Ошибка таркова 522

How to fix escape from tarkov error 522?

Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough. Though this game is talked about a lot by gamers, it contains several errors and bugs. One of them being Escape from Tarkov error 522.

In this blog, we have talked about this error and how you could fix it.

How to fix escape from tarkov error 522?

Tarkov has been sealed off by the UN and Russian military, supply chains have been disrupted, and communication with an operational command has been lost, leaving everyone to make their own decisions about what to do and how to get out of the chaotic metropolis.

The players will take on the role of one of the mercenaries who made it through the first stages of the Tarkov conflict. After selecting one of the two factions – USEC or BEAR – the player’s character begins his journey out of the city.

What is error 522 in Escape from Tarkov?

Code 522 stands for ‘Connection timed out, which occurs whenever the TCP handshake between the web server and Cloudflare fails. This handshake – which is essential for establishing a connection – becomes necessary whenever the CDN service receives a user request that requires consultation with the server.

When you open the launcher of Escape from Tarkov this message of ‘error 522’ will appear and the launcher will not open. Due to this error, you might not be able to log in.

This is a server error and the support team of Escape from Tarkov has given quick solutions to fix this error.

How to fix the error 522 in Escape from Tarkov?

Error 522 is a server-side problem. The common cause of this is web server being offline, overloading of the original server, or incorrect DNS setting.

We have given some quick-fix methods to fix this error in Escape from Tarkov:

Method 1

You can simply restart the launcher and this should fix the error. It has worked for many gamers and has proved to be effective.

Method 2

Make sure that you are not blocking Cloudflare IPs in .htaccess, tables, or your firewall.

Method 3

If you are seeing 522 errors in certain locations only, it means you likely forgot to whitelist one of our ranges that corresponds to these locations, so double check to ensure all our IPs are whitelisted appropriately.

These methods should resolve your error. If the error persists even after following these methods, contact the helpline of Escape from Tarkov and they will assist you further.

Наше руководство по устранению ошибки Escape from Tarkov Error Code 522 поможет вам быстро вернуться в игру.

Побег из Таркова — одна из самых популярных многопользовательских игр. Однако, как и любая другая игра, она не застрахована от ошибок и багов. Код ошибки 522 — одна из самых распространенных ошибок, с которой сталкиваются игроки в Escape from Tarkov. Эта ошибка может расстраивать и раздражать, особенно если она мешает вам играть в любимую игру. Но не волнуйтесь, в этой записи блога мы расскажем вам о нескольких простых шагах, чтобы исправить код ошибки 522 и вернуть вас к игре Escape from Tarkov в кратчайшие сроки.

Проверьте подключение к Интернету

Первое, что вам нужно сделать, когда вы столкнетесь с кодом ошибки 522 — это проверить подключение к Интернету. Плохое интернет-соединение может вызвать эту ошибку, поэтому важно убедиться, что ваше соединение стабильно.

Чтобы проверить подключение к Интернету, вы можете использовать различные бесплатные онлайн-инструменты. Вы можете ввести «тест скорости интернета» в предпочитаемой вами поисковой системе и нажать на любой из результатов. Когда вы окажетесь на веб-сайте теста скорости, нажмите кнопку «Перейти» или «Начать», чтобы начать тест. Затем веб-сайт оценит скорость вашего интернета и предоставит вам результаты.

Если вы обнаружите, что ваше интернет-соединение медленное или нестабильное, это может быть причиной того, что вы столкнулись с кодом ошибки 522.

Проверить состояние сервера

Если ваше интернет-соединение стабильно, следующим шагом будет проверка состояния сервера Escape from Tarkov. Проблемы с сервером могут вызвать код ошибки 522 и проверка состояния сервера поможет вам определить, является ли это проблемой.

Чтобы проверить статус сервера, вы можете посетить официальный сайт Escape from Tarkov или страницы в социальных сетях. На веб-сайте и страницах в социальных сетях обычно публикуются обновления о состоянии сервера, включая плановое техническое обслуживание и непредвиденные простои.

Если сервер не работает или находится на обслуживании, это может быть причиной того, что вы столкнулись с кодом ошибки 522.

Перезагрузите компьютер


Чтобы перезагрузить компьютер, щелкните меню «Пуск», выберите «Питание», а затем нажмите «Перезагрузить». Как только ваш компьютер перезагрузится, попробуйте снова запустить Escape from Tarkov, чтобы проверить, исправлена ​​ли ошибка.

Серверы смены

Если ошибка не устранена, смена серверов может помочь исправить код ошибки 522. Иногда на некоторых серверах могут возникать проблемы, вызывающие подобные ошибки. Смена серверов может помочь вам избежать проблемного сервера и вернуться к игре.

Чтобы сменить сервер, откройте Escape from Tarkov и нажмите на опцию «список серверов». Затем вы можете выбрать другой сервер из списка и попробовать снова запустить игру.

Обратитесь в службу поддержки

Если ни один из вышеперечисленных шагов не работает, последний вариант — обратиться в службу поддержки Escape from Tarkov. У них есть команда экспертов, которые могут помочь вам устранить ошибку и найти решение.

Чтобы связаться со службой поддержки, посетите официальный сайт Escape from Tarkov и нажмите «поддержка». Затем вы можете объяснить проблему, с которой вы столкнулись, и предоставить любые соответствующие подробности, которые могут помочь команде поддержки решить проблему.

Код ошибки 522 может расстраивать, но это не конец света. Выполнив шаги, описанные в этом сообщении в блоге, вы сможете легко исправить ошибку и вернуться к игре Escape from Tarkov. Помните, что проверка подключения к Интернету, проверка состояния сервера, перезагрузка компьютера, смена серверов и обращение в службу поддержки — все это эффективные решения этой проблемы.

Escape From Tarkov is a multiplayer action RPG that has engrossed a large number of players. The game has been getting regular updates to keep things interesting. Airdrops were the latest of such updates. They became a regular feature in the game recently. However, even with the regular updates, Escape From Tarkov isn’t without its share of troubles. The game has dealt with a number of bugs and errors already. These include Tarkov Error 106015, Launcher Not Working, as well as Tarkov Status Code 522. If you’ve experienced the last, we will discuss in detail what Tarkov Status Code 522 is and how you can fix it.

Tarkov Status Code 522

What Is It?

Status Code 522 is not limited to Tarkov. It is basically an indication that Cloudflare is unable to reach the origin web server. Due to this, the request times out and players get the Code 522 notification. Since this is a server error, there are only a limited number of options with players trying to fix it. Note that if the error is on the end of Tarkov servers, there is absolutely nothing you can do to fix it. You will just have to wait for the game developers to fix the problem. You can check if the game is undergoing maintenance through its social media pages. However, if the problem is not at the end of EFT, there are a few fixes you can try. These are listed below.

Escape From Tarkov EFT Status Code 522

How To Fix Tarkov Status Code 522?

Restart The Launcher

The first way to fix the issue is to restart the EFT launcher. This simple fix has sorted the code error for some players. Since it’s the easiest fix on the list, players should attempt this first. If it does not fix the problem move on to the next fix.

Blocked Cloudflare Requests

Often blocked Cloudflare requests can cause the Tarkov Status Code 522. In order to avoid this, ensure that Cloudflare IPs are not blocked anywhere including your firewall. Your hosting provider can also block requests from Cloudflare IPs. Contact the host in such a case to unblock Cloudflare requests.

Contact Cloudflare Support

If none of the solutions work, contact Cloudflare support and file a ticket with them. You will need to be patient while the problem is sorted out though. Tickets aren’t addressed immediately at times. Be patient for Cloudflare to look into the situation.

Ensure The Issue Is Not From EFT Servers 

Check Escape From Tarkov maintenance posts to ensure the servers aren’t down or undergoing maintenance. If this is the issue, you will have to wait for Tarkov developers to fix it from their end. There is nothing that you can do to fix Status Code 522 if the server error is on the game server end.

Whitelist IPs

Sometimes Status Code 522 might only occur in certain locations in Tarkov. This is likely due to the fact that IPs are not whitelisted for those locations. Whitelist the corresponding IPs and then check back to see if the problem has been fixed.

Contact The Escape From Tarkov Helpline

If none of the solutions work for you, contact the Tarkov helpline to seek further assistance. List out all the measures you have already tried to fix the issue in order to save time when you file an assistance request. A lot of times the helpline might ask you to try out fixes that you have already tried out so listing them beforehand can be quite handy.

These are all the measures that can help you fix the Tarkov Status Code 522 and get back to uninterrupted gaming. Meanwhile, check out Escape From Tarkov (EFT) Promo Codes List Wiki (January 2022) to boost up your gameplay.

Escape from Tarkov, a popular online multiplayer shooter game, has been experiencing an error code 522 for the past several days. This code appears when players attempt to join a game, and results in a black screen with the error message.

The game’s developers, Battlestate Games, have not yet released a statement addressing the issue. Players have been posting on the game’s official forums and social media platforms, expressing their frustration with the error and seeking a solution.

So far, the only suggestion from Battlestate Games is to restart the game client. This has not been successful for many players.

Escape from Tarkov is a high-quality game with amazing graphics and a rich, detailed world. It is one of the most popular games on Steam, with over 387,000 concurrent players.

The game’s developers have been very responsive to player feedback in the past, so it is disappointing that they have not yet released a statement addressing the 522 error.

Hopefully, Battlestate Games will release a statement soon and provide a solution to this issue. Players have been waiting for several days now, and the error is preventing them from playing the game they love.


  • 1 How do I fix Error 522?
  • 2 What is a 522 error?
  • 3 How do I fix tarkov launcher error?
  • 4 How do I fix tarkov Gateway error?
  • 5 How do I fix error 522 on Chrome?
  • 6 How do I fix error 525?
  • 7 Is error 522 a DDoS?

How do I fix Error 522?

Error 522 is a message you might see on your screen while trying to load a web page. It means that the website’s server is not able to send the requested page to your browser. This can be caused by a number of things, such as a temporary outage or a problem with the website’s server.

There are a few things you can do to try to fix Error 522:

– First, try refreshing the page. If that doesn’t work, try reloading it.

– If you’re seeing this error on a website you frequently use, try bookmarking it in your browser so you can easily access it later.

– If you’re using a laptop or mobile device, try disabling your Wi-Fi and connecting to the internet using your cellular data instead.

– If you still can’t access the website, you can try searching for it on Google.

If none of these solutions work, you might need to contact the website’s owner or server administrator to see if they can help.

What is a 522 error?

A 522 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the server could not find the requested resource. This code is generally used when a URL is mistyped or invalid.

How do I fix tarkov launcher error?

There are a few things you can do to try and fix the tarkov launcher error. 

The first thing you can try is restarting your computer. 

If that doesn’t work, you can try reinstalling the game. 

If that still doesn’t work, you can try contacting support.

How do I fix tarkov Gateway error?

There are a few methods that can be used to fix the Tarkov Gateway error.

The first method is to completely uninstall and reinstall the game. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Uninstall the game

2. Delete the game files

3. Reinstall the game

The second method is to change the Gateway settings. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Open the Tarkov launcher

2. Click on the Settings icon

3. Change the Gateway settings

4. Save the changes

The third method is to change the host file. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Open the host file

2. Change the host file settings

3. Save the changes

The fourth method is to change the settings in the router. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Open the router settings

2. Change the router settings

3. Save the changes

How do I fix error 522 on Chrome?

Error 522 is a common Chrome error that can occur for a variety of reasons. In this article, we’ll show you how to fix error 522 on Chrome.

There are a few things you can do to fix error 522 on Chrome. Here are a few of them:

– Restart your computer

– Update your Chrome browser

– Clear your browser’s cache and cookies

– Disable your extensions

– Check your internet connection

– Reset your Chrome browser

If you’re still having trouble fixing error 522 on Chrome, you can try these troubleshooting steps:

– Uninstall and reinstall Chrome

– Update your computer’s drivers

– Reset your router

– Contact your internet service provider

How do I fix error 525?

If you see the error 525 when trying to access the iTunes Store, it means that there’s a problem with your internet connection. There are a few things you can do to try to fix the issue:

-First, restart your modem and router, and then try again.

-If that doesn’t work, try resetting your network settings. Go to Settings > General > Reset, and then tap Reset Network Settings.

-If you’re still having problems, contact your internet service provider.

Is error 522 a DDoS?

Is error 522 a DDoS?

No one can say for certain, but it’s possible. A DDoS attack is a coordinated assault on a website or online service, often using large numbers of compromised devices to overwhelm the target with traffic. Error 522 indicates that a website is unavailable because it’s being targeted by a DDoS attack.

It’s not always easy to tell if an error 522 is the result of a DDoS attack, but there are some clues. For example, if the attack is coming from a large number of devices in a short period of time, that’s a good indication that it’s a DDoS. There are also tools that can help you determine if your website is being targeted by a DDoS attack.

If you’re experiencing an error 522, there are a few things you can do:

– Contact your hosting provider and ask them to help you determine if the error is being caused by a DDoS attack.

– Use a tool like CloudFlare to help protect your website from DDoS attacks.

– If the attack is coming from a large number of devices, you may want to consider blocking traffic from those devices.


Escape from Tarkov is a multiplayer tactical first-person shooter video game. Now players are facing “Tarkov Error Code 522” or “Tarkov Status Code 522” issue. Escape from Tarkov Error code 522 is a connection timeout error that occurs when the Escape from Tarkov game servers are unable to connect to Cloudflare.

The game is known for its realistic and hardcore gameplay. Players must manage their health, hunger, and thirst, as well as their ammunition and weapon condition. If you’re facing Tarkov Error Code 522 issue, then this article could help you to get rid from this problem.

Fix 'Tarkov Error Code 522' Problem

What Could be Reasons for Escape from Tarkov Error Code 522?

There are a few reasons why you might be getting the Tarkov Error Code 522. Some of the most common reasons include.

  1. Overcrowded Servers – When there is a high volume of players trying to connect to the game servers, it can cause the servers to become overloaded and lead to connection timeout errors.
  2. Network Outages – If there is a network outage in your area, it can prevent you from connecting to the game servers.
  3. Internet Connection Problem – If your internet connection is slow or unstable, it can also cause connection timeout errors.
  4. Cloudflare Issues – Cloudflare is a content delivery network that helps to improve the performance and security of websites. If there are issues with Cloudflare, it can prevent you from connecting to Escape from Tarkov.
  5. BSG Server Issues: BSG is the developer of Escape from Tarkov. If there are issues with BSG’s servers, it can prevent you from connecting to the game.

How to Fix “Tarkov Error Code 522” Problem?

If you are experiencing issues with the Tarkov Status Code 522, here are some possible ways to fix this Tarkov Error Code 522 problem.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. Try restarting your router or connecting to a different network if possible.

2. Verify Server Status

Visit the official Escape from Tarkov Twitter account or community forums to check if there are any ongoing server issues or maintenance. If the servers are down or undergoing maintenance, you may have to wait until they are back online.

3. Restart Your Computer

If still you’re experiencing Tarkov Error Code 522 issue, Sometimes a simple restart can fix a variety of problems. Try restarting your computer and then trying to connect to Escape from Tarkov again.

4. Change Servers

In the game launcher, you can select different game servers to connect to. Try switching to a different server and see if the error persists. Sometimes, certain servers may experience higher traffic or connectivity issues, so changing to a different server could help.

5. Contact Support

If the error continues to occur despite trying the above steps, reach out to the official Escape from Tarkov support team. They can provide you with further assistance and troubleshoot the issue on their end.

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Emma Trump

Hi, Emma Trump Here. I’m a Tech and Gaming Writer. I’m Writing About Tech, Video Games and eSports Related Contents on eBuzzPro.com Website.

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