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Bentone BG 550 Installation And Maintenance  Instruction

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  6. Installation and maintenance instruction

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178 034 82-3


Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide

Installation- and maintenance instruction

BG 550/650/700/800/950

BMS LMV Biogas



Related Manuals for Bentone BG 550

Summary of Contents for Bentone BG 550

  • Page 1
    178 034 82-3 2018-04-11 Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide Installation- and maintenance instruction BG 550/650/700/800/950 BMS LMV Biogas…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    6.4 Replacement of damper motor, gas _________________________ 17. Declaration of conformity 6.5 Flame monitoring and ionisation current check ______________________________________ __________ 6.6 Gas nozzle BG 550/650 __________________________________________ 18. General instruction for gasburner ___________________________ 6.7 Gas nozzle BG 550LN ____________________________________________ 6.8 Gas nozzle BG 700/800 __________________________________________ 6.9 Gas nozzle BG 950…

  • Page 4
    General Bentone BFG1…
  • Page 5: General Information

    • Burner pipes, fan wheels and air dampers may contain sharp edges. • The surface temperature of the burner’s components can exceed 60 °C. • Caution: The burner has moving parts, and there is risk of crushing injuries. 172 515 01 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 6: Actions To Take If You Smell Gas

    Open windows and doors. Close the gas ball valve. Warn residents; do not use doorbells. Evacuate the building. Notify the installer or gas supplier once the building has been evacuated. 172 515 01 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 7: Burner Servicing Schedule

    Delivery check • Make sure everything is delivered and the goods have not been damaged during transit. • If something is wrong with a delivery, report it to the supplier. • Transport damage must be reported to the shipping company. Bentone…

  • Page 8: Technical Data

    Length of Flange Burner tube Burner tube Type burner tube measure A measure B measure C Standard 1 Standard 2 BG 550 Standard 3 Standard 1 BG 650 Standard 2 Standard BG 700 Långt utförande Standard BG 800 Långt utförande…

  • Page 9
    General *590 *743 BG 550 *590 *743 BG 650 *730 *970 BG 700 *730 *1022 BG 800 *730 *1027 BG 950 * The above dimensions are max. measurements. Depending on the components used, the measurements may vary. ** Min. recommended distance to loor.
  • Page 10
    Nm pressure pressure mbar mbar 140–628 see data plate BG 550 140–628 see data plate BG 550 BG 550 140–628 see data plate BG 550 140–628 see data plate BG 650 200–1125…
  • Page 11
    General 2.2.3 Appliance categories Only dry gas is permitted for use BG 550 Gerätekategorien Versorgungsdrücke Bestimmungsländer Appliance categories Supply pressures Countries of destination 30-360mBar «BG, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FR, GR, 2R/3R HU, IS, IT, LU, LV, NO, PT, SI, All countries»…
  • Page 12
    LT, LU, LV, IT, NO, PT, SI, All countries” 40-360mBar ”AT, CH, CY, DK, FI, LT, RO, 2H3B/P SK” 40-360mBar GB, IE, 2H3P 40-360mBar NL, RO 2L3B/P 40-360mBar PL, RO 2E3B/P 40-360mBar 2E(R)B 40-360mBar HU, LT, LV 30-360mBar BE, HU,LT 3B/P 30-360mBar GB,LT Bentone…
  • Page 13
    General 2.2.4 Electric Specification Burner correspond to IP40 Type BG 550 BG 650 230/400V, 50Hz, 230/400V, 50Hz, Motor 6,5/4,0A, 1,5kW, 3,5/2,5A, 0,75kW 2890 Rpm 2860 Rpm The recommended main fuse C10A motor 230V1F~2,5A Control power 89 dBA ± 0,5 dBA 91 dBA ±…
  • Page 14
    General 2.2.5 Working field BG 550 140-628 kW Do not exceed working ield BG 650 200-1125 kW Do not exceed working ield 200 300 900 1000 1100 1200 Bentone…
  • Page 15
    Do not exceed working ield 1000 1200 1400 1600 BG 800 380-2400 kW Do not exceed working ield 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 BG 950 mbar 500-3200 kW Do not exceed working ield 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 Bentone…
  • Page 16: Description Bg

    General 2.3 Description BG 550/650 Bentone…

  • Page 17
    General 2.3.1 Components BG 550/650 Burner tube Guide bar Damper motor, gas Ignition electrode Min. gas pressure switch/tightness check Shrouded disc MultiBloc Ionisation electrode Air damper Electrical connection Damper motor, air Gas nozzle Connection gas i ttings Motor Air pressure switch…
  • Page 18: Description Bg

    General 2.4 Description BG 700/800/950 Bentone…

  • Page 19
    Shrouded disc MultiBloc Ionisation electrode Air damper Electrical connection Damper motor, air Gas nozzle Connection gas ittings Motor Air pressure switch Measuring nipple, fan pressure Fan house Connection lange Sight glass AZL display for LMV automatic control unit Switch 0-l Bentone…
  • Page 20: General Instruktions

    Adjust the burner to appr. 20% excess air in accordance with the table. Check the lue gas temperature. Calculate the eficiency. Check also the actual gas volume on the gas meter so that the correct input is achieved. Bentone…

  • Page 21: Installation

    If the boiler has a 7-pole and a 4-pole Eurostecker connector, these usually it directly to the burner. If not, use the connectors included. (Refer to connection under Electric equipment) If an electric connection other than the one recommended by Enertech is used, a risk of damage and injury can arise. Bentone…

  • Page 22: Skeleton Diagrams

    Valve proving system Air damper motor Air pressure switch Gas burner control LMV Pos. 5b, 7: Components not required according to EN 676. Required over 1200 kW according to EN 676 When Bio gas is used, Enertech shall always be contacted. Bentone…

  • Page 23: Fitting The Burner To The Boiler

    Remove the cover plate from the fan housing. Undo the nut (D) to the nozzle assembly. (applies to BG 550 & 650; does not feature on BG 700, 800 & 950) Disconnect the electrical cables to the valve assembly and gas damper motor.

  • Page 24: Handling And Lifting Instruction

    General 4.7 Handling and lifting instruction 4.7.1 BG 550, BG 650 Option The lifting aid we used here are available as spare parts, Figure 1 Figure 1 4.7.2 BG 700, BG 800, BG 950 Bentone…

  • Page 25: Inspection Of Gas Nozzle Before Commissioning

    Remove the cover plate from the fan housing. Undo the nut (D) to the nozzle assembly. (applies to BG 550 & 650; does not feature on BG 700, 800 & 950) Disconnect the ignition cable and ionisation cable for the gas nozzle.

  • Page 26: Setting The Burner

    5.2 Setting the air damper The position of the air damper must be adjusted to achieve a suitable fuel-air mixture in the operational events that are programmed. See section 13.4 (LMV) for the setting procedure. Bentone…

  • Page 27: Setting The Gas Damper

    ((Q · 1,2) / 3600) ((2200 · 1,2)/3600) 5.3 Setting the gas damper The position of the gas damper must be adjusted to achieve the desired minimum and maximum input power. See section 13.4 (LMV) for the setting procedure. Bentone…

  • Page 28
    Temperature of gas at the gas meter [°C] Barometer reading [mbar] Pressure of gas at the gas meter [mbar] Factor calculated for multiplication with low in Nm /h to arrive at actual low in Nm Actual low · 273+T 1013.25 Bentone…
  • Page 29: Calculating The Quantity Of Gas Supplied

    = Time for a certain quantity of gas consumed by the burner. M = Quantity of gas consumed. V = Actual gas low Calculation example: t = 1 min 10 s M = 4500 dm (litre) 4500 4.5 m 1000 0.0194 h 3600 ≈ 232 m 0.0194 Bentone…

  • Page 30: Service

    Check the ionisation electrode (see chapter 11.7–11.10). Replace if necessary. Fit the combustion assembly in reverse order. Press the burner together and lock using the nuts (B). Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the main power supply. Check/adjust the combustion. Bentone…

  • Page 31: Servicing Air Dampers

    Lock the damper motor in position where the damper is almost engaged but still has a small air gap by the fan housing. Install the intake grille for the air intake. Press the burner together and lock using the nuts (B). Check/adjust the combustion. Bentone…

  • Page 32: Replacement Of Damper Motor, Air

    Install the new damper motor on the mounting plate. For BG 550/650, SQN 14 is used for air control. For BG700/800/950, SQM 33 is used. Parameter 601.00:0 Parameter 601.01:1…

  • Page 33: Bg550/650

    General BG700-950 BG550/650 BG550-950 Bentone…

  • Page 34: Replacement Of Damper Motor, Gas

    An SQN 13 damper motor must be used to adjust the gas valve. When tightening screw (Y), ensure that the damper is in the closed position. Connect the damper motor cable to the automatic control unit. Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the mains power. Check / adjust combustion. Bentone…

  • Page 35: Flame Monitoring And Ionisation Current Check

    Possible detector current Max. DC 16…40 µA, lame display approx. 100% Threshold values when lame is supervised by an ionization probe: — Start prevention (extraneous Intensity of lame (parameter 954) ≥18% light) — Operation Intensity of lame (parameter 954) >24% Bentone…

  • Page 36
    General ION input ION input Ionization current in µA Ionization current in µ A Figure 1: Ionization input at AC 120 V / AC 230 V X10-05,2 Bentone…
  • Page 37: Gas Nozzle Bg 550/650

    General 6.6 Gas nozzle BG 550/650 Towngas Natural gas, Propane Biogas (UV detector) 6.7 Gas nozzle BG 550LN A = 10 mm Front edge of brake plate A = Position of ionisation detector B = 3 mm B = Position of ignition electrode…

  • Page 38: Gas Nozzle Bg 950

    General 6.8 Gas nozzle BG 700/800 Natural gas, Propane Natural gas ≈ 15-20 Propane Biogas (UV detector) 3-3,5 10-12 Bentone…

  • Page 39
    General 6.9 Gas nozzle BG 950 Natural gas, LPG Distance electrode — brake plate. Biogas (UV-sond) Bentone…
  • Page 40: Uv Detector

    • Simultaneous operation of QRA… and ionization probe is Warning! not permitted! Threshold values when lame is supervised by QRA…: — Start prevention (extraneous light) Intensity of lame (parameter 954) ≥18% — Operation Intensity of lame (parameter 954) >24% Bentone…

  • Page 41: Setting The Air Pressure Switch

    This is to ensure the reliable function of the burner. If breakdowns or interruptions occur, the air pressure switch is probably set to a too narrow position. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 42: Setting The Min. Gas Pressure Switch

    The tolerance on the scale for the min. gas pressure switch is approx. ±15%. Open the ball valve. Remove the pressure gauge and close the pressure outlet (X). Check the gas tightness. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 43: Setting The Max. Gas Pressure Switch

    The tolerance on the scale for the max. gas pressure switch is approx. ±15%. Remove the pressure gauge and close the pressure outlet (X). Check the gas tightness. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Gas pressure switch, air pressure switch Setting range: 2.5–50 mbar 5-150 mbar Bentone…

  • Page 44: Vibration

    Maximum vibration level are 5,0 mm/s • Check all bolts and nuts for correct torque • Check fan wheel for damage and contamination. Change when dirty/ unbalanced • Check motor bearings. If worn change motor/bearings Use lid screw hole for sensor mounting Bentone…

  • Page 45: Handing Over Of The Installation

    • Has the gas control or the motor protector locked out? — Reset. • Is the circulation pump in operation? • Is there a supply of fresh air to the installation? • If integral components are of a different make from what is stated in this manual, see the enclosed loose-leaf. Bentone…

  • Page 46: Regulators

    For information and operation of the different regulators which can be installed directly on the burner, see the enclosed manual. When connecting an external regulator of a type other than those which are installed on burners, see the manufacturer’s recommendations and the wiring diagram for burners. Bentone…

  • Page 47: Damper Motors

    Max. 60 s Angular adjustment Usable range max. 90° Degree of protection IP40 Rated resolution encoder monitoring 0.7° 0-position of actuator drive shaft As supplied 0 +2° / -2° Environmental conditions: Temperature range -10…+60 °C Humidity <95 % r.h. Bentone…

  • Page 48
    An SQN14 damper motor is used on BG 550 and BG 650 burners to control the amount of air. An SQN13 damper motor is used on BG 550, BG 650, BG 700, BG 800 and BG 950 burners to control the amount of gas.
  • Page 49: Sqm Damper Motor

    Perm. on time 50%, max. 3 min. continuously Angular adjustment Usable range max. 90° Degree of protection IP40 Rated resolution encoder monitoring 0.7° 0-position of actuator drive shaft Supply state 0 ±0.6° Environmental conditions: Temperature range -20…+60 °C Humidity <95% r.h. Bentone…

  • Page 50
    An SQN13 damper motor with anticlockwise rotation is used on BG 550 and BG 650 burners to control the amount of air. An SQN14 damper motor with clockwise rotation is used on BG 550 BG 650, BG 700, BG 800 and BG 950 burners to control the amount of gas.
  • Page 51: Gas Train

    Threaded versions: DMK 512, 515 and 520 Flanged versions: DMK 5065 and 5080 DMK 5065 and 5080 Environmental conditions: Temperature range -15…70 °C Humidity <95% r.h. Gas qualities No nonferrous materials. Suited for use with gases up to max. max. 0,1 vol. % H2S, dry Bentone…

  • Page 52
    See image • When installing a gas damper, observe the direction of low shown on the gas damper. • After working on a gas damper, check the gas tightness Bentone…
  • Page 53: Multi-Block Vgd40

    Degree of protection IP54 Multi-block connection lange VGD40.65/SKP15/25 DN65 VGD40.80/SKP15/25 DN80 Environmental conditions: Temperature range -10…60 °C Humidity <95% r.h. Gas qualities No nonferrous materials. Suited for use with gases up to max. max 0,1 vol. % H2S, dry Bentone…

  • Page 54
    The burner can also be i tted with an additional gas pressure switch to monitor that the nozzle pressure does not get too high. Bentone…
  • Page 55
    Pa, see image. Turning to right = higher regulator pressure Turning to left = lower regulator pressure Fit protective plug X. Possible output pressure range 15–120 mbar. Pressure is measured at the pressure outlet on SKP25. See section 10.2.2. Bentone…
  • Page 56
    > 4 mm. The impulse pipe must be protected again breakage and damage. If damage should occur, the impulse pipe must be replaced before the burner is put into operation again. Bentone…
  • Page 57
    1, 2, 3, 5 Sealing plug 6, 7 G 1/4 8, 9 G 1/2 Option Screw plugs 1,2,3 ,5may also be replaced by a measuring socket G 1/8 DIN ISO 228. Concealed connecting bore for system accessories. 172 515 83 2018-04-05 Bentone…
  • Page 58
    3 in 1.5mm cap stand headed screw. After setting the requested pressure setpoint: Close protective valve 1. Route wire through 2 and 3, Fig. 2. ° ° Vmin. / mini.> 0.1 x Vmax. / maxi. Press lead around wire ends, keep wire loop short. Bentone…
  • Page 59
    1 — 5. Replace solenoid Important: Make sure that the solenoid no. and voltage are correct! Remount hydraulic brake or adjust-ing plate as described on. ”Replacing the hydraulic brake or adjusting plate”, steps 7 -11. Bentone…
  • Page 60
    Max. operating pressure 500 mbar Pressure regulator Class A Ambient temperature -15 °C … +70 °C Inlet pressure range 5 — 500 mbar Family 1 + 2 + 3 Outlet pressure range 2,5 — 200 mbar Bentone…
  • Page 61
    FRS 525 083 303 500 Rp 22 230 6,00 FRS 5065 058 792 500 DN65 7,50 FRS 5080 079 681 500 DN80 10,00 Do not use unit as lever. 21/2 1100 1600 2400 5000 6000 7600 (Nm) < (Nm) < Bentone…
  • Page 62
    Turn spindle to stop. Unscrew complete adjustment device B and remove spring C. Insert new spring D. Assemble complete adjustment device and adjust desired off-set. Screw on protective cap A. Stick adhesive label E onto typeplate. Attach lead seal. Bentone…
  • Page 63: Electric Equipment

    • The high gas pressure switch can be installed to the connection pipe between the multi-block and the burner head, and will then function as a power monitor. • Installation will block burner operation and a manual restart will be required. Installation must be carried out pursuant to applicable regulations. Bentone…

  • Page 64: Wiring Diagram

    General 13.2 Wiring diagram Bentone…

  • Page 65: Wiring Diagram Rwf 50:3

    General 13.3 Wiring diagram RWF 50:3 Bentone…

  • Page 66: Wiring Diagram Rwf 50:2

    General 13.4 Wiring diagram RWF 50:2 Bentone…

  • Page 67: Wiring Diagram Jumo 316

    General 13.5 Wiring diagram Jumo 316 Bentone…

  • Page 68: List Of Components

    Contact for damper motor, air SQM 33 (BG700-950) Contact for damper motor, gas SQN 13 AZL display for LMV automatic control unit Contactor with surge protection Transformer Fuse holder Branching point/measuring point for ionisation LMV automatic control unit Quick-release switch for regulator Bentone…

  • Page 69: Lmv37 Automatic Control Unit

    Example: Modulating gas burner The system components (display and operating unit, actuators) are connected directly to the LMV37.4… basic unit. All safety-related digital inputs and outputs of the system are monitored by a contact feedback network. Bentone…

  • Page 70: General Information

    6.3 AT (DIN EN 60127 2 / 5) Mains supply: Input current depending on the operating state of the unit Under voltage Safety shutdown from operating position at mains voltage LMV37.400A2 Approx. AC 186 V Restart on rise in mains voltage LMV37.400A2 Approx. AC 195 V Bentone…

  • Page 71
    X5-02 pin 2/3 POC *) RAST plug Function / Outputs pin number X3-05 pin 1 X4-02 pin 2/3 X6-03 pin 2/3 X8-02 pin 1/3 X7-01 pin 2/3 X7-02 pin 2/3 X3-05 pin 2 0° 0° 0° Legend to the sequence diagrams Bentone…
  • Page 72
    Postpurge time (t3) Evacuation of test space Atmospheric pressure test Filling of test space Gas pressure test Gas shortage waiting time Valve proving is performed depending on the parameter settings: Simultaneously with the prepurge time and/or the afterburn time. Bentone…
  • Page 73
    Only with fuel train Lo and 2 fuel valves Parameter 223: Repetition limit value gas pressure switch-min in connection with gas shortage program parameter 246 (phase 90) Max. drop-in/response time for air pressure switch Alternative to valve proving Alternative to pressure switch-max (Pmax) or POC Bentone…
  • Page 74
    0°/10% Position as supplied (0°) 90°/100% Actuator fully open (90°) Input/output signal 1 (ON) Input/output signal 0 (OFF) Input permissible signal 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF) Bentone…
  • Page 75: Connection And Internal Diagram

    Protection earth (PE) Supply for fuel meter Shielding: Input fuel meter For shielding the cables on the VSD, refer to: • Siemens SED2 VSD Commissioning Manual (G5192), chapters 4 and 7, or • Danfoss Operation Manual VLT 6000 (MG60A703), chapter Installation Bentone…

  • Page 76
    Speed feedback signal Speed feedback signal Signal reference PWM speed output PWM speed output Signal reference DC 24 V external DC 24V external Controller input 4…20 mA Controller input 4…20 mA Power source Power source Controller Analog Analog Controller Bentone…
  • Page 77: Operation

    • For changing to a higher menu level (press button for 3…8 s) • For changing the operating mode (press button for >8 s) /reset — Enter in parameter setting mode — Reset in the event of fault — One menu level down Bentone…

  • Page 78
    Figure 4: Meaning of display Fault status message Flame present Valve controlled Ignition controlled Fan motor controlled Oil preheater on Heat request from controllers Parameter setting mode Info mode Service mode h min s Actuator closing Actuator opening Unit of current display Bentone…
  • Page 79: List Of Phase Displays

    Postpurge time (t3) (abortion when load controller ON) Ph80 Valve proving test evacuation time Ph81 Valve proving test time atmospheric pressure, atmospheric test Ph82 Valve proving illing test, illing Ph83 Valve proving time gas pressure, pressure test Ph90 Gas shortage waiting time Bentone…

  • Page 80: Automatic Control Unit Levels

    Change to normal Change to normal display display >3 s <8 s Info level /reset >3 s <8 s /reset or automatic return after timeout of Service level menu operation (parameter 127) >8 s >1 s Parameter level Parameter level Bentone…

  • Page 81
    Basic unit Air-fuel ratio control curves (primary setting) /reset Bild 388e/1109 /reset Air-fuel ratio control /reset The following sections explain the Actuator operating philosophy behind the parameter levels using a number of examples. /reset Error histery /reset Process data Bentone…
  • Page 82
    Standardized speed Number of faults Error history: 701-725.01.Code 701. chronological error list index value of index Indexlista: 04 = error phase 01 = error code 05 = startup counter 02 = diagnostic code 06 = output 03 = error class Bentone…
  • Page 83
    The code for logging into service level is found on the plate on the inside of the cover for the electrical connections box. Press button combination to display CodE When releasing the buttons, 7 bars appear the irst of whishes. h min s Press to select a number or letter. h min s Press to conirm the value /reset Bentone…
  • Page 84
    The next bar starts lashing. h min s Complete the rest of the password according to the principle described. Example: Password consisting of 4 characters. min s After entery of the last character the password must be conirmed by pressing /reset Bentone…
  • Page 85: Setting The Automatic Control Unit

    400 for initial commissioning and for setting air-fuel controll. /reset 201: appears l ashing. h min s Press to go to the settings for air-fuel ratio control and parameter /reset 201 for selecting the operating mode. Bentone…

  • Page 86
    20 = gas modulating with pilot only when iring on gas (Gp1 mod fuel active) • 21 = gas modulating with pilot only when iring on gas (Gp2 mod fuel active) • 22 = oil modulating only when iring on oil (Lo mod fuel active) • Bentone…
  • Page 87
    Select your setting by pressing one of the buttons Press to save the setting for parameter 542: VSD /reset This manual describes “0=VSD OFF” type burners. Press: to return to parameter level. To the next parameter Back to the previous parameter Bentone…
  • Page 88
    Press simultaneously to set ignition position P0 of the fuel damper. Set a suitable fuel-air mixture so that the burner starts. Example: 30.0 h min s Press simultaneously to set ignition position P0 of the air actuator. Bentone…
  • Page 89
    To the next curvepoint P9 appears lashing. Curvepoint for high-ire. Same procedure as with P0 h min s Note: is pressed irst, the display jumps to 90! Back to the previous curvepoint When curvepoint 9 is set, press to start the burner. Bentone…
  • Page 90
    This method makes the setting work easier and faster to complete. A more “correct” setting is obtained straight away. The process may need to be redone if the wrong input power was set for P9 initially. For this reason, be extremely careful when entering the irst setting of P9. Bentone…
  • Page 91
    Phase Fan ramp up (fan motor = ON, safety valve = ON) h min s Phase Traveling to prepurge position h min s Phase Prepurging h min s Phase Traveling to ignition position h min s Bentone…
  • Page 92
    Phase Traveling to ignition position h min s Phase Preignition h min s Phase for irst safety time (ignition transformer ON) h min s Phase for irst safety time (ignition transformer OFF), preignition time OFF h min s Phase Interval 1 min s Bentone…
  • Page 93
    Low lame position P1 can only be set when symbol is no longer highlighted. The value is adopted from P0 For fuel, keep depressed, for air h min s press to adjust the value. When symbol is no longer highlighted. Bentone…
  • Page 94
    The setting curve is therefore adjusted to the highest input power that the installation can handle. The desired input power is then set by entering how much of the maximum power is required. Bentone…
  • Page 95
    When symbol  or  is no longer highlighted, you can press ESC a second time. h min s Press to exit parameter level. h min s The settings for air-fuel ratio control by the LMV37.4… are now completed. Bentone…
  • Page 96
    0 = QRB / QRC 1 = ION / QRA Factory settings marked with bald text. When replacing detector lame between ionisation and UV-cell (QRA), no change to the setting parameters is required; simply disconnect and connect ionisation and UV-cell (QRA) respectively.. Bentone…
  • Page 97
    1 = active (postpurge position) Factory settings marked with bald text. When the Purging in the lockout position function is used, the fan may only be powered via a contactor and must not be connected directly to LMV37.4 (X3-05 pin 1)! Bentone…
  • Page 98
    23 hours and 45 min of uninterrupted operation, followed by an automatic restart. When forced intermittent operation is inactivated the burner will run continuously. Forced intermittent operation is a standard feature. 239 Gas: Forced intermittent operation 0 = inactivate 1 = activated Factory settings marked with bald text. Bentone…
  • Page 99
    After login is complete, continue with the setting work as shown below. h min s Press to select parameter 400 for initial commissioning and for setting air-fuel ratio control /reset Identii cation of start for setting the curve parameters. h min s Bentone…
  • Page 100
    The value is adopted from P0. For fuel, keep depressed, for air Press to adjust the value. h min s When symbol is no longer highlighted, the next curvepoint P2 can be selected with To the next curvepoint back to the previous curvepoint Bentone…
  • Page 101
    If required, readjust the gas pressure. For fuel, keep depressed, for air h min s Press to adjust the value. When symbol is no longer highlighted, the curve is set and it is possible to go on with the rest of the setting. Bentone…
  • Page 102
    /reset maximum capacity. Adjust the setting downwards or upwards using the buttons h min s Press to save the setting. /reset Press to return to parameter level. To the next parameter. Bentone…
  • Page 103
    Back to the previous Completing parameter parameterization of the curve When symbol is no longer highlighted, you can press ESC a second time. h min s h min s The warm settings for air-fuel ratio control by the LMV37.4… are now completed. Bentone…
  • Page 104: Backup And Restore

    To continue with the setting work, you need to log into service engineer level. See 5.3.4. After login is complete, continue with the setting work as shown below. Press for parameter level 000. Press /reset Display: Parameter 050, lashes, index 00, and value 0 do not. /reset Display: Parameter bAC_UP /reset Bentone…

  • Page 105
    If an errror occurs during the backup process, a negativ value is displayed. For error diagnostics, the cause of the error can be determined from the diagnostic code of error message 137 (see Error code list) Press four times until the top menu is displayed. Bentone…
  • Page 106
    After login is complete, continue with the setting work as shown below. Press for parameter level 000. Press /reset Display: Parameter 050, lashes, index 00, and value 0 do not. /reset Display: Parameter bAC_UP Press to select parameter rESstorE /reset Bentone…
  • Page 107
    Press to select the restore process. /reset Press to shift the value in change mode 1 position to the left. Display: Value 1 lashes To detect potential dispalay errors, the value is displayed 1 place shifted to the left Bentone…
  • Page 108: Fault Status Message, Display Of Errors And Info

    The display shows current error code c: alternating with diagnostic code d: (refer to Flash code list). Example: Error code 4/diagnostic code 3 h min s When pressing for 1…3 s, rESEt appears on the display. /reset Bentone…

  • Page 109
    SEr and then OPErAtE. >5 s For a list of parameters, see table 5.3.3. /reset h min s When the button is released, a change to info / service mode is made. >8 s /reset h min s Bentone…
  • Page 110
    The unit initiates safety shutdown. The display shows current error code c: alternating with diagnostic code d:. h min s Press 1…3 s, to return to the normal display. /reset Example: Error code 12 / diagnostic code 0 h min s Bentone…
  • Page 111
    Display: Parameter 701. lashes, index 01: and example value 201 does not. h min s Press to go to index 01: /reset Display: Parameter 701. does not lash, index 01: lashes, value 201 does not. h min s To the next index Back to the previous index. Bentone…
  • Page 112
    /reset Press to go to display mode. /reset Display: Value 56 (number of startup) h min s Press to return to the index. Display: Parameter 701. does not lash, index 05: lashes, characters ._._ h min s do not. Bentone…
  • Page 113
    To the next index Back to the previous index. When this display appears, you have reached the end of the error history. Display – End – appears lashing. h min s Press twice. HISt 700: for error history h min s Bentone…
  • Page 114: Dispaly Message Of Info

    OFF UPr. h min s 15.7.3 Safety loop A unit whose safety loop and / or burner lange contact is open, and a controller ON signal is present, displays OFF S. h min s Bentone…

  • Page 115: Resetting The Automatic Control Unit

    Select another burner type than the one already selected by pressing one of the buttons Conirm this selection with The automatic control unit is now reset. /reset h min s Restart the setting process for the LMV automatic control unit as speciied in 3.2.1. Bentone…

  • Page 116: Manual Output

    LoAd 0.0 means Manually OFF. As long as the Manual OFF is active, OFF appears on the normal display lashing. To deactivate and to change to automatic operation, press for 3 seconds. Then OFF appears without lashing in the display. Bentone…

  • Page 117
    Manually OFF must not be used just to put a burner out of operation when doing mounting work, or when the burner is not ready for operation. The safety notes contained in chapter Safety notes must be observed! Bentone…
  • Page 118
    16. Parameter list Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Internal parameters Start backup / restore via AZL2…/ PC software (set parameter to 1) Index 0: Create backup Std_s8 edit 0;…
  • Page 119
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Mains frequency LMV37.400…: 0 0 = 50 Hz Selection edit LMV37.420…: 1 1 = 60 Hz Display brightness LMV37.400…: 75 % Std_u8 edit 100% LMV37.420…: 100 % Fuel meter: Pulse valency [pulses / volume unit]…
  • Page 120
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Default output if communication with building automation is interrupted Setting values: For modulation operation the setting range is as follows: 0…19.9 = burner off 20…100 = 20…100% burner rating Output edit / clear…
  • Page 121
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Burner operating mode (fuel train, modulating / multistage, actuators, etc.) — = undefined (delete curves) 1 = G mod 2 = Gp1 mod 3 = Gp2 mod 4 = Lo mod 5 = Lo 2-stage…
  • Page 122
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Fan ramp up time Time edit 60 s 0.2 s Max. time down to low-fire Time edit 0.2 s 10 min 0.2 s 45 s Repetition limit safety loop 1 = no repetition…
  • Page 123
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Gas: Pressure switch-max / POC input 0 = inactive LMV37.400…: 1 1 = pressure switch-max Selection edit LMV37.420…: 2 2 = POC 3 = pressure switch valve proving Gas: Forced intermittent operation 0 = inactive Selection…
  • Page 124
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Ramp modulating Std_u8 edit 32 s 80 s 32 s Lower output limit Output edit / clear 100% 0.1% undefined SO (BA) undefined = 20 % Upper output limit Output edit / clear…
  • Page 125
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Standardized speed Index 0 = speed 1 Std_u16 read only 6500 undefined Index 1 = speed 2 (internal supervision) Configuration of analog output 0 = DC 0…10 V Std_u8 edit…
  • Page 126
    Num- Par. ber of Default Value range Resolu- Password Parameter ele- Type Edit setting tion level ments Result of contact sensing (bit-coded) Bit 0.0 = 1: Pressure switch-min Bit 0.1 = 2: Pressure switch-max Bit 0.2 = 4: Pressure switch valve proving Bit 0.3 = 8: Pressure switch air pressure switch Bit 0.4 = 16: Load controller OPEN Bit 0.5 = 32: Load controller ON…
  • Page 127: Error Code List

    17. Error code list Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy no Comm No communication between LMV37.4… basic unit and AZL2… Check wiring for line interruption/loose contact No flame at the end of the safety time (TSA) No flame at the end of safety time 1 (TSA1) No flame at the end of safety time 2 (TSA2) No flame at the end of safety time 1 (TSA1) (software version…

  • Page 128
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Loss of flame Loss of flame Loss of flame (software version ≤ V02.00) 3…255 Loss of flame due to TÜV test (loss-of-flame test) Valve proving Fuel valve 1 (V1) leaking For valve proving via X5-01 (gas pressure switch-min) (fuel valve 2 with valve proving via X5-01) — Check to see if the valve on the burner side is leaking…
  • Page 129
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Pressure switch-max (Pmax) / POC Pressure switch-max (Pmax): Max. gas / oil pressure exceeded Check wiring to see if there is a line interruption. POC: POC open (software version ≤ V02.00) POC: Check to see if the valve’s closing contact is closed.
  • Page 130
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Internal error Make a reset; if error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Internal error Make a reset; if error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Internal error Make a reset; if error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Internal error Make a reset;…
  • Page 131
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Control range limitation of VSD Basic unit could not correct the difference in speed and reached a control range limit. 1. Basic unit is not standardized for this motor repeat standardization. Caution! Settings of air-fuel ratio control must be checked!
  • Page 132
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Speed variation / VSD ramp up time too long / speed below Motor has not reached a stable speed after ramp up. minimum limit for standardization 1. Ramp time settings of the VSD are not shorter than those of the basic unit (parameters 522, 523).
  • Page 133
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Running command with no preceding standardization VSD is controlled but not standardized make standardization No standardized speed available Motor turns but is not standardized make standardization Speed error VSD Required speed has not been reached Bit 0 Lower control range limitation Speed has not been reached because control range limitation has become…
  • Page 134
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Curve slope actuators Bit 0 VSD: Curve too steep in terms of ramp speed Check speed differential between the curvepoints and the modulating operating Valency 1 ramp setting (parameter 544). 1.
  • Page 135
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Error fuel actuator Position error Target position could not be reached within the required tolerance band check to see if actuator is locked or overloaded Bit 0 Line interruption Line interruption detected at actuator’s terminals Valency 1 check wiring (voltage X54 across pin 5 or 6 and pin 2 >0.5 V) Bit 3…
  • Page 136
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Short-circuit of sensor Short-circuit at QRB… 1. Check wiring. 2. Flame detector possibly fault Error relay supervision 3 Ignition transformer External power supply active contact Check wiring 4 Fuel valve 1 5 Fuel valve 2 6 Fuel valve 3 Error relay supervision…
  • Page 137
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Internal error relay control Make a reset. If error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Software version V03.10: If error C:99 D:3 occurs during standardization of the VSD, deactivate temporarily function Alarm in case of start prevention (parameter 210 = 0, when using a release contact) or interrupt the controller-ON signal Internal error relay control…
  • Page 138
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Internal error EEPROM access Make a reset, repeat last parameterization / check. Restore the parameter set, if error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Internal error EEPROM access Make a reset, repeat last parameterization / check. Restore the parameter set, if error occurs repeatedly, replace the unit Internal error EEPROM access Make a reset, repeat last parameterization / check.
  • Page 139
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy 242 (-14) Backup – backup made is inconsistent Backup is faulty and cannot be transferred back 243 (-13) Backup – data comparison between µCs faulty Repeat reset and backup 244 (-12) Backup data are incompatible Backup data are incompatible with the current software version, restore not possible…
  • Page 140
    Error code Diagnostic code Meaning for the LMV37.4… system Remedy Manual locking by the PC software During a curve adjustment via the ACS410, communication between the Communication breakdown LMV37.4… and the ACS410 was interrupted for more than 30 seconds Manual locking after PC software PC software made a reset attempt although the system worked correctly reset attempt Internal error management…
  • Page 142: General Instruction For Gasburner

    19. General instruction for gasburner General instructions for gasburners Installation Follow standards and instructions applicable to the Check that the input pressure of the gas is correct installation of gas burners Check that the dampers of the boiler are open Ensure that the electric installation is made in Check that there is water in the system accordance with existing regulations…

  • Page 148
    Enertech AB. P.O Box 309, SE-341 26 Ljungby. www.bentone.se, www.bentone.com…

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  1. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Горелка встает в режим блокировки

    Всем привет! Нужна помощь в поиске причины режима блокировки.
    Котел Saint Roch Ultra PF56, горелка Benton ST 133 KA.
    Проблема вот в чем: периодически горелка встает в режим блокировки. Может неделю-две работать без проблем, а может несколько раз в сутки вставать в режим блокировки. Причину искали несколько разных мастеров, но все заканчивалось нулевым результатом. Горелка запускается, некоторое время работает (бывает что и через 30 сек остановка, и до недели/двух).
    Каждый новый мастер начинает говорить про кривые руки предыдущего и т. д.
    Что сделали:
    заменил топливный фильтр, поставил с воздухоотводчиком.
    поменяли насос горелки
    пробовали менять блок управления
    меняли контактную группу блока управления.
    настраивали горелку с газоанализатором несколько раз
    удлинял трубу дымохода, но сказали, что горелка с наддувом и высота трубы не принципиальна.

    Не хочется покупать другую горелку ради попробовать.
    Если у кого есть в запасе — готов взять в аренду дабы отсечь вариант проблемы в горелке.
    Мастера уже в полном ступоре, сами не понимают где копать/искать причину.

    Предлагают теперь рыть со стороны электрики, попробовать заменить стабилизатор. Сейчас стоит Ресанта LUX.

    У кого какие мысли?

    Устали уже от постоянных мыслей про горелку

  2. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Форсунку меняли ? Что с электродами розжига ?

  3. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Изначально, с завода горелка была укомплектована форсункой с размером 1,25.
    Пробовали ставить 0,65, сейчас стоит 0,85.
    Результат тот же

    Электроды чистые
    Зазор регулировали, прошлый мастер делал

  4. servisnik





    Живу здесь


    @Alex kao, Блокировка во время работы или перед запуском? Что сигнал показывает?

  5. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    В те моменты когда это происходило при мне, вставала во время работы.
    Т. е. происходит запуск, поджиг и секунд через 20-30 остановка.
    Вопрос про сигнал не понял. На этой горелке коды ошибок не показывает.

  6. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Пламя в контрольном окошке котла появляется ? У меня когда форсунка засорилась, похоже было. Продувка, зажигание, подача топлива и … остановка. На всё — секунд 20.
    Давление выставлено под новую форсунку ? Такой тип форсунки, что поставили, в инструкции есть?
    Фотоэлемент протирали ?

  7. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Кстати, после неудавшегося запуска, следы солярки на форсунке или подпорной шайбе есть ?

  8. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Я наверное не совсем корректно написал…
    Запуск происходит нормально, иногда в блокировку встает после 20-30 сек именно работы, т. е. Не при запуске, а именно во время горения. Соответственно и пламя есть.
    Фотоэлемент чистый, полная настройка горелки именно под эту форсунку делалась. Давление в том числе. Снизили до 10 атм, было 12,5.

  9. servisnik





    Живу здесь


    Признак подсоса воздуха. Чаще всего бывает в самом фильтре.
    Попробуйте дать поработать горелке с другим топливом, с заправки, с канистры.

    автомат горения какой? Бывает фотоэлемент мозги выносит, хрен определишь, пока не поменяешь.

  10. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Извиняюсь, но не понял:
    Что такое автомат горения?

    По поводу подсоса воздуха:
    Сейчас стоит фильтр с воздухоотводчиком. Если только после фильтра подсос идет.

  11. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Топливо менять пробовал.
    С канистры запускал,

    Без изменений. Встает в блок непредсказуемо, алгоритм не выявить.
    И ночью и вечером, и днем.

  12. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Автомат горения — это электронный блочок, на кнопку которого Вы нажимаете для перезапуска горелки.
    Если у Вас нет пузырей воздуха в фильтре и всё настроено нормально, то может действительно фотоэлемент глючит ? Ещё бывает что лабиринт подогревателя со временем забивается отложениями топлива, но это если у Вас горелка с подогревом топлива…

  13. servisnik





    Живу здесь


  14. Ortodox





    Живу здесь


    А воздухоотводчик закрыт?

    Ага, значит раньше его ваще не было.У вас однотрубная подача топлива или обратка есть.
    Или закольцовка от фильтра до горелки.
    Или от фильтра до горелки тоже одна труба.

  15. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Сначала стоял простой фильтр, 2х трубная система. Когда начали заниматься проблемой, то сначала заменил фикспакет на топливной емкости. Вторым заменил фильтр. Сейчас стоит фильтр с однотрубной подачей топлива. Обратка с горелки идет на фильтр.

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Installation- and maintenance instruction


172 115 07 05-01


Related Manuals for Bentone BG 300LN

Summary of Contents for Bentone BG 300LN

  • Page 1
    Installation- and maintenance instruction BG300LN 172 115 07 05-01…
  • Page 2
    178 026 72…
  • Page 3
    DESCRIPTION BG300/400LN 1. Switch man-aut 9. Blast tube 16. Transformer 2. Switch 0-1 10. Gas nozzle 17. Gas burner control 3. Change -over switch 11. Connection gas fittings 18. Electric panel increasedecrease 12. Multibloc 19. Electrical connection 4. Indicating lamp Stage 1 13.
  • Page 4
    TECHNICAL DATA Type designation BG 300LN ø110 Length of Measure A Standard The above dimensions are max. measurements. Depending on the com ponents used, the measurements may vary. 172 215 53 03-01…
  • Page 5: Output Range

    TECHNICAL DATA Type designation BG 300LN Output range Capacity Gas volume at a min. Gas volume at a max Max. inlet Rated inlet pressure output Nm output Nm pressure mbar mbar G20 51-120 kW G25 45-120 kW 14,6 Connection Motor…

  • Page 6
    9. Air pressure switch 10. Gas burner control Pos. 5b, 7: Components not required according to EN 676. Required over 1200 kW according to EN 676. Incorporated in the MultiBloc When biogas is used, Bentone shall always be contacted. 172 415 05 03-01…
  • Page 7: Installation Example

    MOUNTING ON THE BOILER Fit the burner to the boiler by means of 4 bolts M10 (do not forget the flange gasket). For flange and bolt dimensions see Technical Data or use the fixing flange as a pattern. If for some reason you want to separate the combustion part from the fan housing part to mount the burner on the boiler, see General Instructions.

  • Page 8: Electric Equipment

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Gas burner control: LMG22/LME22 Wiring diagram 1(2) 172 425 51 08-01…

  • Page 9: Operating Position

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT List of components A1 Gas burner control S12 Change-over switch, Increase- A2 Power control Reduce B1 Ionization electrode S15 Control thermostat, 3-pole F1 Operating fuse (only for 2-stage sliding) H1 Operating lamp Ignition transformer H3 Alarm signal 230 V Connection terminal board M1 Burner motor Earth terminal…

  • Page 10: Error Code Table

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Control diagnosis under fault conditions and lockout indication Gas burner control: LMG … Diagnosis of cause of fault After lockout, the red fault LED is steady on. For reading the cause of fault, refer to the blink code given in the following table: Red LED on Press lockout reset button for >…

  • Page 11: Electrical Equipment

    ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Control program when disruption; disruption display Gas burner control: LME..Colour codes Colour code table for multi-coloured signal lamps (Light diodes) Status Colour codes Colours Waiting time «tw», other waiting times Ignition phase, ignition checked Flashing yellow Normal operation Green Operation, poor flame signal Flashing green…

  • Page 12
    ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Control program when disruption; disruption display Gas burner control: LME..Alarm control table Red flashing code on Possible causes signal lamp (LED) Flashing 2 x No flame at End of «TSA» •• — Defective or obscured flame monitor — Defective or obscured fuel valves — Poor burner installation — Defective ignition unit…
  • Page 13: Leakage Control

    MEASURES AND CHECKS BEFORE START-UP 2-Stage or modulating burners General rules Care should be taken by the installer to ensure that no electrical cables or fuel/gas pipes are trapped or damaged during installation or service/ maintenance. Inner assembly Ensure that the ignition and ionisation electrodes are correctly adjusted. The sketch (see separate page) shows the correct measurements.

  • Page 14
    EASURES AND CHECKS BEFORE START-UP BG300 / 400LN Gas nozzle assembly Natural gas 12-14 172 155 05 01- 01…
  • Page 15
    DETERMINATION OF GAS VOLUME FOR THE INSTALLATION Specifications on natural gas, town gas and biogas vary. For more exact information please contact the gas distributor. Net calorific value Gas quality kWh/Nm kJ/Nm kcal/Nm Natural gas 10.3 37 144 8 865 Propane 26.0 93 647…
  • Page 16
    DUNGS COMBI BLOC WITH RATIO ADJUSTMENT MB-VEF BO1, 407 View 1. Electrical connection gas pressure switch mini 2. Electrical connection gas valve 3. Pressure switch mini 4. Flange connection inlet 5. Test point connection 1/8″ before V 6. Filter 7. Data plate 8.
  • Page 17: Adjustment Possibilities

    MULTI-BLOC, MB-VEF 412 — 425 B01 Technical data Max inlet pressure 360 mbar Valves V class A group 2 in accordance with EN 161 Governor class A group 2 in accordance with EN88 Ratio V P 0,75:1-3:1 Filter according to DIN 3386 Ambient temperature -15°C- +70°C Protection standard type IP54 (according to IEC 529, DIN 40050) Gas family 1 +2 +3…

  • Page 18
    ADJUSTMENT OF GAS FLOW — Before the burner starts vent the lines to make sure that there is gas available at the multibloc — Use an allen key size 2,5 mm for adjusting N and V. — Connect a pressure gauge for measur-ing P , (advisable to find out if the valves are open) — Set the switch in position MAN.
  • Page 19: General Instructions

    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS General instructions The installation of the gas burner must be carried out in accordance with current regulations and standards. The installers of gas burners should therefore be acquainted with all regulations and ensure that the installation complies with the requirements. The installation, mounting and adjustment should be made with the greatest care and only the correct gas should be used Operating instructions…

  • Page 20
    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Adjustment of shrouded disc and burner head The burner head is firm adjusted and there are no possibilities of settings besides the adjustment and the inspection of the ignition electrode and the ionisation electrode. Inspection of burner head when multi-bloc MB…407 The burner head, the shrouded disc and the electrodes can be inspected by following the instructions below: Loosen the nut a, the nut b to the impulse line P…
  • Page 21: General Instruction

    GENERAL INSTRUCTION Flame monitoring and measurement of ionisation current The burner is monitored according to the ionisation principle. Check the ionisation current on start-up and on each service call. The reason for a low ionisation current may be leaking currents, bad connection to earth, dirt or a faulty position of the flame electrode in the burner head.

  • Page 22: Uv-Detector

    GENERAL INSTRUCTION UV-detector This should not be exposed to temperatures exceeding 60°C. The current passing through the UV-detector, when it is being illuminated, should be at least 70 μ A for LFL1.. This current can be measured by means of a moving coil instrument.

  • Page 23
    GENERAL INSTRUCTION Adjustment of air pressure switch The air pressure switch should stop the burner, if the air volume is reduced. The air proving device shall be adjusted in such a way that if there is insufficient air supply at the highest or lowest burner operating stage, the device operates before the supervised pressure is less than 80% of the pressure at the controlled stage and the CO content of the combustion products exceeds 1% by volume.
  • Page 24
    HANDING OVER OF THE INSTALLATION — Make repeated start attempts to ensure that the adjustments function. — Close the ball valve during operation to check that the gas switch switches off at the set value. — Remove the hose for the air pressure switch to check that the burner locks out.
  • Page 25: Gas Burner

    FAULT LOCATION GUIDE Gas burner The basis for a trouble free operation can only be ensured by the correct combined effect of the three factors: electricity, gas flow and combustion air. Should any of these factors change, troubles may arise. It has been proved that many troubles have rather simple causes.

  • Page 26
    Cause Remedy No flame establishment despite a trouble free start The gas solenoid valve defective Replace The gas solenoid valve does not open despite Replace coil or the whole valve if necessary. its obtaining voltage No voltage to the solenoid valve Check the contact No electrical connection through Test the adjustment and the function of the air pres-…
  • Page 27
    Cause Remedy Pulsations at start The ignition electrodes are wrongly adjusted Re-adjust. The gas pressure is too high Check and adjust by means of a pressure gauge and a pressure adjustment valve. The flue gas side is blocked Check the chimney flue. Pulsations during operation The burner is not correctly adjusted Re-adjust…
  • Page 28: Declaration Of Conformity

    (name, type or model, batch or serial number, possible sources and number of items) BG 100, BG 150, BG 200, STG 120, STG 146, BG 300,BG 300LN, BG 400, BG 400LN BG 450,BG 450LN, ………………………………..

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Bg 400ln

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Installation- and maintenance instruction


172 115 07 05-01


Related Manuals for Bentone BG 300LN

Summary of Contents for Bentone BG 300LN

  • Page 1
    Installation- and maintenance instruction BG300LN 172 115 07 05-01…
  • Page 2
    178 026 72…
  • Page 3
    DESCRIPTION BG300/400LN 1. Switch man-aut 9. Blast tube 16. Transformer 2. Switch 0-1 10. Gas nozzle 17. Gas burner control 3. Change -over switch 11. Connection gas fittings 18. Electric panel increasedecrease 12. Multibloc 19. Electrical connection 4. Indicating lamp Stage 1 13.
  • Page 4
    TECHNICAL DATA Type designation BG 300LN ø110 Length of Measure A Standard The above dimensions are max. measurements. Depending on the com ponents used, the measurements may vary. 172 215 53 03-01…
  • Page 5: Output Range

    TECHNICAL DATA Type designation BG 300LN Output range Capacity Gas volume at a min. Gas volume at a max Max. inlet Rated inlet pressure output Nm output Nm pressure mbar mbar G20 51-120 kW G25 45-120 kW 14,6 Connection Motor…

  • Page 6
    9. Air pressure switch 10. Gas burner control Pos. 5b, 7: Components not required according to EN 676. Required over 1200 kW according to EN 676. Incorporated in the MultiBloc When biogas is used, Bentone shall always be contacted. 172 415 05 03-01…
  • Page 7: Installation Example

    MOUNTING ON THE BOILER Fit the burner to the boiler by means of 4 bolts M10 (do not forget the flange gasket). For flange and bolt dimensions see Technical Data or use the fixing flange as a pattern. If for some reason you want to separate the combustion part from the fan housing part to mount the burner on the boiler, see General Instructions.

  • Page 8: Electric Equipment

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Gas burner control: LMG22/LME22 Wiring diagram 1(2) 172 425 51 08-01…

  • Page 9: Operating Position

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT List of components A1 Gas burner control S12 Change-over switch, Increase- A2 Power control Reduce B1 Ionization electrode S15 Control thermostat, 3-pole F1 Operating fuse (only for 2-stage sliding) H1 Operating lamp Ignition transformer H3 Alarm signal 230 V Connection terminal board M1 Burner motor Earth terminal…

  • Page 10: Error Code Table

    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Control diagnosis under fault conditions and lockout indication Gas burner control: LMG … Diagnosis of cause of fault After lockout, the red fault LED is steady on. For reading the cause of fault, refer to the blink code given in the following table: Red LED on Press lockout reset button for >…

  • Page 11: Electrical Equipment

    ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Control program when disruption; disruption display Gas burner control: LME..Colour codes Colour code table for multi-coloured signal lamps (Light diodes) Status Colour codes Colours Waiting time «tw», other waiting times Ignition phase, ignition checked Flashing yellow Normal operation Green Operation, poor flame signal Flashing green…

  • Page 12
    ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Control program when disruption; disruption display Gas burner control: LME..Alarm control table Red flashing code on Possible causes signal lamp (LED) Flashing 2 x No flame at End of «TSA» •• — Defective or obscured flame monitor — Defective or obscured fuel valves — Poor burner installation — Defective ignition unit…
  • Page 13: Leakage Control

    MEASURES AND CHECKS BEFORE START-UP 2-Stage or modulating burners General rules Care should be taken by the installer to ensure that no electrical cables or fuel/gas pipes are trapped or damaged during installation or service/ maintenance. Inner assembly Ensure that the ignition and ionisation electrodes are correctly adjusted. The sketch (see separate page) shows the correct measurements.

  • Page 14
    EASURES AND CHECKS BEFORE START-UP BG300 / 400LN Gas nozzle assembly Natural gas 12-14 172 155 05 01- 01…
  • Page 15
    DETERMINATION OF GAS VOLUME FOR THE INSTALLATION Specifications on natural gas, town gas and biogas vary. For more exact information please contact the gas distributor. Net calorific value Gas quality kWh/Nm kJ/Nm kcal/Nm Natural gas 10.3 37 144 8 865 Propane 26.0 93 647…
  • Page 16
    DUNGS COMBI BLOC WITH RATIO ADJUSTMENT MB-VEF BO1, 407 View 1. Electrical connection gas pressure switch mini 2. Electrical connection gas valve 3. Pressure switch mini 4. Flange connection inlet 5. Test point connection 1/8″ before V 6. Filter 7. Data plate 8.
  • Page 17: Adjustment Possibilities

    MULTI-BLOC, MB-VEF 412 — 425 B01 Technical data Max inlet pressure 360 mbar Valves V class A group 2 in accordance with EN 161 Governor class A group 2 in accordance with EN88 Ratio V P 0,75:1-3:1 Filter according to DIN 3386 Ambient temperature -15°C- +70°C Protection standard type IP54 (according to IEC 529, DIN 40050) Gas family 1 +2 +3…

  • Page 18
    ADJUSTMENT OF GAS FLOW — Before the burner starts vent the lines to make sure that there is gas available at the multibloc — Use an allen key size 2,5 mm for adjusting N and V. — Connect a pressure gauge for measur-ing P , (advisable to find out if the valves are open) — Set the switch in position MAN.
  • Page 19: General Instructions

    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS General instructions The installation of the gas burner must be carried out in accordance with current regulations and standards. The installers of gas burners should therefore be acquainted with all regulations and ensure that the installation complies with the requirements. The installation, mounting and adjustment should be made with the greatest care and only the correct gas should be used Operating instructions…

  • Page 20
    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Adjustment of shrouded disc and burner head The burner head is firm adjusted and there are no possibilities of settings besides the adjustment and the inspection of the ignition electrode and the ionisation electrode. Inspection of burner head when multi-bloc MB…407 The burner head, the shrouded disc and the electrodes can be inspected by following the instructions below: Loosen the nut a, the nut b to the impulse line P…
  • Page 21: General Instruction

    GENERAL INSTRUCTION Flame monitoring and measurement of ionisation current The burner is monitored according to the ionisation principle. Check the ionisation current on start-up and on each service call. The reason for a low ionisation current may be leaking currents, bad connection to earth, dirt or a faulty position of the flame electrode in the burner head.

  • Page 22: Uv-Detector

    GENERAL INSTRUCTION UV-detector This should not be exposed to temperatures exceeding 60°C. The current passing through the UV-detector, when it is being illuminated, should be at least 70 μ A for LFL1.. This current can be measured by means of a moving coil instrument.

  • Page 23
    GENERAL INSTRUCTION Adjustment of air pressure switch The air pressure switch should stop the burner, if the air volume is reduced. The air proving device shall be adjusted in such a way that if there is insufficient air supply at the highest or lowest burner operating stage, the device operates before the supervised pressure is less than 80% of the pressure at the controlled stage and the CO content of the combustion products exceeds 1% by volume.
  • Page 24
    HANDING OVER OF THE INSTALLATION — Make repeated start attempts to ensure that the adjustments function. — Close the ball valve during operation to check that the gas switch switches off at the set value. — Remove the hose for the air pressure switch to check that the burner locks out.
  • Page 25: Gas Burner

    FAULT LOCATION GUIDE Gas burner The basis for a trouble free operation can only be ensured by the correct combined effect of the three factors: electricity, gas flow and combustion air. Should any of these factors change, troubles may arise. It has been proved that many troubles have rather simple causes.

  • Page 26
    Cause Remedy No flame establishment despite a trouble free start The gas solenoid valve defective Replace The gas solenoid valve does not open despite Replace coil or the whole valve if necessary. its obtaining voltage No voltage to the solenoid valve Check the contact No electrical connection through Test the adjustment and the function of the air pres-…
  • Page 27
    Cause Remedy Pulsations at start The ignition electrodes are wrongly adjusted Re-adjust. The gas pressure is too high Check and adjust by means of a pressure gauge and a pressure adjustment valve. The flue gas side is blocked Check the chimney flue. Pulsations during operation The burner is not correctly adjusted Re-adjust…
  • Page 28: Declaration Of Conformity

    (name, type or model, batch or serial number, possible sources and number of items) BG 100, BG 150, BG 200, STG 120, STG 146, BG 300,BG 300LN, BG 400, BG 400LN BG 450,BG 450LN, ………………………………..

This manual is also suitable for:

Bg 400ln

Bentone BG 300-2 Installation And Maintenance  Instruction

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Bentone Manuals
  4. Burner
  5. BG 300-2
  6. Installation and maintenance instruction
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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178 001 72-4


Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide

Installation- and maintenance instruction

BG 300-2

Related Manuals for Bentone BG 300-2

Summary of Contents for Bentone BG 300-2

  • Page 1
    178 001 72-4 2018-03-23 Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide Installation- and maintenance instruction BG 300-2…
  • Page 2
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    9.2 Wiring diagram LME _________________________________________ 34 9.3 List of components __________________________________________ 35 9.4 Control program at faults; fault mode indicator LME ..___________ 36 10. Troubleshooting _____________________________________________ 38 11. EU Declaration of conformity _________________________________ 41 13. General instructions for gasburners ____________________________ 42 Bentone…

  • Page 4: General Information

    • Burner pipes, fan wheels and air dampers may contain sharp edges. • The surface temperature of the burner’s components can exceed 60 °C. • Caution: The burner has moving parts, and there is risk of crushing injuries. 172 515 01 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 5
    Open windows and doors. Close the gas ball valve. Warn residents; do not use doorbells. Evacuate the building. Notify the installer or gas supplier once the building has been evacuated. Bentone…
  • Page 6
    Delivery check • Make sure everything is delivered and the goods have not been damaged during transit. • If something is wrong with a delivery, report it to the supplier. • Transport damage must be reported to the shipping company. Bentone…
  • Page 7: Technical Data

    BG 300 * The above dimensions are max. measurements. Depending on the components used, the measurements may vary. ** Min. recommended distance to loor. ***Dimensions when installing blast tubes from the inside of the boiler 172 515 62 2018-02-02 Bentone…

  • Page 8
    BG, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FR, GR, HU, IS, 2R/3R IT, LU, LV, NO, PT, SI, All countries 20-360mBar AT, CH, CY, DK, FI, LT, RO, SE, 2H3B/P 20-360mBar GB, IE, 2H3P 20-360mBar NL, RO 2L3B/P 20-360mBar 2E3B/P 20-360mBar 2E(R)B 20-360mBar Bentone…
  • Page 9
    Alt.2 The burner’s noise level can be reduced by connecting the burner’s air intake to the air duct that opens into an appropriate location. Installation must be done so it does not prevent air supply to the burner. Bentone…
  • Page 10: Description Bg 300

    Cover, inspection glass Air damper Ionization electrode Reset button Air intake Transformer Air pressure switch Ignition electrode Inner assembly Damper motor Electric panel Nozzle Brake plate Inner assembly adjustment Indicating lamp Stage 2 (not town gas) Indicating lamp Stage 1 Bentone…

  • Page 11: General Instruktions

    Adjust the burner to appr. 20% excess air in accordance with the table. Check the lue gas temperature. Calculate the eficiency. Check also the actual gas volume on the gas meter so that the correct input is achieved. 172 515 03 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 12: Installation

    If not, use the connectors included. (Refer to connection under Electric equipment) If an electric connection other than the one recommended by Enertech is used, a risk of damage and injury can arise. 172 515 03 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 13: Skeleton Diagrams

    Safety valve 1)7. Valve proving system Air pressure switch Gas burner control Pos. 5b, 7: Components not required according to EN 676. Required over 1200 kW according to EN 676.hhh 172 515 05 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 14: Mounting On The Boiler

    Connect the gas to the burner by means of the ball valve. Ensure that the union nut, ball valve and tubing make it easy to remove the burner for inspection and service. Check the gas tightness. 172 515 06 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 15: Inspection Of Gas Nozzle Before Commissioning

    2 and just before the end of the pre-purging period it goes down to the air setting for stage 1. On some burners under 350kW the pre-purging mainly takes place with the air damper set for stage 1. 172 515 08 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 16: Gas Nozzle

    4.8 Gas nozzle Natural gas Propan Biogas (UV detector) 172 515 08 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 17: Setting Air Damper

    This function facilitates an exchange of damper motor. Solenoid valve High capacity (black) High capacity (red) Low capacity (orange) Closed damper (blue) Releasing button N.B! The upper position is the standard positiont 172 515 14 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 18: Setting The Burner

    Loosen the nuts a. Swing out the burner. Remove the screw b and the knob for adjustment of burner head. Loosen the screw c so much so that the inner assembly can be pulled out. Control of burner head 172 515 10 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 19
    Howerer, study the sections dealing with adjustments of multi-bloc, combustion air and combustion head. Gas quality max. CO lambda 1,2 Open the ball valve and switch on the main switch. If the Natural gas 10,0 11,9 burner starts the actual adjustment can be made. 11,5 13,9 Bentone…
  • Page 20: Setting The Air Pressure Switch

    This is to ensure the reliable function of the burner. If breakdowns or interruptions occur, the air pressure switch is probably set to a too narrow position. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 21: Setting The Min. Gas Pressure Switch

    The tolerance on the scale for the min. gas pressure switch is approx. ±15%. Open the ball valve. Remove the pressure gauge and close the pressure outlet (X). Check the gas tightness. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 22: Multiblock Mb-Zrdle 405-412

    2. Knob for adjustment of stage 1 Turn to the left = the start gas l ow is Test nipple, pressure after governor increased. Test nipple for nozzle pressure Filter Fixing l ange Ball valve 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…

  • Page 23
    Turn to the right = the outlet pressure is increased Turn to the left = the outlet pressure is reduced Adjustment of start gas low Adjustment of governor Multi-bloc MB-ZRDLE 405-420 Flow adjustment 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…
  • Page 24
    5.5.1 Pressure taps 1,2,3,4,5 1/8 screwed sealing plug 5.5.2 Electrical connection S 20/S 50 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…
  • Page 25: Recommended Excess Air When Using Default Setting

    Lower heat value Hu at normal state 15°C and 1013.25 mbar EN676 Grade of gas kWh/Nm MJ/Nm kcal/Nm Natural gas 34.02 8126 Natural gas 29.25 6986 Propane 24.6 88.00 21019 Butane 32.5 116.09 27728 172 515 13 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 26
    Temperature of gas at the gas meter [°C] Barometer reading [mbar] Pressure of gas at the gas meter [mbar] Factor calculated for multiplication with low in Nm /h to arrive at actual low in Nm Actual low · 273+T 1013.25 Bentone…
  • Page 27: Calculating The Quantity Of Gas Supplied

    = Time for a certain quantity of gas consumed by the burner. M = Quantity of gas consumed. V = Actual gas low Calculation example: t = 1 min 10 s M = 330 dm (litre) 0.33 m 1000 0.0194 h 3600 0,33 ≈ 17 m 0.0194 Bentone…

  • Page 28: Service

    Check the ionisation electrode (see chapter Gas nozzle). Replace if necessary. Fit the combustion assembly in reverse order. Press the burner together and lock using the nuts (B). Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the main power supply. Check/adjust the combustion. 172 615 08 2018-01-03 Bentone…

  • Page 29: Replacement Of Damper Motor, Air

    Re-install the damper motor and mounting plate on the air intake. Ensure that the damper shaft and control arm are connected correctly. Connect the damper motor cable. Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the mains power. Check/adjust the combustion. Bentone…

  • Page 30: Flame Monitoring And Ionisation Current Check

    Min. DC 1.5 µA Required current to ensure Min. DC 3 µA detection Possible detection current Max. DC 20 µA Operational indicator lamp <5 µA DC lashes green Operational indicator lamp >5 µA DC shines green 172 615 02 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 31: Uv-Detector

    AGQ3…A27 is mandatory. Correct functioning of aged UV cells can be checked as UV test with a higher supply voltage across the UV cell after controlled shutdown until terminal 3 ON. Connection diagram Measuring circuit for measuring the UV lame current Measurement made at the lame detector QRA… Bentone…

  • Page 32: Handing Over Of The Installation

    • Is the circulation pump in operation? • Is there a supply of fresh air to the installation? • If integral components are of a different make from what is stated in this manual, see the enclosed loose-leaf. 172 615 04 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 33: Electric Equipment

    Signals must be in different harnesses for safety reasons. Safety system as door switches, water level, pressure, temperature and other safety limiters must be installed in safety loop according to process. 172 615 13 2018-01-12 Bentone…

  • Page 34: Wiring Diagram Lme

    If there is no Plug-in If S6 is missing connect T6 and T8. contact (X4,X6) on the boiler, connect to the contact enclosed. 1N~50/60Hz 230V…

  • Page 35: List Of Components

    The operation of the burner can now be stopped with the control switch or thermostat If the gas burner control is blocked Red light in the gas burner control is lit. The burner is restarted by pushing the reset button Bentone…

  • Page 36: Control Program At Faults; Fault Mode Indicator Lme

    (waiting period ≥ 10 s) Limiting of starting repetitions LME 11… has a function with start repetition if the lame is not created at start or disappears during operation.. LME 11… allows max. three repetitions during continuous starting cycle. Bentone…

  • Page 37
    3 s. To go back to the normal position, press and hold the reset button longer than 3 s. If the gas burner control is in the alarm position, it is reset by pressing the reset button 0.5…3 s. Bentone…
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    Replace solenoid valve terminals, or entire valve No power to solenoid valve Check the connection No electrical connection through air pressure gauge Check the air pressure gauge’s settings and functions Ignition load incorrectly set Increase/decrease gas supply Reduce airlow 172 615 06 2018-01-10 Bentone…

  • Page 39
    Incorrectly set or faulty air sensor Check the settings and reset, or replace Ignition electrode overload Replace Burner control ambient temperature too high Insulate for heat, Max. 60 ° Ignition spark too weak Check the transformer Poor combustion Poor draught conditions Check the chimney Bentone…
  • Page 40
    Flame at incorrect angle due to combustion head out of position Check the combustion head and readjust Condensation build up in boiler and chimney Flue gas temperature too low or gas volume too low Raise the lue gas temperature by increasing gas volume Insulate the chimney Bentone…
  • Page 41: Eu Declaration Of Conformity

    11. EU Declaration of conformity Bentone Gasburners 172 905 04 2018-02-15…

  • Page 42: General Instructions For Gasburners

    13. General instructions for gasburners 13.3.1 Installation Follow standards and instructions applicable to the Check that the burner is adapted to the gas quality in installation of gas burners question Ensure that the electric installation is made in accordance Check that the input pressure of the gas is correct with existing regulations Check that the dampers of the boiler are open Check that the fresh air intake of the boiler room is…

  • Page 43
    Service- and inspection card Installation Boiler Name: Type: Eficiency kW: Address: Burner Type: Eficiency kW: Installed by: Date: Date gas/h Governor Fluegas Ionisation Pressure Eficiency temp current Fire Chimney room Measu- rement Before After °C µ A mbar mbar Small Flame Large Flame…
  • Page 48
    Enertech AB. P.O Box 309, SE-341 26 Ljungby. www.bentone.se, www.bentone.com…

Bentone BG 300-2 Installation And Maintenance  Instruction

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Bentone Manuals
  4. Burner
  5. BG 300-2
  6. Installation and maintenance instruction
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

178 001 72-4


Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide

Installation- and maintenance instruction

BG 300-2

Related Manuals for Bentone BG 300-2

Summary of Contents for Bentone BG 300-2

  • Page 1
    178 001 72-4 2018-03-23 Providing sustainable energy solutions worldwide Installation- and maintenance instruction BG 300-2…
  • Page 2
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    9.2 Wiring diagram LME _________________________________________ 34 9.3 List of components __________________________________________ 35 9.4 Control program at faults; fault mode indicator LME ..___________ 36 10. Troubleshooting _____________________________________________ 38 11. EU Declaration of conformity _________________________________ 41 13. General instructions for gasburners ____________________________ 42 Bentone…

  • Page 4: General Information

    • Burner pipes, fan wheels and air dampers may contain sharp edges. • The surface temperature of the burner’s components can exceed 60 °C. • Caution: The burner has moving parts, and there is risk of crushing injuries. 172 515 01 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 5
    Open windows and doors. Close the gas ball valve. Warn residents; do not use doorbells. Evacuate the building. Notify the installer or gas supplier once the building has been evacuated. Bentone…
  • Page 6
    Delivery check • Make sure everything is delivered and the goods have not been damaged during transit. • If something is wrong with a delivery, report it to the supplier. • Transport damage must be reported to the shipping company. Bentone…
  • Page 7: Technical Data

    BG 300 * The above dimensions are max. measurements. Depending on the components used, the measurements may vary. ** Min. recommended distance to loor. ***Dimensions when installing blast tubes from the inside of the boiler 172 515 62 2018-02-02 Bentone…

  • Page 8
    BG, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FR, GR, HU, IS, 2R/3R IT, LU, LV, NO, PT, SI, All countries 20-360mBar AT, CH, CY, DK, FI, LT, RO, SE, 2H3B/P 20-360mBar GB, IE, 2H3P 20-360mBar NL, RO 2L3B/P 20-360mBar 2E3B/P 20-360mBar 2E(R)B 20-360mBar Bentone…
  • Page 9
    Alt.2 The burner’s noise level can be reduced by connecting the burner’s air intake to the air duct that opens into an appropriate location. Installation must be done so it does not prevent air supply to the burner. Bentone…
  • Page 10: Description Bg 300

    Cover, inspection glass Air damper Ionization electrode Reset button Air intake Transformer Air pressure switch Ignition electrode Inner assembly Damper motor Electric panel Nozzle Brake plate Inner assembly adjustment Indicating lamp Stage 2 (not town gas) Indicating lamp Stage 1 Bentone…

  • Page 11: General Instruktions

    Adjust the burner to appr. 20% excess air in accordance with the table. Check the lue gas temperature. Calculate the eficiency. Check also the actual gas volume on the gas meter so that the correct input is achieved. 172 515 03 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 12: Installation

    If not, use the connectors included. (Refer to connection under Electric equipment) If an electric connection other than the one recommended by Enertech is used, a risk of damage and injury can arise. 172 515 03 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 13: Skeleton Diagrams

    Safety valve 1)7. Valve proving system Air pressure switch Gas burner control Pos. 5b, 7: Components not required according to EN 676. Required over 1200 kW according to EN 676.hhh 172 515 05 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 14: Mounting On The Boiler

    Connect the gas to the burner by means of the ball valve. Ensure that the union nut, ball valve and tubing make it easy to remove the burner for inspection and service. Check the gas tightness. 172 515 06 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 15: Inspection Of Gas Nozzle Before Commissioning

    2 and just before the end of the pre-purging period it goes down to the air setting for stage 1. On some burners under 350kW the pre-purging mainly takes place with the air damper set for stage 1. 172 515 08 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 16: Gas Nozzle

    4.8 Gas nozzle Natural gas Propan Biogas (UV detector) 172 515 08 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 17: Setting Air Damper

    This function facilitates an exchange of damper motor. Solenoid valve High capacity (black) High capacity (red) Low capacity (orange) Closed damper (blue) Releasing button N.B! The upper position is the standard positiont 172 515 14 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 18: Setting The Burner

    Loosen the nuts a. Swing out the burner. Remove the screw b and the knob for adjustment of burner head. Loosen the screw c so much so that the inner assembly can be pulled out. Control of burner head 172 515 10 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 19
    Howerer, study the sections dealing with adjustments of multi-bloc, combustion air and combustion head. Gas quality max. CO lambda 1,2 Open the ball valve and switch on the main switch. If the Natural gas 10,0 11,9 burner starts the actual adjustment can be made. 11,5 13,9 Bentone…
  • Page 20: Setting The Air Pressure Switch

    This is to ensure the reliable function of the burner. If breakdowns or interruptions occur, the air pressure switch is probably set to a too narrow position. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 21: Setting The Min. Gas Pressure Switch

    The tolerance on the scale for the min. gas pressure switch is approx. ±15%. Open the ball valve. Remove the pressure gauge and close the pressure outlet (X). Check the gas tightness. Fit the protective cover, screw (Y). Bentone…

  • Page 22: Multiblock Mb-Zrdle 405-412

    2. Knob for adjustment of stage 1 Turn to the left = the start gas l ow is Test nipple, pressure after governor increased. Test nipple for nozzle pressure Filter Fixing l ange Ball valve 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…

  • Page 23
    Turn to the right = the outlet pressure is increased Turn to the left = the outlet pressure is reduced Adjustment of start gas low Adjustment of governor Multi-bloc MB-ZRDLE 405-420 Flow adjustment 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…
  • Page 24
    5.5.1 Pressure taps 1,2,3,4,5 1/8 screwed sealing plug 5.5.2 Electrical connection S 20/S 50 172 515 11 2018-01-03 Bentone…
  • Page 25: Recommended Excess Air When Using Default Setting

    Lower heat value Hu at normal state 15°C and 1013.25 mbar EN676 Grade of gas kWh/Nm MJ/Nm kcal/Nm Natural gas 34.02 8126 Natural gas 29.25 6986 Propane 24.6 88.00 21019 Butane 32.5 116.09 27728 172 515 13 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 26
    Temperature of gas at the gas meter [°C] Barometer reading [mbar] Pressure of gas at the gas meter [mbar] Factor calculated for multiplication with low in Nm /h to arrive at actual low in Nm Actual low · 273+T 1013.25 Bentone…
  • Page 27: Calculating The Quantity Of Gas Supplied

    = Time for a certain quantity of gas consumed by the burner. M = Quantity of gas consumed. V = Actual gas low Calculation example: t = 1 min 10 s M = 330 dm (litre) 0.33 m 1000 0.0194 h 3600 0,33 ≈ 17 m 0.0194 Bentone…

  • Page 28: Service

    Check the ionisation electrode (see chapter Gas nozzle). Replace if necessary. Fit the combustion assembly in reverse order. Press the burner together and lock using the nuts (B). Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the main power supply. Check/adjust the combustion. 172 615 08 2018-01-03 Bentone…

  • Page 29: Replacement Of Damper Motor, Air

    Re-install the damper motor and mounting plate on the air intake. Ensure that the damper shaft and control arm are connected correctly. Connect the damper motor cable. Fit the Euro plugs and turn on the mains power. Check/adjust the combustion. Bentone…

  • Page 30: Flame Monitoring And Ionisation Current Check

    Min. DC 1.5 µA Required current to ensure Min. DC 3 µA detection Possible detection current Max. DC 20 µA Operational indicator lamp <5 µA DC lashes green Operational indicator lamp >5 µA DC shines green 172 615 02 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 31: Uv-Detector

    AGQ3…A27 is mandatory. Correct functioning of aged UV cells can be checked as UV test with a higher supply voltage across the UV cell after controlled shutdown until terminal 3 ON. Connection diagram Measuring circuit for measuring the UV lame current Measurement made at the lame detector QRA… Bentone…

  • Page 32: Handing Over Of The Installation

    • Is the circulation pump in operation? • Is there a supply of fresh air to the installation? • If integral components are of a different make from what is stated in this manual, see the enclosed loose-leaf. 172 615 04 2018-01-02 Bentone…

  • Page 33: Electric Equipment

    Signals must be in different harnesses for safety reasons. Safety system as door switches, water level, pressure, temperature and other safety limiters must be installed in safety loop according to process. 172 615 13 2018-01-12 Bentone…

  • Page 34: Wiring Diagram Lme

    If there is no Plug-in If S6 is missing connect T6 and T8. contact (X4,X6) on the boiler, connect to the contact enclosed. 1N~50/60Hz 230V…

  • Page 35: List Of Components

    The operation of the burner can now be stopped with the control switch or thermostat If the gas burner control is blocked Red light in the gas burner control is lit. The burner is restarted by pushing the reset button Bentone…

  • Page 36: Control Program At Faults; Fault Mode Indicator Lme

    (waiting period ≥ 10 s) Limiting of starting repetitions LME 11… has a function with start repetition if the lame is not created at start or disappears during operation.. LME 11… allows max. three repetitions during continuous starting cycle. Bentone…

  • Page 37
    3 s. To go back to the normal position, press and hold the reset button longer than 3 s. If the gas burner control is in the alarm position, it is reset by pressing the reset button 0.5…3 s. Bentone…
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    Replace solenoid valve terminals, or entire valve No power to solenoid valve Check the connection No electrical connection through air pressure gauge Check the air pressure gauge’s settings and functions Ignition load incorrectly set Increase/decrease gas supply Reduce airlow 172 615 06 2018-01-10 Bentone…

  • Page 39
    Incorrectly set or faulty air sensor Check the settings and reset, or replace Ignition electrode overload Replace Burner control ambient temperature too high Insulate for heat, Max. 60 ° Ignition spark too weak Check the transformer Poor combustion Poor draught conditions Check the chimney Bentone…
  • Page 40
    Flame at incorrect angle due to combustion head out of position Check the combustion head and readjust Condensation build up in boiler and chimney Flue gas temperature too low or gas volume too low Raise the lue gas temperature by increasing gas volume Insulate the chimney Bentone…
  • Page 41: Eu Declaration Of Conformity

    11. EU Declaration of conformity Bentone Gasburners 172 905 04 2018-02-15…

  • Page 42: General Instructions For Gasburners

    13. General instructions for gasburners 13.3.1 Installation Follow standards and instructions applicable to the Check that the burner is adapted to the gas quality in installation of gas burners question Ensure that the electric installation is made in accordance Check that the input pressure of the gas is correct with existing regulations Check that the dampers of the boiler are open Check that the fresh air intake of the boiler room is…

  • Page 43
    Service- and inspection card Installation Boiler Name: Type: Eficiency kW: Address: Burner Type: Eficiency kW: Installed by: Date: Date gas/h Governor Fluegas Ionisation Pressure Eficiency temp current Fire Chimney room Measu- rement Before After °C µ A mbar mbar Small Flame Large Flame…
  • Page 48
    Enertech AB. P.O Box 309, SE-341 26 Ljungby. www.bentone.se, www.bentone.com…

Страница 1 из 5

  1. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Горелка встает в режим блокировки

    Всем привет! Нужна помощь в поиске причины режима блокировки.
    Котел Saint Roch Ultra PF56, горелка Benton ST 133 KA.
    Проблема вот в чем: периодически горелка встает в режим блокировки. Может неделю-две работать без проблем, а может несколько раз в сутки вставать в режим блокировки. Причину искали несколько разных мастеров, но все заканчивалось нулевым результатом. Горелка запускается, некоторое время работает (бывает что и через 30 сек остановка, и до недели/двух).
    Каждый новый мастер начинает говорить про кривые руки предыдущего и т. д.
    Что сделали:
    заменил топливный фильтр, поставил с воздухоотводчиком.
    поменяли насос горелки
    пробовали менять блок управления
    меняли контактную группу блока управления.
    настраивали горелку с газоанализатором несколько раз
    удлинял трубу дымохода, но сказали, что горелка с наддувом и высота трубы не принципиальна.

    Не хочется покупать другую горелку ради попробовать.
    Если у кого есть в запасе — готов взять в аренду дабы отсечь вариант проблемы в горелке.
    Мастера уже в полном ступоре, сами не понимают где копать/искать причину.

    Предлагают теперь рыть со стороны электрики, попробовать заменить стабилизатор. Сейчас стоит Ресанта LUX.

    У кого какие мысли?

    Устали уже от постоянных мыслей про горелку

  2. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Форсунку меняли ? Что с электродами розжига ?

  3. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Изначально, с завода горелка была укомплектована форсункой с размером 1,25.
    Пробовали ставить 0,65, сейчас стоит 0,85.
    Результат тот же

    Электроды чистые
    Зазор регулировали, прошлый мастер делал

  4. servisnik





    Живу здесь


    @Alex kao, Блокировка во время работы или перед запуском? Что сигнал показывает?

  5. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    В те моменты когда это происходило при мне, вставала во время работы.
    Т. е. происходит запуск, поджиг и секунд через 20-30 остановка.
    Вопрос про сигнал не понял. На этой горелке коды ошибок не показывает.

  6. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Пламя в контрольном окошке котла появляется ? У меня когда форсунка засорилась, похоже было. Продувка, зажигание, подача топлива и … остановка. На всё — секунд 20.
    Давление выставлено под новую форсунку ? Такой тип форсунки, что поставили, в инструкции есть?
    Фотоэлемент протирали ?

  7. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Кстати, после неудавшегося запуска, следы солярки на форсунке или подпорной шайбе есть ?

  8. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Я наверное не совсем корректно написал…
    Запуск происходит нормально, иногда в блокировку встает после 20-30 сек именно работы, т. е. Не при запуске, а именно во время горения. Соответственно и пламя есть.
    Фотоэлемент чистый, полная настройка горелки именно под эту форсунку делалась. Давление в том числе. Снизили до 10 атм, было 12,5.

  9. servisnik





    Живу здесь


    Признак подсоса воздуха. Чаще всего бывает в самом фильтре.
    Попробуйте дать поработать горелке с другим топливом, с заправки, с канистры.

    автомат горения какой? Бывает фотоэлемент мозги выносит, хрен определишь, пока не поменяешь.

  10. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Извиняюсь, но не понял:
    Что такое автомат горения?

    По поводу подсоса воздуха:
    Сейчас стоит фильтр с воздухоотводчиком. Если только после фильтра подсос идет.

  11. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Топливо менять пробовал.
    С канистры запускал,

    Без изменений. Встает в блок непредсказуемо, алгоритм не выявить.
    И ночью и вечером, и днем.

  12. Hawker123





    Живу здесь


    Автомат горения — это электронный блочок, на кнопку которого Вы нажимаете для перезапуска горелки.
    Если у Вас нет пузырей воздуха в фильтре и всё настроено нормально, то может действительно фотоэлемент глючит ? Ещё бывает что лабиринт подогревателя со временем забивается отложениями топлива, но это если у Вас горелка с подогревом топлива…

  13. servisnik





    Живу здесь

  14. Ortodox





    Живу здесь


    А воздухоотводчик закрыт?

    Ага, значит раньше его ваще не было.У вас однотрубная подача топлива или обратка есть.
    Или закольцовка от фильтра до горелки.
    Или от фильтра до горелки тоже одна труба.

  15. Alex kao




    Alex kao



    Сначала стоял простой фильтр, 2х трубная система. Когда начали заниматься проблемой, то сначала заменил фикспакет на топливной емкости. Вторым заменил фильтр. Сейчас стоит фильтр с однотрубной подачей топлива. Обратка с горелки идет на фильтр.

Страница 1 из 5

Профессиональное обслуживание газовых и дизельных горелок Бентоне в Москве и области.

Общее описание

видов узлов и деталей во время профилактики и технического обслуживания горелок Bentone на жидком и газовом топливе.

Данная горелочная техника рассматривается как совместная установка для отопления с напольными котлами CTC (Швеция), так и для других отопительных агрегатов, камер и печей.

Естественно, для устройств, работающих на газообразном топливе, позиции для жидкотопливного оборудования пропускаются. Проконсультируйтесь с вашим сервисным центром. Остались вопросы, звоните нам.

Обслуживание горелок Bentone в Москве и области

Сервисный центр Bentone

8 (495) 761 16 82

Whatsapp для промывки систем отопления

Аварийно-диспетчерская служба

8 (901) 540 45 21 

круглосуточно (Договор)

Заказать консультацию инженера

Во время техобслуживания

ремонта и профилактики дутьевых горелок Bentone (Бентоне) на объекте мы проводим технические мероприятия и настройку для следующих компонентов горелок:

1. Жаровая труба для горелки — удаление смолы и сажи со стальной поверхности;

2. Диск рассекателя пламени — чистка от нагара и сажи;

3. Сопло — проверка подачи газов или жидкости с определённой скоростью, сверка типоразмера сопла, верное значение давления топливного насоса ;

4. Сопловая сборка — профилактика для рабочего состояния и удаления окисленных отложений, регулировка подачи воздуха и значений настройки СС; наладка узла по инструкции производителя;

5. Электроды ионизации и розжига для горелок солярочных и газовых котлов — выставление зазоров и проверка токов ионизации на котле,

6. Провода трансформатора для поджигания топлива — контроль утечки и замена комплекта при необходимости на новые кабельные соединения; анализ системного соединения;

7. Трансформатор поджига — диагностика по кодам ошибок, проверка, замена, наладка;

8. Фоторезистор горелки — осмотр, чистка и проверка работоспособности;

9. Реле управления горелкой — проверка функциональности, высвечивания индикации неисправностей по кодам и блокировки на реле; отсечение топлива по безопасности проверяется до настройки устройства;

10. Цоколь реле управления;

11. Демпферный мотор — профилактика мотора сервопривода, экспресс-проверка соленоидного клапана, настройка расхода воздуха;

12. Индикатор включения 1-2-3 ступени;

13. Крыльчатка вентилятора;

14. Пускатель;

15. Термозащита: прослеживание параметров цикла;

16. Электродвигатель: профилактика, чистка, центрование механизма вращения;

17. Блок соленоидных клапанов, соленоидный клапан безопасности;

18. Топливопровод  — химическая промывка при необходимости;

19. Воздухозаборник;

20. Воздушная заслонка;

21. Топливный насос — проверяем подачу топлива (солярки), регулировка давления, при однотрубной топливной системе осуществляем продувку топливного насоса, замена фильтра насоса жидкого топлива;

22. Узел настройки сопловой сборки;

23. Топливопровод гидропривода — проверяется;

24. Гидропривод — сервис подключений и рабочего состояния;

25. Переключатель II-III ступени (для конкретной модели отопителя);

26. Переключатель I-II ступени (для конкретной модели);

27. Тумблер включения горелки — проверяем состояние на включение и выключение;

28. Топливный бак — при эксплуатации отопления на жидком топливе обязательно проверяется на загрязнения до настройки горелки газоанализатором и манометром.

В противном случае настройка не приведёт к положительным результатам.

Bentone горелочные установки настроим починим наладим почистим

Если у вас остались вопросы, обращайтесь в нашу компанию.

Звоните по телефонам специализированного предприятия по наладке и обслуживанию жидкотопливного оборудования для автономного отопления.

Вся информация указана на страницах официального сайта фирмы. 

Для дополнительного чтения:

Настройка газовых горелок Bentone на котлах СТС.

Выезд сервисного инженера в любой город Московской области. 

Сервисный центр CTC-Bentone в Москве и области.






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