Ошибка spire vst

Note: I have also sent this report to Reveal Sound’s technical support email address (as I suspect the issue likely lies with their plugin update. However, to cover both bases, I am also posting this here, in case you can offer any other helpful advice or suggestions):

Today I downloaded and installed the latest update for the third party synth plugin Spire version 1.5.7. I then tried to load Spire inside of the current version of FL Studio 20.8.2 [build 2247] (64-bit).

However, Spire 1.5.7 would not open. Also, projects which were previously saved containing the working Spire version 1.5.6 could not open this new 1.5.7 update.

So I tried re-scanning my plugins inside FL Studio’s plugin manager. All my other existing plugins scanned okay, but when it scanned Spire 1.5.7 the scan returned an ‘error‘ for Spire and this also crashed the Plugin Manager of FL Studio while it was trying to read the plugin.

I would appreciate any help or advice you could offer to fix this issue so that I can use Spire again.

Thank you.

Spire 1.5.7 Crash B.png

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  1. knet2020


    Aug 3, 2021
    Likes Received:

    I have installed the above and tried to do a scan which seems to take a while (as written in the nfo) but Spire doesn’t seem to be able to load any of the presets I simply get asked to scan again.

    The path is the default set by the installer C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\RevealSound\Banks\

    Any tips or ideas?

  2. poly

    Platinum Record

    Sep 29, 2016
    Likes Received:

    maybe start daw with admin right but better to move custom banks folder (not factory!) to eg c:\audio content\presets\spire and set this path in spire settings.

  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger
    Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Best Answer

    Have you tried this tip from sister site?

    delete the workspace.db
    Spire will make a new one, when it starts again and it will show up the Factory Content.
    Then copy all Presets back into «Bank» and Rescan.
    If dont wanna wait for all Presets, just copy 2-3 Presetfolder and Rescan, it will work.

    • Like Like x 2
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  4. knet2020


    Aug 3, 2021
    Likes Received:

    Just found it and managed to get it to work, so thanks


  1. Workspace is locked by another spire что делать
  2. Workspace is locked by another spire что делать
  3. Answered by:
  4. Question
  5. Answers
  6. All replies
  7. Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.1 CE-V.R
  8. 3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок SPIRE.DLL
  9. Подробности файле с именем spire.dll
  10. Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
  11. Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки
  12. Как удалить заблокированный файл
  13. Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок spire.dll:
  14. Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?
  15. Как вы поступите с файлом spire.dll?
  16. Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с spire.dll файлом
  18. Troubleshoot WorkSpaces issues
  19. Enabling advanced logging
  20. Troubleshoot specific issues
  21. I can’t create an Amazon Linux WorkSpace because there are non-valid characters in the user name
  22. I changed the shell for my Amazon Linux WorkSpace and now I can’t provision a PCoIP session
  23. My Amazon Linux WorkSpaces won’t start
  24. Launching WorkSpaces in my connected directory often fails
  25. Launching WorkSpaces fails with an internal error
  26. When I try to register a directory, the registration fails and leaves the directory in an ERROR state
  27. My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace with an interactive logon banner
  28. My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace
  29. My users are having issues when they try to log on to WorkSpaces from WorkSpaces Web Access
  30. The Amazon WorkSpaces client displays a gray «Loading. » screen for a while before returning to the login screen. No other error message appears.
  31. My users receive the message «WorkSpace Status: Unhealthy. We were unable to connect you to your WorkSpace. Please try again in a few minutes.»
  32. My users receive the message «This device is not authorized to access the WorkSpace. Please contact your administrator for assistance.»
  33. My users receive the message «No network. Network connection lost. Check your network connection or contact your administrator for help.» when trying to connect to a WSP WorkSpace
  34. The WorkSpaces client gives my users a network error, but they are able to use other network-enabled apps on their devices
  35. Windows client application
  36. PCoIP zero clients
  37. Other client applications
  38. My WorkSpace users see the following error message: «Device can’t connect to the registration service. Check your network settings.»
  39. My PCoIP zero client users are receiving the error «The supplied certificate is invalid due to timestamp»
  40. USB printers and other USB peripherals aren’t working for PCoIP zero clients
  41. My users skipped updating their Windows or macOS client applications and aren’t getting prompted to install the latest version
  42. My users are unable to install the Android client application on their Chromebooks
  43. My users aren’t receiving invitation emails or password reset emails
  44. My users don’t see the Forgot password? option on the client login screen
  45. I receive the message «The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation» when I try to install applications on a Windows WorkSpace
  46. No WorkSpaces in my directory can connect to the internet
  47. My WorkSpace has lost its internet access
  48. I receive a «DNS unavailable» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  49. I receive a «Connectivity issues detected» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  50. I receive an «SRV record» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  51. My Windows WorkSpace goes to sleep when it’s left idle
  52. One of my WorkSpaces has a state of UNHEALTHY
  53. My WorkSpace is unexpectedly crashing or rebooting
  54. The same username has more than one WorkSpace, but the user can log in to only one of the WorkSpaces
  55. I’m having trouble using Docker with Amazon WorkSpaces
  56. I receive ThrottlingException errors to some of my API calls
  57. My WorkSpace keeps disconnecting when I let it run in the background
  58. SAML 2.0 federation isn’t working. My users are not authorized to stream their WorkSpaces desktop.
  59. My users are getting disconnected from their WorkSpaces session every 60 minutes.
  60. My users get a redirect URI error when they federate using the SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP)-initiated flow, or an additional instance of the WorkSpaces client application starts every time my users attempt to sign in from the client after federating to the IdP.
  61. My users receive the message, «Something went wrong: An error occurred while launching your WorkSpace» when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.
  62. My users receive the message, «Unable to validate tags” when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.
  63. My users receive the message, «The client and the server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm».
  64. My microphone or webcam is not working on Windows WorkSpaces.
  65. My users cannot login using certificate-based authentication and are prompted for the password either at the WorkSpaces client or the Windows logon screen when they connect to their desktop session.

Workspace is locked by another spire что делать

Workspace is locked by another spire что делать

Answered by:


I have a project that has a file locked by another programmer that is no longer working with me and I can’t get him to check the file back in, I just need to unlock this file, I read some threads talk about this topic like «Thread 1 » and «Thread 2 » but it doesn’t work with me so first let me tell you what the message that appear to me

$/OTC-RMS/Source/WebUIIntegrationTest/WebUIIntegraionTest.csproj is locked for check-out by Seif workspace Seif-PC

I try to unlock it with the following command

I also try the following

tf lock source /lock:none /login:seif,Password

I have face the error

I have all the permission I am in the administrator of the machine and the project administrator group

We are volunteers, if the reply help you mark it as your answer. thanks!!
My Blog


You can also unlock other users file using Status Sidekick of TFS Sidekick tools: http://www.attrice.info/cm/tfs/

the complete process for removing users from TFS :

Using tf command form VS2008 command prompt:
• Check user status : tf status /server:[TFSservername] /user:[User ID] /recursive
It will give you all status of checkouts to all projects in TFS.

• List all users workspaces : tf workspaces /server:[TFSservername] /owner:[User ID]
• If you need to undo all checkout for particular user : tf undo /server:[TFSservername] /workspace:[user workspace name];[User ID] [source control path for file or folder ] /recursive

• Remove workspace : tf workspace /delete /server:devprosrv05 [user workspace name];[User ID]

To remove user credentials
• List all application groups : tfssecurity /im n:[user ID] /server:devprosrv05
If you got [Error: The identity cannot be resolved ] that means
o User not exists in TFS.
o User already deleted.
• Remove application group : tfssecurity /g /server:[TFSservername] “[Application Group]” n:[user ID]
Note: o Be sure you write: [user ID] after application group. o Re type the command for all [A] group not [G].

Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.1 CE-V.R

V.R | 08.2020 | 89 MB
Spire is a software polyphonic synthesizer that combines powerful sound engine modulation and flexible architecture, a graphical interface provides unparalleled usability. Spire is the embodiment of the best opportunities, both software and hardware synthesizers.

4x multimode polymorphing oscillators
Classic, Noise, FM, AMSync, SawPWM, HardFM, Vowel

9x unison voices on each oscillator
Spread unison voices by chords and octaves
Capable of imitating different types of unisons like supersaw, hypersaw

2x multimode filters with analogue and digital types of filtering
Perfecto, Infecto, Acido, Scorpio, Combo, Shaper

Shaper/Decimator, Phaser/Vowel, Chorus/Flanger, Delay, Reverb

4x Macros, 4x Envelopes, 4x LFOs with morphing shapes,
15x Matrix slots each equipped with 2x sources and 4x targets

Surprisingly user friendly and fun to use!

with X­-Comp (Multiband Compressor) and 3-band EQ

Over 900 factory presets including complex arpeggios and bass sequences,
a versatile assortment of leads, exhilarating pads, plucks, drums and FXs


3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок SPIRE.DLL

Подробности файле с именем spire.dll

Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

  • Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
  • Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
  • Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
  • потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
  • нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».

Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки

Как удалить заблокированный файл

  • В главном окне Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer выберите инструмент «Force deleter»
  • Потом в «force deleter» нажмите «Выбрать файл», перейдите к файлу spire.dll и потом нажмите на «открыть».
  • Теперь нажмите на кнопку «unlock and delete», и когда появится подтверждающее сообщение, нажмите «да». Вот и все.

Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок spire.dll:

  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  • В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
  • В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
  • Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
  • Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
  • Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл spire.dll, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
  • Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?

Всего голосов ( 202 ), 133 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 69 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом spire.dll?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с spire.dll файлом

  • (spire.dll) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
  • spire.dll. Эта программа не отвечает.
  • (spire.dll) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
  • (spire.dll) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
  • (spire.dll) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.


Troubleshoot WorkSpaces issues

The following information can help you troubleshoot issues with your WorkSpaces.

Enabling advanced logging

To help troubleshoot issues that your users might experience, you can enable advanced logging on any Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Advanced logging generates log files that contain diagnostic information and debugging-level details, including verbose performance data. For the 1.0+ and 2.0+ clients, these advanced logging files are automatically uploaded to a database in AWS.

To have AWS review the log files that are generated by advanced logging and to receive technical support for issues with your WorkSpaces clients, contact AWS Support. For more information, see AWS Support Center .

Windows clients

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaceslogs

To enable advanced logging for Windows clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Command Prompt app.

Launch the WorkSpaces client with the -l3 flag.

cd «C:Program FilesAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

If WorkSpaces is installed for one user and not all users, use the following commands:

cd «%LocalAppData%ProgramsAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

macOS clients

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/»Application Support»/»Amazon Web Services»/»Amazon WorkSpaces»/logs

To enable advanced logging for macOS clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

open -a workspaces —args -l3

Android clients

To enable advanced logging for Android clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Android client menu.

Select Logging settings.

Select Enable advanced logging.

To retrieve logs for Android clients after enabling advanced logging:

Select Extract log to save zipped logs locally.

Linux clients

The Linux client logs are stored in the following location:

/.local/share/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/logs

To enable advanced logging for Linux clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

Windows clients

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaceslogs

To enable advanced logging for Windows clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Command Prompt app.

Launch the WorkSpaces client with the -l3 flag.

cd «C:Program Files (x86)Amazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

If WorkSpaces is installed for one user and not all users, use the following commands:

cd «%LocalAppData%ProgramsAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

macOS clients

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/»Application Support»/»Amazon Web Services»/»Amazon WorkSpaces»/logs

To enable advanced logging for macOS clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

open -a workspaces —args -l3

Android clients

To enable advanced logging for Android clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Android client menu.

Select Logging settings.

Select Enable advanced logging.

To retrieve logs for Android clients after enabling advanced logging:

Select Extract log to save zipped logs locally.

Linux clients

The Linux client logs are stored in the following location:

/.local/share/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/logs

To enable advanced logging for Linux clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

Open the WorkSpaces client.

Choose the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the client application.

Choose Advanced Settings.

Select the Enable Advanced Logging check box.

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaces1.0Logs

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/Logs/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/1.0

Troubleshoot specific issues

The following information can help you troubleshoot specific issues with your WorkSpaces.


I can’t create an Amazon Linux WorkSpace because there are non-valid characters in the user name

For Amazon Linux WorkSpaces, user names:

Can contain a maximum of 20 characters

Can contain letters, spaces, and numbers that are representable in UTF-8

Can include the following special characters: _.-#

Cannot begin with a dash symbol (-) as the first character of the user name

These limitations do not apply to Windows WorkSpaces. Windows WorkSpaces support the @ and — symbols for all characters in the user name.

I changed the shell for my Amazon Linux WorkSpace and now I can’t provision a PCoIP session

To override the default shell for Linux WorkSpaces, see Override the default shell for Amazon Linux WorkSpaces.

My Amazon Linux WorkSpaces won’t start

Starting July 20, 2020, Amazon Linux WorkSpaces will be using new license certificates. These new certificates are compatible only with versions, 2.14.7, 2.14.9, and 20.10.6 or later of the PCoIP agent.

If you’re using an unsupported version of the PCoIP agent, you must upgrade it to the latest version (20.10.6), which has the latest fixes and performance improvements that are compatible with the new certificates. If you don’t make these upgrades by July 20, session provisioning for your Linux WorkSpaces will fail and your end users won’t be able to connect to their WorkSpaces.

To upgrade your PCoIP agent to the latest version

In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.

Select your Linux WorkSpace, and reboot it by choosing Actions, Reboot WorkSpaces. If the WorkSpace status is STOPPED , you must choose Actions, Start WorkSpaces first and wait until its status is AVAILABLE before you can reboot it.

After your WorkSpace has rebooted and its status is AVAILABLE , we recommend that you change the status of the WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE while you are performing this upgrade. When you are finished, change the status of the WorkSpace to AVAILABLE . For more information about ADMIN_MAINTENANCE mode, see Manual Maintenance.

To change the status of a WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE , do the following:

Select the WorkSpace and choose Actions, Modify WorkSpace.

Choose Modify State.

For Intended State, select ADMIN_MAINTENANCE.

Connect to your Linux WorkSpace through SSH. For more information, see Enable SSH connections for your Linux WorkSpaces.

To update the PCoIP agent, run the following command:

To verify the agent version and to confirm that the update succeeded, run the following command:

The verification command should produce following result:

Disconnect from the WorkSpace and reboot it again.

If you set the status of the WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE in StepВ 4, repeat StepВ 4 and set Intended State to AVAILABLE .

If your Linux WorkSpace still fails to start after you upgrade the PCoIP agent, contact AWS Support.

Launching WorkSpaces in my connected directory often fails

Verify that the two DNS servers or domain controllers in your on-premises directory are accessible from each of the subnets that you specified when you connected to your directory. You can verify this connectivity by launching an Amazon EC2 instance in each subnet and joining the instance to your directory using the IP addresses of the two DNS servers.

Launching WorkSpaces fails with an internal error

Check whether your subnets are configured to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to instances launched in the subnet. To check this setting, open the Amazon VPC console, select your subnet, and choose Subnet Actions, Modify auto-assign IP settings. If this setting is enabled, you cannot launch WorkSpaces using the Performance or Graphics bundles. Instead, disable this setting and specify IPv6 addresses manually when you launch your instances.

When I try to register a directory, the registration fails and leaves the directory in an ERROR state

This problem can occur if you’re trying to register an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory that has been configured for multi-Region replication. Although the directory in the primary Region can be successfully registered for use with Amazon WorkSpaces, attempting to register the directory in a replicated Region fails. Multi-Region replication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD isn’t supported for use with Amazon WorkSpaces within replicated Regions.

My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace with an interactive logon banner

If an interactive logon message has been implemented to display a logon banner, this prevents users from being able to access their Windows WorkSpaces. The interactive logon message Group Policy setting is not currently supported by WorkSpaces. Move the WorkSpaces to an organizational unit (OU) where the Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to log on Group Policy isn’t applied.

My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace

My users receive the following error when they try to connect to their Windows WorkSpaces:

This error often occurs when the WorkSpace can’t load the Windows desktop using PCoIP. Check the following:

If the PCoIP agent was uninstalled, reboot the WorkSpace through the Amazon WorkSpaces console to reinstall it automatically.

You might also receive this error on the Amazon WorkSpaces client after a long delay if the WorkSpaces security group was modified to restrict outbound traffic. Restricting outbound traffic prevents Windows from communicating with your directory controllers for login. Verify that your security groups allow your WorkSpaces to communicate with your directory controllers on all required ports over the primary network interface.

Another cause of this error is related to the User Rights Assignment Group Policy. If the following group policy is incorrectly configured, it prevents users from being able to access their Windows WorkSpaces:

Computer ConfigurationWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsLocal PoliciesUser Rights Assignment

Policy: Access this computer from the network

Setting: Domain name Domain Computers

Winning GPO: Allow File Access

Policy: Access this computer from the network

Setting: Domain name Domain Users

Winning GPO: Allow File Access

This policy setting should be applied to Domain Users instead of Domain Computers.

My users are having issues when they try to log on to WorkSpaces from WorkSpaces Web Access

Amazon WorkSpaces relies on a specific logon screen configuration to enable users to successfully log on from their Web Access client.

To enable Web Access users to log on to their WorkSpaces, you must configure a Group Policy setting and three Security Policy settings. If these settings are not correctly configured, users might experience long logon times or black screens when they try to log on to their WorkSpaces. To configure these settings, see Enable and configure Amazon WorkSpaces Web Access.

Beginning October 1, 2020, customers will no longer be able to use the Amazon WorkSpaces Web Access client to connect to Windows 7 custom WorkSpaces or to Windows 7 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) WorkSpaces.

The Amazon WorkSpaces client displays a gray «Loading. » screen for a while before returning to the login screen. No other error message appears.

This behavior usually indicates that the WorkSpaces client can authenticate over port 443, but can’t establish a streaming connection over port 4172 (PCoIP) or port 4195 (WSP). This situation can occur when network prerequisites aren’t met. Issues on the client side often cause the network check in the client to fail. To see which health checks are failing, choose the network check icon (typically a red triangle with an exclamation point in the bottom-right corner of the login screen for 2.0+ clients or the network icon in the upper-right corner of the 3.0+ clients).

The most common cause of this problem is a client-side firewall or proxy preventing access over port 4172 or 4195 (TCP and UDP). If this health check fails, check your local firewall settings.

If the network check passes, there might be a problem with the network configuration of the WorkSpace. For example, a Windows Firewall rule might block port UDP 4172 or 4195 on the management interface. Connect to the WorkSpace using a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client to verify that the WorkSpace meets the necessary port requirements.

My users receive the message «WorkSpace Status: Unhealthy. We were unable to connect you to your WorkSpace. Please try again in a few minutes.»

This error usually indicates the SkyLightWorkSpacesConfigService service isn’t responding to health checks.

If you just rebooted or started your WorkSpace, wait a few minutes, and then try again.

If the WorkSpace has been running for some time and you still see this error, connect using RDP to verify that the SkyLightWorkSpacesConfigService service:

Is set to start automatically.

Can communicate over the management interface (eth0).

Isn’t blocked by any third-party antivirus software.

My users receive the message «This device is not authorized to access the WorkSpace. Please contact your administrator for assistance.»

This error indicates that IP access control groups are configured on the WorkSpace directory, but the client IP address isn’t whitelisted.

Check the settings on your directory. Confirm that the public IP address the user is connecting from allows access to the WorkSpace.

My users receive the message «No network. Network connection lost. Check your network connection or contact your administrator for help.» when trying to connect to a WSP WorkSpace

If this error occurs and your users don’t have connectivity issues, make sure that port 4195 is open on your network’s firewalls. For WorkSpaces using the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP), the port used to stream the client session was changed from 4172 to 4195.

The WorkSpaces client gives my users a network error, but they are able to use other network-enabled apps on their devices

The WorkSpaces client applications rely on access to resources in the AWSВ Cloud, and require a connection that provides at least 1 MbpsВ download bandwidth. If a device has an intermittent connection to the network, the WorkSpaces client application might report an issue with the network.

WorkSpaces enforces the use of digital certificates issued by Amazon Trust Services, as of May 2018. Amazon Trust Services is already a trusted Root CA on the operating systems that are supported by WorkSpaces. If the Root CA list for the operating system is not up to date, the device cannot connect to WorkSpaces and the client gives a network error.

To recognize connection issues due to certificate failures

PCoIP zero clients — The following error message is displayed.

Other clients — The health checks fail with a red warning triangle for Internet.

To resolve certificate failures

Windows client application

Use one of the following solutions for certificate failures.

Solution 1: Update the client application
Solution 2: Add Amazon Trust Services to the local Root CA list

Download the Starfield certificate in DER format (2b071c59a0a0ae76b0eadb2bad23bad4580b69c3601b630c2eaf0613afa83f92).

Open the Microsoft Management Console. (From the Command Prompt, run mmc.)

Choose File, Add/Remove Snap-in, Certificates, Add.

On the Certificates snap-in page, select Computer account and choose Next. Keep the default, Local computer. Choose Finish. Choose OK.

Expand Certificates (Local Computer) and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Choose Action, All Tasks, Import.

Follow the wizard to import the certificate that you downloaded.

Exit and restart the WorkSpaces client application.

Solution 3: Deploy Amazon Trust Services as a trusted CA using Group Policy

Add the Starfield certificate to the trusted Root CAs for the domain using Group Policy. For more information, see Use Policy to Distribute Certificates .

PCoIP zero clients

To connect directly to a WorkSpace using firmware version 6.0 or later, download and install the certificate issued by Amazon Trust Services.

To add Amazon Trust Services as a trusted Root CA

Download the certificate under Starfield Certificate Chain with the thumbprint 14 65 FA 20 53 97 B8 76 FA A6 F0 A9 95 8E 55 90 E4 0F CC 7F AA 4F B7 C2 C8 67 75 21 FB 5F B6 58.

Upload the certificate to the zero client. For more information, see Uploading Certificates in the Teradici documentation.

Other client applications

Add the Starfield certificate (2b071c59a0a0ae76b0eadb2bad23bad4580b69c3601b630c2eaf0613afa83f92) from Amazon Trust Services . For more information about how to add a Root CA, see the following documentation:

My WorkSpace users see the following error message: «Device can’t connect to the registration service. Check your network settings.»

When a registration service failure occurs, your WorkSpace users might see the following error message on the Connection Health Check page: «Your device is not able to connect to the WorkSpaces Registration service. You will not be able to register your device with WorkSpaces. Please check your network settings.»

This error occurs when the WorkSpaces client application can’t reach the registration service. Typically, this happens when the WorkSpaces directory has been deleted. To resolve this error, make sure that the registration code is valid and corresponds to a running directory in the AWS Cloud.

My PCoIP zero client users are receiving the error «The supplied certificate is invalid due to timestamp»

If Network Time Protocol (NTP) isn’t enabled in Teradici, your PCoIP zero client users might receive certificate failure errors. To set up NTP, see Set up PCoIP zero clients for WorkSpaces.

USB printers and other USB peripherals aren’t working for PCoIP zero clients

Starting with version 20.10.4 of the PCoIP agent, Amazon WorkSpaces disables USB redirection by default through the Windows registry. This registry setting affects the behavior of USB peripherals when your users are using PCoIP zero client devices to connect to their WorkSpaces.

If your WorkSpaces are using version 20.10.4 or later of the PCoIP agent, USB peripheral devices won’t work with PCoIP zero client devices until you’ve enabled USB redirection.

If you’re using 32-bit virtual printer drivers, you must also update those drivers to their 64-bit versions.

To enable USB redirection for PCoIP zero client devices

We recommend that you push out these registry changes to your WorkSpaces through Group Policy. For more information, see Configuring the agent and Configurable settings in the Teradici documentation.

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

If you haven’t already done so, log out of the WorkSpace, and then log back in. Your USB devices should now work.

My users skipped updating their Windows or macOS client applications and aren’t getting prompted to install the latest version

When users skip updates to the Amazon WorkSpaces Windows client application, the SkipThisVersion registry key gets set, and they are no longer prompted to update their clients when a new version of the client is released. To update to the latest version, you can edit the registry as described in Update the WorkSpaces Windows Client Application to a Newer Version in the Amazon WorkSpaces User Guide. You can also run the following PowerShell command:

When users skip updates to the Amazon WorkSpaces macOS client application, the SUSkippedVersion preference gets set, and they are no longer prompted to update their clients when a new version of the client is released. To update to the latest version, you can reset this preference as described in Update the WorkSpaces macOS Client Application to a Newer Version in the Amazon WorkSpaces User Guide.

My users are unable to install the Android client application on their Chromebooks

In some cases, you might need to enable your users’ Chromebooks to install Android applications. For more information, see Set up Android for Chromebooks.

My users aren’t receiving invitation emails or password reset emails

Users do not automatically receive welcome or password reset emails for WorkSpaces that were created using AD Connector or a trusted domain. Invitation emails also aren’t sent automatically if the user already exists in Active Directory.

To manually send welcome emails to these users, see Send an invitation email.

My users don’t see the Forgot password? option on the client login screen

If you’re using AD Connector or a trusted domain, your users won’t be able to reset their own passwords. (The Forgot password? option on the WorkSpaces client application login screen won’t be available.) For information about how to reset user passwords, see Set up Active Directory Administration Tools for WorkSpaces.

I receive the message «The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation» when I try to install applications on a Windows WorkSpace

You can address this issue by modifying the Windows Installer Group Policy setting. To deploy this policy to multiple WorkSpaces in your directory, apply this setting to a Group Policy object that is linked to the WorkSpaces organizational unit (OU) from a domain-joined EC2 instance. If you are using AD Connector, you can make these changes from a domain controller. For more information about using the Active Directory administration tools to work with Group Policy objects, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

The following procedure shows how to configure the Windows Installer setting for the WorkSpaces Group Policy object.

Make sure that the most recent WorkSpaces Group Policy administrative template is installed in your domain.

Open the Group Policy Management tool on your Windows WorkSpace client and navigate to and select the WorkSpaces Group Policy object for your WorkSpaces machine accounts. From the main menu, choose Action, Edit.

In the Group Policy Management Editor, choose Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Classic Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Installer.

Open the Turn Off Windows Installer setting.

In the Turn Off Windows Installer dialog box, change Not Configured to Enabled, and then set Disable Windows Installer to Never.

To apply the group policy changes, do one of the following:

Reboot the WorkSpace (in the WorkSpaces console, select the WorkSpace, then choose Actions, Reboot WorkSpaces).

From an administrative command prompt, enter gpupdate /force.

No WorkSpaces in my directory can connect to the internet

WorkSpaces cannot communicate with the internet by default. You must explicitly provide internet access. For more information, see Provide internet access from your WorkSpace.

My WorkSpace has lost its internet access

If your WorkSpace has lost access to the internet and you can’t connect to the WorkSpace by using RDP , this issue is probably caused by the loss of the public IP address for the WorkSpace. If you have enabled automatic assignment of Elastic IP addresses at the directory level, an Elastic IP address (from the Amazon-provided pool) is assigned to your WorkSpace when it is launched. However, if you associate an Elastic IP address that you own to a WorkSpace, and then you later disassociate that Elastic IP address from the WorkSpace, the WorkSpace loses its public IP address, and it doesn’t automatically get a new one from the Amazon-provided pool.

To associate a new public IP address from the Amazon-provided pool with the WorkSpace, you must rebuild the WorkSpace. If you don’t want to rebuild the WorkSpace, you must associate another Elastic IP address that you own to the WorkSpace.

We recommend that you not modify the elastic network interface of a WorkSpace after the WorkSpace is launched. After an Elastic IP address has been assigned to a WorkSpace, the WorkSpace retains the same public IP address (unless the WorkSpace is rebuilt, in which case it gets a new public IP address).

I receive a «DNS unavailable» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector must be able to communicate with your on-premises DNS servers via TCP and UDP over port 53. Verify that your security groups and on-premises firewalls allow TCP and UDP communication over this port.

I receive a «Connectivity issues detected» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector must be able to communicate with your on-premises domain controllers via TCP and UDP over the following ports. Verify that your security groups and on-premises firewalls allow TCP and UDP communication over these ports:

I receive an «SRV record» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to one or more of the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector needs to obtain the _ldap._tcp. dns-domain-name and _kerberos._tcp. dns-domain-name SRV records when connecting to your directory. You get this error if the service cannot obtain these records from the DNS servers that you specified when connecting to your directory. Make sure that your DNS servers contain these SRV records. For more information, see SRV Resource Records on Microsoft TechNet.

My Windows WorkSpace goes to sleep when it’s left idle

To resolve this issue, connect to the WorkSpace and change the power plan to High performance by using the following procedure:

From the WorkSpace, open Control Panel, then choose Hardware or choose Hardware and Sound (the name might differ, depending on your version of Windows).

Under Power Options, choose Choose a power plan.

In the Choose or customize a power plan pane, choose the High performance power plan, and then choose Change plan settings.

If the option to choose the High performance power plan is disabled, choose Change settings that are currently unavailable, and then choose the High performance power plan.

If the High performance plan isn’t visible, choose the arrow to the right of Show additional plans to display it, or choose Create a power plan in the left navigation, choose High performance, give the power plan a name, and then choose Next.

On the Change settings for the plan: High performance page, make sure Turn off the display and (if available) Put the computer to sleep are set to Never.

If you made any changes to the high performance plan, choose Save changes (or choose Create if you’re creating a new plan).

If the preceding steps do not solve the issue, do the following:

From the WorkSpace, open Control Panel, then choose Hardware or choose Hardware and Sound (the name might differ, depending on your version of Windows).

Under Power Options, choose Choose a power plan.

In the Choose or customize a power plan pane, choose the Change plan settings link to the right of the High performance power plan, then choose the Change advanced power settings link.

In the Power Options dialog box, in the list of settings, choose the plus sign to the left of Hard disk to display the relevant settings.

Verify that the Turn off hard disk after value for Plugged in is greater than the value for On battery (the default value is 20 minutes).

Choose the plus sign to the left of PCI Express, and do the same for Link State Power Management.

Verify that the Link State Power Management settings are Off.

Choose OK (or Apply if you changed any settings) to close the dialog box.

In the Change settings for the plan pane, if you changed any settings, choose Save changes.

One of my WorkSpaces has a state of UNHEALTHY

The WorkSpaces service periodically sends status requests to a WorkSpace. A WorkSpace is marked UNHEALTHY when it fails to respond to these requests. Common causes for this problem are:

An application on the WorkSpace is blocking network ports, which prevents the WorkSpace from responding to the status request.

High CPU utilization is preventing the WorkSpace from responding to the status request in a timely manner.

The computer name of the WorkSpace has been changed. This prevents a secure channel from being established between WorkSpaces and the WorkSpace.

You can attempt to correct the situation using the following methods:

Reboot the WorkSpace from the WorkSpaces console.

Connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace using the following procedure, which should be used only for troubleshooting purposes:

Connect to an operational WorkSpace in the same directory as the unhealthy WorkSpace.

From the operational WorkSpace, use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace using the IP address of the unhealthy WorkSpace. Depending on the extent of the problem, you might not be able to connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace.

On the unhealthy WorkSpace, confirm that the minimum port requirements are met.

Rebuild the WorkSpace from the WorkSpaces console. Because rebuilding a WorkSpace can potentially cause a loss of data, this option should be used only if all other attempts to correct the problem have been unsuccessful.

My WorkSpace is unexpectedly crashing or rebooting

If your WorkSpace configured for PCoIP is repeatedly crashing or rebooting and your error logs or crash dumps are pointing to problems with spacedeskHookKmode.sys or spacedeskHookUmode.dll , or if you’re receiving the following error messages, you might need to disable Web Access to the WorkSpace:

These troubleshooting steps are not applicable to WorkSpaces that are configured for WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP). They are applicable only to WorkSpaces that are configured for PCoIP.

You should disable Web Access only if you aren’t allowing your users to use Web Access.

To disable Web Access to the WorkSpace, you must set a group policy and modify two registry settings. For information about using the Active Directory administration tools to work with Group Policy Objects, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

Step 1: Set a Group Policy to disable Web Access at the directory level

You must make these changes from a PCoIP WorkSpace instead of a domain controller because the STXHD Hosted Application Service must be present.

Edit the Security Group used by WorkSpaces to allow RDP connections. For more information, see How do I connect to my WorkSpace using RDP? .

Use RDP to connect to a WorkSpace. Make sure that you are using a user account that has permissions on the domain to create and modify GPOs. If you are using Simple AD for your WorkSpace directory, the username is Administrator . If you are using Microsoft AD, the administrator username is Admin .

Install the Active Directory Administration Tools (RSAT) to get the Group Policy Management Editor tool. To install these tools, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

You can also install these tools by running the following Windows PowerShell command as an administrator:

Open the Group Policy Management Editor (gpmc.msc) and locate the Group Policy Object (GPO) policy at the domain controller level of your directory.

If the domain backing the WorkSpaces is an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, you cannot use the Default Domain Policy to create your GPO. Instead, you must create and link the GPO under the domain container that has delegated privileges.

When you create a directory with AWS Managed Microsoft AD, AWS Directory Service creates a yourdomainname organizational unit (OU) under the domain root. The name of this OU is based on the NetBIOS name that you entered when you created your directory. If you didn’t specify a NetBIOS name, it will default to the first part of your Directory DNS name (for example, in the case of corp.example.com , the NetBIOS name is corp ).

To create your GPO, instead of selecting Default Domain Policy, select the yourdomainname OU (or any OU under that one), open the context (right-click) menu, and choose Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here.

For more information about the yourdomainname OU, see What Gets Created in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

Navigate to the following setting:

Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsSystem ServicesSTXHD Hosted Application Service

In the STXHD Hosted Application Service Properties dialog box, on the Security Policy Setting tab, select the Define this policy setting check box.

Under Select Service Startup Mode, select Disabled.

Prevent the machine from rebooting until you have finished editing the registry (Step 2).

Step 2: Edit the Registry to disable Web Access

We recommend that you push out these registry changes through GPO.

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

Set the following registry key value to 4 (disabled):

Reboot the machine.

The same username has more than one WorkSpace, but the user can log in to only one of the WorkSpaces

If you delete a user in Active Directory (AD) without first deleting their WorkSpace and then you add the user back to Active Directory and create a new WorkSpace for that user, the same username will now have two WorkSpaces in the same directory. However, if the user tries to connect to their original WorkSpace, they will receive the following error:

Additionally, searches for the username in the Amazon WorkSpaces console return only the new WorkSpace, even though both WorkSpaces still exist. (You can find the original WorkSpace by searching for the WorkSpace ID instead of the username.)

This behavior can also occur if you rename a user in Active Directory without first deleting their WorkSpace. If you then change their username back to the original username and create a new WorkSpace for the user, the same username will have two WorkSpaces in the directory.

This problem occurs because Active Directory uses the user’s security identifier (SID), rather than the username, to uniquely identify the user. When a user is deleted and recreated in Active Directory, the user is assigned a new SID, even if their username remains the same. During searches for a username, the Amazon WorkSpaces console uses the SID to search Active Directory for matches. The Amazon WorkSpaces clients also use the SID to identify users when they are connecting to WorkSpaces.

To resolve this problem, do one of the following:

If this problem occurred because the user was deleted and recreated in Active Directory, you might be able to restore the original deleted user object if you have enabled the Recycle Bin feature in Active Directory . If you’re able to restore the original user object, make sure the user can connect to their original WorkSpace. If they can, you can delete the new WorkSpace after manually backing up and transferring any user data from the new WorkSpace to the original WorkSpace (if needed).

If you can’t restore the original user object, delete the user’s original WorkSpace. The user should be able to connect to and use their new WorkSpace instead. Be sure to manually back up and transfer any user data from the original WorkSpace to the new WorkSpace.

Deleting a WorkSpace is a permanent action and cannot be undone. The WorkSpace user’s data does not persist and is destroyed. For help with backing up user data, contact AWS Support.

I’m having trouble using Docker with Amazon WorkSpaces

Windows WorkSpaces

Nested virtualization (including the use of Docker) is not supported on Windows WorkSpaces. For more information, see the Docker documentation .

Linux WorkSpaces

To use Docker on Linux WorkSpaces, make sure that the CIDR blocks used by Docker don’t overlap with the CIDR blocks used in the two elastic network interfaces (ENIs) associated with the WorkSpace. If you encounter problems with using Docker on Linux WorkSpaces, contact Docker for assistance.

I receive ThrottlingException errors to some of my API calls

The default allowed rate for WorkSpaces API calls is a constant rate of two API calls per second, with a maximum allowed «burst» rate of five API calls per second. The following table shows how the burst rate limit works for API requests.

During the first second (second 1), five requests are allowed, up to the burst rate maximum of five calls per second.

Because two or fewer calls were issued in second 1, the full burst capacity of five calls is still available.

Because only two calls were issued in second 2, the full burst capacity of five calls is still available.

Because the full burst capacity was used in second 3, only the constant rate of two calls per second is available.

Because there is no remaining burst capacity, only two calls are allowed at this time. This means that one of the three API calls is throttled. The one throttled call will respond after a short delay.

Because one of the calls from second 5 is being retried in second 6, there is capacity for only one additional call in second 6 because of the constant rate limit of two calls per second.

Now that there are no longer any throttled API calls in the queue, the rate limit continues to increase, up to the burst rate limit of five calls.

Because no calls were issued in second 7, the maximum number of requests is allowed.

Even though no calls were issued in second 8, the rate limit does not increase above five.

My WorkSpace keeps disconnecting when I let it run in the background

For Mac users, check to see if the Power Nap feature is on. If it is on, turn it off. To turn Power Nap off, open your terminal and run the following command:

SAML 2.0 federation isn’t working. My users are not authorized to stream their WorkSpaces desktop.

This might happen because the inline policy that is embedded for the SAML 2.0 federation IAM role does not include permissions to stream from the directory Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The IAM role is assumed by the federated user who is accessing a WorkSpaces directory. Edit the role permissions to include the directory ARN and ensure that the user has a WorkSpace in the directory. For more information, see SAML 2.0 Authentication and Troubleshooting SAML 2.0 Federation with AWS.

My users are getting disconnected from their WorkSpaces session every 60 minutes.

If you have configured SAML 2.0 authentication to WorkSpaces, depending on your identity provider (IdP), you might need to configure the information that the IdP passes as SAML attributes to AWS as part of the authentication response. This includes configuring the Attribute element with the SessionDuration attribute set to https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/SessionDuration .

SessionDuration specifies the maximum amount of time that a federated streaming session can remain active for a user before reauthentication is required. Although SessionDuration is an optional attribute, we recommend that you include it in the SAML authentication response. If you don’t specify this attribute, the session duration defaults to 60 minutes.

To resolve this issue, configure your IdP to include the SessionDuration value in the SAML authentication response and set the value as required. For more information, see Step 5: Create assertions for the SAML authentication response.

My users get a redirect URI error when they federate using the SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP)-initiated flow, or an additional instance of the WorkSpaces client application starts every time my users attempt to sign in from the client after federating to the IdP.

This error occurs due to a relay state URL that’s not valid. Make sure that the relay state in your IdP federation setup is correct, and that the user access URL and relay state parameter name are configured correctly for your IdP federation in the WorkSpaces directory properties. If they are valid and the problem still persists, contact AWS Support. For more information, see Setting Up SAML.

My users receive the message, «Something went wrong: An error occurred while launching your WorkSpace» when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.

Review the SAML 2.0 assertions for your federation. The SAML Subject NameID value must match the WorkSpaces user name, and is typically the same as the sAMAccountName attribute for the Active Directory user. In addition, the Attribute element that has the PrincipalTag:Email attribute set to https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email must match the WorkSpaces user’s email address as defined in the WorkSpaces directory. For more information, see Setting Up SAML.

My users receive the message, «Unable to validate tags” when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.

Review the PrincipalTag attribute values in the SAML 2.0 assertions for your federation, such as https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email . Tag values may include combinations of the characters _ . : / = + — @ , letters, numbers, and spaces.. For more information, see Rules for tagging in IAM and AWS STS.

My users receive the message, «The client and the server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm».

This problem can occur if you do not enable TLS 1.2.

My microphone or webcam is not working on Windows WorkSpaces.

Check your privacy setting by opening the Start menu

Start > Settings > Privacy > Camera

Start > Settings > Privacy > Microphone

If they are turned off turn them on.

Alternatively, WorkSpaces administrators can create a Group Policy Object (GPO) to enable microphone and or webcam as needed.

My users cannot login using certificate-based authentication and are prompted for the password either at the WorkSpaces client or the Windows logon screen when they connect to their desktop session.

Certificate-based authentication was unsuccessful for the session. If the problem continues, certificate-based authentication failure can be the result of one of the following issues:

The WorkSpaces or the client is not supported. Certificate-based authentication is supported with Windows WorkSpaces on WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) bundles using the latest WorkSpaces Windows client application.

The WorkSpaces needs to be rebooted after enabling certificate-based authentication on the WorkSpaces Directory.

WorkSpaces could not communicate with AWS Private CA, or AWS Private CA did not issue the certificate. Check AWS CloudTrail to determine if a certificate was issued. For more information, see Manage certificate-based authentication.

The domain controller has no domain controller certificate for smart card logon, or it is expired. For more information, see step 7, “Configure domain controllers with a domain controller certificate to authenticate smart card users” in Prerequisites.

The certificate is not trusted. For more information, see step 7, “Publish the CA to Active Directory” in Prerequisites.

There is a certificate in cache, but attributes have changed for the user that have invalidated the certificate. Contact AWS Support to clear the cache before certificate expiry (24 hours). For more information, see AWS Support Center .

The userPrincipalName format for the UserPrincipalName SAML attribute is not formatted properly or does not resolve to the actual domain for the user. For more information, see step 1 in in Prerequisites.

The (optional) ObjectSid attribute in your SAML assertion does not match the Active Directory security identifier (SID) for user specified in the SAML_Subject NameID . Confirm that attribute mapping is correct in your SAML federation and that your SAML identity provider is synchronizing the SID attribute for the Active Directory user.

There are Group Policy settings that are modifying the default Active Directory settings for smart card logon or taking action if a smart card is removed from a smart card reader. These settings may cause additional unexpected behavior than the errors listed above. Certificate-based authentication presents a virtual smart card to the instance operating system and removes it after logon is complete. Check the Primary Group Policy settings for smart cards and the Additional smart card Group Policy settings and registry keys , including Smart card removal behavior.

The CRL distribution point for the private CA is not online nor accessible from either the WorkSpaces or the domain controller. For more information, see step 5 in Prerequisites.

Additional troubleshooting steps involve reviewing the WorkSpaces instance Windows event logs. A common event to review for logon failure is Event 4625: An account failed to logon in the Windows Security log.

If the problem persists, contact AWS Support. For more information, see AWS Support Center .



Second Number of requests sent Net requests allowed Details

Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.1 CE-V.R

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What do you do if the file in TFS is locked by someone else?

Someone left the organisation but before leaving, he locked all the files for an unknown reason.

How do you unlock them all so that the other developers can work?

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

12 Answers 12

For the following operation, you will need to be either a project administrator for the project you want to undo the check-in on or a Team Foundation Administrator if you want to do this across all projects.

If you still have the username of the person, you can simply do something like this:

To get the list of workspaces for a user, just run the following command from the same prompt:

For more commands, check tf /?

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

If the developer has left the organization, then the best thing to do is to delete their workspaces. This will unlock the files for you but also free up some resources on the server.

See the following blog post I did on the topic when it happened to me a few years ago.

You can either delete the workspace using the command line (tf.exe) or you can use the excellent TFS Sidekicks from Attrice.

This was the only way I resolved this, which involved deleting the user’s workspace.

Note the server has to be the fully qualified collection path, which you can find by going to Team Foundation Server Administration Console->Application Tier->Team Project Collections, the bottom pane will show a URL for the collection that is selected in the upper pane.

I also had a problem because I accidentally tried to use plural workspaces instead of just workspace because there is a similar command that is plural.


Eclipse says: “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one.” How do I unlock a workspace?

When I start, Eclipse says «Workspace Cannot Be Locked»

«Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use by another Eclipse application.» or “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one.”

But I know it isn’t.

How do I «unlock» it?

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

25 Answers 25

I’ve seen 3 other fixes so far:

Go to TaskManager(Right Click in the Task Bar) and select Processess menu bar and select eclipse.exe and Click EndProcess

Another possible cause of the “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one” issue is that the real path to your workspace may have changed.

In my case, the real location of the workspace had changed, but I had used a symlink to make it look like it was in the same location. I saw errors in logs indicating that eclipse was looking at the previous «real» location, as opposed to following the symlink, and this was causing the errors.

In my case, I just moved the workspace back to its old location.

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

There is another case where the path to the workspace may not exist, e.g., if you have imported preferences from another workspace, then some imported workspace addresses may appear in your «open workspace» dialog; then if you didn’t pay attention to those addresses, you would get the exact same error once you tried to open them.

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

-clean option fixed it for me.

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

i was faced this issue when ever the eclipse is not closed (kill eclipse process the from task manager or computer power off), i was tried below steps, it worked for me.

1) Remove the file names start with «.fileTable» from this folder

2) Remove the log files like text files start with numeric names from this folder

3) Open Command prompt(cmd) navigate to this folder

type below command

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

It could be that another instance of eclipse is running in the background. If so, use either Force Quit eclipse or

to all the eclipse instances, and start the new workspace

I got the trick here and it works.

Don’t do this unless you know nobody can work on the same file at the same time.

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

The answer @Boris gave is correct 99% of the time, however it can also happen if you open the workspace in an older version of Eclipse. A workspace imported into/created with Juno will throw this error when opened in Galileo.

Another all-too-common reason for this problem is if you attempt to load a directory on a drive that is no longer connected. For example, Say you program in C:CodeJava, but occasionally work off of a flash drive, H:CodeJava. If you do not have the drive connected it can be easy to believe you are trying to load a valid directory without noticing your typo.

Another problem is when eclipse doesn’t have write access to your src folder. Change the security permission and make sure «Authenticated Users» are added with all permissions checked but Full Control & Special Permissions.

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

I had this error after I restarted the system (after a long time. Normally I just make it sleep). Found out that once I mounted the drives (by clicking and opening it) where project folder is located, and relaunching eclipse, solved the issue for me.

PS: I’m an ubuntu user.

Here are a few steps to solve it the no. 4 step is works for me.


workspace is locked by another spire что делать

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

Answered by:

workspace is locked by another spire что делать


workspace is locked by another spire что делать

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

I have a project that has a file locked by another programmer that is no longer working with me and I can’t get him to check the file back in, I just need to unlock this file, I read some threads talk about this topic like «Thread 1 » and «Thread 2 » but it doesn’t work with me so first let me tell you what the message that appear to me

$/OTC-RMS/Source/WebUIIntegrationTest/WebUIIntegraionTest.csproj is locked for check-out by Seif workspace Seif-PC

I try to unlock it with the following command

I also try the following

tf lock source /lock:none /login:seif,Password

I have face the error

I have all the permission I am in the administrator of the machine and the project administrator group

We are volunteers, if the reply help you mark it as your answer. thanks!!
My Blog


workspace is locked by another spire что делать

workspace is locked by another spire что делать

You can also unlock other users file using Status Sidekick of TFS Sidekick tools: http://www.attrice.info/cm/tfs/

All replies

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workspace is locked by another spire что делать

the complete process for removing users from TFS :

Using tf command form VS2008 command prompt:
• Check user status : tf status /server:[TFSservername] /user:[User ID] /recursive
It will give you all status of checkouts to all projects in TFS.

• List all users workspaces : tf workspaces /server:[TFSservername] /owner:[User ID]
• If you need to undo all checkout for particular user : tf undo /server:[TFSservername] /workspace:[user workspace name];[User ID] [source control path for file or folder ] /recursive

• Remove workspace : tf workspace /delete /server:devprosrv05 [user workspace name];[User ID]

To remove user credentials
• List all application groups : tfssecurity /im n:[user ID] /server:devprosrv05
If you got [Error: The identity cannot be resolved ] that means
o User not exists in TFS.
o User already deleted.
• Remove application group : tfssecurity /g /server:[TFSservername] “[Application Group]” n:[user ID]
Note: o Be sure you write: [user ID] after application group. o Re type the command for all [A] group not [G].


Show empty workspaces #117


eoli3n commented Dec 28, 2016

I want it to let my polybar looks like that bspwm config
workspace is locked by another spire что делать

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Airblader commented Dec 28, 2016 •

i don’t understand why a simple option cause problem.

The opposite of »it causes problems« isn’t »it should be implemented«.

It is not a goal of i3 to be the most configurable window manager it could be. And one of the core concepts of i3’s window management is to keep workspaces only as long as needed, discard them whenever possible and recreate them when necessary.

You seem to think that i3 »hides« workspaces from you, but that’s just not the case. Once you switch away from an empty workspace, this workspace will actually be closed and doesn’t exist anymore. And that is why you won’t see it anymore – because it’s not there.

Why not just keep a window on all the workspaces you want to be open?

But the answer is no, I don’t want to add this to i3-gaps, because there is no actual feature here. The only reason to keep workspaces open like that is to have a constant list of workspaces in a bar which really is a non-feature because it doesn’t actually add anything to the system (other than complexity).



  1. Workspace is locked by another spire что делать
  2. Workspace is locked by another spire что делать
  3. Answered by:
  4. Question
  5. Answers
  6. All replies
  7. Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.1 CE-V.R
  8. 3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок SPIRE.DLL
  9. Подробности файле с именем spire.dll
  10. Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
  11. Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки
  12. Как удалить заблокированный файл
  13. Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок spire.dll:
  14. Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?
  15. Как вы поступите с файлом spire.dll?
  16. Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с spire.dll файлом
  18. Troubleshoot WorkSpaces issues
  19. Enabling advanced logging
  20. Troubleshoot specific issues
  21. I can’t create an Amazon Linux WorkSpace because there are non-valid characters in the user name
  22. I changed the shell for my Amazon Linux WorkSpace and now I can’t provision a PCoIP session
  23. My Amazon Linux WorkSpaces won’t start
  24. Launching WorkSpaces in my connected directory often fails
  25. Launching WorkSpaces fails with an internal error
  26. When I try to register a directory, the registration fails and leaves the directory in an ERROR state
  27. My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace with an interactive logon banner
  28. My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace
  29. My users are having issues when they try to log on to WorkSpaces from WorkSpaces Web Access
  30. The Amazon WorkSpaces client displays a gray «Loading. » screen for a while before returning to the login screen. No other error message appears.
  31. My users receive the message «WorkSpace Status: Unhealthy. We were unable to connect you to your WorkSpace. Please try again in a few minutes.»
  32. My users receive the message «This device is not authorized to access the WorkSpace. Please contact your administrator for assistance.»
  33. My users receive the message «No network. Network connection lost. Check your network connection or contact your administrator for help.» when trying to connect to a WSP WorkSpace
  34. The WorkSpaces client gives my users a network error, but they are able to use other network-enabled apps on their devices
  35. Windows client application
  36. PCoIP zero clients
  37. Other client applications
  38. My WorkSpace users see the following error message: «Device can’t connect to the registration service. Check your network settings.»
  39. My PCoIP zero client users are receiving the error «The supplied certificate is invalid due to timestamp»
  40. USB printers and other USB peripherals aren’t working for PCoIP zero clients
  41. My users skipped updating their Windows or macOS client applications and aren’t getting prompted to install the latest version
  42. My users are unable to install the Android client application on their Chromebooks
  43. My users aren’t receiving invitation emails or password reset emails
  44. My users don’t see the Forgot password? option on the client login screen
  45. I receive the message «The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation» when I try to install applications on a Windows WorkSpace
  46. No WorkSpaces in my directory can connect to the internet
  47. My WorkSpace has lost its internet access
  48. I receive a «DNS unavailable» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  49. I receive a «Connectivity issues detected» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  50. I receive an «SRV record» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory
  51. My Windows WorkSpace goes to sleep when it’s left idle
  52. One of my WorkSpaces has a state of UNHEALTHY
  53. My WorkSpace is unexpectedly crashing or rebooting
  54. The same username has more than one WorkSpace, but the user can log in to only one of the WorkSpaces
  55. I’m having trouble using Docker with Amazon WorkSpaces
  56. I receive ThrottlingException errors to some of my API calls
  57. My WorkSpace keeps disconnecting when I let it run in the background
  58. SAML 2.0 federation isn’t working. My users are not authorized to stream their WorkSpaces desktop.
  59. My users are getting disconnected from their WorkSpaces session every 60 minutes.
  60. My users get a redirect URI error when they federate using the SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP)-initiated flow, or an additional instance of the WorkSpaces client application starts every time my users attempt to sign in from the client after federating to the IdP.
  61. My users receive the message, «Something went wrong: An error occurred while launching your WorkSpace» when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.
  62. My users receive the message, «Unable to validate tags” when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.
  63. My users receive the message, «The client and the server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm».
  64. My microphone or webcam is not working on Windows WorkSpaces.
  65. My users cannot login using certificate-based authentication and are prompted for the password either at the WorkSpaces client or the Windows logon screen when they connect to their desktop session.

Workspace is locked by another spire что делать

Workspace is locked by another spire что делать

Answered by:


I have a project that has a file locked by another programmer that is no longer working with me and I can’t get him to check the file back in, I just need to unlock this file, I read some threads talk about this topic like «Thread 1 » and «Thread 2 » but it doesn’t work with me so first let me tell you what the message that appear to me

$/OTC-RMS/Source/WebUIIntegrationTest/WebUIIntegraionTest.csproj is locked for check-out by Seif workspace Seif-PC

I try to unlock it with the following command

I also try the following

tf lock source /lock:none /login:seif,Password

I have face the error

I have all the permission I am in the administrator of the machine and the project administrator group

We are volunteers, if the reply help you mark it as your answer. thanks!!
My Blog


You can also unlock other users file using Status Sidekick of TFS Sidekick tools: http://www.attrice.info/cm/tfs/

the complete process for removing users from TFS :

Using tf command form VS2008 command prompt:
• Check user status : tf status /server:[TFSservername] /user:[User ID] /recursive
It will give you all status of checkouts to all projects in TFS.

• List all users workspaces : tf workspaces /server:[TFSservername] /owner:[User ID]
• If you need to undo all checkout for particular user : tf undo /server:[TFSservername] /workspace:[user workspace name];[User ID] [source control path for file or folder ] /recursive

• Remove workspace : tf workspace /delete /server:devprosrv05 [user workspace name];[User ID]

To remove user credentials
• List all application groups : tfssecurity /im n:[user ID] /server:devprosrv05
If you got [Error: The identity cannot be resolved ] that means
o User not exists in TFS.
o User already deleted.
• Remove application group : tfssecurity /g /server:[TFSservername] “[Application Group]” n:[user ID]
Note: o Be sure you write: [user ID] after application group. o Re type the command for all [A] group not [G].

Reveal Sound Spire v1.5.1 CE-V.R

V.R | 08.2020 | 89 MB
Spire is a software polyphonic synthesizer that combines powerful sound engine modulation and flexible architecture, a graphical interface provides unparalleled usability. Spire is the embodiment of the best opportunities, both software and hardware synthesizers.

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Over 900 factory presets including complex arpeggios and bass sequences,
a versatile assortment of leads, exhilarating pads, plucks, drums and FXs


3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок SPIRE.DLL

Подробности файле с именем spire.dll

Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

  • Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
  • Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
  • Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
  • потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
  • нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».

Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить spire.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки

Как удалить заблокированный файл

  • В главном окне Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer выберите инструмент «Force deleter»
  • Потом в «force deleter» нажмите «Выбрать файл», перейдите к файлу spire.dll и потом нажмите на «открыть».
  • Теперь нажмите на кнопку «unlock and delete», и когда появится подтверждающее сообщение, нажмите «да». Вот и все.

Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок spire.dll:

  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  • В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
  • В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
  • Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
  • Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
  • Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл spire.dll, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
  • Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?

Всего голосов ( 202 ), 133 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 69 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом spire.dll?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с spire.dll файлом

  • (spire.dll) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
  • spire.dll. Эта программа не отвечает.
  • (spire.dll) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
  • (spire.dll) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
  • (spire.dll) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.


Troubleshoot WorkSpaces issues

The following information can help you troubleshoot issues with your WorkSpaces.

Enabling advanced logging

To help troubleshoot issues that your users might experience, you can enable advanced logging on any Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Advanced logging generates log files that contain diagnostic information and debugging-level details, including verbose performance data. For the 1.0+ and 2.0+ clients, these advanced logging files are automatically uploaded to a database in AWS.

To have AWS review the log files that are generated by advanced logging and to receive technical support for issues with your WorkSpaces clients, contact AWS Support. For more information, see AWS Support Center .

Windows clients

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaceslogs

To enable advanced logging for Windows clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Command Prompt app.

Launch the WorkSpaces client with the -l3 flag.

cd «C:Program FilesAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

If WorkSpaces is installed for one user and not all users, use the following commands:

cd «%LocalAppData%ProgramsAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

macOS clients

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/»Application Support»/»Amazon Web Services»/»Amazon WorkSpaces»/logs

To enable advanced logging for macOS clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

open -a workspaces —args -l3

Android clients

To enable advanced logging for Android clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Android client menu.

Select Logging settings.

Select Enable advanced logging.

To retrieve logs for Android clients after enabling advanced logging:

Select Extract log to save zipped logs locally.

Linux clients

The Linux client logs are stored in the following location:

/.local/share/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/logs

To enable advanced logging for Linux clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

Windows clients

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaceslogs

To enable advanced logging for Windows clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Command Prompt app.

Launch the WorkSpaces client with the -l3 flag.

cd «C:Program Files (x86)Amazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

If WorkSpaces is installed for one user and not all users, use the following commands:

cd «%LocalAppData%ProgramsAmazon Web Services, IncAmazon WorkSpaces»

macOS clients

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/»Application Support»/»Amazon Web Services»/»Amazon WorkSpaces»/logs

To enable advanced logging for macOS clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

open -a workspaces —args -l3

Android clients

To enable advanced logging for Android clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Open the Android client menu.

Select Logging settings.

Select Enable advanced logging.

To retrieve logs for Android clients after enabling advanced logging:

Select Extract log to save zipped logs locally.

Linux clients

The Linux client logs are stored in the following location:

/.local/share/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/logs

To enable advanced logging for Linux clients

Close the Amazon WorkSpaces client.

Run the following command.

Open the WorkSpaces client.

Choose the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the client application.

Choose Advanced Settings.

Select the Enable Advanced Logging check box.

The Windows client logs are stored in the following location:

%LOCALAPPDATA%Amazon Web ServicesAmazon WorkSpaces1.0Logs

The macOS client logs are stored in the following location:

/Library/Logs/Amazon Web Services/Amazon WorkSpaces/1.0

Troubleshoot specific issues

The following information can help you troubleshoot specific issues with your WorkSpaces.


I can’t create an Amazon Linux WorkSpace because there are non-valid characters in the user name

For Amazon Linux WorkSpaces, user names:

Can contain a maximum of 20 characters

Can contain letters, spaces, and numbers that are representable in UTF-8

Can include the following special characters: _.-#

Cannot begin with a dash symbol (-) as the first character of the user name

These limitations do not apply to Windows WorkSpaces. Windows WorkSpaces support the @ and — symbols for all characters in the user name.

I changed the shell for my Amazon Linux WorkSpace and now I can’t provision a PCoIP session

To override the default shell for Linux WorkSpaces, see Override the default shell for Amazon Linux WorkSpaces.

My Amazon Linux WorkSpaces won’t start

Starting July 20, 2020, Amazon Linux WorkSpaces will be using new license certificates. These new certificates are compatible only with versions, 2.14.7, 2.14.9, and 20.10.6 or later of the PCoIP agent.

If you’re using an unsupported version of the PCoIP agent, you must upgrade it to the latest version (20.10.6), which has the latest fixes and performance improvements that are compatible with the new certificates. If you don’t make these upgrades by July 20, session provisioning for your Linux WorkSpaces will fail and your end users won’t be able to connect to their WorkSpaces.

To upgrade your PCoIP agent to the latest version

In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.

Select your Linux WorkSpace, and reboot it by choosing Actions, Reboot WorkSpaces. If the WorkSpace status is STOPPED , you must choose Actions, Start WorkSpaces first and wait until its status is AVAILABLE before you can reboot it.

After your WorkSpace has rebooted and its status is AVAILABLE , we recommend that you change the status of the WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE while you are performing this upgrade. When you are finished, change the status of the WorkSpace to AVAILABLE . For more information about ADMIN_MAINTENANCE mode, see Manual Maintenance.

To change the status of a WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE , do the following:

Select the WorkSpace and choose Actions, Modify WorkSpace.

Choose Modify State.

For Intended State, select ADMIN_MAINTENANCE.

Connect to your Linux WorkSpace through SSH. For more information, see Enable SSH connections for your Linux WorkSpaces.

To update the PCoIP agent, run the following command:

To verify the agent version and to confirm that the update succeeded, run the following command:

The verification command should produce following result:

Disconnect from the WorkSpace and reboot it again.

If you set the status of the WorkSpace to ADMIN_MAINTENANCE in StepВ 4, repeat StepВ 4 and set Intended State to AVAILABLE .

If your Linux WorkSpace still fails to start after you upgrade the PCoIP agent, contact AWS Support.

Launching WorkSpaces in my connected directory often fails

Verify that the two DNS servers or domain controllers in your on-premises directory are accessible from each of the subnets that you specified when you connected to your directory. You can verify this connectivity by launching an Amazon EC2 instance in each subnet and joining the instance to your directory using the IP addresses of the two DNS servers.

Launching WorkSpaces fails with an internal error

Check whether your subnets are configured to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to instances launched in the subnet. To check this setting, open the Amazon VPC console, select your subnet, and choose Subnet Actions, Modify auto-assign IP settings. If this setting is enabled, you cannot launch WorkSpaces using the Performance or Graphics bundles. Instead, disable this setting and specify IPv6 addresses manually when you launch your instances.

When I try to register a directory, the registration fails and leaves the directory in an ERROR state

This problem can occur if you’re trying to register an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory that has been configured for multi-Region replication. Although the directory in the primary Region can be successfully registered for use with Amazon WorkSpaces, attempting to register the directory in a replicated Region fails. Multi-Region replication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD isn’t supported for use with Amazon WorkSpaces within replicated Regions.

My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace with an interactive logon banner

If an interactive logon message has been implemented to display a logon banner, this prevents users from being able to access their Windows WorkSpaces. The interactive logon message Group Policy setting is not currently supported by WorkSpaces. Move the WorkSpaces to an organizational unit (OU) where the Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to log on Group Policy isn’t applied.

My users can’t connect to a Windows WorkSpace

My users receive the following error when they try to connect to their Windows WorkSpaces:

This error often occurs when the WorkSpace can’t load the Windows desktop using PCoIP. Check the following:

If the PCoIP agent was uninstalled, reboot the WorkSpace through the Amazon WorkSpaces console to reinstall it automatically.

You might also receive this error on the Amazon WorkSpaces client after a long delay if the WorkSpaces security group was modified to restrict outbound traffic. Restricting outbound traffic prevents Windows from communicating with your directory controllers for login. Verify that your security groups allow your WorkSpaces to communicate with your directory controllers on all required ports over the primary network interface.

Another cause of this error is related to the User Rights Assignment Group Policy. If the following group policy is incorrectly configured, it prevents users from being able to access their Windows WorkSpaces:

Computer ConfigurationWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsLocal PoliciesUser Rights Assignment

Policy: Access this computer from the network

Setting: Domain name Domain Computers

Winning GPO: Allow File Access

Policy: Access this computer from the network

Setting: Domain name Domain Users

Winning GPO: Allow File Access

This policy setting should be applied to Domain Users instead of Domain Computers.

My users are having issues when they try to log on to WorkSpaces from WorkSpaces Web Access

Amazon WorkSpaces relies on a specific logon screen configuration to enable users to successfully log on from their Web Access client.

To enable Web Access users to log on to their WorkSpaces, you must configure a Group Policy setting and three Security Policy settings. If these settings are not correctly configured, users might experience long logon times or black screens when they try to log on to their WorkSpaces. To configure these settings, see Enable and configure Amazon WorkSpaces Web Access.

Beginning October 1, 2020, customers will no longer be able to use the Amazon WorkSpaces Web Access client to connect to Windows 7 custom WorkSpaces or to Windows 7 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) WorkSpaces.

The Amazon WorkSpaces client displays a gray «Loading. » screen for a while before returning to the login screen. No other error message appears.

This behavior usually indicates that the WorkSpaces client can authenticate over port 443, but can’t establish a streaming connection over port 4172 (PCoIP) or port 4195 (WSP). This situation can occur when network prerequisites aren’t met. Issues on the client side often cause the network check in the client to fail. To see which health checks are failing, choose the network check icon (typically a red triangle with an exclamation point in the bottom-right corner of the login screen for 2.0+ clients or the network icon in the upper-right corner of the 3.0+ clients).

The most common cause of this problem is a client-side firewall or proxy preventing access over port 4172 or 4195 (TCP and UDP). If this health check fails, check your local firewall settings.

If the network check passes, there might be a problem with the network configuration of the WorkSpace. For example, a Windows Firewall rule might block port UDP 4172 or 4195 on the management interface. Connect to the WorkSpace using a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client to verify that the WorkSpace meets the necessary port requirements.

My users receive the message «WorkSpace Status: Unhealthy. We were unable to connect you to your WorkSpace. Please try again in a few minutes.»

This error usually indicates the SkyLightWorkSpacesConfigService service isn’t responding to health checks.

If you just rebooted or started your WorkSpace, wait a few minutes, and then try again.

If the WorkSpace has been running for some time and you still see this error, connect using RDP to verify that the SkyLightWorkSpacesConfigService service:

Is set to start automatically.

Can communicate over the management interface (eth0).

Isn’t blocked by any third-party antivirus software.

My users receive the message «This device is not authorized to access the WorkSpace. Please contact your administrator for assistance.»

This error indicates that IP access control groups are configured on the WorkSpace directory, but the client IP address isn’t whitelisted.

Check the settings on your directory. Confirm that the public IP address the user is connecting from allows access to the WorkSpace.

My users receive the message «No network. Network connection lost. Check your network connection or contact your administrator for help.» when trying to connect to a WSP WorkSpace

If this error occurs and your users don’t have connectivity issues, make sure that port 4195 is open on your network’s firewalls. For WorkSpaces using the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP), the port used to stream the client session was changed from 4172 to 4195.

The WorkSpaces client gives my users a network error, but they are able to use other network-enabled apps on their devices

The WorkSpaces client applications rely on access to resources in the AWSВ Cloud, and require a connection that provides at least 1 MbpsВ download bandwidth. If a device has an intermittent connection to the network, the WorkSpaces client application might report an issue with the network.

WorkSpaces enforces the use of digital certificates issued by Amazon Trust Services, as of May 2018. Amazon Trust Services is already a trusted Root CA on the operating systems that are supported by WorkSpaces. If the Root CA list for the operating system is not up to date, the device cannot connect to WorkSpaces and the client gives a network error.

To recognize connection issues due to certificate failures

PCoIP zero clients — The following error message is displayed.

Other clients — The health checks fail with a red warning triangle for Internet.

To resolve certificate failures

Windows client application

Use one of the following solutions for certificate failures.

Solution 1: Update the client application
Solution 2: Add Amazon Trust Services to the local Root CA list

Download the Starfield certificate in DER format (2b071c59a0a0ae76b0eadb2bad23bad4580b69c3601b630c2eaf0613afa83f92).

Open the Microsoft Management Console. (From the Command Prompt, run mmc.)

Choose File, Add/Remove Snap-in, Certificates, Add.

On the Certificates snap-in page, select Computer account and choose Next. Keep the default, Local computer. Choose Finish. Choose OK.

Expand Certificates (Local Computer) and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Choose Action, All Tasks, Import.

Follow the wizard to import the certificate that you downloaded.

Exit and restart the WorkSpaces client application.

Solution 3: Deploy Amazon Trust Services as a trusted CA using Group Policy

Add the Starfield certificate to the trusted Root CAs for the domain using Group Policy. For more information, see Use Policy to Distribute Certificates .

PCoIP zero clients

To connect directly to a WorkSpace using firmware version 6.0 or later, download and install the certificate issued by Amazon Trust Services.

To add Amazon Trust Services as a trusted Root CA

Download the certificate under Starfield Certificate Chain with the thumbprint 14 65 FA 20 53 97 B8 76 FA A6 F0 A9 95 8E 55 90 E4 0F CC 7F AA 4F B7 C2 C8 67 75 21 FB 5F B6 58.

Upload the certificate to the zero client. For more information, see Uploading Certificates in the Teradici documentation.

Other client applications

Add the Starfield certificate (2b071c59a0a0ae76b0eadb2bad23bad4580b69c3601b630c2eaf0613afa83f92) from Amazon Trust Services . For more information about how to add a Root CA, see the following documentation:

My WorkSpace users see the following error message: «Device can’t connect to the registration service. Check your network settings.»

When a registration service failure occurs, your WorkSpace users might see the following error message on the Connection Health Check page: «Your device is not able to connect to the WorkSpaces Registration service. You will not be able to register your device with WorkSpaces. Please check your network settings.»

This error occurs when the WorkSpaces client application can’t reach the registration service. Typically, this happens when the WorkSpaces directory has been deleted. To resolve this error, make sure that the registration code is valid and corresponds to a running directory in the AWS Cloud.

My PCoIP zero client users are receiving the error «The supplied certificate is invalid due to timestamp»

If Network Time Protocol (NTP) isn’t enabled in Teradici, your PCoIP zero client users might receive certificate failure errors. To set up NTP, see Set up PCoIP zero clients for WorkSpaces.

USB printers and other USB peripherals aren’t working for PCoIP zero clients

Starting with version 20.10.4 of the PCoIP agent, Amazon WorkSpaces disables USB redirection by default through the Windows registry. This registry setting affects the behavior of USB peripherals when your users are using PCoIP zero client devices to connect to their WorkSpaces.

If your WorkSpaces are using version 20.10.4 or later of the PCoIP agent, USB peripheral devices won’t work with PCoIP zero client devices until you’ve enabled USB redirection.

If you’re using 32-bit virtual printer drivers, you must also update those drivers to their 64-bit versions.

To enable USB redirection for PCoIP zero client devices

We recommend that you push out these registry changes to your WorkSpaces through Group Policy. For more information, see Configuring the agent and Configurable settings in the Teradici documentation.

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

If you haven’t already done so, log out of the WorkSpace, and then log back in. Your USB devices should now work.

My users skipped updating their Windows or macOS client applications and aren’t getting prompted to install the latest version

When users skip updates to the Amazon WorkSpaces Windows client application, the SkipThisVersion registry key gets set, and they are no longer prompted to update their clients when a new version of the client is released. To update to the latest version, you can edit the registry as described in Update the WorkSpaces Windows Client Application to a Newer Version in the Amazon WorkSpaces User Guide. You can also run the following PowerShell command:

When users skip updates to the Amazon WorkSpaces macOS client application, the SUSkippedVersion preference gets set, and they are no longer prompted to update their clients when a new version of the client is released. To update to the latest version, you can reset this preference as described in Update the WorkSpaces macOS Client Application to a Newer Version in the Amazon WorkSpaces User Guide.

My users are unable to install the Android client application on their Chromebooks

In some cases, you might need to enable your users’ Chromebooks to install Android applications. For more information, see Set up Android for Chromebooks.

My users aren’t receiving invitation emails or password reset emails

Users do not automatically receive welcome or password reset emails for WorkSpaces that were created using AD Connector or a trusted domain. Invitation emails also aren’t sent automatically if the user already exists in Active Directory.

To manually send welcome emails to these users, see Send an invitation email.

My users don’t see the Forgot password? option on the client login screen

If you’re using AD Connector or a trusted domain, your users won’t be able to reset their own passwords. (The Forgot password? option on the WorkSpaces client application login screen won’t be available.) For information about how to reset user passwords, see Set up Active Directory Administration Tools for WorkSpaces.

I receive the message «The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation» when I try to install applications on a Windows WorkSpace

You can address this issue by modifying the Windows Installer Group Policy setting. To deploy this policy to multiple WorkSpaces in your directory, apply this setting to a Group Policy object that is linked to the WorkSpaces organizational unit (OU) from a domain-joined EC2 instance. If you are using AD Connector, you can make these changes from a domain controller. For more information about using the Active Directory administration tools to work with Group Policy objects, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

The following procedure shows how to configure the Windows Installer setting for the WorkSpaces Group Policy object.

Make sure that the most recent WorkSpaces Group Policy administrative template is installed in your domain.

Open the Group Policy Management tool on your Windows WorkSpace client and navigate to and select the WorkSpaces Group Policy object for your WorkSpaces machine accounts. From the main menu, choose Action, Edit.

In the Group Policy Management Editor, choose Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Classic Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Installer.

Open the Turn Off Windows Installer setting.

In the Turn Off Windows Installer dialog box, change Not Configured to Enabled, and then set Disable Windows Installer to Never.

To apply the group policy changes, do one of the following:

Reboot the WorkSpace (in the WorkSpaces console, select the WorkSpace, then choose Actions, Reboot WorkSpaces).

From an administrative command prompt, enter gpupdate /force.

No WorkSpaces in my directory can connect to the internet

WorkSpaces cannot communicate with the internet by default. You must explicitly provide internet access. For more information, see Provide internet access from your WorkSpace.

My WorkSpace has lost its internet access

If your WorkSpace has lost access to the internet and you can’t connect to the WorkSpace by using RDP , this issue is probably caused by the loss of the public IP address for the WorkSpace. If you have enabled automatic assignment of Elastic IP addresses at the directory level, an Elastic IP address (from the Amazon-provided pool) is assigned to your WorkSpace when it is launched. However, if you associate an Elastic IP address that you own to a WorkSpace, and then you later disassociate that Elastic IP address from the WorkSpace, the WorkSpace loses its public IP address, and it doesn’t automatically get a new one from the Amazon-provided pool.

To associate a new public IP address from the Amazon-provided pool with the WorkSpace, you must rebuild the WorkSpace. If you don’t want to rebuild the WorkSpace, you must associate another Elastic IP address that you own to the WorkSpace.

We recommend that you not modify the elastic network interface of a WorkSpace after the WorkSpace is launched. After an Elastic IP address has been assigned to a WorkSpace, the WorkSpace retains the same public IP address (unless the WorkSpace is rebuilt, in which case it gets a new public IP address).

I receive a «DNS unavailable» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector must be able to communicate with your on-premises DNS servers via TCP and UDP over port 53. Verify that your security groups and on-premises firewalls allow TCP and UDP communication over this port.

I receive a «Connectivity issues detected» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector must be able to communicate with your on-premises domain controllers via TCP and UDP over the following ports. Verify that your security groups and on-premises firewalls allow TCP and UDP communication over these ports:

I receive an «SRV record» error when I try to connect to my on-premises directory

You receive an error message similar to one or more of the following when connecting to your on-premises directory.

AD Connector needs to obtain the _ldap._tcp. dns-domain-name and _kerberos._tcp. dns-domain-name SRV records when connecting to your directory. You get this error if the service cannot obtain these records from the DNS servers that you specified when connecting to your directory. Make sure that your DNS servers contain these SRV records. For more information, see SRV Resource Records on Microsoft TechNet.

My Windows WorkSpace goes to sleep when it’s left idle

To resolve this issue, connect to the WorkSpace and change the power plan to High performance by using the following procedure:

From the WorkSpace, open Control Panel, then choose Hardware or choose Hardware and Sound (the name might differ, depending on your version of Windows).

Under Power Options, choose Choose a power plan.

In the Choose or customize a power plan pane, choose the High performance power plan, and then choose Change plan settings.

If the option to choose the High performance power plan is disabled, choose Change settings that are currently unavailable, and then choose the High performance power plan.

If the High performance plan isn’t visible, choose the arrow to the right of Show additional plans to display it, or choose Create a power plan in the left navigation, choose High performance, give the power plan a name, and then choose Next.

On the Change settings for the plan: High performance page, make sure Turn off the display and (if available) Put the computer to sleep are set to Never.

If you made any changes to the high performance plan, choose Save changes (or choose Create if you’re creating a new plan).

If the preceding steps do not solve the issue, do the following:

From the WorkSpace, open Control Panel, then choose Hardware or choose Hardware and Sound (the name might differ, depending on your version of Windows).

Under Power Options, choose Choose a power plan.

In the Choose or customize a power plan pane, choose the Change plan settings link to the right of the High performance power plan, then choose the Change advanced power settings link.

In the Power Options dialog box, in the list of settings, choose the plus sign to the left of Hard disk to display the relevant settings.

Verify that the Turn off hard disk after value for Plugged in is greater than the value for On battery (the default value is 20 minutes).

Choose the plus sign to the left of PCI Express, and do the same for Link State Power Management.

Verify that the Link State Power Management settings are Off.

Choose OK (or Apply if you changed any settings) to close the dialog box.

In the Change settings for the plan pane, if you changed any settings, choose Save changes.

One of my WorkSpaces has a state of UNHEALTHY

The WorkSpaces service periodically sends status requests to a WorkSpace. A WorkSpace is marked UNHEALTHY when it fails to respond to these requests. Common causes for this problem are:

An application on the WorkSpace is blocking network ports, which prevents the WorkSpace from responding to the status request.

High CPU utilization is preventing the WorkSpace from responding to the status request in a timely manner.

The computer name of the WorkSpace has been changed. This prevents a secure channel from being established between WorkSpaces and the WorkSpace.

You can attempt to correct the situation using the following methods:

Reboot the WorkSpace from the WorkSpaces console.

Connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace using the following procedure, which should be used only for troubleshooting purposes:

Connect to an operational WorkSpace in the same directory as the unhealthy WorkSpace.

From the operational WorkSpace, use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace using the IP address of the unhealthy WorkSpace. Depending on the extent of the problem, you might not be able to connect to the unhealthy WorkSpace.

On the unhealthy WorkSpace, confirm that the minimum port requirements are met.

Rebuild the WorkSpace from the WorkSpaces console. Because rebuilding a WorkSpace can potentially cause a loss of data, this option should be used only if all other attempts to correct the problem have been unsuccessful.

My WorkSpace is unexpectedly crashing or rebooting

If your WorkSpace configured for PCoIP is repeatedly crashing or rebooting and your error logs or crash dumps are pointing to problems with spacedeskHookKmode.sys or spacedeskHookUmode.dll , or if you’re receiving the following error messages, you might need to disable Web Access to the WorkSpace:

These troubleshooting steps are not applicable to WorkSpaces that are configured for WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP). They are applicable only to WorkSpaces that are configured for PCoIP.

You should disable Web Access only if you aren’t allowing your users to use Web Access.

To disable Web Access to the WorkSpace, you must set a group policy and modify two registry settings. For information about using the Active Directory administration tools to work with Group Policy Objects, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

Step 1: Set a Group Policy to disable Web Access at the directory level

You must make these changes from a PCoIP WorkSpace instead of a domain controller because the STXHD Hosted Application Service must be present.

Edit the Security Group used by WorkSpaces to allow RDP connections. For more information, see How do I connect to my WorkSpace using RDP? .

Use RDP to connect to a WorkSpace. Make sure that you are using a user account that has permissions on the domain to create and modify GPOs. If you are using Simple AD for your WorkSpace directory, the username is Administrator . If you are using Microsoft AD, the administrator username is Admin .

Install the Active Directory Administration Tools (RSAT) to get the Group Policy Management Editor tool. To install these tools, see Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

You can also install these tools by running the following Windows PowerShell command as an administrator:

Open the Group Policy Management Editor (gpmc.msc) and locate the Group Policy Object (GPO) policy at the domain controller level of your directory.

If the domain backing the WorkSpaces is an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, you cannot use the Default Domain Policy to create your GPO. Instead, you must create and link the GPO under the domain container that has delegated privileges.

When you create a directory with AWS Managed Microsoft AD, AWS Directory Service creates a yourdomainname organizational unit (OU) under the domain root. The name of this OU is based on the NetBIOS name that you entered when you created your directory. If you didn’t specify a NetBIOS name, it will default to the first part of your Directory DNS name (for example, in the case of corp.example.com , the NetBIOS name is corp ).

To create your GPO, instead of selecting Default Domain Policy, select the yourdomainname OU (or any OU under that one), open the context (right-click) menu, and choose Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here.

For more information about the yourdomainname OU, see What Gets Created in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

Navigate to the following setting:

Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsSystem ServicesSTXHD Hosted Application Service

In the STXHD Hosted Application Service Properties dialog box, on the Security Policy Setting tab, select the Define this policy setting check box.

Under Select Service Startup Mode, select Disabled.

Prevent the machine from rebooting until you have finished editing the registry (Step 2).

Step 2: Edit the Registry to disable Web Access

We recommend that you push out these registry changes through GPO.

Set the following registry key value to 1 (enabled):

Set the following registry key value to 4 (disabled):

Reboot the machine.

The same username has more than one WorkSpace, but the user can log in to only one of the WorkSpaces

If you delete a user in Active Directory (AD) without first deleting their WorkSpace and then you add the user back to Active Directory and create a new WorkSpace for that user, the same username will now have two WorkSpaces in the same directory. However, if the user tries to connect to their original WorkSpace, they will receive the following error:

Additionally, searches for the username in the Amazon WorkSpaces console return only the new WorkSpace, even though both WorkSpaces still exist. (You can find the original WorkSpace by searching for the WorkSpace ID instead of the username.)

This behavior can also occur if you rename a user in Active Directory without first deleting their WorkSpace. If you then change their username back to the original username and create a new WorkSpace for the user, the same username will have two WorkSpaces in the directory.

This problem occurs because Active Directory uses the user’s security identifier (SID), rather than the username, to uniquely identify the user. When a user is deleted and recreated in Active Directory, the user is assigned a new SID, even if their username remains the same. During searches for a username, the Amazon WorkSpaces console uses the SID to search Active Directory for matches. The Amazon WorkSpaces clients also use the SID to identify users when they are connecting to WorkSpaces.

To resolve this problem, do one of the following:

If this problem occurred because the user was deleted and recreated in Active Directory, you might be able to restore the original deleted user object if you have enabled the Recycle Bin feature in Active Directory . If you’re able to restore the original user object, make sure the user can connect to their original WorkSpace. If they can, you can delete the new WorkSpace after manually backing up and transferring any user data from the new WorkSpace to the original WorkSpace (if needed).

If you can’t restore the original user object, delete the user’s original WorkSpace. The user should be able to connect to and use their new WorkSpace instead. Be sure to manually back up and transfer any user data from the original WorkSpace to the new WorkSpace.

Deleting a WorkSpace is a permanent action and cannot be undone. The WorkSpace user’s data does not persist and is destroyed. For help with backing up user data, contact AWS Support.

I’m having trouble using Docker with Amazon WorkSpaces

Windows WorkSpaces

Nested virtualization (including the use of Docker) is not supported on Windows WorkSpaces. For more information, see the Docker documentation .

Linux WorkSpaces

To use Docker on Linux WorkSpaces, make sure that the CIDR blocks used by Docker don’t overlap with the CIDR blocks used in the two elastic network interfaces (ENIs) associated with the WorkSpace. If you encounter problems with using Docker on Linux WorkSpaces, contact Docker for assistance.

I receive ThrottlingException errors to some of my API calls

The default allowed rate for WorkSpaces API calls is a constant rate of two API calls per second, with a maximum allowed «burst» rate of five API calls per second. The following table shows how the burst rate limit works for API requests.

During the first second (second 1), five requests are allowed, up to the burst rate maximum of five calls per second.

Because two or fewer calls were issued in second 1, the full burst capacity of five calls is still available.

Because only two calls were issued in second 2, the full burst capacity of five calls is still available.

Because the full burst capacity was used in second 3, only the constant rate of two calls per second is available.

Because there is no remaining burst capacity, only two calls are allowed at this time. This means that one of the three API calls is throttled. The one throttled call will respond after a short delay.

Because one of the calls from second 5 is being retried in second 6, there is capacity for only one additional call in second 6 because of the constant rate limit of two calls per second.

Now that there are no longer any throttled API calls in the queue, the rate limit continues to increase, up to the burst rate limit of five calls.

Because no calls were issued in second 7, the maximum number of requests is allowed.

Even though no calls were issued in second 8, the rate limit does not increase above five.

My WorkSpace keeps disconnecting when I let it run in the background

For Mac users, check to see if the Power Nap feature is on. If it is on, turn it off. To turn Power Nap off, open your terminal and run the following command:

SAML 2.0 federation isn’t working. My users are not authorized to stream their WorkSpaces desktop.

This might happen because the inline policy that is embedded for the SAML 2.0 federation IAM role does not include permissions to stream from the directory Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The IAM role is assumed by the federated user who is accessing a WorkSpaces directory. Edit the role permissions to include the directory ARN and ensure that the user has a WorkSpace in the directory. For more information, see SAML 2.0 Authentication and Troubleshooting SAML 2.0 Federation with AWS.

My users are getting disconnected from their WorkSpaces session every 60 minutes.

If you have configured SAML 2.0 authentication to WorkSpaces, depending on your identity provider (IdP), you might need to configure the information that the IdP passes as SAML attributes to AWS as part of the authentication response. This includes configuring the Attribute element with the SessionDuration attribute set to https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/SessionDuration .

SessionDuration specifies the maximum amount of time that a federated streaming session can remain active for a user before reauthentication is required. Although SessionDuration is an optional attribute, we recommend that you include it in the SAML authentication response. If you don’t specify this attribute, the session duration defaults to 60 minutes.

To resolve this issue, configure your IdP to include the SessionDuration value in the SAML authentication response and set the value as required. For more information, see Step 5: Create assertions for the SAML authentication response.

My users get a redirect URI error when they federate using the SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP)-initiated flow, or an additional instance of the WorkSpaces client application starts every time my users attempt to sign in from the client after federating to the IdP.

This error occurs due to a relay state URL that’s not valid. Make sure that the relay state in your IdP federation setup is correct, and that the user access URL and relay state parameter name are configured correctly for your IdP federation in the WorkSpaces directory properties. If they are valid and the problem still persists, contact AWS Support. For more information, see Setting Up SAML.

My users receive the message, «Something went wrong: An error occurred while launching your WorkSpace» when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.

Review the SAML 2.0 assertions for your federation. The SAML Subject NameID value must match the WorkSpaces user name, and is typically the same as the sAMAccountName attribute for the Active Directory user. In addition, the Attribute element that has the PrincipalTag:Email attribute set to https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email must match the WorkSpaces user’s email address as defined in the WorkSpaces directory. For more information, see Setting Up SAML.

My users receive the message, «Unable to validate tags” when they attempt to sign in to the WorkSpaces client application after federating to the IdP.

Review the PrincipalTag attribute values in the SAML 2.0 assertions for your federation, such as https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/PrincipalTag:Email . Tag values may include combinations of the characters _ . : / = + — @ , letters, numbers, and spaces.. For more information, see Rules for tagging in IAM and AWS STS.

My users receive the message, «The client and the server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm».

This problem can occur if you do not enable TLS 1.2.

My microphone or webcam is not working on Windows WorkSpaces.

Check your privacy setting by opening the Start menu

Start > Settings > Privacy > Camera

Start > Settings > Privacy > Microphone

If they are turned off turn them on.

Alternatively, WorkSpaces administrators can create a Group Policy Object (GPO) to enable microphone and or webcam as needed.

My users cannot login using certificate-based authentication and are prompted for the password either at the WorkSpaces client or the Windows logon screen when they connect to their desktop session.

Certificate-based authentication was unsuccessful for the session. If the problem continues, certificate-based authentication failure can be the result of one of the following issues:

The WorkSpaces or the client is not supported. Certificate-based authentication is supported with Windows WorkSpaces on WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) bundles using the latest WorkSpaces Windows client application.

The WorkSpaces needs to be rebooted after enabling certificate-based authentication on the WorkSpaces Directory.

WorkSpaces could not communicate with AWS Private CA, or AWS Private CA did not issue the certificate. Check AWS CloudTrail to determine if a certificate was issued. For more information, see Manage certificate-based authentication.

The domain controller has no domain controller certificate for smart card logon, or it is expired. For more information, see step 7, “Configure domain controllers with a domain controller certificate to authenticate smart card users” in Prerequisites.

The certificate is not trusted. For more information, see step 7, “Publish the CA to Active Directory” in Prerequisites.

There is a certificate in cache, but attributes have changed for the user that have invalidated the certificate. Contact AWS Support to clear the cache before certificate expiry (24 hours). For more information, see AWS Support Center .

The userPrincipalName format for the UserPrincipalName SAML attribute is not formatted properly or does not resolve to the actual domain for the user. For more information, see step 1 in in Prerequisites.

The (optional) ObjectSid attribute in your SAML assertion does not match the Active Directory security identifier (SID) for user specified in the SAML_Subject NameID . Confirm that attribute mapping is correct in your SAML federation and that your SAML identity provider is synchronizing the SID attribute for the Active Directory user.

There are Group Policy settings that are modifying the default Active Directory settings for smart card logon or taking action if a smart card is removed from a smart card reader. These settings may cause additional unexpected behavior than the errors listed above. Certificate-based authentication presents a virtual smart card to the instance operating system and removes it after logon is complete. Check the Primary Group Policy settings for smart cards and the Additional smart card Group Policy settings and registry keys , including Smart card removal behavior.

The CRL distribution point for the private CA is not online nor accessible from either the WorkSpaces or the domain controller. For more information, see step 5 in Prerequisites.

Additional troubleshooting steps involve reviewing the WorkSpaces instance Windows event logs. A common event to review for logon failure is Event 4625: An account failed to logon in the Windows Security log.

If the problem persists, contact AWS Support. For more information, see AWS Support Center .


Second Number of requests sent Net requests allowed Details


Закрепленный комментарий


 2 ноября 2016 17:36

Вы удалили старый и установили новый? Данные действия вы называете обновлением ?
— Если да, да еще если вы его не купили а скомуниздили лицензию .. то , для старых проектов ставьте старую версию, её FL подхватит.
Ведь (если все так, как описал выше) это не обновление, установка нового плагина , и с чего FL идентифицировать новый плагин как предыдущий?.. Отсутствие лицензии — отсутствие тех. поддержки , в реестре, компания пиратов лочит возможность соответствия версий при «якобы обновлении»

Можно, поставить 2 версии

Да, старая 1.0.20, новая 1.1.9 вроде

Попробую установить 1.0.20… Позже отпишусь…

В разные папки поставь, чтоб банки не путались родные, от новой версии там некоторые пресеты не подходят, вылеты могут быть

Вы удалили старый и установили новый? Данные действия вы называете обновлением ?
— Если да, да еще если вы его не купили а скомуниздили лицензию .. то , для старых проектов ставьте старую версию, её FL подхватит.
Ведь (если все так, как описал выше) это не обновление, установка нового плагина , и с чего FL идентифицировать новый плагин как предыдущий?.. Отсутствие лицензии — отсутствие тех. поддержки , в реестре, компания пиратов лочит возможность соответствия версий при «якобы обновлении»

Допустим с Serum новые версии открываются в старых проектах со старой версией…Но вот с Serum я его действительно обновлял, а с Spire получается устанавливал заново…Наверное в этом дело…

Dll по-разному называются, поэтому хост и не находит. Старая — просто spire.dll, новая — spire-1.1.dll. Попробуй сделать копию и переименовать, должно помочь.

Спасибо, но я так пробовал делать — шиш!

Ну тогда просто старую поставить параллельно, все работает норм.

Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь (это быстро!) или
войдите, чтобы оставлять комментарии и делать ещё массу прикольных вещей.

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