Ошибка соединения 0x1104 kyocera

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Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей

Устранение ошибки передачи




Меры по устранению





Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте правильность имени хоста SMTP
сервера в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-52

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте имя хоста FTP.

стр. 5-20

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте имя хоста SMB.

стр. 5-18


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки SMB:

имя пользователя и пароль при входе.


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена:

имя хоста;


стр. 5-18

Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте следующее на Command Center RX:

имя пользователя и пароль для сервера SMTP;

имя пользователя и пароль для сервера POP3;

предел размера сообщения эл. почты.

стр. 2-52

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки FTP-сервера:

имя пользователя и пароль при входе.


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена:


право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-20


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки SMB:

имя пользователя и пароль при входе.


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена:


право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-18

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки FTP-сервера:


право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-20


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте адрес электронной почты.


Если адрес отклонен доменом, отправка
электронного письма невозможна.

стр. 5-16




Error: Host name


Error: User/Password


Error: No Recipient address The destination address is not


Error: Not support protocol


Error: No Sender Info


Error: Can not connect


Error: Can not connect with



Error: Response wait with



Error: Network transfer


Error: Network transfer with



Error: Response wait with



Error: E-Mail Size limit


Error: Server response


Error: Not Found Authenti-

cation Mechanism


Error: Page max count over


SMTP sever name is not set.

Error SMTP server name.

User ID for the authentication

is not entered or entered


Wrong authentication pass-

word is entered.


SMTP Protocol is set to OFF.

Sender address is not enter

Select [Other authenticate]

when authenticating POP

before SMTP.

The specified server is not

SMTP server.

Network is not connected.

The server is unable to com-


The server is unable to com-


Error occurs on the network.

Error occurs on the network.

Response is not returned

from the server above speci-

fied time.

The size of E-mail exceeds its


The server is error status.

Server setting is not authenti-

cated normally.

Unsupported SMTP Authenti-

cation Mechanism is found.

The number of pages of a

send file exceeded 999



Check procedures/corrective measures

Register [SMTP Server Name] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Enter the correct user ID/password for

authentication at [Advance] in COMMAND


Enter the password of [Login User Name] of

the [POP3] page or the [SMTP] page cor-


Specify the destination address.

Check ON [SMTP] in [Advanced]-[SMTP] —

[General] in COMMAND CENTER.

Enter the correct [Sender Address] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Select valid POP3 user other than [Other].

Enter the correct [SMTP Server Name] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Check if the server is operating properly.

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check if the server is operating properly.

Check if the server is operating properly.

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Change the [E-mail Size Limit] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General]-[E-mail Set-


Check if the server is working properly.

Check the settings for client/server authenti-


Check the settings for client/server Authenti-

cation Mechanism.

Set the number of pages as 999 or less.



Logo of Kyocera
Kyocera. 1102 ошибка

Перевод описания ошибки из сервисного руководства:

1102. Подсоединение к компьютеру не удалось:

  1. Подтвердите имя пользователя и пароль.
  2. Проверьте правильность параметров сети, к которой подключено устройство.
  3. Проверьте компьютер, если папка правильно размещена.

1102 ошибка может возникать при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки SMB:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. имя хоста;
  2. путь.
  1. Передаче электронного письма. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера SMTP;
  2. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера POP3.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки FTP‐сервера:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.

Распространённые ошибки настройки: скорее всего, вы ввели короткий логин для доступа к папке вместо полного. Полный логин содержит имя домена (для доменной учётной записи), например: DOMAINUserLogin. (Для локального пользователя — просто UserLogin.) Если это условие выполнено, но ошибка появляется, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (в качестве быстрой проверки (не рекомендуется) можно временно его полностью отключить). Также проверьте путь к папке сканирования (он должен быть максимально коротким (не более двух слешей).

Причины сбоев и ошибок:

  1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.
  2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени компьютера, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.
  3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного («имя домена  имя пользователя (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке. Например, указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.
  5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (firewall’а — ‘брандмауэра’), возможно, что в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Kyocera MFDЧтобы избежать ситуаций с возникновением ошибок, необходимо изначально правильно настроить оборудование.

Настройка компьютера:

  1. Проверьте сетевое полное имя компьютера (хоста), домен и имя пользователя и запишите значения. Пользователи Windows в командной строке могут набрать net config workstation либо получить нужные значения через «Свойства системы.
  2. Создайте сетевую папку и настройте права доступа в ней. В общей папке можно создать подпапку в качестве расположения для передачи данных. В этом случае в поле «Путь нужно ввести «Имя общей папки  Имя подпапки (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  3. Включите общий доступ для файлов и принтеров и (если необходимо) настройте правило для входящих подключений: 139 порт по протоколу TCP. 139 — порт по умолчанию, но он может быть изменен (см. Руководство пользователя).

Настройка МФУ:

    1. Убедитесь, что в COMMAND CENTER включены протоколы SMB и FTP (подробная информация изложена в руководстве пользователя, в том числе правило ввода символов).
    2. Положите оригинал на стекло, нажмите клавишу «Отправить.
    3. Выберите направление передачи: папка SMB или папка FTP.
    4. Введите имя компьютера.
    5. Введите имя папки, заданное в параметрах общего доступа.
    6. Введите имя и пароль пользователя, которые используются для входа в компьютер с папкой общего доступа.
    7. В случае удачной проверки нажмите «Подтвердить адресат и клавишу «Старт.

Примечание: При внесении неправильных данных могут возникать ошибки с кодами 1102, 1103 и 3101 при проблемах с FTP‐сервером.

Kyocera. Ошибка 1103

Может быть при сканировании может появиться при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки SMB:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки FTP‐сервера:
  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.

Ошибка 1105 Kyocera

может быть при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек SMB‐сервера.
  1. Передаче электронного письма. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек SMTP‐сервера.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек FTP‐сервера.

Below is a long list of Kyocera error codes.  Some Kyocera printers can be reset by turning the machine power switch off and back on while some others activate “partial operation control” disabling the defective part/area of the machine (paper feed cassette, stapler, document processor etc). If a specific unit is not working, perform U906 after taking measures against the cause of trouble to reactivate the unit.

Error Code

Fax PWB Problem. Processing with fax software is disabled due to software or hardware issues.

Main PWB Type Mismatch Error.

Fax PWB Incompatability Detection Problem. Fax software is not compatible with main PWB software.

Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM can not be written or read.

Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM.

Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM cannot be written or read.

Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM. Read & write data do not match five times consecutively.

Copy Counts Problem. A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for copy counters.

Machine Number Mismatch Error. Machine number does not match on main and engine PWBs

Main PWB DIMM Installed Incorrectly.

Main PWB DIMM error

DMA transmission of compressed, decompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

Hard Disk Drive cannot be accessed

Optional CF backup is not suitable.

Image processing problem. JAM05 is detected twice.

Fax Flash ROM program area checksum error

Fax PWB to Main PWB high capacity data transfer problem.

Fax PWB program archive problem.

Fax backup data is not retained.

Cassette #1 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

Cassette #2 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

PF-700 optional cassette #3 lift motor error.

PF-700 optional cassette #4 lift motor error.

PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 position problem. PF switch 2 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 position problem. PF switch 1 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

PF-700/PF-750 Communication Problem.

PF-700 EEPROM error. Write data & Read data are not in agreement three times consecutively.

Drive Motor Problem. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected with 6 sec of activation.

Main Charge Cleaner Motor error. Lock error is detected three times in a row during cleaner motor operation.

Paper Feed Motor error. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected within 6 seconds of activation.

PF-700 Drive Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 500ms.

PF-750 Paper Conveying Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 450ms.

Scanner Carriage Problem. Scanner home position is not detected at initialization or start of copying from contact glass.

Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not reach the input value threshold within 5 sec of commencing reading.

Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not exceed the input threshold value within 5 sec of commencing reading.

CCD AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CCD.

CIS AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CIS.

Communication Error Between Scanner and SHD.

Scanner PWB Backup Memory Read/Write Problem. Read & Write data does not match.

Scanner PWB Backup Memory Data Problem. Data in a specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

Polygon Motor Synchronization Problem. Polygon motor does not stabilize speed within 20 sec of activation.

Polygon Motor Steady-State Problem. Stable Off is detected for 20 sec continuously after polygon motor stabilization.

BD Steady-State Problem. ASIC detects a Beam Detect error A for 2 sec after polygon motor stabilization.

Cleaning Lamp Broken Wire. While the cleaning lamp is On, the broken wire detection signal is detected for 2 sec continuously.

Fuser Heater Break. Thermistor1 detected less than 70C/158F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Thermistor2 detected less than 40C/104F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Temp at thermistor 1or 2 does not rise by at least 1C/1.8F within 5 sec.

Abnormally High Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 or 2 is detected 250C/482F for 40ms or more.

Fixing Thermistor Break Error. Thermistor break signal is detected for 1 sec.

Abnormally Low Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 is detected 80C/176F or less for 1 sec continuously during copying.

Zero-Cross Signal Error. While fuser heater On/Off control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 sec.

Fuser Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of fuser unit is detected.

Fuser Unit Fuse Cut Problem. The fuse has been cut 33 sec after the fuse cut signal is turned on.

Toner Container Problem. Toner level is not detected when toner empty is detected.

Developing Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the developing unit is detected.

Drum Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the drum unit is detected.

Broken External Thermistor Wire. Thermistor on the environmental sensor outputs 4.5v or more.

Short-Circuited External Thermistor. Thermistor input value is 0.5v or less.

Drum EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

Developing EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

DF-710 Punch Motor Problem. Punch motor lock signal is detected for 500ms or more during activation.

DF-730 Tray Upper Limit Detection Problem. When tray elevation motor raises a tray, the upper limit switch detects On condition.

DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 1 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn On within 2.5 sec. Jam 88.

DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 2 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn On within 2.5 sec.

DF-710 Internal Tray Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the internal tray.

DF-710 Main Tray Problem. Main tray is not detected in not detected by main tray top limit detection sensor or main tray capacity detection sensor within 20 sec of ascending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor is not detected as Off within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray lower limit detection sensor is not detected as On within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor remain on for 2 sec or more during main tray ascent.

DF-730 Tray Elevation Motor Problem. Tray lower limit sensor or surface view sensor cannot be detected within 10 sec.

DF-710 Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

DF-720 Front Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the front side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-730 Adjustment Motor Problem. Adjustment motor home position motor is not detected within a specific time during activation.

DF-710 Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

DF-720 Rear Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the rear side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-720 Trailing Edge Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the trailing edge home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 1 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1.5 sec.

DF-720 Finisher Stapler Problem. Stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detect to detect within 200ms of forward (CCW) rotation. During initial rotations stapler home position detection does not change state from non-detect to detect within 600ms of reverse (CW) rotation.

DF-730 Stapler Problem. Home position is not detected within a specific time of activation.

DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 2 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3.5 sec.

DF-710 Stapler Motor Problem. Jam 82 is indicated.

BF-710 Centerfold Unit Communiation Error. Although the connection is detected, communication is not possible with the centerfold unit.

BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Paper Conveying Belt Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 2500ms.

BF-710 Blade Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1500ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Staple Motor Problem. Jam 89.

BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Main Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 1000ms during activation.

DF-730 Sensor Adjusting Problem. The paper entry sensor cannot be adjusted within the specified range.

DF-730 EEPROM Problem. Reading to or writing from EEPROM cannot be performed.

MT-710 Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the mailbox.

MT-710 Drive Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 500ms during activation.

DF-710 Communication Problem. No communication: there is no reply after (5) tries. Abnormal communication: a parity or checksum error is detected (5) times in succession.

DF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

PH-5A Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

MT-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

BF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

DP-700 Communication Problem. A communication error is detected.

DP-700 Lift Motor Ascent Error. The DP lift upper limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift upper limit switch could not be turned On.

DP-700 Lift Motor Descent Error. The DP lift lower limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift lower limit switch could not be turned On.

DP-700 EEPROM Error. Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and SHD. A communication error is detected.

DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and CIS. Reading cannot be performed correctly.

Operation Panel PWB Communication Error/System Error. Unknown error. Communication error between panel and main controller. (If CF620 occurred and is left, CF000 also occurred because of timeout control.

Main PWB Checksum Error/System Error. Communication error between panel and main controller.

Memory Checksum Error/Operation System Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error. Defective flash ROM (which?).

Flash ROM Error (during download). Defective flash ROM (which?).

Fax System M Communication Error.

Power Source Secondary Side Error/Operation System Error. The operation decomes unstable after recovering the power supply fail (brownout or power drop). Wall voltage is unstable or the main power supply switch was turned OFF/ON within 1 sec.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Print System Other Errors. Bug of v.2.03B has been fixed by v. 2.04A (Booklet > Booklet Print).


Fax System M Error. Wrong data or value detected when the following function is used. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M Error. The IF error detects during system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

CF433 CF434 CF437 CF43F CF441 CF444 CF445 CF451
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

CF45F CF453 CF454 CF45F CF460 CF463 CF46F CF470
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

CF473 CF47F CF484 CF487 CF48F CF490 CF493 CF494
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.


System Start Error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error. Unable to Load Files To CF Card.

Readout Error of SSL (authentication data).

HDD Error.

Panel Error. NetFont error. Communication error between panel and main controller during initialization or rejection of communication by controller during initialization. Blue Screen of Death.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Panel Error. Timeout request for start up command. Start command hasn’t been received. Possible destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Panel Error. Detects disconnection with controller. Possible overdrive of control board or destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Operation Panel PWB Communication Error.

Main PWB Checksum Error.

Memory Checksum Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error.

Flash ROM Error (during download).

Fax Control PWB Communication Error.

Power Source PWB Second Side Error.

E00000 or U00000
Fax Communication Error: No response or line busy after the set number of redials.

E00100 or U00100
Fax Communication Error: Transmission was interruped by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

E00200 or U00200
Fax Communication Error: Reception was interrupted by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

E00300 or U00300
Fax Communication Error: Recording paper on the destination unit has run out during reception.

E00420 or U00420
Fax Communication Error: A relay request was received from the host center but interrupted because of a mismatch in permit ID or telephone number.

E00421 or U00421
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress relay box number.

E00430 or U00430
Fax Communication Error: Polling request (confidential or reverse polling) was received but interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit number.

E00430 or U00430
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit ID of the transmitting unit.

E00431 or U00431
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

E00431 or U00431
Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because the specified subaddress confidential box was not registered.

E00432 or U00432
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the confidential box ID number.

E00432 or U00432
Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the subaddress confidential box number.

E00433 or U00433
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but data was not present in the confidential box.

E00433 or U00433
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but data was not present in the subaddress confidential box.

E00434 or U00434
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

E00435 or U00435
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box was being accessed.

E00435 or U00435
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but interrupted because the specific subaddress confidential box was being accessed.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box was not registered.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay command reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box number was being accessed.

E00441 or U00441
Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

E00450 or U00450
Fax Communication Error: The destination transmitter disconnected because the permit IDs did not agree while the destination transitter is in password-check transmission or restricted transmission.

E00460 or U00460
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because the specified encryption box number was not registered.

E00460 or U00460
Fax Communication Error: Ecrypted reception request was received but interrupted because the specified encryption box was being accessed.

E00462 or U00462
Fax Communication Error: Ecryption reception was interrupted because the encryption key for the specified encryption box was not registered.

E00500 or U00500
Fax Communication Error: Multiple communication was interrupted and the call was not made on destination units after interruption.

E00600 or U00600
Fax Communication Error: The document processor cover is open.

E00601 or U00601
Fax Communication Error: Document jam or the document length exceeds the maximum.

E00602 or U00602
Fax Communication Error: Image scanning section problem

E00603 or U00603
Fax Communication Error: No document feed.

E00604 or U00604
Fax Communication Error: Document length exceeded the limit of the bitmap memory capacity.

E00610 or U00610
Fax Communication Error: Recording section cover open.

E00611 or U00611
Fax Communication Error: Recording paper jam.

E00613 or U00613
Fax Communication Error: Image writing section problem.

E00614 or U00614
Fax Communication Error: Nearly empty of recording paper.

E00615 or U00615
Fax Communication Error: Empty of recording paper.

E00620 or U00620
Fax Communication Error: Copier fixing unit problem.

E00622 or U00622
Fax Communication Error: Copier drive motor problem.

E00655 or U00655
Fax Communication Error: CTS was not activated after RTS due to a modem error.

E00656 or U00656
Fax Communication Error: Data was not transmitted after CTS was activated due to a modem error.

E00670 or U00670
Fax Communication Error: Power was cut off during communication.

E00677 or U00677
Fax Communication Error: There was no file to transmit in the memory transmission mode.

E00690 or U00690
Fax Communication Error: System error.

E00700 or U00700
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of a problem in the destination unit.

E00800 or U00800
Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error occurred in G3 mode, because of reception of a RTN or PIN signal.

E00810 or U00810
Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error re-occurred in G3 mode after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

E00900 or U00900
Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. An RTN or PIN signal was transmitted because of a page reception error.

E00910 or U00910
Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. A page reception error remained after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

E01000 or U01000
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An FTT signal was received for a set number of times after TCF signal transmissions at 2400bps.

E01000 or U01000
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An RTN signal was received in response to a Q signal (excluding EOP) after transmission at 2400bps.

E01001 or U01001
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. The function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DIS signal.

E01010 or U01010
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01011 or U01011
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01012 or U01012
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01013 or U01013
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01014 or U01014
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01015 or U01015
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01016 or U01016
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An MCF signal was received but no DIS signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and T1 timeout was detected.

E01017 or U01017
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01018 or U01018
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01019 or U01019
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01020 or U01020
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01021 or U01021
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01022 or U01022
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a RR signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01023 or U01023
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PS.NULL signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01024 or U01024
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01025 or U01025
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01026 or U01026
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01027 or U01027
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01028 or U01028
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. T5 timeout was detected during ECM Transmission (ECM).

E01040 or U01040
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received during standby for DIS signal reception.

E01041 or U01041
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal (between units of our make).

E01042 or U01042
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal.

E01043 or U01043
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal (between units of our make).

E01044 or U01044
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal (between units of our make).

E01045 or U01045
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal.

E01046 or U01046
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal.

E01047 or U01047
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal.

E01048 or U01048
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal.

E01049 or U01049
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal (between units of our make).

E01050 or U01050
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal (ECM).

E01051 or U01051
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal (ECM).

E01052 or U01052
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RR signal (ECM).

E01053 or U01053
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal (ECM).

E01054 or U01054
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal (ECM).

E01055 or U01055
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal (ECM).

E01056 or U01056
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal (ECM).

E01057 or U01057
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal (ECM).

E01070 or U01070
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during handshake.

E01071 or U01071
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message transmission.

E01072 or U01072
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during transmission.

E01073 or U01073
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the receiver unit, a CM signal was not detected when transmitting after reception.

E01080 or U01080
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A PIP signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal.

E01091 or U01091
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because a PPR signal was received over (10) times even after reducing the communication speed to the minimum with the symbol speed maintained at the level of connection.

E01092 or U01092
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because of an impossible combination of the symbol speed and communication speed.

E01100 or U01100
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DCS signal.

E01101 or U01101
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit (excl. communication mode select) differs from that indicated by an NSS signal.

E01102 or U01102
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DTC (NSC) signal was received when no transmission data was in the unit.

E01110 or U01110
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01111 or U01111
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DTC (NSC) signal.

E01112 or U01112
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No training reception after reception of a DCS or NSS signal.

E01113 or U01113
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an FTT signal.

E01114 or U01114
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CFR signal.

E01115 or U01115
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an MCF signal.

E01116 or U01116
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a PPR signal.

E01117 or U01117
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CTR signal.

E01118 or U01118
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an ERR signal.

E01119 or U01119
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No further signals were received after reception of a message.

E01120 or U01120
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an MCF signal.

E01121 or U01121
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTP signal.

E01122 or U01122
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTN signal.

E01123 or U01123
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIP signal.

E01124 or U01124
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIN signal.

E01125 or U01125
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a CNS signal (between units of our make).

E01126 or U01126
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

E01127 or U01127
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

E01128 or U01128
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RNR signal (ECM).

E01129 or U01129
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

E01140 or U01140
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01141 or U01141
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DTC signal.

E01142 or U01142
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS or NSS signal.

E01143 or U01143
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an FTT signal.

E01144 or U01144
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CFR signal.

E01145 or U01145
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after reception of a message.

E01146 or U01146
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an MCF signal (interoffice communication after reception of an MPS, EOM signal or confidential interoffice communication).

E01147 or U01147
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTP signal.

E01148 or U01148
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTN signal.

E01149 or U01149
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIPsignal.

E01150 or U01150
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIN signal.

E01151 or U01151
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

E01152 or U01152
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTR signal (ECM).

E01153 or U01153
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

E01154 or U01154
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an PNP signal (ECM).

E01155 or U01155
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

E01160 or U01160
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During message reception, transmission time exceeded the maximum transmission time per line.

E01161 or U01161
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Number of error lines exceeded limits during message reception.

E01162 or U01162
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during message reception.

E01163 or U01163
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message reception.

E01164 or U01164
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. One page length exceeded the specified length during message reception.

E01170 or U01170
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A decoding error occurred during MMR message reception.

E01172 or U01172
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the transmitting unit, a JM signal was not detected after transmission of a CM signal when receiving after transmission.

E01191 or U01191
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Communication was interrupted because an error occurred during an image data reception sequence in the V.34 mode.

E01199 or U01199
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DIS signal with different FIF was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01400 or U01400
Fax Communication Error: An invalid one-touch key was specified during communication.

E01500 or U01500
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when calling in V.8 mode.

E01600 or U01600
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when called in V.8 mode.

E01700 or U01700
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/A/Abar (B/Bbar, for polling transmission)/INFOh was not detected.

E01720 or U01720
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

E01721 or U01721
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred before starting T.30 protocol during transmission in V.34 mode. Operation was interrupted due to the absence of a common communication speed between the units. 1) A DCN signal was received from the destination unit and the line was cut, or 2) a DIS (NSF, CSI) signal was received from the destination unit and in response to the signal, the unit transmitted a DCN signal and the line was cut.

E01800 or U01800
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/B/Bbar (A/Abar, for polling reception)/probing tone was not detected.

E01810 or U01810
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: S/Sbar/PP/TRN was not detected.

E01820 or U01820
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

E02000 or U02000
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was refused by a relay station because of a mismatch in permit ID number and permit telephone number when a relay command was used.

E02100 or U02100
Fax Communication Error: A relay command failed because the destination unit (relay station) had no relay broadcast capability.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: A relay command from a command station failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested to a relay station but failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay broadcast transmission failed because the data registered in the subaddress relay box was deleted.

E02303 or U02303
Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. Timeout was detected before a correct DNL signal was received.

E02304 or U02304
Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. A signal other than MPS or EOM signal was received after a DNL signal was received.

E02400 or U02400
Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based relay transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified relay box number.

E03000 or U03000
Fax Communication Error: No document was present in the destination unit when polling reception started.

E03100 or U03100
Fax Communication Error: In reverse polling, although no original was set in the destination unit, transmission was complete.

E03200 or U03200
Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, data was not accumulated in the specified box in the destination unit.

E03200 or U03200
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, data was not stored in the box specified by the destination unit.

E03300 or U03300
Fax Communication Error: In polling reception from a unit of our make, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

E03300 or U03300
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

E03400 or U03400
Fax Communication Error: Polling reception was interupted because of a mismatch in individual numbers.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, the specified confidential box number was not registered in the destination.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, the specified subaddress confidential box number was not registered in the destination unit.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

E03600 or U03600
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in specified confidential box numbers.

E03600 or U03600
Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress confidential box number.

E03700 or U03700
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception failed because the destination unit had no confidential polling transmission capability or data was not accumulated in any box in the destination unit.

E03700 or U03700
Fax Communication Error: Interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based bulletin board transmission capability, or data was not stored in any subaddress confidental box in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: The confidential box specified for confidential transmission was not registered in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based transmission mode, the specified subaddress box number was not registered in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

E04100 or U04100
Fax Communication Error: Confidential transmission failed because the destination unit had no confidential capability.

E04100 or U04100
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based transmission failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based reception capability.

E04200 or U04200
Fax Communication Error: In encrypted tranmission, the specified encryption box was not registered in the destination unit.

E04300 or U04300
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted transmission failed because the destination unit had no encrypted communication capability.

E04400 or U04400
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted transmission. Encryption keys did not agree.

E04401 or U04401
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted trasmission. The encryption key was not registered.

E04500 or U04500
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in ecryption keys.

E05000 or U05000
Fax Communication Error: In transmission with a specified number, the set number of originals was different from the number of transmitted originals.

E05100 or U05100
Fax Communication Error: Password check transmission or restricted transmission was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match.

E05200 or U05200
Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match, the rejected fax numbers did match, or the destination receiver did not return its phone number.

E05300 or U05300
Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permitted numbers did not match, the rejected numbers did match, or the machine in question did not acknowledge its phone number.

E09000 or U09000
Fax Communication Error: G3 communication was attempted but failed because the destination unit was a G2 machine.

E12000 or U12000
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested from a command station but memory overflowed during reception.

E12000 or U12000
Fax Communication Error: In subaddress-based relay reception memory overflowed.

E12100 or U12100
Fax Communication Error: Relay was commanded but memory overflowed in the destination unit (relay station).

E14000 or U14000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during confidential reception.

E14000 or U14000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in subaddress-based confidential reception.

E14100 or U14100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during confidential transmission.

E14100 or U14100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during interoffice subaddress-based transmission.

E19000 or U19000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during memory reception.

E19100 or U19100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during transmission.

E19200 or U19200
Fax Communication Error: Memory transmission failed because a decoding error occurred.

E19300 or U19300
Fax Communication Error: Transmission failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

E19400 or U19400
Fax Communication Error: Reception failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign the user who is not allowed to access the folder.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send SMB Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send SMB Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send SMB Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send SMB Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send SMB Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Send FTP Error 1101
Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send FTP Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. Domain name is not entered.

Send FTP Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. Assign disable user/password.

Send FTP Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send FTP Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send FTP Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send FTP Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send FTP Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

Send FTP Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send FTP Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send FTP Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send FTP Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send FTP Error 3101
Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send FTP Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Send email Error 1101
Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

Send email Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

Send email Error 1104
Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

Send email Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send email Error 1106
Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send email Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send email Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send email Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send email Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send email Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send email Error 2204
Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

Send email Error 3101
Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send email Error 3101
Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

Send email Error 3201
Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

Send email Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

TWAIN Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

TWAIN Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Software Error 5101
Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5102
Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5103
Error: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5104
Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Software Error 7101
Error: Memory Allocation. Insufficient memory space.

Software Error 7102
Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

Software Error 720f
Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
Send Email Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
Send FTP Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send Email Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1104
Send Email Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send Email Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send SMB Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send FTP Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1106
Send Email Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
Send Email/ FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
Send FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2103
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2201
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
Send Email/FTP Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
Send TWAIN Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2203
Send Email/FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2204
Send Email Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
Send Email/FTP Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
Send Email Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3201
Send Email Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5101
Send Software Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5102
Send Software Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5103
Send SoftwareError: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5104
Send Software Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 7102
Send Software Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 720f
Send Software Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 9181
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP/ TWAIN Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

«Acceptable staple count exceeded.»
Is the acceptable staple count exceeded?

«Add paper in cassette #.»
Is the indicated cassette out of paper?

«Add paper in MP tray.»
Is the paper of the specified size loaded in the multipurpose tray?

«Add staples.»
Has the document finisher run out of staples?

«Add toner.»

«An error has occurred.»
An internal error has occurred.Make a note of the error code number displayed on the panel. See above.

«Box Limit Exceeded.»
Document Box is full, and no further storage is available; Job is cancelled. Repeat Copy Box is full, and no further repeat copy is available.

«Cannot connect to Authentication Server.»

«Cannot duplex print on this paper.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be duplex printed?

«Cannot execute this job.»
Job is restricted by Job Accounting.

«Cannot offset this paper.»
Did you select a paper size that cannot be offset (A3, B4, A5R, B6R, Folio, Ledger, Statement, & 8K)?

«Cannot punch this paper type.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be punched?

«Cannot staple this paper.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be stapled?

«Check the cover.»
Are any covers open? Does the message indicate which cover is open?

«Check the document processor.»
Is the document processor open? Is the top cover of the document processor open?

«Check the finisher.»
Is the document finisher set correctly?»

«Clean the slit glass.»
Dirt has been identified on the slit glass.

«Empty the punch waste box.»
The punch waste box of the 3,000 sheet finisher is full.

«Failed to specify Job Accounting.»
Job accounting is not specified in the print driver.

«Failed to store job retention data.»

«Fax box limit exceeded.»
Fax box is full, and no further storage is available.

«Finisher tray is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the document finisher tray?»

«Folding tray is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the folding tray of the 3,000 sheet document finisher?»

«Hard Disk error. Job is cancelled. Press [End] ##»
An error has occurred on the hard disk.

«Incorrect Login User Name or Password.»

«Job Accounting restriction exceeded.»
The print count exceeded the acceptable count restricted by Job Accounting.

«Job Separator is full of paper.»
Is the maximum capacity of the job separator tray exceeded?

«KPDL error.»
A PostScript error has occurred.

«Mailbox tray is full of paper.»

«Memory card error.»
Was the memory card (Compact Flash) removed while being accessed? Was a valid memory card inserted?

«Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 01
Memory Card Error: Format error.

«Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 04
Memory Card Error: Insufficient memory card space to complete this operation.

«Memory is full.»
Unable to continue the job, as the memory is used up.»

«Memory Is Low»
Logic Lockup

«Paper Jam. ###»
Make a note of the jam location number displayed on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«Print overrun.»
Warning. Low printer memory.

«Removable memory error.»
An error has occurred on the USB stick memory or Compact Flash memory.

«Removable memory was removed.»

«Replace all originals and press [Continue].»

«Replace the waste toner box.»
The waste toner box is full.

«Reset all originals in the document processor.»
Are there any originals left in the document processor?

«Scanner memory is full.»
Scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory for the scanner. Is the acceptable scanning count exceeded?

«Scanner Paused»
DMA transmission of compressed, ecompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

«Set the folding tray.»
Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Set the folding unit.»
Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Set the punch waste box.»
The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

«Set the waste toner box.»
The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

«Staple error.»
The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«Staple jam.»
The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«The ID is not registered.»
The account ID# does not match.

«The memory card is not formatted.»
Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

«The phone receiver is off the hook.»

«The removable memory is not formatted.»
Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

«The source file is not found.»
The specified file is not found.

«Top tray of the machine is full of paper.»
The exit tray at the top of the machine is full.

«Tray # is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for any of the output trays A, B, or C of the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Warning low memory.»
Further scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory.

Error Code

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error (CreatePrint and return back value of API is indirect).

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Fail to initialize.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Access failure to ME.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Failure to switch TASK.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. IOBL process failure.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Failed to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Refused to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time to start up request command (start up request command could not be received). Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Cut off of the communication with the controller is detected — waiting to receive: select () OK return, recv() RX data length 0. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time out for Response telegraphic message (could not receive response telegraphic message within a fixed time). In case on not through httpd, this error occurs (in case it does not become CGI time out).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Received abusive command from controller. At this moment, only the case that unexpected command comes in when wating for the startup request command.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. select () function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. rcv () function returned the error.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when transferring (using UNIX domain) response telegraphic message in the panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Crucial error is detected when processing receive/transfer of the response telegraphic message from controller. Failed to acquire semafo???

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when sending required response telegraphic message from panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: HDD. Failure to initialize with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Operation panel PWB comunication error.

ROM Checksum Error.

Main PWB Checksum Error/System Error. Communication error between panel and main controller.

ROM Checksum Error.

Memory Checksum Error/Operation System Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error. Defective flash ROM (which?).

Flash ROM Error (during download). Defective flash ROM (which?).

Fax System M Communication Error.

Scanner Unit Error

Component: PCM. Category: OS. Failure to initialize with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Component: PCM. Category: OS. Failure to acquire Entity data with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Fax Unit Error.

Power Source Secondary Side Error/Operation System Error. The operation decomes unstable after recovering the power supply fail (brownout or power drop). Wall voltage is unstable or the main power supply switch was turned OFF/ON within 1 sec.

Component: OS. Category: OS. Primary supply voltage dropped off temporarily and recovery operation was not stable. If the input power supply voltage is not stable of the Main SW is turned Off/On quickly (about 1 second), this problem occurs.

Print Unit: DVU_PRT_SYSERR_F226_ERROR (Video data flushing error)

Engine Firmware Incompatible.

Document BOX error.

Component: ScanSys. Category: ScanSys. When the scanner scanning parameter from the topside is in error.

Component: IPLogical. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: ipl_search_output.cpp, ipl_feeder_spec.cpp, outputcheck.cpp.

Component: Machine Configuration. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: machine_status_engine.cpp.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. Increasing and decreasing «Lib», in case that even if there is no original available, tried to process increasing & decreasing.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to specify some other value (indirect value) other than single sided/duplex/forced duplex for increasing & decreasing «Lib».

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case of the address for Job setting value structure is NULL.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case of the code for output completion notice is indirect.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. When writing the original information to the storage, in case to get the reply back as [Other Error].

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to get the reply as [Finisher out of order Error], [No Feeder available in search] from Paper feed/eject «Lib».

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to get the reply as failure from rotation calculation «Lib».

Component: PrintSystem. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: print_startup.cpp.

Component: SVI. Category: LioPanel. Logical Error (In case of given parameter is NULL).

Codec: GICL_CDC_ERR_FACTOR_JPEG (several hardware error, software error).

Codec: GICL_CDC_ERR_FACTOR_SRLE (several hardware error, software error).

Data conversion error.

Error code when receiving/printing email.

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_SVC_PROC_DOWN (Device process down).

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_DEV_PROC_DOWN (Device process down).

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_JOBIMG_PROC_DOWN (Job image process down).

Component: ScanSys. Category: ScanSys. Library Error inside of ScanSys.

Component: UNKNOWN. Category: UNKNOWN.

Component: UNKNOWN. Category: UNKNOWN. Code present on with Kyocera Barfode Font CF card installed.

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_PRN_PROC_DOWN (Printer process down).

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Component: LFM. Category: FaxSys. KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Network Manager:

Component: LFM. Category: FaxSys. Instance Check Error, Paramemter Error from topside.

Component: PrintSys. Category: PrintSys. It occurs when the error noticed from VideoDriver. Use by Video_Driver class: Function name, factor can be found by the detail code.

Print System Other Errors. Bug of v.2.03B has been fixed by v. 2.04A (Booklet > Booklet Print).

System State Manager:

Energy Saving Manager:

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. An Observer Deletion Error occurred during salvage process. Error received from the method on EventManager or message Tx.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Segment code for LioFax initialization is different from «03KH».

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Return address of Page class when doing FAX Tx/Rx is other abnormal error. Entity (Config, BOX, etc.) access error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Entity parameter error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. In case that the time when Error came back from LFM.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. IOBL error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. At the time of KUIOLIB error, CodeChange error, FaxLib error (Sender recorde, Entity related error).

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Instance Check Error. Parameter Error from topside.

Device Error (scan control):

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Other/System Crucial Error.

Component: FaxJOB. Category: FaxSys. As the error came back at IF for DocumentBox, JobInfo, Config Entity.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The error came back when accessing (obtaining data, setting data) to below Entity related: job_ent(JobModel,JobInfo), config_ent, reservation, account(certificate), document_box.

Fax System M Error. Wrong data or value detected when the following function is used. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M Error. The IF error detects during system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. As the error came back when obtaining IF for system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The date obtained from the below Entity related is unexpected data: job_ent(JobInfo).

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The error came back for the IF of LioFax observer addition/deletion.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. As handing over of the NULL pointer in the class occurred. As memory reservation with new in heap domain is failed: Assert for preventing from segment drop off.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. When generating the class, fail new at obtaining data domain, soft logic error (software bug).

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Other Library Error (ImageLibrary, PageData, EventManager).

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Initialize Error.

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Middleware Error (LioScanner error).

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Initialization Error.

CF433 CF434 CF437 CF43F CF441 CF444 CF445 CF451
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Mismatch.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Other Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

PDL Interpreter: REN_INT_ERR_FACTOR_GENERAL (other general error).

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Data Invalid (PageData).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Other Library Error (ImageLibrary).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

CF45F CF453 CF454 CF45F CF460 CF463 CF46F CF470 CF473 CF47F CF484 CF487 CF48F CF490 CF493 CF494
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.


System Error:

Component: SVI. Category: LioPanel. Panel data abusion error.

Component: PJL. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error: Thread Create failed.

Component: ReportEventService. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error: Thread Create failed.

Component: SVCTL_FaxRx_Event_Control. Category: KI Sc. As failed to obtain EM_FaxRx_Ec_Event_Fax_Enable.

Component: SVCTL_Reservation_Event_Control. Category: KI Sc. As failed to notice the event for EM_Rsv_EC_op_Event_FaxJob_Ready.

Component: SVCTL_Job_Start_Command. As JobInfo giving to JSM_JobServiceManager is NULL.

Component: PJL. Category: RIP. Entity error: when CLITICAL ERROR occurred at ME access.

Component: ReportEventService. Category: RIP. Entity error: when CLITICAL ERROR occurred at ME access.

Component: MLPRN. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: MLPRT. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: EVR_LGS. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: SSTUP. Category: OS. Error in the SystemStartUp (Thread generation, Entity data acquisition, DiskManager operation).


System Start Error.

Report Page Generator: USV_RPG_ERR_FACTOR_STREAM (Stream access error).

Component: EventManager. Category: KM-Entity. Failed to obtain/receive event from framework.

Unable to Print.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error. Unable to Load Files To CF Card.

Component: PowerManagement. Category: OS. Failed to mount or unmount during transition of the condition.

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (inetd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (inetd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (services).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (services).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (snmpd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (snmpd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (hosts allow).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (hostname).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (hostname).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (papd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (papd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (cups).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (cups).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (dhcclient).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (dhcclient).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (smb).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (smb).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (netware).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (netware).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (ipfilter).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (ipfilter).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (ethermode).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (ethermode).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (other).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (other).

Readout Error of SSL (authentication data).

HDD Error.

HDD Error.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Error inside of hot plug detection thread, overwritten thread (failed to issue the event, failed to operate signal handler).

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Failed to obtain memory size.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Access error to the Entity at master data stored area component.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT OPEN error <0x07>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT IOCTL error <0x08>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT CLOSE error <0x09>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion OPEN error <0x0a>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion IOCTL error <0x0b>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion CLOSE error <0x0c>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion command return value error <0x0d>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue creation error <0x15>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue Tx error <0x16>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue Rx error <0x17>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue deletion error <0x18>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Event Tx error <0x19>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Access error to the Entity at USB activation component.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_E_GENERIC).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_INVAL).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_NOSERVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_TIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_NOTFOUND).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_OPEN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_CONNECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_WRITE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_CONNECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_HANDSHAKE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_WRITE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQTIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_RSPTIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_CACHE_NONE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_CACHE_EXPIRE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_UNKNOWN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_NOHEADER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_FORMAT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REDIRECT_FORMAT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REDIRECT_CANCELLED).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_HEADER_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_BODY_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_RSP_HEADER_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_TOOMANYCONTINUE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TLS_INTOLERANT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_FILEP_E_OPEN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_FILEP_E_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_NO_CONTENT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_TOOMANYREDIRECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_TOOMANYAUTH).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_NOMEMORY).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_NOMEMORY_IMAGE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_TOTAL_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_BADURL).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_BADMIMETYPE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_MIXEDSECURETYPE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_INPUTHISTORY_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_INPUT_REQUIRED).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_NOTIFYMAXWINDOW).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_SWKOVERFLOW).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_FILEDOWNLOAD).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_SEGFAULT).

Panel Error. NetFont error. Communication error between panel and main controller during initialization or rejection of communication by controller during initialization. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Failed to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Refused to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time to start up request command (start up request command could not be received). Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Panel Error. Timeout request for start up command. Start command hasn’t been received. Possible destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Cut off of the communication with the controller is detected — waiting to receive: select () OK return, recv() RX data length 0. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Panel Error. Detects disconnection with controller. Possible overdrive of control board or destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time out for Response telegraphic message (could not receive response telegraphic message within a fixed time). In case on not through httpd, this error occurs (in case it does not become CGI time out).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Received abusive command from controller. At this moment, only the case that unexpected command comes in when wating for the startup request command.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. select () function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. rcv () function returned the error.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when transferring (using UNIX domain) response telegraphic message in the panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Crucial error is detected when processing receive/transfer of the response telegraphic message from controller. Failed to acquire semafo???

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when sending required response telegraphic message from panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

  • Code: 0030
  • Description: FAX control PWB system error
    Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a software problem.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, re-mount the FAX controller PWB, then turn power on. 2. Reinstall the fax software. 3. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0070
  • Description: FAX control PWB incompatible detection error
    Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB (The FAX PWB installed will not be the one designed for the machine.): 1. Install the FAX system designed for the model. 2. Reinstall the fax software.
  • Code: 0080
  • Description: Option printing system device error.
    The version of the FPGA for Fiery control is not readable. (Defective FPGA)
  • Remedy: Defective FPGA for printing system control.: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0100
  • Description: Backup memory device error
  • Remedy: EEPROM(main PWB): 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM on the main circuit PWB is peroperly installed on the main circuit PWB and, if not, re-install it. 3. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0120
  • Description: MAC address data error
    For data in which the MAC address is invalid.
  • Remedy: EEPROM(main PWB): 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check the MAC address on the network status page. 3. If it is blank, obtain an EEPROM with its MAC address written from the service support and install. 4. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0150
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (engine PWB)
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: EEPROM(Engine PWB): 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM is peroperly installed on the engine PWB and reinstall it. 3. Replace the engine PWB. 4. Check the EEPROM and if the data are currupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0160
  • Description: Backup memory data error (engine PWB)
    Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal.
  • Remedy: EEPROM: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Execute U021 — memory initializing 3. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0170
  • Description: Billing counting error
    The values on the main circuit PWB and on the engine do not match for any of charging counter, life counter, and scanner counter.
  • Remedy: EEPROM: 1. Check that the EEPROMs installed in the main PWB and the engine PWB are correct and, if not, use the correct EEPROM for the model. 2. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB.
    Engine PWB: Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 0180
  • Description: Machine number mismatch
    Machine number of main and engine does not match.
  • Remedy: Data damage of EEPROM: 1. Confirm the machine data for the main and engine units by using U004. 2. If the serial number data of different models is alternately displayed, install the correct EEPROM in the PWB of the wrong serial number data. 3. Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 0350
  • Description: Panel PWB communication error (electronic volume I2C communication error)
    NACK is received during I2C communication -> retried 5 times -> rebooting command sent -> retried 5 times If NACK is still received.
  • Remedy: Operation PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Operation PWB (YC10) and Main PWB (YC6) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0620
  • Description: FAX image DIMM error
    1. The Fax image DIMM has not been installed. 2. Fax image DIMM access error.
  • Remedy: FAX image DIMM: 1. Install the FAX image DIMM supplied in the FAX system onto the main PWB. 2. Firmly install the FAX image DIMM again onto the main board. 3. Check the FAX image DIMM terminals and remove any foreign objects that may be adhered to it. 4. Replace with a new FAX image DIMM.
  • Code: 0630
  • Description: DMA error
    DMA transmission of image data does not complete within the specified period of time.
  • Remedy: DP CIS: 1. Reconnect the CIS signal line. 2. Confirm that the CIS connector terminals are firmly connected. Insert the connector all the way in. 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
    DP main PWB: Main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. Wiring that connects the CIS and the DP controller PWB. Wiring that connects the DP main PWB and the main PWB. 3. Replace the DP main PWB. 4. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0640
  • Description: Hard disk error
    The hard disk cannot be accessed.
  • Remedy: HDD: 1. If an abnormal noise is heard from the HDD, replace the HDD. 2. Check the SATA wiring between the HDD and the main circuit PWB for loose connection, disconnection and damages, and that it is connected into the correct terminal. Main PWB: YC1,YC27 YC2,YC32 (45/55 ppm model) 3. Replace the SATA cable. 4. Execute U024 to initialize (FULL) the HDD. 5. If an error is detected after executing U024, replace the HDD.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0650
  • Description: FAX image DIMM check error
    A fax image DIMM which was used with another machine is installed.
  • Remedy: FAX DIMM: 1. Confirm that a used FAX image DIMM was used instead of the FAX image DIMM contained in the FAX system. 2. If a DIMM that was used with other unit has been installed, execute maintenance mode U671 — Recovery FAX DIMM. 3. Check whether the Fax DIMM is properly inserted into the socket on the main PWB. 4. Replace with a new FAX image DIMM.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0660
  • Description: Hard disk encryption key error
  • Remedy: EEPROM: 1. Execute U004 if this occurs after the EEPROM has been changed.
    HDD: 1. If an abnormal noise is heard from the HDD, replace the HDD. 2. Check the SATA wiring between the HDD and the main circuit PWB for loose connection, disconnection and damages, and that it is connected into the correct terminal. Main PWB: YC1,YC27 YC2,YC32 (45/55 ppm model) 3. Replace the SATA cable. 4. Execute U024 to initialize (FULL) the HDD. 5. If an error is detected after executing U024, replace the HDD.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0670
  • Description: Hard disk overwriting erasure error
  • Remedy: HDD: 1. If an abnormal noise is heard from the HDD, replace the HDD. 2. Check the SATA wiring between the HDD and the main circuit PWB for loose connection, disconnection and damages, and that it is connected into the correct terminal. Main PWB: YC1,YC27 YC2,YC32 (45/55 ppm model) 3. Replace the SATA cable. 4. Execute U024 to initialize (FULL) the HDD. 5. If an error is detected after executing U024, replace the HDD.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 0800
  • Description: Image processing error
    JAM010X is detected twice.
  • Remedy: Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0830
  • Description: FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error
    A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX software: 1. Reinstall the fax software.
    FAX control PWB: 1. Execute initializing by U600. 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0840
  • Description: Faults of RTC
    (“Time for maintenance T” is displayed) [Check at power up] The RTC setting has reverted to a previous state. The machine has not been powered for 5 years (compared to the settings stored periodically in the EEPROM). The RTC setting is older than 00:01 on January 1, 2000. [Checked periodically (in 5- minute interval) after powered up] The RTC setting has reverted to a state older than the last time it was checked. 10 minutes have been passed since the previous check. After C840 is detected, the machine enters in disconnection mode after the main power switch has been switched on and off and indicates ‘Maintenance T.’
  • Remedy: Battery ( main PWB): 1. Make sure that the back-up batteries on the main PWB are not short-circuited. 2. Reset Maintenance T by executing U906 . 3. If the same C call is displayed when power is switched on and off, replace the back up battery. 4. If communication error (due to a noise, etc.) is present with the RTC on the main circuit PWB, check the PWB is properly grounded.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0870
  • Description: PCFAX control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer error
    High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, re-mount the FAX controller PWB, then turn power on. 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
    HDD: Execute U024 to initialize the HDD.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 0920
  • Description: Fax file system error
    The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB: 1. Execute initializing by U600 (Refer to the FAX service manual). 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0980
  • Description: 24 V power down detect
    If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second.
  • Remedy: Power source PWB: 1. Check the +24V output is given at YC12- 1 to 3 of the power circuit PWB. 2. Replace the power source PWB
  • Code: 1000
  • Description: MP lift motor error
    If the MP lift sensor 1 (upper limit detect) or 2 (bottom detect) is not detectable to be turned on while the MP lift motor is ascending or descending.
  • Remedy: Manual feed lift base elevating mechanism: 1. Check that the paper lift base of the manual feed tray can smoothly ascend and descent, if not, repair or replace. 2. Check that the lift lever is located so that it can ascend or descend by the lift motor cam and that it not damaged and, if necessary, re-install or replace the manual feed table.
    MP lift motor: 1. Check that the paper elevator has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MP lift motor and Relay PWB (YC3) Relay PWB (YC12) and Feed PWB1 (YC17) Feed PWB1 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the MP lift motor.
    MP lift sensor1 MP lift sensor2: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MP lift sensor1,2 and Relay PWB (YC3) Relay PWB (YC12) and Feed PWB1(YC17) Feed PWB1 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the MP lift sensor1 or MP lift sensor2.
    Feed PWB 2: Replace the Feed PWB 2.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 1010
  • Description: Lift motor 1 error
    After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. The lock signal of the motor is detected continuously for 1 s. This error is detected 5 times successively.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    Lift motor 1: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Lift motor 1 and Feed PWB 2 (YC3) Feed PWB 2 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC4) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the lift motor 1.
    Lift sensor 1: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Lift sensor 1 and Feed PWB 2 (YC8) Feed PWB 2 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC4) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the lift sensor1.
    Feed PWB 2: Replace the Feed PWB 2.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 1020
  • Description: Lift motor 2 error
    After cassette 2 is inserted, lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. The lock signal of the motor is detected continuously for 1 s. This error is detected 5 times successively.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    Lift motor 2: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Lift motor 2 and Feed PWB 2 (YC3) Feed PWB 2 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC4) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the lift motor 2.
    Lift sensor 2: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Lift sensor 2 and Feed PWB 2 (YC8) Feed PWB 2 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC4) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the lift sensor2.
    Feed PWB 2: Replace the Feed PWB 2.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 1030
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 1 s or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after motor is turned on is excluded from detection.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    PF Lift motor 1: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 1 and main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. PFReplace the lift motor 1.
    PF Lift sensor 1: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor 1 and PF main PWB (YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the lift sensor 1.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1040
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 1 s or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after motor is turned on is excluded from detection.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    PF Lift motor 2: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF Lift motor2.
    PF Lift sensor 2: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the PF Lift sensor 2.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1050
  • Description: SM lift motor error (side multi tray)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After cassette 5 is inserted, SM lift sensor does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. (Time to detect is 2 seconds at the second time and later.) During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 1 s or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after motor is turned on is excluded from detection.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    SM Lift motor: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM Lift motor and SM main PWB (YC5) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the SM Lift motor.
    SM Lift sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM Lift sensor and SM main PWB (YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the SM Lift sensor.
    SM main PWB: Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1060
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (side paper feeder)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After cassette 6 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. (Time to detect is 2 seconds at the second time and later.) During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 1 s or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after motor is turned on is excluded from detection. *:The lift over-current protection monitor signal has been detected for 200ms or longer where LFC is installed.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace. PF Lift motor 1: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the lift motor 1.
    PF Lift sensor 1: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor1 and PF main PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the lift sensor 1.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1070
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (side paper feeder)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After cassette 7 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. (Time to detect is 2 seconds at the second time and later.) During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 1 s or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after motor is turned on is excluded from detection. *:The lift over-current protection monitor signal has been detected for 200ms or longer where LFC is installed.
  • Remedy: Cassette lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    PF Lift motor2: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF Lift motor2
    PF Lift sensor2: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor 2 and PF main PWB (YC4) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. PFReplace the lift sensor2.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1100
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (large capacity feeder)
    After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 23 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. (Time to detect is 2 seconds at the second time and later.) During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 200 ms or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after PF lift motor 1 is turned on is excluded from detection.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    PF Lift motor1: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF lift motor1.
    PF Lift sensor1: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor 1 and PF main PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the PF lift sensor1.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1110
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (large capacity feeder)
    After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 23 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. (Time to detect is 2 seconds at the second time and later.) During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 200 ms or more 5 times successively. However, the first 1 s after PF lift motor 2 is turned on is excluded from detection.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    PF Lift motor 2: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF Lift motor2.
    PF Lift sensor2: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF Lift sensor 2 and PF main PWB (YC4) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the PF Lift sensor 2.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1140
  • Description: SD lift motor error (side deck)
    After cassette 5 is inserted, SD lift sensor does not turn on within 30 s. The lock signal of the motor is detected continuously for 200 ms.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder lift base elevating mechanism: Check that the cassette base can be manipulated smoothly, if not, repair or replace.
    SD Lift motor: 1. Check that the cassette base has been ascended. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SD Lift motor and SD main PWB (YC8) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the SD Lift motor.
    SD Lift sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SD Lift sensor and SD main PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the SD Lift sensor.
    SD main PWB: Replace the SD main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1250
  • Description: SM multi feed sensor communication error (side multi tray)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] A communication error is detected 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Side multi tray: Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    SM main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM main PWB (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC19) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB .
  • Code: 1350
  • Description: SM multi feed sensor error (side multi tray)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] The SM multi feed sensor has detected multi feeding 5 times successively.
  • Remedy: SM multi feed sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM multi feed sensor and SM main PWB (YC11) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the SM multi feed sensor.
    SM main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1400
  • Description: Rotary guide motor error
    The guide sensor is not detected to be on at the home position detection with the rotary guide for three times in a row.
  • Remedy: Rotary guide motor: 1. Check the rotary guide and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Rotary guide motor and BR PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the rotary guide motor.
    BR PWB: Replace the BR PWB.
  • Code: 1410
  • Description: Rotary de-curler error
    If the de-curler won’t turn On/ Off despite it has been activated for 400 steps during waiting for the de-curler sensor to be On/Off three times in a row.
  • Remedy: Rotary de-curler motor: 1. Check the rotary de-curler and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Rotary de-curler motor and BR PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the rotary de-curler motor.
    BR PWB: Replace the BR PWB.
  • Code: 1450
  • Description: SM multi feed sensor backup error (side multi tray)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] When writing the data, read and write data does not match 3 times in succession. Deleting a block has failed three times in a row. Writing won’t complete in 200 ms after writing has commenced.
  • Remedy: SM multi feed sensor: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM multi feed sensor and SM main PWB (YC11) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the SM multi feed sensor.
    SM main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1710
  • Description: Side multi tray incompatible detection error
    [30 ppm/35 ppm model] The side multi tray has been installed with a device to which it is incompatible.
  • Remedy: The side multi tray is installed with a device to which it is incompatible: Install the side multi-tray with the target model.
  • Code: 1800
  • Description: Paper feeder communication error
    A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder: Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    PF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC13) and Engine PWB (YC19) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 1810
  • Description: Side multi tray communication error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] A communication error from side multi tray is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Side multi tray: Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    SM main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM main PWB (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC19) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Engine PWB: Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. Replace the engine PWB.
    SM main PWB: Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1820
  • Description: Side paper feeder communication error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Side paper feeder: Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    SM main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM main PWB (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC19) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    PF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC13) and SM main PWB (YC4) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 1900
  • Description: Paper feeder EEPROM error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: PF main PWB (EEPROM): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1910
  • Description: Side multi tray EEPROM error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] When writing the data, read and write data does not match 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: SM main PWB (EEPROM): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the SM main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1920
  • Description: Side paper feeder EEPROM error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] When writing the data, read and write data does not match 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: PF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1950
  • Description: Intermediate transfer belt unit EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Transfer belt sensor: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Engine PWB (YC27) and RFID PWB (4P connector) (Check wirings on the RFID side since the signal line for the intermediate transfer belt sensor EEPROM on the engine PWB and the signal line for the toner container RFID are the same.) Intermediate transfer belt unit and Engine PWB (YC3) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Intermediate transfer belt unit.
  • Code: 2101
  • Description: Developer motor K error
    After developer motor K is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 5 s. After developer motor K is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Developer unit K: 1. Check that the developer waste lock has been released and, if not, release the lock . 2. Check that the gears and spiral screw of the developer unit are not damaged. 3. Confirm that the developer roller can rotate. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the developer unit.
    Developer motor K: 1. To check the motor operation, execute DLP(K) by U030 . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer motor K and Motor control PWB (YC7) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Developer motor K.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2103
  • Description: Developer motor MCY error
    After developer motor MCY is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 5 s. After developer motor MCY is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Developer unit MCY: 1. Check that the developer waste lock has been released and, if not, release the lock . 2. Check that the gears and spiral screw of the developer unit are not damaged. 3. Confirm that the developer roller can rotate. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the developer unit.
    Developer motor MCY: 1. To check the motor operation, execute DLP(MCY) by U030 . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer motor MCY and Motor control PWB (YC7) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Developer motor MCY.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2201
  • Description: Drum motor K steady-state error
    After drum motor K is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer Motor) and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor K: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor). 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor K and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the drum motor K.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2202
  • Description: Drum motor C steady-state error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After drum motor C is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer Motor) and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor C: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor) . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor C and Motor control PWB (YC4) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Drum motor C.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2203
  • Description: Drum motor MCY steadystate error
    [30 ppm/35 ppm model] After drum motor MCY is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer Motor) and check that the drum motor can rotate . 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor MCY: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor) . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor MCY and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Drum motor MCY.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2203
  • Description: Drum motor M steady-state error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After drum motor M is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor). . 2. Decrease Vpp using U100. Change “set ac gain” of U100 from Auto to mode1. 3. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor M: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor) . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 3. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. Drum motor M and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Drum motor MCY.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2211
  • Description: Drum motor K startup error
    Drum motor K is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor). . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Decrease Vpp using U100. Change “set ac gain” of U100 from Auto to mode1. 4. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 5. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor K: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor K and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum motor K.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2212
  • Description: Drum motor C startup error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] Drum motor C is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor). 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Decrease Vpp using U100. Change “set ac gain” of U100 from Auto to mode1. 4. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 5. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor C: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor C and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum motor C.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 2213
  • Description: Drum motor MCY startup error
    [30 ppm/35 ppm model] Drum motor MCY is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand (transfer motor). . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Decrease Vpp using U100. Change “set ac gain” of U100 from Auto to mode1. 4. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 5. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor MCY: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor MCY and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum motor MCY.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2213
  • Description: Drum motor M startup error
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] Drum motor M is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. To check the motor operation, execute Belt Mean (transfer motor) by U030 motor operation check. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Decrease Vpp using U100. Change set ac gain of U100 from Auto to mode1. 4. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 5. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Drum motor M: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum motor M and Motor control PWB (YC5) Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum motor MCY.
    Motor control PWB: Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2300
  • Description: Fuser motor error
    After fuser motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s. After fuser motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Fuser motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Fuser (fuser motor). 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser motor and Feed PWB 1(YC18) Feed PWB 1(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the fuser motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Feed PWB 1: Replace the Feed PWB 1.
    Fuser unit: Replace the fuser unit.
  • Code: 2500
  • Description: Paper feed motor error
    After paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s. After paper feed motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Paper feed motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Feed (paper feed motor). 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Paper feed motor and Feed PWB 2(YC2) Feed PWB 2(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC4) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the paper feed motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2600
  • Description: PF paper feed motor error (large capacity feeder)
    After PF paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: PF paper feed motor: 1. To check the feed unit operation, execute U247 LCF- Motor ON . 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC16) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the paper feed motor.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB
  • Code: 2610
  • Description: PF paper feed motor error (paper feeder)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After PF paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: PF paper feed motor: 1. To check the feed unit operation, execute U247 2PF — Motor ON . 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC16) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the paper feed motor.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB
  • Code: 2640
  • Description: SD paper feed motor error (side deck)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After SD paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: SD paper feed motor: 1. To check the feed unit operation, execute U247 Side deck- Motor ON . 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SD paper feed motor and SD main PWB (YC16) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the SD paper feed motor.
    SD main PWB: Replace the SD main PWB
  • Code: 2650
  • Description: SM paper feed motor error (side multi tray)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After SM paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: SM paper feed motor: 1. To check the feed unit operation, execute U247 SMT- Motor ON. 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. SM paper feed motor and SM main PWB (YC5) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the SM paper feed motor.
    SM main PWB: Replace the SM main PWB
  • Code: 2660
  • Description: PF paper feed motor error (side large capacity feeder)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After PF paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: PF paper feed motor: 1. To check the feed unit operation, execute U247 Side LCF — Motor ON. 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC16) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF paper feed motor.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB
  • Code: 2670
  • Description: PF paper feed motor error (side paper feeder)
    [45 ppm/55 ppm model] After PF paper feed motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s.
  • Remedy: PF paper feed motor: 1. Execute Side 2PF — Motor ON of U247 feed unit operation check. 2. Check the paper feed roller and drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC16) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the PF paper feed motor.
    PF main PWB: Replace the PF main PWB
  • Code: 2700
  • Description: 3-color release motor error
    When the color release motor is driven, the color release sensor does not turn on/off for 5 s.
  • Remedy: Color release motor Color release sensor (Intermediate transfer belt unit): 1. To check the motor operation, execute U30 CMY Release. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Intermediate transfer belt unit and Engine PWB (YC3) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Intermediate transfer belt unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2730
  • Description: Secondary transfer release motor error
    When the transfer release motor is driven, the transfer release sensor does not turn on/off for 5 s.
  • Remedy: Transfer release motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Press Release. 2. Check for broken drive gears and replace if any. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Transfer release motor and relay PWB (YC14) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Transfer release motor.
    Transfer release sensor: 1. When abnormal noise is observed at the execution of Press Release of U030 motor operation check. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting board are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 4. Replace the Transfer release motor.
    Paper conveying unit: 1. The main-unit access drawer of the paper conveying unit has no foreign objects adhered or no distorted pins and, if necessary, repair. 2. Check the paper conveying unit is firmly closed. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Relay PWB (YC1) and Feed PWB 1(YC14) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the paper conveying unit and execute U052.
    Feed PWB 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Feed PWB 1 (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 2. Check that the IC on the feed circuit PWB1 is not damaged (by an overcurrent or foreign object) and, if necessary, replace.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.

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  • Коды ошибок
  • Kyocera
  • TASKalfa 3551ci
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Коды ошибок стр. 12

  • Code: 2840
  • Description: Intermediate transfer belt cleaning motor error
    After transfer cleaning motor is driven, the ready signal won’t be L lebel within 2 s. After transfer cleaning motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Transfer cleaning motor: 1. Rotate the roller and the drive gear by the hand and check that they are not unusually loaded. 2. Check if the waste toner is remaining inside the cleaning unit without being disposed of. 3. Clean inside the cleaning unit. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Transfer cleaning motor and Engine PWB (YC3) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the transfer cleaning motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 2850
  • Description: Intermediate transferbelt sensor error
    The signal is not received for 100 ms in succession.
  • Remedy: Transfer motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand. 2. Rotate the roller, driving gear by the hand and check that they are not unusually loaded. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Transfer motor and Feed PWB 1(YC13) Feed PWB 1(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Transfer motor.
    Feed PWB 1: Replace the Feed PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2860
  • Description: Intermediate transfer belt sub sensor error
    The signal is not received for 100 ms in succession.
  • Remedy: Transfer belt sensor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Belt Meand. 2. Check that the drive roller for the sensor pulse can be rotated. 3. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Transfer belt sensor and intermediate transfer belt unit and Engine PWB (YC3) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the intermediate transfer belt unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 2950
  • Description: Motor control PWB communication error
    A communication error from the motor control PWB is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Motor control PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Motor control PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Motor control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 3100
  • Description: Scanner carriage error
    The home position is not correct when the power is turned on, at the end of a reading process of the table and document processor.
  • Remedy: The scanner mirror frame is being locked after setup: Check whether the scanner mirror frame has been unlocked and unlock if necessary
    Scanner motor: 1. To check the scanner motor, execute U073 . 2. Move the scanner by the hand to check whether it is unusually difficult to move. 3. Check that the optical wire rope is not disengaged and engage the wire. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Scanner motor and ISC PWB (YC5) ISC PWB (YC3) and Main PWB (YC11) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the scanner motor.
    Home position sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Home position sensor and ISC PWB (YC8) 3. Replace the home position sensor.
    ISC PWB: Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 3210
  • Description: CIS lamp error
    When input value at the time of CIS illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s
  • Remedy: CIS: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release . 2. Execute CCD of U061 lamp check. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS and DPSHD PWB (YC2) DPSHD PWB (YC3) and DP relay PWB (YC2) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the CIS and execute U091 and U411.
    DPSHD PWB: Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    DP relay PWB: Replace the DP relay PWB.
  • Code: 3220
  • Description: CCD lamp activation error
    The threshold is calculated for colors at initialization and the pixel which does not exceed that value is greater than 1000.
  • Remedy: CIS 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LED lamp PWB and ISC PWB (YC6) CCD PWB (YC2) and ISC PWB (YC9) ISC PWB (YC3) and Main PWB (YC11) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. If the LED lamp won’t light, replace the LED PWB and execut U411.
    ISC PWB: Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB
  • Code: 3300
  • Description: Optical system (AGC) error
    One of the gains is FF or 0x89 during the CCD lamp AGC is being processed.
  • Remedy: LED lamp PWB: 1. To check the lamp, execute U061 CCD. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LED lamp PWB and ISC PWB (YC6) CCD PWB (YC2) and ISC PWB (YC9) ISC PWB (YC3) and Main PWB (YC11) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. If the LED lamp won’t light, replace the LED PWB and execut U411.
    CCD PWB: Replace the ISU and execute U411
    ISC PWB: Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
    Main PWB: Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 3310
  • Description: CIS AGC error
    After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CIS.
  • Remedy: CIS: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. To check the lamp, execute U061 CCD. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP CIS and DPSHD PWB (YC2) DPSHD PWB (YC3) and DP relay PWB (YC2) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the CIS and execute U091 and U411.
    DPSHD PWB: Replace the DPSHD PWB.
  • Code: 3500
  • Description: Communication error between scanner and ASIC
    An error code is detected.
  • Remedy: ISC PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. ISC PWB (YC3) and Main PWB (YC11) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
    Main PWB Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: 3600
  • Description: Scanner sequence error
  • Remedy: ISC PWB: 1. Execute U021 memory initializing. 2. Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
  • Code: 3700
  • Description: Scanner device error
  • Remedy: CCD (ISU): Since the ISU is mounted with a CCD of different type, install the ISU that matches with the model.
  • Code: 3800
  • Description: AFE error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 3 times in succession. No response is received in 100 ms from AEF.
  • Remedy: ISC PWB: 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. CCD PWB (YC2) and ISC PWB (YC9) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
    CCD PWB: Replace the ISU PWB and execute U411.
  • Code: 3900
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (ISC PWB)
    Read and write data does not match.
  • Remedy: Backup memory (ISC PWB): 1. Turn the main power switch off and after 5 seconds, turn it on. 2. Replace the ISC PWB and execute U411.
  • Code: 4001
  • Description: Polygon motor K synchronization error
    After polygon motor K is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 30 s. The polygon motor speed won’t stabilize within 10 s.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor K (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor K and LSU relay PWB (YC4) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4002
  • Description: Polygon motor C synchronization error
    After polygon motor C is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 30 s. The polygon motor speed won’t stabilize within 10 s.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor C (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor C and LSU relay PWB (YC9) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4003
  • Description: Polygon motor M synchronization error
    After polygon motor M is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 30 s. The polygon motor speed won’t stabilize within 10 s.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor M (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor M and LSU relay PWB (YC7) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4004
  • Description: Polygon motor Y synchronization error
    After polygon motor Y is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 30 s. The polygon motor speed won’t stabilize within 10 s.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor Y (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor Y and LSU relay PWB (YC11) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4011
  • Description: Polygon motor K steadystate error
    After polygon motor K is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 15 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor K (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor K and LSU relay PWB (YC4) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4012
  • Description: Polygon motor C steadystate error
    After polygon motor C is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 15 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor C (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor C and LSU relay PWB (YC9) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4013
  • Description: Polygon motor M steadystate error
    After polygon motor M is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 15 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor M (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor M and LSU relay PWB (YC7) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 4014
  • Description: Polygon motor Y steadystate error
    After polygon motor Y is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 15 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor Y (LSU): 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor Y and LSU relay PWB (YC11) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4101
  • Description: BD initialization error K
    After polygon motor K is driven, the BD signal is not detected for 1 s.
  • Remedy: PD PWB K (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC5) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4102
  • Description: BD initialization error C
    After polygon motor C is driven, the BD signal is not detected for 1 s.
  • Remedy: PD PWB C (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC10) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 4103
  • Description: BD initialization error M
    After polygon motor M is driven, the BD signal is not detected for 1 s.
  • Remedy: PD PWB M (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC8) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4104
  • Description: BD initialization error Y
    After polygon motor Y is driven, the BD signal is not detected for 1 s.
  • Remedy: PD PWB Y (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC12) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4201
  • Description: BD steady-state error K
    The BD signal is not detected.
  • Remedy: PD PWB K (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC5) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit. Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 4202
  • Description: BD steady-state error C
    The BD signal is not detected.
  • Remedy: PD PWB C (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC10) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4203
  • Description: BD steady-state error M
    The BD signal is not detected.
  • Remedy: PD PWB M (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC8) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 4204
  • Description: BD steady-state error Y
    The BD signal is not detected.
  • Remedy: PD PWB Y (LSU): 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC12) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 4300
  • Description: Polygon motor phase error
    ASIC won’t settle in completion of phase adjustment for 2 s after a BD signal is detected.
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit: Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 4600
  • Description: LSU cleaning motor error
    After LSU cleaning motor is driven, the ready signal does not turn to L within 2 s. After LSU cleaning motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously.
  • Remedy: LSU cleaning motoror: 1. Execute LSU cleaning using Adjustment/Maintenance of the system menu. 2. Rotate the drive gear and the cleaning spiral by the hand and check that they are not unusually loaded, and replace if it is damaged. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU cleaning motor and Engine PWB (YC21) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the LSU cleaning motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 5101
  • Description: Main high-voltage error K
    Measure the inflowing current when Vpp is varied in 3 steps and verify if the difference of the currents of 0 and step 2 is less than 42 (51 if lower highvoltage board).
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Mean Drum Motor and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. Check that the discharger lamp is properly connected. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Charger roller unit: 1. Check that the high-voltage contacts are not distorted or adhered with foreign objects. 2. Reinstall the chrager roller unit.Or, replace the charger roller unit.
    High voltage PWB 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. High voltage PWB 1(YC4)*1,(YC3)*2 and Engine PWB (YC17) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the High voltage PWB 1. *1:45 ppm model/ 55ppm model *2:30ppm model/ 35ppm model
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 5102
  • Description: Main high-voltage error C
    Measure the inflowing current when Vpp is varied in 3 steps and verify if the difference of the currents of 0 and step 2 is less than 42 (51 if lower highvoltage board).
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Mean Drum Motor and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. Check that the discharger lamp is properly connected. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Charger roller unit: 1. Check that the high-voltage contacts are not distorted or adhered with foreign objects. 2. Reinstall the chrager roller unit.Or, replace the charger roller unit.
    High voltage PWB 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. High voltage PWB 1(YC2) and Engine PWB (YC16) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the High voltage PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 5103
  • Description: Main high-voltage error M
    Measure the inflowing current when Vpp is varied in 3 steps and verify if the difference of the currents of 0 and step 2 is less than 42 (51 if lower highvoltage board).
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Mean Drum Motor and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. Check that the discharger lamp is properly connected. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Charger roller unit: 1. Check that the high-voltage contacts are not distorted or adhered with foreign objects. 2. Reinstall the chrager roller unit.Or, replace the charger roller unit.
    High voltage PWB 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. High voltage PWB 1(YC3) and Engine PWB (YC17) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the High voltage PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 5104
  • Description: Main high-voltage error Y
    Measure the inflowing current when Vpp is varied in 3 steps and verify if the difference of the currents of 0 and step 2 is less than 42 (51 if lower highvoltage board).
  • Remedy: Drum unit: 1. Execute U030 Belt Mean Drum Motor and check that the drum motor can rotate. 2. Confirm that the drum or the drum screw can rotate. 3. Check that the discharger lamp is properly connected. 4. If it won’t rotate, replace the drum unit.
    Charger roller unit: 1. Check that the high-voltage contacts are not distorted or adhered with foreign objects. 2. Reinstall the chrager roller unit.Or, replace the charger roller unit.
    High voltage PWB 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. High voltage PWB 1(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC16) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the High voltage PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6000
  • Description: Broken fuser heater wire
    Fuser thermistor 1 does not reach 100° C/212 °F even after 60 s during warming up. The detected temperature of fuser thermistor 1 does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) for 420 s in warming up after reached to 100° C/212 °F.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6020
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser Center thermistor 1 temperature
    Fuser center thermistor 1 detects a temperature higher than 240°C/464°F for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6030
  • Description: Broken fuser center thermistor 1 wire
    Input from fuser center thermistor 1 is 1010 or more (A/D value) continuously for 1 s. Verify if A/D read in the differential output won’t change by 4 or more when it was turned on for 10 seconds.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the Fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6040
  • Description: Fuser heater error
    Input from fuser thermistor 1 is abnormal value continuously for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB (YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
  • Code: 6050
  • Description: Abnormally low fuser center thermistor 1 temperature
    Fuser center thermistor 1 detects a temperature lower than 100°C/212°F for 1 s after warming up, during ready or during print. The temperature of thermistor 1 is detected to be less than 70°C/158°F for more than one second during lowpower mode.
  • Remedy: Power source: 1. Check that the operating voltage falls within +/-10%. 2. Check no voltage drop is caused. The heater is deactivated at 70V or lower. 3. Relocate the AC outlet that supplies power.
    Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the Fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6120
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser press thermistor 4 temperature
    Fuser press thermistor 4 detects a temperature higher than 190°C/374°F for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6130
  • Description: Broken fuser press thermistor 4 wire
    Input from fuser press thermistor 4 is 992 or more (A/D value) continuously for 60 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) Fuser IH PWB(YC4) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6150
  • Description: Abnormally low fuser press thermistor 4 temperature Fuser press thermistor 4 detects a temperature lower than 30°C/86°F for 1 s after warming up.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 2. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6200
  • Description: Broken fuser edge heater wire
    Fuser edge thermistor 2 does not reach 100° C/212 °F even after 60 s during warming up. The detected temperature of fuser edge thermistor 2 does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) for 420 s in warming up after reached to 100° C/212 °F.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6220
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser edge thermistor 2 temperature
    Fuser edge thermistor 2 detects a temperature higher than 245°C/473°F for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6230
  • Description: Broken fuser edge thermistor 2 wire
    The Input signal from the fuser edge thermistor 2 is 992 or more (A/D value) continuously for 1 s when the temperature at the fuser edge thermistor 1 is higher than 100°C/212°F during warming up.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
  • Code: 6250
  • Description: Abnormally low fuser edge thermistor 2 temperature
    Fuser edge thermistor 2 detects a temperature lower than 100°C/212°F for 1 s during ready or print. Fuser edge thermistor 2 detects a temperature lower than 50°C/122°F for 1 s during low power mode.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
    Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
  • Code: 6320
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser middle thermistor 3 temperature
    Fuser middle thermistor 3 detects a temperature higher than 205°C/401°F for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6330
  • Description: Broken fuser center thermistor 3 wire
    Fuser center thermistor 3 detects a temperature lower than 20°C/68°F continuously for 1 s.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
  • Code: 6600
  • Description: Fuser belt rotation error
    A belt rotating pulse is not received for 1 s. (Engine CPU)
  • Remedy: Fuser motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Fuser. 2. Check that the drive gear can rotate and not heavily loaded and, if necessary, apply grease to the axle holder and gears. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser motor and Feed PWB (YC18) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the fuser motor.
    Fuser belt sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6610
  • Description: Fuser release sensor error
    The fusing pressure release sensor won’t send an off signal in 5 seconds since a pressure release instruction is given for the fusing pressure motor. The fusing pressure release sensor won’t send an on signal in 5 seconds since a pressure instruction is given for the fusing pressure motor.
  • Remedy: Fuser release motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Fuser Release. 2. Check that the drive gear can be rotated and the separation is possible. 3. If the motor won’t rotate, confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Fuser release sensor: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Check that the sensor is not contaminated or damaged.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6710
  • Description: Fuser IH PWB CPU reset error
    Watch doc timer has been overflowed.
  • Remedy: Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6720
  • Description: Fuser IH belt rotation error
    While driving, the pulse count is less than 3 for 2 seconds during the input to the rotation pulse signal is 200 msec.
  • Remedy: Fuser motor: 1. To check the motor operation, execute U030 Fuser. 2. Check that the drive gear can rotate and not heavily loaded and, if necessary, apply grease to the axle holder and gears. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser motor and Feed PWB (YC18) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the fuser motor.
    Fuser belt sensor: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6730
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser IH PWB temperature 1 (IGBT1)
    The input detect temperature is higher than 115°C/221 °F.
  • Remedy: Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6740
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser IH PWB temperature 2 (IGBT2)
    The input detect temperature is higher than 115°C/221 °F.
  • Remedy: Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6750
  • Description: Fuser IH output over-current error
    The output current of IH CPU is higher than 90A for 10 ms in succession.
  • Remedy: Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6760
  • Description: Fuser IH input over-current error
    The input current of IH CPU is higher than 20A(100V/120V), 10A(200V) for 100 ms in succession.
  • Remedy: Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6770
  • Description: Fuser IH low electric power error
    Less than 0.6 times of the preset power is detected for 120 ms in succession after the IH heater remote has turned on.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC6) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser IH unit.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser IH PWB.
    Fuser IH unit: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH unit and Fuser IH PWB (YC9 and 10) Fuser IH PWB( YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the fuser IH unit.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6900
  • Description: Fuser belt cooling fan error
    When the fuser edge fan motor 1 , 2 is driven, alarm signal is detected for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Fuser edge fan motor 1, 2: 1. To check the fan motor operation, execute U037 Fuser Edge. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser edge fan motor 1 and Engine PWB (YC26) Fuser edge fan motor 2 and Fuser PWB (YC2) Fuser PWB (YC1) and Engine PWB (YC26) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6910
  • Description: Engine software ready error
    The device won’t engage in ready state in 60 minutes after warming-up has began. (A previous timeout process has not been cancelled.)
  • Remedy: Engine PWB: 1. Turn the main power switch off and after 5 seconds, turn it on. 2. Reinstall the engine software. 3. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6920
  • Description: Fuser front fan motor error
    When the fuser front fan motor is driven, alarm signal is detected for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Fuser front fan motor: 1. To check the fan motor operation, execute U037 IH Coil. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser front fan motor and Front PWB (YC4) Front PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the fuser front fan motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6930
  • Description: Fuser rear fan motor error
    When the fuser rear fan motor is driven, alarm signal is detected for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: Fuser rear fan motor: 1. To check the fan motor operation, execute U037 Fuser Coling. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser rear fan motor and Engine PWB (YC26) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the fuser rear fan motor.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6940
  • Description: IH PWB cooling fan motor error
    When the IH fan motor is driven, the alarm signal is detected for 5 s continuously.
  • Remedy: IH fan motor: 1. To check the fan motor operation, execute U037 IH Pwb. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. IH fan motor and Feed PWB 1(YC11) Feed PWB 1(YC2) and Engine PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the IH fan motor.
    Feed PWB 1: Replace the Feed PWB1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 6950
  • Description: Fuser IH PWB communication error
    No response is received in 30 ms since a command is sent to IHCPU. A checksum error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Power source PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB (YC9) and Feed PWB 1(YC4) Power source PWB (YC3) and Fuser IH PWB (YC1) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. If the +24V output is not given by the power source PWB (YC9), replace the power source PWB.
    Feed PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB (YC3) and Fuser IH PWB (YC1) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. If the +24V output is not given by the feed PWB1 (YC27), replace the feed PWB1.
    Fuser IH PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser IH PWB(YC4) and Engine PWB (YC26) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser IH PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 6960
  • Description: Current PWB error
    The power current is greater than 1A for 5 seconds continuously despite that 500W was indicated as the fuser power during power-up. (45 ppm/ 55 ppm model only)
  • Remedy: Current PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Current PWB(YC17) and Feed PWB2 (YC13) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Current PWB.
  • Code: 6990
  • Description: Fuser power supply incompatibility
    Information won’t match between the engine backup and the fuser IH PWB.
  • Remedy: Differences in settings after initialization: When this has happened after initialization using U021, make settings identical with the voltages on the IH PWB using U169.
    Fuser IH PWB: Replace with a fuser IH PWB specifically designed with the standard voltage.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7001
  • Description: Toner motor K error
    A state that the pulse is not detected at the pulse sensor for 200 ms has occurred more than 15 times in a row during the toner motor K is driven. A state that the TMOT_LOCK signal becomes H (locked) is detected after 200 ms when the toner motor K is driven has occurred 15 sets in total.
  • Remedy: Toner container K: 1. Check that the spiral screw of the toner container can be rotated by the hand. 2. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Toner motor K: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor K and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor K.
    Screw sensor K: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Screw sensor K and Engine PWB (YC27) 3. Replace the screw sensor K.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7002
  • Description: Toner motor C error
    A state that the pulse is not detected at the pulse sensor for 200 ms has occurred more than 15 times in a row during the toner motor C is driven. A state that the TMOT_LOCK signal becomes H (locked) is detected after 200 ms when the toner motor C is driven has occurred 15 sets in total.
  • Remedy: Toner container C: 1. Check that the spiral screw of the toner container can be rotated by the hand. 2. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Toner motor C: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor C and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor C.
    Screw sensor C: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Screw sensor C and Engine PWB (YC27) 3. Replace the screw sensor C.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 7003
  • Description: Toner motor M error
    A state that the pulse is not detected at the pulse sensor for 200 ms has occurred more than 15 times in a row during the toner motor M is driven. A state that the TMOT_LOCK signal becomes H (locked) is detected after 200 ms when the toner motor M is driven has occurred 15 sets in total.
  • Remedy: Toner container M: 1. Check that the spiral screw of the toner container can be rotated by the hand. 2. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Toner motor M: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor M and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor M.
    Screw sensor M: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Screw sensorM and Engine PWB (YC27) 3. Replace the screw sensor M.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7004
  • Description: Toner motor Y error
    A state that the pulse is not detected at the pulse sensor for 200 ms has occurred more than 15 times in a row during the toner motor Y is driven. A state that the TMOT_LOCK signal becomes H (locked) is detected after 200 ms when the toner motor Y is driven has occurred 15 sets in total.
  • Remedy: Toner container Y: 1. Check that the spiral screw of the toner container can be rotated by the hand. 1. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Toner motor Y: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation . 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor Y and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor Y.
    Screw sensor Y: 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Screw sensor Y and Engine PWB (YC27) 3. Replace the screw sensor Y.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7101
  • Description: Toner sensor K error
    Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
  • Remedy: Failure of locking the developer waste slot at setup:
    If an abnormal noise is heard, check that the developer ejection outlet is released and, if not, release the outlet.
    Toner sensor K: 1. Check the toner sensor output by U155. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor K and Front PWB (YC9) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the developer unit K are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit K.
    Toner motor K: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor K and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor K.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7102
  • Description: Toner sensor C error Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
  • Remedy: Failure of locking the developer waste slot at setup:
    If an abnormal noise is heard, check that the developer ejection outlet is released and, if not, release the outlet.
    Toner sensor C: 1. Check the toner sensor output by U155. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor C and Front PWB (YC13) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the developer unit C are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit C.
    Toner motor C: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor C and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor C.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7103
  • Description: Toner sensor M error
    Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
  • Remedy: Failure of locking the developer waste slot at setup:
    If an abnormal noise is heard, check that the developer ejection outlet is released and, if not, release the outlet.
    Toner sensor M: 1. Check the toner sensor output by U155. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor M and Front PWB (YC11) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the developer unit M are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit M.
    Toner motor M: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor M and ?Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor M.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7104
  • Description: Toner sensor Y error
    Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
  • Remedy: Failure of locking the developer waste slot at setup:
    If an abnormal noise is heard, check that the developer ejection outlet is released and, if not, release the outlet.
    Toner sensor Y: 1. Check the toner sensor output by U155. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor Y and Front PWB (YC15) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the developer unit Y are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit Y.
    Toner motor Y: 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor Y and Engine PWB (YC27) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor Y.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7200
  • Description: Broken outer temperature sensor 2 wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: Outer temperature sensor 2:
    1. Confirm Ext/Int is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Outer temperature sensor 2 and Front PWB (YC19) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the outer temperature sensor 2.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7210
  • Description: Short-circuited outer temperature sensor 2
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: Outer temperature sensor 2:
    1. Confirm Ext/Int is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Outer temperature sensor 2 and Front PWB (YC19) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the outer temperature sensor 2.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7221
  • Description: Broken LSU thermistor K wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor K: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC5) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7222
  • Description: Broken LSU thermistor C wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor C: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC10) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7223
  • Description: Broken LSU thermistor M wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor M: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC8) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7224
  • Description: Broken LSU thermistor Y wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor Y: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC12) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7231
  • Description: Short-circuited LSU thermistor K
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor K: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC5) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: Replace the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7232
  • Description: Short-circuited LSU thermistor C
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor C: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC10) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7233
  • Description: Short-circuited LSU thermistor M
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor M: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC8) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7234
  • Description: Short-circuited LSU thermistor Y
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: LSU thermistor Y: 1. Confirm LSU is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and LSU relay PWB (YC12) LSU relay PWB (YC3) and Engine PWB (YC12) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: REPLACE the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7241
  • Description: Broken developer thermistor K wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor K: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit K and Front PWB (YC9) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit K.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7242
  • Description: Broken developer thermistor C wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor C: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit C and Front PWB (YC13) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit C.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7243
  • Description: Broken developer thermistor M wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor M: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit M and Front PWB (YC11) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit M.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7244
  • Description: Broken developer thermistor Y wire
    The sensor input sampling is greater than 230.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor Y: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit Y and Front PWB (YC15) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit Y.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7251
  • Description: Short-circuited developer thermistor K
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor K: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit K and Front PWB (YC9) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit K.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7252
  • Description: Short-circuited developer thermistor C
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor C: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit C and Front PWB (YC13) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit C.
    Front PWB: Replace the front
    PWB.Engine: PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7253
  • Description: Short-circuited developer thermistor M:The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor M: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit M and Front PWB (YC11) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit M:
  • Code: 7254
  • Description: Short-circuited developer thermistor Y wire
    The sensor input sampling is less than 69.
  • Remedy: Developer thermistor Y: 1. Confirm Developing is displayed by U139 temperature and humidity. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit Y and Front PWB (YC15) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Developer unit Y.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7401
  • Description: Developer unit K type mismatch error
    Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit K is detected.
  • Remedy: Different type of the developer unit is installed: Install the developer unit of the correct type.
    Developer unit K: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit K and Front PWB (YC9) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
  • Code: 7402
  • Description: Developer unit C type mismatch error
    Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit C is detected.
  • Remedy: Different type of the developer unit is installed: Install the developer unit of the correct type.
    Developer unit C: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit C and Front PWB (YC13) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
  • Code: 7403
  • Description: Developer unit M type mismatch error
    Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit M is detected.
  • Remedy: Different type of the developer unit is installed: Install the developer unit of the correct type.
    Developer unit M: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit M and Front PWB (YC11) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
  • Code: 7404
  • Description: Developer unit Y type mismatch error
    Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit Y is detected.
  • Remedy: Different type of the developer unit is installed: Install the developer unit of the correct type.
    Developer unit Y: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit Y and Front PWB (YC15) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
  • Code: 7601
  • Description: ID sensor 1 error
    An abnormal value is detected in the input data to ID sensor 1. Dark potential error FrontDarkP and FrontDarkS are greater than 0.80V. Light potential error FrontBrightS is smaller than FrontDarkS. FrontBrightP is smaller than [FrontDarkP + 0.5V].
  • Remedy: ID sensor1 (front): 1. Execute U464 Calib for setting ID compensation operation and check the displayed values by U465 Boas Calib for ID compensation reference. 2. Detach the imtermediate intermediate transfer belt unit and clean the ID sensor on its surface. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. ID sensor 1 (front) and Feed PWB 1(YC10) Feed PWB 1(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
    Feed PWB: 1 Replace the Feed PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7602
  • Description: ID sensor 2 error
    Dark potential error RearDarkP and RearDarkS are greater than 0.80V. Light potential error RearBrightS is smaller than RearDarkS. RearBrightP is smaller than [RearDarkP + 0.5V].
  • Remedy: ID sensor 2 (rear): 1. Execute U464 Calib for setting ID compensation operation and check the displayed values by U465 Boas Calib for ID compensation reference. 2. Detach the imtermediate intermediate transfer belt unit and clean the ID sensor on its surface. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. ID sensor2 (rear) and Feed PWB 1(YC10) Feed PWB 1(YC1) and Engine PWB (YC6) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
    Feed PWB: 1 Replace the Feed PWB 1.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7800
  • Description: Broken outer temperature sensor 1 wire
    The device did not respond for more than 5 ms during reading, in 5 times.
  • Remedy: Outer temperature sensor 1: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Outer temperature sensor 1 and Front PWB (YC16) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Outer temperature sensor 1.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 7901
  • Description: Drum K EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: DR PWB-K: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DR PWB-K and Front PWB (YC7) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit K.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7902
  • Description: Drum C EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: DR PWB- C: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DR PWB- C and Front PWB (YC12) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit C.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB5 times.
  • Code: 7903
  • Description: Drum M EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: DR PWB- M: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DR PWB- M and Front PWB (YC10) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit M.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7904
  • Description: Drum Y EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: DRPWB- Y: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DRPWB- Y and Front PWB (YC14) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit Y.
    Front PWB Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 7911
  • Description: Developer unit K EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit K: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit K and Front PWB (YC9) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Developer unit K.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7912
  • Description: Developer unit C EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit C: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit C and Front PWB (YC13) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Developer unit C.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB5 times.
  • Code: 7913
  • Description: Developer unit M EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit M: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit M and Front PWB (YC11) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Developer unit M.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7914
  • Description: Developer unit Y EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit Y: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit Y and Front PWB (YC15) Front PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Developer unit Y.
    Front PWB: Replace the front PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB5 times.
  • Code: 7941
  • Description: Laser scanner unit K EEPROM error
    [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: APC PWB K: 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. APC PWB K and LSU relay PWB (YC5) LSU relay PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC11) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: Replace the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB.
  • Code: 7942
  • Description: Laser scanner unit C EEPROM error
    [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: APC PWB C: 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. APC PWB C and LSU relay PWB (YC10) LSU relay PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC11) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: Replace the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB5 times.
  • Code: 7943
  • Description: Laser scanner unit M EEPROM error
    [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: APC PWB M: 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. APC PWB M and LSU relay PWB (YC8) LSU relay PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC11) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace 1-5-43the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: Replace the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB5 times.
  • Code: 7944
  • Description: Laser scanner unit Y EEPROM error
    [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: APC PWB Y 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. APC PWB Y and LSU relay PWB (YC12) LSU relay PWB (YC2) and Engine PWB (YC11) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    LSU relay PWB: Replace the LSU relay PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 8010
  • Description: Punch motor 1 error
    When the punch motor is driven, punch home position sensor does not turn on within 200 ms
  • Remedy: Punch motor 1. Execute U240 Motor — Punch to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the punch up and down to check it can smoothly move up and down. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the punch cam. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch motor and Punch PWB (YC4) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the punch motor.
    Punch home position sensor: 1. Execute U241 Punch — Punch HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch home position sensor and Punch PWB (YC8) 4. Replace the Punch home position sensor.
    Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7) (4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. Replace the punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8020
  • Description: Punch motor 2 error
    Home position is not obtained in 3 s after home position is initialized or in standby.
  • Remedy: Punch motor: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Punch to check the finisher operation . 2. Manipulate the punch up and down to check it can smoothly move up and down. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the punch cam. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch motor and Punch PWB (YC4) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the punch motor.
    Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7)(4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8)(1000-sheet finisher) 2. Replace the punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8030
  • Description: Punch motor 3 error
    Home position does not turn from On to Off in 50 ms after home position has been initialized.{?
  • Remedy: Punch motor: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Punch to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the punch up and down to check it can smoothly move up and down. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the punch cam. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch motor and Punch PWB (YC4) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the punch motor.
    Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7) (4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. Replace the punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8090
  • Description: DF paddle motor error
    When the DF paddle motor is driven, DF paddle sensor does not turn on within 1 s.
  • Remedy: DF paddle motor: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Beat to check the finisher operation. 2. Check that the paddle can rotate. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the paddle. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF paddle motor and DF main PWB (YC15) (4000-sheet finisher) DF paddle motor and DF main PWB (YC11) (1000-sheet finisher) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF paddle motor.
    DF paddle sensor: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Bundle Eject HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting board are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF paddle sensor and DF main PWB (YC22) (4000-sheet finisher) DF paddle sensor and DF main PWB (YC20) (1000-sheet finisher) 4. Replace the DF paddle sensor.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8100
  • Description: DF eject release motor error
    When the DF eject release motor is driven, DF bundle discharge sensor does not turn on within 1 s.
  • Remedy: DF eject release motor DF bundle discharge unit sensor: 1. Execute Motor — Eject Unlock (Full) of U240 finisher operation check. 2. Check that the eject guide of the process tray is opened and, if not, correct the guide. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the eject guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF bundle discharge unit sensor and DF main PWB (YC22)(4000-sheet finisher) DF bundle discharge unit sensor and DF main PWB (YC20)(1000-sheet finisher) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF eject release motor.
    DF bundle discharge unit sensor: 1. Execute Finisher — Bundle Eject HP of U241 finisher switch check. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting board are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF bundle discharge unit sensor and DF main PWB (YC22)(4000-sheet finisher) DF bundle discharge unit sensor and DF main PWB (YC20)(1000-sheet finisher) 4. Replace the DF bundle discharge unit sensor.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8110
  • Description: DF shift motor 1 error
    (4000-sheet finisher) DF shift sensor 1 won’t turn on when it has travelled 160 mm after DF shift motor 1 is driven.
  • Remedy: DF shift motor 1 [front]: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Sort Test to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the front shift guide back and forth to check that it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the front shift guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift motor 1 and DF main PWB (YC14) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF shift motor 1
    DF shift sensor 1 [front]: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Shift Front HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift sensor 1 and DF main PWB (YC23) 4. Replace the DF shift sensor 1.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8120
  • Description: DF shift motor 2 error
    (4000-sheet finisher) DF shift sensor 1 won’t turn on when it has travelled 160 mm after DF shift motor 1 is driven.
  • Remedy: DF shift motor 2 [rear]: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Sort Test to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the rear shift guide back and forth to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the rear shift guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift motor 2 and DF main PWB (YC14) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF shift motor 2.
    DF shift set sensor 2 [rear]: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Shift Trail HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift sensor 2 and DF main PWB (YC23) 4. Replace the DF shift set sensor2.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8130
  • Description: DF shift release motor error
    (4000-sheet finisher) When the DF shift release motor is driven, DF shift release sensor does not turn on within 1 s.
  • Remedy: DF shift release motor: 1. Check that cancelling the maintenance mode after executing U240 Motor — Sort for the finisher operation check lets the rear and forth cursors return to the home position. 2. Manipulate the shift guide back and forth to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the shift guide front and rear. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift release motor and DF main PWB (YC23) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF shift release motor.
    DF shift release sensor: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Shift Unlock HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF shift release sensor and DF main PWB (YC23) 4. Replace the DF shift release sensor.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8200
  • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 2
    JAM6910 ( jam in rear of width alignment) is detected twice.
  • Remedy: DF side registration motor 2: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Width Test to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the rear side registration guide back and forth to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the rear side registration guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF side registration motor 2 and DF main PWB (YC15) (4000-sheet finisher) DF side registration motor 2 and DF main PWB (YC11) (1000-sheet finisher) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF side registration motor 2.
    DF side registration sensor 2: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Width tail HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF side registration sensor 2 and DF main PWB (YC22) (4000-sheet finisher) DF side registration sensor 2 and DF main PWB (YC20) (1000-sheet finisher) 4. Replace the DF side registration sensor 2.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8210
  • Description: DF slide motor error
    When initial operation, DF staple sensor does not turn on within 3 s.
  • Remedy: DF slide motor: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Staple Move to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the staple unit back and forth to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the staple unit. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF slide motor and DF main PWB (YC12) (4000-sheet finisher) DF slide motor and DF main PWB (YC10) (1000-sheet finisher) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DF slide motor.
    DF staple sensor: 1. Execute U241 Finisher — Width Staple HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF staple sensor and DF main PWB (YC22) (4000-sheet finisher) DF staple sensor and DF main PWB (YC20) (1000-sheet finisher) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the DF staple sensor.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8230
  • Description: DF staple motor error 1
    Staple JAM (DF) has been detected twice in a row. (The second JAM detection condition fullfilled with the home position did not detected in 600 ms after the motor was driven.)
  • Remedy: DF staple motor: 1. Remove the staple unit and check that stapling is possible without a jam. 2. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Staple unit and DF main PWB (YC17) (4000-sheet finisher) Staple unit and DF main PWB (YC11) (1000-sheet finisher) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the staple unit.
    DF staple sensor: Replace the staple unit.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8240
  • Description: DF staple motor error 2
    Staple JAM (DF) has been detected twice in a row. (The second JAM detection condition fullfilled with a lock detection signal maintained 1 V for 500 ms continuously, while the stapler motor was driven.)
  • Remedy: DF staple motor: 1. Remove the staple unit and check that stapling is possible without a jam. 2. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Staple unit and DF main PWB (YC17) (4000-sheet finisher) Staple unit and DF main PWB (YC11) (1000-sheet finisher) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the staple unit.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8300
  • Description: Center-folding unit communication error
    (4000-sheet finisher) Communication with the center- folding unit is not possible.
  • Remedy: CF unit set switch: 1. Execute U241 Booklet — Set to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the switch and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF main PWB (YC7) and DF main PWB (YC9) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the CF unit set switch.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8310
  • Description: CF side registration motor 2 error
    (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, CF side registration sensor 2 does not turn on within 1 s.
  • Remedy: CF side registration motor 2: 1. Execute Motor — Width Test of U240 finisher operation check . 2. Manipulate the side registration upper guide back and forth to check it can smoothly move back and forth. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the side registration upper guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF side registration motor 2 and CF main PWB (YC10) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF side registration motor.
    CF side registration sensor 2: 1. Execute U241 Booklet — Width Up HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF side registration sensor 2 and CF main PWB (YC20) 4. Replace the CF side registration sensor 2.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB
  • Code: 8320
  • Description: CF adjustment motor error
    (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, CF adjustment sensor does not turn on within 2.5 s.a
  • Remedy: CF adjustment motor1,2: 1. Execute U240 Motor — Bundle Up / Down to check the finisher operation . 2. Manipulate the fold moving belt up and down to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the fold moving belt. (Check if the belt is bent.) 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF adjustment motor 1,2 and CF main PWB (YC10) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF adjustment motor1,2.
    CF adjustment sensor1,2: 1. Execute U241 Booklet — bundle Up / Down HP to check the finisher switch . 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF adjustment sensor 1,2 and CF main PWB (YC20) 4. Replace the CF adjustment sensor1,2.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 8330
  • Description: CF blade motor error
    (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, CF blade sensor does not turn on within 1500 ms.
  • Remedy: CF blade motor: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Blade to check the finisher operation . 2. Manipulate the fold blade up and down to check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the fold blade. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF blade motor and CF main PWB (YC15) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF blade motor.
    CF blade sensor: 1. Execute U241 Booklet — Blade HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF blade sensor and CF main PWB (YC20) 4. Replace the CF blade sensor.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 8340
  • Description: CF staple motor error 1
    (4000-sheet finisher) Staple JAM (center-folding unit) has been detected twice in a row. (The second JAM detection condition fullfilled with the home position did not detected in 600 ms after the motor was driven.)
  • Remedy: CF staple motor: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Staple to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the staple up and down check it is smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the staple unit. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF staple unit and CF main PWB (YC13) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF staple motor.
    CF staple sensor: Replace the CF staple unit.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 8350
  • Description: CF side registration motor 1 error
    (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, CF side registration sensor 1 does not turn on within 1 s.
  • Remedy: CF side registration motor 1: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Width Test to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the side registration lower guide back and forth to check it can smoothly operable. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the side registration lower guide. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF side registration motor 1 and CF main PWB (YC10) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF side registration motor 1.
    CF side registration sensor 1: 1. Execute U241 Booklet — Width Down HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF side registration sensor 1 and CF main PWB (YC20) 4. Replace the CF side registration sensor 1.
    CF main PWB Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 8360
  • Description: CF main motor error
    (4000-sheet finisher) During driving the motor, the lock signal is detected for 1 s continuously.
  • Remedy: CF main motor: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Folding to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the conveying roller to check it can smoothly rotate. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the conveying roller. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF main motor and CF main PWB (YC16) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the CF main motor.
    CF main PWB: Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 8410
  • Description: Punch slide motor error 1
    The punch slide sensor won’t turn On when home position has been moved by 30 mm.
  • Remedy: Punch slide motor: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Punch Move to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the punch slide part of the punch unit back and forth to check it can smoothly move. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches punch area. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch slide motor and Punch PWB (YC3) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the punch slide motor.
    Punch slide sensor: 1. Execute U241 Punch — Punch HP to check the finisher switch. 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch slide sensor and Punch PWB (YC6) 4. Replace the punch slide sensor.
    Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7) (4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. Replace the punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8420
  • Description: Punch slide motor error 2
    In detection of paper edges, the paper edge cannot be detected in 30 mm move
  • Remedy: Punch slide motor: 1. Execute U240 Booklet — Punch Move to check the finisher operation. 2. Manipulate the punch slide part of the punch unit back and forth to check it can smoothly move. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches punch part. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch slide motor and Punch PWB (YC3) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the punch slide motor.
    Punch paper edge sensor 1,2: 1. Execute U241 Punch — Edge Face 1,2,3,4 to check the finisher switch . 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch paper edge sensor 1,2 and Punch PWB (YC5,YC7) 4. Replace the punch paper edge sensor 1,2.
    Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7) (4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. Replace the Punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB
  • Code: 8430
  • Description: Punch unit communication error
    Communication with the punch unit is not possible.
  • Remedy: Punch PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC7) (4000-sheet finisher) Punch PWB (YC1) and DF main PWB (YC8) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Punch PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8500
  • Description: Mailbox communication error
    (4000-sheet finisher) Communication failed to be established after the mailbox was hooked up.
  • Remedy: MB main PWB: 1. Turn the main power switch off and after 5 seconds, turn it on. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MB main PWB (YC3) and DF main PWB (YC6) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the MB main PWB.
    DF main PWB: Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8510
  • Description: MB conveying motor error 1
    (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, MB home position sensor does not turn on within 5 s.
  • Remedy: MB conveying motor: 1. If the transfer roller won’t rotate smoothly, repair its mechanism. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MB conveying motor and MB main PWB (YC5) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the MB conveying motor.
    MB home position sensor: 1. Execute U241 Mail Box — Motor HP to check the finisher switch . 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MB home position sensor and MB main PWB (YC2) 4. Replace the MB home position sensor.
    MB main PWB: Replace the MB main PWB
  • Code: 8520
  • Description: MB conveying motor error 2
    (4000-sheet finisher) When standby operation, MB home position sensor does not turn off within 1 s.
  • Remedy: MB conveying motor: 1. Execute Mail Box — Conv of U240 finisher operation check . 2. Manipulate the conveying roller of the mailbox to check it can smoothly rotate. 3. Check that the drive from the motor reaches the conveying roller. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MB conveying motor and MB main PWB (YC5) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the MB conveying motor.
    MB home position sensor: 1. Execute U241 Mail Box — Motor HP to check the finisher switch . 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. MB home position sensor and MB main PWB (YC2) 4. Replace the MB home position sensor.
    MB main PWB: Replace the MB main PWB.
  • Code: 8800
  • Description: Document finisher main program error
    Document finisher main program error at power up.
  • Remedy: DF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF main PWB (YC4) and Engine PWB (YC18) (4000-sheet finisher) DF main PWB (YC7) and Engine PWB (YC18) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the DF main PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB
  • Code: 8900
  • Description: Document finisher backup error
    Read and write data does not match 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: DF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DF main PWB (YC4) and Engine PWB (YC18) (4000-sheet finisher) DF main PWB (YC7) and Engine PWB (YC18) (1000-sheet finisher) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the DF main PWB.
  • Code: 8930
  • Description: Center-folding unit backup error
    (4000-sheet finisher) Read and write data does not match 3 times in succession.
  • Remedy: CF main PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CF main PWB (YC7) and DF main PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Install the EEPROM properly. 4. Replace the CF main PWB.
  • Code: 9000
  • Description: Document processor communication error
    Communication with the document processor is not possible.
  • Remedy: DP main PWB: 1. Check that the versions of the main unit firmware and the DP firmware are identical. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP main PWB(YC1) and ISC PWB(YC12) ISC PWB (YC3) and Main PWB (YC11) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the DP main PWB.
    ISC PWB: Replace the ISC PWB.
  • Code: 9010
  • Description: Coin vender communication error
    A communication error from coin vender is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: U206 setting: Set maintenance mode U206 to off when a coin vender is not installed .
    Coin vender control PWB: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Coin vender control PWB and Engine PWB (YC23) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Coin vender control PWB.
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB .
  • Code: 9040
  • Description: DP lift motor going up error
    When the DP lift motor is driven, DP lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 1500 pulse. (Three recovery times.) The above has been detected 5 times. * : The number of detection should be weighted with one for the rise at job start and two for the irregular rise during transpoting. The accumulated number must be cleared at completion of a normal rise. The default threshold is 5.
  • Remedy: DP lift motor: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release . 2. Execute U243 Lift Motor to check the DP motor operation . 3. Check that the original document lift guide can move upwards. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP lift motor and DP MAIN PWB (YC5) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 6. Replace the DP lift motor.
    DP lift sensor 1: 1. Execute U244 LIFT L-Limit to check DP switch . 2. Check that the sensor and its mounting bracket are correctly positioned. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP lift sensor 1 and DP Main PWB (YC4) 4. Replace the DP lift sensor 1.
    DP Main PWB: Replace the DP main PWB.
  • Code: 9050
  • Description: DP lift motor going down error
    When the DP lift motor is driven, DP lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 1500 pulse. (Three recovery times.) The above has been detected 5 times.
  • Remedy: DP lift motor: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release . 2. Execute U243 Lift Motor to check the DP motor operation . 3. Check that the original document lift guide can move downwards. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP lift motor and DP main PWB (YC5) If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the DP lift motor.
    DP lift sensor 2: 1. Execute U244 LIFT L-Limit to check DP switch . 2. Confirm that the DP lift sensor 2 has been firmly fitted. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP lift sensor 2 and DP main PWB (YC2) 4. Replace the DP lift sensor2.
    DP main PWB: Replace the DP main PWB.
  • Code: 9060
  • Description: DP EEPROM error
    Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 3 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 3 times successively.
  • Remedy: DP main PWB: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release . 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Replace the DP main PWB.
    Device damage of EEPROM: Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 9070
  • Description: Communication error between DP and SHD
    A communication error is detected.
  • Remedy: DP SHD PWB: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP SHD PWB (YC1) and DP main PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the DP SHD PWB.
  • Code: 9080
  • Description: LED fault detection
    A block is existent below a peak which was obtained by activating the LEDs in the four CIS blocks at power on, which is less than 80hex.
  • Remedy: DP CIS: 1. Execute CIS automatic original document alignment by U411 . 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS and DP SHD PWB (YC2) DP SHD PWB (YC1) and DP main PWB (YC10) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the CIS and execute U411.
    DP SHD PWB: Replace the DP SHD PWB.
  • Code: 9100
  • Description: Coin vender control PWB error
    Communication error has been detected at the coin mec of the coin vender control PWB.
  • Remedy: Coin vender control PWB: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9110
  • Description: Coin vender rejector error
    Communication error has been detected in connection with the coin mec and the rejector.
  • Remedy: Rejector: 1. Check that the rejector is firmly installed and, if not, install firmly. 2. Replace the rejector.
  • Code: 9120
  • Description: Sensor error in coin vender change (Yen 10)
    Change is empty despite change is enough.
  • Remedy: Coin jam in the change tube: Check visually and remedy.
    Contact in the connector: Check the connection of the empty change sensor.
    Change empty sensor: Replace the coin mec.
    Coin vender control PWB: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9130
  • Description: Sensor error in coin vender change (Yen 50)
    Change is empty despite change is enough.
  • Remedy: Coin jam in the change tube: Check visually and remedy.
    Contact in the connector: Check the connection of the empty change sensor.
    Change empty sensor Replace the coin mec.
    Coin vender control PWB: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9140
  • Description: Sensor error in coin vender change (Yen 100)
    Change is empty despite change is enough.
  • Remedy: Coin jam in the change tube: Check visually and remedy.
    Contact in the connector: Check the connection of the empty change sensor.
    Change empty sensor: Replace the coin mec.
    Coin vender control PWB: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9150
  • Description: Sensor error in coin vender change (Yen 500)
    Change is empty despite change is enough
  • Remedy: Change tube: Check no exchange jam is observed at the outlet and, if necessary, repair it.
    Contact in the connector: Check the connection of the empty change sensor.
    Change empty sensor: Replace the coin mec.
    Coin vender control PWB: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9160
  • Description: Coin vender pay-out error
    Coin is paid out despite the pay-out motor is determined not active.
  • Remedy: Pay-out motor: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9170
  • Description: Coin vender pay-out sensor error
    Coin is paid out despite the pay-out motor is determined not active.
  • Remedy: Pay-out area: Check no exchange jam is observed at the outlet and, if necessary, repair it.
    Pay-out motor Replace the coin mec.
    Pay-out sensor: Replace the coin mec.
  • Code: 9500
  • Description: ISC PWB error A
  • Remedy: Main PWB, ISC PWB: 1. Reinsert the connector if its connection is loose. Main PWB (YC25) and ISC PWB (YC4) 2. Replace the main PWB . 3. Replace the ISC PWB 4. Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 9510
  • Description: ISC PWB error B
  • Remedy: Main PWB, DP SHD PWB: 1. Reinsert the connector if its connection is loose. DP relay PWB (YC2) and DP SHD PWB (YC3) 2. Replace the main PWB . 3. Replace the DP SHD PWB. 4. Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 9520
  • Description: ISC PWB error C
  • Remedy: Main PWB, ISC PWB: 1. Reinsert the connector if it its connection is loose. Main PWB (YC25) and ISC PWB (YC4) 2. Replace the main PWB . 3. Replace the ISC main PWB 4. Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 9940
  • Description: Confidential document guard uninstalled error
    The confidential document guard PWB is removed while the confidential document guard PWB is valid.
  • Remedy: Confidential document guard PWB: 1. Check that the confidential document guard PWB is firmly installed and, if not, install firmly. 2. Replace the confidential document guard PW.
  • Code: 9950
  • Description: Confidential document guard PWB error
    FPGA configuration error CPU version information error This is caused when the PWB of a double-side scanning DP is connected, the confidential guard PWB is inserted, and the harness is not correctly connected.
  • Remedy: Confidential document guard PWB: 1. Replace the confidential document guard PW. 2. Replace the main PWB .
  • Code: F000
  • Description: Communication error between main PWB and operation PWB
  • Remedy: Main PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the wirings and connetors between the main circuit PWB and the operation circuit PWB and between the main circuit PWB and the HDD are normal. Main PWB (YC12,YC17,YC30) and Operation PWB (YC1,YC2,YC3) 3. Check that the DDR memories in the main circuit PWB are well conducted and, if not, replace. 4. Execute U024 to initialize (FULL) the HDD . 5. Execute U021 to initialize memory. 6. Replace the Main PWB. 7. Copy the log File saved in the HDD by U964 in USB memory and contact the service support .
    Operation PWB: Replace the operation PWB .
  • Code: F010
  • Description: Main PWB checksum error
  • Remedy: Main PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. If not corrected, replace the main PWB .
  • Code: F040
  • Description: Communication error between Main PWB and Print engine
  • Remedy: Main PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Repair or replace the wire from the engine PWB, that may be grounded. (Check short-circuit between 5V and 3.3V.) 3. Check that the FCC wire connecting between the main PWB (YC3) and the engine PWB (YC46) is normal and, if necessary, re-insert.Or, replace the FCC wire. 4. If not corrected, replace the main PWB .
    Engine PWB: 1. Check the engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the engine PWB .
    HDD: Replace the HDD .
  • Code: F041
  • Description: Communication error between Main PWB and Scanner engine
  • Remedy: Main PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the wires between the main PWB and the ISC PWB are normal. 3. If not corrected, replace the main PWB .I
    SC PWB: Replace the ISC PWB.
  • Code: F050
  • Description: Print engine ROM checksum error
  • Remedy: Engine software: Install the latest engine software.
    Engine PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. If not corrected, Replace the engine PWB .
  • Code: F051
  • Description: Scanner engine ROM checksum error
  • Remedy: Scanner software: Install the latest scanner software.
    ISC PWB: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. If not corrected, Replace the ISC PWB.
  • Code: F278
  • Description: Power supply in drive system error
  • Remedy: The main power switch was turned off before the power switch is pressed. Shutdown due to a power failure: Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. (Before turning power off, verify that the power key has been pressed and the power indicator has gone off, then switch the main power switch.)

Видео HOW To replacement fuser Roller kyocera TaskAlfa 3011i,3511i,3010i,3510i 정착기 (автор: 이피랜드EPLAND)38:37

HOW To replacement fuser Roller kyocera TaskAlfa 3011i,3511i,3010i,3510i 정착기

Видео How to kyocera copier TASKALFA 3011i 3010i drum unit repair 3510i 3511i 3010iG 복사기 드럼,pcr,블레이드 교체 수리 (автор: 이피랜드EPLAND)51:03

How to kyocera copier TASKALFA 3011i 3010i drum unit repair 3510i 3511i 3010iG 복사기 드럼,pcr,블레이드 교체 수리

Видео Kyocera TASKAlfa-3212i smb network scan to pc (автор: Telugu Tech With RIMA)12:33

Kyocera TASKAlfa-3212i smb network scan to pc

Видео KYOCERA TASKalfa 3010i/3510i (автор: KYOCERA Document Solutions Türkiye)01:49

KYOCERA TASKalfa 3010i/3510i

Видео How To: Kyocera, Scan and Send File (автор: Phillips Office Solutions)01:32

How To: Kyocera, Scan and Send File

Видео Time for maintenance RESET KYOCERA TaskAlfa 3501i, 5550ci, 3500i, 4500i, 4501i, 5500i, 5501i (автор: Corona Technical)01:57

Time for maintenance RESET KYOCERA TaskAlfa 3501i, 5550ci, 3500i, 4500i, 4501i, 5500i, 5501i

Видео Kyocera TASKalfa Print From / Scan To USB Flash Drive (автор: Zeno Imaging)01:22

Kyocera TASKalfa Print From / Scan To USB Flash Drive


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей

Произошла ошибка.

Внутренняя ошибка. Запомните код
ошибки, отображаемый на экране.
Вызовите сервисный персонал.


Сбой при определ.
учетной записи



Сбой при определении учетной
записи задания во время внешней
обработки задания. Задание
отменено. Нажмите [Конец].

Сбой при сохр.и
данных задержки

Задание отменено. Нажмите

Системная ошибка.

Произошла системная ошибка.
Следуйте указаниям на экране.

Скоро потребуется
обслуживание. #####

Вызовите сервисный персонал.

Съемный носитель не

Был ли съемный модуль
памяти отформатирован на
данном аппарате?

Выполните команду [Формат] на
данном аппарате.

Съемный носитель
памяти заполнен



Задание отменено. Нажмите
Недостаточно свободного места на
съемном модуле памяти. Удалите
ненужные файлы.


Точка доступа не

Проверьте, правильно ли настроена
точка доступа.


Удаленная печать

Удаленная печать запрещена.
Задание отменено. Нажмите

стр. 8-33

Установите контейнер
для отходов

Для установки контейнера отходов
дырокола следуйте указаниям на

стр. 10-13

неизвестный тонер ПК

Соответствует ли
региональная спецификация
контейнера с тонером
спецификации аппарата?

Установите указанный контейнер.


Установлен ли контейнер с
тонером нашей марки?

Мы не несем ответственности за
любое повреждение, вызванное
использованием в этом аппарате
расходных материалов других


Контрольные вопросы

Меры по устранению




 Устранение неисправностей ...


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей

Устройство будет
отключено из-за

Отмените подключение к
портативному устройству, которое не
используется, или задайте на
аппарате время автоматического
отключения для обрыва соединений
с портативными устройствами.

стр. 8-54


Ящик не найден.

Не удается найти указанный ящик.
Задание отменено. Нажмите

*1 Если для параметра «Автом. удал. ошибки» установлено [Вкл.], обработка возобновляется автоматически

через заданный промежуток времени. Для получения подробной информации об автоматическом сбросе
ошибки см.:

Автом. удал. ошибки (стр. 8-74)


Контрольные вопросы

Меры по устранению




 Устранение неисправностей ...


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей

Устранение ошибки передачи




Меры по устранению





Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте правильность имени хоста SMTP
сервера в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-69

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте правильность имени хоста FTP

стр. 5-28

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте правильность имени хоста SMB

стр. 5-25


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки SMB:
• имя пользователя и пароль при входе;


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена.
• имя хоста;
• путь.

стр. 5-25

Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте следующее на Command Center
• имя пользователя и пароль для сервера


• имя пользователя и пароль для сервера


• Предел размера сообщения эл. почты

стр. 2-69

Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте следующее на Command Center
• имя пользователя и пароль для сервера


• имя пользователя и пароль для сервера





Ошибка передачи через

Проверьте настройки FTP-сервера:
• имя пользователя и пароль при входе;


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена.

• Путь;
• право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-28

Устранение ошибки передачи


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки SMB:
• имя пользователя и пароль при входе;


Если отправитель является пользователем
домена, укажите имя домена.

• Путь;
• право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-25

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки FTP-сервера:
• Путь;
• право доступа получателя к папке.

стр. 5-28


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте адрес электронной почты.


Если адрес отклонен доменом, отправка
электронного письма невозможна.

стр. 5-23

Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте адрес интернет-факса.


Если адрес отклонен доменом, отправка
электронного письма невозможна.





Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте следующие настройки:
Клавиша [Системное меню/Счетчик] >
[Система/Сетевой] > [Сетевой] >
[Настройка TCP/IP] > [Детали протокола] >
[SMB Клиент (передача)]

стр. 8-52

Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Задайте значение [Вкл.] для настроек SMTP
сервера в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-69

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте следующие настройки:
Клавиша [Системное меню/Счетчик] >
[Система/Сетевой] > [Сетевой] >
[Настройка TCP/IP] > [Детали протокола] >
[FTP Клиент (передача)]

стр. 8-52

Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Задайте значение [Вкл.] для настроек
интернет-факса в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-69


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте адрес отправителя SMTP сервера
в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-69


Не удалось отправить через

Включите SSL.
Клавиша [Системное меню/Счетчик] >
[Система/Сетевой] > [Сетевой] > [Безоп.
] > [SSL]

стр. 8-63




Меры по устранению




 Устранение неисправностей ...


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте следующие сведения для сервера
• доступен ли SMTP через SSL?
• включена ли функция шифрования?


Center RX



Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте следующее параметры FTP
• Включен ли протокол FTPS?
• Включена ли функция шифрования?


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте настройки сети и SMB:
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• сбои в работе сервера;
• имя хоста и IP адрес;
• номер порта.

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте работу сети и параметры
настройки FTP.
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• сбои в работе сервера;
• имя хоста и IP адрес;
• номер порта.

Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте работу сети и Command Center
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• сбои в работе сервера;
• Имя POP3 сервера пользователя POP3
• имя сервера SMTP.

стр. 2-69


Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте работу сети:
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• Сбои в работе сервера.

Проверьте следующее параметры FTP
• включен ли протокол FTP?
• сбои в работе сервера;

Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте работу сети:
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• Сбои в работе сервера.




Меры по устранению




 Устранение неисправностей ...


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение неисправностей


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Не удалось отправить через
Не удалось отправить через
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте работу сети:
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• Сбои в работе сервера.


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте ограничение размера
электронного письма в настройках SMTP
сервера в Command Center RX.

стр. 2-69


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.

Проверьте методы аутентификации
отправителя и получателя.

Не удалось отправить через

Проверьте работу сети:
• подключение сетевого кабеля;
• сбои в работе концентратора сети;
• Сбои в работе сервера.


Не удалось отправить
электронную почту.
Ошибка передачи i-факса.

Проверьте метод аутентификации
пользователя SMTP, заданный адресатом.


Выключите и снова включите питание. Если
ошибка возникает неоднократно, обратитесь
за помощью к представителю сервисной
службы, сообщив код ошибки.

стр. 2-9


В отсканированном оригинале число страниц
превышает допустимые 999 страниц.
Передайте отдельно страницы,
превышающие установленный лимит.




Меры по устранению




 Устранение неисправностей ...

Настройка/обслуживание, Общие сведения о настройке/обслуживании, Настройка градац. кривой

Настройка/обслуживание -41, Общие сведения о настройке/обслуживании -41, Настройка градац. кривой -41

  • Изображение
  • Текст


Устранение неисправностей > Настройка/обслуживание


Общие сведения о настройке/обслуживании

Если возникла проблема с изображением и появилось сообщение, предлагающее открыть меню настройки или
обслуживания, выполните процедуру «Настройка/Обслуживание» в системном меню.

В приведенной ниже таблице перечислены параметры, которые можно выполнить.

Настройка градац. кривой

После продолжительного использования или в результате воздействия окружающей температуры или
влажности тон печати может отличаться от оригинала. Выполните следующую процедуру для подтверждения
соответствия тону оригинала.

В процессе настройки будет распечатано всего 2 страницы с шаблонами (№№ 1 и 2). Диаграммы при настройке
читаются последовательно.


Загрузите бумагу.



Страница для


Настройка градац.

Если оттенки печати отличаются от оттенков оригинала,
выполните эту процедуру, чтобы привести результаты печати в
соответствие с оригиналом.

стр. 10-41

Очистка барабана

Устраняет размытие изображения и белые точки с отпечатков.

стр. 10-42


• Загрузите бумагу стороной для печати вверх.
• Вскрыв новую пачку, пролистайте бумагу перед загрузкой в кассету.

Загрузка в кассеты (стр. 3-4)

• Перед загрузкой бумаги проверьте, чтобы она не была скручена или согнута.

Скрученная или сложенная бумага может вызвать замятие.

• Убедитесь в том, что высота стопки загруженной бумаги не превышает

указанный уровень (см. рисунок выше).

• Если бумага загружается без регулировки направляющих длины и ширины

бумаги, возможен ее перекос или замятие.

Настройка/обслуживание, Общие сведения о настройке/обслуживании, Настройка градац. кривой


Устранение неисправностей > Настройка/обслуживание


Откройте экран.

Клавиша [Системное меню/Счетчик] > [Настройка/Обслуживание] > «Настройка
градационной кривой» [Далее]


Настройка градационной кривой.


Нажмите [Старт]. Будет распечатан шаблон.

Убедитесь, что номер «1» печатается внизу шаблона.


Как показано на рисунке, разместите на стекле бумагу стороной для печати вниз и
совместите край со стрелкой.


Нажмите [Старт]. Диаграмма читается, и настройка начата.

Выводится вторая диаграмма.


Убедитесь, что номер «2» печатается внизу шаблона, и повторите шаги 2 и 3 для
чтения шаблона 2.


Нажмите [OK] на экране подтверждения завершения настройки.

Очистка барабана

Устраняет размытие изображения и белые точки с отпечатков.


Откройте экран.

Клавиша [Системное меню/Счетчик] > [Настройка/Обслуживание] > «Очистка
барабана» [Далее]


Выполнение очистки барабана.

Нажмите [Старт]. Начнется «Очистка барабана».


Выполнение очистки барабана во время печати невозможно. Выполняйте очистку барабана после завершения

Очистка барабана, Очистка барабана -42

Устранение замятия бумаги, Устранение замятия бумаги -43

Страница 549

  • Изображение
  • Текст


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение замятия бумаги

Устранение замятия бумаги

В случае замятия бумаги печать прекращается, а на сенсорной панели отображается место замятия и
следующее сообщение.

«Замятие бумаги.»

Для удаления застрявшей бумаги следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям.

Обозначение компонента/узла, в котором

произошло замятие

При замятии бумаги на сенсорной панели отображается место замятия бумаги, а также инструкции по
устранению проблемы.

1 Показывает место замятия бумаги.

2 Показывает предыдущий шаг.

3 Показывает следующий шаг.

4 Показывает процедуру извлечения.

Обозн. компонента/узла с замятием

Место застревания бумаги

Страница для



Кассета 1

стр. 10-44


Кассета 2

стр. 10-46



}!80%(# *78!3(.


1. 2%9+’;%# =+!&7 9+:?97 1
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2. 2%9+’;%# 9!$$#%7 1.
3. i)&>#9(%# *78!37.
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3. i)&>#9(%# *78!37.
€$>( &’)/(9>( %+7[/’$%( $ 7[!>#/(#8
*78!3(, 8′./’ ()&>#»P 9!$$#%7.
4. e$%!/’&(%# 9!$$#%7 ( )!9+’;%# 9+:?97.


Устранение замятия бумаги, Устранение замятия бумаги -43

Извлечение замятой бумаги из кассеты 1, Извлечение замятой бумаги из кассеты 1 -44, Внимание

Страница 550

  • Изображение
  • Текст


Устранение неисправностей > Устранение замятия бумаги

После устранения замятия и повторной подготовки аппарата сообщение об ошибке исчезает. Работа аппарата
возобновляется со страницы, на которой произошло замятие.

Извлечение замятой бумаги из кассеты 1


Откройте правую крышку 1.


Кассета 3 (500 листов × 2)

стр. 10-48

Кассета 3 (1500 листов × 1)

стр. 10-50


Кассета 4 (500 листов × 2)

стр. 10-48


Кассета 4 (1500 листов × 2)

стр. 10-53


Универсальный лоток

стр. 10-56


Устройство двусторонней печати

стр. 10-57


Внутренний лоток / Узел фиксации

стр. 10-59


Правая крышка 2

стр. 10-61


Правая крышка 3

стр. 10-62


Переходный блок

стр. 10-63


Почтовый ящик

стр. 10-64


Автоподатчик оригиналов

стр. 10-65
стр. 10-67
стр. 10-69


Финишер на 1000 листов

стр. 10-71


Финишер на 3000 листов (внутренний)

стр. 10-74


Финишер на 3000 листов (лоток A)

стр. 10-75


Финишер на 3000 листов (лоток B)

стр. 10-79


• Не используйте повторно бумагу, которая уже была замята.
• Если при устранении замятия бумага надорвана, обязательно удалите из аппарата все обрывки.

Оставшиеся внутри аппарата фрагменты бумаги могут стать причиной последующего замятия.

Обозн. компонента/узла с замятием

Место застревания бумаги

Страница для


Извлечение замятой бумаги из кассеты 1, Извлечение замятой бумаги из кассеты 1 -44, Внимание


На чтение 7 мин Просмотров 2.1к. Опубликовано 05.10.2020


  1. Kyocera. Ошибка 1103
  2. Ошибка 1105 Kyocera
  3. Технический центр. Обслуживание копировальных аппаратов, МФУ, принтеров. Поставка расходных материалов и оборудования. Заправка и восстановление картриджей. Техническая поддержка.
  4. вторник, 7 ноября 2017 г.
  5. Ошибка 1102 Kyocera
  6. Комментариев нет:
  7. Отправить комментарий

Kyocera. 1102 ошибка

Перевод описания ошибки из сервисного руководства:

1102. Подсоединение к компьютеру не удалось:

  1. Подтвердите имя пользователя и пароль.
  2. Проверьте правильность параметров сети, к которой подключено устройство.
  3. Проверьте компьютер, если папка правильно размещена.

1102 ошибка может возникать при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки SMB:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. имя хоста;
  2. путь.
  1. Передаче электронного письма. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера SMTP;
  2. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера POP3.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки FTP‐сервера:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.

Распространённые ошибки настройки: скорее всего, вы ввели короткий логин для доступа к папке вместо полного. Полный логин содержит имя домена (для доменной учётной записи), например: DOMAINUserLogin. (Для локального пользователя — просто UserLogin.) Если это условие выполнено, но ошибка появляется, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (в качестве быстрой проверки (не рекомендуется) можно временно его полностью отключить). Также проверьте путь к папке сканирования (он должен быть максимально коротким (не более двух слешей).

Причины сбоев и ошибок:

  1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.
  2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени компьютера, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.
  3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного («имя домена имя пользователя (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке. Например, указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.
  5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (firewall’а — ‘брандмауэра’), возможно, что в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Чтобы избежать ситуаций с возникновением ошибок, необходимо изначально правильно настроить оборудование.

  1. Проверьте сетевое полное имя компьютера (хоста), домен и имя пользователя и запишите значения. Пользователи Windows в командной строке могут набрать net config workstation либо получить нужные значения через «Свойства системы.
  2. Создайте сетевую папку и настройте права доступа в ней. В общей папке можно создать подпапку в качестве расположения для передачи данных. В этом случае в поле «Путь нужно ввести «Имя общей папки Имя подпапки (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  3. Включите общий доступ для файлов и принтеров и (если необходимо) настройте правило для входящих подключений: 139 порт по протоколу TCP. 139 — порт по умолчанию, но он может быть изменен (см. Руководство пользователя).
  1. Убедитесь, что в COMMAND CENTER включены протоколы SMB и FTP (подробная информация изложена в руководстве пользователя, в том числе правило ввода символов).
  2. Положите оригинал на стекло, нажмите клавишу «Отправить.
  3. Выберите направление передачи: папка SMB или папка FTP.
  4. Введите имя компьютера.
  5. Введите имя папки, заданное в параметрах общего доступа.
  6. Введите имя и пароль пользователя, которые используются для входа в компьютер с папкой общего доступа.
  7. В случае удачной проверки нажмите «Подтвердить адресат и клавишу «Старт.

Примечание: При внесении неправильных данных могут возникать ошибки с кодами 1102, 1103 и 3101 при проблемах с FTP‐сервером.

Kyocera. Ошибка 1103

Может быть при сканировании может появиться при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки SMB:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки FTP‐сервера:
  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.

Ошибка 1105 Kyocera

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек SMB‐сервера.
  1. Передаче электронного письма. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек SMTP‐сервера.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. задайте значение «Вкл. для настроек FTP‐сервера.

Технический центр. Обслуживание копировальных аппаратов, МФУ, принтеров. Поставка расходных материалов и оборудования. Заправка и восстановление картриджей. Техническая поддержка.

Предварительно следует настроить папку для получения документов на компьютере:

1. Проверьте сетевые «Полное имя» компьютера ( Хост ), домен и имя пользователя и запишите значения. Пользователи Windows в командной строке могут набрать » net config workstation «, либо получить нужные значения через Свойство компьютера.

2. Создайте сетевую папку и настройте права доступа в ней. В общей папке можно создать подпапку в качестве расположения для передачи данных. В этом случае в поле Путь нужно ввести » имя общей папкиимя подпапки «.

3. Включите общий доступ для файлов и принтеров и, если необходимо, настройте правило для входящих подключений: 139 порт по протоколу TCP . 139 — порт по умолчанию, может быть изменен (см. Руководство пользователя).

После этого можно переходить к настройке МФУ:

1. Убедитесь, что в COMMAND CENTER включены протоколы SMB и FTP (подробная информация изложена в руководстве пользователя, в том числе правило ввода символов).

2. Положите оригинал на стекло, нажмите клавишу Отправить .

3. Выберете направление передачи: Папка SMB или Папка FTP .

4. Введите Имя Хоста .

5. Введите имя папки, заданное в параметрах общего доступа.

6. Введите имя и пароль пользователя, которые используются для входа в компьютер с папкой общего доступа.

7. В случае удачной проверки нажмите Подтвердить адресат и клавишу Старт .

При внесении неправильных данных могут возникать ошибки с кодами 1102, 1103 и 3101 при проблемах с FTP сервером.

Причины сбоев и ошибок:

1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.

2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени Хоста, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.

3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного » имя доменаимя пользователя «.

4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке, например указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.

5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки Сетевого экрана (Брандмауэра), возможно в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Если ошибку устранить не удалось, то для решения проблемы рекомендуем обратиться в наш Технический центр .

вторник, 7 ноября 2017 г.

Ошибка 1102 Kyocera

В большинстве случаев, ошибка 1102 на принтерах Kyocera появляется при сканировании через сеть, из-за ее не корректной настройки.
Kyocera настройка сканирования по сети.
Заходим в web админку управления Kyocera по адресу http://ip_адрес_Вашего _устройства
Нажимаем «Вход в систему пароль на МФУ Куосера/Kyocera admin00

Открываем вкладку «Сканер» выбираем пункт «По умолчанию»и производим настройки сканирования по умолчанию
Далее открываем вкладку «Основные» выбираем «Адресная книга» и нажимаем «Добавить контакт».
У нас откроется окно в котором наc будет интересовать блок SMB
и вот в этом месте я потратил большую часть времени, но сейчас все распишу и поставим на этой проблеме точку.
— имя хоста — вводим имя компьютера или его ip адрес
— путь — тут вставляем название сетевой папки (если допустим у меня папка скан была расшарена на компе и доступ с компа был по адресу то значит в путь надо вписать только слово scan)
— имя пользователя — вписываем если локальный пользователь то простоuser, а если у вас доменная учетка, то domainuser
— пароль — пароль
Причины сбоев и ошибок:

1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.
2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени Хоста, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.
3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного «имя доменаимя пользователя».
4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке, например указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.
5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки Сетевого экрана (Брандмауэра), возможно в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Комментариев нет:

Отправить комментарий

Примечание. Отправлять комментарии могут только участники этого блога.

  • Распечатать

Оцените статью:

  1. 5
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  5. 1

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Поделитесь с друзьями!




Error: Host name


Error: User/Password


Error: No Recipient address The destination address is not


Error: Not support protocol


Error: No Sender Info


Error: Can not connect


Error: Can not connect with



Error: Response wait with



Error: Network transfer


Error: Network transfer with



Error: Response wait with



Error: E-Mail Size limit


Error: Server response


Error: Not Found Authenti-

cation Mechanism


Error: Page max count over


SMTP sever name is not set.

Error SMTP server name.

User ID for the authentication

is not entered or entered


Wrong authentication pass-

word is entered.


SMTP Protocol is set to OFF.

Sender address is not enter

Select [Other authenticate]

when authenticating POP

before SMTP.

The specified server is not

SMTP server.

Network is not connected.

The server is unable to com-


The server is unable to com-


Error occurs on the network.

Error occurs on the network.

Response is not returned

from the server above speci-

fied time.

The size of E-mail exceeds its


The server is error status.

Server setting is not authenti-

cated normally.

Unsupported SMTP Authenti-

cation Mechanism is found.

The number of pages of a

send file exceeded 999



Check procedures/corrective measures

Register [SMTP Server Name] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Enter the correct user ID/password for

authentication at [Advance] in COMMAND


Enter the password of [Login User Name] of

the [POP3] page or the [SMTP] page cor-


Specify the destination address.

Check ON [SMTP] in [Advanced]-[SMTP] —

[General] in COMMAND CENTER.

Enter the correct [Sender Address] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Select valid POP3 user other than [Other].

Enter the correct [SMTP Server Name] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General] in


Check if the server is operating properly.

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check if the server is operating properly.

Check if the server is operating properly.

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Check the network connection (cable. net-

work condition within LAN, etc.).

Change the [E-mail Size Limit] in

[Advanced]-[SMTP] -[General]-[E-mail Set-


Check if the server is working properly.

Check the settings for client/server authenti-


Check the settings for client/server Authenti-

cation Mechanism.

Set the number of pages as 999 or less.



Один из распространенных и неприятных сбоев, с которыми могут столкнуться пользователи принтеров Kyocera при сканировании на почту, — это ошибка соединения 0x1101. Эта ошибка возникает, когда принтер не может установить соединение с почтовым сервером для отправки отсканированных документов.

Существует несколько причин, по которым может возникнуть ошибка соединения 0x1101. Во-первых, неправильно настроенные параметры соединения между принтером и почтовым сервером могут вызвать эту ошибку. Во-вторых, возможно, введены неправильные данные для доступа к почтовому серверу, такие как неверный адрес электронной почты или пароль. Кроме того, проблема может быть связана с ограничениями безопасности на почтовом сервере, которые блокируют доступ к принтеру.

Существует несколько способов решения проблемы с ошибкой соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту. Во-первых, проверьте настройки сетевого соединения между принтером и почтовым сервером. Убедитесь, что введенные данные для доступа к почтовому серверу верны и соответствуют требованиям сервера.

Также, убедитесь, что принтер имеет доступ к Интернету и не блокируется брандмауэром или другими защитными программами. Если это не помогает, попробуйте использовать другой почтовый сервер или обратитесь в службу поддержки Kyocera для получения дополнительной помощи.

В заключении, ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту может быть вызвана неправильными настройками соединения или ограничениями безопасности на почтовом сервере. Важно проверить и скорректировать параметры соединения, а также убедиться, что принтер имеет доступ к Интернету и не блокируется программами безопасности. Если проблема не устраняется, обратитесь к службе поддержки Kyocera для получения дополнительной помощи.


  1. Ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту
  2. Причины ошибки соединения 0x1101 при сканировании на почту
  3. Способы решения ошибки соединени 0x1101 при сканировании на почту
  4. Проверьте подключение к сети
  5. Проверьте настройки SMTP-сервера
  6. Отключите временные файлы антивирусного программного обеспечения
  7. Обновите прошивку устройства Kyocera
  8. Свяжитесь с технической поддержкой Kyocera
  9. Как исправить ошибку соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту

Ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту

Ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту возникает при попытке отправить отсканированные документы по электронной почте с помощью МФУ Kyocera. Возможные причины этой ошибки могут быть связаны с неправильными настройками подключения, некорректными параметрами SMTP-сервера или проблемами с сетевым подключением.

Для решения этой проблемы можно предпринять несколько шагов:

  1. Проверьте соединение сети: убедитесь, что МФУ Kyocera имеет правильное сетевое подключение, подключенное к той же сети, что и компьютер, с которого вы пытаетесь отправить отсканированный документ.
  2. Проверьте настройки SMTP-сервера: убедитесь, что вы правильно указали адрес SMTP-сервера, порт, имя пользователя и пароль. Лучше всего проконсультироваться с администратором сети или провайдером электронной почты, чтобы убедиться в корректности этих настроек.
  3. Проверьте настройки безопасности: в некоторых случаях, для отправки сканированных документов на почту, требуется включить определенные настройки безопасности в МФУ Kyocera. Это может включать в себя настройку SSL или TLS.
  4. Проверьте наличие антивирусного программного обеспечения: некоторые антивирусные программы могут блокировать отправку почты с МФУ Kyocera. В этом случае, вам может потребоваться добавить МФУ в список исключений или отключить временно антивирусное ПО.

Если после выполнения всех этих шагов проблема не решается, рекомендуется обратиться за помощью к специалистам технической поддержки Kyocera или провайдеру сети.

Причины ошибки соединения 0x1101 при сканировании на почту

Ошибка соединения 0x1101 при сканировании на почту на принтерах Kyocera может возникать по разным причинам. Некоторые из наиболее распространенных причин включают:

  1. Неправильные настройки сетевого соединения: Проверьте, что все параметры сетевого соединения на принтере настроены правильно, включая IP-адрес, подсеть, шлюз по умолчанию и DNS-серверы. Убедитесь, что принтер подключен к правильной сети и имеет доступ к Интернету, если вы пытаетесь отправить сканы по почте через сеть.

  2. Проблемы с почтовым сервером: Проверьте настройки почтового сервера, чтобы убедиться, что они верные. Проверьте правильность указания адреса сервера, порта, имени пользователя и пароля. Убедитесь, что сервер почты поддерживает протокол SMTP, который используется для отправки электронной почты с принтера.

  3. Проблемы с SSL-сертификатом: Если ваш почтовый сервер использует SSL/TLS для защищенного соединения, убедитесь, что принтер доверяет SSL-сертификату сервера. Если необходимо, установите доверие к сертификату на принтере.

  4. Блокировка соединения фаерволом или антивирусным программным обеспечением: Проверьте настройки фаервола и антивирусного программного обеспечения на компьютере, с которого производится сканирование. Убедитесь, что принтер и его порт (обычно порт 25 для SMTP) не заблокированы в настройках безопасности.

Если проблема не устраняется после проверки вышеперечисленных причин, рекомендуется обратиться в службу поддержки Kyocera для дальнейшей помощи и решения проблемы.

Способы решения ошибки соединени 0x1101 при сканировании на почту

Ошибка соединения 0x1101 является довольно распространенной проблемой при сканировании на почту с помощью устройств Kyocera. Эта ошибка может возникать из-за различных причин, но обычно связана с неправильными настройками сети или неправильной конфигурацией устройства. В этой статье рассмотрим несколько способов решения данной ошибки.

Проверьте подключение к сети

Первым шагом в решении данной проблемы является проверка подключения устройства Kyocera к сети. Убедитесь, что сетевой кабель правильно подключен и не поврежден. Также проверьте настройки IP-адреса и убедитесь, что они соответствуют вашей сети.

Проверьте настройки SMTP-сервера

Ошибка соединения может возникать из-за неправильной конфигурации SMTP-сервера. Убедитесь, что вы ввели правильные параметры SMTP-сервера, такие как адрес сервера, порт и тип соединения. Проверьте также учетные данные (логин и пароль), которые используются для доступа к почтовому ящику.

Отключите временные файлы антивирусного программного обеспечения

Иногда антивирусное программное обеспечение может блокировать сканирование на почту из-за своих настроек безопасности. Попробуйте временно отключить антивирусное программное обеспечение и повторите попытку сканирования. Если это решит проблему, вам придется настроить антивирусное программное обеспечение таким образом, чтобы оно не блокировало сканирование на почту.

Обновите прошивку устройства Kyocera

В некоторых случаях проблемы с ошибкой соединения 0x1101 могут быть связаны с устаревшей прошивкой устройства Kyocera. Проверьте наличие обновлений прошивки на официальном веб-сайте производителя и, если есть, установите последнюю версию прошивки.

Свяжитесь с технической поддержкой Kyocera

Если ни один из вышеперечисленных способов не помог решить проблему, рекомендуется связаться с технической поддержкой Kyocera. Их специалисты могут провести дальнейшую диагностику проблемы и предложить более точное решение.

Как правило, с применением вышеуказанных методов можно решить проблему с ошибкой соединения 0x1101 при сканировании на почту с устройства Kyocera. Однако, если проблема по-прежнему не решена, рекомендуется обратиться к профессионалам для получения дальнейшей помощи.

Как исправить ошибку соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту

Ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту — распространенная проблема, которая возникает при попытке отправить отсканированный документ на электронную почту с устройства Kyocera. Эта ошибка указывает на проблемы в настройках соединения и может быть вызвана несколькими причинами. В этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные способы исправления ошибки соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту.

  1. Проверьте подключение к сети
    Первым шагом для исправления ошибки соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту — проверьте подключение устройства к сети. Убедитесь, что устройство имеет доступ к интернету и правильно настроено подключение к сети.
  2. Проверьте настройки SMTP сервера
    Ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera может возникать из-за неправильных настроек SMTP сервера. Убедитесь, что вы правильно указали адрес сервера, порт и используемые учетные данные для аутентификации. Проверьте настройки устройства и сравните их с настройками SMTP сервера.
  3. Проверьте настройки SSL/TLS
    Если ваш SMTP сервер требует использование защищенного соединения SSL/TLS, убедитесь, что соответствующий параметр правильно настроен на вашем устройстве Kyocera. Указав неправильные настройки SSL/TLS, вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой соединения 0x1101.
  4. Проверьте настройки авторизации
    Удостоверьтесь, что вы правильно настроили параметры аутентификации на устройстве Kyocera. Убедитесь, что вы указали правильные данные для входа на вашу электронную почту, такие как адрес электронной почты и пароль.
  5. Обратитесь в службу поддержки
    Если вы все проверили и исправили возможные проблемы с настройками, но ошибка соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту по-прежнему возникает, рекомендуется обратиться в службу поддержки Kyocera для получения дальнейшей помощи. Технические специалисты могут помочь вам решить проблему и настроить устройство правильно.

Исправление ошибки соединения 0x1101 Kyocera при сканировании на почту — важная задача для тех, кто регулярно использует эту функцию устройства Kyocera. Следуя указанным выше шагам, вы сможете решить проблему соединения и успешно отправить отсканированные документы на электронную почту.

Обновлено: 10.04.2023

Мож кто сталкивался с подобным, поделится нюансами? гуглил, но ничего внятного не нашел.

Чем современней аппараты, тем умнее они должны быть и тем проще же должно быть с настройками, но в итоге чего-то ни фига подобного.

Cherokee (11.06.2019 — 09:12) писал:

Мож кто сталкивался с подобным, поделится нюансами? гуглил, но ничего внятного не нашел.

Чем современней аппараты, тем умнее они должны быть и тем проще же должно быть с настройками, но в итоге чего-то ни фига подобного.

Кусиера уже не та. В техподдержку звонить пробовали? Сетевая папка на windows? Может стоит «только для чтения»?
как вариант убрать логин/пароль с компа для проверки

как вариант убрать логин/пароль с компа для проверки

у меня подобный мфу как раз без пароля отлично работал, а с паролем были проблемы) ну и веб-морда у него не сама удобная

Yjin_Knizevs (11.06.2019 — 09:39) писал:

Кусиера уже не та. В техподдержку звонить пробовали? Сетевая папка на windows?

В тп не звонил. чего то мысль эта не пришла в голову. Пожалуй наберу. Немного оффтопа на тему ТП. у родителей старый ЖК ТВ самсунг начал глючить — сам по себе внезапно может включаться. все таймеры, естественно отключены. Решил обновить на нем прошивку, мож поможет — в инете ничего внятного найти не смог, на сайте самсунга про эту модель вообще ничего уже не знают. попалась на глаза кнопка чата с ТП. от безысходности и нечего делать решил написать туда без всякой надежды. Написал, ответили быстро, дали несколько вариантов решения проблемы, подтвердили что ввиду старости модели на сайте уже ссылок на прошивки последние нет — дали нужные ссылки. Реально обалдел. давно не сталкивался с такой качественной поддержкой. Респект самсунгу.

Yjin_Knizevs (11.06.2019 — 09:39) писал:

я ж говорю — старая киосера под этим пользователем нормально пишет в эту папку. настройки все идентичные.

Cherokee (11.06.2019 — 10:38) писал:

я ж говорю — старая киосера под этим пользователем нормально пишет в эту папку. настройки все идентичные.

самое правильное все-таки обратиться в поддержку, времена теперь нынче не то что давеча, всё решается на удивление оперативно.

последнее время приятно радовало с ксероксом и с лексмарком

Если вас незаслуженно обидели, вернитесь и заслужите

В итоге, все же сдался, поднял фтп под семеркой и тогда действительно, через фтп сканирует в папку.

в общем, от киосеры зарекся НАВСЕГДА. печатают они хорошо конечно, но программная начинка там — полное говно.

Cherokee (11.06.2019 — 15:59) писал:

в общем, от киосеры зарекся НАВСЕГДА. печатают они хорошо конечно, но программная начинка там — полное говно.

у каждого свои косяки, свои плюсы и минусы.

Если вас незаслуженно обидели, вернитесь и заслужите
киосера, в принципе, один большой косяк. И если раньше, по крайней мере, они действительно были надежны и ходили долго, то сейчас 40-60 тыс — и дешевле купить новый. Понятное дело, что эта тенденция к одноразовости у всех производителей, и можно в целом было бы с этим смириться, но программная составляющая у них — полный швах. тот же НР или кэнон — на голову выше и лучше именно с этой стороны.
в многолетней эксплуатации 3 модели
FS-M2035 — при пробеге около 50000 один выкинули, второй осенью. больное место блок проявки
FS-1030 — не особо нагружаем, медленно но работают со сканирование не так, как хотелось бы, сетевого нет но порт есть
FS-с5250 — цветной, проблем нет :) но и пробег 6000
Если вас незаслуженно обидели, вернитесь и заслужите
1035 прошла 250 и продолжает работать, на 150 поменяли блок проявки. и что то там еще, не помню уж.
А, ну периодически ролики меняются. В остальном — как часы. оригинальный тонер — копейки. Вот для меня эталон мфу. но увы, сейчас и близко таких нет.
Версия ОС на ПК какая?
Вполне вероятна несовместимость SMB. в последних патчах MS там урезали все после шифровальщиков, надо явно разрешать в политике безопасности.
Равно, как и наоборот, новое не всегда дружит с ХР..
По МФУ не скажу, взяли пока на пробу и пробеги маленькие..
Но принтера 3060 уже за полтора ляма прошли)

Kyocera FS 1135 MFP

Предварительно следует настроить папку для получения документов на компьютере:

1. Проверьте сетевые «Полное имя» компьютера ( Хост ), домен и имя пользователя и запишите значения. Пользователи Windows в командной строке могут набрать » net config workstation «, либо получить нужные значения через Свойство компьютера.

2. Создайте сетевую папку и настройте права доступа в ней. В общей папке можно создать подпапку в качестве расположения для передачи данных. В этом случае в поле Путь нужно ввести » имя общей папкиимя подпапки «.

3. Включите общий доступ для файлов и принтеров и, если необходимо, настройте правило для входящих подключений: 139 порт по протоколу TCP . 139 — порт по умолчанию, может быть изменен (см. Руководство пользователя).

После этого можно переходить к настройке МФУ:

1. Убедитесь, что в COMMAND CENTER включены протоколы SMB и FTP (подробная информация изложена в руководстве пользователя, в том числе правило ввода символов).

3. Выберете направление передачи: Папка SMB или Папка FTP .

4. Введите Имя Хоста .

5. Введите имя папки, заданное в параметрах общего доступа.

6. Введите имя и пароль пользователя, которые используются для входа в компьютер с папкой общего доступа.

7. В случае удачной проверки нажмите Подтвердить адресат и клавишу Старт .

kyocera operation panel

При внесении неправильных данных могут возникать ошибки с кодами 1102, 1103 и 3101 при проблемах с FTP сервером.

Причины сбоев и ошибок:

1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.

2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени Хоста, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.

3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного » имя доменаимя пользователя «.

4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке, например указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.

5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки Сетевого экрана (Брандмауэра), возможно в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Если ошибку устранить не удалось, то для решения проблемы рекомендуем обратиться в наш Технический центр .

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. имя хоста;
  2. путь.
  1. Передаче электронного письма. Проверьте следующие настройки в COMMAND CENTER:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера SMTP;
  2. имя пользователя и пароль для сервера POP3.
  1. Передаче через FTP‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки FTP‐сервера:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

  1. путь;
  2. право доступа получателя к папке.

Распространённые ошибки настройки: скорее всего, вы ввели короткий логин для доступа к папке вместо полного. Полный логин содержит имя домена (для доменной учётной записи), например: DOMAINUserLogin. (Для локального пользователя — просто UserLogin.) Если это условие выполнено, но ошибка появляется, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (в качестве быстрой проверки (не рекомендуется) можно временно его полностью отключить). Также проверьте путь к папке сканирования (он должен быть максимально коротким (не более двух слешей).

Причины сбоев и ошибок:

  1. Постоянная или временная недоступность настроенного сетевого ресурса.
  2. Ограничение на допустимое количество символов в имени компьютера, имени пользователя и пароле — не более 64. Путь к сетевой папке не должен содержать более 128 символов.
  3. Ошибка 1102 может возникать при использовании короткого логина вместо полного («имя домена имя пользователя (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  4. Неверный путь к сетевой папке. Например, указан локальный путь, а не сетевой.
  5. Если все сохраненные значения параметров верны, а при попытке сканирования возникает ошибка, проверьте настройки сетевого экрана (firewall’а — ‘брандмауэра’), возможно, что в сетевых правилах существует запись с более высоким приоритетом, блокирующая порт.

Kyocera MFD

Чтобы избежать ситуаций с возникновением ошибок, необходимо изначально правильно настроить оборудование. Основной проблемой большинства онлайн-казино в России является безопасность: администрация сервисов пренебрегает доверием своих клиентов и игнорирует их обращения, а люди терпят постоянные задержки выплат. В казино Pin Up такого не происходит: сервис дорожит своей репутацией. Здесь можно найти отзывчивую службу поддержку и быстрый вывод средств — то, чего ищет большинство игроков. Для того, чтобы присоединиться к этому казино, достаточно лишь создать новую учётную запись на официальном сайте Пин Ап казино .

Настройка компьютера:

  1. Проверьте сетевое полное имя компьютера (хоста), домен и имя пользователя и запишите значения. Пользователи Windows в командной строке могут набрать net config workstation либо получить нужные значения через «Свойства системы.
  2. Создайте сетевую папку и настройте права доступа в ней. В общей папке можно создать подпапку в качестве расположения для передачи данных. В этом случае в поле «Путь нужно ввести «Имя общей папки Имя подпапки (без кавычек и пробелов около косой черты).
  3. Включите общий доступ для файлов и принтеров и (если необходимо) настройте правило для входящих подключений: 139 порт по протоколу TCP. 139 — порт по умолчанию, но он может быть изменен (см. Руководство пользователя).

Настройка МФУ:

Примечание: При внесении неправильных данных могут возникать ошибки с кодами 1102, 1103 и 3101 при проблемах с FTP‐сервером.

Kyocera. Ошибка 1103

Может быть при сканировании может появиться при:

  1. Передаче через SMB‐сервер. Проверьте параметры настройки SMB:
  1. имя пользователя и пароль при входе;

Примечание: Если отправитель является пользователем домена, укажите имя домена.

Доброго времени суток. МФУ м2035dn. При работе на винде проблем вообще никаких не было с сетевым сканированием. Теперь перешел на Макбук и не могу настроить сетевое сканирование. Через команд центр ничего не получается. Уже кучу сайтов и постов перечитал как настроить сетевое сканирование — всё безрезультатно. Не получается настроить блок SMB. Какие должны быть имя пользователя и пароль?

» Чтобы разрешить пользователям Windows подключаться к Вашему компьютеру Mac, включите общий доступ к файлам и общий доступ с помощью SMB.

Настройка общего доступа на Mac

Откройте настройки общего доступа (выберите меню «Apple» > «Системные настройки» и нажмите «Общий доступ»).

Установите флажок «Общий доступ к файлам», затем нажмите «Параметры».

Установите флажок перед «Предоставлением общего доступа к файлам и папкам с помощью SMB».

Установите флажок рядом с учетной записью пользователя, которая будет использоваться для предоставления общего доступа к файлам с компьютеров Windows, а затем введите пароль для этого пользователя и нажмите «OK».

Откройте настройки сети (выберите «Вид» > «Сеть»), выберите свое активное подключение, затем нажмите «Дополнения».

Выберите вкладку WINS, затем введите имя рабочей группы, используемой на компьютере Windows.

Если имя рабочей группы неизвестно, на компьютере Windows откройте «Панель управления» > «Система и безопасность» > «Система». (На компьютерах Windows обычно используется имя WORKGROUP или MSHOME.)

Сбор информации, которая необходима пользователям Windows

Для подключения к компьютеру Mac пользователям Windows необходимы следующие данные: адрес компьютера Mac, а также имя и пароль для обмена файлами с компьютером Mac. Чтобы найти эту информацию:

Чтобы посмотреть сетевой адрес компьютера Mac, откройте настройки общего доступа (выберите меню «Apple» > «Системные настройки», нажмите «Общий доступ») и выберите «Общий доступ к файлам». Адрес отображается под индикатором «Общий доступ к файлам: Вкл.» и имеет следующий вид: afp://

Предоставьте пользователям Windows имя и пароль для входа в систему Вашего компьютера Mac. В целях безопасности компьютера Mac можно создать специальную учетную запись для пользователей Windows в настройках пользователей и групп.

Если Вы хотите использовать учетную запись, существовавшую до установки новейшей версии macOS, необходимо сбросить пароль учетной записи в настройках пользователей и групп (выберите пункт меню «Apple» > «Системные настройки», затем нажмите «Пользователи и группы»).

Пароли учетных записей, используемых для общего доступа с компьютеров Windows, могут храниться менее безопасным способом, поэтому отключайте учетную запись, когда она не используется. До отключения «Общего доступа Windows» отключите все созданные Вами учетные записи. В ином случае уровень безопасности паролей станет еще ниже.»

Вот те реквизиты, что нужны для доступа пользователям Windows, нужно прописать в настройки SMB в адресной книге. Это должно устранить ошибку 1102 ( Неверное имя пользователя или имя домена не введено. Правильно введите имя пользователя, имя домена и пароль) .

Если же у Вас присутствует ошибка 1101 (Неверное имя SMTP-сервера или неверное имя хоста при отправке данных сканирования на FTP- сервер) или 1103 (Путь к сетевой папке неверен или отсутствуют права на доступ к папке) — проверяйте правильность написания пути и имени сервера. Имя сервера Вы можете увидеть в в «сетевом окружении» с ПК Windows (каким именем у Вас отображается Мак в сети. Например MACbook-Pro-1234). Зайдя на него, вы увидите «расшаренные» (на Маке) сетевые папки. Если Ваша папка (назовём её, например, «scan») тут и не надо «проваливаться» в другие папки (например, она оказалась в папке «12345»), то Ваши настройки будут выглядеть так: «Имя хоста» — MACbook-Pro-1234 (или IP адрес Мака), «Путь» — scan (или 12345scan , если папка для сканирования хранится в глубине, «расшаренных» с мака, папок).

Добрый день! как настроить сканирование на комьютер, не могу найти IP адрес МФУ пишет не найден, как настроить вай фай. По возможности объясните по проще, я не очень уверенный пользователь.

Легче всего подключить МФУ в сеть одну сеть с ПК или ноутбуком, вставить установочный диск и запустить на нем экспресс установку.

Как узнать IP (если экспресс-метод не доступен) Новый МФУ не имеет IP адреса, он автоматически прописывается вашим роутером (или сервером) по DHCP при подключении в сеть. Достаточно подключить его в сеть, дать МФУ немного времени для определения сети и распечатать отчет сети (страница состояния или страница состояния сети).

Если же и это не поможет (например, Ваш роутер не является сервером DHCP для локальной сети), вам придётся воспользоваться первым методом, либо поискать альтернативный способ настройки с помощью сервиса Bonjour. (Bonjour Service – представляет собой службу, которая на основании стандартного IP-протокола способна отслеживать и определять устройства подключенные к сети.)

Настройка Wi-Fi есть в меню (как правило, в системном меню, пункт Wi-Fi), Вам необходимо включить Wi-Fi и сделать автоматическую настройку и включить Wi-Fi direct (в пункте Wi-Fi direct в системном меню).

Добрый день.
МФУ Kyocera M2535dn не сканирует документы на USB носитель. В чём причина?

Добрый день. Kyocera M2535dn не поддерживает флеш-накопители объёма больше 8Gb. Если у Вас накопитель меньшего объёма, попробуйте отформатировать его в FAT32.

Установила драйверы m2135dn, установила TWAIN-драйвер и зарегистрировала аппарат в драйвере TWAIN. При запуске сканирования долго происходит попытка подключиться к устройству, но потом сообщается, что невозможно.
На другом компьютере все работает нормально. Не могу понять причину.

Добрый день. Проверьте настройки TWAIN-драйвера на обоих ПК. Они должны быть идеентичны.

Возможно Вы подключили МФУ к другому ПК USB-проводом и настроили TWAIN по USB. Для сканирования с обоих ПК необходимо, чтобы МФУ был подключен в компьютерную сеть (общую с этими ПК) и в TWAIN драйвере был прописан IP адрес МФУ.

При печати этикеток на принтере Kyocera Ecosys P5021CDW на плотной бумаге (190-200 г/кв.м) часто возникает дефект печати: Появляется светлый
отпечаток предыдущего изображения. При попытке настроить тип бумаги согласно описанию принтера: Оч. плотная 1 обнаружил, что меню в моём принтере прелдагает выбор только из нормальная 1, нормальная 2 и нормальная 3. Как изменить настройку на оч.плотную бумагу или другие, указанные в руководстве?

Добрый день. Выдержка из руководства пользователя (стр. 128) «Касательно изменения типа носителя (кроме «Обычная»). Если в качестве типа носителя задана бумага с плотностью, которую невозможно загрузить в кассету, этот тип носителя не отображается.» Ваш принтер не может печатать на плотной бумаге с нижнего лотка (бумага не может пройти такой изгиб тракта прохода бумаги). Вам нужно воспользоваться универсальным лотком для бумаги (передняя часть у принтера откидывается, образуя тот самый лоток). В меню ПАРАМ.БУМАГИ/НАСТР. ТИПА можно настроить плотность печати на любом заданном типе носителя, в том числе создать собственный тип. Ваша бумага подходит под плотность бумаги, заданной в типе носителя «Карточки» (плотная 3).

1) Кладем отправляемый лист.
2) С подключенного аппарата набираем номер.
3) После соединения и по готовности принимающей стороны нажимаем ФАКС потом ПОДСОЕДЕНИНО
4) Нажимаем СТАРТ

В итоге аппарат на экране просит указать номер адресата.
И выводит на печать лист в котором написано «Нет Ответа».

Отправка факс не удается. Подскажите что делаем не так?

Добрый день. Попробуйте набирать номер адресата с панели МФУ, а не с подключенного аппарата. Проверьте настройку функции прямой передачи.

«Настройка прямой передачи Описание

Вкл. Включает режим прямой передачи. Набирает номер

принимающей системы, а после начала

подключения сканируются оригиналы.

Откл. Включает режим передачи в память. После того как

оригиналы отсканированы в память, начинается

стр. 3-20 руководства по эксплуатации факса Kyocera Ecosys M2540dn

Добрый день. У меня стоит Kyocera Ecosys M2035mfp. В свете последних событий, не хочу пользоваться SMB протоколом. Сканирование на почту тоже не устраивает. В мануале указана возможность использования FTP, как его правильно настроить?

Для настройки сканирования по FTP вам необходимо настроить FTP- сервер на компьютере в той же сети, что и МФУ. Ниже будет приведен пример настройки FTP- сервера с использованием стороннего ПО FileZilla.

1) Скачиваем программу FileZilla server и устанавливаем её. Никаких ньюансов установки нет, можно оставить всё по-умолчанию.

2) Запускаем FileZilla server.

3) Заходим в меню EditUsers

4) Под пустым пока списком Users в правой части окна нажимаем кнопку « Add » и вписываем в появившемся окне имя пользователя.

5) Выбрав созданного пользователя переходим на страницу « Shared folders » в меню слева, создаём сетевую папку (кнопка « Add » , под списком « Shared folders » в средней части окна), просто выбирая нужную нам папку на своём ПК.

6) Обязательно ставим галочки напротив « Read » и « Write » в поле « Files ». Если в списке папок нужная нам папка не отмечена значком « H » слева, то выделяем нашу папку и нажимаем кнопку « Set as home dir ».

7) Проверяем, чтобы был нажат значок молнии в левом верхнем углу программы. На этом настройка нашего FTP- сервера завершена. Программа должна быть запущена при сканировании.

Далее настроим адрес в адресной книге аппарата. Для этого:

1) Заходим на web -интерфейс МФУ, вводим пароль ( admin00 по-умолчанию) или логинпароль ( Admin/Admin по-умолчанию) и находим нашу адресную книгу.

2) Создаём новую запись в адресной книге.

3) Заполняем поля «Имя» (то, как будет отображаться наш адрес в адресной книге аппарата)

4) «Имя хоста» в области « FTP ». Это либо IP- адрес ПК, на котором настроен FTP- сервер, либо его сетевое имя. Никаких слешей и инях символов до и после имени прописывать не надо.

5) Проверяем номер порта (21 по-умолчанию)

6) Заполняем «имя пользователя при регистрации» — это наше имя пользователя, прописанное в п.4 настройки FTP- сервера

7) Если мы устанавливали пароль пользователю при настройке FTP -сервера прописываем пароль в поле «пароль для регистрации» иначе оставляем его пустым

8) Нажимаем кнопку «применить» внизу экрана.

9) Заходим в меню «Сканер FTP » и проверяем, что FTP на нашем МФУ включен и порт установлен тот же, что и в настройках адресной книги.

На этом настройка нашего МФУ на сканирование по FTP завершена.

— Если появляется ошибка 1132 — пройдите в меню «сканер/ FTP » и отключите « FTP с шифрованием TX »

— Если после установки сервера и настройки адресной книги у вас выходит ошибка 2102, необходима настройка вашего Брандмауэра.

Он находится тут: «Панель управленияСистема и безопасностьБрандмауэр Windows»

Выбираем слева пункт «Дополнительные параметры»

В появившемся окне выбираем слева пункт «правила для входящих подключений» и н ажимаем на панели справа кнопку «создать правило. »

1) В появившемся окне выбираем «для программы», нажимаем «далее»

2) Нажимаем кнопку «обзор. » и находим EXE файл нашего FTP сервера. У меня получился такой путь «C:Program Files (x86)FileZilla Server» в правиле он отобразится как «%ProgramFiles% (x86)FileZilla ServerFileZilla Server.exe». Нажимаем «далее».

3) Выбираем «Разрешить подключение», нажимаем «далее».

4) Выбираем применение правила для профиля «частный», если у вас МФУ находится в одной с вами подсети (подключено к одному и тому же роутеру).

5) Последним штрихом будет как то назвать ваше правило.

Добрый день! МФУ поключено к сети, IP адрес настроен статически. Периодически устройство теряет сеть и документы не уходят на печать в строке состояния IP адрес в статусе не определен. Когда устройство перезагружают оно функционирует нормально. Сетевой кабель был протестирован, проблемы с самой сетью отсутствуют. Через некоторое время устройство опять теряет сеть и его снова нужно перезагружать. Подскажите что нужно сделать и куда капать?

Добрый день. Проверьте, все ли сетевые реквизиты прописаны на устройстве (шлюз, маска подсети), нет ли в сети устройства, которое динамически подхватывает данный IP адрес в то время, пока МФУ находится в «спящем» режиме. Могу рекомендовать увеличить время до перехода в неактивный и «спящий» режим. Если вышеперечисленное не поможет — предлагаю вам проверить сетевую карту МФУ «бесконечным PING’ом» на предмет потерь данных. Если они присутствуют — обратитесь в сервисный центр на предмет диагностики работы сетевой карты или платы управления МФУ.

Читайте также:

  • Как сбросить пароль на принтере xerox
  • Какой летательный аппарат впервые в мире напечатали на 3d принтере в тпу
  • Dir 825 подключить принтер
  • Замена картриджа в принтере hp laserjet pro mfp m428fdw
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  • Ошибка сканирования невозможно разрешить сетевое имя
  • Ошибка смещения выборки
  • Ошибка соединения неверное имя пользователя или пароль гвинт
  • Ошибка смещения нуля ацп
  • Ошибка соединения не удалось согласовать ppp