Ошибка inpa sys 0005

Доброго времени суток, решил по-тихоньку приводить автомобиль в порядок, решил начать с электронной диагностики. Установил Inpa и Rheingold по большой инструкции с Drive2, но начались проблемы.

Inpa никак не хочет работать, уже несколько раз переустанавливал, при попытке подключения выдает ошибку SYS-0005.


Обратил внимание, что после обновления файлов вручную она стала немного по другому выглядеть, вместо BMW Group Rectifications Programs UK она стала BMW Group Rectifications Programs USA. Так же пропала кнопка с автоматическим определением машины.


Так же, в информации нету никаких данных о EDIBAS, стоят просто вопросительные знаки.


Rheingold в свою очередь работает, определяет машину, находит ошибки и удаляет их, но никакой полезной информации о ошибках и на каком пробеге они появились он не пишет. Так же отсутствует описание ошибок.


Операционная система Windows 10, провод K+DCAN с али, на нем есть переключатель, я так понимаю, чтобы замыкать 7 и 8 контакты. Подключаюсь через переходник на 20 pin, так как машина 1998 года, OBD в ней еще нету.

Понимаю, что таких вопросов очень много, возможно решения у них одинаковые, но ответа в интернете я так и не смог найти, уже третий день не могу понять, что за ошибки в машине и куда мне лезть.

Заранее спасибо за внимание.

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  • INPA Sys 0005 Object Not Found (E36)

  1. INPA Sys 0005 Object Not Found (E36)

    Hey guys, been trying to get INPA to talk to my car via the 20 pin connector under hood and it just doesn’t want to acknowledge that the car exists.

    Any ideas on where to start?

  2. Start by telling us what hardware you are using.

    Sys-0005 typically means the file path was not setup correctly in the Windows «Environmental Variables». (you need to add ;c:\ediabas\bin)

  3. Quote Originally Posted by KevinMullins
    View Post

    Start by telling us what hardware you are using. Sys-0005 typically means the file path was not setup correctly in the Windows «Environmental Variables». (you need to add ;c:\ediabas\bin)

    I’m using INPA 5.01 I believe and a round pin to obd2 to usb cable. How can I add that?

  4. «5. Verify environment variables

    1. Go into Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings.
    2. Select ‘Environment Variables’ and then verify that the System Variables ‘TMP’ and ‘TEMP’ both contain the path ‘C:\EDIABAS\Bin’ within the ‘Value’ string — for instance «C:\Windows\Temp;C:\EDIABAS\Bin».»

    Giftschrank Projekt

  5. Quote Originally Posted by enda320
    View Post

    «5. Verify environment variables 1. Go into Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings. 2. Select ‘Environment Variables’ and then verify that the System Variables ‘TMP’ and ‘TEMP’ both contain the path ‘C:\EDIABAS\Bin’ within the ‘Value’ string — for instance «C:\Windows\Temp;C:\EDIABAS\Bin».»

    Alright I did but I’m still receiving the same error. Any ideas on what to try next?

  6. Bump still having trouble!

  7. Look in the C:\INPA\SGDAT folder and see if it has a bunch of files or just a few.

  8. Hey guys,

    I am having the same issues as described by OP, on e36 1995 m52b20 engine that uses siemens ecu ms 41.0.

    I have tied bunch of different Inpa versions included in Mike’s, standard tools, bimmergeeks, etc… I am able to communicate with EWS module, Airbag, etc, but unable to read the DME, ecu which is my main goal. Since I have went through the major engine overhaul and reseal and I currently have no fuel no spark issue at hand, my main suspect is Crank position sensor (bought new last year), but wanted to read the trouble codes. I am sourcing the used CPS sensor to see if that will solve the no start no spark issue.

    I am using the round connector under the hood to OBD2 to usb.

    I checked the environment variables all good there. The 7 and 8 pin are soldered. Do you have additional suggestions what I can try to get INPA to read my DME?

    Last edited by dejan88; 06-05-2023 at 08:01 AM.



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When you finish install BMW INPA Software , you need to connect the INPA K+DCAN Interface to the computer and setting the driver, then you can diagnostic your car .

There are some problems maybe happen during setting the driver. The following is the reasons of these problems and we will give some solutions to you solve the problems.

1.1 Driver Error

Message comes along with an ADS or OBD connector.
This error occurs if another program or device has taken the COM1 port of your PC.
If you want to work with EDIABAS or INPA, please make sure that the COM1 port is not taken.

1.2 DirectNt.sys can’t be opened

This error only occurs with an NT computer if the ADS driver hasn’t been installed.
The instructions for installing the ADS driver can be found in the “Installation Guide/Update Guide” ADS_DOKU.pdf in the directory C:EDIABASHardwareADS or on the Intranet page: 


1.3 IFH-0002: Interface isn’t connected or doesn’t respond

Reason: In the Ediabas.ini file, the interface is set to STD:FUNK. However you haveconnected an ADS or OBD connector.Solution: Modify the interface setting in Ediabas.ini.

1.4 IFH-0003: Data transmission HOST/Interface failed

Reason 1: In the Ediabas.ini file, the interface is set to STD:OBD. However, you haveconnected an ADS connector.Solution 1: Modify the interface settin

Reason 2: The data transmission failed when sending (e.g. short circuit in the line).
Solution 2: Get rid of the short circuit, for example.

Reason 3: Connector not connected or no power supplied.
Solution 3: Check whether the connector is connected and is supplied with power.

Reason 4: The device manager has been used to disable the FIFO buffer for COM1.
Solution 4: In the device manager (Windows XP: Enter “Start” “Control Panel” “System” “Hardware” “Device Manager” Ports (COM & LPT)), and then select COM1 from the ports. Then under the “Port Settings” tab, select “Advanced”. There must be a check-mark by “Use FIFO buffers” and “8” must be selected for the receive buffer and transmit puffer.

BMW INPA Software Interface failed

1.5 IFH-0010: Data transmission to control unit disturbed

This problem can occur with XP computers with the OBD interface.

Reason: With Windows XP, it is not possible to automatically set the receive and transmit buffers using OBDSetup.exe, like in Windows NT.
Solution: Set the receive and transmit buffers to 8 as shown in the following:
Use Start,  My Computer,  Control Panel,  System, Hardware,  Device, Manager, Ports (COM & LPT) and then click with the right mouse button to call up the properties of the COM port that is being used. Under the Port Settings tab, set the Data bits of the receive and transmit buffers to 8

1.6 IFH-0013: Command not implemented

Reason: The error was caused by another programme that accessed the COM1 interface.
Usually, the “HotSync” programme is installed on the computer for the organiser.
Solution: Check the programmes that are started automatically when Windows is started

1.7 Error: EBAS32.EXE not found or illegal version!

This error occurs if the path variable is set with the path C:EDIABASBIN in the system and
user variables (Start My Computer Control Panel System Advanced and then in
the “Environment“ tab).

bmw inpa software installed error

1.8 EDIABAS error: Error (95) SYS-0005: OBJECT FILE NOT FOUND

Solution 1: Copy the SGBD into the Ecu directory.

Reason 2: No group file in C:EDIABASECU (for group call)
Solution 2: Copy the group file to C:EDIABASECU

Reason 3: No path definition C:EDIABASBIN
Solution 3: Set the system variable (see 2.1)

Reason 4: Incorrect path definition in EDIABAS.INI
Solution 4: Set the EcuPath path in Ediabas.ini to C:EDIABASECU

Reason 5: The SGBD name contains reserved characters or is too long. Only 8 characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, “_”).


ADS Interface:
The following error appears when Ediabas is started: Createfile_error: OPEN

OBD Interface:
The following error appears when Ediabas is started: Error 28: IFH 0018- INITIALIZATION

ERROR. (Also see Section 3.3)
Reason: Ediabas is attempting to access port COM1. However, the port doesn’t exist, or it has been taken by another programme (e.g. HotSync from Palm, infrared).
Solution: Install a COM1 interface or free it

1.10 Battery and Ignition not recognised

Reason: With a Dell Latitude D600 laptop, pin 9 has no function and it is therefore not
able to correctly recognise the battery status.

Solution 1: Use OBD via USB, see C:EDIABASBININI.PDF Chapter 2.2 for this.
Solution 2: The laptop is connected to the docking station.
Solution 3: Workaround for the OBD driver as of February 2004: A file “OBD.ini” must be created in the directory C:WINDOWS for Windows XP, or alternatively C:WINNT for Windows NT, with the following entry. This is because with UBATT=OFF, the battery status is not determined via hardware, but is permanently set to “Battery voltage available”. Also see OBD_DOKU.pdf in the EdiabasHardwareOBD directory.
Entry in OBD.ini:


1.11 Warning when starting OBD Setup

BMW INPA Software error

A warning occurs when starting C:EDIABASHARDWAREOBDOBDSetup.exe. 

After You want to start Tool Set or INPA,  you will get the following error message:

bmw inpa software installed warning

Reason: The value of the variable DWORD (here RxFIFO) can not be set by OBDSetup.exe.
Solution: You have to set the value of the DWORT in the registry. You have to open the Regedit by using Start Ausführen… enter regedit OK. Choose the following path in the regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE system current control set click on Services. On the right side of the window You can click on the name of the DWORd value which is defective (here RxFIFO). Enter the value 8 with the base hexadecimal. Click Ok an close the regedit. Now You can start the Tool Set or INPA without an error.
If  You have warnings for other DWORDs when startig OBDSetup.exe, You will have to set the value of the coloum „Expected“ for the wrong value in the registry.

bmw inpa software registrierungs editor

bmw inpa software

1.12 ERROR C1015: Too Many String Variables in Job

Reason: In a job only a maximum of 6 string-variables is acceptable.
Solution: You have to reduce the number of variables.

1.13 Failure: EDIABAS Fehler 159, NET-0009: TIMEOUT

bmw inpa software Fehler

Reason 1: The configuration for the remotehost is false.
Solution 1: Set the corresponding networkname for the remotehost in the configuration file EDIABAS.INI.
Reason 2: The inface-cable on the OPPS is not correct.
Solution 2: You need a special OPPS-Cable for the connection with the CAN-BUS. (since type series L6)
Reason 3: In the remotecontrol the OPPS-interface is used by default (since EDIABAS 7.0). The remotecontrol between two PC’s is not possible with this configuration.
Solution 3: Close all diagnosticapplications and EDIABAS-Processes that are running and open the file “remote_mit_pc.bat” in the directory C:EDIABASbin.

1.14 Failure: The name of the file or folder can t be changed

bmw inpa software fehler

Reason: EDIABAS or another component of EDIABAS is still open.
Solution: You have to shut down the diagnosticapplication and EDIABAS. If necessary, the fileexplorer and the editors which access the EDIABAS-Directory have to close as well

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Error message 1:

ApiCheckJobStatus: Error #95
API job error or no such result !


Ediabas error #95 means that some INPA script (.IPO file) is requesting a result from some .prg file that does not exist. This is most probably caused by a missing .prg file.

Error message 2:

2.5 IFH-0018: Inizialisation Error

INPA doesn’t work but Toolset yet

The error occurs if a SGBD is running by INPA or CASCADE. If the same SGBD is loaded in

the Toolset it will not occure an inizialisation error.

Reason : The communications port COM1 doesn’ exist, but COM3 yet. The Toolset is

working without the inizialisation error, because the file OBD.ini exists in the

directory C:\Ediabas\bin\. But the file OBD.ini has to exist in the direcory


Solution: Copy the file OBD.ini in the directory C:\Windows or create a new one. (Creation

of OBD.ini q.v. 3.3).

Error message 3:

Edibas error:

ApiCheckJobStatus: Error #28


API job error or no such result!


IFH-0018: INITIALIZATION ERROR. Das Programm wird abgebrochen!


Reason: Ediabas is attempting to access port COM1. However, the port doesn’t exist, or it

has been taken by another programme (e.g. HotSync from Palm, infrared).

Solution: Install a COM1 interface or free it.

Real feedback on INPA initialization error with solution above:

Yesterday my BMW INPA K+DCAN software showed error: INITIALIZATION ERROR. killed several hours with this knock-off. The car i connected to is BMW 2011 – e92 – LCI.

To set the COM to 1, obd.ini is also COM1.

I seek help from forums and one of them provided a solution to the problem:
(solution offered by an experienced user with K+Dcan cable)

Modify the EDIBAS.INI as follows
; Description : server address/name
; Default = –
; RemoteHost = Desmo16
Desmo16 being my computer’s name (note that this must be maximum 8 chars)
; Description : IP communication port
; Value : 1000 < port < 3000
; Spezialfall OP(P)S /ICOM:
; Value : 6801 ;OBD-Treiber (CAN)
; Value : 6802 ;Most-Treiber
; Default = –
; Port = 6801
OBD2 notice that you should be sure port is 6801 as mine was 3000. It worked like a charm after i made these mods.

When you finish install BMW INPA Software , you need to connect the INPA K+DCAN Interface to the computer and setting the driver, then you can diagnostic your car .

There are some problems maybe happen during setting the driver. The following is the reasons of these problems and we will give some solutions to you solve the problems.

1.1 Driver Error

Message comes along with an ADS or OBD connector.
This error occurs if another program or device has taken the COM1 port of your PC.
If you want to work with EDIABAS or INPA, please make sure that the COM1 port is not taken.

1.2 DirectNt.sys can’t be opened

This error only occurs with an NT computer if the ADS driver hasn’t been installed.
The instructions for installing the ADS driver can be found in the “Installation Guide/Update Guide” ADS_DOKU.pdf in the directory C:EDIABASHardwareADS or on the Intranet page: 


1.3 IFH-0002: Interface isn’t connected or doesn’t respond

Reason: In the Ediabas.ini file, the interface is set to STD:FUNK. However you haveconnected an ADS or OBD connector.Solution: Modify the interface setting in Ediabas.ini.

1.4 IFH-0003: Data transmission HOST/Interface failed

Reason 1: In the Ediabas.ini file, the interface is set to STD:OBD. However, you haveconnected an ADS connector.Solution 1: Modify the interface settin

Reason 2: The data transmission failed when sending (e.g. short circuit in the line).
Solution 2: Get rid of the short circuit, for example.

Reason 3: Connector not connected or no power supplied.
Solution 3: Check whether the connector is connected and is supplied with power.

Reason 4: The device manager has been used to disable the FIFO buffer for COM1.
Solution 4: In the device manager (Windows XP: Enter “Start” “Control Panel” “System” “Hardware” “Device Manager” Ports (COM & LPT)), and then select COM1 from the ports. Then under the “Port Settings” tab, select “Advanced”. There must be a check-mark by “Use FIFO buffers” and “8” must be selected for the receive buffer and transmit puffer.

BMW INPA Software Interface failed

1.5 IFH-0010: Data transmission to control unit disturbed

This problem can occur with XP computers with the OBD interface.

Reason: With Windows XP, it is not possible to automatically set the receive and transmit buffers using OBDSetup.exe, like in Windows NT.
Solution: Set the receive and transmit buffers to 8 as shown in the following:
Use Start,  My Computer,  Control Panel,  System, Hardware,  Device, Manager, Ports (COM & LPT) and then click with the right mouse button to call up the properties of the COM port that is being used. Under the Port Settings tab, set the Data bits of the receive and transmit buffers to 8

1.6 IFH-0013: Command not implemented

Reason: The error was caused by another programme that accessed the COM1 interface.
Usually, the “HotSync” programme is installed on the computer for the organiser.
Solution: Check the programmes that are started automatically when Windows is started

1.7 Error: EBAS32.EXE not found or illegal version!

This error occurs if the path variable is set with the path C:EDIABASBIN in the system and
user variables (Start My Computer Control Panel System Advanced and then in
the “Environment“ tab).

bmw inpa software installed error

1.8 EDIABAS error: Error (95) SYS-0005: OBJECT FILE NOT FOUND

Solution 1: Copy the SGBD into the Ecu directory.

Reason 2: No group file in C:EDIABASECU (for group call)
Solution 2: Copy the group file to C:EDIABASECU

Reason 3: No path definition C:EDIABASBIN
Solution 3: Set the system variable (see 2.1)

Reason 4: Incorrect path definition in EDIABAS.INI
Solution 4: Set the EcuPath path in Ediabas.ini to C:EDIABASECU

Reason 5: The SGBD name contains reserved characters or is too long. Only 8 characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, “_”).


ADS Interface:
The following error appears when Ediabas is started: Createfile_error: OPEN

OBD Interface:
The following error appears when Ediabas is started: Error 28: IFH 0018- INITIALIZATION

ERROR. (Also see Section 3.3)
Reason: Ediabas is attempting to access port COM1. However, the port doesn’t exist, or it has been taken by another programme (e.g. HotSync from Palm, infrared).
Solution: Install a COM1 interface or free it

1.10 Battery and Ignition not recognised

Reason: With a Dell Latitude D600 laptop, pin 9 has no function and it is therefore not
able to correctly recognise the battery status.

Solution 1: Use OBD via USB, see C:EDIABASBININI.PDF Chapter 2.2 for this.
Solution 2: The laptop is connected to the docking station.
Solution 3: Workaround for the OBD driver as of February 2004: A file “OBD.ini” must be created in the directory C:WINDOWS for Windows XP, or alternatively C:WINNT for Windows NT, with the following entry. This is because with UBATT=OFF, the battery status is not determined via hardware, but is permanently set to “Battery voltage available”. Also see OBD_DOKU.pdf in the EdiabasHardwareOBD directory.
Entry in OBD.ini:


1.11 Warning when starting OBD Setup

BMW INPA Software error

A warning occurs when starting C:EDIABASHARDWAREOBDOBDSetup.exe. 

After You want to start Tool Set or INPA,  you will get the following error message:

bmw inpa software installed warning

Reason: The value of the variable DWORD (here RxFIFO) can not be set by OBDSetup.exe.
Solution: You have to set the value of the DWORT in the registry. You have to open the Regedit by using Start Ausführen… enter regedit OK. Choose the following path in the regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE system current control set click on Services. On the right side of the window You can click on the name of the DWORd value which is defective (here RxFIFO). Enter the value 8 with the base hexadecimal. Click Ok an close the regedit. Now You can start the Tool Set or INPA without an error.
If  You have warnings for other DWORDs when startig OBDSetup.exe, You will have to set the value of the coloum „Expected“ for the wrong value in the registry.

bmw inpa software registrierungs editor

bmw inpa software

1.12 ERROR C1015: Too Many String Variables in Job

Reason: In a job only a maximum of 6 string-variables is acceptable.
Solution: You have to reduce the number of variables.

1.13 Failure: EDIABAS Fehler 159, NET-0009: TIMEOUT

bmw inpa software Fehler

Reason 1: The configuration for the remotehost is false.
Solution 1: Set the corresponding networkname for the remotehost in the configuration file EDIABAS.INI.
Reason 2: The inface-cable on the OPPS is not correct.
Solution 2: You need a special OPPS-Cable for the connection with the CAN-BUS. (since type series L6)
Reason 3: In the remotecontrol the OPPS-interface is used by default (since EDIABAS 7.0). The remotecontrol between two PC’s is not possible with this configuration.
Solution 3: Close all diagnosticapplications and EDIABAS-Processes that are running and open the file “remote_mit_pc.bat” in the directory C:EDIABASbin.

1.14 Failure: The name of the file or folder can t be changed

bmw inpa software fehler

Reason: EDIABAS or another component of EDIABAS is still open.
Solution: You have to shut down the diagnosticapplication and EDIABAS. If necessary, the fileexplorer and the editors which access the EDIABAS-Directory have to close as well

For more detail information about INPA BMW ,pls click:

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