Ошибка er52 термомикс

Joined: 15.06.2013


Sat, 08/23/2014 — 22:19


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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

The current world situation has lead to our processes being upset. No excuse as we pride ourselves on our Customer Service. We will pass your post onto Customer Service again and I am sure someone will touch base soon.

You are more than welcome to contact them direct on 1800 004 838 if that suits you better.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Ronelba

Sorry to read this. We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team however the contact details haven’t been completed on your profile. In order to get a quicker response, are you able to please contact them direct on 1800 004 838?

We will do our best and hope to hear from you soon.

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Thanks Thermomix but it’s now 22 April and I have had no contact from Thermoix

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Joined: 22.04.2020



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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Lena C

Sorry the temperature is not working right now.

We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team. Someone will be in contact to discuss shortly.

We hope to get your back cooking as soon as possible.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 17.04.2020


My thermo doesn’t heat up anymore, none of the heat levels are lighting up?
I keep getting error 52 and have cleaned, reset, unplugged and error keeps coming up.
What’s wrong with it, is the end of it’s life?

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

Sorry to read this.

We have passed your post onto our customer service department. Someone will be in contact with you to discuss.

We hope to get you back into the kitchen as soon as possible.

Happy cooking!

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Omg this has happened in my house ? I went to do self cleaning and the base wasn’t on properly!
I let it dry out for 48 hours but the error keeps coming up. I’ve cleaned the base and the points so many times and it’s just not working. Tried calling customer service but it keeps hanging up.
so sad!

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Joined: 26.11.2016


Hi, I’m devastated. My 10 yr old thought she’d make pancakes and poured in milk not realising the base wasn’t secure. After cleaning my TX5 I now get an error c52. Any ideas?? Is it ruined? ?

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Thank you Panoukla! 

It is working again Smile

I  cleaned the connections on the bowl but I also had to take the little rubber bit off and clean a little bit under there (carefully) too.

Thanks again for the reply!

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Joined: 16.10.2012


Hi tigerdreaming, try cleaning the connections on the underside of the bowl and where they fit into base. I think error 52 comes up when the connection between base and bowl is not being read Smile worth a try anyway. Good luck!!

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Hi everyone,

Can anybody tell me what error 52 is? I have reset, unplugged and re plugged, left for a while etc and to no avail, within a few seconds the error comes up again Aw

I was only trying to melt some butter so it wasn’t overloaded or anything, I also tried with out heating element and it’s just getting worse, now the error comes up as soon as you close the lid before you press/turn anything.

I can’t lose my baby, I use it every single day!!

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Сценарий ситуации, требующий решения:

Вы заметили появление ошибки 52 на вашем Термомиксе. Эта ошибка означает проблему с нагревом устройства и, следовательно, неисправность устройства. Вы задаетесь вопросом, как решить эту проблему, чтобы вы могли снова нормально использовать Thermomix.

Список необходимых материалов и инструментов:

    • отвертка Филлипс
    • Комплект для чистки Термомикса
    • Чистящее средство для Термомикса
    • Кабель питания
    • Пищевой термометр
    • Тонкогубцы

Пошаговые процедуры:

Шаг 1. Проверка источника питания и кабеля питания

Убедитесь, что ваш Thermomix подключен к исправной электрической розетке и что кабель питания не поврежден. Если кабель поврежден, рекомендуется его заменить.

Шаг 2. Очистка устройства

Используйте набор для чистки Thermomix и чистящее средство, чтобы удалить остатки пищи или другие остатки, которые могут повлиять на работу вашего Thermomix.

Шаг 3: Проверка температуры

С помощью пищевого термометра измерьте температуру в чаше Термомикса и проверьте, соответствует ли отображаемая температура ожидаемому. Если температура ниже или выше нормальной (90°C в режиме приготовления), это может объяснить ошибку 52.

Шаг 4. Проверка вентилятора

Проверьте состояние вентилятора Thermomix, вращая его вручную с помощью острогубцев. Если вентилятор не вращается свободно, это может указывать на неисправность устройства.

Шаг 5: Вызовите эксперта

Если ни одна из предыдущих процедур не помогла решить проблему, рекомендуется вызвать специалиста для ремонта вашего Термомикса.

Риск и меры предосторожности:

Прежде чем обращаться с термомиксом, убедитесь, что он отключен от любого источника электроэнергии. Также избегайте прикосновения к горячим частям устройства.

5 самых актуальных вопросов часто встречающихся проблем:

1. Как избежать появления ошибки 52 на Термомиксе?

Чтобы избежать ошибки 52 на Термомиксе, желательно содержать устройство в чистоте и не превышать максимальную емкость наполнения чаши.

2. Как легко и эффективно очистить Термомикс?

Рекомендуется использовать набор для чистки и чистящее средство для Thermomix, чтобы удалить остатки пищи и другие остатки, которые могут повлиять на работу устройства.

3. Что делать в случае неисправности Термомикса?

В случае неисправности Термомикса рекомендуется проверить силовые кабели, детали чаши и вентиляторы. Если проблема не устранена, необходимо вызвать специалиста.

4. Что делать, если на дисплее Thermomix отображается неизвестная ошибка?

В случае неизвестной ошибки рекомендуется обратиться к руководству пользователя устройства. Если решение там не указано, рекомендуется обратиться в сервисную службу Thermomix.

5. Как заменить неисправную деталь Термомикса?

Для замены неисправной детали Thermomix рекомендуется вызвать специалиста, поскольку для этого могут потребоваться особые технические навыки. Не рекомендуется пытаться отремонтировать устройство самостоятельно, чтобы избежать дальнейших повреждений.

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Topic: Error 52  (Read 80380 times)

I have NO idea where dh has put the thermomix books so can anyone please tell me what error 52 is and what to do about it? it’s happening more and more and driving me INSANE!!!!! :(


The manual says — ‘error messages of the applicance can be reset as follows:- (for your number) By turning the speed selector to Open Lid position then to Closed Lid position’    Hope this helps Karen.


Judy from North Haven, South Australia

Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.

thanks judy. doesn’t really explain what’s going wrong though does it  :-\


No but you are lucky it isn’t a 71 or 72 as that can only be fixed by Vowerk customer service. Maybe a consultant could help you out with more information as there doesn’t seem to be a list of what number means what problem apart from 53 which is temperature sensor failure. Would be nice to have a list of what all the different numbers mean though.


Judy from North Haven, South Australia

Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.

I’m not 100% sure but 52 could be that there is moisture on the pins?  Sometimes the condensation from what your making dribbles down the sides, or if you have washed the machine and not dried the pins moisture gets through the plastic seal thing
I’ll have a look through my notes and see if I can find anything, I seem to remember its a fairly common one


that makes sense baf, i’d wondered if it was moisture. i’m always washing it right before using




I’m revisiting this as I’ve just spoken to someone who has Error 52 coming up and needs help. Is anyone else having this problem?
Did we find any solutions please?


I had a problem not so long ago, and during the problem this code would come up intermittently. the thread on the blades had actually worn out. it showed up when I was trying to mince some meat. my blades weren’t spinning for some things and it sounded a bit off. HO said it may be caused by overloading at some stage, but I know this is not so in this case. they replaced the blades under warranty. there is an explanation of codes possibily on this website or in the TM manual, but i don’t think that 52 was there — I’d recommend calling your GL.


Non Consultant from Perth, Western Australia

A balanced diet is a biscuit in each hand

I am pretty sure 52 is moisture too. Might need to be looked at brazen if it is happening all the time??


Thermomix consultant in beautiful Perth,  Mum to 2 boys :)

  Do you Fly with the flyLady?  www.flylady.net

Thanks. I’ll phone and let her know.


I had this problem recently — error 52.  Our Tassie GL told me that it means moisture has gone down the prongs into the machine.  She told me to give it a good long dry out, but she also put in a report to HQ for me in case that didn’t work.  After two days of sitting on a warm sunny window sill (I really wanted to hang it out on the clothesline) the water must have evaporated because it hasn’t skipped a beat since.

To avoid it happening in the first place make sure that the blade seal is always in place, that the bowl isn’t overfilled and that the prongs are always really dry.  I learnt the hard way.  It was a tough two days without my baby. :)


Thank you all. I have passed on the information.


I’m glad to see this thread, I had an error 52 last night while mincing frozen small beef chunks and half way through doing a 2kg lot (in small amounts to prevent overloading) I had an error 52. Upon examining my bowl I saw I had moisture go down onto the prongs and around the base of the bowl.
I pulled it out, Dried it all off and I didn’t have the problem again. I washed it afterwards and then had no issues making my smoothie this morning :)


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  • Error 52


What is thermomix error code 52?

fix is possibly required in the event that the mistake message continues to return. 52. Blending bowl(heating)Once more, here we are: my Thermomix halted for the nth time, Blunder 52!

In any case, what does Mistake 52 mean and how might you address it?

After my scales and my fixing ring breaking now my Thermomix doesn’t go farther than Speed 6 and presentations Mistake 52.

I’ve quickly looked through on the web and look what I’ve found out on the vorwerk official site: «The guidelines manual reports Blunder 52 can be reset by turning the speed selector to open top image and afterward to shut top symbol…you don’t have to call the client care.»

I carried my cherished Thermomix to the client support. The outcome? In excess of 143 €….They had do substitute the whole blending bowl.In short there was an oddity in the bowl. On account of WEAR the blending blade fixing ring didn’t close impeccably any longer. Presumably some fluid emerged from the bowl and cause a short out of the electronic card.

My serious mix-up has been not to carry Thermomix to the costumer administration quickly when I’ve seen some fluid was going out from the base while I was cooking (pureed tomatoes for instance). So the circumstance deteriorated and more regrettable :- (

Or on the other hand perhaps when I washed my Thermomix I didn’t dry it very well the base piece of it, where the contact pins are, and this was the reason for the short out. This subsequent choice is totally unthinkable for my situation since I go through hours at drying it with a fabric. It is a bad dream. The main conceivable arrangement might be to dry it with and hairdryer :- )

How to fix thermomix error 52 permanently?

thermomix error 52 is by and large connected with dampness or buildup on the bowl or bowl pins. This can happen when you’ve put freezing fixings in your blending bowl and left them in there excessively some time before handling, or on the other hand assuming that you’ve set your bowl in the cooler. This can make buildup structure on the pins and disrupt the electrical contact between your bowl and Thermomix®.thermomix error 52 can likewise be connected with dampness coming from the cutting edge set or soil inside the holding module fixing cap, so the following are three speedy tests you can do to check what the issue is.

Testing your Bowl Base/Edge Set for spills

To check in the event that your bowl is spilling from the bowl base or edge set, place two or three pieces of paper towel on your benchtop, fill your blending bowl in with water and let it represent 60 minutes. Void the bowl and really look at the paper for dampness., Then eliminate the dark bowl base and check under for dampness. On the off chance that there is dampness from spillage, either your bowl base or cutting edge set might require substitution. See joins underneath to arrange substitutions.

Checking and cleaning your Holding Module Fixing Cap

Delicately strip off the Holding Module Fixing Cap (the dark smiley seal with five openings on the Thermomix®, into which you plug the bowl) and clean with a cotton tip. Ensure the machine is turned off and the power string is turned off first.

Edge test

Hold the edges in your passed close by and afterward attempt to turn the little dark ridged handle on the base/lower part of the edges (as displayed). In the event that it turns, the edges are unserviceable and should be supplanted. See joins underneath to arrange substitutions.You can buy new parts from our internet based store, TheMix Shop. And keeping in mind that you’re there, look at our most recent offers and blog refreshes.

Tips to avoid thermomix error 52:

✍️Add ice and frozen things to your bowl last, not long prior to blitzing them.

✍️Try not to leave your bowl sitting in your Thermomix® for significant stretches with freezing contents, as this might permit buildup to conform to the pins.

✍️Continuously wipe the pins assuming they are wet in the wake of washing or allowed the bowl to air dry completely prior to putting to bowl once again into your Thermomix®.

✍️In the event that you have any inquiries or need to demand a help, you can finish a short structure on the web. If it’s not too much trouble, additionally remember for the remarks that you’ve finished the tests recorded above when you present your structure.https://reciclamix.com/error-52-thermomix/

Prefer to talk to someone in theThermomix® team?

1800 004 838

9am — 4pm Monday to Friday

Error 52 Thermomix TM31: What it Means and How to Solve It

Here we are again: my Thermomix stopped for the nth time, Error 52!

But what does Error 52 mean and how can you solve it?

After my scales and my sealing ring breaking now my Thermomix does not go further than Speed 6 and displays Error 52.

I’ve immediately searched on the internet and look what I’ve found out on the vorwerk official website: «The instructions manual reports Error 52 can be reset by turning the speed selector to open lid symbol and then to closed lid symbol…you don’t need to call the customer service

I’ve followed the instructions but….nothing happened.

I brought my beloved Thermomix to the customer service. The result? More than 143 €….They had do substitute the entire mixing bowl……..

In short there was an anomaly in the bowl. Because of WEAR the mixing knife sealing ring did not close perfectly anymore. Probably some liquid came out of the bowl and cause a short circuit of the electronic card.

My big mistake has been not to bring Thermomix to the costumer service immediately when I’ve noticed some liquid was going out from the bottom while I was cooking (tomato sauce for example). So the situation got worse and worse :-(

Or maybe when I washed my Thermomix I did not dry it very well the bottom part of it, where the contact pins are, and this was the cause of the short circuit. This second option is absolutely impossible in my case because I spend hours at drying it with a cloth. It is a nightmare. The only possible solution may be to dry it with and hairdryer :-)

In this period I had to face some expenses for electronic appliances: I paid 90 € for the washing machine because as the technician said, it was a WEAR problem (again), too many washings, and this kind of problem is not comprehended in the warranty period….:-))))

Anyway, has ERROR 52 ever happened to you? How did you solve it? Tell me everything and I’ll add your precious suggestions to this post!

Translated from the Italian recipe

Errore 52 Bimby Tm31: Cosa Significa e Come Fare

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