Ошибка ldap 81 0x51 сервер отключен

Hello all, For the last week I’ve been trying to get DFS Replication working to provide failover protection but have thus failed. Here’s my current setup: 


Sender 1: PDC: BENTOWS12 folder S:\Shares\RootShare\DFSR\BENTOWS12 DFSR TESTING FOLDER 

Sender 2: SecondaryDC: WS12HP folder F:\DFSR\WS12HP DFSR TESTING FOLDER

ISSUE 1: When you connect to \\domain.local\DFSR Testing Folder you only see/edit/create files located in BENTOWS12’s testing folder and not in WS12HP testing folder. Looks like DFSR TESTING FOLDER only hooked up 

ISSUE 2: Neither folders sync to one another

Tried running: repadmin /replicate dest-WS12HP source-BENTOWS12 to force replication. But got error: Repadmin can’t connect to a «home server», because of the following error.  Try specifying a different home server with /homeserver:[dns name]

Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:

LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down

Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):

Looked up the issue and got this article where I followed each step and below are my results


Suggestoins to fix: “LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down Server Win32 Error 0(0x0): You need to check couple of the options to fix this issue:

1. Check DNS settings on NIC (preferred should be itself if it holds DNS role)

Right now both machines have themselves as as first entry and each other as second and loopback address as third

2. Repadmin /replsum at elivated command prompt. If you notice any errors work on that.

Ran repadmin /replsummary and got

Replication Summary Start Time: 2016-06-14 17:18:41

Beginning data collection for replication summary, this may take while:

Source DSA          largest delta    fails/total %%   error

 BENTOWS12                 27m:37s    0 /   5    0

 WS12HP                    29m:30s    0 /   5    0

Destination DSA     largest delta    fails/total %%   error

 BENTOWS12                 29m:30s    0 /   5    0

 WS12HP                    27m:37s    0 /   5    0

3. Add Antivirus exceptions for SYSVOL, NTDS folders

No anti virus on these machines or firewall (domain or private

4. Restart Netlogon, DNS and ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns

Done on both machines, ran  repadmin /replicate dest-WS12HP source-BENTOWS12 again and got same error

При неудачном подключении к LDAPs  определить причину проблемы со стороны клиента крайне затруднительно по причине «информативности» вывода:

ld = ldap_sslinit("DC.domain", 636, 1);
Error 0 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Server error: <empty>
Error <0x51>: Fail to connect to DC.domain.

Имея доступ к журналу событий System (Event viewer) на контроллере домена можно определить причину (коих может быть великое множество).
В данной заметке раскажу про часто встречающуюся проблему после конфигурации LDAPS, а именно ошибку аутентификации в Secure Channel (Schannel

Log Name:      System
Source:        Schannel
Date:          21.01.2016 12:28:12
Event ID:      36874
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      DC.domain
An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed.

Проблема заключается в том, что по умолчанию TLS 1.2 отключен на стороне сервера.

Конкретно в Вашем случае отключено может быть что угодно (SSL…,TLS….).

Соединение не удается и следом за Event ID:      36874 следует:

Log Name:      System
Source:        Schannel
Date:          21.01.2016 12:28:12
Event ID:      36888
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      DC.domain
A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 40. The Windows SChannel error state is 1205.


Решением является включение TLS 1.2.

Оперативно это можно выполнить через правку реестра путем создания ключа TLS 1.2ClientDisabledByDefault в ветке реестра HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocols

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocolsTLS 1.2ClientDisabledByDefault

Значение ключа DisabledByDefault должно быть выключено (1).

В случае проблем не с TLS 1.2 действия аналогичны. Более подробно параметры реестра для SCHANNEL можно посмотреть здесь.

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  • Question

  • Dear all,

    Im exeprence replication errors bettwen site to site replication.


    Repadmin can’t connect to a «home server», because of the following error.  Try
    specifying a different
    home server with /homeserver:[dns name]
    Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:

        LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down
        Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):
        Extended Information:

    This error occurs if I’m connected by the main WAN line (satilite), but if I change to backup line wokrs fine.

    I was in the way to troubleshooting this issue with Netowrk TEAM, and they ask me wich ports are use when replication occurs so they can troubleshoot it.

    I will kindly ask your help and add on this issue and also if you could provide details about all ports and flow of the replication.

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi,

    You need to check couple of the options to fix this issue.

    1. Check DNS settings on NIC (preferred should be itself if it holds DNS role)

    2. Repadmin /replsum at elivated command prompt. If you notice any errors work on that.

    3. Add Antivirus exceptions for SYSVOL, NTDS folders

    4. Restart Netlogon, DNS and ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns

    5. If none of the above options doesn’t work, provide us ipconfig /all and DCDiag /v logs for better understanding about the issue.

    • Edited by

      Saturday, December 1, 2012 3:06 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
  • You have to start that the traffic on your main WAN connection is not filtered. Active Directory ports used for AD replication should be opened in both directions:

    You can use PortQryUI to check the filtering.

    Of course, you should also check that the routing is correctly set for this connection. This can be checked using ping requests / responses (I suppose that ICMP traffic is not blocked).

    Note also that AD replication behind a NAT device is not supported. That is why you will need to check if one of the routers used or the main WAN connection is using NAT. If it is the case, you will need to disable it (In your case, with a dedicated site
    to site connection, NAT should not be required).

    Of course, dcdiag and repadmin commands should provide you with more details about the issue.

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

    • Edited by
      Mr XMVP
      Sunday, December 2, 2012 3:19 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:24 AM
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Dear all,

    Im exeprence replication errors bettwen site to site replication.


    Repadmin can’t connect to a «home server», because of the following error.  Try
    specifying a different
    home server with /homeserver:[dns name]
    Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:

        LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down
        Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):
        Extended Information:

    This error occurs if I’m connected by the main WAN line (satilite), but if I change to backup line wokrs fine.

    I was in the way to troubleshooting this issue with Netowrk TEAM, and they ask me wich ports are use when replication occurs so they can troubleshoot it.

    I will kindly ask your help and add on this issue and also if you could provide details about all ports and flow of the replication.

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi,

    You need to check couple of the options to fix this issue.

    1. Check DNS settings on NIC (preferred should be itself if it holds DNS role)

    2. Repadmin /replsum at elivated command prompt. If you notice any errors work on that.

    3. Add Antivirus exceptions for SYSVOL, NTDS folders

    4. Restart Netlogon, DNS and ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns

    5. If none of the above options doesn’t work, provide us ipconfig /all and DCDiag /v logs for better understanding about the issue.

    • Edited by

      Saturday, December 1, 2012 3:06 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
  • You have to start that the traffic on your main WAN connection is not filtered. Active Directory ports used for AD replication should be opened in both directions:

    You can use PortQryUI to check the filtering.

    Of course, you should also check that the routing is correctly set for this connection. This can be checked using ping requests / responses (I suppose that ICMP traffic is not blocked).

    Note also that AD replication behind a NAT device is not supported. That is why you will need to check if one of the routers used or the main WAN connection is using NAT. If it is the case, you will need to disable it (In your case, with a dedicated site
    to site connection, NAT should not be required).

    Of course, dcdiag and repadmin commands should provide you with more details about the issue.

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

    • Edited by
      Mr XMVP
      Sunday, December 2, 2012 3:19 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Yan Li_
      Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:24 AM


  1. Ldap error 81 0x51 server down
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Answered by:


Im exeprence replication errors bettwen site to site replication.

Repadmin can’t connect to a «home server», because of the following error. Try
specifying a different
home server with /homeserver:[dns name]
Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:

LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down
Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):
Extended Information:

This error occurs if I’m connected by the main WAN line (satilite), but if I change to backup line wokrs fine.

I was in the way to troubleshooting this issue with Netowrk TEAM, and they ask me wich ports are use when replication occurs so they can troubleshoot it.

I will kindly ask your help and add on this issue and also if you could provide details about all ports and flow of the replication.

Thanks in advance


You need to check couple of the options to fix this issue.

1. Check DNS settings on NIC (preferred should be itself if it holds DNS role)

2. Repadmin /replsum at elivated command prompt. If you notice any errors work on that.

3. Add Antivirus exceptions for SYSVOL, NTDS folders

4. Restart Netlogon, DNS and ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns

5. If none of the above options doesn’t work, provide us ipconfig /all and DCDiag /v logs for better understanding about the issue.

This article should help:

It mentions the ports used for various services.

Richard Mueller — MVP Directory Services

If the replication is working fine with backup line then it seems the issue somewhere with routing or ports of main line. You may refer the following article for AD replication ports.

If still issue persist, post dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum or replication error events to assist you further.

Abhijit Waikar.
MCSA | MCSA:Messaging | MCITP:SA | MCC:2012
Blog: http://abhijitw.wordpress.com
Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

You have to start that the traffic on your main WAN connection is not filtered. Active Directory ports used for AD replication should be opened in both directions: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727063.aspx

You can use PortQryUI to check the filtering.

Of course, you should also check that the routing is correctly set for this connection. This can be checked using ping requests / responses (I suppose that ICMP traffic is not blocked).

Note also that AD replication behind a NAT device is not supported. That is why you will need to check if one of the routers used or the main WAN connection is using NAT. If it is the case, you will need to disable it (In your case, with a dedicated site to site connection, NAT should not be required).

Of course, dcdiag and repadmin commands should provide you with more details about the issue.

This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Edited by Mr X MVP Sunday, December 2, 2012 3:19 PM
  • Marked as answer by Yan Li_ Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM

Portquery is free tool from the MS which can be downloaded and installed to verify the necessary ports are opened or not.
PortQryUI — User Interface for the PortQry Command Line Port Scanner (GUI version)

Agreed with MX regarding the DCs used with NAT are not supported configuration.
How to design AD and DNS System with NAT Networks

Hope this helps

Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

Did you see below article from the DS team.

DCDIAG Advertising test with error 81

Awinish Vishwakarma — MVP

Disclaimer This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

Im exeprence replication errors bettwen site to site replication.

Repadmin can’t connect to a «home server», because of the following error. Try
specifying a different
home server with /homeserver:[dns name]
Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:

LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down
Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):
Extended Information:

This error occurs if I’m connected by the main WAN line (satilite), but if I change to backup line wokrs fine.

I was in the way to troubleshooting this issue with Netowrk TEAM, and they ask me wich ports are use when replication occurs so they can troubleshoot it.

I will kindly ask your help and add on this issue and also if you could provide details about all ports and flow of the replication.

Thanks in advance

Just as an add I will like to mention that I have try the following :

If I test smb connection from both side and this happens:

Server b to a : \servernamesysvol connection fail

If I change to line backup all works.

You need to check couple of the options to fix this issue.

1. Check DNS settings on NIC (preferred should be itself if it holds DNS role)

2. Repadmin /replsum at elivated command prompt. If you notice any errors work on that.

3. Add Antivirus exceptions for SYSVOL, NTDS folders

4. Restart Netlogon, DNS and ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns

5. If none of the above options doesn’t work, provide us ipconfig /all and DCDiag /v logs for better understanding about the issue.

This article should help:

It mentions the ports used for various services.

Richard Mueller — MVP Directory Services

If the replication is working fine with backup line then it seems the issue somewhere with routing or ports of main line. You may refer the following article for AD replication ports.

If still issue persist, post dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum or replication error events to assist you further.

Abhijit Waikar.
MCSA | MCSA:Messaging | MCITP:SA | MCC:2012
Blog: http://abhijitw.wordpress.com
Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

You have to start that the traffic on your main WAN connection is not filtered. Active Directory ports used for AD replication should be opened in both directions: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727063.aspx

You can use PortQryUI to check the filtering.

Of course, you should also check that the routing is correctly set for this connection. This can be checked using ping requests / responses (I suppose that ICMP traffic is not blocked).

Note also that AD replication behind a NAT device is not supported. That is why you will need to check if one of the routers used or the main WAN connection is using NAT. If it is the case, you will need to disable it (In your case, with a dedicated site to site connection, NAT should not be required).

Of course, dcdiag and repadmin commands should provide you with more details about the issue.

This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Edited by Mr X MVP Sunday, December 2, 2012 3:19 PM
  • Marked as answer by Yan Li_ Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:23 AM

Portquery is free tool from the MS which can be downloaded and installed to verify the necessary ports are opened or not.
PortQryUI — User Interface for the PortQry Command Line Port Scanner (GUI version)

Agreed with MX regarding the DCs used with NAT are not supported configuration.
How to design AD and DNS System with NAT Networks

Hope this helps

Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

Just checking in to see if the suggestions were helpful. Please let us know if you would like further assistance.

If you have any feedback on our support, please click here .

Cataleya Li
TechNet Community Support

Did you see below article from the DS team.

DCDIAG Advertising test with error 81

Awinish Vishwakarma — MVP

Disclaimer This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

I have done with above troubleshooting and everything is fine, but issue is still persist. whenever I run «repadmin /replicate dest-ADC1 source-DC01 » it’s giving me error «LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down Server Win32 Error 0(0x0):» as per you I proving ipconfig /all and dcdiag result. please have a look and help me.

ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DC1
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : rk19.com
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : rk19.com

Ethernet adapter Ethernet0:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-0C-29-59-41-83
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::98ac:492b:fccb:b411%12(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 301993001
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-1F-93-61-78-00-0C-29-59-41-83
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : ::1
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
Trying to find home server.
Home Server = DC1
* Identified AD Forest.
Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

Testing server: Default-First-Site-NameDC1
Starting test: Connectivity
. DC1 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

Testing server: Default-First-Site-NameDC1
Starting test: Advertising
. DC1 passed test Advertising
Starting test: FrsEvent
. DC1 passed test FrsEvent
Starting test: DFSREvent
There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after
. DC1 failed test DFSREvent
Starting test: SysVolCheck
. DC1 passed test SysVolCheck
Starting test: KccEvent
. DC1 passed test KccEvent
Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
. DC1 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
Starting test: MachineAccount
. DC1 passed test MachineAccount
Starting test: NCSecDesc
. DC1 passed test NCSecDesc
Starting test: NetLogons
. DC1 passed test NetLogons
Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
. DC1 passed test ObjectsReplicated
Starting test: Replications
. DC1 passed test Replications
Starting test: RidManager
. DC1 passed test RidManager
Starting test: Services
. DC1 passed test Services
Starting test: SystemLog
. DC1 passed test SystemLog
Starting test: VerifyReferences
. DC1 passed test VerifyReferences

Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
. ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDo
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
. ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefVali

Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
. DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDo
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
. DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefVali

Running partition tests on : Schema
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
. Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
. Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

Running partition tests on : Configuration
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
. Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
. Configuration passed test CrossRefValid

Running partition tests on : rk19
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
. rk19 passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
. rk19 passed test CrossRefValidation

Running enterprise tests on : rk19.com
Starting test: LocatorCheck
. rk19.com passed test LocatorCheck
Starting test: Intersite
. rk19.com passed test Intersite


ldp.exe LDAPS Cannot open connection Error 81

April 21, 2020 04:30PM

Part 1: Install and configure certificate authority (CA) on Microsoft Windows server with Group Policy
Part 2: Configuring Secure LDAPs on Domain Controller
                       ldp.exe LDAPS Cannot open connection Error 81
Part 3: Install and Configure Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS)

While setting up a lab for Configuring Secure LDAPs on Domain Controller I faced an error. After deploying SSL on LDAP and testing AD connection using Ldp.exe utility, I was using IP address to connect.

ldp connection menu Connect server ip address vs fqdn Port 636 SSL connectionless vmware vpshere identity federation configuration vcenter 7 ldaps domain controller active directory certificate authority.png

Below is the error log on the screen.

ld = ldap_sslinit(«», 636, 1);
Error 0 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Server error: <empty>
Error <0x51>: Fail to connect to

There was also a popup box with warning message Cannot open connection.

vCenter identity federation ldp cannot open connection ldap over ssl 636 ldap_sslinit ldap_set_option hLdap error 81 server error empty error 0x51 fail to connect.png

To dig deeper I checked Event Viewer >> System Log and found Error Event ID 36869.

The TLS server credential’s certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure.

The TLS server credential's certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it LDAPs over ssl active directory domain controller vsphere 7 vcenter configuration.png

To troubleshoot further I checked SSL certificate deployed for LDAP on Domain Controller. On the personal (my) computer account go and check properties of LDAPS certificate. I checked Issued to, Subject CN and Certification Path. There was no IP mentioned. I used FQDN to connect on ldp.exe.

ldap over SSL certificate issued to subject name CN certification path public key parameter certificate template name valid vmware vsphere 7 identity federation certificate authority.png

After using FQDN (fully qualified domain name), LDAP connection over SSL to domain controller established successfully.

vmware vcenter vsphere 7 ldaps active directory error 81  ldap_sslinit ldap_connect cipher active directory certification services connection failed port 636 ldap over ssl.png

If you want to make sure LDAPs connection is using only your assigned SSL certificate, You can remove/delete unused and unwanted certificates from LocalMachine Personal (my) store on Domain Controller. Use below command to verify certificate

certutil -VerifyStore MY

vmware vsphere esxi vcenter 7 certificates personal certificates serial number certutil varifystory my ldap over ssl ldaps configuration ad cs configuration connection failed.png

If you have renewed certificate on the server make sure you update the same information on the Domain Controller with below procedure. Save below information to text file.

changetype: modify
add: renewServerCertificate
renewServerCertificate: 1

And execute command.

ldifde -i -f c:certenable_ldap.txt

ldifde enable ldap changetype modify renewservercertificate certification authority active directory domain controller ldap over ssl ldaps vmware vsphere vcenter 7 federation services identity.png

Useful Articles
Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL
Push SSL certificates to client computers using Group Policy
Replacing a default ESXi certificate with a CA-Signed certificate
Troubleshooting replacing a corrupted certificate on Esxi server
How to import default vCenter server appliance VMCA root certificate and refresh CA certificate on ESXi
How to replace default vCenter VMCA certificate with Microsoft CA signed certificate

Go Back

I would have expected more debug output. This looks like it’s from the very end of the TLS negotiation process, right when it fails. It would be helpful to see what led up to it.

However, as far as I can tell, it looks like the failure is in some way related to TLS renegotiation. The «waiting for close_notify or alert» indicates that the connection already considers itself closed, and it’s just waiting for either the socket to be closed or an SSL alert message with additional information, and the «state 3» indicates that it’s in the process of attempting to renegotiate the session.

Immediately after that, you can see that it reads data, but it’s not able to interpret it, and that leads to the «fatal, unexpected_message». It follows that by invalidating two existing TLS sessions, closing the connection, and throwing the exception that the LDAP SDK catches and wraps with its own LDAPException.

All of this is happening inside Java’s TLS processing code, and the LDAP SDK doesn’t really have much more control over or insight into what’s going on. Without debug information from earlier in the process, I can’t really say what caused the failure. I also don’t know why inserting a delay would change things. However, it does look like there had already been a couple of TLS sessions that had been successfully established. Given that there is a renegotiation in progress, maybe it’s related to an attempt to reuse a session that’s being destroyed or invalidated.

You mention that you’re using a custom socket factory. That also raises some questions:

  • Does that socket factory do anything unusual? Might it be invalidating sessions?
  • Might there be a thread safety problem in that socket factory that you had been protected from by defaulting to not allowing concurrent socket factory use in unrecognized JVM implementations in earlier versions of the LDAP SDK? Does the problem still occur if you call LDAPConnectionOptions.setAllowConcurrentSocketFactoryUse(false)? Perhaps injecting the delay has a similar effect to reducing contention and avoids the thread safety problem.
  • Do you see the problem if you take your socket factory out of the picture?

It also sounds like it only happens in one specific environment. It would obviously be good to look at what might be different in that environment, and especially related to the server’s TLS configuration, whether you have any networking equipment in the picture that might do weird things (especially something that might involve TLS, like a load balancer that acts as an SSL endpoint).

All of this is just speculation based on a few pieces of information, but it’s really about all there is to go on right now.

so, I it’s been about week since my last update — sorry.  Been stumped by this a while now obviously, but it only just now came to be pressing, as our CEO got a new Blackberry and we weren’t able to access the BES controls… likely due to this LDAP issue.  (It was configured to used windows authentication)

Following up on your last comment britv8 — the [isGlobalCatalogReady is false] was apparently false because those DCs did not have the global catalog enabled.  I’ve since enabled it on those servers for a better control group with fewer variables as I try to determine what is going on here.  I am still getting the LDAP errors.

Here’s what I’ve found thus far:


every DC gives the same error message response to:  repadmin /showreps /all /verbose («LDAP error 81 (Server Down) Win32 Err 58»)


nltest /dsgetdc:wcnb /force /gc 

every DC passes this test, and advertises the same flags: with the exception of the PDC which includes that flag: (GC DS LDAP KDC TIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE)


AD Replication Status Tool on my first scan revealed no errors in the replication status collection details, but did show a connection error of some sort — I’ve been unable to get that error message since I refreshed the replication status at any time.


Both my primary and secondary (at primary site) failed a [Netdiag /test:DNS].  error message as follows:


DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Failed

[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server for the name


The name ‘<mydc2>.’ may not be registered in DNS.

[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server for the name

‘<mydc2>.’. [ERROR_TIMEOUT]

The name ‘<mydc2>.’ may not be registered in DNS.

[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server for the name


The name ‘<mydc02>.’ may not be registered in DNS.

[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server for the name

‘<mydc02>.’. [WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ]

The name ‘<mydc02>.’ may not be registered in DNS.

[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server for the name

‘<mydc2>.’. [ERROR_TIMEOUT]

The name ‘<mydc2>.’ may not be registered in DNS.

[WARNING] The DNS entries for this DC are not registered correctly on DNS server ‘’. Please wait for 30 minutes for DNS server replication.

[FATAL] No DNS servers have the DNS records for this DC registered.


an alternate site DC passed with warning as follows:


DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed

PASS — All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server ‘<alternate site DC IP>‘ and other DCs also have some of the names registered.

[WARNING] The DNS entries for this DC are not registered correctly on DNS se

rver ‘<PDC IP Address>’. Please wait for 30 minutes for DNS server replication.


The other 3 DCs passed.


I’ve checked that each DC (IPV4) is looking to itself for primary DNS, and the PDC as it’s alternate.

In the process I notice that the PDC and the primary site alternate DC both have IPV6 enabled, and accompanying tunnel adapters.  (Some post that I have read have me leaning to this as my next direction in this investigation.)


While investigating DNS (which I am still learning) I noticed that one <mylocaldomain>_msdcs>GC>_sites was missing along with the tcp>_Ldap entry.

Restarting the Net Logon service seemed to resolve this missing site, without affecting the other errors already 


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Was this post helpful?

Название ошибки

0 (x’00)
Успешное завершение запроса.

1 (x’01)
Произошла ошибка операции.

2 (x’02)
Обнаружено нарушение протокола.

3 (x’03)
Превышено ограничение по времени LDAP.

4 (x’04)
Превышено ограничение по размеру LDAP.

5 (x’05)
Операция сравнения вернула «ложь».

6 (x’06)
Операция сравнения вернула «истину».

7 (x’07)
Сервер LDAP не поддерживает строгую аутентификацию.

8 (x’08)
Для данной операции требуется прохождение строгой аутентификации.

9 (x’09)
Возвращены только частичные результаты.

10 (x’0A)
Указывает, что в ответе присутствует отсылка LDAP. Данное сообщение будет содержать один или несколько LDAP URL, по которым клиент должен перенаправить последующие операции для получения данного DN.

11 (x’0B)
Указывает на то, что какие-либо ограничения, установленные на стороне сервера на количество записей, возвращаемое при поиске, были превышены.

12 (x’0C)
Указывает на то, что элемент управления или правило соответствия, запрашиваемые в операции, не поддерживаются данным сервером.

13 (x’0D)
Конфигурация данного сервера требует обеспечения какой-либо формы конфиденциальности (TLS/SSL или SASL) при выполнении подсоединения с предоставляемым DN, например, определённая на глобальном уровне или в разделе database директива security может требовать соблюдения некоторой формы SSF при выполнении simple_bind или операции обновления.

14 (x’0E)
Данный сервер в настоящий момент выполняет SASL-подсоединение и в этом контексте запрашиваемая операция является неверной.

15 (x’0F)
Не используется.

16 (x’10)
Указанный в запросе атрибут не присутствует в записи.

17 (x’11)
Указанный в запросе тип атрибута был неверным.

18 (x’12)
Указывает на то, что правило соответствия с расширяемым фильтром соответствия не поддерживается для указываемого типа атрибута.

19 (x’13)
Указываемое в операции значение атрибута нарушает некоторые ограничения.
Возможные причины:
1. Строка слишком большой длины.
2. Неверный тип — строка записывается в числовой атрибут.
3. Неправильное значение, например, атрибут может принимать только определённое значение, либо одно из набора значений.

20 (x’14)
Указываемый тип атрибута или значение атрибута уже присутствует в записи.
Возможные причины:
1. При добавлении записи — один или несколько атрибутов в LDIF (или операции добавления/замены) для записи в точности совпадают (дублируются).

21 (x’15)
Было указано неверное значение атрибута.

22 — 31
(x’16 — x’1F). Не используются.

32 (x’20)
Указанная запись не существует в каталоге (DIT).

33 (x’21)
Псевдоним в DIT указывает на несуществующую запись.

34 (x’22)
Был указан синтаксически неверный DN. Может также возникнуть, если Вы используете файл в формате LDIF (dn: cn=xxx и т.д.) с утилитой ldapdelete, которой требуется только указание простого DN.

35 (x’23)
Зарезервировано и не используется в LDAPv3 (LDAPv2: LDAP_IS_LEAF — указанный объект является листовым, то есть у него нет дочерних объектов).

36 (x’24)
Возникла проблема при разыменовании псевдонима. Смотрите также описание ошибки 33.

37 — 47
(x’25 — x’2F). Не используются.

48 (x’30)
Была указана проверка подлинности, которую невозможно осуществить, например, была указана LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE, а у записи нет атрибута userPassword.

49 (x’31)
Были предоставлены неверные учётные данные, например, неправильный пароль.
Дополнительный текст: unable to get TLS Client DN (невозможно получить DN клиента TLS).
Возможные причины:
1. Не предоставлен сертификат клиента в случае, если директива TLSVerifyClient установлена в ‘demand’.
2. Не предоставлен сертификат клиента в случае, если директива TLSVerifyClient установлена в ‘never’. В этом случае данное сообщение об ошибке не является фатальным и обслуживание клиента продолжается.

50 (x’32)
У данного пользователя недостаточно прав доступа на осуществление запрашиваемой операции.

51 (x’33)
Данный сервер (DSA) слишком занят, чтобы выполнить запрашиваемую операцию.

52 (x’34)
DSA недоступен. Он может быть, например, остановлен, поставлен на паузу или находится в процессе инициализации.

53 (x’35)
Данный сервер (DSA) не желает выполнять запрашиваемую операцию.
Дополнительный текст: no global superior knowledge (нет сведений о глобальном вышестоящем каталоге) — имя записи, которую собираются добавить или модифицировать, не находится ни в одном из контекстов именования и у сервера нет правильной отсылки на вышестоящий каталог.
Возможная причина: не задан атрибут olcSuffix (директива suffix в slapd.conf) для DIT, на которое идёт ссылка.
Дополнительный текст: Shadow context; no update referral (теневой контекст (реплика); отсылки для выполнения обновлений не указано) — DIT, в которое собираются вносить изменения, является репликой в режиме «только для чтения», и, из-за отсутствия директивы updateref, невозможно возвратить отсылку.
Возможные причины:
1. Была попытка произвести запись в реплику «только для чтения» (в конфигурации syncrepl потребитель всегда в режиме «только для чтения»).
2. В конфигурации syncrepl multi-master в файле slapd.conf возможно пропущена директива mirrormode true.
3. Если slapd при запуске использовал файл slapd.conf, а директория slapd.d (cn=config) также существует, то при последующих модификациях DIT могут возникать ошибки с выдачей этого сообщения. В частности, в FreeBSD требуется наличие явного указания в rc.conf (slapd_cn_config=»YES») для принудительного использования slapd.d.

54 (x’36)
Выявлено зацикливание.

54 — 59
(x’37 — x’3B). Не используются.

60 (x’3C)
В стандартах не используется. Только для Sun LDAP Directory Server. Сервер не получил требуемый элемент управления сортировки на стороне сервера.

61 (x’3D)
В стандартах не используется. Только для Sun LDAP Directory Server. Результаты запроса превысили диапазон, указанный в запросе.

62 — 63
(x’3E — x’3F). Не используются.

64 (x’40)
Указывает на то, что данный запрос содержит нарушение именования в отношении текущего DIT.

65 (x’41)
Произошло нарушение объектного класса при использовании текущего набора схемы данных, например, при добавлении записи был пропущен обязательный (must) атрибут.

66 (x’42)
Операция на нелистовой записи (то есть той, у которой есть дочерние записи) не разрешается.

67 (x’43)
Операция над RDN, например, удаление атрибута, использующегося в качестве RDN в DN, не разрешается.

68 (x’44)
Данная запись уже существует в этом DIT.

69 (x’45)
Не разрешена модификация объектного класса.

70 (x’46)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Результаты слишком велики и не могут содержаться в данном сообщении.

71 (x’47)
Указывает на то, что операцию необходимо выполнить на нескольких серверах (DSA), а это не разрешено.

72 — 79
(x’48 — x’4F). Не используются.

80 (x’50)
Произошла неизвестная ошибка.
Возможная причина:
Попытка удаления атрибута (особенно в cn=config), удаление которого запрещено.
Дополнительный текст: olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: No such file or directory
Возможная причина: перед инициализацией новой базы данных директория для её размещения должна существовать.

81 (x’51)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Библиотека LDAP не может связаться с LDAP-сервером.

82 (x’52)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Произошла некоторая локальная ошибка. Обычно это неудачная попытка выделения динамической памяти.

83 (x’53)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Произошла ошибка при кодировании параметров, отправляемых на LDAP-сервер.

84 (x’54)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Произошла ошибка при декодировании результатов, полученных от LDAP-сервера.

85 (x’55)
Только C API (черновой RFC). При ожидании результатов было превышено ограничение по времени.

86 (x’56)
Только C API (черновой RFC). В ldap_bind() был указан неизвестный метод аутентификации.

87 (x’57)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Операции ldap_search() был предоставлен неправильный фильтр (например, количество открывающихся и закрывающихся скобок в фильтре не совпадает).

88 (x’58)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Указывает на то, что пользователь прервал запрошенную операцию.

89 (x’59)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Процедура ldap была вызвана с неверными параметрами.

90 (x’5A)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Выделение памяти (например, с помощью malloc(3) или другого механизма динамического выделения памяти) вызвало сбой в процедуре из библиотеки ldap.

91 (x’5B)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Библиотека/клиент не может соединиться с LDAP-сервером, указанным в URL.

92 (x’5C)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Указывает на то, что в запросе используется функция, не поддерживаемая данным сервером.

93 (x’5D)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Запрашиваемый элемент управления не найден на данном сервере.

94 (x’5E)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Запрашиваемая операция завершилась успешно, но никаких результатов возвращено (получено) не было.

95 (x’5F)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Запрашиваемая операция завершилась успешно, но должны быть возвращены дополнительные результаты, которые можно уместить в текущее сообщение.

96 (x’60)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Клиент выявил зацикливание, например, при следовании по отсылкам.

97 (x’61)
Только C API (черновой RFC). Сервер или клиент превысил какое-либо установленное ограничение при следовании по отсылкам.

Recently I run into the problem where Exchange return with the error:

“An Active Directory error 0x51 occured when trying to check the suitability of Server…”


Weird thing this happened not for all commands. It was somehow randomly, but this caused several issues:

  • prompt for credential (which was the most ugly side effect!)
  • errors in scripts
  • CmdLets didn’t return all values
  • …..

When I first saw this error I had a déjà-vu. Last year I had a very long running case with Microsoft, where I had the very similar errors. But back in time Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2 was affected. After several Gigabyte of network and LDAP traces it turned out to be an ICMP issue on the OS level:

The LDAP check is using ICMP to evaluate whether the server is up or down. And there was a bug in the ICMP stack, which result in an 0x51 LDAP error even the server was up and healthy. Read this KB for more information.

But now I started seeing this for Exchange 2013 CU10 on Windows Server 2012 R2.

How bad is it?

First I needed to know if this happens on a few server or on all. Therefore I needed to crawl the event logs across all Exchange servers for the EventID 2070. To speed things up I wrote the following function:

function Collect-Events (){
    [string] $computername = $env:computername,
    [parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false,Position=1)]
    [string]$EventID = '2070',
    [parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false,Position=2)]
    [string]$Eventlog = 'Application',
    [parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false,Position=3)]
    [DateTime]$StartTime = $((Get-Date).AddHours(-12)),
    [parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false,Position=4)]
        Write-Host "Processing $Computername....."
        If ($Severity) {
        switch ($Severity) {
            "Critical"      {$level = 1}
            "Error"         {$level = 2}
            "Warning"       {$level = 3}
            "Information"   {$level = 4}
            "Verbose"       {$level = 5}
            Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $Computername -FilterHashtable @{logname=$Eventlog;id=$EventID;StartTime=$StartTime;Level=$level} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Else {
            Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $Computername -FilterHashtable @{logname=$Eventlog;id=$EventID;StartTime=$StartTime} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

This function has already the correct Event Log(Application) and EventID(2070) predefined. Now you can easily search across your Exchange servers. The following example search for EventID 2070 within the last 2 hours:

$2070 = Get-ExchangeServer | Collect-Events -StartTime (Get-Date).addhours(-2)

It turned out to be a general issue and not only on a few servers. Feel free to use this function to search for different events.

Root cause

After turning on logging for MSExchange ADAccess I could see the servers were heavily using Out-of-Site DC’s and GC’s. Shortly I’ve found the following KB, which explained a lot:


Before you start panic: This is only an issue in larger environments with multiple AD sites! Smaller ones shouldn’t be affected. Just to get an idea: In my case we have over 280 AD sites across the globe and not always the needed network bandwidth and latency, which is in general okay as in our scenario Exchange shouldn’t contact the most of them.

How to fix?

To fix this issue and change the behavior you just have to follow the KB article and edit the file Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe.config, and restart the service MSExchangeADTopology.

I have to admin just to restart this service sounds easy, but in the end you have to reboot the server. Not always all depending services could be gracefully restarted with MSExchangeADTopology service.


This change was made in CU6. From Microsoft perspective I understand why the change was made. Cloudwise it makes sense, but for larger on-premise installations this could really cause issue.

I hope this helps someone!

I am unable to connect to any of my 3 Server 2012 R2 Domain Controllers using LDP.exe to port 636 SSL. Even when running the tool on the DCs themselves, I receive the following errors: ld = ldap_sslinit(«my,domain.com», 636, 1); Error 0 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL); Server error: <empty>. As a result, I get an error message that reads «Fail to connect to my.domain.com» with an error code of <0x51>. To resolve this issue, I could try specifying a different home server with /homeserver:[dns name]. Unfortunately, an LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error: LDAP Error 81(0x51).

Table of contents

  • LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down Server Win32 Error 0(0x0)
  • AWS Active Directory LDAPS «cannot open connection» via ldap.exe tool
  • Cannot connect using LDP.exe to DC on 636 SSL LDAPS
  • Enabling LDAPS: Cannot get to open port 636
  • How to troubleshoot LDAP over SSL connection problems?
  • What is the error State for LDAP port 10001?
  • Does LDAPS use client authentication certificates?
  • Does LDAPS work with port 636?

LDAP Error 81(0x51): Server Down Server Win32 Error 0(0x0)


Dear all,

I have encountered errors in replicating between different sites.


When attempting to connect to a «home server», Repadmin encounters an error and cannot establish a connection. To rectify the issue, you can try specifying a different home server using the command line option /homeserver:[dns name]. The error message displayed states that an
LDAP lookup
operation has failed.

The Win32 server encountered an error with code 0 (0x0) and provided additional details.

When connected through the main WAN line (satellite),
error occurs
experiences issues. However, switching to the backup line resolves the problem.

While troubleshooting an issue with the Network Team, they inquired about the specific ports utilized during replication to aid in their troubleshooting efforts.

Could you kindly assist me with this issue and also furnish me with information regarding the replication’s ports and flow?

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:


To resolve this problem, you should select a few available choices.

Verify the DNS configuration on the NIC and ensure that the preferred DNS server is set to itself if it is functioning as a DNS server.

Execute the «Repadmin /replsum» command on an elevated command prompt and address any errors that are detected.

Include exemptions for antivirus in the directories of SYSVOL and NTDS.

Initiate the Netlogon, DNS and execute the commands ‘ipconfig /flushdns’ and ‘ipconfig /registerdns’ to restart the system.

In case the aforementioned solutions do not prove useful, please furnish us with the ipconfig /all and DCDiag /v records to gain a deeper insight into the problem.

Solution 2:

This article should help:

Visit the following link for information about firewall settings and replication: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/584.

It refers to the different services and their corresponding port numbers.

MVP Directory Services is held by Richard Mueller.

Solution 3:


If the backup line is functioning properly during replication, then the problem may lie with the routing or ports of the primary line. To address this, you can consult the article on AD replication ports.

A blog post titled «Active Directory Firewall Ports — Let’s Try To Make This Simple» by Ace Fekay on msmvps.com discusses the topic of firewall ports in relation to Active Directory.

In case the problem persists, you can provide more assistance by sharing dcdiag /q, repadmin /replsum, or any error events related to replication.

Warm greetings,
Abhijit Waikar here, holding certifications in MCSA, MCSA:Messaging, MCITP:SA, and MCC:2012. You can find my blog at http://abhijitw.wordpress.com. Please note that this message is being shared «AS IS» without any assurances or legal rights.

Solution 4:

Before proceeding, ensure that your main
WAN connection
is not blocking traffic. To enable AD replication, make sure that the Active Directory ports are open in both directions. Refer to this link for more details: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727063.aspx

Utilizing PortQryUI can help verify the filtration.

Verifying the accuracy of the routing configuration for this connection is crucial. It can be confirmed by conducting ping tests and receiving responses. It is assumed that the ICMP traffic is not restricted.

It’s important to keep in mind that AD replication cannot function properly if there is a NAT device involved. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, it’s necessary to verify whether any of the routers or the primary WAN connection are utilizing NAT. If it turns out that NAT is being used, you’ll have to disable it. However, in your situation, creating a dedicated site-to-site connection shouldn’t be necessary.

Naturally, both «dcdiag» and «repadmin» commands can offer further information regarding the problem.

This post is offered as it is, without any guarantees or warranties, and does not grant any rights.

Issues connecting to Azure AD DS, Thanks for the update @saurabhsharma-msft, i was able to fix the connection issue by creating a new self-signed certificate with the same steps, …


While the LDAP tool works perfectly with port 389, attempting to connect via 636 to the device below results in an error message that appears in a dialogue box reading «cannot open connection».

Can anyone identify the item shown in the screenshot below? Just to clarify, I am utilizing AWS Managed AD.

ld = ldap_sslinit("WIN-TABC3JEHV2S.dev.test.local", 636, 1);
Error 81 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Server error: 
Error <0x51>: Fail to connect to WIN-TABC3JEHV2S.dev.test.local.

Kindly take note that the substitute name used in the code snippet above is different from the one shown in the screenshot, as it was added due to sensitivity reasons.

The LDAP tool on the server I am utilizing triggers a warning message with Event ID 6038 which is associated with NTLM.

The CA server is generating both Warning 8018 and Error 10016 events, as shown below.

SUBORDINATECA   8018    Warning Microsoft-Windows-DNS Client Events System  1/11/2021 12:59:23 PM
SUBORDINATECA   10016   Error   Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM    System  1/11/2021 12:47:07 PM

Solution 1:

To obtain further information regarding the cause of the error, it is necessary to inspect the Windows event viewer.

Event Viewer >> System Log

Check out this link on VCloud-Lab, which provides information on resolving the «cannot open connection error 81» issue for LDAPS using ldp.exe in Active Directory.

Solution 2:

The issue was successfully resolved by identifying an error in the event log with ID 8018 which was related to DNS. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the DNS entries for the CA server were not correctly assigned due to a redeployment. It was necessary to add the correct IP address and wait for approximately 60 minutes for DNS to refresh. After that, a successful connection was established via SSL using the LDAP tool.

LDAP over SSL using third party SSL, LDAP over SSL using third party SSL. I configure LDAP on windows 2016 DC and during setup I selected default port 50001 for SSL. After installing …

Cannot connect using LDP.exe to DC on 636 SSL LDAPS


I have 3 Server 2012 R2
domain controller

I’m unable to establish an SSL connection with any of them via LDP.exe to
port 636

Upon conducting the tool on the DCs directly, the ensuing results are as follows:

The function ldap_sslinit is used to establish a secure connection with the LDAP server of «my.domain.com» by specifying the port number as 636 and enabling SSL with a value of 1.

The line of code reads as follows: «ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);» which sets the protocol version to 3 for the ldap connection.

The code line
(hLdap, NULL) generates Error 81.

Server error
: <empty>

The connection to my.domain.com failed with error code <0x51>.

The function ldap_sslinit is utilized to establish a secure connection with the server named «dc01.my,domain.com» on port number 636 with a value of 1.

Error 81 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
, 3);

The code line «ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL)» generates Error 81.

Server error: <empty>

Connection to dc01.my.domain.com failed due to Error <0x51>.

I stumbled upon a registry hack that advises inserting a Dword into HKLM/CurrentControlset/control/services/LDAP of UsehostnameAsAlias, with a value that is not 0. However, this method did not solve my problem.

Despite the successful reception of a Cert from the Forest level CA by each domain controller, the issue still persists.

Please Advise

At the time of scripting, the knowledge of my actions was only between God and me. However, presently, only God is aware of it.


Greetings Wasisname! With the successful verification of
TCP connectivity
on the machine, it’s worth considering trying a different approach to access the DC. You can attempt to access one of them from your workstation that is joined to the domain. To do this, just download LDAP Admin 1.6.1 and make a connection to the DC through the tool instead. This option is recommended as LDP.exe is not as user-friendly.

You can download LDAPAdmin from the website http://www.ldapadmin.org/download/ldapadmin.html.

LDAP over SSL on Windows 2012R2 Server DCs, I’ve had this issue with OpenSSL 1.0.1+ as it has support for TLSv1.2. When OpenSSL establishes the connection to AD LDAP it sends its client cipher …

Enabling LDAPS: Cannot get to open port 636


I possess a domain controller that features Active Directory (AD) and I aim to enable LDAPS on it, thereby allowing me to securely access the AD. To achieve this objective, I have utilized the instructions outlined in this guide: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2980.ldap-over-ssl-ldaps-certificate.aspx

After completing the steps for «Publishing a Certificate that Supports
Server Authentication
» and «Exporting the LDAPS Certificate and Importing for use with AD DS,» I checked netstat and found that port 636 is open. However, the IP address associated with it is, indicating that it cannot be accessed from outside. Although the plain LDAP is functioning properly and appears as open for both and my domain controller’s IP address in netstat, I am unable to access the domain controller through LDAPS.

Is there an issue? Did I overlook a step in the instructions? Is there anything else I should do? I evaluated LDAP and
LDAPS connection
using the Active Directory Administration Tool.

The result that LDP.EXE produces is as follows:

ld = ldap_sslinit("", 636, 1);
Error 81 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Server error: 
Error <0x51>: Fail to connect to

Solution 1:

The issue was caused by my attempt to connect using the IP address instead of the DNS name associated with the certificate. However, the problem has been resolved and it is now functioning properly.

Solution 2:

Our team dedicated two weeks to address the issue, and I delved into numerous articles regarding it. Ultimately, we discovered that the problem lay in the certification name not matching. Our application only registered the occurrence of error 81, while LDP.exe was able to authenticate without issue. Even our webservices authenticated properly, but as soon as the ACK RST message was received from the ldap server, error 81 appeared. To resolve this, we utilized
host files
on the windows server to align the IP with the expected DNS, which successfully resolved the issue.

Error Enabling LDAP over SSL (using IP to connect), I’ve followed the official tutorial to enable LDAP over SSL. When I test the connection locally with Ldp.exe using the DN or CN, port 636 and SSL …

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