Ошибка удалить шаблон базы данных нельзя

4 Answers

postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='false' WHERE datname='template_postgis';
postgres=# DROP DATABASE template_postgis;

answered Jul 9, 2012 at 3:33

dbkaplun's user avatar


3,4172 gold badges26 silver badges34 bronze badges


  • I looked in the script I used that created the template. There was the line psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';".

    Jul 9, 2012 at 3:35

  • This causes further problems. I made an upgrade from 9.1 -> 9.2 on ubuntu. This created template1 implicitly. I then executed your command and it seems to work. However, now I installed phpPgAdmin and I cannot login, it says : ‘FATAL: database «template1» does not exist’

    Jan 13, 2014 at 11:47

You can use the alter database command. Much simpler and safer than upsetting metadata.

postgres=# create database tempDB is_template true;
postgres=# drop database tempDB;
ERROR:  cannot drop a template database
postgres=# alter database tempDB is_template false;
postgres=# drop database tempDB;


answered Aug 9, 2016 at 20:05

VynlJunkie's user avatar


1,95322 silver badges26 bronze badges


  • This solution works and is far less complicated than the selected solution.

    Oct 4, 2016 at 16:26

  • @amoe Great spot. Edited to add documentation link

    Apr 4, 2017 at 8:45

  • Thank god you exist man. All the other solutions didn’t work. Thanks!

    Apr 26, 2018 at 16:09

  • This works, but make sure to add single quotes around 'false' POSTGRES v10

    May 20, 2018 at 0:17

In addition to other answers, you can drop template0 and template1 databases which PostgreSQL has by default with the SQLs below:

DROP DATABASE template0;
DROP DATABASE template1;

answered Aug 11 at 14:27

Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar

update pg_database set datistemplate=false where datname='template0';
update pg_database set datistemplate=false where datname='template1';


Creating script to analyze new cluster                      ok
Creating script to delete old cluster                       ok
Checking for hash indexes                                   ok

Upgrade Complete

DieterDP's user avatar


4,0492 gold badges30 silver badges38 bronze badges

answered Aug 29, 2019 at 11:20

dba's user avatar

4 Answers

postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='false' WHERE datname='template_postgis';
postgres=# DROP DATABASE template_postgis;

answered Jul 9, 2012 at 3:33

dbkaplun's user avatar


3,4172 gold badges26 silver badges34 bronze badges


  • I looked in the script I used that created the template. There was the line psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';".

    Jul 9, 2012 at 3:35

  • This causes further problems. I made an upgrade from 9.1 -> 9.2 on ubuntu. This created template1 implicitly. I then executed your command and it seems to work. However, now I installed phpPgAdmin and I cannot login, it says : ‘FATAL: database «template1» does not exist’

    Jan 13, 2014 at 11:47

You can use the alter database command. Much simpler and safer than upsetting metadata.

postgres=# create database tempDB is_template true;
postgres=# drop database tempDB;
ERROR:  cannot drop a template database
postgres=# alter database tempDB is_template false;
postgres=# drop database tempDB;


answered Aug 9, 2016 at 20:05

VynlJunkie's user avatar


1,95322 silver badges26 bronze badges


  • This solution works and is far less complicated than the selected solution.

    Oct 4, 2016 at 16:26

  • @amoe Great spot. Edited to add documentation link

    Apr 4, 2017 at 8:45

  • Thank god you exist man. All the other solutions didn’t work. Thanks!

    Apr 26, 2018 at 16:09

  • This works, but make sure to add single quotes around 'false' POSTGRES v10

    May 20, 2018 at 0:17

In addition to other answers, you can drop template0 and template1 databases which PostgreSQL has by default with the SQLs below:

DROP DATABASE template0;
DROP DATABASE template1;

answered Aug 11 at 14:27

Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar

update pg_database set datistemplate=false where datname='template0';
update pg_database set datistemplate=false where datname='template1';


Creating script to analyze new cluster                      ok
Creating script to delete old cluster                       ok
Checking for hash indexes                                   ok

Upgrade Complete

DieterDP's user avatar


4,0492 gold badges30 silver badges38 bronze badges

answered Aug 29, 2019 at 11:20

dba's user avatar

Drop A Template Database From PostgreSQL

postgres=# DROP DATABASE tempdb;
ERROR: cannot drop a template database


  • if we want to drop any database means you need to set datistemplate=false
  • if you want to connect to template0 you need to set dataallowcomm=true

temp0=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='false' WHERE datname='temp0';

—Becouse you cannot drop from connected database temp0 if you want to drop the database you need to connect as another database and drop the temp0 database 

temp0=# DROP DATABASE temp0;                                               
ERROR: cannot drop the currently open database

postgres=# DROP DATABASE tempdb;


postgres=# create database temp11 is_template true;
postgres=# drop database tempdb;
ERROR: cannot drop a template database
postgres=# alter database tempdb is_template false;
postgres=# drop database tempdb;

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When i try to create other database with the name «eCommerce» in pgadmin 4 this message appears

ERROR: source database «template1» is being accessed by other users
DETAIL: There are 2 other sessions using the database.

I try to delete the others databases but is not working and appears

ERROR: cannot drop a template database

What should i do?

asked Nov 16, 2019 at 20:26

Sabrina MK's user avatar


It’s impossible to drop a database in pgAdmin4 by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete/Drop from the context menu. Because as soon as you right-click on it pgAdmin opens a connection to that database.

But there is another way in pgAdmin4:

  1. Close connections to the databases you would like to delete by right-clicking on it and selecting «Disconnect database…»

  2. Left-click on «Databases» (One up in the hierarchy: The folder that contains all your databases)

  3. Select tab «Properties» on the right hand side

  4. There you can select all your databases you would like to delete and click on the trashcan icon:

enter image description here

answered Nov 18, 2020 at 8:10

softi's user avatar


4911 gold badge4 silver badges3 bronze badges


You simply need to terminate the connections before deleting the database :)

    //Terminate all Connections on HostDB
     SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'Database_you_want_to_delete';

After that deleting shall work without an further problems.

Edit: For further information please take a look at this thread: Kill a postgresql session/connection

answered Nov 16, 2019 at 22:26

mZed's user avatar


3392 silver badges7 bronze badges


The Simplest Solution, I think, is closing opened tabs

simply closing any opened tabs related to that database in pgAdmin solves it.

In your case, 2 processes «might» be translated as at most two tabs in pgAdmin related to that database!

answered Feb 10, 2021 at 14:53

Muluken Getachew's user avatar

You can not drop the currently open database. Run query DROP DATABASE db_name; in Query Tool from another database.

answered Mar 4, 2022 at 10:10

dodiws's user avatar

Using pgAdmin, I followed @softi’s solution but tweaked it a little bit and it worked

First, Close connections to the database(s) you would like to delete by right-clicking on it and selecting «Disconnect database…»

Left-click on «Databases» (One up in the hierarchy: The folder that contains all your databases)

Select «Dashboard» tab on the right hand side and terminate the session(s) of the database(s) you want to delete/drop

Then go to the «Properties» tab (next to the Dashboard tab), then select the database(s) you would like to delete and click on the trashcan icon above the list

answered May 25, 2022 at 21:57

Hope Chijuka's user avatar

  1. Close PgAdmin
  2. Open a terminal
  3. psql
  4. drop database [db_name];

Bonus points:
to create a database:
create database [db_name];

answered Sep 3 at 20:09

RoyalBigMack's user avatar

Я этого не знал template0 а также template1 Шаблоны базы данных необходимы для создания пустых баз данных. Я удалил их, чтобы очистить postgres. Теперь я не могу создать новую базу данных. Дает мне эту ошибку:

ERROR:  template database "template1" does not exist

Что я могу сделать, чтобы дела пошли еще раз. Я буду очень благодарен за любую помощь.

2015-01-16 20:51



К счастью, я имел postgres база данных сохранилась, потому что это было необходимо для postgres пользователь, чтобы войти psql, Таким образом, создали template0 а также template1 база данных:

create database template0 TEMPLATE postgres;

и то же самое для template1. Затем выполнено:

update pg_database set datistemplate=true  where datname='template0';

чтобы обе базы данных не смогли случайно удалить эти шаблоны снова.

Теперь все отлично работает:)

2015-01-16 21:14

На моем компьютере с CentOS 7 мне не так повезло, что у меня все еще была база данных для подключения. Тем не мение:

su postgres -c "initdb /var/lib/pgsql/data"

(как root) создал template0 и template 1 для работы.

2019-04-23 20:39

Для postgres 12.3 у меня сработало следующее.

я удалил template1не зная, что это было. Я смог создать это изtemplate0. Вы также можете создать его изpostgres.

createdb -T template0 template1
createdb -T postgres template1

Это предлагается в документах —

template1 и template0 не имеют никакого специального статуса, кроме того факта, что имя template1 является именем исходной базы данных по умолчанию для CREATE DATABASE. Например, можно отбросить template1 и воссоздать его из template0 без каких-либо побочных эффектов.


2020-05-28 02:36

На моей машине debian я обновил некоторые кластеры до версии 11. базы данных шаблона [01] в целевом кластере были отброшены, и я использовал базы данных из более старых версий.

как root я создал новый кластер с помощью pg_createcluster.

как пользователь postgres:

дамп базы данных нового кластера с помощью pg_dumpall (с флагом —clean).

отбросьте новый кластер.

импортируйте полученный источник в свой кластер с помощью psql.

я бы удалил postgres роли drop и создание того же самого.

С уважением, Алекс

2020-02-19 21:41

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