Ошибка разбора css валидатор

The problem characters in http://www.jeremyspence.net78.net/css/general.css can be analyzed using Rex Swain’s HTTP Viewer using the Display Format option “Hex”. It can then be seen that they are hex A0. The character encoding does not seem to be declared anywhere, so browsers (and validators) have to guess. If UTF-8 is implied, A0 is a data error at character level. If ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 is implied, it stands for NO-BREAK SPACE, which is not allowed in CSS.

The origin of the problem is probably in some authoring program that has converted a normal SPACE to a NO-BREAK SPACE. It looks like a space, walks like a space, quacks like a space, but it still isn’t a space, in CSS parsing. So you need to edit the CSS file and replace the offending indentations by simple spaces.


Как понимать отчет валидатора CSS W3C?

Ошибка разбора .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu>li>a { font-weight: bold; color: #af8337; }
Ошибка разбора .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu>li>a { color: #af8337; }

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  • 2017 просмотров

медиа запросы не правильно написаны, из-за этого валидатор ломается и не может разобрать css
должно быть так:

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu>li>a {
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #af8337;

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5000 руб./за проект

Минуточку внимания

The problem characters in http://www.jeremyspence.net78.net/css/general.css can be analyzed using Rex Swain’s HTTP Viewer using the Display Format option “Hex”. It can then be seen that they are hex A0. The character encoding does not seem to be declared anywhere, so browsers (and validators) have to guess. If UTF-8 is implied, A0 is a data error at character level. If ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 is implied, it stands for NO-BREAK SPACE, which is not allowed in CSS.

The origin of the problem is probably in some authoring program that has converted a normal SPACE to a NO-BREAK SPACE. It looks like a space, walks like a space, quacks like a space, but it still isn’t a space, in CSS parsing. So you need to edit the CSS file and replace the offending indentations by simple spaces.

What is a css parse errorWith a bit of help, you can always establish and eradicate a CSS parse error whenever it happens.

CSS provides a powerful way of styling websites, reducing web page load times, and saving precious time for developers. However, you need to know how to handle a CSS parse error. Read on to find out how.


  • What Is a Parse Error in CSS?
  • Ways to Minimize Cases of CSS Parse Error
    • 1. Use frameworks
    • 2. Seek simplicity
    • 3. Structure your CSS file
    • 4. Use advanced CSS
  • Rules for Dealing With CSS Parsing Errors
    • – Unknown Properties
    • – Malformed declarations
    • – Illegal values
    • – At-Rules Without Known At-Keywords
    • – Unexpected End of Style Sheet and String
  • How to Fix a Parse Error in CSS
    • – CSS Parse Error Handling
  • Common CSS Errors Besides Parse Error
    • – Forgotten details
    • – Missed spellings
    • – Multiple Choice
    • – Wrong Selector
  • Conclusion

What Is a Parse Error in CSS?

The parse error in CSS arises when the CSS parser detects something that does not comply with the requirements. Usually, a CSS parser demands CSS be written in a certain way.

CSS parser has specific requirements that include:

  • Adding a semicolon at the end of all CSS properties
  • One ruleset cannot contain the same CSS property twice
  • All rules require both opening and closing curly brackets ({})
  • All quotes should be closed

Ways to Minimize Cases of CSS Parse Error

There are ways of keeping your style sheets pristine for both your clients and designs. Having a clean CSS file makes it easy to implement your design ideas without delays. Below are some of the approaches you can use to avoid parsing errors in CSS.

1. Use frameworks

Like icons in the fashion industry set the tone for what is trending, trendsetters in tech influence the styling of thousands of websites. You may wonder how this happens. Well, developers build and publish frameworks which are a set of rules for the common website elements.

The frameworks offer you and other developers a good starting point for web design. They help you design a decent website fast. With a framework, you get a reliable base that you experiment with, like tweaking fonts and colors.

2. Seek simplicity

As the website grows, you will find yourself scrolling through a long list of CSS elements and rules. The rules may override each other in some cases, but eventually, the most specific rule will always win.

You may end up with more code than anticipated, especially when accounting for different screen sizes and browsers. So, it is good practice to always establish before including new style rules; perhaps the existing ones could work.

3. Structure your CSS file

You have various ways of refactoring your CSS code to ease use and navigation. Some of the most straightforward approaches are the most effective. These include:

  • Uniform spacing between rules as well as in declarations across the CSS file to make it easy to read.
  • Capitalize on semantic or familiar id/class names. For instance, avoid a class name such as “bottom_menu” instead use the semantic tag “footer.”
  • Avoid repeating yourself. You should repeat as little code as possible. If some declaration is repeated across the file, consider typing it once and using various selectors.
  • Test the CSS code using online tools that parse the file to highlight problem areas and show any parse error message. These tools are useful in pinpointing specific elements and experimenting with various styles.

4. Use advanced CSS

For someone with some programming skills, advanced CSS options like LESS or SASS are recommended. These let you take advantage of complex code options such as functions, nesting, and variables. The approach helps you clean your code and avoid parsing errors.

Rules for Dealing With CSS Parsing Errors

In most cases, a user agent ignores the illegal part of a style sheet. The user agent accomplishes this by parsing the illegal part to establish where it starts and ends. However, it acts as if the illegal part does not exist. User agents obey the following rules once they come across the scenarios below:

– Unknown Properties

The user agent should overlook a declaration with an unknown property. The user agent is going to consider only the part with known properties.

For example:

h1 { color: red; rotation: 70minutes}

The user agent will treat the style sheet as

– Malformed declarations

The user agents should be able to handle tokens they encounter as they parse declarations to the end. They must do this while correctly managing escapes and paying attention to rules on matching pairs of {}, [], (), ‘’, and “”. For instance, a malformed declaration may miss a property value, colon, or property name.

Failure to pair each properly will prompt a CSS parse error. In some cases, the user agent anticipates the beginning of a declaration or at-rule but finds an unexpected token. In such cases, the token is taken to be the first malformed declaration. That token is used to establish which tokens to overlook.

– Illegal values

The user agent should overlook a declaration containing an illegal value. A CSS parser will honor the first rule then ignore the rest. A user agent meeting CSS specifications can accept one or more rules.

– At-Rules Without Known At-Keywords

A user agent will ignore an invalid at-keyword alongside everything that follows it. It ignores everything until the end of the block with the invalid at-keyword or the next semicolon.

– Unexpected End of Style Sheet and String

A user agent should close all the open constructs at the end of the style sheet. These include parentheses, blocks, comments, strings, brackets, and rules. After reaching the end of a line, the user agent must close the string. Failure to terminate all the constructs properly throws a parse error message.

How to Fix a Parse Error in CSS

When you get parse errors as you copy CSS from a different source, you first need to check the final semicolon. The easiest way to fix these errors is to paste the CSS code into an editor like Notepad++. You can use the editor to find or replace these errors.

You can start by replacing all instances of a semicolon curly bracket with a curly bracket. Also, search for “;s” and replace it with “}}}” to avoid bothering with empty rules like {}. The search will show both ;} and ; }. You can then replace }}} with ;} to ensure your CSS rules have the right closing bracket.

To fix parse errors in CSS, review your custom CSS code. Look out for errors like a missing semicolon, curly brackets, or spelling mistakes in CSS properties. Usually, CSS parsing errors arise from one or several errors in custom CSS. After locating the issue in your custom CSS code, make the right changes, save and refresh to resolve the parse error message.

– CSS Parse Error Handling

CSS is resilient and tries very hard to accomplish what you want even when there is an error. Once it establishes an error in one line, it progresses to the next without any error. Sometimes, it is hard to confirm there is a parse error in your style sheet since the browser does not tell. That’s where online CSS validators come in to establish parsing errors in CSS code.

Common CSS Errors Besides Parse Error

No matter your experience, mistakes such as typos or an incorrectly closed tag in CSS are common. Below are the common errors in CSS.

– Forgotten details

With CSS, you can be as creative as possible, but there are some ground rules to follow. Each selector should be as a class or ID, provided it is not HTML TAG. The selector format should be appropriate with braces, property, value, colon, and semicolon.

If you miss one of the little details, strange things will happen, or the intended output will not be visible. CSS validators let you catch the little forgotten details.

– Missed spellings

Missed spelling errors are some of the most common errors in CSS and are easy to ignore. For instance, “left” is different from “left” in CSS and could be the difference between placing something on the right or the left side of your page.

– Multiple Choice

CSS will choose which one to use if the same selector has two references with conflicting information in your CSS code. It is common when you are adding your style sheet to another one. If nothing is happening for a specific selector, search the style sheet for another reference associated with the selector.

– Wrong Selector

Placing your wonderful designs inside the #content when they should be in #context-text will not help your layout. Fortunately, you can easily see these after viewing the page. So, you only need to cut and paste the code in the correct tag.


In this guide, we’ve covered various aspects of CSS parse errors. Here is a summary of what you need to handle these parsing errors:

  • Css parse error solutionsParse error in CSS occurs when a style sheet departs from the precise CSS parser requirements
  • Common causes include missing a semicolon, curly brackets, or unknown properties
  • With a bit of help from online CSS validators, you can easily catch and fix the error
  • Check the line with the parse error and change the code accordingly

Parsing errors in CSS are common but are easy to fix when you know where to look. With this guide, you can indulge your creativity in CSS, knowing you can handle CSS parse errors thrown at you.

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Position is Everything

Your Go-To Resource for Learn & Build: CSS,JavaScript,HTML,PHP,C++ and MYSQL. Meet The Team

Position is Everything

To query for the size of the viewport (or the page box on page media), the width, height and aspect-ratio media features should be used, rather than device-width, device-height and device-aspect-ratio, which refer to the physical size of the device regardless of how much space is available for the document being laid out. The device-* media features are also sometimes used as a proxy to detect mobile devices. Instead, authors should use media features that better represent the aspect of the device that they are attempting to style against.

The width media feature describes the width of the targeted display area of the output device. For continuous media, this is the width of the viewport including the size of a rendered scroll bar (if any).

In the following example, this media query expresses that the style sheet is only linked if the width of the viewport 768px maximum:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (max-width: 768px)" href="styles.css">

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