Ошибка p000a subaru

Месяц назад у меня выскочила ошибка P000A. Коробка перешла в аварийный режим, все помощники отключились.
Быстро все сбросил ELMом, но вскоре история повторилась. Ошибка возникала только во время остановки. Если ехать без остановок то она возникать не будет. Так как мне надо было в ближайшие дни на материк я решил заехать к официалам в Краснодар. В Краснодаре машину просканировали и, так как ошибка редкая, предложили поменять датчики положения рв местами. Если она повторится то SSM предлагает чистить масляные каналы и проверять фазовращатели.
Ошибка, естественно, повторилась.

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Фото в бортжурнале Subaru Forester (SJ)

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p000a субару

П000А Subaru: Понимание и решение проблемы


Владельцы Subaru иногда могут столкнуться с ошибкой «P000A», которая может вызывать панику и неприятности. В этой статье я расскажу о причинах возникновения ошибки «P000A» на Subaru и возможных путях ее решения. Эта информация основана на моем опыте работы автомехаником и знаниях о Subaru.

Причины ошибки «P000A» на Subaru

Ошибка «P000A» на Subaru связана с проблемой регулировки положения распределительного вала. Распределительный вал отвечает за контроль над открытием и закрытием клапанов в двигателе. Ошибка «P000A» указывает на неисправность в механизме регулировки положения распределительного вала.

На Subaru часто используется система AVCS (переменное управление клапанами), которая обеспечивает более эффективное управление работой двигателя. Ошибка «P000A» возникает, когда система AVCS не может правильно контролировать положение распределительного вала.

Выявление и устранение ошибки «P000A»

1. Проверка системы AVCS

Первым шагом для устранения ошибки «P000A» на Subaru является проверка и диагностика системы AVCS. Это может потребовать использования диагностического сканера или специализированных инструментов.

С помощью диагностического сканера можно проверить сигналы с датчиков, ответственных за контроль положения распределительного вала. Если датчики работают неправильно, их необходимо заменить.

2. Проверка масляного насоса и связанных компонентов

Ошибка «P000A» также может возникнуть из-за проблем с масляным насосом или связанными с ним компонентами. Проверьте, нет ли утечек масла или повреждений в масляной системе.

Также стоит обратить внимание на фильтр масляного насоса. Если фильтр захламлен или поврежден, он может привести к недостаточному давлению масла, что в свою очередь вызовет ошибку «P000A». В этом случае фильтр необходимо очистить или заменить.


Ошибка «P000A» на Subaru связана с проблемой регулировки положения распределительного вала и системой AVCS. Для решения этой проблемы рекомендуется проверить систему AVCS и датчики, ответственные за контроль положения распределительного вала. Также стоит осмотреть масляную систему и убедиться, что масляный насос и связанные компоненты функционируют правильно.

Видео ответы

P000A Oil Control Valve Subaru Crosstrek

Subaru brz/wrx code p000a,p000b,p000c,p000d code FREE fix

Subaur 4 цилиндра P000A, P000B, P000C, P000D Проблема решена

08-22-2014, 10:43 AM


Scooby Newbie


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2015 2015

2015 WRX P000A «Slow to respond camshaft position sensor»

In the dealer now. RPMs and boost building on its own in neutral. Car feels like it’s going to stall out with this erratic tach.. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks!

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08-22-2014, 10:54 AM


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Hmmmm…..super secret launch control?

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08-23-2014, 02:04 PM


Scooby Newbie


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your cam position sensor needs to be changed, jus did a wrx swap, motor was running like crap, all 4 cylinders misfiring, couldn’t figure it out, finally that code popped up, changed the cam sensor, voila, car running smooth now, and its actually easy to change, 10 mins with the correct tools.

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09-07-2014, 07:13 PM


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I just got it today and was told my avcs solenoid needs to be replaced and updated flash.

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10-07-2014, 11:24 AM


Scooby Newbie


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I’m dealing with the same issue. Throwing the same «cam position sensor» code.

Do you have an update on your outcome?

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10-19-2014, 04:57 PM


Scooby Newbie


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See codes for oil switching valves and avcs in timing chain motors daily at my dealership. If a 2014 or 2015 comes in with a check engine light pretty good chances are that’s the code it’s throwing. 9 out of 10 times it’s the osv in timing belt motors or the avcs in timing chains. Takes 5 minutes to replace. The one time it wasn’t actually an avcs was an early 2014 build in which the stored cam angle values in the ECM logic couldn’t be reset and resulted in replacing the ECM twice..

Sent from my iPad using NASIOC

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05-29-2015, 03:02 PM


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update? I am having the same problem.

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07-21-2015, 08:55 AM


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I got a P000C last week (while mine was rough idling like it was going to stall when it occurred) at just a hair over 10k miles and then it cleared itself three days later. Sitting at the dealership right now. He told me Subaru recommends to replace the cam position sensor. He then said If it ever comes back, they’ll replace the camshaft and loan me a car for a bit. About once every week or so in traffic car will idle rough if in traffic for a moment, give it gas and it stops. Normally not a CEL until last week.

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07-22-2015, 09:46 AM


Scooby Newbie


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Bank 2 Slow to respond

They are changing my Cam Phaser Sensor today. I’ve had it to the dealer twice. The first trip they claimed the CEL was caused by dirty oil. It was 1,500 miles since my last oil change. They changed the oil for free (Which was nice) and sent me on my way.

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07-22-2015, 05:59 PM


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CEL came back on today with this time both a P000A and a P000C again after about 24hours. Called them up and getting the camshafts replaced. Let you know how it goes.

EDIT: Also mentioned car sometimes takes a few cranks to turn over… guy goes «No problem, pretty common, will replace the starter too.»

Last edited by MikeSilverWRX; 07-22-2015 at 06:20 PM.
Reason: Starter

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01-18-2017, 06:12 AM


Scooby Newbie


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Originally Posted by MikeSilverWRX
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CEL came back on today with this time both a P000A and a P000C again after about 24hours. Called them up and getting the camshafts replaced. Let you know how it goes.

EDIT: Also mentioned car sometimes takes a few cranks to turn over… guy goes «No problem, pretty common, will replace the starter too.»


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01-19-2017, 01:00 PM


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Originally Posted by LrningFA20WRX
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I ran into this problem a little while ago and solved it, click here to read my walkthrough. Turns out it was an Oil Control Valve (or AVCS). Hope this helps!

Last edited by CGumina; 01-19-2017 at 01:15 PM.

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02-15-2017, 07:21 AM


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Originally Posted by CGumina
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I ran into this problem a little while ago and solved it, click here to read my walkthrough. Turns out it was an Oil Control Valve (or AVCS). Hope this helps!

Just used your walkthrough to order the camshaft sensor and oil control valves for my 2015 WRX. Thanks for posting the nice write up, would happen to have any pics of the locations of the senors?

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02-15-2017, 10:45 AM


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Originally Posted by labGTO
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Just used your walkthrough to order the camshaft sensor and oil control valves for my 2015 WRX. Thanks for posting the nice write up, would happen to have any pics of the locations of the senors?

Likely from an online Subaru parts place (dealer) post 5.. https://forums.nasioc.com/forums/sho…ighlight=p000a

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01-13-2018, 12:37 PM


Scooby Newbie


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Location of sensor


Originally Posted by omin97
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your cam position sensor needs to be changed, jus did a wrx swap, motor was running like crap, all 4 cylinders misfiring, couldn’t figure it out, finally that code popped up, changed the cam sensor, voila, car running smooth now, and its actually easy to change, 10 mins with the correct tools.

I have this code too. Looking to DIY. But I don’t know where the location of this sensor is.

My code reads camshaft slow response bank 1.

I’ve tried to Google images and videos of the sensor but no luck.

Can anyone help out?

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A couple buddies and I took a trip down island to Victoria, BC to check out some local breweries, but upon starting the journey back my Ice Queen became sick. She wasn’t flashing lights demanding I pull over, but she didn’t feel as spunky as normal, barely being able to surpass 80km/h on the highway home.

Both the following lights came on, along with the typical blinking cruise control light, which happens whenever check engine lights up as far as I know:

  • Check Emissions Control System

  • Check Vehicle Dynamics Control System

  • She idles rough intermittently, more so when cold

I’ve got an ODB II reader, so I was able to pull codes, and it either looks okay or… Very, very bad. I’m seeing P000A «A» Camshaft Position Slow Response Bank which the internet has oodles of information about for MY2013’s, but very little about MY2014’s, probably because the Oil Control Valves were upgraded to newer models that year.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s just a camshaft sensor, or at the worst the OCV, but with it being 5 months out of warranty you can bet my luck it’s the camshaft sprocket. Hopefully not, of course, but better prepare for the worst just in case the engine needs to come out or the front fender needs removal. Anyone else run into this type of issue with MY2014 Crosstreks?

EDIT: While my father and I are quiet adept at regular maintenance, working on timing systems and electronics in these newer cars is not our forte. That and we don’t have a lift or garage space to tinker, so it’s at the car doctor for now. I’ll keep you guys posted.

UPDATE: I drove to work on March 7th after warming her up. The idle was fine at intersections and acceleration / power felt normal on the highway getting up to 90km/h easily enough. Let it warm up before driving home, during which everything felt normal to me, but… Seems I was right about the issue not being fixed.

UPDATE: On March 8th the intermittently dropping idle after warm up was back, but not as bad as when the diagnostic lights were on before the oil flush. Acceleration / power was still good this morning, although seemed a bit more sluggish to respond after I depressed the pedal, but that could just be me overthinking. Sitting at works parking, the idle was still dipping every so often after warming it up before the drive home, but there still weren’t any diagnostic lights on and it drove home just fine. However, I decided to scan for codes using my BT ODB II reader again and found that the P000A code was in [I]pending[/I] status, so that tells me the issue is not resolved.

I’m going out tonight so we’ll see how it performs, but just thought I’d share progress here.

LAST UPDATE: After the last visit into the shop, we were able to determine it was the OCV itself by swapping it for the exhaust OCV on the same side, which caused the code to follow the OCV. This is a much better outcome than I had hoped for because if the P000A code had stayed after swapping OCVs, it would have meant taking apart the timing cover to check on the cam assembly & sprocket — aka much more money.

I received P000B (was originally exhibiting P000A prior to swapping the OCVs) after only 1 day of driving, called my mechanic who didn’t even need me to spend his or my time bringing it into the shop again since I have a code reader, and he ordered up a new OCV for a cool sum of $145 CAD. (acquiring certain parts in Canada are a bit of… an expensive problem.) One last visit into the shop 5 days later, and voila — OCV was replaced and car feels back to normal again.

Er, well as normal as the Crosstrek’s «broken» acceleration has always been — if I had the desire, time, and spare cash, I’d be tempted to have it tuned to remove the acceleration «lag» occurring between 0-10% acceleration pedal depression… maybe one day it will happen, but the other side of me is hoping that a WRX version is released in the next couple of years.

  • #1

I have a 2015 Legacy with a problem that’s becoming more and more frequent. About a year ago, I had a random «everything on the dash lit up (check engine, park break, ABS, everything) while driving on a freeway. My brother is a mechanic/inspector and he read the OBD codes — came up as P000A ( «A» Camshaft Position Slow Response). Got an oil-change, reset the codes, and all was fine. Then it happened again in about a month. Then again 6 months later. Now it’s happening every few days, mixed in with the odd U0073 (Control Module — Data Bus Off) error. He’s advised me not to take the car back to Subaru until I can reliably replicate the error(s). Till now, it has happened while driving, while parking, while going over a small bump in the road, in general unpredictable.

Any idea what this might be or how to troubleshoot? I’m not really concerned about the P000A error, as it really doesn’t affect anything and won’t destroy the car.



  • #2

I have a 2015 as well, with the 3.6 engine and I’m getting the P000B code. I need the location of the rear sensors to change them.

  • #3

I have a 2015 as well, with the 3.6 engine and I’m getting the P000B code. I need the location of the rear sensors to change them.

The A/B/C/D codes correspond to which sensor is affected. Do a YouTube search for Subaru P000 and you can see the location(s). Here are the notes I wrote about the fix:
12/28/2020 64300 Parts for P000A Code: 1 x 10921AA231 Oil Control Valve Assy + 1 x 806944060 O-Ring $176.82


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