Ошибка getserviceimagepathbytype failed

Расскажем что делать если античит фейсит выдает ошибку «Не удаётся найти указанный…

Сказать по какой причине и почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку бывает непросто. Мир Доступа собрал все возможные ошибки и попытался найти для них решения. Прочитав этот материал от начала до конца устранить любые ошибки античит не составит труда.

Запрещенный драйвер

FACEIT Anti-Cheat блокирует определенные драйверы, которые содержат известные уязвимости безопасности.

Некоторые из используемых драйверов могут быть установлены программным обеспечением для мониторинга и управления оборудованием (материнская плата, графический процессор). Античит не поддерживает эти драйверы, так как они обычно используются читами и другими вредоносным программным обеспечением

Мы рекомендуем проблемные эти драйверы с компьютера, чтобы обеспечить его безопасность. Если не удаётся запустить фейсит античит из-за ошибки «Запрещенный драйвер» нужно удалить проблемное ПО и перезагрузить компьютер.

Инсайдерские сборки Windows 10

Мир Доступа не может гарантировать, что античит будет правильно работать со сборками Windows 10 Insider. Они могут вызвать такие проблемы, как невозможность запуска приложения или случайные сбои (включая синие экраны).

[adace-ad id=»5173″]

Если используется одна из инсайдерских сборок Windows 10 нужно перейти на стабильную версию Windows 10 — gпосле этого проблема с запуском, скорее всего, будет решена.

NVIDIA ShadowPlay не работает

NVIDIA ShadowPlay больше не поддерживается в случаях когда фейсит античит работает с самыми последними драйверами NVIDIA. NVIDIA знает об этой проблеме и работает над её решением. Пока что единственное решение — вернуть драйверы на GeForce 442.74.

Игра не запускается

Наиболее распространенная причина — блокируемый файл, который конфликтует с Античитом. Вы можете проверить ваш service.log и посмотреть, есть ли в нём заблокированные файлы. Также часто античит не запускается когда были изменены или повреждены некоторые файлы Windows. Нужно попробовать следующие решения:

  1. Отсканировать систему утилитой Malwarebytes Anti-Malware — она обнаружит ПО, которое могло навредить файлам Windows.
  2. Корневой сертификат был поврежден или устарел — необходимо установить обновление Windows.
  3. Проверить систему при помощи стандартной Windows-утилиты System File Checker — она проверит состояние всех системных файлов
  4. Погуглить название название заблокированного файла – таким образом можно узнать к какой программе он принадлежит.

Есть и более серьезные ошибки с античитом. О них — далее.

Система устарела или пропущены важные обновления Windows/Your system is out of date you are missing important Windows updates

Предупреждение: Система не была исправлена из-за критических уязвимостей безопасности. Текст ошибки по-английски: Windows/Warning: your system hasn’t been patched against critical Windows security vulnerabilities/

Первая ошибка свидетельствует о том, что используемая версия Windows 7 является устаревшей — она не подходит для того, чтобы подписать код sha2. Последнее обстоятельство создаёт ошибку для всех новых драйверов Microsoft. Обойти данный сбой довольно сложно — иногда помогает установка всех рекомендуемых обновлений в Центре обновлений Windows. Установив их все проблема почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку может быть решена.

Если обновление Windows установить вручную не удалось можно сделать это по прямым ссылкам:

Windows 7 SP1

Windows 8.1 

Windows 10 

Известно, что многие геймеры используют пиратские копии Windows — обновление не устанавливается именно по этой причине. Только купив лицензию Windows можно решить ошибку Your system is out of date you are missing important Windows.

FPS падает/тормозит при использовании мыши, клавиатуры

Такое поведение вызвано блокировкой AC-файла — этот файл постоянно пробует погрузиться в игру. Из-за этого происходит падение фпс и начинаются тормоза. Файл service.log, который находится в коневой папке с фейсит античит, содержит всю информацию о файле, который был заблокирован.

Не удается запустить игру — проблема с .dll библиотекой

Эта проблема чаще всего вызывается некорректными обновлениями Windows, которые повредили некоторые ключи реестра, необходимые для стабильной работы операционной системы. Перед тем как вмешиваться в реестр, необходимо сделать его резервную копию. Вопрос почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку решается следующими действиями:

  1. Закрыть фейсит античит
  2. Открыть Regedit
  3. Перейти в ветку с разделом настроек текущего пользователя.
  4. Перейди во вкладку Protected roots — в неё нужно выбрать текущую учетную запись и отметить чекбокс «Разрешить полный доступ».
  5. Открыть Диспетчер задач, перейти в раздел Службы, найти CryptSvc и остановить данную службу.
  6. Снова открыть Regedit и удалить корневой ключ с реестром.

Далее — разберем наиболее несложные ошибки античит.

AutoHotkey is forbidden, please close it and restart FACEIT

Здесь всё просто — AutoHotkey запрещен. Его нужно завершить и перезапустить фейсит античит.

Выбран некорректный графический процессор на ноутбуках с двумя графическими процессорами

Если в игре выбран некорректный процессор видеокарты, то это приведет к снижению производительности. Изменить графический процессор можно через панель с Nvidia/AMD.

[adace-ad id=»5168″]

Следует убедиться в том, что видеокарты/их процессоры соответствуют друг другу — как в самой игре, так и в административных панелях видеокарты.

Нужно активировать NX в BIOS компьютера

Часто ответом почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку служат некорректные настройки BIOS. Нужно перезагрузить компьютер — вовремя загрузки нажать клавишу F2 или DEL, чтобы попасть в меню настроек BIOS. В BIOS нужно найти параметр под названием «NX Bit», он также может называться «Execute Disable bit» или «XD bit». Его необходимо активировать и перезагрузить компьютер.

Ошибка проверки цифровой подписи

Ошибка возникает, из-за того, что системные корневые сертификаты повредились или устарели. Нужно убедиться, что корневые сертификаты системы обновлены. Может помочь утилита Windows

Для запуска FACEIT AC необходимо включить Kernel Patch Protection»

Если появляется эта ошибка значит пользователь отключил патч Kernel Protection или PatchGuard — этот патч является одной из составляющих безопасности системы Windows. Пиратские версии Windows сами имеют взломанное ядро и ошибка появляется именно по этой причине. Единственное решение — приобрести и установить лицензионною копию Windows. Также возможно, что система заражена руткитом.

Неверныйи или некорректный сертификат

Если возникает эта ошибка значит пользователь не использует фейсит античит или пытается подключиться, используя некорректный аккаунт Steam. Также ошибка Некорректный сертификат может появиться, когда игра запускается в обход Steam, другими словами — когда ярлык главного файла находится в папке вместе с игрой. Нужно запустить ярлык сразу через Steam.

Сбой при проверке обновлений

Если в системе установлен особо подозрительный брандмауэр, который привык проверять каждого и с которым очень сложно договориться, нужно проверить открыт ли 6789 порт. Последний должен быть открыт и для TCP. В антивирусе/брандмауэре также добавляем фейсит античит в список исключений.

Клиент закрывается через несколько секунд после запуска или не запускается/вылетает с ошибкой.

Иногда сказать почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку можно проанализировав Контроль учетных записей. Чтобы получить к нему доступ нужно выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Запустить cmd.exe c правами администратора.
  2. В появившемся разделе «Контроль учетных записей», нужно выбрать пункт «Продолжить».
  3. Ввести команду bcdedit /debug off и нажать Enter.

Синий экран фейсит античит

Избавиться от синего экрана помогут несколько рекомендаций.

Если синий экран нужно сначала протестировать RAM с помощью утилиты memtest86, чтобы убедиться, что синий экран получился не из-за неисправных модулей RAM. На проверку потребуется несколько часов.

Если компьютер разогнан нужно вернуть характеристики к первоначальным значениям. Когда синий экран мешает запуску системы — переходим в безопасный режим и открываем директорию C:/Windows/System32/drivers — просто удаляем файл FACEIT.sys

В случае, если ошибки не были обнаружены нужно писать в поддержку фейсит античит.

Сообщить о проблеме

Если решить проблему не удалось нужно создать тикет с максимально подробным описанием ошибки.Так решается проблема почему фейсит античит выдает ошибку.

Если данная статья была для Вас полезна, пожалуйста, поддержите наш сайт!


While I haven’t been able to identify the exact release (Value forces an update when the CLI is executed manually), I do know that this issue did not occur in SteamCMD version 1669935972 and earlier releases.

Steam Workshop failures

It seems that there was changes in both Windows/Linux releases that break workshop downloads that are either initiated on the command-line or in-game using the steam_ugc=<PublishedID> configuration parameter.


The following will fail regardless of whether using Steam account credentials or anonymous mode.

$ steamcmd.exe + login anonymous +workshop_download_item 302200 278739322 +exit

This will result with the log entry:

> Steam/logs/workshop_log.txt

Loading workshop items for 0 installed apps for user [U:1:STEAMUSERID]:
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Loaded workshop items in "Steam/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 1 needed)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Download item 278739322 requested by app
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Starting Workshop download job (requested item 278739322)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Failed to get item info: Access Denied
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Update canceled: Updating workshop item info failed (Missing configuration)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Download item 278739322 result : Failure


  • There currently is no known fix available (at the mercy of Valve development).
  • If you do not import a Steam Workshop the game should run without issue.




Something isn’t working


May 14, 2023



@Spafbi I guess that test (one of many) included a truncated <PublishID>. The issue still occurs though with other IDs.

Below is another example using the SteamCMD Linux bundled release with a valid Workshop ID:

$ ./steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 302200 2787393227 +quit

[TIMESTAMP] Loading workshop items for 2 installed apps for user [a:1:STEAMUSERID]:
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Loaded workshop items in ".steam/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Download item 2787393227 requested by app
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Starting Workshop download job (requested item 2787393227)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Failed to get item info: Access Denied
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Update canceled: Updating workshop item info failed (Missing configuration)
[TIMESTAMP] [AppID 302200] Download item 2787393227 result : Failure

Note: I tried this in both a restricted user (games) and root user context. Unfortunately, the same result. 😞


One thing I failed to note..

In the case of the Miscreated Dedicated Server, when the server initializes, the following errors occur in the system.log

<06:52:24> [STEAM] UGC content: 2787393227
<06:52:24> [Game Version]: RELEASE DEDICATED SERVER
<06:52:25> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2787393227
<06:52:25> [STEAM] Download failed for content id: 2787393227, code: 16
<06:52:25> [STEAM] This server will be forced to restart in 60 seconds.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe Steam code 16 is a network timeout.


Sounds like a lot of things can trigger code 16, not just a network timeout. I was hoping to recreate your issue when just using steamcmd. However, I have tested multiple steam_ugc IDs and have been unable to replicate the issue when using steamcmd.exe on either Windows 11 or on Linux+WINE. This result is from my last test with Miscreated loading two steam_ugc IDs on Ubuntu 22.04+WINE 8.0.1+steamcmd version 1682708339:

<21:44:37> [STEAM] UGC content: 2075026891,2632671232
<21:44:37> [Game Version]: RELEASE DEDICATED SERVER
<21:44:38> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2075026891
<21:44:39> [STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2075026891
<21:44:39> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2632671232
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2632671232
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Processing all UGC
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2075026891
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2075026891, size: 2298, path: Z:\mnt\120GB_SSD\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2075026891
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2632671232
<21:44:40> [STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2632671232, size: 27594, path: Z:\mnt\120GB_SSD\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2632671232
<21:44:40> [STEAM] UGC CRC: 3991436201


In the latter case, would you happen to be running in a Docker container? Based on the specs, I’m leaning towards OS native.

For me, the issue seems to be isolated to Docker, possibly related to changes in the Steam VAC system.

I will be looking into this throughout the week and will post what I find.

Thanks for your help.


I was not running in Docker for the latter test. If you like, I can test that later today to help validate.



Tested with a clean Ubuntu instance and several third-party Docker container dedicated server setups. In all cases, attempting to install workshops fail with the same «Access Denied» error. This seems to be an upstream issue that must be fixed by Valve (unless this was actually intended).

That said, I have posted this issue on Steam’s Help and Tips discussion board:


It still works for me in Docker, too:

[dedicated] loading hosting config hosting.cfg
steam_ugc 2075026891,2632671232
[STEAM] UGC content: 2075026891,2632671232
[STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2075026891
[STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2075026891
[STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2632671232
[STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2632671232
[STEAM] Processing all UGC
[STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2075026891
[STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2075026891, size: 2298, path: Z:\opt\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2075026891
[STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2632671232
[STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2632671232, size: 27594, path: Z:\opt\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2632671232
[STEAM] UGC CRC: 3991436201


I even added the workshop ID you have in your log sample and it downloaded+installed w/o issue..

<18:08:02> [dedicated] loading hosting config hosting.cfg
<18:08:02> [STEAM] UGC content: 2075026891,2632671232,2787393227
<18:08:02> [Game Version]: RELEASE DEDICATED SERVER
<18:08:03> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2075026891
<18:08:03> [STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2075026891
<18:08:03> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2632671232
<18:08:04> [STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2632671232
<18:08:04> [STEAM] Download request made for content id: 2787393227
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Download succeeded for content id: 2787393227
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Processing all UGC
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2075026891
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2075026891, size: 2298, path: Z:\opt\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2075026891
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2632671232
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2632671232, size: 27594, path: Z:\opt\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2632671232
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Processing UGC - contentId: 2787393227
<18:08:05> [STEAM] Installed UGC - contentId: 2787393227, size: 76295, path: Z:\opt\miscreated\steamapps\workshop\content\299740\2787393227
<18:08:05> [STEAM] UGC CRC: 3162111076

This is on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS + WINE 8.0:

$ docker exec -it winetest wine --version

And this version of steamcmd:

$ docker exec -it winetest /opt/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh --version +quit
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1682708339
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK


Here’s a simple test using the apt distributed SteamCMD release (1682708339) and a clean installation of Ubuntu.

I tested this using my local environment and in an Amazon EC2 container. In both cases, same issue occurs. ☹️

$ docker run -d --network host ubuntu:focal sleep infinity
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
4ae305ba1165        ubuntu:focal        "sleep infinity"    11 minutes ago      Up 11 minutes                           bold_heisenberg
$ docker exec -it 4ae305ba1165 /bin/bash
# apt update && apt install software-properties-common
# add-apt-repository multiverse
# dpkg --add-architecture i386
# apt update && apt install -y steam

... install info

# /usr/games/steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 302200 2787393227 +quit
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1682708339
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Downloading item 2787393227 ...
ERROR! Download item 2787393227 failed (Failure).root@host:/usr/games

Regarding your test. Are you running Steam as root in your set-up?

FYI, you should always run the Wine daemon in a restricted context. In my case, while I run the daemon as the games user I have tested both scenarios (privileged/unprivileged) and still cannot get UGC content to work.


Yes, I’m running as a non-privileged user within the container:

steam          1       0  0 22:04 ?        00:00:00 start.exe /exec /opt/miscreated/Bin64_dedicated/MiscreatedServer.exe -sv_port 64090 -mis_gameserverid 100 +sv_maxplayers 36 +map islands
steam         74       1 99 22:05 ?        00:02:46 Z:\opt\miscreated\Bin64_dedicated\MiscreatedServer.exe -sv_port 64090 -mis_gameserverid 100 +sv_maxplayers 36 +map islands +http_startserver

After dinner I’ll post my Dockerfiles and scripts I use to build my Ubuntu+WINE+steamcmd base container image as well as the Miscreated container image. I’ll also post the script I used to launch the server.


For testing this issue, I started from scratch. This is a very straightforward build using an official Ubuntu 22.04 image, and then installing the latest versions of steamcmd and WINE, creating a steam user, and install the Miscreated server as the steam user.

Run the build-server.sh script to build the container image, After that you can create a run subdirectory in the same directory as the run-server.sh script, and place your desired hosting.cfg in that directory (run/hosting.cfg). Then execute the run-server.sh script to start the server. The server starts in the context of the steam user, and I’ve yet to have any failures loading steam_ugc IDs which currently exist.

Sample hosting.cfg for this test:

sv_servername="My Test Server"



Sorry for the delay on this.

I wanted to wait a bit to see if any recent steamcmd patches were released before I committed to testing this again.

Note: At this point, I suspect this is a networking issue when running Linux (as the Host OS) while running steamcmd in a Docker container (Debian variant as the Guest OS). I have confirmed this behavior locally (Ubuntu Desktop) and using AWS EC2 instances (Linux 1/AL 2023 images).

The issue seems to only affect UGC download operations whether in game or CLI initiated.

Spafbi Are you running Docker under Windows? I assume you are seeing start.exe /exec in the proc list output above.

If yes, could you please confirm the following works for you. I suspect it will, which will confirm my suspicion.

$ docker run -d --network host ubuntu:focal sleep infinity
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
<CONTAINERID>        ubuntu:focal        "sleep infinity"    11 minutes ago      Up 11 minutes                           bold_heisenberg
$ docker exec -it <CONTAINERID> /bin/bash
# apt update && apt install software-properties-common
# add-apt-repository multiverse
# dpkg --add-architecture i386
# apt update && apt install -y steam

... install info

# /usr/games/steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 302200 2787393227 +quit
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1682708339
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Downloading item 2787393227 ...
ERROR! Download item 2787393227 failed (Failure).root@host:/usr/games

Thanks for your help.


My Docker host is a bare-metal Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server. It worked for me, but I did use an Ubuntu Jammy Docker image and an altered set of commands.

That said, after seeing your last set of commands and rereading the initial issue post, I believe I figured out the core of your issue. In my prior examples where I reported success downloading the mod, I was not using the same command to download the workshop ID; I was instead using the game server’s built-in steam_ugc cvar to download the mod. However, while you’ll still need to use steam_ugc for the server to actually use the mod, if you want to pre-download the mod using steamcmd’s +workshop_download_item option you need to use the app ID of the game client and not the game server’s app ID. Here are the commands I used to fire up my Ubuntu Jammy Docker container and load everything.

$ docker run -d --network host ubuntu:jammy sleep infinity
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it <CONTAINERID> /bin/bash
# apt update && apt install -y software-properties-common
# add-apt-repository multiverse -y
# apt install -y locales && locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && update-locale  # Not strictly necessary, but added to get rid of setlocale warning
# dpkg --add-architecture i386
# apt update && echo "I AGREE" apt install -y steamcmd  # Installing steamcmd instead of steam
# /usr/games/steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login anonymous +app_update 302200 +workshop_download_item 299740 2787393227 +quit

Attached is the output log of the steamcmd command (from the above commands) to install the game server and pre-download the mod.


Spafbi — I figured out what the issue was.

I was initially installing the game server as root, and then using a permission switch, which worked fine in prior releases. Unfortunately, as result of an update in steamcmd.exe this no longer worked and quietly throws a segfault.

Due to this failure, in order to rule out the binary I attempted to reproduce the issue using an off-the-shelf container setup.

.. and then the following line threw me off course (which was cleared up by your post above) ..

$ steamcmd.exe + login anonymous +workshop_download_item 302200 278739322 +exit

During testing, the command I used above worked if the app_update install occurred beforehand, but that never happened resulting in the error and complete misdirection of the actual issue. I was under the impression you could download Steam workshops without having the app installed as long it was public. Apparently that is no longer the case.

Anyway, I have pushed changes that resolved the steam_ugc and CLI issues in this package.

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

In games like Fortnite, Far Cry 5, For Honor, Rust, Scum, and anything else that runs Easy Anti-Cheat, it’s possible to get an Error Code 20006 … StartService failed: 1058 (or alternatively a 1072 error). These errors are extremely annoying and both result in you not being able to play the game you want to.

That is… Not without doing what we’re about to walk you through.

The full error will likely read as “Error Code: 20006 (Cannot create service (StartService failed: 1058)).” Or at the very least something similar to that – the 1058 tells us that EAC has been disabled and needs to be re-enabled. Another possibility is a 1072 error which indicates that EAC has been “flagged for deletion”.

The error you get will dictate the steps you need to follow. Luckily, neither problem is insanely difficult to fix and should only take a few minutes (maybe 10-15) at most.

On this page, you’ll find 3 possible routes to take:

  • If your error was a 1058, start at Option A and if that doesn’t work then Option B definitely will.
  • If your error was a 1072, skip both A and B and jump right to Option C. Once you’re done with C, go back and do Option B.

Note: This will not work if you’ve been banned for cheating. It’s a fix for those who are running into the aforementioned errors with EAC itself.

error code 20006

A.) Fixing Error Code 20006 (Error 1058)

As I mentioned previously, a 1058 error generally tells us that the program has been disabled. Often, you can quickly figure this out by opening Services, right-clicking the program and opening  “Properties”. In the Properties window under “Startup type” you’ll either see “Disabled”, “Automatic”, “Automatic (delayed)”, or “Manual”. For EAC’s sake, we want it to be either “Automatic” or “Automatic (delayed)” if you’re worried about it impacting your startup times.

But, we’ll come back around to that with a proper set of steps further down.

First, make sure that Easy Anti-Cheat is not being blocked or disabled by your anti-virus/firewall. To do that, open your firewall, find the permissions section, find EAC, then make sure it’s not blocked.

Note: If you want to be extra-vigilant, you can set up an exclusion for EAC’s root folder (it should be “C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\”). To go the extra mile you could also set up exclusions for the EAC folders that any EAC-enabled game will have in its root folder.

Not blocked? Okay, let’s keep going.

The next step is reinstalling/repairing Easy Anti-Cheat. It might be that the current install is corrupted for the one game you want and a quick repair will fix the problem. Wouldn’t that be nice?

You can choose to repair/reinstall EAC from 1 of 2 locations. Either from EasyAntiCheat folder found within your game’s install folder; or from the EasyAntiCheat folder in Program Files (likely C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat). Once you’ve located the folder all you have to do is run the EAC install executable and choose “Repair” in the new window that pops up.

Here’s a good walkthrough on how you can reinstall or repair Easy Anti-Cheat:

In the video, he uses Fortnite as an example, but the same method will work with any of the 70+ games that run EAC.

Hopefully, that works and gets you gaming. If it doesn’t, you might want to try temporarily turning off your antivirus and trying the reinstall again, or reboot your PC; or try both.

If you’re met with yet another error upon trying to reinstall or repair then we have more work to do! On to the next set of steps!

B.) Reinstalling/repairing didn’t work

If none of the above worked, chances are EAC has been disabled by something else. Why or what? I haven’t quite figured that part out yet. But, the simple solution is to turn it back on. However, doing that isn’t easy (or possible) unless you know where to find the right settings.

To turn EAC back on:

  1. Open “Services” – Open the Start menu and type “Services” on Windows 10
  2. Find “EasyAntiCheat” within Services then right-click it and select “Properties”
  3. In the Properties window, find “Startup type” and change it from “Disabled” to “Automatic” (or Automatic (delayed) if you’re worried about bootup performance)
  4. Click “Apply” and close both the Properties and Services windows.
  5. Launch your game

Following those steps should hopefully get you back to gaming within no time. However, if it happened once it will likely happen again the next time you restart your PC. Keep that in mind.e

C.) Fixing Error 1072: Marked for deletion

If you ran into a problem around Step 3 while trying to turn EAC back on and you received an error that said EAC has been “scheduled for deletion”, then you’re going to have to follow one more set of steps…

Alternatively, if you noticed the 1072 error right away, you should start from this point as the previous steps will not work without first doing this.

Luckily, it’s easy to do and should only take a couple of minutes at most.

error 1072 fix

Our next set of steps involves either removing or editing a “DeleteFlag” that you’ll find within the EAC registry folder.

To remove the DeleteFlag:

  1. Open Regedit – Open the Start menu and type “Regedit” on Windows 10
  2. Navigate to “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EasyAntiCheat” (if you copy and paste that into regedit, it should bring you to the right spot)
  3. Right click “DeleteFlag” and select “Modify, then change the Value data from “1” to “0”
  4. Restart your PC
  5. Attempt to turn EAC back on again (previous set of steps)
  6. If EAC turns on without a hitch, boot your game!

remove delete flag

With any luck, now you should be able to turn EAC back on and boot your game(s) without an issue. If you’ve tried before restarting your PC and it doesn’t work, try a quick reboot before you panic too much.

Games that run Easy Anti-Cheat

There are a ton of games that run EAC, the last time this guide was updated (September 2nd, 2018) there was a total of 77. If one of your EAC protected games is giving you the 20006 error, then anything else in your library running EAC will as well.

So, if you’re curious how many of your games are EAC protected, here’s the full list of games that currently utilize it. More are added all the time so I’ll try to keep this list as relevant and up to date as possible.

  • 7 Days to Die
  • Absolver
  • Ar:piel
  • Audition TH
  • Battalion 1944
  • Block N Load
  • Cabal Online
  • Combat Arms
  • Combat Arms: Line of Sight
  • Crossout
  • Cuisine Royale
  • Darkfall: Rise of Agon
  • Darwin Project
  • Days of War
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Death Field: The Battle Royale of Disaster
  • Dirty Bomb
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  • Dragonica: Lavalon Awakens
  • Dying Light: Bad Blood
  • Empyrion
  • Far Cry 5
  • Fear the Wolves
  • For Honor
  • Fortnite Battle Royale
  • Fractured Lands
  • Friday the 13th
  • Gigantic
  • Hide & Hold Out
  • Hunt: Showdown
  • Hurtworld
  • Infestation: Survivor Stories
  • Infestation: World
  • Insurgency: Sandstorm
  • Intershelter
  • iRacing
  • Ironsight
  • Lifeless
  • Luna
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars
  • Memories of Mars
  • Miscreated
  • Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker
  • Next Day
  • Offensive Combat: Redux!
  • Onward VR
  • Paladins
  • Post Scriptum
  • Ragnarok
  • Realm Royale
  • Reign of Kings
  • Rend
  • RF Online
  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
  • Robocraft
  • Robocraft Royale
  • Rockshot
  • Rust
  • SCUM
  • Sky Noon
  • Smite
  • Squad
  • Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
  • Tales Runner TH
  • The Culling
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
  • Total War: Arena
  • War of the Roses
  • War of the Vikings
  • War Rock
  • Warface
  • Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2
  • Watch Dogs 2
  • Worlds Adrift
  • Yulgang TH


I hope this was able to help you fix Easy Anti-Cheat’s Error Code 20006. Whether you’re playing Fortnite, Squad, or For Honor, this is a seriously annoying problem to run into and can be even more painful to solve… Without the proper help, that is!

If none of the steps listed above worked for you, get in touch with EAC’s support directly and they will be able to help you further.

If you have your own potential fix that you feel could help people out, feel free to post it in the comments!

Specific errors

This page details solutions for highly specific error scenarios.
Head over to the solution guide should your issue not be listed here.

Corrupted Memory

The in-memory game code was detected to have been corrupted. The error is very rare and can occur if the physically installed RAMs are defective and are actively cause runtime memory corruptions.

Unknown Game File

An unknown file that is not part of the game installation was found to be loaded from the game directory.

Remove the conflicting file from the game installation directory.

First close the game if is running and then delete the file from inside the game directory. After deleting the file launch again.

Unknown File Version

An unknown version of a file that is part of the game installation has been loaded from the game directory.

This means the file’s current contents don’t match with what we’re expecting. It’s recommended to remove the file, followed by validating the game installation through the used distribution platform, e.g. Steam. This results in the file being redownloaded.

Should this not help, doing the same for the catalogue itself helps. The catalogue is stored under <GameRoot>/EasyAntiCheat/Certificates/ for most games. For games which don’t follow this convention you should look for the Certificates directory through search. Note that the directory should only contain one game.bin and game.cer file, if multiple files exist remove them, followed by the install validation mentioned above.

If you keep encountering these issues for different files it’s recommended to reinstall the game instead of going through the files one by one. Note that when uninstalling a game it’s likely that some files will get left behind.
Therefore it’s recommended to remove the game’s directory to ensure problematic files won’t be present after the reinstall is complete.

Untrusted System File

The game loaded a system .dll that failed an integrity check. This error indicates a system level corruption.

Update Windows.

Make sure that all available Windows updates have been installed.

Debugger detected

This error is triggered when the game launcher is started with a debugger. Easy Anti-Cheat requires that the game launcher is not debugged.

‘.local’ Redirection Detected

This error is triggered if the game folder has a DotLocal (.local) redirecting file for the game executable. Removing it will fix this.

Driver Signature Enforcement Disabled

Easy Anti-Cheat requires Driver Signature Enforcement to be enabled.

Executing the commands didn’t work?

If these command do not work for some reason, you can also follow these steps instead to enable DSE.

  1. Select the «Start» button.
  2. Type «Startup».
  3. Select «Change advanced startup settings».
  4. Select «Restart now» under the «advanced startup» area.
  5. Select «Troubleshoot».
  6. Select «Advanced Options».
  7. Select «Startup Options».
  8. Select «Restart».
  9. A menu will appear where you can press «7» on your keyboard to choose «Enable driver signing enforcement».

Kernel Debugging Enabled

Easy Anti-Cheat will not initialize when kernel debugging is enabled.

Kernel Patch Protection Disabled

The Kernel Patch Protection is a security mechanism on 64-bit Windows and it is not possible to manually disable it, so the only cause for this error is a rootkit virus infection. If you encountered this error, we strongly recommend reinstalling Windows.

Windows Safe Mode detected

Easy Anti-Cheat cannot run in Windows Safe Mode. Please use the Standard Windows boot mode.

CSC Validation Failed

To fix this, install all available updates and restart Windows. If the issue persists, ensure that your anti-virus software is up to date.

Game Security Violation

The game process or system’s integrity has been compromised and the game will exit. This is usually caused by outdated or insecure background third party software. To resolve this, update or disable background third party software and restart your PC.

  1. juakorossi


    Nov 28, 2019
    Likes Received:

    Hi guys,

    I’ve been hosting from the same pc that I use as client and now I wanted to use another pc to hosting. I followed the guide from Studio 397 by using SteamCMD but when tried to download any item from workshop it send me an error message «Error! Download item ***** failed (Failure)», (image below)

    I searched on several pages but till now nothin worked. So I hoped someone knows or had the same error could help me, I’ll really appreciate.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. nonamenow


    May 3, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Same issue here. I can update rF2 using SteamCMD but it fails when downloading mods. I’m doing something wrong. I’m using this: steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\RaceServer2\rfactor2-dedicated +workshop_download_item 365960 1939103913 +quit
    Anyone spot the problem?

  3. Goanna


    Jan 19, 2012
    Likes Received:

    For content you need to use your steam credentials ie login username password etc

  4. nonamenow


    May 3, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Cheers mate…..Need to get the password then.

  5. juakorossi


    Nov 28, 2019
    Likes Received:

    Thank you. It worked after log in.

  6. JimmyT


    Jan 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    OR you can go to that folder on your client PC (eg: 365960 1939103913) and copy the rfcmp file in it, to your packages folder on your server. Then use mod manager to install. It’s clunky but if you’re only doing one file occasionally it’s not so bad.

  7. nonamenow


    May 3, 2017
    Likes Received:

    That’s how I’ve been doing it. As my comp isn’t «authorized» they sent a code but I haven’t been able to get it working as yet. Have to stick to the slow way for now.

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