Ошибка xbox series s 0x87e5002b

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  • [Complete Guide] How to Fix the Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b?

By Yamila | Follow |
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You are likely to get stuck in the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b while attempting to launch a digital game on your console. To help you solve the error, this post from MiniTool Partition Wizard introduces several feasible methods. You can have a try.

The Xbox error code 0x87e5002b is a common error that occurs when you launch or play certain games. It might be caused by the following reasons:

  • Xbox server outages
  • Something wrong with your network
  • The corrupted DNS
  • Corrupted system data

Based on the above reasons, we summarize some effective solutions to the 0x87e5002b Xbox error code. Keep reading to work your problem out.

Method 1: Check the Status of Xbox Live Servers

Outages with Xbox Live services may lead to the error code 0x87e5002b Xbox. Therefore, once you run into this error, you should go to the Xbox Live Status page and check if there is any problem.  If any issues are reported, you have to wait until the developers repair them. If everything is running properly, you should go on with other solutions.

Method 2: Do a System Refresh

It’s possible for you to fix the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b by performing a system refresh.

Step 1: Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.

Step 2: Go to Profile & system > Settings > Network settings > Advanced settings > Alternative Mac address.

Step 3: Hit Clear. Restart your router while your console is restarting.

Method 3: Power Cycle Your Console

Another feasible solution to the 0x87e5002b Xbox error code is to power cycle your console.

Step 1: Press and hold the Xbox button on your console for about 10 seconds to turn off your console completely.

Step 2: Unplug all the cables from your console and wait for at least one minute.

Step 3: Connect the cables back and then turn on your Xbox console by pressing the Xbox button.

Method 4: Change the DNS Settings

The Xbox error code 0x87e5002b may come out due to a faulty DNS address as well. In this case, it’s recommended that you remove the error by changing the DNS settings on your Xbox console.

Step 1: Press the Xbox button to open the guide.

Step 2: Go to Profile & system > Settings > Network settings > Advanced settings > DNS settings > DNS settings.

Step 3: Select Manual from the drop-down menu. Then set the Primary DNS value to and the Secondary DNS value to

Step 4: Hit Done to save the changes. Then restart your Xbox console to see if the error is resolved. 

Method 5: Switch to Offline Mode

Opening your Xbox console in Offline Mode may also help you solve the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b. The following are the detailed steps for this operation.

Step 1: Press the Xbox button to open the guide.

Step 2: Navigate to Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings. Then select Go offline.

Method 6: Reset Your Console

If the error code 0x87e5002b Xbox is still here after you try the above methods, you can try resetting your console to fix it. To do this, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Press the Xbox button to open the guide.

Step 2: Go to Profile & system > Settings > System > Console info > Reset console.

Step 3: Select Reset and keep my games and apps. This will reset the operating system and delete all current corrupted data without deleting your games or apps.

All these solutions mentioned in this post are available. When you are facing the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b, you can try these solutions one by one until you fix the error. If you have any other great solutions to this error, you can share them with us in the comment part below.

If you are interested in third-party partition managing software – MiniTool Partition Wizard, you can visit its official website to obtain more information.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Yamila is a fan of computer science. She can solve many common issues for computer users by writing articles with simple and clear words. The very aspect that she is good at is partition management including create partition, format partition, copy disk and so on.

When she is free, she enjoys reading, doing some excerpts, listening to music and playing games.

Код ошибки 0X87E5002B возникает, когда пользователи Xbox пытаются запустить цифровую игру на своих Xbox One или Xbox Series X/S. Этот код ошибки указывает, что вашей консоли требуется обновление системы для обновления консоли.

Код ошибки 0X87E5002B

Следующая проблема обычно возникает, когда есть обновление встроенного ПО, которое еще не установлено, или когда вы имеете дело с поврежденными временными файлами.

1. Установить ожидающее обновление (игра и прошивка)

Начните устранение этой проблемы, установив каждое ожидающее обновление и выполнив процедуру выключения и выключения питания, если проблема не устранена, прежде чем развертывать серию исправлений, связанных с сетью и системой.

Если вы приступаете к устранению неполадок, вам необходимо убедиться, что прошивка вашей консоли и установка игры работают с последними доступными обновлениями.

В прошлом эта проблема была связана с проблемой лицензирования, вызванной сбоем прошивки. В большинстве случаев вы сможете исправить это, заставив консоль обновиться до последней версии прошивки. В качестве меры предосторожности вам также следует уделить время обновлению игры до последней версии.

Если вы не уверены, обновлена ​​ли ваша консоль, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям:

Примечание. Приведенные ниже инструкции будут работать как на Xbox Series S, так и на Xbox Series X.

  1. Во-первых, убедитесь, что ваша консоль подключена к Интернету. Кабель Ethernet предпочтительнее.
  2. Нажмите кнопку Xbox на геймпаде, чтобы открыть меню гида.
  3. В меню гида перейдите в «Профиль и система» > «Настройки». Доступ к меню настроек
  4. В главном меню «Настройки» консоли Xbox перейдите в «Система» > «Обновления».
  5. В меню «Обновления» проверьте, доступно ли новое обновление консоли.
  6. Если доступно новое обновление, выберите его и дождитесь завершения загрузки и установки.Обновите консоль до последней версии
  7. Перезагрузите консоль, запустите ту же игру, которая вызвала ошибку 0X87E5002B, и посмотрите, исправлена ​​ли проблема.

Если проблема все еще не устранена, перейдите к следующему способу ниже.

2. Выключите и снова включите консоль.

Если у вас возникает эта проблема, когда вы пытаетесь запустить каждую игру в своей цифровой библиотеке игр, скорее всего, это связано с ошибкой, вызванной временными данными. Известно, что эта проблема возникает на Xbox One и Xbox Series X.

Примечание. Microsoft частично исправила эту проблему как на консоли текущего поколения, так и на консоли последнего поколения, но проблема, похоже, сохраняется с некоторыми элементами библиотеки.

Чтобы исправить это, вам нужно запустить процесс выключения и выключения питания, чтобы заставить силовые конденсаторы разрядиться.

Инструкции по этому поводу будут работать как на консолях Xbox One, так и на консолях Xbox Series S/X. Вот что вам нужно сделать:

  1. Убедитесь, что ваша консоль включена, но активная игра не запущена.
  2. Убедившись, что консоль находится в режиме ожидания, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку Xbox (кнопку питания) на консоли. Нажмите кнопку Xbox
  3. Примерно через 10 секунд вы должны увидеть, как передние светодиоды выключаются, когда консоль выключается. Отпустите кнопку питания в этот момент.
  4. После выключения консоли Xbox One или Xbox Series S/X для выполнения цикла питания отсоедините кабель питания и подождите около минуты, чтобы конденсаторы питания успели разрядиться.Отсоедините кабель питания от консоли Xbox.
  5. Снова подключите кабель питания к консоли, включите ее в обычном режиме и проверьте, устранена ли проблема.

Если проблема не устранена, перейдите к следующему способу.

3. Очистить MAC-адрес

Если вы получаете эту ошибку с каждой цифровой игрой, которую пытаетесь запустить из своей библиотеки, вы также должны подозревать потенциальную проблему, вызванную текущим сохраненным MAC-адресом.

Чтобы решить эту проблему и исправить ошибку 0X87E5002B (если этот сценарий применим), вы должны очистить текущий MAC-адрес вашей консоли. Вы можете сделать это в настройках сети вашей консоли Xbox. Шаги для этого почти идентичны как для Xbox One, так и для Xbox Series X/S.

Примечание. После того, как вы это сделаете и перезапустите консоль, при следующем запуске она должна использовать MAC-адрес по умолчанию. Это может устранить ошибку входа.

Следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы очистить MAC-адрес консоли Xbox One или Xbox Series X/S:

  1. Начните с того, что убедитесь, что вы находитесь на главном экране консоли Xbox.
  2. Воспользуйтесь вертикальным меню слева, чтобы перейти в раздел «Настройки».Доступ к меню настроек на Xbox
  3. Затем перейдите на вкладку «Сеть», выберите ее и нажмите A на контроллере Xbox, чтобы выбрать ее.
  4. Затем в новом меню выберите «Настройки сети».
  5. Перейдите в «Дополнительные настройки», затем в меню «Альтернативный MAC-адрес».Доступ к меню альтернативного MAC-адреса
  6. Выберите параметр «Очистить» из списка параметров для параметров «Альтернативный MAC-адрес».
  7. Дождитесь завершения операции. Вы должны увидеть, что альтернативный MAC-адрес очищен из поля в конце.
  8. Перезагрузите консоль и подождите, пока она снова загрузится.

Если вы все еще испытываете ту же проблему, перейдите к следующему способу ниже.

4. Переустановите игру

Если вы столкнулись с этой проблемой только с определенной игрой, вам следует попробовать переустановить ее, если вы еще не пробовали эту процедуру.

Это быстрое исправление обычно эффективно, когда несколько пользователей совместно используют учетную запись Xbox, в которой находится общая игровая библиотека.

Примечание. Действия по переустановке игры на Xbox One и Xbox Series X/S практически идентичны, поскольку на этих двух консолях очень похожие операционные системы. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это удалить игру из библиотеки игр и установить ее снова.

Вот как это сделать:

  1. Нажмите кнопку Xbox на геймпаде, чтобы открыть меню гида.
  2. Когда на экране появится меню гида, перейдите в Мои игры и приложения. Вы увидите всю свою игровую библиотеку.
  3. В списке игр найдите цифровую игру, вызывающую ошибку 0X87E5002B, и выберите ее.Доступ к меню «Мои приложения и игры»
  4. Затем, выбрав проблемную игру, нажмите кнопку «Параметры» (кнопка с тремя линиями) на вашем контроллере, чтобы открыть меню «Дополнительные параметры».
  5. Прокрутите варианты, чтобы выбрать «Удалить», нажмите кнопку A и подтвердите операцию.Удалить игру

    Примечание. Если в игре установлены надстройки или расширения, нажмите кнопку «Удалить все».

  6. Дождитесь завершения операции, затем вернитесь в то же меню библиотеки. Вы по-прежнему должны видеть игру, но теперь она будет иметь статус «Готово к установке».
  7. Переустановите проблемную игру еще раз и запустите ее, чтобы проверить, исправлена ​​ли ошибка 0x87de272b.

Если проблема все еще не устранена, перейдите к окончательному исправлению ниже.

5. Сбросьте консоль

Если вы зашли так далеко без жизнеспособного исправления, последнее, что вы можете сделать, — это эффективно сбросить консоль до исходного состояния. Эта процедура также известна как аппаратный сброс.

Важно: поскольку вы можете потерять всю информацию, которую вы сохранили на Xbox, если вы сделаете это, вам следует попробовать все другие возможные исправления, указанные выше, прежде чем использовать этот метод. После завершения этой процедуры вы должны повторно загрузить каждую игру, хранящуюся на вашей консоли. Файлы сохранения игры также будут удалены с помощью этой процедуры, поэтому обязательно загрузите их в облако (или сохраните на внешнем USB-накопителе), прежде чем следовать приведенным ниже инструкциям.

Если вы хотите пройти эту процедуру и понимаете последствия, выполните следующие действия:

  1. Включите Xbox и нажмите кнопку Xbox + кнопку извлечения, как только увидите первый черный экран.
  2. Эта процедура вызовет экран устранения неполадок. Как только вы увидите его, выберите «Сбросить этот Xbox» и подтвердите на своем контроллере. Сброс этого Xbox
  3. В следующем меню выберите заголовок «Система», выберите «Удалить все» и подтвердите операцию.
  4. Дождитесь завершения операции, повторно загрузите проблемную игру и посмотрите, исправлена ​​ли проблема.

If you are an Xbox enthusiast and facing the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b, you should read this article completely. This error is one of the common errors gamers face when they launch a game on their Xbox console. Like other errors, this one is also resolvable. So, in this article, you will see the steps to fix the error code 0x87e5002b while launching a game, and Xbox one game took too long to start error in detail. Continue reading till the end to find the solution to your problem!

Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

Below are some of the reasons causing the error code 0x87e5002b while launching a game on Xbox.

  • Faulty Xbox settings and modifications
  • Pending system refresh
  • Improper configuration

Now, let us turn to the methods explaining the fix for your error step-by-step.

Method 1: Perform System Refresh on Xbox

If you are also facing the Xbox one game took too long to start error, you may have to consider a system refresh to update the Xbox console. It may fix the problem in one go. Read and follow the steps listed below to do the same effectively.

1. Press the Xbox button from the controller to launch the guide.

xbox controller xbox button

2. Then, select Profile & system > Settings from the left pane, as shown below.

select Profile and System and click on Settings. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

3. From the General section, select the Network settings option.

select the Network settings option

4. Select Advanced settings, as shown below.

Select Advanced settings. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

5. Now, select Alternative Mac address > Clear.

6. Lastly, restart your Wi-Fi router as the Xbox console is restarting.

After everything is completed, check if you are still facing the error code 0x807a1007 or 0x87e5002b while launching a game on Xbox.

Also Read: Fix High Packet Loss on Xbox

Method 2: Power Cycle Xbox Console

If performing a system refresh didn’t help to solve the discussed error, you can power cycle the Xbox console. Below are the steps to do that:

1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the console for 10 seconds.

Reconnect your Xbox One Console

2. Unplug the cables connecting to the console and plug them back after a while.

3. Press the Xbox button once again on the console and wait for it to turn on completely while displaying the green start-up animation on the screen.

Note: If the green boot-up animation does not come up while restarting the process, repeat the above-mentioned steps again to ensure it turns on properly.

Now, check if the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b is resolved or not.

Also Read: Fix Xbox One Headset Not Working

Method 3: Reset Xbox Console

Finally, if nothing is working, you will have to reset the Xbox console to fix the Xbox one game took too long to start error. Let us see the steps to achieve it on your console.

1. Hit the Xbox button from the controller to open the Guide.

xbox controller xbox button

2. Select Settings > System > Console info, as highlighted below.

select system option and then console info in xbox one. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

3. Select the Reset console option, as shown below.

Select the Reset console option

4. Select RESET AND KEEP MY GAMES & APPS, as this only resets the firmware and settings.

Note: The game data remains intact and you don’t need to download everything again.

Select RESET AND KEEP MY GAMES and APPS. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b


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So, we hope you have understood how to fix Xbox error code 0x87e5002b with the detailed steps to your aid. You can let us know any queries about this article or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.

If you are trying to download any game you purchased from Xbox Store and face the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b, and it says that you can’t update your Xbox with its current status, then no need to worry, restarting, refreshing, and resetting your console can solve this error quickly. To do so, here is my easy-to-follow guide for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Xbox error code 0x87e5002b usually appears when users try to play some specific games or download a game they purchased from the Xbox store.
  • The common reasons for Xbox error code 0x87e5002b to occur, are when your console needs a fresh start or when Xbox servers go under maintenance.
  • I suggest you restart and refresh your Xbox console, check the Xbox servers, and if it persists, then reset your Xbox. This simple guide will show you how to do that.

What Is Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b?

When Xbox error code 0x87e5002b arises, a message like “something went wrong. Give it another try. If this happens again, visit xbox.com/errorhelp and enter the following code: 0x87e5002b” appear on your screen.

Xbox error code 0x87e5002b

Error – Image Credits [Emopulse]

People have reported facing the Xbox error code 0x87e00013 when they open any game or try to update it. If you face the same error, then you are at the right place to fix it.

Causes Of Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

Xbox error code usually appears when users try to open any game. Some users have reported facing Xbox error code ox87e5002b when they try to play some specific games.

A few potential reasons for Xbox error code ox7e5002b are:

  • Minor bugs or glitches
  • Xbox outages
  • Corrupted files

How To Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b?

Now that I know what Xbox error code 0x87e5002 is b, let’s talk about how we can fix it. I am listing down the ways to fix the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b.

  1. Restart your Xbox console
  2. Refresh your Xbox console
  3. Check the Xbox servers
  4. Reset your Xbox
  5. Contact Xbox support team
  6. Play games using offline mode

Restart Your Xbox Console

Xbox error code 0x87e5002b

Turn off the Xbox console option- Image Credits [Emopulse]

It would be best if you start by restarting your Xbox One or Xbox Series X. Power cycling your console gives it a new freshness and removes any minor bugs and glitches that cause the Xbox error code. The proper way to restart your console is;

  1. You can turn the Xbox console off by holding down the Xbox button for roughly 10 seconds.
  2. Next, wait for a few seconds before turning it on again.
  3. Then, open the console and see if the Xbox error is fixed or not. If the error persists, follow the other ways.

Refresh Your Xbox Console

restart Xbox console option- Image Credits [Emopulse]

It’s best to refresh your Xbox console if you face errors like Xbox error code 0x87e5002b. Just follow these steps to refresh your console.

  1. To start it, press the Xbox button.
  2. Click on Profile & System, select Settings, and follow Network Settings, Advanced Settings, and Alternative Mac Address.
  3. Finally, choose clear.

During the time your console is restarting, you can restart your router to avoid some lousy internet issues.

Check The Xbox Servers

It is also possible that the error is not on your end. If refreshing and restarting your console doesn’t help, check the Xbox servers. On your browser, you can write Xbox servers, and you will see the official website of Xbox support; there, you can check whether Xbox servers are running or not.

Xbox status

Xbox server status- Image Credits [Emopulse]

If, unfortunately, Xbox servers are down because these things are inevitable, the only thing you can do is wait.

Reset Your Xbox

The next way is to reset your console to fix the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b. Following are the simple steps to reset your Xbox console;

Reset your console option- Image Credits [Emopulse]
  1. Click the Xbox button to get to the instructions.
  2. Reset the console by selecting Reset console under Profile & System, then Settings next System after that Console details.
  3. Pick Reset and keep my games and apps. This will clear all the glitches and remove every type of corrupted file to resolve the issue. This will also reset your OS. But your games and apps will be saved.

Contact Xbox Support Team

If the ways I have mentioned do not help you, then you should contact the Xbox support team. Just simply search Xbox Support on your browser and open the Xbox support website. You can ask your concerns directly to Xbox helpers. You can web chat with them to elaborate on your problem.

Xbox error support team

Xbox contact us with the option- Image Credits [Emopulse]

In addition, you can also visit Xbox forums. You can find many other errors fixes there. Xbox forum has a huge community, and users are always ready to help each other.

Play Games Using Offline Mode

If you are facing the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b or any same issue which will not let you launch any game, you can play them offline. Nevertheless, you will not be able to play with your friends since you are playing using offline mode.

Go offline network settings- Image Credits [Emopulse]

This is not a permanent solution for the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b, so you can use this as a coping way until Xbox servers are fixed.

Final Words

I know it is annoying and frustrating when you want to play your favorite game. That’s why I have mentioned some simple and easy ways to get back to playing your games again.

Restarting your console is always the best option to start with when you try to fix errors like Xbox error code 0x87e5002b. Furthermore, if it does not help, I suggest you try to refresh and reset your console. In addition, the error could be because of the Xbox outage. Do not forget to check the Xbox servers to see whether they are running or not. You can play games offline using offline mode if the Xbox servers are down since waiting would be the only option left for you.

Moreover, contact the Xbox team, if the remedies mentioned above don’t help. You can also check the Xbox forums and ask any questions related to your issue.

For more simple-to-follow guides, Visit impulse.

Related articles:

  • Xbox Error Code 0x87e00013
  • 0x87e11838 Xbox Error Code

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would my Xbox not start any games?

Update your console and restart it if your Xbox is not launching any games. After that, reset your MAC address and restart your console. Furthermore, reset your Xbox console and keep your games and apps if you still face the error.

How can an Xbox One game that has been corrupted be fixed?

Press the A button after choosing the saved game. Note A yellow exclamation point indicates a corrupt saved game file. If the stored game file is corrupted, Select Delete.

How do you clear the Xbox cache?

You can clear the cache on an Xbox One by turning the console off and disconnecting the power connection from the plug. Clearing the cache will delete all the files that your games use to help them run faster.

How does a game get corrupted?

Defective or inefficient hard drive. The downloaded application was not correctly installed. The system’s data might be corrupted.

How do I restart my Xbox without erasing my data?

An easy factory reset is possible without losing any data. Simply press the Xbox button and select Reset console under Profile & System, then Settings next System then Console details. You can now select reset and keep my data and apps.

What is a power cycle reset?

Power cycling is another term for resetting. A console power cycle means turning it off and then open it again.

How long does a factory reset on an Xbox One take?

The factory reset on Xbox one normally takes between five to ten minutes.

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Error Code 0X87E5002B occurs when Xbox users attempt to launch a digital game on their Xbox One or Xbox Series X / S. This error code indicates that your console needs a system refresh to update the console.

Error Code 0X87E5002B

The following problem commonly occurs when there’s a firmware update that’s not yet installed or when you’re dealing with corrupted temporary files.

1. Install pending update (game & firmware)

Start troubleshooting this issue by installing every pending update and performing a power cycle procedure if the issue persists before deploying a series of network & system-related fixes. 

If you’re starting to troubleshoot the issue, you’ll have to ensure that your console firmware and the game installation are running on the latest available updates. 

In the past, this issue has been associated with a licensing issue brought about by a firmware glitch. In most cases, you should be able to fix it by forcing your console to update to the latest firmware version. As a safe measure, you should also take the time to ensure that the game is also updated to the latest version.

If you aren’t sure if your console is updated, follow the instructions below:

Note: The instructions below will work on both Xbox Series S and X. 

  1. First, start by ensuring that your console is connected to the Internet. An Ethernet cable is preferable.
  2. Press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the guide menu.
  3. Inside the guide menu, Navigate to Profile & System Settings.  Access the settings menu
    Access the settings menu
  4. Once inside the main Settings menu of your Xbox console, navigate to the SystemUpdates
  5. Inside the Updates menu, see if a new console update is available. 
  6. If a new update is available, select it and wait until the download and installation are complete.Update console to latest version
    Update console to the latest version
  7. Reboot your console, launch the same game that triggered the 0X87E5002B error, and see if the problem is now fixed.

If the problem is still not fixed, move to the following method below.

2. Power Cycle your console

If you’re having this problem when you try to launch every game in your digital game library, it’s likely because of a bug caused by temporary data. This problem is known to happen on the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X.

Note: Microsoft has partially patched this issue on both the current-gen and the last-gen console, but the issue seems to persist with certain library items. 

To fix this, you’ll need to start a power-cycling process to force the power capacitors to drain themselves.

The instructions on doing this will work on both Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X consoles. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Ensure your console is turned on, but no active game is running.
  2. Once you’ve ensured your console is idle, press and hold the Xbox button (power button) on your console. Press the Xbox button
    Press the Xbox button
  3. After about 10 seconds, you should see the front LEDs turning off as your console turns down. Release the power button at this point. 
  4. After turning off the Xbox One or Xbox Series S/X console to perform the power cycle, disconnect the power cable and wait about a minute to give the power capacitors time to drain.Disconnect the power cable from Xbox console
    Disconnect the power cable from Xbox console
  5. Connect the power cable back to the console, turn it on normally, and check to see if the problem is fixed.

If the problem hasn’t been fixed, move on to the following method.

3. Clear MAC Address

If you are getting this error with every digital game you attempt to launch from your library, you should also suspect a potential issue caused by the currently saved MAC address.

To address this issue and fix the 0X87E5002B error (if this scenario is applicable), you must clear your console’s current MAC address. You can do this in your Xbox console’s Network settings. The steps of doing this are almost identical on both Xbox One & Xbox Series X/S. 

Note: Once you’ve done that and restarted your console, it should use the default MAC address the next time it starts up. This could get rid of the sign-in error.

Follow the instructions below to clear the MAC address of your Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S console:

  1. Start by ensuring you are on your Xbox console’s main screen.
  2. Use the vertical menu on the left to get to the Settings section.Access the Settings menu on Xbox
    Access the Settings menu on Xbox
  3. Then, go to the “Network” tab, select it, and press A on your Xbox controller to select it.
  4. Then, from the new menu, choose Network Settings.
  5. Go to Advanced Settings, then to the Alternate MAC address menu.Access the Alternate MAC address menu
    Access the Alternate MAC address menu
  6. Select the Clean option from the list of options for the Alternate MAC address options.
  7. Wait until the operation is complete. You should see the Alternate MAC address cleared from the box at the end of it.
  8. Restart your console and wait for it to boot back up.

If you’re still experiencing the same issue, move to the next method below. 

4. Reinstall the game

If you are only experiencing this issue with a particular game, you should try reinstalling it if you haven’t tried this procedure.

This quick fix is usually effective when multiple users share an Xbox account where the game library is shared. 

Note: The steps of reinstalling a game on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S  are virtually identical since the two consoles have a very similar operating systems. All you have to do is remove the game from the library of games and install it again.

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the guide menu.
  2. When the guide menu appears on your screen, go to My games & apps. You will see your entire game library.
  3. From the list of games, look for the digital game triggering the 0X87E5002B error and select it.Accessing the My Apps & Games menu
    Accessing the My Apps & Games menu
  4. Next, with the problematic game selected, press the Options button (three lines button) on your controller to bring up the More Options menu. 
  5. Cycle through the options to select Uninstall, press the A button and confirm the operation.Uninstall the game
    Uninstall the game

    Note: If the game has add-ons or expansions installed, tap on the Uninstall all button. 

  6. Wait until the operation is complete, then return to the same Library menu. You should still see the game, but it will now have the status ‘Ready to Install‘.  
  7. Reinstall the problematic game again and launch it to see if the 0x87de272b error is now fixed.

If the problem is still not fixed, move to the final fix below. 

5. Reset the Console

If you’ve come this far without a viable fix, one last thing you can do is effectively reset your console back to its initial state. This procedure is also known as a hard reset. 

Important: Because you might lose all the information you’ve saved on your Xbox if you do this, you should try all your other potential fixes above before following this method. After completing this procedure, you must re-download every game currently stored on your console. Save game files will also be cleared with this procedure, so make sure you upload them on the cloud (or store them on an external USB stick) before following the instructions below. 

If you want to go through with this procedure and you understand the consequences, follow the steps below:

  1. Power on your Xbox and press the Xbox button + the eject button as soon as you see the first black screen.
  2. This procedure will bring up the Troubleshoot screen. Once you see it, select ‘Reset this Xbox’ and confirm on your controller. Resetting this Xbox
    Resetting this Xbox menu
  3. From the following menu, select the System heading, select Remove Everything and confirm the operation.
  4. Wait for the operation to complete, re-download the problematic game and see if the issue is now fixed. 

Photo of Kamil Anwar

Kamil Anwar

Kamil is a certified MCITP, CCNA (W), CCNA (S) and a former British Computer Society Member with over 9 years of experience Configuring, Deploying and Managing Switches, Firewalls and Domain Controllers also an old-school still active on FreeNode.

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