Ошибка p06dd гранд чероки

Эпопея с системой охлаждения!

О замене бачка писал, опишу проблему подробнее, возможно кому-то пригодится.

Из бачка стал уходить антифриз, видимых потёков не было, я напрягся и стал наблюдать. 

Смотрел на уровень в бачке после ночной стоянки, система ж должна остыть, давление выровняться. Во время пуска двигателя смотрел на выхлопные газы. Почитал статьи про систему охлаждения, все пишут про прогоревшие прокладки, в общем жуть. Продолжалось это несколько месяцев. Антифриз периодически уходил, а я его подливал. Однажды поднял капот сразу после поездки по городу и вижу блестит коса проводов, которая проходит примерно под бачком. Трогаю её пальцем — палец красный. Думаю вот оно. Начинаю лазить искать. Включил фронтальную камеру на телефоне и засунул телефон под бачок, а там висит капля и дренажная трубка мокрая.


Всё вытер, выровнял уровень в бачке и стал ждать. А антифриз не уходит. 

В итоге моих наблюдений оказалось, что на самом дне бачка, в самой его нижней точке, похоже образовалась микротрещина. При езде по городу, когда система охлаждения максимально разогревалась и создавалось максимально высокое давление, бачок начинал течь. Но тёк не сильно, поэтому до утра в подкапотном всё высыхало. 

При этом автомобиль 2017 года, какого хрена бачок треснул непонятно.
Поставил новый бачок, заменил на нём крышку, и уже как порядка 2000 км этой проблемы нет. Но фобия осталась и литр антифриза всегда лежит в багажнике. 

Всем добра и крепких бачков!

Дело было в сентябре. Периодически стал загораться Check, проверили ошибка по масляному насосу, болячка известная. Залипает соленоид, но меняют сразу весь узел целиком. В общем не стал и я экспериментировать, а заказал новый насос. Стоимость работ по замене обошлась в 25000₽ + 1000₽ развал/схождение, ну и стоимость запчасти 15900₽ (оригинал)

Запчасти на фото: 68252670AO. Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2)

Масляный насос

. Раньше давление было на холодную 530кПа, после замены 668кПа. Едем дальше, Jeep продолжает радовать.
Ещё один момент кому будет интересно, с самого начала машина ездила на Castrol EDGE Professional OE 5W30, сняли поддон нагар не сказать чтобы очень, но есть. Сам соленоид весь в нагаре, перешёл на Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W30.

P06DD Jeep Grand Cherokee

Chrysler-made vehicles, such as the Jeep Grand Cherokee, commonly use an oil pump with a high-pressure mode and a low-pressure mode. P06DD is stored in the PCM’s (powertrain control module) memory when the engine is stuck in low-pressure mode.

P06DD is a very common code to find in the Grand Cherokee. P06DD can be caused by a failure in the dual-stage oil pump, More often than not, clearing this code will not involve dealing with the oil pump.

P06DD Definition: Dual Stage Oil Pump – Stuck Low

Jeep Grand Cherokee P06DD Definition

The definition of Chrysler P06DD consists of two parts. The first part is the part of the vehicle that is having the issue, and the second is what that issue is.

Dual Stage Oil Pump

Your Jeep Grand Cherokee uses a dual-stage oil pump. The design uses seven vanes and a moving element to regulate oil pressure and keep it at a near-constant level. It can run in low or high-pressure mode depending on the engine’s needs.

  • Low-Pressure Mode– This mode is activated when the control solenoid is on. It keeps your Grand Cherokee’s oil pressure around 29 psi and is active from idle to around 3000 RPM.
  • High-Pressure Mode– High-pressure mode is activated somewhere between 3000-4000 RPM and keeps the engine’s oil pressure around 65 psi. It can kick in earlier if the oil and coolant temperatures are low.

Maximum oil pressure is limited to 145 psi by a relief valve and monitored by the Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) sensor.

The engine goes into low-pressure mode when the oil pressure control solenoid is switched on.

Stuck Low

The dual-stage oil pump is stuck in the low-pressure mode described above, which means the engine may not be getting enough oil pressure above 3k RPM.

Assuming there are no other codes, the only symptom you should notice with P06DD is the check engine light.

Jeep Grand Cherokee P06DD: Causes & Diagnosis

P06DD Diagnosis

Below, we’ve listed some of the most common problems that can cause P06DD in the Jeep Grand Cherokee. It’s not often caused by a bad oil pump (a common misdiagnosis).

Check TSB’s

The first thing you need to do is check to see if there are any technical service bulletins for your model year Grand Cherokee. Some years (particularly before 2017) require an ECM reflash to fix this problem.

There are plenty of TSB sites where you can look these up.

Oil Problems

If the engine oil is too low, your Grand Cherokee’s dual pressure pump can’t increase oil pressure past the low-pressure range. The first thing you should do if you have P06DD is check the oil. Dirty oil can cause P06DD. Any oil that has lost its viscosity can cause this code.

Wrong Oil Filter

Penstar engines will often get P06DD when the wrong type of oil filter was used. If you’ve recently had your oil changed and the check engine light came on, this is a very likely cause.

When replacing your Grand Cherokee’s oil filter, verify the oil pressure bypass valve is intact. A missing bypass valve is a less likely cause, but as long as you’re down there anyway, you might as well check.

Change the oil filter to the MOPAR Oil filter recommended in the owner’s manual. This is a very common fix for P06DD.

Oil Pressure Sensor

The oil pressure sensor is one of the most common fixes for P06DD. Here’s a video on diagnosing and replacing one on a Chrysler 3.6L engine.

The oil pressure sensor could have a wiring issue (short or open). But, it takes a decent amount of digging to get to the harness. As you can see in the video above, you must pull a lot of the engine apart to get to it.

Mechanical Issue

Here are some of the common mechanical issues that can cause P06DD in the Jeep Grand Cherokee:

  • Bad/Missing oil bypass valve
  • Bad dual-stage oil pump
  • Use of an oil filter adapter


P06DD in the Jeep Grand Cherokee can be a challenge to diagnose. But, there many of the common fixes are super easy to check. Good luck!

Расшифровка ошибки P06DD у Jeep: Высокая температура катализатора во время регенерации






Высокая температура катализатора во время регенерации


Коды неисправности P0545, P0546, P2032, P2033, P2080, P2084, P242B, P242C, P242D, P246F, P2470 и P2471 не устанавливаются. Скорость двигателя больше 600 об / мин. Коды неисправности запускаются непрерывно после выполнения вышеуказанных условий.


  • Контроллер ЭСУД обнаруживает, что температура датчика 1 и 2 выхлопных газов превышает 800 ° C (1472 ° F) в течение более 6 с.
  • Или
  • < li>Контроллер ЭСУД обнаруживает, что температура датчика 3 и 4 выхлопных газов превышает 800 ° C (1472 ° F) в течение более 6 с.

Бюллетени связанных услуг:

  • Просмотреть бюллетень 1
  • Просмотреть бюллетень 2
  • Просмотреть бюллетень 3
  • Просмотреть бюллетень 4
  • Просмотреть бюллетень 5

Опрос: Где ремонтируется Ваш автомобиль? (Кол-во голосов: 2672)

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From english:

Decoding the error P06DD from Jeep: Catalyst High Temperature During Regeneration






Catalyst High Temperature During Regeneration


DTC P0545, P0546, P2032, P2033, P2080, P2084, P242B,P242C,P242D,P246F,P2470 and P2471 are not set.The engine speed is greater than 600 RPM.The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions are met.


  • The ECM detects the exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 and 2 are greater than 800°C (1,472°F) for greater than 6 s.
  • Or
  • The ECM detects the exhaust gas temperature sensor 3 and 4 are greater than 800°C (1,472°F) for greater than 6 s.

Related Service Bulletins:

  • View Bulletin 1
  • View Bulletin 2
  • View Bulletin 3
  • View Bulletin 4
  • View Bulletin 5

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When the DTC code P06dd is detected on your Jeep Wrangler, it mainly refers to an engine oil pressure sensor issue. The problem affects the oil pump to some extent in the longer run.

No need to be worried, in this article we will cover the ins and outs of the P06dd in the Jeep Wrangler. So, stay tuned with us right through this blog.

What does the P06DD Jeep Wrangler code mean?

It is a DTC trouble code, which mainly implies that the engine oil pressure control circuit is stuck off. The PCM gets a signal from the oil pressure sensor about the oil pressure.

But when it gets the signal that pressure is low and the dual-stage oil pump is affected, the P06DD code is detected in the Jeep Wrangler. We have added a breakdown of the code below to help you understand better:

  • P – Powertrain, the system that drives the vehicle functioning forward
  • 0 – A number as per the SAE standard
  • 6 – Computer output circuit (Dual-Stage pump oil pressure stuck low)
  • DD – Specific Fault Index (Here, the engine oil pressure control circuit is stuck off)

P06DD Code: What causes low engine oil pressure on the Jeep Wrangler?

Several reasons might contribute to detecting the P06DD code on your Jeep Wrangler. When you frequently notice low engine power, noise, and too much vibration from the engine, the P06DD is likely to show up.

We’ll discuss some primary reasons below that affect the dual-stage pump and cause low oil pressure. Those are listed below:

  • Malfunctioning oil pressure sensor
  • Faulty oil pump
  • Wrong engine oil filter
  • Faulty electrical connections to the engine oil pressure sensor
  • Lower engine oil level
  • Short or open circuit of the oil pressure sensor
  • Dirty engine oil

Read Also: How To Troubleshoot & Fix p161B Jeep Patriot DTC Code?

The engine oil sensor complications often trigger the P06DD code in the Jeep Wrangler. 

Since there are various possible reasons behind the problem, you can’t stick with a single solution. 

Therefore, we are adding some relevant fixes below to help you solve the problem. 

Inspect and Change the dirty Engine Oil 

Start by inspecting the oil level and its condition. Continuous operations make the engine oil filter collect debris, dust, and unwanted agents. 

As a result, the engine oil becomes dirty over time and requires an immediate change. 

But if you delay the change, chances are your engine getting affected, which can result in detecting the P06DD code in the Jeep Wrangler. 

To identify whether the engine oil is dirty, you should inspect whether it got darker and thicker from its original state. 

We’ll let you know about the oil change procedure in the steps below. But while carrying out the steps, ensure you have all the tools like jack stands, pliers, screwdrivers, containers, wrenches, etc. 

Therefore, let us have a look at the process.

  • Open the hood and start the process of removing the engine cover
  • Carefully use the tools to detach the components that are adhering the cover to the engine
  • Access the oil pan and remove the cap
  • Place the container underneath the car and remove the oil drain plug to let the container collect dirty oil 
  • Use the wrench to loosen the oil filter and then remove it
  • Remove the filter and replace it with a new one
  • Tighten the filter and then also change the drain plug
  • Add new oil to the pan and then tighten the cap that you removed before

Read Also: How To Troubleshoot & Fix P0441 Jeep DTC Code?

Replace the Oil Pressure Sensor

Next, the most important element to look at is the oil pressure sensor and electrical connections to the engine oil pressure sensor. 

When the engine oil pressure sensor gets affected, the job becomes quite hectic in the case of replacement. 

You must access the oil cooler first and then replace the sensor. The breakdown of the steps in this process are as follows:

  • Take out the engine cover after opening the hood
  • Use a wrench and pliers to unhook the air intake inlet
  • Start the intake manifold removal
  • Carefully detach all the brackets and hoses for the upper intake manifold
  • Take out the upper intake manifold
  • Access the lower intake manifold and loosen all of the electrical connections
  • Ensure that you have unplugged all the engine harnesses and injectors
  • Access the oil filter housing and cooler, then take it out carefully
  • From the oil filter cooler, replace the faulty oil pressure sensor with the new one
  • Reverse the entire process stated above and reassemble all the parts

Locate and take measures to fix leaks

Engine oil leaks are common, which can lower the engine oil pressure. As a result, you may detect the P06DD code in your Jeep Wrangler. 

You can determine whether there is a leak in engine parts by discovering a puddle of oil beneath your Jeep Wrangler. Apart from this, some other methods of locating the leaks are mentioned below:

  • Remove any plastic covers if required, and use the flashlight in parts to view where it is tough to access
  • Apply talcum powders in the locations where you suspect the leaks are. Drive the vehicle for 10-20 minutes; the leaks will be visible in the areas in the powdered area

Read Also: How To Troubleshoot & Fix P0456 Jeep Wrangler DTC Code?

Replace the Engine Oil Pump Assembly

Oil pump assembly issues raise concerns for the engine through the check engine light. Some other issues, like the P06DD detection in the Jeep Wrangler, are also prevalent.

The solution is replacing the entire assembly. Here the steps in this process are described below:

  • Firstly, disable the negative battery terminal from your Jeep Wrangler 
  • With the help of jack stands and jack, lift the front of the vehicle after setting the parking brake
  • Drain the engine oil in a container 
  • Keep rotating the engine until piston number 1 reaches the peak of the compression stroke
  • View the crank and locate a rectangular window 
  • Use a 19 mm socket to rotate the crankshaft
  • Take out all the oil pan bolts
  • Pry the oil pan cautiously by not to damage its surface 
  • Remove the bolts holding the oil pump to the engine block
  • Add some slack in the timing chain that has the oil pump
  • Clean the surface of the place for the oil pump and get rid of sludge
  • Set the new pump following the manual 
  • Apply sealants where necessary 
  • Put a bit of pressure on the oil pan and tighten the oil pan bolts
  • Let the sealant dry for an hour, and then refill the pan with engine oil 

Read Also: How to troubleshoot & Fix C121C Jeep DTC Code?


The P06DD code detection in your Jeep Wrangler may query your mind. We have added a few of the most asked questions that will answer most of your queries.

Can you drive a Jeep Wrangler P06DD code?

Driving with the P06DD code in your Jeep Wrangler isn’t recommended. Since the code is relevant to oil pressure, it needs an immediate fix. Prolonging the fix might end up damaging various critical parts of the engine.

Can you fix the P06DD code in Jeep Wrangler yourself?

Yes, it is possible to solve the P06DD code in Jeep Wrangler all by yourself when you have relevant expertise and experience. But the task requires heavy assembling; it is better to consult a mechanic.

How much does it cost to fix the P06DD code in Jeep Wrangler?

Fixes for the P06DD code in Jeep Wrangler will vary depending on the problem. The labor cost would range from $75-150 per hour, and the parts/component cost would range from $150-500.

Final Thoughts

Problems in the car are a regular phenomenon. It’s always your responsibility to keep things in check. When it comes to P06DD, it’s a generic code that you can fix by replacing the pressure sensor.

Besides, changing the oil filter or the dirty oil mostly solves the problem. If none of the fixes we mentioned work for you, consult a mechanic consultation.

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix P0128 Jeep Wrangler DTC Code?

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