В день когда забирал машину с автовоза сразу загорелся чек. Вырубает EyeSight, коробка становится в спорт режим, отключается старт-стоп, помощь при подъёме. Короче все фишки машины сразу минус.
Там же на месте решили сбросить клемму- помогло. Правда не на долго. Еще раз повторил операцию и 330 км проехал без ошибки. Правда, в городе сразу она появилась.
Начал искать проблему, обычная elm показывает код ошибки, но описание не корректно. Высокая температура всасываемого воздуха. Это может быть из-за грязного расходомера или датчика абсолютного давления.
Расходомер чистый, а вот датчик абсолютно давления оказался очень грязным.
Многие моют заслонки, а вот этот датчик обходят стороной. Для промывки лучше использовать специальный очиститель для расходомеров
Правда все это никак не повлияло на ошибку. Она осталась на месте.
В ходе поисков обнаружил нелегала на борту. Крыса застряла между патрубков под дроссельной заслонкой. Видимо, произошло это давно и тушка высохла до состояния мумии. Фоток нет, но наигрался я с ее извлечением изрядно. Больше часа потратил.
После того как почитал машину оригинальной диагностикой, стала известна настоящая причина ошибки. Второй лямбда-зонд. Заказал его, жду как приедет. После отпишусь, так как есть еще предположение, что неправильные показатели лямбда дает из-за катализатора.
Пробег: 74 065 км
Доброго времени суток. Не так давно вступил в ряды Субаруводов, обзаведясь редким Levorg. Машина прибыла с Японии (правый руль), не новой, набегала по японии 85т. км. После нескольких дней загорелся чек, на сканере показало ошибку p113a (что-то со вторым кислородным датчиком). Так как машин во всем регионе еще очень мало (да и собратьев WRX в последнем кузове, тоже не много), то с запчастями тоже проблема. Как вариант заказывать датчик с японии. Только вот на иностранном форуме наткнулся на подобную проблему и говорят там что не помогает замена датчика, виновата во всем некая J-трубка, куда и воткнут этот датчик.
Собственно хотел бы узнать, может сталкивался кто-то с подобной ошибкой ? или же это болячка только Levorg/WRX ?
На том же форуме советуют удалить коды ошибок, как я понял методом прошивки. Какие мысли на этот счет ?
Благодарю за дельные советы
Доброго времени суток. Не так давно вступил в ряды Субаруводов, обзаведясь редким Levorg. Машина прибыла с Японии (правый руль), не новой, набегала по японии 85т. км. После нескольких дней загорелся чек, на сканере показало ошибку p113a (что-то со вторым кислородным датчиком). Так как машин во всем регионе еще очень мало (да и собратьев WRX в последнем кузове, тоже не много), то с запчастями тоже проблема. Как вариант заказывать датчик с японии. Только вот на иностранном форуме наткнулся на подобную проблему и говорят там что не помогает замена датчика, виновата во всем некая J-трубка, куда и воткнут этот датчик.
Собственно хотел бы узнать, может сталкивался кто-то с подобной ошибкой ? или же это болячка только Levorg/WRX ?
На том же форуме советуют удалить коды ошибок, как я понял методом прошивки. Какие мысли на этот счет ?
Благодарю за дельные советы
J-pipe не трубка, а первая часть выхлопа, в которой стоит кат и лямбды.
Ставить безкатовый даун и шить, хоть поедет.
Посмотреть вложение 126557Посмотреть вложение 126558
+1 Поставить нормальный даун-пайп и прошиться. Второй датчик этот вообще не нужен.
То есть если просто заменить даун пайп — ошибка останется? Нужно все равно убирать ошибки через прошивку ? Тогда зачем менять даун пайп если можно просто прошить ?
Заранее извиняюсь, так как я далек очень от этих технологий =) Хочется просто найти самый безболезненный вариант =)
Спасибо за ответы
Повелитель STI-хий
То есть если просто заменить даун пайп — ошибка останется? Нужно все равно убирать ошибки через прошивку ? Тогда зачем менять даун пайп если можно просто прошить ?
Заранее извиняюсь, так как я далек очень от этих технологий =) Хочется просто найти самый безболезненный вариант =)
Спасибо за ответы
В теории эта ошибка может высвечиваться из-за уставшего катализатора, тк вторая лямбда информирует об эффективности его работы и больше никаких функций не выполняет. Хотя за 85 тыс км по японии с ним, на мой взгляд, не должно было ничего случиться. Может быть на плохом бензе ездишь?
Вероятнее всего сама лямбда кончилась, и проблема решится её заменой.
Ошибку можно убрать навсегда програмно. Но, чтобы быть совсем уж тру, можно при этом вырезть кат или поменять даунпайп на прямой. Машина поедет, но пару цветочков во дворе завянут
Повелитель STI-хий
Вообще эту ошибку нужно отключить в мозге
В теории эта ошибка может высвечиваться из-за уставшего катализатора, тк вторая лямбда информирует об эффективности его работы и больше никаких функций не выполняет. Хотя за 85 тыс км по японии с ним, на мой взгляд, не должно было ничего случиться. Может быть на плохом бензе ездишь?
Вероятнее всего сама лямбда кончилась, и проблема решится её заменой.
Ошибку можно убрать навсегда програмно. Но, чтобы быть совсем уж тру, можно при этом вырезть кат или поменять даунпайп на прямой. Машина поедет, но пару цветочков во дворе завянут
Бенз лью 98ой, но даже если б качество было никаким, думаю так быстро бы чек не выскочил. Даже пол бака не отъездил как появилась эта сатана =)))) Но и она имеет особенность пропадать на некоторое время, потом опять выскакивает. К цветочкам я равнодушен, поэтому уже вроде нашел, кто в городе решит проблему
а с чего взяли что это лямбда, а не маф, указанной Т.С. ошибки вообще не существует, и что он там себе напридумывал только ему известно…
Всем спасибо, проблема решена. После долгих убеждения что нужно прошивать мозги в размахах от 12т.р. до 30 нашел парня, который за 15 минут отключил все проверялки кислородного датчика Sensor2. Никаких чиповок и прошивок не нужно, поэтому не ведитесь =)
Цена вопроса — 500р
Всем спасибо, проблема решена. После долгих убеждения что нужно прошивать мозги в размахах от 12т.р. до 30 нашел парня, который за 15 минут отключил все проверялки кислородного датчика Sensor2. Никаких чиповок и прошивок не нужно, поэтому не ведитесь =)
Цена вопроса — 500р![]()
а ты уверен что тебе правильно отключили?)) там кроме ошибок ещё и коррекции по задней лямбде надо занулять
Всем спасибо, проблема решена. После долгих убеждения что нужно прошивать мозги в размахах от 12т.р. до 30 нашел парня, который за 15 минут отключил все проверялки кислородного датчика Sensor2. Никаких чиповок и прошивок не нужно, поэтому не ведитесь =)
Цена вопроса — 500р![]()
Вторая лямбда тоже принимает участие в смесеобразовании…Просто погасить ошибку не правильно, либо как уже выше написали коррекцию по ней делать либо менять ее на новую или аналог…У меня на легаси стоит от таза и все работает…
покажи леворга то ? дит двух литровый… мля в финке нет таких….
В живую маленьким кажется…
с херась он маленький , так то с вагон БЛ леаську будет , я катал на нём 1.6 турбо, двух литровых у нас нет , по этому и не хочу брать
с херась он маленький , так то с вагон БЛ леаську будет , я катал на нём 1.6 турбо, двух литровых у нас нет , по этому и не хочу брать
По характеристикам такой же, но в живую смотрится поменьше легаськи BP). Постоянно вижу во дворе у друга…
а ты уверен что тебе правильно отключили?)) там кроме ошибок ещё и коррекции по задней лямбде надо занулять
Ну отключили также, как описано на американском форуме по WRX свежим… Тамже сказано что не помогает замена датчика… Поэтому хрен знает правильно или нет, ошибки нет, машина не в аварийном режиме хотябы теперь.
Ну какой он пароход? Импреза вагон.
Зря шить не стал, поехал бы.
#1 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 76503 Join Date: Dec 2004 Chapter/Region: Location: VA Vehicle: 2016 Mustang GT |
There doesn’t appear to be hardly, if anything online regarding this ECU code. I got this the other day. I am running full ETS (catless) turbo back along with ECBS/TGV and a Bren Tuning eTune. The most I found was a post by someone on here who said they were a tech and pulled the code up on their site which said «O2 sensor circuit (open) (bank 1 sensor 2)». I am trying to determine what the issue could be. I am pointing to a bad O2 sensor but trying to research it before ordering a new one. The car seems to be performing fine when monitoring it on the AP. Fuel trims are no higher than 3%, A/F doesn’t show it running lean on WOT and FBNK, FBNKL look good. Regarding the code, is Bank1 Sensor 2 the O2 closet to the turbo? The 2nd O2 sensor on the ETS catless is attached to the 90 degree O2 bung. |
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#2 |
NASIOC Vendor Member#: 4803 Join Date: Mar 2001 Location: Austin, TX |
Sensor #2 is the rear O2 sensor. The code you’re experiencing is pretty common on the ETS hardware due to the unique placement of the O2 sensor in the «90 degree O2 bung» you’re describing. You’ll likely need to find a Protuner or grab a copy of ATR in order to address the DTC, assuming this is an offroad-only vehicle. Replacing the sensor will likely not change the behavior. Alternately, a J-pipe that keeps the O2 sensor in a «normal» position (IE, not with a 90 degree extension) should not cause the issue. Cheers LL |
#3 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 76503 Join Date: Dec 2004 Chapter/Region: Location: VA Vehicle: 2016 Mustang GT |
Thanks for the reply. I will research into your advice |
#4 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 76503 Join Date: Dec 2004 Chapter/Region: Location: VA Vehicle: 2016 Mustang GT |
Let tuner know, they sent me a new file which I assume disables the code. However, now I got a p2270… which is another post O2 code… LOL. It seems like it’s going to keep throwing all the codes from that O2 until we just disable them all…? Why does the ETS pipe cause this issue? I guess looking at the design, was it supposed to help limit the gases that reach the O2 sensors, instead of being directly in the stream, to give it lower readings from a non catted pipe? Car runs fine, keeping an eye on everything. It just stinks losing cruise control… I wish I could get the file that actually loads into the Race software so I can disable them myself and not bother them. |
#5 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 349901 Join Date: Mar 2013 Chapter/Region: Location: NM Vehicle: 2006 Subaru STi |
The actual map or file should be on your AP and can be easily transferred to your computer and loaded into Access tuner race. Be sure to fully understand the codes you are disabling or could lead to damage. |
#6 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 76503 Join Date: Dec 2004 Chapter/Region: Location: VA Vehicle: 2016 Mustang GT |
I am aware of the software and risks. I used it for my 2012 WRX using TP maps. The files I am sent from BT do not load properly and receive an error when trying to load them into the software. All the codes are post cat codes. I am running the catless ETS pipe. I remember someone else getting this issue with this pipe and listed all the codes to disable. I will talk to BT and see what else they say. Not a huge issue being it’s post emissions sensor. Car is running great aside from the codes.. no cruise… bleh! |
#7 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 401977 Join Date: Sep 2014 Chapter/Region: Location: Houston Vehicle: IDFK Wat |
Originally Posted by Wireeater Let tuner know, they sent me a new file which I assume disables the code. However, now I got a p2270… which is another post O2 code… LOL. It seems like it’s going to keep throwing all the codes from that O2 until we just disable them all…? Why does the ETS pipe cause this issue? I guess looking at the design, was it supposed to help limit the gases that reach the O2 sensors, instead of being directly in the stream, to give it lower readings from a non catted pipe? Car runs fine, keeping an eye on everything. It just stinks losing cruise control… I wish I could get the file that actually loads into the Race software so I can disable them myself and not bother them. They will keep popping up even six months from now. I know, I went through it. Delete these codes. P0037, P013A, P013B, P013F, P0141, P113A, P2270, P0136, P0137, P0138, P0139, P0140, and P0141. |
#8 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 76503 Join Date: Dec 2004 Chapter/Region: Location: VA Vehicle: 2016 Mustang GT |
Originally Posted by anjuna They will keep popping up even six months from now. I know, I went through it. Delete these codes. P0037, P013A, P013B, P013F, P0141, P113A, P2270, P0136, P0137, P0138, P0139, P0140, and P0141. Thanks! |
#9 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 208557 Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: Northern Kentucky Vehicle: 2015 WRX Premium |
Just had the P013A code come up for the third time over the past 2.5-3 months. I just clear it with the ap and goes away for a few weeks and then comes back. I’m also on the ETS catless Jpipe but the newer edition without the 90 degree bend. Do you guys still think it just has something to do with the jpipe and what should I do to fix it? |
#10 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 416428 Join Date: Mar 2015 |
i also have the same pipe. im geting the p113A code. i bought a new sensor ..still comes back on. im going to see a tuner this month |
#11 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 401977 Join Date: Sep 2014 Chapter/Region: Location: Houston Vehicle: IDFK Wat |
Originally Posted by subydude0816 Just had the P013A code come up for the third time over the past 2.5-3 months. I just clear it with the ap and goes away for a few weeks and then comes back. I’m also on the ETS catless Jpipe but the newer edition without the 90 degree bend. Do you guys still think it just has something to do with the jpipe and what should I do to fix it? Quote:
Originally Posted by thatguyj13 i also have the same pipe. im geting the p113A code. i bought a new sensor ..still comes back on. im going to see a tuner this month They will keep popping up even six months from now. I know, I went through it. Delete these codes. P0037, P013A, P013B, P013F, P0141, P113A, P2270, P0136, P0137, P0138, P0139, P0140, and P0141. |
#12 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 133451 Join Date: Nov 2006 Chapter/Region: Location: Jax Bch Vehicle: 2015 Subaru Wrx |
Thanks yall this helped me out. Wasn’t the wiring and i am glad i did not purchase a new one hoping that would get rid of the issue. Looks like a Pro tune is in order. I am already stocking other parts for the tune in May we have here. Until then I will battle this code whenever it appears. much appreciated! |
#13 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 390004 Join Date: May 2014 Chapter/Region: Location: Cheektowaga, ny Vehicle: 2015 Wrx |
So I have the ETS catted Jpipe and the P113A code popped up in me. It went away that day and hasn’t come back. I messaged my tuner and he said if he disables the light then it won’t pass inspection. I brought up the fact that certain things like TGV deletes would pop a code but are able to turn it off and still pass inspection so I’m confused. A buddy of mine said to install a O2 spacer but that just doesn’t seem right. Any insight on this? |
#14 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 401977 Join Date: Sep 2014 Chapter/Region: Location: Houston Vehicle: IDFK Wat |
Originally Posted by INxVAINx So I have the ETS catted Jpipe and the P113A code popped up in me. It went away that day and hasn’t come back. I messaged my tuner and he said if he disables the light then it won’t pass inspection. I brought up the fact that certain things like TGV deletes would pop a code but are able to turn it off and still pass inspection so I’m confused. A buddy of mine said to install a O2 spacer but that just doesn’t seem right. Any insight on this? Sounds like your tuner is both lazy and ignorant. You’ll pass just fine with codes turned off. |
#15 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 364950 Join Date: Aug 2013 Chapter/Region: Location: Portland, OR Vehicle: 2020 WRX |
Originally Posted by INxVAINx So I have the ETS catted Jpipe and the P113A code popped up in me. It went away that day and hasn’t come back. I messaged my tuner and he said if he disables the light then it won’t pass inspection. I brought up the fact that certain things like TGV deletes would pop a code but are able to turn it off and still pass inspection so I’m confused. A buddy of mine said to install a O2 spacer but that just doesn’t seem right. Any insight on this? So I just got pro tuned today with a Catted Depo Racing J-Pipe which is the same configuration as the ETS. After the pro tune got done about 50 miles in I got a P0137 and I went back to the pro tuner and they said the same thing. «We don’t disable the emissions codes — your 2nd O2 must be broke» — so the solution they have offered is to have me replace the 02 then when that doesn’t work they want me to pay for a new J-Pipe and then pay for a full re-tune. I am very skeptical of it working based on what I have seen. I am wondering if welding on a bung in a «normal» position would fix it. I would rather not pay $1000 to resolve this and have to retune. What I don’t understand is how TGV/EGR codes being deleted don’t count as emissions codes when the secondary 02 does?
#16 |
Scooby Specialist Member#: 401977 Join Date: Sep 2014 Chapter/Region: Location: Houston Vehicle: IDFK Wat |
Ask them kindly for a copy of their tune that is unlocked so you can turn the codes off yourself. If they don’t let you, tell them that you’ll be happy to drive the car over to them, have them pull up your file, and you’ll click the buttons to turn off the O2 codes. If they STILL don’t do this, chargeback and find a real tuner. |
#17 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 452861 Join Date: Aug 2016 |
Originally Posted by Dorian7 So I just got pro tuned today with a Catted Depo Racing J-Pipe which is the same configuration as the ETS. After the pro tune got done about 50 miles in I got a P0137 and I went back to the pro tuner and they said the same thing. «We don’t disable the emissions codes — your 2nd O2 must be broke» — so the solution they have offered is to have me replace the 02 then when that doesn’t work they want me to pay for a new J-Pipe and then pay for a full re-tune. I am very skeptical of it working based on what I have seen. I am wondering if welding on a bung in a «normal» position would fix it. I would rather not pay $1000 to resolve this and have to retune. What I don’t understand is how TGV/EGR codes being deleted don’t count as emissions codes when the secondary 02 does? Bro how did you fix your problem? Let me know plz cuz we have the same MODs and same problem,and im having thise prob for 5 months already, thank you |
#18 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 395647 Join Date: Jul 2014 |
Originally Posted by anjuna They will keep popping up even six months from now. I know, I went through it. Delete these codes. P0037, P013A, P013B, P013F, P0141, P113A, P2270, P0136, P0137, P0138, P0139, P0140, and P0141. I’ve had the exact problems but with P0137.. By everything that I’ve been reading I’m throwing the CEL due to the design of the ETS catless J-pipe. Cause I’m not getting any leaks happening anywhere.. Am I just going to have to keep clearing the code? Cause it come on about an hour after driving or so. And since the exhaust is Catless does it really matter if the 02 censor is shorting low? Thanks |
#19 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 435758 Join Date: Dec 2015 Chapter/Region: Location: South Shore, MA Vehicle: 2016 WRX STG2+ |
Originally Posted by Cobb Tuning Sensor #2 is the rear O2 sensor. The code you’re experiencing is pretty common on the ETS hardware due to the unique placement of the O2 sensor in the «90 degree O2 bung» you’re describing. You’ll likely need to find a Protuner or grab a copy of ATR in order to address the DTC, assuming this is an offroad-only vehicle. Replacing the sensor will likely not change the behavior. Alternately, a J-pipe that keeps the O2 sensor in a «normal» position (IE, not with a 90 degree extension) should not cause the issue. Cheers LL I have the ETS Catted JPIPE on my protuned ’16WRX and occasionally getting the CEL P0137. Are you saying it is safe to have my tuner disable the code? I had read somewhere that the second 02 sensor provides feedback for fuel trims and looking for clarification. Thank you. |
#20 |
Scooby Newbie Member#: 449914 Join Date: Jun 2016 Chapter/Region: Location: Salt Lake City, UT Vehicle: 2016 WRX, Stg 2, FF |
NHTSA ID Number: 10155221
Manufacturer Communication Number: 11-169-16R
This bulletin announces the availability of reprogramming files to optimize the ECM. These new files will address customer concerns of:
- Spark knock (ping) during high intake air temperature operation
- Surge on acceleration due to phantom knock detection
- Check Engine light illumination resulting from DTC P113A and / or P0137 being stored in the ECM memory.
4 Affected Products
This bulletin announces the availability of reprogramming files to optimize the ECM. These new files will address customer concerns of:
- Spark knock (ping) during high intake air temperature operation
- Surge on acceleration due to phantom knock detection
- Check Engine light illumination resulting from DTC P113A and / or P0137 being stored in the ECM memory.
NOTE: It is important to understand this reprogramming will not eliminate all possible sources of spark knock (ping). Depending upon vehicle load, altitude, fuel quality, and engine load, spark knock (ping) may still occur. This programming addresses a spark knock (ping) condition which occurs only when high intake air temperatures are present. This programming should not be applied unless use of improper fuel has been eliminated as a cause for the condition.
The new logic was incorporated into production starting with VIN H*486635.
NOTE: These new files will be included in the OCTOBER, 2016 SSM Update.
Model | PAK File Name | New ECM Part Number | Old ECM Part Numbers | Decryption Keyword | New CID Number |
2014MY | 22611BG960.pak | 22611BG960 | 22611AW060, 22611AW061, 22611AW062, 22611AW063, 22611AW064, 22611AW065, 22611AW066, 22611AW067, 22611AW068, 22611AW069 |
B1CBC644 | AF56E00B |
2015MY | 22765AG976.pak | 22765AG976 | 22765AG970, 22765AG971, 22765AG972, 22765AG973, 22765AG974, 22765AG975 |
49B07B0D | LF61800B |
2016MY | 22765AH512.pak | 22765AH512 | 22765AH510, 22765AH511 |
A9FD034D | LF75400A |
2017MY | 22765AH921.pak | 22765AH921 | 22765AH920 | E8A3794B | LF78103B |
- Reprogram the ECM following the normal Flashwrite procedure.
Subaru of America, Inc. (SOA) highly recommends connecting the Subaru Midtronics GR8 Diagnostic Battery Charger to the vehicle and utilizing the Power Supply Mode feature anytime a vehicle control module is being reprogrammed. Follow the procedure as outlined in document GR8-1100 on STIS for use of the GR8’s Power Supply Mode:
- Confirm all electrical loads such as lights, audio, HVAC, seat heaters, and rear defroster are all switched OFF before setting up for Power Supply Mode.
- Select the correct battery type (Flooded, AGM or AGM Spiral).
- Select the CCA which matches the vehicle’s battery (NOTE: OE and replacement batteries have different CCA ratings. Always confirm the battery rating before proceeding.)
- If the “Charge Battery” WARNING appears, the battery MUST be charged before attempting reprogramming.
- DO NOT connect the DSTi or SDI until the GR8 Power Supply mode has completed its battery test mode and the Charging Voltage has dropped to a steady 13.5 Volts on the display.
- If the GR8 “beeps” or the Status Light flashes, a diagnostic charge should be performed on the battery before proceeding further.
- Once Power Supply Mode reaches a steady 13.5 volts, connect the DSTi or SDI to the OBD connector and initiate the reprogramming process.
- Amperage will fluctuate based upon the vehicle’s demand for power. NOTE: If the voltage rises beyond 14V while programming is in process, the procedure will abort. This can indicate a need to test or charge the vehicle battery before any further attempt at programming.
This information is applicable to the Midtronics GR8 Diagnostic Battery Charger ONLY. It does not apply to any other brand / type of “generic” battery charger whatsoever. ONLY the GR8 and its Power Supply Mode feature has been tested and approved by SOA.
Once the GR8 is connected to the vehicle, as long as the battery is fully charged, it takes less than 3 minutes to boot-up the charger, select Power Supply Mode, and have the battery voltage stabilized and ready for reprogramming.
REMINDER: If the GR8 indicates the vehicle’s battery must be charged, charge the battery using the GR8 before proceeding to reprogram the vehicle.
NOTE: Control module failures as a result of battery discharge during reprogramming are not a matter for warranty. Should any DTCs reset after the reprogramming update is performed, diagnose per the procedure outlined in the applicable Service Manual.
NUMBER: 11-169-16R
DATE: 11/10/16
REVISED: 02/20/19
What J2534 reprogramming capabilities are available?
(4a) J2534 Reprogramming
Subaru reprogramming files using a generic (non-OEM) SAEJ2534 pass-thru vehicle programming device are available by contacting Service Technical Information Company toll free at 1-866-428-2278. The cost for the CD-ROM with all reprogramming files is $75.00 plus S/H and applicable state tax. Files will be updated four (4) times per year, in CD-ROM format, with all available reprogramming service information at the same above offered cost. Authorized Subaru Dealers are provided the same reprogramming information.
Before purchasing, the reprogramming details can be found in the following Reprogramming J-2534 Files chart. Click the link to view the PDF chart.
Subaru J2534 Reprogramming software meets the latest available J2534-1 specification. Our Reprogramming J2534 Files chart does not specify the Calibration Identification Number (CID); however, this information is included in our offered CD-Rom.
Note: The ECM or TCM being reprogrammed may already contain some or all of the reprogramming files listed in the Reprogramming J2534 Files chart shown by release date. It is possible to damage the vehicles ECM/TCMduring the reprogramming event. Once the reprogramming process has started, it is recommended not to interrupt the process until the event is completed. If you experience any problems, please contact your scan tool maker for further instructions.
(4b) Are all pre-2004MY Subaru vehicles compatible with J2534?
No. Subaru has no reprogramming capability for model years 1996-1998. Starting with our 1999 model year, please see our Reprogramming Pre-J2534 Files chart for affected model reprogramming information.
Both pre-J2534 reprogramming and J2534 pass thru reprogramming files are included in the offered HDS kit software for aftermarket service provider application.
Tactrix Openport 2.0 | |
CarDAQ-Plus 3 All Makes J2534 Reprogramming Tool | |
CarDAQ-Plus 2 Diagnostic Code Reader and J2534 Programming Tool | |
Drew Technologies (DRWCDPLUSKIT) CarDAQ-Plus J2534 Flash Reprogramming Kit | |
CarDAQ-M Modular PassThru J2534 Vehicle Reflash Hardware | |
RAP2 OEM J2534 Remote Reprogramming Tool | |
Autel MaxiFlash Elite VCI J2534 Pass-Thru ECU Programming Tool | |
BOSCH Automotive Tools MTECH2 Mastertech II J2534 VCI | |
Autel MaxiFlash VCI Vehicle Communication Interface J2534 PassThru ECU Programming Device Bluetooth Connection Internet Update Support CAN FD, 4 CAN Channels, DoIP, D-PDU Works with PC or Autel MS909 |
Bestseller No. 1
CarDAQ-Plus 3 All Makes J2534 Reprogramming Tool
- ALL OF THE J2534 PROTOCOLS — This single unit has all of the protocols you need for your OEM J2534 reprogramming and diagnostics including the latest in DoIP and CanFD
- J2534 TECHNICAL SUPPORT — FREE for the life of the tool. Staffed by technicians who understand vehicle repair and J2534 Pass‑thru
- TOOLBOX WITH OEM APPLICATION DESCRIPTIONS — educational video tutorials and real-time news – Giving you the confidence and up-to-date knowledge to get the job done
- J2534 v05.00 API — The newest version of J2534 to give you the latest in pass-thru technology
- FUTURE PROOF WITH 4 CAN CHANNELS — Going beyond the 3 required by select Chrysler/FCA models, CarDAQ-Plus 3 also provides a 4th to meet the needs of future OEM applications
SaleBestseller No. 2
Autel MaxiFlash Elite VCI J2534 Pass-Thru ECU Programming Tool, Multi-Protocol PassThru Interface, Work with Autel MaxiSYS Elite II, Elite, MS908, MS908S Pro, MS908CV, MK908P, MK908 Pro II and PC
- 🌐【Works with Autel MK908, MS908(S/Pro), MK908P, MaxiSys Elite】Autel J2534 work with these tools to program ECUs on specific BMW/ BENZ for specific functions. ★★NOTE: J2534 CANNOT directly work with these single devices. After you received the J2534, you HAVE TO send us both the S/N(12 digits) of your scanner MS908S(etc.) and J2534. So, technically, Autel engineers can help you bind J2534 with your devices. If need any supports, contact us via: 🚘auteldirect @ outlook. com🚘.
- 🌐【SAE J2534-1 & J2534-2 Standards】Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 is a fully compliant SAE J2534-1 & SAE J2534-2 (March 2006) device, which performs standard PassThru J2534 functionality: Compatible with for Toyota Techstream, Volvo VIDA, Honda HDS, Jaguar-Land Rover IDS and BMW 3G for OEM diagnostics. Autel MaxiFlash J2534 is also specially designed to provide users with P-C communication and ECU reprogramming capabilities on any modern vehicle diagnostic bus, reliability and flexibility.
- 🌐【High-speed Transmission Speed】Autel MaxiFlash Elite Reprogramming Device J2534 supports simultaneous communication definition in J2534-1, running 3 protocols at the same time, which greatly improves reprogramming and diagnostic speed. Embedded with the ARM9 Dual-core processor (clocked up to 500MHz), which further boosts the communicating speed to save more times and win more business.
- 🌐【Multiple Devices Connected with PC】Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 also supports multiple device connections to the PC, which can operate diagnostic and reprogramming functions on more than one vehicle at the same time. Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 built-in wireless and data storage, which can update via Internet. It also ensures quickly reprogramming even the newest controllers.
- 🌐【Extensive Compatibility】Autel MaxiFlash J2534 is compatible with Toyota Techstream, Volvo VIDA, Honda HDS, Jaguar-Land Rover IDS and BMW 3G for OEM diagnostics. To check compatibility, please contact 🚘auteldirect @ outlook . com🚘 directly for satisfaction-guaranteed support!
Bestseller No. 3
Autel MaxiFlash Elite Vehicle Communication Interface J2534 PassThru ECU Programming Device Bluetooth Connection Internet Update Works with PC or Autel MS908S MS908 PRO MS908CV MK908 MK908P MS Elite
- 【As a multi-protocol Pass-Thru vehicle interface】MaxiFlash Elite is a fully compliant SAE J2534-1 & SAE J2534-2 (March 2006) device. Specially designed to provide users with convenient PC communication and ECU reprogramming capabilities on any modern vehicle diagnostic bus, MaxiFlash Elite offers the most significant features desired by OEM customers: reliability, fast performance and flexibility.
- 【MaxiFlash Elite is an accessory tool for MK908P, MS908S Pro】Autel MaxiSys Elite to program ECUs on specific for BMW and for Benz vehicles, in case you lost the J-2534 programmer. ★★NOTE: J2534 CANNOT directly work with these single devices. After you received the J2534, you HAVE TO send us both the S/N(12 digits) of your tablet MS908S(etc.) and J2534. So, technically, Autel engineers can help you bind J2534 with your devices. The functions are NOT universally compatible. Please send VIN number to 🚘jmxd2022@outlook.com📧🚘 to check compatibility before your order. If need any supports, Please contact us.
- 【Wireless with advanced networking functions】Built-In Wireless with advanced networking functions and data storage. Fast performance ensures reprogramming even the newest controllers & Internet upgradable and updatable. Autel MaxiFlash Elite is compatiable with MaxiSYS MS908S, MaxiSYS MS908S Pro , MaxiSYS MS908CV, MaxiCOM MK908, MaxiCOM MK908 Pro, MaxiSYS Elite, MaxiSYS Elite II and Personal Computer
- 【SAE J2534-1 & J2534-2 Standards】Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 is a fully compliant SAE J2534-1 & SAE J2534-2 (March 2006) device, which performs standard PassThru J2534 functionality: Compatible with for Toyota Techstream, Volvo VIDA, Honda HDS, Jaguar-Land Rover IDS and BMW 3G for OEM diagnostics. Autel MaxiFlash J2534 is also specially designed to provide users with P-C communication and ECU reprogramming capabilities on any modern vehicle diagnostic bus, reliability and flexibility.
- 【Supports simultaneous communication Definition in J2534-1】Autel MaxiFlash Elite Reprogramming Device J2534 supports simultaneous communication definition in J2534-1, running 3 protocols at the same time, which greatly improves reprogramming and diagnostic speed. Embedded with the ARM9 Dual-core processor (clocked up to 500MHz), which further boosts the communicating speed.Rugged aluminum case with non-slip rubber end caps, capable of withstanding harsh environment.
Bestseller No. 4
Multiple Diagnostic Interface 2(MDI 2) Kit for GM, J2534 Reprogramming Tool,WiFi MDI 2 Diagnostic Scan Tool for All Vehicles, OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool for Ground Offset Failure Protection
- 【Practical Diagnostic Tool】MDI2 multiple diagnostic interface scanner is used by professional technicians as an aid in diagnosing and repairing automotive electrical and electronic systems.
- 【Power Supply】 The multiple diagnostic interface 2 scanner is powered from the vehicle battery via the for DLC cable, may also be powered over USB to perform firmware updates only using a PC.
- 【For DLC Cable】 The for DLC cable is longer than the previous cable and connects at the top, making it easier to use. The cable only connects to the MDI 2. A wired connection is recommended for longer programming events.
- 【Excellent Performance】Multiple diagnostic interface with WIFI card. Uses USB 2.0 for faster firmware downloads rather than a separate AC power supply. More secure Type B connector and Ground Offset Failure protection.
- 【Easy to Use】 Connect the vehicle to a host PC computer application, then functions through the MDI 2 for data transfer and Electronic Control Unit ECU reprogramming, convenient for using.
Bestseller No. 5
LAUNCH X431 PRO5 Elite,J2534 Reprogramming Tool, Topology Mapping OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool, CAN/CAFD/DoIP/HD/FCA SGW,Bidirectional Scan Tool, ECU Coding, 50+ Reset, All Systems Scanner
- 🆚LAUNCH X431 PRO5 scan tool Upgrade all functions of X431 PRO3/X-431 Throttle III/X431-TorqueIII/X431 V+, PROS V+, PAD3. ⓵ J2534 ECU Programming &Online functions directly connect to OEM server, 50+ reset same as X-431 Throttle;⓶Bi-directional control and All system diagnostics as Snap-on scanner; ⓷ Support 150+ brands Vehicles (include CAN/CAFD/DoIP/HD protocols and AutoAuth for FCA SGW) ⓸Powered by 8-core processor(1.8GHz), Android9.0 OS, 2.4 & 5GHz WiFi connection.
- 🚜[J2534 Reprogramming With FREE SMARTBOX 3.0】Save more than $2000, LAUNCH X431 PRO5 support J2534/DOIP/CANFD/HD protocols (Needn’t buy HDIII Module,Manufacture software and non-16pin adaptors need to be purchased separately.) Download OEM software from the manufacturer’s server to 1) program data to blank/used ECUs; 2) Reflash ECUs with data loss; 3)Upgrade ECU software version. As a wireless VCI allowing the vehicle to transmit data to the diagnostic tablet without a physical connection.
- 👏[50+ Reset, Continuously Updated Reset Functions]: With the LAUNCH diagnostic tool, You will never be bothered by tricky vehicle issues and keep pace with newer technology. 50 commonly reset functions ( in the quick page ) reaching into the smallest parts to root out the problems. Extra 300+ repair functions ( in-vehicle catalog) for specific models extend the capability to reset, regeneration, initiation, matching, etc. (Functions vary by models, configurations, and systems.)
- 🌐[One stop Intelligent Diagnostic Tool]: LAUNCH X431 PRO5 obd2 scanner Bluetooth provides Repair Tips, Repair Assist, Component Measurement, TSB, Relevant Cases DTC Analysis to simplify complex diagnostic and achieve the trouble-free repair. 🤩[One Scanner For Multiple Uses]: LAUNCH diagnostic tool PRO5 collaborates with add-on modules (ADAS, Videoscope, TSGUN, X-ProG3, WiFi Pinter, Battery Tester) to expand business applications and improve diagnostic accuracy.
- 👍【2023 New OE Level Online Functions 】Bidirectional Scan Tool offers you various high-end online functions, which enable you to access the online data to do fast & complicated vehicle repairs, e.g. 1) ECU Coding for replacing, match, relearn, recode new ECU modules; 2) Online Coding for BMW, Audi, VW, Porsche, Benz to surf OEM data; 3) VAG Guided functions ease complex issues; 4) Personalization & ADAS improving car performance and driving safety.
Bestseller No. 6
BOSCH Automotive Tools MTECH2 Mastertech II J2534 VCI with Wired/Wireless Capability for OEM Reprogramming and Diagnostics on GM, Ford, FCA, Nissan/Infiniti, Honda/Acura, and Toyota/Lexus Vehicles
- [J2534 COMPLIANT] — The Mastertech II is a J2534-1 and J2534-2 compliant VCI for OEM reprogramming and diagnostic applications
- [FULLY VALIDATED BY TOP 6 OEMS] — Mastertech II has been fully validated to operate with the top 6 OEM reprogramming applications: GM, Ford, FCA, Nissan/Infinity, Honda/Acura, and Toyota/Lexus
- [PRE-CONFIGURED] — The pre-configured wireless and wired connections make it quick and easy to connect to a vehicle from your PC (requires PC compliant with OE specifications and software)
- [RIGHT TO REPAIR] — Supports ‘Right to Repair’ (R2R) initiatives
- [COMPREHENSIVE KIT] — Kit includes: VCI, WiFi adapters (wireless PC to VCI), J1962 Cable (connect to vehicle), USB cable (connect to PC for firmware updates and setup), and Quick Start Guide
Bestseller No. 7
Mongoose-Plus J2534 OEM Vehicle Interface Cable — Ford/Lincoln/Mercury OEM Reprogramming and Diagnostics
- Industry-leading J2534 Pass-Thru Technology: Enabling diagnostics, reprogramming and security functions for dealerships and the independent repair facility. Economical and compact pass-thru devices provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to repair complex vehicles with OE applications in your shop. Each type (see single branded types above) Mongoose-Plus is engineered to work with one of the following OEM’s J2534 applications for Chrysler, Ford, GM, Nissan, Toyota, & VW/Audi.
- Supports Current & Earlier Vehicles: Enables diagnostics, programming and other “dealer” functions through OEM applications
- NEW Bluetooth Wireless Options Available: Providing wireless connectivity between your laptop and the Mongoose-Plus
- Expert Product Support: Staffed by technicians who understand vehicle repair and J2534 Pass‑Thru applications to help you with any technical setup questions
- Key Registration and Immobilizer Support: Using NASTF Vehicle Security Professional credentials
Bestseller No. 8
LAUNCH X431 PRO5 Diagnostic Scanner, J2534 Reprogramming Tool with ECU Coding, Upgrade of X431 PRO3/V+, 50+ Service, Intelligent Diagnostics, Guided Functions, CAN FD/DoIP, 2-Year Free Update
- 👍[New & Outstanding X431 PRO5 Scanner] LAUNCH X431 PRO5 scan tool, upgrade of LAUNCH X431 PRO3 & X431 V+ PRO, configures a SmartBox 3.0 VCI (J2534/DoIP/CAN FD compliant) that performs online programming for BMW & Benz models as OEM level. More powerful features: Online Coding for Porsche/Audi, Heavy-duty Truck Diagnostics, VAG Guided Functions, 50+ Services, etc., bring ease & efficiency. Powerful software even covers online diagnostics for FCA cars & newer model data.
- [J2534 Programming with Smartbox3.0] If you’re seeking all-in-one solutions for car ECU tuning needs, LAUNCH X431 PRO5 programming tool is ready to work for you. Support online programming for BMW&Benz and hold exclusive programming backup/restoration. Come with a Smartbox 3.0 device of J2534 standard and pair with a PC to download OEM software to upgrade the ECU software, which maximizes the vehicle performance and minimizes diagnostic problems.
- [ECU Coding Customizes All You Want] With top of the tech instruction and vehicle data, LAUNCH X431 PRO5 diagnostic scanner performs well in ECU Coding and makes everything easier 1) recode adaptive data after ECU replacement 2) personalization/retrofit to improve car comfort: deactivate auto start-stop or change interior lights 3) coding data backup/reserve 4) online coding for BMW/Benz/Porsche/VW/Skoda/Seat 5) online matching/calibration for VW/for Audi, etc.
- [Huge Vehicle Software Database] LAUNCH scanner PRO5 can be nominated as a powerful troubleshooter for 99% of post 1996-automobiles. Provide abundant exclusive functions for effortless diagnostics: Benz/BMW Data Backup/Restoration; Benz/BMW Manual Mode Programming; Benz SCN Coding/Variant Coding; BMW Coding (with newer data to 2022.03); AutoAuth for FCA SGW(2018 later); Various Online Coding Data for VW/for Audi, etc. 2-Year free updating will keep renewing the data for more vehicles.
- [AutoAuth Access & 50+ Services] Partnered AutoAuth FCA US, LAUNCH scanner can directly login to the AutoAuth account and secure check (reading DTC, active test, reset functions, etc.) for FCA vehicles. 50+ services that are needed for repair shops have been packed in X431 PRO5 auto scanner, such as Hot functions (Oil Reset, EPB Reset, SAS Reset, ABS Bleeding, etc.) and Comprehensive functions (High Voltage Battery Diagnostics, Transport Mode),
Bestseller No. 9
LAUNCH X431 PRO 5 Scan Tool: 2023 J2534 Reprogramming Tool, ECU Online Coding, Topology Mapping, Upgraded of X431 V+, Bi-Directional Diagnostic Scanner, with SmartBox 3.0 CANFD & DOIP, 2 Years Update
- 👍【Why Choose LAUNCH scanner X431 PRO5】It is the original LAUNCH X431 scan tool, the 2023 upgraded version of PROS V+, X431 PRO3 and V+ 4.0, which is a worthwhile investment for repair shops and mechanics. LAUNCH X431 PRO 5, all is set to OE-level standards with 1) J2534 ECU Programming & 50+ service same as PAD Series; 2) Bi-directional control + All system diagnostics as Snap-on scanner; 3) Online Coding functions directly connect to OEM server; 4) Top-notch Topology Mapping function
- 👍【J2534 Programming with Smart Box 3.0】 What is super SmartBox 3.0 VCI? Worth 1000$, Smart Box 3.0 is backed on new ISO9141/J1850/SAE J2610/CANFD/DOIP, which enables you to run 14x quicker data trans and advanced OEM J2534 reprogramming for B-MW, Ben-z, F-ord, Jaguar, Land Rover, GW, Volvo, etc. (please reach to us for more details). It also serves as a wireless VCI allowing the vehicle to transmit data to the diagnostic tablet without a physical connection.
- 👍【New Released Topology Mapping】Update your X431 PRO 5 to V 7.03.014 to gain Topology Mapping function. This advanced feature, typically found only on tools costing over $3000, provides a comprehensive view of a vehicle’s data bus configurations, improving repair efficiency by up to 90%. With just one click, you can gain insights into the layout of a vehicle’s system and clear any troubles. Compatibility with your vehicle’s brand should be verified by checking the VIN before purchasing.
- 👍【LAUNCH X431 PRO 5 with Powerful 50+ Services】Especially designed for pro mechanics and big repair shops, Launch X431 scanner PRO5 is equipped with 50+ hot reset functions for 150 car makes which same as X431 PAD serious. Easy to navigate and help you do ABS Bleeding, TPMS Reset, Oil Reset, EPB Reset, Suspension, BMS, Injector Coding, IMMO, Power balance, Throttle Matching and more. 🚩Notice: we offer 2-year f ree update while other brands generally 1 year.
- 👍【A-ctive Test + Local-smith Level ECU Coding】Come with appealing bi-directional control to troubleshoot all possible problems for full systems within 5 min.This LAUNCH X431 PRO scanner even develops all practical functions needed by all technicians:1) ECU Coding for replacing, match, relearn, recode new ECU modules;2) Online Coding for B-MW, VW, Porsche, Ben-z to surf OEM data;3) VAG Guided functions ease complex issues;4) Personalization & ADAS improving car performance and driving safety.
Bestseller No. 10
Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 ECU Programming Device Multi-Protocol PassThru Interface, Compatiable with MaxiSYS MS908S, MaxiSYS MS908CV, MaxiCOM MK908, MaxiSYS Elite and Personal Computer Reprogram.
- 🌎[As a multi-protocol Pass-Thru vehicle interface] MaxiFlash Elite is a fully compliant SAE J2534-1 & SAE J2534-2 (March 2006) device. Specially designed to provide users with convenient PC communication and ECU reprogramming capabilities on any modern vehicle diagnostic bus, MaxiFlash Elite offers the most significant features desired by OEM customers: reliability, fast performance and flexibility.
- 🌎[Fully compatible with both SAE J2534-1 and J2534-2 reprogramming standards] Compatible with Toyota Techstream, Volvo VIDA, Honda HDS, Jaguar-Land Rover IDS and BMW 3G for OEM diagnostics. Fast performance ensures quickly reprogramming even the newest controllers.
- 🌎[Built-In Wireless with advanced networking functions and data storage] Fast performance ensures reprogramming even the newest controllers & Internet upgradable and updatable. MaxiFlash Elite is compatiable with MaxiSYS MS908S, MaxiSYS MS908S Pro , MaxiSYS MS908CV, MaxiCOM MK908, MaxiCOM MK908 Pro, MaxiSYS Elite, MaxiSYS Elite II and Personal Computer
- 🌎[Supports simultaneous communication Definition in J2534-1] running 3 protocols at the same time, which greatly improves reprogramming and diagnostic speed. Embedded with the ARM9 Dual-core processor (clocked up to 500MHz), which further boosts the communicating speed. Rugged aluminum case with non-slip rubber end caps, capable of withstanding harsh environment.
- 🌎[Bus Protocols]: Primary CAN/ISO15765/GMLAN, Secondary CAN/ISO15765/GMLAN (Dual or Single Wire), For Ford SCP (J1850PWM), for GM Class2 (J1850VPW), KWP2000 (ISO9141/14230), for Chrysler SCI (J2610), Compliant to ISO 22900-1 MVCI physical layer
Last update on 2023-08-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
This product was presentation was made with AAWP plugin.
Hey all getting the above fault code ever since owned the car. Engine light comes on and sometimes it goes off for not apparent reason. I had a friend come over one the the time when the engine light so happened to be off and was able to see the live readings and it seemed to be fine when he plugged in. Has anyone had this appear before? From looking at that part i believe it to be 22690AB010. Car is a 2015 JDM FA20 GT-S with 82000km. Thanks
I just picked up a jdm Levorg drove from north to south island and last hour it gave me the same cel code.
I wiped it and hasn’t come back
Wilk take to local garage to check
How did you go with yours?
How did you wipe it? I have not had a chance to get it sorted. Keep me posted how you get on.
I went to super cheap auto and got a odb reader on special $99
There are cheaper ones but I was in a pinch.
I was able to read code and then there is a function to wipe, I wanted to make sure what code was before I had to keep driving.
Once wiped Eyesight came back and drive select.
Interesting. Keep me posted if it comes back on again. Thanks.
Will do
My car seems to be running to much fuel wide open throttle bit of black smoke from xaust wonder if linked.. I’ll find out this week.
Yes correct when i was down there but the engine light was off at that time so came up as a past one if that makes sense
Your o2 sensor has probably failed. Replace it with an oem one only. When they fail you’ll use way to much fuel and potentionally harm the engine.
Your o2 sensor has probably failed. Replace it with an oem one only. When they fail you’ll use way to much fuel and potentionally harm the engine.
Thanks Rob
I just spoke to mechanic ordering part and I’ll get replaced see how we go
Am i right in thinking the part code for the JDM VMG levorgs is 22690AB010 ?
Am i right in thinking the part code for the JDM VMG levorgs is 22690AB010 ?
It looks correct.
If you can remove your old one, it’ll have the part number on it.
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