Ошибка err cert weak signature algorithm

If you’re a website owner, you’re probably already aware that web security technologies are constantly evolving to keep your projects safe. Thanks to the same security developments, online users can rest easy navigating the web, too. However, some websites may not be up-to-date with the latest security measures, which can trigger the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error.

The good news is that this error doesn’t signify major negligence on the part of a website owner. Moreover, it can be easily fixed by updating an SSL/TLS certificate. Alternatively, if this error message is mistakenly triggered, users can try a handful of simple troubleshooting tactics to resolve it.

In this post, we’ll explore the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error and what causes it. Then, we’ll show both website owners and visitors how to fix the problem. Let’s dive right in!

Check Out Our Video Guide To Fixing The NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM Error:


When you’re navigating the web, you might run into the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM. This isn’t ideal, as it will get in your way when you’re trying to access a website:



This error might be a bit shocking to both website owners and visitors. It includes a universally familiar symbol for danger (a red hazard symbol) and states, “Your connection is not private.” Therefore, it’s bound to make you at least slightly nervous.

In order to understand the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error, it’s crucial to have a baseline understanding of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol first. This protocol gives websites and users an added layer of security by encrypting and authenticating data between web servers and browsers.

The protocol is especially crucial for ecommerce websites that handle sensitive user information such as credit card details, passwords, and other personal data. While the SSL protocol came first, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is more commonplace nowadays. That’s because it’s basically a more recent version of SSL.

You may be wondering why any of this is relevant to the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error. We’ll explain this in the next section as we explore its causes.

Don’t let outdated security measures trigger the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error on your website! Check out this guide for causes and easy fixes ⬇️Click to Tweet


Now that you know more about the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error and the SSL/TLS protocols, let’s discuss how to implement the latter on a site. Then, we’ll be able to dive deeper into the true causes of the error message.

As we’ve discussed, thanks to encryption, the SSL and TLS protocols can help protect websites from hackers and other security threats. Fortunately, it’s super easy to run this protocol on your site. You’ll just need to get an SSL or TLS certificate. Even better, you can often get one for free:

The Let’s Encrypt website

Let’s Encrypt

For example, you can use Let’s Encrypt for a free TLS certificate. However, if you don’t carefully choose your certificate, or it becomes outdated, you might run into the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error.

Without getting too much into the nitty-gritty details, SSL/TLS certificates need to use a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) to work properly. In the past, SHA-1 was the norm. However, a more secure version, called SHA-2, was developed later on.

Simply put, if your SSL or TLS certificate uses SHA-1, then this could trigger the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error.

For website owners, an outdated SSL or TLS certificate is the main cause of this error. However, technology is imperfect, and the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error could also be triggered mistakenly.

When it comes to website users, here are a few common culprits that might trigger this error accidentally:

  • Outdated web browsers
  • Browser settings
  • Active firewalls
  • Corrupt cache or cookies
  • Faulty or incompatible browser extensions

The exact cause may not be apparent from the outset. In the next two sections, we’ll show both website owners and visitors how to resolve the error.

How To Fix the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM Error (The Only Solution for Website Owners)

If your own website is showing the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error, there’s no need to panic. You might even be comforted by the fact that there’s really only one solution to this problem.

To fix this error, you just need to have your SSL or TLS certificate re-issued or buy a new one. Of course, you’ll want to double-check that your new certificate will use either SHA-2 or SHA-256 (not SHA-1).

At this point, you might also want to assess whether it’s a good time to change web hosts. Managing this part of your website can be tedious and stressful. Therefore, you may prefer a web hosting provider that simplifies the process:

A landing page for the Kinsta Cloudflare integration

Kinsta Cloudflare integration

At Kinsta, all of our hosting services include a free Cloudflare SSL certificate with wildcard support, which uses SHA-2. What’s more, this service is included automatically, so you won’t have to deal with the hassle of installing an SSL certificate on your site.

If you check with your SSL/TLS provider or web host and discover that your certificate is indeed up-to-date, but you’re still seeing the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error, that means the message is being erroneously displayed. In that case, you’re dealing with a user-side issue, so continue to the next section to figure out what that is.

How To Fix the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM Error (7 Solutions for Website Visitors)

If you’ve confirmed that your SSL/TLS certificate isn’t the problem, or you’re a cautious website visitor who has encountered this error, it’s time to start troubleshooting. Here are seven solutions for the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error!

1. Update Your Browser

NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM isn’t among the most common errors, but most of its solutions are highly straightforward. In fact, sometimes, resolving the error is as simple as updating your browser.

This error can appear in any web browser. However, since Google Chrome is the most popular browser on the market, we’ll use it for our examples in this tutorial.

To update Chrome, simply open the browser and click on the three dots next to your navigation bar. Then, select Help followed by About Google Chrome:

Google Chrome Help settings

Google Chrome help

On the following page, you’ll see the option to update Chrome if it’s out-of-date. If you can’t find this option, you’re running the most current version of the web browser.

Go ahead and run the update and try accessing the page that’s showing the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM again.

2. Reset Your Browser Settings

Another easy way to resolve NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM in Chrome is by resetting your browser settings. Once again, click on the three dots next to your navigation bar to do this.

After that, head to Settings > Reset Settings:

Reset settings in Google Chrome

Google Chrome reset settings

Next, click on Restore settings to their original defaults. You’ll then see the following message:

Confirming settings reset in Chrome

Confirming settings reset in Chrome

To move forward, simply click on the Reset settings button. When the process is finished, the page will refresh, and you won’t receive another confirmation. Then, you can return to the website showing the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error to check if it’s accessible. If it’s not, continue reading!

3. Disable Any Active Firewalls

Until now, we’ve only shown you how to troubleshoot this error within your web browser. However, your operating system could also be to blame. When your device is using a firewall, it could accidentally block a safe website, leading to the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error.

Fortunately, disabling firewalls on both Windows and Mac devices is super easy. Let’s start with how to do this on a Mac computer.

To begin, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and click on the Firewall tab:

Mac firewall settings

Firewall settings on Mac

If you discover that your firewall is turned off, you can stop here and skip to the next method. However, if it is on, select the lock at the bottom left of the window.

You’ll need to enter your password to continue. Next, hit the button that says Turn Off Firewall and click on the lock again to save the changes:

Turning off a firewall on a Mac device

Turning off a firewall on a Mac device

It’s as simple as that!

On Windows, go to Control Panel > System > Privacy & security. After that, select Windows Security and find Firewall & network protection:

Manage Windows firewalls

Manage firewalls in Windows

You can manage all of your Windows firewalls on this screen. When you’re finished, go back to your browser to check if the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error has been fixed.

4. Turn off Browser Extensions

As we discussed before, Google Chrome is the most widely used browser. One of the reasons for its popularity is that you can extend its functionality through Chrome extensions. These convenient add-ons can help you with loads of things, like checking your grammar, managing your passwords, and more.

However, since extensions come from third-party developers, there is always a risk that they are incompatible with each other or certain websites. You can see if one of your extensions is triggering the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM in Chrome by trying to access the site using an Incognito window.

By default, all of your Chrome extensions are disabled in Incognito, so this is a quick way to determine if they’re to blame:

Incognito mode in Chrome.


If you discover that you can access the site without issue in Incognito mode, one of your Chrome extensions is likely behind the error.

In this case, simply open Chrome (in regular mode) and click on the puzzle icon to the right of your navigation bar. This will open a dropdown menu showing some of your extensions. Find Manage Extensions at the bottom and click on it.

Alternatively, you can simply go to Settings > Extensions to get to the same screen:

Google Chrome extensions

Google Chrome extensions

From this page, you can easily turn off any active extensions by clicking on the toggle button in the bottom right-hand corner of its panel.

However, at this point, you don’t know which extension is causing the error. So, turn them off one by one to determine this. Then, you can remove the problematic Chrome extension to avoid errors in the future.

5. Clear Your Browser Cache and Cookies

Browser caching stores some of a website’s data in your browser the first time you visit it. This way, the next time you access that site, its content won’t need to load from scratch. Since this cached data is already available in your browser’s ‘memory’, it can be retrieved faster the next time you visit that webpage.

Unfortunately, data stored in your browser cache can become outdated, and it could trigger errors like NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM in Chrome. Moreover, the same is true for third-party cookies.

Therefore, you might be able to resolve the error by clearing your browser cache and removing any tracking cookies. Luckily, you can do both of these things in one fell swoop.

In Chrome, simply click on the three dots and go to More Tools > Clear Browsing Data:

Clear browsing data under more tools

More Tools settings in Chrome

After that, you’ll see the following pop-up window:

Clearing browsing data in Chrome

Clear browsing data

To cover all your bases, choose All time as your time range. Next, select Cookies and other site data along with Cached images and files.

Click on the Clear data button. Now, return to the website showing the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error and see if it’s working!

6. Fix Your Device’s Date and Time Settings

If your device’s date and time settings are incorrect, they could also accidentally trigger the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error.

To remedy this on a Mac device, navigate to System Preferences > Date & Time and select the Date & Time tab:

Date and time settings on a Mac device

Date and time settings on Mac

Click on the lock in the bottom left corner to make changes. You’ll need to enter your password once again.

If the Set date and time automatically box is not checked, go ahead and select it. Then, click on the lock again to confirm your changes.

On Windows, you’ll need to navigate to Control Panel > Clock and Region. Under Date and Time, click on Set the time and date. In the pop-up, select the Internet Time tab:

Date and time settings on a Windows device

Date and time settings on a Windows

Here, you’ll also be able to set an automatic time.

7. Continue With an Insecure Connection

If you’ve tried all of these strategies for fixing NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM in Chrome, and none of them worked, there is one final option. While we don’t recommend it, you can always return to the error page and click on Advanced.

In some cases, you can continue to the website even though it doesn’t have a secure connection. Again, we don’t recommend this approach. If you access a site that isn’t properly encrypted, you could be putting your data at risk.

No major negligence here! 🫣 The NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error can happen to anyone. Lucky for you, we’ve got the solution right here 👇Click to Tweet


If you see NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM while navigating the web, it can be a bit unnerving. Even worse, if your own website is triggering the error message, it might deter visitors who are concerned about the safety of your site. Fortunately, this rare error is pretty easy to fix.

If you’re the website owner, you’ll just need to get a new SSL or TLS certificate that uses SHA-2. Meanwhile, if you’re a site visitor, you can try troubleshooting. Start by updating your web browser, resetting your browser settings, and turning off browser extensions. Then, you can reconfigure your device’s date and time and clear your browser cache and cookies.

Do you want to ensure that your website’s visitors don’t run into error messages when trying to access your content? A dependable web host can help you out. At Kinsta, all of our hosting plans include a Cloudflare integration, which automatically provides up-to-date SSL certificates for free. Plus, we have a 24/7 support team if you have any problems. Sign up for Kinsta today!

Ошибка NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM возникает во время посещения сайтов через Chrome. Причина — в сертификате SSL веб-ресурса, который не «понравился» браузеру. Он «считает», что сайт недостаточно безопасен и его посещение чревато утечкой пользовательских данных.



Сначала проверьте, что в Windows актуальны обновления и установлен Chrome последней версии.

№1: удаляем неподходящее расширение браузера

Посетите сайт в режиме инкогнито. Если ошибка не выдается, то глючат дополнения Chrome. Одно из них подменило стандартные сертификаты безопасности на собственные. Вычислим это расширение следующим образом:

  • выключаем все дополнения браузера;
  • включаем по одному и заходим на сайт;
  • обнаруживаем, после включения какого расширения высвечивается ошибка NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM;
  • удаляем дополнение.

Бывает, что на ПК установлено приложение, которое самостоятельно подменивает сертификаты и добавляет свои плагины в браузер. В таком случае удалите не только дополнение, но и «материнскую» программу. Зачастую пользователь и не знает, что такое приложение есть в системе. Просмотрите список установленных программ и отметьте те, которыми вы не пользовались. Часто они виновники проблемы.

№2: изменяем настройки антивируса (файрвола)

Антивирусные программы могут подменивать сертификаты. Вычисляется это путем нажатия на саму ошибку NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM — появятся детали. Обратите внимание на поле «Issuer (Издатель):» — там будет указан сервис, сертификат которого вызывает сомнения у браузера. Если там присутствует названия вашего антивируса или файрвола — проблема в них. К примеру, иногда включение https или ssl сканирования в Avast вызывает ошибку. Перейдите на другой антивирус либо опытным путем вычислите какие антивирусные настройки «мешают» Chrome.

№3: сбрасываем настройки сети и безопасности в системе

  • Очищаем SSL. Жмем комбинацию Win+R, вводим в появившемся поле inetcpl.cpl и нажимаем Enter. Запустится приложение «Свойства Интернет», перейдите на вкладку «Содержание», отыщите блок «Сертификаты» и нажмите на «Очистить SSL».
  • Переналадка сетевых настроек. Откройте командную строку с правами администратора. Далее поочередно запустите следующие команды: ipconfig /flushdns, ipconfig /renew, ipconfig /registerdns, netsh int ip set dns, netsh winsock reset. Теперь перегрузитесь.

№4: очищаем кеш Chrome

Во включенном браузере жмем комбинацию Ctrl+Shirt+Del. В окне выбираем отрезок «за все время» и устанавливаем галочки напротив полей «очистить кеш» и «очистить файлы cookie». Иногда это помогает справиться с ошибкой NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, но ранее указанные способы куда эффективнее.

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How to Fix the NET:: ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM in Google Chrome?

An SSL Error Which Can Only Be Fixed by the Website Manager or Owner

If you’re reading this article then there’s a possibility that you’re facing the ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error in Chrome, whenever you try to visit a website. It’s sad to say that this Google Chrome error your connection is not private is not something you can fix as a website visitor. If you’re a website visitor, then the only advice we can give is to avoid visiting this website, as it’s using an outdated security technology, which can even be compromised by hackers.


What is the Google Chrome Error ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM?

Put simply, whenever you see the err cert weak signature algorithm error in Google Chrome, it means the website has an SSL/TLS certificate installed, but it’s issued with an outdated signature algorithm. Here, the signature algorithm is one small portion of the cipher suite, which is used to perform the encryption function to secure the connection between the client and the server. Usually, the website displays this type of error when the SSL/TLS Certificate gets issued with the SHA-1 algorithm (deprecated long back in 2015).

As said above, if you’re the website owner or the one who manages the website, then re-issue your SSL/TLS certificate using the SHA-2 or SHA-256 hashing algorithm. These days, almost all the CAs and SSL service providers, including the resellers, provide certificates with the SHA-2 option at the time of ordering the certificate.

However, if possible, instead of reissuing the certificate, purchase a new one as it will automatically be issued using the latest SHA-2 hashing algorithm, which will fix the cert weak signature algorithm error you see in Google Chrome.

Related Articles:

Disclosure: AboutSSL appreciates your continuous support. It helps us tremendously to keep moving in the competitive SSL industry. Here most of the links which direct you to buy any SSL/TLS related service or products earns us a certain percentage of referral commission. Learn More


  • How to fix the issue
  • Fix 1: Clear the SSL state
  • Fix 2: Temporarily disable your anti-malware and security services
  • Fix 3: Reset your network configuration
  • Fix 4: Clear your browsing data
    • Here’s how to clear the browser data on Google Chrome:
  • Fix 5: Bypass the security warning


You’ve been presented with an error message that says, “Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from domain_name.com, NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM”. This error occurred as you tried accessing a site using your Google Chrome browser.

You may have tried reloading the browser, but the problem persists.

If you’ve been experiencing this with several sites, you are not alone. Many users have reported the issue. The good news is there are several things you can do to get rid of it.


The error occurs when your browser cannot verify a server’s SSL certificate.

There are three reasons why the warning is displayed:

  • There is no secure SSL connection between your computer and the server.
  • Although the server has an SSL certificate, which is meant to protect your private data, your browser has failed to recognize it because it was not issued by a trusted organization. Popular browsers only recognize certificates issued by a trusted source.
  • The SSL certificate has not been properly configured, is expired, or does not belong to the domain you are trying to visit.

How to fix the issue

Before we go ahead to present the fixes, you first have to make sure that the problem is not from your end.

Here’s what you have to do to determine whether the fault is from your computer, your internet connection, or the server:

  • Using the same internet connection, try opening the website on another computer. If it goes through successfully, it means the problem is from your primary computer.
  • However, if the problem persists after you’ve used another computer, use a different internet connection and try opening the website again. If it loads successfully, it means the problem is from your network and not from your devices.
  • If you’ve used different networks and different computers to try accessing the site without any positive result, it means the problem is from the server. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do about it except to inform the website so they can fix the issue from their end.

If after attempting the above checks, you realize that the problem is from your end, go ahead and apply the following fixes:

  1. Clear the SSL state
  2. Temporarily disable your anti-malware and security services
  3. Reset your network configuration
  4. Clear your browsing data
  5. Bypass the security warning

Let’s get right to it:

Fix 1: Clear the SSL state

While setting up an SSL connection, your computer requests a copy of the digital certificate from the server for verification before it begins transferring your data. To avoid repeating this process several times, it saves the SSL state so as to retrieve it locally next time.

The “Your connection is not private” error may therefore arise when there is a problem with the SSL certificate cache. Clearing it might help resolve the issue.

Follow these easy steps to do so:

  1. To bring up the Run dialog, press the Windows logo key + R shortcut on your keyboard.
  2. Type or copy and paste inetcpl.cpl into the text box and press Enter on your keyboard or click the OK button.
  3. On the Internet Properties box that opens, go to the Contents tab and click the Clear SSL state button.
  4. Click the Apply button and click Ok if a confirmation prompt pops up.
  5. Click the OK button to exit the Internet Properties box.
  6. Restart your computer.
  7. Launch Chrome and try accessing the website again to see if a secure connection will be successful.

Fix 2: Temporarily disable your anti-malware and security services

Some users may suggest this as the first solution to try. But disabling your antivirus program and firewall protection is often not advisable, especially if you are unsure that the site you are trying to visit can be trusted.

However, it may happen that your antivirus software’s internet protection settings are interfering with your web browser and causing the problem you are encountering.

Open the software and disable these settings if you can locate them. You can look up the instructions on how to do that for your particular antivirus. Afterwards, see if you can load the site successfully.

If the error persists, disable the antivirus program and firewall completely, restart your computer and then try loading the site again. If that resolves the issue, contact your vendor for advice or consider installing a different antivirus program.

Note: To protect your computer and private data from malware that can break into your system through email links and attachments, downloaded files, and untrusted websites, get Auslogics Anti-Malware today. The tool is designed not to interfere with your main antivirus and can detect and quickly get rid of malicious items you might never have suspected were present on your PC. It can even catch and eliminate those your existing antivirus may fail to identify.

Fix 3: Reset your network configuration

Your browser may be unable to establish a secure connection due to issues with your network configuration. Resetting it can help resolve the problem. Follow the easy steps below to achieve that:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Type CMD in the search bar.
  3. Right-click on Command Prompt from the search results and select Run as administrator.
  4. In the elevated command prompt window that opens, copy and paste the lines listed below. Press Enter after each one to execute it before you move on to the next:
  • ipconfig /flushdns
  • ipconfig /renew
  • ipconfig /registerdns
  • netsh int ip set dns
  • netsh winsock reset

Note: Ensure you don’t add the bullet points when you enter the above commands in the elevated command prompt window.

  1. Restart your computer.

After you’ve completed these steps, launch your browser and check if the site will load without any issue.

Fix 4: Clear your browsing data

If the website opens when you use another computer, it may be that the problem lies with your browser. You can fix this by clearing your browsing data. This will remove any faulty files that may be contained in your browser and causing the problem.

Before you go ahead to do this, keep in mind that it implies erasing your passwords, cached images and files, download history, and so on.

Here’s how to clear the browser data on Google Chrome:

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Type or copy and paste chrome://settings into the URL bar and press enter to open the browser settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Advanced” drop-down.
  4. At the bottom of the Privacy and security category, you’ll find “Clear browsing data”. Click on it.

Note: Alternatively, you can skip steps 2 to 4 and simply press Ctrl + Shift + Delete on your keyboard. This will lead you straight to the “Clear browsing data” menu.

  1. Click on the “Advanced” tab and select “All time” under Time range.
  2. Mark the checkbox for the items you want to clear (we suggest you mark all the items) and then click the Clear data button.

After you’ve completed this fix, restart your browser and try accessing the site again. See if the problem has been resolved. If it persists, consider reinstalling Chrome or reset it after backing up your data.

Fix 5: Bypass the security warning

You should do this as a last resort since it may compromise the security of your computer. Proceed only if you are entirely sure that the site you are trying to load can be trusted and does not contain any malicious elements. Some known sites may not have a good SSL certificate.

Follow these steps to bypass the security warning:

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Once the error message is displayed, click on Advanced > Proceed to example.com (unsafe).

You’ll now be redirected to the website, and you’ll be able to access its contents.

Before you consider bypassing the security warning, you may want to try the following tips and see if any of them will work for you:

  • Check your device’s date and time settings. Adjusting and readjusting them will prompt Chrome to perform some checks that might help in resolving the error.
  • There may be certain Chrome extensions that could be causing the issue. Disabling your extensions may help fix the problem.
  • Scan your computer for malware. We recommend you use Auslogics Anti-Malware for this.
  • If you happen to be facing this issue not only on one website, it could be that there is some software installed on your computer that’s causing interference. To find out, click on the NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error to view more details. The item listed under “Issuer” is probably the culprit. Uninstall it and try accessing the website again.
  • If you have the Chrome browser on several devices and are signed in to the same account on all of them, the error may occur if the browser is syncing bad data. To fix this, launch your Chrome browser. Type chrome://settings/syncSetup in the URL bar and press enter. Once on the page, go ahead to turn off sync and see if that fixes the issue.
  • If you are using the Ubuntu operating system, execute the following command on your terminal: sudo apt-get install libnss3-1d.

We hope the solutions presented here have proven useful in fixing the error.

Please feel free to leave a comment in the section below if you have any comments or further suggestions.

We’ll love to hear from you.

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Гугл Хром — один из самых популярных браузеров для выхода на просторы Глобальной Паутины, благодаря своей простоте и быстродействию. Тем не менее, даже эта программа, рожденная в недрах известной на весь мир корпорации, иногда создает пользователям неприятные моменты. Например, при попытке доступа к интернет-ресурсу, на экране монитора может возникнуть ошибка NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM.

Естественно, желание юзера обойти данную неприятность, чтобы появилась возможность и дальше заходить на требуемые ему сайты. Но, прежде чем приступить к лечению, необходимо точно узнать, что значит код ошибки NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM в Google Chrome и в каких случаях данную ситуацию можно встретить.

Причина появления ошибки в Google Chrome

Не все интернет-пользователи знают, что создатели Google Chrome внедрили в оболочку своей программы специальную технологию, которая при каждой попытке захода на сайт проверяет наличие у ресурса специального сертификата безопасности. Если он не обнаружен — появляется именно такое сообщение.

Как избавиться от ошибки NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM в Гугл Хром

Существует несколько причин, которые способны привести к аналогичной ситуации:

  • Отсутствие сертификата безопасности или вышел срок его действия;
  • Древнейшая версия используемого браузера, которая просто перестала поддерживаться со стороны корпорации Гугл;
  • Сбилось системное время и произошла рассинхронизация этого параметра с установленными значениями для временного пояса в интернете;
  • Подмена сертификата различными расширениями, часть из которых может вести слежку за действиями пользователя, собирать его персональные данные и так далее.

После выявления основных первопричин появления данной неприятности можно приступать к ее лечению.


Существует несколько рекомендуемых действий, которые можно реализовать в этой ситуации:

  1. Выполнить обновление браузера до последней, актуальной версии. Желательно делать это с официального ресурса-распространителя.
  2. Запустить хороший антивирусник и выполнить диагностику операционку на наличие вредоносного ПО. Также следует почистить файл Hosts.
  3. Связаться, если имеется такая возможность, с представителями нужного интернет-сайта и узнать, возможно, у них закончился срок действия сертификата и в данный момент времени они как раз занимаются этим вопросом.
  4. Запустить командную строку (Пуск — поисковая строка — ввести «командная строка» — осуществить вход с правами администратора). и вбить приказ системе » ipconfig /flushdns», что позволит почистить КЭШ DNS.
  5. Правильно выставить дату/время и синхронизировать их с интернетом (нажать на иконке времени в трее, перейти в настройки, выбрать пункт «время по интернету», осуществить заход в свойства, выставить галочку в соответствующем месте).
  6. Отключить со своей стороны анализ SSL, который выполняет брандмауэр или используемое антивирусное ПО. Сам же браузер можно запустить со специальным параметром, который называется «ignore-certificate-errors».

ipconfig /flushdns

Последним пунктом следует пользоваться в крайних случаях — если нужно срочно зайти именно на определенный интернет-ресурс. Дело в том, что этот вариант совершенно не решает проблему, а только игнорирует ее. Что, естественно, увеличивает шансы попасть под действия различного опасного, шпионского и вредоносного ПО.

В качестве альтернативы можно попробовать осуществить подключение с помощью ручного ввода адреса DNS. Для этого необходимо предварительно узнать данные у провайдера, после чего, если проблема «NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM» продолжает проявлять себя, выполнить следующие действия:

  • В трее нажать на иконку сетевого подключения.
  • Перейти в центр управления сетями и выбрать рабочее соединение.
  • Нажать на «подключение по локальной сети».
  • Перейти в свойства, выбрать пункт, отвечающий за протокол IPv4.
  • Выставить параметры DNS в ручном режиме.
  • Сохранить все изменения и попробовать осуществить вход на требуемую страницу.

Выставить параметры DNS в ручном режиме

В особо безнадежных случаях может понадобиться переход на альтернативный вариант браузера или полноценная переустановка операционки.

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