Ошибка порше панамера p1731

Сообщение от dmitry34
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Автомобиль Panamera gts 2013 vin WP0ZZZ97ZDL070023
пробег 65 000 я второй хозяин. Я из Волгограда

В общем как говорится ездил бед не знал (кроме пневмы), поставил автомобиль все ок.
Через пару дней сажусь с утра заводить и у меня гирлянда, чек коробки и ДВС. Машина не вперед, не назад не едет. До этого никаких нареканий на коробку не было. Вызвал эвакуатор отогнал в Бош сервис, прочитали ошибки, бумаги во вложении, сбросили все.
Сказали мол я вот такой гонщик, догулялся, но будет все ок.
Машина поехала и опять же никаких нареканий. Ездил я довольный два дня и думал что отделался 500 рублями.
Но спустя 2 дня с утра опять тоже самое. Полазил на форуме, такие ошибки как я понял из за выхода из строя блоков АКПП. Подскажите что мне делать в моем Мухосранске и куда бежать. Потому что все мастера и мастерские нашего города не берутся толком делать диагностику и делать какие то заявления по поводу что могло выйти из строя. Мол поменять поменяем но не более.
Надеюсь мне кто нибудь здесь поможет, заранее спасибо.

Привет! У меня было такое, на форуме заводил тему. Как найду добавлю ссылку.
Мы сняли гидроблок, поменяли косу датчиков температуры, около 20₽ вышло

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Добавлено через 1 минуту

Сообщение от Vovanchick
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Привет! У меня было такое, на форуме заводил тему. Как найду добавлю ссылку.
Мы сняли гидроблок, поменяли косу датчиков температуры, около 20₽ вышло

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Акпп аварийный режим P1731 P1732

Вот здесь есть решение

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You changed the actual gearbox itself, not the PDK control unit under the dash, correct?
Having two sensor codes at the same time I would check the harness from the control unit out to the gearbox. They use a low voltage and it wouldn’t take much corrosion or pin fitment to cause a failure. I would also verify the signal from both displacement (1 & 2 as you have codes for both) sensors outside the gearbox. This should help you locate the correct wires. Also be sure the shop is using the latest version (or at least version 2) of PIWIS, the older versions don’t work well on the newer vehicles.

Image (Click to make bigger)



Thursday, March 15th, 2018 AT 3:40 PM


Hello Steve, thank you for your answer.

Actually we changed only the pdk gearbox not its Control Unit.
Because before bying the new gearbox we have checked the Control unit and it was dry and clean. We also checked and cleaned the harness.

We thought that the sensors p1731 and p1732 are inside the gearbox and we couldn’t reach them. Where can we find the two sensors?

Do you think that it can be related to the control unit? Should I change it?

Thank you a lot

Thursday, March 15th, 2018 AT 3:55 PM



Kindly send me again the image in good resolution because it’s too small and not clear. Thank you very much

Friday, March 16th, 2018 AT 9:00 AM


HMM, that should have been a large diagram. Something must have messed up the upload. Try these.

Images (Click to make bigger)

Friday, March 16th, 2018 AT 9:20 AM


Thank you sir. I ordered the pdk control unit today. I hope it will fix the issue.


Friday, March 16th, 2018 AT 9:28 AM



I found these wiring diagrams and wanted to help.

Check out the transmission wiring diagrams (Below)

Please let us know what you find. We are interested to see what it is.

Cheers, Ken

Images (Click to make bigger)

Monday, March 19th, 2018 AT 12:18 PM



Thanks for your help. I will keep you updated about progress.

Monday, March 19th, 2018 AT 4:13 PM


Now after changing the pdk control unit the error p1731 and p1732 have been fixed but we have new errors that we never got : P0846, U0446 and U0456. Guys, help me by any advice please thanks.

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 AT 3:02 AM


P0846 — Pressure sensor clutch 2, signal implausible — Shorted to bat + That would be the Green/White wire on pin 12 from the transmission to the PDK unit. It is reading above 4 volts. Either the wire is shorted to another power wire or the sensor itself is bad.

The U codes are CAN related
U0446 — Body control module — invalid data
U0456 — Coolant temperature control module — invalid data

I would clear the U codes and see if they return. Both could be caused by having the battery disconnected. Or the coolant temp sensor is disconnected.

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 AT 8:30 AM


Thank you so much for your help!

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 AT 10:07 AM


Please let us know what happens.

Cheers, Ken

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 AT 6:27 PM



Steve, is the sensor changeable?


Thursday, April 12th, 2018 AT 9:51 AM


Both information sources say they can be, BUT you will want to test the wiring first. The internal harness in the trans connecting the pressure sensors to the plug may be the problem. Says you pull the pan and the pressure sensors are inside screwed into the trans. You still have the old unit right? Maybe pull it open and check.

Image (Click to make bigger)


Thursday, April 12th, 2018 AT 10:44 AM


Thanks a lot Steve. I will keep you updated

Thursday, April 12th, 2018 AT 12:44 PM


I found solution for this case,

Porsche Panamera Uses ZF Transmission, for P1731, P1732, P1733, P1734 fault codes not required to replace gearbox (PDK) or transmission control unit, Just simply replace following part:

— Sensor Pack (Position Sensor with Speed and Temperature Sensors)
— Part#: 97031708500, Estimated Price is 500 USD.

But before any replacement, make sure your battery life is good, because Porsche is one of the most sensitive cars to over/under voltage situations. So much technology is packed into them, that bad or going battery can and does make funny things with totally unrelated systems.
Everything in the car is controlled by microprocessors and when the voltages get low you get weird signals that can be misinterpreted by the other processors.
If not worked, then try to replace with above sensor pack.

Friday, February 8th, 2019 AT 11:08 AM


I know this is an old posting, but I’m really curious about how did you fix the problem. Ive run into the same exact troubleshoot, and neither I or the dealer seem to be able to solve it. They’ve already replaced the sensor pack from inside the transmission, but the issue is still present. The vehicle had the same codes you described above, and was jumping into limp mode after about 20 min of driving. Usually after about 1 hour cool off, it ran normally for another 15-20min before the issue reappearing. Any help will be helpful!
Thanks in advance guys

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 AT 9:57 AM


I fixed the issue by changing the sensor. Maybe the one that you changed is not good.

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 AT 11:46 AM


I have seen defective sensors before, is the replacement OEM?

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 AT 11:47 AM


15-20 minutes sounds like a heat issue in the controller itself. The transmission isn’t going to be very hot in that time period but if there is a bad component in the controller it could get hot enough to shut down. Easy test would be to run it around until the system trips. Pull into a car wash and use the wand to spray the transmission and cooler down. If the issue is transmission heat the cooling should make it return to normal in a couple minutes rather than an hour.

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 AT 12:18 PM


Hello guys, thank you for the prompt and descriptive advise.

I actually had the vehicle taken to the Porsche dealership, and after long and persuasive negotiations they decided to replace “Sensor Pack (Position Sensor with Speed and Temperature Sensors)
— Part#: 97031708500”.
Actually it seemed they never done this job before, so they even asked for the part number, and offered no guarantees…
In their opinion solution was the infamous replacement of the PDK gearbox for $35K, … YES! Thirty Five Thousand US Dollars. * Of course, I’ve started laughing, because I could not do anything else to calm my anger….
Finally they supposed replaced the sensor pack, but the issue is still present.
I even provided them with Service Bulletins from the NHTSA web site


But $2165 later my vehicle is still not running properly.

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 AT 2:49 PM

  • Здравствуйте, Уважаемый автовладелец!
    Коды ошибок указываются на ошибки переключения с 1 на 2 передачу и с 2 на 3, возможно слетела адаптация АКПП, попробуйте сбросить все настройки и заново обучить, так же такая ошибка может быть из-за перегрева масла АКПП, или в худшем случае из-за износа фрикционов передач( коробка пробуксовывает)

    Россия, Subaru Legacy

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    Россия, Subaru Legacy

Фото в бортжурнале Porsche Panamera

Ничего не предвещало беды. После рабочего дня сел в машину и поехал с подземной парковки, миновав один этаж, вылетела ошибка, что «коробка передач аварийная программа”.
С парковки уехать так и не смог своими силами)

Прочитали на ошибки и вот, что выдает:

Читаются так: датчик хода штока вилки передач 1/3 и 2/R

Кто сталкивался? Где чинят?

Фото в бортжурнале Porsche PanameraФото в бортжурнале Porsche Panamera

Цена вопроса: 0 ₽
Пробег: 0 км

2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 171

then tested and any faults are stored.

— Ignition on

— The following faults are not detected: P1731, P1732, P1733, P1734

Possible fault causes

— Clutch faulty

— Hydraulics faulty

Fault setting conditions

Fault effects

— Gear held

— No gear preselection

— Transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster control unit

Hydraulic Gear Selection: No Or Wrong Shift Rod Moved During Shift Overlap


Diagnosis information — PDK

Hydraulic gear selection: No or wrong shift rod moved during shift overlap

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

— Ignition on

— The following faults are not detected: P1731, P1732, P1733, P1734

Possible fault causes

— Clutch faulty

— Hydraulics faulty

Fault setting conditions

— Incorrect shift rod moves by more than 2.2 mm

Fault effects

— Gear held

— Pressure adjusters 5 and 6 depressurized

— Speed limitation to overspeed in 1st gear

— White transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster

Hydraulic Gear Selection: Shift Rod Was Moved Without Control Request


Diagnosis information — PDK

Hydraulic gear selection: shift rod was moved without control request

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

— Ignition on

— The following faults are not detected: P1731, P1732, P1733, P1734

Possible fault causes

— Clutch faulty

— Hydraulics faulty

Fault setting conditions

— Shift rod moves by approx. 2 mm from neutral or end position without control request

Fault effects

— Gear held

— Pressure regulator for synchro selection unpressurised

— Speed limitation to overspeed in 1st gear

— Transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster control unit

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