Ошибка ems 4108 скания

Scania EMS 4108

Прекращен обмен данными между блоком управления двигателем и блоком управления SCR.

Причина: Неисправность может быть связана с прекращением подачи питания к блоку управления SCR и одновременной подачей питания к блоку управления двигателем. Если неисправность часто повторяется, вероятно, присутствует неисправность в разъеме «жгут-жгут» или в электропроводке.

Примечания: Впрыск реагента деактивируется. Неисправность негативно сказывается на выбросах двигателем окиси азота. Горит контрольная лампа. На двигателях с системой контроля выбросов NOx крутящий момент уменьшается на 40%. Код неисправности не может быть стерт, пока присутствует неисправность. После устранения неисправности, чтобы код неисправности стал неактивным, блок управления должен удостовериться в этом.

Симптом: Так как обмен данными прекращается, дополнительные коды неисправности для системы SCR не генерируются.

Действие: Если имеются другие коды неисправности для системы SCR, сначала диагностируйте их. 

— Несколько раз выключите и включите зажигание ключом зажигания.

— Если отсутствует код неисправности, указывающий на то, что система SCR отключена, проверьте электропроводку и очистите разъемы «жгут-жгут».

— Убедитесь в том, что плавкие предохранители для системы SCR не перегорели. 

— Убедитесь, что оба блока управления получают питание одновременно. 

— Если вышеописанные действия не помогают, замените блок управления SCR.

— Если это не помогает, замените блок управления двигателем.

— Выключите питание ключом, подождите как минимум 90 секунд и затем снова включите его.

— Если неисправность устранена, код неисправности становится неактивным.

— Сотрите код неисправности.

— Выключите и включите зажигание три раза с интервалами 10 секунд, чтобы деактивировать контрольную лампу.

Поиск кода неисправности

Код EMS 4108

Связь с блоком управления SCR

Описание неисправности

Модуль управления двигателем не имеет сообщения CAN от системы SCR.

Причина возникновения

Если код неисправности генерируется часто, возможно, это следствие проблемы в жгуте электропроводки или разъёмах «жгут-жгут».

Прерван обмен данными между блоком управления двигателем и блоком управления SCR.

При наличии нескольких неисправностей блок управления SCR отключает систему SCR, чтобы предотвратить её повреждение. Это означает, что обмен данными между блоком управления SCR и блоком управления двигателем прерывается.

Если этот код неисправности генерируется в одиночку и нет никаких других кодов неисправности системы SCR, это может быть следствием прерывания подачи напряжения к блоку управления SCR при одновременной подаче напряжения к блоку управления двигателем.

Возможно, неисправен блок управления SCR в насосе.

Если одновременно был сгенерирован код неисправности 5688, возможно, имеется неисправность в блоке управления двигателем.

Если этот код неисправности был сгенерирован, а код неисправности 5688 — нет, возможно, что имеется неисправность в электропроводке.

Если одновременно сгенерирован код неисправности 5657 или 8263, сначала начните диагностику с них.

Разъём был отключён при включённом питании или при перепрограммировании блока управления на станции техобслуживания.

Низкое напряжение аккумулятора.


Неисправность приводит к отключению впрыска реагента.

Коды неисправности генерируются на основании информации, поступающей от блока управления SCR. Если нет никакого обмена данными между блоком управления SCR и блоком управления двигателем, никакие коды неисправности, относящиеся к SCR, не генерируются в блоке управления двигателем.

Если генерируется этот код неисправности, отсутствует связь между блоком управления двигателем и блоком управления SCR. Это может подразумевать, что в блоке управления двигателем нет никаких кодов неисправности, относящихся к SCR, и те коды неисправности, которые были стёрты, не будут генерироваться снова даже при том условии, что неисправность все ещё остаётся.

Неисправность влияет на выбросы автомобилем оксидов азота (NOx); на щитке приборов загорается контрольная лампа, предупреждающая о высоком уровне загрязняющих веществ. На автомобилях с системой контроля NOx также выводится текстовое сообщение.

Автомобили с контролем NOx

Активный код неисправности ограничивает максимальный крутящий момент двигателя приблизительно на 40%.

Активный код неисправности нельзя удалить из блока управления. Когда неисправность устранена, чтобы код неисправности стал неактивным, блок управления должен убедиться в том, что неисправность устранена.



Необходимые действия

Очистите память кодов неисправности и попытайтесь запустить двигатель.

Проверьте плавкие перемычки .

Если имеются коды неисправности для системы SCR, сначала диагностируйте их.

Несколько раз включите и выключите зажигание. Коды неисправности, которые не были генерированы в блоке управления двигателем, могли присутствовать в блоке управления SCR, потому что этот код неисправности активен.

Если не присутствует код неисправности, указывающий на то, что система SCR в настоящий момент отключена, проверьте электропроводку и очистите электрические разъёмы. Убедитесь в том, что плавкие перемычки для системы SCR, не перегорели.

Также убедитесь в том, чтобы оба блока управления одновременно получают напряжение от клеммы 15.

Проверьте плавкие перемычки .

Если вышеописанные действия не помогают, замените блок управления SCR. Если это не помогает, замените блок управления двигателем.

Неактивные коды неисправности редко являются основной причиной неисправности. Всегда выполняйте сначала диагностику активных кодов неисправности.

При диагностике неактивных кодов неисправности:

  • Убедитесь, что они не были сгенерированы при посещении станции техобслуживания или при выключении выключателя питания бортовой сети, для этого перейдите к разделу «Дополнительные сведения» и проверьте, была ли скорость автомобиля 0 или 15, а частота вращения двигателя 0 при генерировании кода неисправности.
  • Также проверьте код неисправности на предмет генерирования в результате низкого напряжения. Для этого проверьте, опускалось ли напряжение ниже 22 В при генерировании кода.
    Чтобы убедиться в устранении неисправности, выполните следующие действия.

Выключите подачу напряжения через клемму 15, выждите как минимум 90 секунд и снова включите подачу напряжения через клемму 15.

После устранения неисправности код неисправности становится неактивным. Сотрите код неисправности.

Выключите и включите напряжение в шине 15 три раза подряд с интервалами в 10 секунд, чтобы выключить контрольную лампу.

Видео в тему кода неисправности

Электросхемы к коду неисправноти

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EMS S6, 8-cyl engines, from September 2004 up to January 2006

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EMS S6, 8-cyl engines, from February 2006 up to June 2007

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EMS, sheet 2, S7 & S8 Gas engine OC9

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EMS S8,sheet 1, applies to DC9 and DC13

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EMS S8,sheet 2, applies to DC13

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EMS S6,sheet 2, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S6,sheet 3, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S6,sheet 4, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S8,sheet 2, with DC13

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EMS S8,sheet 3, with DC9

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EMS, sheet 2, S7 & S8 Gas engine OC9 gas panel

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EMS S8, sheet1,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS S8, EMO1, OCS sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS OCS, EMO1, sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS OCS, sheet1,GAS engine, from March 2013

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EMS OCS, GCS, sheet1, from May 2014

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EMS S8, sheet1, DC09_13 XPI with EGR, up to April 2012

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EMS S8, sheet3, DC09 XPI with SCR

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EMS S8, sheet4, DC09_13 XPI with EGR, from May 2012

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EMS S8, sheet5, DC09_13 XPI without EGR

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EMS S8, sheet5, DC09_13 XPI without EGR

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EMS S8, sheet2, DC13 XPI with SCR

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EMS-OCS, sheet2, Gas engine LNG from Feb 2015

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EMS S7, sheet2, with DC13 and CFDA

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EMS S7, sheet2, with DC13 and CFDA

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FCS, S7, sheet 1

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EEC1 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным, начиная с марта 2007 года, с одним передним мостом или с двумя передними мостами

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EEC1 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным, начиная с марта 2007 года, с двумя передними мостами

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EEC3 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с одиночным передним мостом

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EEC3 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с одиночным передним мостом и V185

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EEC3 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с двумя передними мостами

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EEC3 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с двумя передними мостами и Н27

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EEC3 Лист 3 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с мая 2012 года

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EEC3 Лист 3 Относится к автомобилям с двойной кабиной

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EEC3 Лист 4 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с мая 2012 года до сентября 2014 года

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EEC3 Лист 4 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с октября 2014 года

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EEC3 Лист 5 Относится к 9- и 13-литровым гибридным двигателям

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EEC3 Лист 6 Применимо к двигателям с заборником с измерением качества

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EEC3 Лист 7 Применимо к 13-литровым двигателям с XPI, EU5

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Мануалы к коду неисправноти


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Ошибка сканирования грузовика Scania: как с ней бороться

Что такое ошибка 4108 на грузовиках Scania?

Ошибка 4108 на грузовиках Scania связана с проблемами сканирования. Она может возникнуть по разным причинам, например, из-за неполадок в системе впрыска топлива или сбоя в работе электронных компонентов. Эта ошибка может привести к серьезным проблемам, поэтому ее необходимо исправить как можно скорее.

Как определить, что возникла ошибка 4108?

Если на грузовике Scania возникла ошибка 4108, то это могут указывать различные симптомы. Например, неисправность может проявляться в виде снижения мощности двигателя, пропадания некоторых функций на панели приборов или неравномерной работе двигателя. Если вы заметили подобные признаки, то необходимо обратиться к специалисту для диагностики и исправления ошибки.

Как исправить ошибку 4108 на грузовиках Scania?

Исправление ошибки 4108 на грузовиках Scania может потребовать различных мероприятий, в зависимости от ее причины. Например, если проблема связана с системой впрыска топлива, то необходимо проверить работу форсунок и наличие топлива в баке. Если же причина кроется в электронных компонентах, то может потребоваться их замена или перепрограммирование. В любом случае, для исправления ошибки необходимо обратиться к опытному специалисту.

Как избежать возникновения ошибки 4108 на грузовиках Scania?

Чтобы избежать возникновения ошибки 4108 на грузовиках Scania, необходимо регулярно проводить техническое обслуживание и диагностику автомобиля. Также важно следить за качеством топлива и использовать только оригинальные запчасти и компоненты. В случае возникновения каких-либо проблем с грузовиком, необходимо незамедлительно обращаться к специалисту для их устранения.


Ошибка 4108 на грузовиках Scania может привести к серьезным проблемам, поэтому ее необходимо исправить как можно скорее. Чтобы избежать возникновения ошибки, необходимо регулярно проводить техническое обслуживание и диагностику автомобиля, а также следить за качеством топлива и использовать только оригинальные запчасти и компоненты. Если же ошибка все же возникла, то необходимо обратиться к опытному специалисту для ее исправления.

EMS Scania Engine Control Unit Fault codes list 1316-4170

See also: Scania trucks service repair manuals PDF

Scania EMS Fault Codes 1216 4170


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Oil pressure sensor


The signal from the oil pressure sensor in the engine lubrication system is below the normal value. This means that the oil pressure, measured at a certain speed, is lower than normal.

The reasons:

A possible reason is that one of the following valves in the lubrication system is jammed in the open position:

Safety valve located in the housing of the oil pump.

Pressure reducing valve, usually located in the housing of the centrifugal oil purifier.

Other causes may be a damaged oil pump, oil filter, centrifugal oil cleaner, suction tube and / or low oil level in the oil pan.

Clogging the suction strainer may be another possible cause.


Excessively low oil pressure can cause serious damage to the engine and cause it to break.

The control lamp for low oil pressure is on.


Check the valves in the oil system and check for damage to the oil pump, oil filter, centrifugal oil purifier, suction tube and suction strainer. Also check the oil level in the crankcase.

EMS 1318


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Fan speed sensor


The power supply voltage of the fan speed sensor was below normal.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

Electrical connectors or electrical leads to the fan have been damaged.

Malfunction of the fan speed or coolant speed sensor electrical circuit.


Low engine cooling efficiency. Risk of engine overheating.

The fan speed sensor and the coolant pump have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.


Check the fan solenoid valve as well as the electrical connectors and wiring.

Check fan speed sensor and coolant pump with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 1376


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The battery voltage was above the allowable value. It was 47 V or more for 0.5 seconds.

The reasons:

This fault may be caused by the operation of the starter charger.


If the speed is not recorded, the engine stops immediately without a delay. If the engine is recording the engine speed, the engine will continue to idle for 5 minutes. After that, the engine will stop.


Check the battery and alternator.

Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 1378


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


Battery voltage was below acceptable value. For 5 seconds, the battery voltage was in the range of 9 … 21.44 V.

The reasons:

It is possible that this fault is caused by a defective alternator or battery circuit. It is also possible that the power of simultaneously enabled consumers is too high.


A crankshaft speed of less than 400 rpm during engine start is not considered a malfunction.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the battery and alternator.

Check the connectors and wiring.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Start the engine and let it run at idle for at least 15 seconds.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 1378


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Battery voltage


Battery voltage when the engine is at idle was below the allowable value.

The reasons:

It is possible that this fault is caused by a defective generator or battery circuit. Another reason may be too high current consumption.


Starting the engine is difficult and certain high current-consuming functions are deactivated . Examples of disconnecting equipment: seat heating and heated exterior mirrors.


Check the battery and alternator.

Check the connectors and wiring.

Check the power and consumption of the system.

EMS 1379


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Battery voltage


The battery voltage was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

Generator malfunction may result in too high charging current.


The engine control unit turns off the EGR system and the engine power decreases.


Check the generator and measure the system voltage.

If the operating time since the generation of the fault code exceeds 10 hours, empty the EGR cooler, as there is a danger of condensation in the air-cooled EGR cooler after the EGR system is turned off.Empty the EGR cooler following the instructions given in the manual for service stations, subgroup 01-65.

EMS 1379


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The battery voltage was above the allowable value. Within 5 seconds, the battery voltage was more than 30.56 V.

The reasons:

The failure of the generator can be, for example, an increase in the voltage of the on-board network to 36 V.


If the voltage at the terminals of the battery for 15 minutes will be in the range of 30.56 … 47 V, the engine will automatically go into idle mode.


Check the battery and alternator.

Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 1592


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle valve


Initiation of the throttle operating range at engine start gives the wrong value.

The reasons:

The throttle potentiometer cannot find the throttle zero mode.

The throttle adaptation ended in failure.

There may be a fault in the throttle potentiometer.


The engine goes into emergency mode.


Check fuses.

Check the power supply of the potentiometers and the actuator throttle.

Check wiring and connectors.

EMS 1594


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Generator 1


The generator shows:

that it does not perform charging, although it is on, i.e. at engine speeds that are equal to or above idle

that it performs charging, although not included, i.e. at engine speeds that are equal to or below idle

The reasons:

Short circuit or open circuit generator.


The poor state of the power supply system. Functions that consume a large amount of current and therefore require charging system performance will be disabled. Examples of these functions are: low beam, seat heating and heated rear view mirrors.

The engine control unit switches off the exhaust gas recirculation system. In accordance with current legal requirements, engine power is reduced on vehicles that are equipped with NOx exhaust control.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


Check electrical connectors, wiring and alternator.

If the operating time since the generation of the fault code exceeds 10 hours, empty the EGR cooler, as there is a danger of condensation in the air-cooled EGR cooler after the EGR system is turned off. Empty the EGR cooler following the instructions given in the manual for service stations, subgroup 01-65.

EMS 1601


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Gas pressure sensor


Deviation of the reference voltage of the gas pressure sensor.

The reasons:

Faulty gas pressure sensor or short circuit in the electrical circuit.


The engine stops or goes into fail-safe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring.

Check the supply voltage of the sensor and engine control unit.

EMS 1602


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Gas pressure sensor


Gas pressure sensor reference voltage too low

The reasons:

A short to ground in the supply voltage circuit of the gas pressure sensor.

Motor control supply voltage too low.


The engine stops or goes into fail-safe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring.

Check the supply voltage of the sensor and engine control unit.

EMS 1603


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Gas pressure sensor


Gas pressure sensor reference voltage too high.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the gas supply voltage sensor voltage supply circuit.

Motor control supply voltage too high.


The engine stops or goes into failsafe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring.

Check the supply voltage of the sensor and engine control unit.

EMS 1617


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle valve


Throttle Voltage Reference Deviation.

The reasons:

Damaged throttle or short circuit.


The engine stops or goes into failsafe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring. Replace throttle valve.

EMS 1618


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle valve


Throttle reference voltage too low

The reasons:

Short circuit to ground on the throttle circuit or battery voltage too low.


The engine stops or goes into failsafe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring. Replace throttle valve.

EMS 1619


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle valve


Throttle reference voltage too high.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the throttle electric circuit + battery or battery voltage too high.


The engine stops or goes into failsafe mode of operation. Torque is reduced to protect the engine.


Check the element, connectors and wiring. Replace throttle valve.

EMS 1681


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Cooling Fan


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A short to ground on the fan solenoid circuit.


If the fan is electrically controlled, it cannot be turned off.

If the fan is hydraulically controlled, it will not operate.


Check the electromagnetic winding of the fan, as well as the elements of the electrical circuit, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 1682


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Cooling Fan


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the fan solenoid circuit.


If the fan is controlled hydraulically, it cannot be turned off.

If the fan is electrically controlled, it will not operate.


Check the electromagnetic winding of the fan, as well as the elements of the electrical circuit, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 1683


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Cooling fan for additional cooler


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A short to ground in the electrical circuit of the auxiliary cooler fan.


If the fan is electrically controlled, it cannot be turned off.

If the fan is hydraulically controlled, it will not operate.


Check the electromagnetic winding of the fan, as well as electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 1684


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Cooling fan for additional cooler


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the additional circuit of the additional cooler fan.


If the fan has a hydraulic drive, it cannot be turned off.

If the fan has an electric drive, it will not operate.


Check the electromagnetic winding of the fan, as well as electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 1800


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Engine crankshaft speed sensor


Incorrect value from engine speed sensor.

The reasons:

Fault in the electrical circuit.


Failsafe mode: Limit torque and engine speed. Increased idling speed.


Check the connectors and electrical wiring. Replace sensor.

EMS 1830


9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine crankshaft speed sensor


Incorrect value from engine speed sensor.

The reasons:

Fault in the electrical circuit.


Emergency mode: Limit torque and engine speed. Increased idling speed.


Check the connectors and electrical wiring. Replace sensor.

EMS 1831


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine crankshaft speed sensor


No signal from engine speed sensor

The reasons:

The sensor may not be connected to ground.


The engine goes into failsafe mode of operation. Engine does not start again after shutdown.


Check the element, connectors and wiring. Replace engine speed sensor.

EMS 2065


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200




Coupling slips

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

The clutch is worn.

The car has been modified so that the gearbox does not match the vehicle’s SOPS file.

The speed sensor is located incorrectly.


The engine control unit reduces torque until the clutch stops slipping.


If repair and maintenance has not been done recently:

Check for actual clutch slippage.

If repair and maintenance has been done recently:

Check that the appropriate gearbox type (correct SOPS file) is programmed in the vehicle.

Check the vehicle speed sensor for proper location.

EMS 4096


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine speed


The engine speed exceeded the allowable value.

The reasons:

Incorrect handling, for example, incorrectly shifted to a lower gear.


The fuel supply to the engine stops at 3000 rpm. Restoration of the fuel supply occurs after the engine speed becomes less than 3000 rpm. In this case, the engine braking mechanism works with maximum efficiency. After reducing the engine speed, normal engine operation is restored.


Notify the driver about the possibility of engine damage when the engine is running at high speeds.

EMS 4097


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine speed


The engine speed exceeded the allowable value.

The reasons:

Incorrect handling, for example, incorrectly shifted to a lower gear.


The fuel supply to the engine stops at 3000 rpm. Restoration of the fuel supply occurs after the engine speed becomes less than 3000 rpm. In this case, the engine braking mechanism works with maximum efficiency. After reducing the engine speed, normal engine operation is restored.


Notify the driver about the possibility of engine damage when the engine is running at high speeds.

EMS 4098


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Start the engine four times in a row. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

In order for the control unit to verify a fault, it must perform a sequence of checks. When the control unit performs a complete sequence of checks without detecting a fault, the fault becomes inactive.

The control unit must check in four consecutive cycles, which means that the engine should be started four times in a row.

You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms the repair are satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4102


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pump does not raise the pressure in the SCR system for a given time.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

Reagent tank is empty.

The reagent tank vent is blocked.

Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.

Reagent lines are leaking or clogged.

The heating system in the tank is not able to defrost the reagent during cold weather.

Reagent dispenser does not close completely.

Internal malfunction in the main unit.

Pressure sensor malfunction.

The vent valve is stuck open.

The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check if there is already some reagent in the tank and make sure that it is not frozen.

Check to see if the vent is clogged tank reagent channel.

Check lines and connections for leaks and blockages.

Check whether the prefilter filter, main filter or filter in the combination tank is clogged.

Check if the reagent tank is working.

Ensure the reagent dispenser closes completely.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.

Start the engine and turn it off.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4103


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pressure in the SCR system does not fall as expected when opening the solenoid valve in the return line.

The reasons:

A fault code can be generated if the reagent tank vent is plugged.

The cause of the fault can also be:

The reagent return line is blocked, or the solenoid valve does not open as it should.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check if the reagent tank is not blocked.

Make sure the reagent in the return line is not frozen. If the reagent is frozen : Check that the engine coolant level is not too low.

To check if the return pipe heating is working. Start the engine and make sure the piping is getting warm. If not, make sure the engine coolant reaches it as it should be.

Also ensure that the solenoid valve opens fully. If the heat is normal, check that the return line is not blocked.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure as invalid:

Start the engine and turn it off.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4104


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Data exchange between the NOx sensor after the catalytic converter and the SCR control unit.


The SCR control unit receives several CAN messages from the NOx sensor in too fast a sequence.

The reasons:

Failure to communicate between the NOx sensor and the SCR control unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the electrical wiring and clean the connectors.

If this does not help, replace the NOx sensor.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4105


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Data exchange between the NOx sensor after the catalytic converter and the SCR control unit.


The SCR control unit does not receive the CAN message from the NOx sensor.

The reasons:

Data transfer between the NOx sensor and the SCR control unit is not working.

If the malfunction code occurs once, it may be due to the replacement of the NOx sensor.

If the fault code repeats, there is probably a fault in the electrical supply voltage circuit to the NOx sensor, NOx sensor, electrical connectors or wiring.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the electrical wiring and clean the connectors.

If this does not help, make sure that the SCR control unit receives the ignition voltage (U15) and there is a voltage supply to the NOx sensor control unit.

If this does not help, replace the NOx sensor.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4106


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


Problem with CAN bus communication with NOx sensor after catalytic converter.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be caused by the loss of power supply to the NOx sensor and the simultaneous power supply to the SCR control unit.

If the fault recurs frequently, there is probably a fault in the connectors or the wiring.


Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.


Check the wiring and clean the connectors. Ensure that power is simultaneously supplied to the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.

If this does not help, first replace the NOx sensor, and if that does not help, replace the SCR control unit.

To verify that the problem is resolved, follow these steps:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4106


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx sensor connection


The engine control unit has no CAN message from the NOx sensor. If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system, the CAN message is transmitted via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

Communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit or between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor is interrupted.

If a malfunction code 4108 was generated at the same time, there may be a problem in the communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit.

If a malfunction code 4108 was generated at the same time, there may be a communication failure between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.

If the DTC was generated only once, it may be due to the interruption of the voltage supply to the NOx sensor while maintaining the voltage supply to the SCR control unit.

The SCR control unit in the main unit may be faulty.

If a fault code is generated frequently, it may be due to a problem in the wiring harness or connectors.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Also check for DTCs related to CAN communication in other control units. Troubleshoot these problems first.

Check the wiring and clean the connectors.

If this does not help, check whether the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor are receiving an on / off voltage (U15) signal simultaneously. If the above action does not help, replace the NOx sensor first, and if that does not work, replace the SCR control unit. However, it is not typical for the fault to be covered in the SCR control unit. Before replacing the SCR control unit, make sure that the fault is not caused by something else.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4107


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Communication with the SCR control unit


CAN MSG8 message “NOx sensor data before catalytic converter” (NOx sensor data before catalytic converter) is not received from NOx sensor. If the vehicle configuration is configured for an SCR system, this message is received via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

The data exchange between the engine control unit and the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter was interrupted.

On vehicles with the SCR system, this message is sent via the SCR control unit. If a 100C fault code was generated at the same time, there may be a communication failure between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit. See fault code description 100C.

If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system and the DTC 10C was not generated simultaneously, there may be a communication failure between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter.

If the DTC was generated only once, it may be due to the interruption of the voltage supply to the NOx sensor while maintaining the voltage supply to the SCR control unit. If this DTC is generated frequently, it may be due to wiring problems or loose connectors.


No description


Clear the DTC memory and try to start the engine.

Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key several times.

If the DTC is generated again, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors.

If the fault code is still generated, make sure that both the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter receive voltage through terminal U15 simultaneously.

If the fault is not detected, first replace the NOx sensor for the catalytic converter and then the SCR control unit (if equipped with the car).

EMS 4107


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


Problem with CAN bus communication with NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be caused by the loss of power supply to the NOx sensor and the simultaneous power supply to the SCR control unit.

If the fault recurs frequently, there is probably a fault in the connectors or the wiring.


Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Check the wiring and clean the connectors. Ensure that power is simultaneously supplied to the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.

If this does not help, first replace the NOx sensor, and if that does not help, replace the SCR control unit.

To verify that the problem is resolved, follow these steps:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR control unit


The data exchange between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit has been stopped.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be due to the loss of power to the SCR control unit and the simultaneous powering of the engine control unit.

If the fault recurs frequently, there is probably a fault in the connectors or the wiring.


Reagent injection is deactivated.

As data exchange stops, no additional DTCs for the SCR system are generated.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


If there are other DTCs for the SCR system, first diagnose them.

Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key several times. If there is no fault code indicating that the SCR system is off, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors. Make sure the fuses for the SCR system are not blown.

Make sure that both control units are powered at the same time.

If the steps above do not help, replace the SCR control unit. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4108


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Communication with the SCR control unit


The engine control unit does not receive a CAN message from the NOx sensor. If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system, the CAN message is transmitted via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

Communication between engine control unit and SCR control unit interrupted.

If there are several faults, the SCR control unit shuts down the SCR system to prevent damage. This means that communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit has been lost.

If this DTC is generated alone and there are no other DTCs of the SCR system, this may be due to the interruption of the supply voltage to the SCR control unit while simultaneously supplying voltage to the engine control unit.

The SCR control unit in the pump may be faulty.

If a fault code is generated frequently, it may be due to a problem in the wiring harness or connectors.

If fault code 5688 was generated at the same time, there may be a fault in the engine control unit.

If this DTC was generated, and DTC 5688 is not, it is possible that there is a fault in the wiring.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Fault codes are generated based on information from the SCR control unit. If there is no communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit, no SCR related fault codes are generated in the engine control unit.

If this DTC is generated, there is no communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit. This may imply that there are no SCRs related to the SCR in the engine control unit, and those that have been erased will not be generated again, even if there is still a fault.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


If there are fault codes for the SCR system, first diagnose them.

Switch the ignition on and off several times. Fault codes that were not generated in the engine control unit could be present in the SCR control unit, because this fault code is active.

If there is no fault code indicating that the SCR system is currently disconnected, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors. Make sure the fuses for the SCR system are not blown.

Also make sure that both control units receive ignition signals at the same time (U15).

If the steps above do not help, replace the SCR control unit. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4109


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Incorrect CAN version


The engine control unit and the SCR control unit do not agree on which CAN version is used.

The reasons:

A fault occurs if one of the control units has been replaced and they are not compatible with each other.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the spare part number of the control unit and replace the control unit that has the wrong spare part number.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4110


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter did not start within the specified time.

The reasons:

NOx sensor malfunction.


On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. After the malfunction has been rectified, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must verify this.


Replace the NOx sensor. After the startup phase, the fault code must be inactive.

EMS 4111


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


The NOx sensor after the catalytic converter did not start within the specified time.

The reasons:

NOx sensor malfunction.


On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. After the malfunction has been rectified, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must verify this.


Replace the NOx sensor. After the startup phase, the fault code must be inactive.

EMS 4112


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine speed


The crankshaft speed for some period exceeded the permissible value.

The reasons:

This malfunction may be caused by difficult gear changes or fuel ingress into the oil.


The engine retarder was activated to reduce the engine speed. With this fault, the maximum torque of the engine is reduced by 30 %. Increased engine speed at idle will also be lower than usual.


Notify the driver about the possibility of engine damage when the engine is running at high speeds. Check for fuel leaks.

EMS 4113


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Engine speed


The crankshaft speed for some period exceeded the permissible value.

The reasons:

This DTC may be due to poor gear changes, but it may also be due to the retarder motor brakes.


The engine retarder was activated to reduce the engine speed. Check whether a fault code 4112 is generated at the same time.


Notify the driver about the possibility of engine damage when the engine is running at high speeds.

EMS 4114


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pump does not raise the pressure in the SCR system for a given time.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

Reagent tank is empty.

The reagent tank vent is blocked.

Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.

Reagent lines are leaking or clogged.

The heating system in the tank is not able to defrost the reagent during cold weather.

Reagent dispenser does not close completely.

Internal malfunction in the main unit.

Pressure sensor malfunction.

The vent valve is stuck open.

The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check if there is already some reagent in the tank and make sure that it is not frozen.

Check to see if the vent is clogged tank reagent channel.

Check lines and connections for leaks and blockages.

Check whether the prefilter filter, main filter or filter in the combination tank is clogged.

Check if the reagent tank is working.

Ensure the reagent dispenser closes completely.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.

Start the engine and turn it off.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4115


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pressure in the SCR system does not fall as expected when the injection valve is open.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

Reagent freezing in the injection pipe.

Freezing or crystallization of the reagent in the dispenser, piping or spray nozzle of the reagent.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Make sure that the engine coolant level is not too low.

To verify that the heating line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser is working. Start the engine and make sure the suction line gets warm. Otherwise, make sure that the coolant from the engine reaches the line as it should be. Also ensure that the water valve opens fully.

If heat is present, remove and clean the nozzle sprayer, reagent dispenser and piping.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.

Start the engine and turn it off.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4116


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


Air pressure in SCR system too high.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

The formation of crystals in the nozzle sprayer or the pipe between the reagent dispenser and the nozzle sprayer.

The air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser is plugged or twisted.

Malfunction in additive dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check whether the injection device or the pipeline is not blocked between the reagent dispenser and the injection device.

Check the air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser for any blockage or twist.

Replace additive dispenser.

If the problem persists, replace the main unit.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.

There should be no other active DTCs for air pressure in the SCR system and for faults in the main unit.

Make sure the SCR system starts up and perform a road test of a vehicle lasting 15 minutes four times in succession. Switch off the ignition with the key at intervals of 90 seconds between cycles.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive and can be erased.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4116


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR system


Air pressure is too high.

The reasons:

May be due to the following:

The formation of crystals in the nozzle sprayer or the pipe between the reagent dispenser and the nozzle sprayer.

The air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser is blocked.

Malfunction in additive dispenser.


Reagent injection is deactivated.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Check whether the injection device or the pipeline is not blocked between the reagent dispenser and the injection device.

Check the air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser for any blockage.

Replace additive dispenser. If the fault still persists after this, replace the SCR main unit. Perform SCR system checks in SDP3.

In order to ensure that the malfunction has been rectified, in SDP3, recognize the invalidity of the malfunction codes of the NOx control system. This operation should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust gas hose will be damaged.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4118


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Ensure that the diaphragm pump is not clogged or damaged. If there is damage, replace the diaphragm pump.

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4119


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Ensure that the diaphragm pump is not clogged or damaged. If there is damage, replace the diaphragm pump.

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4120


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 30 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4121


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Ensure that the diaphragm pump is not clogged or damaged. If there is damage, replace the diaphragm pump.

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4122


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR system emergency stop


The SCR system was turned off.

The reasons:

The SCR system was turned off due to too high temperature in the main unit.


If the temperature drops to an acceptable level, the SCR system starts up again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check for any other DTCs that have been generated and may have caused this DTC, and use them to troubleshoot.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key for 25 seconds.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4122


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


The temperature limit for the main SCR unit has been exceeded.

The reasons:

The SCR system was deactivated due to the too high temperature of the main unit.


If the temperature drops to an acceptable level, the system will start again.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


If there are other DTCs for the SCR system, first diagnose them.

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4123


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply to elements in the SCR system


The voltage in the electrical supply circuit of the reagent dispenser was out of range.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the reagent dispenser electrical circuit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the reagent dispenser, its connectors and wiring.

Check the battery voltage.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4124


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply to elements in the SCR system


The voltage in the electrical supply circuit of the reagent dispenser was out of range.

The reasons:

Interruption in the electric supply circuit of the reagent dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the reagent dispenser, its connectors and wiring.

Check the battery voltage.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4128


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR reagent pressure


The reagent pressure at start-up drops by more than 0.5 bar.

The reasons:

The vent valve is stuck open or there are leaks in the reagent hose.


The SCR system is turned off until the next cycle of motion begins (ignition is switched off with the key) and any reagent is injected, which leads to an increase in the level of discharge. When the system is turned off, fault codes 100C, 100A and 100B (CAN time exceeded) can be generated. Be sure to troubleshoot this problem before taking action on codes 100C, 100A, and 100B.

Note: Diagnostics regarding this DTC cannot be performed while the SCR system is off. Therefore, this DTC cannot become passive or be generated again (if deleted) before the next cycle of motion. In order to be able to read the fault codes, turn off the ignition with the key for 90 seconds and then turn it on again.


Check whether the vent valve is open in the open position. Check reagent hose for leaks.

EMS 4129


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Injection Valve


With injection, the pressure in the SCR system does not decrease as expected.

The reasons:

This may be due to a blockage in the injection valve, on the release of the main unit, or in the hose between the main unit and the injection valve.


As a result of this fault, the SCR system shuts down.

When the ambient temperature is below -10 ° C, a malfunction may result in damage to the injection valve in the reagent dispenser.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Make sure the hose is not twisted.

Check whether reagent crystals are present in the reagent dispenser or main unit. Wash off the crystals with water.

If the temperature was below -10 ° C, check to see if the injection valve in the reagent dispenser is leaking.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust gas hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.

Verify that the SCR system is running four times in sequence. Switch off the ignition with the key at intervals of 90 seconds between cycles.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive and can be erased.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4129


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Emergency stop engine on request DLN 1


No description

The reasons:

No description


No description


Restart engine

EMS 4130


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR system


An improbable signal at startup.

The reasons:

Input data is not recorded when the ignition is turned on.


No description


On engines with an NOx control system, to eliminate the problem, you must turn off the ignition with a key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again.

EMS 4130


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR switch


Digital inputs are not recorded when the ignition is turned on with a key.

The reasons:

No description


No description


For engines with NOx control, this problem is resolved as follows:

Switch off the voltage, wait 90 seconds.

Turn on the voltage again.

If the fault is resolved, the digital fault code becomes inactive.

EMS 4131


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply for SCR control unit


The SCR control unit turns off too soon. The power to the SCR system was turned off before the system was turned off.

The reasons:

If the car has a mass switch (used in buses and ADR cars), a fault code can be generated if the battery mass switch is used within 90 seconds after the ignition is turned off.

There may be a fault in the supply voltage to the SCR system.

In addition, the malfunction may be due to an internal malfunction in the control unit.

If at the same time a fault code 5657 is generated, the fault is probably not in the SCR system.


Full system shutdown will not be performed. It takes approximately 90 seconds to turn off the SCR system after the ignition key is turned off.

This means that a reagent will remain in the hoses and in the nozzle dispenser.

This can cause the system to freeze in cold weather, which is likely to cause damage to the SCR system.


Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the DTC remains inactive, delete the DTC.

If the fault code persists and at the same time no fault code 5657 has been generated, check the power supply to the main unit.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 4132


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply for SCR control unit


The SCR control unit shuts down too late.

The reasons:

Internal fault in the main unit or faulty wiring of the SCR control unit.


SCR system does not turn off.

The current is still consumed, which can lead to a low battery.


Check electrical wiring.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 4133


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key for 30 seconds.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4134


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated . Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key for 30 seconds.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4135


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Switch off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key for 30 seconds.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4143


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure did not increase sufficiently after starting the reagent pump at full capacity.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

Reagent hoses are leaking or plugged.

The main unit received irreparable damage due to flooding of diesel fuel into the reagent tank.

The heating system in the tank does not work in cold weather.

Ventilation tank is not working.

Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.

The reagent dosing unit does not close completely.

Internal malfunction in the main unit.

Pressure sensor malfunction.

The vent valve is stuck open.

The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


A malfunction causes a reagent injection shut-off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car. On the instrument cluster a warning lamp lights up which warns of a too high level of harmful emissions. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check if there is a reagent in the tank.
  2. Check if there is diesel in the tank. If there is diesel in the tank, clean the tank and replace the main unit.
  3. Check for diesel in the pump. If diesel is present in the pump, the pump, gaskets, filter, and vent valve must be replaced.
  4. Make sure the tank ventilation is working.
  5. Make sure that the reagent lines are not leaking and not blocked.
  6. Check if the prefilter or main filter is clogged.
  7. Check for signal from reagent pressure sensor.
  8. Check if the reagent tank is working.
  9. Ensure that the reagent dispenser can close completely.
  10. For one minute, bring the pressure in the tank to 0.5 bar. Use hose kit 99628.
  11. Check for double urea leaks in the reagent intake unit hose.
  12. Check that the hose clamp is installed correctly. Tighten the clamp or install a new hose clamp.

The fault code EMS 4143 may also be due to the fact that due to the presence of diesel fuel, the valve plate expands in the pump. Due to the deformation of the valve plate, pressure build-up in the pump is not possible. Check for diesel in the filter.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

There should not be any active trouble codes for the following cases:

  • main unit malfunction
  • air pressure in the SCR system
  • temperature sensor after the catalytic converter
  • reagent pressure sensor

To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust system will melt. It takes about 5-30 minutes to complete the test.

Alternatively, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure to be invalid:

Verify that the SCR system is running four times in sequence. Switch off the ignition with the key at intervals of 90 seconds between cycles.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive and can be erased.

To switch off the test lamp, you can turn off the ignition with the ignition key three times in succession with pauses between switching off for at least 10 seconds so that the engine control unit has time to restart.

EMS 4144


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit. The malfunction may also be due to the fact that the diaphragm pump is blocked or has a malfunction.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Ensure that the diaphragm pump is not clogged or damaged. If there is damage, replace the diaphragm pump.

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4144


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Reagent pump speed too low.

The reasons:

Internal fault in the main unit of the SCR system.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Switch off the onboard power using the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again. If the DTC still persists, replace the main SCR unit.

Verify troubleshooting as follows:

Switch off the onboard power using the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again.

If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Then clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4145


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Reagent pump speed too high.

The reasons:

The cause may be air in the reagent suction piping or internal fault in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Check for reagent leaking between reagent tank and main unit.

If there is a leak : Turn off the power with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the DTC still persists, replace the main SCR unit.

Verify troubleshooting as follows:

  1. Switch off the onboard power using the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Then clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4145


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


The frequency of the diaphragm pump in the main unit was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

  • The cause of the malfunction may be:
  • Air in the reagent suction piping.
  • Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Make sure the diaphragm pump is not damaged. If there is damage, replace the diaphragm pump.

Create a pressure in the reagent tank to check for any leakage of reagent between the reagent tank and the main unit.

If there are no leaks : Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4146


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Voltage supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is higher than the set value.

The reasons:

The fuel level sensor, which is currently the only sensor in this sensor group, has a short to battery.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

Sensor resistance should be in the range between 397 ohms and 92 ohms.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4146


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Internal supply voltage in the main SCR unit is too high.

The reasons:

Short circuit level sensor in the tank on the + battery.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. Sensor resistance should be between 92 ohms and 397 ohms.

Confirm by turning off the key with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4147


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Internal supply voltage in the main SCR unit is too low.

The reasons:

Short circuit of the level sensor in the tank to ground.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. Sensor resistance should be between 92 ohms and 397 ohms.

Confirm by turning off the key with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4147


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Voltage supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is below the set value.

The reasons:

The level sensor in the tank, which is currently the only sensor in this group, has a short to ground.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

  • Cars with NOx control
  • An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.
  • An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

Sensor resistance should be in the range between 397 ohms and 92 ohms.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4148


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

  • Cars with NOx control
  • An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.
  • An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4149


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

  • Cars with NOx control
  • An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.
  • An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4152


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Temperature


The temperature of the reagent inside the main unit was above the permissible value.

The reasons:

  • The cause of the malfunction may be:
  • Water heating valve stuck open.
  • Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

High temperatures in the SCR system may cause decomposition of the reagent.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

  • Cars with NOx control
  • An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.
  • An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


Check whether the water valve is open in the open position.

If the fault lies in the main unit, the main unit should be replaced.

Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:

  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4152


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Reagent temperature in main unit too high.

The reasons:

This may be due to jamming in the open position of the heating valve or an internal fault in the main unit.


As a result of the failure, the injection of the reagent is turned off and the SCR system is deactivated.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4106, 4107, and 4108 relating to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Start troubleshooting based on the code for the reagent temperature.

First, re-establish communication between control units so that DTC management works correctly. Do this by turning off the ignition with the key, waiting at least 90 seconds and then turning it on again.

High temperatures in the system may cause decomposition of the reagent.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.


Check the coolant valve for sticking in the open position.

If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

Confirm by turning off the key with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4157


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Implausible pressure in the SCR system compared to atmospheric pressure.

The reasons:

This may be due to a malfunction in the atmospheric pressure sensor, blockage in the return line between the main unit and the reagent tank or in the air outlet pipe from the reagent tank.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


  1. Check for malfunction codes indicating a malfunction in the atmospheric pressure sensor.
  2. Check for obstructions in the return line between the main unit and the reagent tank.
  3. Check whether there is a blockage in the rejecting tank’s air outlet piping.
  4. If no other problems are found, replace the SCR main unit .

EMS 4157


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR pressure


The pressure in the SCR system is implausible compared to atmospheric pressure.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to different reasons:
  • Atmospheric pressure sensor defective.
  • A blockage in the return hose between the main unit and the reagent tank or in the reagent tank drain hose.
  • Malfunction of the main unit.
  • Malfunction of the pressure sensor in the main unit.
  • Faulty ventilation valve.
  • Diaphragm pump damaged by diesel fuel.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check whether the coordinator has fault codes that indicate a malfunction in the atmospheric pressure sensor.
  2. Make sure that there is no blockage in the return pipe between the main unit and the reagent tank.
  3. Check whether there is a blockage in the rejectant air outlet pipe.
  4. Check the wiring.
  5. If everything else is in order, as a last resort, replace the main unit.
  6. In order for the control unit to verify a fault, it must perform a sequence of checks. When the control unit performs a complete sequence of checks without detecting a fault, the fault becomes inactive.

The conditions under which the control unit checks:

  • There should be no other DTCs related to faults in the main unit.
  • The SCR system should have completely shut down the system. It takes approximately 90 seconds to turn off the SCR system after the ignition key is turned off.
  • The control unit must perform the test in four consecutive cycles. Start the engine and let it run at idle for at least 3 minutes. Then turn off and turn on the power four times, at intervals of at least 90 seconds.
  • You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied . When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  • Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4160


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure at system start was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

  • The return line to the tank may be plugged. There may be blockage inside or outside the main unit.
  • The reagent tank vent valve may be blocked.
  • The vent gasket has expanded due to the presence of diesel in the urea.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for the presence of diesel in the pre-filter on the reagent tank. If diesel fuel is present in the filter, thoroughly flush the main unit and replace the diaphragm pump, gaskets, and vent valve. See the instructions in the Multi system.
  2. Check that the reagent tank vent valve is not clogged. If there is an obstruction, replace the vent valve.
  3. Check that the return hose to the tank is blocked.
  4. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.
  5. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  6. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  7. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust system will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.
  8. Alternatively, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure to be invalid:
  9. There should be no active DTCs for air pressure in the SCR system, for faults in the main unit, for blocking the injection device, or for a temperature sensor downstream of the catalytic converter.
  10. Start the engine and verify that the engine speed is above 1,000 rpm and that the SCR system starts up four times in a row at 90-second intervals between cycles. If the temperature is below -8 ° C or the reagent is frozen, the SCR system will not start.
  11. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  12. You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is still present, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive and can be erased.

Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4160


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


The reagent return line pressure is too high at system startup.

The reasons:

There may be blockage in the return line to the reagent tank, in the valve of the reagent tank or in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


  1. Check for blockage in the return line to the reagent tank or in the reagent tank valve. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.
  2. Perform SCR system checks in SDP3.
  3. In order to ensure that the malfunction has been rectified, in SDP3, recognize the invalidity of the malfunction codes of the NOx control system. This operation should be carried out outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high, as a result of which the exhaust gas hose can be damaged.
  4. Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4163


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Temperature


The temperature sensor in the main unit indicates that the reagent temperature is below acceptable.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical wires to the temperature sensor.
  2. Check whether the water valve of the heating system is stuck in the closed position.
  3. If the fault lies in the main unit, replace the main unit.
  4. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  5. Reagent temperature in the tank should be above -8 ° C.
  6. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  7. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  8. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4164


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent tank temperature


The temperature in the tank is below acceptable.

The reasons:

  • Malfunction in the tank temperature sensor or tank heating system.
  • The water valve for the heating system can open in the open position.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the temperature sensor in the tank and wiring.
  2. Check whether the water valve of the heating system is stuck in the closed position.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. The temperature of the reagent in the tank should be above -8 ° C.
  5. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  6. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  7. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4165


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Compressed air supply for SCR system


The compressed air supply for the SCR system is not sufficient to run the SCR system.

The reasons:

The air pressure in the vehicle’s compressed air supply system may be too low due to high air flow or leakage outside the SCR system.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for malfunction codes in the air supply system (APS) and troubleshoot them.
  2. If fault codes that indicate a low pressure in the air supply system are detected in APS, and fault code 8247 was not generated, it is likely that the fault code is due to a temporary problem related to the air pressure on the vehicle.
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the DTC remains inactive, delete the DTC.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4165


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Exhaust Gas Emission System (EEC)


Insufficient supply of compressed air to start the EEC system.

The reasons:

The air pressure in the car’s compressed air supply system may be too low due to high air flow or leakage.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


  1. Check for malfunction codes in the compressed air system (APS) and troubleshoot them.
  2. If there are fault codes indicating low pressure in the compressed air circuit, but fault code 8247 has not been generated, there may be a temporary problem with the air pressure.
  3. Confirm by turning off the key with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

EMS 4166


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


The difference in air pressure before and after constriction during dosing is less than expected

The reasons:

The injection device or air hose is plugged.


The SCR system does not inject the additive, resulting in increased exhaust emissions.


Ensure that the nozzle nozzle and the air hose are not blocked between the SCR control unit and the nozzle nozzle.

EMS 4167


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR Voltage


The SCR control unit detects that the battery voltage is lower than the value measured by the engine control unit.

The reasons:

Electrical wiring or main unit connectors are damaged.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the wiring and electrical connectors of the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Start the engine and then shut it down again.
  4. Turn on the onboard power with the ignition key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4167


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Exhaust Gas Emission System (EEC)


The measured voltage in the control unit of the exhaust emission lowering system is lower than the voltage in the engine control unit.

The reasons:

Damaged wiring or connectors.


No description


  1. Check the wiring and connectors of the exhaust system.
  2. For engines with a NOx control system:
  3. Start the engine.
  4. Turn off the engine.
  5. Turn on the ignition.
  6. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive.

EMS 4168


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Nitrogen oxide (NOx) release


The measured level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is above acceptable.

High level of exhaust toxicity. There is a risk of exceeding the prescribed limit of NOx emissions. Torque reduction is not activated.

The reasons:

  • The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.
  • This may be caused by the following:
  • NOx emission level too high.
  • Low quality reagent.
  • Reagent injection nozzle malfunction.
  • Catalytic Closure.
  • NOx sensor transmits incorrect value.
  • Malfunction in dosing module.
  • Malfunction in the main unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for any other trouble codes related to exhaust emissions.
  2. Make sure that the reagent tank contains an AdBlue reagent.
  3. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  4. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Check the NOx sensor.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  7. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  8. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.
  9. Otherwise, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure as invalid:
  10. Perform a road test with a heavy load on it.
  11. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  12. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 4169


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Nitrogen oxide (NOx) release


The measured level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is above acceptable.

Excessively high exhaust emissions. In the car, the prescribed limit of NOx emissions is exceeded. Torque reduction activated.

The reasons:

  • The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.
  • This may be caused by the following:
  • NOx emission level too high.
  • Low quality reagent.
  • Reagent injection nozzle malfunction.
  • Catalytic Closure.
  • The catalytic converter may be damaged by oil transferred from the turbocharger.
  • NOx sensor transmits incorrect value.
  • Malfunction in dosing module.
  • Malfunction in the main unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the SCR system in the following sequence:
  2. Check for any other active DTCs related to exhaust emissions.
  3. Make sure that the quality of the reagent in the appropriate tank meets the applicable standards.
  4. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  6. Check the NOx sensor.
  7. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  8. Ensure that the catalytic converter substrate is intact.
  9. Check for faults in the turbocharger. Contact with oil can lead to irreparable damage to the catalytic converter.
  10. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  11. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. It takes about 5-30 minutes to complete the test.
  12. Otherwise, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure as invalid:
  13. Perform a road test with a heavy load on it.
  14. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  15. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4169


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR system


The measured content of nitric oxide (NOx) after the catalytic converter is higher than the allowable one.

The reasons:

This may be due to a malfunctioning catalytic converter or NOx sensor or problems with reagent injection.


Malfunction adversely affects engine emissions of nitric oxide. The control lamp is on.

On engines with a NOx control system, torque is reduced by 40%. The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present. When the malfunction is resolved, the control unit must verify this in order for the fault code to become inactive.


  1. Check for additional trouble codes that adversely affect the level of harmful emissions.
  2. Make sure that the AdBlue reagent is the correct brand in the tank.
  3. Make sure that the reagent lines or injection nozzles are not blocked.
  4. Do not damage the catalytic converter.
  5. The crystals at the inlet of the catalytic converter can be washed off with water.
  6. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  7. Check the NOx sensors. Do not confuse sensors before and after the catalytic converter.
  8. In order to ensure that the malfunction has been rectified, in SDP3, recognize the invalidity of the malfunction codes of the NOx control system. This operation should be carried out outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high, as a result of which the exhaust gas hose can be damaged.
  9. Turn off and turn on the ignition three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 4170


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) after catalytic converter


The measured amount of nitrogen oxides is different from what should be.

The reasons:

  • The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.
  • This may be due to a malfunctioning catalytic converter, a malfunctioning NOx sensor, or a malfunctioning reagent dosing system.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for any other trouble codes related to exhaust emissions.
  2. Make sure that the reagent tank contains an AdBlue reagent.
  3. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  4. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Check the NOx sensor.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  7. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  8. In order for the control unit to verify a fault, it must perform a sequence of checks. When the control unit performs a complete sequence of checks without detecting a fault, the fault becomes inactive.
  9. The control unit must perform the test in four consecutive cycles. It is necessary to perform a road test of a vehicle with a large load – four times in succession with an intermediate engine shutdown.
  10. You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.

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Ошибки,коды-EMS ⇐ Scania. Электрика


Всего сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 11.03.2015
Авто: R420
Откуда: Belarus


Re: Значок

Я уже понял, а как без него когда почти на каждом посту проверяют.

Сергей Ч

Всего сообщений: 11
Зарегистрирован: 10.02.2014
Авто: Скания r420 ручка hpi
Откуда: Дмитров
Возраст: 45


Коды неисправностей


Сергей Ч »

Добрый день! Скания R420, номер шасси 5153514.
На хх подтраивает, перегазовку сделаешь, работает норм. ошибки по двигателю:
EMS 4353
1788101 14
EMS 4358
1788101 173*
EMS 4359
1788101 255*
EMS 4357
1788101 1
EMS 5325 3
1788101 1
Помогите расшифровать инигму эту.


Всего сообщений: 31
Зарегистрирован: 11.02.2014
Откуда: Россия
Возраст: 39


Re: Коды неисправностей


aleksey8408 »

ошибки твои по датчику коленвала их там два, у меня тоже так было, правый по ходу движения снимай и смотри ,если есть механические повреждения,то меняй и не забудь открыть лючок картера сцепления снизу, у меня там был отколотый зуб со стартера.

Сергей Ч

Всего сообщений: 11
Зарегистрирован: 10.02.2014
Авто: Скания r420 ручка hpi
Откуда: Дмитров
Возраст: 45


Коды неисправностей


Сергей Ч »

Спасибо, буду смотреть.


Всего сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 11.03.2015
Авто: R420
Откуда: Belarus


Коды неисправностей


Nikolay_61 »

Помогите узнать EMS26112 Блок1788103 vin2018909


Всего сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 11.03.2015
Авто: R420
Откуда: Belarus




Nikolay_61 »

Подскажите . Иду под гору в натяг загорается желтое табло неисправность двигателя и выбивает ошибку EMS26112 1788101 vin 2018909

Сергей Ч

Всего сообщений: 11
Зарегистрирован: 10.02.2014
Авто: Скания r420 ручка hpi
Откуда: Дмитров
Возраст: 45


Коды неисправностей


Сергей Ч »

Посмотрел на датчики. На них был налет из метал. стружки. Дунул воздухом, ошибка вроде пропала, потом то появится, то исчезнет.
Может ли метал. стружка давать наводку на датчики и приводить к ошибкам?
Стружка там осталась от старого сцепления, (кончился выжимной и потерлись лепестки корзины). Сцепление заменил, а стружка где то осталась.

Отправлено спустя 1 минуту 6 секунд:
Надо попробовать магнит к лючку прилепить, надеюсь он поможет стружку собрать.


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49


Коды неисправностей



Сергей Ч, Вин машины?

Сергей Ч

Всего сообщений: 11
Зарегистрирован: 10.02.2014
Авто: Скания r420 ручка hpi
Откуда: Дмитров
Возраст: 45


Коды неисправностей


Сергей Ч »

Вин в начале темы указывал вроде. 5153514


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49


Коды неисправностей





Всего сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 11.03.2015
Авто: R420
Откуда: Belarus




Nikolay_61 »

Помогите узнать что это за ошибка EMS26112. деталь1788101 vin2018909

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 22
Зарегистрирован: 30.03.2015
Авто: скания
Откуда: Сургут


ошибка EMS


Сервис »

EMS26112 — Неисправность, напряжение в цепи выходило за пределы диапазона. Причина, обрыв или короткое замыкание на + аккумуляторной батареи цепи дополнительного реле стартера.
Долго стартером маслал? Смотри релюшку маленькую на втягивающем там контакты скорей всего подгорели переверни балванку там пока не поздно… Потом придётся реле в зборе брать а стоит оно около 25 т.р.


Всего сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 11.03.2015
Авто: R420
Откуда: Belarus


ошибка EMS


Nikolay_61 »

Спосибо за информацию!

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 14
Зарегистрирован: 22.12.2014
Авто: Scania G-440 CA6x6 EHZ
Откуда: ЧАО г. Билибино
Возраст: 38


ошибка EMS


VolG »

Помогите, пожалуйста, расшифровать ошибки. Авто Скания Р-420 вин YS2P6X60002076044.
Ошибки в системе EMS: 1064, 4759 и 135. Part№ 2061688, SW№2095113, HW№ 1726100.


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На орбите
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Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49


ошибка EMS



135- давление топлива ниже нормы более 7 секунд.
1064-датчик температуры перед катализатором.
4759-подача топлива в цилиндры.


Всего сообщений: 7
Зарегистрирован: 04.03.2013
Авто: skania R420
Откуда: могилев
Возраст: 47


что означает EMS 55046


vint_ik. »

Здравствуйте товарищи! Если не трудно подскажите, что означает EMS 55046. Скамейка R420 HPI. Я предпологаю, что это, что то с топливом. За рание спасибо ….

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 14
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2013
Авто: scania p380,МКПП Самосвал
Откуда: Екатеринбург
Возраст: 37


Технические вопросы по Scania


ekat009 »

Помогите расшифровать EMS 8192 vin 5165785 скачет температура,потеря мощности

Последний раз редактировалось Михаил303 24 апр 2015, 22:12, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Полёт нормальный
Полёт нормальный
Всего сообщений: 1867
Зарегистрирован: 02.06.2012
Возраст: 43


Технические вопросы по Scania


sereschka »

8192 определяется как — Датчик температуры ОЖ значение выше допустимого.

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 14
Зарегистрирован: 22.12.2014
Авто: Scania G-440 CA6x6 EHZ
Откуда: ЧАО г. Билибино
Возраст: 38




VolG »

Здравствуйте, помогите с расшифровкой ошибок в системе EMS: 11176,11182,4106,4108,4167,5657. Part no 2194438, SW no 2196013, HWno 1917800, vin YS2G6X60002088847.

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 14
Зарегистрирован: 22.12.2014
Авто: Scania G-440 CA6x6 EHZ
Откуда: ЧАО г. Билибино
Возраст: 38




VolG »

А куда все пропали то?


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49





Да тут мы

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 14
Зарегистрирован: 22.12.2014
Авто: Scania G-440 CA6x6 EHZ
Откуда: ЧАО г. Билибино
Возраст: 38




VolG »



Всего сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 19.04.2015
Авто: скния 114 380 1999г.в


ремонт Scania


fred »

кто подскажет бьет ошибку EDS55 что это такое?


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49





Неисправность 5-ой насос-форсунки

Аватара пользователя

Danish driver

Всего сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 23.06.2015
Авто: SKANIA R480




Danish driver »

кто подскажет как прочитать ошибку ,горит желтый восклицательный знак

Аватара пользователя


Третья ступень
Третья ступень
Всего сообщений: 441
Зарегистрирован: 28.01.2015
Авто: скания G380 LA 4X2HNA 3628792
Откуда: Петербург




Михаил303 »

Поиск вам поможет.А так на апс похоже.

Вин 3628792…Разговор в трех выражениях-глупости,не может быть,досвидания.

Автор темы


Всего сообщений: 50
Зарегистрирован: 12.11.2012
Авто: Skania,2006, R420
Откуда: Архангельск
Возраст: 46




Лука »

ребята здравствуйте. расшифруте VIS 78 т 1729485 APS 169 т2148071 BMS 51261 15638 16161 т1752450 EMS 53253 COO52 т2082768 спасибо.


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49





Лука: VIS 78 т 1729485

21 реле стояночных огней

Лука: APS 169 т2148071

Шина CAN

Лука: BMS 51261 15638 16161 т1752450

51261-давление контур 1 колеса

Лука: EMS 53253

не нашёл

Лука: COO52 т2082768

Реле давления стояночного тормоза.

Автор темы


Всего сообщений: 50
Зарегистрирован: 12.11.2012
Авто: Skania,2006, R420
Откуда: Архангельск
Возраст: 46




Лука »

день добрый. стоит заменить реле и все заработает или надо к электрику ехать и где это реле искать

Автор темы


Всего сообщений: 50
Зарегистрирован: 12.11.2012
Авто: Skania,2006, R420
Откуда: Архангельск
Возраст: 46




Лука »

день добрый. заменили реле 21 ошибка пропала. но греются сильно еще три реле от старости наверно. расположение считать от руля.


Всего сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 18.10.2015
Авто: Скания R124/420 2004 г.в. оптикруз, шасси 9085714


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Николай_55 »

Здравствуйте, не могу найти расшифровку ошибок 087255, 088255, 089255, 071089. Скания r124 420 hpi, 2004 г. в. шасси 9085714, может кто поможет?

Аватара пользователя

иванов иван02

Полёт нормальный
Полёт нормальный
Всего сообщений: 1007
Зарегистрирован: 03.11.2014
Авто: Hyundai HD78, D4DD (CRDI), МКПП
Откуда: РФ, Белгород


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


иванов иван02 »

….. Фёдор: хотелось бы знать что такое ЕМS…

EMS — Engine Management System — система управления двигателем

<<<— Автомобильные аббревиатуры

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Всего сообщений: 31
Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2014
Авто: Scania R 420 2005
VIN: 5119825
Откуда: Сыктывкар
Возраст: 44


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Fedik »

ЕМS 53253-низкое(или высокое,не помню.я где то здесь писал об этом.У меня машина глохла на ходу) давление топлива


Всего сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2016
Авто: SCANIA R500LA 6*4HNA VIN YS2R6*40002065206 2011г.в.
Откуда: Забайкальский край


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Максим31 »

Здравствуйте, помогите считать коды ошибок. Ситуация такая, ехал себе спокойно в друг небольшой хлопок и машина заглохла, на табло заморгали все ошибки по всем системам, остановился выключил зажигание, не много подождал включил зажигание ошибки опять проявились, опять выключил зажигание. После этого включил зажигание ошибки пропали машина завелась, доехал до дома и опять заглохла, компьютер показывает ошибки всех систем. Красным загорается не исправность двигателя и координатора, остальные ошибки желтым цветом и запуск заблокирован. Кнопка главного меню на руле не реагирует вообще ни как. В этой теме читал что можно еще с помощью кнопок часов считать коды но и так тоже не получается. Как можно еще считать? или только диагностика? Выручайте машина стоит, диагностика 200 км от нас.Заранее спасибо всем откликнувшимся!


Третья ступень
Третья ступень
Всего сообщений: 462
Зарегистрирован: 19.04.2012
Авто: Скании 3-4-R серии
Откуда: Тула


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


truck78 »

Максим31, вот моё сообщение КАТАЛОГИ И МАНУАЛЫ ,там все ошибки R серии При самодиагностике обращайте внимание на номер блока.


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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 766
Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2013
Авто: Scania
Откуда: Москва
Возраст: 49


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS



Очень похоже, что у Вас отжался координатор. Это проблема автомобилей 2011 и 2012 годов выпуска.


Всего сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2016
Авто: SCANIA R500LA 6*4HNA VIN YS2R6*40002065206 2011г.в.
Откуда: Забайкальский край


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Максим31 »

Здравствуйте, Я тоже пришел к такому выводу, будем заказывать координатор. И еще забыл написать, когда машина глохла успел прочитать в кодах неисправностей активная ошибка СОО 656 одна ошибка.


Всего сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2016
Авто: SCANIA R500LA 6*4HNA VIN YS2R6*40002065206 2011г.в.
Откуда: Забайкальский край


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Максим31 »

Здравствуйте, нашли причину поломки, координатор приказал долго жить. Приехали сервисмены поставили новый координатор и 15 минут манипуляций с ноутбуком и машина зашептала. Спасибо всем откликнувшимся!

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 65
Зарегистрирован: 06.01.2015
Авто: scania g124 opticruise
Откуда: беларусь полоцк
Возраст: 32


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Sergei2015 »

Ребят, скания 124g 98года, винXLER4X20004388228. ,через окно диагноз прочитал ошибки ,E088 066, E028 066, может кто знает что это за ошибки, когд да они появляються то авто глушиться с задержкой 2-3 секунды, как скину ошибки все норм, а после пробега 200 км опять появляються и глушиться с задержкой, может кто расшифрует


Полёт нормальный
Полёт нормальный
Всего сообщений: 1867
Зарегистрирован: 02.06.2012
Возраст: 43


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


sereschka »

с какого окна прочитали такие ошибки? для вашего двигателя — DSC12 не могу найти такие коды. кроме 028, могу предположить что это код 28 — сигнал скорости ам

Аватара пользователя


Всего сообщений: 65
Зарегистрирован: 06.01.2015
Авто: scania g124 opticruise
Откуда: беларусь полоцк
Возраст: 32


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Sergei2015 »

sereschka: с какого окна прочитали такие ошибки? для вашего двигателя — DSC12 не могу найти такие коды. кроме 028, могу предположить что это код 28 — сигнал скорости ам

В скании есть коробочка на панеле на ней написано DIAGNOS , в ней кнопки 4 шт абс, едс, картинка уровня пола, и тест. Нажимаю при вкл зажигании тест,на понеле где высвечиваються мои передачи их у меня12, авто у меня с оптикокруизе, там происходит тест. Как все прошло. Высвечиваються такие ошибки


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Полёт нормальный
Всего сообщений: 1867
Зарегистрирован: 02.06.2012
Возраст: 43


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


sereschka »

блин! почему то был уверен что вы двигателя коды имеете в виду)) тогда все не так..



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

Подскажите пожалуйста код какой надо вводить,что бы магнитола за работала



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

Добрый день! Подскажите код ошибки EMS. ОШИБКА 8234 И 11176



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

значек с (!) — знаком загорается когда есть где то неисправность, это предупреждение.



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

значек с !- знаком — это просто предупреждение что есть активные ошибки, или какая либо неисправность, это не износ колодок, износ колодок загорится на дисплее и напишет — износ колодок


Полёт нормальный
Полёт нормальный
Всего сообщений: 1867
Зарегистрирован: 02.06.2012
Возраст: 43


Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


sereschka »

maksim.lukyanskov: здравствуйте.подскажите,а можно разблокировать

не совсем понятно что нужно сделать. что разблокировать?



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

копьютер разблокироваь?



Re: Ошибки,коды-EMS


Гость »

Всем доброго дня! Помогите разобраться 5 серия.
Ошибки активные BMS 31253, 8736 генерируется в блоке2029183.

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