Ошибка при загрузке касперского

Ошибка при загрузке установочного файла

Статья обновлена: 16 августа 2022
ID: 14698


  • Контрольная сумма файла не совпадает с данными на сервере «Лаборатории Касперского».
  • Ошибка на сервере «Лаборатории Касперского».
  • Проблемы с сетью. 
  • Установочный файл отсутствует на сервере «Лаборатории Касперского».


  1. Запустите командную строку от имени администратора. Инструкция в статье.
  2. Введите ipconfig /flushdns и нажмите Enter на клавиатуре.
  3. Введите netsh int ip reset all и нажмите Enter на клавиатуре.
  4. Перезагрузите компьютер.
  5. Повторите установку программы «Лаборатории Касперского».

Если ошибка не исчезла, повторите установку позже. Например, через час.

Что делать, если проблема сохранилась

Если ошибка повторяется, свяжитесь с технической поддержкой «Лаборатории Касперского», выбрав тему для своего запроса.

Спасибо за ваш отзыв, вы помогаете нам становиться лучше!

Спасибо за ваш отзыв, вы помогаете нам становиться лучше!

проверил 11 Internet Explorer,он открывается  и страницы в нём загружаются,всё с ним вроде бы нормально. логи вот


1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Build date: Jan 27 2022, time: 14:46:48, version: ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Load library failed, Shcore.dll, err=126 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AverageCheckPrerequisitesTime = 5 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: PrerequisitesErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Prerequisites ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: FileCheckSumErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileCheckSum ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: MsiErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=MsiError ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: PPCSid = 26485 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: WizardPageHeight = 500 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: ShowActivateTrialOption = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: DiskSpaceErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=DiskSpace ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: FileNameKleanerCab = kleaner.cab ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: WinUpgradeParamsFilename = KAVKISKTSWinUpgradeParams.cfg ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: YandexBrowserAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexbrowseragreement ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: CompatibilityModeLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=compatibility_mode ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration = yes ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_install ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: ServerErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Server ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AdminRightsErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=AdminRights ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AlienSoftwareWarning = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftwareWarning ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: MinOsVersion = 5.1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: FileSignatureErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileSignature ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: PrivacyPolicyLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=privacypolicy ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AlienSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftware ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: LinkHelpBase = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version={VERSION}&pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&syst={OS_VER} ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: InstallationOnActiveInfectionLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=InstallationOnActiveInfection ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AntiMalwareToolsLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=AntiMalwareTools ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: RescueDiskInfoLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=RescueDiskInfo ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForInstallPreparation = 68157440 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: SlideShowUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/slideshow?act-local=<Localization> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: GoogleToolbarTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: DotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=netframeworkerror ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode = {LinkHelpBase}&error={ErrorCode} ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: BFEErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=BFEError ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: CompatibleAVSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=CompatibleAVSoftware ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: NotSupportedFileSystemErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=NotSupportedFileSystem ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: InstallStageParts = 20 80 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: ProductAlreadyInstalledErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=ProductAlreadyInstalledError ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: LinkAboutNewVersion = {LinkHelpBase} ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: CertificateUntrustedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=certuntrusted ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: KsnStatWeight = 1.0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: KsnStatHttpGateway = https://ksn-stat-install.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: WinUpdateDotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wusadotneterror ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_install ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: WinInstallBusyErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wininstbusy ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: TfuChangesLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=tfu_changes ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall64 = 1782579200 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: Sha256NotSupportedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=Sha256NotSupported ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: Support_URL = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=<Localization>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version=<ApplicationVersion>&pid=<ApplicationType>&syst=<OsVersion>&link=kb ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: LinkRedirectBase = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/ ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: BundleKSDE_AverageInstallTime = 30 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture = {LinkRedirectBase}?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: YandexSoftwareAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexsoftagreement ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: DataProvisionStatementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=dataprovision ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: WizardPageWidth = 572 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: ModalDialogWidth = 464 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: KPMCompatibleCustomizations = xforum; xtestbank; xnotgdpr; xsnaac ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: IndexReloadTimeout = 5 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: ModalDialogHeight = 252 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: UserAgentName = Kaspersky Downloader ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: AverageCheckIncompatibleSoftTime = 10 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: SetupFilesTempFolder = %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.964 *** Param: DownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: FileNameAlienSoftWhitelistCab = sharedbases.cab ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: MaxOsVersion = 100.0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EnableYandexOffer = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AppToLaunchAfterInstall = avpui.exe ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SupportedOsBits = x86; x64 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: InternetTimeout = 240 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RedirectionMoreProductsUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/morefromkaspersky?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: InternetTimeoutForRejectable = 60 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DirectConnectionTestFileUrl = {LinkHelpBase}&link=TestConnectionFile ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: KsnStatVpnPingHttpGateway = https://ksn-web-stat.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DumpServerConfigUrl = https://dmpcfg.kaspersky-labs.com/dumpserver/config.xml ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForInstallPreparation = 440401920 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: BundleKSDE_FileNameInstaller = ksde.msi ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForProductInstall = 398458880 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall32 = 838860800 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForProductInstall = 57671680 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: UpgradablePpcsParams = HideUpgradeTab; RedirectionBuyUrl; RedirectionRenewUrl; RedirectionUpgradeUrl; RedirectionMoreProductsUrl; RedirectionBuyKSeCUrl; RedirectionRenewKSeCUrl; BalloonSilent; IsOEMProduct; HideEOLPage; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtReboot; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtDay; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachReboot; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachDay; OemCommercialPreinstallation; CreateDesktopShortcut; CreateSafeBankingShortcut; CreateSecureConnectionShortcut; SubscriptionPasswordReq; ISP_URL; Support_URL; AboutPass_URL; AuthorizationError_URL; ISPError_URL; PPCSid; EnableAutoStartupDelay; CreateMetroShortcut; EnableSounds; TrialActivationCode_kav; TrialActivationCode_kis; TrialActivationCode_pure; TrialActivationCode_ksos; TrialActivationCode_saas; ActivationCode_kfa; AutoActivationType; SocializationFriendId; SocializationCampaignId; DisableDowngradeToFree; ShowActivateTrialOption ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: NotUpgradablePpcsParams = SlideShowUrl; DefaultSubscriptionPassword; PURE_URL; KSOS_URL; KIS_URL; KAV_URL; KFA_URL; KSDE_URL; SAAS_URL; IncComputer_URL; ISPServerConnectionError_URL; ServerRootFolder; TfuServerRootFolder; SecureServerRootFolder; SecureTfuServerRootFolder; IsDefaultDenyAvailable; ThirdPartyOffers; CommercialActivationCode; KasperskyId; UserId; oneTimeRegistrationSharedSecret; UcpUseTestUrls; Request_Saas_trial_tier; LocalizationAuto; BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DotnetDownloadLink = {LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&osver={OS_VER_NUMBER}{OS_SERVICE_PACK}&osbuild={OS_BUILD_NUMBER}&dotnetver={DOTNET_VER}&target=dotnet ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DotnetDownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: ShowCancelReasonsListProbability = 0.01 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: TfuServerRootFolder = http://tfu.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DisableVKontakteShareInRegions = UA ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AgreementsMatchingGroups = Consumer/GDPR/Kaspersky_Security_for_Windows/2.0/EULA/;Consumer/GDPR/KAV_KIS_KTS_KFA/2019_TR/EULA/ ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: KPMCompatibleLocalizations = ar-ae; ar-sa; cs-cz; da-dk; de-ch; de-de; de-lu; en; en-ae; en-au; en-ca; en-gb; en-hk; en-id; en-il; en-in; en-my; en-sa; en-tw; en-us; en-za; es-es; es-mx; es-us; fi-fi; fr-be; fr-ca; fr-ch; fr-fr; fr-za; it-ch; it-it; ja-jp; ko-kr; nb-no; nl-nl; pl-pl; pt-br; pt-pt; pt-za; ru-by; ru-ru; sv-se; zh-hans-cn; zh-hant-hk; zh-hant-tw ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: LocsAreGDPRComplientSince2101 = pt-br; en-us; es-us ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: ServerRootFolder = http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SecureServerRootFolder = https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SecureTfuServerRootFolder = https://tfu.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RegistryStorageRoot = Software\KasperskyLabSetup ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RegistryStorageProduct = Setup ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: WindowsStoreLink = ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN={AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName} ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName = KasperskyLab.KasperskyNow_8jx5e25qw3tdc ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SuggestSafeKids = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SocialShare_VK = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=vkontakte&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SocialShare_FB = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=facebook&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: SocialShare_TW = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=twitter&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: YandexPartner = kaspersky-kss ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AverageInstallTime = 120 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AverageUninstallTime = 30 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: GoogleChromeTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: GoogleChromePrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_privacy ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: GoogleToolbarPrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_privacy ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: GoogleSoftwareEULALink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_partner_eula ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: LocalizationAuto = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: TrialActivationCode_kav = QQBF7-PZYX3-2SFCC-UZKUK ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: BalloonSilent = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: IsOEMProduct = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: HideUpgradeTab = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: HideEOLPage = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: CreateDesktopShortcut = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: CreateSafeBankingShortcut = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: AutoActivationType = No ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RedirectionUpgradeUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/upgrade?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: CreateMetroShortcut = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EnableAutoStartupDelay = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EnableSounds = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: CreateSecureConnectionShortcut = false ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: DisableDowngradeToFree = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RedirectionBuyUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/buy?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: RedirectionRenewUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/renew?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: EnableKPMOffer = true ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Param: WebVisitorID = bf3d7317-5bdc-47b1-9b08-66cbc65a3c42 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Add request for TryLock, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Instance locked ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Add request for Unlock, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Instance unlocked ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [persistent]    Volatile storage cleared ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Process command line: «D:\Загрузки\kav21.3.10.391abcdefghijru_26485.exe»  ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [loc_mgr]    UI lang id: 0x419 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [loc_mgr]    Embedded lang ids: 0x419 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [loc_mgr]    auto selected lang: 0x419 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Is beta: 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Version: ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [prerequisites]    Supported OS version 6.1×64 detected ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [prerequisites]    Is Windows 8.1 or later: 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Query value AppCommandLine size, failed: error: 2 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Add request for TryLock, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Instance locked ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Instance locked: 1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [before_env]    Check for {E0D9E8A5-76E2-4E16-A5CB-40351454B0D4}, count: 0, err: 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [before_env]    Check for {90D0A75F-2D01-463A-B809-F40B9DE844E9}, count: 0, err: 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [before_env]    Check for {EB24CB50-CF22-4333-B1C7-871B239DC64E}, count: 0, err: 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Property before_env_initialized set value 1 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** DC DPI: 96 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Applied DPI: 96 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Metrics icon size: 16 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Max icon size: 16 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [prerequisites]    Admin group membership attributes: 15 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Set layout successfully to LTR ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** Load library failed, Shcore.dll, err=126 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.980 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100×100 ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.995 *** [hdlg_base]    Set topmost ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.995 *** [hdlg_base]    Set no topmost ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.995 *** Set dpi aware flag for browser control ***
1236:082c 14:03:05.995 *** IE options override key created ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** OS version: Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601) ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Process id: 1236 ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Localization list: ru-RU ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Product type: KAV ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Setup version: ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Property ShouldSendKsnStatFromThisInstance set value 1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** auto lang id: 0x419 ***
1236:009c 14:03:05.995 *** Property SelectedLangId set value 1049 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.011 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x82c ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.011 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: about:blank ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AverageCheckPrerequisitesTime = 5 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: PrerequisitesErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Prerequisites ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: FileCheckSumErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileCheckSum ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: MsiErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=MsiError ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: PPCSid = 26485 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WizardPageHeight = 500 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ShowActivateTrialOption = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DiskSpaceErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=DiskSpace ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: FileNameKleanerCab = kleaner.cab ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WinUpgradeParamsFilename = KAVKISKTSWinUpgradeParams.cfg ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: YandexBrowserAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexbrowseragreement ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CompatibilityModeLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=compatibility_mode ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration = yes ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleChromeInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_install ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ServerErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=Server ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AdminRightsErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=AdminRights ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AlienSoftwareWarning = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftwareWarning ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: MinOsVersion = 5.1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: FileSignatureErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=error&type=FileSignature ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: PrivacyPolicyLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=privacypolicy ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AlienSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=AlienSoftware ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LinkHelpBase = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version={VERSION}&pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&syst={OS_VER} ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: InstallationOnActiveInfectionLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=InstallationOnActiveInfection ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AntiMalwareToolsLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=AntiMalwareTools ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RescueDiskInfoLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=RescueDiskInfo ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForInstallPreparation = 68157440 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SlideShowUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/slideshow?act-local=<Localization> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleToolbarTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=netframeworkerror ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode = {LinkHelpBase}&error={ErrorCode} ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BFEErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=BFEError ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CompatibleAVSoftwareLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=CompatibleAVSoftware ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: NotSupportedFileSystemErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=NotSupportedFileSystem ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: InstallStageParts = 20 80 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ProductAlreadyInstalledErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=error&type=ProductAlreadyInstalledError ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LinkAboutNewVersion = {LinkHelpBase} ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CertificateUntrustedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=certuntrusted ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: KsnStatWeight = 1.0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: KsnStatHttpGateway = https://ksn-stat-install.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WinUpdateDotNetInstallErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wusadotneterror ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_install ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WinInstallBusyErrorLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=wininstbusy ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: TfuChangesLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=tfu_changes ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall64 = 1782579200 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: Sha256NotSupportedErrorLink = {LinkHelpBaseWithErrorCode}&link=Sha256NotSupported ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: Support_URL = https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=<Localization>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&version=<ApplicationVersion>&pid=<ApplicationType>&syst=<OsVersion>&link=kb ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LinkRedirectBase = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/ ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BundleKSDE_AverageInstallTime = 30 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture = {LinkRedirectBase}?hl={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&customization=<RebrandingCode> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: YandexSoftwareAgreementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&target=yandexsoftagreement ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DataProvisionStatementLink = {LinkRedirectBase}?act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&act-local=<Localization>&target=dataprovision ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WizardPageWidth = 572 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ModalDialogWidth = 464 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: KPMCompatibleCustomizations = xforum; xtestbank; xnotgdpr; xsnaac ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: IndexReloadTimeout = 5 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ModalDialogHeight = 252 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: UserAgentName = Kaspersky Downloader ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AverageCheckIncompatibleSoftTime = 10 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SetupFilesTempFolder = %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: FileNameAlienSoftWhitelistCab = sharedbases.cab ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: MaxOsVersion = 100.0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EnableYandexOffer = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AppToLaunchAfterInstall = avpui.exe ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SupportedOsBits = x86; x64 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: InternetTimeout = 240 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RedirectionMoreProductsUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/morefromkaspersky?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: InternetTimeoutForRejectable = 60 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DirectConnectionTestFileUrl = {LinkHelpBase}&link=TestConnectionFile ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: KsnStatVpnPingHttpGateway = https://ksn-web-stat.kaspersky-labs.com/s ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DumpServerConfigUrl = https://dmpcfg.kaspersky-labs.com/dumpserver/config.xml ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForInstallPreparation = 440401920 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BundleKSDE_FileNameInstaller = ksde.msi ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForProductInstall = 398458880 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EstimatedSpaceForDotNetInstall32 = 838860800 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BundleKSDE_SpaceForProductInstall = 57671680 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: UpgradablePpcsParams = HideUpgradeTab; RedirectionBuyUrl; RedirectionRenewUrl; RedirectionUpgradeUrl; RedirectionMoreProductsUrl; RedirectionBuyKSeCUrl; RedirectionRenewKSeCUrl; BalloonSilent; IsOEMProduct; HideEOLPage; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtReboot; OemWelcomePageFirstStartAtDay; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachReboot; OemWelcomePageStartAtEachDay; OemCommercialPreinstallation; CreateDesktopShortcut; CreateSafeBankingShortcut; CreateSecureConnectionShortcut; SubscriptionPasswordReq; ISP_URL; Support_URL; AboutPass_URL; AuthorizationError_URL; ISPError_URL; PPCSid; EnableAutoStartupDelay; CreateMetroShortcut; EnableSounds; TrialActivationCode_kav; TrialActivationCode_kis; TrialActivationCode_pure; TrialActivationCode_ksos; TrialActivationCode_saas; ActivationCode_kfa; AutoActivationType; SocializationFriendId; SocializationCampaignId; DisableDowngradeToFree; ShowActivateTrialOption ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: NotUpgradablePpcsParams = SlideShowUrl; DefaultSubscriptionPassword; PURE_URL; KSOS_URL; KIS_URL; KAV_URL; KFA_URL; KSDE_URL; SAAS_URL; IncComputer_URL; ISPServerConnectionError_URL; ServerRootFolder; TfuServerRootFolder; SecureServerRootFolder; SecureTfuServerRootFolder; IsDefaultDenyAvailable; ThirdPartyOffers; CommercialActivationCode; KasperskyId; UserId; oneTimeRegistrationSharedSecret; UcpUseTestUrls; Request_Saas_trial_tier; LocalizationAuto; BundleKSDE_DisableInstallIntegration ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DotnetDownloadLink = {LinkRedirectBaseWithCulture}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&osver={OS_VER_NUMBER}{OS_SERVICE_PACK}&osbuild={OS_BUILD_NUMBER}&dotnetver={DOTNET_VER}&target=dotnet ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DotnetDownloadAttemptsCount = 10 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ShowCancelReasonsListProbability = 0.01 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: TfuServerRootFolder = http://tfu.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DisableVKontakteShareInRegions = UA ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AgreementsMatchingGroups = Consumer/GDPR/Kaspersky_Security_for_Windows/2.0/EULA/;Consumer/GDPR/KAV_KIS_KTS_KFA/2019_TR/EULA/ ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: KPMCompatibleLocalizations = ar-ae; ar-sa; cs-cz; da-dk; de-ch; de-de; de-lu; en; en-ae; en-au; en-ca; en-gb; en-hk; en-id; en-il; en-in; en-my; en-sa; en-tw; en-us; en-za; es-es; es-mx; es-us; fi-fi; fr-be; fr-ca; fr-ch; fr-fr; fr-za; it-ch; it-it; ja-jp; ko-kr; nb-no; nl-nl; pl-pl; pt-br; pt-pt; pt-za; ru-by; ru-ru; sv-se; zh-hans-cn; zh-hant-hk; zh-hant-tw ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LocsAreGDPRComplientSince2101 = pt-br; en-us; es-us ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: ServerRootFolder = http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SecureServerRootFolder = https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SecureTfuServerRootFolder = https://tfu.s.kaspersky-labs.com ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RegistryStorageRoot = Software\KasperskyLabSetup ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RegistryStorageProduct = Setup ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WindowsStoreLink = ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN={AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName} ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AdditionalMetroPackageFamilyName = KasperskyLab.KasperskyNow_8jx5e25qw3tdc ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SuggestSafeKids = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SocialShare_VK = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=vkontakte&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SocialShare_FB = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=facebook&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: SocialShare_TW = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/?target=social&act-local={SELECTED_LOCALIZATION}&act-pid={PRODUCT_TYPE}&act-pv={VERSION}&ppcs-id={PPCSid}&social-network=twitter&type=shareinstallation&rpe=1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: YandexPartner = kaspersky-kss ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AverageInstallTime = 120 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AverageUninstallTime = 30 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleChromeTermsLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_terms ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleChromePrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_chrome_privacy ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleToolbarPrivacyLink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_toolbar_privacy ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleSoftwareEULALink = {LinkHelpBase}&link=google_partner_eula ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: GoogleToolbalInstallerCmdLine = /r1:KPLA /r2:KPLB ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: LocalizationAuto = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: TrialActivationCode_kav = QQBF7-PZYX3-2SFCC-UZKUK ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: BalloonSilent = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: IsOEMProduct = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: HideUpgradeTab = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: HideEOLPage = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CreateDesktopShortcut = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CreateSafeBankingShortcut = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: AutoActivationType = No ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RedirectionUpgradeUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/upgrade?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CreateMetroShortcut = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EnableAutoStartupDelay = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EnableSounds = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: CreateSecureConnectionShortcut = false ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: DisableDowngradeToFree = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RedirectionBuyUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/buy?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: RedirectionRenewUrl = https://redirect.kaspersky.com/partnersite/24fcb166-df32-448b-98d3-dc7ecf712b0a/renew?ppcs-id=<PpcsId>&act-local=<Localization>&act-serial=<KeySerialNumber>&lic-id=<LicenseId>&act-lic-type=<LicenseType>&act-lic-status=<LicenseStatusId>&act-lic-lifespan=<LicenseTerm>&act-lic-daystillexpiration=<LicenseDaysToExpiration>&act-lic-dayssinceinstall=<LicenseDaysSinceActivation>&act-item=<ActionUiControlName>&act-lic-dse=<LicenseDaysAfterExpiration>&act-pid=<ApplicationType>&act-pv=<ApplicationVersion>&customization=<RebrandingCode>&rpe=1&tracking-id=<TrackingId> ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: EnableKPMOffer = true ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Param: WebVisitorID = bf3d7317-5bdc-47b1-9b08-66cbc65a3c42 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** [loc_mgr]    selected loc: ru-RU, lang: 1049, GDPR compliant: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** Not found language neutral string #2049 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** selected lang id: 0x419 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.011 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped active_infection_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped alien_soft_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_install_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_ksde_install_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped cancel_uninstall_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped check_new_version.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\chrome-logo.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped confirm_suggestion_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\default-slide-style.css», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped default_slide.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped delete_alien_soft_error_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped eula_gdpr_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped eula_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped found_installed_product_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.026 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\google-chrome-banner.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\google-toolbar-banner.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped google_apps_offer_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_back_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_exit_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_popup_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_popup_retry_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_retry_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped install_error_send_logs_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_programm.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\jquery-1.12.4.min.js», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\jquery.custom_select.min.js», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kasperskysans-bold.eot», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kasperskysans-bold.woff», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped kavrt_driver_removed_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-about-disabled.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-about-rtl.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-about.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-arrows.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-checkbox-checked-disabled.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-checkbox-checked.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-checkbox-unchecked-disabled.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-checkbox-unchecked.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.042 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-error.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-icon-ok.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-incompatible-soft-ico.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-information.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-loading-b.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-loading-f.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-loading-h.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-loading.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-logo.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-print.css», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-radio-checked.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-radio-unchecked.gif», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-refresh-disabled.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-refresh.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.058 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-script-lte-ie8.js», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-script.js», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-select-bg.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-select-down.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-select-selected.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-select-up.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.073 *** GetOptionKeyPath: Software\KasperskyLab\IEOverride ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\kis-style.css», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_ep_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_marketing_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped ksn_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped leaving_alien_soft_alert_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped must_remove_alient_soft_alert_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped new_version_exist.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped partially_compatible_soft_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\print.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\product.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped progress_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped progress_simple_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped rdp_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped reboot_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped recommended_settings_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\remove.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped replace_product_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped retry_install_from_local_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped retry_install_from_remote_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\rtl.css», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped select_birth_date_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped select_lang_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.073 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\tfu.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_new_version_eula.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_new_version_no_agr.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped tfu_ready_for_install.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped thank_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped thank_reboot_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped wait_logs_collecting_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped wait_rollback_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_kavkis.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_kfp.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped welcome_page_ready_for_install.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\yandex-logo.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\yandex-motivation.png», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped yandex_browser_buttons_style_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Skipped yandex_browser_checkbox_style_page.html ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [html_extractor]    Extracting took 78 ms ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [prerequisites]    Try read registry UAC state ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [prerequisites]    UAC off ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [prerequisites]    Is Admin: 1, membership attributes: 15 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [prerequisites]    Admin group membership attributes: 15 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** Property Version set value ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** Property DFL_OriginalFolder set value D:\Загрузки ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** Property DFL_MappedFolder set value C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.089 *** [dfl]    No mappings to restore ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.245 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.245 *** Not found local MSI  ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.245 *** Property IsInstallationProtected set value 1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.292 *** Property DownloadsDirectory set value C:\Users\Артас\Downloads ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.292 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.292 *** [agr_state]    Sync agreements states from cmd line ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.307 *** Property DDRootIndexFileUrlList set value 1https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/;http://dm.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/… ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.307 *** Property SequenceState set value 33 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.307 *** Property SequenceState set value 2 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.494 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0xfd0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.494 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: about:blank ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.494 *** [hdlg_base]    JS OK ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.510 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.510 *** Property IsJsOn set value 1 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.510 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\check_new_version.html», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.510 *** First page in 0.546s ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.510 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100×100 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.510 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename check_new_version.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.510 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\check_new_version.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.806 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0xcc4 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.806 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x9c0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.806 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\check_new_version.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:06.806 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
1236:009c 14:03:06.806 *** SetForeground ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DD]    DownloadVersionInfoFiles ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close buf  ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index2.txt ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: StartDownload start ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: Downloader created, type 0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: StartDownload end ***
1236:07a0 14:03:06.806 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** Created handle 0x00CC0004 ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/ ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Created thread: 0x6b0 ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Wait for loop to initialize ***
1236:06b0 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Starting method loop in thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Loop initialized ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    StopTimer — not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x35f0330 ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:06.806 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x35f0330, id: 32273 ***
1236:0284 14:03:06.806 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: HTTP response: 200 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.072 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x35f0330, id: 32273 ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: Successfully downloaded 5959 bytes per 267667 mks ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 35f0330 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 35f0330 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: SignalFinished, addr: 35f0330, result: 0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: SaveBuffer start ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0284 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: addr: 03573D28 downloader, addr: 35f0330 offset: 0 size: 5959 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: SaveBuffer end ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Fragment succeeded, addr: 35f0330 result: 0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Erase downloader, addr: 35f0330 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [WinInet] 0x35f0330: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Download file complete ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index2.txt ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index2.txt ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: CheckFileSignature start ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.072 *** Checking KDS signature index2.txt, len: 5959, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: CheckFileSignature end ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:07a0 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** DSKM not found sign ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/ru-RU/KAV/’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/kav/index-bases-x64-2.txt’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: ~DownloaderFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Close buf  ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.087 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: StartDownload start ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.087 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.087 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: Downloader created, type 0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.087 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: StartDownload end ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/kav/index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.103 *** [TEP]    StopTimer — not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6f0db98 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.103 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6f0db98, id: 32272 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: HTTP response: 200 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.103 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x6f0db98, id: 32272 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: Successfully downloaded 4807 bytes per 12652 mks ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 6f0db98 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 6f0db98 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: SignalFinished, addr: 6f0db98, result: 0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: SaveBuffer start ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0f94 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: addr: 070722D0 downloader, addr: 6f0db98 offset: 0 size: 4807 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: SaveBuffer end ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Fragment succeeded, addr: 6f0db98 result: 0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Erase downloader, addr: 6f0db98 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [WinInet] 0x6f0db98: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Download file complete ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-bases-x64-2.txt ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: CheckFileSignature start ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.103 *** Checking KDS signature index-bases-x64-2.txt, len: 4807, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: CheckFileSignature end ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:0c10 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x7072320: ~DownloaderFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close buf  ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: StartDownload start ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: Downloader created, type 0 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: StartDownload end ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.118 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/index-kleaner-2.txt ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.118 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.118 *** [TEP]    StopTimer — not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x7072320 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.118 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x7072320, id: 32271 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: HTTP response: 200 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.134 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x7072320, id: 32271 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: Successfully downloaded 4452 bytes per 11380 mks ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: SaveBuffer start ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 7072320 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 7072320 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: SignalFinished, addr: 7072320, result: 0 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0880 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: addr: 03573D28 downloader, addr: 7072320 offset: 0 size: 4452 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: SaveBuffer end ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Fragment succeeded, addr: 7072320 result: 0 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Erase downloader, addr: 7072320 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [WinInet] 0x7072320: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Download file complete ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change DownloadFile -> UnpackingFile ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\index-kleaner-2.txt ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: CheckFileSignature start ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.134 *** Checking KDS signature index-kleaner-2.txt, len: 4452, name signed: yes, use crl: no ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** KDS check result: 0, result flags: 37 ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** Overall KDS signature correct ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change CheckFile -> HashAndSignCheck ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change HashAndSignCheck -> Complete ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: CheckFileSignature end ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:037c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** DSKM not found sign ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/corebases.cab’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/corebasesx64.cab’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/kdscrl.rdb.z’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/ksde_corebases.cab’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/productbases.cab’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** DSKM not found sign ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** InternetCrackUrl failed for url kleaner.cab, err: 12006 ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** Added to index: ‘https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kleaner/interactive2021.2/global/kleaner.cab’ ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x3573d78: ~DownloaderFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close buf  ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change Idle -> Prepare ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change Prepare -> UnpackingFile ***
1236:051c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Hash check failed, what: can’t open file C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z (last err: 13) (file: c:\a\c\d_00000000\s\product\kavkis\ppp\install\setup\setup_platform\utils.cpp, line: 1138) ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change UnpackingFile -> CheckSignature ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change CheckSignature -> CheckFile ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change CheckFile -> ReloadFile ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: File kdscrl.rdb.z, has hash: 1, is hash valid: 0, has sign: 1, is sign valid: 0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::FileSignCheck ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change ReloadFile -> Prepare ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close handle C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::DownloadEvent ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change Prepare -> DownloadFile ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: StartDownload start ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [trash_remover]    Created directory(-ies) C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Open filebuf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Failed to open existing file C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z, err: 2 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Output to C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: Downloader created, type 0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: Downloader set access type, type 0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::StartLoadingEvent ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> LoadReqInitRoot ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: StartDownload end ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.150 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: Try get https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/kavkis2021mr3/KAV/kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::InitRootDone ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change LoadReqInitRoot -> OpenUrl ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.150 *** [TEP]    StopTimer — not found TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x3573d78 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.150 *** [TEP]    Created timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x3573d78, id: 32270 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.150 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: Open url flags: 0x84400100 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** Created handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::OpenUrlDone ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change OpenUrl -> ResponseStatus ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 1024 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: HTTP response: 200 ***
1236:06b0 14:03:07.165 *** [TEP]    Stopped timer TimerIdOpenUrlTimeOut_0x3573d78, id: 32270 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::QueryStatus ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change ResponseStatus -> GetContentLen ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::GetContentLenDone ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change GetContentLen -> ReadFile ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change ReadFile -> FileLoaded ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change FileLoaded -> Complete ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: Successfully downloaded 5223 bytes per 12597 mks ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: event struct DownloaderWinInet::DownloadStop ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: SignalFinished, addr: 3573d78, result: 0 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: DownloadBufferEventDone, addr: 3573d78 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloadBufferEventDone ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Queue buf done OK for dnl: 3573d78 ***
1236:0344 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::StartTask ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** Closed handle 0x00CC000C ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: SaveBuffer start ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:118c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: addr: 06EDC018 downloader, addr: 3573d78 offset: 0 size: 5223 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: SaveBuffer end ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Fragment succeeded, addr: 3573d78 result: 0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Erase downloader, addr: 3573d78 offset: 0 size: 0 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [WinInet] 0x3573d78: ~DownloaderWinInet ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Download file complete ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Open file failed, err: 5 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Object: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z, si: owner: BUILTIN\Администраторы, group: JFRPVNE174\None, aces: Все:(I)(W,D,RC); ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** Lookup account by sid failure on buffer alloc, err: 1332 ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Object: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0, si: owner: BUILTIN\Администраторы, group: JFRPVNE174\None, aces: Все:(OI)(CI)(W,D,RC);BUILTIN\Администраторы:(F);NT AUTHORITY\система:(F);S-1-5-5-0-185726:(RX); ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: Close buf C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files\KAV21.3.10.391.0.2252.0\kdscrl.rdb.z ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CheckDownloadStatus ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change DownloadFile -> Complete ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: OnFragmentDownloadSucceeded end ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::TaskDone ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change Complete -> Idle ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::Downloading ***
1236:0f9c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Setup state input, autoUpdMode: 0, downloadedOk: 0, autoUpdIdx: 0, newerOnSrv: 0, localDistr: 0, forceNewVer: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Install scenario output, action: InstallErrorRetry, attach remote distrib: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Property InstallError set value -536805322 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Try get application id using:  ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Failed to obtain product info, err: 87 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Run page with error code 3758161974 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** Property m_errorPageWasAlreadyShownWithError set value -536805322 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.165 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_retry_page.html», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.181 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100×100 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.181 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_retry_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:07.181 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_retry_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:07.259 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x6b0 ***
1236:082c 14:03:07.259 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_retry_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:03:07.259 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
1236:009c 14:03:07.259 *** SetForeground ***
1236:082c 14:18:25.106 *** [hdlg_base]    HtmlDialogBase::OnCancel ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** Property SequenceState set value 18 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** Property HasBackPage set value 1 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** Show error logic state input, wasErrShown: 1, ruleShowErr: 1, ruleShowLogs: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** Show error logic scenario output, showErr: 1 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** Run page with error code 3758161974 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** [html_extractor]    Save resource to tmp path «C:\Users\1EB3~1\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_exit_page.html», was already saved 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** [hdlg_base]    Browser ctrl size, cx:588, cy: 588, zoom: 100×100 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.106 *** [hdlg_base]    Page filename install_error_exit_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:18:25.106 *** [hdlg_base]    On before navigate, url: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_exit_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:18:25.184 *** [hdlg_base]    Set hk for 0x3a0 ***
1236:082c 14:18:25.184 *** [hdlg_base]    OnDocumentComplete. URL: C:\Users\Артас\AppData\Local\Temp\646A9E86-748C-11ED-A363-2CF4C520F150\install_error_exit_page.html ***
1236:082c 14:18:25.184 *** [hdlg_base]    Set browser optical zoom to 100 ***
1236:009c 14:18:25.184 *** SetForeground ***
1236:082c 14:18:27.961 *** [hdlg_base]    HtmlDialogBase::OnCancel ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Property PCID set value {B9116FBE-8133-40E9-9ACE-37A1B15C6F6B} ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Ksn stat. install mode: 1, err cat: 9, err code: 3758161974, product type:2, version:, machineId: {FFFF11AA-A75A-CF47-34D4-8E8EC7C713C3}, inst id: C2DCDF65-F93E-5BA9-8CAE-01B2AE0FB4A1, inst duration: 0, inst flags: 0, bundle product type: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Err code hex: 0xe0010036 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Should check status: 1 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Is RDP accepted: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** PCID: {B9116FBE-8133-40E9-9ACE-37A1B15C6F6B} ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Skipped bundle install for ksn product type 76 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Delete scheduled task ‘Kaspersky_Product_Update_{20C91119-626A-4305-906C-90F5A4B77B67}_KAV’, res: -2147024894 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Property SequenceState set value 20 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** [dfl]    Original file not found: product.msi ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Try get application id using:  ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Failed to obtain product info, err: 87 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Ksn stat. install mode: 1, err cat: 9, err code: 3758161974, product type:2, version:, machineId: {FFFF11AA-A75A-CF47-34D4-8E8EC7C713C3}, inst id: C2DCDF65-F93E-5BA9-8CAE-01B2AE0FB4A1, inst duration: 0, inst flags: 0, bundle product type: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Err code hex: 0xe0010036 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Should check status: 1 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Is RDP accepted: 0 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** PCID: {B9116FBE-8133-40E9-9ACE-37A1B15C6F6B} ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Skipped bundle install for ksn product type 76 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** [main_dlg]    Cancel end session delay ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Install result key not defined ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** [FilesLocker]    Unlock all ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Query value TrashFilesRemoveAlways size, failed: error: 2 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** [trash_remover]    RemoveAll started from [TrashFilesRemoveAlways] ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Query value TrashFilesRemoveAlways size, failed: error: 2 ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.961 *** Start OM shutdown ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.961 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.961 *** [TEP]    Posted msg id 18 to thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.961 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.961 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.961 *** [stat_sender]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:06b0 14:18:27.961 *** [TEP]    Exit thread 0x6b0 ***
1236:12c8 14:18:27.994 *** [LogReporter]    State change Idle -> ShutdownDone ***
1236:009c 14:18:27.994 *** OM shutdown finished ***
1236:0808 14:18:27.994 *** [i_lock]    Add request for Unlock, id 808 ***
1236:0808 14:18:27.994 *** [i_lock]    Request complete with result Success, id 808 ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.010 *** ~BrowserControlSiteStub ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.010 *** IE options override key removed ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.010 *** Closed handle 0x00CC0004 ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.010 *** Created handle 0x00000000 ***
1236:11fc 14:18:28.025 *** [main_dlg]    ShowWindowWatchProc: stopping watch due to dialog destroying ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.025 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: State machine change an event on struct DownloaderFile::CancelEvent ***
1236:082c 14:18:28.025 *** [DownloaderFile] 0x6edc068: ~DownloaderFile ***


Ошибка «В процессе установки произошла ошибка»

Ошибка «В процессе установки произошла ошибка»

Если в процессе установки антивируса Лаборатории Касперского появилась ошибка «В процессе установки произошла ошибка», воспользуйтесь рекомендациями ниже:


1. Создайте точку восстановления операционной системы

Рассмотрим на примере ОС Windows 10.

Если у вас другая версия операционной системы, смотрите инструкции на сайте поддержки Microsoft:

  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows Vista/XP/7

1.1 Нажмите на значок поиска Windows;


1.2 Введите в поле поиска «Создание точки восстановления». Выберите предлагаемый вариант от панели управления;

1.3 Перейдите во вкладку Защита системы, выберите диск, на котором установлен дистрибутив программы;

1.4 Выберите Настроить;


1.5 Нажмите Включить защиту системы. ОК;


1.6 Создайте точку описания системы, задав ей описание (название);

1.7 Дождитесь завершения создания точки восстановления. Нажмите Закрыть;


2. Проверьте наличие кода активации

Убедитесь в наличии 20-значного кода активации программы. Он потребуется после активации программы, после переустановки. Код представляет собой последовательность из цифр и латинских букв, разбитых на 4 блока по 5 символов в каждом.

Код наносится в кратком руководстве пользователя, если лицензия была приобретена на диске.

Если вы купили код активации в интернет-магазине, то код был отправлен на адрес электронной почты, указанный при оформлении заказа.

Инструкция по восстановлению пароля.

3. Удалите оставшиеся файлы программ от предыдущих версий

Скачайте исполняемый файл kavremvr.exe. Запустите его и ознакомьтесь с лицензионным соглашением. Программа попросит ввести защитный код, расположенный в интерфейсе.
Далее, выберите программу, которую требуется удалить.


Дождитесь окончания процесса удаления. Нажмите ОК.
Перезагрузите компьютер.

4. Установите дистрибутив антивируса Лаборатории Касперского повторно

Скачать последние версии дистрибутивов можно на нашем сайте, в соответствующем разделе.

Если решение не помогло, создайте запрос с подробным описанием проблемы в техническую поддержку:

Через My Kaspersky для Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Total Security, Kaspersky Security Cloud. Инструкция в справке.
Через Центр управления для Kaspersky Small Office Security. Инструкция в справке.

Возврат к списку

Если у вас не устанавливается «Касперский», возможно, дело не в системе. Этот антивирус совместим почти со всем семейством Windows: он работает на 7, 8, 10, Vista и даже на XP. Да и ресурсы компьютера не влияют на процесс закачки. От них зависит, как утилита будет работать.

Не устанавливается Kaspersky

Причины сбоя при установке Kaspersky могут быть самые разные

Узнать, почему Kaspersky не загружается, не так просто. Ведь причины сбоя могут быть разные.

Установлен другой антивирус

Не стоит ставить на компьютер несколько разных антивирусов. Если в системе два сетевых экрана, это не значит, что защита будет в два раза лучше. Наоборот, большое количество таких программ приведёт к сбоям, ошибкам и тормозам. Лучше выбрать один Antivirus и пользоваться только им.

Чтобы установить «Касперский» на Windows 7, 8 или 10, избавьтесь от других антивирусов. Иначе они будут конфликтовать между собой. Можете оставить только портативные приложения (например, утилиту от DrWeb).

Если переместить Antivirus в корзину или удалить его напрямую, используя клавишу Delete, ничего не получится. Надо пользоваться собственным деинсталлятором утилиты или встроенными средствами Windows.

  • Зайдите в «Панель управления».
  • Откройте меню «Удаление программ» (или «Программы и компоненты», если у вас включен просмотр значков).

Удаление программ в Windows

Программы и компоненты

  • В открывшемся списке найдите ваш антивирус.
  • Кликните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Удалить».
  • Следуйте дальнейшим инструкциям мастера установки/удаления.
  • Перезагрузите компьютер.

Для некоторых защитников сделаны специальные «чистилки». Они не только убирают программу, но и стирают все её следы: ярлыки, временные файлы, конфигурации, сохранённые библиотеки, записи в реестре. Такие деинсталляторы можно скачать на официальном сайте компании-разработчика ПО.

Если удаление всех защитников не помогло, и нужный антивирус по-прежнему не устанавливается, значит, причина в другом.

Не до конца удалена предыдущая версия

Если вы некорректно удалили предыдущую версию «Касперского», новая не установится. Допустим, с Kaspersky Anti-Virus 10 вы решили перейти на 15. Или просто хотите переустановить антивирус. Перед этим его надо полностью стереть. Не просто перенести в корзину, а убрать все связанные с ним данные.

Если удалять «Касперский» стандартными инструментами Windows, от него могут остаться файлы, ключи и ссылки. Поэтому нужно скачать программу — деинсталлятор.

  • Зайдите на сайт kaspersky.ru.
  • В строку поиска (справа сверху) вбейте запрос «kavremover».

Официальный сайт Kaspersky

Официальный сайт Kaspersky

  • В результатах будут ссылки для загрузки продукта «Kzip» и «Kavremvr.exe». Первая — это архив с деинсталлятором, вторая — сам деинсталлятор. Можете выбрать любой вариант закачки.
  • Там же есть инструкция, описывающая, как правильно удалять антивирус.
  • Если брали архив, распакуйте его.
  • Запустите исполняемый файл.
  • Примите лицензионное соглашение.
  • Появится окно с капчей. Если не получается разглядеть символы, нажмите на кнопку с круговыми стрелками. Так сменится картинка.
  • В выпадающем списке «Обнаружены продукты» выберите версию антивируса, которую хотите стереть.
  • Кликните на «Удалить».
  • После завершения процесса перезагрузите компьютер.
  • В каталоге, в котором находится деинсталлятор, появится лог в формате .TXT. Его можно открыть в блокноте.
  • Проверьте, устанавливается ли Antivirus.

Программная несовместимость

Kaspersky работает с разными версиями Windows. Но это не значит, что один установщик подойдёт и для 10-ки, и для XP. Если вы попробуете загрузить устаревший антивирус на современную систему, ничего не получится.

  • Чтобы устранить проблему, загрузите актуальную версию инсталлятора с официального ресурса Лаборатории Касперского.
  • Откройте сайт.
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Для дома» (или «Для бизнеса», если вы ищете корпоративный Antivirus).
  • В колонке слева выберите подходящий продукт.

Выбор версии Kaspersky

Выбор версии Kaspersky

  • Там есть раздел «Системные требования». В нём указаны поддерживаемые ОС.

Можно сделать проще:

  1. Наведите курсор на «Скачать».
  2. Пункт «Дистрибутивы».
  3. Кликните нужный антивирус.

Kaspersky для старых систем можно найти в интернете.

Повреждён установщик

Если «Касперский» не устанавливается на Windows 7, 8 или 10, возможно, проблема в самом инсталляторе (он повреждён или содержит ошибки). Такое случается, если закачка файла прервалась, и он не до конца загрузился. Но, чаще всего, виноват нелицензионный софт. Платные программы взламывают. Иногда это делают неопытные люди. И в результате получается нерабочий EXE-файл.

Выхода два:

  • Установите лицензионную утилиту. Она точно не будет «глючить».
  • Попробуйте скачать взломанное приложение из другого источника.

Проблемы с .NET Framework

Чтобы «Касперский» стабильно работал на Win 10, 8 и 7, ему нужна утилита .NET Framework версии 4.0 и выше. Эта программа уже должна быть в Windows. Но если она функционирует с ошибками, надо её обновить или переустановить.

  • Зайдите на ресурс Microsoft.com.
  • В строку поиска введите «Microsoft .NET Framework».
  • В разделе «Загрузки» выберите последнюю версию утилиты.
  • Нажмите на красную кнопку «Скачать».

.NET Framework версии 4.0

Скачиваем .NET Framework версии 4.0

  • Запустите полученный файл.
  • Дождитесь окончания процесса.

Проверьте, устанавливается ли антивирус. Если нет, попробуйте полностью удалить Framework и заново его загрузить.

В системе есть вирус

Ещё одна возможная причина ­— система заражена вредоносным программным обеспечением. Именно оно «не пускает» Kaspersky. Избавиться от вируса поможет утилита DrWeb. Её не нужно ставить или удалять. Это портативная программа, которая подходит для Windows всех версий (XP, 7, 8, 10).

  • Зайдите на сайт «drweb.ru».
  • Вкладка «Скачать».
  • Прокрутите страницу вниз до раздела «Бесплатные».
  • Откройте «Dr.Web CureIt».
  • Кнопка «Скачать».

Скачиваем Dr.Web

Нажимаем на «Скачать бесплатно»

  • Запустите загруженный файл.
  • Нажмите «Объекты проверки».
  • Поставьте галочки во все чекбоксы.
  • Кликните на «Запустить проверку».
  • Это займёт некоторое время.
  • Программа выдаст список подозрительных данных. В столбце «Пусть» будут указаны папки. Вы можете сами выбрать, какие файлы удалить. Если вы точно знаете, что объект безопасен, выберите «Пропустить».

Проверку лучше проводить в безопасном режиме. Чтобы в него войти, при включении компьютера нажимайте клавишу F8. Будут предложены варианты запуска системы. Так вирус не сможет «спрятаться».

Другие причины

Если Kaspersky не устанавливается на Win 7, 8 или 10, значит:

  • Ему не хватает места на жёстком диске. Удалите ненужные программы и данные, чтобы «Касперский» мог спокойно работать.
  • Есть какие-то несовместимые данные. Попробуйте создать другую учётную запись Windows. И уже в ней поставьте Antivirus.
  • Вы не перезагрузили компьютер после того, как удалили другой антивирус.
  • В реестре остались записи от старого защитника. Используйте приложение для чистки и исправления ключей и ссылок. Например, CCleaner или Registry Fix.
  • Не подходят системные требования. Попробуйте поставить старую версию утилиты.
  • Вы ошиблись при вводе лицензионного ключа.

Kaspersky — это надёжная защита от вредоносного ПО. Он подходит и для больших организаций, и для обычных пользователей. И обидно, когда «Касперский» не устанавливается на Windows 10, 8 или 7. Но причину, по которой защитник не загружается на компьютер, можно устранить. Тогда вы сможете воспользоваться антивирусом.

Как исправить ошибку при скачивании Касперского: полезные советы и рекомендации

Казалось бы, скачивание антивируса должно быть простым процессом, но порой возникают ошибки, мешающие успешно завершить установку. В данной статье мы расскажем о частых проблемах, связанных со скачиванием антивируса Касперского, и дадим полезные советы и рекомендации по их устранению.

Ошибка «Невозможно установить антивирус Касперского»

Данная ошибка часто возникает в случае, когда на компьютере уже установлено другое антивирусное ПО. В таком случае необходимо удалить предыдущий антивирус перед установкой Касперского. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Откройте панель управления Windows.
  2. Выберите категорию «Программы и компоненты».
  3. Найдите в списке установленных программ предыдущий антивирус.
  4. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на программе и выберите опцию «Удалить».

После удаления предыдущего антивирусного ПО попробуйте снова скачать и установить Касперского.

Ошибка «Недостаточно свободного места на диске»

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Недостаточно свободного места на диске» во время скачивания Касперского, то необходимо освободить место на жестком диске. Для этого вы можете удалить ненужные файлы, временные файлы или перенести их на внешний жесткий диск.

Ошибка «Сетевое соединение не отвечает»

Ошибка «Сетевое соединение не отвечает» может возникнуть по разным причинам, например, из-за проблем с сетевым оборудованием или временными проблемами с интернет-подключением. Рекомендуется проверить стабильность интернет-соединения и, если возможно, попробовать скачать Касперского на другом устройстве.

Ошибка «Ошибка установки»

Если при установке Касперского возникает ошибка «Ошибка установки», то необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Убедитесь, что на компьютере установлены все необходимые системные компоненты и обновления.
  2. Проверьте, возможно ли установить другие программы на вашем компьютере.
  3. Использование специальных утилит, например, Kaspersky Products Remover, которые могут помочь удалить любые остатки предыдущего антивирусного ПО.

Ошибка «Вирус или потенциально опасный объект»

Если при скачивании Касперского возникает сообщение о нахождении вирусов или других потенциально опасных объектов, необходимо включить антивирус и просканировать систему перед установкой Касперского. В некоторых случаях, если установка Касперского заблокирована другим антивирусным ПО, необходимо отключить антивирус на короткое время для установки Касперского, а затем снова включить его.


Скачивание и установка антивируса Касперского может стать простым процессом, если вы будете следовать нашим рекомендациям и решать возникающие ошибки с помощью описанных выше методов. Не забывайте также, что регулярное обновление и проверка системы на вирусы помогут поддерживать безопасность вашего компьютера на высоком уровне.

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