Ошибка p2007 audi

Рассмотрим подробнее

  1. Техническое описание и расшифровка ошибки P2007
  2. Симптомы неисправности
  3. Причины возникновения ошибки
  4. Как устранить или сбросить код неисправности P2007
  5. Диагностика и решение проблем
  6. На каких автомобилях чаще встречается данная проблема
  7. Видео

Код ошибки P2007 звучит как «заслонки системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора заклинили в закрытом положении (Банк 2)». Часто, в программах, работающих со сканером OBD-2, название может иметь английское написание «Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Stuck Closed (Bank 2)».

Техническое описание и расшифровка ошибки P2007

Этот диагностический код неисправности (DTC) является общим кодом силового агрегата. Ошибка P2007 считается общим кодом, поскольку применяется ко всем маркам и моделям транспортных средств. Хотя конкретные этапы ремонта могут несколько отличаться в зависимости от модели.

Код ошибки P2007 – заслонки системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора заклинили в закрытом положении (Банк 2)

Заслонки коллектора предназначены для увеличения или уменьшения скорости, с которой всасываемый воздух проходит через впускной коллектор. Регулировка заслонок происходит с помощью привода.

Причем степень открытия зависит от скорости двигателя и других рабочих условий. Таких как положение и скорость движения дроссельной заслонки. А также факторов окружающей среды, таких как атмосферное давление и температура окружающей среды.

Чтобы система работала должным образом, требуется высокая степень контроля. Код P2007 касается как механической неисправности, так и электрических разомкнутых цепей управления исполнительных механизмов. Но утечки вакуума, также могут вызывать этот код в некоторых случаях. Поскольку датчик положения заслонок может выдавать сигнал, который не соответствует желаемому положению.

При использовании в системе клапана управления приводом (IMRC) впускного коллектора, PCM отслеживает фактическое положение вихревых заслонок. Если модуль управления не видит значительного изменения давления или температуры воздуха в коллекторе от датчика (MAP). И понимает, что желаемого изменения положения заслонок не происходит, то код P2007 будет сохранен.

В некоторых автомобилях этот код сохраняется и загорается сигнальная лампа при первых циклах сбоя. Но чаще всего происходит несколько циклов сбоя, прежде чем сигнальная лампа загорится.

При возникновении ошибки P2007 наибольшее беспокойство вызывают сами вихревые заслонки. Причина в том, что они находятся внутри впускного коллектора. Если они выйдут из строя, детали могут упасть и попасть внутрь двигателя. Например, упавшие винты, попадая в цилиндры вызывают очень серьезные повреждения.

Симптомы неисправности

Основным симптомом появления ошибки P2007 для водителя является подсветка MIL (индикатор неисправности). Также его называют Check engine или просто «горит чек».

Также они могут проявляться как:

  1. Загорится контрольная лампа «Check engine» на панели управления (код будет записан в память ECM как неисправность).
  2. Плохая работа двигателя на холостом ходу.
  3. Снижение крутящего момента, а также потеря мощности при низких оборотах двигателя.
  4. Дерганье и неустойчивая работа двигателя при ускорении.

Ошибка P2007 считается серьезной, так как существует вероятность, что поврежденная заслонка системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора или ее части попадут в двигатель. Это может привести к серьезному повреждению и даже полному выходу двигателя из строя.

Причины возникновения ошибки

Код P2007 может означать, что произошла одна или несколько следующих проблем:

  • Неисправность электромагнитного клапана системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора.
  • Поврежденные, закороченные или корродированные провода, а также разъемы.
  • Неисправность заслонки системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора (Банк 2).
  • Загрязнение вихревых заслонок.
  • Поврежденные вакуумные линии.
  • Иногда причиной является неисправный модуль PCM.

Как устранить или сбросить код неисправности P2007

Некоторые предлагаемые шаги для устранения неполадок и исправления кода ошибки P2007:

  1. Подключите сканер OBD-II к диагностическому разъему автомобиля и считайте все сохраненные данные и коды ошибок.
  2. Очистите коды ошибок с памяти компьютера.
  3. Проведите тест-драйв автомобиля, чтобы выяснить, появляется ли ошибка снова.
  4. Если код появится снова, визуально осмотрите электрические провода, соединители, а также вакуумные трубопроводы на предмет износа и наличия повреждений.
  5. Визуально осмотрите датчик положения и электромагнитный клапан системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора на предмет повреждения.
  6. Проверьте работу электромагнитного клапана и заслонки системы изменения геометрии впускного коллектора, используя ручной вакуумный насос.
  7. Измерьте напряжение в цепи управления с помощью мультиметра.
  8. Отремонтируйте или замените все поврежденные или неисправные компоненты.

Диагностика и решение проблем

Выполните тщательный визуальный осмотр всей проводки и линий. Ищите поврежденную, сгоревшую, отсоединенную или корродированную проводку или разъемы. При необходимости произведите ремонт.

Проверьте все вакуумные линии на наличие трещин, расколов, затвердевания или перфорации. Убедитесь, что все соединения герметичны, все вакуумные обратные клапаны пропускают поток воздуха только в указанном направлении. Выполняйте ремонт по мере необходимости.

Если код P2007 остался, но нет видимых повреждений проводки, протестируйте с помощью вольтомметра сопротивление, заземление и опорное напряжение. Сравните все полученные показания со значениями, указанными в руководстве. Чтобы убедиться, что все электрические значения находятся в пределах диапазонов, указанных производителем.

Проверьте позиционный переключатель и при необходимости замените его. Понаблюдайте за вакуумным приводом, держится ли в нем вакуум. Если вакуум спадает, хоть и медленно, значит, привод неисправен, и его необходимо заменить.

Удалите все коды после замены, проведите тест драйв, чтобы увидеть, возвращается ли код.

Если у вас электрический привод, используйте сканер, чтобы несколько раз подать команду на полное открытие заслонок из полностью закрытого положения. Чтобы проверить наличие неустойчивого состояния. Отображаемое напряжение сигнала всегда должно быть одинаковым как в полностью открытом, так и в полностью закрытом положении, независимо от того, сколько раз система активируется сканером.

Выполнив эти действия, вы почти наверняка разобрались с кодом P2007. Но если ошибка не исчезла, возможно, проблему создает неисправный PCM. Однако отказ PCM – чрезвычайно редкое явление, наиболее вероятная причина которого, периодическая электрическая неисправность.

На каких автомобилях чаще встречается данная проблема

Проблема с кодом P2007 может встречаться на различных машинах, но всегда есть статистика, на каких марках эта ошибка присутствует чаще. Вот список некоторых из них:

  • Acura
  • Audi (Ауди а6, Ауди а8, Ауди q7)
  • Dodge
  • Ford (Форд Фокус, F-150)
  • Honda
  • Infiniti
  • Mazda (Мазда cx7)
  • Mercedes (Мерседес Спринтер, w211)
  • Nissan
  • Porsche
  • Subaru (Субару Форестер)
  • Toyota

С кодом неисправности Р2007 иногда можно встретить и другие ошибки. Наиболее часто встречаются следующие: P2004, P2005, P2006, P2009.


  1. 09-19-2011 01:56 PM


    jdaudi is offline

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    P2006 + P2007 — Intake Runner Stuck Closed

    05 C6 3.2

    So heres my problem.. CEL came on.. P2006, P2007 came up. Alldata says «Intake Manifold Runner Stuck Closed bank 1 (P2006) and bank 2 (P2007)» It comes on, then goes off, comes on.. Goes off.. (Every few trips.)

    Friends say its a vacuum leak. TSB says it could be a vacuum leak or the intake manifold actuator diaphragm. My other friend gave me a vacuum pump to use saying i could use it to diagnose this. I have never worked with vacuum lines before, could some give me some directions? Has anyone experienced this?

    Thanks guys!

  2. 09-25-2011 01:51 PM


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    Solved: Thanks nobodys input — Vacuum line way down by the evap canister melted against the block, broke clean off. Repaired, fixed.

  3. 09-29-2011 11:40 AM


    jb246 is offline

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    06 A6 (C6) 3.2 Vacuum Line Failure, DTC P2006 P2007

    Quote Originally Posted by jdaudi
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    Solved: Thanks nobodys input — Vacuum line way down by the evap canister melted against the block, broke clean off. Repaired, fixed.

    jdaudi, just came across your post. I’ve had the exact same issue (CEL on, P2006 + P2007 codes) in the last few days on my 2006 3.2 (~44000 miles). I saw the advice on checking vacuum lines and sure enough found a break in the line to the evap canister, just below where it theroetically clips onto the dipstick (clip was broken, not sure for how long).

    I yanked on the end just below the break and a 3-inch section came off in my hand, with a hole melted through the middle of it from contact with the head.

    My question is: where the heck is the other end of this line (on the evap canister), and how do I get to it? Did you have to go underneath the car to swap that line or can you do it from the engine bay up top?


  4. 02-14-2013 09:07 AM


    ebi718 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by jb246
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    jdaudi, just came across your post. I’ve had the exact same issue (CEL on, P2006 + P2007 codes) in the last few days on my 2006 3.2 (~44000 miles). I saw the advice on checking vacuum lines and sure enough found a break in the line to the evap canister, just below where it theroetically clips onto the dipstick (clip was broken, not sure for how long).

    I yanked on the end just below the break and a 3-inch section came off in my hand, with a hole melted through the middle of it from contact with the head.

    My question is: where the heck is the other end of this line (on the evap canister), and how do I get to it? Did you have to go underneath the car to swap that line or can you do it from the engine bay up top?


    Bumping this up. I just pulled both codes, with MIL on. Is the fix as simple as replacing vacuum line(s)? Thanks in advance!!

    UPDATE: Fixed!! Hose/pipe was broken in 2 places…… I got a replacement hose from Autozone; took me about 10 minutes; codes cleared, MIL gone.

    Last edited by ebi718; 02-16-2013 at 04:52 AM.

    Reason: Fixed

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  5. 05-26-2013 12:38 PM


    Santana's S5 is offline

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    P2006 + P2007 — Intake Runner Stuck Closed

    Quote Originally Posted by ebi718
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    Bumping this up. I just pulled both codes, with MIL on. Is the fix as simple as replacing vacuum line(s)? Thanks in advance!!

    UPDATE: Fixed!! Hose/pipe was broken in 2 places…… I got a replacement hose from Autozone; took me about 10 minutes; codes cleared, MIL gone.

    Where are the vacuum hoses located? This code just popped up on my car.

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  6. 06-09-2013 11:07 AM


    MedicCarter is offline

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    What were your problems when the car was running? I’m wondering if my issue is related to the flap runner too. Not sure if its that or a coil pack going bad but I’m checking my options.

  7. 06-09-2013 12:49 PM


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    Re: P2006 + P2007 — Intake Runner Stuck Closed

    Quote Originally Posted by Santana’s S5
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    Where are the vacuum hoses located? This code just popped up on my car.

    The hoses/lines are usually under the front engine plastic cover. When you locate then, trace from from one end to the other. GL.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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  8. 06-09-2013 02:11 PM


    Santana's S5 is offline

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    P2006 + P2007 — Intake Runner Stuck Closed

    Quote Originally Posted by ebi718
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    The hoses/lines are usually under the front engine plastic cover. When you locate then, trace from from one end to the other. GL.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

    Thanks. Turned out that the arm that open and closes the flap somehow got disconnected. Everything’s working fine now.

    Audi S5 4.2
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  9. 06-10-2013 09:53 AM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Santana’s S5
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    Thanks. Turned out that the arm that open and closes the flap somehow got disconnected. Everything’s working fine now.


    ’10 A6 3.0T Quattro Avant Prestige Phantom Black Pearl Effect (Link)
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  10. 06-21-2013 02:56 PM


    AdiDas is offline

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    hey guys this code got thrown on my a4 3.2 and the mechanic has checked the vac line several times and can’t find a leak. he called audi and they couldn’t figure out why the code was being thrown.

    any input would be helpful. my mechanic says that the car runs, but has a really rough i9dle

  11. 07-09-2013 12:35 AM


    richard94 is offline

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    Hey guys, i bought my car with the check engine light on and it had the code p2006, p2007, and so.etimes the p2404. I have already found 2 vacuum leaks that it had and after checking about 6 times, i can not find any more. I have cleared the codes but they keep coming up. Is it possible that my vacuum pump went out? Because if i turn my car on there is no sucktion in any like. The car’s idle is normal and it runs great but i still have those codes. Any suggestions?

  12. 11-28-2013 02:53 PM


    tboo72 is offline

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    I have this same problem. My hose broke in half & Im getting a CEL. Does anybody know the part number at Autozone?

  13. 02-15-2014 06:30 PM


    jdaudi is offline

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    Hi All,

    Sorry I have been gone (have had no audi issues up until now so I am replying to my past threads.) When this issue happens to your car you will feel a major decrease in performance, almost scary (scared the hell out of me at first!) This is 9/10 vacuum leak issue. You can follow my new vacuum thread here, which I am sure a lot of smart audi folks will give lots of great suggestions on how to locate these leaks and where they may be (common areas). If you have any specific questions about this code PM me!

    Thanks guys!

  14. 11-24-2014 12:11 PM


    dondraper is offline

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    Same issue and same codes. I had replaced the cracked hose and the check engine light didn’t appear again for a month and a half. Light came on again last week with the same codes so I took it in this time. Mechanic says it’s the «Intake Manifold Runner Control Actuator»; and when you give the car gas it blow the hose off. To fix it they need to order a new Intake Manifold Runner Control Actuator and with labour and parts I’m looking at around $860 …any thoughts?

  15. 11-26-2016 04:09 PM


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    OK, I have just finished with this and the problem had nothing to do with vacuum.

    Turns out that when installing the intake runners/fuel rail you need to reach inside the intake runner duct and actuate the runner slightly. Otherwise the runner will be pinned over the intake divider mounted in the cylinder head and be unable to actuate. (remember when installing the fuel rail to use a little petroleum jelly to allow the fuel injector o-rings to seat easily and not twist in their socket on the fuel rail).

    You should be able to see the intake divider in each intake next to the runner. You should be able to reach down into the duct and actuate the runner by hand once the fuel rail/runner ducts are installed on the head.

    Voila, problem solved. I couldn’t find this procedure in my Bentley manual nor in any of the vids I checked out on line when blasting my intake valves with walnut grit and consequently reassembled the darn thing incorrectly.

    If you bought your car with these codes, as some folks above mentioned, then chances are good someone took the intake system apart, possibly to blast or clean the valves or possibly to replace one or more fuel injector. The repair is time consuming but relatively simple.

    Disconnect the battery, put out cigarettes, don’t work near heaters or flames, make sure there’s good ventilation. You need to undo the fuel rails and that’s going to spill fuel all over the place.

    1) Remove intake ducts & air filter.
    2) Remove the throttle body
    3) Disconnect the PCV duct by the firewall. It attaches behind the throttle body.
    4) Disconnect electrical connectors to the intake manifold.
    5) Disconnect the vacuum lines at the front and back of the manifold.
    6) Pull the 12 bolts from the intake manifold and remove the intake manifold. (there’s 6 gaskets for connecting the intake manifold to the intake runner ducts. Make sure you’ve got all of those.

    Now check the runners. You should be able to look into the intake ducts (6) that lead to the cylinders and see a flap half way across the duct. You should be able to reach down into the duct and push firmly against the metal runner flap. It should depress to open INTO the duct. If it won’t move check for the divider flap. That should be up against the runner flap. If the divider flap is UNDER the runner flap then this is your problem.

    7) Disconnect the 2 stainless steel fuel lines. Use rags to sop up the gas that will spill.
    8) Undo the 5 bolts and 2 nuts on each intake runner duct. These are attached to the fuel rail too. NOTE: fuel is going to spill everywhere.
    9) Tug the intake runner/fuel rail up gently. Sop up the fuel that spills everywhere with rags. Put the rags outside to evaporate. Pull the assembly fully off the guide bolts and remove the fuel injector o-rings. While it’s good practice to replace these every time you do this service in my experience these are ludicrously hard to source. If your o-rings are in reasonably good condition put them back on the fuel injector, coat them in petroleum jelly so that they don’t bind in the socket in the fuel rail and twist. These MUST be lubricated or you risk a major fuel leak when you attempt to start the car UNDER the intake manifold.
    10) Using your fingers to actuate the intake runner to keep it clear of the intake divider re-seat the intake runner ducts and fuel rail over the fuel injectors. Release the intake runner plate and it should snug up against the intake divider plate. Snug down the middle three bolts on the assembly and then use your fingers to be sure the runner plate still moves freely and it not pinned on top of the intake divider plate.

    Do the same on the other side and reverse the steps to reassemble.

    WARNING. Take the time to double check the fuel line flange fittings to be sure they are properly snug. If these leak you’re not going to be able to access them once the intake manifold is back on. Proper assembly of the fuel system at this point is truly critical or engine fires can result.

    Also, get our your code scanner or VAGCOM software. When the fuel system purges the air in the lines it’s going to set codes and carry on. So once the engine is running again you’ll need to reset codes once more.

    If the intake runners are clear and operable you will notice a LOT more power from the engine. It’ll run quite well in spite of them being pinned but the difference is dramatic.

    ETA: I found on another part of the forum a replacement part for the impossible to find fuel injector o-ring seals. AutoZone part number 800-9212 is a set of 8 for about $7. They are an exact fit. So if you dig in this deep to your intakes just swap ’em out while you’re in there.

    Last edited by Sodium; 11-30-2016 at 06:34 AM.

  16. 11-26-2016 04:11 PM


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    Oh, one other thing. The vacuum actuators for the intake runners connect to an 1/8″ vacuum line at a T connector near the firewall at the back of the intake manifold right above the MAP sensor. FYI.

  17. 11-26-2016 04:19 PM


    SinCityA6 is offline

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    Good write up! Thanks for taking the time to do it. Value added post FTW!

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  18. 08-27-2017 06:27 PM


    clAudi is offline

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    Sorry to resurrect this thread but just scanned my car the other day and got these two codes (p2006 + p2007). But the thing is my CEL never went off and I haven’t noticed any power loss or anything like that so I’m not sure what to do.

    Also if anyone has some pictures to identify what needs to be changed/fixed that would be great. I’m a beginner DIYer something’s are hard to differentiate.


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  19. 08-28-2017 06:39 AM


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    I have the codes too after doing a carbon cleaning and made sure I had the runner installed correctly and not pinned by the metal divider.

    The vacuum lines are extremely brittle. I broke another yesterday trying to clean the engine looking for oil leaks. I guess I’ll be running to auto zone for flexible vacuum lines.

    clAudi, Here’s some of my broken lines to show you which ones they are talking about. Removing the plastic engine covers expose all the lines.

    Broke that line you see trying to clean the brake vacuum pump…. ugh

    that small hard line comes up and into multiple larger rubber lines.

    so here’s an older photo of my car. You can see here with the plastic removed the hard lines are showing. They go just under the intake cover and T on the right side.

    2006 A6 3.2L Quattro S-Line (got my baby back)

  20. 08-29-2017 04:31 AM


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    Quote Originally Posted by JPJ2007
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    I have the codes too after doing a carbon cleaning and made sure I had the runner installed correctly and not pinned by the metal divider.

    The vacuum lines are extremely brittle. I broke another yesterday trying to clean the engine looking for oil leaks. I guess I’ll be running to auto zone for flexible vacuum lines.

    clAudi, Here’s some of my broken lines to show you which ones they are talking about. Removing the plastic engine covers expose all the lines.

    Broke that line you see trying to clean the brake vacuum pump…. ugh

    that small hard line comes up and into multiple larger rubber lines.

    so here’s an older photo of my car. You can see here with the plastic removed the hard lines are showing. They go just under the intake cover and T on the right side.

    Thanks for this!

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  21. 08-29-2017 09:09 PM


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    Of course. Now where is this canister I need to check for broke lines it sounds like

  22. 04-20-2018 10:47 AM


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    My error codes… what is wrong now with my audi? :(

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  23. 04-22-2018 02:09 PM


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    That’s interesting and im not sure exactly what it means. Sorry…

    I still have issues and have just given up for now.

    2006 A6 3.2L Quattro S-Line (got my baby back)

  24. 04-30-2018 05:28 AM


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    I have checked my vacuum pipes and everything look ok :(

    I found some yellow oil/grease in one of the pipes (the one from the vacuum tank). Where is the main vacuum pump in S5 4.2? Is it the same pump as for the brakes?

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  25. 04-30-2018 10:15 AM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Silv3r
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    I have checked my vacuum pipes and everything look ok :(

    I found some yellow oil/grease in one of the pipes (the one from the vacuum tank). Where is the main vacuum pump in S5 4.2? Is it the same pump as for the brakes?

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    Yes, they are the same vacuum pump. It should be in the front driver side on the end of the camshaft.

    Danton Black: 2009 Audi C6.5 A6 Sedan (Quattro, 3.0T, Prestige)
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    Just some small cosmetic mods while getting to Stage 0

  26. 04-30-2018 10:42 AM


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    Are you talking about the #11 (pic)?

    Where may I find possible leak of this yellow oil/grease?

  27. 04-30-2018 11:25 AM


    95blkmax is offline

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    could you take a picture of this vacuum pipe just to be sure we are talking about the same one?

    When the vacuum pump goes bad, it first starts to leak oil outside, down to the lower radiator hose and the alternator. But also leaks oil internally. If the pump is VERY bad, then the plastic fitting at the top where the hose goes into it may be loose and allowing outside air to enter the pump. This outside air can have humidity in it, which combined with the engine oil already inside the pump can create a milk-colored substance (similar to when a head gasket goes bad and coolant mixes with oil).

    If this hose you are talking about, is the same as the one at the top of the vacuum pump, this may just be your problem, and replacing the pump and mounting gasket SHOULD fix it. Just be sure you do not have any breaks on any of the other small vacuum hoses/ pipes.

    Good luck!

    CURRENT- 11 BMW 535i M-sport- Intake/ GPlus IC/ Charge Pipe/ Catless DP/ MeganRacing Exhaust/ JB4/ 1-step colder NGKs/ E30 fuel/ Hawk Pads/ H&R Sport/ CF Splitters/ CF Spoiler

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  28. 04-30-2018 02:19 PM


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    Pipe #41

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  29. 11-04-2018 11:45 AM


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    Just got these codes today after carbon cleaning…onto the hunt for vacuum leaks it would seem.

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  30. 11-04-2018 06:11 PM


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    P2006 + P2007 — Intake Runner Stuck Closed

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Rock
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    Just got these codes today after carbon cleaning…onto the hunt for vacuum leaks it would seem.

    Did you make sure you could see the divider plate up reinstall of the manifolds? Post 15 on this thread.

    Post 46 on this thread: https://www.audizine.com/forum/showt…2k-miles/page2

    Also here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect
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    For future searchers, here are two pics, the first is how it should look and the second is how it shouldn’t upon reinstall. I recommend you keep making sure they move as you go through the torque sequence. One on the end popped back over, so I was glad I kept checking.

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  31. 11-09-2018 09:47 AM


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    I’m about 80% sure. It’s the other 20% I’m worried about. I can’t seem to find an obvious vacuum leak, so I’m pulling the blower again this weekend. At least it’s still fresh in my mind for the how-to and the coolant lines have been recently separated, so it should be pretty quick.

    09 A6 Avant 3.0t
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  32. 11-09-2018 06:35 PM


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    Quote Originally Posted by B. Rock
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    I’m about 80% sure. It’s the other 20% I’m worried about. I can’t seem to find an obvious vacuum leak, so I’m pulling the blower again this weekend. At least it’s still fresh in my mind for the how-to and the coolant lines have been recently separated, so it should be pretty quick.

    You might be able to actuate them by hand without pulling the SC. There is a lever on the front end of each.

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  33. 05-30-2019 02:45 PM


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    Hey guys! Haven’t been here in so long, but this thread is very relevant to my issues. Same check engine light codes but… on a 2008 R8. The shop I brought my car to has replaced a purge valve (037 906 283 C)0 and reset the codes. I drove the car for 10 miles and the light came back with same codes.

    They are spending extra time troubleshooting the issue, but I am guessing it’s related to the vacuum leak as well. Has anyone been able to locate that line on an R8? Where could it be?

  34. 05-30-2019 10:18 PM


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    My suggestion is to replace the one-side valve as the one below.

  35. 05-31-2019 08:48 AM


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    Dzieki/Thank you! :)

    Car is still at the shop and I forwarded this suggestion over. The whole issue seems really bizarre so hopefully that fixes it.

  36. 05-31-2019 11:10 AM


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  37. 07-29-2019 03:19 PM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Santana’s S5
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    Thanks. Turned out that the arm that open and closes the flap somehow got disconnected. Everything’s working fine now.

    Hello, I have the same problem and I suspect is the same reason. Would it be possible for you to take a picture of the arms? I need to take a look at that but I am honestly not sure what I am looking for.


  38. 09-15-2019 12:30 PM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Erick.Brenes
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    Hello, I have the same problem and I suspect is the same reason. Would it be possible for you to take a picture of the arms? I need to take a look at that but I am honestly not sure what I am looking for.


    Assuming you got this fixed? Let me know if you need a picture still. (Quote me so I get an email!)

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  39. 09-26-2019 10:03 PM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect
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    Assuming you got this fixed? Let me know if you need a picture still. (Quote me so I get an email!)

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    Hey man, thanks yes! I do need a picture please.
    I have not fixed it this Saturday I will try to tackle this :)

  40. 09-27-2019 04:41 AM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Erick.Brenes
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    Hey man, thanks yes! I do need a picture please.
    I have not fixed it this Saturday I will try to tackle this :)

    I�m actually out of town. Maybe @KRp220 or @awwturbo could snap a picture of the actuator arms for the flaps. I�ll check my photos too.

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  1. citizen4

    9 июн 2018
    Ивановская обл.

    всем привет. Купил машину, а тут такая ошибка. Значения не придал, но заметил дрожь во время скорости 120+ и выше. А потом и вовсе на холостом ходу включил обдув, и машина дрожжит.

    Что делать?
    На сколько это серьезно?

    Код ошибок — p2006 00, p2007 00

    Audi A7, 2015, 3.0 tfsi

  2. melkon

    21 сен 2005
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    Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.

    А сообщить какая машина, год и мотор не судьба ?

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  3. citizen4

    9 июн 2018
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  4. melkon

    21 сен 2005
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    Ну ответить на вопрос «это серьезно или нет » только по номерам ошибок трудно . Надо проверить вакуумные магистрали и клапан управления .


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  5. citizen4

    9 июн 2018
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    Вихревые заслонки или клапан поменять можно? Видел писали что коллектор нужно менять.

  6. melkon

    21 сен 2005
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    Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.

    Клапан меняется отдельно заслонки только в сборе с нижними частями коллектора.

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  7. citizen4

    9 июн 2018
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    А это дорого? Заслонки.
    Как это можно заказать за exist?

  8. melkon

    21 сен 2005
    Московская обл.
    Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.

    ВИН дайте скину номера нижних частей коллекторов

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  9. Б. Б.

    Не всегда это бывают заслонки и Клапан. Нужно точно отдиагностировать неисправность а потом уже менять

  10. melkon

    21 сен 2005
    Московская обл.
    Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.

    А что еще бывает расскажите тайну ? Ну если дырявый шланг то не в счет . А еще бывают кривые ремонтники которые сняв/поставив коллектор зажимают нижние заслонки …

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  11. citizen4

    9 июн 2018
    Ивановская обл.

    При замене помпы, криворукие мастера перепутали шланги вакуумной трассы.
    Заслонки были идеально чистые и в нужном положении.

  12. Melkon&Ratkov


    Со сложной диагностикой мы постараемся помочь.

    25 фев 2014
    Московская обл.

    Это с мая 2019 года все тянулось ?!

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P0118 Audi TT

P2007 is a general DTC trouble code.  It is not a very common code.  If your Audi TT has P2007 it’s usually pretty easy to diagnose, although there are a few different common causes.

The most common causes of P2007 are wiring problems with IMRC Actuator, carbon deposits on the IMRC butterfly flaps, or a bad intake manifold runner position sensor.

P2007 Definition: IMRCStuck ClosedBank 2

Audi TT P2007 Meaning

Here is the definition of P2007.  Understanding it can help make diagnosis easier.

IMRC Control

Your Audi TT’s throttle body allows air into the intake manifold.  Once the air makes its way through the intake, the IMRC system fine-tunes the airflow for each particular intake runner.  This action creates a swirling effect that allows for more efficient combustion, which increases fuel economy and decreases emissions.

The IMRC is controlled by your TT’s powertrain control module (PCM).  It can use either engine vacuum or an electric motor to operate the system (depending on model year and engine type). However, the vacuum-operated version does seem to be more prevalent.

Stuck Closed

The IMRC is stuck closed and can no longer fine-tune the air.  If it is stuck closed, it can limit air intake at higher RPMs.  This may cause some unwanted effects (covered below). 

Bank 2

Each of your TT’s cylinder heads is considered to be a “Bank.”  Bank 2 is the cylinder head with the second cylinder.  Since P2007 deals with bank 2, there’s a bank one.  You’ll need to determine which side of your engine has cylinder two.

If you also got P2006 when scanning your TT (same problem, only bank one), you should start by looking for a vacuum leak.  It would be very unlikely that they’d both go out at the same time.

P2007 Symptoms:  Audi TT

Here are the most common symptoms associated with P2007:

  • The air-fuel mixture will be richer, at higher RPM’s
  • Decreased fuel economy
  • Surging Engine/Stalling

TT P2007 Diagnosis

Here are things most likely to cause P2007 in your TT, as well as a good order of diagnostic operations:

IMRC Wiring

The wiring harness going to the IMRC and the pigtail that connects to it can cause P2007.  If the IMRC actuator no longer has power, then it can’t operate the butterfly valves.  This leaves the system “stuck closed”.

Check the wiring harness around your TT’s IMRC to ensure that it hasn’t been rubbed against anything and damaged.  If it has, you’re going to need to replace or repair the wiring harness.

Make sure that the harness has the proper voltage (or voltage going to it at all).  Verify that the ground is good.

Restricted Vacuum Lines (Vacuum Operated IMRC Only)

Most IMRC systems are vacuum controlled.  Check the vacuum lines going to it to see if they are restricted or damaged in any way.  If there is a leak, you’ll need to replace the lines.

If your TT has a vacuum-operated IMRC, you can control the butterfly valves with a vacuum pump (like a Mityvac).  Use a vacuum pump to verify that the IMRC actuator can still operate the butterflies.  If it does operate them, you know that either there’s not enough vacuum getting to the IMRC actuator for it to be effective, or something is not commanding it to turn on.

If the vacuum pump does not operate the IMRC actuator, it’s likely bad and causing P2007.

Intake Manifold and Linkage

With your TT’s IMRC actuator disconnected, you can operate the linkage by hand.  It shouldn’t give any resistance when moving it.  If it does, then it’s binding in the intake.  This can happen for a few reasons:

  • Carbon build-up
  • Intake manifold improperly torqued
  • Bent or loose IMRC butterfly valves

If the butterfly valves open and close with no resistance, you can rule out any issue with the intake, which either leaves the IMRC actuator or something causing it not to command open or closed.

If they do not freely move, there is either a carbon buildup or the butterfly valves have come loose.

Bad MAP/MAF Sensor

The PCM uses data from your TT’s manifold absolute pressure (MAP) or mass airflow (MAP) sensors to verify that the butterfly valves have opened as much as they should have (or at all).  

If it does not see the data that it should, that can be enough to throw P2007.

Bad IMRC Actuator

Replacing the IMRC actuator is perhaps the most common fix for P2007.  In the previous step, you checked all of the wiring going to it and ensured that it was good.  So, at this point, it’s likely to be the IMRC actuator causing P2007.


As you can see, there are a lot of potential causes of P2007 in the Audi TT. Take your time, use the process of elimination, and you should have the code cleared in no time.  Good luck!


Frank Hunt

Дата создания:

13 Март 2021

Дата обновления:

19 Сентябрь 2023

Код ошибки P2007, диагностика и ремонт автомобиля

Видео: Код ошибки P2007, диагностика и ремонт автомобиля


  • Возможные причины
  • Возможные симптомы
  • P2007 Audi Описание

Возможные причины

  • Бегун впускного коллектора, связывающий или придерживающийся
  • Неисправен клапан подачи коллектора
  • Жгут проводов клапана коллектора открыт или замкнут
  • Плохая электрическая связь в контуре клапана коллектора Что это значит?

    Возможные симптомы

  • Подсветка двигателя включена (или предупреждающая лампа обслуживания двигателя) Двигатель оснащен клапаном управления потоком во впускном коллекторе для обеспечения максимального распыления воздуха / топлива. Клапан ограничивает поток воздуха, вызывая его падение или завихрение. Поворотное действие помогает гарантировать, что топливо и воздух тщательно перемешиваются и сгорают быстрее. Клапан управления потоком во впускном коллекторе и регулируемое время газораспределения работают вместе, чтобы улучшить экономию топлива, стабильность холостого хода и выбросы.

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