Ошибка форматирования 80220087 на psp

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Error 80220087 memory stick

What does the error 80220087 mean? I try to format my memory stick( i have a micro sd adapter with a microsd card of 16 gb) but it either tell there is no mms inserted or that error… what is the problem?



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Re: Error 80220087 memory stick


by Strangelove »

It means an operation on the memory stick timed out.

You probably got faulty hardware.


«If you have specific questions … don’t hesitate to ask as the more generic the question is the more philosophic the answer will be» — PSPWizard


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Re: Error 80220087 memory stick


by dannemp »

Hmm i’ve found this:
1) Format the microsdhc with adapter in your PSP. It’ll fail.
2) Take the microsdhc out and connect it to a card reader in your PC.
3) When you try to access the card, you’ll be told that it’s unformatted. It’ll ask you to try to format the card.
4) Format the card fat32 with default settings — EXCEPT check on quick format. This seems to be important — because a complete format didn’t work for me.
5) Copy the entire contents of a formatted memory stick pro duo. ESPECIALLY with the 2 hidden system files. Besides the folders and these two files, the memory stick should be empty.
6) Turn on the PSP and replace the microsdhc + adapter. The PSP SHOULD recognize the card right away.
7) Add your content to the microsdhc either with the PSP or card reader. Either way, the PSP should recognize the card from now on.

Trying it now…

[Edit] It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hourraaaaa little money, lot of space


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Re: Error 80220087 memory stick


by djstiv3 »


Hey i have same problem.
I havent tried the fix but i know the solution.
PSP same as PS3 only reads FAT32
it does NOT read EXfat or NTFS as i recall.

In other words of course your psp doesnt recognize it, its like trying to find something in the dark with no flashlight.
At any rate get a program that allows you to change the type or memory it is from exfat or ntfs to fat32.. after that im 100% sure you will be able to format on the psp, in theory.

I dont have time but will one of these days with my 64gb. Otherwise i may use it on my tablet and just say **** it.

3 Answers

  • Insert your PSP memory stick into your PSP and turn on the PSP.

    Go into “Settings” on the far left of the PSP main menu and select “System Settings.”

    Select “Format Memory Stick” from the list that appears. This will wipe the memory stick clean and reformat it in the PSP format.

    Select “Yes” from the next page to verify that you want to format the memory stick. Wait as the memory stick is formatted and fixed.

    Select “OK” to return to the PSP main menu. Your memory stick should now be fixed.

  • 1.go to Usb connection

    2.When it says format the disk drive Format it

    3.Format the exFAT 32kb (Dont Quick format)


    5.Exit psp usb connection

    6.Format Psp memory.


  • search up custom format on youtube

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Ошибки форматирования при использовании Портативной Игровой Системы (ПСП) и микро SD-карт могут возникать по различным причинам, одной из которых является ошибка 80220087. В этой статье мы разберемся, что означает данная ошибка и как ее можно исправить.

Ошибка 80220087

Ошибка 80220087 возникает при попытке форматирования микро SD-карты на ПСП и указывает на наличие проблемы с файловой системой или самой картой. Она может произойти в следующих случаях:

  1. Нежелательное отключение ПСП или вытаскивание карты во время процесса записи данных. Если ПСП была выключена или карта была извлечена во время операции записи или форматирования данных, это может привести к повреждению файловой системы на карте и вызвать ошибку.

  2. Фабричные дефекты карты. Иногда карты могут иметь фабричные дефекты, которые могут вызывать ошибку форматирования. В таком случае, замена карты может быть единственным решением.

  3. Проблемы совместимости. Некоторые микро SD-карты могут вызывать ошибку на ПСП из-за неправильной совместимости. В этом случае, необходимо выбрать карту, рекомендованную производителем ПСП.

Решение проблемы

Существует несколько методов, которые могут помочь исправить ошибку 80220087 и успешно отформатировать микро SD-карту на ПСП:

  1. Перезагрузка ПСП и карты. Попробуйте выключить ПСП и извлечь карту. Затем, вставьте карту обратно и включите ПСП. Повторите попытку форматирования и проверьте, пропала ли ошибка.

  2. Подключение к ПК. Попробуйте подключить карту к компьютеру с помощью кард-ридера или адаптера для SD-карт. Запустите утилиту форматирования дисков на компьютере и попробуйте отформатировать карту там. Если форматирование проходит успешно на компьютере, это может означать проблемы с ПСП или его настройками.

  3. Использование специализированных программ. Существуют сторонние программы, специально разработанные для форматирования микро SD-карт и устранения ошибок. Прочитайте руководство пользователя ПСП или поищите информацию о таких программах в интернете, чтобы найти подходящую для ваших нужд.

  4. Замена карты. Если все вышеперечисленные методы не помогли устранить ошибку, возможно, карта имеет фабричные дефекты или несовместима с ПСП. Попробуйте заменить карту на другую, рекомендованную производителем ПСП.

В случае, если ни один из этих методов не решает проблему, возможно, ошибка связана с неполадкой ПСП. В этом случае, обратитесь к производителю или обслуживающему центру для получения профессиональной помощи.

Обратите внимание: перед форматированием карты важно сделать резервную копию всех данных, хранящихся на ней, так как процесс форматирования удалит все существующие файлы.


Ошибка форматирования 80220087 может создать проблему при попытке форматирования микро SD-карты на ПСП. В данной статье были представлены возможные причины ошибки, а также решения, которые могут помочь устранить ее. Мы рекомендуем следовать указанным методам и рекомендациям производителя, чтобы успешно справиться с проблемой и продолжить использование ПСП без проблем с форматированием карты.

In recent days, some of our readers have reported that they encountered an error while formatting their PSP memory card.

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    Memory Stick PRO Duo ™ media

    Can you download PSP games to memory stick?

    Open the folder on the PSP network that you want to transfer to this USB drive. Typically, click and drag the game files into the GAME directory on the right side of the trusted computer’s desktop. Files are targeted for instant transfer to storage.

    does anyone know a special way to fix this error because we all had my new 256GB single in the store and then tried to format it on PSP using my old MS Pro Duo adapter. I only have 107 GB so I tried Format the page to FAT 32, the problem still persists, no idea how you can fix it now. (This

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    Error 80220087 Memory Retention Stick

    Can PSP read 32GB Memory Stick?

    The largest “official” USB stick I have ever inserted into a game is 32GB. Yes, 64GB (two 16GB microSD cards) works great on PSP 10.

    What does the error meanand 80220087? I am trying to format my callback key (I have a small SD adapter with a 16GB microsd card) but it either indicates that it does not have MMS, i.e. this error … what is the new problem?

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    Item: Stick Fehler 80220087

    “If memory families have specific questions … feel free to ask, the more fundamental the question, the more philosophical the answer will be” – PSPWizard

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    < / dl>

    Object: Hard Disk Key Error 80220087

    Hmm, I found this:
    1) Format the new microsdhc with adapter in your PSP. It will fail.
    2) Take the microsdhc from outside and connect it to the device on your PC.
    3) When people try to access a card, expect it to be unformatted. You will be prompted to try Format to help you format the card. Formatting
    4) Check fat32 credit cards with default settings – EXCEPT quick format.This seems important because full formatting didn’t work for me.
    5) Copy all content to the USB key prepared by duo. ESPECIALLY use 2 hidden system files. Apart from the files and these two mp3 files, the memory card must always be empty.
    6) Turn on your PSP and replace the microsdhc + adapter. The PSP MUST recognize the card accurately.
    7) Add your content to one of our microSDHC cards using a PSP or phone card reader. In any case, the PSP should now recognize the card.

    Posts: 2
    Registration: 01.21.2017 01:29

    Object: Error 80220087 Memory Stick

    Personally, I have the same problem.
    I haven’t tried it yet, but I know the solution.
    PSP, like PS3, reads only FAT32 – it DOES NOT read EXfat or NTFS, as I remember.

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  • In other words, playing the PSP doesn’t recognize these types of problems, it’s like trying to find a problem in the dark with a flashlight.
    Definitely find yourself a program that you can use to change key or memory from exfat or ntfs to fat32 .. after i am 100% sure you can theoretically format sometimes on sony psp. no

    psp memory stick format error

    I have an euthere is a time other than one day. I am using my 64GB. Otherwise I can put it on my tablet and you can just say ****.

    Wow. What I also needed to do was format the data on the large SD card to FAT32 using my PC. I think I did it in 2015, you should completely forget about it after 3 years. I couldn’t even figure out which program I was using (as the standard Win7 tutorials don’t), so I had to use something else I got last month to level the carport on my Nvidia Shield.

    @ Fade2black001, I gave you bad advice in this thread: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/918340-playstation-portable/76791226

    Anything after 2 in quote 7 is wrong. I’m sorry, my memory played a cruel joke on me and I was confused to a minimum. See above. It sounds like you may have already known that formatting a greeting card to FAT32 is all it takes for one card adapter, so I hope you figured it out yourself.
    In addition, most of the problems with a bank memory card that I mentioned in my case> 64 GB were actually Caused by a bad direct UMD connection that caused the main screen to freeze every time it tried to charge. I have “fixed” this for today by applying enough tape to the UMD edge of the assembly cover, which is never completely locked in place. Since the UMD reader is also effectively disabled, I only have a very slight normal slowdown associated with cards> 64GB.

    I’m sorry again that people posted misinformation here in a previous conversation, which the experts called a big mistake.

    UPDATE: In order for the 64GB + 32GB expansion adapter to work, I first had to arrange it in a GUI format (which gave me a 64GB card) and then from my PSP (which filled 96GB). I have no idea why it worked when so many sighs didn’t help. If I had to sell the Retro Ownership FAQ that this system offers, I would research / experiment with an unfamiliar topic until I get out and out of it, but for now I’m just glad that my problem gets resolved frequently. ..

    psp memory stick format error

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