Ошибка p0841 subaru

На пробеге 21 606 км, катимся одним спокойным летним вечером (в изи режиме)… И вроде не чего бы не предвещает приключений, на светофоре начинает что-то заливать японская женщина. Приборка высыпала кучу ошибок, отключились все системы безопасности… При троганье коробка начала пинаться/дергаться, на скорости побольше (около 40 км/ч) пинков нет, динамика пропадает. При парковке и троганье задним ходом такая же петрушка… Глушим авто, курим сигаретку с рассуждениями о японском качестве =) Запускаем движок, все супер. Ошибки ушли, все работает… Через пару километров история повторяется…

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)

Цепляем SSM4, смотрим ошибки. В результате — P0841
Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Range/Performance
Диапазон/Производительность датчика давления трансмиссионной жидкости/переключателя цепи «A»

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)
Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)
Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)

Заодно посмотрим версию прошивки блока коробки — G4DDD081/396013CA

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)


P.S. Первое подозрение на датчик давления трансмиссионной жидкости… Поеду до сервисменов, пусть посмотрят…Кто сталкивался с подобным, делитесь в комментах…

Ссылка на брошюру по коробе — TR690 / TR580

Запчасти на фото: 31878AA020. Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)

Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Levorg (1G)


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38 голосов

Цена вопроса: 100 $
Пробег: 21 606 км

P0841 Subaru Forester

P0841 is a relatively common trouble code.  While your Subaru Forester’s check engine light will come on, this particular code indicates that there’s something wrong with the transmission, specifically the transmission fluid pressure sensor circuit.

It’s a generic code, so P0841 has the same definition for any vehicle made for the 1996 model year and up.  Before doing anything, check your Forester’s transmission fluid.

Abbreviations used in this article:

  • PCM– Powertrain Control Module, this is the main computer module with the engine and transmission control in one unit. 
  • TCM– Transmission Control Module, the TCM controls the shifting of the transmission and is separate from the engine control module. Your Subaru Forester will either have a PCM or a TCM.  And, for the purposes of this article, they are interchangeable.
  • TFPS– Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor

P0841 Definition:  Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “A” Range/Performance

P0841 Definition:  Subaru Forester

Here’s the definition of P0841 for the Subaru Forester broken down by its individual parts. 

Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch

The TFPS has two primary jobs:

  1. Convert the transmission fluid pressure into a signal that the PCM (or TCM) can use to control shifts.
  2. Verifies that the PCM/TCM’s request for a transmission shift has occurred.

Circuit “A” Range/Performance

The TFPS converts the hydraulic pressure data into a voltage signal that your Forester’s TCM/PCM can use to control the transmission.  P0841 occurs when this signal is out of the normal operating range for this signal.

P0841 Symptoms:  Subaru Forester

Here are the most common symptoms associated with P0841:

  • Limp Mode– Your Forester will shift differently and won’t have access to all of its gears.
  • Check Engine Light– There will often be other codes that occur with P0841.  They will usually be related to voltage and power.
  • Erratic Shifting– Shifts may feel soft (RPM slowly drops during the shift), or they may feel too harsh (abrupt drop in RPM).

P0841 Diagnosis Forester

Diagnosing P0841 in the Subaru Forester can be challenging, due to the location of the TFPS sensor and the wiring associated with it.

1. Check for Other Codes and TSB’s

The first thing you want to do is check for other diagnostic codes.  They can provide valuable clues to what’s going on inside your transmission.

TSB’s are technical service bulletins.  Subaru uses them out to deal with common and well-known vehicular issues.  Check to see if there are any related to your problem.  You can get them from the NHTSA website.

2. Inspect the TFPS Wiring

The next thing you’re going to want to do is inspect the wiring going to your Forester’s TFPS.  If it’s burnt or damaged, you’ll need to replace/repair it.

After that, clear your Forester’s trouble codes and see if P0841comes back.9

Whether or not you’re going to be able to access the TFPS is going to determine whether most people can continue diagnosing P0841.  Sometimes the TFPS can be accessed from the outside of the transmission.  You may need to open the transmission.

Wiring issues are the most common cause of P0841.  Take your time and make sure that the harness is in good shape.

3. Other Causes

  • Bad TFPS Sensor
  • Internal transmission issue
  • Low transmission fluid
  • Bad TCM/PCM

While a bad TFPS sensor is highly likely, make sure that the voltage going to it is correct and doesn’t change when wiggling the harness before replacing it.


Diagnosing P0841 is pretty straightforward.  The real issue is getting to the wiring and TFPS.  Good luck fixing your Forester!

Ошибка P0841 — Датчик «А» давления трансмиссионной жидкости — диапазон/производительность

Что означает ошибка P0841

Ошибка P0841 указывает на то, что модуль управления АКПП (PCM) обнаружил неисправность в цепи датчика давления трансмиссионной жидкости.

Причины возникновения ошибки P0841

Причин возникновения ошибки P0841 может быть несколько. Например, причиной может быть неисправность электромагнитного клапана управления давлением, неисправность датчика давления трансмиссионной жидкости или закупорка каналов прохождения трансмиссионной жидкости. Также причиной появления данной ошибки может быть низкий уровень трансмиссионной жидкости, загрязнение жидкости, а также механические неисправности внутри трансмиссии. В редких случаях, причиной может служить неисправность PCM или TCM.

Каковы симптомы ошибки P0841?

Чаще всего при возникновении данной ошибки появляются проблемы с переключением передач или включением и выключением муфты блокировки гидротрансформатора. Также признаком появления данной ошибки может быть проскальзывание трансмиссии, жесткое переключение передач, снижение эффективности использования топлива и перегрев трансмиссии. Вместе с кодом P0841 могут также появляться другие коды ошибок, относящиеся к муфте блокировки гидротрансформатора, передаточному числу, электромагнитному клапану переключения передач, блокировке или проскальзыванию трансмиссии.

Как механик диагностирует код ошибки P0841?

Диагностирование необходимо всегда начинать с проверки уровня трансмиссионной жидкости с помощью измерительного щупа. Необходимо убедиться в надлежащем состоянии жидкости, а  также в том, что уровень жидкости соответствует рекомендациям производителя. Если жидкость загрязнена, ее необходимо заменить. Если жидкость пахнет горелым, это может указывать на низкий уровень трансмиссионной жидкости, а также на наличие серьезных механических неисправностей внутри трансмиссии.

Также следует заменить все обгоревшие, закороченные или поврежденные провода и соединители. Если соединители, провода и элементы системы находятся в надлежащем состоянии, необходимо подключить диагностический сканер и записать все данные и коды ошибок. При низком уровне трансмиссионной жидкости необходимо долить жидкость до уровня, необходимого для обнаружения утечки, а затем устранить ее. Если трансмиссия работает надлежащим образом, и код ошибки не появляется снова, то проблема, вероятней всего, заключается в проскальзывании трансмиссии из-за низкого уровня жидкости и давления. Если код ошибки появляется снова, необходимо проверить давление насоса. Для этого вам понадобится ручной манометр.

Общие ошибки при диагностировании кода P0841

Наиболее распространенной ошибкой при диагностировании данного кода является замена насоса высокого давления вместо ремонта или замены электромагнитного клапана управления давлением, датчика давления трансмиссионной жидкости и электропроводов.

Насколько серьезной является ошибка P0841?

Ошибка P0841 является довольно серьезной, поэтому, если у вас недостаточно опыта и нет надлежащего оборудования, необходимо обратиться к квалифицированному специалисту. Если долго игнорировать данную проблему, это может привести к повышению расхода топлива, а также повлиять на производительность двигателя. Это может также привести к повреждению других деталей автомобиля, поэтому необходимо как можно скорее обратиться к квалифицированному специалисту, чтобы избежать дорогостоящего ремонта и серьезных проблем.

Какой ремонт может исправить ошибку P0841?

Если трансмиссионная жидкость пахнет горелым, необходимо снять поддон трансмиссии и проверить жидкость на наличие мусора и посторонних предметов. При обнаружении в поддоне трансмиссии мусора и посторонних предметов может понадобиться капитальный ремонт, установка нового гидротрансформатора, а также промывка системы и замена жидкости. В противном случае трансмиссия не будет работать надлежащим образом.

Дополнительные комментарии для устранения ошибки P0841

Во многих старых автомобилях возникают проблемы с датчиками из-за длительного напряжения на компонентах трансмиссии. Поскольку код P0841 может указывать на несколько различных неисправностей, его достаточно сложно диагностировать и устранить. Поэтому рекомендуется обратиться к квалифицированному специалисту, у которого есть надлежащее оборудование для более точного и эффективного диагностирования проблемы.

Нужна помощь с кодом ошибки P0841?

Компания — CarChek, предлагает выездную компьютерную диагностику, которая приедет к вам домой или в офис, чтобы диагностировать и выявлять проблемы вашего автомобиля. Узнайте стоимость услуги — Диагностика авто с бесплатным выездом к заказчику, или свяжитесь с консультантом по телефону +7(499)394-47-89

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Well, small update.

She had the fluid changed at a local-to-her independent shop that she frequents, she brought in Subaru CVTF

A few days later, she was driving, and noticed a loss of power on the highway, and when she pulled over, the engine had stalled. She had to navigate across a lane of traffic and an entrance ramp, so she’s not sure if it stalled on the move, or when she stopped (like a stuck torque converter). But, after cycling the key, it started back up, and drove normally. My dad read the codes later that day, and found P0700 (AT abnormal) and P0841 again.

She’s visiting me again this week. First thing I found out, none of my scan tools will read the live data for that sensor. I have a Carista ELM327 bluetooth adapter that I use with my phone, I have a couple basic apps, but ActiveOBD is a Subaru specific one, with which I can read torque converter lockup, AWD transfer, transmission temp and more. I also have an Innova 3170RS, and FreeSSM.

So, then I was left with the options to buy a better tool to test it. Pay the dealership to test it. Or, just throw the $150 sensor in. The local dealership had it on the shelf, and said they use them in the shop about once a month. If it were my car, and only driven locally, I’d drive it and wait for symptoms to worsen. But it’s my mom’s, and she drives all over the state, a breakdown in the middle of nowhere would be far more costly.

So, I did what I hate to do, and loaded up the parts cannon. Yesterday I put 5 more quarts of Subaru CVT fluid in (what came out was still pretty brown) and the secondary pressure sensor. With such intermittent symptoms, only time will tell if that was the chicken or the egg. I drove it to work today, and it’s showing it’s age.

Not sure what the future is for this car, it seems like a pretty nice car, but with a salvage title, considerable oil consumption, and a failing CVT, it’s probably not worth much, and not worth fixing.

NHTSA ID Number: 10202828

Manufacturer Communication Number: 16-102-16R


This bulletin provides a new flow chart and additional diagnostic tools to assist technicians with troubleshooting DTC P0841- SECONDARY OIL PRESSURE SENSOR PERFORMANCE.

NUMBER: 16-102-16R
DATE: 07/11/16
REVISED: 10/15/21


This Service Information bulletin provides a new flow chart and additional diagnostic tools to  assist Technicians with troubleshooting DTC P0841- SECONDARY OIL PRESSURE SENSOR PERFORMANCE.


The Diagnostic Flow Chart provided in this bulletin is quite extensive.  To help make the chart more userfriendly, it has been broken down into 7 basic “Steps”.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  In some cases, it may not necessary to follow this flow chart in the specified order.  For example: in a case where a whining sound concern is identified along with the DTC P0841, a Technician may feel performing pressure checks before beginning the electrical checks may be a way to expedite diagnosis of an internal hard part failure requiring transmission assembly replacement.

  • STEP 1– CVTF Fluid Condition Check
  • STEP 2– Customer Interview and DTC Confirmation
  • STEPS 3A and 3B– Check for Failure Caused by Electrical Wiring / Connection Issues
  • STEP 4– Check for Abnormal (Stuck) Sensor Output (Cannot Be Detected by Simply Switching Power ON)
  • STEP 5– Check the T/M Pressures Stored in the FFD
  • STEP 6– Determination of Appropriate Repair
  • STEP 7– Confirmation of Repair

Use this Legend to help navigate the flow chart:

See PDF Bellow…

  • In addition to the flow chart, use the following slides and information for additional help with accurately diagnosing a P0841:

TIP:  Consider performing the pressure testing using a mechanical pressure gauge BEFORE  electrical testing and compare the test results (between the gauge and SM4 displayed values).  Both test results should be very close.  If there is a significant discrepancy between them (e.g. the (known good) gauge results are significantly higher than the SM4-supplied values), the pressure sensor would be suspect.

Additional Electrical Testing Information:

  • The following slides provide some additional pressure sensor and related wiring testing techniques, illustrations and photos. This information is intended to help Technicians make a more informed diagnosis of the root cause and required repairs.  It will also help determine whether or not a terminal /pin connection is damaged and in need of repair or replacement:

42 Affected Products


SUBARU WRX 2015-2021

1 Associated Document

Manufacturer Communications

NUMBER: 16-102-16R
DATE: 07/11/16
REVISED: 10/15/21


MC-10202828-0001.pdf 1649.467KB


SaleBestseller No. 1

LAUNCH CRP123 OBD2 Scanner 2023 Newest Elite Code Reader Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission Car Diagnostic Tool, ABS Code Reader, SRS Scan Tool, Check Engine Code Reader, Lifetime Free Update Scan Tool

LAUNCH CRP123 OBD2 Scanner 2023 Newest Elite Code Reader Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission Car Diagnostic Tool, ABS Code Reader, SRS Scan Tool, Check Engine Code Reader, Lifetime Free Update Scan Tool

  • 🎁 New Elite Version🎁 Easy to Use—Work out of Box🎁Function as LAUNCH CRP123E 🎁 Lifetime Update🎁 5 YEARS Back Up.
  • [Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission Diagnostic Tool]—The crp123 obd2 scanner is perfect balance of power and affordability, providing the ability to view preset, or user defined, live data streams for ENGINE, AT, ABS and SRS data, the ability to graph, record, replay and print data, read and resets codes for engine/abs/srs/transmission system.
  • [Full OBDII Test Code Reader]—LAUNCH CRP123 scan tool supports all 10 modes of OBDII standard to ensure complete, accurate, system diagnosis. Read and Clear DTCs, do smog tests , I/M readiness and O2 sensor tests, Mode 06 EVAP system test, Mode 08 on-board test component test. And OBDII Code lookup tool and acronym database to assist and speed diagnosis and repair time.
  • [4 in 1 Live Data Stream]—LAUNCH crp123 supports Generic OBDII Codes (P0, P2, P3 and U0); Manufacturer specific codes (P1, P3 and U1); Clear DTC codes and Turns off the MIL;Resets monitors; Provides Data Link Connector (DLC) location hints; Pending codes; Freeze frame data; Monitor and I/M readiness; Live PCM stream data; 4 IN 1 live data stream include the Engine Coolant Temperature, Long Short Fuel Trim, Throttle valve position,Fuel Tank Pressure,Engine RPM, Intake Ait Temperature and so on.
  • [Extensive Vehicle Coverage + 9 Languages]—The LAUNCH CRP123 reads data from ENGINE, TRANSMISSION, ABS and SRS systems from Asian, US and European manufacturers. Coverage includes Suzuki, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia, Subaru, Infiniti, Lexus, Acura, Isuzu, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Benz, BMW, VW, Opel, Volvo, Fiat, Land Rover, Seat, Skoda, Audi, Porsche, Saab, Jaguar and many others. Support 9 different languages.

Bestseller No. 2

FOXWELL Car Scanner NT604 Elite OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Transmission, Check Engine Code Reader,Diagnostic Scan Tool with SRS Airbag Scanner

FOXWELL Car Scanner NT604 Elite OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Transmission, Check Engine Code Reader,Diagnostic Scan Tool with SRS Airbag Scanner

  • 🔔【Easy to Use—Work out of box】+【FOXWELL 2023 New Version】 FOXWELL NT604 Elite scan tool is the 2023 new version from FOXWELL, which is designed for those car owners who want to figure out the cause issue before fixing the car problem via scanning the most common systems like abs srs engine and transmission.The NT604 Elite diagnostic tool comes with latest software, which can be used out of box. No need to waste time to download the software first.
  • 🍎【Affordable】+【Reliable Car Health Monitor】 Will you be confused what happen when the warning light of abs/srs/transmission/check engine flashes? Instead of taking your cars to dealership, this foxwell scanner will help you do a thorough scanning and detection for your cars and pinpoint the root cause, which saves you time and money. It will t-urn off the warning light car after the problem is fixed.👉TIPS: Airbag crash/collision data can NOT be cleared even you replace the new airbag.
  • 🥑【5 in 1 Diagnostic Scanner】Compared with those auto scanners (50-100 USD), NT604 Elite code scanner not only includes their OBDII diagnosis but also it can be an abs/srs scanner, transmission and check engine code reader. When it’s an odb2 scanner, you can use it to check if your car is ready for annual test through I/M readiness menu. In addition, live data stream, built-in DTC library, data play back and print, all these features are a big plus for it.
  • 🍓【Fantastic AUTOVIN】+【No extra software fee】Through the AUTOVIN menu, this NT604 Elite car scanner allows you to get your V-IN and vehicle info rapidly, no need to take time to find your V-IN and input one by one. What’s more, the NT604 Elite abs srs scanner supports 60+ car makes from worldwide (America/Asia/Europe). You don’t need to pay extra software fee.
  • 🥝【Solid protective case KO plastic carrying bag】+ 【Lifetime update】Almost all same price-level obd scanner diagnostic tool only offers plastic bag to hold on the scanner.However, NT604 Elite automotive scanner is equipped with solid protective case, preventing your obd2 scanner from damage. Then you don’t need to pay extra money to buy a solid toolbox.

SaleBestseller No. 3

OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool FOXWELL NT630 Plus, Car Code Reader ABS Bleeding Scan Tool SRS Scanner Bidirectional Control with Airbag Light Reset SAS Calibration Oil Light EPB Service Tool

OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool FOXWELL NT630 Plus, Car Code Reader ABS Bleeding Scan Tool SRS Scanner Bidirectional Control with Airbag Light Reset SAS Calibration Oil Light EPB Service Tool

  • 🚦【Customized ABS SRS AIRBAG Scanner】 Based on the NT301 obd scanner, NT630 Plus was born which customized the ABS SRS diagnosis&reset functions for all customers. Over the basic odb2 scanner but professional enough & easy to use. Plug this abs scanner to the vehicle OBD2 port to start diagnosis. The srs abs code reader will scan and read the error codes. Performing initialize/reset/calibrate after maintenance. 👉TIPS: The airbag code reader can NOT clear airbag crash data/collision data.
  • 🥇【NO.1 ABS Bleeding Scan Tool】 If the brake pedal was always slowly sinking down or got loose? This abs brake auto bleed scan tool will bleed the brake, cycling the pump & valves to get a tight brake pedal. No need to cost hundreds to own a foxwell obd2 scanner with abs auto bleed can solve your issues. Refer to the step on the screen, even a beginner can do it. Note: Coverage will be vary on different cars, please confirm it BEFORE purchase. Suggest to manual bleed if auto bleed not support.
  • ✨2023 BIG SURPRISE: Update the car scanner to get the OIL light & EPB service. Every time when your car’s oil changed or other faults caused the warning light, it’s important to reset the oil change indicator to get the safety driving. After replacing the brake pads/actuator/rotor/caliper, the MIL should go off with EPB reset and make the EPB switch to operate normally. Note: Coverage is vary on different cars, confirm before purchase. Oil &EPB resets can be available after car faults solved.
  • 👍【Cost Less than $150 to Own a ABS SRS Bidirectional Scan Tool】It’s so valuable to own one with active test feature that never find on similar code readers & scan tools. This abs car code reader allows you to control the ABS/Airbag system and components to test hidden car faults. When you exit the test, the system/components return to normal operation. 📣Warm tips: Only ABS/SRS modules is supported. If you need bi-directional test for other modules, please choose NT809 or higher version.
  • 🌈【SAS Calibration Tool & AIRBAG Light Reset】 🚩NOTE: Before resetting airbag, please make sure the software version is V4.02.001(NOT support crash codes). Reading the airbag faults when the light was on and help you to reset the error codes after solving the faults. Also runs calibration of the steering angle sensor,which permanently stores the current steering wheel position as straight-ahead in the sensor EEPROM. On successful calibration of the sensor, the fault is automatically cleared.

Bestseller No. 4

Launch CR629 OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Scan Tool with Active Test, 3 Service Oil/SAS/BMS Reset Tool, Full OBD2 Functions Car Code Scanner, Lifetime Free Update (More Powerful Than Launch CR529, CRP123X)

Launch CR629 OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Scan Tool with Active Test, 3 Service Oil/SAS/BMS Reset Tool, Full OBD2 Functions Car Code Scanner, Lifetime Free Update (More Powerful Than Launch CR529, CRP123X)

  • 【ABS & SRS Diagnoses + Active Test for ABS SRS】LAUNCH CR629 scan tool can do advanced Bidirectional Control (active test), read vehicle version information, read/clear DTCs, and read graphic live data stream for ABS SRS modules. Utilizing the active test can detect the hidden problems when you see the related warning light of ABS SRS systems. 📌NOTE: This launch obd2 scanner currently supports ACTIVE TEST for 20 car brands. Please contact us to check the compatibility before purchase.
  • 【3 Reset Services】This automotive scanner LAUNCH CR629 provides 3 reset services: Oil reset, SAS reset and BMS Reset, helping to keep your car running smoothly. ➤Oil Reset: To reset the oil life each time you have the oil and oil filter changed. ➤SAS Reset: To perform a calibration of the steering angle sensor following a wheel alignment or installation of a suspension or steering part. ➤BMS Reset. 📌Please contact us to check the vehicle compatibility for reset services before purchase.
  • 【OBD2 Full Functions + Support 10000+ Vehicle】 Come with 10 modes of OBD2 tests (including Read/Clear codes, View Freeze Frame Data, O2 Sensor Test, Evap Test, etc.), LAUNCH CR629 obd2 scanner tells you the exact problem behind the check engine warning light, solve emission issues, and help pass smog test for most post-1996 OBD2/CAN vehicles. This ABS SRS scan tool supports ABS & SRS diagnoses for 42 car brands. 22 Car brands for BMS reset, 53 brands for oil reset, and 41 brands for SAS reset.
  • 【User-friendly + Live Data Stream】 LAUNCH CR629 car code reader is specially designed with the following features ➤3.5 inch large LCD color display. ➤3 hot keys(F1/F2/F3)to access to the target interface directly with ONE CLICK. ➤DTC Lookup to identify a code’s meaning directly. No google research needed! ➤PC Printing to print the information out after PC connection. ➤Review data records historical DTCs, data streams and freeze frame data, which is convenient to view at any time.
  • 【5 Years Warranty + Lifetime Free Update+ 8 Languages】 This original Launch OBD2 scanner CR629 is backed up by Launch official after-sale services with 5-year warranty, available 60-days return & replacement policy. This car code scanner supports English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Italian. If you have any problem, you can contact us freely via customer service email or message us on Amazon.

Bestseller No. 5

GODIAG GD203 OBD2 Scanner, ABS SRS Diagnostic Scan Tool, Car Code Reader for Oil Light Reset, EPB, TPS, SAS, OBD2 Car Scanner with 28 Special Function and Lifetime Free Update Online

GODIAG GD203 OBD2 Scanner, ABS SRS Diagnostic Scan Tool, Car Code Reader for Oil Light Reset, EPB, TPS, SAS, OBD2 Car Scanner with 28 Special Function and Lifetime Free Update Online

  • 【Multi-Function OBD2 Scanner】GODIAG GD203 code reader is a cost-effective products for your vehicle maintenance. This obd2 scanner does not only professional in checking the ABS/SRS systems, but also do a lot of special reset functions like Anti-lock Brake Reset, Electronic Park Brake Reset, Diesel Particulate Filter Reset, Oil Service Light Reset, TPMS, TPS/TBA, etc.
  • 【ABS Bleeding Scan Tool】When the vehicle has replaced the ABS computer/ABS pump, replacing the brake master cylinder, brake cylinder, brake pipeline, and brake fluid, there may be air in the Car’s ABS system. Our car diagnostic scanner can help you check for ABS bleeding, which you should perform the ABS bleeding to bleed the brake system to restore ABS braking sensitivity.
  • 【ABS SRS Scan Tool】The function of airbags is to reduce the degree of injury to the people in the event of a vehicle collision. You need to check frequently whether the ABS SRS is functioning properly. Our code reader can help you find common airbag problems easily include: malfunctioning airbags, disconnected airbag wiring, and damaged airbag sensors.
  • 【Oil Light Reset, EPA, SAS】If the brake pads are damaged, the brake pads should be replaced, and the brake pads need to be reset at the same time. When your car replaces the steering angle position sensor, the steering angle needs to be reset to find the relative zero where the car keeps driving straight. The oil light reset is required when the car oil or the mechanical parts that monitor oil life are replaced. Our obd2 scanner can do these jobs very well!
  • 【Support 17 Languages and Multiple Car Models】Supported languages include English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Thai, Slovak, Dutch and Polish. This is a car scanner tool for ABS and SRS systems that supports most types of cars on the market. (Please Note: 28 special functions are excluded!)

SaleBestseller No. 6

INNOVA 6100P OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Transmission, Car Code Reader Diagnostic Scan Tool with Oil Reset/Battery & Alternator Test/Full OBD II/Live Data/Repair Solutions 2 APP

INNOVA 6100P OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Transmission, Car Code Reader Diagnostic Scan Tool with Oil Reset/Battery & Alternator Test/Full OBD II/Live Data/Repair Solutions 2 APP

  • 【Check Engine Light】The Innova 6100P OBD2 scanner quickly identifies fault codes and their severity to determine the cause of «Check Engine» light warnings (MIL). It features a convenient one-press hotkey to easily turn off the check engine light after vehicle maintenance. The live data displays plenty of vehicle data present, such as engine coolant temperature, fuel injector pulse width(fuel trim), RPM, spark timing, etc.
  • 【ABS & SRS & Transmission Analysis】Beyond emission-related standard OBD II codes, the Innova 6100P scanner effectively reads and erases ABS, SRS, and Transmission codes for popular US car makes such as Ford, Chevy, Dodge, GM, etc. when the Traction light is constantly on. The ability to really detect where the problem is concerning brakes and airbags enables you to make sure all safety measures in place before putting yourself in harm’s way.
  • 【Oil Light Reset+Oil Level/Oil Life】Easily view procedures or send commands for oil change, mileage or driving time reset for most 1996 and newer OBD2 vehicles. This ABS code reader also monitors your oil level and oil life status, ensuring optimal vehicle health.
  • 【Battery & Alternator Test】The Innova code reader is perfect for assessing the performance of the battery or alternator in your hybrid, car, SUV, minivan, or light truck diesel as well. During rough winters and scorching summers, this diagnostic tool will be invaluable when trying to root out start-up issues.
  • 【Code Severity Levels for Prioritization】Quickly identify if your vehicle needs immediate attention with our Code Severity Levels function. This feature helps you understand whether you need to fix an issue immediately or if it can wait until you get home, keeping warning lights at bay.

SaleBestseller No. 7

OBD2 Scanner TOPDON AD500 Oil/SAS/Throttle Reset Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission, Diagnostic Scan Tool, AutoVIN, Car Check Engine Code Reader with Battery Test, Lifetime Wi-Fi Free Update

OBD2 Scanner TOPDON AD500 Oil/SAS/Throttle Reset Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission, Diagnostic Scan Tool, AutoVIN, Car Check Engine Code Reader with Battery Test, Lifetime Wi-Fi Free Update

  • [🔥🔥Oil/SAS/Throttle Reset] New 3 reset functions are available! TOPDON ArtiDiag500 OBD2 scanner with Oil /SAS/Throttle Reset to maintain your vehicle systems safely. 🚩Just Click «Upgrade» to obtain 3 special reset functions.
  • 🚗[OBD2 Scanner] The TOPDON OBD2 scanner performs all ENG/AT/SRS/ABS diagnostics with 4-in-1 graphic live data. 🚩It covers all OBD2 tests for 60 manufacturers and 10000+ model. It also features 5-second one-touch AutoVIN, 🚩a free one-touch lifetime upgrade through WiFi, library DTC, 9 languages, 🚩printable auto-generated report with email sharing, 🚩smooth Android 7.0, 16GB ROM, 🚩vivid 5-inch touchscreen, and up to 10 hours of battery life.
  • [🔥🔥4 Car System Code Reader] The TOPDON OBD2 scanner accesses 4 systems: 🚩Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission. It identifies the ECU version, pull DTCs with 4-in-1 graphic live data and DTC explanation to identify issues, erase DTCs to turn off the warning lights after repair (For cars made in 2005 and newer). In order to help you extend the lifespan of your vehicle while improving performance, this code reader also includes all obd2 test modes to solve the major concerns for all vehicles.
  • 🚗[User-Oriented TOPDON OBD2 Scanner] With this scan tool’s touchscreen and rubberized buttons, you may easily navigate through menus or process while following a logical path even when wearing gloves. With 16GB on-board memory, the scanner enables for the recording of several diagnostic reports, which can be shared via email and printed for review. Along with this, you can 🚩upgrade your software for free for lifetime with one-touch over Wi-Fi for that help update the features and expanding car coverage.
  • 🚗[Multiple Functions] The Smart AutoVIN of this TOPDON OBD2 scanner keeps track of your manual selections for vehicle make, model, and year and directs you to the suitable diagnostics. 🚩Max 4 Live Data streams integrated for much easier data processing. Diagnostic feedback online with this diagnostic tool to help you get tough repair operations well-completed. Real-time car battery voltage monitoring identifies probable vehicle defects.

Bestseller No. 8

THINKCAR Car Scanner ThinkScan SF100 OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Check Engine Light with 28 Reset (2 Free Optional) Car Diagnostic Tools with Oil EPB Reset AutoVIN Code Reader with Battery Test & WiFi Update

THINKCAR Car Scanner ThinkScan SF100 OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS Check Engine Light with 28 Reset (2 Free Optional) Car Diagnostic Tools with Oil EPB Reset AutoVIN Code Reader with Battery Test & WiFi Update

  • 🛠️【Turn Check Engine Light Off】Thinkscan SF100 obd2 scanner with Android 6.0 system fast response and plug & play quick diagnostic cable, it can read DTC fault codes, which help to display live data stream, also can freeze frame and quickly reveal vehicle «Check Engine» light warning (MIL) problems such as: loose fuel cap, ignition timing, engine coolant temperature, etc. 4-inch touch screen to turn off engine warning light with just one-button.
  • 🚗【ABS & Airbag System Diagnostic Tool】SF100 is more than an engine code reader, as it also serves as an SRS Airbag scanner and ABS scan tool. The device is a simple diagnostic tool that allows you to diagnose your car without in-depth technical knowledge. When the traction light is constantly on, you can diagnose your car’s problems on own. Tests the ABS cycling for brake bleed and the airbags for popping up, it works perfectly, just like the factory technician software.
  • 🚗【Preventive Vehicle Maintenance】The oil light reset and brake pad replacement functions provide step-by-step reset procedures for most 1996 and newer OBD2 vehicles. However, you need to know the make and model of your vehicle. SF100 scan tool provides preventive vehicle maintenance and drive cycle procedure can be a great relief for beginners. This abs code reader can also monitor your oil level and its life or reset the brake pads position.
  • 🚗【OBD2 Functions for Improved Performance】SF100 provides the ability to read/clear OBD codes, such as DTC search, O2 sensor test, I/M readiness test, on-board monitor test, freeze frame data display, EVAP system test, retrieve vehicle information, ect. This code scanner can solve most exhaust related problems. With the screen recording to save, you can view the live data report on the corresponding model and share your report via Bluetooth or Email, do not worry about data loss.
  • 🚗【Hardware Upgrade & Battery Voltage Monitoring 】Latest Hardware Upgrades👍Built-in 600mAH Battery👍16GB SD Card👍Wi-Fi Auto VIN👍Live Data Stream👍Screenshot/Screen Recording👍OBD Fault Code Library👍Battery Voltage Monitoring helps you get early warnings for battery and charging system problems👍Covers 99% of car repair and maintenance needs, all-around reliable, time-saving and cost-effective.

Bestseller No. 9

Outzone B800 SRS Reset Scanner BMW Airbag Scan Reset Tool OBDII Diagnostic Repair Tool for DIY BMW Owner Fit BMWs E36/E46/E34/E38/Z3/X5/X3 Manufactured Between 1994 and 2003

Outzone B800 SRS Reset Scanner BMW Airbag Scan Reset Tool OBDII Diagnostic Repair Tool for DIY BMW Owner Fit BMWs E36/E46/E34/E38/Z3/X5/X3 Manufactured Between 1994 and 2003

  • SRS Airbag Light Reset Tool — D800 OBD scan tool is design for BMW. The B800 diagnostic scanner ONLY work for BMW’s E36/E46/E34/E38/E39/Z3/X5/X3 will allow you to read airbag trouble codes on BMW’s
  • Compatible — Models available for most BMWs built between 1994 and 2003 like ALL variants in E36/E46/E34/E38/E39/Z3/Z4/X5. But it doesn’t work with 2001 BMW 330i.
  • High Effective — Reset the dashboard SRS airbag light within seconds. This is a very easy to use tool that comes with instruction manual to help you diagnose problems
  • Easy to Use — And clear the code by the enter button; confirms a selection of a menu list or return to the main menu; scrolls through menu items or cancel and operation by the scroll button
  • Easy to Understood — With LCD display, it can show the test results and control it by the buttons. Provide 1-year warranty, if you have any issue please contact us with Order ID asap and we will try our best to help you. 🙂

SaleBestseller No. 10

OBD2 Scanner TOPDON AD600S Scan Tool, Code Reader, Diagnostics Scanner for ABS/SRS/at/Engine, 8 Reset Services, Oil/Brake/BMS/SAS/DPF/TPMS Reset/ABS Bleeding/Throttle Adaptation, Free Lifetime Upgrade

OBD2 Scanner TOPDON AD600S Scan Tool, Code Reader, Diagnostics Scanner for ABS/SRS/at/Engine, 8 Reset Services, Oil/Brake/BMS/SAS/DPF/TPMS Reset/ABS Bleeding/Throttle Adaptation, Free Lifetime Upgrade

  • 【🔥🔥8 Reset Service Car Scanner 】TOPDON obd2 scanner AD600S is the upgrade version of TOPDON AD600, AD500 and AD500S.This diagnostic scan tool Adds 3 more commonly used reset function.✅Except for OIL RESET, BRAKE RESET, TPMS RESET, Throttle Adaptation, SAS RESET, ✅it add the BMS RESET, ABS BLEEDING, DPF RESET, ✅more practical reset functions than TOPDON AD600 and AD500S. For the cost you’re getting value from this handy car scanner to reset systems. *Function menu varies by vehicle’s specifics.
  • 【👍 Recommended by Youtuber Samcrac 👍 2023 New, 4 Systems Diagnostic Tool. 】This is an OBDII scanner and 4 systems diagnostic tool made for home mechanics, DIYers, and professionals. You can access AT/ENG/ABS/SRS fault codes to find the right troubleshooting procedure, and diagnose with full 10 OBD2 test modes to fix most of emission issues. Give your aging cars satisfying routine maintenance to avoid costly repairs, a breakdown, or even a crash.*DOESN’T WORK WITH 5G.
  • 【No extra software fee + One-click Lifetime Free Updates】The touch-sensitive screen on this scan tool makes operation much easier than the simple button-based OBD2 code readers. The icons are clear and its 5” color screen with high resolution will leave you with no trouble interpreting results in a dark garage. One-click lifetime updates over Wi-Fi will keep the software current and the coverage addition constant. Android 6.0 ensures lightning-fast bootup and processing.
  • 【Powerful Compatibility + Work on 90 Vehicle Brands】Most OBD2 scanners work with vehicles manufactured after 2001, but TOPDON ArtiDiag600S compatible with OBDII-equipped vehicles built after 1996, and it works on more than 90 Vehicle Brands.It supports Diesel (12v only), gasoline, 12V passenger car, pickup, light-duty truck, SUV, minivans, compatible with OBD2/EOBD/JOBD&CAN protocols.*Menus vary by make, model, and year of gasoline or diesel engine vehicle. Email us your VIN data.
  • 【Versatile Scan Tool+AUTO VIN+DTC Lookup】This OBD2 scanner has automatic VIN technology to identify the car without manual input. Live data display in text or 4-in-1 merged waveform graph, you can save, share, print, or email the overall inspection report for easier analysis. Inbuilt “Feedback” module provides customized repair suggestions from our certified professionals. Onboard DTC library saves your Google searching time when interpreting the error codes. AutoVIN doesn’t work on ALL cars.

Last update on 2023-09-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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