Ошибка oracle 302000


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Дата: 24.11.2004 14:53:47

Форма сделанная на Oracle Developer 6.0 выдаёт ошибку:
FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-302000.
форму создавал не я , исходников нету, но она по идее работает без ошибок
возможны ошибки в данных (это я не знаю и хочу об этом спросить)
Смотрел описание ошибок в Knowladge Xpert там есть только описание ошибки
ORA-30200 (без одного нуля в конце) и написанно:

ORA-30200 Wrong NLS item was passed into OCINlsGetInfo()
Cause: The item is not supported NLS item.
Action: Correct the item number passed to OCINlsGetInfo().

с файлом TNSNAMES.ORA 100% всё впорядке…

Подскажите пожалуйста где копать… Заранее благодарен…


Дата: 24.11.2004 15:09:07

Если программа при некоторой «ошибках в данных» вылетает, то говорить, что «она по идее работает без ошибок» по меньшей мере неправильно. Нормальная программа должна проверять данные и как-то реагировать на это (не вылетая). tnsnames здесь тоже не причем.
Судя по тексту ошибки (NLS), что-то с языковыми настройками. Проверьте NLS_LANGUAGE как на сервере, так и на клиенте


Дата: 24.11.2004 15:19:46

блин, NLS тут по ходу вообще не причём (я писал что без одного нуля в конце) по ходу этот код вообще другое обохзначает, можт кто подскажет где посмотреть про эту ошибку и про ошибку формы FRM-40735


Дата: 24.11.2004 15:44:22

Прошу прощения, про ноль не заметил.

Про FRM-40735 — оно же написано, что пришло необработанное исключение

Про ORA-302000 — поиск в Google

ORA-302000 is a Generic TEXT_IO package Error.
This is raised when a text_io call such as TEXT_IO.FOPEN() has failed.

If you are trying to open a file then check Permissions on the target device and file and
try using the TEXT_IO.IS_OPEN() Call to check to see if your open has worked.

Also,TEXT_IO.FOPEN can raise an ORA-302000 if you are specifying a file name greater than the maximum file name length imposed by the operating system.

  1. Throwing ORA-302000 error when reading from a file and inserting into CLOB

    Dear Members ,

    I am reading file names from a textfile and saving the filecontent into the clob datatype , but when I am saving the file into the table using forms6i . It is throwing an error ORA-30200 .


    in_file Text_IO.File_Type;

    linebuf varchar2(20);
    nextfname varchar2(20);


    in_file := Text_IO.Fopen(‘c:\ramesh\filenames.txt’, ‘r’);


    Text_IO.Get_Line(in_file, linebuf);
    nextfname := linebuf;

    —message(nextfname); I can see the file names in the file
    —file name ca101690o1
    — sca11390o1

    old_text_load(nextfname); //but here the ORA-30200 error is throwing any idea…



    WHEN no_data_found THEN

    Text_IO.Put_Line(‘Closing the file…’);



    I have seen in the metalink of oracle ,it is saying that if the filename is more than 8 chars in some versions of windows it will throw this error , but if it is win2000 it will not throw , but I am using Win2000 . If I am giving the parameters to the procedure thru SQLPLUS , the file is being inserted without complaining , Can any one send me a solution for this ORA-30200 .



> linux, oracle, oracle forms&reports > Oracle forms – webutil: error 302000: non-ORACLE exception

We have an application in Oracle Forms 10g release 2 that uses webutil to generate a plain text file on a local folder of the application server.

We’re getting this error:

302000: non-ORACLE exception

The problem is due to permissions in the destination folder. The user that runs the forms servlet (or  its group) must have write permissions on that folder.

Can anyone help me to understand this error ?

Hi Gaurav,
Actually I already did that, but still
it gives me the same error.
Actually I’m connecting to a Remote DB.
When I try to connect thru SQL, I’m
able to connect. But when I try to run
Forms 4.5 and log-in, it won’t be able
to go thru.
Thanks for your reply, appreciate it very

Similar Messages

  • A text_io problem: ORA-302000

    I have 2 apps on form.
    The first one is to read from file, and the second is to write on the file.
    Firstly, i have created the file on the server, and the file(abc.txt)’s permission is rwxr—r—.
    Then i tested the first one, it can read from file well.
    But when i tested the second, it throwed a exception: ORA-302000.
    I was so confused. why it can read from file with text_io, but can not write?
    Can anyone help me to solve this problem, Thanks so much.
    Here’s my code:
    1.WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED(to read): works fine
         in_file text_io.file_type;
         line_bufer varchar2(80);
         lv_strtmp varchar2(100);
         errnum NUMBER                := ERROR_CODE;
         errtxt VARCHAR2(80) := ERROR_TEXT;
         errtyp VARCHAR2(3)      := ERROR_TYPE;
         in_file := text_io.fopen(‘/home/cn01278/abc.txt’, ‘r’);
         lv_strtmp := substr(line_bufer, 1,10);
         :blk_text.txt_content := :blk_text.txt_read_err || lv_strtmp;
    2.WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED(to write): thown an exception
              out_file text_io.file_type;
              line_bufer varchar2(80);
              lv_strtmp varchar2(100);
              lv_content varchar2(100);
              errnum NUMBER := ERROR_CODE;
              errtxt VARCHAR2(80) := ERROR_TEXT;
              errtyp VARCHAR2(3) := ERROR_TYPE;
              out_file := text_io.fopen(‘/home/cn01278/abc.txt’, ‘w’);
              text_io.put_line(out_file, ‘abcd…’);
    3.ON-ERROR Trigger
         errnum NUMBER := ERROR_CODE;
         errtxt VARCHAR2(80) := ERROR_TEXT;
         errtyp VARCHAR2(3) := ERROR_TYPE;
         Message(errtyp||’-‘||TO_CHAR(errnum)||’: ‘||errtxt,acknowledge);
         —:blk_text.txt_err := errtyp||’-‘||TO_CHAR(errnum)||’: ‘||errtxt;
         RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;

    Thanks for attension.
    the problem is resolved, it’s a access/right problem with the file(abc.txt).
    after i change the file permission from rwxr—r— to rwxrw-rw-, then it works fine.
    But I have some confuse about it.
    1.The file must exist firstly. if not, then read or wirte the file will cause the ORA-302000 error. Can the file not exist? Can anyone tell me how to create file(abc.txt) with text_io if the file not exist.
    2.If the file was created by A, and A have rw rights, but the group owner have no rw rights, then you run the form by A(connect DB by A), it would cause ORA-302000 error too(both read and write).Why the group owner must have rw rights, or the form can not works fine?
    By the way, my DB account and my App server(Linux) account are same(both A).

  • ORA-302000 Error On client_text_io.fopen()

    i am using a webutil library — client_text_io.fopen() on the form that was compiled on version and this webutil_file.file_selection_dialog() built-in package. the webutil_file.file_selection_dialog() works but not the client_text_io.fopen(). when the form is run on the application server it is getting this error ORA-302000.
    PROCEDURE prc_load_proj_alloc_data IS
      vFilename             VARCHAR2(100) := :control.drv_filename;
      vInputFile             client_text_io.FILE_TYPE;
      vLinebuf               VARCHAR2(2000);
      vCommaPosition     NUMBER := 0;
      TYPE                array_type IS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(100);
      vColumn            array_type := array_type(»);
      vCtr                  BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
      vRowCtr            number := 0;
      vLineLoadCnt     number := 0;
      — cursor must be placed on the block
      —extend and initialize the array to 9 columns
      — open the file for reading
        vInputFile := client_text_io.fopen(vFilename,’r’);
           when others then
             alertme(‘note’,’SQLCODE ‘||SQLCODE);
             if SQLCODE = -302000 then
                  alertme(‘note’,errtyp||’-‘||TO_CHAR(errnum)||’: ‘||errtxt);
              alertme(‘note’,TO_CHAR(TOOL_ERR.CODE) || ‘: ‘ || TOOL_ERR.MESSAGE);
              exit when TOOL_ERR.NERRORS = 0;
            end loop;
          end if;
        the file that i am trying to read is in csv format and is not currently in use. i tried any other file from my local C:\ or D:\ drive and i am getting the same error. what could possiblly that i am missing? thanks.

    we figured it out that the cause of issue was that the webutil.plx was on our application executable directory. basically we have the webutil.plx on a common directory applicable to other application and when we removed the webutil.plx on our application directory the ORA-302000 error was solved.

  • ORA-302000 error

    I am getting a error ORA-302000 which is not showing in Oracle documentation help from my Developer form. Please help.

    we figured it out that the cause of issue was that the webutil.plx was on our application executable directory. basically we have the webutil.plx on a common directory applicable to other application and when we removed the webutil.plx on our application directory the ORA-302000 error was solved.

  • URGENT : ORA 302000 when using TEXT_IO.fopen

    I get this error ORA 302000 when using TEXT_IO package, the code I use is
    i don’t have the description of this ORA 302000 , pls does anyone have it?

    I know it’s been 2 years but it’s still up to date for me.
    I tried the suggested piece of code to trace the error but it did not bring anything more
    When Others then
    srw.Message( 2, ‘EXCEPTION ‘ || SQLCODE || ‘ in common package. Can not open the file ‘);
    IF SQLCODE = -302000 then
    END IF;
    srw.Message( 3, ‘EXCEPTION ‘ || SQLCODE || ‘ in com package. Can not open the file ‘ || I_Desname || ‘ : ‘ || SQLERRM );
    Only Message 2 and 3 are displayed in the trace file
    Any other suggestion?

  • ORA-29536: badly formed source

    I have created a Java source in Oracle ,actually i created it using pl/sql developer,
    now i need to deliver it to client ,so i gave it in .sql file ,but then its giving the error
    ora-29536: badly formed source: Encountered «<EOF>» at line 1, column 17.
    following is the source code
    create or replace and compile java source named filelist as
    import java.io.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class filelist
    public static void getList(String directory)
    throws SQLException
    File dir = new File(directory);
    System.out.println(«Coming after creating object»);
    File[] files = dir.listFiles();
    System.out.println(«Coming after getting list»);
    Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator() {
    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
    File f1 = (File) o1; File f2 = (File) o2;
    return (int) (f1.lastModified() — f2.lastModified());
    // String[] list = files.list();
    System.out.println(«Coming after sorting1 «+files.length);
    String element;
    for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
    element = files.getName();
    System.out.println(«Coming after «+element);
    #sql { INSERT INTO DIR_LIST (FILENAME,sequence_number)
    VALUES (:element,:i) };
    catch(Exception e)
    please tell me how to get rid of this error ,or is there any there way of loading it into oracle.

    Yes , I have put ; for each Java statement.
    issue in ; as it’s used as sql terminator, ends the compilation at ;
    How to resolve this, I ahev to give this as sql file.
    How to change the terminator, compile the code, and reset the terminator
    Suggestions are welcome

  • Occasional ora-6502 using forms 6i and 10g

    Hi all.
    We have been experiencing some weird and unexpected ora-6502 errors in some of our forms 6i modules running against 10g (rel 1 or 2).
    Forms modules are correctly functioning and for some reason, one day an ora-6502 error suddenly pops up.
    Now the weirdest thing is that after you put some messages on the trigger, so you can track down where the error is coming from, it disappears.
    I know that this may sound hard to believe, but it has happened several times. All we do is put some message built in, recompile all, and the error is gone (for a while).
    So my questions are:
    — Is this a known issue beween forms 6i and 10g Db?.
    — Is there a patch on Metalink ( we use Forms [32 bits] Versión (Producción))
    — A workaround?
    and most important
    — Have anyone been exposed to a similar situation?
    Regards, Luis …!

    Now the weirdest thing is that after you put some messages on the trigger, so you can track down where the error is coming from, it disappears.Sounds like the form has not been «clean compiled» against the server on which it is running. Try a «Compile All», which causes all previously compiled program units to be compiled fresh.
    Or even better, clean out all the compiled code from your fmb before compiling the fmb on the server where it runs.
    See this topic:   Re: Why does this happen — find ‘;’, replace with ‘;’?

  • Ora -06502 from forms application

    I have medical application developed by forms 9i, But its responds error
    ORA-06502 while running a form with enter query mode. it displys the said
    error while execute the query . I dont the exeact SQL query returns this error. How to debug this? Is there any way how to find the sql text returns this error. Kinldy note that, I dont have the forms source code. Only executable available(fmx). I have TOAD too. can i use the toad to traceout it.

    This is ‘ numeric or value error’ it may be character to number conversion problem or your assigning character value to number field in the form…..But without source code It’s not easy to solve the problem….

  • Error ORA-06502: FROM forms

    I have medical application developed by forms 9i, But its responds error
    ORA-06502 while running a form with enter query mode. it displys the said
    error while execute the query . I dont the exeact SQL query returns this error. How to debug this? Is there any way how to find the sql text returns this error. Kinldy note that, I dont have the forms source code. Only executable available(fmx). I have TOAD too. can i use the toad to traceout it.

    Its an application error.If you don’t have the source code,you need to ask for the source code.

  • Ora-01843 when Form is based on procedure

    I create a page using form based on procedure option. I have a date picker item in the form that corresponds to a date parameter in the procedure.
    I select every date format APEX provided from APEX date picker and always got ora-01843(not a valid month) error when I tried to sumbit the form.
    I have changed PICK_DATE_FORMAT_MASK to DD/MM/YYYY at application level but cannot solve the problem.
    Does anyone using a «Form on Procedure» and happen to have a date column? Do you have similar problem?
    ps. this problem only occurs to «Form on Procedure». I have no problem with master details or many other form options. I am using APEX 3.1.

    Hello user3003555,
    I have created forms based on procedure and used date pickers on them but don’t recall encountering the date format error ORA-1843. I used «Date Picker (DD-MON-YYYY)» which corresponds to my application date format. I’m not sure what else I can tell you. Have you tried picking a date where the month and day are interchangeable to confirm that it is a formatting issue?
    — Alwyn

  • Compiling error ORA-00600 with Forms 6 and Database 10g

    I am using «Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release» and «Forms [32 Bit] Version » with patch 17, when i compile a form that works with some tables in another database under dblink the error ORA-00600:internal error code, arguments:[16203],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] is displayed.
    If i word with reports or sqlplus no error is displayed.
    Before we installed 10g everything worked ok
    What is wrong with forms or do i need to configure something else?
    Yuri V. López Manrique

    I searched for this error on Google and found the following blog:
    Is there a tool to troubleshoot ORA-00600 and ORA-07445 errors?
    February 27th, 2006 By Fahd Mirza
    ORA-00600 and ORA-07445 errors are the most esoteric errors in Oracle.
    There is a tool called “ORA-600/ORA-7445 Troubleshooter” available at Metalink. It asks for the first argument of ORA-600 error with an optional database version number.
    For example, to see the description of the error:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [25908], [25908], [memory leak]
    You enter 723 in the “ORA-600 First Argument” field. The first argument is a pointer to where in the code the error was caught and thus is the key information in identifying the problem.
    You can also embed (copy/paste) the “Call Stack Trace” there, and, when you click on the “Search Call Stack” button an advanced MetaLink search is performed to find documents containing relevant sections from the call stack.
    Call Stack extracts from the following files are supported:
    * Generic foreground and background server trace files located in background_dump_dest and user_dump_dest
    * OpenVMS NETV2 and BEQ log files located in ORA_ROOT:[NETWORK.LOG]
    * WINDOWS CORE.LOG files
    * GDB (debugger) backtrace call stacks (best endeavors)
    Of course you will need a login to Oracle’s Metalink site.
    Hope that helps,

  • ORA-01001 in Form Based on Stored Proc.

    I’m getting ORA-01001 when the form passes parameters
    to the stored procedure:
    Error Executing Cursor
    «ABSUSR».»P_PORTAL_RPTS1″ ( P_RPT_NAME => ‘Print1’,
    P_ST_DATE => ’01-OCT-01′, P_EN_DATE => ’04-JUN-02′,
    P_FORMAT => ‘HTML’, P_ROWS => ‘250’);
    ORA-01001: invalid cursor
    I can’t see anything wrong with the parameters, and
    the procedure works fine by itself. I also get a
    script error when running the form as a portlet,
    by itself, or in a page: «A runtime error has
    occured: do you wish to debug? Line 2 Expected «(«
    But there is nothing obviously wrong with the
    html that’s presented for debugging. I have
    searched for 1001 at Metalink and Portal Studio,
    and found note 1007395.6 Common Causes of 1001.
    I don’t see that error checking is an issue,
    and my OPEN_CURSORS is set to 300.
    any thoughts or experience?
    thanks and best wishes, Jon Angel HHS/PSC

    Hi Jon ,
    Can you explain your requirement in more detail as I’m not getting what may be wrong by your query.Please let me know what type of procedure is it.
    and also please tell in what circumstances are u getting error when you make a portlet.
    It will be nice if you can make a full test case of your requirement.
    Hope to get details from you.

  • Suppressing ORA-1403 in Forms 6i

    We are running FORMS 6i and I am creating a library function that will do various types of lookups and then behave in specific ways based on passed parameters.
    How can I over-ride the default ORA-1403 when no records are found in the query?

    Use nested begin-exception-end blocks within the pl/sql code in your pll libraryFunction PLL_Lookup(params in varchar2)
      Return varchar2 is
      variables here;
      Result  varchar2(100);
      — for each select you want, create a nested block:
        Exception when no_data_found then…. ;
      — more pl/sql here
      — Maybe another Begin — Exception — End here…
      Return result;

  • ORA-06508 in Forms Debugger

    Windows 2000
    Forms 6i Patch 5a
    9i Database
    I have a form that generates a ORA-06508 when in the debugger only. It runs fine else (running in the builder, client-server or web.)
    I have detached the library. Shift+Ctrl+K’d the form. Saved the form. Closed the form. Recompiled the attached library using the forms compiler. Opened the form, reattached the library, SHIFT+Ctrl+K’d the form, and the same thing occurs. I want to stress this occurs only when running in the debugger.
    Any ideas or suggestions?

    In that case you probably have two copies of a library around. In normal runtime a PLX file will always be used in preference to a PLL. In Debug mode PLX files will be ignored and the PLL only used.

  • ORA-06508,ORA-06512, why I should re-connect and after that it runs well?

    I have 2 package.
    package A depends on B.
    I call the package A in c++ code. At the begining, all work well.
    I compile package B successfully.
    But when I call package A in c++ code using a existing connection to the oracle, I get
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL:
    ORA-06512: 在 «PARTY.PKG_TRANSACTION», line 102
    ORA-06512: 在 «PARTY.PKG_CFMMC», line 1186
    when I kill this session in database server side and re-connect to the database, it runs well.
    what is wrong, why I should re-connect and then it runs well, and in the mean time, it does raise errors above if I use the old connection?

    It appears sometimes. But sometimes it does not appear.
    you can create 2 package.
    package a, package b.
    A depends on b.
    You can call the package A in the client side using c++ code.
    then compile the b(do not change and code of b, just recompile it) successfully.
    If you are lucky you can see the errors.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Sneaky trigger When_Button_pressed Raise exception ORA-06502

    Dear all
    I use Forms10G.
    I have 2 blocks in my form.
    Main and details. Main Bock is no database element. And details based on a table block.
    I have 3 buttons in the block details. Print, download, and close.

    Close button I wrote Exit_form();

    But when I click close it is showing this error.

    Sneaky trigger Wen_Button_pressed Raise exception ORA-06502

    But I checked all the data type is correct…
    What could be the problem?


    try to use.

    exit form(no_validate);

    and also check the error and press SHIFT + f1.


  • When button pressed — trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502

    Hi all

    I am currently implementing a hierarchy tree, using these codes on

    When button pressed

    htree point;
    my_sql VARCHAR2 (200): = ‘ select 1, level, hee_name, null, to_char (hee_no)
    of hrm_employee
    Connect prior hee_id = hee_dirsup_id
    Start with hee_dirsup_id is null
    order of brothers and sisters in hee_name’;
    htree: = FIND_ITEM («trees.tree10»);
    Ftree. SET_TREE_PROPERTY (htree, ftree.query_text, my_sql);
    Ftree. POPULATE_TREE («htree»);

    I can’t see my hierarchical tree and I get the above error message.
    Is someone can you please help me sort this out? Are there pieces of missing codes resulting from this error.

    I’ll be very grateful for any help :)


    Hi Germany

    trigger an unhandled exception thrown ORA-06502

    * Cause: this error occurs when you try to assign a value to a variable, but the value is greater than the variable can handle.
    or if you try to assign a nonnumeric value to a numeric variable.


    Action *: pls change the VARCHAR2 my_sql * (200) * to my_sql VARCHAR2 * (2000). *

    I can’t see my hierarchical tree

    Pls take a look here: code sample Andreas Weiden….

    I hope this helps…

    Kind regards

    Amatu Allah.

  • When key pressed — adding a ‘ select ‘.

    Hi friends,

    I have a select statement:

    Select count (*) of employees
    where emp_no =:control.emp_no;

    I would like it when I press a button, count for example, I get the number of employees.

    I need the codes used by oracle in the when-pressed key.

    Thank you.

    Just add a piece of text on your control block. Name it, say, count_item.

    Then, use this query:

    Select count (*) in: control.count_item of employees
    where emp_no =:control.emp_no;


    Published by: MichaelR July 19, 2011 04:03

    Published by: MichaelR July 19, 2011 04:03

  • FRM-40735 when key pressed raised unhandled exception ora-12899

    I am Ranga

    I can’t recover this error please help me

    I wrote the code in when pressed release button is

    insert into jnnurm_user values (‘:new_block.user_name ‘,’:new_block.password ‘);

    Please help me what should I do

    Welcome to the forums,

    Do not use the single quotation mark while referencing the name of the form field. Try as below.

       insert into jnnurm_user

    It is recommended to mention columns to insert statement for which you want to insert data.


  • FRM-40735: key PRESS trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-00942


    Forms 10G and Oracle

    the code on the bottom button is

         p_color BOOLEAN;
         p_color := SHOW_LOV('color');
         insert into product_code
    values (:PRODUCT.prod_id,
    Table where data to inserted is
    SQL> desc product_code;
     Name                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------
     PROD_CODE                                          VARCHAR2(100)
     PROD_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(150)
     PROD_COLOR                                         VARCHAR2(50)
     PROD_ID                                            VARCHAR2(50)
     XS                                                 NUMBER
     S                                                  NUMBER
     M                                                  NUMBER
     L                                                  NUMBER
     XL                                                 NUMBER
     PCS                                                NUMBER

    Please Guide

    Thanks and greetings
    Vikas Singhal

    Check the couple of things.

    1. check the user logged on the generator of forms and DURATION. Is must be the same.
    2. check the query in LOV and run in the same user database that you use when running.

    I guess the user login form builder and DURATION user are different.


  • FRM-40735: ACTIVE WHEN LIST trigger fired unhandled exception ORA-04031

    While accessing certain forms and self service pages in oracle apps R12, FRM exception raised.

    ORA-04031 no data available

    FRM-40735: trigger ACTIVE WHEN LIST raised an unhandled exception

    Kind regards


    FIX: Increase in the share of pool size.

    See you soon,.

    Ajay Boyana

  • FRM-40735 when-pressed to release raised unhandled exception ora-06502 button?

    I write the following procedure

    PROCEDURE p73_fragment_metar (p_metar in varchar2, varchar2, out p_dy Code_P varchar2, p_hr out varchar2,)
    p_dd number, p_ff series, p_tt number of p_dp number, p_qnh number.
    p_mn out varchar2, p_year out varchar2)
    -p_metar varchar2 (500);
    str_date_code Varchar2 (500);
    code varchar2 (10);
    DY varchar2 (10);
    HR varchar2 (10);

    str_dd_ff Varchar2 (500);
    JJ varchar2 (10);
    VARCHAR2 (10) FF.;

    str_tt_dp varchar2 (500);
    TT varchar2 (10);
    VARCHAR2 (10) DP;

    qnh_str varchar2 (500);
    QNH varchar2 (10);

    DAT varchar2 (20);
    MNTH varchar2 (20);
    VARCHAR2 (10) years;

    -p_metar: = ‘OJAM 171600Z 32010KT 5000 HZ SCT030 11/05 Q1023 NOSIG’;
    str_date_code: = substr (p_metar, 1, length (DelimStr.GetString (p_metar, 1, FALSE, ‘Z’)) + 2);
    Code: = substr (str_date_code, 1, length (str_date_code)-9);
    Code_P: = code;

    dy: = substr (str_date_code, length-7 (str_date_code), 2);
    p_dy: = dy;

    HR: = substr (str_date_code, length-5 (str_date_code), 4);
    p_hr: = h;

    — —————————————————————————————
    -str_dd_ff: = substr (p_metar, 1, length (DelimStr.GetString (p_metar, 1, FALSE, ‘KT’)) + 0);
    -dd: = substr (str_date_code, length-5 (str_dd_ff), 3);
    DD: = substr (p_metar, 14, 3);
    p_dd: = to_number (dd);

    FF: = substr (p_metar, 17, 2);
    p_ff: = to_number (ff);

    — —————————————————————————————
    str_tt_dp: = substr (p_metar, 1, length (DelimStr.GetString (p_metar, 1, FALSE, ‘ /’)) + 3);

    TT: = substr (str_tt_dp, length-5 (str_tt_dp), 3);
    p_tt: = to_number (tt);

    DP: = substr (str_tt_dp, length (str_tt_dp)-1, 3);
    p_dp: = to_number (dp);
    — ————————————————————————————-
    qnh_str: = substr (p_metar, 1, length (DelimStr.GetString (p_metar, 1, FALSE, ‘Q’)) + 5);
    QNH: = substr (qnh_str, length (qnh_str)-3, 5);
    p_qnh: = to_number (qnh);

    — ————————————————————————————-
    Select to_char (sysdate) in DUAL from SWD;
    month: = substr (dat, length (dat)-5, 3);
    p_mn: = mnth;
    years: = ’20’. substr (dat, length (dat)-1, 3);
    p_year: = years;
    — ———————————————————————————
    / * p05_show_alert_message (code);
    p05_show_alert_message (dy);
    p05_show_alert_message (HR);
    p05_show_alert_message (DD);
    p05_show_alert_message (FF);
    p05_show_alert_message (TT);
    p05_show_alert_message (DP);
    p05_show_alert_message (QNH);
    p05_show_alert_message (MNTH);
    p05_show_alert_message (years); * / This loaded message to be sure and beach t each variable is it has the correct value


    I try to call hollow a trigger when the button as follows

    p_metar varchar2 (500);
    Code_P varchar2 (10);
    p_dy varchar2 (10);
    p_hr varchar2 (10);

    p_dd number (4.4);
    p_ff number (4.4);

    p_tt number (4.4);
    p_dp number (4.4);
    p_qnh number (4.4);

    p_mn varchar2 (20);
    p_year varchar (10);

    p_metar: = ‘OJAM 171600Z 32010KT 5000 HZ SCT030 11/05 Q1023 NOSIG’;

    p73_fragment_metar (p_metar, Code_P, p_dy, p_hr, p_dd, p_ff, p_tt, p_dp, p_qnh, p_mn, p_year);


    When the p73_fragment_metar PROCEDURE is called, I receive the following error message:
    FRM-40735 when-pressed to release raised unhandled exception ora-06502 button?

    Don’t know if this is the reason, but are you sure that it is correct

    p_dd number (4.4);

    This means that you put a number with no figures before the commae and 4 digits after the decimal point, means you can’t store something like 1 in it.

  • FRM — 40735:when — button-trigger pressed raised unhandled exception ORA-24247

    Hi all

    I use the 10g release2 form I’m having a problem
    When I use the following stored procedure in form so I get this
    FRM — 40735:when — button-trigger pressed raised unhandled exception ORA-24247
    but the same code works fine when I use in SQLPLUS.

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE mail_attach (dir1 VARCHAR2, filename VARCHAR2)
      l_output  utl_file.file_type;
      l_file       RAW(32767);
      l_size       NUMBER;
      BLOCK       NUMBER;
      b          BOOLEAN;
      l_start NUMBER := 1;
      l_data ARRAY := ARRAY([email protected]');
      UTL_FILE.FGETATTR(dir1, filename, b, l_size, BLOCK);
      l_output := utl_file.fopen('BACKUP', 'code.txt', 'r' );
      utl_file.get_raw(l_output, l_file, l_size);
      utl_file.fclose( l_output );
      FOR i IN l_start .. l_data.COUNT
            sender   => 'Mailer',
            recipients => l_data(i),
            subject   => 'Data for ' || TO_CHAR((SYSDATE-1),'DD-MON-YYYY'),
            attachment => l_file,
            message   => 'Dear User, Please find attached the upload
    data for the period mentioned in the subject line.',
            att_inline => FALSE,
            att_filename => filename);
           l_start := l_start + 1;
      END LOOP;

    and it is used in form release button when pressed.

         message('FIle send successfully');
         message('File send successfully');


    Try the following…

    SQL> show user;
    USER is "SYS"
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded


  • FRM — 40735:WHEN — BUTTON-trigger PRESS raised unhandled exception ORA-06503

    Hi all…
    I develop a form on the form 6i like a registration form…

    Suppose emp_name is a text element…

    I need to validate that the point that the number, the null characters and special should not be allowed.

    I created a function to check these postings

    function v_check (p_item_name varchar2)
    return a Boolean value is

    I’m in 1.length (p_item_name)
    If substr(p_item_name,i,’1′) in (‘1′,’2′,’3′,’$’,’%’,’@’,’!’,’#’) then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    end loop;
    end v_check;

    When I click on the save_Record button it commit the form I’m checking the field emp_name with this validation by calling the above function.

    save_Record button, I wrote this WHEN BUTTON PRESSED to code trigger

    a number;

    If: iptable.ip_name is null or (not v_check(:iptable.ip_name)) puis)
    set_alert_property (‘alert’, title, ‘validation of name’);
    set_alert_property (‘alert’ ‘, alert_message_text, ‘ years spl char null is not allowed ‘);
    a: = show_alert (‘alert’);
    go_item (‘iptable.ip_name’);
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    If: system.form_status = ‘CHANGED’ then

    set_alert_property (‘alert’, title, ‘Save box’);
    set_alert_property («alert», alert_message_text, «Save»);
    a: = show_alert (‘alert’);
    If a = alert_button1 then
    on the other
    raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    on the other

    set_alert_property (‘alert’, title, ‘Save box’);
    set_alert_property («alert», alert_message_text, «Noting the box save»);
    raise form_trigger_failure;

    end if;

    But I get this
    FRM — 40735:WHEN — BUTTON-trigger PRESS raised unhandled exception ORA-06503


    How I can fix this error… help me

    Thank you…

    Published by: maddyd2k on November 25, 2010 10:37


    Actually your v_check function may return a null value, that is not TRUE nor FALSE.

    Modify your function like this:

    function v_check (p_item_name varchar2)
    return a Boolean value is
    Boolean l_return: = true;

    I’m in 1.length (p_item_name)
    If substr(p_item_name,i,’1′) in (‘1′,’2′,’3′,’$’,’%’,’@’,’!’,’#’) then
    l_return: = false;
    end if;
    end loop;
    Return l_return;
    end v_check;

  • FRM — 40735:when — button-trigger pressed raised unhandled exception ORA-01841

    Hi all
    I m this error FRM-40735: when pressed to shutter raised unhandled exception ORA-01841
    and relaxation that I wrote is like that: -.

    d date: = to_date(‘200908′,’yyyymm’);
    date of s;
    f date;
    go_block (‘prmaloan2’);
    OPEN I;
    s: = to_date (‘:prmaloan2.startyearmm ‘,’yyyymm ‘);
    e: = to_date (‘:prmaloan2.endyearmm ‘,’yyyymm ‘);
    e a null value
    : prmaloan2. TEXT_ITEM164: = MONTHS_BETWEEN (d, s);
    exit when I % notfound;
    end if;
    end loop;
    proximity I;

    Please help me to remove this error



    won’t. Replace:

    s:=to_date( :prmaloan2.startyearmm, 'yyyymm' );
    e:=to_date( :prmaloan2.endyearmm, 'yyyymm');


  • FRM-40735: WHEN PRESSED to SHUTTER raised unhandled exception ORA-06502

    I am set_element-property when button pressed but lov get this error

    I whated this


    copy (: cal_erd.copyobjid,’c)

    go_item(‘cal_erd.) DISPLAYNAME’);
    do_key (‘List_values’);
    copy (‘0’, ‘GLOBAL.save_mouse_record’);

  • FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

    Hi all

    Pending Production, we have a problem on invoice AP Workbench, gives an error (FRM-40735 after query Trigger on level Bill) when we recover the existing data of the invoice is entered.

    For this we have compiled the invalid objects and applied the patch according to metalink id [ID 1209736.1]

    After that we came up with new error FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508.

    Can someone help us

    Thank you


    Thanks for the update and share the solution.


  • C870D — 10-X satellite keyboard problem, when you press the AltGr key

    When I press a key ONCE everything in now ALT GR for a @ for example, two @ appears. Like that @. I pressed ONCE only. What is going on? It’s the same with any key I press: @££ $$ {[]}———. Yes everyone, except:-(slash)

    Thank you.


    It’s very strange can you check if this keyboard problem happening using an external USB keyboard?

    If the USB keyboard works, your problem is related to the fault of the internal keyboard. In this case it must be replaced.

  • FRM-40735: trigger ERROR raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

    I am having this error when executing my form this error before the page load screen I have not een know what trigger causes error

    FRM-40735: trigger ERROR raised unhandled exception ORA-06508’m in oracle 11 g 2 of the form how to find on which trigger causes error


    Below is the cause of the error and for more information, see the link below.

    Question: An attempt was made to call a stored program that cannot be found.

    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: not found unit of programs called tips

    Oracle/PLSQL: ORA-06508

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