Ошибка p0a7a приус 20


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Заменил инвертор, проблема решена

По ошибке! Выдает раз в месяц. Иногда на холостом ходу иногда в движении. Ну сегодня консультировался в Химках, наверное буду инвертер заказывать(((

У меня такая ошибка P0A7A, через obd не стирается, тачка не заводится…

А не перегрев коробаса? помпа инвертора может быть, у меня на трассе вылезло такое, помпа сдохла, остыл поставил от газели и доехал до дома

попробуй отключить кондиционер

Отключить, поездить посмотреть будет ли ошибка вновь?

да, с такой ошибкой все подряд пробовать и смотреть

Такая сейчас инфа на сканере! Инвертор менял года 3 назад. Сгорел по неизвестной мне причине. Мож проводка думаю…

сгорел и выдает конкретные ошибки это разные вещи. Самое простое это проверить проводку для начала

борт сеть просажена с 13.9 до 13.6

Спасибо.ошибка p0a7a — 324 походу чегото с инвертером. Плюс вышла p0a78-282. Костя дай инфу по этой ошибки плииз

скачай книгу!

С1310-это вроде общая ошибка, вылезает на почве всех остальных, она сама исчезнет после устранения основной причины.

Все комментарии


  1. thehighend

    Apr 21, 2006

    :mod:Hello all. I have read some great answers to problems on this site and it seems that many of you know a lot about the prius. I have a problem that I would like to see if anyone can help with, please.
    I was driving from Los Angeles to Sacramento (375 miles) and 200 miles into it, I got the dashboard chrismas light show. The red triangle with the check engine light and some other ones that I had not seen before. I always carry a scanner and the codes were P0A78, P0A94 and P0A7A. After resetting the codes, I drove another 20 miles and codes came back. Here is the interesting part. Prior to the codes coming on, the yellow slippery road light would flicker every time that I would hit a bump (bridge transitions or road asphalt patches). This would get worse until the codes would come up.
    I made it to Sac, but on the way back, all this started 75 miles into the trip. I checked and all fluids were at correct levels and the engine did not seem hot (I have had VW’s all my life, so I know what a hot engine should be like, I think).
    For some reason, I thought that the fans were not coming on, so I turned on the AC, forcing them to come on. I drove at 50-60 mph all the way home (300 miles) and parked the car for inspection later this week.
    I doubt if anything major is wrong as I got 47.3 MPG with the AC on. It seems that the fans did not come on when they should have.
    Vehicle has salvage title, but I got it 4 years ago with 12k miles and it has 66k miles now with absolutely no issues so far.
    I would apprciate any help.

  2. Those codes point to an inverter problem. If the car had been in a front-end accident, perhaps the wiring harness to the inverter was damaged and not properly repaired.

    If the wiring harness and connectors are in good condition then it is likely that the inverter will need to be replaced.

    You may wish to take your car to your local Toyota dealer for diagnosis. Good luck.

  3. abboomer

    To thehighend:

    I too have a salvaged prius with similar problems (bumps, traction light blinking, jerky driving). I also received the p0a78 code. Took to a dealer and they concluded transmission needed to be replaced. Took it to another mechanic for a second opinion and he was sure it wasn’t the transmission….so I’m really confused. What I want to know is how did your prius turn out? What was the problem? Hoping I can fix mine!


  4. 3prongpaul

    Hybrid Shop Owner, worked on 100’s of Prius’s

    Depending on your year and INF (subcodes) the following TSB EG058-06 may apply (replace HV ECU with updated unit, may be under warranty, check with dealer)

    Attached Files:

    abboomer and vvillovv like this.

  5. abboomer

    Thank you for the info. Sorry it has been so long from last post. The prius is a 2008. We actually had the inverter replaced with a used one this past December. Amazingly, all our symptoms disappeared. But then, just this week, the herky jerky and fall safe mode returned. So frustrating. Considering replacing the transmission. But I will definitely show this document to my mechanic. Thanks again.

  6. I suggest that you get Mini VCI so that you can obtain the diagnostic trouble codes logged by your car. It is premature to be talking about replacing a labor-intensive part like the transaxle until you know what the DTC are.

  7. 3prongpaul

    Hybrid Shop Owner, worked on 100’s of Prius’s

    Don’t forget to check the inverter coolant pump, or better yet check coolant temperatures with Techstream / Mini-VCI until you’ve been driving 20 minutes or so. If the temperatures are high the pump may be failing.

  8. abboomer

    What is considered high? I have engine link showing converter temp of about 140F.
    I replaced the HV control ECU last night. Seems better. Haven’t gotten the P0A94 code back yet. Just have the P0A78/282

  9. Did you replace the HV ECU with the newer revision part number as shown in the TSB?

    Check the tightness of the inverter wiring harness connections beneath the inverter cover. If they are OK, then the P0A78 code indicates the inverter needs to be replaced (again).

    This is the first post where you’ve mentioned P0A94. Had that code been previously logged by your car? If so, that indicates a problem with the DC/DC converter within the inverter.

  10. abboomer

    Yes, I often get that p0a94 code….here is a detailed summary of what I’ve had done so far…BTW, thank you for taking a look!

    September 2014:

    Codes (with INF codes in parentheses)

    P0A78 (1=506, 4=282, 5=287): Drive Motor A Inverter Performance (possible trouble areas = inverter assembly, wire harness/connector, HV transaxle, hybrid motor, HV ECU)

    P0A94 (2=556, 3=555): DC/DC Converter Performance (possible trouble areas = wire harness/connector, HV transaxle, hybrid motor, hybrid generator, HV ECU, inverter assembly)

    C2300 Electronic shift lever (ACT system) Malfunction (possible trouble areas = shift control actuator, transaxle park lock control, trans ECU, wire harness/connector)

    C2318 Shift Lever Low Voltage (possible trouble areas = HEV fuse, IGCT relay, wire harness/connector, auxillary battery)

    Tests/Action: Multiple test drives, experienced symptom. Replaced 12 volt battery. Tested transmission/motor-generator with Megger, passed test (note-dealer said it didn’t pass for them). Inspected and cleaned both front tone rings and wheel speed sensors. Noted crushed shielding to a sensor wire. Inspected ground connections and cleaned a bad ground. Extensive test driving, symptom returned, but no codes returned.

    Recommended drain/refill transmission. Customer declined.

    November/December 2014:

    Customer symptom getting more frequent and worse.


    P0A78 (282, 287) see above

    P0A7A (548, 554, 555): Generator Inverter Performance (possible causes = wire harness, inverter)

    P0A94 see above

    P0A40: Drive Motor A Position Sensor (possible causes = wire harness, hybrid motor, HV ECU)


    Too intermittent…difficult to diagnose a specific cause. Inspected numerous connectors. Test drove extensively. Scanned and monitored vehicle data. We know computer is perceiving high voltage spikes. Inverter brackets are bent. Replaced inverter with used unit.

    April 2015:

    Customer symptom disappeared for awhile after inverter replaced, including during a long road trip. But now symptom has returned.


    P0A78 (282) see above

    P0A94 (548) see above

    Freeze frame showed that both codes were recorded at the exact same moment, but the P0A78 code showed the power supply voltage to be 11.75 and the P0A94 code showed 13.76 volts. This is very important clue which indicates problem in 12 volt system. This led us directly into inspecting the power supply to the hybrid ECM (see below)

    Tests/action: Examined wiring diagrams for power supplies on low voltage circuit, battery, IGCT relay, ignition switch. Battery is good. Suspect IGCT relay. Accessed relay block and when removed it for inspection, discovered the power supply was only loosely plugged in. Plugged it in fully. Loose connection could explain the difference in the supply voltage in the freeze frame data.

    Customer reports vehicle still has symptom.

  11. abboomer

    Well, my prius is a 2008, so I’m not sure if that still applies. I had called the dealer and asked for the part number to the HV control ECU.

  12. I assume your car was in a front-end accident? Has the engine wiring harness been throughly inspected for damage? Since the inverter was hit (as evidenced by mention of bent brackets below) the wiring to the inverter may have been stressed and damaged.I would drain and refill the transaxle ATF just as a matter of performing good maintenance, if the car has logged more than 60K miles.There may be some other intermittent/loose connections. Again, remove the inverter cover and inspect the wiring harness connectors within to make sure they are tight and that the wires show no damage.

    Intermittent electrical problems are challenging to resolve, and Prius, heavily laden with complex electronics, is even more difficult than most. Good luck.

  13. Nisar

    Aug 18, 2022
    Washington DC
    2011 Prius

    I was getting P0A94 code i changed the inverter they it went off. Then i got again the same code i bought a new ECM & installed it but now my car is not starting all lights turns on but not starting the engine. It does start on my old ECM but not the new one any help please.

  14. Hello and welcome to Priuschat!

    If you have a P0A94 code for DC-DC converter performance, it might help if you can list the INF or detail code (it’s shown in the freezeframe data). That way ee can give better advice about how to find your problem.

    If you replaced the Hybrid Control ecu, then you need to jumper pins TC & CG of the OBD2 connector and leave the ignition on for 30 minutes to «program» it (perform a «handshake» initialization between HC and certification ecu’s?) . Use a charger so the 12V battery doesn’t go too low.

    See the service manual (under immobilizer — registration) for details.

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.

2010 RX450h ошибки p0A92-521 p0A7A-122

(1 чел.) (1) гость

При заводе иногда стартует и прогревает двигатель а иногда пытается стартонуть но как будто клинит. Интересно что на гибридном моторе попрежнем можно ехать. Если машину немного передвинуть то стартует без проблем. Пару раз после того как скинул ошибки она нормально завелась и поехала без ошибок до первой остановки. После полной остановки когда стал набирать скорость было несколько толчков как будто на льду буксануло и потом выкинул ошибку и можно ехать только на электро моторе(бензиновый не заведется). Планирую сам ремонтировать и неуверенно с чего начинать. Интерьер это или коробка а может и проводка гдето. Есть идеи?

Для начала. Проверьте качество масла в акпп и наличия метала в нем.

Гибрид Сервис Новосибирск. Диагностика, Ремонт, Обслуживание,Русификация, Чип тюнинг Гибридных Автомобилей. Тел:8 383 299-111-3

Прозванивать обмотки и кабеля. Смотреть фишки на акпп.

Гибрид Сервис Новосибирск. Диагностика, Ремонт, Обслуживание,Русификация, Чип тюнинг Гибридных Автомобилей. Тел:8 383 299-111-3

Argonfatl написал:

При заводе иногда стартует и прогревает двигатель а иногда пытается стартонуть но как будто клинит. Интересно что на гибридном моторе попрежнем можно ехать. Если машину немного передвинуть то стартует без проблем. Пару раз после того как скинул ошибки она нормально завелась и поехала без ошибок до первой остановки. После полной остановки когда стал набирать скорость было несколько толчков как будто на льду буксануло и потом выкинул ошибку и можно ехать только на электро моторе(бензиновый не заведется). Планирую сам ремонтировать и неуверенно с чего начинать. Интерьер это или коробка а может и проводка гдето. Есть идеи?

Начать надо с устранения перегрева инвертора:
1. проверить работоспособность помпы гибридки
2. проверить чистоту межрадиаторного пространства
После этого провести динамический тест с записью логом температуры МГ1 и температуры силового модуля МГ1 инвертора.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Масло старовотое но не воняет и без стружки. Температура поднимается очень медленно в пределах нормы

Argonfatl написал:

Масло старовотое но не воняет и без стружки. Температура поднимается очень медленно в пределах нормы

При чем тут масло? Инвертор охлаждается не маслом, а антифризом.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

У вас повреждение изоляции. Прозвоните мегометром. Повреждённый кабель и будет ясно. Есть Пробой или нет.

Гибрид Сервис Новосибирск. Диагностика, Ремонт, Обслуживание,Русификация, Чип тюнинг Гибридных Автомобилей. Тел:8 383 299-111-3

вам вапрос. Все ли коробка одинаковые на rx450h? и как проверить инвертер

Argonfatl написал:

вам вапрос. Все ли коробка одинаковые на rx450h? и как проверить инвертер

1. все одинаковые
2. что вы конкретно хотите проверить в инверторе?

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Long ago we published a blog on Gen 1 transmission failure (superseded to yet another blog here).  Around the same time we predicted Gen 2 transmissions would be more robust.  While this remains statistically true, our experience has proven that they are not immune to transmission problems of their own.  Common symptoms include:

1. Whining/growling noise when engine starts
2. Rattling/banging when driving
3. Car refuses to “ready”
4. Engine cannot start (“rizz” noise when cranking)
5. Master warning light (red triangle)
6. Diagnostic trouble codes:

P0AA6, info codes 526, 613: High Voltage Isolation Fault
P0A7A: Generator Inverter Fail (over current by inverter assembly malfunction)
P0A92: MG1 malfunction

LG currently operates an overnight shift 7 days a week dedicated to hybrid taxi cabs.  With this experience we can describe Gen 2 Prius transmission failure as routine, somewhere between 150-250k miles.  The most common indication is trouble code P0AA6 (no other symptoms), but we have also seen broken chains, failed bearings, bad MG1s (trouble code P0A7A and P0A92), and seized planetaries altogether. 

We have also seen these problems on private cars, as they get older.  Our original poster child (see the 250k mile Prius blog) is now outpaced by many a commuter and second owner, and our experience is far more informed.  Not only have we seen failures, in the process we’ve developed industry-leading procedures for testing insulation, impedance, and mechanical problems.  We are ahead of the dealer.

Upshot: if your car has a problem we can isolate the source (be it transmission OR somewhere else).

imageNot only can LG navigate the jungle of diagnosis to provide a GUARANTEED repair, we can repair the car at a fraction of dealer cost with second hand units and honest labor charges.  Over the years we have replaced dozens of Gen 2 Prius transmissions to the point that we keep several used units in stock (pic of our “large parts” inventory).  We also stock inverters, batteries, simple sensors, and ECUs.  We are capable and prepared to fix your car.

For more on individual problems, keep reading.  To skip to prices, CLICK HERE.


The generic information code is 526, and the transmission specific info code is 613.  While there are other potential causes of P0AA6, the most common by far is winding deterioration in the traction motor (MG2). 

The Gen 1 equivalent of P0AA6 is P3009, and when it sets the car will continue to ready on and drive normally.  With Gen 2 Prius, the car will not allow the car to restart once the code sets.  Toyota engineers decided HV faults were highly dangerous and the car was unsafe to drive.  On the Gen 3 Prius, the trouble code is the same (P0AA6) but the car will still ready and drive.  Thus we can interpret that Toyota admits this condition is not that unsafe after all.

Taxi drivers are tenacious as hell, and those commissioned to Gen 2 Prius often resort to disconnecting the 12v battery (or pulling the necessary fuses) to erase the P0AA6 and continue driving.  I’ve seen them drive for months without repair (one went so far as to install a quick disconnect handle for the 12v in the trunk).  Eventually the car developed another problem (more on this later) which necessitated a transmission replacement.

Needless to say, except for the prohibition of “ready” mode, the car will drive normally.  For dealer techs unfamiliar with it, the problem is mysterious; most recently a customer came to us for diagnosis after the dealer already installed an inverter (at no small charge) despite the information code 613 (pointing to the transmission).

Unless the winding is seriously deteriorated, it is rare that P0AA6 will set when the transmission is cold; only after driving several miles under load (taxi/highway) will the insulation in the windings lower enough to set the code.  This is a case where the technician cannot confirm that the problem is inside the transmission (at least without getting the assembly suitably hot before performing an insulation test).  The car’s diagnostics (which will automatically test each HV branch to help isolate the source of the leak) aid in this regard.  For instance, the information code 612 points to the HV battery (rather than the transmission) which can direct the technician to look for damaged battery modules, leaking electrolyte to the chassis (ground).

In California, P0AA6, info code 526 AND 613 is covered under warranty up to 150,000 miles; see:

Toyota Technical Service Bulletin T-SB-0306-08 MIL ON DTC P3009 or P0AA6, Information Codes 526 & 613

Other transmission issues not covered under warranty are below.

Transmission noise:

There is a flat needle bearing that holds the planetary gearset from the MG1 case.  This bearing is the weakest mechanical link, prone to failure over time.  Once it collapses, the gear it supports falls inward against the load of the chain and grinds into the case of MG1.  Early signs are a whine when the engine starts (or runs).  imageLong term the chain will break and when MG1 attempts to crank the engine the planetary freewheels with a “rizzing” sound.  See the video taken over a year ago of cab 178, dedicated to our favorite hybrid instructor Jack Rosebro:


We’ve also seen a support bearing in the final drive fail; symptoms are rattling when moving or banging when slowing or starting.  The cause is excessive movement in the final drive with the gear out of place.  Eventually the stress will crack the case, causing a transmission fluid leak, a broken chain, or a seized gear.

P0A7A, P0A92:

Winding deterioration is also possible in MG1, the smaller motor/generator inside the Toyota HSD transmission.  Symptoms may be similar to the noises of a bad bearing or broken chain, because MG1 is engaged when the car attempts to crank the engine.  Sometimes the gearset makes noise (the motor’s shorted windings will shudder, and the gearset will clatter accordingly), but sometimes the motor is bad enough that the inverter will simply default when attempting to engage it, much like a bad starter making a single “click”.  When attempting to “ready”, the click is heard and then the warning lights appear, and the car is incapable of starting the engine.  The vehicle will still move under the power of MG2 (the traction motor) but the HV battery will eventually deplete to the point that it will ready off and it will no longer attempt to restart (“ready”) at all.

Both of the trouble codes relate to the inverter, which is why it is so often condemned as the source of the problem.  The inverter provides power to the motors, and with a short the inverter current will peak, setting a code.  This is exactly the same scenario as P3125, info code 287 with Gen 1 Prius.  Sadly I expect many an inverter will be thrown at Gen 2 Prius, despite the experience with earlier models.  This is entirely a case of “killing the messenger”.


What of repairing these problems, rather than replacing the whole unit?  It’s a good question.  At this point there is no source for MG1 or MG2 windings, bearings, or gears outside of the total unit.  We do occasionally get salvage units that are half good (cracked on one end, for instance) that can be used for parts.  But by in large the effort to rebuild a unit is as much labor/parts as the total assembly ($800 used), with the additional liability imageof one of the aforementioned problems developing.  As our cache of good used parts grows, we may find this a better option, especially as the demand for used units goes up.  At this point our approach is to gather as many good low mileage units as we can afford.


As of this blog we are able to find used Gen 2 Prius transmissions with low mileage at a reasonable price ($800).  After dozens of jobs, only recently did we encounter a used unit with the faintest beginning of a needle bearing noise, which we replaced a second time on the house, as part of the original job.  In short, while we are confident in the reliability of used units, we are very careful to install ones without issue and extend a one year, 12,000 mile warranty against transmission problems.

Labor: $1,360
Transmission (Used Unit): $800
Additional Parts (seals, axle nuts, fluids): $89.29
8.25% Sales Tax: $75.48

Total: $2324.77

To book an appointment, use the contact page.


Gina McDonald

Дата создания:

1 Июль 2021

Дата обновления:

15 Сентябрь 2023

P0A7A - производительность инвертора генератора - Авто-Коды

P0A7A — производительность инвертора генератора — Авто-Коды


  • Возможные причины
  • Возможные симптомы
  • P0a7a Описание
  • P0A7A Информация для конкретных марок

Возможные причины

  • Неисправный инвертор с преобразователем в сборе
  • Инвертор с преобразователем Сборка жгута открыта или замкнута
  • Инвертор с цепью преобразователя в сборе плохое электрическое соединение Что это значит?

    Возможные симптомы

  • Подсветка двигателя включена (или предупреждающая лампа обслуживания двигателя) Инвертор преобразует высоковольтный постоянный ток аккумуляторной батареи высокого напряжения и переменный ток для MG1 / MG2. Инвертор содержит трехфазную мостовую схему, которая состоит из 6 силовых транзисторов каждый для MG1 и MG2, для преобразования постоянного тока и трехфазного переменного тока.

    Блок управления высоковольтными цепями управляет работой силовых транзисторов.

    Инвертор передает информацию, необходимую для осуществления управления, такую ​​как сила тока и напряжение, в ЭБУ управления ВН.

    Датчики тока инвертора двигателя определяют силу тока, которая протекает через кабели фазы V и W между инвертором и MG1 / MG2. Инвертор передает информацию, необходимую для осуществления управления, такую ​​как сила тока и напряжение, в ЭБУ управления ВН.

    ЭБУ управления высоковольтным напряжением контролирует датчики тока инвертора для выявления неисправности в системе датчиков.

    P0A7A Информация для конкретных марок

  • P0A7A Производительность инвертора генератора LEXUS
  • P0A7A NISSAN Генератор Инвертор Производительность
  • P0A7A TOYOTA Генератор Инвертор Производительность
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