Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc000003b windows 10

Как исправить ошибку 0x0000003b в Windows 11/10/7

В данном материале приведены способы, позволяющие исправить ошибку 0x0000003b, так называемая system service exception в Windows 11/10/7. Ошибка не является повторяющейся, но если она мешает открыть рабочий стол, то у вас несколько вариантов загрузки, а какие именно смотрите ниже:

Первый способ — обновить/переустановить графический драйвер.

Для выявления и исправления причины появления system service exception, выполните следующие действия:

Шаг 1. Нажмите Win + R и введите «devmgmt.msc», чтобы открыть диспетчер устройств;

Вызов диспетчера устройств

Шаг 2. Откройте «Видеоадаптеры»;

Шаг 3. Выберите вашу видекарту и кликниет по ней правой кнопкой мыши, затем «свойства» и «драйвер» ;

Видеоадаптеры в диспетчере устройств

Шаг 4. В разделе «Драйвер» нажмите «Обновить драйвер»;

Обновление драйверовШаг 5. «Автоматический поиск драйверов»;

Обновление драйверов

Шаг 6. Выполняйте все необходимые шаги согласно инструкций системы.

Способ второй — используйте Центр обновления Windows

Ошибка system service exception также может быть связана с версией системы Windows. В настройках Windows мы можем проверить, требуется ли какое-либо обновление. Win + I, чтобы открыть настройки, затем выберите ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ и БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ для проверки.

Панель управления

Способ третий — восстановление файловой целостности

Этот метод делает возможным првоерку файлов системы и восстанавливает все при необходимости. Для устранения последствий system service exception все шаги будут реализовываться в «Командной строке» ОС Windows, следуйте следующей инстркции: 

Шаг 1. Нажмите Win + R и введите «cmd», чтобы открыть диспетчер устройств;

Вызов командной строки

— Поочередно вводим необходимые команды: 

Командная строка

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth 

sfc /scannow 

chkdsk /f 

Учтите, что выполнение обработка команды занимает определенное время. Наша рекомендация не прерывать их работу и дождаться окончания всего процесса — выполнения операций и комад для проверки целостности файлов в ОС Windows.

По завершении ваш ПК необходимо перезагрузить.

Способ четвертый — устранить проблему при помощи Driver Booster 

Все сложности в работе ПК связанные с драйверами, в том числе ошибку 0x0000003b или system service exception могут быть с легкостью устранены Driver Booster. Нащш продукт поможет вам в автоматическом режиме обновлять все драйверы на вашем ПК при помощи расширенной базы данных драйверов, с Driver Booster вам не придется тратить драгоценное временя на подбор необходимого драйвера — просто скачайте и запустите Driver Booster, он автоматически начнет подбор нужных драйверов на ваш компьютер, после чего вам будет показан список устаревшего ПО. Затем вы можете указать, какие именно драйвера обновить.

Driver Booster Free

Driver Booster Free

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Удаление встроенных в Windows 10 приложений

Like most BSOD errors on Windows 10, 0x0000003b is another annoying BSOD error. It makes your PC suddenly restart without any warning.

Imagine you are working on an important presentation, and before you could save it, your system restarts due to the 0x0000003b error code. What will you do?

Everything you were working on is now gone because the AutoSave feature was OFF, and you did not get a chance to save it?

BSODs are frustrating, right?

In this article, we are going to share information about 0x0000003b system_service_exception Windows 10 error, and ways to troubleshoot it.

This BSOD error occurs in all versions of Windows, be it Windows 10, Windows 7 or Windows 8. The most common reasons for BSOD system service exception on Windows 10 are:

  • Corrupted Windows system files
  • Outdated or corrupt Windows drivers
  • Virus, malware or other malicious programs
  • Buggy Windows update
  • Corrupt registry entries0x0000003b Windows stop code system service exception

Ways to Fix Windows stop code system service exception_0x0000003b

There are various reasons for 0x0000003b system_service_exception; therefore there are several solutions to it.  Below, we will discuss the most effective fixes to resolve system_service_exception on Windows 10.

Method 1: Update device drivers (Recommended)

Most of the times, system_service_exception Windows 10 error is caused due to outdated or incompatible drivers.

Don’t worry, it’s not something you did. Windows drivers can become a problem anytime. This means if they are working fine one day, they can cause a blue screen the other day. Since the version of Windows updates regularly, devices get new driver updates and these changes sometimes fall out of sync. Thereby, ending up showing stop code system service exception error.

Fortunately, solving this problem is easy. By simply installing or updating to a compatible driver you can get rid of system service exception on Windows 10. Here’s how you can do it.

1.  Download and install Smart Driver Care.

smart driver care system service exception error


2. Run Smart Driver Care, and click Start Scan Now. It will run a scan on your system to detect the incompatible or buggy drivers.

3. Click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of flagged drivers.

4. Restart your system to bring changes into effect.

This should fix Windows stop code system service exception error on Windows 10.

Note: To update outdated drivers, you will need to use the Pro version of Smart Driver Care. Don’t worry,  Smart Driver care takes a complete backup of the old drivers allowing you to restore if anything goes wrong. Furthermore, it comes with 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee. This means you can use the product without any worry.

However, if you would like to do it manually follow the steps below:

  1. Press Windows + R key altogether.
  2. In the Run window, type devmgmt.msc,  and press Enter.
  3. Now under Device Manager window look for display adapter.
  4. Unhide the driver. Right-click on it, and select Update Driver Software from the context menu.
  5. Next, click on “Search automatically for updated driver software.”

Windows will not look for an available driver update. If there’s an update, you will be asked to install it. Follow on-screen instructions to install the driver.

Method 2: Run System File Checker

Corrupt or faulty system files can also cause system service exception on Windows 10. To check if this has created the issue, use System File Checker to replace any corrupt system files.

To run it follow the steps below:

  1. Type command prompt in the Windows search bar.
  2. Right-click on Command Prompt.
  3. Now from the context menu select and click Run as Administrator.cmd 0x0000003b Windows stop code system service exception
  4. Next, in the Command Prompt window type chkdsk /f/r, press Enter.
  5. To schedule a disk check next time system restarts, press Y from the keyboard.
  6. Now, restart your PC, wait for the scan to finish.
  7. Check if the stop code system service exception problem is fixed or not.

Method 4: Perform Malware Or Virus Check

Viruses or malware can corrupt system files leading to stop code system service exception. Therefore, to fix this problem, run an updated anti-malware like Advanced System Protector. This standalone tool has an advanced scan engine that helps remove infected files and malware. there are two types of scan, you can choose any of the two as per your convenience. To perform a more thorough scan, we recommend using a Deep Scan.


Method 5: Uninstall defected applications

If 0x0000003b BSOD system service exception has occurred after installing a specific software, it is recommended that you uninstall that program. When a corrupt software is installed,  chances are this error might occur. Therefore, we suggest uninstalling such software, and then restart the system to check if the system service exception stop code problem is fixed or not.

Method 6: Use SFC command to repair the corrupted system file

System files play an important role in the proper functioning of the system. If they get corrupted serious problems like 0x0000003b stop code system service exception occurs. To resolve this problem, we will need to repair corrupted system files. To use SFC command for the same follow the steps below:

  1. Type command prompt in Windows search.
  2. Right-click on Command Prompt > Run as Administrator.
  3. Next in Command Prompt window type sfc scannow and hit enter.

This will start the system file checking process to repair corrupted system files with a cached copy of the same files saved in the Windows folder.

BSOD is the most frustrating error anyone could face as it does let you do anything. We hope using these methods discussed above will help you resolve 0x0000003b Windows stop code system service exception.

Liked the article?  Please express your thoughts in the comments section below. You can also mention which method worked for you. For more tech updates, do subscribe to our newsletter. You can also follow us on social media.


  • Causes of The Error
  • Restore Deleted Files
  • Start The Computer in Safe Mode
  • Update a Driver With The Device Manager
  • Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files
  • Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f
  • Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows
  • Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu
  • Consult Microsoft Support Service
  • Install Latest System Updates
  • Scan The System For Viruses
  • Test Your RAM
  • Make a Clean Installation of Windows

Causes of The Error

  • There is not enough free space in the hard disk of your computer/laptop. For Windows 10 to operate correctly you need to have from 2 to 10 Gb of free space in your system disk.

  • An incompatible version of BIOS was installed or the firmware was damaged.

  • Device drivers incompatible with the OS were installed.

  • Windows registry was damaged or deleted, or cleaning operations accidentally deleted system keys.

  • Antivirus software or viruses may block system files or delete important registry keys.

  • An error occurred in the work of backup software.

  • It can also happen as a result of a Windows update.

Read more how to fix 0x0000003B: «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION « in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Home Server 2011, Windows 7 (Seven), Windows Small Business Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Home Server, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT.

Here are some ways of eliminating the problem with «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION «:

Restore Deleted Files

Often BSoD errors cause loss of important files. Files blocked by computer viruses, backup software errors, damaged or overwritten system files, file system errors or bad hard disk sectors – these are only some of the causes that can make your data lost.

Corrections of the corresponding errors will restore the normal operation of your devices, but it does not always restore damaged or lost files. Also, it is not always possible to eliminate an error without formatting the hard disk or clean installation of the operating system, which can also involve loss of files.

The tool recovers data from any devices, regardless of the cause of data loss.

Download for free and scan your device with the help of Hetman Partition Recovery. Learn about the program features and step-by-step guide.

Hetman Partition Recovery

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

If the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION » (0x0000003B) occurs when loading Windows and blocks any attempts to work with the system, try loading the computer in Safe Mode. This mode is meant for operating system (OS) diagnostics, but OS functions are very limited in this mode. Safe Mode should only be used if the system is blocked otherwise.

Start The Computer in Safe Mode

In order to start Safe Mode you should do the following:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the settings window that appears go to Update & Security menu and choose the Recovery tab.

  3. In the tab Recovery find Advanced startup and click the button Restart now.

  4. As your Windows restarts, it will ask you to choose the next step. Choose Troubleshoot.

  5. In the Troubleshoot menu click on Advanced Options and then on Startup Settings.

  6. Then Windows will inform you that the computer can be restarted with the use of additional settings one of which is Enable Safe Mode. Press Restart.

  7. After restarting choose Enable Safe Mode by pressing F4.

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How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

How to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode (All Methods)

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

Have you installed new hardware to your computer? Are you using a new USB device? These can be the causes for the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION «. If you installed your device driver from the disk you have found in the device delivery package or if you are using a driver which was downloaded from a place other than Microsoft official website, this can be the core of the problem. You will have to update the device driver to fix it.

Update a Driver With The Device Manager

You can do it manually in the Windows device manager by taking the following steps:

  1. Press Windows button and type device manager on the keyboard.

  2. Choose Device Manager from the list.

  3. View the list of device categories and click on the arrow nest to the category in which your new device falls. The driver can be marked with a yellow triangle.

  4. Right-click on the device name and press Update Driver Software.

  5. Then a window of Update Driver Software with two options will appear:

    • Search automatically for updated driver software. Windows will automatically check availability of the best suitable driver for this device.

    • Browse my computer for driver software. Use this option to show the OS where the driver files are kept.

Restart the computer after the driver is installed.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files

Damaged or rewritten system files may cause the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION «. The command sfc finds damaged Windows system files and replaces them.

Use sfc /scannow To Check All System Files
  1. Press Windows button and enter cmd from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window, type in sfc /scannow and press Enter.

This process may take several minutes.

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How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

How to Recover Windows 10, 8, 7 System Files (SFC, DISM)

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f

The blue screen with «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION « may be caused by a file system error or by bad sectors in your disk. The command CHKDSK will check the disk for file system errors and bad sectors. Using the setting /f will make the program to automatically correct the detected errors, and the setting /r allows finding and fixing problem disk sectors. To launch it, follow these steps:

Check for Errors The Disk Where Windows Is Installed By Using The Command chkdsk c: /f
  1. Press Windows, then enter CMD from the keyboard.

  2. Right-click on CMD and launch it as administrator.

  3. In the command prompt window type chkdsk c: /f and press Enter (use the letter of the drive where your OS is installed).

Wait until the process is over and restart your computer.

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows

A error with the code «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION « may be caused by outdated software. If this error occurs after launching a program, then using Windows compatibility mode can help you get rid of the problem. To fix it, do the following:

Use The Mode of Compatibility With an Old Version of Windows
  1. Find a program executable file (it has .exe extension) and right-click on it.

  2. In the quick menu, select Troubleshoot compatibility.

  3. At the next stage, you will see the window Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. You will have two troubleshooting options to choose from:

    • Try recommended settings. Select this variant to start a test run of the program using recommended compatibility settings.

    • Troubleshoot program. Select this variant to choose compatibility settings based on what problems you have encountered.

  4. After testing the program under various versions of Windows and startup settings save the suitable settings for your program.

Setup compatibility mode
Check errors
Setup Windows version

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How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode With Windows 10, 8 and 7

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu

The software causing «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION » (0x0000003B) may be written to Windows Startup list so the error occurs immediately after the system starts without any user activity. You can delete programs from Startup by using Task Manager.

Disable Unnecessary Programs in Windows Startup Menu
  1. Load the computer in Safe Mode.

  2. Right-click on Task Bar and then on Task Manager.

  3. Go to Startup tab.

  4. To delete a program from the startup list select it and disable by clicking Disable in the right lower corner of the window.

Consult Microsoft Support Service

Microsoft offers several solutions to eliminate the blue screen error. «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION » (0x0000003B) can be fixed with the help of Windows Update or by addressing Windows Support.

Consult Microsoft Support Service
  1. Go to Microsoft Support Service.

  2. Enter your error code and message into the search field and follow the directions.

  3. If you don’t find a ready solution as the community where your query can be answered by a certified system administrator.

Install Latest System Updates

Windows provides updates that extend your driver database and correct errors or security vulnerabilities. Download the latest updates to get rid of the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION » (0x0000003B).

Install Latest System Updates

You can launch Windows Update like this:

  1. Go to Start menu and select Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to Update and Security tab.

  3. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

Set up automatic download and installation of system updates

It is recommended to set up automatic download and installation of system updates with the help of Advanced Options.

To enable automatic system update you need to start Windows Update:

  1. Go to Start menu and choose Settings.

  2. In the Settings window go to the Update and Security menu and select Windows Update. To install the latest Windows updates click on Check for updates and wait until they are found and installed.

  3. Go to Advanced Options and choose the mode of update installation — Automatic.

Scan The System For Viruses

The blue screen of death with the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION » 0x0000003B can be caused by computer viruses that infected your system.

To check the computer for viruses launch your antivirus program.

Modern antiviruses allow checking both hard disks and RAM. Run a full system scan.

Test Your RAM

System memory problems may cause errors, loss of data or even make your computer stop working.

Before you start checking RAM, take it out of the slot on the motherboard and then stick it back again. Sometimes the error «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION « can be caused by the memory stick which was set into the slot incorrectly or not tight enough, and sometimes by the slot contacts covered with dust.

If the above actions did not make things better, you can check your RAM with the means of your operating system – Windows Memory Diagnostic.

JYou can start this tool in two ways:

  1. With the help of Control Panel:

    Start Windows Memory Diagnostic with Control Panel

    Go to Control Panel / System and Security / Administrative Tools. Launch the application Windows Memory Diagnostic.

  2. With the use of Run:

    With the use of Run

    Launch the Run tool with the combination of keys Windows + R. Type in mdsched and press Enter. The Windows Diagnostic tool will start.

To start the checking select one of the suggested variants to decide how your RAM will be tested after the computer is restarted.

If the diagnostic tool finds errors that cannot be corrected, such memory should be replaced (that is, you have to replace the memory stick where errors were found).

Make a Clean Installation of Windows

If none of the methods helped you to get rid of «SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION «, try reinstalling Windows. In order to make a clean installation of Windows you need to create a setup disk or another media which you are going to use to install the OS.

Start the computer with the setup disk. To do it you may need to change boot priority in BIOS or UEFI for newer computers.

Following the installer menu stages, specify the disk where you want your Windows installed. You will have to format it then. If you are not satisfied with the number or size of the local disks they can be deleted and repartitioned.

Remember that formatting, deleting or partitioning your disks will destroy all files in the hard disk.

After specifying the disk to install Windows to, the process of copying system files and installing the operating system will start. During the installation, no additional action is required. In the process, the screen will go off for a while several times, and the computer will restart on its own to complete certain stages of installation.

Depending on the version of Windows at one of the stages you may have to select or enter basic personalization settings, choose how the computer works with networks and select settings of your account or create a new one.

As the computer loads the desktop, a clean installation of Windows is finished.

Note. Before you start a clean installation of Windows make sure you have drivers for all your hardware and that your files are safe. Download and save drivers to a separate media, and create a backup copy of important data.

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC to Factory Default Settings (All Methods)

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won't Boot

How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won’t Boot

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • Друзья , выручайте! Уже всю голову сломал. После того как Вин 8.1 обновился до 10-ки мучают постоянные БСОДы с номером выше.


    Вот они все, но в принципе они все Одинаковые. Номер БСОДа всегда 1.

    Всё железо оттестировано чем только можно и исправно. На тестах в БСОД не падает.

    Вот линк на конфигурацию компьютера https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FeFp/UxPMNGZ9U

    Посоветуйте хотя бы как смотреть, я уже всю голову себе сломал :( Идеи кончились :(

    • Изменено

      11 ноября 2015 г. 16:27


  • Согласно дампу, Bsod появляется во время работы приложения uTorrent.exe, Вам следует убедиться, чтобы не было утечки памяти. Также желательно проверить память утилитой memtest.

    3: kd> !analyze -v
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
    *                                                                             *
    An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
    Arg1: 00000000c0000005, Exception code that caused the bugcheck
    Arg2: fffff803ed43d500, Address of the instruction which caused the bugcheck
    Arg3: ffffd00180277a00, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the bugcheck
    Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.
    Debugging Details:
    SYSTEM_SKU:  To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    SYSTEM_VERSION:  System Version
    BIOS_DATE:  10/20/2011
    BUGCHECK_P1: c0000005
    BUGCHECK_P2: fffff803ed43d500
    BUGCHECK_P3: ffffd00180277a00
    BUGCHECK_P4: 0
    EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - <Unable to get error code text>
    fffff803`ed43d500 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [rcx]
    CONTEXT:  ffffd00180277a00 -- (.cxr 0xffffd00180277a00)
    rax=0000000000000003 rbx=0000000000000001 rcx=000000001d0e3c80
    rdx=0000000000000260 rsi=000000000000000f rdi=0000000000000040
    rip=fffff803ed43d500 rsp=ffffd00180278428 rbp=ffffd00180278470
     r8=ffffe000c84f15a0  r9=ffffe000ceaa3080 r10=0000000000000001
    r11=0000000000000001 r12=ffffe000cf2f7840 r13=000000001d0e3c80
    r14=0000000000000260 r15=000000000000000f
    iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
    cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010206
    fffff803`ed43d500 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [rcx] ds:002b:00000000`1d0e3c80=????????
    Resetting default scope
    CPU_COUNT: 4
    CPU_MHZ: 108f
    CPU_VENDOR:  GenuineIntel
    CPU_MODEL: 25
    PROCESS_NAME:  uTorrent.exe
    ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.10240.9 amd64fre
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from fffff803ed43a544 to fffff803ed43d500
    ffffd001`80278428 fffff803`ed43a544 : ffffd001`80278700 00000000`00000001 ffffe000`cf1c7880 00000000`00000006 : nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry
    ffffd001`80278430 fffff803`ed50fd57 : 00000000`0000000f fffff803`ed3e0200 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000038 : nt!ObWaitForMultipleObjects+0xe4
    ffffd001`80278950 fffff803`ed15f963 : 00000000`00000102 ffffe000`cf2f7840 00000000`00000001 00000000`029cfd00 : nt!NtWaitForMultipleObjects32+0xf7
    ffffd001`80278bd0 00000000`63d91e52 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
    00000000`029cf3c8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x63d91e52
    fffff803`ed43d500 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [rcx]
    SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry+0
    FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
    IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe
    IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.10240.16545
    STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffffd00180277a00 ; kb
    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry
    BUCKET_ID:  0x3B_nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry
    PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS:  0x3B_nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry
    FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:0x3b_nt!explookuphandletableentry
    FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {59520074-ccaa-484e-1f2d-511b4aaab11f}
    Followup:     MachineOwner

    Best Regards, Andrei …
    Microsoft Certified Professional

    • Изменено
      13 ноября 2015 г. 22:46
    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      18 ноября 2015 г. 18:23

Синий экран смерти действительно является глобальной проблемой на любом компьютере. Его появление всегда вводит в ступор любого пользователя, ведь выводимый при этом текст очень сложный для восприятия. Но если вы проанализировали информацию в BSOD и обнаружили сбой System_Service_Exception (код ошибки 0x0000003b), то вполне вероятно, что вы исправите эту stop-ошибку даже без переустановки Windows (7/8/10).

Причины ошибки System_Service_Exception

Эта проблема настолько распространена, что корпорация Microsoft официально инициировала разбирательство внутри операционной системы. Удалось выяснить первопричину синего экрана смерти. Ими оказались несколько важнейших драйверов Win32k.sys и IEEE 1394, а точнее ошибка инициализации их буфера. ИХ конфликты и провоцируют основные проблемы с оперативной памятью на компьютере.


Синий экран смерти со STOP-ошибкой 0x0000003b

Чаще всего ошибку 0x0000003b замечают в Windows 7 (с x64 разрядностью). Что характерно, синий экран является основной проблемой при наличии на ПК много пользователей. Их частое переключение приводит к сбоям, поэтому нужно непременно попробовать уменьшить количество администраторов. Также часто сбой возникает из-за браузера Google Chrome.

Пользователю нужно первоначально заметить, когда именно появляется ошибка. Если она отображается после включения определенной программы на компьютере, значит деинсталлируйте ее, а перед повторной установкой очистите реестр от остаточных записей.

Проверка оперативной памяти

В случаях, когда system_service_exception появляется в самом начале запуска вашей ОС, нужно рассматривать уже саму оперативную память (ее плату). Откройте ваш компьютер и поочередно вынимайте платы, если конечно их несколько. Возможно, одна из них по стечению обстоятельств перестала работать. Если это помогло, тогда стоит менять нерабочую планку оперативной памяти.

Также можно проверить оперативную память через специальный утилит — MemTest86.

Также стоит опробовать дедовский метод — вынуть батарейку (таблетку) на материнской плате, подергать все шлейфы и контакты, переконнектить платы. Да и от пыли все прочистить лишний раз не помешает.

Примените патч «Stop 0x0000003b Win32k.sys»

Посетите страницу компании Microsoft о коде 0x0000003b — support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/980932. Тут можно узнать много полезной информации касательно возможных причин проблемы. В верхней части сайта будет предложен файл для скачивания «Hotfix Download Available» (но может быть и по-другому написано). Именно этот патч для Win32k.sys компания рекомендует установить для исправления синего экрана. Скачивайте и устанавливайте данное обновление только в том случае, когда код ошибки именно 0x0000003b. В других случаях оно вам не поможет.

Вот краткая видео-инструкция (на английском, но от этого не менее понятная), которая показывает как скачать и установить патч для Win32k.sys.

Другие варианты

  • Скачайте с официального сайта последнюю версию DirectX. Попробуйте обновить ее на ПК.
  • Выполните запуск системы в чистом виде. Для этого запустите командную строку «Выполнить». Нажмите на клавиатуре Win+R. Пропишите такие символы msconfig. Поставьте точку напротив «Диагностический запуск». Таким образом, можно определить, какая служба влияет на ОС: сторонняя или основные службы. Если посторонняя, тогда сделайте возврат системы на месяц назад. Основные же службы можно попробовать переустановить с основного диска Windows.Исправляем-STOP-ошибку-0x0000003b-в-Windows-7-10
    Диагностический запуск Windows 10
  • Обратитесь за помощью к утилиту DLL Suite. Данная программа эффективно проверяет операционную систему на наличие разных сбоев. Ее использование не должно вызвать у вас лишних затруднений, ведь настраивать в ней практически нечего.


«STOP-ошибку 0x0000003b» в Windows 7/8/10 (x32, x64) можно решить благодаря нескольким простым обновлениям и сторонним утилитам. Однако, в крайних случаях, прибегайте к полной переустановке Windows. Главное использовать чистые сборки. Надеюсь вы нашли решение для себя, а в комментариях отметите, какое именно. Спасибо.

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