Ошибки на панели мазда демио


Индикаторы комбинации приборов.


С использованием материалов С.В. Корниенко

Контрольная лампа зарядки аккумуляторной батареи
Эта лампа загорается при прекращении зарядки аккумулятора. Надо
аккуратно перестроиться в правый ряд, остановиться и заглушить
двигатель. Теперь проверьте натяжку приводного ремня, разъемы на
генераторе и предохранитель CHARGE. Если все нормально, поезжайте
дальше, но двигаться вы будете, пока хватит энергии аккумулятора,
поэтому выключите все лишние потребители электроэнергии: магнитофон,
печку отопителя, радиоприемник, дальний (как более мощный) свет фар.
При приличном аккумуляторе вы, скорее всего, доберетесь до дома и,
более того, даже сможете еще дня два-три ездить (только по утрам будут
проблемы с заводкой автомобиля), но только днем, т.е. без включения фар
и при условии, что автомобиль у вас без впрыска топлива, так как насос,
создающий давление бензина для работы системы впрыска, потребляет
довольно много электроэнергии, почти столько же, сколько и фары.
Кстати, если вы продолжаете движение с горящей лампочкой, и она вдруг
погаснет, потом снова загорится и снова погаснет, то считайте, что вам
повезло: скорее всего, у генератора просто износились щетки. Но обрыв в
контакте щетка — коллектор часто приводит к выходу реле-регулятора.

Индикатор тормозной системы
Лампа загорается при зажатом ручном тормозе, при низком уровне
тормозной жидкости в бачке главного тормозного цилиндра и при
исчезновении вакуума (у некоторых дизельных двигателей). Если
загорелась эта лампочка, надо аккуратно перестроиться в правый ряд и
При этом надо быть готовым к тому, что при нажатии на тормозную педаль
автомобиль или не будет тормозиться вообще, или будет, но очень «вяло»,
поэтому придется останавливать автомобиль с помощью ручного тормоза.
После остановки надо подергать ручной тормоз, может быть, он не до
конца отпущен; проверить уровень жидкости в тормозном бачке и
эффективность тормозов (впрочем, последнее вы определите уже при
остановке автомобиля). Если ручной тормоз не был зажат, уровень
жидкости в норме, а лампочка все равно горит, то можете продолжать
поездку, но при первой же возможности покажите машину автомеханику.
Если в бачке нет тормозной жидкости, долейте ее. Если у вас с собой нет
этой жидкости, то долейте хотя бы воды (лучше мыльной), и сразу же,
потихоньку отправляйтесь в мастерскую, помня о том, что тормозов у вас
почти нет, так как ручной тормоз для торможения автомобиля
неэффективен. Если вы использовали воду вместо тормозной жидкости, то,
приехав в мастерскую, сразу же замените ее.

Контрольная лампа низкого уровня топлива
Лампочка предупреждает, что топлива осталось очень мало. При ее
загорании, если стрелочный прибор подтверждает, что в баке пусто,
следует двигаться к ближайшей заправке. В зависимости от комплектации
автомобиля топлива может хватить на 40-60 км пути по хорошей дороге. На
склонах или при поворотах лампа может загораться из-за колебаний
топлива в баке.

Контрольная лампа низкого давления масла в двигателе
Эта лампочка загорается при снижении давления масла в системе
смазки двигателя, но на некоторых автомобилях и при снижении уровня
масла в картере двигателя. Немедленно остановите двигатель! Проверьте
уровень масла в двигателе, при необходимости, долейте, но только
«родное», так как при смешивании возможно сворачивание масел. Если
уровень масла нормальный, а лампочка все равно горит, то на буксире
тащите машину в ближайшую мастерскую. Если вся эта история случилась с
вами где-нибудь вдали от цивилизации и вокруг никого нет, можно
попробовать выкрутить масляный датчик или масляный фильтр. Если при
проворачивании стартера из отверстия хлынет мощная струя масла (на
всякий случай будьте к этому готовы), то можно считать причиной
загорания лампочки просто дефект датчика давления масла. Это случается
довольно часто. В том, что в двигателе есть какое-то давление масла,
можно убедиться открутив крышку маслозаливной горловины. При работающем
(на холостом ходу) двигателе из маслозаливной горловины будут вылетать
капельки моторного масла. Если оно, конечно, есть под клапанной крышкой
И если это так, то какое-то давление масла в двигателе есть. Ведь
поднялось же масло наверх, в головку блока цилиндров. Движение же с
горящей лампочкой приводит к серьезной поломке двигателя. Обычный
двигатель, если в нем не была залита антифрикционная добавка в моторное
масло, в таком случае полностью разрушается примерно через 50 км.
Лампочка может мигать (при изношенном двигателе) на холостом ходу и на
крутых поворотах (торможении) при низком уровне масла в картере
двигателя, неисправном масляном фильтре, забитой сетке маслоприемника и
погнутом поддоне который ограничивает поступление моторного масла к
маслоприемнику. В этом случае конечно можно доехать до дома, но надо
поскорее устранить неисправность.

Индикатор повышенной температуры охлаждающей жидкости двигателя
Лампочка перегрева двигателя. Если она загорелась, ваши действия должны быть следующими.
1. Немедленно включить «печку» на полную мощность.
2. Перестроиться, выбрать место и остановиться. Двигатель не глушить.
3. Открыть капот и определить, работает ли электрический вентилятор
охлаждения радиатора (если он, конечно, есть), заклинена ли вязкостная
муфта (если она есть). Последнее можно определить по создаваемому ей
мощному воздушному потоку и шуму.
4. Заглушить двигатель и пощупать радиатор. Если он холодный, то,
скорее всего, неисправен термостат. Если чуть теплый — значит, или
радиатор забит грязью, или неисправна помпа. Кстати, проверьте натяжку
ее приводного ремня.
5. Дайте двигателю остыть. Когда резиновые водяные патрубки на ощупь
станут мягкими, можно открыть заливную пробку радиатора и долить в него
охлаждающей жидкости. Но если вы будете доливать жидкость в еще не
остывший двигатель, то головка блока может треснуть или стать
«домиком». И тут уже без серьезного ремонта не обойтись. Вообще-то
небольшой перегрев двигателя сам по себе ведет только к разрушению
масла, резиновых уплотнений и интенсивному износу, но если в перегретый
двигатель залить холодную воду, ко всему выше сказанному добавится
коробление головки блока цилиндров.
6. Можете продолжать движение, но при этом следует меньше давить на
педаль газа и чаще поглядывать на приборы. Лишних пассажиров желательно
высадить и двигаться в направлении гаража.
Езда при перегретом, двигателе (т.е. при горящей лампочке) приводит к
его поломке.

Индикатор низкого уровня масла в двигателе
Лампочка загорается при низком уровне масла в двигателе.
Остановитесь, заглушите двигатель и проверьте уровень масла в нем. Если
уровень нормальный, можно продолжать движение, запланировав посещение
СТО, а если уровень масла ниже нижней метки, то, в крайнем случае,
можно доехать до дома, не раскручивая двигатель более 3000 об/мин и
поглядывая на лампочку аварийного снижения давления масла.
Двигаясь с низким уровнем масла в двигателе, вы рискуете крупной суммой
денег, которая понадобится на ремонт этого двигателя, поэтому, если у
вае нет «родного» масла, чтобы долить его до необходимого уровня, может
быть, дешевле будет доехать на буксире. Как уже отмечалось выше,
доливать в двигатель первое попавшееся масло не следует.

Индикатор наличия неисправной (нештатной) лампы задних фонарей
Лампочка предупреждения об отказе задних фонарей. Загорается
при включении задних фонарей или сигналов «стоп», имеющих дефект
(обычно это перегоревшие или нештатные лампочки). Дефектные лампы
должны быть заменены по возможности скорее.

Индикатор наличия неисправной (нештатной) лампы
Если транспарант загорается при нажатии на тормоз, то непорядок
в задних сигналах «стоп». Дефектные лампы должны быть заменены при
первой же возможности. Если лампочки будут целые, но не требуемой
мощности, транспарант на панели приборов, при нажатии на тормоз, снова

Индикатор низкого уровня электролита
Загоревшаяся лампа сигнализирует о снижении уровня электролита
аккумулятора. Остановитесь, откройте капот и, отвернув пробки в крышке
аккумулятора, проверьте уровень электролита (очень часто уровень
электролита виден сквозь полупрозрачную боковую стенку аккумулятора, на
стенке которой указаны верхний и нижний уровни электролита). Если он
выше защитной сеточки над пластинами, то можно ехать дальше, но в
ближайшие планы внесите визит к автомеханику. Если, при низком уровне
электролита, вокруг аккумулятора все сухо, значит надо долить
дистиллированной воды, которую можно купить в любой аптеке. Если есть
подозрение, что уровень снизился не из-за испарения воды, а просто
электролит где-то вытек, то доливать надо не дистиллированную воду, а
электролит, который можно купить в любой приличной автобазе или в
автомагазине. В любом случае, по прибытии домой, закажите диагностику
автомобиля у автоэлектрика.

Индикатор открытой или неплотно закрытой двери
Данная лампочка будет гореть до тех пор, пока все двери,
включая задние, не будут закрыты. У некоторых автомобилей загорание
этой лампочки вызывает и не полностью закрытый капот.

Индикатор незакрытой сдвижной двери
Данная лампочка будет гореть до тех пор, пока боковая дверь для пассажиров не будет закрыта

Индикатор воздушной заслонки
Эта лампочка включится, когда вы закроете воздушную заслонку в
карбюраторе для облегчения пуска и прогрева холодного двигателя. После
прогрева двигателя кнопку воздушной заслонки надо утопить, т.е. открыть
заслонку, при этом лампочка должна погаснуть (примерно на половине
автомобилей с ручным управлением воздушной заслонкой после прогрева
двигателя кнопка утопится сама, и лампочка погаснет). При горящей
лампочке, если с «электричеством» все в порядке, можно двигаться, но
при этом будет повышенный расход топлива

Индикатор засорения воздушного фильтра
Загорается при засорении воздушного фильтра. Движение можно
продолжать, но будет наблюдаться повышенный расход топлива и снижение
мощности, особенно на больших оборотах. Фильтр необходимо продуть
сжатым воздухом или заменить его.

Индикатор включения дальнего света фар
Лампочка (обычно синего цвета) информирует о том, что у вас
включен дальний свет фар. Это, особенно в городе, может создать
проблемы для встречных и попутных автомобилей, а значит, и для вашей

Индикатор наличия воды в топливном фильтре (дизельные двигатели)
Лампочка загорается (в автомобилях с дизельным двигателем) при
заполнении топливного фильтра водой выше определенного уровня. При
загорании лампочки немедленно принять вправо и, выбрав место,
остановиться и слить из фильтра-отстойника скопившуюся там ВОДУ. Если
этого не сделать, вода может попасть в топливный насос высокого
давления (ТНВД) и вывести его из строя (скорее всего, оборвет плунжер),
после чего двигатель надолго попадет в ремонт.

Индикатор низкого уровня охлаждающей жидкости
Лампочка информирует о том, что уровень охлаждающей жидкости в
радиаторе ниже нормы. Движение продолжать можно, но надо все время
следить за температурой двигателя, т.к. в этом случае возможен перегрев
двигателя. По возможности долить «Тосол» в радиатор и в расширительный
бачок. На стенке полупрозрачного расширительного бачка есть метки
верхнего и нижнего уровней жидкости, которыми и надо руководствоваться.
При нагревании двигателя все незамерзающие жидкости сильно расширяются
и через клапан в крышке радиатора перетекают в расширительный бачок.
При остывании двигателя через другой клапан в той же крышке радиатора
жидкость засасывается из расширительного бачка обратно в систему
охлаждения двигателя (в радиатор). Неисправность крышки радиатора
нарушает эти процессы, и, в конце концов, двигатель начинает
перегреваться, что обнаруживается по указателю температуры на щитке

Индикатор низкого уровня жидкости стеклоомывателя
Данная лампочка указывает на низкий уровень жидкости в бачке
омывателя стекол и фар. Этих лампочек может быть две, если есть два
бачка омывателя стекол (передних и задних). Возле одной из лампочек в
этом случае стоит надпись «REAR», т.е. «задний». Необходимо долить
жидкость для смывания стекол при первом удобном для вас случае. Воду из
естественных водоемов лучше не использовать, т.к. в ней много мусора и
могут засориться распылители.

Индикатор перегрева катализатора
Эта лампочка означает перегрев выхлопных газов. Если она
загорелась, надо снизить нагрузку на двигатель (меньше давить на педаль
газа) и, может быть, перейти на более низкую передачу. Иначе прогорят
сначала выпускные клапаны, а потом поршни. А может быть и наоборот. На
практике эта лампочка загорается при буксировании другого автомобиля,
при езде с большой скоростью (более 180 км/час) на подъем и при
неисправности двигателя (позднее зажигание). Может она загореться и
оттого, что вы добавили в топливо какую-нибудь присадку. Если эта лампа
загорается при спокойной езде, да еще и на холодном двигателе,
продолжайте движение, но при удобном случае обратитесь в СТО. Датчик,
управляющий этой лампой, довольно часто выходит из строя.

Индикатор системы облегчения запуска (дизельные двигатели)
При загорании лампочка информирует о том, что разогреваются
свечи накаливания. Когда (через некоторое время, зависящее от
температуры двигателя), лампочка погаснет или сменит цвет с желтого на
зеленый, можно заводить двигатель. Выключение лампочки не означает, что
прекратился разогрев свечей накаливания, напряжение на которые на
большинстве машин подается даже после запуска двигателя, а означает
лишь то, что блок управления «решил», что свечи разогрелись достаточно,
пора запускать двигатель. На практике же зачастую двигатель гораздо
лучше запускается не сразу после отключения лампочки, а, например,
секунд 5-6 спустя. Если это так, то закажите проверку системы
предварительного прогрева свечей накаливания на СТО или, может быть,
просто замените эти свечи накаливания.

Индикатор непристегнутого ремня безопасности водителя
Лампочка загорается, как напоминание о необходимости надеть
ремень безопасности. Если вы этого все равно не сделаете, через
некоторое время лампочка погаснет (но не у всех автомобилей).

Индикатор непристегнутого ремня безопасности пассажира
Лампочка загорается, как напоминание о необходимости надеть ремень безопасности.

Индикатор «CHECK ENGINE» («проверь двигатель»)
Указывает на неисправность в системе управления двигателем.
Двигатель при этом может работать в «аварийном» режиме, при этом его
характеристики не соответствуют техническим требованиям (напрмиер,
расход топлива). Прежде всего следует считать коды неисправности.

Индикаторы включения обогрева заднего стекла
Информационная лампочка, которая, загораясь, указывает на то,
что включен обогрев заднего стекла. На большинстве автомобилей эта
лампочка погаснет сама, после того как специальное реле (минут через
12) отключит обогрев, даже если вы забудете его выключить.

Индикаторы указателей поворота
Индикатор мигает, когда включены указатели поворотов. Слишком
частое мигание индикатора указывает на плохое соединение в цепи
указателей поворотов или на отказ лампы указателя поворота.

Индикатор антиблокировочной системы тормозов (ABS)
После включения зажигания индикатор загорается на несколько
секунд, а затем гаснет. Если во время движения загорается индикатор, то
возможно наличие неисправностей в системе ABS. Многократное нажатие на
педаль тормоза может привести к включению индикатора на несколько

Индикатор иммобилайзера
При вынимании ключа из замка зажигания на панели приборов
загорается индикатор системы блокировки двигателя. Индикатор будет
мигать, показывая, что система включена. Индикатор гаснет при установке
зарегистрированного ключа в замок зажигания.

Индикатор системы безопасности (SRS)
После включения зажигания индикатор загорается на несколько
секунд, а затем гаснет. Если индикатор горит во время движения
автомобиля, то неисправна система SRS.

Предупреждающий индикатор
о необходимости замены ремня привода ГРМ
Лампочка загорается через каждые 100000 км пробега от
включателя одометра на щитке приборов и информирует о необходимости
смены зубчатого ремня газораспределения. Эта лампочка стоит на тех
автомобилях, у которых при обрыве ремня возникает очень серьезная
поломка (в основном это автомобили с дизельными двигателями). После
замены изношенного зубчатого ремня на новый, лампочка сама не погаснет.
Выключить лампочку можно длинной спицей через отверстие в щитке
приборов после замены ремня. В некоторых автомобилях для выключения
лампочки необходимо снимать щиток приборов.

Индикатор перегрева рабочей жидкости АКПП
Лампа загорается, когда температура масла в автоматической
коробке передач становится слишком высокой. Эта лампа зажигается при
повороте ключа в замке зажигания в положение «ON'» и гаснет после пуска
двигателя. Если она не гаснет или загорается при работающем двигателе,
снизьте обороты двигателя и остановите автомобиль в безопасном месте.
Поставьте рычаг селектора в положение «P» и оставьте двигатель
работающим на режиме холостого хода, пока лампа не погаснет.

Индикатор выключения повышающей передачи
При запрещении включения повышающей передачи (выключатель «O/D OFF» находится в отжатом положении) индикатор горит.

Индикатор выбора «спортивной» программы
Переключение на повышающую передачу происходит по достижении оборотов максимальной мощности, для улучшения динамики.

Индикатор разрешения блокировки межосевого дифференциала (4WD, АКПП)
При нажатии кнопки «C-DIFF AUTO» в электронный блок управления
блокировкой межосевого дифференциала подается сигнал о разрешении
блокировки и, при необходимых условиях, блок управления при помощи
гидромеханической муфты блокирует (полностью или частично) межосевой

Индикатор включения блокировки межосевого дифференциала (4WD. МКПП)
При нажатии выключателя «C.DIFF.LOCK» пневмопривод,
расположенный на раздаточной коробке, «жестко» блокирует межосевой

Индикаторы работы системы турбонаддува
Зеленый индикатор загорается при достижении номинального
давления наддува. Желтый индикатор загорается при превышении
допустимого давления наддува, в этом случае необходимо сбросить газ и
дать двигателю поработать при минимальной нагрузке.

Индикатор выбора «зимней» программы АКПП
При этом автомобиль будет трогаться со 2-й передачи

Индикатор «ручного» режима АКПП
Режим принудительного переключения передач (почти все
автоматические переключения запрещены)
Основное назначение — использование в зимних условиях, когда при
включении MANU и положении селектора «2» автомобиль трогается со второй
передачи и далее движется на ней.

Индикатор системы контроля за давлением в шинах
Чтобы лампа уловить спущенное колесо, требуется проехать
немалое расстояние (до 20-30 км), аналогичный путь (чтобы лампа
погасла) придется пройти и после нормализации давления. Система
контроля может работать неверно также при: использовании шин разных
размерностей, использовании докатки, при избыточном давлении в шине,
при длительном движении по бездорожью.

Индикатор включения стояночного тормоза

Индикатор включения передних противотуманных фар

Индикатор включения задних противотуманных фар

Индикатор включения полного привода

Индикатор включения блокировки межосевого дифференциала

Индикатор включения блокировки заднего дифференциала

Индикатор работы противобуксовочной системы

Индикатор работы системы курсовой устойчивости

Индикатор отключения системы курсовой устойчивости

Индикатор системы курсовой устойчивости и противобуксовочной системы

Индикатор системы TEMS

Индикатор работы системы круиз контроля

Условные обозначения DEMIO.

С каждым годом современные автомобили дополняются различными электронными системами и функциями, имеющие индикацию своей работы. В данной статье приведен список визуальных индикаторов, которые применяются в автомобилях для информирования водителя.

Индикаторы зеленого цвета, в основном, сообщают об активировании той или иной системы. Красные или желтые (или мигающие), как правило, о неисправностях или в предупредительных целях.

Предупредительные индикаторы

Задействован ручной тормоз, низкий уровень тормозной жидкatости или возможно другие проблемы в тормозной системе.

Повышенная (красный) или пониженная (синий цвет) температура системы охлаждения двигателя. Мигающий указатель — неисправности в электрике системы охлаждения.

Падение давления в системе смазки (Oil Pressure) двигателя ниже допустимого значения. Может также обозначать падения уровня масла.

Датчик падения уровня масла в двигателе (Engine Oil Sensor). Уровень масла (Oil Level) ниже допустимого значения и необходима доливка.

Падение напряжения в бортовой сети автомобиля, отсутствие заряда АКБ или другие неисправности в системе электроснабжения (с надписью MAIN — для гибрида).

Индикаторы, сообщающие о неисправностях и относящиеся к системам безопасности

Предупредительный сигнал для привлечения внимания водителя в случае нештатной ситуации (падение давления масла, незакрытая дверь и т.д.), обычно сопровождающийся пояснительной текстовой информацией на дисплее приборной панели или другим указателем.

Неисправность в электронной системе стабилизации.

Неисправности одной или более подушек системы пассивной безопасности (Supplemental Restraint System — SRS).

Индикатор отключения подушки безопасности переднего пассажира (Side Airbag Off).

Индикатор подушки безопасности пассажира (Passenger Air Bag), которая отключается автоматически. Если на сиденьи находится взрослый человек, а индикатор показывает «AIRBAG OFF», значит имеется неисправность в системе.

Отключена система боковых (занавесок) подушек безопасности (Roll Sensing Curtain Airbags — RSCA), срабатывающих при опрокидывании автомобиля. Часто встречается на склонных к опрокидыванию автомобилях (с высоким центром тяжести). Один из поводов для ее отключения — езда по бездорожью, где происходят большие крены кузова, способные вызвать срабатывание датчиков системы.

Неисправность предаварийной системы безопасности (Pre Collision or Crash System — PCS).

Индикатор активации противоугонной системы или иммобилайзера.

Сигнализирует о неисправности противоугонной системы или о каком-то сбое в ее работе.

Неисправности или перегрев автоматической КПП или других узлов трансмиссии.

Описание неисправности нужно искать в руководстве по эксплуатации автомобиля.

Встречается в основном на суперкарах и сообщает о неисправности в одном из узлов трансмиссии или о его перегреве. Есть опасность для машины стать неуправляемой.

Превышена допустимая температура в автоматической коробке передач (Automatic Transmission — A/T). Дальнейшее движение крайне не рекомендуется до охлаждения АКПП.

Электрические неисправности в автоматической трансмиссии (Automatic Transmission — AT). Продолжение движения не рекомендуется.

Индикатор режима блокировки АКПП (A/T Park — P) в позиции «P» («паркинг») может находиться на автомобилях с полным приводом и понижающим рядом в раздаточной коробке. АКПП блокируется, когда переключатель режимов полного привода находится в нейтральной позиции (N).

Неисправность в гидро- или электроусилителе рулевого управления.

Активирован стояночный тормоз.

Низкий уровень тормозной жидкости.

Неисправность в антиблокировочной системе тормозов (Antilock Braking System — ABS) или система отключена (если есть такая возможность и она задействована).

Тормозные колодки изношены до предельного уровня.

Неисправность в системе распределения тормозных усилий.

Неисправность в системе электрического парковочного тормоза.

При включенном зажигании сигнализирует о необходимости нажатия на тормоз для разблокировки переключателя передач АКПП.

Падение давления воздуха в одной или нескольких шинах более, чем на 25% от номинального значения.

При работающем двигателе сигнализирует о необходимости диагностики двигателя и его систем или о наличии неполадок в их работе. Может сопровождаться отключениием некоторых систем автомобиля до устранения неисправности. Система EPC (Electronic Power Control — электронный регулятор мощности) при обнаружении неисправности в двигателе может принудительно снизить подачу топлива.

Индикаторы системы Start-Stop (ENG Auto Stop (A-STOP)). Зеленый — двигатель выключен. Желтый — неисправность в системе.

Падение мощности двигателя по каким-либо причинам. Остановка двигателя и его перезапуск не менее чем через 10 секунд иногда решает проблему.

Неполадки в работе двигателя или электроники трансмиссии. Может также указывать на неисправность иммобилайзера или системы впрыска.

Неисправен или загрязнен кислородный датчик (лямбда-зонд). Продолжать движение не рекомендутся, потому что данный датчик напрямую влияет на работу системы впрыска.

Неисправность или перегрев каталитического нейтрализатора. Может сопровождаться падением мощности двигателя.

Проверьте крышку топливного бака.

Указывает водителю о появлении нового сообщения на дисплее приборной панели или включении другого индикатора. Может напоминать о необходимости выполнения каких-то сервисных функций или сообщать о других проблемах.

Сообщает, что водителю нужно обратиться к инструкции по эксплуатации автомобиля, чтобы расшифровать сообщение с дисплея приборной панели.

Понижен уровень охлаждающкей жидкости в системе охлаждения двигателя.

Неисправность электронной дроссельной заслонки (ETC).

Неисправна или отключена система слежения (Blind Spot — BSM) за невидимыми для водителя зонами вокруг автомобиля.

Напоминание о необходимости проведения планового техобслуживания (Maintenance Required) автомобиля, смены масла (OIL CHANGE) и т.д. Первый индикатор в некоторых автомобилях может указывать на более серьезные проблемы.

Загрязнен и нуждается в замене воздушный фильтр системы впуска двигателя.

Неисправность в системе ночного видения (Night View)/перегорели инфракрасные датчики.

Выключена повышающая передача «овердрайв» (Overdrive — O/D) в автоматической коробке передач.

Системы стабилизации и помощи в критических ситуациях

Индикаторы антипробуксовочной системы (Traction and Active Traction Control, Dynamic Traction Control (DTC), Traction Control System (TCS)): зеленые указывают, что система в данный момент выполняет какие-либо действия; желтые — система отключена или обнаружен какой-то сбой в ее работе. Поскольку она связана с системами подачи топлива и тормозной, то неисправности в этих системах могут вызвать ее отключение.

Системы стабилизации (Electronic Stability Program — ESP) и помощи при экстренном торможении (Brake Assist System — BAS) взаимосвязаны. Данный индикатор сообщает о неполадках в какой-то из них.

Неисправность в системе кинетической стабилизации подвески (Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System — KDSS).

Индикаторы систем подъема/спуска с горы, поддержания постоянной скорости, помощи при трогании с места и т.д.

Система стабилизации (Stability Control) деактивирована. Также она автоматически отключается при горящем индикаторе «Check Engine». В зависимости от производителя система стабилизации может называться по разному: AdvanceTrac, Automatic Stability Control (ASC), Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Dynamic Stability and Traction Control (DSTC), Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Interactive Vehicle Dynamics (IVD), Precision Control System (PCS), StabiliTrak, Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC), Vehicle Dynamics Control Systems (VDCS), Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA), Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) и т.д. Обнаружив скольжение колес, при помощи систем тормозов, подачи топлива и управления подвеской выравнивает положение автомобиля на дороге.

Индикатор системы стабилизации Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) или Electronic Stability Program (ESP). На машинах некоторых производителей обозначает антипробуксовочную систему Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR) и дифференциал с электронной блокировкой Electronic Differential Lock (EDL).

Задействован полный привод или система нуждается в диагностике.

Неисправность в системе помощи при экстренном торможении Brake Assist System (BAS). Влечет за собой отключение системы Electronic Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR).

Отключена система итнеллектуальной помощи при экстренном торможении (Intelligent Brake Assist — IBA), способная для предупреждения столкновения самостоятельно задействовать тормозную систему при обнаружении препятствия в опасной близости от машины. Если система не отключена, а индикатор горит — возможно неисправность или загрязнение лазерных датчиков системы.

Индикатор того, что зафиксировано скольжение автомобиля и система стабилизации вступила в работу.

Система стабилизации неисправна или не функционирует. Автомобиль продолжает управляться нормально, но без помощи электроники.

Индикаторы специальных и дополнительных систем

Отсутствие/присутствие электронного ключа в автомобиле.

Первый значек — отсутствие электронного ключа в автомобиле. Второй — ключ найден, но его батарея нуждается в замене.

Включен режим «Снег» (Snow Mode), поддерживающий повышенные передачи при движение и трогании с места. Может иметь возможность управлять подачей топлива.

Предлагает водителю остановиться и отдохнуть от вождения. Может сопровождаться звуковым сигналом или текстовым сообщением на дисплее.

Сообщает об опасном сокращении дистанции до впереди идущего автомобиля или о появлении препятствия на пути следования. Может являться частью системы «Круиз-контроль».

Индикатор легкого доступа в автомобиль с системой регулирования высоты положения кузова над дорогой.

Активирован круиз-контроль (Cruise Control) или адаптивный круиз-контроль (Adaptive Cruise Control — ACC), способный поддерживать необходимую скорость для сохранения дистанции до впереди идущего автомобиля. Мигающий индикатор может указывать на неисправность в системе.

Активирована тормозная система (Brake Hold). Растормаживание происходит после нажатия на педаль газа.

Спортивный и комфортный режим работы амортизаторов (Sport Suspension Setting / Comfort Suspension Setting).

На автомобилях с пневматической подвеской подобный индикатор указывает высоту положения кузова над дорогой. В данном случае высшее положение (HEIGHT HIGH).

Check Suspension — CK SUSP. Указывает на вероятные неисправности в ходовой части и необходимость ее проверки.

Выключена или неисправна (возможно загрязнены датчики-радары) система предупреждения столкновений (Collision Mitigation Brake System — CMBS), с помощью радара следящая за пространством впереди машины и способная без участия водителя в случае необходимости применить экстренное торможение.

Включен режим движения с прицепом (Tow Mode).

Система помощи при парковке (Park Assist). Зеленый — система активирована. Желтый — сбой в работе или загрязнены датчики системы.

Индикатор системы слежения за полосой движения (Lane Departure Warning Indicator — LDW, Lane Departure Prevention — LDP, или Lane Keeping Assist — LKA). Желтый мигающий сигнал предупреждает, что автомобиль смещается со своей полосы вправо или влево. Может сопровождаться звуковым сигналом. Желтый немигающий может указывать на неисправность. Зеленый — система активирована.

Stop Start System Function Indicators.

Неисправность в системе «Start/Stop», способной в целях экономии топлива глушить двигатель, к примеру, при остановке на красный свет, и запускать его снова при нажатии на «газ».

Водитель ведет автомобиль в режиме экономии топлива.

Активирован режим экономичного движения (ECO MODE).

Подсказывает когда лучше перейти на повышенную передачу в целях экономии топлива на автомобилях с механической КПП.

Трансмиссия находится в режиме заднего привода.

Трансмиссия находится в режиме заднего привода, но при необходимости электроника автоматически включает режим полного привода.

Задействован режим полного привода.

Задействован режим полного привода с понижающим рядом в раздаточной коробке.

Заблокирован центральный (межосевой) дифференциал и используется режим «жесткого» полного привода.

Заблокирован задний межколесный дифференциал.

Первый индикатор — полный привод отключен. Второй — в нем обнаружена неисправность.

При работающем двигателе может сообщать о неисправности в системе полного привода (4 Wheel Drive — 4WD, All Wheel Drive — AWD) или о несовпадении диаметров колес передней и задней осей.

Неисправности в системе полного привода (Super Handling — SH, All Wheel Drive — AWD). Возможно перегрев дифференциала.

Превышена температура масла в заднем дифференциале (Rear Differential Temperature). Рекомендуется остановиться и дождаться охлаждения дифференциала.

При работающем двигателе сообщает о неисправности в системе активного подруливания (4 Wheel Active Steer — 4WAS).

Неисправность в системе активного подруливания задних колес (Rear Active Steer — RAS) или система отключена. Неисправности в системах двигателя, тормозов или подвески могут вызвать автоматическое отключение RAS.

Задействована функция трогания с места с повышенной передачи. Может использоваться на автомобилях с АКПП для езды в условиях скользкого дорожного покрытия.

На автомобилях, оборудованных вариатором (Continuously Variable Transmission — CVT), загорается на несколько секунд после включения зажигания.

Неисправность в рулевом управлении с переменным передаточным числом (Variable Gear Ratio Steering — VGRS).

Индикаторы системы переключения режимов движения «SPORT», «POWER», «COMFORT», «SNOW» (Electronically Controlled Transmission — ECT, Electronic Throttle Control System — ETCS, Electronic Throttle Control, Elektronische Motorleistungsregelung). Может иметь возможность изменять настройки АКПП, подвески, двигателя.

Активирован режим «POWER» (PWR) автоматической коробки передач, при котором переключения «наверх» происходят позже, позволяя раскручивать двигатель до более высоких оборотов и, соответственно, получать большую выходную мощность. Может иметь возможность изменять настройки подвески и подачи топлива.

Специфические индикаторы для электромобиля/гибрида

Неисправность в контуре высокого напряжения или главной батареи.

Сообщает о наличии неисправности в системе электропривода автомобиля. Смысл тот же, что и у «Check Engine».

Низкий уровень заряда высоковольтной батареи.

Низкий уровень заряда батарей. Требуется подзарядка.

Указывает на значительное снижение мощности.

Батареи находятся в процессе заряда.

Гибрид находится в режиме движения только на электротяге. EV (electric vehicle) MODE.

Автомобиль готов к началу движения (Hybrid Ready).

Неисправность в системе внешнего звукового сопровождения для предупреждения пешеходов о приближении автомобиля.

Индикатор обнаружения критической (красный) и не критической (желтый) неисправности. Встречается в электромобилях. Может иметь возможность понижать мощность вплоть до полной остановки двигателя. При загорании красного продолжать движение категорически не рекомендуется.

Индикаторы, используемые в дизельных автомобилях

Включены свечи накаливания. Индикатор гаснет после прогрева и отключения свечей.

Индикаторы сажевого фильтра (фильтра макрочастиц) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

Недостаток жидкости (Diesel Exhaust Fluid — DEF) в выхлопной системе, которая необходима для каталитической реакции, очищающей отработавшие газы.

Неисправность системы очистки отработавших газов или уровень эмиссии слишком высок.

Вода в топливе (Water in Fuel) или необходимость обслуживания системы очистки топлива (Diesel Fuel Conditioning Module — DFCM).

Индикаторы внешних световых приборов

Индикатор включения наружного освещения.

Не горит одна или более ламп наружного освещения или неисправности в цепи.

Включен дальний свет.

Задействована система автоматического переключения между ближним и дальним светом.

Неисправность в системе автоматического регулирования угла наклона света фар головного света.

Отключена система адаптивных фар (Adaptive Front-lighting System — AFS) или (возможно мигание) в ней обнаружена неисправность.

Система автоматического включения фар ближнего света в дневное время (Daytime Running Lamps — DRL).

Неисправна одна или более ламп стоп-сигнала/заднего фонаря.

Включены габаритные огни.

Включены противотуманные фары.

Включены задние противотуманные фары.

Включен поворотный сигнал или аварийная сигнализация.

Дополнительные индикаторы

Напоминание о непристегнутом ремне безопасности.

Незакрытая дверь/капот/багажник.

Остался минимальный запас топлива.

Кончается жидкость в омывателе ветрового стекла.

Источник http://pajero.us

Нашёл в интернете интересную чтуку как проверить комбинированую панель приборов. Статья была взята с сайта Mazda-Demio.ru автор статьи skuline40rus !

1. Вставить ключ
2. Нажать на кнопу одометра и держать ее
3. Завести тачилу, не переставая давить кнопку,
4. увидеть надпись «test» на одометре и отпустить кнопку.
После этого можно смотреть на разные замысловатые и не очень значения, выдаваемые компом при каждом нажатии на кнопу.
Список параметров, если кому нужен, см. ниже.

1…GAGE…Full deflection sweep (полная развёртка отклонения)
2…all…Odometer segment check (проверка одометра по сегметно)
3…bulb…Warning light check (проверка световой сигнализации)
4…r…ROM level (ROM уровень)
5…NR…ROM level and type (ROM уровень и тип)
6…EE…EE level (ЕЕ уровень)
7…DT…Manufacture date (дата изготовления)
8…CF1…1st byte configuration setting (1ая байтовая установка конфигурации)
9…CF2…2nd byte configuration setting(2рая байтовая установка конфигурации)
10…CF3…Not used (не используется)
11…CF4…Not used (не используется)
12…CF5…NVM configuration (NVM конфигурация)
13…DTC ####…Cluster diagnostic trouble codes(кодировка групп диагностических проблем)
14…E ####…Speed MPH (скорость в милях)
15…####…Speed KPH (скорость в км)
16…t ####…Tach RPM (тахометр RPM)
17…F ###…Fuel level ratio (коэф-т уровня топлива)
18…FP ###…Fuel level (уровень топлива)
19…### C…Coolant temperature degrees Celsius (температура охладителя)
20…odo ###…Odometer input (одометр градусов Цельсия)
21…tr…Trip odometer miles (пройдено одометром милей)
22…Ebd…ABS EBD status(статус)
23…ABS…ABS TT status (статус)
24…bAt ##.#…Charging system voltage(зарядное напряжение)
25…HSd…High voltage shutdown status(статус выключения высокого напряжения)
26…tnS…TNS switch input (TNSввод ключа)
27…d ###…Dimming switch input (неправильный ввод ключа)
28…rhS ##…Dimming value(тусклая велечина)
29…iin…Ignition key-in status (ключ зажигания на статусе)
30…HLP…Headlight switch status (головной свет)
31…door…Door ajar switch status (открытые двери)
32…Stbt…Seat belt status(ремень)
33…FF0G…Front foglight status(противотуманный передний свет)
34…rF0G…Rear foglight status(задний прот.тум. свет)
35…F0GF…Foglight relay status(противоугонное реле)
36…Prnd…Gear selector display value(индикатор селектора передач)
37…PaR…Park interlock solenoid status(соленойд блокировки порковки)
38…Cr…Run/Start sense circuit check(проверка значений перед запуском)
39…AC…Run/Acc sense circuit check (дежурное питание)
40…ArbC…Airbag chime status(датчик подушки безопасности)
41…Ch…Last/current chime source(прошлый/текущий источник)
42…CHE ##…MIL input(MIL ввод)
43…LCL -X…Low coolant level switch(переключатель уровня вентилятора низкий)
44…CS XX…Charging system status (система зарядки)
45…thFt…Theft indicator light (недостаток индикатора света)
46…od…Overdrive-off status (ОВЕРдрайв выключен)
47…CC…Not used(не используется)
48…PA-PD…Port A-D readings (чтение данных из таблицы)
49…PE0-PE7…Port E0-E7 readings
50…PF-PH…Port F-H readings

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Mazda Demio Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Mazda Demio

  • Page 1
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page1 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (1,1) Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page2 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (2,1) Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 3
    Mazda Motor Corporation Important Notes About This Manual Keep this manual in the glove box as a handy reference for the safe and enjoyable use of your Mazda. Should you resell the vehicle, leave this manual with it for the next owner.
  • Page 4: How To Use This Manual

    Mazda. By reading your manual, you can Please refer to the manual for a detailed find out about the features, important explanation.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (5,1) Table of Contents Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior, exterior views and part identification of your Mazda. Essential Safety Equipment Use of safety equipment, including seats, seat belt system, child-restraint systems and SRS air bags.

  • Page 6
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page6 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (6,1) Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 7
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page7 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (7,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior, exterior views and part identification of your Mazda. Interior Overview …………….1-2 Interior Equipment (View A) ………… 1-2 Interior Equipment (View B) ………… 1-3 Interior Equipment (View C) …………
  • Page 8: Interior Overview

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page8 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (8,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior Overview Interior Equipment (View A) Door-lock knob ………………..page 3-8 DSC OFF switch ………………..page 5-22 Lighting control ………………..page 5-50 Turn and lane-change signals …………….page 5-53 Instrument cluster ………………..

  • Page 9: Interior Equipment (View B)

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page9 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (9,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior Overview Interior Equipment (View B) Audio control switches ………………page 6-37 SRS air bags …………………. page 2-36 Cruise control switches ………………page 5-16 Rear window defroster switch …………….

  • Page 10: Interior Equipment (View C)

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page10 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (10,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior Overview Interior Equipment (View C) SRS air bag ………………….page 2-36 Seat belt ………………….. page 2-9 Remote fuel-filler lid release …………….page 3-18 Bottle holder ………………….

  • Page 11: Exterior Overview

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page11 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (11,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Exterior Overview Front Hood ……………………page 3-19 Windshield wiper blades ………………page 8-20 Door lock ………………….page 3-7 Fuel-filler lid …………………. page 3-18 Tires ……………………page 8-27 Light bulbs ………………….

  • Page 12: Rear

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page12 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (12,1) Your Vehicle at a Glance Exterior Overview Rear Rear wiper blade ………………..page 8-22 Liftgate ………………….page 3-10 Antenna ………………….. page 6-9 Child safety lock ………………..page 3-10 Outside mirror ………………..page 3-25 Tires ……………………

  • Page 13: Essential Safety Equipment

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page13 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (13,1) Essential Safety Equipment Use of safety equipment, including seats, seat belt system, child-restraint systems and SRS air bags. Seats ………………..2-2 Front Seats …………….2-2 Rear Seat ………………. 2-4 Head Restraints ……………..

  • Page 14: Seats

    Slide result in serious injury. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer if there is To move a seat forward or backward, raise any need to remove or reinstall the the lever and slide the seat to the desired front seats.

  • Page 15
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page15 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (15,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats qSeat Recline Do not drive with the seatback unlocked: WARNING All of the seatbacks play an important role in your protection in a Do not drive with either front seat vehicle.
  • Page 16: Rear Seat

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page16 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (16,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats CAUTION Rear Seat When returning a rear-reclined WARNING seatback to its upright position, Do not stack cargo higher than the make sure you hold onto the seatbacks or place articles on the rear seatback with your other hand while package tray:…

  • Page 17
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page17 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (17,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats qSplit-Folding Rear Seatback Never allow a passenger to sit or stand on the folded seatback while the The seatbacks can be folded down to vehicle is moving: provide more space in the luggage Driving with a passenger on the compartment.
  • Page 18
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page18 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (18,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats 4. Secure the rear seat belt in the belt clip. To return the seatbacks to the upright position WARNING Always make sure the seat belts are fully pulled out from under the seatbacks: A seat belt caught under a seatback…
  • Page 19: Head Restraints

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page19 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (19,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats 1. Verify that the seat belt is secured in Head Restraints the belt clip. Your vehicle is equipped with head restraints on all outboard seats. The head restraints are intended to help protect you and the passengers from neck injury.

  • Page 20
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page20 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (20,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seats Height adjustment Rear outboard seat To raise a head restraint, pull it up to the desired position. To lower the head restraint, press the stop- catch release, then push the head restraint down.
  • Page 21: Seat Belt Systems

    Seat belts help to decrease the possibility of severe injury during accidents and sudden stops. Mazda recommends that the driver and all passengers always wear seat belts. All of the seat belt retractors are designed to keep the lap/shoulder belts out of the way when not in use.

  • Page 22
    Using a damaged seat belt is dangerous. An accident could damage the belt webbing of the seat belt in use. A damaged seat belt cannot provide adequate protection in a collision. Have an Authorized Mazda Dealer inspect all seat belt systems in use during an accident before they are used again.
  • Page 23
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page23 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (23,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems CAUTION Belt retraction may become difficult if the belts and rings are soiled, so try to keep them clean. For more details about cleaning the seat belts, refer to “Cleaning the Lap/Shoulder Belt Webbing”…
  • Page 24
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page24 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (24,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems qAutomatic Locking Mode Always use the automatic locking mode to keep the child-restraint system from shifting to an unsafe position in the event of an accident. To enable seat belt automatic locking mode, pull it all the way out and connect it as instructed on the child-restraint system.
  • Page 25: Seat Belt

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page25 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (25,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems WARNING Seat Belt Positioning the Shoulder Portion of the qFastening the Seat Belt Seat Belt: Improper positioning of the shoulder 1. Grasp the seat belt tongue. portion of the seat belt is dangerous.

  • Page 26
    If a belt does not fully retract, inspect it for kinks and twists. If it is still not retracting WARNING properly, have it inspected at an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Positioning the Shoulder Portion of the Seat Belt: Improper positioning of the shoulder portion of the seat belt is dangerous.
  • Page 27: Front Seat Belt Pretensioner And Load Limiting Systems

    Even if the pretensioners have not deployed, the load limiting function must be checked by an Authorized Mazda Dealer after any collision. 2-15 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…

  • Page 28
    Ask an Authorized Mazda switched ON. If any of these occur, Dealer how to safely dispose of the consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as pretensioner system or how to scrap soon as possible. The system may not a pretensioner-equipped vehicle.
  • Page 29: Seat Belt Extender

    35 minutes. one that provides the necessary additional Have your vehicle inspected at an length to fasten the seat belt properly. Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as Please contact your Authorized Mazda possible. Dealer for more information.

  • Page 30
    SRS driver’s (or front passenger’s) air use the extender in a different vehicle bag system will determine that the or seat. If you sell your Mazda, do driver (or front passenger) is wearing not leave your seat belt extender in the seat belt even if the driver (or the vehicle.
  • Page 31: Seat Belt Warning Light

    For the safety of the driver and front passenger, Mazda recommends not deactivating the belt Front passenger’s seat reminder.

  • Page 32
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page32 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (32,1) Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems NOTE The warning light flashes and a beep sound will be heard for about 6 seconds if the driver’s seat belt is not fastened when the ignition is switched ON.
  • Page 33: Child Restraint

    Even if the front passenger air bag is shut off, Mazda strongly recommends that children be properly restrained and child-restraint systems of all kinds are properly secured on the rear seats which are the best place for children.

  • Page 34
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page34 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (34,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint WARNING Use the correct size child-restraint system: For effective protection in vehicle accidents and sudden stops, a child must be properly restrained using a seat belt or child-restraint system depending on age and size.
  • Page 35
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page35 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (35,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint Do not install a front-facing child-restraint system on the front passenger seat unless it is unavoidable: In a collision, the force of a deploying air bag could cause serious injury or death to the child.
  • Page 36
    NOTE Your Mazda is equipped with LATCH lower anchors for attachment of specially designed LATCH child-restraint systems in the rear seat. When using these anchors to secure a child-restraint system, refer to “LATCH Child-Restraint Systems” (page 2-32).
  • Page 37: Child-Restraint System Installation Position

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page37 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (37,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint Child seat Child-Restraint System A child seat restrains a child’s body using Installation Position the harness. In this owner’s manual, explanation of child-restraint systems is provided for the following three types of popular child- restraint systems: infant seat, child seat, booster seat.

  • Page 38: Installing Child-Restraint Systems

    Follow these instructions when using a installed on the seats that take tethers to child-restraint system, unless you are be effective. In your Mazda, tethered attaching a LATCH-equipped child- child-restraint systems can only be restraint system to the rear LATCH lower accommodated in the three positions on anchors.

  • Page 39
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page39 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (39,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint 3. Secure the child-restraint system with NOTE the lap portion of the lap/shoulder belt. Inspect this function before each use of the See the manufacturer’s instructions on child-restraint system.
  • Page 40
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page40 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (40,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint Anchor bracket location (Center WARNING position) Use the tether and tether anchor only for a child-restraint system: Using the tether or tether anchor to secure anything but a child-restraint system is dangerous.
  • Page 41
    To check if your front seats have side air not deploy based on the fact that the bags: front passenger air bag deactivation Mazda vehicles equipped with side air bag indicator light illuminates, you will have a “SRS AIRBAG” tag on the should not use a rear-facing child- outboard shoulder of the front seats.
  • Page 42
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page42 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (42,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint Do not allow a child or anyone to lean 3. Place the child-restraint system on the over or against the side window of a seat without putting your weight on the vehicle with side and curtain air bags: seat and fasten the seat belt.
  • Page 43
    Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. 2-31 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…
  • Page 44: Latch Child-Restraint Systems

    Child Restraint LATCH Child-Restraint Systems Your Mazda is equipped with LATCH lower anchors for attachment of specially designed LATCH child-restraint systems in the rear seats. Both anchors must be used, otherwise the seat will bounce around and put the child in danger. Most LATCH child-restraint systems must also be used in conjunction with a tether to be effective.

  • Page 45
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page45 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (45,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint qLATCH Child-Restraint System 6. If your child-restraint system came equipped with a tether, that means it is Installation Procedure (Rear very important to properly secure the Outboard Seats) tether for child safety.
  • Page 46
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page46 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (46,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint qLATCH Child-Restraint System WARNING Installation Procedure (Rear Use the tether and tether anchor only Center Seat) for a child-restraint system: The LATCH lower anchors at the center Using the tether or tether anchor to of the rear seat are much further apart than secure anything but a child-restraint…
  • Page 47
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page47 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (47,1) Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint 3. Secure the child-restraint system using WARNING BOTH LATCH lower anchors, Use the tether and tether anchor only following the child-restraint system for a child-restraint system: manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Page 48
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page48 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (48,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Precautions The front and side supplemental restraint systems (SRS) include 6 air bags. Please verify the air bags equipped on your vehicle by locating the “SRS AIRBAG” location indicators.
  • Page 49: Srs Air Bags

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page49 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (49,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags If your vehicle is also equipped with a driver and front passenger occupant classification system, refer to the Driver and Front Passenger Occupant Classification System (page 2-50) for details.

  • Page 50
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page50 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (50,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Never use a rear-facing child-restraint system in the front seat with an air bag that could deploy: Rear-facing child-restraint systems on the front seat are particularly dangerous even though you may feel assured that a front passenger air bag will not deploy based on the fact that the front passenger air bag deactivation indicator light illuminates.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page51 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (51,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Do not attach objects on or around the area where a side air bag deploys: Attaching objects to the front seat in such a way as to cover the outboard side of the seat in any way is dangerous.
  • Page 52
    Should you sell your Mazda, we urge you to tell the new owner of its air bag systems and that familiarization with all instructions about them, from the Owner’s Manual, is important.
  • Page 53: Supplemental Restraint System Components

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page53 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (53,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Supplemental Restraint System Components Driver/Front passenger inflators and air bags Crash sensor, and diagnostic module (SAS unit) Front seat belt pretensioner and load limiting systems (page 2-15) Front air bag sensor Side crash sensors Air bag/front seat belt pretensioner system warning light (page 2-45)

  • Page 54: How The Srs Air Bags Work

    SRS Air Bags How the SRS Air Bags Work Your Mazda is equipped with the following types of SRS air bags. SRS air bags are designed to work together with the seat belts to help to reduce injuries during an accident.

  • Page 55
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page55 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (55,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags qFront Passenger Air Bag The front passenger air bag is mounted in the front passenger dashboard. The inflation mechanism for the front passenger air bag is the same as the driver’s air bag, as mentioned above.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page56 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (56,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags qSide Air Bags The side air bags are mounted in the outboard sides of the front seatbacks. When the air bag crash sensors detect a side impact of greater than moderate force, the system inflates the side air bag only on the side in which the vehicle was hit.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page57 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (57,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags In a side impact: Greater than moderate impact to one side of the vehicle will cause the curtain air bag on that side only to inflate. The side and curtain air bags will deploy only on the side the vehicle receives the force of the impact.
  • Page 58
    A system malfunction is indicated if the warning light constantly flashes, constantly illuminates or does not illuminate at all when the ignition is switched ON. If any of these occur, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. The system may not operate in an accident.
  • Page 59: Srs Air Bag Deployment Criteria

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page59 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (59,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags SRS Air Bag Deployment Criteria This chart indicates the applicable SRS equipment that will deploy depending on the type of collision. (The illustrations are the representative cases of collisions.) Types of collision A severe frontal/near frontal collision A severe side collision…

  • Page 60: Limitations To Srs Air Bag

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page60 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (60,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Limitations to SRS Air Bag In severe collisions such as those described previously in SRS Air Bag Deployment Criteria , the applicable SRS air bag equipment will deploy. However, in some accidents, the equipment may not deploy depending on the type of collision and its severity.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page61 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (61,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Roll-over 2-49 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 62: Driver And Front Passenger Occupant Classification System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page62 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (62,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Driver and Front Passenger Occupant Classification System First, please read Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Precautions (page 2-36) carefully. qDriver Seat Slide Position Sensor Your vehicle is equipped with a driver seat slide position sensor as a part of the supplemental restraint system.

  • Page 63
    ON and does not illuminate as indicated in the above chart, do not allow a child to sit in the front passenger seat and consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. The system may not work properly in an accident.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page64 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (64,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags WARNING Do not decrease the total seated weight on the front passenger seat: When an adult or large child sits on the front passenger seat, decreasing the total seated weight on the front passenger seat required for air bag deployment is dangerous.
  • Page 65
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page65 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (65,1) Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Do not increase the total seated weight on the front passenger seat: When an infant or small child sits on the front passenger seat, increasing the total seated weight on the front passenger seat is dangerous.
  • Page 66
    If the front passenger air bag deactivation indicator light still illuminates, move the passenger to the rear seat. If sitting in the rear seat is not possible, slide the front passenger seat as far back as possible. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 67: Monitoring And Maintenance

    The air bag systems do not require regular maintenance. But if any of the following occurs, take your vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible: The air bag system warning light flashes. The air bag system warning light remains illuminated.

  • Page 68
    Improper disposal of an air bag or a vehicle with live air bags in it can be extremely dangerous. Unless all safety procedures are followed, injury can result. Ask an Authorized Mazda Dealer how to safely dispose of an air bag or how to scrap an air bag equipped vehicle.
  • Page 69: Knowing Your Mazda

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page69 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (69,1) Knowing Your Mazda Explanation of basic operations and controls; opening/closing and adjustment of various parts. Doors and Locks …………….3-2 Keys ………………3-2 í Keyless Entry System …………3-3 Door Locks …………….

  • Page 70: Doors And Locks

    The keys operate all locks. If your key is lost, consult your Authorized With keyless entry system Mazda Dealer and have your code number ready. Some types of key chains cannot be Retractable attached to the retractable type key. In this…

  • Page 71: Keyless Entry System Í

    To install a new battery, refer to Maintenance (page 3-5). Additional transmitters can be obtained at an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Up to 3 transmitters can be used with the keyless entry system per vehicle. Bring all transmitters to an Authorized Mazda Dealer when additional transmitters are required.

  • Page 72
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page72 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (72,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qTransmitter NOTE Doors and the liftgate can be locked by pressing the lock button while any other Lock button door or the liftgate is open. However, the…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page73 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (73,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks 2. Insert a screwdriver into the slot and Turning off the alarm push the tab to remove the key from Press any button on the transmitter.
  • Page 74
    Authorized Mazda Dealer. If your transmitter is lost or stolen, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible for a replacement and to make the lost or stolen transmitter inoperative. CAUTION Radio equipment like this is governed by laws in the United States.
  • Page 75: Door Locks

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page75 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (75,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Always confirm the safety around the Door Locks vehicle before opening a door: Suddenly opening a door is WARNING dangerous. A passing vehicle or a…

  • Page 76
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page76 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (76,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qLocking, Unlocking with Door- NOTE When locking the doors this way, be careful Lock Knob not to leave the key inside the vehicle.
  • Page 77
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page77 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (77,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Locking, unlocking with key Locking, unlocking with door-lock switch All doors and the liftgate lock automatically when the driver’s door is All doors and the liftgate lock locked with the key.
  • Page 78: Liftgate

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page78 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (78,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qRear Door Child Safety Locks Liftgate These locks are intended to help prevent WARNING children from accidentally opening the rear doors. Use them both whenever a Never allow a person to ride in the child rides in the vehicle.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page79 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (79,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qOpening and Closing the Liftgate CAUTION Opening the liftgate Be careful not to apply excessive force to the damper stay on the liftgate…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page80 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (80,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks NOTE When the liftgate cannot be opened When the liftgate is unlocked by pressing If the vehicle battery is dead or there is a…
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    After performing this emergency measure, such as a rollover. Tie down all heavy have the vehicle inspected at an objects, whether luggage or cargo, Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as using the tie down hooks. possible. Make sure luggage and cargo are…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page82 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (82,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks 2. Lift the end of the luggage CAUTION compartment cover a little, pull it Ø Make sure the luggage outward, and remove it from the pins.
  • Page 83: Power Windows

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page83 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (83,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qOperating the Driver’s Side Power Windows Power Window The ignition must be switched ON for the Normal opening/closing power windows to operate. To open the window to the desired WARNING position, lightly hold down the switch.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page84 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (84,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Power window system initialization Jam-safe window procedure If a person’s hands, head or an object If the battery was disconnected during blocks the window during the auto-…
  • Page 85
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page85 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (85,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qOperating the Passenger Power qPower Window Lock Switch Windows This feature prevents all power windows from operating, except the driver’s power The power window may be operated window.
  • Page 86: Fuel-Filler Lid And Cap

    To close the fuel-filler cap, turn it accident. clockwise until a click is heard. CAUTION Open Always use only a genuine Mazda fuel-filler cap or an approved Close equivalent, available at an Authorized Mazda Dealer. The wrong cap can result in a serious malfunction of the fuel and emission control systems.

  • Page 87: Hood

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page87 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (87,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks CAUTION Hood If the check fuel cap warning light WARNING illuminates, the fuel-filler cap may Always check that the hood is closed not be properly installed. If the…

  • Page 88
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page88 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (88,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks qClosing the Hood 3. Grasp the support rod in the padded area and secure it in the support rod 1. Check under the hood area to make…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page89 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (89,1) Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks 3. Lower the hood slowly until it rests in the unlocked position, and then remove your hands. Push the front center edge of the hood downward until a latching sound is heard, and the hood closes completely.
  • Page 90: Security System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page90 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (90,1) Knowing Your Mazda Security System CAUTION Immobilizer System When starting the engine do not The immobilizer system allows the engine allow the following, as the engine to start only with a key the system may not start due to the electronic recognizes.

  • Page 91
    Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. indicator light keeps illuminating or If you lose a key, an Authorized Mazda flashing, the system may have a Dealer will reset the electronic codes of malfunction. Consult an Authorized your remaining keys and immobilizer Mazda Dealer.
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    Go to an Authorized Mazda Dealer and have it checked. If you shut off the engine while the light is flashing you will not be able to restart it.
  • Page 93: Steering Wheel And Mirrors

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page93 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (93,1) Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors Steering Wheel Mirrors WARNING qOutside Mirrors Never adjust the steering wheel while Check the mirror angles before driving. the vehicle is moving:…

  • Page 94
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page94 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (94,1) Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors qRearview Mirror 2. Depress the mirror switch in the appropriate direction. Rearview mirror adjustment Mirror switch Before driving, adjust the rearview mirror to center on the scene through the rear window.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page95 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (95,1) Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors WARNING Do not stack cargo or objects higher than the seatbacks: Cargo stacked higher than the seatbacks is dangerous. It can block…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page96 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (96,1) 3-28 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 97: Before Driving Your Mazda

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page97 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (97,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Important information about driving your Mazda. Fuel and Engine Exhaust Precautions ……..4-2 Fuel Requirements …………..4-2 Emission Control System …………4-3 Engine Exhaust (Carbon Monoxide) ……… 4-4 Before Starting the Engine …………

  • Page 98: Fuel And Engine Exhaust Precautions

    Fuel Requirements Vehicles with catalytic converters or oxygen sensors must use ONLY UNLEADED FUEL, which will reduce exhaust emissions and keep spark plug fouling to a minimum. Your Mazda will perform best with fuel listed in the table. Fuel Octane Rating…

  • Page 99: Emission Control System

    Ø USE ONLY UNLEADED FUEL. Ø Do not drive your Mazda with any sign of engine malfunction. Ø Do not coast with the ignition switched off. Ø Do not descend steep grades in gear with the ignition switched off.

  • Page 100: Engine Exhaust (Carbon Monoxide)

    When inhaled, it can cause loss of consciousness and death. If you smell exhaust gas inside your vehicle, keep all windows fully open and contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer immediately. Do not run the engine when inside an enclosed area: Running the engine inside an enclosed area, such as a garage, is dangerous.

  • Page 101: Before Starting The Engine

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page101 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (101,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Before Starting the Engine Before Getting In After Getting In Be sure the windows, outside mirrors, Are all doors closed and locked? and outside lights are clean.

  • Page 102: Driving Tips

    Break-In Period Money-Saving Suggestions No special break-in is necessary, but a few How you operate your Mazda determines precautions in the first 1,000 km (600 how far it will travel on a tank of fuel. Use miles) may add to the performance, these suggestions to help save money on economy, and life of your Mazda.

  • Page 103: Hazardous Driving

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page103 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (103,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips Hazardous Driving Floor Mat WARNING WARNING Be extremely careful if it is necessary to Make sure the floor mats are hooked downshift on slippery surfaces:…

  • Page 104: Rocking The Vehicle

    (35 mph), and do not allow of sand or salt. anyone to stand behind a wheel when Ask an Authorized Mazda Dealer to pushing the vehicle: perform the following precautions: When the vehicle is stuck, spinning…

  • Page 105
    CAUTION Install the chains on the front tires. Do not use chains on the rear tires. Check local regulations before using Please consult an Authorized Mazda studded tires. Dealer. NOTE Installing the chains If your vehicle is equipped with the tire 1.
  • Page 106: Driving In Flooded Area

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page106 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (106,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips Driving In Flooded Area Overloading WARNING WARNING Dry wet brakes by driving very slowly Be careful not to overload your vehicle: and applying the brakes lightly until…

  • Page 107: Driving On Uneven Road

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page107 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (107,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips Driving on Uneven Road Your vehicle’s suspension and underbody can be damaged if driven on rough/uneven roads or over speed bumps at excessive speeds. Use care and reduce speed when traveling on rough/uneven roads or over speed bumps.

  • Page 108: Towing

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page108 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (108,1) Before Driving Your Mazda Towing Trailer Towing The Mazda2 is not designed for towing. Never tow a trailer with your Mazda2. 4-12 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…

  • Page 109: Driving Your Mazda

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page109 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (109,1) Driving Your Mazda Explanation of instruments and controls. Starting and Driving …………..5-2 Ignition Switch …………….5-2 Starting the Engine …………..5-3 Turning the Engine Off …………. 5-4 Brake System …………….5-5 Manual Transaxle Operation ………..

  • Page 110: Starting And Driving

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page110 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (110,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving WARNING Ignition Switch Do not stop the engine while the qIgnition Switch Positions vehicle is moving: Stopping the engine while the vehicle is moving for any reason other than in an emergency is dangerous.

  • Page 111: Starting The Engine

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page111 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (111,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving NOTE Starting the Engine When the ignition is switched ON, the sound of the fuel pump motor operating near the fuel NOTE tank can be heard. This does not indicate an Engine-starting is controlled by the spark abnormality.

  • Page 112: Turning The Engine Off

    Emergency Starting. If the engine still does accident and serious injury. not start, have your vehicle inspected by an Authorized Mazda Dealer (page 7-17). 1. Stop the vehicle completely. 2. (Manual transaxle) Shift into neutral.

  • Page 113: Brake System

    Do not coast with the engine stalled or qFoot Brake turned off, find a safe place to stop: Coasting with the engine stalled or Your Mazda has power-assisted brakes turned off is dangerous. Braking will that adjust automatically through normal require more effort, and the brake’s use.

  • Page 114
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page114 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (114,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving qParking Brake CAUTION WARNING Ø Do not drive with your foot held on the clutch pedal or brake pedal, Before leaving the driver’s seat, always…
  • Page 115
    Have it towed to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Even if the light turns off, have your brake system inspected as soon as possible by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 116
    Do not rely on ABS as a substitute for indicator of leakage. Consult an Authorized safe driving: Mazda Dealer as soon as possible even if the The ABS cannot compensate for brake light is no longer illuminated. unsafe and reckless driving, excessive…
  • Page 117
    Have the vehicle towed to as if the vehicle had no ABS. an Authorized Mazda Dealer to have Should this happen, consult an Authorized the brakes inspected as soon as Mazda Dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 118: Manual Transaxle Operation

    Depress the clutch pedal all the way down When you hear this noise, consult an while shifting; then release it slowly. Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. A safety feature prevents accidental WARNING shifting from 5 to R (reverse). The shift…

  • Page 119
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page119 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (119,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving qRecommendations for Shifting WARNING Upshifting Do not use sudden engine braking on slippery road surfaces or at high For normal acceleration, we recommend speeds: these shift points.
  • Page 120: Automatic Transaxle Controls

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page120 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (120,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving Automatic Transaxle Controls Lock-release button Various Lockouts: Indicates that you must depress the brake pedal and hold in the lock-release button to shift (The ignition must be switched ACC or ON).

  • Page 121
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page121 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (121,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving N (Neutral) 2 (Second) In N, the wheels and transaxle are not The 2 position is helpful when driving in locked. The vehicle will roll freely even…
  • Page 122
    CAUTION If the overdrive-off indicator light flashes, the transaxle has an Overdrive button electrical problem. Continuing to drive your Mazda in this condition could cause damage to your transaxle. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. qDriving Tips…
  • Page 123: Power Steering

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page123 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (123,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving Passing Power Steering For extra power when passing another Power steering is only operable when the vehicle or climbing steep grades, depress engine is running. If the engine is off or if the accelerator fully.

  • Page 124: Cruise Control Í

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page124 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (124,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving NOTE í Cruise Control The power steering system is inoperable when the power steering malfunction With cruise control, you can set and indicator light illuminates or flashes.

  • Page 125
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page125 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (125,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving qActivation/Deactivation 3. Set the cruise control by pressing the cruise control SET /SET — switch up To activate the system, press the ON or down at the desired speed.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page126 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (126,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving qTo Increase Cruising Speed To increase speed using accelerator pedal Follow either of these procedures. Depress the accelerator pedal to accelerate To increase speed using cruise control to the desired speed.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page127 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (127,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving Your vehicle has a tap-down feature that Press the CANCEL switch. allows you to decrease your current speed in decrements of 1.6 km/h (1 mph) by a momentary tap of the cruise control SET — switch.
  • Page 128: Traction Control System (Tcs)

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page128 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (128,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving qTCS/DSC Indicator Light Traction Control System (TCS) The Traction Control System (TCS) enhances traction and safety by controlling engine torque and braking. When the TCS detects driving wheel…

  • Page 129: Dynamic Stability Control (Dsc)

    The Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) Ø Use tires of the correct size automatically controls braking and engine specified for your Mazda on all torque in conjunction with systems such four wheels. as ABS and TCS to help control side slip Ø…

  • Page 130
    (page 5-22). If the light stays on when the TCS/DSC is not switched off, take your vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. The dynamic stability control may have a malfunction. qDSC OFF Switch Press the DSC OFF switch to turn off the TCS/DSC.
  • Page 131: Tire Pressure Monitoring System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page131 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (131,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving í Tire Pressure Monitoring System The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) monitors the pressure for each tire. If tire pressure is too low in one or more tires, the system will inform the driver via the warning light in the instrument panel and by the warning beep sound.

  • Page 132
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page132 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (132,1) Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving CAUTION Ø Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label.
  • Page 133
    Authorized Mazda Dealer or a tire repair station. Do not ignore the TPMS Warning Light: Ignoring the TPMS warning light is dangerous, even if you know why it is illuminated.
  • Page 134
    Leaks need to be addressed by more than simply refilling the trouble tire as leaks are dangerous — take it to an Authorized Mazda Dealer which has all the equipment to fix tires, TPMS systems and order the best replacement tire for your vehicle.
  • Page 135
    Consult an The easiest way to do it is to have an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Authorized Mazda Dealer change your tire and A system error activation may occur in complete ID signal code registration. the following cases:…
  • Page 136
    Replacing tires and wheels CAUTION Ø When replacing/repairing the tires or wheels or both, have the work done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer, or the tire pressure sensors may be damaged. Ø The wheels equipped on your Mazda are specially designed for installation of the tire pressure sensors.
  • Page 137
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page137 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (137,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators Meters and Gauges Speedometer …………………. page 5-30 Odometer, Trip Meter and Trip Meter Selector ……….page 5-30 Tachometer ………………….page 5-31 Fuel Gauge ………………….page 5-31 Dashboard Illumination ………………
  • Page 138: Instrument Cluster And Indicators

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page138 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (138,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators qSpeedometer The speedometer indicates the speed of the vehicle. Odometer qOdometer, Trip Meter and Trip Meter Selector The display mode can be changed from…

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page139 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (139,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators qTachometer Trip meter The trip meter can record the total The tachometer shows engine speed in distance of two trips. One is recorded in…
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    The ignition must be switched ON. Press the INFO button to change the display mode. If you have any problems with your trip computer, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Outside temperature display This mode displays the outside temperature.
  • Page 141
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page141 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (141,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators When this mode is selected, U.S.A. will be displayed. CANADA NOTE Under the following conditions, the ambient temperature display may differ from the…
  • Page 142
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page142 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (142,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators When this mode is selected, REMNG will U.S.A. be displayed. U.S.A. CANADA CANADA To clear the data being displayed, press the INFO button for more than 1.5 seconds.
  • Page 143
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page143 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (143,1) Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators Average vehicle speed mode This mode displays the average vehicle speed by calculating the distance and the time traveled since connecting the battery or resetting the data.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page144 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (144,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds Warning/Indicator Lights Warning/Indicator lights will appear in any of the highlighted areas Signal Warning/Indicator Lights Page Brake System Warning Light 5-38…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page145 Monday, June 18 2012 1:48 PM Black plate (145,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds Signal Warning/Indicator Lights Page Air Bag/Front Seat Belt Pretensioner System Warning Light 5-41 Check Fuel Cap Warning Light 5-42 Seat Belt Warning Light…
  • Page 146: Warning/Indicator Lights And Beep Sounds

    System Warning Light NOTE Having to add brake fluid is sometimes an indicator of leakage. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible even if the brake light is no longer illuminated. WARNING Do not drive with the brake system warning light illuminated.

  • Page 147: Warning/Indicator Lights

    The warning light stays on for a few illuminated. Have the vehicle towed to seconds when the ignition is switched an Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the brakes inspected as soon as possible: If the ABS warning light stays on while…

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page148 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (148,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds qCharging System Warning Light If the light illuminates while driving: 1. Drive to the side of the road and park off the right-of-way on level ground.
  • Page 149
    Pretensioner System Warning Light If the check engine light remains on or flashes continuously, do not drive at high speeds and consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. qHigh Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Light (Red) If the air bag/front seat belt pretensioner…
  • Page 150
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page150 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (150,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds qCheck Fuel Cap Warning Light The seat belt warning light illuminates if the driver or front passenger’s seat is occupied and the seat belt is not fastened when the ignition switched ON.
  • Page 151
    Authorized Mazda Dealer or a tire repair station. Do not ignore the TPMS Warning Light: Ignoring the TPMS warning light is dangerous, even if you know why it is illuminated.
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    Leaks need to be addressed by more than simply refilling the trouble tire as leaks are dangerous — take it to an Authorized Mazda Dealer which has all the equipment to fix tires, TPMS systems and order the best replacement tire for your vehicle.
  • Page 153
    The light stops flashing when the ignition electrical problem. Continuing to is switched ON with the correct ignition drive your Mazda in this condition key. could cause damage to your At this time, the immobilizer system is transaxle.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page154 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (154,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds qShift Position Indicator Light qTCS/DSC Indicator Light (Automatic Transaxle) This indicates the selected shift position when the ignition is switched to ON.
  • Page 155
    If the light remains illuminated or flashing not switched off, take your vehicle to an after the engine is started, or illuminates Authorized Mazda Dealer. The dynamic while driving, turn off the engine after stability control may have a malfunction.
  • Page 156: Beep Sounds

    The air bag and seat belt pretensioner system warning beep sound will continue to be heard for approximately 35 minutes. Have your vehicle inspected at an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. WARNING Do not drive the vehicle with the air…

  • Page 157
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page157 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (157,1) Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beep Sounds qSeat Belt Warning Beep If the driver’s seat belt is not fastened when the ignition is switched ON, a beep sound will be heard for about 6 seconds.
  • Page 158: Switches And Controls

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page158 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (158,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls With AUTO position Lighting Control qHeadlights Turn the headlight switch to turn the headlights, other exterior lights and dashboard illumination on or off.

  • Page 159
    Ø The light sensor also works as a The sensitivity of the AUTO lights may be rain sensor for the auto-wiper changed by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. control. Keep hands and scrapers Refer to Personalization Features on page clear of the windshield when the 10-8.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page160 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (160,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls qHeadlight High-Low Beam qDaytime Running Lights (Canada) Press the lever forward to turn on the high In Canada, vehicles must be driven with beams.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page161 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (161,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls í Fog Lights Turn and Lane-Change Signals Use this switch to turn on the fog lights. The fog lights will improve visibility at Turn Signals night and during foggy conditions.
  • Page 162
    Authorized could result in an accident. Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. Drive to the side of the road and park off the right-of- Only use windshield washer fluid way. Wait until the weather clears before trying mixed with anti-freeze protection in to drive with the wipers inoperative.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page163 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (163,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls The sensitivity of the rain sensor can be With AUTO position adjusted by turning the switch on the wiper lever. From the center position (normal), rotate…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page164 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (164,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Ø When the wiper lever is in the NOTE AUTO position and the ignition is Switching the auto-wiper lever from the switched ON, the wipers may…
  • Page 165
    If the washer does not work, inspect the qRear Window Washer fluid level (page 8-19). If it’s normal, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. To spray washer fluid, turn the rear wiper/ washer switch to the position. After the switch is released, the washer will stop.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page166 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (166,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls í qMirror Defroster Rear Window Defroster To turn on the mirror defrosters, switch The rear window defroster clears frost, the ignition ON and press the rear window fog, and thin ice from the rear window.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page167 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (167,1) Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Horn Hazard Warning Flasher To sound the horn, press the mark on The hazard warning lights should always the steering wheel. be used when you stop on or near a roadway in an emergency.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page168 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (168,1) 5-60 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 169: Interior Comfort

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page169 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (169,1) Interior Comfort Use of various features for drive comfort, including air-conditioning and audio system. Climate Control System …………… 6-2 Operating Tips …………….6-2 Vent Operation …………….6-3 í Control Panel ……………..

  • Page 170
    It is necessary to change the filter periodically as indicated qOutside/Recirculated Air Position in scheduled maintenance (page 8-4). Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer for Use the outside air position in normal replacement of the cabin air filter. conditions. The recirculated air position…
  • Page 171: Climate Control System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page171 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (171,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System Vent Operation qAdjusting the Vents 2. Rotate the air vent left and right to adjust the direction of airflow. Directing airflow 1. Press the upper part of the air vent to open it.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page172 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (172,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System qSelecting the Airflow Mode Dashboard Vents Defroster and Floor Vents Dashboard and Floor Vents Defroster Vents Floor Vents Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 173: Control Panel Í

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page173 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (173,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System í Control Panel Rear window defroster switch A/C switch Temperature control dial Fan control dial Mode selector dial Air intake selector Some models. qControl Switches Fan control dial Temperature control dial Cold…

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page174 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (174,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System Press the A/C switch to turn the air Mode selector dial conditioner on. The indicator light on the switch will illuminate when the fan control dial is set at position 1, 2, 3, or 4.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page175 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (175,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System 3. Set the fan control dial to the desired WARNING speed. Do not use the position in cold or 4. Turn on the air conditioner by pressing rainy weather: the A/C switch.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page176 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (176,1) Interior Comfort Climate Control System qDehumidifying (With Air 4. Set the fan control dial to the desired í speed. Conditioner) Operate the air conditioner in cool or cold qWindshield Defrosting and Defogging weather to help defog the windshield and 1.
  • Page 177: Audio System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page177 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (177,1) Interior Comfort Audio System CAUTION Antenna Ø When entering a garage or other qDetachable/Collapsible Type area with a low clearance where the antenna could be hit, lower When using the radio, move the antenna the antenna to prevent it being to the position indicated in the figure.

  • Page 178: Operating Tips For Audio System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page178 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (178,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qRadio Reception Operating Tips for Audio System AM characteristics AM signals bend around such things as WARNING buildings or mountains and bounce off the ionosphere. Therefore, they can reach Do not adjust the audio control longer distances than FM signals.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page179 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (179,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Signals from an FM transmitter are similar Flutter/Skip noise to beams of light because they do not Signals from an FM transmitter move in bend around corners, but they do reflect. straight lines and become weak in valleys Unlike AM signals, FM signals cannot between tall buildings, mountains, and…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page180 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (180,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating Tips for CD Player Strong signal noise This occurs very close to a transmitter Condensation phenomenon tower. The broadcast signals are Immediately after turning on the heater extremely strong, so the result is noise and when the vehicle is cold, the CD or sound breakup at the radio receiver.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page181 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (181,1) Interior Comfort Audio System The CD revolves at high speed within A new CD may have rough edges on the unit. Defective (cracked or badly its inner and outer perimeters. If a disc bent) CDs should never be used.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page182 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (182,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Use discs that have been legitimately Do not insert any disc with a peel-off produced. If illegally-copied discs such seal affixed to it. as pirated discs are used, the system This unit may not be able to play may not operate properly.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page183 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (183,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating tips for MP3 If a disc has both music data (CD-DA) and MP3 files, playback of the two file NOTE types differs depending on how the Supply of this product only conveys a license disc was recorded.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page184 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (184,1) Interior Comfort Audio System The number of characters which can be : Folder : Track (File) displayed is restricted. Folder CAUTION This unit can only play MP3 files that have an MP3 file extension (.mp3) attached.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page185 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (185,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Multi-session A session is the complete amount of data Abbreviation for Variable Bit Rate. While recorded from the beginning to the end of CBR (Constant Bit Rate) is generally a single period of CD-ROM, CD-R/CD- used, VBR varies the bit rate for audio RW data recording.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page186 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (186,1) Interior Comfort Audio System WMA files written under specifications Song, artist, and album name other than the indicated specification information in the AAC file is recorded may not play normally or files or folder as data termed names may not display correctly.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page187 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (187,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating Tips for USB memory CAUTION This unit supports playback of MP3/ This unit plays files with the file WMA/AAC files recorded to USB extension (mp3) as an MP3 file. Do memory.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page188 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (188,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating Tips for iPod The file extension may not be provided depending on the computer operating iPod is a registered trademark of Apple system, version, software, or settings. Inc.
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    Ø If data in the iPod is lost while it is connected to the unit, Mazda cannot guarantee recovery of any lost data. Ø If the iPod battery is deteriorated,…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page190 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (190,1) MEMO 6-22 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 191: Audio Set

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page191 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (191,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Audio Set Power/Volume/Sound Controls …………….page 6-24 Clock ……………………page 6-28 Operating the Radio ………………..page 6-30 Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player ………….. page 6-32 Operating the Auxiliary jack/USB port …………..

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page192 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (192,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qPower/Volume/Sound Controls Menu button Display Power/Volume/Audio control dial Power ON/OFF Audio sound adjustment Switch the ignition to ACC or ON. 1. Press the menu button ( ) to select the function.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page193 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (193,1) Interior Comfort Audio System 2. Turn the audio control dial to adjust the selected functions as follows: Indication Turn Left Turn Right *1*2 Select mode *1*2 Select mode Decrease Increase bass bass…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page194 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (194,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Select the desired ALC mode. Setting RPT (CD/USB/iPod Repeat Play) Mode Volume change Repeated playback of the track currently No change being played can be set on or off during playback of the CD/USB/iPod.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page195 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (195,1) MEMO 6-27 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page196 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (196,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qClock Clock button Menu button Display Hour/Minute set switch Audio control dial Setting the time NOTE Switching between 12 and 24-hour clock time: The clock can be set at any time when the Press the menu button ( ) several times ignition is switched to ACC or ON.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page197 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (197,1) MEMO 6-29 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page198 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (198,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating the Radio Scan button Display Auto memory button Band selector button Tuning button Power/Volume/Audio control dial Channel preset buttons Radio ON Tuning Press a band selector button ( ) to The radio has the following tuning turn the radio on.
  • Page 199
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page199 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (199,1) Interior Comfort Audio System NOTE Press and hold the auto memory button ) for about two seconds until a If you continue to press and hold the button the beep sound is heard;…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page200 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (200,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qOperating the Compact Disc (CD) Player Menu button Display CD slot CD eject button Track up/Fast-forward button Scan button Folder up button Text button Folder down button CD play button Track down/Reverse button Audio control dial…
  • Page 201
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page201 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (201,1) Interior Comfort Audio System 2. Turn the audio control dial and select Track search ON . Press the track up button ( ) once to skip forward to the beginning of the next track. 3.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page202 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (202,1) Interior Comfort Audio System During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback MP3/WMA/AAC CD (Folder random) Folder number/File number 1. Press the menu button ( ), select the random mode and RDM will be displayed.
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    Use a commercially-available, non- impedance (3.5 ) stereo mini plug cable. Contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer for details. In addition, audio can be played from the vehicle’s audio unit by connecting USB memory or an iPod to the USB port.
  • Page 204
    Interior Comfort Audio System qError Indications If you see an error indication on the display, find the cause in the chart. If you cannot clear the error indication, take the vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Indication Cause Solution Insert the CD properly. If the error indication continues CD is inserted upside down to display, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer.
  • Page 205: Audio Control Switch Operation Í

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page205 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (205,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qAdjusting the Volume Audio Control Switch í To increase the volume, press up the Operation volume switch. When the audio unit is turned on, To decrease the volume, press down the operation of the audio unit from the volume switch.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page206 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (206,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qMute Switch NOTE The CD mode cannot be selected if a CD Press the mute switch ( ) once to mute has not been inserted. audio, press it again to resume audio The AUX mode is unavailable unless you output.
  • Page 207: Aux/Usb/Ipod Mode

    A commercially-available, non-impedance vehicle is dangerous as it could (3.5 ) stereo mini plug cable is required. distract your attention from the Contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer for vehicle operation which could lead to details. a serious accident. Always adjust the…

  • Page 208
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page208 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (208,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qHow to use AUX mode NOTE Before using the auxiliary jack/USB port, Audio Unit Audio Control refer to the instruction manual for the Switches portable audio device. Use a commercially-available, non- impedance (3.5 ) stereo mini plug for connecting the portable audio unit to the…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page209 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (209,1) MEMO 6-41 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page210 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (210,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qHow to use USB mode Menu button Display Track up/Fast-forward button Folder up button Scan button Text button Scroll button Folder down button Source change button Audio control dial Track down/Reverse button Press and hold the reverse button ( ) to…
  • Page 211
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page211 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (211,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Press the scan button ( ) during All random playback to start the scan play operation 1. Press the menu button ( ), select (the track number will flash). Press the the random mode and RDM will be scan button ( ) again to cancel scan…
  • Page 212
    USB memory. Verify that the content recorded in the USB memory has MP3/WMA/AAC files and re-connect correctly. If the message reappears, have the unit checked by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 6-44 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…
  • Page 213
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page213 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (213,1) MEMO 6-45 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page214 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (214,1) Interior Comfort Audio System qHow to use iPod mode Menu button Display Track up/Fast-forward button List up button Scan button Text button Scroll button List down button Source change button Category button Audio control dial Track down/Reverse button…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page215 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (215,1) Interior Comfort Audio System Category search Song random Press the category up button ( ) to 1. Press the menu button ( ), select select the next category. the random mode and RDM will be displayed.
  • Page 216
    If you see an error indication on the display, find the cause in the chart. If you cannot clear the error indication, take the vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. *1 Does not display while the clock is Indication Cause Solution displayed.
  • Page 217: Safety Certification

    Ø This CD player should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except qualified service personnel. If servicing is required, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Ø Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser exposure. Never operate the CD player with the top case of the unit removed.

  • Page 218: Interior Equipment

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page218 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (218,1) Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Sunvisors Interior Lights When you need a sunvisor, lower it for qIlluminated Entry System use in front or swing it to the side. When the illuminated entry system Sunvisor operates, the overhead light (switch is in the DOOR position) turns on for:…

  • Page 219: Cup Holder

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page219 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (219,1) Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Switch Cup Holder Overhead Light Position WARNING Light off Light is on when any door is open Never use a cup holder to hold hot Light is on or off when the liquids while the vehicle is moving: illuminated entry system is on…

  • Page 220: Bottle Holder

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page220 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (220,1) Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Use the center console divider to place a Bottle Holder cup or canned drink on the center console tray. Bottle holders are on the inside of the front doors.

  • Page 221: Storage Compartments

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page221 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (221,1) Interior Comfort Interior Equipment qCenter Console Tray Storage Compartments WARNING WARNING Never use a cup holder to hold hot Keep storage boxes closed when liquids while the vehicle is moving: driving: Using a cup holder to hold hot liquids Driving with the storage boxes open…

  • Page 222: Accessory Socket

    Accessory Socket Ø To prevent accessory socket Switch the ignition to ACC or ON. damage or electrical failure, pay Only use genuine Mazda accessories or attention to the following: the equivalent requiring no greater than Ø Do not use accessories that 120 W (DC 12 V, 10 A).

  • Page 223: In Case Of An Emergency

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page223 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (223,1) In Case of an Emergency Helpful information on what to do in an emergency. Parking in an Emergency …………. 7-2 Parking in an Emergency …………7-2 Flat Tire ………………7-3 Spare Tire and Tool Storage …………

  • Page 224: Parking In An Emergency

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page224 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (224,1) In Case of an Emergency Parking in an Emergency Parking in an Emergency The hazard warning lights should always be used when you stop on or near a roadway in an emergency. The hazard warning lights warn other drivers that your vehicle is a traffic hazard and that they must take extreme caution…

  • Page 225: Flat Tire

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page225 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (225,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire Spare Tire and Tool Storage Spare tire and tools are stored in the locations illustrated in the diagram. Lug wrench Jack lever Towing eyelet Flat tire belt Spare tire…

  • Page 226
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page226 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (226,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire qJack To secure the jack 1. Insert the wing bolt into the jack with To remove the jack the jack screw pointing down and turn 1.
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    In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire qSpare Tire CAUTION Your Mazda has a temporary spare tire. Ø When using the temporary spare The temporary spare tire is lighter and tire, driving stability may decrease smaller than a conventional tire, and is…
  • Page 228: Changing A Flat Tire

    Perform the removal procedure in reverse. CAUTION (With Tire Pressure Monitoring System) The wheels equipped on your Mazda are specially designed for installation of the tire pressure sensors. Do not use non-genuine wheels, otherwise it may not be possible to install the tire pressure sensors.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page229 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (229,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire qRemoving a Flat Tire NOTE Make sure the jack is well lubricated before 1. If your vehicle is equipped with a using it. wheel cover, pry off the wheel cover (With Tire Pressure Monitoring System) with the beveled end of the jack lever.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page230 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (230,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 2. Loosen the lug nuts by turning them 5. Place the jack under the jack-up counterclockwise one turn each, but do position closest to the tire being not remove any lug nuts until the tire changed with the jack head squarely has been raised off the ground.
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    Mazda is firmly in position and that it under the jack is dangerous as it cannot slip or move. could deform the vehicle body or the vehicle could fall off the jack resulting in an accident.
  • Page 232
    Starting the engine or shaking the If you lose this key, consult an Authorized vehicle while it is jacked up is Mazda Dealer or use the lock dangerous as it could cause the manufacturer’s order form, which is with vehicle to fall off the jack resulting in the registration card.
  • Page 233: Mounting The Spare Tire

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page233 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (233,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 3. Install the lug nuts with the beveled To install the nut edge inward; tighten them by hand. 1. Place the key on top of the nut, and be sure to hold the key square to it.

  • Page 234
    Because the wheel studs and lug nuts 8. Remove the tire blocks and store the on your Mazda have metric threads, tools and jack. using a non-metric nut is dangerous. On a metric stud, it would not secure 9.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page235 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (235,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 13. Thread the belt through the buckle while pressing the tire to the seatback. 11. Place the flat tire in the luggage compartment.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page236 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (236,1) In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 15. Insert the luggage compartment cover NOTE from the top of the luggage To prevent the jack and tool from rattling, store compartment opening with the cloth them properly.
  • Page 237: Overheating

    Stop the engine and call an radiator are hot: Authorized Mazda Dealer. When the engine and radiator are hot, scalding coolant and steam may 6. Make sure the cooling fan is operating,…

  • Page 238
    8-14). CAUTION If the engine continues to overheat or frequently overheats, have the cooling system inspected. The engine could be seriously damaged unless repairs are made. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 7-16 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 239: Emergency Starting

    6. If the engine fails to start, crank it without depressing the accelerator for up to ten seconds. If the engine still does not start using the above procedure, have your vehicle inspected by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 7-17 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…

  • Page 240: Jump-Starting

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page240 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (240,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting Jump-Starting Jump-starting is dangerous if done incorrectly. So follow the procedure carefully. If you feel unsure about jump-starting, we strongly recommend that you have a competent service technician do the work.

  • Page 241
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page241 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (241,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting Keep all flames, including cigarettes, and sparks away from open battery cells: Flames and sparks near open battery cells are dangerous. Hydrogen gas, produced during normal battery operation, could ignite and cause the battery to explode.
  • Page 242
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page242 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (242,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting 1. Remove the battery cover from its rear 6. When finished, carefully disconnect the side. cables in the reverse order described in the illustration.
  • Page 243: Push-Starting

    Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (243,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting Push-Starting Do not push-start your Mazda. WARNING Never tow a vehicle to start it: Towing a vehicle to start it is dangerous. The vehicle being towed…

  • Page 244: Emergency Towing

    Towing Description Do not tow the vehicle pointed We recommend that towing be done only backward with driving wheels on the by an Authorized Mazda Dealer or a ground. This may cause internal commercial tow-truck service. damage to the transaxle.

  • Page 245: Tiedown Hooks

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page245 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (245,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Towing 3. Securely install the tiedown eyelet Tiedown Hooks using the lug wrench. CAUTION Do not use the front and rear tiedown eyelets for towing the Lug wrench vehicle.

  • Page 246: Recreational Towing

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page246 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (246,1) In Case of an Emergency Emergency Towing qTiedown Hook-Rear Recreational Towing An example of recreational towing is towing your vehicle behind a motorhome. The transaxle is not designed for towing this vehicle on all 4 wheels.

  • Page 247: Maintenance And Care

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page247 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (247,1) Maintenance and Care How to keep your Mazda in top condition. Introduction ……………… 8-2 Introduction …………….8-2 Scheduled Maintenance …………..8-4 Scheduled Maintenance (USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico) ..8-4 Owner Maintenance …………..

  • Page 248: Introduction

    If you elect to perform maintenance yourself or have your vehicle serviced at a location other than an Authorized Mazda Dealer, Mazda requires that all fluids, parts and materials must meet Mazda standards for durability and performance as described in this manual.

  • Page 249
    Black plate (249,1) Maintenance and Care Introduction Any auto repair shop using parts equivalent to your Mazda’s original equipment may perform maintenance. But we recommend that it always be done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer using genuine Mazda parts. Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…
  • Page 250: Scheduled Maintenance

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page250 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (250,1) Maintenance and Care Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance (USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico) Follow Schedule 1 if the vehicle is operated mainly where none of the following conditions apply. Repeated short-distance driving Driving in dusty conditions Driving with extended use of brakes Driving in areas where salt or other corrosive materials are used…

  • Page 251
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page251 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (251,1) Maintenance and Care Scheduled Maintenance qSchedule 1 Number of months or kilometers (miles), whichever comes first Months Maintenance Interval ×1000 km ×1000 miles 22.5 37.5 52.5 ENGINE Audibly inspect every 120,000 km (75,000 miles), if noisy, Engine valve clearance adjust Drive belts…
  • Page 252
    *2 According to state/provincial and federal regulations, failure to perform maintenance on these items will not void your emissions warranties. However, Mazda recommends that all maintenance services be performed at the recommended time or mileage/kilometer period to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Page 253
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page253 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (253,1) Maintenance and Care Scheduled Maintenance qSchedule 2 Number of months or kilometers (miles), whichever comes first Months Maintenance Interval ×1000 km ×1000 miles ENGINE Audibly inspect every 120,000 km (75,000 miles), if noisy, Engine valve clearance adjust Drive belts…
  • Page 254
    *2 According to state/provincial and federal regulations, failure to perform maintenance on these items will not void your emissions warranties. However, Mazda recommends that all maintenance services be performed at the recommended time or mileage/kilometer period to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Page 255: Owner Maintenance

    The owner or a qualified service technician should make these vehicle inspections at the indicated intervals to ensure safe and dependable operation. Bring any problem to the attention of an Authorized Mazda Dealer or qualified service technician as soon as possible.

  • Page 256: Owner Maintenance Precautions

    Refer to Introduction (page 8-2) for owner’s responsibility in protecting your investment. For details, read the separate Mazda Warranty statement provided with the vehicle. If you are unsure about any servicing or maintenance procedure, have it done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer.

  • Page 257
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page257 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (257,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance WARNING Do not perform maintenance work if you lack sufficient knowledge and experience or the proper tools and equipment to do the work. Have maintenance work done by a qualified technician: Performing maintenance work on a vehicle is dangerous if not done properly.
  • Page 258: Engine Compartment Overview

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page258 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (258,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Engine Compartment Overview Brake/Clutch fluid Engine oil dipstick Battery Fuse block reservoir Automatic transaxle fluid-level dipstick (only for automatic transaxle) Cooling system cap Engine oil-filler cap Engine coolant reservoir Windshield washer fluid reservoir 8-12…

  • Page 259
    Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC), comprised of U.S. qRecommended Oil and Japanese automobile manufacturers. U.S.A. and CANADA 0W-20 full synthetic recommended: Mazda Genuine Oil is used in your Mazda –40 –20 –30 –10 vehicle and is the recommended 0W-20 lubricant.
  • Page 260: Engine Coolant

    When the engine and radiator are hot, scalding coolant and steam may shoot out under pressure and cause serious injury. NOTE Changing the coolant should be done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 8-14 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…

  • Page 261
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page261 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (261,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Inspect the antifreeze protection and CAUTION coolant level in the coolant reservoir at Ø Radiator coolant will damage least once a year at the beginning of the winter season and before traveling paint.
  • Page 262: Brake/Clutch Fluid

    Brake/Clutch Fluid If the “FL22” mark is shown on or near the cooling system cap, it is recommended to use qInspecting Brake/Clutch Fluid Level Mazda Genuine FL22 engine coolant (page 8-4). The brakes and clutch draw fluid from the same reservoir.

  • Page 263: Automatic Transaxle Fluid (Atf) Í

    If the brake/clutch system dangerous. The vehicle could move frequently requires new fluid, suddenly and cause an accident. consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 4. With the engine still idling, pull out the dipstick, wipe it clean, and put it back.

  • Page 264
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page264 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (264,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 5. Pull it out again. Fully insert the dipstick. When adding The proper fluid level is marked on the fluid, inspect with the dipstick to make dipstick as follows.
  • Page 265: Washer Fluid

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page265 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (265,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Inspect fluid level in the washer fluid Washer Fluid reservoir; add fluid if necessary. qInspecting Washer Fluid Level WARNING Use only windshield washer fluid or plain water in the reservoir: Using radiator antifreeze as washer fluid is dangerous.

  • Page 266: Body Lubrication

    Be careful not to pinch hands or fingers as it may cause injury, or damage the wipers. When washing or servicing your Mazda, make sure the wiper lever is in the OFF position. Contamination of either the windshield or the blades with foreign matter can reduce wiper effectiveness.

  • Page 267
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page267 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (267,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance qReplacing Windshield Wiper Blades 2. Hold the end of the rubber and pull until the tabs are free of the metal When the wipers no longer clean well, the support.
  • Page 268
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page268 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (268,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance CAUTION CAUTION Ø Don’t bend or discard the To prevent damage to the wiper arm stiffeners. You need to use them and other components, do not try to again.
  • Page 269
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page269 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (269,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 5. Carefully insert the new blade rubber. CAUTION Then install the blade assembly in the To prevent damage to the rear reverse order of removal. window let the wiper arm down easily, do not let it slap down on the rear window.
  • Page 270: Battery

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page270 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (270,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Battery WARNING Wash hands after handling the battery and related accessories: Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Read the following precautions carefully before using the battery or inspecting to ensure safe and correct handling: Always wear eye protection when working near the battery:…

  • Page 271
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page271 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (271,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Keep all flames, including cigarettes, and sparks away from open battery cells: Flames and sparks near open battery cells are dangerous. Hydrogen gas, produced during normal battery operation, could ignite and cause the battery to explode.
  • Page 272
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page272 Monday, June 18 2012 1:49 PM Black plate (272,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance qInspecting Electrolyte Level NOTE Remove the battery cover before performing A low level of electrolyte fluid will cause battery maintenance. the battery to discharge quickly. Upper level Lower level qBattery Maintenance…
  • Page 273: Tires

    Using Wrong-Sized Tires: accident. Do not use any part for the Using any other tire size than what is tire valve cap that is not a Mazda- specified for your Mazda (page 10-6) genuine part. is dangerous. It could seriously affect…

  • Page 274
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page274 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (274,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance í The Tire Pressure Monitoring System NOTE does not alleviate the need to check the Always check tire pressure when tires are tire condition every day, including cold.
  • Page 275
    Out-of-balance wheel When replacing/repairing the tires or Severe braking wheels or both, have the work done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer, or After rotation, inflate all tire pressures to the tire pressure sensors may be specification (page 10-6) and inspect the damaged.
  • Page 276
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page276 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (276,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance If a tire wears evenly, a wear indicator The temporary spare tire is easier to will appear as a solid band across the handle because of its construction which tread.
  • Page 277
    Ø (With Tire Pressure Monitoring System) Ø When replacing/repairing the tires or wheels or both, have the work done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer, or the tire pressure sensors may be damaged. Ø The wheels equipped on your Mazda are specially designed for installation of the tire pressure sensors.
  • Page 278: Light Bulbs

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page278 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (278,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Light Bulbs Headlights Overhead light Front turn signal lights Side turn signal lights Parking lights/Front side- marker lights Fog lights High-mount brake light Brake lights/Taillights (Rear side-marker lights) License plate light Luggage compartment light…

  • Page 279
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page279 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (279,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 3. Turn the screws and the center section WARNING of the plastic retainers Never touch the glass portion of a counterclockwise and remove them, halogen bulb with your bare hands and then partially peel back the mudguard.
  • Page 280
    10. Install the new bulb in the reverse order of removal. NOTE To replace the bulb, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. If the halogen bulb is accidentally touched, it should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol before being used. Use the protective cover and carton of the…
  • Page 281
    NOTE right. To replace the bulb, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. If the halogen bulb is accidentally touched, it should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol before being used. Use the protective cover and carton of the replacement bulb to dispose of the old bulb promptly out of the reach of children.
  • Page 282
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page282 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (282,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 3. Turn the screws and the center section Side turn signal lights of the plastic retainers 1. Make sure the ignition is switched off counterclockwise and remove them, and the headlight switch is off.
  • Page 283
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page283 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (283,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Brake lights/Taillights (Rear side Brake lights/Taillights (Rear side marker lights)/Rear turn signal lights/ marker lights) Reverse lights 1. Make sure the ignition is switched off and the headlight switch is off.
  • Page 284
    Due to the complexity and difficulty of Overhead light the procedure, the LED bulbs must be 1. Wrap a small flathead screwdriver with replaced by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. a soft cloth to prevent damage to the NOTE lens and remove the lens by carefully…
  • Page 285: Fuses

    If a fuse has blown, the inside element will be melted. If the same fuse blows again, avoid using that system and consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. qFuse Replacement Replacing the fuses on the vehicle’s left side…

  • Page 286
    If it does not fit tightly, have an expert install it. We recommend an Authorized Mazda Dealer. If you have no spare fuses, borrow one of the same rating from a circuit not essential to vehicle operation, such as the MIRROR or CIGAR circuit.
  • Page 287
    Black plate (287,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance WARNING Do not replace the main fuse by yourself. Have an Authorized Mazda Dealer perform the replacement: Replacing the fuse by yourself is dangerous because the MAIN fuse is a high current fuse. Incorrect…
  • Page 288: Fuse Block Engine Compartment

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page288 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (288,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance qFuse Panel Description Fuse block (Engine compartment) FUSE DESCRIPTION PROTECTED COMPONENT RATING FUEL HEAT FUEL PUMP 15 A Fuel pump í F.FOG 15 A Fog lights 20 A Power windows…

  • Page 289
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page289 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (289,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance FUSE DESCRIPTION PROTECTED COMPONENT RATING ENG INJ 15 A Engine control system ENG INJ2 H/L HI RH H/L HI LH DCDC3 H/L LO RH 15 A Headlight (RH) H/L LO LH…
  • Page 290
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page290 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (290,1) Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Fuse block (Left side) FUSE DESCRIPTION PROTECTED COMPONENT RATING ILLUMI 7.5 A Dashboard illumination CIGAR 15 A Accessory Socket MIRROR 7.5 A Power control mirror í…
  • Page 291: Appearance Care

    Occurrence Prevention Industrial pollutants and vehicle emissions It is necessary to have your Mazda drift into the air and mix with rain or dew to form acids. These acids can settle on a washed and waxed to preserve its finish vehicle’s finish.

  • Page 292
    The rings Chipped paint can lead to rust forming on can damage your vehicle’s finish. your Mazda. Before this happens, repair the damage by using Mazda touch-up paint Prevention according to the instructions in this section.
  • Page 293: Exterior Care

    NOTE Keep hands and scrapers clear of Mazda is not responsible for scratches the windshield when the wiper caused by automatic car washes or lever is in the AUTO position and improper washing.

  • Page 294
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page294 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (294,1) Maintenance and Care Appearance Care WARNING CAUTION Ø Do not use steel wool, abrasive Dry off brakes that have become wet by driving slowly, releasing the cleaners, or strong detergents accelerator pedal and lightly applying containing highly alkaline or the brakes several times until the brake…
  • Page 295
    CAUTION serious accident. Light braking will indicate whether the brakes have If your Mazda is damaged and needs been affected. metal parts repaired or replaced, make sure the body shop applies í…
  • Page 296
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page296 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (296,1) Maintenance and Care Appearance Care NOTE High water temperature and high water pressure car washers are available Do not use a wire brush or any abrasive depending on the type of high pressure cleaner, polishing compound, or solvent on car washer device.
  • Page 297: Interior Care

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page297 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (297,1) Maintenance and Care Appearance Care í Leather Interior Care Remove dust and sand first using a WARNING vacuum cleaner or other means, then wipe dirt off using a soft cloth with a leather Do not spray water in the cabin: cleaner or a soft cloth soaked in mild Splashing water on electrical parts…

  • Page 298
    WARNING Fabric Have an Authorized Mazda Dealer Remove dust and loose dirt from fabric replace damaged seat belts with a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner. immediately: Clean it with a mild soap solution good Using damaged seat belts is for upholstery and carpets.
  • Page 299
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page299 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (299,1) Maintenance and Care Appearance Care qCleaning the Window Interiors If the windows become covered with an oily, greasy, or waxy film, clean them with glass cleaner. Follow the directions on the container.
  • Page 300
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page300 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (300,1) 8-54 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 301
    Distributor in Each Area ….9-11 Reporting Safety Defects ……. 9-41 Warranty ……….9-12 Reporting Safety Defects (U.S.A.) ..9-41 Warranties for Your Mazda ….9-12 Reporting Safety Defects (Canada) … 9-42 Outside the United States and Canada ……….9-13 Service Publications ……
  • Page 302: Customer Assistance

    Answers to many questions, including how to locate or contact a local Mazda dealership in the U.S., can be found here. E-mail: click on Contact Us located on the Inside Mazda tab, or at the bottom of the page at www.mazdaUSA.com By phone at: 1 (800) 222-5500 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H…

  • Page 303: Customer Assistance (Canada)

    Mazda North American Operations realizes that mutual agreement on some issues may not be possible. As a final step to ensure that your concerns are being fairly considered, Mazda North American Operations has agreed to participate in a dispute settlement program administered by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) system, at no cost to you the consumer.

  • Page 304
    Mazda or one of our dealers, and a statement of the relief you are seeking. 5. BBB AUTO LINE staff may try to help resolve your dispute through mediation. If…
  • Page 305
    AND the nonconformity has been subject to repair two or more times by Mazda or its agents AND the buyer or lessee has directly notified Mazda of the need for the repair of the nonconformity; OR…
  • Page 306
    11. If you accept the arbitrator’s decision, Mazda will be bound by the decision, and will comply with the decision within a reasonable time not to exceed 30 days after we receive notice of your acceptance of the decision.
  • Page 307
    Your complete and permanent satisfaction is of primary concern to Mazda. All Authorized Mazda Dealers have both the knowledge and tools to keep your Mazda in top condition. In our experience, any questions, problems, or complaints regarding the operation of your Mazda or any other general service transactions are most effectively resolved by your dealer.
  • Page 308
    If a specific item of concern arises, where a solution cannot be reached between an owner, Mazda, and/or one of its dealers (that all parties cannot agree upon), the owner may wish to use the services offered by the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).
  • Page 309
    1 (800) 207-0685 Ontario 1 (800) 207-0685 Atlantic Canada 1 (800) 207-0685 Quebec 1 (800) 207-0685 qRegional Offices REGIONAL OFFICES AREAS COVERED MAZDA CANADA INC. WESTERN REGION ALBERTA, 8171 ACKROYD ROAD BRITISH COLUMBIA, SUITE 2000 MANITOBA, RICHMOND B.C. SASKATCHEWAN, V6X 3K1…
  • Page 310: Customer Assistance (Puerto Rico)

    1 Discuss the matter with an Authorized Mazda Dealer. This is the quickest and best way to address the issue. If your concern has not been resolved by the CUSTOMER RELATIONS, SALES, SERVICE, or PARTS MANAGER, then please contact the GENERAL MANAGER of the dealership or the OWNER.

  • Page 311: Mazda Importer/Distributors

    Irvine, CA 92623-9734 U.S.A. (905) 787-7000 (outside Canada) TEL: 1 (800) 222-5500 (in U.S.A.) qPUERTO RICO/U.S. Virgin Island (949) 727-1990 (outside U.S.A.) Plaza Motors Corp. (Mazda de Puerto Rico) P.O. Box 362722, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-2722 TEL: (787) 641-9300…

  • Page 312: Warranty

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page312 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (312,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Warranty Warranties for Your Mazda New Vehicle Limited Warranty Powertrain Limited Warranty Safety Restraint System Limited Warranty Anti-perforation Limited Warranty Federal Emission Control Warranty/California Emission Control Warranty…

  • Page 313: Outside The United States And Canada

    Proper repair facilities, tools, testing equipment, and replacement parts may not be available. The Mazda warranty applies only to Mazda vehicles registered and normally operated in the United States, its territories, and Canada. 9-13 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H…

  • Page 314: Outside The United States

    We strongly recommend that you NOT take your Mazda outside the United States. However, in the event that you are moving to Canada permanently, Mazda vehicles built for use in the United States could be eligible for exportation to Canada with specific vehicle modifications to comply with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS).

  • Page 315: Outside Canada

    We strongly recommend that you NOT take your Mazda outside Canada. However, in the event that you are moving to the United States permanently, Mazda vehicles built for use in Canada could be eligible for exportation to the United States with specific vehicle modifications to comply with the United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).

  • Page 316: Registering Your Vehicle In A Foreign

    Parts, servicing techniques, and tools necessary to maintain and repair your vehicle may be unavailable. There might not be an Authorized Mazda Dealer in the country you plan to take your vehicle. The Mazda warranty is valid only in certain countries.

  • Page 317: Add-On Non-Genuine Parts And Accessories

    Non-genuine parts and accessories for Mazda vehicles can be found in stores. These may fit your vehicle, but they are not approved by Mazda for use with Mazda vehicles. When you install non-genuine parts or accessories, they could affect your vehicle’s performance or safety systems;…

  • Page 318: Cell Phones

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page318 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (318,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Cell Phones Cell Phones Warning WARNING Please comply with the legal regulations concerning the use of communication equipment in vehicles in your State or Province: Use of any electrical devices such as cell phones, computers, portable radios, vehicle navigation or other devices by the driver while the vehicle is moving is dangerous.

  • Page 319: Event Data Recorder

    EDR. Mazda will not disclose any of the data recorded in an EDR to a third party unless: A written agreement from the vehicle owner or the lessee is obtained…

  • Page 320: Uniform Tire Quality Grading System

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page320 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (320,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) This information relates to the tire grading system developed by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for grading tires by tread wear, traction, and temperature performance.

  • Page 321
    These grades will be added to the sidewalls of passenger vehicle tires over the next several years according to a schedule established by the NHTSA and the tire manufacturers. The grade of tires available as standard or optional equipment on Mazda vehicles may vary with respect to grade.
  • Page 322: Tire Information (Except Canada)

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page322 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (322,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Tire Labeling Federal law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized information on the sidewall of all tires. This information identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics of the tire and also provides a tire identification number for safety standard certification and in case of a recall.

  • Page 323
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page323 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (323,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) 11. Max. load rating 12. Tread wear, traction and temperature grades 13. Max. permissible inflation pressure 14. SAFETY WARNING P215/65R15 95H is an example of a tire size and load index rating.
  • Page 324
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page324 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (324,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) H is the speed rating. The speed rating denotes the maximum speed for which the use of the tire is rated. Letter Rating Speed Rating 99 mph…
  • Page 325
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page325 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (325,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Tread Wear, Traction and Temperature Grades Tread wear: The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course.
  • Page 326
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page326 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (326,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) qInformation on Temporary Tires Please refer to the sample below. 1. Temporary tires 2. Nominal width of tire in millimeters 3.
  • Page 327
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page327 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (327,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) 70 is the aspect ratio. This two-digit number indicates the tire’s ratio of height to width. D is the tire construction symbol. D indicates diagonal ply construction . 16 is the wheel rim diameter in inches.
  • Page 328: Location Of The Tire Label

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page328 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (328,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Location of the Tire Label (Placard) You will find the tire label containing tire inflation pressure by tire size and other important information on the driver’s side B-pillar or on the edge of the driver’s door frame.

  • Page 329
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page329 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (329,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) WARNING Always check the tire inflation pressures on a regular basis according to the recommended tire inflation pressure on the tire label and in conjunction with the information in this owner’s manual: Driving your vehicle with under-inflated tires is dangerous.
  • Page 330
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page330 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (330,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) qGlossary of Terms Tire Placard: A label indicating the OE tire sizes, recommended inflation pressure, and the maximum weight the vehicle can carry. Tire Identification Number (TIN): A number on the sidewall of each tire providing information about the tire brand and manufacturing plant, tire size, and date of manufacture.
  • Page 331: Tire Maintenance

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page331 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (331,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Tire Maintenance Improper or inadequate vehicle maintenance can cause tires to wear abnormally. Here are some important maintenance points: qTire Inflation Pressure Inspect all tire pressure monthly (including the spare) when the tires are cold.

  • Page 332
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page332 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (332,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) qReplacing a Tire WARNING Always use tires that are in good condition: Driving with worn tires is dangerous. Reduced braking, steering, and traction could result in an accident.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page333 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (333,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) CAUTION If you feel a sudden vibration or ride disturbance while driving or you suspect your tire or vehicle has been damaged, immediately reduce your speed. Drive with caution until you can safely pull off the road.
  • Page 334: Vehicle Loading

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page334 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (334,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Vehicle Loading WARNING Do not tow a trailer with this vehicle: Towing a trailer with this vehicle is dangerous because it has not been designed to tow a trailer and doing so will affect the drive system which could result in vehicle damage.

  • Page 335
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page335 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (335,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Base Curb Weight is the weight of the vehicle including a full tank of fuel and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, cargo, or optional equipment. Vehicle Curb Weight is the weight of your new vehicle when you picked it up from your dealer plus any aftermarket equipment.
  • Page 336
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page336 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (336,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) SAMPLE CARGO Cargo Weight includes all weight added to the Base Curb Weight, including cargo and optional equipment. The cargo weight limit decreases depending on the number of vehicle occupants. The cargo weight limit can be calculated by subtracting the total weight of the vehicle occupants from the combination weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed value on the tire label.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page337 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (337,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Examples: Based on a single occupant weight of 68 kg (150 lbs), and a value of 385 kg (849 lbs) for the combination weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed : The cargo weight limit with one occupant is 385 kg (849 lbs) _ 68 kg (150 lbs) = 317 kg (699 lbs) The cargo weight limit with two occupants is 385 kg (849 lbs) _ (68 ×…
  • Page 338
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page338 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (338,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) SAMPLE WARNING Exceeding Axle Weight Rating Limits: Exceeding the Safety Certification Label axle weight rating limits is dangerous and could result in death or serious injury as a result of substandard vehicle handling, performance, engine, transmission and/or structural damage, serious damage to the vehicle, or loss of control.
  • Page 339
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page339 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (339,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) GCW (Gross Combination Weight) is the weight of the loaded vehicle (GVW). GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) is the maximum allowable weight of the vehicle — including all cargo and passengers — that the vehicle can handle without risking damage.
  • Page 340: Steps For Determining The Correct Load Limit

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page340 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (340,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Tire Information (except Canada) Steps for Determining the Correct Load Limit Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit- (1) Locate the statement The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs on your vehicle’s placard.

  • Page 341: Reporting Safety Defects

    Irvine, California 92618-2922 P.O. Box 19734 Irvine, CA 92623-9734 Customer Assistance Center or toll free at 1 (800) 222-5500 If you live outside of the U.S.A., please contact the nearest Mazda Distributor shown (page 9-11) in this booklet. 9-41 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com…

  • Page 342: Reporting Safety Defects (Canada)

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page342 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (342,1) Customer Information and Reporting Safety Defects Reporting Safety Defects Reporting Safety Defects (Canada) Canadian customers who wish to report a safety-related defect to Transport Canada, Defect Investigations and Recalls, may telephone the toll free hotline 1-800-333-0510, or contact Transport Canada by mail at: Transport Canada, ASFAD, Place de Ville Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0N5.

  • Page 343: Service Publications

    Factory-authorized Mazda service publications are available for owners who wish to do some of their own maintenance and repair. When requesting any of our publications through an Authorized Mazda Dealer, refer to the chart below. If they do not have what you need in stock, they can order it for you.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page344 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (344,1) 9-44 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page345 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (345,1) Specifications Technical information about your Mazda. Identification Numbers …………… 10-2 Vehicle Information Labels …………. 10-2 Specifications …………….10-4 Specifications …………….10-4 Personalization Features …………10-8 Personalization Features …………10-8 10-1 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H…
  • Page 346: Identification Numbers

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page346 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (346,1) Identification Numbers qChassis Number Vehicle Information Labels Open the cover shown in the figure to qVehicle Identification Number check the chassis number. The vehicle identification number legally identifies your vehicle. The number is on a plate attached to the cowl panel located on the left corner of the dashboard.

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page347 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (347,1) Identification Numbers qTire Pressure Label qEngine Number Forward 10-3 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 348
    Item Classification Battery 12V-50Ah/20HR, 12V-65Ah/20HR Spark-plug number Mazda Genuine spark plug ZJY6-18-110, Z6B7-18-110 CAUTION When cleaning the iridium plugs, do not use a wire brush. The fine particulate coating on the iridium alloy and platinum tips could be damaged. qLubricant Quality…
  • Page 349
    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page349 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (349,1) Specifications qCapacities (Approximate Quantities) Item Capacity With oil filter replacement 3.9 L (4.1 US qt, 3.4 Imp qt) Engine oil Without oil filter replacement 3.7 L (3.9 US qt, 3.3 Imp qt) Manual transaxle 5.1 L (5.4 US qt, 4.5 Imp qt) Coolant…
  • Page 350
    NOTE The tires have been optimally matched with the chassis of your vehicle. When replacing tires, Mazda recommends that you replace tires of the same type originally fitted to your vehicle. For details, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Check the tire pressure label for tire size and inflation pressure. Refer to Tire Inflation Pressure on page 8-27.
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page351 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (351,1) Specifications qFuses Refer to Fuses on page 8-39. 10-7 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…
  • Page 352: Personalization Features

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page352 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (352,1) Personalization Features Personalization Features The following Personalization Features are available. These settings can only be changed by an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Item Feature Factory Setting Available Settings Standard Earlier/…

  • Page 353: Index

    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page353 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (353,1) Index 11-1 Form No.8CL7-EA-12H Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine…

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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page354 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (354,1) Index Accessory Socket ……6-54 Brake/Clutch Add-On Non-Genuine Parts and Fluid ……….. 8-16 Accessories ……..9-17 Brakes Air Bag Systems ……. 2-36 Anti-lock brake system (ABS) ..5-8 Antenna ……….6-9 Brakes assist ………
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page355 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (355,1) Index Defroster Engine Coolant Mirror ……… 5-58 Overheating …….. 7-15 Rear window ……5-58 Event Data Recorder ……9-19 Dimensions ……..10-5 Exhaust Gas ……..4-4 Door Locks ……… 3-7 Exterior Care ……..
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page356 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (356,1) Index Keyless Entry System ……3-3 Head Restraint ……..2-7 Keys ………… 3-2 Headlights Control ……..5-50 Flashing ……..5-52 High-low beam ……5-52 Label Information ……10-2 On reminder ……. 5-51 Lane-Change Signals ……
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page357 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (357,1) Index Paint Damage ……..8-45 Seats Parking Brake ……..5-6 Front seat ……..2-2 Parking in an Emergency ….7-2 Head restraint ……. 2-7 Personalization Features ….10-8 Rear seat ……..2-4 Power Door Locks ……
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    Mazda2_8CL7-EA-12H_Edition1 Page358 Monday, June 18 2012 1:50 PM Black plate (358,1) Index Warning Lights ……… 5-36 Tire Pressure Monitoring System ..5-23 ABS ……….5-39 System error activation ….5-27 Air bag system ……5-41 Tire pressure monitoring system Brake system ……5-38 warning light ……

Подскажи на мазду демио год белая пеналь прибора подойдёт, а-то у меня без тахометра, если да то откакой. Я старался снять но нечего не вышло. У меня Мазда Демио г.

Ещё надо вытащить две фишки

Запчасти Mazda Demio

Поменял больше полугода назад панель приборов,теперь с тахометром стоит. Все нормально работало. Спасибо вам за видео. Но несколько дней назад,глюк начался.

Не работают стрелки,все лежат,одометр показывает прочерки. Индикаторы работают. Лазил по форумам,вроде как сбросить ошибку.

самореза снял

Снятие панели приборов Mazda Demio

Отключить аккум и нажать педаль тормоза. Несколько раз попробывал,вроде заработало!!! Ну вообщем открутил три самореза снял кожух рулевой мазда демио приборная панель. При полном натяге тросика приборка немного вытаскивается и появляется возможность буквой ЗЮ просунуть НЕБОЛЬШУЮ ладонь в кишки этого безобразия… Ещё надо вытащить две фишки слево и с право для того что бы приборку загнуть ещё сильнее.

Что бы это сделать я советовался с moskga в онлайн режиме: Без него я бы хер поменял эти лампочки… Ну вообщем то с такой та матерью я всё мазда демио приборная панель смог расположить панель приборов так что без особого труда поменял обе лампы.

Заодно и вычистил там всю вековую грязь… Ну сборка в обратном порядке. Средний же расход топлива обозначает отношение израсходованного топлива к пройденному расстоянию после последнего обнуления бортового компьютера. Средняя скорость определяется, начиная с момента последнего обнуления мазда демио приборная панель компьютера и рассчитывается делением пройденного пути на время поездки.

мазда демио приборная панель

Пройденный путь — расстояние, пройденное после последнего обнуления. Вот и все фикции, которые позволяет использовать бортовой компьютер.

Снятие и установка приборной панели Итак, давайте начнем по порядку. Какие нужно выполнить действия, чтобы разобрать головное устройство?

Первым шагом нужно снять панельку, чтобы это осуществить, нужно открыть бардачок и нажать внутри него на зажимы. Затем просто оттягиваем панель от торпедо. Необходимо открутить два болтика, которые держат головное устройство.

если да то

мазда демио приборная панель

Тянем за головное устройство до тех пор, пока оно не выйдет из торпедо целиком. Отсоединяем провода антенны и сети. Полностью убираем головное устройство из машины.

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