Ошибка oracle 40505

  • Error message: FRM-1808: unable to load the following items

    Hi gurus

    I copied the forms of my server on my local machine and got the following message when I try to open this form:


    FRM-1808: unable to load the following items.

    Source Module: test_property_class.fmb
    Source object: J_OBJ_GRP

    After that, I see another message to fix some PL/SQL libraries, now I have a plan to fix the missing library, but I don’t know how to get rid of the message above…

    Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.



    Forms is unable to find your form tamplate and your PLL.

    Check FORMS_PATH (in the registry) and add the appropriate paths where to find them.

  • FRM-30312: unable to compile the library in R12

    Hi all

    I want to compile a library of custom in R12. After that I have compiled, a strange error has occurred… Some packages are not available. So I decided to compile a standard library (JE.pll) and the error occurred again. If I wrote $FORMS60_PATH echo nothing appeared. I have to add the path that contains the libraries?

    This is the command I executed

    frmcmp_batch ${1} .pll userid = module_type output_file=/u01/oracle/DESA/apps/apps_st/appl/xbol/12.0.0/resource/${1}.plx APPS/APPS = LIBRARY

    This is the error:

    10.1 forms (form of the compiler) Version (Production)

    10.1 forms (form compiler): Release-Production

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release — 64 bit Production
    With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle V10. — Production procedure generator
    Oracle graphic virtual system Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle tools integration Version (Production)
    Common tools Oracle area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    Compile the library I…
    Compile the package Spec JEZZ_GL…
    Compile the package Spec JEZZ_AR…
    Compile the package Spec JEZZ_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JEZZ…
    Compile the package Spec JESK_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JERU_SH…
    Compile the package Spec JERU_GL…
    Compile the package Spec JERU_CE…
    Compile the package Spec JERU_AR…
    Compile the package Spec JERU_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JEPT_AR…
    Compile the package Spec JEPL_AR…
    Compile the package Spec JEIT_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JEHU_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JEES_AR…
    Compile the package Spec JEES_AP…
    Compile the package Spec JECZ_AP…
    Compile the package Spec I…
    Compilation of the Package JEZZ_GL body…
    Compilation of the Package JEZZ_AR body…
    Compilation of the Package JEZZ_AP body…
    The body of Package JEZZ compiling…
    Compilation of the Package JESK_AP body…
    Compilation of the Package JERU_SH body…
    Compilation of the Package JERU_GL body…
    Compilation of the Package JERU_CE body…
    Compilation of the Package JERU_AR body…
    Compilation of the Package JERU_AP body…
    Compilation of the Package JEPT_AR body…
    Compilation of the Package JEPL_AR body…
    Compilation of the Package JEIT_AP body…
    Compilation of the Package JEHU_AP body…
    Compilation of the Package JEES_AR body…
    Compilation of the Package JEES_AP body…
    Compilation of the Package JECZ_AP body…
    Compilation of the body of Package I…
    FRM-30312: unable to compile the library.

    Thanks Mariano. -.


    What do you mean ¨instead¨? That it is not necessary to set the FORMS60_PATH?.

    If you’re on 11i, you must check the value of FORMS60_PATH

    If you’re on R12, you must check the value of FORMS_PATH

    In addition, I sent an email to DBA in order to know if we have invalid objects, but I need to insist that the library is standard (JE.pll).

    Just make sure you can get this error FRM if you have invalid objects that may apply.

    Thank you

  • FRm-40741: unable to locate the plug on block 11

    Hi all

    I use this custom property defined when press the button Search «FRm-40741: unable to locate the plug on block 11» error getting.

    If: XXEAM_SHUTDOWN_DETAILS. WF_STATUS = «Not sent yet!» then
    end if;

    Please give me any other property for record wise work instead of Set_Custom_Property.

    Kind regards

    Finally, I had a few minutes to play with my sample form and found out that Andreas is correct when he said:

    SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY does not have the number of the logical record as a parameter, but ‘the physical line number’ in the layout.

    In my example of form, as I scrolled items folders «Enabled» has not changed with the records.

    *@Maha,* my apologies. In order to apply the desired effect, you will have to imitate the enabled property for each record by using a combination of the Set_Item_Instance_Property() WATERWAY integrated, INSERT_ALLOWED, UPDATE_ALLOWED and VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE (optional) properties. Because you change many properties, I so wrap it in a procedure called ENABLE_ITEM and past the point, the file number and activate settings. For example:

    /* This procedure assumes you have a VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE                 */
    /* created called 'ENABLED' and 'DISABLED'.  In my example,           */
    /* I created the DISABLED visual attribute with following properties: */
    /*  Foreground Color = DarkGray                                       */
    /*  Background Color = gray12                                         */
    /* The ENABLED visual attribute does not specify any properties so it */
    /* sets the above properties back to                     */
    PROCEDURE enable_item (inItem VARCHAR2, inRecord NUMBER, inEnabled BOOLEAN )IS
         paramCount     NUMBER := 0;
         IF ( inEnabled ) THEN
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, INSERT_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_TRUE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, UPDATE_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_TRUE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, NAVIGABLE, PROPERTY_TRUE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE, 'ENABLED');
               Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, INSERT_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_FALSE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, UPDATE_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_FALSE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, NAVIGABLE, PROPERTY_FALSE);
              Set_Item_Instance_Property(inItem, inRecord, VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE, 'DISABLED');
      END IF;
    END enable_item;

    You then call the ENABLE_ITEM procedure in your code, passing the name, registration number and activate (true or false) disable your element. For example:

    If :XXEAM_SHUTDOWN_DETAILS.WF_STATUS = 'Not Submited Yet!' then
    end if;

    Options François and Steve mentioned are also good ways to do this as well.

    Sorry if I confused the issue earlier.

    For those who suggested to use SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(‘BLOCK_NAME.) Nom_element’, ACTIVE, PROPERTY_FALSE), do not forget the cascade effect of assigning false to the ENABLED property of an element. When you ACTIVATE your story later, you must also set the properties MODIFIABLES NAVIGABLE, UPDATE_NULL, true.


    Published by: Silvere on 16 January 2013 14:15

  • How to implement enter and execute the query in the ADF

    I’m new to ADF and I’m trying to create a simple data entry in ADF 11 g based on a database table. I’m looking to implement the equivalent of the request function enter and execute the query in Oracle Forms. I tried the default operations that are available with the data controls. But they don’t seem to have this feature. Can someone help / tell me how this can be implemented.

    Thank you

    How to add a query Panel? Who has the most benefits that the use of Find.

    More info on af:query



  • 0 x 81000203 error code… unable to do the system restore. No previous restore points created…

    Now you have another problem with Windows 7 Home Premium. I am not able to do the system restore.  It gives error 0 x 81000203 when I press the system protection option in the properties of my computer window. Any body solve this problem. I checked the services like cliché, CPP are working properly. Because of this error, I am unable to anytime upgrade to Ultimate edition. Help, please!

    Here’s the Instant link that displays the error.

    [IMG] http://i43.tinypic.com/zioqdg.png [line]


    Check your hard drive for errors:
    Click Start
    Type: CMD, according to the results, right-click CMD
    Click on «Run as Administrator»
    At the command prompt, type: chkdsk /f /r
    When you restart your system, your computer will be scanned for errors and will try to correct them. Andre Da Costa http://adacosta.spaces.live.com http://www.activewin.com

  • Unable to load the query in Crystal Designer: error «Could not load the Query builder compenent.»

    Hi all
    I am using Crystal report 10 which was an upgrade of crystal 7 and 8.5
    I can open the crystal report and can do everything but I could not display the SQL query option
    It gives me an error message
    «Failed to load the Query builder compenent.»
    I also reinstalled the application twice as a sysadmin even then I get this message
    Please, can someone suggest me what should I do?

    Contact technical support for Crystal Reports or watch in their forums. This is not a product of MS and is not related to the installation, upgrade and activation of Windows XP.

  • How to execute the query automatically when a query is added, Panel


    Jdev: 12.1.3

    I added a queryPanel (af:query) on my Page. Everything works fine when I do a search.

    I wish I had the original Version to run the query that is executed automatically when loading the page. How can this be achieved?

    What I have to do this explicitly, or is it a property that I can use?

    See you soon


    You can generate the default display criteria again, setting the mode to automatic query.

    You generate default criteria by adding each attribute to a criterion without specifying and literal bind variable.


  • Unable to produce the query results

    Hi all

    Hello. I’m aunable write a query that can produce reuls froe below question. An account can have several part relationship.

    Here is the data for the x table

    PartyID — AcctNo — indicator — RoleCode

    1111      ——     123   ——     Y         ——-  110

    1112    ——-     123   ——    N        ——— 120

    1113     ——     123   ——   N          ———   130

    1114     ——-   124     ——   N        ———    100

    1115    ———   124    ——- N         ———   110

    1116   ———   124      —-   N       ———    100

    1115      ———  125             Y       ——-        100

    1116      ——-    125             N      ——         110

    1117      ——-   126            Y         ——        100

    Query should return these AcctNo is not any indicator = ‘Y’ and RoleCode did not have 100. In this case the results should be




    Thanks in advance



    885137 wrote:

    Hi, Frank, here is creation and insertion of table scripts. …

    Thank you.

    So what’s the problem with the query I posted in response #1?  (You must use the correct name of the table, of course).  Specify where he makes incorrect results and explain why these results are false.

  • Unable to solve the query


    I have the following table.

    Complex No. Amount complex The child Bill Amount of the invoice Date of invoice
    123 9000 245 2000 October 1, 13
    123 456 3000 November 1, 13
    123 567 4000 31 October 13

    My requirement is to generate the next report

    Complex No. Amount complex Until the Date Later date
    123 9000 6000 3000

    Where Till Date is the sum of the amount of the invoice dated of the < = 31 October 13 and dated in the future is the sum of the amount of the invoice dated dated > 31 — OCT-13.

    Can someone help me with the query?

    with t as)

    Select 123 complex_no 9000 complex_amount, child 245, invoice_amount 2000, date ‘ 2013-10-01’ invoice_date of all the double union

    Choose 123, null, 456, 3000, date » 2013-11-01 all the double union

    Choose 123, null, 567, 4000, date » 2013-10-31 of the double


    Select complex_no,

    Sum (complex_amount) complex_amount,

    Sum (case when invoice_date<= last_day(sysdate)=»» then=»» invoice_amount=»» end)=»»>

    sum (case when invoice_date > last_day (sysdate) then invoice_amount end) future_date


    Complex_no group


    ———- ————— ———- ————
    123 9000 6000 3000

    Scott@ORCL >


  • Fill a text element to EXECUTE the QUERY

    Fill a text element when a list item is changed by using the following code in a trigger WHEN-LIST-CHANGED:


    It works fine but when I start a new form and click on run query that do not appear in the text element data.

    What type of trigger can I use these data through when I press to run the query and if I can use the same code?

    Bravo guys


    This because when you pull, the trigger WHEN LIST-CHANGED does not occur. So, write the same line in the trigger after REQUEST of the block.

    Kind regards


    If my answer or the answer to another person has been useful or appropriate, please mark accordingly

  • the system passed variable is unable to execute the nested query

    {color: #0000ff} list = text_table.txt

    Cat $liste | all read LINE {color}


    sqlplus-silent szubair/ssz12345 & lt; & lt; EOF & gt; / dev/null 2 & gt; & 1

    set LINE = $LINE

    set pagesize 0 feedback off check out of position off echo off;

    Set serveroutput size 2000;

    ARRAYSIZE Set 3;

    fixed lines 2000;

    Set colsep @ | @ ;

    game of garnish trims

    coil /tmp/SQL.txt;

    Select ‘trim(‘|| column_name ||’),’ all_tab_columns where table_name = ‘& LINE «;

    spool off;

    coil $LINE;

    {color:#ff0000}@sql1.sql & lt;-this request does not accept the $LINE..} Please see in the blue text)

    spool {color}




    ========= SQL1.sql —————————————————

    Select / * + parallel ALL_ROWS (16) * / trim (IHOSRSUC), trim (PMM_DATETIME), trim (SWITCH_NAME), trim (BSC).

    Trim (indicated), Trim (Sector), Trim (IHO2GATT), Trim (IHO2GSUC), Trim (IHO2GFAL), Trim (IHO2GBLK), Trim (IHO2GREL),

    Trim (IHO2GINT), Trim (IHO3VATT), Trim (IHO3VSUC), Trim (IHO3VFAL), Trim (IHO3VBLK), Trim (IHO3VREL), Trim (IHO3VINT),

    Trim (IHO3DATT), Trim (IHO3DSUC), Trim (IHO3DFAL), Trim (IHO3DBLK), Trim (IHO3DREL), Trim (IHO3DINT), Trim (IHOSPR02),



    a {color: #ff0000} $LINE {color}

    where to_char(PMM_DATESTAMP,’YYYY-MM-DD’)=to_char(sysdate-1,’YYYY-MM-DD’) and rec_reliability_ind = 1;

    {color: #ff0000} ERROR MESSAGE

    of pmmcounter_db. $LINE


    ERROR on line 7:

    ORA-00911: invalid character


    any thoughts?


    Published by: shakil_zubair on October 28, 2008 12:38 AM


    I guess that SQL * more is Inline script after the shell has replaced all occurrences of variables, therefore, you might want to try an (untested) approach like this:

    cat $list | while read LINE
    sqlplus -silent szubair/ssz12345 < /dev/null 2>&1
    define LINE=$LINE
    set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off
    set serveroutput on size 2000
    set arraysize 3
    set lines 2000
    set colsep @|@
    set trim on trims on
    spool sql.txt
    select 'trim('||column_name||'),' from all_tab_columns where table_name='&LINE';
    spool off
    spool temp.txt
    select '$LINE' from dual;
    # if you need to have the object name qualified you need to add it like that
    # select 'owner.$LINE' from dual;
    spool off
    spool $LINE
    spool off
    -- SQL1.SQL:
    select /*+ ALL_ROWS parallel(16)*/
    where to_char(PMM_DATESTAMP,'YYYY-MM-DD')=to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')
    and rec_reliability_ind=1;

    Moreover, it is a good idea to post your password here in the forum.

    Kind regards

    Oracle related blog stuff:

    SQLTools ++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):
    http://www.sqltools-plusplus.org:7676 /.

    Published by: Randolf Geist on October 28, 2008 14:10

    security warning

  • How to solve the error windows 8007641? Unable to install the update or access iTunes store.

    I keep trying to install the latest windows update and there no 2 x, so I hit the system restore to a point earlier, now it failed for the 3rd time and I get the error code 8007641. can you help me solve this problem? It all started when I couldn’t access the iTunes store. Thank you


    Update can’t install?

    Method 1:

    Problems with installing updates


    Method 2:

    I suggest to perform the clean boot and try to install the update manually and check.

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7


    Note: After a repair, be sure to set the computer to start as usual as mentioned in step 7 in the above article.


    Method 3:

    I also suggest you to follow the links and contact support apple technique.




  • I get error messages ie3sh.exe — Unable to locate the BHO component. DLL not found message when I start my computer. I do not have the reinstall disk that I need to do.

    I also 80070490 error codes and C355. I used CCcleaner to clean my registrys and used the system preparation tool. I regularly use spybot search and destroy for malware protection and search for viruses with my anti-virus program. What should I do? Thank you.

    BHO. DLL & IE3SH problems on my computer starts?

  • InDesign CC | Error with file indd — «unable to open the file…». Adobe InDesign does not support the file format.

    I encountered a very strange error with InDesign CC after you save a file created in CS4. I would like to attach the file but I don’t know how to do this, if I can. The file is 44 KB and doesn’t seem like it should be (file I saved was a great book cover). Now, as the original CS4 file has been replaced using InDesign CC, the file is corrupted and I get the error message shown below. The file is not open in another application. If somebody has got this before?

    11-5-2014 2-13-14 PM.jpg

    Replace the .idml extension and see if it opens…

  • Аннотация: В этой лекции слушатель знакомится с палитрой свойств формы и основными режимами формы Normal, Query и Enter Query Mode. Также в лекции будут рассмотрены настройка файла конфигурации TNSNAMES. ORA и настройка внешнего вида приложения и дизайнера форм.

    Цель лекции: обучить слушателя понимать особенности различных режимов формы и назначение свойств формы. Также слушатели научатся конфигурировать файл tnsnames.ora и настраивать внешний вид формы.

    Режимы формы

    Режим формы – это состояние формы, ассоциированное с определенным действием пользователя. Каждый из режимов накладывает свои ограничения на выполнение различных операций, причем очень важно знать эти ограничения, чтобы избежать возникновения исключительных ситуаций и других непредвиденных ошибок. Форма может находиться в следующих состояниях:

    • Режим ввода запроса – Enter Query Mode ;
    • Нормальный режим – Normal Mode ;
    • Режим запроса – Query Mode.

    Для того чтобы узнать, в каком состоянии находится форма в текущий момент, необходимо проверить системную переменную – :SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS.

    Enter Query Mode (Режим ввода запроса)

    Режим ввода запроса предназначен для ввода критерия поиска данных в БД. Вы можете вводить критерии запроса в любые базовые элементы, поддерживающие этот режим. При работе в этом режиме пользователю:


    1. выполнение запросов, как с критерием, так и без критерия ограничения выборки;
    2. подсчет записей;
    3. использование Query/Where-диалога;


    1. перемещение в другие блоки;
    2. выход из приложения;
    3. выполнение операций DML – Insert (Вставка), Delete (Удаление) и Update (Обновление).

    Также в режиме Enter Query запрещено выполнение некоторых триггеров. Пользователь при создании приложения может управлять поведением формы и элементов в режиме ввода запроса. На
    4.1 показан пример ограниченного и неограниченного запроса.

    Ограниченная и неограниченная выборка

    Ограниченная и неограниченная выборка

    Для того чтобы извлечь все данные из таблицы (Unrestricted Query), достаточно выполнить одну из перечисленных операций:

    1. Нажать кнопку Execute Query на панели инструментов Menu Toolbar.
    2. Перевести форму в режим запроса с помощью команды меню Query|Enter Query или нажатием кнопки на панели инструментов Enter Query и выполнить команду Execute Query.
    3. Выполнить команду меню Query|Execute Query.

    Для того чтобы выполнить запрос с ограничением, необходимы следующие действия:

    1. Переведите форму в режим запроса.
    2. Установите курсор в любой базовый элемент и введите критерий поиска.
    3. Нажмите кнопку Execute Query на панели инструментов или выполните любое другое действие, ассоциированное с этой командой.

    Если в качестве критерия запроса вы введете конкретное значение, то при формировании запроса оно будет интерпретироваться аналогично оператору «AND=критерий». Если же вам необходимо задействовать другие операторы ограничения выборки, такие как Like, IN или Between, то вам необходимо знать специальные символы, которые реализуют эту возможность.

    Элемент Символ/критерий Действие
    ID 122 Извлекает строку с ID=122, то есть действует аналогично оператору «…and ID=122»
    Name %ван Символ «% и _» действует аналогично оператору Like, то есть возвращает все имена, в которых используется сочетание «ван»
    ID #BETWEEN 100 AND 122 Символ hash «#» реализует оператор BETWEEN
    ID :I (I – :variable_name) Вызывает Query/Where-диалог

    Normal Mode (Нормальный режим)

    Нормальный режим – это режим, в котором пользователь может вставлять и модифицировать данные БД, то есть выполнять операции DML. Любое действие, которое пользователь выполняет над базовым элементом, интерпретируется как вставка новой записи, удаление или изменение существующей. При работе в этом режиме пользователю:


    • выполнять операции DML – Insert (Вставка), Delete (Удаление) и Update (Обновление);
    • выполнять запросы без ограничений выборки, то есть извлекать все записи;
    • фиксировать ( commit ) или откатывать ( rollback ) изменения;
    • перемещаться в другие блоки;
    • выходить из приложения – завершать текущую run-time сессию.


    • выполнение запросов с критерием выборки;
    • вызов Query/Where-диалога.

    Нормальный режим, как вы уже, наверно, успели заметить, в отличие от режима Enter Query позволяет пользователю выполнять намного больше функциональных операций. Нормальный режим – это режим по умолчанию. При проектировании формы разработчик может настраивать режимы вручную или программно, переводя ее из одного режима в другой в зависимости от какой-либо ситуации.

    Примечание: если вы сделали изменения и не зафиксировали их, то такая операция, как Execute Query, то есть «выполнить запрос», становится недоступной.

    Display Error (Отображение ошибок)

    Если при выполнении какой либо операции возникает ошибка или исключительная ситуация, которая отображается в строке состояния, то она может быть отображена командой Display Error Help|Display Error.

    Окно Display Error

    Окно Display Error

    Когда надо использовать такой способ отображения ошибки и в чем его преимущество? Самая главная особенность этого диалога в том, что он отображает не только код, но и весь текст ошибки. Когда вы получаете в строке состояния сообщение об ошибке типа «FRM-40505:Ошибка Oracle: не в состоянии выполнить запрос» или просто необработанное исключение (Unhandled exception), которое по большому счету вам ни о чем не говорит, то, вызвав окно «Display Error», вы получаете более конкретизированный ответ, а именно код и описание причины возникновения ошибки.

    Свойства формы

    Разрабатывая форму, вы можете управлять не только настройками объектов модуля, но и настройками самого модуля. Большинство свойств модуля глобальны и действительны для всего приложения. Изменяя настройки модуля, вы можете подключать или отключать меню, устанавливать уровень проверки БД. Разработчику доступны следующие свойства для управления настройками формы:

    • Имя (Name) – внутреннее имя формы. Имя формы необязательно должно совпадать с именем модуля.
    • Информация о подклассе (Subclass Information) – в этом свойстве вы можете указать Класс свойств, на котором хотите базировать форму.
    • Окно консоли (Console Window) – в этом свойстве вы указываете окно, в котором будет показана консоль Forms Builder. Если вы зададите для этого свойства значение NULL, то все сообщения, которые вы определили в своей форме, не будут отображаться в статусной строке.
    • Вызвана отсрочка (Defer Required Enforcement) – если значение этого свойства истинно, то проверка всех элементов, имеющих установленный атрибут «Обязательный», будет отложена до тех пор, пока не наступит проверка записи, – то есть до того момента, пока не будет осуществлена проверка записи, свойство «Обязательный» будет отключено.
    • Ограничения на перемещение мышью (Mouse Navigation Limit) – в этом свойстве вы можете задать область перемещения мыши относительно текущего объекта. По умолчанию текущее значение – «Форма». Ниже перечислены объекты ограничения:

      • Форма;
      • Блок Данных;
      • Запись;
      • Элемент.
    • Первый Блок Данных при перемещении (First Navigation Data Block) – в этом свойстве вы можете задать блок, к которому будет выполнена навигация при запуске формы или при ее очистке, то есть после выполнения процедуры CLEAR_FORM. Если значение этого свойства установлено в NULL, то Forms выполнит навигацию к блоку, который размещен в списке блоков Данных под номером один или к блоку, навигация к которому задана в триггере WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE.
    • Группа Атрибутов Визуализации Текущей Записи – имя именованного атрибута визуализации, который используется, когда элемент входит в текущую запись.
    • Уровень проверки – определяет область проверки формы во время выполнения. Вы можете устанавливать следующие уровни проверки формы во время выполнения:

      • По умолчанию;
      • Форма;
      • Блок Данных;
      • Запись;
      • Элемент.
    • Режим Взаимодействия – устанавливает режим блокирования для взаимодействия с Базой Данных.
    • Максимальное Время Запроса – в этом свойстве вы можете определить максимальное время, которое форма будет ожидать выполнения запроса, после чего выполнит прерывание.
    • Максимум Выбранных Записей – это свойство определяет максимальное число выбранных записей, после чего выполнение запроса будет прервано.
    • Режим Изоляции (Isolation Mode) – уровень изоляции транзакции.
    • Канва с Горизонтальной/Вертикальной Панелью Инструментов – это свойство характерно только для окна MDI, так как выводит для него горизонтальную/вертикальную панель инструментов.
    • Направление – задает направление текста «Слева направо» или «Справа налево», другими словами, определяет позицию курсора ввода.

    Выбор системы координат

    Используя Палитру Свойств, вы можете определять, в какой системе координат даны размеры и позиции в символьных ячейках. Чтобы определить систему координат для формы, выполните следующие действия:

    1. Находясь в Навигаторе Объектов, запустите Палитру свойств модуля формы.
    2. Найдите и выберите свойство «Система координат» для вызова окна «Информация о координатах» (

      Окно "Информация о координатах"

      Окно «Информация о координатах»

    3. В поле «Система координат» вы можете выбрать тип системы – Абсолютная (Real) или Символьная (Character). Единицы измерения доступны только для абсолютной системы координат, что же касается Символьной системы, то тут вы ограничиваетесь заданием ширины и высоты символьной ячейки. В Символьной системе координат единицы измерения не используются. В абсолютной системе координат возможны следующие единицы измерения:
      • пиксел;
      • сантиметр;
      • дюйм;
      • пункт;
      • десятичная точка.
    4. Выберите Абсолютную систему координат, а в качестве единицы измерения – Пиксел.
    5. При выборе значения выключателя «Масштабирование шрифта по умолчанию» установки высоты и ширины символьной ячейки становятся недоступными. Если значение выбрано, Forms самостоятельно выполняет масштабирование шрифта.
    6. Отмените выбор «Масштабирования шрифта по умолчанию» и установите ширину ячейки, равную 7, а высоту – 14.

    Для того чтобы изменения вступили в силу, нажмите кнопку «ОК» – или нажмите кнопку «Отмена», чтобы вернуть значения по умолчанию.

    Am new to oracle forms 10g. Am calling a form from a menu but the when the form loads it returns the error unable to perform query. However when i run the form on its own its able to execute the query. i had put execute_query; in the trigger when_new_block_instance. Anyone with help.

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    Is Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query appearing? Would you like to safely and quickly eliminate Unable To Perform which additionally can lead to a blue screen of death?

    When you manually edit your Windows Registry trying to take away the invalid ora 40505 unable to perform query keys you’re taking a authentic chance. Unless you’ve got been adequately trained and experienced you’re in danger of disabling your computer system from working at all. You could bring about irreversible injury to your whole operating system. As very little as just 1 misplaced comma can preserve your Pc from even booting every one of the way by!

    Troubleshooting frm 40508 Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10

    Simply because this chance is so higher, we hugely suggest that you make use of a trusted registry cleaner plan like CCleaner (Microsoft Gold Partner Licensed). This system will scan and then fix any Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query complications.

    Registry cleaners automate the entire procedure of finding invalid registry entries and missing file references (including the To error) likewise as any broken hyperlinks inside of your registry.

    Issue with frm-40735

    Backups are made immediately prior to each and every scan providing you with the choice of undoing any changes with just one click. This protects you against doable damaging your pc. Another advantage to these registry cleaners is that repaired registry errors will strengthen the speed and performance of one’s procedure drastically.

    • http://www.orafaq.com/forum/t/31910/
    • http://dbaforums.org/oracle/index.php?showtopic=16964
    • http://www.helpinfo.com/index.jsp?k2dockey=1021033095251925207&T1=%20%20&titlestring=null&T2=null&taxlevelValue=null&isbrowse=false&taxlevel=null&typeofsearch=null&LastQuery=null&T3=..&T4=null&startat=1&Curr
    • http://oracle.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/oracle-forms-l/frm40505-oracle-error-unable-to-perform-query-4998634

    Cautionary Note: Yet again, for those who are not an state-of-the-art consumer it’s very encouraged that you simply refrain from editing your Windows Registry manually. If you make even the smallest error within the Registry Editor it can result in you some serious issues that may even call for a brand new set up of Windows. Not all difficulties attributable to incorrect Registry Editor use are solvable.

    Fixed: ora-00904

    Symptoms of Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query
    “Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query” appears and crashes the energetic method window.
    Your Personal computer routinely crashes with Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query when running the exact same system.
    “Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query” is shown.
    Windows operates sluggishly and responds little by little to mouse or keyboard input.
    Your computer periodically “freezes” for the number of seconds in a time.

    Will cause of Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query

    Corrupt obtain or incomplete set up of Windows Operating System software program.

    Corruption in Windows registry from a new Windows Operating System-related application adjust (install or uninstall).

    Virus or malware infection which has corrupted Windows method documents or Windows Operating System-related application data files.

    Another method maliciously or mistakenly deleted Windows Operating System-related files.

    Mistakes this sort of as “Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query” can be brought about by several different elements, so it really is important that you troubleshoot every of the achievable brings about to forestall it from recurring.

    Simply click the beginning button.
    Variety “command” inside the lookup box… Will not hit ENTER nonetheless!
    Although keeping CTRL-Shift in your keyboard, hit ENTER.
    You’re going to be prompted that has a authorization dialog box.
    Click on Of course.
    A black box will open having a blinking cursor.
    Variety “regedit” and hit ENTER.
    Within the Registry Editor, choose the ora 40505 unable to perform query connected key (eg. Windows Operating System) you wish to back again up.
    Within the File menu, choose Export.
    Inside the Preserve In list, pick out the folder in which you wish to save the Windows Operating System backup key.
    Inside the File Title box, sort a reputation for the backup file, these types of as “Windows Operating System Backup”.
    From the Export Vary box, ensure that “Selected branch” is selected.
    Click on Help you save.
    The file is then saved by using a .reg file extension.
    You now use a backup within your frm 40508 related registry entry.

    Solution to your ora-01722 invalid number problem

    There are actually some manual registry editing measures that can not be talked about in this article due to the high chance involved for your laptop or computer method. If you want to understand more then check out the links below.

    Additional Measures:

    One. Conduct a Thorough Malware Scan

    There’s a probability the Unable Perform Oracle To Error Query error is relevant to some variety of walware infection. These infections are malicious and ready to corrupt or damage and possibly even delete your ActiveX Control Error files. Also, it’s attainable that your Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query is actually connected to some element of that malicious plan itself.

    2. Clean ora 06502 Disk Cleanup

    The a lot more you employ your computer the extra it accumulates junk files. This comes from surfing, downloading packages, and any sort of usual computer system use. When you don’t clean the junk out occasionally and keep your program clean, it could turn into clogged and respond slowly. That is when you can encounter an Oracle error because of possible conflicts or from overloading your hard drive.

    Once you clean up these types of files using Disk Cleanup it could not just remedy Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query, but could also create a dramatic change in the computer’s efficiency.

    Tip: While ‘Disk Cleanup’ is definitely an excellent built-in tool, it even now will not completely clean up Unable To discovered on your PC. There are numerous programs like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Office and more, that cannot be cleaned with ‘Disk Cleanup’.

    Since the Disk Cleanup on Windows has its shortcomings it is extremely encouraged that you use a specialized sort of challenging drive cleanup and privacy safety application like CCleaner. This system can clean up your full pc. If you run this plan after each day (it could be set up to run instantly) you are able to be assured that your Pc is generally clean, often operating speedy, and always absolutely free of any To error associated with your temporary files.

    How Disk Cleanup can help

    1. Click your ‘Start’ Button.
    2. Style ‘Command’ into your search box. (no ‘enter’ yet)
    3. When holding down in your ‘CTRL-SHIFT’ important go ahead and hit ‘Enter’.
    4. You will see a ‘permission dialogue’ box.
    5. Click ‘Yes’
    6. You will see a black box open up plus a blinking cursor.
    7. Variety in ‘cleanmgr’. Hit ‘Enter’.
    8. Now Disk Cleanup will start calculating the amount of occupied disk space you will be able to reclaim.
    9. Now a ‘Disk Cleanup dialogue box’ seems. There will be a series of checkboxes for you personally to pick. Generally it will likely be the ‘Temporary Files’ that consider up the vast majority of your disk area.
    10. Verify the boxes that you want cleaned. Click ‘OK’.

    How to repair

    3. System Restore can also be a worthwhile device if you ever get stuck and just desire to get back to a time when your computer system was working ideal. It will work without affecting your pics, paperwork, or other crucial information. You can discover this option with your User interface.

    Unable To



    Operating System

    Oracle Error Unable To Perform Query

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    53 ratings.


  • Frm-40505:ORACLE error: unable to perform query in oracle forms 10g

    I get error frm-40505:ORACLE error: unable to perform query on oracle form in 10g environment, but the same form works properly in 6i.
    Please let me know what do i need to do to correct this problem.

    Hi everyone,
    I have block created on view V_LE_USID_1L (which gives the error frm-40505) . We don’t need any updation on this block, so the property ‘updateallowed’ is set to ‘NO’.
    To fix this error I modified ‘Keymode’ property, set it to ‘updatable’ from ‘automatic’. This change solved the problem with frm-40505 but it leads one more problem.
    The datablock v_le_usid_1l allows user to enter the text (i.e. updated the field), when the data is saved, no message is shown. When the data is refreshed on the screen, the change done previously on the block will not be seen (this is because the block updateallowed is set to NO), how do we stop the fields of the block being editable?
    We don’t want to go ahead with this solution as, we might find several similar screens nad its diff to modify each one of them individually. When they work properly in 6i, what it doesn’t in 10g? does it require any registry setting?

  • FRM-40505  Oracle Error: Unable to perform query(URGENT)

    Hi I developed a form with a control_block and table_block(based on table)
    in same Canvas.
    Based on values on control_block and pressing Find button detail block will be queried.
    Control_block ->
    textitem name «payment_type» char type
    text item name «class_code » char type
    push button «find»
    base table: —> payment_terms(termid,payment_type,class_code,other colums)
    table_block is based on above table
    Now I have written when-button-pressed trigger on find button..
    l_search varchar2(100);     
    l_search := ‘payment_type=’|| :control_block .payment_type||’ AND class_code=’||:control_block .class_code ;
         when others then
    I am getting
    FRM-40505 Oracle Error: Unable to perform query
    please help..

    You don’t need to build the default_where at run time. Just hard-code the WHERE Clause property as:
        column_x = :PARAMETER.X
    But, if for some compelling reason, you MUST do it at run time this should work:
    Note that there are NO quotes except for first and last. If you get some sort of error when you query, you should actually see :Parameter.X replaced with :1 when you do Help, Display Error.

  • [SOLVED] FRM-40508:ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record

    Hi all,
    I have migrated this form from 4.5 to 10g (Version ). This form inserts a record into the database table when all the fields in the form are filled and a button Save is presed.
    At the time when I press the Save button, I get this error. FRM-40508:ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record
    So I went on to see the «Display Error» from help and found to be the database error, inserting into a table.
    The error message is ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER
    The form where I press Save button has 3 date fields and I checked the properties of them and they are Date only.
    I also generated to object list report and tried to find some answer, but no use.
    Please help me in debugging this form.
    Edited by: Charan on Aug 18, 2011 4:05 PM

    I think you need to get a description of the table and compare all the «database» columns in the form with the ones in the database table to see that the types match. Somewhere there’s a mismatch. Also check the block(s) «query data source columns» and see if there’s any
    columns in there that the type does not match the table. (check the sizes of things too while you’re at it.)

  • Frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values

    Hi All,
    I am personalizing the assignment form, where we need to restrict the JOB LOV based on Organization value.
    In Forms Personalization we are creating the record group from query and attaching to Job field.
    The query is,
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = :CTL_GLOBALS.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND j.date_from <= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE)
    When we use this query, we are getting the error «frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values»
    If i replace the bind variable with values we are not getting the error and its working fine.
    Replace query:
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = 202
    AND j.date_from <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    how to use bind variables (Block.field) here? We are getting this error only when using the bind variable in the query.
    Please share your ideas.

    What is your EBS version? There are 96 docs avaliable about similar error message. I suggest use metalink for your issue
    You can also check:
    FRM-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values [ID 1161404.1]
    Frm-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values. [ID 351931.1]
    FRM 40502: Oracle Error:Unable to Read List of Values [ID 179162.1]

  • Forms Personalization — FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of val

    I am using Forms Personalization to create an LOV using builtin. In the Builtin, I have put the sql query under create record group from query. In the query, when I hardcode a value, in a where condition, the LOV works fine but when I replace the hardcoded value with :block.field value, it gives the error, FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of values. Below is the part of the sql query where I am facing this issue.
    «WHERE related_customer_id = :ORDER.INVOICE_TO_CUSTOMER_ID»
    Please get back to me if anyone has faced similar problem.
    Thanks all in advance,

    Please post a new thread for each issue. Tacking onto a 2 year old post is generally a bad idea.
    Forms personalization is a feature in Oracle E+Biz Suite and as such you should post your question in this forum:
    OA Framework

  • About the FRM-40508 ORACLE ERROR, Unable to insert’

    Dear Friends:
    I use the Toolbar button to insert one record — do_key(‘CREATE_RECORD’) in the Toolbar_actions procedure, and then, input the value for this record, and then, click the «Save» button — commit_form; in the when_button_pressed trigger. There will be the problem FRM-40508 ORACLE ERROR, Unable to insert’ .
    Please kindly help to fix it………..

    See…just for a test, please give whatever u input in the form, give the same in the sql query
    insert into tablename etc in sql builder and see what happens,
    This error will come,
    if input value does not meet the datatype in the table or
    if u fail to input value for not null column or
    access rights pbm(check whether you have rights to insert in to the table)

  • «FRM-40501: Oracle error: Unable to Reserve Record For Update or Delete»

    «FRM-40501: Oracle error: Unable to Reserve Record For Update or Delete»
    as I can unblock a session in the graphical surroundings of administration of the BD 10g of Oracle

    From experience with this problem since the blocked customer form has been coded not to wait for the updating session to complete then there is likely no waiter on the system now so you cannot find the blocking session.
    What you need to do is determine what row the Form was going after then using SQLPlus issue an update on the row. If the blocking session has not yet committed then this update will wait. Now if you look for blocking sessions you will be able to find it and make a determination if the session should be killed or if someone needs to call the user and ask he or she to flip through their screens and get out of the blocking screen.
    Applications screens written not to wait on currently being updated data need to also be written to expose the information necessary to identify the row(s) in question.
    HTH — Mark D Powell —

  • FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record.

    FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record.
    what can i do?

    There will always be another error which tells you what the actual problem on the database is. Use the Display message key, or message out DBMS_ERROR_TEXT

  • FRM-40506: Oracle error: unable to check for record uniqueness

    Hello everyone
    I have an emergency problom. the context is:
    I have a master -detail structure in a form. first, my detail is a tabulation view, so it has severals records. Then, when i try to commit the form ii received the message <<<FRM-40506: Oracle error: unable to check for record uniqueness>>.
    i made a test by changing the detail block presentation to Form. and i could save because my detail has one record.
    Could someone has any idea how can I save my master-detail form with severals records in my detail.
    [code_p] [non_P]
    [code_p] [product1]
    [code_p] [product2]
    [code_p] product3]
    [code_p] [productn]

    Error Cause:
    Processing error encountered while checking a record’s primary key items for uniqueness. The table associated with the current block of the form does not exist, or you do not have authority to access the table.
    You can review the error documentation:

  • FRM-40501 ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete when

    I have two tab pages and one item on each page. Second tab page item, is mirror item of the first one. I use synchronize property on the mirrored one.
    When i try to update mirrored one i get that error: FRM-40501 ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete when.
    How can i solve that?

    hi dejan,
    the error u r getting means that the record cannot be locked. This is ussually caused if u had locked the record from somewhere else (u or another user) or when forms cannot find corresponding column to the base table to lock the record.. U probably r facing the second situation. I’m not sure that forms can commit a change to an item that is synchronized cause synchronized items ignore their base table attribute and just copy their value from the other item.
    Why don’t u try Copy Value from Item property using <block_name>.<item_name> syntax and your item will have a value copied from the other item but u will have no problem with the db transactions. I suppose..
    hope this helps,


    Dear Friends
    I am calling the form using the following script :
    :global.command_line := ‘C:\SALES\NEW_ITEMS.FMX’ ;
    It works fine for one record, when I try to create another record by calling the called form it gives the above messages.
    Waiting for your valuable replay.
    Best regards

    May you try to open your form, compile all pl/sql (shift-ctrl-k) and compile the form (ctrl-t).
    Take a look at triggers like pre-insert, on-insert, post-insert and key-commit.
    What’s happen there?
    I don’t know, if the default username feature in 10g is still supported.
    So may the logon ( ‘/’ …) fails and for this the login screen os shown.

  • FRM-40509: ORACLE error : Unable to update the record.

    I am having the following code in delete button.
         v_button  NUMBER;
                   v_button := fn_display_warning_alert( ‘Do you want to delete the version ?’);
                   IF ( v_button = alert_button1 )
                          message(‘before insert’);
                          insert into chng_cntrl_job_dtls_log
                          select * from chng_cntrl_job_dtls
                          where job_name = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_name
                          and job_version_no = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_version_no
                          and sent_date is null;
                          message(‘before delete’);
                          delete from CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS
                          where job_name = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_name
                          and job_version_no = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_version_no
                          and sent_date is null;
                          message(‘before commit’);
                   ELSIF ( v_button = alert_button2 )
                END IF;
                p_display_alert(‘Version ‘||:CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.JOB_VERSION_NO||’ for the job name ‘||:CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.JOB_NAME||’ cannot be deleted.’,’I’);
      END IF;
              when others then
              message (‘Exception in delete version button’);
              end;when i am trying to save it says » *FRM-40509: ORACLE error : Unable to update the record*.» .
    i am getting message till before commit.
    i am not able to check the error message in help as it is diabled in our form builder.
    I have checked the privileges also. they are fine.
    Please advice.
    Edited by: Sudhir on Dec 7, 2010 12:26 PM

    This error does not come from your procedure code, but from Forms itself. If you are in a database block, change something, and do a commit (either via a Forms key or in your own procedure), Forms commits the changes. For some reason this is not possible. You can see the database error via the Display Error key (often Shift-F1).
    I see in the OP that this key is disabled. Change the on-error code then:
       raise form_trigger_failure;     
    end;     Edited by: InoL on Dec 7, 2010 8:50 AM

  • FRM-40512 ORACLE error: unable to issue SAVEPOINT command

    Anybody, know , how can i to increse the savepoints value in init.ora in 9i ?

    thanks, sir,
    u have got the point. problem is that the oacle system doesnt kill that session; instead it hold the session. where i could do nothing. and moreover, if i was performing any dml operation then it(oracle system) locks the very records.
    if i log-on next time & want to retrieve & perform the same dml operation again then
    it gives me the message:
    «Resource busy & acquire no wait ………»
    then i have to kill the previous session manually.
    now, please give me a solution where i want to reconnect holding the current session & perform the desire tasks assuming that nothing has happened.
    please give me some examples.

  • Getting error Unable to perform transaction on the record.

    My requirement is to implement the custom attachment, and to store the data into custom lob table.
    my custom table structure is similer to that of standard fnd_lobs table and have inserted the data through EO based VO.
    Structure of custom table
    LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) DEFAULT ( userenv ( ‘LANG’) ),
    ORACLE_CHARSET VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) DEFAULT ( substr ( userenv ( ‘LANGUAGE’) , instr ( userenv ( ‘LANGUAGE’) , ‘.’) +1 ) ),
    i have created a simple messegefileupload and submit button on my custom page and written below code on CO:
    Process Request Code:
    TransactionUnitHelper.startTransactionUnit(pageContext, «AttachmentCreateTxn»);
    System.out.println(«In ProcessRequest of AplAttachmentCO»);
    if(!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, «AttachmentCreateTxn», true))
    OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(NAVIGATION_ERROR);
    ProcessFormRequest Code:
    if (pageContext.getParameter(«Upload») != null)
    DataObject fileUploadData = (DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject(«FileItem»);
    String strFileName = null;
    strFileName = pageContext.getParameter(«FileItem»);
    if(strFileName == null || «».equals(strFileName))
    throw new OAException(«Please select a File for upload»);
    fileName = strFileName;
    contentType = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, «UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE»);
    BlobDomain uploadedByteStream = (BlobDomain)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, fileName);
    String strItemDescr = pageContext.getParameter(«ItemDesc»);
    OAFormValueBean bean = (OAFormValueBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive(«AttachmentId»);
    String strAttachId = (String)bean.getValue(pageContext);
    System.out.println(«Attachment Id:» +strAttachId);
    int aInt = Integer.parseInt(strAttachId);
    Number numAttachId = new Number(aInt);
    Serializable[] methodParams = {fileName, contentType , uploadedByteStream , strItemDescr , numAttachId};
    Class[] methodParamTypes = {fileName.getClass(), contentType.getClass() , uploadedByteStream.getClass() , strItemDescr.getClass() , numAttachId.getClass()};
    am.invokeMethod(«setUploadFileRowData», methodParams, methodParamTypes);
    System.out.println(«Records committed in lobs table»);
    if (pageContext.getParameter(«AddAnother») != null)
    true, // retain AM
    if (pageContext.getParameter(«cancel») != null)
    TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, «AttachmentCreateTxn»);
    Code in AM:
    public void apply(){
    public void initAplAttachment() {
    OAViewObject lobsvo = (OAViewObject)getAplLobsAttachVO1();
    if (!lobsvo.isPreparedForExecution())
    Row row = lobsvo.createRow();
    public void setUploadFileRowData(String fName, String fContentType, BlobDomain fileData , String fItemDescr , Number fAttachId)
    AplLobsAttachVOImpl VOImpl = (AplLobsAttachVOImpl)getAplLobsAttachVO1();
    System.out.println(«In setUploadFileRowData method»);
    System.out.println(«In setUploadFileRowData method fAttachId: «+fAttachId);
    System.out.println(«In setUploadFileRowData method fName: «+fName);
    System.out.println(«In setUploadFileRowData method fContentType: «+fContentType);
    RowSetIterator rowIter = VOImpl.createRowSetIterator(«rowIter»);
    while (rowIter.hasNext())
    AplLobsAttachVORowImpl viewRow = (AplLobsAttachVORowImpl)rowIter.next();
    System.out.println(«setting on fndlobs done»);
    The attchemnt id is the sequence generated number, and its defaulting logic is written in EO
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList) {
    OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
    Number attachmentId = transaction.getSequenceValue(«xxapl_po_ship_attch_s»);
    public void setAttachmentId(Number value) {
    System.out.println(«In ShipmentsEOImpl value::»+value);
    if (getAttachmentId() != null)
    System.out.println(«In AplLobsAttachEOImpl AttachmentId::»+(Number)getAttachmentId());
    throw new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
    getEntityDef().getFullName(), // EO name
    getPrimaryKey(), // EO PK
    «AttachmentId», // Attribute Name
    value, // Attribute value
    «AK», // Message product short name
    «FWK_TBX_T_EMP_ID_NO_UPDATE»); // Message name
    if (value != null)
    // Attachment ID must be unique. To verify this, you must check both the
    // entity cache and the database. In this case, it’s appropriate
    // to use findByPrimaryKey() because you’re unlikely to get a match, and
    // and are therefore unlikely to pull a bunch of large objects into memory.
    // Note that findByPrimaryKey() is guaranteed to check all AplLobsAttachment.
    // First it checks the entity cache, then it checks the database.
    OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
    Object[] attachmentKey = {value};
    EntityDefImpl attachDefinition = AplLobsAttachEOImpl.getDefinitionObject();
    AplLobsAttachEOImpl attachment =
    (AplLobsAttachEOImpl)attachDefinition.findByPrimaryKey(transaction, new Key(attachmentKey));
    if (attachment != null)
    throw new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
    getEntityDef().getFullName(), // EO name
    getPrimaryKey(), // EO PK
    «AttachmentId», // Attribute Name
    value, // Attribute value
    «AK», // Message product short name
    «FWK_TBX_T_EMP_ID_UNIQUE»); // Message name
    setAttributeInternal(ATTACHMENTID, value);
    Issue faced:
    When i run the page for the first time data gets inserted into custom table perfectly on clicking upload button,
    but when clicked on add another button on the same page (which basically redirects to the same upload page and increments the attachment id by 1)
    i am getting the below error:
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    Have spent entire day to resolve this issue but no luck.
    Any help on this will be appreciated, let me know if i am going wrong anywhere.
    Thanks nd Regards

    After, inserting the values please re-execute the VO query.
    Also, try to redirect the page with no AM retension

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