Ошибка ems 26370 скания

Генератор Р3
При работающем двигателе ток не подаётся в обмотку возбуждения генератора.
Короткое замыкание или обрыв в цепи питания генератора.
Если в автомобиле имеется главный выключатель аккумулятора, возможна внутренняя неисправность главного выключателя аккумулятора или реле R70.
Неудовлетворительное состояние системы электроснабжения. Загорается сигнализатор разряда аккумуляторной батареи, расположенный на панели приборов. Оборудование, потребляющее значительный ток, отключается. Примеры отключаемого оборудования: обогрев сидений и обогрев наружных зеркал заднего вида.
Перед заменой генератора обратитесь к руководству по ремонту, TI 16-05 05 25 «Таблица диагностики и замены для генераторов».
Неудовлетворительное состояние системы электроснабжения. Загорается сигнализатор разряда аккумуляторной батареи, расположенный на панели приборов. Оборудование, потребляющее значительный ток, отключается. Примеры отключаемого оборудования: обогрев сидений и обогрев наружных зеркал заднего вида.
Перед заменой генератора обратитесь к руководству по ремонту, TI 16-05 05 25 «Таблица диагностики и замены для генераторов».

Поиск кода неисправности

Код EMS 26370

Генератор Р3

Описание неисправности

При работающем двигателе ток не подаётся в обмотку возбуждения генератора.

Причина возникновения

Короткое замыкание или обрыв в цепи питания генератора.

Если в автомобиле имеется главный выключатель аккумулятора, возможна внутренняя неисправность главного выключателя аккумулятора или реле R70.


Неудовлетворительное состояние системы электроснабжения. Загорается сигнализатор разряда аккумуляторной батареи, расположенный на щитке приборов. Оборудование, потребляющее значительный ток, отключается. Примеры отключаемого оборудования: обогрев сидений и обогрев наружных зеркал заднего вида.

Перед заменой генератора обратитесь к руководству по ремонту, TI 16-05 05 25 «Таблица диагностики и замены для генераторов».



Необходимые действия

Неудовлетворительное состояние системы электроснабжения. Загорается сигнализатор разряда аккумуляторной батареи, расположенный на щитке приборов. Оборудование, потребляющее значительный ток, отключается. Примеры отключаемого оборудования: обогрев сидений и обогрев наружных зеркал заднего вида.

Перед заменой генератора обратитесь к руководству по ремонту, TI 16-05 05 25 «Таблица диагностики и замены для генераторов».

Видео в тему кода неисправности

Электросхемы к коду неисправноти

COO7, EMS S6, sheet 6, from Dec 2009

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EEC 1, up to October 2006

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EEC 1, sheet 1, from November 2006

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EEC 1, sheet 2, with double front axles, up to Feb 2007

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EEC 1, sheet 2, with double front axles, from March 2007

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EEC 1, sheet 3, with 16l engine with XPI [1]

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EEC 1, sheet 4, with 16l engine with XPI and two front axles

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EEC 3, sheet 1, DC13 with XPI

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EEC3, sheet2, DC13 XPI with double front axle

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EEC3, sheet1, DC13 with XPI

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EEC3, sheet2, DC13 with XPI

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EEC3, sheet3, all engines with XPI

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EEC3, sheet4, all engines with XPI

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EMS, Sheet 5, Closed loop fan

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PDE S6 8-cyl, up to August 2004

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S6, sheet 1, Vehicles manufactured up to April 2005

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S6, sheet 1, Vehicles manufactured from May 2005

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S6 2_4 HPI 6-cyl

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S6 3_4 PDE 6-cyl

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S6 4_4 PDE 5-cyl

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EMS S6, sheet6, with closed loop fan

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EMS S7,sheet 1, vehicles with 9 or 13-l engines

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EMS S7,sheet 2, with DC13

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EMS S7,sheet 3, with DC09

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EMS S6, 8-cyl engines, from September 2004 up to January 2006

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EMS S6, 8-cyl engines, from February 2006 up to June 2007

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EMS S6, 8-cyl engines, from July 2007

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EMS S8, sheet 1, with 16-l engines

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EMS S7, Gas engine OC9

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EMS, sheet 2, S7 & S8 Gas engine OC9

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EMS S8,sheet 1, applies to DC9 and DC13

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EMS S8,sheet 2, applies to DC13

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EMS S8,sheet 3, applies to DC9

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EMS S6,sheet 1, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S6,sheet 2, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S6,sheet 3, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S6,sheet 4, PDE from May 2010

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EMS S8,sheet 1, XPI

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EMS S8,sheet 2, with DC13

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EMS S8,sheet 3, with DC9

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EMS S7,sheet 1, Gas engine OC9 gas panel

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EMS, sheet 2, S7 & S8 Gas engine OC9 gas panel

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EMS S8, sheet1,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS S8, EMO1, sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS OCS, EMO1, sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS S8, sheet1,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS S8, EMO1, OCS sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS OCS, EMO1, sheet2,GAS engine OC9, fromFeb 2013

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EMS OCS, sheet1,GAS engine, from March 2013

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EMS OCS, GCS, sheet1, from May 2014

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EMS S8, sheet1, DC09_13 XPI with EGR, up to April 2012

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EMS S8, sheet3, DC09 XPI with SCR

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EMS S8, sheet3, DC09 XPI with SCR

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EMS S8, sheet3, DC09 XPI with SCR and T199

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EMS S8, sheet4, DC09_13 XPI with EGR, from May 2012

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EMS S8, sheet5, DC09_13 XPI without EGR

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EMS S8, sheet5, DC09_13 XPI without EGR

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EMS S8, sheet2, DC13 XPI with SCR

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EMS S8, sheet1, DC16 XPI Euro5

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EMS Gas engine ELC4, sheet 1

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EMS-OCS, sheet2, Gas engine LNG from Feb 2015

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EMS S7, sheet2, with DC13 and CFDA

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EMS S7, sheet2, with DC13 and CFDA

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FCS, S7, sheet 1

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EEC1 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным, начиная с марта 2007 года, с одним передним мостом или с двумя передними мостами

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EEC1 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным, начиная с марта 2007 года, с двумя передними мостами

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EEC3 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с одиночным передним мостом

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EEC3 Лист 1 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с одиночным передним мостом и V185

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EEC3 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с двумя передними мостами

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EEC3 Лист 2 Относится к автомобилям, выпущенным до апреля 2012 г. включительно, с двумя передними мостами и Н27

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EEC3 Лист 3 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с мая 2012 года

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👍 1 👎 0

EEC3 Лист 3 Относится к автомобилям с двойной кабиной

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EEC3 Лист 4 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с мая 2012 года до сентября 2014 года

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EEC3 Лист 4 Применимо к 9-, 13- и 16-литровым двигателям, выпущенным, начиная с октября 2014 года

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EEC3 Лист 5 Относится к 9- и 13-литровым гибридным двигателям

Просмотров книги: 1

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EEC3 Лист 6 Применимо к двигателям с заборником с измерением качества

Просмотров книги: 2

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EEC3 Лист 7 Применимо к 13-литровым двигателям с XPI, EU5

Просмотров книги: 15

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Мануалы к коду неисправноти


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EMS Scania Engine Control Unit Fault codes list 11175-50177

See also: Scania trucks service repair manuals PDF

Scania EMS Fault Codes: 11175-50177


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC does not indicate any malfunction. It is intended only to inform the authorities, and should not be used for troubleshooting.

The reasons:

  • A malfunction code indicates that there were faults in the vehicle that affect the release of nitrogen oxides (NOx). This information is required to meet the requirements of legislation regarding the control of NOx emissions.
  • This DTC indicates that the control unit has generated DTCs related to the level of reagent in the tank.


DTC cannot be cleared.

The fault code is automatically deleted if the fault did not occur within 400 days.


No action required.

EMS 11176


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC does not indicate any malfunction. It is intended only to inform the authorities, and should not be used for troubleshooting.

The reasons:

  • A malfunction code indicates that there were faults in the vehicle that affect the release of nitrogen oxides (NOx). This information is required to meet the requirements of legislation regarding the control of NOx emissions.
  • This DTC indicates that the control unit has generated DTCs for the SCR system.


DTC cannot be cleared.

The fault code is automatically deleted if the fault did not occur within 400 days.


No action required.

EMS 11176


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


Break in the electrical circuit of the reagent injection system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

The fault codes in the SCR system caused an open circuit in the reagent injection system.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

Engine torque is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


No action required.

EMS 11179


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC is generated when there is one or more faults in the NOx control system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

Review other active fault codes for NOx control.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

If the DTC remains active for 36 hours, engine power is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


  1. If an active DTC is present: Perform the necessary actions to eliminate the causes of other active DTCs.
  2. If the DTC is inactive: No action should be taken.

EMS 11180


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116,9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC is generated when there is one or more faults in the NOx control system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

Review other active fault codes for NOx control.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

If the DTC remains active for 36 hours, engine power is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


  1. If an active DTC is present: Perform the necessary actions to eliminate the causes of other active DTCs.
  2. If the DTC is inactive: No action should be taken.

EMS 11181


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC is generated when there is one or more faults in the NOx control system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

Review other active fault codes for NOx control.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

If the DTC remains active for 36 hours, engine power is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


  1. If an active DTC is present: Perform the necessary actions to eliminate the causes of other active DTCs.
  2. If the DTC is inactive: No action should be taken.

EMS 11182


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


This DTC is generated when there is one or more faults in the NOx control system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

There is a fault in the elements used to measure NOx emissions in the car.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

If the DTC remains active for 36 hours, engine power is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


  1. If an active DTC is present: Perform the necessary actions to eliminate the causes of other active DTCs.
  2. If the DTC is inactive: No action should be taken.

EMS 12550


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pedal positions


The engine control unit and the coordinator receive unmatched data on the position of the accelerator pedal.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If this DTC is stored in the memory, the control unit ignores pressing the accelerator pedal. The set engine speed of 750 rpm allows the vehicle to continue driving at minimum speed.


  1. Check the coordinator block for fault codes pertaining to the accelerator pedal. Clear the trouble codes and test drive the car for 10 minutes.
  2. If the DTC remains active, replace the coordinator. Clear the trouble codes and test drive the car for 10 minutes.
  3. If the DTC remains active, replace the engine control unit.

EMS 12551


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pedal positions


Constantly turned on switch “kickdown” (accelerator pedal is not in the extreme position).

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If this DTC is stored in memory, the activation of the kickdown is ignored.


  1. Check the coordinator block for fault codes pertaining to the accelerator pedal. Erase the trouble codes from the memory and test drive the car. During the trip, depress the accelerator pedal as far as it will go.
  2. If the DTC remains active, replace the coordinator. Erase the trouble codes from the memory and test drive the car. During the trip, depress the accelerator pedal as far as it will go.
  3. If the DTC remains active, replace the engine control unit.

EMS 12800


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Battery voltage


The battery voltage was above the allowable value. It was 47 V or more for 0.2 seconds.

The reasons:

This may be caused by the work start-charger.


If the speed is not recorded, the engine stops immediately without a delay. If the engine is recording the engine speed, the engine will continue to idle for 5 minutes. After that, the engine will stop.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 12801


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Battery voltage


Battery voltage was below acceptable value. It was 9 volts or less for 0.2 seconds.

The reasons:

The fault may occur during a cold start, if the battery is in poor condition.


Under reduced voltage can be observed difficult start the engine.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 12802


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


The control unit could not convert the battery voltage signal.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As long as the fault is present, the preprogrammed value is used.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 12804


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Battery voltage


The battery voltage was above the allowable value. Within 5 seconds, the battery voltage was more than 30.56 V.

The reasons:

The failure of the generator can be, for example, an increase in the voltage of the on-board network to 36 V.


If the voltage at the terminals of the battery for 15 minutes will be in the range of 30.56 … 47 V, the engine will automatically go into idle mode.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 12805


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Battery voltage


Battery voltage was below acceptable value. For 5 seconds, the battery voltage was in the range of 9 … 21.44 V.

The reasons:

It is possible that this fault is caused by a defective alternator or battery circuit. It is also possible that the power of simultaneously enabled consumers is too high.


A crankshaft speed of less than 400 rpm during engine start is not considered a malfunction.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 13056


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Contact with coordinator


The engine control unit does not receive from the coordinator unit messages about the current position of the accelerator pedal, the braking system, the inclusion of the starter and air conditioning, the operation of the torque limiting system and other systems.

The reasons:

  • Lost communication between engine control unit and coordinator.
  • If the DTC was generated only once, this may be due to the interruption of the supply of voltage to the coordinator while maintaining the supply of voltage to the engine control unit. If this DTC is generated frequently, it may be due to wiring problems or loose connectors.
  • If fault code 16384 was generated at the same time, there may be a fault in the engine control unit. If this fault code was generated and fault code 16384 is not, it is possible that there is a fault in the wiring.


The inability to start the engine while there is a malfunction.

If this malfunction occurs when the engine is running, pressing the accelerator pedal is ignored. The car can continue driving at minimum speed.


  1. General Troubleshooting: Clear the DTC memory and check the engine start. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.
  2. If the DTC reappears, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors. If this does not help, make sure that the control units simultaneously receive the on / off voltage of the ignition voltage (U15).
  3. If this check does not give a positive result, then replace the coordinator block. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.
  4. Do not forget to read and erase the trouble codes from the memory of the coordinator unit.

EMS 13058


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Contact with coordinator


The engine control unit does not receive information from the coordinator regarding the tachograph.

The reasons:

  • Lost communication between engine control unit and coordinator.
  • If the DTC was generated only once, this may be due to the interruption of the supply of voltage to the coordinator while maintaining the supply of voltage to the engine control unit. This may be due to the replacement of a coordinator or tachograph.
  • If this DTC is generated frequently, it may be due to wiring problems or loose connectors.
  • If this fault code was generated and fault code 16384 is not, it is possible that there is a fault in the wiring. If fault code 16384 was generated at the same time, there may be a fault in the engine control unit.


As a result of this fault, the vehicle speed is set at 15 km / h. In this case, cruise control and engine power take-off equipment do not work.


  1. General Troubleshooting: Clear the DTC memory and check the engine start. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.
  2. If the DTC reappears, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors. If this does not help, make sure that the control units simultaneously receive the on / off voltage of the ignition voltage (U15).
  3. If this check does not give a positive result, then replace the coordinator block. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.
  4. Do not forget to read and erase the trouble codes from the memory of the coordinator unit.

EMS 13059


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Contact with coordinator


The engine control unit does not receive from the coordinator unit any messages about the braking system, cruise control, clutch and other systems.

The reasons:

  • Lost communication between engine control unit and coordinator.
  • If the fault code was generated only once, this may be due to the replacement of the coordinator.
  • If fault code 16384 is simultaneously generated, replace the control unit.
  • If this DTC is generated, and DTC 16384 is not, there may be a problem with the wiring or loose connections.
  • If a fault code is generated frequently, it is possible that the wiring is faulty or the connectors of the brake system or cruise control switches are loose.


If this DTC is stored in the memory, the control unit ignores pressing the accelerator pedal. The set engine speed of 750 rpm allows the vehicle to continue driving at minimum speed.


  1. General Troubleshooting: Clear the DTC memory and check the engine start. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.
  2. If the DTC reappears, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors. If this does not help, make sure that the control units simultaneously receive the on / off voltage of the ignition voltage (U15).
  3. If this check does not give a positive result, then replace the coordinator block. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.
  4. Do not forget to read and erase the trouble codes from the memory of the coordinator unit.

EMS 13315


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Incorrect CAN version


The coordinator and engine control unit do not agree on which CAN version is used.

The reasons:

A malfunction occurs if the engine control unit or coordinator has been replaced and is not compatible with each other.


A fault causes the starter to lock.


Check the engine control unit and coordinator spare part numbers. Replace the control unit with the wrong part number.

EMS 16384


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If this DTC is stored in the memory, the control unit ignores pressing the accelerator pedal. The set engine speed of 750 rpm allows the vehicle to continue driving at minimum speed. At the same time, engine speed, coolant temperature and oil pressure are not displayed on the instrument panel.

In case of this fault, the engine cannot be started.

If the control unit starts working normally again, then in order for this code not to be considered as active, it is necessary to perform a check in the engine stop mode. When checking in the engine killing mode , the control unit performs a functional check of the components after the ignition is turned off.


Erase the trouble codes from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key and turn it on again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 16640


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


System shutdown


The control unit was interrupted before it finished the shutdown test.

The reasons:

  • The power to the engine control unit was turned off prematurely. This could be due to an incorrect engine stopping procedure with the ignition key or the engine being stopped using the ground switch.
  • The supply voltage can be interrupted if additional equipment is connected to the consumer.


When checking in engine kill mode, the control unit performs a functional check of the components after the ignition is turned off.

With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed). This fault also leads to a longer engine start.

It is considered that the malfunction is rectified as soon as the control unit completes the shutdown test without interruption.

The active DTC cannot be cleared until the shutdown check is completed successfully.


  1. Always turn off the engine with the ignition key. Make sure that the indicator turns on briefly after the system is de-energized with the ignition key. If the main battery switch is present, it should not be turned off until the test lamp is turned off.
  2. Make sure that there is no additional equipment that interferes with the power supply.

EMS 16641


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Data transfer to the control unit has been interrupted.

The reasons:

  • This malfunction may occur if the control unit supply voltage is too low or if the control unit itself malfunctions.
  • If the car has a battery mass switch in the cab (used in buses and ADR cars), a fault code can be generated if the battery mass switch is used immediately after the ignition is turned off.


A malfunction code may lead to a longer engine start.

This DTC may also generate DTC 65527.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Clear the memory of trouble codes, and then turn off and turn on the ignition with the key.
  3. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 16642


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Incorrect or unreliable data.


A malfunction code may lead to a longer engine start.


Erase the trouble codes from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key and turn it on again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 16896


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Incorrect or unreliable data.


If several fault codes are stored in the memory at once, then you should check whether this trouble code has also been recorded in the memory. As a result of this fault, the control unit cannot convert signals from pressure and temperature sensors, as well as other sensors, as a result of which fault codes of all these elements are recorded.

If the control unit starts working normally again, then in order for this code not to be considered as active, it is necessary to perform a check in the engine stop mode. When checking in engine kill mode, the control unit performs a functional check of the components after the ignition is turned off.


  1. If this DTC has been recorded into the memory of the control unit only once, erase the DTC from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key and then turn it on again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.
  2. If this DTC has been generated several times, replace the control unit.

EMS 16897


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Incorrect or unreliable data.


If several fault codes are stored in the memory at once, then you should check whether this trouble code has also been recorded in the memory. As a result of this fault, the control unit cannot convert signals from pressure and temperature sensors, as well as other sensors, as a result of which fault codes of all these elements are recorded.

If the control unit starts working normally again, then in order for this code not to be considered as active, it is necessary to perform a check in the engine stop mode. When checking in engine kill mode, the control unit performs a functional check of the components after the ignition is turned off.


  1. If this DTC has been recorded into the memory of the control unit only once, erase the DTC from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key and then turn it on again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.
  2. If this DTC has been generated several times, replace the control unit.

EMS 16898


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Incorrect or unreliable data.


The cruise control system is turned off and cannot be activated until the fault has been repaired.


Clear the DTCs and check if the DTC is generated again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17152


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Incorrect or unreliable data.


The engine control unit shuts off the fuel supply to the engine using solenoid valves. As a result, it is difficult to start the engine (the engine may not start at all).


Erase the trouble codes from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key and turn it on again. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17153


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit. A malfunction code can be generated by generating one of the malfunction codes 12800, 58880, 588810, or 57344-57350.


While there is a malfunction, the engine control unit shuts off the fuel supply using solenoid valves. This often leads to short-term disruptions of the engine or, when the malfunction is present for a long period of time, to stop the engine. A fault code 17155 will also be generated.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17154


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


The control unit does not turn off despite all attempts as long as the active fault status is maintained.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17155


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit. A malfunction code can be generated by generating one of the malfunction codes 12800, 58880, 588810, or 57344-57350.


While there is a malfunction, the engine control unit shuts off the fuel supply using solenoid valves. This often leads to short engine failure intervals. If the fault is present for a longer period of time, fault code 17153 will also be generated.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17408


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17409


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17410


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17411


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17412


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


This DTC will also generate DTCs 17413 and 17424.


Use SDP3 to restore the original values ​​of the configuration parameters to the control unit. Erase the trouble codes from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key, and then turn it on again. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17413


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


This DTC will also generate DTC 17424.


Clear the trouble code memory. Turn on and off the onboard power supply with the ignition key. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17414


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17415


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


While there is a fault, the car cannot start moving.


Clear the DTC memory and perform a vehicle road test within 10 minutes. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17424


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed). During the entire time interval when the detected fault appears, the following functions are disabled:

Engine power takeoff

Clutch protection

Engine torque limit on some gears

Vehicle mass rating

Cruise control and cruise control will operate with a noticeable delay.

The engine fan speed control system will operate abnormally.


Use SDP3 to restore the original values ​​of the configuration parameters to the control unit. Erase the trouble codes from the memory, then turn off the ignition with the ignition key, and then turn it on again. The fault code remains active? If the code is written to memory again, replace the control unit.

EMS 17425


2110163, 2110160


Control unit parameter


In the engine control unit there is a parameter that indicates whether there is a clutch on the car.

The engine control unit also receives information about the status of the clutch from the coordinator on the CAN bus.

This DTC is generated if the setting in the engine control unit does not fully match the information that is received via the CAN bus.

The reasons:

  • A car can be converted without properly adapting the engine control unit, coordinator and SOPS file.
  • The engine control unit or coordinator could be replaced without proper programming of spare parts.


Check whether the car has been upgraded, which affects this parameter.

Make sure the car has the correct SOPS file and program the spare parts for the engine control unit and coordinator.

EMS 20480


2110163, 2110160


EGR composition


Only a very small amount of EGR gas returns even on condition that the control unit has commanded the EGR valve for full or almost complete opening.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • The EGR valve is in the closed or almost closed position. This may be due to the fact that the valve is stuck, there is not enough pressure in the control cylinder or there is a strong internal leakage in the control cylinder.
  • Track valve defective.
  • Leakage in the exhaust gas recirculation system.
  • The mass flow sensor generates a too high value. This leads to the fact that the control unit concludes that the engine receives too little volume of recirculated gases.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the valve in the EGR valve, the control cylinder and the follow valve by activating the elements using the Scania Diagnos program.
  2. Check for leaks in the EGR system.
  3. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 20481


2110163, 2110160


EGR composition


A very large amount of EGR gases is returned even if the control unit has commanded the EGR valve to close or almost completely.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • The EGR valve does not close.
  • The leakage of the follower valve.
  • Blockage of the channel of the valve of pressure relief in the valve block.
  • The mass flow sensor indicates a too low value. This leads to the fact that the control unit concludes that the engine receives too much of the recirculated gases.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the EGR valve.
  2. Check the tightness of the follower valve.
  3. Check whether pressure can be released through the valve block.
  4. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 20485


2110163, 2110160


Mass Flow Calibration


During the calibration of the mass flow sensor, the minimum acceptable value was obtained.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • Incorrect mass flow sensor, charge air pressure sensor, or charge air temperature sensor.
  • Leaks in the EGR system or the charge air system.
  • If the engine is not gaining momentum well, then a pressure sensor is likely to malfunction.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.
  2. Check for leaks in the EGR system or in the charge-air system.
  3. After the repair work with SDP3, it is necessary to restore the original parameters of the EGR system in the memory of the control unit.

EMS 20486


2110163, 2110160


Mass Flow Calibration


During the calibration of the mass flow sensor, the maximum allowable value was obtained.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • Incorrect mass flow sensor, charge air pressure sensor, or charge air temperature sensor.
  • Leaks in the EGR system or the charge air system.
  • If the engine is not gaining momentum well, then a pressure sensor is likely to malfunction.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.
  2. Check for leaks in the EGR system or in the charge-air system.
  3. After the repair work with SDP3, it is necessary to restore the original parameters of the EGR system in the memory of the control unit.

EMS 20487


2110163, 2110160


EGR composition


Exhaust gas (exhaust gas) quantity too high; It is not possible to reduce the amount of recycled exhaust gas to a fixed level.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  1. The EGR valve does not close.
  2. The leakage of the follower valve.
  3. Blockage of the channel of the valve of pressure relief in the valve block.
  4. The mass flow sensor indicates a too low value. This leads to the fact that the control unit concludes that the engine receives too much of the recirculated gases.
  5. Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the EGR valve.
  2. Check the tightness of the follower valve.
  3. Check whether pressure can be released through the valve block.
  4. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 20488


2110163, 2110160


EGR composition


Exhaust gas (exhaust gas) quantity too low; It is not possible to increase the amount of recycled exhaust gas to a fixed level.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • The EGR valve does not open. This may be due to the fact that the valve is stuck, there is not enough pressure in the control cylinder or there is an internal leakage in the control cylinder.
  • Track valve defective.
  • Wedge-shaped element of the diffuser stuck in the open position.
  • Leakage in the exhaust gas recirculation system.
  • The mass flow sensor generates a too high value. This leads to the fact that the control unit concludes that the engine receives too little volume of recirculated gases.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.

The oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.


  1. Check the valve in the EGR valve, the control cylinder and the follow valve by activating the elements using the Scania Diagnos program.
  2. Check wedge diffuser.
  3. Check for leaks in the EGR system.
  4. Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor and mass flow sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 20489


2110163, 2110160


Mass Flow Calibration


Mass flow meter calibration disabled.

The reasons:

This DTC was recorded due to a fault in the EGR system during the current operating cycle (that is, since the on-board voltage was turned on). In this case, the sensor calibration is disabled.


Mass flow meter calibration disabled. The malfunction code is automatically cleared when the ignition key supplies voltage.


Check other EGR codes (active and inactive). Turn on and off the onboard power supply with the ignition key.

EMS 20490


2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200




The engine control unit has turned off the exhaust gas recirculation system.

The reasons:

The EGR system is disabled due to a system malfunction during the current cycle of operation (that is, since the on-board voltage is turned on).


The engine control unit switches off the exhaust gas recirculation system. The malfunction code is automatically cleared when the ignition key supplies voltage.


Check other EGR codes (active and inactive). Turn on and off the onboard power supply with the ignition key.

EMS 20491


2110163, 2110160




Diffuser can not be properly controlled.

The reasons:

Jamming in the diffuser due to mechanical failure or due to insufficient pressure in the cavity of the executive cylinder. This can also be due to a blockage in the pressure relief valve channel in the valve block.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.

If the diffuser remains in the closed position, then at high loads and high frequencies of rotation the resistance of the diffuser increases significantly. As a result, the boost pressure and engine power will decrease, and black smoke may appear in the exhaust gases.


  1. Check diffuser and actuator cylinder.
  2. Check the tightness of the on-off valve.
  3. Check for pressure relief through the valve block.

EMS 20736


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Engine brakes


The latitude-modulated signal to the modulator of the motor retarder deviates from the expected value.

The reasons:

This malfunction may occur due to wear of the locking element of the engine retarder solenoid valve. There are also possible leakage of compressed air from the air tubes or from the actuating cylinder.


The effectiveness of the motor brakes is lower than expected.


Ensure that there are no air leaks. Check the solenoid valve.

EMS 24576


2110163, 2110160


Diffuser On / Off Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Open or short to +24 V in the on / off valve circuit.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 24577


2110163, 2110160


Diffuser On / Off Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the on / off valve circuit.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 24832


2110163, 2110160


Power Supply Voltage


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open circuit or short circuit on the + 24 V electrical circuit in the electrical circuit of the mass flow sensor.


Malfunction of the mass flow sensor for recirculated exhaust gases. The engine will work with exhaust gas recirculation, but without feedback on the signal from the mass flow sensor of the recycled exhaust gas. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve.

Mass flow meter calibration disabled.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 24833


2110163, 2110160


Power Supply Voltage


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A short to ground in the mass flow indicator circuit.


Malfunction of the mass flow sensor for recirculated exhaust gases. The engine will work with exhaust gas recirculation, but without feedback on the signal from the mass flow sensor of the recycled exhaust gas. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve.

Mass flow meter calibration disabled.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25088


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Fan control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Open or short circuit in the electric circuit of the solenoid valve of the fan.


The fan of the cooling system is not controlled. In this case, the motor fan may spontaneously turn on. May affect engine temperature.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25089


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Fan control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the fan solenoid valve circuit.


The fan of the cooling system is not controlled. May affect engine temperature.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25344


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Air Conditioning Control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Open or short to +24 V in the solenoid circuit.


The air conditioning compressor is not controlled. In this case, it is possible spontaneous activation of the air conditioning compressor.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25345


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Air Conditioning Control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the air conditioning solenoid valve circuit.


The air conditioning compressor is not controlled.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25600


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Turbine Bypass Valve Control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open or short in the solenoid circuit for the control valve for bypassing the turbine.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 25601


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Turbine Bypass Valve Control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the solenoid valve for the turbine bypass valve.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 26112


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Starter control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Open or short circuit on the “+” battery circuit of the auxiliary starter relay.


A short circuit of +24 V can cause the starter to inadvertently turn on.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 26113


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Starter control


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A short to ground in the pre-relay starter circuit.


Starter cannot be turned on.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 26117


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160




The engine control unit does not read the crankshaft speed sensor signal.

The reasons:

  • This malfunction may occur if the starter drive gear cannot engage with the flywheel ring gear while the engine is starting.
  • This DTC also appears if the engine control unit does not receive an engine speed signal (a speed sensor or electrical wiring is faulty).


If within a few seconds after turning on the starter, the engine control unit does not receive a signal from the speed sensor, the starter will automatically shut down.


  1. Clear the DTC and restart the engine.
  2. It may be necessary to rotate the crankshaft at an angle.
  3. In order to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction, check that there are no malfunction codes related to the speed sensors in the memory.
  4. Check the speed sensors and their wiring.

EMS 26118


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160




The car moved too long with a starter.

The reasons:

The starter has been turned on longer than allowed by the control unit.


This feature is designed to protect the starter from overheating.

Starter start is ignored.


After the starter has stopped, it can be connected directly.

EMS 26370


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Generator 1


When the engine is running, no current is supplied to the excitation winding of the generator.

The reasons:

Short circuit or open circuit in the generator power supply.


The poor state of the power supply system. The battery discharge indicator located on the instrument panel lights up. Equipment that consumes significant current is turned off. Examples of disconnecting equipment: seat heating and heated exterior mirrors.


  1. Check the settings for the Number of Generators parameter.
  2. Make sure that the charging performed by the generator is directly controlled by the engine control unit.
  3. Check wiring and generator.

EMS 26371


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Generator 1


The current is fed into the excitation winding of the generator when the engine is stopped.

The reasons:

Short to +24 V in the generator circuit.


The poor state of the power supply system. The battery discharge indicator located on the instrument panel lights up. Equipment that consumes significant current is turned off. Examples of disconnecting equipment: seat heating and heated exterior mirrors.


  1. Check the settings for the Number of Generators parameter.
  2. Make sure that the charging performed by the generator is directly controlled by the engine control unit.
  3. Check wiring and generator.

EMS 26626


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Generator 2


When the engine is running, no current is supplied to the excitation winding of the generator.

The reasons:

Short circuit or open circuit in the generator power supply.


The poor state of the power supply system. The battery discharge indicator located on the instrument panel lights up. Equipment that consumes significant current is turned off. Examples of disconnecting equipment: seat heating and heated exterior mirrors.


  1. Check the settings for the Number of Generators parameter.
  2. Make sure that the charging performed by the generator is directly controlled by the engine control unit.
  3. Check wiring and generator.

EMS 26627


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Generator 2


The current is fed into the excitation winding of the generator when the engine is stopped.

The reasons:

Short to +24 V in the generator circuit.


The poor state of the power supply system. The battery discharge indicator located on the instrument panel lights up. Equipment that consumes significant current is turned off. Examples of disconnecting equipment: seat heating and heated exterior mirrors.


  1. Check the settings for the Number of Generators parameter.
  2. Make sure that the charging performed by the generator is directly controlled by the engine control unit.
  3. Check wiring and generator.

EMS 26880


2110163, 2110160


EGR valve tracking


The control unit has detected that the current in the circuit is less than the set value.

The reasons:

Short in the follower circuit.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 26881


2110163, 2110160


EGR valve tracking


The control unit registers the current in the circuit, although the control unit does not supply power to the circuit.

The reasons:

Short to +24 V in the follower circuit.


The engine control unit shuts down the EGR system and calibrates the mass flow sensor.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 27136


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Solenoid valve of the motor retarder.


The voltage on the motor solenoid valve of the retarder is significantly lower than the required level.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the solenoid valve circuit.


The engine retarder is off while the DTC is present.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 27137


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Solenoid valve of the motor retarder.


Voltage continues to flow to the solenoid valve of the motor brakes after it is turned off.

The reasons:

Short to +24 V in the solenoid circuit.


The engine retarder is off while the DTC is present.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 39321


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Internal software error.


In the control unit registered internal activity.

The reasons:

A fault code can be generated during the development and testing of the control unit software.


A fault code can be generated during the development and testing of the control unit software.

The system is working normally despite the fault code.


For more information on the cause of the fault code, refer to the KWP2000.

EMS 40961


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC is generated again, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

EMS 40964


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC is generated again, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

EMS 40965


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC is generated again, replace the SCR control unit; This means that the main unit should be replaced.

EMS 40976


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.

Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 40977


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 40992


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open in the temperature sensor circuit


If the signal voltage exceeds the permissible range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value at 20 ° C.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. To verify that the sensor is working, remove it and measure its resistance.
  4. At a temperature of 15-25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1 500-2 100 Ohm.

EMS 40993


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the tank temperature sensor electrical circuit


If the signal voltage exceeds the permissible range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value at 20 ° C.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. To verify that the sensor is working, remove it and measure its resistance.
  4. At a temperature of 15-25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1 500-2 100 Ohm.

EMS 40999


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank temperature


The temperature of the reagent in the tank was above the permissible value.

The reasons:

  • There may be a malfunction in the temperature sensor in the tank or the water valve of the heating system stuck in the open position.
  • This DTC can also be generated if it is very warm outside.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

High temperatures may cause decomposition of the reagent.


  1. Check the temperature sensor in the tank.
  2. Check whether the water valve is open in the open position.
  3. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 41008


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41009


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41015


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Temperature


The temperature of the reagent inside the main unit was above the permissible value.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

  • Water heating valve stuck open.
  • Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.

High temperatures in the SCR system may cause decomposition of the reagent.


  1. Check whether the water valve is open in the open position.
  2. If the fault lies in the main unit, the main unit should be replaced.
  3. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 41024


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The SCR control unit indicated that the battery voltage was above the allowable value.

It was above 64.6 V.

The reasons:

This may be caused by the work start-charger.


High voltage levels can damage the SCR system.

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 41025


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The SCR control unit indicated that the battery voltage was below the allowable value.

It was below 8.6 V.

The reasons:

The fault may occur during a cold start, if the battery is in poor condition.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.

EMS 41056


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds, and then turn on the ignition again with the key.
  2. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41057


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds, and then turn on the ignition again with the key.
  2. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41072


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank level sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A break in the electrical circuit of the level sensor in the reagent tank.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of 100% (full tank).


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. Sensor resistance should be 92–397 ohms.

EMS 41073


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank level sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the level sensor in the reagent tank.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of 100% (full tank).

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. Sensor resistance should be 92–397 ohms.

EMS 41075


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Level in the reagent tank


The amount of reagent in the tank below the permissible value.

The reasons:

Or too little reagent in the tank or a level sensor in the tank is faulty.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Refill reagent. If there is enough reagent in the tank, check the level sensor.

EMS 41077


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Consumption


Reagent consumption too high. The flow rate in the tank is greater than the calculated amount of reagent that can be injected.

The reasons:

  • Leakage in the hoses or in the reagent tank.
  • The level sensor in the tank may give incorrect values.


There is a risk that the crystallized reactant will accumulate in the exhaust pipe and later damage the catalytic converter.


  1. Check for a signal from a level sensor in the tank.
  2. Check the tank level sensor, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. Check the tank, hoses and connections for leaks.
  4. Remove the end plate from the muffler, and check if reagent has accumulated.

EMS 41078


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Consumption


Reagent consumption too low. The flow rate in the tank is lower than the injected amount of reagent.

The reasons:

  • System hoses may be blocked.
  • The level sensor in the tank may give incorrect values.
  • The vent valve is stuck open.


A malfunction leads to an increase in exhaust emissions.


  1. Check for a signal from a level sensor in the tank.
  2. Make sure the hoses are not blocked.
  3. Check the level sensor in the tank.
  4. Check whether the vent valve is open in the open position.

EMS 41080


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent tank temperature


The temperature in the tank is below acceptable.

The reasons:

  • Malfunction in the tank temperature sensor or tank heating system.
  • The water valve for the heating system can open in the open position.


No description


  1. Check the temperature sensor in the tank and wiring.
  2. Check whether the water valve of the heating system is stuck in the closed position.

EMS 41081


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Temperature


The temperature sensor in the main unit indicates that the reagent temperature is below acceptable.

The reasons:

  • Malfunction in tank heating.
  • Internal malfunction in the control unit.


No description


  1. Check the electrical wires to the temperature sensor.
  2. Check whether the water valve of the heating system is stuck in the closed position.
  3. If the fault lies in the main unit, replace the main unit.

EMS 41088


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Exhaust gas temperature sensor in front of the SCR catalytic converter


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A break in the electrical circuit of the temperature sensor in front of the catalytic converter.


If the signal voltage exceeds the permissible range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value at 0 ° C.

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Measure the sensor resistance. If the temperature is in the range 10 – 30 ° C, the resistance should be approximately 207 – 222 ohms.

EMS 41089


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Exhaust gas temperature sensor in front of the SCR catalytic converter


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the temperature sensor in front of the catalytic converter.


If the signal voltage exceeds the permissible range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value at 0 ° C.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Measure the sensor resistance. If the temperature is in the range 10 – 30 ° C, the resistance should be approximately 207 – 222 ohms.

EMS 41104


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Temperature sensor after SCR catalytic converter


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A break in the electrical circuit of the temperature sensor after the catalytic converter.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of -273 ° C.

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Measure the sensor resistance. If the temperature is in the range 10 – 30 ° C, the resistance should be approximately 207 – 222 ohms.

EMS 41105


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Temperature sensor after SCR catalytic converter


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A break in the electrical circuit of the temperature sensor after the catalytic converter.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of -273 ° C.

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Measure the sensor resistance. If the temperature is in the range 10 – 30 ° C, the resistance should be approximately 207 – 222 ohms.

EMS 41218


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Dispenser


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the + 24 V electrical circuit in the reagent dispenser electrical circuit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Resistance reagent dispenser should be 13,7-15,3 ohms at 20 ° C.

EMS 41219


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Dispenser


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open or a short to ground in the electrical circuit of the reagent dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is off, may interrupt the data transmission between the SCR control unit and engine control unit. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Resistance reagent dispenser should be 13,7-15,3 ohms at 20 ° C.

EMS 41235


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


air pressure in the SCR system was out of range.

The reasons:

  • The malfunction may be due to too low air pressure from the vehicle to the SCR system.
  • This can also be due to air leakage in the SCR system: either internal leakage in the main unit or in the air ducts outside the main unit.
  • The fault code is also generated in the case, if the pressure is too high due to clogging in the SCR system.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check to see if it was too low air pressure in a vehicle compressed air system at the time of generation of the DTC.
  2. If the air pressure was below 7.2 bar, there may be a fault not related to the SCR system.
  3. Check for leaks or blockages in the air lines.
  4. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. Checking the system can help identify some of the above problems.
  5. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 41236


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Compressed air supply for SCR system


The compressed air supply for the SCR system is not sufficient to run the SCR system.

The reasons:

The air pressure in the vehicle’s compressed air supply system may be too low due to high air flow or leakage outside the SCR system.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check for malfunction codes in the air supply system (APS) and troubleshoot them.
  2. If fault codes are detected in the APS that indicate low pressure in the air supply system and fault code 41235 was not generated, it is likely that the fault code is due to a temporary problem related to the air pressure on the vehicle. Clear the fault code.

EMS 41251


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure at system start was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

  • The return line to the tank may be plugged. There may be blockage inside or outside the main unit.
  • The reagent tank vent valve may be blocked.
  • The vent gasket has expanded due to the presence of diesel in the urea.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check that the reagent tank vent valve is not clogged. If there is an obstruction, replace the vent valve.
  2. Check that the return hose to the tank is blocked.
  3. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. Checking the system can help identify some of the above problems.
  4. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.
  5. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 41267


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure did not increase sufficiently after starting the pump at full capacity.

The reasons:

Possible causes of a malfunction can be the following:

  • Reagent tank is empty.
  • The main unit received irreparable damage due to the penetration of diesel fuel into the reagent tank.
  • The reagent tank vent may be blocked.
  • Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.
  • Reagent hoses are leaking or plugged.
  • The cooling system in the tank does not work in cold weather.
  • Reagent dispenser is closed completely.
  • Internal malfunction in the main unit.
  • Pressure sensor malfunction.
  • The vent valve is stuck open.
  • The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check if there is already some reagent in the tank and make sure that it is not frozen.
  2. Check for diesel in the tank. If the tank has diesel fuel, it is necessary to clean the tank and replace the main unit.
  3. Check for diesel in diaphragm pump. If diesel fuel is present in the diaphragm pump, it is necessary to replace the pump, gaskets, filter and vent valve.
  4. Check to see if the vent is clogged tank reagent channel.
  5. Check if the prefilter or main filter is clogged.
  6. Check lines and connections for leaks and blockages.
  7. Check if the reagent tank is working.
  8. Ensure the reagent dispenser closes completely.
  9. For one minute, bring the pressure in the tank to 0.5 bar. Use hose kit 99628.
  10. Check for double urea leaks in the reagent intake unit hose.
  11. Check that the hose clamp is installed correctly. Tighten the clamp or install a new hose clamp.
  12. The fault code EMS 4143 may also be due to the fact that due to the presence of diesel fuel, the valve plate expands in the pump. Due to the deformation of the valve plate, pressure build-up in the pump is not possible. Check for diesel in the filter.
  13. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.
  14. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  15. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 41283


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure in the system during normal operation was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

  • Malfunction in diaphragm pump.
  • Malfunction of the main unit


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Replace diaphragm pump.
  2. Check if diesel fuel has entered the main unit. If diesel fuel is present in the filter, thoroughly flush the main unit and replace the diaphragm pump, gaskets, and vent valve.
  3. Replace the main unit.

EMS 41362


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41363


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated . Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41474


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Water Reagent Heating Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the electric circuit + 24 V in the electric circuit of the water heating valve.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The normal resistance of a water valve at room temperature should be approximately 140 ohms.

EMS 41475


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Water Reagent Heating Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open or short to ground in the water valve electrical circuit to heat the reagent.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The normal resistance of a water valve at room temperature should be approximately 140 ohms.

EMS 41490


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is off, may interrupt the data transmission between the SCR control unit and engine control unit. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41491


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 41776


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply for SCR control unit


The SCR control unit turns off too soon. The power to the SCR system was turned off before the system was turned off.

The reasons:

  • If the car has a mass switch (used in buses and ADR cars), a fault code can be generated if the battery mass switch is used within 90 seconds after the ignition is turned off.
  • There may be a fault in the supply voltage to the SCR system.
  • In addition, the malfunction may be due to an internal malfunction in the control unit.
  • If at the same time a fault code 5657 is generated, the fault is probably not in the SCR system.


Full system shutdown will not be performed. It takes approximately 90 seconds to turn off the SCR system after the ignition key is turned off.

This means that a reagent will remain in the hoses and in the nozzle dispenser.

This can cause the system to freeze in cold weather, which is likely to cause damage to the SCR system.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If the DTC remains inactive, delete the DTC.
  2. If the fault code persists and at the same time no fault code 5657 has been generated, check the power supply to the main unit.
  3. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 41777


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply for SCR control unit


The SCR control unit shuts down too late.

The reasons:

Internal fault in the main unit or faulty wiring of the SCR control unit.


SCR system does not turn off.

The current is still consumed, which can lead to a low battery.


  1. Check electrical wiring.
  2. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 41808


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


The frequency of the diaphragm pump in the main unit was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

  • Air in the reagent suction piping.
  • Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Replace diaphragm pump.
  2. Erase the DTC and turn off the power to the vehicle electrical system with the ignition key.
  3. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again. If the DTC appears again, check for reagent leaks between the reagent tank and the main unit.
  4. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 41809


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit or malfunction in the diaphragm pump.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Replace diaphragm pump.
  2. Clear the DTC and turn off the power with the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and turn on the power again.
  3. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42048


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pump does not raise the pressure in the SCR system for a given time.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Reagent tank is empty.
  • The reagent tank vent is blocked.
  • Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.
  • Reagent lines are leaking or clogged.
  • The heating system in the tank is not able to defrost the reagent during cold weather.
  • Reagent dispenser does not close completely.
  • Internal malfunction in the main unit.
  • Pressure sensor malfunction.
  • The vent valve is stuck open.
  • The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check if the reagent tank is not blocked.
  2. To check if the suction pipe is heating up. Start the engine and make sure the suction line gets warm. If not, make sure the engine coolant reaches it as it should be.
  3. Also ensure that the water valve opens fully.
  4. If heating occurs, check if the reagent is flowing into the suction pipe or into its connections.
  5. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  6. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42049


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pressure in the SCR system does not fall as expected when the injection valve is open.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

  • Reagent freezing in the injection pipe.
  • Freezing or crystallization of the reagent in the dispenser, piping or spray nozzle of the reagent.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Make sure that the engine coolant level is not too low.
  2. To verify that the heating line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser is working. Start the engine and make sure the suction line gets warm. Otherwise, make sure that the coolant from the engine reaches the line as it should be. Also ensure that the water valve opens fully.
  3. If heat is present, remove and clean the injection device, reagent dispenser and piping.
  4. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  5. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42050


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pump does not raise the pressure in the SCR system for a given time.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Reagent tank is empty.
  • The reagent tank vent is blocked.
  • Tank pre-filter or main filter blocked.
  • Reagent lines are leaking or clogged.
  • The heating system in the tank is not able to defrost the reagent during cold weather.
  • Reagent dispenser does not close completely.
  • Internal malfunction in the main unit.
  • Pressure sensor malfunction.
  • The vent valve is stuck open.
  • The pre-filter on the main unit is blocked.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Make sure that the engine coolant level is not too low.
  2. Check if the reagent tank is not blocked.
  3. To check if the suction pipe is heating up. Start the engine and make sure the suction line gets warm. If not, make sure the engine coolant reaches it as it should be.
  4. Also ensure that the water valve opens fully.
  5. If heating occurs, check if the reagent is flowing into the suction pipe or into its connections.
  6. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  7. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42051


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Defrosting the reagent in the SCR system


The pressure in the SCR system does not fall as expected when opening the solenoid valve in the return line.

The reasons:

A fault code can be generated if the reagent tank vent is plugged.

The cause of the fault can also be:

The reagent return line is blocked, or the solenoid valve does not open as it should.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Make sure that the engine coolant level is not too low.
  2. Check if the reagent tank is not blocked.
  3. To check if return line heating is working. Start the engine and make sure the main line gets warm. If not, make sure the engine coolant reaches it as it should be.
  4. Also ensure that the solenoid valve opens fully. If the heat is normal, check that the return line is not blocked.
  5. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  6. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42240


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Voltage supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is higher than the set value.

The reasons:

The fuel level sensor, which is currently the only sensor in this sensor group, has a short to battery.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Sensor resistance should be in the range between 397 ohms and 92 ohms.

EMS 42241


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Voltage supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is higher than the set value.

The reasons:

The level sensor in the tank, which is currently the only sensor in this group, has a short to ground.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Sensor resistance should be in the range between 397 ohms and 92 ohms.

EMS 42242


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42243


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  • Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  • Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42244


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Data exchange between the NOx sensor after the catalytic converter and the SCR control unit.


The SCR control unit does not receive the CAN message from the NOx sensor.

The reasons:

  • Data transfer between the NOx sensor and the SCR control unit is not working.
  • If the DTC appears once, it may be due to the replacement of the NOx sensor.
  • If the fault code repeats, there is probably a fault in the electrical supply voltage circuit to the NOx sensor, NOx sensor, electrical connectors or wiring.


No description


  1. Erase the DTC and turn off the power to the vehicle electrical system with the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again.
  2. If the DTC is generated again, check the electrical wiring and clean the electrical connectors.
  3. If this does not help, make sure that the SCR control unit receives the ignition voltage (U15) and there is a voltage supply to the NOx sensor control unit.
  4. If this does not help, replace the NOx sensor.

EMS 42245


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Data exchange between the NOx sensor after the catalytic converter and the SCR control unit.


The SCR control unit receives several CAN messages from the NOx sensor in too fast a sequence.

The reasons:

Failure to communicate between the NOx sensor and the SCR control unit.


No description


  1. Check the electrical wiring and clean the connectors.
  2. If this does not help, replace the NOx sensor.

EMS 42248


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Injection Valve


With injection, the pressure in the SCR system does not decrease as expected.

The reasons:

This may be due to a blockage in the injection valve, on the release of the main unit, or in the hose between the main unit and the injection valve.


As a result of this fault, the SCR system shuts down.

When the ambient temperature is below -10 ° C, a malfunction may result in damage to the injection valve in the reagent dispenser.


  1. Make sure the hoses are not twisted.
  2. Check whether reagent crystals are present in the reagent dispenser or main unit. Wash off the crystals with water.
  3. If the temperature was below -10 ° C, check to see if the injection valve in the reagent dispenser is leaking.
  4. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. Checking the system can help identify some of the above problems.
  5. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42249


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


During periods when the reagent is not injected, the pressure in the SCR system decreases more than it should be.

The reasons:

Leaks in reagent supply lines, reagent dispenser or internal leaks in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Check for leaks in the SCR system.
  2. If the vent valve is stuck open, replace the vent valve.
  3. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.
  4. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. Checking the system can help identify some of the above problems.

EMS 42251


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42252


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42255


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR pressure


The pressure in the SCR system is implausible compared to atmospheric pressure.

The reasons:

The fault may be due to different reasons:

  • Atmospheric pressure sensor defective.
  • A blockage in the return hose between the main unit and the reagent tank or in the reagent tank drain hose.
  • Malfunction of the main unit.
  • Malfunction of the pressure sensor in the main unit.
  • Faulty ventilation valve.
  • Diaphragm pump damaged by diesel fuel.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check for fault codes in the coordinator that indicate faults in the atmospheric pressure sensor.
  2. Check for obstructions in the return pipe between the main unit and the reagent tank.
  3. Check whether there is a blockage in the rejectant air outlet pipe.
  4. Check the wiring.
  5. If everything else is in order, as a last resort, replace the main unit.
  6. In order for the control unit to verify a fault, it must perform a sequence of checks. When the control unit performs a complete sequence of checks without detecting a fault, the fault becomes inactive.
  7. The conditions under which the control unit checks:
  8. There should be no other DTCs related to faults in the main unit.
  9. The SCR system should have completely shut down the system. It takes approximately 90 seconds to turn off the SCR system after the ignition key is turned off.
  10. The control unit must perform the test in four consecutive cycles. Start the engine and let it run at idle for at least 3 minutes. Then turn off and turn on the power four times, at intervals of at least 90 seconds.
  11. You can go to the fault code monitoring function and view the fault code. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  12. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 42256


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR system emergency stop


The SCR system was turned off.

The reasons:

The SCR system was turned off due to too high temperature in the main unit.


If the temperature drops to an acceptable level, the SCR system starts up again.


  1. Check for any other DTCs that have been generated and may have caused this DTC, and use them to troubleshoot.
  2. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 42258


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42261


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42262


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42264


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


Air pressure at current operating conditions is lower than expected.

The reasons:

  • Leaks in the compressed air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser.
  • This fault may be due to a blockage of the air circuit in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check for leaks between the main unit and the reagent dosing unit.
  2. If no leakage is found, replace the main unit.

EMS 42265


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 42266


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


  1. Disconnect the heating element connector to the diaphragm pump. If the fault code becomes inactive, this indicates a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, replace the diaphragm pump.
  2. Try to remove the fault code, and then turn off and turn on the ignition. If the DTC appears again, replace the main unit.

EMS 43329


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Incorrect CAN version


The engine control unit and the SCR control unit do not agree on which CAN version is used.

The reasons:

A fault occurs if one of the control units has been replaced and they are not compatible with each other.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


Check the spare part number of the control unit and replace the control unit that has the wrong spare part number.

EMS 43345


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Communication with the SCR control unit


The engine control unit does not receive a CAN message from the NOx sensor. If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system, the CAN message is transmitted via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

  • Communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit or between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor is interrupted.
  • If fault code 5688 was simultaneously generated, there may be a problem in the communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit.
  • If fault code 5688 was simultaneously generated, there may be a communication failure between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.
  • If the DTC was generated only once, it may be due to the interruption of the voltage supply to the NOx sensor while maintaining the voltage supply to the SCR control unit.
  • The SCR control unit in the main unit may be faulty.
  • If a fault code is generated frequently, it may be due to a problem in the wiring harness or connectors.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

Fault codes are generated based on information from the SCR control unit. If there is no communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit, no SCR related fault codes are generated in the engine control unit.

If this DTC is generated, there is no communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit. This may imply that there are no SCRs related to the SCR in the engine control unit, and those that have been erased will not be generated again, even if there is still a fault.


  1. Also check for DTCs related to CAN communication in other control units. Troubleshoot these problems first.
  2. Switch off the ignition and wait for 90 seconds before turning it on again.
  3. If there are fault codes for the SCR system, first diagnose them.
  4. Switch the ignition on and off several times. Fault codes that were not generated in the engine control unit could be present in the SCR control unit, because this fault code is active.
  5. If the DTC recurs and the DTC does not indicate that the SCR system is off, check the wiring and fuses for the SCR system and clean the electrical connectors.
  6. Also make sure that both control units simultaneously receive voltage (U15).
  7. If the steps above do not help, replace the SCR control unit. If this does not help, replace the engine control unit.

EMS 43361


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx sensor connection


The engine control unit has no CAN message from the NOx sensor. If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system, the CAN message is transmitted via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

  • Communication between the engine control unit and the NOx sensor or between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor is interrupted.
  • If a DTC 43345 was generated at the same time, there may be a problem in the communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit.
  • Troubleshoot using fault code 43345. If fault code 43345 was not generated at the same time, there may be a fault in the communication between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.
  • If the DTC was generated only once, it may be due to the interruption of the voltage supply to the NOx sensor while maintaining the voltage supply to the SCR control unit.
  • The SCR control unit in the pump may be faulty.
  • If a fault code is generated frequently, it may be due to a problem in the wiring harness or connectors.


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.


  1. Clear the DTC memory and check the engine start.
  2. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If the DTC reappears, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors.
  3. If this does not help, check whether the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor are receiving an ignition voltage on / off signal (U15) at the same time. If the above action does not help, replace the NOx sensor first, and if that does not work, replace the SCR control unit. However, it is not typical for the fault to be covered in the SCR control unit. Before replacing the SCR control unit, make sure that the fault is not caused by something else.

EMS 43362


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx sensor connection in front of the catalytic converter


The engine control unit has no CAN MSG8 message “NOx sensor data before catalytic converter” (NOx sensor data in front of the catalytic converter) from the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter. If the vehicle is equipped with an SCR system, the CAN message is transmitted via the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

  • Communication between engine control unit and NOx sensor interrupted.
  • If a malfunction code A951 was generated at the same time, there may be a problem in the communication between the engine control unit and the SCR control unit. Troubleshoot by fault code A951.
  • If the DTC A951 was not generated at the same time, there may be a fault in the communication between the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor.
  • If the DTC was generated only once, it may be due to the interruption of the voltage supply to the NOx sensor while maintaining the voltage supply to the SCR control unit.
  • If this DTC is generated frequently, it may be due to wiring problems or loose connectors.


No description


  1. Clear the DTC memory and check the engine start. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key several times.
  2. If the DTC reappears, check the wiring and clean the electrical connectors.
  3. If this does not help, check whether the SCR control unit and the NOx sensor are receiving an ignition voltage on / off signal (U15) at the same time.
  4. If the above action does not help, replace the NOx sensor first, and if that does not work, replace the SCR control unit.

EMS 43376


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor after catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor indicating that there is a break in the electrical circuit.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the NOx sensor circuit


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 43377


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor after catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor stating that there is a short in the circuit.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the NOx sensor electrical circuit.


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 43378


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter


The NOx sensor has detected a break in the electrical circuit and sends a message to the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the NOx sensor electrical circuit in front of the catalytic converter.


This test is performed by the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter. The result is sent to the engine control unit via CAN. The SCR system works even when this DTC is active.


  1. Check for signal from the NOx sensor.
  2. Check the NOx sensor, connectors and wiring.

EMS 43379


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter


The NOx sensor has detected a short circuit in the electrical circuit and sends a message to the SCR control unit.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter or too low voltage / current in this electrical circuit


This test is performed by the NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter. The result is sent to the engine control unit via CAN. The SCR system works even when this DTC is active.


  1. Check for signal from the NOx sensor.
  2. Check the NOx sensor, connectors and wiring.

EMS 43520


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) after catalytic converter


The measured amount of nitrogen oxides is different from what should be.

The reasons:

  • The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.
  • This may be due to a malfunctioning catalytic converter, a malfunctioning NOx sensor, or a malfunctioning reagent dosing system.
  • The calculated NOx is different from the measured NOx. The reason for this may be an excessively high or variable amount of NOx from the engine or an incorrect value from the NOx sensor.


No description


  1. Ensure that the dosing function of the reagent is working correctly. To do this, use SDP3 to perform a system check and a dosage check.
  2. Check the NOx sensor.
  3. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  4. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 43521


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) after catalytic converter


The measured level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is above acceptable.

The reasons:

The SCR system does not reduce NOx properly.


No description


  1. Check the SCR system in the following sequence:
  2. Check for any other active DTCs related to exhaust emissions.
  3. Make sure that the quality of the reagent in the appropriate tank meets the applicable standards.
  4. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  7. Ensure that the base material of the catalytic converter is not damaged.
  8. You can use the following options to make sure that the problem is resolved:
  9. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. The test takes approximately 30 minutes and should be performed outdoors.
  10. Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid. Perform a road test with a heavy load – four times in succession with an intermediate engine shutdown.

EMS 43525


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Malfunction in the SCR catalytic converter


The temperature after the SCR catalytic converter is different from what it should be.

The reasons:

Malfunction in the SCR catalytic converter or exhaust gas temperature sensors before and after the SCR catalytic converter.


A malfunction leads to an increase in exhaust emissions.


  1. Check the exhaust gas temperature sensors before and after the SCR catalytic converter.
  2. Verify that the SCR catalytic converter and nozzle spray are installed correctly.

EMS 43526


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx level


The measured level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is above acceptable.

High level of exhaust toxicity. There is a risk of exceeding the prescribed limit of NOx emissions. Torque reduction is not activated.

The reasons:

The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.

This may be caused by the following:

  • NOx emission level too high.
  • Low quality reagent.
  • Reagent injection nozzle malfunction.
  • Catalytic Closure.
  • NOx sensor transmits incorrect value.
  • Malfunction in dosing module.
  • Malfunction in the main unit.


Maximum engine torque is limited.


  1. Check for any other trouble codes related to exhaust emissions.
  2. Ensure that the quality of the reagent in the tank conforms to current standards.
  3. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  4. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Check the NOx sensor.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  7. You can use the following options to make sure that the problem is resolved:
  8. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. It takes about 5-30 minutes to complete the test.
  9. Otherwise, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure as invalid:
  10. Perform a road test with a heavy load on it.
  11. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  12. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 43527


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx level


The measured level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is above acceptable.

Excessively high exhaust emissions. In the car, the prescribed limit of NOx emissions is exceeded. Torque reduction activated.

The reasons:

The control unit detects that the SCR system incorrectly reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides.

This may be caused by the following:

  • NOx emission level too high.
  • Low quality reagent.
  • Reagent injection nozzle malfunction.
  • Catalytic Closure.
  • The catalytic converter may be damaged by oil transferred from the turbocharger.
  • NOx sensor transmits incorrect value.
  • Malfunction in dosing module.
  • Malfunction in the main unit.


The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the SCR system in the following sequence:
  2. Check for any other active DTCs related to exhaust emissions.
  3. Make sure that the quality of the reagent in the appropriate tank meets the applicable standards.
  4. Ensure that the reagent lines and injection device are not plugged. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  5. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked. The crystals can be washed off with water.
  6. Check the NOx sensor.
  7. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  8. Ensure that the catalytic converter substrate is intact.
  9. Check for faults in the turbocharger. Contact with oil can lead to irreparable damage to the catalytic converter.
  10. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  11. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. It takes about 5-30 minutes to complete the test.
  12. Alternatively, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure to be invalid:
  13. Perform a road test with a heavy load.
  14. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  15. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 43552


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


NOx sensor after catalytic converter


The measured amount of nitrogen oxides is different from what should be.

The reasons:

There is a malfunction in the NOx sensor after the catalytic converter.


No description


  1. Replace the NOx sensor.
  2. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC does not become active immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 43584


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


No description


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

EMS 43585


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

EMS 43586


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, data transfer between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit may be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

EMS 43587


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR control unit


Incorrect or unreliable data.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, DTCs 42256, 43345, and 43361 related to data transmission for the SCR system can be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is off, may interrupt the data transmission between the SCR control unit and engine control unit. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. To restore communication, turn off the ignition and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again.


Replace the SCR control unit. This means that the main unit must be replaced.

EMS 43590


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply to elements in the SCR system


The voltage in the electrical supply circuit of the reagent dispenser was out of range.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the reagent dispenser electrical circuit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the reagent dispenser, its connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the battery voltage.

EMS 43591


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Voltage supply to elements in the SCR system


Interruption in the electric supply circuit of the reagent dispenser.

The reasons:

Interruption in the electric supply circuit of the reagent dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check the reagent dispenser, its connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the battery voltage.

EMS 43592


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


The difference in air pressure before and after the constriction is too small.

The reasons:

The injection device or hose between the reagent dispenser and the injection device is plugged.


Due to a malfunction, the injection of the reagent does not work, which causes an increase in vehicle emission of nitrogen oxides.


Check whether the injection device or the pipeline is not blocked between the reagent dispenser and the injection device.

EMS 43593


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


Air pressure in SCR system too high.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • The formation of crystals in the nozzle sprayer or the pipe between the reagent dispenser and the nozzle sprayer.
  • The air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser is plugged or twisted.
  • Malfunction in additive dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.


  1. Check whether the injection device or the pipeline is not blocked between the reagent dispenser and the injection device.
  2. Check the air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser for any blockage or twist.
  3. Replace additive dispenser.
  4. If the problem persists, replace the main unit.
  5. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  6. If the DTC is invalid, the SCR system is OK. Clear the DTC without taking any action.
  7. To check if the malfunction has been fixed and if the malfunction code does not occur again, you can click on the malfunction code monitoring function and view the malfunction code. This DTC is not generated immediately. In order for the control unit to generate an active fault code, the fault causing the code generation must occur in four consecutive cycles, that is, the ignition must be turned off and on four times. To see if the DTC is in the process of being considered, that is, whether a DTC is being generated, you can use the DTC Monitoring feature.

EMS 43673


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR Voltage


The SCR control unit detects that the battery voltage is lower than the value measured by the engine control unit.

The reasons:

Electrical wiring or control box connectors are damaged.


No description


Check the electrical connectors and wiring between the engine control unit and the SCR system.

EMS 45056


2098557, 2098556


Hydraulic pressure


Oil pressure is below the limit value of the range of allowable values ​​of oil pressure.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be due to low oil level or oil leakage.


In the event of this fault, the control unit may reduce the maximum torque. If this breakage occurs, the maximum torque is reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the oil level.
  2. Check the system for oil leakage.

EMS 45057


2098557, 2098556


Hydraulic pressure


Oil pressure is below the limit value of the range of allowable values ​​of oil pressure.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be due to low oil level or oil leakage.


Turn off the engine to protect it from damage.


  1. Check the oil level.
  2. Check the system for oil leakage.

EMS 45312


2098557, 2098556


Coolant level


The coolant level is below the limit value of the range of acceptable values ​​for the coolant level.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to a low coolant level or leakage.


In the event of this fault, the control unit may reduce the maximum torque. If this breakage occurs, the maximum torque is reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the coolant level.
  2. Check system for coolant leakage.

EMS 45313


2098557, 2098556


Coolant level


The coolant level is below the limit value of the range of acceptable values ​​for the coolant level.

The reasons:

A malfunction may be due to a low coolant level or leakage.


Turn off the engine to protect it from damage.


  1. Check the coolant level.
  2. Check system for coolant leakage.

EMS 45568


2098557, 2098556


Coolant temperature


The temperature of the coolant exceeded the permissible value set in the control unit.

The reasons:

Engine cooling system is not working properly.


To avoid overheating and possible damage, the engine is muffled.


Make sure the engine cooling system is working properly.

EMS 45824


2098557, 2098556


Engine shutdown


A function that, under normal conditions, stops the engine due to low oil pressure, low coolant level or high coolant temperature, was prohibited.

The reasons:

The engine stop function has been selected by the user.



  1. The DTC is an informational message only about the use of the ignore engine shutdown procedure function.
  2. In this regard, be careful not to damage the engine.

EMS 46080


2098557, 2098556


Parameter value for fuel supply drive


An invalid value was entered for the throttle control parameter in the control unit.

The reasons:

When changing with an instrument other than SDP3, an invalid parameter value is entered.


While this DTC is active, i.e. while the fuel supply control system is faulty or the CAN bus connection is broken, the engine runs at a low idle speed.


Set the correct parameter value using SDP3.

EMS 46336


2098557, 2098556


Coolant level sensor.


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • An open in the coolant level sensor circuit.
  • Fault in the electrical circuit of the oil temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The oil pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor and coolant level sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

The coolant level cannot be determined until the malfunction has been rectified.


Check the oil pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor and coolant level sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 46337


2098557, 2098556


Coolant level sensor.


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit in the coolant level sensor circuit.
  • Fault in the electrical circuit of the oil temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


The oil pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor and coolant level sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

The coolant level cannot be determined until the malfunction has been rectified.


Check the oil pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor and coolant level sensor with connectors and electrical wiring.

EMS 46592


2098557, 2098556


Charge air temperature


The charge air temperature exceeds the programmed limit value.

The reasons:

The charge air temperature exceeds the programmed limit value.


To protect the engine from overheating, the maximum engine torque is reduced by 30%.


Check the engine cooling system for proper operation.

EMS 46593


2098557, 2098556


Charge air temperature


The charge air temperature exceeds the programmed limit value.

The reasons:

The charge air temperature exceeds the programmed limit value.


The engine is turned off for protection against overheating and subsequent damage.


Check the engine cooling system for proper operation.

EMS 46848


2098557, 2098556


Charge air pressure


The charge air pressure for some period exceeded the programmed limit value.

The reasons:

The charge air pressure for some period exceeded the programmed limit value.


With this fault, the maximum torque of the engine is reduced by 30%.


Check bypass valve and associated control system.

EMS 49152


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Too fast increase of current in the coil of the solenoid valve pump-nozzle.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49155 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49153


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Too rapid increase in current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49155 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49154


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Too slow increase of current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to too high resistance, the reason for which may be:
  • Open circuit between control unit and solenoid valve.

Damaged wiring.

Open circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49155


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Solenoid driver warns of malfunction.

The reasons:

This fault may be caused by a short circuit in the wiring, a short circuit in the solenoid valve, or a short circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49156


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


No signal to close the pump solenoid valve.

The reasons:

Short circuit or open circuit injectors.

Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.

It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49157


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Too early closing of the solenoid valve injectors. The injection advance angle is earlier than required.

The reasons:

  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.
  • This fault can also be caused by a short circuit or a break in the electrical circuit of the pump-injector. Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49158


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 1


Too late closing of the solenoid valve pump nozzle. The injection advance angle is later than required.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be a jamming of the solenoid valve or an excessively high resistance of the wiring.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Clear the trouble code memory.
  3. Start the engine. If this DTC is generated again, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49408


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Too fast increase of current in the coil of the solenoid valve pump-nozzle.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49411 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is due to a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49409


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Too rapid increase in current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49411 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is due to a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49410


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Too slow increase of current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

The fault may be due to too high resistance, the reason for which may be:

  • Open circuit between control unit and solenoid valve.
  • Damaged wiring.
  • Open circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49411


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Solenoid driver warns of malfunction.

The reasons:

This fault may be caused by a short circuit in the wiring, a short circuit in the solenoid valve, or a short circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49412


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


No signal to close the pump solenoid valve.

The reasons:

  • Short circuit or open circuit injectors.
  • Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.
  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49413


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Too early closing of the solenoid valve injectors. The injection advance angle is earlier than required.

The reasons:

  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.
  • This fault can also be caused by a short circuit or a break in the electrical circuit of the pump-injector. Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49414


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 2


Too late closing of the solenoid valve pump nozzle. The injection advance angle is later than required.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be a jamming of the solenoid valve or an excessively high resistance of the wiring.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Clear the trouble code memory.
  3. Start the engine. If this DTC is generated again, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49423


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


EMS and EEC control units


The engine control unit EMS and the control unit EEC, which is responsible for the treatment of exhaust gases, are incompatible. They give different versions of codes.

The reasons:

Incompatible software or hardware versions.


Malfunction may result in increased exhaust emissions.


  1. Check for software version compatibility in control units.
  2. Check the compatibility of the hardware versions in the control units.

EMS 49511


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200




Failed confirmation of the correctness of the ignition key or unsuccessful validation of data between the coordinator and the engine control unit.

The engine control unit could also be turned off in the wrong way.

The reasons:

Possible causes of failure:

  • The coordinator was disconnected while the engine control unit was starting up or the coordinator was unable to confirm the correct ignition key.
  • The ignition voltage (U15) was turned on and then off again in a very short time (less than 1 second) one or more times.
  • The battery voltage (U30) was turned off to the ignition voltage (U15), for example, when the battery was prematurely disconnected using the battery ground switch.


Starter locked. If the vehicle speed exceeds 20 km / h, the engine speed drops to 500 rpm until the DTC is active.

If the vehicle speed is below 20 km / h, the fuel supply is interrupted, the engine is turned off and cannot be started until the DTC is active.


  1. It is only necessary to delete the fault code if no fault codes were generated in the coordinator and the driver did not notice any faults. If any trouble codes are recorded in the coordinator’s memory, start troubleshooting.
  2. After completing the troubleshooting, erase the trouble code from the engine control unit. Ensure that this error code is no longer generated during operation.

EMS 49664


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Too fast increase of current in the coil of the solenoid valve pump-nozzle.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If at the same time a malfunction code 49667 was generated, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49665


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Too rapid increase in current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If at the same time a malfunction code 49667 was generated, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49666


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Too slow increase of current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

The fault may be due to too high resistance, the reason for which may be:

  • Open circuit between control unit and solenoid valve.
  • Damaged wiring.
  • Open circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49667


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Solenoid driver warns of malfunction.

The reasons:

This fault may be caused by a short circuit in the wiring, a short circuit in the solenoid valve, or a short circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49668


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


No signal to close the pump solenoid valve.

The reasons:

  • Short circuit or open circuit injectors.
  • Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.
  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49669


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Too early closing of the solenoid valve injectors. The injection advance angle is earlier than required.

The reasons:

  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.
  • This fault can also be caused by a short circuit or a break in the electrical circuit of the pump-injector. Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49670


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 3


Too late closing of the solenoid valve pump nozzle. The injection advance angle is later than required.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be a jamming of the solenoid valve or an excessively high resistance of the wiring.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Clear the trouble code memory.
  3. Start the engine. If this DTC is generated again, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49920


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Too fast increase of current in the coil of the solenoid valve pump-nozzle.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49923 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49920


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Incorrect CAN version


The engine control unit and the coordinator do not agree on which CAN version is used.

The reasons:

A malfunction occurs if the engine control unit or coordinator has been replaced and is not compatible with each other.


A fault causes the starter to lock.


Check the engine control unit and coordinator spare part numbers. Replace the control unit with the wrong part number.

EMS 49921


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Too rapid increase in current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If a malfunction code 49923 was generated at the same time, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or the wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49922


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Too slow increase of current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

The fault may be due to too high resistance, the reason for which may be:

  • Open circuit between control unit and solenoid valve.
  • Damaged wiring.
  • Open circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49923


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Solenoid driver warns of malfunction.

The reasons:

This fault may be caused by a short circuit in the wiring, a short circuit in the solenoid valve, or a short circuit inside the control unit.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 49924


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


No signal to close the pump solenoid valve.

The reasons:

  • Short circuit or open circuit injectors.
  • Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.
  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49925


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Too early closing of the solenoid valve injectors. The injection advance angle is earlier than required.

The reasons:

  • It is also possible for air to enter the fuel line.
  • This fault can also be caused by a short circuit or a break in the electrical circuit of the pump-injector. Solenoid valve malfunction pump-injector or mechanical failure of the pump-injector.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  1. Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  2. Make sure the fuel line to the injector pump is working properly.
  3. Remove air from the fuel system.
  4. Clear the DTC memory and start the engine.
  5. If the DTC remains active, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49926


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 4


Too late closing of the solenoid valve pump nozzle. The injection advance angle is later than required.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be a jamming of the solenoid valve or an excessively high resistance of the wiring.


As a result, there may be some uneven operation of the engine.


  • Check the wiring and clean the connector.
  • Clear the trouble code memory.
  • Start the engine. If this DTC is generated again, replace the pump injector.

EMS 49958


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200




Failed data validation while saving data.

The reasons:

  • The engine management system is not in a programmable mode.
  • The coordinator was unable to save information about the new key. The fault may also be due to the fact that the engine check was not confirmed in the coordinator.


Starter locked. If the vehicle speed exceeds 20 km / h, the engine speed drops to 500 rpm until the DTC is active.

If the vehicle speed is below 20 km / h, the fuel supply is interrupted, the engine is turned off and cannot be started until the DTC is active.


  1. It is only necessary to delete the fault code if no fault codes were generated in the coordinator and the driver did not notice any faults. If any trouble codes are recorded in the coordinator’s memory, start troubleshooting.
  2. After completing the troubleshooting, erase the trouble code from the engine control unit. Ensure that this error code is no longer generated during operation.

EMS 50176


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 5


Too fast increase of current in the coil of the solenoid valve pump-nozzle.

The reasons:

  1. The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  2. If at the same time a malfunction code 50179 was generated, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

EMS 50177


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Pump nozzle cylinder 5


Too rapid increase in current in the winding of the solenoid valve. The rise time of the current is determined by the control unit, depending on the voltage of the battery and the temperature of the coolant.

The reasons:

  • The fault may be due to a too low resistance of the solenoid valve.
  • If at the same time a malfunction code 50179 was generated, it is possible that this is a consequence of a short circuit in the solenoid valve or wiring. In addition, it is possible that a short circuit has occurred between the valve cover and one of the terminals on the solenoid valve.


The engine control unit is programmed in such a way that if any faults occur in individual cylinders that are not critical, these cylinders will continue to work. In the case of some types of short circuits, the work of several cylinders is disrupted at once. Fault codes will be recorded for all cylinders operating with violations.

If fault codes were generated for two or more cylinders, the maximum engine torque will be reduced by 30%.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Check the resistance of the coil of the solenoid valve. Electrical resistance should be equal to 0.4-0.6 ohms. Also check the resistance between the solenoid valve connector and the motor. If the resistance is less than 100 ohms, there may be a short circuit.
  3. Clear the trouble code memory.
  4. If there is a malfunction, replace the injector pump first and then the control unit.

Service technicians have no problem recognising breakdowns and carrying out machine diagnostics, EMS Scania Engine Control Unit Fault codes list 8192-11175, plus they are familiar with equipment from a variety of manufacturers.

Scania EMS Fault codes: 8192-11175

EMS 8192


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Coolant temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • An open in the coolant temperature sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the charge air pressure sensor, charge air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value. If the engine is actually colder than the pre-programmed value, it will idle more unevenly and be more difficult to start.

The engine will operate at a high idle speed as long as the fault is present.

On engines equipped with an EGR system, the engine control unit will turn off the system.


  1. Make sure that the coolant temperature and the charge air temperature are about the same on a cold engine.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits.

EMS 8193


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Coolant temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short to coolant temperature sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the charge air pressure sensor, charge air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value. If the engine is actually colder than the pre-programmed value indicates, it will idle more irregularly and be more difficult to start.

The engine will operate at a high idle speed as long as the fault is present.

On engines equipped with an EGR system, the engine control unit will turn off the system.


  1. Make sure that the coolant temperature and the charge air temperature are about the same on a cold engine.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits.

EMS 8194


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If a fault occurs, the control unit uses a pre-programmed value. If the engine is actually colder than the pre-programmed value indicates, it will idle more irregularly and be more difficult to start.

The engine will operate at increased idle speed as long as there is a malfunction.

The engine control unit will turn off the EGR system on engines equipped with this system.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 8194


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Particulate filter


Too low pressure drop in the particulate filter.

The reasons:

A possible malfunction is the absence of a filter in the muffler or a malfunction of the differential pressure sensor.


This malfunction may lead to an increase in soot particulate emissions.



  1. whether the filter is installed in the muffler
  2. differential pressure sensor
  3. connections in front of the silencer and after it to the differential pressure sensor
  4. signal between differential pressure sensor and engine control unit
  5. no damage to exhaust system and particulate filter

EMS 8204


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The temperature in the area after the diesel particulate filter (DPF) is excessively high for regeneration. It is registered by a temperature sensor in the area after the filter in less than 2 minutes.

The reasons:

Leakage and oil or fuel entering the exhaust stream in front of the silencer. Temperature sensor malfunction T158.


The red engine indicator light comes on. Filter regeneration is completely blocked.


  1. Check the EMS and EEC fault codes associated with the sensor malfunction and make the necessary repairs.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. Check with SDP3 the condition of the fuel system, in particular, possible injector malfunctions. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  3. A malfunction in the differential pressure sensor can create an excessively high particulate load, as a result of which an excessively high temperature may occur during regeneration. Perform the following sensor test: When the power is on, the value should be approximately zero. Start the engine and make sure that the high idle speed value is different from zero.
  4. If the fault persists, check the wiring harness and connectors between the sensor and the control unit. Also ensure that there is no damage to the exhaust system, and the sensor piping is not blocked.
  5. If the problem persists, replace the sensor.
  6. To verify the effectiveness of the repair, perform a service regeneration procedure using SDP3. The temperature in the exhaust system is very high, it can reach 500 ° C.

EMS 8205


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The temperature in the area after the diesel particulate filter (DPF) is excessively high for normal movement. It is registered by a temperature sensor after the filter.

The reasons:

Leakage and oil or fuel entering the exhaust stream in front of the silencer. Temperature sensor malfunction T158.


The red engine warning light comes on, the engine stops.


  1. Compare with SDP3 the values ​​of the temperature sensors (T158) taken from the muffler or at high idle, PTO 1000 1 / min. After the end of the stabilization period, all three sensors should produce similar values. If not, replace the appropriate item.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. See “Internal leakage” and “Cylinder pressure balance” in SDP3. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  3. A malfunction in the differential pressure sensor can create an excessively high particulate load, as a result of which an excessively high temperature may occur during regeneration. Perform the following sensor test: When the power is on, the value should be approximately zero. Start the engine and make sure that the high idle speed value is different from zero.
  4. If the fault persists, check the wiring harness and connectors between the sensor and the control unit. Also ensure that there is no damage to the exhaust system, and the sensor piping is not blocked.

EMS 8206


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The temperature at the front of the diesel particulate filter (DPF) is excessively high for regeneration. It is registered by a temperature sensor in the area in front of the filter in less than 2 minutes.

The reasons:

Leakage and oil or fuel entering the exhaust stream in front of the silencer. Temperature sensor malfunction T158.


The red engine indicator light comes on. Filter regeneration is completely blocked.


  1. Check the EMS and EEC fault codes associated with the sensor malfunction and make the necessary repairs.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. Check with SDP3 the condition of the fuel system, in particular, possible injector malfunctions. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  3. To verify the effectiveness of the repair, perform a service regeneration procedure using SDP3. The temperature in the exhaust system is very high, it can reach 500 ° C.

EMS 8207


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Oxidizing Catalytic Converter


The temperature difference between the inlet and outlet openings of the oxidation catalytic converter is greater than expected during normal motion.

The reasons:

  1. Leakage and oil or fuel entering the exhaust stream in front of the silencer.
  2. Malfunction of temperature sensors T158 or other sensors in the engine management system EMS or in the exhaust gas neutralization system EEC3.


The engine warning light comes on.


  1. Using SDP3, compare temperature sensors T158 removed from the muffler. After a short time, all sensors show almost the same temperature. If not, replace the appropriate item.
  2. Check the malfunction codes and eliminate the corresponding malfunctions for the sensors in the EMS engine management system or in the EEC3 exhaust gas after-treatment system.
  3. Check for leakage of oil or fuel in the exhaust gas stream before the oxidation catalytic converter. Check nozzles with SDP3. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  4. To check the quality of repair, allow the engine to work with a load of up to 30 minutes.

EMS 8216


9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Additional drive 14 (aux14), short circuit from low to +24


Reset is not defined.

The reasons:

No description


No description


No description

EMS 8225


9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Additional drive 14 (aux14), open load


Reset is not defined.

The reasons:

No description


No description


No description

EMS 8234


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR Coolant Valve


The voltage on the coolant valve in the SCR heating circuit is out of range.

The reasons:

An open circuit or short to ground on the valve circuit.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off.

When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The nominal valve resistance at room temperature is 140 ohms.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8234


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Water Reagent Heating Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open or short to ground in the water valve electrical circuit to heat the reagent.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The normal resistance of a water valve at room temperature should be approximately 140 ohms.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8236


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Water Reagent Heating Valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the electric circuit + 24 V in the electric circuit of the water heating valve.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The normal resistance of a water valve at room temperature should be approximately 140 ohms.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8236


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR Coolant Valve


Short to + coolant valve battery in the SCR heating circuit.

The reasons:

No description


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off.

When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The nominal valve resistance at room temperature is 140 ohms.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8237


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR system


The pressure in the SCR system drops more than expected when the reagent is not injected.

The reasons:

Leakage in the reagent dispenser, reagent supply lines or internal leaks in the main unit.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off.

When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check for leakage in the SCR system. Leakage in the main unit is an unusual phenomenon. If this happens, replace the main unit.
  2. Perform system checks in SDP3.
  3. In order to verify that the malfunction has been rectified, in SDP3, recognize the invalidity of the malfunction codes of the NOx control system. Recognition of invalidity must be performed outdoors because the exhaust gases are very hot. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8237


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


During periods when the reagent is not injected, the pressure in the SCR system decreases more than it should be.

The reasons:

Leaks in reagent supply lines, reagent dispenser or internal leaks in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction has been resolved, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for leaks in the SCR system.
  2. Check the vent valve. If the vent valve is stuck open, replace the vent valve.
  3. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced. However, it is uncharacteristic that the fault lay in the main unit. Before replacing the SCR control unit, make sure that the fault is not caused by something else.
  4. Perform the system checks that are provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  5. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  6. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is located on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust gas hose will melt. It takes about 5-30 minutes to complete the test.
  7. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  8. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8247


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


The air pressure in the SCR system was out of range.

The reasons:

  • The malfunction may be due to too low air pressure from the vehicle to the SCR system.
  • This can also be due to air leakage in the SCR system: either internal leakage in the main unit or in the air ducts outside the main unit.
  • A fault code is also generated if the pressure is too high due to blockage in the SCR system.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction has been resolved, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check whether the air pressure in the car’s compressed air system was too low at the time the fault code was issued.
  2. If the air pressure was below 7.2 bar, there may be a fault not related to the SCR system.
  3. Check for leaks or blockages in the air lines.
  4. If the fault lies inside the main unit, the main unit should be replaced.
  5. Perform the system checks that are provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  6. In order for the control unit to verify a fault, it must perform a sequence of checks. When the control unit performs a complete sequence of checks without detecting a fault, the fault becomes inactive.
  7. The conditions under which the control unit checks:
  8. There should be no active DTCs for air pressure or reagent pressure.
  9. The air pressure in the compressed air supply system of the car should be in the range of 7.1 – 8.5 bar.
  10. Start the engine and turn it off. Repeat four times. The control unit must perform the test in four consecutive cycles.
  11. You can click on the DTC monitoring function and view the DTC. There you can see if the conditions under which the control unit confirms that the fault has been eliminated have been satisfied. When conditions are satisfied and a check is performed, the status of the DTC is displayed during the check process. If the DTC is under review, the control unit has detected a fault. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  12. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8249


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction has been resolved, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8250


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


Short circuit to + battery level sensor in the reagent tank.

The reasons:

Short circuit to + battery level sensor in the reagent tank.


Reagent injection is turned off.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Sensor resistance should be 92 – 397 ohms.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8252


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


Short circuit in the level sensor circuit in the reagent tank.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the level sensor circuit in the reagent tank.


Reagent injection is turned off.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Sensor resistance should be 92 – 397 ohms.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8252


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank level sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the level sensor in the reagent tank.


If the signal voltage is out of range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of 100% (full tank).

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction has been resolved, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. Sensor resistance should be 92–397 ohms.
  4. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  5. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  6. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  7. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8253


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank level sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A break in the electrical circuit of the level sensor in the reagent tank.


If the signal voltage is out of range, the control unit uses a preprogrammed value of 100% (full tank).

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction has been resolved, in order for the malfunction code to become inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. Sensor resistance should be 92–397 ohms.
  4. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  5. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  6. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  7. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8253


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


An open in the reagent tank level sensor circuit.

The reasons:

An open in the reagent tank level sensor circuit.


Reagent injection is turned off.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Sensor resistance should be 92–397 ohms.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8255


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Low reagent


Low level of reagent in the tank.

The reasons:

Low level of reagent in the tank.


Reagent injection is turned off, which negatively affects the level of NOx emissions from the engine.

In the case of engines with a NOx control system, a 40% reduction in torque is active as long as the DTC is active.


  1. Fill the tank as described in the Operation Manual and wait a few minutes.
  2. If the DTC is still active, check the level sensor float.
  3. On engines with a NOx control system, this corrective action should be monitored as follows: Turn on the on-board power supply with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code will become inactive.

EMS 8255


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Level in the reagent tank


The amount of reagent in the tank below the permissible value.

The reasons:

Or too little reagent in the tank or a level sensor in the tank is faulty.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of high levels of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Refill reagent. If there is enough reagent in the tank, check the level sensor.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8256


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8260


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8260


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Electrical failure of the reagent temperature sensor.

The reasons:

Electrical failure of the reagent temperature sensor.


Reagent injection is turned off.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system , engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8261


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Exceeded lower temperature limit.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8261


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  2. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8265


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Dispenser


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the + 24 V electrical circuit in the reagent dispenser electrical circuit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The resistance of the reagent dispenser should be 14-15 Ohms at a temperature of 20 ° C.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8263


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Dispenser


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open or a short to ground in the electrical circuit of the reagent dispenser.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated . Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The resistance of the reagent dispenser at a temperature of 20 ° C should be in the range between 14 Ohm and 15 Ohm.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8263


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent Dispenser


An open circuit or short to ground in the electrical circuit of the reagent dispenser.

The reasons:

An open circuit or short to ground in the electrical circuit of the reagent dispenser.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off.

When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. Communication with the engine control unit can also be interrupted. Restore it by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The resistance of the reagent dispenser should be 14-15 Ohms at 20 ° C.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8265


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent Dispenser


Short to + reagent dispenser battery or power circuit.

The reasons:

Short to + reagent dispenser battery or power circuit.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off.

When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. Communication with the engine control unit can also be interrupted. Restore it by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. The resistance of the reagent dispenser should be 14-15 Ohms at 20 ° C.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8267


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Unreliable reagent pressure.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


Reagent injection is turned off.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on.


  1. Replace the main unit.
  2. Using SDP3, execute “Invalidation of DTCs for the NOx Control System”. This procedure must be performed outdoors because the exhaust gases are very hot.
  3. Alternatively, allow the engine to operate at speeds above 1000 rpm until the SCR system starts. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8267


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Reagent Pressure


The pressure in the system during normal operation was above the allowable value.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction may be:

  • Malfunction in diaphragm pump.
  • Malfunction of the main unit


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Replace diaphragm pump.
  2. Check if diesel fuel has entered the main unit. If diesel is present in the unit, thoroughly flush the main unit and replace the diaphragm pump, gaskets and vent valve.
  3. Replace the main unit.
  4. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  5. There should be no active DTCs for air pressure in the SCR system, for faults in the main unit, for blocking the injection device, or for a temperature sensor downstream of the catalytic converter. Nor should there be an active DTC for leaks in the SCR system.
  6. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust system will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.
  7. Otherwise, you can perform the following actions so that the control unit recognizes the failure as invalid:
  8. Start the engine and verify that the engine speed is above 1000 rpm and that the SCR system starts. If the temperature is below -8 ° C or the reagent is frozen, the SCR system will not start.
  9. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  10. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8268


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8268


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Reagent pressure sensor, voltage outside acceptable range.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8269


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Reagent pressure sensor, voltage outside permissible limits.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8269


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8277


9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Mountain brake drive, open load


Reset not defined

The reasons:

No description


No description


No description

EMS 8280


9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Drive mountain brake, short to low to +24


Reset not defined

The reasons:

No description


No description


No description

EMS 8282


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


The voltage in the reagent tank temperature sensor circuit was out of range.

The reasons:

An open circuit.


No description


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. To test the sensor, remove it and measure the resistance. At a temperature of 15–25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1500–2100 Ω.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8283


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


Invalid reagent temperature.

The reasons:

The temperature sensor values ​​are invalid, or the tank heating system is faulty.


No description


  1. Check for a signal from the temperature sensor in the tank. Check sensor connectors and wiring for visible damage. Check the coolant valve to warm up the tank for binding in the closed position.
  2. On engines with a NOx control system, this corrective action should be monitored as follows:
  3. Reagent temperature above -8 ° C:
  4. Switch off the on-board power supply with the ignition key, wait 90 seconds.
  5. Turn on the power.

EMS 8284


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank


Reagent temperature sensor short circuit.

The reasons:

Reagent temperature sensor short circuit.


No description


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. To test the sensor, remove it and measure the resistance. At a temperature of 15–25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1500–2100 Ω.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8284


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the tank temperature sensor electrical circuit


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. To verify that the sensor is working, remove it and measure its resistance.
  4. At a temperature of 15-25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1 500-2 100 Ohm.
  5. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  6. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  7. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  8. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8285


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – tank temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open in the temperature sensor circuit


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. For troubleshooting the SCR system, refer to the Scania Multi 03-25 “Exhaust System, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)” section.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  3. To verify that the sensor is working, remove it and measure its resistance.
  4. At a temperature of 15-25 ° C, the resistance should be in the range of 1 500-2 100 Ohm.
  5. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  6. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  7. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  8. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8291


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The SCR control unit indicated that the battery voltage was below the allowable value.

It was below 8.6 V.

The reasons:

The fault may occur during a cold start, if the battery is in poor condition.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8291


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR control unit


Low battery voltage.

The reasons:

The fault may occur during a cold start, if the battery is in poor condition.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  • Check the battery, alternator, electrical connectors and wiring.
  • Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  • Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8292


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR control unit


High battery voltage.

The reasons:

Malfunction may occur when using a forced charge device.


High voltage can damage the SCR system.

Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Check the battery, alternator, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8292


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Battery voltage


The SCR control unit indicated that the battery voltage was above the allowable value.

It was above 64.6 V.

The reasons:

This may be caused by the work start-charger.


High voltage levels can damage the SCR system.

As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the battery and alternator.
  2. Check the connectors and wiring.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key.
  5. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  6. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8319


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901




Insufficient reduction in NOx emissions even though the maximum amount of reagent is injected.

The reasons:

  • Inadequate reagent quality.
  • Injection nozzle closure.
  • Worn low sensitivity NOx sensor.
  • Faulty charge air pressure sensor or other sensor in the system.
  • Worn catalytic converter.


No description


  1. Check other malfunction codes and eliminate related problems related to NOx emissions.
  2. Make sure that the reagent tank contains the correct type of reagent.
  3. Check for blockage in the reagent hoses or in the injection nozzle.
  4. Make sure the reagent dispenser is not blocked.
  5. Check the NOx sensors. Do not confuse the sensors before and after the catalytic converter.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.

EMS 8320


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


A temperature sensor located in front of the oxidizing catalytic converter produces an incompatible value when pairwise matching the three sensors.

The reasons:

Malfunction in temperature sensors T158.

Leakage of oil or fuel in the muffler.


Filter regeneration blocked.


  1. Compare with SDP3 the values ​​of the temperature sensors (T158) taken from the muffler or at high idle, PTO 1000 1 / min. After the end of the stabilization period, all three sensors should produce similar values. If not, replace the appropriate item.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. Check the fuel system using SDP3, for example, for injector faults. Low engine oil may be a sign of oil leakage.
  3. Remove the flexible pipe coming from the muffler and check if black or white smoke is released when the throttle is opened. White smoke indicates the presence of excess fuel, which may result in the registration of this DTC.

EMS 8324


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The temperature sensor, located after the oxidative catalytic converter, gives an incompatible value when pairwise matching the three sensors. The test is carried out for 60 minutes while driving under load, but not during idling.

The reasons:

  • Malfunction of temperature sensors T158.
  • Oil or fuel leak in a silencer.
  • Malfunction of other sensors.


The engine warning light comes on, regeneration is completely blocked.


  1. Compare with SDP3 the values ​​of the temperature sensors (T158) taken from the muffler or at high idle, PTO 1000 1 / min. After the end of the stabilization period, all three sensors should produce similar values. If not, replace the appropriate item.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. Check with SDP3 the condition of the fuel system, in particular, possible injector malfunctions. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  3. Remove the flexible pipe coming from the muffler and check if black or white smoke is released when the throttle is opened. White smoke indicates the presence of excess fuel, which may result in the registration of this DTC.
  4. To check the quality of the repair, let the engine run under load for 60 minutes.

EMS 8334


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent Dispenser


The pressure in the SCR system does not fall as expected when the valve is opened.

The reasons:

The reason may be the freezing or crystallization of the reagent in the pipelines, hoses, the reagent dispenser or the injection nozzle.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Check the coolant level. Start the engine and check that the coolant is circulating properly and the reagent suction manifold warms up. Make sure the coolant valve opens fully.
  2. Perform SCR system checks in SDP3.
  3. Verify that the malfunction has been resolved. Using SDP3, execute “Invalidation of DTCs for the NOx Control System”. This procedure must be carried out outdoors because the exhaust gases are very hot and there is a danger of the melting of the exhaust system.

EMS 8346


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Faulty pressure sensor after throttle.

The reasons:

Faulty pressure sensor after throttle.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8347


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Unreliable air pressure after throttle.

The reasons:

Unreliable air pressure after throttle.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8348


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Low air pressure after throttle.

The reasons:

Low air pressure after throttle.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8348


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8349


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8349


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Air pressure sensor after the throttle, high voltage.

The reasons:

Air pressure sensor after the throttle, high voltage.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8350


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Unreliable air pressure after throttle.

The reasons:

Unreliable air pressure after throttle.


Reagent injection is turned off.


  1. Turn off and turn on the onboard power supply with the ignition key. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off and on the power with the ignition key. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8351


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Reagent tank heating


Too low a temperature in the reagent tank.

The reasons:

  • temperature sensor fault in the reagent tank.
  • Water heating system valve may be stuck in the closed position.


The fault affects NOx emissions from a car. The NOx emissions warning lamp comes on and a text message is displayed.

If the car is equipped with an NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by approximately 40%.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


  1. Check reagent tank temperature sensor and its wiring.
  2. Check the water valve of the heating system for binding in the closed position.
  3. To verify that the problem is resolved, follow these steps:
  4. Ensure that the temperature in the reagent tank is above -8 ° C.
  5. Switch off the onboard power using the ignition key. Wait at least 90 seconds and then turn on the power again.
  6. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Then clear the fault code.
  7. Extinguish the test lamp by turning the ignition key off and on three times. Pause 10 seconds between each cycle.

EMS 8352


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Open reagent vent valve circuit.

The reasons:

Open reagent vent valve circuit.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. As a result of the shutdown, other trouble codes may be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. To make sure that the communication between the engine control unit and the main SCR unit is working, turn off the power, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again.


  1. Turn off the onboard power and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8352


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit or malfunction in the vent valve.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the DTC remains inactive, delete the DTC. If the DTC remains active, replace the vent valve. If the DTC remains inactive, delete the DTC. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8355


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8355


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Short circuit on the vent valve.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the vent valve.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. Communication with the engine control unit can also be interrupted. Restore it by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8358


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8361


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8381


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8381


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Malfunction of the reagent heater main unit.

The reasons:

Electrical malfunction


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. As a result of the shutdown, other trouble codes may be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. To make sure that the communication between the engine control unit and the main SCR unit is working, turn off the power, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the onboard power and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8382


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Malfunction of the reagent heater main unit.

The reasons:

Electrical malfunction


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. As a result of the shutdown, other trouble codes may be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. To ensure that the communication between the engine control unit and the main SCR unit is working, turn off the power.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the onboard power and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8384


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Malfunction of the reagent heater main unit.

The reasons:

Electrical malfunction


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. As a result of the shutdown, other trouble codes may be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. To ensure that the communication between the engine control unit and the main SCR unit is working, turn off the power.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the onboard power and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8384


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8385


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8385


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Malfunction of the supply voltage circuit of the internal heating system pump of the main unit.

The reasons:

Electrical malfunction


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. As a result of the shutdown, other trouble codes may be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. To ensure that the communication between the engine control unit and the main SCR unit is working, turn off the power.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the onboard power and wait 90 seconds before turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code. If the DTC remains active, replace the main unit.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8388


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Short to battery + in the internal circulation pump.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the internal circulation pump.


The SCR system is deactivated and the injection of the reagent is turned off. When the system is turned off, other trouble codes can be generated. Perform diagnostics based on this DTC. Communication with the engine control unit can also be interrupted. Restore it by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again.

The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Turn off the power with the key, wait 90 seconds and then turn it on again. If this DTC persists, replace the control unit. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  2. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8388


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – Main Unit


No description

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the SCR system shuts down and the reagent injection shuts down.

When the SCR system is turned off, fault codes 4108, 4106, and 4107 relating to data exchange with the SCR system can also be generated. Perform a primary troubleshooting using this fault code.

When the SCR system is disabled, the communication between the SCR control unit and the engine control unit can be interrupted. To ensure correct handling of the DTC, control units must be able to communicate with each other. Try to reestablish the connection, for which you should turn off the ignition, wait 90 seconds and turn on the ignition again.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the key, wait for 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key. If the fault code becomes inactive, erase the code; If the DTC is still active, replace the main unit.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the ignition with the key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8394


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR air pressure


Air pressure at current operating conditions is lower than expected.

The reasons:

Leaks in the compressed air line between the main unit and the reagent dispenser.

This fault may be due to a blockage of the air circuit in the main unit.


As a result of a fault, the injection of the reagent is turned off.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40%.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check for leaks between the main unit and the reagent dispenser. If there are no leaks, replace the main unit. The presence of a malfunction in the main unit is not typical. Before replacing the main unit, make sure that the fault was not caused by something else.
  2. Follow the verification system as provided in SDP3 for the SCR system. System checks can help detect some of the faults listed above.
  3. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  4. There should be no active DTCs for air pressure in the SCR system, for faults in the main unit, for blocking the injection device, or for a temperature sensor downstream of the catalytic converter. Nor should there be an active DTC for leaks in the SCR system.
  5. To ensure that the problem has been rectified, you can check the “Recognizing DTCs for NOx Control Invalid”, which is on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. This test should be performed outdoors, because the exhaust gas temperature becomes very high and there is a risk that the exhaust hose will melt. Performing this check may take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on which DTCs are active.
  6. Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid.
  7. Start the engine and verify that the engine speed is above 1000 rpm and that the SCR system starts. Perform a road test of 15 minutes on the road. If the temperature is below -8 ° C or the reagent is frozen, the SCR system will not start.
  8. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  9. To turn off the alarm, turn off and turn on the ignition with the ignition key three times in a row at 10-second intervals.

EMS 8394


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Pneumatic circuit SCR


Air pressure in SCR system too low.

The reasons:

Leakage in the air line between the main unit and the reagent injection nozzle.


No description


  1. Perform a leak test in the air line between the main unit and the reagent injection nozzle.
  2. Perform SCR system checks in SDP3.
  3. Verify that the malfunction has been resolved: With SDP3, perform “Invalidation of DTCs for the NOx control system”. This procedure must be carried out outdoors because the exhaust gases are very hot and there is a danger of the melting of the exhaust system.

EMS 8426


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


The control unit of the system to reduce toxicity of exhaust gases


The exhaust emissions control unit is shutting down too soon.

The reasons:

If the car has a battery ground switch, the cause of the malfunction may be the use of the battery ground switch less than 90 seconds after the key is turned off.

Causes of failure may be the following:

Malfunction in the SCR power supply circuit.

Internal malfunction in the control unit of the exhaust gas reduction system.

If the DTC was generated in conjunction with DTC 5657, the reason probably lies outside the SCR system.


The SCR system will not shut down correctly if the control unit is turned off too early. The reagent will still remain in the injection hoses and injectors. At low temperatures there is a risk of damage to the SCR system from ice formation in the hoses.


  1. Switch off the ignition with the ignition key. Wait 90 seconds and then turn on the ignition again.
  2. If the DTC becomes inactive: Clear the DTC.
  3. If the DTC remains active and if DTC 5657 is not generated: The voltage supply to the control unit is checked.
  4. If the fault is in the control unit, replace the control unit.

EMS 8427


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR main unit


Power to the main unit turns off too late.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction or fault in the electrical circuit.


The power does not turn off, which can lead to a battery discharge.


Check the electrical wiring. If the fault lies in the main unit, it should be replaced.

EMS 8430


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR system


The level of nitrogen oxides after the catalytic converter is higher than expected.

The reasons:

The SCR system does not reduce the level of nitrogen oxides. This may be due to a malfunctioning catalytic converter, a malfunctioning NOx sensor, or an inoperative reagent dosing system.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40%. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check for any other trouble codes related to exhaust emissions.
  2. Make sure that the tank contains the correct type of reagent.
  3. Verify that there is no blockage in the injection nozzle or lines.
  4. Check the crystallization in the catalyst or reagent dispenser.
  5. Check the NOx sensors. Do not confuse the sensors before and after the catalytic converter.
  6. Check that the catalytic converter is intact.
  7. In order to ensure that the malfunction has been rectified, in SDP3, recognize the invalidity of the malfunction codes of the NOx control system. Erase the fault code, and select “Reset NOx data” under “Adjustments” in SDP3.

EMS 8448


2098557, 2098556


Charge air temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

Open circuit in the temperature sensor charge air.

Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the charge air pressure sensor, coolant temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


  1. Make sure that the coolant temperature and the charge air temperature are about the same on a cold engine.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits.

EMS 8449


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Charge air temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit in the charge air temperature sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the charge air pressure sensor, coolant temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


  1. Make sure that the coolant temperature and the charge air temperature are about the same on a cold engine.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits.

EMS 8449


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle Actuator


The deviation between the requested and measured throttle angle.

The reasons:

Electrical fault, open circuit or short circuit in the electrical circuit.


The system can go into fail-safe mode.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check wiring and connectors.
  3. Perform the throttle actuator and potentiometer diagnostics.
  4. If the engine is gas driven: Replace the ME7 unit.

EMS 8450


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


Short circuit to + battery, to ground or open the electrical circuit of the actuator throttle.

The reasons:

Short circuit of pin 3 in connector A4.


Unable to control throttle.


Check valve block V107 wiring harness and connectors. Measure the resistance in the valve block and check that it meets the specification.

EMS 8450


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 8451


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


Short to battery + in the actuator of the throttle valve.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the actuator of the throttle valve.


As a result of inadvertent actuation, the throttle valve may close. This can lead to loss of engine power and poor handling.


Check valve block V107 wiring harness and connectors. Measure the resistance in the valve block and check that it meets the specification.

EMS 8454


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Throttle Actuator


Fuel management has been deactivated due to high temperature, high amperage, or low voltage.

The reasons:

The output stage in ME7 does not work.


The engine goes into failsafe mode of operation.


Check fuses.

Replace the ME7 unit.

EMS 8465


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle valve remains open despite the closing request.

The reasons:

Throttle valve stuck open.


Throttle valve control is disabled, but an invalidation check is performed for each shutdown.


Ensure that nothing blocks the throttle valve movement. Check for air leaks. Check the throttle position sensor.

EMS 8466


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle valve remains closed despite the request for opening.

The reasons:

Throttle valve stuck closed.


Throttle valve control is disabled, but an invalidation check is performed for each shutdown. This can lead to loss of engine power and poor handling.


Ensure that nothing blocks the throttle valve movement. Check the throttle position sensor.

EMS 8481


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The end positions of the position sensor are outside the limits.

The reasons:

Position Sensor Malfunction


Unable to adjust throttle valve.


Check the supply voltage to the valve block and the position sensor. Check wiring and connectors. Check throttle valve function.

EMS 8482


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle position sensor, potentiometer 1, indicates an incorrect position.

The reasons:

Short to ground or open circuit.


Maximum engine torque is limited.

The control unit uses a wildcard value.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check whether there is a short circuit of potentiometer 1 to ground.
  3. Check throttle valve function.
  4. Replace throttle valve assembly.
  5. Replace the ME7 control unit.

EMS 8483


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle position sensor, potentiometer 1, indicates an excessively high voltage.

The reasons:

Short to battery “+” in potentiometer 1.


Maximum engine torque is limited.

The control unit uses a wildcard value.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check for a short circuit on the throttle valve potentiometers to the battery voltage.
  3. Check throttle valve function.
  4. Replace throttle valve assembly.
  5. Replace the ME7 control unit.

EMS 8487


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle position sensor, potentiometer 2, indicates an incorrect position.

The reasons:

Short to ground or open circuit.


Maximum engine torque is limited.

The control unit uses a wildcard value.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check for throttle valve potentiometers short circuit to earth.
  3. Check throttle valve function.
  4. Replace throttle valve assembly.
  5. Replace the ME7 control unit.

EMS 8488


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The throttle position sensor, potentiometer 2, indicates an excessively high voltage.

The reasons:

Short to battery “+” in potentiometer 2.


Maximum engine torque is limited.

The control unit uses a wildcard value.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check for throttle valve potentiometers short circuit to earth.
  3. Check throttle valve function.
  4. Replace throttle valve assembly.
  5. Replace the ME7 control unit.

EMS 8504


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Throttle valve


The discrepancy between the two potentiometers of the throttle position sensor.

The reasons:

Malfunction of one or both potentiometers.


May cause the engine to stop or activate the emergency mode.


  1. Check fuses.
  2. Check the supply voltage to the throttle valve potentiometers and to the valve block.
  3. Check wiring and connectors.
  4. Check throttle valve function.
  5. Replace throttle valve assembly.
  6. Replace the ME7 control unit.

EMS 8567


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Lambda regulation


Lambda control has fallen below the minimum permissible limit value.

The reasons:

  • Air / fuel mixture too lean.
  • Possible reasons:
  • Gas supply not working.
  • Indications of mass air flow and fuel injection wrong.
  • Malfunction in one or more nozzles.


Fault condition can be compensated to some extent by lambda control.

There is a risk of misfire.


Check the gas supply and injectors.

EMS 8568


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Lambda regulation


Lambda control has exceeded the maximum permissible limit value.

The reasons:

  • Air / fuel mixture too lean.
  • Possible reasons:
  • Gas supply not working.
  • Indications of mass air flow and fuel injection wrong.
  • Malfunction in one or more nozzles.


Fault condition can be compensated to some extent by lambda control.

There is a risk of misfire.


Check the gas supply and injectors.

EMS 8583


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Gas mixture


The engine management system registered by means of Lambda regulation too much air in the gas mixture.

The reasons:

  • The readings of the mass air flow sensor are incorrect.
  • Air leak in intake manifold
  • Gas supply is unsatisfactory


Fault condition can be compensated to some extent by lambda control.

There is a risk of misfire.


Completely check the gas and air supply systems.

EMS 8584


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Gas mixture


The engine management system registered, by means of Lambda regulation, too little air in the gas mixture.

The reasons:

  • The readings of the mass air flow sensor are incorrect.
  • Air filter clogged
  • Gas supply is unsatisfactory


Fault condition can be compensated to some extent by lambda control.

There is a risk of misfire.


Completely check the gas and air supply systems.

EMS 8704


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


SCR – NOx sensor after catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor indicating that there is a break in the electrical circuit.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the NOx sensor circuit


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8704


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Boost pressure sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • An open circuit in the charge air pressure sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor, charge air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by approximately 30% while the fault code is active. The engine also responds to the activation of fuel management more slowly than it should be. This is a consequence of the malfunction of the exhaust limiter.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits.

EMS 8705


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Boost pressure sensor


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit of the charge air pressure sensor circuit.
  • Closed intake system.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor, charge air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by approximately 30% while the fault code is active. The engine also responds to the activation of fuel management more slowly than it should be. This is a consequence of the malfunction of the exhaust limiter.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


  1. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits. Clear the DTC memory and check if the fault persists.
  2. If the DTC remains active, check to see if the intake system is blocked by ice or foreign particles.
  3. Also make sure that the connecting pipes are intact and not compressed.

EMS 8705


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


The signal from the NOx sensor does not change as prescribed.

The reasons:

Malfunction or incorrect installation of the NOx sensor.


No description


Check that the NOx sensor is installed correctly and, if necessary, replace the NOx sensor.

You can use the following options to verify that the malfunction has been resolved: To verify that you have corrected the malfunction, you can run the “Recognize the DTCs for NOx Validation” test, which is located on the “Checks” tab in SDP3. The test takes approximately 30 minutes and should be performed outdoors.

Otherwise, you can take the following steps so that the control unit recognizes the fault as invalid. Perform a road test of the car and check if the engine and catalytic converter are warm. The NOx sensor is activated when the temperature rises above 120 ° C. The invalidation test starts 5 minutes after the activation of the NOx sensor.

For vehicles with NOx control

To verify troubleshooting:

  1. Perform the “Recognize NOx Control DTCs” test or perform a road test as described above.
  2. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive.

EMS 8706


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor after catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor stating that there is a short in the circuit.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the NOx sensor electrical circuit.


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8706


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value. The engine also responds to the activation of fuel management more slowly than it should be. This is a consequence of the malfunction of the exhaust limiter.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Mass flow meter calibration disabled.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 8707


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Charge air pressure


The voltage from the charge-air pressure sensor was implausible compared with other pressure sensors, or there was an improbable pressure change in accordance with current operating conditions.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • The intake system is blocked or leaking.
  • The charge air pressure sensor may be blocked with oil.
  • Malfunction in the turbocharger.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor, charge air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor or fan speed sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, the charge air pressure sensor, the charge air temperature sensor, the fuel line pressure sensor and the fan speed sensor have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If a fault occurs, the control unit uses a pre-programmed value. The engine responds to the activation of fuel management more slowly than it should be. This is a consequence of the malfunction of the exhaust limiter.

In the case of engines with EGR, the engine works with EGR, but without any feedback through the mass flow sensor. This means that the control unit provides only rudimentary regulation of the EGR concentration using the preset values ​​for the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is turned off.


  1. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor, fuel line pressure sensor and fan speed sensor along with connectors and electrical wires of electrical circuits. Clear the DTC memory and check if the fault persists.
  2. If the fault persists, make sure that there is no leakage in the intake system and that it is not blocked, for example, with ice or mud.
  3. Also make sure that the connecting pipes are intact and not compressed.
  4. Check the turbocharger.

EMS 8723


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


NOx sensor open circuit in front of the catalytic converter.

The reasons:

NOx sensor open circuit in front of the catalytic converter.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40% after 36 hours. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8723


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor indicating that there is a break in the electrical circuit.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the NOx sensor circuit


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8724


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


NOx sensor malfunction after catalytic converter.

The reasons:

Sensor defective or installed in wrong position.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40% after 36 hours. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Ensure that the NOx sensor is in the correct position and, if so, replace the sensor.
  3. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  4. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8725


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


NOx sensor


Short circuit NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the NOx sensor electrical circuit.


The fault affects the emissions of nitrogen oxides by the engine. NOx warning lamp is on. On engines with a NOx control system, engine torque is reduced by 40% after 36 hours. An active DTC cannot be deleted using SDP3. The following repair operations with the control unit must confirm the repair of the fault.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Make sure the problem is resolved by turning off the power with the ignition key, waiting 90 seconds and then turning it on again. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  3. Turn off and turn on the power three times at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8725


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


SCR – NOx sensor in front of the catalytic converter


The SCR control unit received a message from the NOx sensor indicating that there is a break in the electrical circuit.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the NOx sensor circuit


Functions in the SCR system are not affected.

The fault affects the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by the car, and a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, warning of a high level of pollutants. On vehicles with NOx control, a text message is also displayed.

Cars with NOx control

An active DTC limits the maximum engine torque to approximately 40% after the engine has been running for 50 hours.

An active DTC cannot be deleted from the control unit. When the malfunction is resolved so that the malfunction code becomes inactive, the control unit must ensure that the malfunction has been eliminated.


  1. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.
  2. Continue as follows to ensure that the problem is resolved:
  3. Turn off the power with the ignition key, wait at least 90 seconds and then turn it on again with the key.
  4. If the fault is resolved, the fault code becomes inactive. Clear the fault code.
  5. Using the ignition key, turn off and turn on the power three times in a row at intervals of 10 seconds to deactivate the test lamp.

EMS 8742


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Atmospheric pressure sensor


The atmospheric pressure sensor gives an incorrect signal.

The reasons:

There is a malfunction in the atmospheric pressure sensor.


On vehicles with NOx emissions control, engine torque is reduced if this DTC remains active for 36 hours.


The atmospheric pressure sensor is connected to the coordinator. Read the trouble codes for the coordinator and follow the instructions given here.

EMS 8802


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Charge air pressure


Charge air pressure too low.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Leakage in the charge air system.
  • Faulty charge air pressure sensor.
  • Turbocharger malfunction.


Engine torque is reduced.

There is a danger of smoking.


  1. Check the charge air system for leaks.
  2. Check the charge air pressure sensor.
  3. Check the turbocharger.
  4. If the operating time since the generation of the fault code exceeds 10 hours, empty the EGR cooler, as there is a danger of condensation in the air-cooled EGR cooler after the EGR system is turned off. Empty the EGR cooler following the instructions given in the manual for service stations, subgroup 01-65.

EMS 8960


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Oil temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

An open circuit in the oil temperature sensor circuit


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.


  1. Ensure that the oil temperature and the coolant temperature are about the same when the engine is cold.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 8961


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Oil temperature sensor


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the circuit of the oil temperature sensor


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.


  1. Ensure that the oil temperature and the coolant temperature are about the same when the engine is cold.
  2. Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 8962


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 9216


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Oil pressure sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • An open in the oil pressure sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the mass flow sensor.


An oil pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, and a mass flow sensor have a shared supply voltage. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The oil pressure gauge on the instrument panel shows 0 bar regardless of engine speed. The visual alarm emergency oil pressure is not included.


Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor, mass flow sensor and connectors and electrical wiring of electrical circuits.

EMS 9217


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Oil pressure sensor


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit in the oil pressure sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the mass flow sensor.


An oil pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, and a mass flow sensor have a shared supply voltage. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The oil pressure gauge on the instrument panel shows 0 bar regardless of engine speed. The visual alarm emergency oil pressure is not included.


Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor, mass flow sensor and connectors and electrical wiring of electrical circuits.

EMS 9218


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The oil pressure gauge on the instrument panel shows 0 bar regardless of engine speed. The visual alarm emergency oil pressure is not included.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 9219


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Oil pressure sensor


The voltage level from the sensor was implausible compared to the level that must be available for the current engine speed.

The reasons:

The cause of this DTC may be electrical or mechanical failure.

Electrical faults can be caused by damage to the wiring or sensor failure. There may also be a fault in the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or the electrical circuit of the mass flow sensor.

Mechanical faults associated with the lubrication system. The cause of low oil pressure can be, for example:

  • low oil level
  • plugged oil filter.
  • fuel ingress
  • open valve sticking
  • gasket damage
  • oil pump or suction strainer malfunction
  • The cause of high oil pressure can be, for example:
  • oil channel blockage
  • abnormal oil viscosity
  • piston cooling valve or safety valve could stop in closed position


An oil pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, and a mass flow sensor have a shared supply voltage. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

If the signal voltage is outside the acceptable range, the control unit uses the preprogrammed value.

The oil pressure gauge on the instrument cluster shows the current oil pressure (even if it is implausible), regardless of the engine speed.

The control lamp for oil pressure is turned on only when the pressure becomes so low that it falls below the limit value for switching on this lamp.


Start by checking the oil level and oil filter. Then check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor, mass flow sensor and connectors and electrical wiring of electrical circuits. Finally, check the lubrication system and its components.

EMS 9251


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The fuel injected does not provide the intended temperature rise at the DOC oxidation catalyst.

The reasons:

  • The oxidative catalytic converter is missing, defective or worn. Rapid wear may occur due to the use of high-sulfur fuels.
  • Malfunction of exhaust gas temperature sensors T158.
  • Malfunction of other sensors.


The engine warning light comes on, regeneration is completely blocked.


  1. Check the EMS and EEC fault codes associated with the sensor malfunction and make the necessary repairs.
  2. Check for damage in the exhaust pipe between the engine and the silencer, which may cause leaks.
  3. Check that there is no damage to the oxidation catalytic converter, see the description of the procedure “Removing the filter”.
  4. To verify the effectiveness of the repair, perform a service regeneration procedure using SDP3. The temperature in the exhaust system is very high, it can reach 500 ° C.

EMS 9259


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


The temperature sensor, located after the diesel particulate filter (DPF), gives an incompatible value when pairing the three sensors. The test is carried out for 60 minutes while driving under load, but not during idling.

The reasons:

  • Malfunction of temperature sensors T158.
  • Oil or fuel leak in a silencer.
  • Malfunction of other sensors.


The engine warning light comes on, regeneration is completely blocked.


  1. Compare with SDP3 the values ​​of the temperature sensors (T158) taken from the muffler or at high idle, PTO 1000 1 / min. After the end of the stabilization period, all three sensors should produce similar values. If not, replace the appropriate item.
  2. Check for signs of leakage of oil and fuel in the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the muffler. Check with SDP3 the condition of the fuel system, in particular, possible injector malfunctions. A low engine oil level may indicate an oil leak.
  3. Remove the flexible pipe coming from the muffler and check if black or white smoke is released when the throttle is opened. White smoke indicates the presence of excess fuel, which may result in the registration of this DTC.
  4. To check the quality of the repair, let the engine run under load for 60 minutes.

EMS 9263


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


Increased pressure in the particulate filter.

The reasons:

The particulate filter is clogged with soot. This is probably due to the fact that the car was operated with a small load for a long time.


If soot is present in the particulate filter, fuel consumption increases.

A large amount of soot causes an increase in engine noise, a deterioration in acceleration at high loads, and an increase in the risk of engine failure.


Clean the filter by driving the vehicle at high speed and with a high load for 15 minutes – 1 hour. If the DTC persists, the filter should be replaced.

EMS 9291


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


Significant pressure drop in the particulate filter.

The reasons:

  • High levels of soot or soot in the particulate filter. The filter may be damaged or blocked by foreign objects. Damage to the muffler or connecting elements.
  • Malfunction of differential pressure sensor.
  • Malfunction of temperature sensor T158 or sensors of other systems.


The engine warning light is on, regeneration of the filter is completely blocked.

Active limiting motor torque.


  1. Check for the presence of DTCs related to the sensors in the EMS engine management system or in the EEC3 exhaust gas after-treatment system and carry out the necessary repairs.
  2. Check for the presence of DTCs related to the high soot level in the particulate filter and perform the necessary repairs.
  3. Check for damage and blockage to the differential pressure sensor.
  4. Check for the presence of a particulate filter, make sure that it is not damaged, not overflowed with soot or soot. If the filter is damaged or overfilled, it must be replaced.
  5. To check the quality of the repair, let the engine run under load for 30 minutes.

EMS 9298


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Particulate filter, differential pressure sensor


The engine control unit received incorrect data from the differential pressure sensor.

The reasons:

Possible malfunctions – malfunction of the differential pressure sensor or an open circuit in the wires or connectors.


This malfunction may lead to an increase in soot particulate emissions.


Check the differential pressure sensor, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9299


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116


Particulate filter


The difference in pressure at the inlet and outlet of the particulate filter indicates a value below normal.

The reasons:

A malfunction has occurred due to the absence of a particulate filter in the muffler or the differential pressure sensor gives incorrect readings.


No description


  1. Check whether there is a particulate filter in the silencer.
  2. Check the differential pressure sensor.
  3. Check that the differential pressure sensor is properly connected to the mains.
  4. Check for signal from the sensor.
  5. Check exhaust system.
  6. Particulate filter check

EMS 9300


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Differential pressure sensor for particulate filter


The signal from the differential pressure sensor showed a value that is lower than 0.1 V.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the differential pressure sensor circuit.


No description


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9301


2110164, 2110165, 2110166, 2110162, 2110116, 2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Differential pressure sensor for particulate filter


The signal from the differential pressure sensor showed a value that exceeds 4.9 V.

The reasons:

Short circuit in the differential pressure sensor circuit.


No description


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9306


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


EGR, bypass valve


Overflow valve not working.

The reasons:

A break in the relief valve circuit.


The engine control unit turns off the EGR system and the engine power decreases.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


Check the bypass valve as well as the electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9307


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


EGR, bypass valve


One or more faults in the EGR bypass valve.

The reasons:

Possible malfunctions – a malfunction of the overflow valve or an open circuit in the wires or connectors.


The engine control unit turns off the EGR system and the engine power decreases.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


Perform a general troubleshooting procedure for this item. If other trouble codes are generated, first troubleshoot them.

EMS 9308


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


EGR, bypass valve


The voltage in the circuit was out of range.

The reasons:

An open or short to ground in the electrical circuit of the relief valve.


The engine control unit shuts off the EGR system and reduces engine power.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9309


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


EGR, bypass valve


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

An open circuit or short circuit to + battery in the overflow valve electrical circuit.


The engine control unit turns off the EGR system and the engine power decreases.

The fault code cannot be cleared while the fault is present.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9315


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Particulate filter


Increased pressure in the particulate filter.

The reasons:

The particulate filter is clogged with soot. This is probably due to the fact that the car was operated with a small load for a long time.


If soot is present in the particulate filter, fuel consumption increases.

A large amount of soot causes an increase in engine noise, a deterioration in acceleration at high loads, and an increase in the risk of engine failure.


Clean the filter by driving the vehicle at high speed and with a high load for 15 minutes – 1 hour. If the DTC persists, the filter should be replaced.

EMS 9317


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Particulate filter


Significant pressure drop in the particulate filter.

The reasons:

High levels of soot or soot in the particulate filter. The filter may be damaged or blocked by foreign objects. Damage to the muffler or connecting elements.

Malfunction of differential pressure sensor.

Malfunction of temperature sensor T158 or sensors of other systems.


The engine warning light is on, regeneration of the filter is completely blocked.

Active limiting motor torque.


  1. Check for the presence of DTCs related to the sensors in the EMS engine management system or in the EEC3 exhaust gas after-treatment system and carry out the necessary repairs.
  2. Check for the presence of DTCs related to the high soot level in the particulate filter and perform the necessary repairs.
  3. Check for damage and blockage to the differential pressure sensor.
  4. Check for the presence of a particulate filter, make sure that it is not damaged, not overflowed with soot or soot. If the filter is damaged or overfilled, it must be replaced.
  5. To check the quality of repair, let the engine run under light load for 30 minutes.

EMS 9482


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Oil level sensor


Malfunction oil level sensor.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be due to the fact that several different faults occur simultaneously in the oil level sensor.


The instrument panel does not show oil level or oil pressure. The control lamp of pressure of oil does not join.


Check the oil level sensor, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9484


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Oil level sensor


The voltage in the circuit was below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Short to ground or open circuit.


The instrument panel does not show oil level or oil pressure. The control lamp of pressure of oil does not join.


Check the oil level sensor, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9485


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Oil level sensor


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Short circuit to + battery or open circuit.


The instrument panel does not show oil level or oil pressure. The control lamp of pressure of oil does not join.


Check the oil level sensor, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9497


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coil Electromagnetic Clutch Air Conditioning Compressor


Break of the electric circuit of the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning compressor clutch.

The reasons:

Malfunction in electrical wiring or electrical circuit connectors.


A fault code can be generated when the air conditioning system is activated. The A / C compressor cannot be turned on while the fault is active.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. Measure the resistance of the coupling winding.

EMS 9504


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coil Electromagnetic Clutch Air Conditioning Compressor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

A short to ground in the power supply wiring of the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning compressor clutch.


A fault code can be generated when the air conditioning system is activated. The A / C compressor cannot be turned on while the fault is active.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. Measure the resistance of the coupling winding.

EMS 9505


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coil Electromagnetic Clutch Air Conditioning Compressor


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Short to battery + in the electrical circuit of the winding of the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning compressor.


It is not possible to control the winding of the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning system compressor until the fault is rectified.

The air conditioning compressor may start unexpectedly.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring. Measure the resistance of the coupling winding.

EMS 9558


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Coolant level sensor.


The voltage in the coolant level sensor circuit was too high.

The reasons:

Short circuit to + battery or open circuit.


No description


Check electrical wiring and connectors.

EMS 9560


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Coolant level sensor.


The voltage in the coolant level sensor electrical circuit was too low.

The reasons:

Short to ground.


No description


Check electrical wiring and connectors.

EMS 9568


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Coolant level


The coolant level sensor sent a signal to the engine control unit indicating that the coolant level is too low.

The reasons:

Coolant level too low.


No description


Check the coolant level.

EMS 9592


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Turbocharger, speed sensor T120


Induced sensor voltage too low.

The reasons:

An open circuit. The sensor is in the wrong position.


Engine power is reduced to protect the turbocharger from damage. The turbocharger’s annular nozzle moves to a safe position.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9593


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Turbocharger, speed sensor 1


Malfunction in the turbine speed sensor.

The reasons:

The malfunction may be due to the fact that several different faults occur simultaneously in the element.


Engine power is reduced to protect the turbocharger from damage.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9600


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Turbocharger, speed sensor 1


The voltage in the circuit was below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Short to ground.


Engine power is reduced to protect the turbocharger from damage.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9601


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Turbocharger, speed sensor 1


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Short to battery +.


Engine power is reduced to protect the turbocharger from damage.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9728


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Power supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is higher than the set value.

The reasons:

Short circuit on the “+” battery of one of the sensors with common power. It can be one of the following sensors: Oil pressure sensor, mass flow sensor or fuel temperature sensor.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check sensors, connectors and wiring.

EMS 9729


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Power supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is below the set value.

The reasons:

A short to ground on one of the sensors with common power. It can be one of the following sensors: Oil pressure sensor, mass flow sensor or fuel temperature sensor.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check sensors, connectors and wiring.

EMS 9729


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coolant pump.


Malfunction of the coolant pump.

The reasons:

The cause of the malfunction is an element having several faults at the same time.


The fan speed sensor and the coolant pump have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.


Check the electrical components, electrical connectors and wiring.

EMS 9730


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coolant pump.


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit to + battery ground wire; open circuit or short to ground in the power wire of the coolant pump electrical circuit.
  • Malfunction in the fan speed sensor circuit.


The coolant pump is running until it is turned off.

The fan speed sensor and the coolant pump have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.


  1. Check fan speed sensor and coolant pump with connectors and electrical wiring.
  2. Measure the resistance of the coolant pump electrical circuit.

EMS 9731


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901, 9000000, 2089202, 2089201, 2089200


Coolant pump.


The voltage in the circuit was outside the limits.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short to power + battery wires in the electrical circuit of the coolant pump.
  • Malfunction in the fan speed sensor circuit.


The coolant pump is not activated and the cooling efficiency remains low as long as the fault is present.

The fan speed sensor and the coolant pump have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.


  1. Check fan speed sensor and coolant pump with connectors and electrical wiring.
  2. Measure the resistance of the coolant pump electrical circuit.

EMS 9984


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Power supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is higher than the set value.

The reasons:

One of the common-power sensors has a short to battery. This may be one of the following sensors: Coolant temperature sensor, charge air temperature sensor, charge air pressure sensor, fuel line pressure sensor, or fan speed sensor.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check sensors, connectors and wiring.

EMS 9985


2098557, 2098556, 2110163, 2110160


Power supply


The voltage of one of the sensors having a common power is below the set value.

The reasons:

One of the sensors with a common power supply has a short circuit between the power supply circuit of the sensor and the mass point of the sensor. This may be one of the following sensors: Coolant temperature sensor, charge air temperature sensor, charge air pressure sensor, fuel line pressure sensor, or fan speed sensor.


With this fault, the engine torque is reduced by 30% while the fault code is active (confirmed).


Check sensors, connectors and wiring.

EMS 10240


2098557, 2098556


Additional analog input


The signal level in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Malfunction in the coolant temperature sensor circuit, charge air pressure sensor, charge air temperature sensor, or an additional analog input circuit.


It is not possible to use a throttle control unit connected to an additional analog input.

The coolant temperature sensor, charge air pressure sensor, charge air temperature sensor and an additional analog input have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.


  1. Check the throttle control unit and voltage levels connected to the analog input. Voltage levels must be greater than the values ​​specified in the engine control unit.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor and the element connected to the auxiliary analog input, and connectors and electrical wires in the electrical circuit.

EMS 10241


2098557, 2098556


Additional analog input


The signal level in the circuit is below the allowed limit.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit of additional analog input circuit.
  • Malfunction in the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor, charge air pressure sensor or charge air temperature sensor.


The coolant temperature sensor, charge air pressure sensor, charge air temperature sensor and an additional analog input have a common power supply. In the event of a fault in one of the elements, it may affect the electrical circuits of other elements.

It is not possible to use a throttle control unit connected to an additional analog input.


  1. Check the throttle control unit and voltage levels connected to the analog input. Voltage levels must not be less than the values ​​specified in the engine control unit.
  2. Check the coolant temperature sensor, charge-air pressure sensor, charge-air temperature sensor and the element connected to the auxiliary analog input, and connectors and electrical wires in the electrical circuit.

EMS 10242


2098557, 2098556


Control block


The control unit was unable to convert the signals from the additional analog input.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


It is not possible to use a throttle control unit connected to an additional analog input.


Clear the DTC memory and start the engine. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 10496


2110163, 2110160


Mass flow meter


The voltage in the circuit exceeded the permissible level.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • An electrical break in the mass flow sensor circuit.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


An oil pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, and a mass flow sensor have a shared supply voltage. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

The engine will work with exhaust gas recirculation, but without feedback on the mass flow sensor signal. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is disabled.


Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor, mass flow sensor and connectors and electrical wiring of electrical circuits.

EMS 10497


2110163, 2110160


Mass flow meter


The voltage in the circuit has fallen below acceptable levels.

The reasons:

Possible reasons:

  • Short circuit in the electrical circuit of the mass flow sensor.
  • Malfunction of the electrical circuit of the fuel temperature sensor or electrical circuit of the oil pressure sensor.


An oil pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, and a mass flow sensor have a shared supply voltage. In the event of a fault in one of the sensors, it may affect the electrical circuits of the other sensors.

The engine will work with exhaust gas recirculation, but without feedback on the mass flow sensor signal. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Calibration of the mass flow sensor is disabled.


Check the oil pressure sensor, fuel temperature sensor, mass flow sensor and connectors and electrical wiring of electrical circuits.

EMS 10498


2110163, 2110160


Control block


The control unit could not convert the signal from the sensor.

The reasons:

Internal malfunction in the control unit.


The engine will work with exhaust gas recirculation, but without feedback on the signal from the mass flow sensor of the recycled exhaust gas. Therefore, the control unit will only control the composition of EGR gases roughly, “roughly”, using predefined values ​​to set the position of the EGR valve. Mass flow meter calibration disabled.


Clear the DTC memory, start the engine and increase its speed. If this DTC is generated again, replace the control unit.

EMS 11175


2098547, 2098546, 2098545, 2096902, 2096901


Information code for NOx control – cannot be deleted


Empty reagent tank. This DTC is generated when there is one or more faults in the NOx control system.

This DTC is used by authorized agencies to see if the NOx control system has been activated, and is not used in car repairs.

The reasons:

Review other active fault codes for NOx control.


When the engine management system detects a fault, the NOx warning lamp comes on.

If the DTC remains active for 36 hours, engine power is reduced by 40%.

DTC cannot be cleared. It disappears if it remains inactive for 400 days or 9600 hours.


  1. If an active DTC is present: Perform the necessary actions to eliminate the causes of other active DTCs.
  2. If the DTC is inactive: No action should be taken.

The diagnosis tool EMS Scania Engine Control Unit Fault codes list 8192-11175 for trucks provides different possibilities such as information on the use and location of the connectors, detection and description of errors, activation of the fan, compression test and other components, system data information and more.

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  • В нашей базе данных диагностических кодов неисправности автомобилей SCANIA собраны все коды неисправности по всем система.

    Как определить код ошибки без диагностического оборудование здесь…

    Если Вы не смогли найти именно Ваш код неисправности то создаем тему на нашем форуме и мы обязательно с этим разберемся и расшифруем код неисправности любой системы SCANIA

    Расшифровка система SCANIA 5 серии

    ASC — Система защиты от складывания секций EMS — система управления двигателем
    AHS — Система дополнительного подогрева FLC — Камера переднего обзора
    APS — подача сжатого воздуха GMS — система управления коробкой передачь
    AUS — Аудисистема ICL — Комбинация приборов
    AWD — полный привод LAS — система замков и сигнализации
    BCS — система шасси автобуса LDW — Предупреждение об уходе с выбранной полосы движения
    BMS — система управления торможением MGS — система электрической машины
    BWE — электрическая система дополнительного оборудования RES — Подзаряжаемая система хранения энергии
    BWS — система управления дополнительным оборудованием RTC — Scania Communicator
    CCS — система поддержания микроклиматом RTI — система дорожной информации для транспортных компаний

    COO — Координатор

    SMS — Система управления подвеской
    CSS — система подушек и ремней безопасности TCO — Тахограф
    DAS — Система помощи водителю

    TPM — Контроль давления в шинах

    DIS — Датчик расстояния VIS — система обеспечения обзора
    EEC — система нейтрализации отработавших газов  

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