Ошибка р1684 додж неон 2

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Код ошибки P1684 — отключено питание блока управления (ЭБУ) от аккумулятора.

Вы, вероятно, испугались, когда увидели ошибку P1684.

Но это не должно быть причиной для большого беспокойства. Код ошибки P1684 означает, что питание контроллера PCM/TCM/ЭБУ неисправно. Одна из причин этого — слабая батарея.

Ошибка может быть часто вызвана заменой автомобильного аккумулятора или отключением его кабелей.

Также может потребоваться проверка проводки вокруг ЭБУ. Эта ошибка не для всех автомобилей, а только для Honda, Acura, Chrysler, Dodge, Subaru и Jeep.

Что может вызвать код ошибки P1684?

Есть несколько разных вещей, которые могут вызвать ошибку P1684. Вот некоторые из наиболее распространенных причин.

Отключение кабеля или снятие аккумулятора

мужчина снимает аккумулятор

Ошибка часто появляется, если вы отключали аккумулятор.

Код P1684 обычно означает — батарея была отключена в течение последних 50 пусков.

Это значит, что если проблема устранена, код должен исчезнуть сам по себе после 50 успешных циклов.

Первое, что вы увидите, будет лампочка Check Engine. Напряжение, поступающее на блок управления, низкое, поэтому появляется ошибка. ЭБУ интерпретирует низкое напряжение как недостаток питания.

Поскольку P1684 не исключает низкий заряд батареи, это также может означать, что неисправны питающие провода, разъёмы контроллера. Возможно, придется проверить проводку и устранить повреждения.

Дефект блока управления

Неисправность P1684 также может означать, что ЭБУ неисправен. Это может потребовать замены контроллера. Блок управления является центральной компьютерной системой и отвечает за функционирование большинства автомобильных деталей.

Блок управления (PCM) получает важные параметры двигателя из различных точек. Он обрабатывает эти сигналы и отправляет управляющие команды. Это выполняется с помощью множества датчиков, установленных в машине. PCM также играет важную роль в воздушно-топливной смеси.

блок управления двигателя

Если у вас неисправный блок управления, автомобиль может даже не заводиться, так как он влияет на искру свечей зажигания. Неправильная топливная смесь приведёт к перерасходу топлива и к увеличению выбросов в атмосферу.

При проблемах с ЭБУ появляются коды ошибок. Одна из причин, по которой PCM выходит из строя, — это контакт с водой/тосолом/антифризом. Даже одна капля может принести значительные повреждения.

Просадка напряжения

Блоки управления также подвержены перегрузкам по напряжению. Это может происходить из-за силовых катушек. Хороший автоэлектрик сможет диагностировать проблему. Но если неисправность вызвана проблемами с водой, скорее всего придётся купить новый блок управления, т. к. его сложно починить.

У многих автомобилей есть два блока управления: engine control module — ECM и powertrain control module — PCM. На самом деле эти два сокращения взаимозаменяемы, но являются разными деталями.

Контроллер ECM работает с системой охлаждения, впускным коллектором и использует набор данных для контроля времени впрыска топлива, положения распределительного вала и дроссельной заслонки. PCM включает в себя функции ECM.

Другие причины P1684

  • Коррозия клемм аккумулятора.
  • Отсоединение аккумулятора во время работы двигателя или при выключенном зажигании.
  • Установка новой батареи без подключения резервного питания.
  • Повреждены провода между блоками управления и CAN-шины.

Симптомы P1684?

Лампа Check Engine

Первый признак P1684 — загорается лампа Check Engine. Это может означать, что у вас начнутся проблемы с двигателем. Как указывалось ранее, это не обязательно значит, что батарея плохо подключена. Это может быть первым признаком дальнейших кодов ошибок.

значок чек на панели приборов

Блок управления управляет многими функциями двигателя, такими как зажигание и топливо-воздушная смесь. Не рекомендуется простое отсоединение аккумулятора для удаления ошибки, пока вы не проверите все потенциальные проблемы.

Неисправность ПЗУ/KAM (постоянная память)

Вся информация о PCM хранится на микросхеме KAM. Здесь содержится информация об оборотах холостого хода, воздушно-топливной смеси и других заводских настройках по умолчанию. При отсоединении аккумулятора чип переходит к настройкам по умолчанию. Если у вашей машины есть другие неисправности — P1684 вернётся снова.


PCM проводит серию тестов самооценки, которые включают тесты на выбросы. Если вы попытаетесь очистить код ошибки до проведения тестов — у вас могут быть превышающие норму выбросы в атмосферу.

PCM также контролирует Transmission Control Module (TCM). Из-за отключения питания TCM может работать неправильно. Это связано с тем, что при отключении PCM сбрасываются настройки трансмиссии, и автомобилю необходимо заново обучаться.

После того, как ошибка будет сброшена через 50 циклов, вам придется подождать, пока автомобиль проедет 50–100 км, чтобы TCM снова перенастроил коробку передач.

Потеря питания у PCM может повлиять на модуль управления кузовным оборудованием Body Control Module (BCM). Если неисправность не устранить, это может привести к полной остановке BCM.

Отказ BCM может привести к отключению других автомобильных модулей. Прерывание питания может также привести к неисправности датчиков угла поворота рулевого колеса.

body controle module bcm

Позже это может вызвать проблемы со стабилизацией, вплоть до попадания в аварию. Датчик рулевого управления может быть подключен к противоугонной системе. В случае сбоя, вы можете столкнуться с несанкционированным проникновением в автомобиль.

Как исправить ошибку P1684

Поскольку код ошибки может быть вызван различными причинами, важно быстро установить причину. Если батарея разряжена, вам нужно зарядить её и проверить состояние клемм. Проблема также может заключаться в том, что TCM или PCM неисправны, и в этом случае может потребоваться ремонт или покупка нового блока управления.


Код ошибки P1684 не всегда означает, что у вас проблемы с подключением аккумулятора. Это может быть первым признаком дальнейшей неисправности двигателя. Блок PCM может выйти из строя из-за проблем в электрической схеме.

Очень важно, чтобы вы идентифицировали любые другие проблемы с двигателем, которые могут быть связаны с блоками управления. Отключение аккумулятора может стереть всю сохраненную память PCM, и у вас будут проблемы с настройками коробки передач или тестами атмосферных выбросов.

Код P1684 CHRYSLER — Отключено питание модуля от аккумулятора

Степень важности ремонта : 3

Степень сложности ремонта : 3

  • Аккумулятор был недавно отсоединен
  • Низкое напряжение аккумулятора
  • Неисправность системы зарядки
  • Модуль управления трансмиссией (TCM) был заменен или отсоединен
  • Неисправен модуль управления трансмиссией (TCM)
  • Жгут проводов модуля управления трансмиссией (TCM) разомкнут или закорочен
  • Некачественное электрическое соединение цепи модуля управления трансмиссией (TCM).

Как исправить код p1684 chrysler?

Начните с проверки ‘Возможных причин’, перечисленных выше. Визуально осмотрите жгут проводов и разъемы. Проверьте наличие поврежденных компонентов и поищите сломанные, погнутые, вытолкнутые или корродированные контакты разъема

Код p1684 chrysler tech notes

Если присутствуют другие коды, сначала проверьте и устраните другие коды. Убедитесь, что заряд батареи в порядке и разъемы батареи надежно закреплены

Сколько стоит диагностика кода p1684 Крайслер?

Трудозатраты: 1,0

Стоимость диагностики кода P1684 Chrysler составляет 1,0 час труда. Время диагностики и трудозатраты автосервиса зависят от местоположения, марки и модели автомобиля и даже типа двигателя. Большинство авторемонтных мастерских берут от 75 до 150 долларов США в час

Каковы возможные симптомы кода p1684 chrysler?

  • Горит лампа двигателя (или предупреждающая лампа Service Engine Soon).

Что означает код p1684 chrysler?

Диагностический код неисправности (DTC) P1684 устанавливается, когда модуль управления трансмиссией (TCM) отключается от напряжения аккумулятора или заземления.DTC также будет установлен во время процедуры DRB-III QUICK BATTERY DISCONNECT. Данные DTC будут потеряны. При потере питания во время эксплуатации автомобиля автомобиль немедленно переходит в режим limp-in. Нормальная работа возобновляется, если питание восстанавливается во время того же запуска ключом

Code Fault Location Probable Cause
P1684 P1684 – Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth)
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Manufacturer Specific Definitions for P1684

Make Fault Location
Acura Throttle Valve Return Spring Performance Problem
Buick Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance
Cadillac Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance
Chevrolet Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance
Chrysler Engine control module (ECM) -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
Citroen Metering Oil Pump Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
Dodge Engine control module (ECM) -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
Gm Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance
Honda Throttle valve – return spring performance problem
Jeep Engine control module (ECM) -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
Kenworth P1684 — Oil level high side driver short circuit low
Mazda Metering Oil Pump Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
Peterbilt P1684 — Oil level high side driver short circuit low
Peugeot Metering Oil Pump Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
Plymouth Engine control module (ECM) -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
Pontiac Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance
Ram Engine control module (ECM) 1 -supply voltage disconnected within last 50 ignition switch ON-OFF cycles
Saturn Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance

Table of Contents

  1. What Does Code P1684 Mean?
  2. What are the common causes of code P1684?
  3. What are the symptoms of code P1684?
  4. How do you troubleshoot code P1684?
  5. Codes Related to P1684
  6. Get Help with P1684

What Does Code P1684 Mean?

SPECIAL NOTES: Since carmakers are free to assign any problem to any P1XXX trouble code, it sometimes happens that a trouble code, OBD II code P1684 in this instance, can mean vastly different things depending on the problem any given carmaker has assigned to this code. One unfortunate consequence of this is that many generic code readers are sometimes not programmed with all the definitions in use for a particular P1XXX code, and in the case of P1684, there is a lot of confusion about which definition of this code relates to which manufacturer.

While this guide cannot provide detailed information on all the definitions of code P1684 (and the implications of those definitions), for all applications that use this code, it can provide some information on the two predominant definitions of the code, the first being OBD II code P1684 – “Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts” used by Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth, and the other being OBD II code P1684 – “Metering Oil Pump Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction”, which is used by Mazda to indicate issues with lubrication on Wankel (rotary) engines.

Note though that there are still other definitions of code P1684 in current use, and some information on these definitions can be found in the Related Codes section of this guide. However, the information presented here is intended for general informational purposes only, and while every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all details are correct, the information presented here should NOT be used in any diagnostic procedure(s) without proper reference to the application’s repair manual. END OF SPECIAL NOTES.

OBD II fault code P1684 is a manufacturer specific code that is defined by Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth, as “Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts”, and on these applications, code P1684 is set when the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) detects that the battery had been disconnected, or that full battery voltage had been lost during the last 50 start-up cycles.

Be aware though that the definition of code P1684 – “Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts” on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth applications does NOT mean that the battery has to be physically disconnected for the code to set. What this definition really means is that any problem or circumstance that causes full system (battery) voltage to be lost, or not to be available to any part of the electrical system or control module, can set this code.

Such circumstances could include defects or malfunctions of any component(s) of the charging system, PCM or other control module faults, damage to wiring that interrupts current flow to various control modules, or disconnection/replacement of the battery without having a memory saving device installed.

In many cases, the presence of code P1684 on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Plymouth applications means nothing more than an indication that either the battery was disconnected within the last 50 starts, or that system power had been lost for some reason during the last 50 starts. Moreover, the code will usually, but not always, be automatically reset, or cleared by the PCM if the code does not occur again within the 50 start-ups following the start-up event during which the code was set.

What are the common causes of code P1684?

Common causes of code P1684 – “Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts” could include the following, but note that the causes listed here do not represent a complete list of all possible causes. Refer to the manual for the application being worked on for detailed information on all possible causes of this code for that particular application.

  • Disconnecting the battery either with the engine running, or while the ignition was switched on
  • Replacing the battery without first installing a memory saving device
  • Defects in the charging system that cause under charging of the battery, and hence low system voltages
  • Poor connections between battery terminals and battery posts, caused by corrosion or sloppy maintenance practices
  • Loss of battery ground due to poor cable connections on either the engine of body, or both
  • Failure to program the replacement battery’s technical details/information into the PCM where this is required
  • Damage to wiring and/components that results in a loss of communication between two or more control modules that use the CAN bus system for communication of vital control inputs

What are the symptoms of code P1684?

The most common symptom of P1684 on affected applications is the presence of a stored trouble code, and an illuminated warning light. However, the immediate absence of serious symptoms, which could include driveability problems, should NOT be taken as an indication that no damage to the system had occurred, since some symptoms can take a while to manifest.

As stated previously, the battery does not have to physically disconnected for this code to set, but since the affects of losing power to the system can (and often does) produce erratic, unpredictable, and often-confusing symptoms, many mechanics (including professional technicians) often fail to make the connection between the loss of system power, and the sometimes-bewildering array of symptoms and additional fault codes that can come with this code, especially when the battery has not been replaced in the recent past. Moreover, disconnecting a battery terminal to “reset a computer” or to “clear some fault codes” can often induce, or greatly aggravate some symptoms.

Below are details of some symptoms that may, or may not, be present with code P1684, but note that this list is not exhaustive. Refer to the manual for the application being worked for detailed information on all possible symptoms that could affect that particular application-

Loss of KAM (Keep Alive Memory)

The KAM chip in a PCM holds all the values and settings the PCM had “learned” from the moment it was first energized. Typical values include fuel trim settings, transmission shift points, and all other settings that are adaptive. Moreover, the KAM chip also contains all fault codes ever stored, all their accompanying freeze frame data, and the results of all self-tests the PCM had ever run on the emission control system.

All that disconnecting the battery will do in an attempt to clear P1684 is to restore the original base, factory settings for the air/fuel mixture, idle speed, and a few other control functions. Thus, if the problem that set code P1684 is not resolved, the code will be set again, and although it may take a day or two, the code will return, along with all the additional codes and driveability issues that were present originally.

Vehicle will not pass an emissions test

Even if the battery had not been disconnected, the presence of P1684 means that the PCM is almost certainly not able to complete all, or any of the self-tests (readiness monitors) it needs to perform on the emission control system at every start-up.

Bear in mind that the test equipment at testing stations does not measure the emissions of a vehicle; what this equipment does is check that the vehicle’s own diagnostic functions are able to monitor its own emissions. Thus, while P1684 is present and the battery is disconnected to “clear” the code, the test equipment at the testing station will recognize both the attempt at circumvention of the law, and the fact that code P1684 is preventing the execution of self-tests, with the result that the vehicle will fail the emissions test for as long as P1684 is present, and its underlying cause is not resolved.

Transmission may not shift properly

Regardless of the cause of code P1684, the transmission module may have to be reprogrammed as a result of the loss of power. In some cases though, the TCM (Transmission Control Module) will relearn all the settings it had lost, but usually only after the code had been resolved and cleared with a professional grade code reader, or when the code does not set again within 50 starts from the start cycle during which the code was set. Relearning usually takes anywhere from 50, to 100 miles of driving.

BCM (Body Control Module) may be affected

Again, regardless of the cause of P1684, the loss of power to the system can cause the BCM to stop working correctly, and in some cases, to stop working altogether until the module is either reprogrammed, replaced, or allowed to relearn all the settings it had lost. Worse, though, on vehicles with CAN (Controller Area Network) systems, the BCM acts as the “gate keeper” module for the system so when this module fails, all communication between some, or all of the control modules on a vehicle can be interrupted, which means that nothing on the vehicle may work for as long as the underlying cause of code P1684 is not resolved.

Steering angle sensor may not work

Even a momentary loss of power could cause the steering angle sensor on affected vehicles to lose all its learned settings and values, which could affect safety systems like stability control and others, until the sensor had relearned its settings.

Anti-theft system may be disabled

Like with the steering angle sensor, even a momentary loss of power could disable the anti-theft system by causing the system to lose some, or all its learned and programmed settings.

How do you troubleshoot code P1684?

NOTE #1: Note that the loss of system power does not always result in component damage or even noticeable symptoms, but when damage does occur, the required diagnostic/repair procedures are largely make and model specific. When diagnosing code P1684 on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth applications, always refer to the manual for the application being worked on for detailed information regarding this code (and its implications) as it relates to the affected application.

NOTE #2: In cases where symptoms do appear, these will almost always be indicated by codes other than P1684, but be aware that while some additional codes may be manufacturer specific, others are likely to be generic. Always refer to the manual for the application being worked on for detailed information on codes, and their likely symptoms, other than P1684.

NOTE #3: Since most manufacturers do not provide information on the possible harmful effects that go with disconnecting a vehicle battery or losing system power for whatever reason, it often happens that even professional mechanics and technicians sometimes make the mistake of disconnecting the negative battery terminal to “reset the computer”. “Resetting a computer” by disconnecting the battery is NOT recommended, unless the manual clearly states that disconnecting the battery is required at some point during the diagnostic process.

Step 1

Record all fault codes present, as well as all available freeze frame data. This information could be of use should an intermittent fault be diagnosed later on.

NOTE: In some cases, the event(s) that set code P1684 on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Plymouth applications may have damaged the CAN bus (Controller Area Network) system, which is generally not accessible with cheap, generic code readers. Accessing this system is best accomplished with professional grade diagnostic equipment, but even so, interpreting the data requires above average diagnostic skills, as well as expert level knowledge of the application being worked on. If it is suspected that the CAN bus system may have sustained damage, the wiser option is to refer the vehicle for professional diagnosis and repair.

Step 2

If there are other codes present along with P1684, it is likely that these codes are the result of P1684, rather than its cause. Therefore, note the order in which the additional codes were set and stored, and resolve these codes strictly in this order.

If only P1684 is present, consult the manual on the correct procedure to clear the code, especially if the battery had been replaced in the recent past.

NOTE: In some cases, a successful battery replacement requires that all the (technical) information about the battery be programmed into the PCM. This information usually includes the battery’s CCA rating, serial number, and other information the PCM needs to adapt the alternators’ charging rate as the battery ages. Make sure that if this information is required by the PCM, it has been entered correctly to avoid a recurrence of the problem.

Step 3

If the code persists, it is likely that either the underlying cause of the code has not been resolved, or that not enough start cycles (50) have elapsed since the code was set. However, if there are no other codes (active or pending) present, it is almost certain that the code will reset automatically once the required number of start-up cycles have completed successfully. Operate the vehicle normally until the required number of start-up cycles have been reached, and rescan the system to see if the code is still present.

Step 4

If the code returns, and especially if codes other than P1684 return as well, it is likely that an intermittent fault is present in the system. Be aware through that given the large number of possible causes of this code, finding and repairing an intermittent fault may be a near impossible mission for non-professional mechanics, and especially if the CAN bus system is involved.

If it is suspected that an intermittent fault is the cause of code P1684, the wisest option by far is to refer the vehicle to a dealer for professional diagnosis and repair, since even one mistake during the diagnostic process, such as disconnecting the battery while engine is running, or the ignition is switched “ON”, can cause irreparable damage to the vehicles’ entire electrical system.

NOTE: There are no codes directly related to P1684 – “Battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts”, but many manufacturers have assigned different definitions to this code. Below are some examples, but take note that as with any manufacturer specific code, the manual for the application being worked should always be consulted for detailed information about the code as it relates to that particular application.

  • P1684 – Fiat – “Motorised throttle (plausibility)”

This means that there is a discrepancy between the actual, and the desired or expected position of the throttle. The cause is often related to wiring between the throttle and the PCM.

  • P1684 – Buick / Cadillac / Chevrolet / GMC / Oldsmobile / Pontiac / Saturn – “Driver 5 Line 4”

This definition of the code relates to PCM faults, and in particular, defects or malfunctions of drivers in the PCM that control devices like solenoids and relays. Be aware though that there is at least one other definition of code P1684 relating to Chevrolet, P1684 – “Transmission Control Module Power Up Temperature Sensor Performance”.

  • P1684 – Honda / Acura – “Throttle Valve Return Spring Performance Problem”

On Honda applications, this code indicates a problem with throttle control due to a sticky, broken, or maladjusted return spring on the throttle.

  • P1684 – Mini – “Electronic throttle control monitor level 2/3 – clutch torque min error”

This is not a common code, and hence there is no reliable diagnostic/repair information available for it outside of the dealer network. Consult the manual for the application for detailed information.

  • Volkswagen/Audi/Volvo – “Contr. Unit Programming Communication Error”

Note that this code does not exist on vehicles made prior to 2002, but where it does occur on later models, it refers to programming issues within the PCM. Also, note that the VAG equivalent for this code is VAG DTC 18092.

SPECIAL NOTE: this list of alternative definitions of code P1684 may not be complete, or exhaustive. Moreover, the information regarding this code as displayed by generic code readers (and that of many other manufacturer specific codes), should be treated with a great deal of circumspection. For instance, some code readers will display code P1684 as “Metering oil pump position sensor circuit” on some Ford applications, even though Ford products do NOT have oil-metering pumps. Oil metering pumps are only used on Mazda applications that are fitted with Wankel (rotary) engines, about which more can be read in the Mazda area on this site. END OF SPECIAL NOTES.

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What does p1684 mean on a Dodge Neon?

P1684 is an informational code that means you have disconnected the battery recently. This code doesn’t hurt anything, and won’t turn the engine light on. If your engine light is on you have some more codes stored. If you don’t have a code reader: Cycle the key from off to on three times ending with it on and watch the digital odometer display.

What’s the engine light on a 2003 Dodge Neon?

P0340 no start check engine light. 2003 Chrysler Neon 2.0L engine. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information.

What is the camshaft position sensor on a Dodge Neon?

P0340 2003 Dodge Neon Description The Camshaft Position Sensor is an electronic device used in an engine to record the rate at which the camshaft is spinning. This information is used by the Engine Control Module(ECM) to control ignition and fuel injection.

What happens to the POS system on a Dodge Neon?

When the crankshaft position sensor (POS) system becomes inoperative, the camshaft position sensor provides various controls of engine parts instead, utilizing timing of cylinder identification signals. Need more information on how to fix the P0340 2003 DODGE NEON code?

P0340 no start check engine light. 2003 Chrysler Neon 2.0L engine. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information.

When the crankshaft position sensor (POS) system becomes inoperative, the camshaft position sensor provides various controls of engine parts instead, utilizing timing of cylinder identification signals. Need more information on how to fix the P0340 2003 DODGE NEON code?

P0340 2003 Dodge Neon Description The Camshaft Position Sensor is an electronic device used in an engine to record the rate at which the camshaft is spinning. This information is used by the Engine Control Module(ECM) to control ignition and fuel injection.

How much does it cost to repair a 2003 Dodge Neon?

The cost of diagnosing the P0340 2003 DODGE NEON code is 1.0 hour of labor. The auto repair labor rates vary by location, your vehicle’s make and model, and even your engine type. Most auto repairs shops charge between $75 and $150 per hour. When is the P0340 2003 DODGE NEON code detected?

P1684 is an informational code that means you have disconnected the battery recently. This code doesn’t hurt anything, and won’t turn the engine light on. If your engine light is on you have some more codes stored. If you don’t have a code reader: Cycle the key from off to on three times ending with it on and watch the digital odometer display.

When does the diagnostic trouble code p1684 set?

The Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1684 will set when the Transmission Control Module (TCM) is disconnected from battery voltage or ground. The DTC will also set during DRB-III QUICK BATTERY DISCONN ECT procedure. The DTC data will be lost.

What to do if your Dodge Charger says p1684?

Check the “Possible Causes” listed above. Visually inspect the related wiring harness and connectors. Check for damaged components and look for broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded connector’s pins. If other codes are present, check and repair other codes first. Make sure the battery charge is OK and the battery connectors are firmly secure.

When did the Plymouth Neon come out in the US?

The Plymouth/Dodge/Chrysler Neon is a front-engine, front-wheel drive compact car introduced in January 1994 for model year 1995 by Chrysler ‘s Dodge and Plymouth divisions in two- and four-door bodystyles over two generations. Marketed in Europe, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Egypt, Australia and South America as a Chrysler,…

Найдена следующая информация по ошибке P1684 для автомобиля CHRYSLER NEON 2 (1999-2006):

На русском языке:

Питание аккумулятора от модуля отключено

На английском языке:

Battery Power To Module Disconnected

Вы можете задать вопрос или поделиться опытом устранения ошибки P1684 на автомобиле CHRYSLER с другими пользователями.

Возможную причину возникновения и советы по устранению можно найти в каталоге причин и советов:

Найти причину   >>> 

Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Chrysler Neon 2:

Возможные причины: Аккумулятор был недавно отключен; Модуль управления коробкой передач (TCM) был заменен или отсоединен; Неисправный модуль управления коробкой передач (TCM); Жгут проводов модуля управления коробкой передач (TCM) открыт или замкнут; Неисправность электрической цепи в модуле управления коробкой передач (TCM).

Battery Power To Module Disconnected — это общее описание кода P1684, но у производителя может быть другое описание. Данная ошибка неоднозначна и к ее возникновению может привести масса причин. Для ее решения стоит обратиться в специализированный автосервис.

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