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Рис.1 – художники мутанты ниндзя черепашки
Мутирование таблиц (ошибка ORA-04091) возникает, если в триггере уровня строки выполняется изменение или чтение данных из той же самой таблицы, для которой данный триггер должен был сработать.
Рассмотрим два способа обхода данной ситуации. Первый – через пакет – древний, как удар маваши гери с разворота, смотрится эффектно, но долго готовится и сложен в исполнении. Второй – более свежий и простой – с использованием составных триггеров.
create table turtles
select 'Сплинтер' name, 'Крыса' essence from dual union all
select 'Леонардо', 'Художник' from dual union all
select 'Рафаэль', 'Художник' from dual union all
select 'Микеланджело', 'Художник' from dual union all
select 'Донателло', 'Художник' from dual;
Сплинтер | Крыса |
Леонардо | Художник |
Рафаэль | Художник |
Микеланджело | Художник |
Донателло | Художник |
Условимся, что когда Сплитер из крысы мутируют в сэнсэя, художники должны будут автоматически превратиться в ниндзя. Казалось бы, для этого должен подойти такой триггер
create or replace trigger tr_turtles_bue
before update of essence
on turtles
for each row
when (
new.name = 'Сплинтер' and old.essence = 'Крыса' and new.essence = 'Сэнсэй'
update turtles
set essence = 'Ниндзя'
where essence = 'Художник';
Но при попытке обновить запись
update turtles
set essence = 'Сэнсэй'
where name = 'Сплинтер'
ORA-04091: table SCOTT.TURTLES is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
Удалим этот триггер
drop trigger tr_turtles_bue;
Способ обхода 1. С помощью пакета и триггера уровня инструкции.
create or replace package pkg_around_mutation
bUpdPainters boolean;
procedure update_painters;
end pkg_around_mutation;
create or replace package body pkg_around_mutation
procedure update_painters
if bUpdPainters then
bUpdPainters := false;
update turtles
set essence = 'Ниндзя'
where essence = 'Художник';
end if;
end pkg_around_mutation;
create or replace trigger tr_turtles_bue
before update of essence
on turtles
for each row
when (
new.name = 'Сплинтер' and old.essence = 'Крыса' and new.essence = 'Сэнсэй'
pkg_around_mutation.bUpdPainters := true;
end tr_turtles_bue;
create or replace trigger tr_turtles_bu
after update
on turtles
end tr_turtles_bu;
Способ обхода 2. С помощью составного триггера (compound DML triggers).
Доступно, начиная с Oracle 11g.
create or replace trigger tr_turtles_ue
for update of essence
on turtles
compound trigger
bUpdPainters boolean;
before each row is
if :new.name = 'Сплинтер' and :old.essence = 'Крыса' and :new.essence = 'Сэнсэй' then
bUpdPainters := true;
end if;
end before each row;
after statement is
if bUpdPainters then
update Turtles
set essence = 'Ниндзя'
where essence = 'Художник';
end if;
end after statement;
end tr_turtles_ue;
update turtles
set essence = 'Сэнсэй'
where name = 'Сплинтер'
Сплинтер | Сэнсэй |
Леонардо | Ниндзя |
Рафаэль | Ниндзя |
Микеланджело | Ниндзя |
Донателло | Ниндзя |
Даже если вы столкнулись с более сложным случаем мутации, можно использовать приведенную идею обхода. Она, во-первых, связана с тем, что в триггере уровня инструкции, в отличие от триггера уровня строки, мутации не возникает. Во-вторых, можно использовать либо переменные (признаки, защелки, таблицы PL SQL) в специально созданном вспомогательном пакете, либо переменные, глобальные для всех секций составного триггера, что более предпочтительно, начиная с версии Oracle 11g.
Так что теперь и вы знаете кунг-фу. До новых встреч.
Дополнительные материалы: Compound DML Triggers, Мутирование таблиц
TL;DR: Не надо использовать триггер там, где в этом нет никакой необходимости.
Удалите триггер, перенесите логику из триггера в то место, где вызывается DML выражение, которое приводит к срабатыванию триггера. Создайте там процедуру или функцию, если эта логика используется не единожды в приложении.
Перед тем как создать триггер, надо убедится в его необходимости ознакомившись с рекомендациями по применению триггеров, например в офф. документации.
Само появление ошибки — ORA-04091: table is mutating
, говорит, что допущена логическая ошибка в дизайне кода и БД вынуждена прибегнуть к защите от возможной потери целостности данных в мульти-пользовательской среде.
Выше изложеное не раз обсуждалось на различных ресурсах, например, цитирую Тома Кайта на спроси Тома:
My personal opinion — when I hit a mutating table error, I’ve got a serious fatal flaw in my logic.
Have you considered the multi-user implications in your logic? Two people inserting at the same time (about the same time). What happens then??? Neither will see eachothers work, neither will block — both will think «ah hah, I am first»…
anyway, you can do too much work in triggers, this may well be that time — there is nothing wrong with doing things in a more straightforward fashion (eg: using a stored procedure to implement your transaction)
PS Кроме того, не возникнет ситуация как в вопросе, где с наибольшей долей вероятности, поиск ошибки идёт не в том триггере, который эту ошибку действительно вызвал.
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the mutating table error in Oracle and how to fix it using a compound trigger.
When a table is mutating, it is changing. If the changing is taking place and you try to make another change in the middle of the first change, Oracle will issue a mutating table error with the error code ORA-04091.
Specifically, the error results from the following operations:
- First, you update data to a table.
- Second, a row-level trigger associated with the table automatically fires and makes another change to the table.
Simulate the mutating table error example
Let’s use the customers
table from the sample database for demonstration.
Suppose you want to update the credit limit for a customer. If the credit is greater than 5 times of the lowest non-zero credit, the system automatically assigns this credit to the customer.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER customers_credit_policy_trg
ON customers
l_max_credit customers.credit_limit%TYPE;
-- get the lowest non-zero credit
SELECT MIN (credit_limit) * 5
INTO l_max_credit
FROM customers
WHERE credit_limit > 0;
-- check with the new credit
IF l_max_credit < :NEW.credit_limit
UPDATE customers
SET credit_limit = l_max_credit
WHERE customer_id = :NEW.customer_id;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
This statement updates the credit limit of the customer 1 to 12000:
UPDATE customers
SET credit_limit = 12000
WHERE customer_id = 1;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
The update action fires the trigger and Oracle issues the following mutating table error:
ORA-04091: table OT.CUSTOMERS is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
As explained earlier, the update statement changes the data of the customers
table. The trigger fires and attempts to make another change while the first change is in the progress, which results in an error.
To fix the mutating table error, you can use a compound trigger if you are using Oracle 11g and later.
Note that if you’re using Oracle 10g or earlier, you need to use a package to fix the mutating table error, which we will not cover in this tutorial.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER customers_credit_policy_trg
TYPE r_customers_type IS RECORD (
customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE,
credit_limit customers.credit_limit%TYPE
TYPE t_customers_type IS TABLE OF r_customers_type
t_customer t_customers_type;
t_customer (t_customer.COUNT + 1).customer_id :=
t_customer (t_customer.COUNT).credit_limit := :NEW.credit_limit;
l_max_credit customers.credit_limit%TYPE;
SELECT MIN (credit_limit) * 5
INTO l_max_credit
FROM customers
WHERE credit_limit > 0;
FOR indx IN 1 .. t_customer.COUNT
IF l_max_credit < t_customer (indx).credit_limit
UPDATE customers
SET credit_limit = l_max_credit
WHERE customer_id = t_customer (indx).customer_id;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
In this trigger:
- First, declare an array of customer record that includes customer id and credit limit.
- Second, collect affected rows into the array in the row-level trigger.
- Third, update each affected row in the statement-level trigger.
In this tutorial, you have learned about the mutating table error in Oracle and how to fix it using a compound trigger.
Was this tutorial helpful?
In this post, I will explain what’s this ORA-04091 error is and why you are frequently getting it. After that I demonstrate how to fix Oracle Mutating Trigger Table Error (Ora-04091).
The table is the most important part of the Oracle database. This database works as RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and to relate the stored information with each other table is used. In a table, all entered information is stored and relate to each other. And if the table of any database gets corrupted then all the stored data gets inaccessible or unreachable.
Oracle database has a different trigger concept as MS SQL Server; it has a set-based approach. All the rows that are exaggerated by the data alteration like the update, insert, delete are stored in the deleted and stored tables. A regular trigger DML is used in MS SQL, it regularly executes after the statement. Before the image is stored in the deleted table and after the image stored in the inserted table and both are accessed within the trigger. You can also join the deleted and inserted table and used them to update the table.
Recursive trigger error and mutating table error are related in the logic that they are invoked when the table on which the trigger has been called up is customized or accessed by a similar trigger but should not be perplexed with each other. When users doing modification on a similar table in a per statement trigger so that trigger fire recursively again and recursion error occurs.
To understand Oracle Mutating Trigger Table Error more clearly suppose a statement executed the custom PL/SQL function or trigger. That statement’s trigger or function is trying to change the table that is already being modified by the statement which fired the function/trigger.
Error Detail:
Error code: ORA-04091
Error description: ORA-04091: table name is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
What Causes Oracle Mutating Trigger Table Error?
Oracle mutating trigger table error (ORA-04091) mainly comes when the row-level trigger attempting to modify or examine those tables which are already undertaking changes through the DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement.
Particularly, this error arises when the row-level trigger tries to write or read those tables from which the trigger was executed.
How To Fix Oracle Mutating Trigger Table Error (Ora-04091)?
Method 1# Rewrite The Trigger As Statement-Level Trigger
Oracle Mutating Trigger Table Error only put an impact on the row-level triggers. So to fix this issue the very option that you must try is rewriting the trigger as the statement-level trigger.
For using the statement level trigger, the very first thing you need to do is to preserve some data from each row. Later on, it will be used by the statement level trigger.
You can store this data either in a temporary table or in the PL/SQL collection. For achieving the required output, a row-level trigger that causes the mutating trigger table error may result in a complicated statement-level trigger.
Follow these triggers criteria before using it:
- Triggers don’t commit transactions. So, if any transaction is rolled back, then entire data modified by the trigger also been rolled back.
- In the trigger body, you can’t use the save points, Commits, and rollbacks. The entire transaction is get affected by this commit/rollback.
- Unhandled exceptions within the trigger result in the rollbacking of the entire transaction. So don’t consider it only as a trigger.
- On the delete triggers have no: NEW values.
- When several triggers are defined in the event, their order of being fired is not defined. So if you want that the trigger must be fired in order then you have to create one separate trigger which will execute all the action in order.
- On the insert triggers have no: OLD values.
- One trigger can easily affect other events for executing their triggers.
Method 2# Avoid Using Triggers
Another way to avoid oracle mutating trigger table error is not to use the triggers.
Currently, the object-oriented Oracle offers “methods” which are mainly associated with database tables. So, even the several PL/SQL developers try to avoid usage of triggers until and unless it is very much necessary.
Method 3# Use The “after” Or “instead of” Trigger
To sort out the mutating trigger table error another possible solution that you can try is using the “after” or “instead of” trigger. As, this will help you to avoid the currency issue regarding the mutating table.
Suppose, using the trigger “:after update on xxx”, the table will not get mutated and the original update will get over.
Method 4# Use Autonomous Transactions And Trigger Syntax
To avoid this Mutating Trigger Table Error you can use the combination of statement-level triggers and row-level.
Apart from this, you can also mark your trigger as an autonomous transaction which will make it independent from the database table which calls up the procedure.
Method 5# Go With The Recommended Option
To fix any big corruption or to repair any large database you can use any third-party repair tool like Oracle File Repair tool. This tool very effectively repairs corrupted or damaged Oracle databases without any data loss. If your database or table of the database gets corrupted and displays any error message then you can apply this tool to repair and recover the corrupted data.
This tool provides users with a very simple user interface so that it doesn’t require typing any commands on the command line. So download the Oracle database repair tool and apply it to recover your corrupted database table.
It is a professional tool and it is capable of fixing any errors related to the Oracle. It is a powerful and comprehensive software and it can be used to recover Oracle database file that is corrupted or damaged.
Steps To Repair Corrupt Or Damaged Oracle Databases
Step 1: Search the Initial screen of Oracle File Repair tool with a pop-up window showing options to select or search corrupt Oracle databases on your computer.
Step 2: Click Scan File to initiate the scan process after selecting the oracle database. The recoverable database objects get listed in left-side pane.
Step 3: Click an object to see its preview.
Step 4: : Click Start Repair in the icon bar to start the repair process. A pop-up window is displayed which show the steps needed to perform further. Click next and continue.
Step 5: Give the user name, password and path of the blank database where you want to save the repaired database objects.
Step 6: Repairing and restoring various database objects after establishing a connection with blank oracle database.
Wrap Up:
I have shared all the possible fixes to resolve Oracle error 04091. But if you are getting any kind issue meanwhile performing these fixes then let me know by asking your queries on our FB and Twitter page.
So share your problems which you are frequently getting meanwhile working with the Oracle database. I will try my best to provide the best possible solution to fix it…!
Jacob Martin is a technology enthusiast having experience of more than 4 years with great interest in database administration. He is expertise in related subjects like SQL database, Access, Oracle & others. Jacob has Master of Science (M.S) degree from the University of Dallas. He loves to write and provide solutions to people on database repair. Apart from this, he also loves to visit different countries in free time.
I have the following error:
ORA-04091: table SYSTEM.ORDINE is mutating, trigger/function may not
see it
On this trigger PL/SQL:
create or replace trigger T_Ordine
after insert on Ordine
for each row
conta number := 0;
t_o exception;
select count(*) into conta
from Cliente join Ordine on Cliente.ID_Cliente = Ordine.ID_CLiente
where Cliente.C_CF_Rivenditore <> Ordine.CF_Rivenditore;
if conta > 0 then
raise t_o;
end if;
when t_o then
raise_application_error(-20002,'Un rivenditore non puo ricevere ordini da un cliente non suo');
I think that the error caused from the modification of table Ordine
in the join with table Cliente
124k35 gold badges281 silver badges360 bronze badges
asked Sep 6, 2015 at 16:14
Your trigger is a little odd.
You’ve declare it for each row
, yet you never use :new
to access any of the inserted values.
As far as I can see, there are two ways to fix your trigger:
Make the trigger a statement-level trigger, so that it runs once after the
table is inserted into, regardless of how many rows are inserted. To do this, simply delete the linefor each row
. -
Adjust the trigger to only check the inserted order, rather than every order in the table. To do this, replace the SQL query you use to find
with the following:select count(*) into conta from Cliente where Cliente.ID_Cliente = :new.ID_CLiente and Cliente.C_CF_Rivenditore <> :new.CF_Rivenditore;
Note that we are no longer querying the
table — the details of the row that has just been inserted are available as:new.column_name
. This gets around theORA-04091
I would recommend the second approach. The query you use to find conta
currently searches the whole of the Ordine
table, and as your application gains more and more orders, this trigger gets slower and slower as the query searches through more and more data. Also, you probably don’t want your application to refuse to take any orders from anyone if it happens that there’s one order somewhere in the system where the client’s Rivenditore
doesn’t match the order’s Rivenditore
Incidentally, there’s not a lot of point raising the exception t_o
, catching it and raising an alternative exception. Just raise the second exception straight away, i.e.:
if conta > 0 then
raise_application_error(-20002,'Un rivenditore non puo ricevere ordini da un cliente non suo');
end if;
answered Sep 6, 2015 at 20:28
Luke WoodwardLuke Woodward
63.5k16 gold badges89 silver badges104 bronze badges
Since I am italian, I am a little advantaged in understanding what you are trying to do:
- «Ordine» is the table of orders (like product orders).
- «rivenditore» means «seller».
- «cliente» means customer.
- in the «customer» table there is a field (C_CF_Rivenditore) that imposes the seller that should be used for orders issued by the customer.
- the «orders» table contains a reference to the customer and a reference to the seller receiving the order.
you simply want to make it impossible to insert an order for a seller different from the one designated for each customer (this is what your error message says), but you don’t know how to use :new or :old, so you wrote the test that way (which isn’t at all the best method of doing it, since you are re-checking all the orders in the table every time a new order is inserted).
This is what you really want to write:
create or replace trigger T_Ordine
after insert on Ordine
for each row
rivenditore_del_cliente Cliente.C_CF_Rivenditore%type;
select Cliente.C_CF_Rivenditore
into rivenditore_del_cliente
from Cliente
where Cliente.ID_Cliente = :new.ID_CLiente
if rivenditore_del_cliente <> :new.CF_Rivenditore then
raise raise_application_error(-20002,
'Un rivenditore non puo ricevere ordini da un cliente non suo');
end if;
the above trigger might need to be extended with some further checks if some of these are true:
- id_cliente is not the primary key of «cliente»
- ordine.id_cliente is not mandatory
- there isn’t a foreign key constraint that ensures that ordine.id_cliente is a valid ID_cliente of the clienti table.
answered Sep 7, 2015 at 17:49
Carlo SirnaCarlo Sirna
1,2016 silver badges11 bronze badges