelerator, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine starts.
  • Page 4
    ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES If, after buying the car, you decide to add electrical accessories (that will gradually drain the battery), contact Alfa Romeo Au- thorized Services. They can calculate the overall electrical requirement and check that the car’s electric system can support the required load.
  • Page 5
    Warranty Booklet The Warranty Booklet is delivered together with every new vehicle and contains the regulations tied to the services given by Alfa Romeo Ser- vices and to the warranty conditions. Correctly carrying out the scheduled services specified by the manufacturer is the best way to maintain the performance, safety characteristics and low running costs of your vehicle.
  • Page 6
    The texts, illustrations and specifications given in this booklet refer to the vehicle at the time of going to press. As part of our ongoing striving to improve our products, Alfa Romeo may introduce technical changes during production, therefore the specifications and fittings may be altered without prior notice.
  • Page 7: Code System

    To increase protection against attempted insert only, without remote control. nents making up your Alfa 156. theft, the car is fitted with an electronic en- These labels bear symbols that remind you…

  • Page 8: Key With Remote Control

    Key metal insert operates: The CODE card (fig. 2) is also supplied KEY WITH REMOTE CONTROL with the key and it contains the codes of the – the ignition switch The key with remote control (fig. 3) is keys (both the mechanical one and the elec- fitted with: tronic one for emergency starting).

  • Page 9
    The metallic insert (A) of the key oper- To insert the metallic insert in the key grip, OPENING THE BOOT ates: press the button (E-fig. 3) to release the The boot can be opened by remote control insert and turn it in the direction of the ar- –…
  • Page 10: Operation

    MAR position, the control unit turn the key to the STOP position and then back to MAR; if the inhibition persists, try of the Alfa Romeo CODE system sends a recognition code to the engine control unit again possibly with the other key provided WARNING The Alfa Romeo CODE Y to deactivate the inhibition of the functions.

  • Page 11: Changing Battery Of Key With Remote

    10 A fuse housed in the fuse-holder set OF THE KEY WITH REMOTE biliser. Contact your Alfa Romeo Authorized under the dashboard (see paragraph “If a CONTROL Service immediately and get them to store fuse or relay blows”…

  • Page 12: Electronic Alarm

    It also makes it possible to cut off the volumetric protection. A0B0047m A0B9000m WARNING The engine inhibitor function is guaranteed by the Alfa Romeo CODE sys- tem which is activated automatically when the ignition key is removed. fig. 7 fig. 8…

  • Page 13
    REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ACTIVATING THE ALARM Surveillance KEYS WITH REMOTE CONTROL When the doors and boot/bonnet lids are When the system has been turned on, the closed and the ignition key is in the STOP led (A-fig. 9) on the dashboard will flash The receiver can recognise up to 5 keys or PARK position (key removed), point the to indicate that the system is in the surveil-…
  • Page 14
    Self-diagnosis and monitoring DEACTIVATING THE ALARM – if the led continues to flash, but at dif- of doors and bonnet/boot ferent intervals than normal, it means that To deactivate the alarm, press the button attempts to steal the car have been made, If, after the alarm has been activated, a on the key with remote control.
  • Page 15
    AUTOMATIC ENGAGEMENT WHEN THE ALARM INTERRUPTING THE ALARM OF THE ALARM IS TRIGGERED To interrupt the alarm press the button on (optional for versions/markets the remote control or, if the remote control When the alarm is engaged it will sound where applicable) battery is down, get into the car, insert the when:…
  • Page 16
    VOLUMETRIC PROTECTION To restore volumetric protection move the CUTTING OUT OPERATION ignition key to the MAR position and hold OF THE SIREN To guarantee correct operation all the win- it in this position for more than 30 seconds. (for versions/markets where dows and the sunroof, if any, should be applicable) If requiring to activate an electric control…
  • Page 17: Ministerial Homologation

    DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM In keeping with the laws in force in each tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. country on the subject of radio frequency, The system comprises a receiver inside the we point out that: car and a transmitter (remote control) in- corporated in the key (E-fig.

  • Page 18: Ignition Device

    WARNING Never leave the key in this tampered with (for exam- switch should be pressed first. position when the engine is stationary. ple during an attempted break-in) have it checked over by Alfa Romeo Authorized Services, before travelling again. A0B0610m fig. 12…

  • Page 19
    STEERING LOCK DOORS – To close the door, turn the key in the op- posite direction. Engaging lock: Rear doors WARNING – move the ignition key to the STOP or PARK position and remove the key lightly – To open the door, only with the inner Before opening a door, en- turning the steering wheel to facilitate the knob (A-fig.
  • Page 20
    OPENING/CLOSING Rear doors CENTRALIZED LOCKING FROM INSIDE This permits centralized locking of all doors, both front and rear. Front doors WARNING To operate the centralized locking device – To open the door pull the handle (A- The rear doors can only be the doors must be perfectly closed otherwise fig.
  • Page 21
    By pressing the knob (B-fig. 17) on one CHILD SAFETY LOCK WARNING of the rear doors only that particular door The rear doors are equipped with a special Always use this device will be locked. device (fig. 18) which prevents the door when carrying children.
  • Page 22: Front Seats

    FRONT SEATS MOVING THE SEATS ADJUSTING THE HEIGHT BACKWARDS OR FORWARDS OF THE DRIVER’S SEAT Lift lever (A) and push the seat backwards To raise the seat, pull the lever (B) tak- WARNING or forwards: in the driving position the arms ing it upwards, then continue operating the should be slightly flexed and hands should lever (up and down) until reaching the re-…

  • Page 23
    BACKREST ANGLE ELECTRIC LUMBAR ADJUSTMENT SEAT WARMING (fig. 23) ADJUSTMENT OF THE DRIVER’S SEAT (optional for versions/markets (optional for versions/markets (optional for versions/markets owhere applicable) where applicable) where applicable) The seat warming pad can be switched on and off using switch (A) on the inner side This can be done by pressing button (D) Adjustment is done by turning the knob of the seat;…
  • Page 24
    ADJUSTING THE HEADRESTS REAR SEAT WARNING (fig. 24) Remember that the head To increase the safety of passengers, the restraints must be posi- headrests are adjustable in height and, for tioned so that they are supporting CENTRE ARMREST (fig. 26) versions with Recaro seats they are also ad- the back of the head and not the (where required)
  • Page 25
    SKI COMPARTMENT To gain access to this compartment, lower HEADREST the armrest, pull the grip (A-fig. 27) of (optional for versions/markets The car is fitted with two headrests for the the lid and lower it onto the armrest where applicable) side seats.
  • Page 26: Steering Wheel

    STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTING THE WARNING ADJUSTMENT REAR-VIEW MIRRORS The steering wheel position must only be adjusted with the car stationary. The steering wheel position is adjustable INTERNAL REAR-VIEW and may be move nearer to or further away MIRROR from the driver and also raised or lowered. The mirror, fitted with a safety device To do this, it is necessary to release lever (A-fig.

  • Page 27
    DOOR MIRRORS Folding (fig. 35) Defrosting/demisting (fig. 36) – If necessary (for example when the size The electric mirrors can be fitted with heat- Electrically adjustable (fig. 34) of the mirror causes difficulty in narrow ing coils which are operated together with spaces) the door mirror can be folded in to- rearscreen heating pressing button (A) and Select the mirror to be adjusted (right or…
  • Page 28: Power Windows

    POWER WINDOWS WARNING The driver’s power window REAR (where required) is fitted with a “continuous automatic op- The rear windows are operated by the han- eration” for both lowering and raising the dles on the door panels. window device. A brief press on the upper FRONT or lower part of the button will cause the On request for versions/markets where…

  • Page 29: Seat Belts

    SEAT BELTS WARNING WARNING Incorrect use of the power When leaving the car al- windows can be dangerous. ways remove the ignition Before and during operation of them key to prevent passengers (espe- USING THE SEAT BELTS always make sure that the passen- cially children) from being injured The belt should be worn keeping the chest gers are not exposed to the risk of…

  • Page 30
    The centre seat is fitted with inertial seat WARNING WARNING belt with three anchor points and reel like Never press button (C) To offer the highest level of side seats (fig. 42). when travelling. protection, the rear seat On request, for versions/markets where belts should be fastened as shown applicable, the rear seat can be fitted with in fig.
  • Page 31
    When the rear seats are not occupied, use WARNING WARNING the proper pockets (A-fig. 47) on the Proper backrest coupling is Remember that, in the backrest to stow the seat belt clips neatly, guaranteed when button event of an accident, any the tab (B) of the central abdominal belt (A-fig.
  • Page 32
    REAR ABDOMINAL CENTRE ADJUSTING THE HEIGHT To adjust the seat belt, raise or lower the anchoring device grip (A-fig. 50) of the BELT HOUSING (fig. 49) OF FRONT AND REAR SIDE front (A-fig. 51) or side rear seat belts SEAT BELTS When the rear centre belt, which is of the (Sportwagon versions only), and move at (Sportwagon versions only)
  • Page 33
    To increase the efficiency of the front seat After adjustment, always The pretensioner can only belts, Alfa 156 is fitted with pre-tension- check that the slider (B) is be used once. After a col- ing devices. These devices “feel” that the…
  • Page 34
    The ified and authorised personnel. Always fasten the seat belts before starting. lower part must rest across the Always contact Alfa Romeo Au- pelvis and not across the stomach thorized Services. to eliminate the risk of sliding for- wards (fig.
  • Page 35
    Seat belts are also to be worn by expec- HOW TO KEEP THE SEAT BELTS WARNING tant mothers: the risk of injury in the case of ALWAYS IN EFFICIENT If the seat belt has been accident is greatly reduced for them and the CONDITIONS subjected to shock, for ex- unborn child if they are wearing a seat belt.
  • Page 36: Carrying Children Safely

    CARRYING CHILDREN SAFELY For the best level of protection in the event of a crash, all occupants must travel seated and secured by suitable restraint systems. WARNING This is even more important for children. SERIOUS DANGER: Never place cradle child’s seats on the According to 2003/20/EC Directive, this front passenger seats of cars equipped with passenger air prescription is compulsory for all European…

  • Page 37
    A0B0005m A0B0006m view of restraint systems, children are con- sidered as adults and wear belts normally. The Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo includes seats for each weight group, which are the recommended choice because they have been designed and specifically experimented for Alfa Romeo cars.
  • Page 38
    GROUP 2 GROUP 3 WARNING Starting from 15 to 25 kg in weight, chil- For children from 22 kg up to 36 kg the Seats exist which are suit- dren may be restrained directly by the car child’s chest is thick enough not to need the able for covering weight seat belts.
  • Page 39
    PASSENGER SEAT COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS ON CHILD’S SEAT USE Alfa 156 complies with the new EC Directive 2000/3 regulating child’s seat assembling on the different car seats according to the following table: Front and rear seat (saloon and Sportwagon versions)
  • Page 40
    Below is a summary of the safety 4) Always pull the tape to check that the PRESETTING FOR INSTALLING rules to be observed when carry- belts are buckled. THE “ISOFIX TYPE” CHILD ing children: RESTRAINT SYSTEM 5) All restraint systems are strictly for one 1) The recommended position for in- child only: never use for two children at the The car is created preset for mounting the…
  • Page 41
    Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo provides the Isofix type child’s seats are to be anchored WARNING Kiddy Isofix seat for babies up to 13 kg to two metal brackets, set between the rear Install the child restraint weight to be positioned facing backwards…
  • Page 42
    Installation of the seat for For proper installation proceed as follows: As the child grows up, passing to weight the 0 and 0+ groups group 1 the child’s seat should be mounted – check whether the release lever (B- facing forwards (running direction). For children of the 0, 0+ weight group, fig.
  • Page 43: Front And Side Air Bags

    FRONT AND SIDE FRONT AIR BAGS It is formed of an instantly-inflating cush- ion contained in a special recess: AIR BAGS Description and operation – in the centre of the steering wheel for the driver; The front air bag (driver’s and passenger’s) –…

  • Page 44
    In the event of a crash a person that is not PASSENGER’S FRONT WARNING wearing the seat belt moves forwards and AIR BAG Please don’t apply stickers may come into contact with the cushion The passenger’s front air bag has been de- or other objects to the while it is still opening.
  • Page 45
    MANUAL DEACTIVATION OF The key switch (fig. 67) has two posi- SIDE AIR BAGS tions: PASSENGER’S FRONT AIR BAG (SIDE BAG — WINDOW BAG) 1) Passenger’s front Air bag active: (ON Should it be absolutely necessary to carry The side bag and window bag have the position P) warning light on check panel a child on the front seat, the passenger’s task of increasing protection of the occu-…
  • Page 46
    Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services for replacement as these dates approach.
  • Page 47
    Romeo Authorized Services. der this condition air bags or preten- against it. sioners could not trigger in the event If the car is to be demolished, Alfa Romeo of collision or, in a restricted number Authorized Services should be contacted be- WARNING of cases, they could trigger acciden- forehand to have the system deactivated.
  • Page 48
    WARNING WARNING WARNING You are reminded that Turning the ignition key to The front Air bags are de- MAR the F warning light when the ignition key is signed to be triggered for engaged and in the MAR position, heavier crashes than the preten- (with the passenger’s front Air bag the Air bags can be triggered also sioners.
  • Page 49: Steering Wheel Levers

    STEERING WHEEL Lights switched off (fig. 68) Main-beam headlights (fig. 71) LEVERS When the knurled ring is in the 2 posi- When the pointer on the knurled ring is op- posite the symbol O, the external lights are tion, the headlights can be changed from switched off.

  • Page 50
    Flashing (fig. 72) Direction indicators (fig. 73) WARNING If you wish to signal a rapid change of direction involving only a mini- The headlights are flashed by pulling the Moving the lever to the stable position will: mum movement of the steering wheel, the lever towards the steering wheel (unstable lever can be moved up or down without up — engage the right-hand direction indi-…
  • Page 51
    RIGHT-HAND LEVER Windscreen wiper — windscreen C — Continuous, slow. washer (fig. 74-75) The right-hand lever is used to operate the D — Continuous, fast. windscreen wiper and windscreen washer. The lever can be moved to five different E — Fast, temporary (unstable position). positions corresponding to: The control used to activate the windscreen washers also activates the headlights wash-…
  • Page 52
    “INTELLIGENT WASHING” FUNCTION Rain sensor Turn ring (F-fig. 75) to set the rain sen- (for versions/markets where sor sensitivity level: Pulling the lever towards the steering applicable) (fig. 77) ■■ = low sensitivity wheel (fig. 76) (unstable position) oper- ■■■ ates the windscreen washer.
  • Page 53
    When the rain sensor is reactivated, the At each start, the rain sensor automatically Headlight washers (fig. 78) wiper performs at least one stroke, even if stabilises at a temperature of about 40°C (optional for versions/markets the windscreen is dry, to indicate that reac- to eliminate any condensation from the con- where applicable) tivation has occurred.
  • Page 54: Cruise Control

    CRUISE CONTROL The device is disengaged automatically in CONTROLS (fig. 79) any one of the following cases: (optional for versions/ Cruise Control is controlled by the markets where applicable) – pressing the brake pedal; ON/OFF knurled ring (A), by the +/- ring (B) and by the RCL button (C).

  • Page 55
    Turn the ring (B) to (–) to lower the speed TO MEMORISE THE SPEED TO RESET THE MEMORISED memorised. SPEED Move the ring (A) to ON and take the car Each time the ring is actuated (B) the to the required speed normally. Turn the ring If the device has been disengaged for ex- speed increases or lowers by about 1.5 (B) to (+) for at least three seconds, then…
  • Page 56
    If the device is faulty or WARNING TO REDUCE THE MEMORISED not working, turn the ring SPEED (A) to OFF and contact Alfa Romeo The cruise control may only Authorized Services after checking be engaged at speeds be- The speed memorised can be reduced in that the protection fuse is intact.
  • Page 57
    DASHBOARD A0B0570m fig. 80 1. Side air outlets — 2. Defrosting/demisting vents for side windows — 3. Upper side vents — 4. Radio controls on the steering wheel (where applicable) — 5. Outside lights control lever — 6. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — 7. Check panel — 8. Rev counter — 9. Windscreen wiper control lever — 10.
  • Page 58: Instrument Cluster

    INSTRUMENT CLUSTER ´ — Warning light fitted for versions/markets where applicable A0B0584m fig. 81 — T.SPARK versions A. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — B. Odometer with double counter (total and partial) display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning light — F.

  • Page 59
    Warning light fitted only on Selespeed gearbox versions ´ Warning light fitted for versions/markets where applicable A0B0695m fig. 81a — JTS and T.SPARK (equipped with VDC system) A. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — B. Odometer with double counter (total and partial) display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning light — F.
  • Page 60
    Warning light fitted only on Q-System gearbox versions A0B0696m fig. 82 — 2.5 V6 24V versions A. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — B. Odometer with double counter (total and partial) display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning light — F. Clock — G. Engine coolant temperature gauge with maximum temperature warning light — H.
  • Page 61
    ´ — Warning light fitted for versions/markets where applicable A0B0586m fig. 83 — JTD versions (equipped with VDC system) A. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — B. Odometer with double counter (total and partial) display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning light — F.
  • Page 62: Jtd Versions

    ´ — Warning light fitted for versions/markets where applicable A0B0597m fig. 83a — JTD versions A. Speedometer (mileage recorder) — B. Odometer with double counter (total and partial) display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning light — F. Clock — G. Engine coolant temperature gauge with maximum temperature warning light — H. Warning lights.

  • Page 63
    REV COUNTER FUEL GAUGE AND RESERVE ENGINE COOLANT WARNING LIGHT TEMPERATURE GAUGE AND The rev. counter shows engine rpm. The MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE needle pointed to the danger area (red) in- This shows the amount of fuel left in the WARNING LIGHT dicates excessive high engine speed.
  • Page 64
    â MILEAGE DISPLAY INFOCENTER DISPLAY Pressing button , or after about 5 sec- (with double meter display) RHEOSTAT LIGHTS onds from last operation performed, returns ADJUSTMENT (where to previous screen. The display shows: required) WARNING During failure indication dis- – the mileage on the first line (6 figures) This function makes it possible to adjust playing, brightness cannot be adjusted since –…
  • Page 65
    INFOCENTER DISPLAY The standard screen will remain on until Set-up menu a function is activated which requires be- (where required) SPEED LIMIT ing shown on the display (e.g. “Infocenter The Infocenter display is able to display all display rheostat lights adjustment”). –…
  • Page 66
    UNITS SELECTION PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE DEFAULT VALUE RESET – Selection of the following units: km or – Displaying the expiry date of the next – Switching on/off the relevant function mi (miles), °C or °F, l/100 km or km/l car service check (strictly related to the (ON/OFF) Programmed Maintenance Schedule) WARNING/FAILURE BUZZER VOLUME…
  • Page 67
    CONTROL BUTTONS (fig. 88-89) To make use of the information that the Infocenter display (with the key in the MAR position) is able to provide, you should first get fa- miliar with the relevant control buttons (placed on the central console aside the climate control/ventilation controls and on top of the left lever for the Trip computer function) and use them in accordance with the descriptions below.
  • Page 68
    MENU DESCRIPTION â ã The menu is made up of a set of functions arranged in a “circular fashion”, which can be selected by means of buttons , for ac- cess to the different select operations and settings (see the examples “LANGUAGE” and “DATE” in the table below); for further details, also refer to “Access to the menu screen”…
  • Page 69
    INITIAL CHECK By turning the ignition key to the MAR position, the Infocenter display will show the message CHECK ACTIVE: this indicates the start of the diagnosis phase for all the electronic systems available on the vehicle; this phase lasts a few seconds (in diesel versions only, the Infocenter display is able to provide the engine oil level indication too, see following paragraph “Engine oil level check”).
  • Page 70
    0 km, 0 miles or 0 days is reached, the display will show, every time the ignition key is turned to , the message SCHEDULED SERVICE EXPIRED, followed by the number of kilometers, miles or days. In this case, to reset this visual information contact Authorised Alfa Romeo Services.
  • Page 71
    Engine oil level check The following display in fig. 90 refers to The following fig. 91 and fig. 92 re- (JTD versions only) correct engine oil level. As the oil level grad- fer to the display with an oil level below the ually falls, the full bars go off leaving room foreseen minimum.
  • Page 72
    Restore correct engine oil The following refers to the display Contact Alfa Romeo Au- level (see paragraph (fig. 93) (appearing for about 3 seconds) thorized Services to have “Checking fluid levels” in with an oil level above the foreseen maxi- the engine oil restored to chapter “Car maintenance”).
  • Page 73
    ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN ç After the INITIAL CHECK, it is possible to access the menu screen by pressing button â ã To navigate use the buttons. WARNING If you access the Menu and no setting/adjustment is made within about 60 seconds, the system automatically leaves the Menu ç…
  • Page 74
    SPEED LIMIT (SPEED) With this function it is possible to set the car speed limit which, if exceeded, automatically sounds a buzzer and displays a specific message to alert the driver. To set the limit speed, proceed as follows: Return to previously See INITIAL CHECK and set screen, e.g.
  • Page 75
    Speed limit exceeded indication As soon as the vehicle exceeds the set speed limit, the following display is shown automatically, together with the sounding of a buzzer. Example of display when the set value is 120 km/h…
  • Page 76
    TRIP B ON/OFF (TRIP B) With this option it is possible to turn ON or OFF the TRIP B function (partial trip) which displays the figures relating to: TRAVEL DISTANCE B AVER during a “partial mission”. AGE CONSUMPTION B AVERAGE SPEED B TRAVEL TIME B For further details, see “General Trip — Trip B”…
  • Page 77
    DATE SETTING/TIME SETTING (DATE) To set the date (day — month — year) and the time (hours-minutes), proceed as follows: See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN é â ã ç Return to previously set screen, e.g.: Menu screen é…
  • Page 78
    continued from previous page é â ã ç Return to previously set screen, e.g.: é â ã ç Return to menu screen â Each press (pulse) on the ã buttons increases or decreases buttons increases or decreases by one unit. Keeping the corresponding button pressed obtains fast increase or decrease.
  • Page 79
    LANGUAGE SELECTION (LANGUAGE) The messages shown on the display can be provided in several languages (Italian, Deutsch, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese). To select the required language, proceed as follows: See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN é â…
  • Page 80
    UNITS SELECTION (UNITS) The display provides information in relation to the unit of measure set. To choose the units, proceed as follows: See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS Return to previously TO THE MENU SCREEN setscreen, e.g. é â ã ç é…
  • Page 81
    WARNING/FAILURE BUZZER VOLUME SETTING (BUZZER) â The volume of the buzzer that signals any failure or warning to the driver can be adjusted according to a pre-set scale using the and/or ã buttons. To switch OFF or adjust, proceed as follows: See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN é…
  • Page 82
    “WINTER” TYRES SPEED LIMIT (WINTER TYRES) With this function it is possible to set the speed limit when travelling with winter tyres. The speed limit can be chosen between: 160 km/h, 190 km/h or 210 km/h (see paragraph “Winter tyres” in section “Correct use of the car”). Return to previously See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS set screen, e.g.
  • Page 83
    PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE (SERVICE) See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN With the SERVICE function it is possible to receive information connected with correct vehi- cle maintenance. To consult this function, proceed as follows: â ç ã Menu screen â…
  • Page 84
    WARNING Products shown in the SERVICE screen and to be used for scheduled maintenance could be subject to modifications. Refer to paragraph “Fluids and lubricants” in section “Technical specifications”. The Programmed Maintenance Schedule includes vehicle maintenance every 20,000 km (or 12,000 miles) or one year; this is shown automatically, with the ignition key at , starting from 2,000 km (or 1,240 miles) or 30 day from this deadline and it is shown…
  • Page 85
    DISPLAY CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT (CONTRAST) This function allows to adjust the Infocenter display brightness (dimming/brightening). To perform the adjustment, proceed as follows: See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN é â ã ç Return to previously Menu screen set screen , e.g. é…
  • Page 86
    DEFAULT VALUE RESET (DEFAULT VALUES) The following function: – If ON restores: Speed limit, Trip B, Light rheostat, Language, Temperature unit, km/mi unit, Consumption unit, Buzzer, Winter tyres, Contrast, with the following values Speed limit = 120 km/h, Trip B ON, Light rheostat ON = 4, Light rheostat OFF = 1, Language = Italian, Temperature unit = °C, Distance unit = km, Consumption unit = l/100 km, Buzzer = 2, Winter tyres OFF (value set at 160 km/h), contrast value = 3 –…
  • Page 87
    EXIT MENU (MENU OFF) With this function it is possible to exit the setup menu and return to the previously set screen. See INITIAL CHECK and ACCESS TO THE MENU SCREEN â ç ã Return to previously Menu screen set screen, e.g.
  • Page 88
    GENERAL TRIP — TRIP B The TRIP COMPUTER function gives information relating to the operating status of the vehicle on the Infocenter display. This function comprises the GENERAL TRIP concerning the complete mission of the car and TRIP B concerning the partial car mission. This function (as shown in the graph below) is contained within the complete mission.
  • Page 89
    WARNING At the beginning of a new mission, due to battery reconnection, the average consumption value is initialised to the “average predefined standard consumption” equal to 9 l/100 km (for 1.6 T.SPARK, 1.8 T.SPARK, 2.0 JTS and 2.0 JTS Selespeed versions), 12 l/100 km (for 2.5 V6 24V and 2.5 V6 24V Q-System versions) and 6.5 l/100 km (diesel versions only).
  • Page 90
    Return to previously set screen, e.g.: Continued from TRIP B ON? previous page ä ä ä ä å å å å å Reset TRIP B (see next paragraph RESET TRIP B â WARNING Pressing the button returns automatically to the standard screen…
  • Page 91
    å After resetting TRIP by pressing the button with mode, the display will show the following functions: Reset GENERAL TRIP å = Reset GENERAL TRIP and TRIP B (excluding Range and Actual Consumption) Reset TRIP B å = Reset TRIP B…
  • Page 92
    RANGE = This shows the distance (in km or miles) the car can still cover before needing fuel if keeping the same driving conditions. The display will show “- — — -“ after the following events: A) range values lower than 50 km (approx. 31 miles) (after the reduced range warning message), B) Parking with running engine or car speed lower than 4 km/h for over 5 minutes.
  • Page 93
    WARNING LIGHTS AND INDICATIONS GENERAL WARNING The failure indications shown on the Infocenter display, together with the buzzer (adjustable) and the turning on of the relevant warn- ing light (if available), are accompanied by specific warning messages (e.g. “Go to dealer”, “Switch off eng., do not proceed”, etc…). These warnings are concise and precautionary and are intended to suggest the prompt action that the driver should take when a failure occurs.
  • Page 94
    If the warning light stays on with the handbrake off (together with the message on the display), stop immediately and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. BRAKE PAD WEAR The warning light on the dial comes on (together with the message + symbol shown on the dis- play) when the front brake pads are worn;…
  • Page 95
    Moreover, perform a visual check for any fluid leakage. If the warning light comes on again the next time the engine is started, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. – Car heavy duty (e.g. towing a trailer uphill or car fully loaded): slow down and, if the warning light stays on, stop the car.
  • Page 96
    4 seconds, of warning light F. In this event, warning light ¬ could be not up to indicate restraint system fail- ures, if any. Stop the car and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to have the system checked immediately.
  • Page 97
    When the ignition key is turned to MAR, the warning light on the check panel comes on, but must go out as soon as the engine is started (a slight delay is permitted when the engine is running at idle). It if stays on, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services immediately. SEAT BELTS NOT FASTENED <…
  • Page 98
    Message Warning light on display INCOMPLETE DOOR CLOSING ´ The message + symbol shown on the display will appear when one or more doors or the tailgate are not properly shut. The warning light on the dial turns on when one or more doors or the tailgate are not properly shut. This warning light is only fitted on the dials of IMPRESSION versions.
  • Page 99
    If the warning light flashes, it is necessary to release the accelerator pedal to lower the speed un- til the warning light stops flashing; continue travelling at moderate speed trying to avoid driving conditions that could cause the warning light to flash again. Contact an Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- vice as soon as possible.
  • Page 100
    If with the engine running, the Y warning light flashes, this means that the car is not protected by the engine inhibitor device (see “Alfa Romeo CODE system” in this chapter). Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to have all the keys memorised.
  • Page 101
    Should the above warning in- dication come one immediately after topping up, water has probably been poured into the tank: turn the engine off immediately and contact Alfa Romeo Autho- rized Services.
  • Page 102
    ENGINE OIL SENSOR FAILURE (JTD versions) The message + symbol are shown on the display when there is a failure in the engine oil level sensor. Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as soon as possible to have the fault eliminated. INERTIAL FUEL CUT-OFF SWITCH The message + symbol are shown on the display when the fuel cut-off switch comes into operation.
  • Page 103
    + symbol on the display) with the engine running indicates an EBD system failure; in this case, any sudden braking action can cause early locking of rear wheels, with possible sideslip. Drive very carefully and go immediately to the nearest Alfa Romeo Authorized Service to have the system checked.
  • Page 104
    If the warning light does not go out, or if it stays on (together with the message + symbol on the display and the coming on of the ASR button led) when the vehicle is running, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.
  • Page 105
    Message Warning light on display FUEL RESERVE ç The warning light comes on when about 7 litres of fuel are left in the tank, and when the car range is below 50 km. REDUCED RANGE This message is displayed when the car range is below 50 km. SPEED LIMIT EXCEEDED The message + symbol turns on, together with the sound of the buzzer, on the display when the vehicle exceeds the speed limit set previously (see “Speed limit”…
  • Page 106
    Message Warning light on display REAR FOG LIGHTS This warning light comes on when the rear fog lights are turned on. FRONT FOG LIGHTS (optional for versions/markets where applicable) This warning light comes on when the front fog lights are turned on. LEFT-HAND DIRECTION INDICATOR (INTERMITTENT) This warning light comes on when the control lever is moved downwards or, together with right- hand indicator, when the hazard warning lights are switched on.
  • Page 107
    Message Warning light on display SIDELIGHTS AND DIPPED-BEAM HEADLIGHTS The warning light on the dial comes on when the sidelights or dipped-beam headlights are switched on. Ü CONSTANT SPEED ADJUSTMENT (CRUISE CONTROL) (where applicable) The warning light on the check panel turns on, with the knurled ring of the cruise control in the ON position, when the device starts to intervene on the engine.
  • Page 108
    4 seconds. If the warning light stays on, it indicates that a fault has been detected in the Se- lespeed gearbox; at the same time, the buzzer beeps intermittently for 4 seconds to draw the atten- tion of the driver. Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services as soon as possible to remove the fault. Q-SYSTEM AUTOMATIC GEARBOX FAILURE Turning the ignition key to MAR, the warning light on the cluster shall come on and then go off after about 4 seconds.
  • Page 109: Climate Control System

    CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM A0A0571m fig. 94 1 Central defrosting/demisting vents for windscreen — 2 Adjustable upper side vents — 3 Defrosting/demisting vents for side windows — 4 Adjustable side air outlets — 5 Adjustable upper vent — 6 Adjustable centre, swivel vents — 7 Front feet area fixed vents — 8 Rear feet area fixed vents — 9 Rear adjustable swivel outlets.

  • Page 110
    UPPER VENT ADJUSTMENT CENTRE VENT ADJUSTMENT UPPER SIDE VENT ADJUSTMENT (fig. 95) (fig. 96) (fig. 97) The vent has an opening/closing control. Each vent has a lever which makes it pos- On the dashboard ends are adjustable vents • sible to direct the flow of air towards the (A) for car interior, and fixed defrosting/ = Completely closed.
  • Page 111: Control System

    REAR SWIVEL OUTLET Air flow can be adjusted by means of vanes MANUAL CLIMATE (A) with press-on opening and closing. ADJUSTMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Air flow can be directed by rotating the out- Fig. 98: front seats (on dashboard ends) (fig. 99a — where applicable) let by means of the vanes.

  • Page 112
    HEATING QUICK FRONT WINDOW When this function is on the relevant but- ton led will come on. DEMISTING / DEFROSTING To obtain the temperature required, pro- (MAX-DEF FUNCTION) To turn this function off, press button (5) ceed as follows: -again (the button led will go off) or turn Press button (5) — to quicken demisting –…
  • Page 113
    Preventive demisting procedure REARSCREEN AND WING FAN SPEED ADJUSTMENT MIRROR (where applicable) In cases of heavy damp and/or rain To ventilate the passenger’s compartment DEMISTING / DEFROSTING and/or big differences in temperature be- properly, proceed as follows: tween inside the car and outside, it is ad- Press button (6) ( to demist /defrost –…
  • Page 114
    SWITCHING THE INSIDE AIR WARNING The inside air re-circulation CLIMATE CONTROL (COOLING) function makes it possible to reach the re- RE-CIRCULATION FUNCTION Proceed as follows: quired «heating» or «cooling» conditions faster. – turn knob (1) as far as it will go coun- Press button (3) v to turn the inside air terclockwise (blue led next to TEMP lit);…
  • Page 115
    – turn knob (1) counterclockwise to re- Before summer, have the system checked duce temperature; To start the system (fig. 100): at Alfa Romeo Authorized Service. – turn knob (4) counterclockwise to re- – turn the knob rings to set the required duce the fan speed.
  • Page 116
    The coolant used for the GENERAL WARNING climate control system is The car is equipped with a two-zone cli- The climate control com- R134a which meets cur- mate control system, controlled by an elec- pressor cannot work when rent regulations and does not harm tronic control unit which makes it possible the outside temperature is less the environment in the event of ac-…
  • Page 117
    To ensure correct opera- WARNING The demisting procedure is WARNING The function of the anti-pol- tion of the incipient misting enabled every time the ignition key is turned lution sensor is subordinate to safety con- sensor, stickers (e.g. road to MAR, or pressing the button.
  • Page 118
    The air quality control is also entrusted The settings of the following functions can WARNING Manual selections prevail to a combined particle and activated carbon be modified manually: over automatic ones and remain in storage filter. until the user decides to resume automatic –…
  • Page 119
    CONTROLS (fig. 101) 10 — Maximum defrosting/demisting 12 — Climate control compressor on/off √ on/off button for windscreen and front side enable button 1 — Inside temperature adjustment knob windows, rearscreen heating and wing mir- (driver’s side) 13 — Inside air temperature sensor ror coils (function 2 — Inside temperature set display (driver’s 14 — Button for selecting the system au-…
  • Page 120
    HOW TO USE THE AUTOMATIC WARNING The temperature difference With one or more functions switched on between the driver’s and the passenger’s manually, the temperature control for the air TWO-ZONE CLIMATE CONTROL sides must not be greater than 7°C in order admitted to the passenger compartment will (fig.
  • Page 121
    AIR TEMPERATURE A0B0063m ADJUSTMENT KNOBS (fig. 102) Turning the rings of knobs (1 or 6) clock- wise or counterclockwise, respectively high- ers or lowers the temperature of the air re- quired in the left zone (knob 1) or right zone (knob 6) of the passenger compart- ment.
  • Page 122
    HI function A0B0064m (highest heating power — fig. 103) It is switched on by setting a temperature of more than 32.5°C on the display, and can be switched on independently from the driver’s or passenger’s side, or both of them; this setting brings the system to the “one- zone”…
  • Page 123
    LO function A0B0065m (highest cooling power — fig. 104) It is switched on by setting a temperature lower than 16.5°C on the display; this set- ting is shown by both displays. This function can be switched on when you wish to cool the passenger compartment as quickly as possible, by taking the greatest advantage from the system potential.
  • Page 124
    MONO BUTTON A0B0066m FOR ALIGNMENT OF THE TEMPERATURES SET (fig. 105) By pressing button (11) the pas- MONO senger’s side temperature automatically aligns with that on the driver’s side and, therefore, the same temperature can be set for both areas by simply turning the ring of knob (1), on driver’s side.
  • Page 125
    FAN SPEED ADJUSTMENT A0B0067m KNOB (fig. 106-107) Turning the ring of knob (3), clockwise or counterclockwise will cause the fan speed — and, therefore, the amount of air flowing into the passenger compartment — to in- crease or decrease, respectively; the 16 speeds that can be selected are displayed by a bar (every 3 clicks), up to a maximum of 6 illuminated bars:…
  • Page 126
    To turn the system on again, you only need A0B0068m to turn the ring of knob (3) clockwise, or press any button, except the internal air re- circulation button (7) and rear window heater button (9); this operation resumes all the operating conditions previously stored in the memory.
  • Page 127
    AIR DISTRIBUTION SELECTION A0B0069m BUTTON (fig. 108) By pressing button MODE (8) repeat- edly, you can manually choose one of the five possible modes for air distribution: Flow of air to the dashboard centre and side outlets and rear outlets. E Splitting of the air flow between the vents to the lower part of the pas- senger compartment (warmest air)
  • Page 128
    CLIMATE CONTROL A0B0070m COMPRESSOR ON/OFF √ ENABLE BUTTON (fig. 109) √ Pressing button (12) enables the turn- ing on of the climate control compressor. This condition is shown by the lighting up of the led placed on the button itself. When the climate control compressor is turned off, the leds on buttons (14) AUTO…
  • Page 129
    When the climate control compressor is off, A0B0071m it is not possible to admit air to the pas- senger compartment with a temperature be- low the outside temperature; in this case, the value flashes on the display concerning the temperature that cannot be reached and the left led on button (14 AUTO fig.
  • Page 130
    INSIDE AIR RECIRCULATION A0B0072m ON/OFF BUTTON (fig. 111) Inside air recirculation is controlled ac- cording to three operating logics: – automatic control, indicated by the turn- ing on of the right led on the button; – forced switching on (inside air recircu- lation always on), indicated by the turning on of the left led on the button (and by the right led going off at the same time);…
  • Page 131
    WARNING WARNING WARNING With the outside temper- The inside air recirculation In certain weather condi- ature below 2°C the cli- function makes it possible tions (e.g. outside temper- mate control compressor is unable to reach the required “heating” or ature around 0°C) and with auto- to work.
  • Page 132
    BUTTON AUTO AUTOMATIC A0B0073m OPERATION (fig. 112) When button (14) is pressed, the AUTO system automatically regulates the amount and distribution of the air admitted into the passenger compartment, clearing all the pre- vious manual settings. This condition is indicated by the lighting of both button leds.
  • Page 133
    QUICK FRONT WINDOW A0B0074m DEMISTING/DEFROSTING BUTTON ( function) (fig. 113) Pressing button (10) the climate con- trol automatically activates timed operation of all the functions needed to quicken demisting/defrosting of the windscreen and front side windows, i.e.: – it turns on the climate control compres- sor;…
  • Page 134
    When the maximum demisting/defrost- A0B0075m ing function is on, the only manual opera- tions possible are manual adjustment of the fan and switching rearscreen heating off. Pressing one of the following buttons: , (7) v , (11) (10) , (14) MONO √…
  • Page 135
    Have the conditions of the filter checked by WARNING When reconnecting the neg- the climate control system up to Alfa Romeo Authorized Services at least once ative battery cable after having disconnected blocking the air flow from the out- a year, preferably on the onset of summer.
  • Page 136: Additional Heater

    ADDITIONAL HEATER CONTROLS HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS (fig. 116) (JTD engines) (for versions/ markets where applicable) They are switched on by pressing button TAILGATE OPENING (fig. 115) (A), regardless of the position of the igni- The car is equipped with an additional To open the boot pull the lever (A) at the tion key.

  • Page 137
    FRONT FOGLIGHTS (fig. 117) REAR FOG GUARDS (fig. 117) DASHBOARD LIGHTING (where required) ADJUSTMENT (fig. 118) These are turned on, with the dipped beam headlamps or fog lights on, by pressing but- These come on when button (A) is When the outside lights are on, the dash- ton (B).
  • Page 138
    INERTIAL FUEL CUT-OFF Inspect the care carefully to make sure that OPENING THE FUEL FLAP there are no fuel leaks, for instance in the SWITCH (fig. 119) (fig. 120) engine compartment, under the vehicle or This is an automatic safety switch which is The fuel flap is released from inside the car near the tank area.
  • Page 139
    HEADLIGHT CORRECTOR position 2: 5 people on-board, luggage HAND BRAKE (fig. 122) compartment full (50 kg approximately); (fig. 121) The hand brake lever is located between position 3: Driver and 300 kg in luggage the two front seats. If the car is fitted with xenon headlights, compartment.
  • Page 140
    (see “Technical specifications” chapter). the hand brake. If this does not oc- fore, to release the brake, in addition to cur, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized pressing button (B), it is also necessary to The position of the individual gears is…
  • Page 141
    For 2.5 V6 24V versions and Diesel ver- WARNING Reverse gear can only be en- Do not drive with your sions, to engage reverse gear (R), it is nec- gaged with the vehicle completely stopped. hand resting essary to wait for the car to be stationary, With the engine running, before engaging gearshift lever, since the then raise the ring under the grip (with the…
  • Page 142
    SELESPEED GEARBOX WARNING To be able to use the Sele- Gearshifting takes place through a floating speed correctly, this chapter should be read control lever (A-fig. 124) with only one (optional for versions/markets in full to understand the correct, permissible stable central position.
  • Page 143
    The gearbox can work in two operating With the gearbox in the CITY mode it is Failures of Selespeed gearbox are signalled modes: still possible to carry out manual gearshift- to the driver through a warning light (B-fig. ing, both using the gear lever and the steer- 126) accompanied by an acoustic signal.
  • Page 144
    STOP and wait for the display to go off, then repeat the sys- A0B0272m tem activation procedure. If the fault per- sists, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- vices fig. 127…
  • Page 145
    To put the gearbox in neutral (N), start- From any gear (N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and WARNING Once a gear has been shifted ing from the condition with the vehicle sta- with the vehicle practically at a standstill, it is necessary to release the gearshift con- tionary and the brake pedal pressed, it is it is possible to request engagement of re-…
  • Page 146
    STARTING THE ENGINE TURNING THE ENGINE OFF WARNING AND SYSTEM DEACTIVATION The engine can be started with the gear NEVER leave the car with engaged or in neutral (N), provided that the Turning the ignition key to STOP the en- the gearbox in neutral (N).
  • Page 147: Moving Off

    MOVING OFF This should not be considered as a fault as WARNINGS it is part of the operating logic. For the same With the engine running and the vehicle – With the vehicle stationary and a gear reason, in the event of sticking on reverse, stationary, the gears that can be engaged engaged, always keep the brake pedal the system commands partial clutch closing…

  • Page 148
    Though strongly inadvisable, if due to un- Still for safety reasons, when the vehicle STOPPING THE CAR foreseen circumstances when driving down- is stationary, with the engine started and To stop the vehicle, simply release the ac- hill the car is allowed to travel with the gear- gear (1), (2) or (R) engaged, the system celerator pedal and, if necessary, operate box in neutral (N), when the engagement…
  • Page 149
    OPERATION SEMIAUTOMATIC OPERATION The MANUAL operating mode is set when, with the CITY mode selected, the (MANUAL) The gearbox can work in two operating CITY button (B-fig. 130) is pressed modes: In the MANUAL operating mode the dis- again, excluding the previously selected play on the rev counter shows the gear en- mode.
  • Page 150
    When shifting gear, releasing the acceler- With the accelerator pedal pressed by over – if the engine reaches the maximum per- ator pedal is not necessary because the Se- 60% of its stroke and with an engine speed missible rpm and accelerating continues lespeed system directly controls the engine of over 5,000 rpm, gearshifting becomes (without coming into operation of the VDC…
  • Page 151
    Quickly releasing the accelerator pedal, the the same time a buzzer sounds intermit- reach the nearest Authorized Alfa Romeo system does not engage a higher gear in or- Services to have the fault detected elimi-…
  • Page 152
    Should it be impossible to set to neutral, pick-up; brake pedal, so that the clutch has innested do not tow the vehicle; contact Alfa Romeo – the car moves in the opposite direction completely. Authorised Services.
  • Page 153
    Q-SYSTEM STARTING THE ENGINE MOVING OFF AUTOMATIC GEARBOX The engine can only be started with the After starting, with the engine idling and gearshift lever (fig. 134) in position P keeping the brake pedal pressed (Shift-lock (optional for versions/markets or N. safety device), move the gearshift lever where applicable) (fig.
  • Page 154
    In an emergency (failures, flat battery, In an emergency (failures, flat battery, SELECTING AUTOMATIC/ etc.), it is possible to move the lever from etc.), it is possible to remove the ignition MANUAL GEARSHIFTING position P, pressing the special mechanical key also with the selector lever not posi- The main feature of this gearbox is the pos- button under the gearshift lever cover, in the tioned at P.
  • Page 155
    AUTOMATIC OPERATION P — Park R — Reverse To prevent accidental engagements, mov- Move the gearshift lever to R with the car Selector lever ing the lever to position P is only allowed stationary, the engine idling and the brake raising the ring (A-fig.
  • Page 156
    N — Neutral D — Automatic forward gear Shifting to lower gear (Kick down) This is the neutral position to be used when This is the position to be used always un- the car has to be pushed or towed. der “normal”…
  • Page 157
    SELECTING THE DRIVING SPORT (button (A-fig. 139) ICE ( button (B-fig. 133) pressed): pressed): MODES This driving mode is recommended when This is selected when wanting to avail of the road surface offers poor grip (snow, ice, The automatic gearbox for this car is con- trolled electronically and includes the selec- the vehicle’s peak performance for sporty etc.).
  • Page 158
    MANUAL OPERATING MODE, STOPPING THE CAR WARNING Q-SYSTEM ACTIVATION To stop the car, simply press the brake When manual operation is pedal, regardless of the position of the For manual gearshifting, move the lever set (Q-System device) and gearshift lever. to the left sector (fig.
  • Page 159
    FAULT SIGNALLING Warning light glowing steadily Warning light flashing Automatic gearbox faults are indicated by If the warning light turns on and glows The flashing of the warning light when trav- the t warning light (A-fig. 141) on steadily when the car is travelling, it indi- elling indicates a fault in the automatic gear- cates that the gearbox oil has reached the box.
  • Page 160
    R with the car on the move. tion other than P; Alfa Romeo Authorized Service Centers as soon as possi- – position R (reverse) is engaged. ble to remove the fault.
  • Page 161
    TOWING THE CAR Cars with automatic gear- WARNING box may be towed only for WARNING For towing the car, abide by Do not start the engine short distances and at low current local regulations. Also follow the in- when the vehicle is being speed: if longer towing is neces- structions given in the chapter “In an emer- towed.
  • Page 162: Internal Fittings

    INTERNAL FITTINGS The compartment is lit by a courtesy light GRAB HANDLES (fig. 144) when it is open (when the ignition key is Grab handles are set above the front doors. at MAR (B-fig. 143). GLOVEBOX Two grab handles (A) fitted with a coat There is a recess on the lid (C-fig.

  • Page 163
    CEILING LIGHTS WARNING With ignition key at STOP Moving switch (A) to the right (posi- or when opening a door or the tailgate 15 tion 2) both lights stay on. The car is fitted with passenger’s com- minutes timing is activated, then ceiling partment ceiling lights (front/rear) with The spot function is operated by switch lights go off.
  • Page 164
    Courtesy light (fig. 146) Rear roof light (fig. 147) Centre rear roof lamp (fig. 148) (where required) (except versions with sunroof) (only versions with sunroof) Lowering the passenger’s sun visor, the In correspondence with each rear door On the roof lamp there is a switch with courtesy light on the roof lining can be seen.
  • Page 165
    FRONT ASHTRAY AND CIGAR REAR ASHTRAYS (fig. 150) WARNING LIGHTER (fig. 149) An ashtray (A) is fitted to each rear door. The cigar lighter gets ex- To open the ashtray push and release the tremely hot. Handle with To open, pull downwards as shown below. front of the ashtray.
  • Page 166
    ODDMENTS RECESSES ON ODDMENTS RECESSES FRONT DOORS CENTRE CONSOLE (fig. 151) ON DASHBOARD COMPARTMENTS AND POCKETS (fig. 153) Centre recess Left side recess (fig. 152) Each front door has an oddments pocket On the centre console near the handbrake An oddments recess (A) is provided on the (A).
  • Page 167
    “Passenger’s front – sound system two-function aerial + cel- car, contact only Alfa Romeo Au- airbag” in this chapter. lular phone; thorized Services; this will guar- antee first-rate results with no –…
  • Page 168: Radio Transmitters

    This could compro- equipment of the Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo, mise car safety in addition to constituting and also assess the electric absorption of the a potential hazard for the passengers.

  • Page 169: Luggage Compartment

    LUGGAGE OPENING FROM INSIDE Lifting the boot lid is made easier by the action of gas springs. (fig. 155) COMPARTMENT To open the boot from inside the passen- ger compartment, pull the lever (A), at the The boot lid can be opened from outside side of the driver’s seat.

  • Page 170
    OPENING WITH REMOTE CLOSING THE BOOT BOOT LIGHTING (fig. 157) CONTROL (fig. 156) To close the boot, lower it and press down Opening the boot, the light (A) in the up- above the locking mechanism until it is per part of the boot turns on automatically.
  • Page 171
    (available upon request, for the load does not exceed the values given versions/markets where applicable) c/o in the same paragraph. Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. WARNING A0B0242m When wanting to carry a spare can of petrol, this…
  • Page 172
    BONNET WARNING Bonnet raising is aided by WARNING two gas springs. Do not tamper with these Before lifting the bonnet, springs and accompany the bonnet while make sure that the wind- The lever used to open the bonnet is lo- raising it.
  • Page 173
    To close: WARNING WARNING – lower the bonnet to approx. 20 cm from If checks need to be carried For safety reasons the the engine compartment, then let it drop. out in the engine compart- bonnet shall always be Try lifting it to make sure that it is shut com- ment when the engine is still perfectly closed when travelling.
  • Page 174: Roof Rack

    ROOF RACK Strictly comply with the WARNING regulations in force con- PROVISION Distribute the load evenly cerning the maximum over- and when driving, bear in all dimensions. The car is set for mounting special roof mind the increased sensitivity to racks.

  • Page 175
    The presence of time you change the load to be car- A0B0240m drops inside the headlight shows water seep- ried. age: refer to the Alfa Romeo Dealership. fig. 163…
  • Page 176
    15 seconds after they are quality (clearer light) and for the width and switched on. positioning of the illuminated area. Contact Alfa Romeo Au- The intense light produced by this type of The advantages of better illumination can thorized Services to have…
  • Page 177
    If necessary, have the sys- lumination of the road edge and avoid daz- tem checked and repairs (if zling the vehicles coming from the opposite any) made only by Alfa Romeo Au- direction. thorized Services.
  • Page 178
    The ABS system is an additional part of the The advantage of the ABS compared with basic braking system; in the event of a fault the conventional system is that it makes it it is disabled, leaving the braking system possible to maintain maximum vehicle han- The car is fitted with an ABS system which in the same conditions as a car without ABS.
  • Page 179
    + symbol shown by the by the Manufacturer. display), have the vehicle checked immediately by Alfa Romeo Au- The braking system is completed by the thorized Services, driving slowly electronic control braking distribution system…
  • Page 180
    (where required) gether with the message + symbol shown by the display), stop the car immediately and contact the near- VDC SYSTEM (VEHICLE est Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- DYNAMICS CONTROL): WARNING vices. Indeed, any leak of fluid GENERAL The system performance…
  • Page 181
    VDC SYSTEM OPERATION The heart of the VDC system is the VDC The corrective actions are changed and con- control unit which with the data supplied by trolled continuously until the car returns to The VDC system turns on automatically the sensors installed on the car, calculates the required course.
  • Page 182
    ASR FUNCTION (ANTISLIP The action of the ASR system is particularly TURNING ON THE ASR helpful under the following conditions: REGULATION): GENERAL FUNCTION – Skidding of the inner wheel on a bend, The ASR system integrates the VDC sys- The ASR function turns on automatically due to the effect of the dynamic changes of tem controlling the vehicle drive and com- each time the engine is started.
  • Page 183: Eobd System

    Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as soon operation and diagnosis of the engine. This as possible.

  • Page 184: Sound System

    SOUND SYSTEM SOUND SYSTEM The sound system shall be installed in the proper housing (fig. 166) occupied by the PRESETTING SYSTEM (for versions/markets where glove compartment that can be removed by applicable) (for versions/markets where pressing the two retaining tabs in the glove applicable) compartment: here are the power cables.

  • Page 185
    The wiring diagram is the following (fig. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Aerial 167): Speakers (fig. 168-169) For versions/markets where applicable, Connector A the aerial can be built into the rear heated For cars fitted with presetting system, the window or can be located on the car roof. A1 N.C.
  • Page 186
    REFUELLING If the catalyst is not The car must only be filled working properly, harmful with diesel fuel for motor emissions reach the ex- vehicles, in compliance with haust, resulting in environment pol- European Standard EN590. The use lution. of other products or mixtures may PETROL ENGINES irreparably damage the engine with invalidation of the warranty…
  • Page 187
    FUEL CAP (fig. 170) EMERGENCY FLAP OPENING WARNING DEVICE The fuel flap is released from inside the Do not get near the fuel car, raising the front part of the lever (A). If the lever (A-fig. 170) fails to work, filler with naked flames or it is still possible to open the flap by pulling lit cigarettes: danger of fire.
  • Page 188: Parking Sensors

    PARKING SENSORS ACOUSTIC SIGNAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION When the reverse gear is engaged an in- (for versions/markets where termittent acoustic signal is automatically applicable) activated. The design and construction of the vehi- The parking system detects and informs The acoustic signal: cle have not only been developed with the the driver (through an intermittent acoustic traditional aspects of performance and…

  • Page 189: Petrol Engines

    EMISSION REDUCING DEVICES Lambda probe EMISSION REDUCING DEVICES (petrol engines) (JTD engines ) A sensor (lambda probe) measures the content of oxygen present in the exhaust Trivalent catalytic converter Oxidising catalytic converter gas. The signal transmitted by the lambda (catalytic silencer) probe is use by the injection and ignition Converts the polluting substances present electronic control unit to adjust the air-fuel…

  • Page 190: The Engine

    1) Make sure the handbrake is engaged. tronic engine lock device. If the engine fails Similarly, when the engine is running, the to start see “Alfa Romeo CODE system”. device prevents the key being moved from 2) Move the gear lever to neutral.

  • Page 191
    STOP position before repeating starting. 50 and 60°C. If starting is difficult (with the Alfa Romeo PROCEDURE FOR JTD VERSIONS CODE system efficient), do not insist with SWITCHING OFF 1) Make sure the handbrake is engaged.
  • Page 192
    For vehicles equipped EMERGENCY STARTING PARKING with turbocharger in par- If the Alfa Romeo CODE system does not ticular and for other vehi- recognise the code transmitted by the igni- When the vehicle is parked, proceed as fol- cles in general, revving the engine…
  • Page 193: Safe Driving

    – The first rule for safe driving is care. Check that nothing (mats, etc.) can get un- In designing your Alfa 156, Alfa der the foot pedals. – Care also means being able to predict Romeo has worked thoroughly to achieve a the actions of other road users.

  • Page 194: Night Driving

    NIGHT DRIVING WARNING WARNING Here are some suggestions for night dri- Always fasten the front Make sure any mats are ving. and rear seat belts includ- appropriate in size: even a ing those of any child’s seat. Trav- slight inconvenience to the braking –…

  • Page 195: Mountain Driving

    DRIVING IN THE RAIN DRIVING IN THE FOG MOUNTAIN DRIVING Rain and wet roads can be dangerous. – If fog is very thick, avoid travelling – When driving downhill, use the engine where possible. If travelling with mist, braking by engaging a low gear, to prevent If the road is wet, the traction between ground fog or the possibility of fog banks: the brakes from overheating.

  • Page 196
    DRIVING ON SNOW AND ICE DRIVING WITH ABS REDUCING RUNNING COSTS AND Here are few suggestions for driving in The ABS is a part of the braking system these conditions: which essentially offers two advantages: ENVIRONMENT 1) It prevents wheel lock-up and conse- –…
  • Page 197
    Tyres Electrical devices STYLE OF DRIVING Tyres should be checked at least every four Use the electric devices for the necessary Starting 4 weeks: if the pressure is too low, fuel con- time only. The heated rear window, supple- sumption increases as the resistance to the mentary lights, windscreen wipers, heating Do not warm the engine when the vehicle rolling movement of the tyre is higher.
  • Page 198
    +30% in built-up areas) as will the pro- Alfa 156. and emissions. A “soft” way of driving duction of toxic emissions. It is not merely by chance that its antipol-…
  • Page 199
    Do not spray anything on quest for performance to a minimum and Correct operation of the antipollution de- the catalyst, lambda sen- contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as vices not only guarantees respect for the en- sor and exhaust pipe. soon as possible.
  • Page 200: Towing Trailers

    TOWING TRAILERS To make sure the maximum towable INSTALLING THE TOW HOOK weight is not exceeded (given in the log The towing device should be fastened to book) account should be taken of the fully the body by specialised personnel according laden trailer, including accessories and per- to the following instructions and any addi- WARNINGS AND…

  • Page 201
    For the electrical connection, a 7 pin INSTALLATION LAYOUT (fig. 1) WARNING It is compulsory to fasten a 12VDC connection is to be used label (clearly visible) of suitable size and The tow hook structure must be fastened (CUNA/UNI — 9128 Standard). Follow the material at the height of the hook ball with in the points shown by the symbol Ø…
  • Page 202
    A0B0143m Existing holes Existing holes Existing holes Section A-A 2 M10 screws 3 M10 screws 4 M8 screws 2 M10 screws Regulation ball fig. 1…
  • Page 203: Winter Tyres

    R15” use snow chains with reduced size snow tyres (as per EC Directive). Alfa Romeo Authorized Services will be with max. protrusion beyond the tyre pro- glad to provide advice concerning the most file of 12 mm.

  • Page 204
    Snow chains cannot be VEHICLE INACTIVITY – Clean and protect the shiny metal parts fitted to the spare wheel using special compounds readily available. so, if a front (drive) tyre is – Sprinkle talcum powder on the rubber If the car is to be left inactive for long pe- punctured and chains must be fit- windscreen and rear window wiper blades riods, the following precautions should be…
  • Page 205
    REMOVING FROM STORAGE – Check the state of the drive belts. USEFUL ACCESSORIES Before using your vehicle after a long pe- – Reconnect the battery negative termi- riod of inactivity, the following operations nal (–) after checking that the charge is ad- In addition to the legal requirements, we equate.
  • Page 206: Emergency Starting

    9) Start the car turning the ignition key celerator pedal. If the Alfa Romeo CODE system is not able from the MAR position to the AVV posi- to deactivate the engine inhibitor, warning…

  • Page 207
    If after a few attempts the engine does not side wings (front side), then connect the sparks. start, do not insist but contact Alfa Romeo positive terminals (plus sign + next to the Authorized Services. terminal) of the two batteries with a special cable.
  • Page 208
    STARTING BY INERTIA IN THE EVENT OF A WARNING PUNCTURE Signal the presence of the stationary vehicle accord- Never push, tow or coast ing to the current regulations: haz- start the vehicle. This could WARNING If the car is equipped with ard warning lights, reflecting tri- cause fuel to flow into the “Fix&Go kit for tyre quick repair”, see the…
  • Page 209
    WARNING WARNING WARNING The spare wheel (for ver- On the compact spare The life of the spare wheel sions/markets where re- wheel there a sticker with is approx. 3,000 km. After quired) is specific to your model of the main warnings regarding the this distance it should be replaced car;…
  • Page 210
    CHANGING A WHEEL – Stop the engine and engage the hand- WARNING brake. Snow chains cannot be fit- (optional for versions/markets – Engage first gear or reverse. ted to the compact spare where applicable) wheel, so, if a front wheel is punc- –…
  • Page 211
    – Take out the tool container (B) and take – Place the jack under the car near the – Install the spare wheel by matching one it near the wheel to be changed. wheel to be changed. of the holes (A-fig. 7) with the corre- sponding pin (B-fig.
  • Page 212
    – Fully tighten the bolts in the sequence – Screw the fastening bolts. After refitting the wheel: shown in fig. 8, without refitting the cap. – Tighten the bolts following the order pre- – stow the spare wheel in the space pro- viously described for the compact spare vided in the luggage compartment;…
  • Page 213
    FIX&GO KIT The quick repairing kit is placed in the boot • a small cylinder C containing sealer and inside the appropriate container A-fig. 10. fitted with a filling pipe, and a sticker bear- FOR QUICK TYRE ing the notice “max 80 km/h”, to be The quick repairing kit includes fig.
  • Page 214
    WARNING In the event of a puncture In fig. 12 it is possible to identify: WARNING caused by foreign bodies, it is possible to fix A tyre area which can be fixed (holes or In case of damages to the tyres having cracks with maximum diame- cracks with diameter of max 4 mm);…
  • Page 215
    IT IS NECESSARY TO KNOW INFLATING PROCEDURE 5) Screw again the element inside the valve with the tool (D-fig. 17). THAT: 1) Place the wheel in the position illus- trated in the figure (A-fig. 13) for the op- 6) Use the appropriate lever (E-fig. 18) WARNING eration with the valve, then engage the to insert and clamp the air compressor pipe…
  • Page 216
    Contact Alfa scribed pressure is not achieved, do not fully especially in a bend. Do not Romeo Authorized Services. move the vehicle and contact Alfa Romeo overcome 80 km/h. Avoid sudden Conversely, if at least 1,3 bars are Authorized Services.
  • Page 217
    Drive carefully to the nearest Alfa Romeo WARNING WARNING Authorized Service to check the tyre condi- If, during the pressure Tyres fixed with the quick tions, then have it fixed or replaced. restoring operation, it is repairing kit must be used…
  • Page 218: When Needing To Change A Bulb

    If the transparent with Xeno lamps must be carried ing into account the specifications bulb is touched with the fingers its out by Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- of the system may cause malfunc- lighting intensity is reduced and the vices.

  • Page 219
    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TYPES OF BULBS (fig. 20) Halogen bulbs To remove free it from the clip on its – When a light is not working check the Various types of bulbs are fitted to your ve- seating. corresponding fuse is intact before replacing hicle: the bulb.
  • Page 220
    BULBS FIGURE 20 TYPE POWER High beam Low beam Front sidelight Foglight (where required) Front direction indicator PY21W Side direction indicator Rear direction indicator P21W Stop/side light P21/5W 21W/5W Additional stop light 3.2W Reversing light P21W Rear fog guard P21W Number plate light Front roof light C10W…
  • Page 221
    IF ONE OF THE FRONT LIGHT UNITS When the bulbs have been replaced refit the cov- EXTERNAL LIGHTS The front light units contain the direction er in the correct position indicators, side lights/dipped and main GOES OUT turning clockwise and ensuring that beam light bulbs.
  • Page 222
    To replace the bulb proceed as follows: If necessary, have the sys- tem checked and repaired – Unscrew the three locking screw (B- only by Alfa Romeo Authorized fig. 23) and remove the protective (A) Services. cover. Hereafter you find the description of the correct procedure to replace a Xenon light.
  • Page 223
    The Xenon lamp must be – Turn ring (A-fig. 26) counter-clock- Main beam headlamps handled touching only the wise and remove it. To replace the bulb proceed as follows: metallic part. If the trans- – Remove the Xenon lamp (B-fig. 26). parent bulb is touched with the fin- –…
  • Page 224
    Direction indicators Sidelights FRONT DIRECTION INDICATORS To replace the bulb proceed as follows: To replace the bulb proceed as follows: To replace the bulb (orange colour), pro- – Turn the cover counter-clockwise – Turn the protective cover (C-fig. 23) ceed as follows: (A-fig.
  • Page 225
    – Refit the bulb holder (A-fig. 31) by DIPPED-BEAM HEADLAMPS – Fit the new bulb making the tabs of the making its notches coincide with the grooves metallic part coincide with the grooves in the (fig. 32) in the headlight unit body and turn it clock- headlamp parabola and hook the bulb catch To replace the bulb proceed as follows: wise.
  • Page 226
    If in doubt contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to have them checked and adjusted if necessary. A0B0215m A0B0216m fig.
  • Page 227
    FRONT SIDELIGHTS MAIN-BEAM HEADLAMPS – Fit the new bulb making the tabs of the metallic part coincide with the grooves in the (fig. 37) To replace the bulb proceed as follows: headlamp parabola. To replace the bulb proceed as follows: –…
  • Page 228
    SIDE DIRECTION INDICATORS – Withdraw the bulb (C-fig. 39) which REAR LIGHT UNITS is of the pressure-fitted type and replace it. To replace the bulb proceed as follows: Rear light units contain the reversing lights, – Insert the bulb holder (B-fig. 39) in rear fog guards, direction indicators, num- –…
  • Page 229
    – Lower the boot lid trim in the corre- – Refit the bulb holder unit fastening it cor- DIRECTION INDICATORS/ sponding area and remove the bulb holder rectly in place with the retainer tabs (B- SIDELIGHTS AND STOP LIGHTS unit (C-fig. 41) releasing the retainer tab fig.
  • Page 230
    – Remove and replace the bulb concerned NUMBER PLATE LIGHTS – Refit the bulb holder (C-fig. 47) turn- (spherical with bayonet coupling) pushing ing gently. To replace the bulbs proceed as follows: it gently and turning counter-clockwise – Refit the complete unit (B-fig. 46) (fig.
  • Page 231: Internal Lights

    ADDITIONAL STOP LIGHT – Refit the transparent cover and install the IF ONE OF THE unit locking it with the knob (B-fig. 49). STOP) INTERNAL LIGHTS – Re-position the trim correctly and fasten To replace the bulbs proceed as follows: GOES OUT with its buttons (A-fig.

  • Page 232
    To refit the rooflight reverse the procedure REAR ROOFLIGHT BULBS CENTRE REAR ROOF LAMP followed for removal. (except versions with sunroof) (only versions with sunroof) To replace the bulbs proceed as follows: To remove the bulb proceed as follows: When refitting –…
  • Page 233
    COURTESY LIGHTS – Remove the bulb (B-fig. 59) pulling GLOVEBOX LIGHT it outwards and releasing it from the side (where required) To remove the bulb proceed as follows: contacts. To remove the bulb proceed as follows: – Remove the light pushing with a screw- –…
  • Page 234
    – Change the bulb (C-fig. 62) which LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT – Replace the bulb (B-fig. 65)of the is pressure-fitted. cylindrical type pulling it outwards ensuring LIGHT that the new bulb is correctly positioned be- – Refit the cover (B-fig. 61). To remove the bulb proceed as follows: tween the contacts.
  • Page 235
    The fuse is (fig. 66) a protective element (B) — Fuse with broken filament. an Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. of the electrical system: basically it operates Extract the fuse to be replaced using the (i.e.
  • Page 236
    The general protection fuses of Alfa FUSE AND RELAYS IN THE A. Dipped beam light relay. 156 are in the engine compartment, in- MAIN FUSEBOX (fig. 69) B. Relay for sunroof , seat heater, rear side a container near the battery positive ter-…
  • Page 237
    Access to the relays is gained by removing The protection fuses of certain devices are In the engine compartment, housed on a the glovebox: contact Alfa Romeo Autho- grouped together on three containers locat- bracket in front of the battery and protect- rized Services.
  • Page 238
    WARNING Strictly observe the specified D. Electronic injection relay fuse ampere value: in case of doubt, con- A0B0618m tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. E. Climate control compressor relay F. Timing variator relay (1.6 T.SPARK on- ly) or engine radiator fan 2 speed relay (only 2.5 V6 24V, JTD and JTD 16V Multi-…
  • Page 239
    FUSE SUMMARY TABLE LIGHTS FIGURE AMPERES FUSE Left front side light Right front side light Left rear side light Right rear side light Left dipped-beam headlamp/Xenon lamps (optional) Right dipped-beam headlamp/Xenon lamps (optional) Left main-beam headlamp Right main-beam headlamp Cruise Control (optional) Left number plate light Right number plate light Reversing lights/Sound system…
  • Page 240
    SERVICES FUSE AMPERES FIGURE Windscreen wiper, windscreen washer/Rearscreen wiper/Rain sensor (optional) Horns GSM Box for Connect/Navigator-electronic warning system Front power windows Left rear power window Right rear power window Door locking system — Boot light Boot electric opening Rearscreen heating Wing mirror adjustment Wing mirror defrosting Cigar lighter/Odour sensor…
  • Page 241
    Seat heating/Sunroof/Seat electrical adjustment Air bag system 2 (*) 10A (*) ABS system 11 (*) 10A (*) Alfa Romeo CODE system 7.5A Climate control system Engine cooling radiator fan: First speed – T.SPARK and JTS versions – diesel versions – 2.5 V6 24V versions Second speed –…
  • Page 242
    (*) Specific components and values depending on the version/market. If in doubt, especially for the replacement of fuses which protect safety circuits and/or systems (Air bag, ABS, etc.), you are recommended to contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services, also to locate the cause of the fuse tripping.
  • Page 243
    This operation should – Reconnect the terminal to the battery be carried out by Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- negative (–) pole. vices. STARTING WITH AN AUXILIARY…
  • Page 244
    IF THE VEHICLE IS TO BE TOWED WARNING Before beginning to tow the car, turn the ignition The tow ring supplied with the vehicle is – Firmly screw the ring in its housing. key to MAR and then to STOP, do housed in the tool box under the boot mat.
  • Page 245
    The failure to follow the Should it be impossible to set to neutral, following recommendations: above instructions may do not tow the vehicle; contact Alfa Romeo cause serious damage to – if possible, put the car on a rescue ve- Authorised Services.
  • Page 246
    IF THE VEHICLE IS TO BE LIFTED USING THE JACK WARNING WARNING See paragraph “In the event of a punc- The car may fall if the jack The car is to be lifted po- ture” in this chapter. is not positioned correctly. sitioning the jack or the Never use the jack for higher ca- workshop lift arm plate only in the…
  • Page 247
    IF AN ACCIDENT – Act carefully, you must not risk being run – If you smell petrol or other chemicals, over. do not smoke and make sure all cigarettes OCCURS are extinguished. – Mark the accident by putting the red tri- angle at the regulatory distance from the car –…
  • Page 248
    IF ANYONE IS INJURED FIRST-AID KIT – Never leave the injured person alone. It is advisable to have also a fire extin- The obligation to provide assistance exists guisher and a blanket besides the first-aid even for those not directly involved in the kit.
  • Page 249
    The Programmed Maintenance service is MAR, every 200 km. For further details, carried out by all Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- see “Service” in the “Display Infocenter” vices, at pre-established times. paragraph in “Getting to know your car”…
  • Page 250
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME Thousands of km ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Check tyre conditions/wear and adjust pressure if necessary Check operation of lighting system (headlights, direction indicators, hazard lights, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●…
  • Page 251
    Thousand of km ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Change fuel filter (diesel versions only) ● ● ● ● Change air cleaner cartridge (petrol engines) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Change air cleaner cartridge (diesel versions only) Check and if necessary top up fluid levels (brakes, hydraulic clutch, power steering, ●…
  • Page 252
    – Check windscreen and rear-screen You are recommended to use products of wiper/washer operation, adjust nozzles the FL Selenia, designed and developed expressly for Alfa Romeo cars (see the table – Check windscreen/rear-screen blade po- “Specifications of fluids and lubricants” in sition/wear the “Technical specifications”…
  • Page 253
    – dusty roads is a sign that the filter needs changing. in relation to how the car is used, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. – short distances (less than 7-8 km) re- peated and with external temperatures be- low zero.
  • Page 254
    Alfa Romeo spare parts and the This check should be carried out more fre- the passenger compartment is noted.
  • Page 255
    A0B00174m CHECKING FLUID LEVELS WARNING Never smoke while work- ing in the engine compart- ment; inflammable vapours may be present, with the risk of fire. When topping up take care not to confuse the var- fig. fig. 1 — 1.6 T.SPARK, 1.8 T.SPARK versions ious types of fluids: they are all incompatible with one an- A0B00436m…
  • Page 256
    A0B00175m 1 Engine oil — 2 Battery — 3 Brake fluid — 4 Windscreen washer fluid — 5 Engine coolant fluid — 6 Power steering fluid fig. 3 — 2.5 V6 24V version A0B00176m 1 Engine oil — 2 Battery — 3 Brake fluid — 4 Windscreen washer fluid — 5 Engine coolant fluid — 6 Power steering fluid fig.
  • Page 257
    A0B0558m 1 Engine oil — 2 Battery — 3 Brake fluid — 4 Windscreen washer fluid — 5 Engine coolant fluid — 6 Power steering fluid fig. 5 — JTD 16V Multijet version A0B0616m 1 Engine oil — 2 Battery — 3 Brake fluid — 4 Windscreen washer fluid — 5 Engine coolant fluid — 6 Power steering fluid fig.
  • Page 258: Engine Oil

    ENGINE OIL Never add oil with char- WARNING acteristics (classification, Fig. 7: T.SPARK versions When the engine is hot, viscosity) which are differ- take care when working Fig. 8: 2.0 JTS version ent from those of the oil already in inside the engine compartment to Fig.

  • Page 259
    Used engine oil and filter that the oil level is above the MAX mark, contain pollutants. Contact Max. engine oil consumption is usually contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services to Alfa Romeo Authorized 400 grams every 1000 km. have the correct level restored.
  • Page 260
    SELESPEED GEARBOX Do not add oil with dif- WARNING ferent characteristics than HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OIL When the engine is hot, those of the oil already in (fig. 13) take care when working the system. The oil level of the Selespeed system inside the engine compartment to should be carried out with the car on a lev- avoid burns.
  • Page 261
    Q-SYSTEM AUTOMATIC The level should be between the MIN and The oil level should never exceed the MAX marks of the sector identified by the MAX mark on the dipstick on the COLD GEARBOX OIL LEVEL (fig. 14) word COLD (+40°C). side, if the level is checked cold and on the The oil should be checked with the engine HOT side if the level is checked with the…
  • Page 262
    Specifications”, through the filler neck sible. danger of burns. until nearing the MAX mark; have this op- eration carried out at Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. Fig. 15: T.SPARK, 2.0 JTS and diesel ver- The cooling system is The antifreeze mixture contained in the sions pressurised.
  • Page 263
    Alfa Romeo Autho- is stationary and cold. – Top up to the MAX level notch and rized Services.
  • Page 264
    WARNING Brake and hydraulic clutch BRAKE AND HYDRAULIC WARNING fluid is hygroscopic (i.e. it absorbs moisture). CLUTCH FLUID (fig. 20) Brake and clutch fluid is For this reason, if the car is mainly used in From time to time check the instrument poisonous and highly cor- areas with a high degree of atmospheric hu- panel warning light x by pressing cover…
  • Page 265
    WINDSCREEN/HEADLIGHT If necessary top up using a mixture of wa- WARNING ter and TUTELA PROFESSIONAL SC 35 WASHER FLUID Do not travel with the as follows: Fig. 21: T.SPARK, 2.0 JTS and diesel ver- windscreen washer reser- – 30% of TUTELA PROFESSIONAL sions voir empty: the action of the wind- SC 35 and 70% water in summer;…
  • Page 266: Air Filter

    Any attempt to clean the ed versions/markets, contact as air cleaner may cause se- If they are not carried out soon as possible the Alfa Romeo rious engine damage. correctly and with the due Authorised Service for drainage op- precautions, the operations erations.

  • Page 267: Pollen Filter

    Have the pollen filter checked once a year used batteries respecting nature by Alfa Romeo Authorized Services, prefer- Under normal conditions of use the elec- and the law. ably at the onset of summer.

  • Page 268
    (alarm, sound gles. system, radiotelephone, etc.) con- Refer to the table below or to the label tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- fig. 24 on the battery. vices who will be able to suggest the most suitable devices and above all advise about the need to use a more powerful battery.
  • Page 269
    – Turn on the charger. informative purposes. This operation should thawing it, the danger of explosion be carried out by Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- exists. If it has frozen, always – After charging turn off the charger be- vices.
  • Page 270
    If a battery with different specifica- to preserve its operating conditions over the ti-theft function, etc.) contact Alfa Romeo tions is fitted, the service intervals given in course of time, carefully follow the instruc-…
  • Page 271
    The total absorption of these accessories ELECTRONIC CONTROL – Do not check for current in the cables by (standard and installed later) must be less short-circuiting the ends. UNITS than 0.6 mA x Ah (of the battery), as – If electrical welding is to be carried out shown in the table below: on the body of the car, the electronic con- With normal use of the car, no particular…
  • Page 272: Wheels And Tyres

    If nec- It is normal for the pressure to increase WARNING essary contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- when the car is in use. If you have to check vices. Excessively low pressure…

  • Page 273
    RUBBER HOSES WARNING tyres, avoiding those of dubious origin. Do not cross switch the Alfa 156 uses Tubeless tyres. Never tyres, moving them from As far as the brake system and fuel sup- use an inner tube with these tyres.
  • Page 274
    In any case, follow – Remove any snow from the glass: in ad- the instructions provided in the packs avail- dition to protecting the blades, this prevents able as spares from Alfa Romeo Authorized effort on the motor and overheating. Services. A0B0580m –…
  • Page 275: Headlight Washers

    Not to be underestimated is also the abra- sive action of wind-borne atmospheric dust and sand and mud and gravel raised by oth- er vehicles. On your Alfa 156, Alfa Romeo has implemented the best manufacturing tech- nologies to effectively protect the bodywork against corrosion.

  • Page 276
    4) Rinse well with water and dry with a formation of rust. The Alfa 156 is guaranteed against jet of air or a chamois leather. perforation due to rust of any original ele- Only original products should be used for ment of the structure or body.
  • Page 277
    Do not wash the car after it has been left Windows Engine compartment in the sun or with the bonnet hot: this may Use specific products to clean the windows. At the end of the winter the engine com- alter the shine of the paintwork. Use clean cloths to avoid scratching or al- partment should be carefully washed, with- Exterior plastic parts must be cleaned in…
  • Page 278: Interior Fittings

    INTERIOR FITTINGS CLEANING LEATHER SEATS INTERIOR PLASTIC PARTS – Remove dried on dirt with a lightly For routine cleaning of interior plastic parts moistened chamois leather or cloth with- use a soft cloth moistened with water and Periodically check that water is not trapped out pressing too hard.

  • Page 279
    In this chapter, you weill find all the spe- DOORS Opening/closing from inside cific information for Alfa 156 Sport- wagon that integrate and complete the REAR DOORS previous chapters. WARNING Opening/closing from outside Opening the rear doors is only possible if the “child –…
  • Page 280
    CHILD SAFETY DEVICE (fig. 4) SEATS The third headrest (centre) is not remov- able, whereas the side headrests may be re- The rear doors are fitted with a locking de- moved as follows: vice (A) which prevents them from being REAR SEAT –…
  • Page 281
    Ski compartment On request for versions/markets where WARNING applicable, the compartment can be fitted This compartment can be used for carry- Remember that the third with a bag for carrying skis. ing long loads. headrest (central) should WARNING Lay the bag in the passen- be pulled out completely so that To gain access to the compartment lower ger compartment before putting the skis in.
  • Page 282
    REARSCREEN WIPER – CHANGING THE BLADE SPRAY JET (fig. 12) (fig. 11) REARSCREEN WASHER If the jet does not spray, check that there is fluid in the windscreen washer reservoir: The rearscreen wiper blade should be re- see the corresponding paragraph in the chap- placed together with the arm.
  • Page 283
    LUGGAGE OPENING WITH REMOTE WARNING CONTROL (fig. 14) COMPARTMENT Only use the tailgate open- The boot can be opened by remote control ing lever with the car sta- pressing the button (C) on the key, also tionary. The boot lid can be opened from outside when the electronic alarm (where fitted) is the vehicle (pressing the button on the key) engaged.
  • Page 284
    CLOSING THE TAILGATE RESTRAINING THE LOAD CAUTIONS FOR CARRYING (fig. 15) (fig. 16-17) LUGGAGE To lower the tailgate use the grip (A) on The loads carried can be held in place with On versions not fitted with the automatic the interior trim. the belts hooked to the rings provided at the rear geometry control system, when trav- corners of the boot.
  • Page 285
    ODDMENTS COMPARTMENT WARNING WARNING (fig. 18-19) When using the boot, nev- If you want to carry fuel in On the sides of the boot there are two re- er exceed the maximum a reserve can, you should cesses closed by a lid. permissible loads given in the comply with legal regulations, on- “Technical specifications”…
  • Page 286
    CURRENT SOCKET Do not connect acces- OBJECTS RETAINER NET sories with higher absorp- (optional for versions/markets (optional for versions/markets tion to the socket. Pro- where applicable) (fig. 20) where applicable) longed current absorption might This is on the left-hand side of the boot. The net can be hooked in different posi- drain the battery preventing the tions (fig.
  • Page 287
    To fasten the net, insert the hooks (A- To release the net, pull it upwards keeping fig. 23) in the housings (B-fig. 23) and the connection point pressed (C-fig. 23). push downwards. A0B0104m A0B0106m fig. 24 fig. 26 A0B0103m A0B0601m A0B0602m fig.
  • Page 288
    LUGGAGE COVER To remove the cover roll it and check that To avoid damage to the the passenger compartment separation net cover do not rest any ob- The luggage cover (A-fig. 28) can be is also rolled (see following paragraph), then jects on it.
  • Page 289
    UPPER PASSENGER To rewind the net, release the ends from LOWER PASSENGER the housings (B) and accompany it as it COMPARTMENT SEPARATION COMPARTMENT SEPARATION winds. NET (where required) NET (fig. 33-34) (fig. 31-32) (optional for versions/markets where applicable) The upper separation net between the pas- senger compartment and the boot is con- The lower passenger compartment and tained in the luggage cover reel (A).
  • Page 290
    To rewind the net, release the hooks (B) EXTENDING THE BOOT 2/3 Partial extension (fig. 36) from the rings (C) and accompany it while The split rear seat makes partial (1/3 or Extension of the right-hand side of the boot it winds.
  • Page 291
    Total extension (fig. 37) To extend the boot – Tilt the cushions forward pulling from the handle (A-fig. 39) at the centre of Completely folding the rear seat makes the – Check that the lateral safety belt buck- each cushion. maximum load volume available.
  • Page 292
    – Release the seat back catch raising the To take the seats back to the – Remove the headrest and tilt the cush- handle (A-fig. 41) for the right seat back normal position ion backward, making sure that the safety and handle (B-fig.
  • Page 293
    INTERNAL FITTINGS REFUELLING ROOF BARS — SKI RACK (fig. 46) (optional for versions/ GRAB HANDLES (fig. 44) EMERGENCY FUEL FLAP markets where applicable) OPENING (fig. 45) There are two grab handles in correspon- The car may be fitted with two longitudi- dence with the front doors.
  • Page 294
    SOUND SYSTEM AUTOMATIC REAR The distance that must be covered to reach the levelling condition is approx. 2,000 me- GEOMETRY CONTROL (optional for versions/markets tres and it may vary depending on the road (optional for versions/markets where applicable) bottom. where applicable) The fixed sound system, with cassette The car is fitted with a semi-bearing hy- player (radio with cassette player) or CD…
  • Page 295: If An Exterior Light Goes Out

    IN THE EVENT TOOL AND SPARE WHEEL IF AN EXTERIOR HOUSING OF A PUNCTURE LIGHT GOES OUT (for versions/markets where required) (fig. 47) WARNING If the car is equipped with WARNING Before changing a bulb, read The tools and spare wheels are housed in “Fix&Go kit for tyre quick repair”, see the the warnings and precautions given in the the boot floor, under the mat.

  • Page 296
    – Remove the bulb holder unit (D- – Reinsert the bulb holder unit fitting it cor- DIRECTION INDICATORS AND fig. 49) pressing on the retainer tabs (E- rectly between the retainer tabs (E-fig. 49) SIDE/STOP LIGHTS fig. 49). – Refit the lid (A or B-fig. 48) inserting To replace the bulbs (Type B, 21W direc- –…
  • Page 297
    – Remove the bulb holder unit (A- NUMBER PLATE LIGHTS – Refit the bulb holder (C-fig. 55) turn- fig. 52) pressing on the retainer tab (B- ing clockwise. To replace the bulbs (Type A, 5W): fig. 52). – Refit the complete unit (B-fig. 54) –…
  • Page 298
    (fig. 56). WARNING Before changing a bulb, read tween the contacts. Refer to the Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- the warnings and precautions given in the – Refit the light inserting it and then press- vices for its replacement.
  • Page 299: If A Fuse Blows

    IF A FUSE BLOWS System/Component Fuse no. Amperage Location Additional current socket in the boot fig. 59 The specific fuse for Sportwagon versions is located in the central fuseholder above the main fusebox and access to it is gained re- moving the protective panel.

  • Page 300: Identification Data

    IDENTIFICATION DATA BODY LABEL ENGINE LABELS The body label carrying the following in- On the rear left-hand side, gearbox side. formation is located in the engine bay to one The identification data should be recorded. side of the right-hand shock absorber up- The identification data is carried on labels lo- per connection: cated in the following positions (fig.

  • Page 301
    BODYWORK PAINT IDENTIFICATION LABEL D. Space for version and any supple- mentary indications to those specified IDENTIFICATION LABEL This is located in the engine bay on the front crossmember (fig. 4). Space for smoke index (diesel ver- On the Saloon versions, the plate is ap- sions only) plied in the internal part of the luggage com- It carries the following identification data:…
  • Page 302
    ENGINE AND BODY VERSION CODES Engine code Body code (Saloon versions) (Sportwagon versions) 1.6 T.SPARK AR32104 932A4100 31L 932B4100 38H AR32103 (*) 932A4100 31H (*) 932B4100 38G (*) 932A4B00 32F (*) 932B4B00 39E (*) 1.8 T.SPARK AR32205 932A3100 30L 932B3100 37H 932A3100 30H (*) 932B3100 37G (*) 2.0 JTS…
  • Page 303
    ENGINE 1.6 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V Selespeed Q-System Code type AR32104 AR32205 937A1000 937A1000 AR32405 AR32405 Cycle Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto No./position cylinders 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 6 in 60°…
  • Page 304
    JTD 16V JTD 16V JTD 16V JTD 20V JTD 20V Multijet Multijet (*) Multijet (*) Multijet Multijet (*) Code type 937A2000 937A5000 937A4000 192B1000 841G000 841M000 Cycle Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel No./position cylinders 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 5 in line…
  • Page 305: Fuel Supply

    FUEL SUPPLY 1.6 T.SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V JTD 20V 1.8 T.SPARK Selespeed Q-System JTD 16V Multijet Multijet Electronic Supply Direct injection Direct injection Electronic Electronic Direct injection Direct injection injection BOSCH BOSCH injection injection BOSCH BOSCH…

  • Page 306: Spark Plug

    SPARK PLUG If examined by an expert eye, the ap- Spark plugs should be re- pearance of a spark plug is a sound clue placed at the intervals for locating a fault, even if not involving the specified in the Scheduled Clean, intact spark plugs are determinant ignition system.

  • Page 307
    WHEELS AND TYRES 1.6 T.SPARK Versions 1.6 T.SPARK 1.6 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK PROGRESSION IMPRESSION DISTINCTIVE IMPRESSION DISTINCTIVE PROGRESSION Standard fittings Steel wheel 6J x 15” 6J x 15” 6J x 15” 6J x 15” Tyres 185/65 R15” 88H (▼) 185/65 R15”…
  • Page 308
    Versions 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS Selespeed 2.0 JTS Selespeed 2.5 V6 24V IMPRESSION PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE PROGRESSION Standard fittings Steel wheel 6J x 15” 6,5J x 15” 6,5J x 15” 6,5J x 15” Tyres 185/65 R15” 88V (▼) 205/60 R15”…
  • Page 309
    Versions 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V Q-System Q-System DISTINCTIVE IMPRESSION PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE Standard fittings Steel wheel 6J x 15” 6J x 15” 6,5J x 15” Tyres 205/60 R15” 91W (▼) 185/65 R15” 88V (▼) 185/65 R15”…
  • Page 310
    Versions JTD 16V Multijet JTD 16V Multijet JTD 16V Multijet JTD 20V Multijet JTD 20V Multijet IMPRESSION PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE PROGRESSION DISTINCTIVE Standard fittings Steel wheel 6J x 15” 6J x 15” 6,5J x 15” Tyres 185/65 R15” 88V (▼) 185/65 R15” 88V (▼) 205/60 R15”…
  • Page 311
    TYRE INFLATION PRESSURES COLD Tyres Tyres Tyres Tyres Compact spare (▼) (▼) 185/65 R15” 205/55 R16” ● 205/60 R15” 215/45 ZR17” wheel front rear front rear front rear front rear 125/80 R15” Reduced load (2 occupants) bar Full load (*) = Snow chains may not be used on this tyres ●…
  • Page 312
    205 = Nominal width (S, distance Load index (capacity) CORRECT TYRE READING in mm between the sides). (fig. 5) 60 = 250 kg 84 = 500 kg = Percentage height/width (H/S) Below are the instructions necessary to 61 = 257 kg 85 = 515 kg ratio.
  • Page 313
    Maximum speed index Maximum speed index for snow CORRECT RIM READING tyres Q = up to 160 km/h. Below are the instructions necessary to Q M + S = up to 160 kph. know the meaning of the code stamped on R = up to 170 km/h.
  • Page 314
    WHEEL GEOMETRY All types Sports Kit (excluding versions with Sports Kit) – camber – 0° 39´ ± 20´ – 1° 6’ ± 20’ Front wheels: – caster 3° 55´ ± 30´ 4° 3’ ± 30’ – toe-in – 1 ± 0.6 mm (*) (– 9 ± 5´ mm) –…
  • Page 315
    PERFORMANCE JTD 16V SALOON 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V JTD 20V VERSIONS T.SPARK T.SPARK 2.0 JTS Q-System Multijet Multijet Selespeed 212 km/h Maximum speed 200 km/h 208 km/h 220 km/h 230 km/h 227 km/h 195 km/h 225 km/h Acceleration 9.1 s 8.3 s…
  • Page 316
    DIMENSIONS A0A0591m fig. 6 The values given in brackets refer to the 1.6 T.SPARK, 1.8 T.SPARK, JTD, JTD 16V Multijet and JTD 20V Multijet The dimensions are expressed in mm The height indicated is for an unladen car On request for versions/markets where applicable the car may be fitted with rear spoiler and miniskirts painted the same colour as the car.
  • Page 317
    A0A0592m fig. 7 The values given in brackets refer to the 1.6 T.SPARK, 1.8 T.SPARK, JTD, JTD 16V Multijet and JTD 20V Multijet The dimensions are expressed in mm The height indicated is for an unladen car.
  • Page 318
    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT — SALOON VERSIONS 1.6 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V JTD 20V Selespeed Q-System JTD 16V Multijet Multijet Capacity (dm WEIGHTS — SALOON VERSIONS 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V JTD 16V JTD 20V…
  • Page 319
    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT — SPORTWAGON VERSIONS 1.6 T.SPARK 1.8 T.SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 24V 2.5 V6 24V JTD 20V Selespeed Q-System JTD 16V Multijet Multijet Capacity (dm Capacity with rear seat back folded (dm 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180…
  • Page 320: Refilling

    REFILLING 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 2.5 V6 JTD 16V JTD 20V Specified fuels T.SPARK T.SPARK Selespeed Multijet Multijet Recommended products Q-System ● Unleaded petrol at not 63 ● 63 ● 63 ● 63 ● 63 ● 63 ● 63 ❍…

  • Page 321: Fluids And Lubricants

    Synthetic oil, SAE 10W-60 grade SELENIA RACING and 2.0 JTS Selespeed Synthetic-based engine oil, SAE 10W-40 grade SELENIA 20K that pass ACEA A3 and API SL specifications. for Alfa Romeo Lubricants for petrol engines (*) SELENIA PERFORMER Synthetic-based engine oil SAE 5W-30 grade, MULTIPOWER that pass API SL, ACEA A1-A5, FIAT 9.55535-M1 specifications.

  • Page 322
    FMVSS n° 116 DOT 4, ISO 4925, SAE J1704, TUTELA CAR TOP 4 Hydraulic brake and CUNA NC 956-01 synthetic fluid for Alfa Romeo clutch control Protective with antifreeze action, red colour, based on inhibited monoethylen PARAFLU UP Cooling ducts Protective agent for radiators glycol, with O.A.T.-based organic formula, that passes CUNA NC 956-16,…
  • Page 323: Fuel Consumption

    FUEL CONSUMPTION The fuel consumption values shown in the – an extraurban cycle: this includes WARNING The type of route, following tables were established during ho- traffic conditions, weather condi- frequent accelerating in all gears, simulat- mologation tests prescribed in specific Eu- ing normal extraurban use of the vehicle;…

  • Page 324
    FUEL CONSUMPTION ACCORDING TO DIRECTIVE 1999/100/EC (litres x 100 km) SALOON 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 2.5 V6 24V JTD 16V JTD 20V VERSIONS T.SPARK T.SPARK Selespeed Q-System Multijet Multijet Urban 11.4 12.1 12.2 12.2 17.5 17.5 Extraurban Combined 11.8 11.9 SPORTWAGON…
  • Page 325
    EMISSIONS The CO emission levels shown in the following tables are measured on a mixed cycle. EMISSIONS ACCORDING TO DIRECTIVE STANDARD 1999/100/EC (g/km) 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 2.5 V6 2.5 V6 JTD 16V JTD 20V SALOON T.SPARK T.SPARK Selespeed Multijet Multijet VERSIONS Value (g/km)
  • Page 326
    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: MINISTERIAL HOMOLOGATIONS International automobile code Country Homologation number Austria G131649J CEPT LPD-A Belgium RTT/D/X1491 Switzerland BAKOM 97.0516.K.P Croatia LPD-041/97 Cyprus MCW 129/95 5/1997 Germany G131649J CEPT LPD-D Denmark ARL 9741/Telestyrelsen Spain E D.G./Tel. 07 97 0647 France 970235PPLO Finland…
  • Page 327
    – marking…….. 299 Brakes – versions…….. 301 Air vents ……108-109 Bonnet ……..172 – checking fluid level Alfa 156 Sportwagon … 278 and topping up ….. 263 Boot Alfa Romeo CODE system ….– handbrake ……138 – capacity ……317-309 Annual inspection programme (car maintenance)…..
  • Page 328
    Bulbs – engine coolant……. 261 Climate control system, automatic two-zone ……… 114 – engine oil ……257 – general instructions ….218 Clock……57-58-59-60-61 – power steering oil ….261 – replacement ……217 Clutch – Q-system automatic – types of bulbs ….218-219 gearbox oil……
  • Page 329
    Dimensions ……315-316 Electronic control units ….270 – reducing running costs and environment pollution ..195 Dipped beam headlights Emergency starting ….191-205 – starting by inertia ….207 – use of non-toxic materials..187 – aiming for left-hand/ right-hand driving ….
  • Page 330
    Fuel – specific fuses for Sportwagon – changing a wheel….209 versions…….. 299 – consumption ……322 – FIX&GO (quick tyre repair kit) . 212 – emergency flap opening – general instructions ….207 earshift lever ……139 device ……186-292 In the event of an accident ….
  • Page 331
    – Trip B on/off ……Luggage compartment light eys……… – bulb replacement ….. 233-297 – units selection ……. ifting points ……245 – warning/failure buzzer ain beam headlights Lights (controls) ……volume setting……. – changing bulbs ….. 226 Luggage compartment –…
  • Page 332
    Odometer ……..– switching on……136 – changing the battery ….Rear light units – door opening-closing….aintwork (maintenance) …. 275 – bulb replacement ….227 – ministerial homologation ..325 – colour label ……301 Rear roof lights ……163 –…
  • Page 333
    Seats (front and rear) …. 21-23 Steering system – FIX&GO (kit for quick tyre repairing)..212 Selespeed gearbox ……. 141 – specifications……305 – in the event of a puncture . 207-294 Side lights – steering wheel adjustments ..– inflation pressure ….307 –…
  • Page 334
    Wheel rims ……306-312 enon lights – correct rim reading ….312 – replacing dipped-beam headlamps ……221 Wheels and tyres – replacing direction indicators ..223 – FIX&GO (quick tyre repair kit) .. 212 – replacing main beam – geometry……313 headlamps ……
  • Page 335
    “End of Life Vehicles” to approved environmental standards. To find out the location of your nearest authorised treatment facility, offering free of charge take-back, simply contact one of our dealers or refer to the Alfa Romeo web site or call the toll free number 00800 2532 0000.
  • Page 340
    ® ® Always ask your mechanic for…
  • Page 341
    Specific Selenia formulation for Alfa Romeo. SELENIA RACING SELENIA WR This lubricant has been developed as a result of Oil spccifically designed for common rail Multijet engines.
  • Page 342
    This supplement describes the main characteristics of the right hand drive version. For any topic not specifically dealt with in this supplement, refer to the main Owner’s manual which should be thoroughly read to ensure that the vehicle is used correctly and that the maximum performance is obtained under conditions of safety.
  • Page 343
    DASHBOARD A0B0611m fig. 1 1. Side air outlets — 2. Defrosting/demisting vents for side windows — 3. Upper side vents — 4. Passanger’s Air bag — 5. Sound system — 6. Engine coolant temperature gauge — 7. Clock — 8. Centre air vents — 9. Infocenter display — 10. Fuel level gauge — 11. Cruise control lever (where fitted) — 12.
  • Page 344: Instrument Panel

    INSTRUMENT PANEL A0B0612m fig. 2 — petrol engine versions A. Speedometer — B. Mileage recorder and trip meter display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Engine coolant temperature gauge — F. Clock — G. Fuel level gauge — H. Services warning lights. WARNING Depending on the version of the vehicle the instrument dials may be black or light grey and the rev counter and speedometer may vary with regard to the red sector and the clock values.

  • Page 345
    A0B0613m fig. 3 — diesel engine versions A. Speedometer — B. Mileage recorder and display — C. Check panel — D. Rev counter — E. Engine coolant temperature gauge — F. Clock — G. Fuel level gauge — H. Services warning lights. WARNING Depending on the version of the vehicle the instrument dials may be black or light grey and the rev counter and speedometer may vary with regard to the red sector and the clock values.
  • Page 346
    MILEAGE RECORDER WITH DASHBOARD LIGHTING HEADLIGHT CORRECTOR DOUBLE METER DISPLAY ADJUSTMENT (fig. 4) (fig. 4) (TOTAL AND TRIP) When the outside lights are on, the dash- The control (C) on the plate at the side board lighting is adjusted pressing button of the steering column can be moved to four The display shows: (B).
  • Page 347
    SEATS Adjusting the height Adjusting the angle of the driver’s seat of the backrest FRONT SEATS (fig. 5) To raise the seat, pull the lever (B) tak- This can be done by turning the knob (C) ing it upwards, then continue operating the until the desired position is reached.
  • Page 348
    OPENING THE BOOT (fig. 7) OPENING THE FUEL FLAP CONTROLS (fig. 7) To open the boot pull the lever (A) at the side of the driver’s seat. The fuel flap is released from inside the car raising the front part of the lever (B). AUTOMATIC FUEL CUT-OFF SWITCH (fig.
  • Page 349
    HEATING AND CLIMATE CONTROL A0A0615m fig. 8 1. Central vents for demisting/defrosting the windscreen — 2. Upper adjustable side vents — 3. Vents for demisting/defrosting the side win- dows — 4. Movable side outlets — 5. Upper adjustable vent — 6. Central movable and adjustable vents — 7. Front seat floor vents — 8. Rear seat floor vents — 9.
  • Page 350
    ADJUSTING THE UPPER VENT ADJUSTING THE SIDE VENTS ADJUSTABLE AND MOVABLE (fig. 9) (fig. 11) OUTLETS Fig. 12: Front seats (at the ends of the The vent is fitted with an opening/closing At the ends of the dashboard there are ad- control.
  • Page 351: Air Bag

    To adjust the air flow rate use the fins (A) AIR BAG The key-operated switch (fig. 14) has pressing to open/close. two positions: The air flow is directed by turning the out- 1) Passenger’s Air bag activated: (ON po- sition P) warning light on instrument clus- lets using the fins.

  • Page 352
    SELESPEED GEARBOX Fig. 16 shows the steering wheel fitted WARNING with two buttons on the spokes for shifting SERIOUS DANGER: the gear engaged up/down. with a car fitted Below you will find the more significant Fig. 17 shows the position of button A with an Air bag on the passenger’s particulars of right-hand drive versions.
  • Page 353
    Q-SYSTEM Fig. 20 shows the position of buttons IN THE EVENT OF A and B for selecting the gear- AUTOMATIC BURNT FUSE OR RELAY box operating mode. GEARBOX FUSES IN THE MAIN FUSEBOX (fig. 21 or fig. 22 for versions/markets where Below you will find the more significant applicable) particulars of right-hand drive versions.
  • Page 354
    WARNING In case of doubt, contact an of the control unit; you are advised to re- gained removing the panel (A-fig. 21 or Alfa Romeo Authorized Service. plenish the stock of spare fuses when they A-fig. 22). are used.
  • Page 355
  • Page 357
    TYRE INFLATION PRESSURES COLD (bar) Tyres Tyres Tyres Tyres Compact spare wheel 185/65 R15” (▼) 205/55 R16”( (▼) ● 205/60 R15” 215/45 ZR17” 125/80 R15” front rear front rear front rear front rear Reduced load (2 occupants) Full load (*) = Snow chains may not be used on this tyres ●…

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Alfa 156

Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации

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Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации


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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:14 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:16 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:16 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:17 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:17 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:18 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:19 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:19 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:20 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:20 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:20 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:21 pm



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Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:21 pm



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Re: Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации. Черновик.

Сообщение Suspense » Чт янв 22, 2009 9:21 pm



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