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Compact Controller for Stand-by and Parallel Operating Gen-sets



Modular Controller

Troubleshooting guide



Software version IGS-NT-3.1.0, IM-NT-3.1.0, August 2018




U Uranie 1612/14a, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic

Tel: +420

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E-mail: info@comap-control.com, www.comap-control.com


, InteliSys


+266 31 66 47



Managemant System

ISO 13485:2003



Summary of Contents for ComAp InteliSys NT

Описание на модульный контроллер ComAp MRS10-11-15-16Это описание очень хорошо описывает модуль контроля CompApMRS10-11-15-16

  • InteliLite

    InteliLite MRS

    (IL-CU MRS10/11/15/16) : 3 ? 3 3 ( ) 3 ? 4 iGL — RA15 4 iG
    IOM/PTM 4 5 IL-CU 5 6 7 MRS 7 8 8 12 12 ( CAN) 17 18 IL-CU 18 18
    IL-CU 20 22 22 23 23 24 25 27 28 31 * IOM 31 * 33 , 34 34 35 J1939
    36 37 37 38 — MRS10/11/15/16 38 ? 38

  • 2

    ^ GCB /? 38 38 ? 39 ? 39 ? 39 41 42 43 43 43 44 44 (FLS) 45
    (WRN) 45 SD () 45 45 46 46 47 48 LiteEdit 48 Modbus 48 48 * ISD SDN
    48 * GSM 49 * SIM- 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 / 51 * RS232 51 * CAN

  • 3

    ? MRS 10/11/15/16″, . ? , InteliLite MRS. : InteliLite . , . :
    RS232. REMOTE START/STOP ( /) GCB / InteliLite, . InteliLite . . :
    () () (MRS10 FW MRS10 HW) , . HARDWARE INCOMPATIBLE ( ). Boot
    LiteEdit; . . . «Basic settings» ( ). !!! !!! ( ) InteliLite iL-MRS
    . IL-MRS 15/16 . InteliLite , , . InteliLite , , . InteliLite .
    InteliLite . /, .

  • 4

    ? IL MRS InteliLite iGL -RA15 MRS15/16 iG-IOM/PTM / I/O MRS15/16
    AT-LINK-CONV RS232 MRS10/11 iGL — RA15 iGL-RA15 MRS15/16 CAN.
    LiteEdit — RA15. / LiteEdit. RA15. iG IOM/PTM iG-IOM iGS-PTM / : 8
    , 8 , 4 . MRS15/16. , iL. , iL, , PTM. IOM/PTM , . iG-IOM ( , iL) 0
    -2,4 . IOM VDO- . iGS-PTM 0-250, 0-100 mV, 0-20 mA. Pt100 . PTM
    VDO. iGS-PTM.

  • 5

  • 6


  • 7


    CAN Volvo Scania. . .

  • 8

    . . , >3m. : 1.5mm2 — 36V. — 39V. InteliLite . , . :
    InteliLite !! — 4A ( ). 12V InteliLite , , . 10V, 50 — 7V, . , .

    . ; I-LBA.

  • 9

    1 . . . ( ) — T1A. .


    , .

    : . 2,5mm2 .

  • 10


    : 2,5mm2 5A.

    : !!!

  • 11

    . ail-. L1, L2 L3. L1l COM-.

    : : 200 % : 60,0 : 1.4 1 ( — 100% IL 1.4 ). IL-CU .

    2,5 2. 5. L2I L3I .

  • 12

    . COM- . InteliLite. 120 IL-CU . 50% . COM IL. InteliLite: AI1
    AI2 AI3 IL COM-.

    0 — 2,4 . , >3m. IL-CU . (10 6 Bar) 4-20 mA. 4-20mA/100
    4-20mA/60. 50%. InteliLite. , ; 750 . , . — 750 , , 2400 . : : Bar,
    VDO, 0 — 10.0 bars. 3.5 bars, — 1.2 bars.

  • 13

    LiteEdit, Controller — Configuration Modify Oil Press. — Oil
    Press ( ) : Not used ( ) () . . : : Analog () Tri-state ( ) . . «»
    / COM- . / . «Tri-state» / COM- . : Analog : (0C, %, Bar, ). . :
    Bar : , . , . ,,NC» . ,,NO » . : . ,, » . InteliLite «####», .
    ,,Curve A» LiteEdit ( VDO ) ,,Curve B» LiteEdit B( VDO ) ,,Curve C»
    LiteEdit C ( VDO ) ,,Pt1000″ PT1000 IEC 751 ,,Ni1000″ Ni1000 DIN 43
    760 ,,VDO temp» VDO ,,VDO press» VDO ,,VDO level» VDO ,,4-20mA/60″
    120 COM- ,,4-20mA/100″ 120 COM- : VDO — : ,,0″ -, 360 kPa, 100%, 50
    C ,,1″ , 3.6 Bar ,,2″- , .0.36 MPa ,,3″ -, .0.366 MPa : 1

  • 14

    , Wrn () ( ), Sd () , del (Engine protection). : Wrn () (), Sd
    () . . — Wrn () () Sd () , .

  • 15

    ( CAN)

    CAN , ( , , ). 120 . CAN 200 . CAN . IL-CU COM. IL-CU 120 ; CAN.
    IG-IOM IGS-PTM — 120 ( ). . CAN. : IOM, PTM, . IL-CU IG-IOM IL-CU

  • 16

    : IL-CU LiteEdit. 1 . IL-CU BI1 / BI2 BI3 BI4 OFF () BI5 BI6 , .
    : . . , , EMERGENCY STOP » «. , , . : SprinklActive ( ) , , . , ,
    (OFF—TEST) . : . . (OFF) iL OFF () ( : OFF—TEST). . : . Start ,
    Start InteliLite. ().

  • 17

    Stop , Stop InteliLite. (). FaultRes ( ) , FaultRes InteliLite.
    Res ( ) , HornRes InteliLite. ^ GCB , GCB InteliLite. (). , . , —
    OFF (). , Stop . «Sd () Stop » . «Emerg Man» ( ) . , . , , . , /. ,
    () MODE (). , . IL-CU BO1 ( ) BO2 ( ) BO3 GCB / BO4 BO5 BO6 . , ,

  • 18

    . , : , / . /, 30 /. . /. () . . / / . , . , 2 / . GCB / MRS11,
    16: . MRS10 15 ( GCB/ GCB): ( () , MinStabtime elapsed, . GCB . GCB
    () . GCB UV . *AnInIOM14 Wrn () , IOM/PTM. , , FAULT RESET
    *AnInIOM14 Sd () , IOM/PTM. , , FAULT RESET Prestart. , . : / = 0,
    : Poil, D+ ( ). OK

  • 19

    iL. , . , . , FAULT RESET / . , . : FAULT RESET HORN RESET (Horn
    timeout) / . , : OFF () , . GCB . , , . 10 / < 2 < 10 VAC,
    < : . MainsParams OK IL. , . ChrgAlternFail , , D+ . , , FAULT
    RESET : D+ 80% . Vgen , / . . . , , FAULT RESET Fgen , / . . ,

  • 20

    , . , , FAULT RESET , , , . 60 . , , FAULT RESET , . . , , FAULT
    RESET , . . , , FAULT RESET , . , , FAULT RESET , : * , . . , ,
    FAULT RESET , iL (, — ). , , FAULT RESET V , / . , , FAULT RESET
    Wrn () . , FAULT RESET Sd () , . , No Sd ( ) FAULT RESET , . . , No
    warning ( ) FAULT RESET

  • 21

    , . . , , FAULT RESET Wrn () , . . , , FAULT RESET Water Temp (
    ) , . . , , FAULT RESET Water Temp Wrn ( ) , . . , , FAULT RESET
    OFF () , OFF () . () , () . () , () . FuelLevel ( ) , .
    FuelLevelWrn ( ) , . . , . , . . , , FAULT RESET BI16 stat ()
    *BI18IOM — . , , , . , FAULT RESET , , . CommOK ####, . , .

  • 22

    PwrRelay ( ) , . YellowLamp ( ) . RedLamp ( ) . CtrlHeartBeat ()
    . 500ms : 500ms. . Stop Pulse ( ) 1 Stop solenoid. . CommError
    CommOK, .. , , , #####. .

  • 23

    0 — 2400 . , bar, C ( F) %. . 2.0 : . VDO — 0 — 10.0 bars. . t
    VDO — 0 — 100 C. . VDO — 0-180R = 0-100% 4 . . ENTER. ENTER. : . ,
    InteliLite . 14 LiteEdit. [kW] :1kW : 1 4000 kW [ A ] It is *IDMT ,
    . : *2INo m del, Ishort. . :1 A : 1 — 5000 A CT Ratio [/5A] .

  • 24

    :1 A : 1 5000 A / 5A *PT [/1] :0,1 V / V : 0,1 500,0 V / V [V] (
    — ) :1V : 100 300 V [Hz] ( 50 60 Hz ) :1Hz : 45 65 Hz [-] — , , .
    0, . . :1 :0 500 : , ( 5V) . /[/] . :1 / :100 4000 / FltRes
    [ENABLED ()/ ()] (): () . ENABLED (): (o TEST) () . . TO[min] . :1
    min :0 60 min : 0 , . [OFF, , ] , MODE. : . * RS232
    [STANDARD/MODBUS/CumminsMB] . Standard: LiteEdit.

  • 25

    Modbus: Modbus. CumminsMB: Cummins Modbus. : . Modbus. *- AA [ —
    ] — . :1 : 1 30 : — . . Start /[%] , iL ( ). :1% / :5 50 % POil
    [Bar] ( ). :0,1 bar :-10,0 1000,0 : ( ) : /, POil and D+ ( ). , .
    [s] PRE-START . 0, PRE-START . :1s :0 600 s MaxCrank time [s] . :1s
    :1 60 s CrnkFail pause[s] . :1s :5 60 s Crank attemps [-] :1 :1 10
    time[s] , / /. , / 2.

  • 26

    /NOMINAL , , . /NOMINAL . : 1 s : 0 600 s : , 5s , . Min stab
    time [s] / GCB. :1s :0 300 s Max stab time [s] . :1s :0 300 s : Max
    stab time, ( ). Stop time [s] . . :1s :0 600 s : , : / =0, <
    POil < 10 VAC. , , , /=0, > 10V. [s] . :1s :0 3600 s [
    NOMINAL / ] /NOMINAL. NOMINAL : , . : . : /NOMINAL . . Fuel
    solenoid [ DIESEL / GAS ] FUEL SOLENOID ( ).. DIESEL: 1 STARTER. .
    GAS: IGNITION (), / 30 / ( ).

  • 27

    . D+ function [ENABLED ()/CHRGFAIL/ ()] ENABLED (): D+ , .
    CHRGFAIL: D+ . (): D+ . : . D+ . FreqSelect
    [PRIMARY/SECONDARY/DEFAULT] (// ) Volvo Scania. Volvo
    «Volvo-MarineD12 Aux» : VP Status. Scania «Scania S6 Singlespeed» :
    1 2 DLN1, , .. /No minal (/) . ( ), FreqSelect . Eng prot del[s] (
    ) (, ). . Start /. :1s : 0 300 s Horn timeout[s] ( ) . 0, HORN .
    :1s : 0 600 s [%] . :1% / : 100 150% AnlInp1 level1[ Bar] 1 : 0,1
    bar : AnlInp1 level2 10000 AnlInp1 level2[ Bar] 1 : 0,1 bar : -100
    AnlInp1 level1

  • 28

    AnlInp1 del[s] 1 : 1 s : 0 180 s AnlInp2 level1[ ] 2 : 1 C :
    -100 Anlinp2 level2 AnlInp2 level2[ ] 2 : 1 C : AnlInp2 level1
    10000 AnlInp2 del[s] 2 : 1 s : 0 180 s AnlInp3 level1[ ] 2 : 1 % :
    AnlInp3 level2 10000 AnlInp3 level2[ ] 3 : 1 % : -100 AnlInp3
    level1 AnlInp3 del[s] 3 : 1 s : 0 180 s Batt undervolt[V] ( ) .
    :0,1 V :8V Batt undervolt Batt overvolt [V] ( ) : :0,1 V :Batt
    overvoltage 40 V del [s] . :1s :0 600 s NextServTime[h] . 0 . :1 :0

  • 29

    : . [%] (% ) :1% :0 200% del[s] . :0.1s :0 60.0 s Ishort[ % ] ,
    . :1 % :100 — 500 % *2INo m del[ s ] IDMT. 2INo m del IDMT 200% .
    Igen = 2* . :0,1 s : 0,1 — 20 s IDMT . , :

    2INo m del * Reaction time =

    Igen — : 900 sec = 15 minutes. IDMT 15 . Igen . . 200% — 2INo m

    200% =

    2INo m del 100% 101% 110%

    0,2 20 2 2 200 20

    20 ( >900 )


  • 30

    Curr unbal[%] (). :1% : 1 200% Curr unbal del [s] :0.1 s : 0
    60.0 s >V Sd ()[%] . . . :1% :

  • 31

    . :0.1s : 0 60.0 s >f[%] . :0.1% :

  • 32

    AnlInIOM2 lev1[ ] IOM 2 — . :1 : -100 — +10000 AnlInIOM2 lev2[ ]
    IOM 2 — . :1 : -100 — +10000 AnlInIOM2 del [s] IOM 2. :1 s : 0 —
    180 s AnlInIOM3 lev1[ ] IOM 3 — . :1 : -100 — +10000 AnlInIOM3
    lev2[ ] IOM 3 — . :1 : -100 — +10000 AnlInIOM3 del [s] IOM 3. :1 s
    : 0 — 180 s AnlInIOM4 lev1[ ] IOM 4 — . :1 : -100 — +10000
    AnlInIOM4 lev2[ ] IOM 4 — . :1 : -100 — +10000 AnlInIOM4 del [s]
    IOM 4. :1 s : 0 — 180 s IOM/PTM . CalibrAInIOM 1,2,3,4 [.] IOM/PTM.
    . :1 : -1000 +1000

  • 33

    * — CAN bus/RS232 LiteEdit, (iG-IOM, iGL-RA15). ECU LiteEdit
    (version 2.0 ) , /. /: Standard J1939 engines Scania S6

    Cummins RS232, : RS232 = CUMMINSMB. . , , . ####, . CommOK , ..
    , . PwrRelay , . CAN (Volvo Scania). J1939 . , ( ) J1939 Scania
    J1939 Scania S6, / : ( 5.3.7 EEC1) ( 5.3.29 Engine
    Fluid Level/Pressure)

  • 34 ( 5.3.28 Engine Temperature) — ( 5.3.19 Engine
    Hours, ) ( 5.3.6 EEC2) ( 5.3.32 Fuel EcoNo my) ( 5.3.36 Inlet/Exhaust Conditions) 1 ( 5.3.36
    Inlet/Exhaust Conditions) Cummins MODBUS «Cummins-Modbus», (
    QSX15,QSK45, QSK60): (Register Address:30001) (Register
    Address:30003) (Register Address:30002) — (Register
    Address:30008-30009) (Register Address:30018) (Register
    Address:30530 (QSK45, QSK60 only)) (Register Address:30531 (QSK45,
    QSK60 only)) — Standard J1939 SPN (Suspect Parameter Number ), FMI
    ( ) OC ( ); . SPM/FMI : SAE Truck and Bus Control and
    Communications Network Standards Manual, SAE HS-1939 Publication .
    : SPN:100 SPN:102 SPN:105 SPN:110 SPN:175 SPN:629 1 SPN:636 SPN:637
    — SPN:651 #1 SPN:652 #2 SPN:653 #3 SPN:654 #4 SPN:655 #5 SPN:656 #6
    SPN:677 SPN:1485 Scania: FC:1000-1001 FC:1100-1107 1 FC:1200-1207 2
    FC:2000-2002 FC:2100-2102 FC:2200-2202 FC:2400-2403 FC:2600-2601 1
    FC:2700-2701 2

  • 35

    FC:2800-2802 FC:3200-3205 FC:4300-4303 ( ) FC:6200-6201
    FC:6400-6401 FC:6600-6601 FC:6A00-6A01 FC:B000-B001 FC:B100-B101
    FC:B200 FC:B300 FC:C000-C006 PDE1 FC:C100-C106 PDE2 FC:C200-C206
    PDE3 FC:C300-C306 PDE4 FC:C400-C406 PDE5 FC:C500-C506 PDE6
    FC:C600-C606 PDE7 FC:C700-C706 PDE8 FC:E200 FC:E600 , , , , . , / ,
    , IG-IOM/IGS-PTM. InteliLite, , .

  • 36


    (, , ) 10% . — bar, oC, %. , . ( ENTER) . AI1 (AI2).

    , CAN:

  • 37

    : iL-CU — 70 C, 73 C. AI1 +3 C ( ENTER) InteliLite (, .5) . (,
    70 C -> 73 C, 5 C -> 6 C). : (, 80C, 4.0 Bar ..) 1: 6 points
    VDO characteristic, pressure bar 2: 10 points VDO characteristic,
    temperature C 3: 2 points VDO fuel level sensor, 0% = 10 , 100% =

  • 38

    . , MRS10/11/15/16

    1 MODE > (OFF -> -> ) 2.MODE < ( -> ->OFF ) 3
    PAGE (MEASUREMENT->ADJUSTEMENT) ( ) 10 , 11 , 12 ENTER 13. 14.
    ) 17 ^GCB ON: , GCB . GCB /. ? MODE: ( )

  • 39

    ^ GCB ON/OFF (/)? (AUTO) . (MAN) , . . : MEASUREMENT ()
    ADJUSTMENT (). 2 . 3 ENTER. 4 . 5 «*» . 6 ENTER. 7 . . 8 ENTER;
    InteliLite INFO (10 ). InteliLite INFO : 1) 2) InteliLite (8 ) 3) .
    4) Application: MRS16 5) Branch:Standard : MEASUREMENT. , ? —

  • 40

    MEASUREMENT . . : Versions 1.4 and lower Version 2.0 and higher
    Description Wrn () * Wrn () Active No t accepted Wrn () Wrn ()
    Active accepted Wrn () * Wrn () Inactive No t accepted Inactive
    accepted FAULT RESET, . . , MEASUREMENT. : , . AMF25 Control
    LiteEdit. .

    1 2 , (L) (!) 3 4. 5 / 6 7 8 (, , .) V1-2, V2-3, V3-1 ph-ph V1,
    V2, V3 ph-N (triple bargraph) I1, I2, I3 (triple bargraph) IL-CU (

  • 41

    ( ) ( ) ( ) IL-CU BI1 — BI6 IL-CU BO1 — BO6 : / , . * : / , . (
    ) ( ) ( ) ( ) — *- kWh () * kVAh () NextServTime * . J1939 ( SPN (
    ), FMI ( ) OC ( Occurrence Counter). . . , SPN ( ). EngOilPress WRN
    () BoostPress FLS EngOilTemp FLS 629(275h) FLS Controller#1
    EngCoolTemp WRN ()

  • 42

    SPN:110 OC:7 FMI:3 : FMI = 0 1, WRN (). FMI FLS.


  • 43

    OFF () No start is possible Outputs STARTER, GCB / and FUEL
    SOLENOID are Not energized. No reaction if buttons START,STOP,^GCB
    ON/OFF are pressed. . . MAN () START . ^GCB ON/OFF GCB. GCB, . ,
    GCB ON/OFF STOP — . : . MAN () . , REM START/STOP . — () MODE = (
    START STOP / ) MODE = ( REM START/STOP) StateConditionAction Next
    state Start request PRESTART on Prestart / > 2 GenStop (Stop
    fail)> 10V OFF () / < 2, , Vgen < 10V, Prestart 3 STARTER
    Cranking () FUEL SOLENOID on 4 MaxCrank time counter started
    Cranking3 /> Start / STARTER off PRESTART off D+ STARTER off
    Cranking > 25% VgNom PRESTART off StateCondition of the
    transition ActionNext state MaxCrank time elapsed, 1st
    attemptSTARTER off Crank pause ( ) FUEL SOLENOID off STOP SOLENOID
    on CrankFail pause timer started () MaxCrank time elapsed, last
    attemptSTARTER off (Start fail) PRESTART off CrankCrankFail pause
    elapsed STARTER on Cranking pause3FUEL SOLENOID on 4 STOP SOLENOID
    off MaxCrank time counter started

  • 44

    380% speed reached TO LOAD on 1Running Min, MaxStabTime counter
    started / = 0 or any other condition FUEL SOLENOID off STOP
    SOLENOID on 60 sec Elapsed FUEL SOLENOID off (Start fail) STOP
    SOLENOID on RunningStop request TO LOAD offCooling Cooling time
    timer started / = 0 or any other condition TO LOAD off 2 FUEL
    SOLENOID off GCB / closed ed GCB / openedRunning / = 0 condition
    FUEL SOLENOID off STOP SOLENO ID on TO LOAD off CoolingCooling time
    elapsedFUEL SOLENOID offStop STOP SOLENOID on / = 0 or any other
    condition FUEL SOLENOID off STOP SOLENOID on Start 1Running Stop/ =
    0, , Vgen

  • 45

    Warning (WRN ()) When warning comes up, only outputs and common
    warning output are closed. Possible warnings: See List of possible
    events (SD (HORN) ) InteliLite GCB /, FUEL SOLENO ID, STARTER
    PRESTART . InteliLite , / . : InteliLite : L1, L2, L3. (, L1,L3,L2
    L2,L1,L3), : G ph opposed = // OK, 180. : GEN L1 neg= L1 GEN L2
    neg= L2 GEN L3 neg= L3 . . G ph+L1 neg = 1L1 G ph+L2 neg = 1L1 G
    ph+L3 neg = 1L1 : , >50VAC 120 20. 1 . Fls , 6,2% . ####. :

  • 46

    Prestart . . Cranking Pause , Running , GCB OPEN/CLOSE Stop ,
    Ready Cooling Oil Press Wrn () WRN () YES . Oil Press Sd () SD
    (HORN) NO Water Temp Wrn () WRN () YES . Water Temp Sd () SD
    (HORN)NO . Fuel Level Wrn () WRN () YES . Fuel Level Sd ()SD
    (HORN)NO . Analog inp IOM/PTM — Wrn ()WRN () YES IG-IOM/IGS-PTM.
    Analog inp IOM/PTM — Sd ()SD (HORN) YES IG-IOM/IGS-PTM. YES
    eWarning/ IL-CU. WRN () YES / Battery flat SD (HORN) YES — , .
    Start failure SD (HORN) YES . ParamFailNONE NO Happends Vgen SD
    (HORN) YES s. Vgen unblSD (HORN) NO , . Fgen SD (HORN)YES . Igen
    unblSD (HORN) NO 0 . SD () YES . SD () YES , , . SD ()YES , — / , .
    . Emergency Stop SD () NO , . PickupFault SD () NO . Stop failSD ()
    YES . Wrn () ServiceTimeWRN () NO . , — . ChrgAlternFailWRN () YES
    . SprinklActive WRN () NO , . *Wrn () RA15 failWRN () IGL-RA15.

  • 47

    *Sd () IOM failSD NO IG-IOM/IGS- PTM. Wrn () NO . InteliLite
    RS232. ** iL MRS15/16 RS232. ** iL MRS10/11 RS232 AT-LINK-CONV ( )
    . : , COM- ( DC- ) . , . 240/20 ( GND () ).

    5 — GND () 2 — RxD 3 — TxD 5 — GND () 2 — RxD 3 — TxD 230 . 0 .
    GND () RS 232 . — LiteEdit ( ) LiteEdit ComAp ( Windows 95 ).
    LiteEdit : * Modbus iL RS232

  • 48

    9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity RTU 3 ( Read
    Multiply Registers) 6 ( — Write Single Register) 16 ( — Write
    Multiply Registers) 4.096 ms . Modbus Modbus Protocol Reference
    Guide PI-MBUS-300 Open Modbus Specification Release 1.0. t
    http://www.modicon.com/openmbus/ . , , . 16- . , Modbus, 16- . . .
    . : , IL , LiteEdit. * ISD SDN Askey TAS-200E ASUScom TA-220ST *
    GSM Wavecom M1200 ( WMOD2; baud rate to 9600 bps) Siemens M20
    Siemens TC35 FALCOM A2D GSM GSM . AT GSM IL-. LiteEdit: MS
    Windows-Start-Program files — LiteEdit Gm_setup.exe. COM port iG-CU
    (=IS-CU) iG-MU Setup GSM odem Setup baud rate GSM — 80 — 90 Bps. :
    (IL ) . * Mobile SIM- SIM- GSM : ( ) PIN- 8-36 .

  • 49

    0,5-0,1A . : 50ms 10, . 8 ( InteliLite 3.2 ). 2 % 24. : 7 .
    IL-CU -20..+700C IL-CU-LT# -30..+700C -30..+800C IP65 95% : Low
    Voltage Directive EN 61010-1:95 +A1:97 Electromagnetic
    Compatibility EN 50081-1:94, EN 50081-2:96 EN 50082-1:99, EN
    50082-2:97 5 — 25 Hz, 1,6mm 25 — 100 Hz, a = 4 a = 200 m/s2 # —
    200C — + 700C, . InteliLite LT , . foil 50C, . IL-CU Standard Order
    code:IL-CU-LT -200C..+700C -300C..+700C -300C..+800C -300C..+800C .
    00C -150C -300C 12VDC 360 mA +50 mA +180 mA +300 mA 24VDC 230 mA
    +25 mA +85 mA +150 mA 36VDC 100 mA +20 mA +65 mA +100 mA -300C
    InteliLite LT , . (., ) . 180x120x55 800 50-60Hz 0,2% ( CT) 5 A ( )
    < 0,1 < 0,2 VA (In=5A) 10 A 2% 150 A / 1

  • 50

    . 12 A 231 (-) 400 () 290 (-) 0,6M (-) 0,3 M (-) 2 % — III
    (EN61010) 6 4,7k 0-36 . 0-2 V 8-36 V 2 — 100 000 12 A DC

    4 A DC 36 . 24 V / 0,1 A 500 Veff o 4 0,5 A 36 . 10 0 — 2,4 k 4
    % — ( ) 2 Vpk-pk ( 4 — 4 ) 50 Veff 4 10 k ( 6Vpk-pk) 0,2 % * RS232
    10 19.2kBd (STD) 9.6kBd (MODBUS) : ADVANTECH ADAM 4520: RS232 to
    RS422/485 converter, DIN rail, automatic RS485 bus supervision, No
    external data flow control signals, galvanic isolated. : ADVANTECH
    PCL-745B or PCL745S : Dual port RS422/485 Interface card, automatic
    RS485 bus supervision, No external data flow control signals,
    galvanic isolated * CAN CAN 200

  • 51

    250kBd 120 : () , , CAN 200 iS-COM: min. 75% (max. 4,4 ns/m)
    .0,25 2 ( 1 ) 2 dB / 100 : BELDEN (see http://www.belden.com):
    3082A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet 3083A DeviceBus for
    Allen-Bradley DeviceNet 3086A DeviceBus for Honeywell SD (HORN)S
    3087A DeviceBus for Honeywell SD (HORN)S 3084A DeviceBus for
    Allen-Bradley DeviceNet 3085A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet
    3105A Paired EIA Industrial RS485 cable LAPP CABLE (see
    http://www.lappcable.com) Unitronic BUS DeviceNet Trunk Cable
    Unitronic BUS DeviceNet Drop Cable Unitronic BUS CAN Unitronic-FD

  • 52

    ( ) (MRS10/11/15/16): . . InteliLite IL-2.1 MRS16 30.11.2004 2,1
    0200FFFF MRS16-R:10.11.2004 2.1.ail InteliLiteNo 8637 Short string
    200 kW No 82761 4000 16 350 ANo 827515000 16 CT 2000 /5A No 82741
    5000 16 PT 1,0 /1No 9579 0,1500,0 16 231 VNo 827710022000 16 50 Hz
    No 8278 45 65 16 120No 82520500 16 / 1500 / No 8253100 4000 16
    FltRes No 9983 String list TO0 min No 101210 60 8 OFFNo 8315 String
    list RS232 STANDARD Yes 24522String list — AA3 Yes24512 130 8
    Engine params / 25 %No 8254550 8 Engine params POil4,5 Bar No 9681
    -10,0 1000,0 Integer 16 Engine params 2 s No 83940600 16 Engine
    params MaxCrank time 5 s No 8256 160 8 Engine params CrnkFail pause
    8 s No 8257 560 8 Engine params Crank attempts 3 No 8255 110 8
    Engine params time 12 s No 9097 0 600 16 Engine params Min stab
    time 2 sNo 8259 0300 16 Engine params Max stab time 10 s No 8313 0
    300 16 Engine params Stop time 60 s No 9815 0 600 16 Engine params
    Cooling time 30 s No 8258 03600 16 Engine params Cooling speed No
    10046 String list Engine params Fuel sole No I dDIESEL No 9100
    String list Engine params D+ function No 9683 String list Engine
    params FreqSelectPRIMARY No 10266 String list Engine protect Eng
    prot del 5 s No 8262 0 300 16 Engine protect timeout1 0 s No 8264 0
    600 16 Engine protect 115 % No 826350 150 16 Engine protect AnlInp1
    level1 2,0 Bar No 83691,0 1000,0 Integer 16 Engine protect AnlInp1
    level2 1,0 Bar No 8370 -10,02,0 Integer 16 Engine protect AnlInp1
    del 3 s No 8365 0 180 16 Engine protect AnlInp2 level1 80 C No 8375
    -10090 Integer 16 Engine protect AnlInp2 level2 90 C No 83768010000
    Integer 16 Engine protect AnlInp2 del 5 s No 8371 0180 16 Engine
    protect AnlInp3 level1 20 % No 83811010000 Integer 16 Engine
    protect AnlInp3 level2 10 % No 8382 -10020 Integer 16 Engine
    protect AnlInp3 del 10 s No 8377 0 180 16 Engine protect Batt
    overvolt 36,0 V No 9587 18,040,0 Integer 16 Engine protect Batt
    undervolt 18,0 V No 83878,036,0 Integer 16 Engine protect del 5 s
    No 8383 0 600 16 Engine protect 65534 h No 9648 065535 16 Gener
    protect 120 % No 82800200 16

  • 53

    Gener protect del 5,0 s No 82810,060,0 16 Gener protect Ishort
    250 % No 8282100 500 16 Gener protect 2INo m del 4,0 s No
    82830,120,0 16 Gener protect Curr unbal 50 % No 82841200 16 Gener
    protect Curr unbal del 5,0 s No 8285 0,060,0 16 Gener protect >V
    Sd () 110 % No 8291 70 200 16 Gener protect f1 10,0 % No
    829685,0200,0 16 Gener protect

  • 54

    L30 kW8526 Integer 16 kVAr08203 Integer 16 L1 08527 Integer 16
    L2 08528 Integer 16 L3 08529 Integer 16 0 kVA 8565 Integer 16 L1 0
    kVA 8530 Integer 16 L2 0 kVA 8531 Integer 16 L3 0 kVA 8532 Integer
    16 0,008204 Integer 8 L10,008533 Integer 8 L20,008534 Integer 8
    L30,008535 Integer 8 8395 18626 28627 38628 0,0 Hz 8210 16 V L1-N0
    V8192 16 V L2-N0 V8193 16 V L3-N0 V8194 16 V L1-L20 V9628 16 V
    L2-L30 V9629 16 V L3-L10 V9630 16 L10 A8198 16 L20 A8199 16 L3 0 A
    8200 16 I/O BInpIL001000 8235 16

  • 55

    I/O BOutIL000001 8239 16 Statistics kWhours08205 Integer 32
    Statistics kVArhours08539 Integer 32 Statistics NumStarts08207 16
    Statistics RunHours 0 h 8206 Integer 32 Statistics NextServTime
    65534 h9648 16 IL info TimerText 8954 16 IL info TimerValue0 s 8955
    16 IL info SW version2,18393 8 IL info SW branch18707 8 IL info
    Application 48480 8 IL info 09651 8 IL info DiagData 0 10050 32 IL
    info PasswordDecode2481875985 9090 32 RA15 module
    BOutRA150000000000000009849 16 IOM/PTM module AnInIOM 1 0 U48978
    Integer 16 IOM/PTM module AnInIOM 2 0 U58759 Integer 16 IOM/PTM
    module AnInIOM 3 0 U68760 Integer 16 IOM/PTM module AnInIOM 4 0
    U78761 Integer 16 IOM/PTM module BInpIOM000000008602 16 IOM/PTM
    module BOutIOM 00000000 8604 16 Fuel rate ##### L/h9860 16 ##### C
    9855 Integer 16 ManifoldTemp ##### C 9878 Integer 16 ##### Bar 9929
    16 Boost pressure0,0 Bar 9877 8 PercAtCS0 % 9925 8

Copyright © 2017 ComAp a.s.
Written by ComAp
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail: [email protected], www.comap-control.com
Global Guide
InteliVision 5
5.7" Display Unit for
ComAp controllers
SW version 1.9.0
1 Document information 4
2 Installation and wiring 9
3 Graphical User Interface 15
5 Technical data 44
6 List of possible events 45
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Table of contents
1 Document information 4
1.1 Clarification of notation 4
1.2 About this guide 4
1.3 Legal notice 4
1.4 General warnings 6
1.4.1 Dangerous voltage 6
1.5 Document history 6
1.6 Related products 6
1.7 Symbols in this manual 7
2 Installation and wiring 9
2.1 Terminals and Dimensions 9
2.2 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to controller 9
2.2.1 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IG-NTx-BB 10
2.2.2 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IS-NTx-BB 10
2.2.3 Terminating resistor 11
2.3 Direct communication between InteliVision 5 and IG/IS-NT-(BB) controllers 11
2.3.1 Option A 13
2.3.2 Option C 13
2.3.3 Option D 14
3 Graphical User Interface 15
3.1 Front panel 15
3.1.1 LEDand Buttons 16
3.1.2 Navigation Buttons 16
3.1.3 Context Buttons 17
3.1.4 Control Buttons 17
3.2 Metering Screens 18
3.3 Setpoints Screens 21
3.3.1 Numerical Value Change 22
3.3.2 String Selection 22
3.3.3 String Edit 23
3.3.4 Time and Date Edit 23
3.3.5 Combined Setpoints 24
3.3.6 Unauthorized access message 24
3.4 AlarmList Screen 24
3.4.1 Where to Find Alarms 26
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.4.2 Types of alarms 26
3.4.3 ECU Alarmlist page 27
3.5 History Screen 28
3.5.1 Context buttons 28
3.6 Help/Others Menu 29
3.6.1 Language 29
3.6.2 User/Password 29
3.6.3 Communication 30
3.6.4 ControllerInfo 30
3.6.5 ECU Modules 31
3.6.6 Modules Info 31
3.6.7 InteliVision Info 31
3.6.8 InteliVision Settings 32
3.6.9 Service Screen 32
3.7 Other features 33
3.7.1 User configurable soft keys buttons 33
3.7.2 Support of TIER 4 Final standard 34
3.7.3 Change of all label colour 34
4 Quick Help 35
4.1 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IGS-NT 35
4.2 How many InteliVision 5 can be used 36
4.3 Communication Error 36
4.4 How to View a Controller Status 37
4.5 How to View a Breaker Status 37
4.6 How to Control Circuits Breakers 38
4.7 How to Change a Gen-set Mode 38
4.8 How to Log in 39
4.9 How to Enter a Password 40
4.10 How to Change a Password 41
4.11 How to Log out 41
4.12 How to Reprogram InteliVision 5 41
4.13 How to Change Display Brightness 43
5 Technical data 44
6 List of possible events 45
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
1 Document information
1.1 Clarification of notation 4
1.2 About this guide 4
1.3 Legal notice 4
1.4 General warnings 6
1.5 Document history 6
1.6 Related products 6
1.7 Symbols in this manual 7
1.1 Clarification of notation
Note: This type of paragraph calls readers attention to a notice or related theme.
IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.
Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function
1.2 About this guide
InteliVision 5 is the 5,7” colour display unit for ComAp controllers. It is designed as a Plug and Play solution
and it presents a simple solution with high visibility of all engine and gen-set data, monitoring information in
colourful direction.
The new screens correspond to wide variety of daily usage and offer significant step ahead.
The compact size, robustness and user-friendly design of InteliVision 5 introduce the valuable solution for every
day usage where more information on the screen and display size is preferred alternative.
The same cut-out across all Comaps’ products helps InteliVision 5 to be easily used as a replacement of or
alternative to IG-Display. Regardless of the size it can be also used as an alternative to IS-Display or
InteliVision 8.
InteliVision 5 is designed to be connected to the single controller only.
1.3 Legal notice
This End User's Guide/Manual as part of the Documentation is an inseparable part of ComAp’s Product and
may be used exclusively according to the conditions defined in the “END USER or Distributor LICENSE
the “ComAp a.s. Global terms and conditions for sale of Products and provision of Services” (Terms) and/or in
the “Standardní podmínky projektů komplexního řešení ke smlouvě o dílo, Standard Conditions for Supply of
Complete Solutions” (Conditions) as applicable.
ComAp’s License Agreement is governed by the Czech Civil Code 89/2012 Col., by the Authorship Act
121/2000 Col., by international treaties and by other relevant legal documents regulating protection of the
intellectual properties (TRIPS).
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
The End User and/or ComAp’s Distributor shall only be permitted to use this End User's Guide/Manual with
ComAp Control System Registered Products. The Documentation is not intended and applicable for any other
Official version of the ComAp’s End User's Guide/Manual is the version published in English. ComAp reserves
the right to update this End User's Guide/Manual at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsibility for its
use outside of the scope of the Terms or the Conditions and the License Agreement.
Licensed End User is entitled to make only necessary number of copies of the End User's Guide/Manual. Any
translation of this End User's Guide/Manual without the prior written consent of ComAp is expressly prohibited!
Even if the prior written consent from ComAp is acquired, ComAp does not take any responsibility for the
content, trustworthiness and quality of any such translation. ComAp will deem a translation equal to this End
User's Guide/Manual only if it agrees to verify such translation. The terms and conditions of such verification
must be agreed in the written form and in advance.
For more details relating to the Ownership, Extent of Permitted Reproductions Term of Use of the
Documentation and to the Confidentiality rules please review and comply with the ComAp’s License
Agreement, Terms and Conditions available on www.comap-control.com.
Security Risk Disclaimer
Pay attention to the following recommendations and measures to increase the level of security of ComAp
products and services.
Please note that possible cyber-attacks cannot be fully avoided by the below mentioned recommendations and
set of measures already performed by ComAp, but by following them the cyber-attacks can be considerably
reduced and thereby to reduce the risk of damage. ComAp does not take any responsibility for the actions of
persons responsible for cyber-attacks, nor for any damage caused by the cyber-attack. However, ComAp is
prepared to provide technical support to resolve problems arising from such actions, including but not limited to
restoring settings prior to the cyber-attacks, backing up data, recommending other preventive measures against
any further attacks.
Warning: Some forms of technical support may be provided against payment. There is no legal or factual
entitlement for technical services provided in connection to resolving problems arising from cyber-attack or
other unauthorized accesses to ComAp's Products or Services.
General security recommendations and set of measures
1. AccessCode
• Change the AccessCode BEFORE the device is connected to a network.
• Use a secure AccessCode – ideally a random string of 8 characters containing lowercase, uppercase letters
and digits.
• For each device use a different AccessCode.
2. Password
• Change the password BEFORE the device enters a regular operation.
• Do not leave displays or PC tools unattended if an user, especially administrator, is logged in.
3. Controller Web interface
• The controller web interface at port TCP/80 is based on http, not https, and thus it is intended to be used only
in closed private network infrastructures.
• Avoid exposing the port TCP/80 to the public Internet.
• The MODBUS/TCP protocol (port TCP/502) is an instrumentation protocol designed to exchange data
between locally connected devices like sensors, I/O modules, controllers etc. From it’s nature it does not
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
contain any kind of security – neither encryption nor authentication. Thus it is intended to be used only in closed
private network infrastructures.
• Avoid exposing the port TCP/502 to the public Internet.
• The SNMP protocol (port UDP/161) version 1,2 is not encrypted. Thus it is intended to be used only in closed
private network infrastructures.
• Avoid exposing the port UDP/161 to the public Internet.
1.4 General warnings
1.4.1 Dangerous voltage
Always connect grounding terminal, which is situated on the chassis of the display unit.
IMPORTANT: Do not use out of range power supplies.
1.5 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author
1 1.9.0 1.12.2017 ComAp
0 1.5.0 2016 ComAp
1.6 Related products
Description Order code
InteliSys Gas
Industrial grade controller for gas gen-set based CHPs and power
generation applications
[[[Undefined variable
Premium Parallel Gen-set Controller
variable Specific.BaseBox]]]
Complex Parallel Gen-set Controller
InteliGen NT BaseBox
Complex Parallel Gen-set Controller
variable Specific.BaseBox]]]
Mains Supervision Controller Base Unit
InteliSys NTC Hybrid
Hybrid Gen-Set controller
InteliDrive DCU Marine
Engine controller for marine application
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
1.7 Symbols in this manual
Icons at the Top of InteliVision 5 Display
Terminal is locked; no user is logged in
Terminal is NOT locked; user is logged in
Access lock is active; display is locked for security reasons
Remote communication; when any remote connection to controller is active
Icons at the Bottom of InteliVision 5 Display
Mains icon; green/red = voltage, frequency are/are not in the limits
Load icon; green/grey = voltage, frequency are in the limits/no available power
Gen-set icon; green/grey = voltage, frequency are in the limits/out of the limits or
not started
Red exclamation mark; a new alarm occur in the alarm list
Red button; breaker failure MCB/GCB fail
Green button; closed breaker
Button contour; opened breaker
Icons Referring to Specific Screens
Menu screen
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Measurement screens
Setpoints screen
Alarm list screen
History screen
Help/Others screen
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
2 Installation and wiring
2.1 Terminals and Dimensions 9
2.2 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to controller 9
2.3 Direct communication between InteliVision 5 and IG/IS-NT-(BB) controllers 11
6 back to Table of contents
2.1 Terminals and Dimensions
InteliVision 5 Cutout 175 x 115 mm
2.2 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to controller
InteliVision 5 is possible to connect to controller via NT-terminal port or via Direct connection.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
2.2.1 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IG-NTx-BB
2.2.2 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IS-NTx-BB
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
2.2.3 Terminating resistor
2.3 Direct communication between InteliVision 5
and IG/IS-NT-(BB) controllers
Direct communication enables the usage of converters with constant communication speed in both directions
between InteliVision 5 and the controller.
From version 1.1.1 it is possible to run InteliVision 5 connected to controller RS232 or RS485 port with following
setting in the controller:
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Settings in the controller
A RS232(1)
RS232(1) mode = DIRECT
RS485(1)conv. = DISABLED
B RS485(1)
Possible only for the concrete controllers firmwares where the setpoint RS485(1)
conv. in the setpoint group Comms is available
RS485(1) mode = DIRECT
RS485(1)conv. = ENABLED
RS232(2) mode = DIRECT
RS485(2)conv. = DISABLED
D RS485(2)*
RS232(2) mode = DIRECT
RS485(2)conv. = ENABLED
* RS232 or RS485 (1) direct connection can be used. They cannot be used simultaneously.
** Only available in IG-NTC / IS-NT-BB
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
2.3.1 Option A
2.3.2 Option C
Analogical to Option A for second RS232 port.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
2.3.3 Option D
Note: Make sure that bias (pull up, pull down) resistors are connected only on one side of the RS485 line.
6 back to Installation and wiring
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3 Graphical User Interface
This chapter provides general information on how to operate the InteliVision 5 display unit. This manual is
intended for everybody who is concerned with operation and controls of the gen-set.
3.1 Front panel 15
3.2 Metering Screens 18
3.3 Setpoints Screens 21
3.4 AlarmList Screen 24
3.5 History Screen 28
3.6 Help/Others Menu 29
3.7 Other features 33
6 back to Table of contents
3.1 Front panel
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.1.1 LEDand Buttons
Status: Status LED indication (green = InteliVision 5 is powered)
Navigation buttons: Arrows for movement + Menu and Enter button
Context buttons: Control or select submenu/sub-options buttons
Control buttons: Horn reset, Fault reset, Stop and Start buttons
3.1.2 Navigation Buttons
Menu Movement up
Enter Movement down
↓ Jump to menu/sub-menu page or escape from any dialog window
↑ Confirms a value or opens a value adjustment within setting dialogs
Note: To leave the menu, use Menu button.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.1.3 Context Buttons
Mode button Jump to the controller mode window
History Jump to history screen
Alarm Jump to Alarm list
GCB control GCB control (close/open GCB)
MCB control MCB control (close/open MCB)*
Note: *) MCB control button is present only in application where MCB is controlled. Context buttons may be
modified by users to fulfill customer’s requirements (see chapter User configurable soft keys buttons).
3.1.4 Control Buttons
Start Starts the gen-set
Stop Stops the gen-set
Fault reset Acknowledges faults and alarms (active only in Alarm screen)
Horn reset Deactivates the horn (audible alarm)
Note: Start and Stop buttons work in MAN or SEM mode only. START and STOP buttons are independent on
the InteliVision 5 screen, menu or sub-menu.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.2 Metering Screens
Various values can be seen on the metering screens. Metering screens appear after the InteliVision 5 and
controller are powered up and initialization procedure is done. Automatic jump to the home metering screen is
performed if there is 15 minutes of inactivity and there are no active and unconfirmed alarms in the controller.
Arrows ↑ or ↓ are used for metering screens browsing.
Metering screens are stored in the controller configuration and can differ by controller type, controller
firmware version or application.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Image 3.1 Illustrative Metering screens for the InteliSys NTC BaseBox controller
Other screens with ECU values, analogue or binary inputs/outputs can follow. It depends on the controller
Note: Use ↑ or ↓ to scroll the screens.
Screens could be hidden or the order of the screens could be modified by users.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.3 Setpoints Screens
To go to Setpoints screen press Menu button, use arrow to find proper item in menu and confirm it with Enter
button. The following sub-menu appears with the list of the setpoints groups.
Setpoints groups depends on the application, see Reference Guide of the specific application (e.g. IGS-NT-
SPtM-2.5-reference Guide.pdf).
Setpoints could be presented as a numeric, text, string or mixed value and they can be changed in the following
3.3.1 Numerical Value Change 22
3.3.2 String Selection 22
3.3.3 String Edit 23
3.3.4 Time and Date Edit 23
3.3.5 Combined Setpoints 24
3.3.6 Unauthorized access message 24
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.3.1 Numerical Value Change
Press the button when the proper setpoints group is chosen (e.g. ProcessControll)
Use arrows ↑ or ↓ to go to a certain set-point (e.g. Base load) and press Enter button, see picture below:
Use → or ← buttons to go to a certain position of the field and use ↑ or ↓ buttons to change the value. Then
use Enter button to confirm new value.
Note: If you set the value out of limit, the field will get red colour and the new value is invalid. Invalid value
cannot be confirmed.
3.3.2 String Selection
Press the button when the proper setpoints group is chosen (e.g. ProcessControl)
Use arrows ↑ or ↓ to go to a certain set-point (e.g. Load ctrl PtM) and press Enter button, see picture below:
Use ↑ or ↓ buttons to select the string from the list and press the Enter button.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.3.3 String Edit
Press the button when the proper setpoints group is chosen (e.g. Comms settings)
Use arrows ↑ or ↓ to go to a certain set-point (e.g. Gen-set name) and press Enter button, see picture below:
Use ↑ or ↓ buttons to select the character and → ← buttons for the next position and press Enter button.
3.3.4 Time and Date Edit
Press the button when the proper setpoints group is chosen (e.g. Date/Time)
Use arrows ↑ or ↓ to go to a certain set-point (e.g. Time) and press Enter button, see picture below:
Use ↑ ↓ buttons to select the number, → ← for the next position and press Enter button.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.3.5 Combined Setpoints
Press the button when the proper setpoints group is chosen (e.g. ProcessControl)
Use arrows ↑ or ↓ to go to a certain set-point (e.g. PeakAutS/S del) and press Enter button, see picture
Use ↑ or ↓ buttons to select the number, → or ← for the next position or Go Up/Go Down context buttons
and press Enter button.
3.3.6 Unauthorized access message
Setpoints can be locked for unauthorized edit. If a user does not have permission to edit certain setpoints,
"Access Denied" pop-up message is displayed (see picture below).
3.4 AlarmList Screen
On AlarmList screen you can see and work with alarms. When an error occurs, a new alarm appears in the
AlarmList screen, exclamation mark starts blinking on the measurement screens. A small alarm icon is placed
also to heading to be visible in all screens of IV5 including newly generated screens from Screen editor or by
adding new modules in configuration. See picture below:
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
There are 2 levels of alarms:
is displayed by YELLOW colour
is displayed by RED colour
Note: When a new alarm appears AlarmList screen is displayed automatically when Main Measurement screen
is displayed. From different screen, AlarmList button has to be used to display AlarmList screen.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.4.1 Where to Find Alarms
1. To go to AlarmList screen, press AlarmList context button or Menu button and choose AlarmList.
2. Press Fault Reset button to confirm all alarms. The exclamation mark will stop blinking.
3. Resolve the error. The alarm will disappear from the AlarmList and exclamation mark will turn off.
Note: When the issue is resolved before Fault Reset button is used, the alarm still remains in the AlarmList (it
will be turned black) till you press Fault Reset button.
3.4.2 Types of alarms
Alarm with asterisk
Unacknowledged alarm (not confirmed by Fault Reset button)
Alarm without asterisk
Acknowledged alarm (confirmed by Fault Reset button)
Alarm written in colour background
Active alarm
Alarm written in black background
Inactive alarm (resolved - visible only when unacknowledged)
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Alarm activated with analogue value
Alarm activated with binary inputs
3.4.3 ECU Alarmlist page
InteliDrive controllers family controller have visually separated common and ECU alarms. The ECU Alarmlist
page is accesible by the button in the user button section.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Image 3.2 : ECU Alarmlist page overview
3.5 History Screen
Press History context button or Menu and choose the History in the menu. For details see following picture:
3.5.1 Context buttons
Once/1xPage/10xPage Select page mode– scroll history by lines or page or 10x pages
Home Jump to the first column when the first column is not on the screen
Metering Jump to the last displayed Measurement screen
Arrow to left Scroll to the left side
Arrow to right Scroll to the right side
Note: History depends on a controller configuration. History is erased when controller configuration is changed
and reprogrammed. For more information how to change history columns see GenConfig Reference Guide or
GenConfig context help.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.6 Help/Others Menu
Sub-menu Help/Others Contains Following Screens:
3.6.1 Language 29
3.6.2 User/Password 29
3.6.3 Communication 30
3.6.4 ControllerInfo 30
3.6.5 ECU Modules 31
3.6.6 Modules Info 31
3.6.7 InteliVision Info 31
3.6.8 InteliVision Settings 32
3.6.9 Service Screen 32
3.6.1 Language
1. Press Menu button.
2. Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Help/Others menu item and use Enter
3. Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Language and use Enter.
4. Use ↑ or ↓ to choose correct language and press Enter
Note: InteliVision 5 will reboot when the language is changed. This reboot does not affect control unit.
3.6.2 User/Password
When a user is signed into the controller he can choose a user from the list of users (every user has got certain
rights) and then password has to be used.
To see information how to enter passwords go to How to Enter a Password (page 40) and for information how
to change a password go to How to Change a Password (page 41).
Note: Users’ administration has to be done via PC SW InteliMonitor. The users’ level rights are defined
Note: InteliDrive controllers have different user management. See the respective controller manual for more
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.6.3 Communication
To see information how to connect InteliVision 5 display to a controller, go to How to Connect InteliVision 5
to IGS-NT (page 35).
3.6.4 ControllerInfo
To see information about the control unit see Controller info page. On the screen you can find information as
(See the picture below):
ID controller string
Application used
SW version
HW version
Serial number
Password decode
HW name
SW dongle
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.6.5 ECU Modules
To see information about the connected ECU units see the ECU Modules page. See the picture below:
3.6.6 Modules Info
Modules info is the screen where all connected modules can be seen, e.g. I-LB+, IGS-NT-E-COM etc.
3.6.7 InteliVision Info
Information about the InteliVision 5 properties can be seen in IV info screen. See the picture below:
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.6.8 InteliVision Settings
Backlight Time setting allows to switch off display backlight (Standby Mode is applied). Backlight time is
switched off, when time in parameter “backlight time” lefts. The parameter is based on the time from 1 to 240
minutes or never.
For recover any button has to be pressed (see IV5 Settings) or in case of new incoming alarm, the display
awakes from standby mode and backlight of the display is activated.
Note: When Alarmlist contains not confirmed alarms, Standby Mode is NOT applied.
Keyboard and display backlight could be switch on or off based on this set-point.
3.6.9 Service Screen
Context information like a telephone number, a name of the service organization and etc… could be placed on
this screen.
The Service screen is defined in Screen Editor tool or via xml description.
Screen Editor is easy drag&drop way how to modify screens in InteliVision 5. Screen Editor is available as the
part of GenConfig 2.6 and higher.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.7 Other features
3.7.1 User configurable soft keys buttons
The user has possibility to assign various functions of configurable soft keys buttons - buttons on the bottom of
Intelivision 5 (see figure below). Different functions can be assigned to any button of any screen.
Pre-defined functions:
Fast jump to any Measurement & Setpoints screen
Binary signal activation
Set button - each press of a button sets binary signal to 1
Reset button - each press of a button sets binary signal to 0
Toggle button - press set binary signal to 1 or 0 (depends on initial value) and next press set value to
opposite value. Initial value can be defined.
Pulse generator (the button generates pulse 1)
Genset commands (start, stop, MCB on, faultReset etc. )
See example in the picture below. The first button is fast link to “Generator protection” list in Setpoints Menu and
the second button is fast link to “Statictic I.” screen in Measurement. Labels on buttons are customizable.
The functions can be easily defined in the graphical Screen Editor. Functions actually assigned to buttons in
actual archives are default.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
3.7.2 Support of TIER 4 Final standard
InteliVision 5 is ready to use in projects requiring the TIER4 Final standard. The figure below displays the
illustrative set of supported symbols in all color variations.
They are available to choose in Screen Editor (as Pictogram / GaugeBit / GaugeBitBlink instruments) during the
IV5 screen modification.
Note: New TIER 4 Final symbols are ready to be configured in Screen Editor (the part of the GenConfig).
Note: If the ECU with the support of Tier 4 Final is added to the configuration in the GenConfig software the
Aftertreatment screen is automatically added to the metering screen (in the Screen Editor tab).
Note: To fullfill the Tier 4 Final standard there also must be manually configured DEF level and Soat level
values to the main metering screen (e.g. DigitLong instrument can be used). Some of the controller firmwares
already have these values on the main metering screens preconfigured by default.
3.7.3 Change of all label colour
From 1.1 version the color of all texts and values was changed to be text better readable also from angles. The
text color is white and value color is aqua. See texts and values on right side of figure below.
6 back to Graphical User Interface
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4 Quick Help
This chapter provides information how to connect InteliVision 5 and quickly find important data. To be more
familiar with InteliVision 5 menu, see Operator Interface chapter.
4.1 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IGS-NT
With version 1.1.1 or higher InteliVision 5 can be connected to the controller via RS-485 or RS-232 line. A user
can choose between NT-Terminal connection and direct connection.
If the connection has not been set up yet, after start up InteliVision 5 will shows “Communication window” with
two parameters:
ConnectionType – indicates last connection type which was selected, press “Enter” button to go to menu for
selection between options:
Terminal Adr./ Controller Adr.
If NT-Terminal as a connection type is selected then second parameter is:
Terminal Adr – indicates which terminal addresses are available (green text) and which are occupied (red text).
It is possible to connect up to 2 terminals to IG-NT-(BB) and up to 3 terminals to IS-NT-(BB) controllers.
When terminal address has to be changed:
Press Menu button and choose Help/Others menu
Use ↑ or ↓ for Communication item and press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to get Terminal Adr (in the case ConnectionType = NT-Terminal) and press Enter (in the case
ConnectionType = Direct, firstly ConnectionType = NT-Terminal has to be set)
Use ↑ or ↓ and choose appropriate Terminal Adr and press Enter, see picture below:
InteliVision 5 will reboot and the new terminal address will be used. Loss of communication is presented with
the first screen, with SW version, HW version and release date. Communication Error (page 36) is displayed
with terminal address dialogue.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Note: For the information how to connect InteliVision 5 to the controller go to the Installation guide or Terminals
and dimension chapter.
RS 485 terminators have to be used to assure proper functionality.RS 485 port is galvanic separated and IV5
might be use for communication for long distance up to 1000m.
4.2 How many InteliVision 5 can be used
Unit Number of displays Terminal address
IS2GAS 4 1,2,3,4
IDDCUMarine 3.0.0 5 1,2,3,4,5
IG-NT(C) –BB 3 1,2,3
IS-NTC – BB 4 1,2,3,4
IM-NT-BB 2 1,2
IG-NT(C) 1 2
IS-NT-BB 3 2,3,4
IM-NT 1 2
For how to set up InteliVision 5 address see How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IGS-NT on page 35.
4.3 Communication Error
Communication error occurs when no control unit is connected to the display or communication is interrupted. In
that case the following screen appears:
When the communication between unit and display is fixed, the red stripe disappears and InteliVision 5
initializes communication with the unit.
The control unit is identified by InteliVision 5 and only valid numbers of terminal addresses are displayed. For
the maximum number of connected InteliVision 5 see How many InteliVision 5 can be used on page 36.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.4 How to View a Controller Status
Controller status is displayed in the left bottom part of the screen. Status depends on the external conditions
and it is updated immediately when any condition is changed.
Note: For more information about controller status see relevant Reference guide e.g. IGS-NT-SPtM-2.5.pdf
4.5 How to View a Breaker Status
Breakers status is present in all default controller screens. Single line diagram defines Mains and gen-set
Status is represented with following colours
Represent breaker failure e.g. MCB fail.
Represents closed breaker.
Represents opened breaker.
Pressing corresponding button results in following actions:
Open MCB (GCB) – command Open MCB (GCB)
Close MCB (GCB) – command Close MCB (GCB)
Note: Mode button and command buttons are disabled when active lock is active. SW button link has gray link
around (when no colour background is used) and dark green or dark red when breaker status is highlighted.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.6 How to Control Circuits Breakers
Breakers can be controlled in MAN mode only. Breaker control button is placed in bottom part of InteliVision
5display. See picture bellow:
4.7 How to Change a Gen-set Mode
To Change a Gen-set Mode:
Press Mode context button (See the picture below).
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose menu item and press Enter
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.8 How to Log in
To enter a controller user:
Press Menu button.
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Help/Others and press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Users/Password menu item
Use ↑ or ↓ to go to Users field and press Enter.
Use ↑ or ↓ to set the correct user and press Enter. See the picture below:
Note: The controller is unlocked only when proper password is inserted.
When user is log in. Green lock is displayed in the right upper corner and appropriate access level is indicated.
See figure below:
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.9 How to Enter a Password
To enter a controller password:
Press Menu button.
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Help/Others and press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Users/Password menu item
Use ↑ or ↓ to go to EnterPassword field and press Enter.
Use → or ← to select the digit and use ↑ or ↓ to set the number you need to enter. See the picture below:
It is possible to set Password protection feature.
Note: Password protection features should be activated in InteliMonitor in Password Menu. In default the
feature is inactive.
In the case when Password protection choice is activated and a user inserts wrong password for six times (the
number of attempts can change according to a new controller SW version) to log into the controller, the
controller is automatically locked for next login. When the controller is locked and user tries to login into the
controller, the message appears:
"Controller is locked. Try entering correct password after X min"
Message informs about time remaining for unlocking of the controller. The time in message is not actualized.
For actual time a user should open login dialog again.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.10 How to Change a Password
To change a controller password:
Log in, see the chapter How to Log in (page 39) and How to Enter a Password (page 40).
Press Menu button.
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose ChangePassword and press Enter button
Use → or ← to select the digit and use ↑ or ↓ to set the number you need to enter. See the picture below:
4.11 How to Log out
To log out:
Press Menu button.
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Help/Others, press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Users/Password menu item and press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to choose Logout and press Enter.
4.12 How to Reprogram InteliVision 5
For programming of a new firmware, upgrade of fonts and logo download the InteliVision 5 has to be connected
to any IG/IS-NT-(BB) controller to it’s NT-terminal interface, i.e. RS485(1)/display port.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
Then the programming is done from GenConfig PC SW tool:
Run GenConfig
Go to menu File -> Firmware upgrade and Cloning -> Display GC font change / FW upgrade
Select tab according to desired operation, e.g. Display firmware upgrade
Select firmware to be programmed
Note: It is possible to choose only firmware already imported to GC.
Press Write to display button and wait until programming is complete
Disconnect InteliVision 5 from the controller NT-terminal interface.
It is not possible to program InteliVision 5 through the direct communication interface.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4.13 How to Change Display Brightness
The brightness of display can be changed by holding Menu button and repeated pressing  or ¯. See the picture
Two modes are available in InteliVision 5.To switch between Day or Night mode hold Menu button only.
Pictogram for day or night appears on the screen.
To change day or night brightness intensity:
Hold Menu button until day / night mode on the screens appear
Press and hold Menu button with or ¯to change brightness intensity
Note: Brightness setting has priority in this order: controller forced brightness InteliVision’s 5 analogue input,
keyboard. When the analogue input is used, small pictograms in brightness sub-menu appears. Display
backlight could be switched off (standby) due to Backlight Time. For recover any button has to be pressed (see
IV5 Settings) or in case of new incoming alarm, the display awakes from standby mode and backlight of the
display is activated.
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
5 Technical data
The device is intended to be used in the engine room or on the engine directly.
Controller IV5Display
Voltage supply
8-36V DC 8-36V DC
Consumption depends on supply voltage
1,1A at 8VDC 0,7A at 8 VDC
Power supply
Note: InteliVision 5 and the control unit should be used the same battery source. When external battery is
needed because of long wiring and etc.. InteliVision 5 RD is recommended to use.
Operating temperature
-40 ˚C to +70 ˚C
Storage temperature
-30 ˚C to +80 ˚C
Flash memory data retention
10 years
Protection front panel
IP 65
Operating humidity
85% without condensationIEC/EN 60068-2-30
Operating conditions
Low Voltage Directive
EN 61010-1:95 +A1:97
Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN 61000-6-3
EN 61000-6-4
EN 61000-6-1
EN 61000-6-2
EN 60068-2-6
Standard Conformity
Front panel 245x164mm
InteliVision 5 cutout 175x115mm
Dimensions and Weight
Maximal distance 1000m (depends on local conditions and interference)
* RS 485 is galvanicaly separated
Speed up to 57.6kBd
Communication Interface
5.7" color TFT display with resolution of 320 × 240 pixels
LCD display active area dimension 115,2 x 86,4mm
Pixel size 0.120(W) x 0.360(H) mm
LCD Display
* RS-485 interface is galvanicaly separated from the serial number 1511434C (HW version on the back sticker
is 1.2)
6 back to Table of contents
InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
6 List of possible events
InteliVision 5 screen texts Description
Controller detection sequence is in progress. Text disappears when controller
is detected.
Controller configuration sequence is checking. Text disappears when
controller is detected.
Reading cfg. Table
Controller configuration reading is in progress. Text disappears when
controller is detected.
Preparing Display setting Ok.
Running Indication of running display.
Wrong Display HW SW and HW mismatch. Correct firmware has to be programmed.
Invalidate configuration table Error
Configuration table is invalid. Controller configuration has to be
reprogrammed or upgraded.
Unsupported controller Error Controller is not supported.
Unsupported cfg. table format Error
Controller configuration table is not supported. InteliVision 5 firmware
upgrade is necessary.
Mismatch parameters length Error
Controller parameters mismatch. Controller configuration upgrade is
Mismatch const values length Error Controller constants mismatch. Controller configuration upgrade is necessary.
Mismatch values length Error Controller values mismatch. Controller configuration upgrade is necessary.
Mismatch val states length Error
Controller values states mismatch. Controller configuration upgrade is
Communication Error
Controller is detected; CAN communication level is not defined correctly.
Reason of this behavior could be: CAN bus line is not terminated properly,
environment disturbance is present or CAN line is too long.
Terminal addr collision Error
Another CAN bus connected equipment uses the same Terminal address for
a given controller. Change Terminal address is necessary.
Screen template missing Error Unsupported controller firmware, missing InteliVision 5 support.
Screen template version Error Unsupported controller screen. InteliVision 5 firmware has to be updated.
Font not valid Error
Corrupted display font. Font programming was not done properly. Display
firmware/font programming is necessary.
Font format not supported Error Unsupported font, InteliVision 5 font or firmware is necessary.
Bitmaps not valid Error Bitmaps (generator, engine, fuel and etc...) Firmware upgrade is necessary.
Bitmaps format not supported Error
Unsupported bitmaps format. (Engine, gen-set and etc...) Firmware upgrade is
Default lang. not supported Error
Default/Defined language error/not supported. Language change or code
page change is necessary.
6 back to Table of contents

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