Эта проблема, скорее всего, вызвана проблемой запуска игры.
- Escape from Tarkov — захватывающая игра, но Ошибка на почте сообщение мешает геймерам наслаждаться им.
- Разработчики говорят, что проблема вызвана перегрузкой серверов, но на самом деле виноват загрузчик игры.
- Очистка кеша и обновление игры помогут быстро решить эту проблему.
Побег из Таркова — очень популярная игра, полная экшена. Тем не менее, Тарков. Появляется сообщение об ошибке POST чаще, чем хотелось бы геймерам, которые пытаются получить от этого удовольствие.
В этой статье мы укажем причины этой ошибки и предложим лучшие решения для ее устранения.
Почему я получаю сообщение Tarkov Error on POST?
Вот несколько причин, по которым вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке:
- Перегруженный сервер: Основная причина ошибки — перегруженный сервер, т. е. слишком много игроков, одновременно пытающихся играть в игру.
- Проблемы с сетью сервера: Часто, проблемы с сервером может привести к Ошибка на почте сообщение в Таркове.
- Тарковский вайп был сделан: после очистки происходит внезапное увеличение активности пользователей, и в результате серверы работают не так, как ожидалось.
Как я могу исправить ошибку Таркова на POST?
Прежде чем перейти к более сложным решениям этой проблемы, давайте перепроверим некоторые предварительные методы:
- Перезапустите игру и ваш компьютер. Какой бы бесполезной она ни казалась, эта простая процедура может решить проблему.
- Перезагрузите маршрутизатор. Иногда проблема с локальным подключением может помешать вам получить доступ к игровому серверу.
- Проверьте состояние сервера. Вы можете сделать это, ознакомившись с страница состояния службы где они сообщают о таких проблемах. Другой способ — использовать специализированный веб-сайт, такой как Downdetector, для проверить, не работает ли сервер Escape from Tarkov.
Если Ошибка на почте это проблема, связанная с сервером, здесь нечего делать, кроме как ждать патча или исправления сервера. Однако, если проблема заключается в программе запуска, у нас есть несколько решений ниже, которые могут вернуть игру к жизни.
1. Очистить кеш игры
- Откройте программу запуска игры Escape from the Tarkov.
- Щелкните имя своего профиля и выберите Очистить кэш из выпадающего меню.
- Закройте лаунчер и снова откройте его.
Если все хорошо, в игре появится опция «Обновить», и загрузчик будет исправлен. Это проверенное решение, попробуйте его.
2. Переустановите игру и патч
- Нажмите на Начинать кнопку и выберите Настройки.
- Выбирать Программы.
- Просмотрите список приложений, нажмите Побег из Таркова и выберите Удалить.
- Снова скачайте игру с официального сайта, а затем патч.
Это должно исправить файл BsgLauncher.exe, и все должно вернуться в норму. Если это не сработает, попробуйте установить более старый патч, так как текущий может быть сломан.
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3. Попробуйте использовать VPN
Если проблема вызвана перегрузкой сервера, вы можете попробовать использовать VPN, чтобы обойти проблему. У нас есть большой список лучшие VPN для игр, но мы рекомендуем использовать ExpressVPN.
Некоторые проблемы с ПК трудно решить, особенно когда речь идет о поврежденных репозиториях или отсутствующих файлах Windows. Если у вас возникли проблемы с исправлением ошибки, возможно, ваша система частично сломана.
Мы рекомендуем установить Restoro, инструмент, который просканирует вашу машину и определит, в чем проблема.
кликните сюда скачать и начать ремонт.
У него супербыстрые серверы по всему миру, а также он может работать на PlayStation и Xbox.
Кроме того, он обеспечивает полную защиту данных и безопасность, а также полную анонимность, поэтому вас нельзя отследить и транслировать контент без перерывов.
Все, что вам нужно сделать, это загрузить и установить ExpressVPN с их веб-сайта, открыть приложение и выбрать ближайший регион, чтобы получить максимальную производительность.
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Почему Тарков вытирает?
Как это ни странно для многих, разработчики Escape from Tarkov делают чистую очистку, то есть игроки теряют свой прогресс и начинают с нуля. Каждая часть информации, будь то запасы, уровни или репутация среди трейдеров, стирается.
Это делается периодически, но нельзя предсказать точное время или день, когда это произойдет. Но это, более или менее, делается раз в полгода.
Мы надеемся, что наши решения помогли вам исправить Ошибка на почте Проблема в Escape from Tarkov. Было доказано, что наше первое решение работает для многих наших читателей, поэтому вы должны попробовать его сразу.
Вас также может заинтересовать наше руководство по как исправить ошибку бэкэнда Escape from Tarkov.
Вам удалось исправить игру? Дайте нам знать все об этом в разделе комментариев ниже.
Все еще есть проблемы? Исправьте их с помощью этого инструмента:
Если приведенные выше советы не помогли решить вашу проблему, на вашем ПК могут возникнуть более серьезные проблемы с Windows. Мы рекомендуем загрузка этого инструмента для ремонта ПК (оценка «Отлично» на TrustPilot.com), чтобы легко их решать. После установки просто нажмите кнопку Начать сканирование кнопку, а затем нажмите на Починить все.
Are you one of the many affectees of the error on post Tarkov issue? Many reports have been pouring in detailing how players cannot log into the first-person shooter’s online servers. As it turns out, there are a bunch of different measures you can take to get right back into playing. Thankfully, the game’s unofficial community has come forth with everything you can do to resolve the issue at hand.
Key Highlights
- The error on post-Tarkov is usually a result of technical problems on the part of the developer or sometimes due to network problems.
- The wisest course of action is Waiting it out since a large influx of players causes server downtime.
- You can use a high-quality VPN to switch up your IP address and then try running the game.
- Another potential fix for the error on-post issue is altering your Windows PC’s DNS settings.
- Try switching up your internet connection from a wireless one to an ethernet one since it provides a stable connection.
- If nothing works out, you can always try reinstalling the game.
What Is The Escape From Tarkov Error On Post Issue?
The phrase “Tarkov down” has seemingly become notorious in recent times since the game actually has people looking this up on the internet. Apparently, technical issues from the side of the developer are causing the error on post Tarkov issue to surface.
Therefore, the vast majority of the blame is shifted toward the server side, which you, the regular user, have no control over. But don’t rule things out that easily yet. The problem might as well pertain to your end of things too. A problem with your DNS settings or missing game files could bar you from getting into Tarkov.
To get back to playing on the fly, you’ll need to tick off a bunch of items from your to-do list that we’re going to give you in the next section. From checking the Escape From Tarkov server status to resetting your network, some of the forthcoming fixes are bound to do the trick for you.
Let’s check out all that in the section ahead.
How To Fix Tarkov Error On Post
The following is our cherry-picked collection of all the different ways you can resolve this vexing Escape From Tarkov issue yourself. Please note that the problem in question mostly relates to the server end, and that is something you’ll have to sit out, unfortunately.
Still, if there’s a chance that the error on post hassle doesn’t relate to the side of the developers, there are multiple potential fixes that you can attempt on your end. We’ve outlined what you need to do in that regard ahead.
Wait For A Patch
From what we can gather after researching around in community forums and reading player reports, the error on post Tarkov affair isn’t something that you can tend to on your own. Apparently, a large influx of players right after the recent-most update is causing some sort of server outage.
As it turns out, the multiplayer Tarkov servers cannot bear the load of an immense number of players trying to log into the game at the same time. Somewhere along those lines spurts up the error prompt on your end, thereby locking you out of the FPS altogether.
Fortunately, the developers—Battlestate Games—are already aware of the technical turmoil that Tarkov is under. They’ve taken to their official Twitter handle and have posted the following, encouraging the concerned user base that things will be all right soon.
The best course of action, therefore, is to sit tight until the matter is resolved from the side of the developers. Sadly, there’s not much that you can do apart from checking the Tarkov server status at the moment because the servers are suffering from downtime.
However, since work has already begun on issuing a patch for error on post Escape From Tarkov, it won’t be long until the servers are up and running again. We strongly advise staying up-to-speed with updates that the developer drops on its social signals.
That way, you’ll know that the game is fixed as soon as the problem has been resolved. With that being said, there is still the possibility of your device or internet connection not cutting it quite right for Escape From Tarkov. Exploring that scenario, let’s take a deep dive into your side of things and try the following potential fixes.
The error on post hassle pertains to your internet in the case that you’ve confirmed the issue isn’t from the back-end. It surfaces when a stable connection to the game’s servers cannot be established. The issue could link with your pertinent IP address and the locality you reside in.
Therefore, in cases such as these, it’s definitely worth taking up the service of a Virtual Protocol Network, or better yet, a VPN, and confirming whether doing so helps resolves the issue or not.
You can find plenty of effective VPN software out on the internet, both paid and free. If you don’t have a premium program for the purpose already, we advise you to check out the diverse offerings of Windscribe.
It’s a high-quality and free-to-use VPN that switches up your IP address and lets you browse with anonymity, which is something everyone should strive for in 2022.
In this scenario, however, it’s not the privacy functionality that concerns us but how the program can attempt to connect to Escape From Takov for multiplayer access.
Start your connection with another region, therefore, to check the potency of the solution in question. Countries like Iceland, Spain, Russia, and Canada are all quite well-known for having effective multiplayer servers for games, so it might be beneficial to connect to one of these using a VPN.
After you finally establish a link to any foreign country with your VPN, try going online in Escape From Tarkov like you normally would and see whether the problem still exists. If you still haven’t lucked out, though, there are a couple of more fixes to shoot at that’ll possibly sort you out with this endeavor.
Use Alternate DNS Settings
One of the most helpful ways players have utilized to resolve this resilient Escape From Tarkov issue is to change your DNS settings to different ones on your Windows PC.
DNS is short for Doman Name System and is a crucial component of computing devices that house the capability of using an internet connection. It makes access to different IP addresses possible and allows devices to communicate with the internet, thus the alternative name “Phonebook.”
There is a high probability that the solution to the bothersome Tarkov issue rests within changing your DNS settings. It is what we’re going to do here in the fix at hand, basically. Let’s get right down to it with the following steps.
- The first step is to open the “Settings” of your device. This can be done through the Windows Start menu or through the Taskbar if you have the app pinned there.
Opening Settings on Windows 10 - The next step after having the “Settings” application opened is to select the “Network and Internet” option. The following screenshot describes where to click.
Clicking on the “Network and Internet” Option - Doing so will take you to all the internet-related settings of your Windows PC. You now have to select the “Change adapter options” button under the “Status” page of the whole section. Check out the following screenshot for more information.
Changing Adapter Options - A new window will now open called “Network Connections.” You’ll be met with four different types of connections here. The way forward is choosing the right connection that you’re actually using on your PC. If you’re using a wired Ethernet connection, you’ll have to go with that one to move further, so do evaluate this crucial point right now. We’re going to go with Wi-Fi as an example here. Double-click on the correct connection type and then click on “Properties” to get to the next step.
Selecting the Correct Connection Type - You’ll now be seeing another small-scale window on your screen. This is where you’ll be able to adjust your DNS settings, but not quite right now. Scroll down the list of the items on show and select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).” Then, click on “Properties” to get to the next step.
Opening the Properties of IPv4 - The final step is where you’ll have to deal with another window that will pop up on the screen after clicking on the “Properties” button. This is where you’ll finally be putting in the DNS settings and switching them to alternate ones. To get started, toggle the “Use the following DNS server addresses” as specified in the screenshot below and enter “” in the “Preferred DNS server” bar.
- You’ll subsequently have to enter “” in the blanks for “Alternate DNS server” as well. As soon as you’re done with all that, don’t forget to check the box beside “Validate settings upon exit” before finalizing the process by clicking on “OK.”
That’s all about changing your DNS settings to alternative ones for fixing the relative Escape From Tarkov error. We suggest restarting your PC afterward to apply the changes to your system properly.
After the device boots back on, check whether the game runs without getting interrupted by the error prompt in question. You should be able to play perfectly now, but if the problem still continues to exist, keep on reading, and don’t lose hope just yet.
Switch Up Your Internet Connection
This is yet another measure that you can take that relates to your network connection. There are slim chances of fixing the problem at hand with the help of another internet connection, but it’s sure worth an attempt, as pointed out by a bunch of different users Tarkov players.
One user tried connecting to the game’s multiplayer servers with their personal hotspot, and it surprisingly allowed them to connect. Now, obviously, we cannot guarantee whether the same strategy will work for everyone, so it’s only a matter of you trying it out.
Before you start diving into the first-person shooter, make sure to test the internet speed of this alternative connection as well. Furthermore, we highly encourage using a wired connection instead of a wireless one. You get more dedicated bandwidth that way, not to mention lesser interruptions too.
The benefits of gaming with a wired connection are multifold, and you should definitely look into it. However, if such a commodity isn’t available at the moment, you can try any other connection apart from the one with which you usually get the error prompt.
Give it a go and see if there are any noticeable changes in server connectivity. You’ll either be thrilled to find out that the game works online now, or you’ll simply have to continue to the next fix.
Reinstall Escape From Tarkov
Similar to how you can work things out with Diablo Immortal: Please Check Your Internet Connection or Valorant: A Critical Error Has Occurred, reinstallation is the way to go to fix the error on post Tarkov hassle.
While we realize that uninstallations are boring, onerous, and a massive pain to deal with, they do happen to be one of the most prominent solutions one can ever try on their preferred system to fix a certain game.
In the case that you’ve already tried everything entailed by our curated guide, but nothing still has come to fruition, a reinstall is the only plausible method to get back to playing Escape From Tarkov, from what we can gather. It’s not like you’re trying to reinstall something like COD: Warzone to fix the Dev Error 5573 Warzone.
We’d be talking about a 100 GB+ file size, give or take, for that matter. Tarkov is much more forgiving in this respect and features a base download size that’s somewhere around 12-15 GB.
Since you’re playing the game on PC, uninstall the title accordingly. Complete the procedure by heading over to the “Add or remove programs” area on Windows 10, scroll down in the “Apps” section to find “Escape From Tarkov,” and uninstall it from there painlessly.
With some spell of luck and fortune, the game should be up and running once you have it back on your PC now. Once you finally manage to delete the app, proceed toward installing it one more time. Wait until the installation finishes, and then launch the famous FPS rogue-lite to confirm whether you can log in comfortably now.
There’s a great possibility that the issue at hand will cease to exist in the wake of applying this potential solution. Do let us know whether the reinstallation bears fruit for you or not, so other users can draw benefit from your feedback.
In our case, the developers have acknowledged the technical turmoil and have taken measures to issue a fix accordingly. If you still happen to experience trouble logging in to the game, try what we’ve outlined for you above, and you should be good. Do let us know down in the comments section how it goes.
As always, eXputer wishes you good luck!
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2 минуты назад, Molferen2 сказал:
Same problem
Edited by Papka_Nagibun
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Right now the servers are overloaded because of the update and you may experience the error you just got there. Have a bit of patience, thousands of players are logging in the same time so this may cause errors.
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Idk what this issue is, but im having it too
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Same…. Nakita… let me hold like 10 Bitcoin for the inconvenience… CHeeki Breeki
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10 minutes ago, sherifu said:
Right now the servers are overloaded because of the update and you may experience the error you just got there. Have a bit of patience, thousands of players are logging in the same time so this may cause errors.
Its unfortunate, but it’s great news to know what it is and that the game is PEAKING! Wooo wooo! thanks for the response!
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the BsgLauncher.exe file seems to be messed up, it says that it was modified about 6 hours into the future. at about 4:05 pm, its currently 8:36am my time. might be cause of problem or maybe a clue to it @devs
Edited by ghost1669
wrong timeframe
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The problem seems to be that the launcher tries to access the old 12.11 path and not server overloading — pls fix the launcher !
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also getting this code
any idea on how to fix or heard anything?
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The developers are aware of the issue and are actively working on a fix.
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vor 34 Minuten schrieb sherifu:
Right now the servers are overloaded because of the update and you may experience the error you just got there. Have a bit of patience, thousands of players are logging in the same time so this may cause errors.
sorry, maybe the devs update the servers. it`s every wipe the same, for christ sake, let me pay 5€ a month for decent servers — i would pay that. but this sh** show, wipe and wipe again. it`s utterly annoying. luckilie your fav streamers can play and promote your game
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Same here, whats worse I can’t get verification email. Some of my buddies are currently logged in.
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1 minute ago, ChaosManiek said:
Same here, whats worse I can’t get verification email. Some of my buddies are currently logged in.
Same, I don’t get verification email, and cant login either. This happened last wipe, hopefully over soon…
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I restarted my launcher several times, now it is loading
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13 minutes ago, BYDZTxx said:
Try to post here if you are bothered of something from the game.
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this is not overload. ive got people that have logged in fine but a couple of us are having this issue. and its only because we need to login which we cant do because emails wont be sent out via launcher requests. but if you login on the website its completely fine. doesn’t break like it used to!
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After not getting email confirmation codes, I restarted my computer and tried again. Got the code finally, and when I typed it in I got the same damn «Error on POST» message. Do I keep trying with this code or start all over and pray that it sends me an email confirmation? Any info would be nice Battlestate…
EDIT: Also have tried changing my password multiple times on the website and that poo is down too…
Edited by Rickys_smokes
Added more
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Servers are loaded? I don’t think the servers being flooded with players is the reason my launcher can’t even find 12.12.
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4 minutes ago, Rickys_smokes said:
After not getting email confirmation codes, I restarted my computer and tried again. Got the code finally, and when I typed it in I got the same damn «Error on POST» message. Do I keep trying with this code or start all over and pray that it sends me an email confirmation? Any info would be nice Battlestate…
EDIT: Also have tried changing my password multiple times on the website and that poo is down too…
We can’t really do anything, the bug makes the launcher think its in 12.11, so BSG needs to fix it, thats all…
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Just reset my launcher around 10 times and got the option to DL the patch. As soon as it was DL’ed the launcher locked up for a sec, then reverted back to 12.11 and gave me a POST bad gateway again. Dev’s announced that they «know that the servers are flooded» they haven’t taken any notice to the fact that the launcher is drunk.
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Yea, but the most weird part is that some people are actually able to play.. My friend from same country can play now while I am not able to even login to launcher. Whats even more weird that launcher sees that I was changing PC/IP whatever which is not true and actually it even shouldn’t ask me for verifcation code.
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This is an issue most likely caused by a game launcher problem
by Claudiu Andone
Oldtimer in the tech and science press, Claudiu is focused on whatever comes new from Microsoft. His abrupt interest in computers started when he saw the first Home… read more
Updated on
- Escape from Tarkov is an exciting game but the Error on POST message is preventing gamers from enjoying it.
- The developers say that the issue is caused by overloaded servers but in fact, the game loader is the culprit.
- Clearing the cache and updating the game will help you fix this problem quickly.
Escape from Tarkov is a very popular game that is packed with action. However, the Tarkov Error on POST message appears more often than wanted for gamers who try to enjoy it.
In this article, we will point out the causes of this error and provide the best solutions to fix the problem.
Why do I get the Tarkov Error on POST message?
Here are a few reasons you might be receiving the error:
- Overloaded server: The main reason behind the error is an overloaded server, i.e., too many players trying to play the game simultaneously.
- Issues with the server’s network: Oftentimes, problems with the server can lead to the Error on POST message in Tarkov.
- Tarkov wipe was done: When a wipe is done, there’s a sudden increase in user activity, and as a result, the servers do not act as expected.
How can I fix the Tarkov Error on POST?
Before getting into more complicated solutions for this issue, let’s crosscheck some preliminary methods:
- Restart the game and your PC. As useless as it may seem, this simple procedure may fix the problem.
- Restart your router. Sometimes, a local connection problem may prevent you from accessing the game server.
- Check the server status. You can do that by checking out the service status page where they announce such problems. Another way is to use a specialized website like Downdetector to check if the Escape from Tarkov server is down.
If the Error on POST is a server-related issue, there is nothing much to do except wait for a patch or a server fix. However, if the problem is the launcher, we have a couple of solutions below that may bring back the game to life.
1. Clear the game cache
- Open the Escape from the Tarkov game launcher.
- Click your profile name and select Clear Cache from the drop-down menu.
- Close the launcher and reopen it again.
If all is well, the game will have the Update option, and the loader will be fixed. This is a verified solution, so try it out.
2. Reinstall the game and the patch
- Click the Start button and select Settings.
- Select Apps.
- Look through the list of apps, click on Escape from Tarkov and select Uninstall.
- Download the game again from the official website and then the patch.
This should fix the BsgLauncher.exe file, and everything should return to normal. If that doesn’t work, try to install an older patch since the current one might be broken.
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3. Try using a VPN
If a server overload causes the situation, you might try using a VPN to circumvent the problem. We have a great list of the best VPNs for gaming, but our recommendation is to use ExpressVPN.
It has super fast servers worldwide, and it can also work on PlayStation and Xbox.
Moreover, it provides you with complete data protection and security, and full anonymity so you can’t be tracked and stream content without interruptions.
All you have to do is to download and install ExpressVPN from their website, open the app, and select the nearest region to get the best performance.
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Why is Tarkov wiping?
Though strange to many, the developers of Escape from Tarkov do a clean wipe, meaning the players lose their progress and start from square one. Every piece of information, be it inventories, levels, or reputation amongst traders, is wiped clean.
This is done periodically, but one can’t predict the exact time or day it will happen. But, it’s, more or less, done every six months.
We hope that our solutions helped you fix the Error on POST problem in Escape from Tarkov. Our first solution was proven to work for many of our readers, so you should try it out at once.
You might also be interested in our guide on how to fix the Escape from Tarkov backend error.
Have you succeeded in fixing the game? Let us know all about it in the comments section below.
Когда пытаюсь зайти в Escape from Tarkov, появляется окошко Error on Post с какой-то ссылкой и кодом BadGateway. Недавно вышла новая обнова для игры, а поэтому хотел зайти и посмотреть, чего там разрабы наворотили. Но вот уже часа полтора никак не могу зайти в игру. Думал, может с инетом какие-то проблемы, но вроде бы нет. По Speedtest показатели нормальные.
Сообщение Error on Post зачастую появляется в случае перегрузок игровых серверов Escape from Tarkov. Возможно, в настоящий момент к игре пытается подключиться слишком большое количество игроков одновременно — сервера не справляются.
Что делать? Ждать спада количества игроков. Кроме того, можно следить за состоянием игровых серверов EfT. Если же вы видите, что с серверами все в порядке, прошло немало времени, но сообщение Error on Post никуда не исчезло, то, вероятно, с файлами вашей игры что-то не так.
Разработчики Battlestate Games утверждают, что появление подобных ошибок могут спровоцировать неправильно установленные файлы последнего патча. Попробуйте полностью переустановить EfT в официальном лаунчере и проверьте наличие проблемы.