Ошибка ecm 26a0



10 апреля 2009
Марка машины
Нет машины

  • #2

gljuk, расположение компонентов:

  • Club Volvo. Ru - Двигатель на холодную дёргает. 2 кода неисправности. Как устранить неполадку?


    89.1 KB · Просмотры: 554

  • Club Volvo. Ru - Двигатель на холодную дёргает. 2 кода неисправности. Как устранить неполадку?


    49.2 KB · Просмотры: 340

  • #3

Даа, было подозрение на воздушный фильтр. Спасибо
Как думаете, дело в ЕСМ?


5 декабря 2010

  • #4

Никто не подскажет? Или ЕСМ в целом беспроблемные, не глючат, и надо ускать проблему в самих форсунках?



4 Май 2005
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #5

На дизелях часто умирает драйвер форсунок, просто сгорает один или как здесь два выхода.
Но неисправность в этом случае постоянная и не стирается уже ошибка .
При этом форсунка открыта всегда.
Что может привести к гидроудару после стоянки авто.


5 декабря 2010



13 апреля 2011

  • #7

Всем доброго дня. Из ответов не совсем понял, что в указанном случае следует делать.
У меня на 1-й форсунке ошибка: Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 1. Сигнал слишком сильный.
Причем на БК ошибка не горит. Временами ошибку можно стереть, временами висит как действующая.
Если это ECM, можно ли отремонтировать или нужно покупать новый?



4 Май 2005
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #8

Либо ремонт контроллера либо его замена на бушный или новый с перепрограммированием.



13 апреля 2011

  • #9

А ремонт возможен? Если да, то что это по деньгам и срокам?



4 Май 2005
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #10

Возможен — не возможен , только после осмотра внутренностей блока.
Ремонт 1 сутки.
Блок нужен мне демонтированный.
Если блок не ремпригоден могу перепрошить бушный под вашу авто НЕ вскрывая модуль.
ВСЕ ВОПРОСЫ такого плана только в почту [email protected]

Последнее редактирование:


Клубная СТО «Инавто»

19 февраля 2012

  • #11

Блок управления тут не причем он только фиксирует ошибки. и драйвер форунки еслибы умер он не работал бы проблемма в форунках.



4 Май 2005
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #12

Kertman, по роду деятельности я часто сталкиваюсь именно с выходом из строя контроллеров , с прогревом контроллера который сверху движка поставили , драйвер начинает дурить, то работает, то нет.
Если его в нагретом состоянии звонить, то зачастую он мертвый , уходит в обрыв или КЗ. При коротком замыкании бывает выбивает и порт процессора.
Остывает — работа его восстанавливается.
Замена форсунки с пропиской не решает проблему , для проверки их можно местами переставить, но постоянно эксплуатировать машину с перставленными форсунками ДИЗЕЛЬНУЮ НЕЛЬЗЯ.
Если форсунка неисправна , тогда неисправность переедет на другой цилиндр.


Клубная СТО «Инавто»

19 февраля 2012

  • #13

SergVolvo Проблемма в холодном пуске а не в прогретом двигателе



4 Май 2005
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #14

Это смотря к какой части топика прицепится и от чего отталкиваться. Muller2306а сообщение или сообщение gljukа от 2011 года .
Я предполагаю что у Muller2306а проблема в контроллере, возможно я не прав, так как не глядя высказываю свое мнение. Нужна диагностика само собой и по ее результатам только можно делать заключения какие то окончательные.


5 декабря 2010

  • #15

Да, давно дело было. Даже не знаю, как решилось. Продложил человеку вариант отправить блок для жиагностики Сергею SergVolvo, да на том дело и кончилось.

19 Ноябрь 2009

  • #16

Земляк (из Эстонии мы :) ) попал в беду! На холодную двигатель дёргается. Ощущение, как будто работают не все цилиндры. По мере прогрева проблема исчезает.

Вида нашла 2 ошибки:
ECM-26A0 Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 4. Сигнал слишком сильный, D5244T4

ECM-26B0 Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 5. Сигнал слишком сильный, D5244T4

По поводу решения ругается на ЕСМ:
Возможные причины:
-Сигнал слишком сильный
Внутренняя неисправность модуля управления двигателя (ECM).

Честно говоря, сам ЕСМ даже не нашёл. Там, где он обычно стоит — сбоку возле фары, рядом с бачами антифриза и ГУР, пустое место.

Где копать? Бывают ли у машин этих годов проблемы с пайкой? Может, поможет пропайка ЕСМ? Что скажете, ув. коллеги?
Что думаете, SergVolvo?

Местный дилер поможет только заменой всего модуля на новый, о цене такого решения даже думать не хочется.

По этим ошибкам, необходимо сделать две вещи, прежде чем приговорить модуль ECM:
1) Обновить ПО модуля ECM
2) Если ошибки снова появляются по силовым каскадам форсунок, то заменить контакты разъемов этих самых форсунок (их от вибрации «разбивает»).
Из моей практики: с такими ошибками еще ни один модуль не был заменен, хватало этих 2-ух операций для устранения ошибок. (а было таких машинок 20-30 примерно).


5 декабря 2010

  • #17

Огромное спасибо за ценный совет!



26 Ноябрь 2010

  • #18

1) Обновить ПО модуля ECM

Это, если у дилера. А чем, кстати, поможет обновление? Был какой то TSB?

Не у дилера — для начала ткнуться осцилом в цепи этих форсунок. В принципе все станет понятно — драйвер или форсунка.

Проблемма в холодном пуске а не в прогретом двигателе

Для плохой пайки или обрыва внутри драйвера — это без разницы.

19 Ноябрь 2009

  • #19

Это, если у дилера. А чем, кстати, поможет обновление? Был какой то TSB?

Не у дилера — для начала ткнуться осцилом в цепи этих форсунок. В принципе все станет понятно — драйвер или форсунка.

Для плохой пайки или обрыва внутри драйвера — это без разницы.

Я не знаю чем ПО помогает, но один раз замена контактов не помогла, после обновления ошибки ушли и машина стабильно стала работать. Журналов пока вроде бы не было по этой ошибке.
Могу только предположить, что изменяются какие-то параметры обнаружения этой самой ошибки.
У дилера осцилом???? вы в это верите? (в крайне редком случае), я бы не стал ради этого тащить кучу проводов и коробку для измерения, тем более довольно частый случай, да и операции этой нет в VIDA.
Вообщем в большинстве случаев — это контакты форсунок, уж больно они какие-то хлипкие, а от вибрации (все-таки дизель) их разбивает.
Только не пробуйте их подгибать!!!, не поможет, там хитрый контакт и сложно нормально подогнуть нужный подпружинящий лепесток, проще заменить, благо шведы поставляют все контакты и разъемы для проводки (ну или почти все).

Последнее редактирование:



26 Ноябрь 2010

  • #20

Не у дилера — для начала ткнуться осцилом в цепи этих форсунок. В принципе все станет понятно — драйвер или форсунка.

В любом более-менее адекватном сервисе. У меня товарищ работает диагностом на недилерском сервисе. Мотортестер с осцилом наготове, ничего тащить не надо. Осцилку глянуть — 15 мин работы.

  • #21

По этим ошибкам, необходимо сделать две вещи, прежде чем приговорить модуль ECM:
1) Обновить ПО модуля ECM
2) Если ошибки снова появляются по силовым каскадам форсунок, то заменить контакты разъемов этих самых форсунок (их от вибрации «разбивает»).
Из моей практики: с такими ошибками еще ни один модуль не был заменен, хватало этих 2-ух операций для устранения ошибок. (а было таких машинок 20-30 примерно).

Нареканий на работу двигателя не было, работает ровно, только расход почти 12 литров. Из-за чего и прибыл на диагностику.
Диагностика показала следующую ошибку:
ECM-26B0 Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 5. Сигнал слишком сильный, D5244T4
Форсунка откровенно лила топливо, а не распыляло его в цилиндр.
Чек не горит, только когда запускашь самодиагностику видно сообщение ECM DTC SET

Что делали:
Что бы понять кто виноват — форсунка или ECM — перекинули провода форсунок 4 и 5 цилиндров, завели. Мотор работал через пень колоду, но работал и ошибок по форсункам не показывал. Значит не форсунка.
Вернули все на место, завели и все как в аптеке. Ошибок нет. Все форсунки работают идеально. Значит и не ECM.
Вывод: где-то плохой контакт.
Все контакты продули и все собрали обратно.

Проехал чуть более 30км после сервиса. Решил запустить снова самодиагностику и снова ECM DTC SET.
Хочется верить, что это контакт разъема этой самой форсунки 5 цилиндра.

Подскажите номерочек этой детальки (разъем форсунки), а то я как-то не могу найти ее по каталогам.

Последнее редактирование:


Клубная СТО «Инавто»

19 февраля 2012

  • #22

Нареканий на работу двигателя не было, работает ровно, только расход почти 12 литров. Из-за чего и прибыл на диагностику.
Диагностика показала следующую ошибку:
ECM-26B0 Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 5. Сигнал слишком сильный, D5244T4
Форсунка откровенно лила топливо, а не распыляло его в цилиндр.
Чек не горит, только когда запускашь самодиагностику видно сообщение ECM DTC SET

Что делали:
Что бы понять кто виноват — форсунка или ECM — перекинули провода форсунок 4 и 5 цилиндров, завели. Мотор работал через пень колоду, но работал и ошибок по форсункам не показывал. Значит не форсунка.
Вернули все на место, завели и все как в аптеке. Ошибок нет. Все форсунки работают идеально. Значит и не ECM.
Вывод: где-то плохой контакт.
Все контакты продули и все собрали обратно.

Проехал чуть более 30км после сервиса. Решил запустить снова самодиагностику и снова ECM DTC SET.
Хочется верить, что это контакт разъема этой самой форсунки 5 цилиндра.

Подскажите номерочек этой детальки (разъем форсунки), а то я как-то не могу найти ее по каталогам.

30765048 это разъем и 30765319 на 2 это пин.



7 Ноябрь 2014
Марка машины

  • #23

30765048 это разъем и 30765319 на 2 это пин.

Благодарю тебя добрый человек.


Клубная СТО «Инавто»

19 февраля 2012

  • #24

Благодарю тебя добрый человек.

Да незачто.



21 апреля 2015
Марка машины
Нет машины
Модель Volvo

  • #25

Добрый день! У меня такая же проблема вылезла. Не могли бы поделиться печальным опытом, исправили ошибку, либо блок под замену?

Последнее редактирование:



7 Август 2016
Марка машины
Модель Volvo
XC90 I

  • #26

Добрый день! У меня такая же проблема вылезла. Не могли бы поделиться печальным опытом, исправили ошибку, либо блок под замену?

Тоже вылезла проблема Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 1. Сигнал слишком сильный.
Поделитесь опытом устранения неисправности

19 Ноябрь 2009

  • #27

Тоже вылезла проблема Силовой каскад форсунки, цил. 1. Сигнал слишком сильный.
Поделитесь опытом устранения неисправности

Меняйте разъем форсунки с контактами, выше все расписано, и номера для заказа даны.



7 октября 2015
Марка машины
Модель Volvo

  • #28

С ECM вроде не видел проблем, на заграничных сайтах тоже, я про t4

Немного предистории.

На машине была установлена гибридная турбина, а так же произведена настройка,

Фото в бортжурнале Volvo XC90 (1G)

Гибрида на базе стандартной турбы

В итоге на данный момент машина на стенде показала 250л.с. и 540 н.М.

Фото в бортжурнале Volvo XC90 (1G)


В реальной жизни изменения очень заметны в районе 110-130 км/ч обгоны стали более уверенными и безопасными. Так же надо чаще смотреть на спидометр, потому как если раньще звук двигателя намекал на 110 км/ч, то сейчас когда такой же звук, то на спидометре уже 150 км/ч.
Газ в пол жать смысла нет, потому как коробка не держит, но к этому был готов и готовлюсь к переборке/усилению коробки.
Расход — увеличился до 11-12 литров (до этого было примерно 10 литров)
В итоге — доволен ли апгрейдом — да. Рекомендовал бы…хмм затрудняюсь, потому как мне кажется дизель на 200 коней — тоже молодец :)

А теперь по ошибке —
В какой то момент чувствую, что машина стала ехать чуть слабже, визуально — патрубки, подушки, подтёки — всё в порядке.
Проверяем Видой, и вот ошибка — ECM-26F0

Фото в бортжурнале Volvo XC90 (1G)


Предлагаемые решениия —
1. Утечка воздуха — (вроде всё цело)
2. Утечка топлива — (всё сухо)
3. Поврежден датчик давления надува
4. Повреждён датчик частоты вращения коленвала

После того как стёр ошибки, машина снова пошла на взлёт.
Проехав, ошибка опять появилась, но тяга не пропала…совпадение? Не думаю )))))

И тут закрылась мысль — а может, что проблема не в датчике коленвала, а в зубьях с которых он считывает?

Буду рад услышать, может кто сталкивался с подобным?

П.с. Важный апдейт — после настройки данной ошибки не было (а это около 20-25 дней).

П.п.с. (Апдейт от 08-11-2020) —
Проверил по Виде — давление максимально заданное 2.8 бара, фактическое достигает в пике 2.9-3.0,
Буду менять датчик давления надува (Оригинальный код — 31303975, буду ставить Bosch — 0 261 230 295. В сети нашел, что датчик работает в пределах — 22 000 пА — 305 000 пА. Вот ссылка — euro-parts.co.uk/carparts…roduct/Volvo/3_130_397_5/
Может ли турба дать больше — да, может, но надо будет тогда искать датчик, который сможет корректно видеть и соответвенно дальше передавать и обрабатывать данные.

Accessing and erasing  Codes

The engine control module (ECM) fault memory can only be accessed and erased using diagnostic equipment connected to the data link connector (DLC).

Volvo OBD 16 Pin Data Link Location

Volvo OBD 16 Pin Data Link Location

ECM- 1000 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance BARO sensor

ECM- 1000 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low BARO sensor

ECM- 1000 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high BARO sensor

ECM- 1100 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction CAN data bus

ECM- 1100 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, outside air temperature sensor

ECM- 1100 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, outside air temperature sensor

ECM- 1200 – Turbocharger/Supercharger (TC/SC) boost air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low input Wiring short to earth, TC/SC boost air temperature sensor, ECM

ECM- 1200 – Turbocharger/Supercharger (TC/SC) boost air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high input Wiring short to positive, TC/SC boost air temperature sensor, ECM

ECM- 1310 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Intake leak, wiring short to earth, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1310 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1320 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Wiring, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1320 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Intake leak, wiring short to earth, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1320 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1330 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, poor connection, IAT sensor

ECM- 1330 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, poor connection, IAT sensor

ECM- 1330 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, IAT sensor

ECM- 1340 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Charging system, MAF sensor

ECM- 1340 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Charging system, poor connection, wiring short to earth, MAF sensor

ECM- 134F – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring open circuit, poor connection, MAF sensor

ECM- 134F – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, MAF sensor

ECM- 1350 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, MAF sensor

ECM- 1350 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, MAF sensor

ECM- 1350 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal missing Poor connection, wiring open circuit, MAF sensor

ECM- 1350 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, MAF sensor

ECM- 135F P1102 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 135F P1102 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to positive, MAF sensor, ECM

ECM- 1360 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, IAT sensor

ECM- 1360 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, poor connection, IAT sensor

ECM- 1365 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input IAT sensor

ECM- 1365 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, IAT sensor

ECM- 1507 – Turbocharger (TC)-(Posible Cause)-low boost Poor connection, wiring, hose connection(s), intake leak/blockage, TC vacuum reservoir damaged/leaking, TC vane position actuator

ECM- 1517 – Turbocharger (TC), engine boost condition-(Posible Cause)-limit exceeded Hose connection(s), wiring, TC vacuum reservoir damaged/leaking, TC vane position actuator

ECM- 1540 – Turbocharger (TC), engine boost condition-(Posible Cause)-limit exceeded Turbocharger (TC) vane position actuator, turbocharger

ECM- 1600 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Poor connection, wiring, TC boost pressure sensor

ECM- 1600 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Poor connection, wiring, TC boost pressure sensor, BARO sensor

ECM- 2520 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 2530 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 2540 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Fuel return pipe blockage, wiring open circuit, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure high

ECM- 2550 P1180 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 2560 P1181 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-high input Fuel return pipe blockage, wiring open circuit, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 2570 P1180 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 2590 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 25A0 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 25B0 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-high input Fuel return pipe blockage, wiring open circuit, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 25C0 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 25D0 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-high input Fuel return pipe blockage, wiring open circuit, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 25F0 – Fuel pressure-(Posible Cause)-low input Fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, fuel lift pump

ECM- 2670 P1551 – Engine control module (ECM), injector control-(Posible Cause)-cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction ECM

ECM- 2680 P1552 – Engine control module (ECM), injector control-(Posible Cause)-cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction ECM

ECM- 2690 P1553 – Engine control module (ECM), injector control-(Posible Cause)-cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction ECM

ECM- 26A0 P1554 – Engine control module (ECM), injector control-(Posible Cause)-cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction ECM

ECM- 26B0 P1555 – Engine control module (ECM), injector control-(Posible Cause)-cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction ECM

ECM- 26F0 P1145 – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Wiring, poor connection, ECM

ECM- 2800 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, reference voltage-(Posible Cause)-open circuit Wiring, HO2S

ECM- 2800 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, reference voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth, HO2S

ECM- 28C0 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

ECM- 28D0 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal high Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

ECM- 28D0 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

ECM- 28E0 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal high Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

ECM- 28E0 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

ECM- 2900 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring short to earth, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2900 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2A00 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) system-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Wiring, poor connection, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor, DPF

ECM- 2A10 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring short to earth, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2A10 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2A20 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold Poor connection, wiring, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor, DPF

ECM- 2A30 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-blocked Blocked DPF, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A40 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-performance problem Driving conditions, blocked DPF, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A50 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Hoses blocked, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A50 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, hoses blocked, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A50 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Hoses blocked, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A60 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A70 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Hoses blocked/disconnected/split, hoses incorrectly connected, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A80 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Metering orifice restricted, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2A90 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-regeneration malfunction DPF

ECM- 2AA0 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2AA0 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Poor connection, wiring short to earth, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2AA0 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2AB0 – Catalytic converter temperature sensor/Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-correlation Poor connection, wiring, catalytic converter temperature sensor, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2AC0 – Catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 2AC0 – Catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Poor connection, wiring short to earth, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 2AC0 – Catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 2AD0 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, TC boost pressure sensor

ECM- 2B00 – Catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 2B10 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, DPF temperature sensor

ECM- 2B30 P1403 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Hoses blocked/disconnected/split, hoses incorrectly connected, poor connection, wiring open circuit, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2B40 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-blocked Blocked DPF, hoses blocked/disconnected/split, DPF pressure sensor

ECM- 2BAA – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-diesel particulate filter (DPF) counter –

ECM- 2C00 – Fuel temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, poor connection, fuel temperature sensor

ECM- 2C00 – Fuel temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, poor connection, fuel temperature sensor

ECM- 2D00 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2D00 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring short to earth, fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2D10 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2D20 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth, fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2D30 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2D30 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-signal high Fuel leak, fuel pressure control solenoid, ECM

ECM- 2D30 – Fuel pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-signal low Fuel pressure control solenoid

ECM- 2E00 – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 2E00 – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 2E10 – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-signal high Wiring short to positive, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 2E20 – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, fuel quantity adjuster

ECM- 44D0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, EGR valve position sensor, EGR valve

ECM- 44D0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, EGR valve position sensor, EGR valve

ECM- 44D0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve-(Posible Cause)-open circuit Poor connection, wiring, EGR valve position sensor, EGR valve

ECM- 44D0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, EGR valve tight/sticking, EGR valve position sensor, EGR valve

ECM- 4500 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4500 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4500 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4500 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 450F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 450F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 450F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 450F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4510 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4510 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring short to earth, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4510 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 4510 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, EGR cooler bypass valve

ECM- 5000 – AC refrigerant pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring open circuit/short to positive, AC refrigerant pressure sensor

ECM- 5000 – AC refrigerant pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Wiring open circuit/short to earth, AC refrigerant pressure sensor

ECM- 5000 – AC refrigerant pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Wiring, AC refrigerant pressure sensor

ECM- 500F P1463 – AC refrigerant pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem AC leak, AC compressor, AC refrigerant pressure sensor

ECM- 5010 – AC refrigerant pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Trouble codes stored, poor connection, CAN data bus, AC system

ECM- 5400 – Insufficient RPM increase Trouble codes stored, fuel filter blocked, fuel leak, contaminated fuel, incorrect fuel, low compression, FRP sensor, fuel quantity adjuster, fuel pressure control solenoid, fuel pressure low, injector, fuel lift pump

ECM- 5610 – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- high input” Engine oil contaminated, engine oil quality, wiring short to positive, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5610 – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- low input” Engine oil contaminated, engine oil quality, wiring short to earth, poor connection, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5620 – Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, EOT sensor

ECM- 5620 – Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring open circuit/short to earth, EOT sensor

ECM- 5620 – Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring, EOT sensor

ECM- 562F – Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor/engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-correlation Poor connection, wiring, EOT sensor

ECM- 5630 – Engine oil level sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5630 – Engine oil level sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring short to earth, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5660 – Engine oil level sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Engine oil level too high, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5660 – Engine oil level sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Engine oil level too low, poor connection, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5660 – Engine oil level sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5670 – Exhaust temperature-(Posible Cause)-high input Catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 5670 – Exhaust temperature-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 5680 – Exhaust temperature-(Posible Cause)-high input Catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 5680 – Exhaust temperature-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, catalytic converter temperature sensor

ECM- 56AA – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- high input” Wiring open circuit/short to positive, poor connection, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 56AA – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- low input” Wiring short to earth, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 56AA – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- range/performance problem” Poor connection, wiring open circuit, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 56AA – “Engine oil quality sensor/engine oil level sensor/engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor- circuit malfunction” Poor connection, wiring open circuit, engine oil level sensor

ECM- 5700 – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-SRS crash signal received –

ECM- 5720 – Transmission control module (TCM)-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5730 – Transmission control module (TCM)-(Posible Cause)-signal missing CAN data bus, trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5740 – Transmission control module (TCM)-(Posible Cause)-signal missing CAN data bus, trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5750 – Transmission control system, MIL request-(Posible Cause)-signal missing Trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5750 – Transmission control system, MIL request-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5760 – Transmission control system, MIL request-(Posible Cause)-signal missing CAN data bus, trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 5760 – Transmission control system, MIL request-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction CAN data bus, trouble codes stored, TCM

ECM- 580F – Engine control module (ECM)/multifunction control module-(Posible Cause)-software incompatibility Trouble codes stored, poor connection, CAN data bus, software version, connected system, multifunction control module, ECM

ECM- 5850 – Engine control module (ECM)/multifunction control module-(Posible Cause)-software incompatibility Trouble codes stored, poor connection, CAN data bus, software version, connected system, multifunction control module, ECM

ECM- 586F P1187 – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-programming error Incorrectly programmed, ECM

ECM- 5870 P1675 – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-injector programming error Incorrectly programmed, ECM

ECM- 5870 P1676 – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-injector programming error Incorrectly programmed, ECM

ECM- 5900 – Engine control module (ECM), output driver A/D, processor error-(Posible Cause)-signal high Charging system, ECM

ECM- 5900 – Engine control module (ECM), output driver A/D, processor error-(Posible Cause)-signal low Battery, charging system, ECM

ECM- 5900 – Engine control module (ECM), output driver A/D, processor error-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction ECM

ECM- 5A20 – Fuel pump control-(Posible Cause)-signal high Trouble codes stored, poor connection, wiring, multifunction control module

ECM- 5A20 – Fuel pump control-(Posible Cause)-signal low Trouble codes stored, poor connection, wiring, multifunction control module

ECM- 5A20 – Fuel pump control-(Posible Cause)-signal missing Trouble codes stored, CAN data bus, connected system

ECM- 5A20 – Fuel lift pump, power supply-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Trouble codes stored, poor connection, wiring, multifunction control module

ECM- 6000 – AC relay-(Posible Cause)-signal high Wiring short to positive, AC relay

ECM- 6000 – AC relay-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, AC relay

ECM- 6000 – AC relay-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, AC relay

ECM- 6000 – AC relay-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, AC relay

ECM- 6100 – “Engine coolant blower motor control module- signal high” Wiring short to positive, engine coolant blower motor control module

ECM- 880F – Engine control module (ECM)-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage Poor connection, wiring open circuit, fuses

ECM- 9100 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) throttle control valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9110 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) throttle control valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9120 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Wiring, poor connection, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9120 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9130 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) throttle control valve-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9140 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-signal high Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9140 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-signal low Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9150 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) throttle position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, poor connection, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9150 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) throttle position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth, poor connection, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9160 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-signal malfunction Poor connection, wiring, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9170 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive

ECM- 9170 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth

ECM- 9170 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9180 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive

ECM- 9180 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth

ECM- 9180 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 9190 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91A0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Adaptation failure, mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91B0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Adaptation failure, mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91C0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91E0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91E0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Mechanical fault, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91E0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high Wiring short to positive, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 91E0 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low Wiring short to earth, EGR throttle control valve

ECM- 928C – “Engine control module (ECM), cruise control- communication error” Trouble codes stored, CAN data bus, steering wheel function control module, multifunction control module, ECM

ECM- 9300 – Clutch pedal position (CPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal high Poor connection, wiring open circuit/short to positive, CPP sensor

ECM- 9300 – Clutch pedal position (CPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal low Wiring short to earth, CPP sensor

ECM- 930F – Clutch pedal position (CPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, CPP sensor

ECM- 930F – Clutch pedal position (CPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, CPP sensor

ECM- 9310 – Clutch pedal position (CPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal low Poor connection, mechanical fault, CPP sensor

ECM- 940F – Brake pedal position (BPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Trouble codes stored, BPP sensor, CAN data bus, ABS control module

ECM- 940F P1935 – Brake pedal position (BPP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction CAN data bus, ABS control module

ECM- 9520 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring open circuit/short to earth, APP sensor

ECM- 9520 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, APP sensor

ECM- 9520 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, wiring, APP sensor

ECM- 9520 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, wiring open circuit, APP sensor

ECM- 952F – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signal correlation Poor connection, wiring, APP sensor

ECM- 9530 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input Wiring short to positive, APP sensor

ECM- 9530 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input Poor connection, wiring open circuit/short to earth, APP sensor

ECM- 9530 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem Poor connection, APP sensor

ECM- 9530 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction Poor connection, wiring, APP sensor

ECM- 953F – Brake pedal position (BPP) switch/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor-(Posible Cause)-signals incompatible Poor connection, wiring, BPP switch, APP sensor

ECM- 9600 – Traction control input signal-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Trouble codes stored, CAN data bus, poor connection, ABS control module, multifunction control module

ECM- A02F P1934 – Vehicle speed, serial communication-(Posible Cause)-implausible signal Trouble codes stored, CAN data bus, poor connection, ABS control module, multifunction control module

ECM- C200 – Engine control module (ECM)/alternator-(Posible Cause)-communication malfunction Poor connection, LIN wiring open/short circuit, connected system, alternator

ECM- E000 – CAN data bus-(Posible Cause)-malfunction Poor connection, CAN data bus, serial communication, connected system, ECM

ECM- E003 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-programming error CAN data bus, serial communication, software version, ECM

00 – No failure type information

01 – General electrical failure

02 – General signal failure

03 – Frequency modulated (FM)/pulse width modulated (PWM) signal failure

04 – System internal failure

05 – System programming failure

06 – Algorithm based failure

07 – Mechanical failure

08 – Data bus signal/message failure

09 – Component failure

11 – Short circuit to earth

12 – Short circuit to positive

13 – Circuit open

14 – Open circuit/short to earth

15 – Open circuit/short to positive

16 – Circuit voltage below threshold

17 – Circuit voltage above threshold

18 – Circuit current below threshold

19 – Circuit current above threshold

1A – Circuit resistance below threshold

1B – Circuit resistance above threshold

1C – Circuit voltage out of range

1D – Circuit current out of range

1E – Circuit resistance out of range

1F – Circuit intermittent

21 – Signal amplitude below minimum

22 – Signal amplitude above maximum

23 – Signal stuck low

24 – Signal stuck high

25 – Signal shape/waveform failure

26 – Signal rate of change below threshold

27 – Signal rate of change above threshold

28 – Signal bias level out of range/zero adjustment failure

29 – Signal invalid

2A – Signal stuck in range

2B – Signal cross-coupled

2F – Signal erratic

31 – No signal

32 – Signal low time below minimum

33 – Signal low time above maximum

34 – Signal high time below minimum

35 – Signal high time above maximum

36 – Signal frequency too low

37 – Signal frequency too high

38 – Signal frequency incorrect

39 – Signal has too few pulses

3A – Signal has too many pulses

41 – General checksum failure

42 – General memory failure

43 – Special memory failure

44 – Data memory failure

45 – Program memory failure

46 – Calibration/parameter memory failure

47 – Watchdog/safety micro-controller failure

48 – Supervision software failure

49 – Internal electronic failure

4A – Incorrect component installed

4B – Over-temperature condition

51 – Component not programmed

52 – Component program not activated

53 – Component program disabled

54 – Missing calibration

55 – System not configured

56 – Invalid/incompatible configuration

57 – Invalid/incompatible software component

61 – Signal calculation failure

62 – Signal comparison failure

63 – Circuit/component protection time-out

64 – Signal plausibility failure

65 – Signal has too few transitions/events

66 – Signal has too many transitions/events

67 – Signal incorrect after event

68 – Event information

71 – Actuator stuck

72 – Actuator stuck open

73 – Actuator stuck closed

74 – Actuator slipping

75 – Emergency position not reachable

76 – Incorrect mounting position

77 – Commanded position not reachable

78 – Alignment or adjustment incorrect

79 – Mechanical linkage failure

7A – Fluid leak or seal failure

7B – Low fluid level

81 – Invalid serial data received

82 – Alive/sequence counter incorrect/not updated

83 – Value of signal protection calculation incorrect

84 – Signal below allowable range

85 – Signal above allowable range

86 – Signal invalid

87 – Missing message

88 – Data bus off

8F – Signal erratic

91 – Component parameter out of range

92 – Performance problem/malfunction

93 – No operation

94 – Unexpected component operation

95 – Incorrect assembly

96 – Component internal failure

97 – Component or system operation obstructed or blocked

98 – Component or system over-temperature condition

9A – Component or system operating conditions

U3000 – Control module

U3001 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-improper shut down

U3002 – Vehicle identification number (VIN)

U3003 – Battery voltage

U3004 – Accessory power relay

U3005 – Retained accessory power

U3006 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage input A

U3007 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage input B

U3008 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-earth connection A

U3009 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-earth connection B

U300A – Ignition switch

U300B – Ignition input signal, accessory/ON/start position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U300C – Ignition input signal, OFF/ON/start position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U300D – Ignition input signal, ON/start position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U300E – Ignition input signal, ON position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U300F – Ignition input signal, accessory position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U3010 – Ignition input signal, start position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U3011 – Ignition input signal, OFF position-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

U0001 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus

U0002 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0003 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0004 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0005 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0006 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0007 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0008 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0009 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, high speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus (+)

U0010 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus

U0011 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0012 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0013 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0014 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0015 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0016 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0017 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0018 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, medium speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus (+)

U0019 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus

U0020 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0021 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0022 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0023 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0024 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0025 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0026 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0027 – Controller area network (CAN) data bus, low speed bus (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus (+)

U0028 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A

U0029 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0030 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0031 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0032 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0033 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0034 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0035 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0036 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus A (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus A (+)

U0037 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B

U0038 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0039 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0040 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0041 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0042 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0043 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0044 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0045 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus B (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus B (+)

U0046 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C

U0047 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0048 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0049 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0050 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0051 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0052 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0053 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0054 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus C (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus C (+)

U0055 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D

U0056 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0057 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0058 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0059 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0060 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0061 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0062 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0063 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus D (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus D (+)

U0064 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E

U0065 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0066 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0067 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0068 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0069 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0070 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0071 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0072 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus E (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus E (+)

U0073 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-data bus Off

U0074 – Control module communication bus B-(Posible Cause)-data bus OFF

U0080 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F

U0081 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

U0082 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (+)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0083 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0084 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (+)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0085 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (-)-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

U0086 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage low

U0087 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (-)-(Posible Cause)-voltage high

U0088 – Vehicle area network (VAN) data bus F (-)-(Posible Cause)-shorted to data bus F (+)

U0100 – Data bus, engine control module (ECM) A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0101 – Data bus, transmission control module (TCM)-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0102 – Data bus, transfer box control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0103 – Data bus, gear shift module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0104 – Data bus, cruise control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0105 – Data bus, injector control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0106 – Data bus, glow plug control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0107 – Data bus, throttle actuator control (TAC) module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0108 – Data bus, alternative fuel control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0109 – Data bus, fuel pump (FP) control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U010A – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module A-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U010B – Lost communication with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module B

U010C – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) control module A-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U010D – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) control module B-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U010E – Reductant control module-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U010F – AC control module-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U0110 – Data bus, drive motor control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0111 – Data bus, battery energy control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0112 – Data bus, battery energy control module B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0113 – Data bus, emissions critical control information-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0114 – Data bus, four wheel drive clutch control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0115 – Data bus, engine control module (ECM) B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0116 – Lost communication with coolant temperature control module

U0117 – Lost communication with power take-off (PTO) control module

U0118 – Lost communication with fuel additive control module

U0119 – Lost communication with fuel cell control module

U011A – Exhaust gas sensor control module-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U011B – Rocker arm control module A-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U011C – Rocker arm control module B-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U011D – Lost communication with four wheel drive control module

U011E – Lost communication with electronic throttle system (ETS) control module B

U0120 – Lost communication with starter/generator control module

U0121 – Data bus, anti-lock brake system (ABS) control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0122 – Data bus, vehicle dynamics control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0123 – Data bus, yaw rate sensor module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0124 – Data bus, lateral acceleration sensor module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0125 – Data bus, multi-axis acceleration sensor module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0126 – Data bus, steering position sensor control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0127 – Data bus, tyre pressure monitor module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0128 – Data bus, parking brake control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0129 – Data bus, brake system control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U012A – Lost communication with chassis control module A

U012B – Lost communication with chassis control module B

U012C – Lost communication with active vibration control module

U0130 – Data bus, steering effort control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0131 – Data bus, power steering control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0132 – Data bus, suspension ride height control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0133 – Lost communication with active roll control module

U0134 – Lost communication with power steering control module, rear

U0135 – Lost communication with differential control module, front

U0136 – Lost communication with differential control module, rear

U0137 – Lost communication with trailer brake control module

U0138 – Lost communication with all-terrain control module

U0139 – Lost communication with suspension control module B

U0140 – Data bus, body control module (BCM)-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0141 – Data bus, body control module (BCM) A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0142 – Data bus, body control module (BCM) B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0143 – Data bus, body control module (BCM) C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0144 – Data bus, body control module (BCM) D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0145 – Data bus, body control module (BCM) E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0146 – Data bus, gateway A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0147 – Data bus, gateway B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0148 – Data bus, gateway C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0149 – Data bus, gateway D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0150 – Data bus, gateway E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0151 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0152 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module, left-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0153 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module, right-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0154 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) occupant sensing control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0155 – Data bus, instrumentation control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0156 – Data bus, information centre A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0157 – Data bus, information centre B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0158 – Data bus, head up display-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0159 – Data bus, parking aid control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0160 – Data bus, audible alert control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0161 – Data bus, compass module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0162 – Data bus, navigation display module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0163 – Data bus, navigation control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0164 – Data bus, AC control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0165 – Data bus, AC control module, rear

U0166 – Data bus, auxiliary heater control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0167 – Data bus, immobilizer control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0168 – Data bus, alarm system control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0169 – Data bus, sunroof control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U016A – Lost communication with navigation control module

U016B – Lost communication with electric AC compressor control module

U016C – Lost communication with fuel pump control module B

U0170 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0171 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0172 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0173 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0174 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0175 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor F-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0176 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor G-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0177 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor H-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0178 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor I-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0179 – Data bus, supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor J-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U017A – Supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor K-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U017B – Supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor L-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U017C – Supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor M-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U017D – Supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor N-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U017E – Lost communication with seat belt pretensioner control module A

U017F – Lost communication with seat belt pretensioner control module B

U0180 – Data bus, automatic lighting control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0181 – Data bus, headlamp level control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0182 – Data bus, lamps control module, front-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0183 – Data bus, lamps control module, rear-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0184 – Data bus, radio-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0185 – Data bus, aerial module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0186 – Data bus, audio unit output amplifier-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0187 – Data bus, digital disc player/changer module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0188 – Data bus, digital disc player/changer module B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0189 – Data bus, digital disc player/changer module C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0190 – Data bus, digital disc player/changer module D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0191 – Data bus, television-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0192 – Data bus, personal computer-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0193 – Data bus, digital audio control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0194 – Data bus, digital audio control module B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0195 – Data bus, subscription entertainment receiver module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0196 – Data bus, entertainment control module, rear-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0197 – Data bus, telephone control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0198 – Data bus, telematics control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0199 – Data bus, door function control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0200 – Data bus, door function control module B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0201 – Data bus, door function control module C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0202 – Data bus, door function control module D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0203 – Data bus, door function control module E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0204 – Data bus, door function control module F-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0205 – Data bus, door function control module G-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0206 – Data bus, convertible top control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0207 – Data bus, moveable roof control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0208 – Data bus, seat adjustment control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0209 – Data bus, seat adjustment control module B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0210 – Data bus, seat adjustment control module C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0211 – Data bus, seat adjustment control module D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0212 – Data bus, steering column control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0213 – Data bus, mirror control module A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0214 – Data bus, remote function actuation-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0215 – Data bus, door contact switch A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0216 – Data bus, door contact switch B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0217 – Data bus, door contact switch C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0218 – Data bus, door contact switch D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0219 – Data bus, door contact switch E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0220 – Data bus, door contact switch F-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0221 – Data bus, door contact switch G-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0222 – Data bus, electric window motor A-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0223 – Data bus, electric window motor B-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0224 – Data bus, electric window motor C-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0225 – Data bus, electric window motor D-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0226 – Data bus, electric window motor E-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0227 – Data bus, electric window motor F-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0228 – Data bus, electric window motor G-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0229 – Data bus, heated steering wheel module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0230 – Data bus, tailgate control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0231 – Data bus, rain sensor control module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0232 – Data bus, side obstacle detection control module, left-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0233 – Data bus, side obstacle detection control module, right-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0234 – Data bus, convenience recall module-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0235 – Data bus, cruise control front distance range sensor-(Posible Cause)-no communication

U0236 – Lost communication with steering column lock control module

U0237 – Lost communication with digital audio broadcast (DAB) control module C

U0238 – Lost communication with digital audio broadcast (DAB) control module D

U0239 – Lost communication with entrapment control module A

U023A – Image processing module A-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U023B – Image processing module B-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U023C – Image processing module C-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U023D – Lost communication with cruise control distance range sensor, front left

U023E – Lost communication with cruise control distance range sensor, front right

U0240 – Lost communication with entrapment control module B

U0241 – Lost communication with headlamp control module A

U0242 – Lost communication with headlamp control module B

U0243 – Lost communication with parking aid control module B

U0244 – Lost communication with running board control module A

U0245 – Lost communication with entertainment control module, front

U0246 – Lost communication with seat control module E

U0247 – Lost communication with seat control module F

U0248 – Lost communication with remote accessory module

U0249 – Lost communication with entertainment control module, rear B

U024A – Lost communication with interior lighting control module

U024B – Lost communication with seat control module G

U024C – Lost communication with seat control module H

U0250 – Lost communication with impact classification system module

U0251 – Lost communication with running board control module B

U0252 – Lost communication with rear lamps control module B

U0253 – Lost communication with accessory protocol interface module

U0254 – Lost communication with remote start module

U0255 – Lost communication with front display interface module

U0256 – Lost communication with front controls interface module A

U0257 – Lost communication with front controls/display interface module

U0258 – Lost communication with radio transceiver

U0259 – Lost communication with special purpose vehicle control module A

U025A – Special purpose vehicle control module B-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U025B – Special purpose vehicle control module C-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U025C – Special purpose vehicle control module D-(Posible Cause)-communication signal lost

U025D – Lost communication with front controls interface module B

U0260 – Lost communication with seat adjustment control module A

U0261 – Lost communication with seat adjustment control module B

U0262 – Lost communication with audio unit output amplifier B

U0263 – Lost communication with voice activation control module

U0264 – Lost communication with camera module

U0286 – Lost communication with radiator anti-tamper device

U0287 – Lost communication with transmission fluid pump module

U0288 – Lost communication with DC to AC converter control module A

U0289 – Lost communication with DC to AC converter control module B

U0291 – Lost communication with gear shift module B

U0292 – Lost communication with drive motor control module B

U0293 – Lost communication with hybrid powertrain control module

U0294 – Lost communication with powertrain control monitor module

U0295 – Lost communication with AC to AC converter control module

U0296 – Lost communication with AC to DC converter control module A

U0297 – Lost communication with AC to DC converter control module B

U0298 – Lost communication with DC to DC converter control module A

U0299 – Lost communication with DC to DC converter control module B

U029A – Lost communication with hybrid battery pack sensor module

U029B – Lost communication with drive motor control module C

U029C – Lost communication with drive motor control module D

U029D – Lost communication with nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor A

U029E – Lost communication with nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor B

U029F – Lost communication with evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection system control module

U0300 – Control module-(Posible Cause)-internal software incompatibility

U0301 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-engine control module (ECM)

U0302 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-transmission control module (TCM)

U0303 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-transfer box control module

U0304 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-gear shift module

U0305 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-cruise control module

U0306 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-injector control module

U0307 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-glow plug control module

U0308 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-throttle actuator control (TAC) module

U0309 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-alternative fuel control module

U030A – Software incompatibility with evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection system control module

U0310 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-fuel pump (FP) control module

U0311 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-drive motor control module

U0312 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-battery energy control module A

U0313 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-battery energy control module B

U0314 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-four wheel drive clutch control module

U0315 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-anti-lock brake system (ABS) control module

U0316 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-vehicle dynamics control module

U0317 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-parking brake control module

U0318 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-brake system control module

U0319 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-steering effort control module

U0320 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-power steering control module

U0321 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-suspension ride height control module

U0322 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-body control module

U0323 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-instrumentation control module

U0324 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-AC control module

U0325 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-auxiliary heater control module

U0326 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-immobilizer control module

U0327 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-alarm system control module

U0328 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-steering position sensor control module

U0329 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-steering column control module

U0330 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-tyre pressure monitor module

U0331 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-body control module A

U0332 – Software incompatibility-(Posible Cause)-multi-axis acceleration sensor module

U0333 – Software incompatibility with gear shift control module B

U0334 – Software incompatibility with audio system

U0335 – Software incompatibility with hybrid battery pack sensor module

U0336 – Software incompatibility with supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module

U0400 – Invalid data received

U0401 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-engine control module (ECM)

U0402 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-transmission control module (TCM)

U0403 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-transfer box control module

U0404 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-gear shift module

U0405 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-cruise control module

U0406 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-injector control module

U0407 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-glow plug control module

U0408 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-throttle actuator control (TAC) module

U0409 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-alternative fuel control module

U040A – Invalid data received from AC control module

U040B – Invalid data received from exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module A

U040C – Invalid data received from exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module B

U040D – Invalid data received from turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) control module A

U040E – Invalid data received from turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) control module B

U040F – Invalid data received from reductant control module

U0410 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-fuel pump (FP) control module

U0411 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-drive motor control module

U0412 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-battery energy control module A

U0413 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-battery energy control module B

U0414 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-four wheel drive clutch control module

U0415 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-anti-lock brake system (ABS) control module

U0416 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-vehicle dynamics control module

U0417 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-parking brake control module

U0418 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-brake system control module

U0419 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-steering effort control module

U041B – Invalid data received from exhaust gas sensor control module

U041C – Invalid data received from rocker arm control module A

U041D – Invalid data received from rocker arm control module B

U041E – Invalid data received from four wheel drive control module

U041F – Invalid data received from electronic throttle system (ETS) control module B

U0420 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-power steering control module

U0421 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-suspension ride height control module

U0422 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-body control module

U0423 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-instrumentation control module

U0424 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-AC control module

U0425 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-auxiliary heater control module

U0426 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-immobilizer control module

U0427 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-alarm system control module

U0428 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-steering position sensor control module

U0429 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-steering column control module

U042B – Invalid data received from chassis control module A

U042C – Invalid data received from chassis control module B

U042D – Invalid data received from active vibration control module

U0430 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-tyre pressure monitor module

U0431 – Invalid data received-(Posible Cause)-body control module A

U0432 – Invalid data received from multi-axis acceleration sensor module

U0433 – Invalid data received from cruise control distance range sensor, front

U0434 – Invalid data received from active roll control module

U0435 – Invalid data received from power steering control module, rear

U0436 – Invalid data received from differential control module, front

U0437 – Invalid data received from differential control module, rear

U0438 – Invalid data received from trailer brake control module

U0439 – Invalid data received from all-terrain control module

U043A – Invalid data received from suspension control module B

U043B – Invalid data received from cruise control distance range sensor, front left

U043C – Invalid data received from cruise control distance range sensor, front right

U0441 – Invalid data received from emissions critical control information

U0442 – Invalid data received from ECM/PCM B

U0443 – Invalid data received from body control module (BCM) B

U0444 – Invalid data received from body control module (BCM) C

U0445 – Invalid data received from body control module (BCM) D

U0446 – Invalid data received from body control module (BCM) E

U0447 – Invalid data received from gateway A

U0448 – Invalid data received from gateway B

U0449 – Invalid data received from gateway C

U044A – Invalid data received from gateway D

U0450 – Invalid data received from gateway D

U0451 – Invalid data received from gateway E

U0452 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module

U0453 – Invalid data received from side supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module, left

U0454 – Invalid data received from side supplementary restraint system (SRS) control module, right

U0455 – Invalid data received from restraints occupant classification system module

U0456 – Invalid data received from coolant temperature control module

U0457 – Invalid data received from information centre A

U0458 – Invalid data received from information centre B

U0459 – Invalid data received from head up display

U045A – Invalid data received from parking aid control module A

U0461 – Invalid data received from audible alert control module

U0462 – Invalid data received from compass module

U0463 – Invalid data received from navigation display module

U0464 – Invalid data received from navigation control module

U0465 – Invalid data received from power take-off (PTO) control module

U0466 – Invalid data received from AC control module, rear

U0467 – Invalid data received from fuel additive control module

U0468 – Invalid data received from fuel cell control module

U0469 – Invalid data received from starter/generator control module

U046A – Invalid data received from sunroof control module

U046B – Invalid data received from navigation control module

U046C – Invalid data received from electric AC compressor control module

U046D – Invalid data received from fuel pump control module B

U0471 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor A

U0472 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor B

U0473 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor C

U0474 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor D

U0475 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor E

U0476 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor F

U0477 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor G

U0478 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor H

U0479 – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) sensor I

U047A – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor J

U047B – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor K

U047C – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor L

U047D – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor M

U047E – Invalid data received from supplementary restraint system (SRS) system sensor N

U047F – Invalid data received from seat belt pretensioner control module A

U0480 – Invalid data received from seat belt pretensioner control module B

U0481 – Invalid data received from automatic lighting control module

U0482 – Invalid data received from headlamp level control module

U0483 – Invalid data received from lighting control module, front

U0484 – Invalid data received from lighting control module, rear A

U0485 – Invalid data received from audio system

U0486 – Invalid data received from aerial module

U0487 – Invalid data received from audio unit output amplifier A

U0488 – Invalid data received from digital disc player/changer module A

U0489 – Invalid data received from digital disc player/changer module B

U048A – Invalid data received from digital disc player/digital disc changer C

U0491 – Invalid data received from digital disc player/changer module D

U0492 – Invalid data received from television

U0493 – Invalid data received from personal computer

U0494 – Invalid data received from digital audio control module A

U0495 – Invalid data received from digital audio control module B

U0496 – Invalid data received from subscription entertainment receiver module

U0497 – Invalid data received from entertainment control module, rear A

U0498 – Invalid data received from telephone control module

U0499 – Invalid data received from telematics control module

U049A – Invalid data received from door function control module A

U0501 – Invalid data received from door function control module B

U0502 – Invalid data received from door function control module C

U0503 – Invalid data received from door function control module D

U0504 – Invalid data received from door function control module E

U0505 – Invalid data received from door function control module F

U0506 – Invalid data received from door function control module G

U0507 – Invalid data received from convertible top control module

U0508 – Invalid data received from moveable roof control module

U0509 – Invalid data received from seat control module A

U050A – Invalid data received from seat adjustment control module B

U0511 – Invalid data received from seat control module C

U0512 – Invalid data received from seat control module D

U0513 – Invalid data received from yaw rate sensor

U0514 – Invalid data received from mirror control module A

U0515 – Invalid data received from remote function actuation

U0516 – Invalid data received from door switch A

U0517 – Invalid data received from door switch B

U0518 – Invalid data received from door switch C

U0519 – Invalid data received from door switch D

U051A – Invalid data received from door switch E

U0521 – Invalid data received from door switch F

U0522 – Invalid data received from door switch G

U0523 – Invalid data received from door window motor A

U0524 – Invalid data received from door window motor B

U0525 – Invalid data received from door window motor C

U0526 – Invalid data received from door window motor D

U0527 – Invalid data received from door window motor E

U0528 – Invalid data received from door window motor F

U0529 – Invalid data received from door window motor G

U052A – Invalid data received from heated steering wheel function control module

U0531 – Invalid data received from rear gate module

U0532 – Invalid data received from rain sensing module

U0533 – Invalid data received from side obstacle detection control module, left

U0534 – Invalid data received from side obstacle detection control module, right

U0535 – Invalid data received from convenience recall module

U0536 – Invalid data received from lateral acceleration sensor module

U0537 – Invalid data received from steering column lock control module

U0538 – Invalid data received from digital audio control module C

U0539 – Invalid data received from digital audio control module D

U053A – Invalid data received from entrapment control module A

U053B – Invalid data received from image processing module A

U053C – Invalid data received from image processing module B

U053D – Invalid data received from image processing module C

U0541 – Invalid data received from entrapment control module B

U0542 – Invalid data received from headlamp control module A

U0543 – Invalid data received from headlamp control module B

U0544 – Invalid data received from parking aid control module B

U0545 – Invalid data received from running board control module

U0546 – Invalid data received from entertainment control module, front

U0547 – Invalid data received from seat control module E

U0548 – Invalid data received from seat control module F

U0549 – Invalid data received from remote accessory module

U054A – Invalid data received from rear entertainment control module B

U054B – Invalid data received from interior lighting control module

U054C – Invalid data received from seat control module G

U054D – Invalid data received from seat control module H

U0551 – Invalid data received from impact classification system module

U0552 – Invalid data received from running board control module B

U0553 – Invalid data received from lighting control module, rear B

U0554 – Invalid data received from accessory protocol interface module

U0555 – Invalid data received from remote start module

U0556 – Invalid data received from front display interface module

U0557 – Invalid data received from front controls interface module

U0558 – Invalid data received from front controls/display interface module

U0559 – Invalid data received from radio transceiver

U055A – Invalid data received from special purpose vehicle control module A

U055B – Invalid data received from special purpose vehicle control module B

U055C – Invalid data received from special purpose vehicle control module C

U055D – Invalid data received from special purpose vehicle control module D

U055E – Invalid data received from front controls interface module B

U0561 – Invalid data received from seat control switch module A

U0562 – Invalid data received from seat control switch module B

U0563 – Invalid data received from audio amplifier B

U0564 – Invalid data received from speech recognition module

U0565 – Invalid data received from camera module, rear

U0587 – Invalid data received from radiator anti-tamper device

U0588 – Invalid data received from transmission fluid pump module

U0589 – Invalid data received from DC to AC converter control module A

U058A – Invalid data received from DC/AC converter control module B

U0592 – Invalid data received from gear shift module B

U0593 – Invalid data received from drive motor control module B

U0594 – Invalid data received from hybrid powertrain control module

U0595 – Invalid data received from powertrain control monitor module

U0596 – Invalid data received from AC to AC converter control module

U0597 – Invalid data received from AC to DC converter control module A

U0598 – Invalid data received from AC to DC converter control module B

U0599 – Invalid data received from DC to DC converter control module A

U059A – Invalid data received from DC to DC converter control module B

U059B – Invalid data received from hybrid battery pack sensor control module

U059C – Invalid data received from drive motor control module C

U059D – Invalid data received from drive motor control module D

U059E – Invalid data received from nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor A

U059F – Invalid data received from nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor B

U05A0 – Invalid data received from evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection system control module

P3400 – Cylinder deactivation system, bank 1

P3401 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3402 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3403 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3404 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3405 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3406 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3407 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3408 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3409 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P340A – Deactivation/intake valve control, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P340B – Deactivation/intake valve control, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P340C – Deactivation/exhaust valve control, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P340D – Deactivation/exhaust valve control, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P3410 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3411 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3412 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3413 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3414 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3415 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3416 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3417 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3418 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3419 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P341A – Deactivation/intake valve control, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance problem

P341B – Deactivation/intake valve control, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance problem

P341C – Deactivation/exhaust valve control, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance problem

P341D – Deactivation/exhaust valve control, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance problem

P3420 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3421 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3422 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3423 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3424 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3425 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3426 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3427 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3428 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3429 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3430 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3431 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3432 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3433 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3434 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3435 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3436 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3437 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3438 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3439 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3440 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3441 – Deactivation/intake valve control,-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3442 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3443 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3444 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3445 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3446 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3447 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3448 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3449 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3450 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3451 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3452 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3453 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3454 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3455 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3456 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3457 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3458 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3459 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3460 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3461 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3462 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3463 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3464 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3465 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3466 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3467 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3468 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3469 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3470 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3471 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3472 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3473 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3474 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3475 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3476 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3477 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3478 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3479 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3480 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3481 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3482 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3483 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3484 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3485 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3486 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3487 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3488 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3489 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3490 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3491 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3492 – Deactivation/intake valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3493 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P3494 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance

P3495 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P3496 – Exhaust valve control, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P3497 – Cylinder deactivation system, bank 2

code – Fault location- Probable cause- ”

P2000 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) trap, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- NOx trap-

P2001 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) trap, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- NOx trap-

P2002 – Particulate trap, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Particulate trap-

P2003 – Particulate trap, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Particulate trap-

P2004 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2004 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2005 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2005 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2006 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2006 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2007 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2007 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2008 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring open circuit, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2008 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring open circuit, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P2009 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2009 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P200A – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P200B – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P200C – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-over-temperature condition

P200D – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-over-temperature condition

P200E – Catalytic converter, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-over-temperature condition

P200F – Catalytic converter, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-over-temperature condition

P2010 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2010 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P2011 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring open circuit, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2011 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring open circuit, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P2012 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2012 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P2013 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2013 – Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control solenoid-

P2014 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2015 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, mechanical fault, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2016 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2017 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2018 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2019 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P201A – Reductant injector, unit 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P201B – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage low- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P201C – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage low- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P201D – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-internal malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator-

P201E – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-internal malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator-

P2020 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, mechanical fault, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2021 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2022 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2023 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2024 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) fuel vapour temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, EVAP fuel vapour temperature sensor-

P2025 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) fuel vapour temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EVAP fuel vapour temperature sensor-

P2026 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) fuel vapour temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low voltage- Wiring short to earth, EVAP fuel vapour temperature sensor-

P2027 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) fuel vapour temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high voltage- Wiring short to positive, EVAP fuel vapour temperature sensor-

P2028 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) fuel vapour temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, EVAP fuel vapour temperature sensor-

P2029 – Auxiliary heater (fuel fired)-(Posible Cause)-system disabled- Auxiliary heater system-

P202A – Reductant tank heater control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant tank heater, ECM-

P202B – Reductant tank heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant tank heater, ECM-

P202C – Reductant tank heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant tank heater, ECM-

P202D – Reductant leakage

P202E – Reductant injector-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, reductant injector, ECM-

P202F – Reductant supply control-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P2056 – Reductant injector 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant injector-

P2057 – Reductant injector 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, reductant injector-

P2058 – Reductant injector 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, reductant injector-

P2059 – Reductant injection air pump-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant injection air pump-

P205A – Reductant temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, reductant tank temperature sensor, ECM-

P205B – Reductant temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, reductant tank temperature sensor, ECM-

P205C – Reductant temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant tank temperature sensor, ECM-

P205D – Reductant temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant tank temperature sensor, ECM-

P205E – Reductant temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, reductant tank temperature sensor, ECM-

P205F – Reductant system, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

P2060 – Reductant injection air pump-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, reductant injection air pump-

P2061 – Reductant injection air pump-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, reductant injection air pump-

P2062 – Reductant supply control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring-

P2063 – Reductant supply control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring-

P2064 – Reductant supply control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring-

P2065 – Fuel gauge tank sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, fuel gauge tank sensor-

P2066 – Fuel gauge tank sensor B-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, fuel gauge tank sensor-

P2067 – Fuel gauge tank sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, fuel gauge tank sensor-

P2068 – Fuel gauge tank sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, fuel gauge tank sensor-

P2069 – Fuel gauge tank sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, fuel gauge tank sensor-

P206A – Reductant quality sensor-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, reductant quality sensor, ECM-

P206B – Reductant quality sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, reductant quality sensor, ECM-

P206C – Reductant quality sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant quality sensor, ECM-

P206D – Reductant quality sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant quality sensor, ECM-

P206E – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P206F – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P2070 – Intake manifold air control actuator-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2070 – Intake manifold air control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck open- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2071 – Intake manifold air control actuator-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, mechanical fault-

P2071 – Intake manifold air control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck closed- Wiring, intake manifold air control solenoid, mechanical fault-

P2072 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-actuator frozen

P2073 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-throttle position- Wiring, MAP sensor, MAF sensor-

P2074 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/mass air flow (MAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-throttle position- Wiring, MAP sensor, MAF sensor-

P2075 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2076 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2077 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2078 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P2079 – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch-

P207A – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor, ECM-

P207B – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor, ECM-

P207C – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor, ECM-

P207D – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor, ECM-

P207E – Intake manifold air control actuator position sensor/switch, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator position sensor, ECM-

P207F – Reductant quality-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

P2080 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EGT sensor-

P2081 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, EGT sensor-

P2082 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EGT sensor-

P2083 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, EGT sensor-

P2084 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EGT sensor-

P2085 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, EGT sensor-

P2086 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EGT sensor-

P2087 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, EGT sensor-

P2088 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, CMP actuator-

P2089 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, CMP actuator-

P208A – Reductant pump control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant pump, ECM-

P208B – Reductant pump control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, reductant pump, ECM-

P208C – Reductant pump control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant pump, ECM-

P208D – Reductant pump control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant pump, ECM-

P208E – Reductant injector 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck closed- Reductant injector-

P208F – Reductant injector 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck closed- Wiring, reductant injector, ECM-

P2090 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, CMP actuator-

P2091 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, CMP actuator-

P2092 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, CMP actuator-

P20B4 – Reductant heater coolant control valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater coolant control valve, ECM-

P20B5 – Reductant metering unit heater control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20B6 – Reductant metering unit heater-(Posible Cause)-control performance problem- Wiring, reductant metering unit heater, ECM-

P20B7 – Reductant metering unit heater-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, reductant metering unit heater, ECM-

P20B8 – Reductant metering unit heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant metering unit heater, ECM-

P20B9 – Reductant heater control A-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BA – Reductant heater control A-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance problem- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BB – Reductant heater control A-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BC – Reductant heater control A-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BD – Reductant heater control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit open- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BE – Reductant heater control B-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20BF – Reductant heater control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C0 – Reductant heater control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C1 – Reductant heater control C-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C2 – Reductant heater control C-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C3 – Reductant heater control C-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C4 – Reductant heater control C-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C5 – Reductant heater control D-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C6 – Reductant heater control D-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C7 – Reductant heater control D-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C8 – Reductant heater control D-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P20C9 – Reductant control module-(Posible Cause)-MIL activation requested

P20CA – Reductant injection air pressure-(Posible Cause)-leak

P20CB – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20CC – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20CD – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, fuel injector, ECM-

P20CE – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, fuel injector, ECM-

P20CF – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck open- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D0 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck closed- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D1 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D2 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D3 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D4 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D5 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck open- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D6 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector B-(Posible Cause)-injector stuck closed- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P20D7 – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P20D8 – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply control-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

P20D9 – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low

P20DA – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high

P20DB – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply-(Posible Cause)-control stuck open

P20DC – Exhaust after treatment fuel supply control-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed

P20DD – Exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor, ECM-

P20DE – Exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor, ECM-

P20DF – Exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor, ECM-

P20E0 – Exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor, ECM-

P20E1 – Exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel pressure sensor, ECM-

P20E2 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1/2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P20E3 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1/3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P20E4 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2/3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P20E5 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1/2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P20E6 – Reductant injection air pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P20E7 – Reductant injection air pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P20E8 – Reductant pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P20E9 – Reductant pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P20EA – Reductant control module power relay-(Posible Cause)-performance malfunction

P20EB – Reductant control module power relay-(Posible Cause)-performance malfunction

P20EC – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, catalyst, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-over- temperature condition- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20ED – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, pre-catalyst, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-over- temperature condition- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20EE – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, catalyst, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20EF – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, pre-catalyst, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20F0 – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, catalyst, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-over- temperature condition- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20F1 – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, pre-catalyst, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-over- temperature condition- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20F2 – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, catalyst, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20F3 – Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor, pre-catalyst, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P20F4 – Reductant consumption-(Posible Cause)-consumption low

P20F5 – Reductant consumption-(Posible Cause)-consumption high

P20F6 – Reductant injector, unit 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open

P20F7 – Reductant injector, unit 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open

P20F8 – Intake manifold air control actuator, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance- Wiring, intake manifold air control actuator, ECM-

P2166 – Throttle position (TP) sensor D-(Posible Cause)-maximum stop performance- Wiring, TP sensor-

P2167 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor E-(Posible Cause)-maximum stop performance- Wiring, APP sensor-

P2167 – Throttle position (TP) sensor E-(Posible Cause)-maximum stop performance- Wiring, TP sensor-

P2168 – Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor F-(Posible Cause)-maximum stop performance- Wiring, APP sensor-

P2168 – Throttle position (TP) sensor F-(Posible Cause)-maximum stop performance- Wiring, TP sensor-

P2169 – Exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit open- Wiring, exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-

P216A – Fuel injector group E, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P216B – Fuel injector group E, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P216C – Fuel injector group E, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P216D – Fuel injector group F, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P216E – Fuel injector group F, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P216F – Fuel injector group F, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P2170 – Exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-

P2171 – Exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, exhaust gas pressure regulator vent solenoid-

P2172 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-sudden high airflow detected- Intake system, throttle body-

P2173 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-high airflow detected- Intake system, throttle body-

P2174 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-sudden low airflow detected- Intake system, throttle body-

P2175 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-low airflow detected- Intake system, throttle body-

P2176 – Throttle actuator control (TAC) system-(Posible Cause)-idle position not learned- Basic setting not carried out-

P2177 – System too lean off idle, bank 1- Fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P2178 – System too rich off idle, bank 1- Fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2179 – System too lean off idle, bank 2- Fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P217A – Fuel injector group G, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P217B – Fuel injector group G, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P217C – Fuel injector group G, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P217D – Fuel injector group H, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P217E – Fuel injector group H, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P217F – Fuel injector group H, supply voltage-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, engine control (EC) relay, injectors, ECM-

P2180 – System too rich off idle, bank 2- Fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2181 – Cooling system performance- Radiator, coolant thermostat, engine coolant blower motor-

P2182 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, ECT sensor-

P2183 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, ECT sensor-

P2184 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ECT sensor-

P2185 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ECT sensor-

P2203 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high input- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2204 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-intermittent input- Wiring, poor connection, NOx sensor-

P2205 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2206 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, NOx sensor-

P2207 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2208 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2209 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P220A – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P220B – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P220C – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P220D – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2210 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-low input- Wiring short to earth, NOx sensor-

P2211 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-high input- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2212 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 1, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, NOx sensor-

P2213 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2214 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2215 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-low input- Wiring short to earth, NOx sensor-

P2216 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-high input- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2217 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-intermittent input- Wiring, poor connection, NOx sensor-

P2218 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2219 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, NOx sensor-

P2220 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2221 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2222 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, NOx sensor-

P2223 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, NOx sensor-

P2224 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, NOx sensor-

P2225 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor, bank 2, heater sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, NOx sensor-

P2226 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P2227 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P2228 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, BARO sensor-

P2229 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, BARO sensor-

P222A – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P222B – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P222C – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P222D – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P222E – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P222F – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor A/B-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, BARO sensor-

P2230 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, BARO sensor-

P2231 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2232 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2233 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2234 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2235 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2236 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal circuit shorted to heater circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2237 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2237 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, O2S-

P2238 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, HO2S-

P2238 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, O2S-

P2239 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, HO2S-

P2239 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, O2S-

P2240 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, HO2S-

P2240 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, O2S-

P2241 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, positive current control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, HO2S-

P2273 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck rich- Wiring, O2S, fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2274 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck lean- Wiring, HO2S, fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P2274 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck lean- Wiring, O2S, fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P2275 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck rich- Wiring, HO2S, fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2275 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck rich- Wiring, O2S, fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2276 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck lean- Wiring, HO2S, fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P2276 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck lean- Wiring, O2S, fuel pressure, injectors, intake leak-

P2277 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck rich- Wiring, HO2S, fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2277 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signal stuck rich- Wiring, O2S, fuel pressure, injectors, air intake restricted-

P2278 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1/heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2278 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1/oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2279 – Intake air leak- Mechanical fault-

P2280 – Air leak/blockage between air filter and MAF sensor- Mechanical fault-

P2281 – Air leak between MAF sensor and throttle body- Mechanical fault-

P2282 – Air leak between throttle body and intake valves- Mechanical fault-

P2283 – Injector control pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, injector control pressure sensor-

P2284 – Injector control pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, injector control pressure sensor-

P2285 – Injector control pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, injector control pressure sensor-

P2286 – Injector control pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, injector control pressure sensor-

P2287 – Injector control pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, injector control pressure sensor-

P2288 – Injector control pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high- Fuel pressure regulator, injector control pressure sensor-

P2289 – Injector control pressure, engine off-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high- Fuel pressure regulator-

P228A – Fuel pressure regulator 1-(Posible Cause)-limp-home mode activated

P228B – Fuel pressure regulator 2-(Posible Cause)-limp-home mode activated

P228C – Fuel pressure regulator 1, control limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-fuel pressure low- Fuel pressure regulator, ECM-

P228D – Fuel pressure regulator 1, control limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-fuel pressure high- Fuel pressure regulator, ECM-

P228E – Fuel pressure regulator 1, learning limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-signal too low- Wiring, fuel pressure regulator-

P228F – Fuel pressure regulator 1, learning limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-signal too high- Wiring, fuel pressure regulator-

P2290 – Injector control pressure-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low- Fuel pressure regulator, injector control pressure sensor-

P2291 – Injector control pressure, engine cranking-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low- Fuel pressure regulator, injector control pressure sensor-

P22C2 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, pumping current trim- open circuit”- Wiring, HO2S-

P22C3 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, pumping current trim- circuit low”- Wiring, HO2S-

P22C4 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, pumping current trim- circuit high”- Wiring, HO2S-

P22C5 – Turbocharger (TC) outlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TC outlet valve-

P22C6 – Turbocharger (TC) outlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TC outlet valve-

P22C7 – Turbocharger (TC) outlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TC outlet valve-

P22C8 – Turbocharger (TC) outlet valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- Wiring, TC outlet valve-

P22C9 – Turbocharger (TC) outlet valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- Wiring, TC outlet valve-

P22CA – Turbocharger (TC) outlet switching valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TC outlet switching valve-

P22CB – Turbocharger (TC) outlet switching valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TC outlet switching valve-

P22CC – Turbocharger (TC) outlet switching valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TC outlet switching valve-

P22CD – Turbocharger (TC) outlet switching valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- Wiring, TC outlet switching valve-

P22CE – Turbocharger (TC) outlet switching valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- Wiring, TC outlet switching valve-

P22CF – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TC inlet valve-

P22D0 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TC inlet valve-

P22D1 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TC inlet valve-

P22D2 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- Wiring, TC inlet valve-

P22D3 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- Wiring, TC inlet valve-

P22D4 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC inlet valve position sensor-

P22D5 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, TC inlet valve position sensor-

P22D6 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, TC inlet valve position sensor-

P22D7 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, TC inlet valve position sensor-

P22D8 – Turbocharger (TC) inlet valve position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, TC inlet valve position sensor-

P2300 – Ignition coil A, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2301 – Ignition coil A, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2302 – Ignition coil A, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2303 – Ignition coil B, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2304 – Ignition coil B, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2305 – Ignition coil B, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2306 – Ignition coil C, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2307 – Ignition coil C, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2308 – Ignition coil C, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2309 – Ignition coil D, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2310 – Ignition coil D, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2311 – Ignition coil D, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2312 – Ignition coil E, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2313 – Ignition coil E, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2314 – Ignition coil E, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2315 – Ignition coil F, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2316 – Ignition coil F, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2317 – Ignition coil F, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2318 – Ignition coil G, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2319 – Ignition coil G, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2320 – Ignition coil G, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2321 – Ignition coil H, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2322 – Ignition coil H, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2323 – Ignition coil H, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2324 – Ignition coil I, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2325 – Ignition coil I, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2326 – Ignition coil I, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2327 – Ignition coil J, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2328 – Ignition coil J, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2329 – Ignition coil J, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2330 – Ignition coil K, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2331 – Ignition coil K, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2332 – Ignition coil K, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2333 – Ignition coil L, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ignition coil-

P2334 – Ignition coil L, primary circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ignition coil-

P2335 – Ignition coil L, secondary circuit-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ignition coil-

P2336 – Cylinder 1-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2337 – Cylinder 2-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2338 – Cylinder 3-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2339 – Cylinder 4-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2340 – Cylinder 5-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2341 – Cylinder 6-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2342 – Cylinder 7-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2343 – Cylinder 8-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2344 – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2345 – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2346 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2347 – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-above knock threshold- Ignition timing, knock sensor (KS), fuel quality, mechanical fault-

P2348 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2349 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P234A – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P234B – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P234C – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P234D – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P234E – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P234F – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation low

P2350 – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation high

P2351 – Cylinder 9-(Posible Cause)-combustion performance

P2352 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2353 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2354 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2355 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2356 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2357 – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P2358 – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P2359 – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation low

P235A – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation high

P235B – Cylinder 10-(Posible Cause)-combustion performance

P235C – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P235D – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P235E – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P235F – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2360 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2361 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P2362 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P2363 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation low

P2364 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation high

P2365 – Cylinder 11-(Posible Cause)-combustion performance

P2366 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2367 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2368 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P2369 – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P236A – Cylinder pressure sensor, cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, cylinder pressure sensor, ECM-

P236B – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low

P236C – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high

P236D – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation low

P236E – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-pressure variation high

P236F – Cylinder 12-(Posible Cause)-combustion performance

P2400 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2401 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2402 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2403 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2404 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2405 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2406 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2407 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, EVAP leak detection pump-

P2408 – Fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-

P2409 – Fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-

P240A – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump heater-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump heater, ECM-

P240B – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump heater-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump heater, ECM-

P240C – Evaporative emission (EVAP) leak detection pump heater-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, EVAP leak detection pump heater, ECM-

P240F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system-(Posible Cause)-slow response

P2410 – Fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-

P2411 – Fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-

P2412 – Fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, fuel filler cap warning sensor/switch-

P2413 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Hoses blocked/leaking, EGR solenoid, EGR valve-

P2414 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-exhaust sample error- Exhaust leak, HO2S-

P2414 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-exhaust sample error- Exhaust leak, O2S-

P2415 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-exhaust sample error- Exhaust leak, HO2S-

P2415 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-exhaust sample error- Exhaust leak, O2S-

P2416 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1/heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2416 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1/oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2417 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2/heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2417 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2/oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-signals transposed- Wiring-

P2418 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) switching valve-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, EVAP switching valve-

P2419 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) switching valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, EVAP switching valve-

P2420 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) switching valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, EVAP switching valve-

P2421 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) vent valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- EVAP vent valve-

P2422 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) vent valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- EVAP vent valve-

P2423 – Hydrocarbon (HC) catalytic converter, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- HC catalytic converter-

P2424 – Hydrocarbon (HC) catalytic converter, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- HC catalytic converter-

P2425 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooling valve-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, EGR cooling valve-

P2426 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooling valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, EGR cooling valve-

P2427 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooling valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, EGR cooling valve-

P2428 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high

P2429 – Exhaust gas temperature (EGT), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high

P242A – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P242B – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P242C – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P242D – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P242E – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P242F – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-blockage/ash accumulation- DPF-

P2430 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2431 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2432 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2433 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2434 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2435 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2436 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2437 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2438 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2439 – Secondary air injection (AIR) system, air flow/pressure sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, air flow/pressure sensor-

P2440 – Secondary air injection (AIR) switching valve, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- AIR switching valve-

P2441 – Secondary air injection (AIR) switching valve, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- AIR switching valve-

P2442 – Secondary air injection (AIR) switching valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck open- AIR switching valve-

P2443 – Secondary air injection (AIR) switching valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed- AIR switching valve-

P2444 – Secondary air injection (AIR) pump, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-pump stuck on- AIR pump-

P2445 – Secondary air injection (AIR) pump, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-pump stuck off- AIR pump-

P2446 – Secondary air injection (AIR) pump, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-pump stuck on- AIR pump-

P2447 – Secondary air injection (AIR) pump, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-pump stuck off- AIR pump-

P2448 – Secondary air injection (AIR), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-air flow high- Wiring, AIR switching valve, AIR pump-

P2449 – Secondary air injection (AIR), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-air flow high- Wiring, AIR switching valve, AIR pump-

P244A – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-differential pressure too low

P244B – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-differential pressure too high

P244C – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-exhaust temperature too low for regeneration

P244D – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-exhaust temperature too high for regeneration

P244E – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-exhaust temperature too low for regeneration

P244F – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-exhaust temperature too high for regeneration

P2450 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) switching valve-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or valve stuck open

P2451 – Evaporative emission (EVAP) switching valve-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck closed

P2452 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2453 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2454 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2455 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2456 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2457 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooling system-(Posible Cause)-performance problem

P2458 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), regeneration process-(Posible Cause)-duration malfunction

P2459 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), regeneration process-(Posible Cause)-number of DPF regeneration cycles too high

P245A – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit malfunction- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P245B – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P245C – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P245D – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P245E – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P245F – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure differential sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, DPF pressure differential sensor, ECM-

P2460 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2461 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2462 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P2463 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-DPF restricted- soot accumulation-

P2464 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-differential pressure too low

P2465 – Diesel particulate filter (DPF), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-differential pressure too high

P2466 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2467 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2468 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2469 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P246A – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P246B – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-vehicle conditions incorrect

P246C – Diesel particulate filter (DPF)-(Posible Cause)-DPF restricted, limp-home mode activated- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P246D – Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-A/B correlation- Wiring, DPF pressure sensor, ECM-

P246E – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P246F – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2470 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2471 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2472 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2473 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2474 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2475 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2476 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2477 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2478 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2479 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247A – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247B – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247C – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247D – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247E – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P247F – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-out of range- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2480 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2481 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2482 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2483 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2484 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2485 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2486 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2487 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2488 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P2489 – Exhaust gas temperature sensor 5, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, exhaust gas temperature sensor, ECM-

P248A – Reductant heater A, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P248B – Reductant heater A, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P248C – Reductant heater B, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P248D – Reductant heater B, sense circuit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, reductant heater, ECM-

P248E – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P248F – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P2490 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P2491 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass valve, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass valve, ECM-

P2492 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2493 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2494 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2495 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2496 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2497 – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler bypass flap position sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, EGR cooler bypass flap position sensor, ECM-

P2539 – Fuel low pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, fuel low pressure sensor-

P253A – Power take-off (PTO) monitoring-(Posible Cause)-circuit open- Wiring, ECM-

P253B – Power take-off (PTO) monitoring-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, ECM-

P253C – Power take-off (PTO) monitoring-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, ECM-

P253D – Power take-off (PTO) monitoring-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, ECM-

P253E – Power take-off (PTO)-(Posible Cause)-sense circuit intermittent malfunction

P253F – Engine oil deteriorated- Engine oil-

P2540 – Fuel low pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, fuel low pressure sensor-

P2541 – Fuel low pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, fuel low pressure sensor-

P2542 – Fuel low pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, fuel low pressure sensor-

P2543 – Fuel low pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, fuel low pressure sensor-

P2544 – Torque management request, input signal A-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2545 – Torque management request, input signal A-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2546 – Torque management request, input signal A-(Posible Cause)-signal low- Wiring short to earth, ECM, TCM-

P2547 – Torque management request, input signal A-(Posible Cause)-signal high- Wiring short to positive, ECM, TCM-

P2548 – Torque management request, input signal B-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2549 – Torque management request, input signal B-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P254A – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P254B – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P254C – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P254D – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P254E – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P254F – Bonnet switch-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, bonnet switch, ECM-

P2550 – Torque management request, input signal B-(Posible Cause)-signal low- Wiring short to earth, ECM, TCM-

P2551 – Torque management request, input signal B-(Posible Cause)-signal high- Wiring short to positive, ECM, TCM-

P2552 – Throttle/fuel inhibit-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring-

P2553 – Throttle/fuel inhibit-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring-

P2554 – Throttle/fuel inhibit-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth-

P2555 – Throttle/fuel inhibit-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive-

P2556 – Engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-

P2557 – Engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-

P2558 – Engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-

P2559 – Engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, engine coolant ‘low’ sensor/switch-

P255A – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P255B – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P255C – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P255D – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P255E – Power take-off (PTO) speed selector sensor/switch 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, PTO speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P255F – AC request A-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, AC control module, ECM-

P2560 – Engine coolant level low- Engine coolant level low-

P2561 – AC control module-(Posible Cause)-MIL activation requested- AC control module trouble codes stored-

P2562 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor-

P2563 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor-

P2564 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, TC boost control position sensor-

P2565 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, TC boost control position sensor-

P2566 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, TC boost control position sensor-

P2567 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-

P2568 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-

P2569 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-

P256A – Engine idle speed selector sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, engine idle speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P256B – Engine idle speed selector sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, engine idle speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P256C – Engine idle speed selector sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, engine idle speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P256D – Engine idle speed selector sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, engine idle speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P256E – Engine idle speed selector sensor/switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, engine idle speed selector sensor/switch, ECM-

P256F – AC request B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, AC control module, ECM-

P2570 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-

P2571 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter temperature sensor-

P2572 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor- Wiring, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor-

P2573 – “Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor- range/performance problem”- Wiring, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor-

P2574 – “Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor- circuit low”- Wiring short to earth, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor-

P2575 – “Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor- circuit high”- Wiring short to positive, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor-

P2576 – “Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor- circuit intermittent/erratic”- Wiring, poor connection, direct ozone reduction catalytic converter deterioration sensor-

P2577 – Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter-(Posible Cause)-efficiency below threshold- Direct ozone reduction catalytic converter-

P2578 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2579 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P257A – Vacuum reservoir control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit

P257B – Vacuum reservoir control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low

P257C – Vacuum reservoir control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high

P257D – Bonnet switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, bonnet switch, ECM-

P257E – Bonnet switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, bonnet switch, ECM-

P257F – Bonnet switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, bonnet switch, ECM-

P2580 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2581 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2582 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2583 – Cruise control distance range sensor, front centre-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

P2584 – Fuel additive control module-(Posible Cause)-MIL activation requested

P2585 – Fuel additive control module-(Posible Cause)-MIL activation requested

P2586 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2587 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2588 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2589 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P258A – Vacuum pump-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, vacuum pump, ECM-

P258B – Vacuum pump control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, vacuum pump, ECM-

P258C – Vacuum pump control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, vacuum pump, ECM-

P258D – Vacuum pump-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, vacuum pump, ECM-

P258E – Power take-off (PTO) enable switch-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, PTO enable switch, ECM-

P258F – Torque management request-(Posible Cause)-output signal malfunction- Wiring, TCM, ECM-

P2590 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2591 – Cruise control distance range sensor, front left-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

P2592 – Cruise control distance range sensor, front right-(Posible Cause)-malfunction

P2593 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2594 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2595 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2596 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2597 – Turbocharger (TC) speed sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, TC speed sensor, ECM-

P2598 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor A, performance problem-(Posible Cause)-signal low- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2599 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control position sensor A, performance problem-(Posible Cause)-signal high- Wiring, TC boost control position sensor, ECM-

P2618 – Crankshaft position (CKP), output signal-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ECM-

P2619 – Crankshaft position (CKP), output signal-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ECM-

P261A – Engine coolant pump motor B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, engine coolant pump motor, ECM-

P261B – Engine coolant pump motor B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, engine coolant pump motor, ECM-

P261C – Engine coolant pump motor B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, engine coolant pump motor, ECM-

P261D – Engine coolant pump motor B-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, engine coolant pump motor, ECM-

P2620 – Throttle position (TP), output signal-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, ECM-

P2621 – Throttle position (TP), output signal-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ECM-

P2622 – Throttle position (TP), output signal-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ECM-

P2623 – Injector control pressure regulator-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, injector control pressure regulator-

P2624 – Injector control pressure regulator-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, injector control pressure regulator-

P2625 – Injector control pressure regulator-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, injector control pressure regulator-

P2626 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim – open circuit”- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2626 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, O2S, ECM-

P2627 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim – circuit low”- Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM-

P2627 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM-

P2628 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim – circuit high”- Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM-

P2628 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM-

P2629 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim- open circuit”- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2629 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, O2S, ECM-

P2630 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim- circuit low”- Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM-

P2630 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM-

P2631 – “Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim- circuit high”- Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM-

P2631 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2, pumping current trim-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM-

P2632 – Fuel pump (FP) B, control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, FP relay, ECM-

P2633 – Fuel pump (FP) B, control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, FP relay, ECM-

P2634 – Fuel pump (FP) B, control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, FP relay, ECM-

P2635 – Fuel pump (FP) A-(Posible Cause)-low flow/performance problem- Fuel filter blocked, fuel pump (FP)-

P2636 – Fuel pump (FP) B-(Posible Cause)-low flow/performance problem- Fuel filter blocked, fuel pump (FP)-

P2637 – Torque management, feedback signal A-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2638 – Torque management, feedback signal A-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2639 – Torque management, feedback signal A-(Posible Cause)-signal low- Wiring short to earth, ECM, TCM-

P2640 – Torque management, feedback signal A-(Posible Cause)-signal high- Wiring short to positive, ECM, TCM-

P2641 – Torque management, feedback signal B-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2642 – Torque management, feedback signal B-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, ECM, TCM-

P2643 – Torque management, feedback signal B-(Posible Cause)-signal low- Wiring short to earth, ECM, TCM-

P2644 – Torque management, feedback signal B-(Posible Cause)-signal high- Wiring short to positive, ECM, TCM-

P2645 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, rocker arm actuator-

P2646 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or actuator stuck off- Wiring, rocker arm actuator-

P2647 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck on- Rocker arm actuator-

P2648 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, rocker arm actuator-

P2649 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, rocker arm actuator-

P264A – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P264B – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P264C – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P264D – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P264E – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P2650 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, rocker arm actuator-

P2651 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or actuator stuck off- Rocker arm actuator-

P2652 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck on- Rocker arm actuator-

P2653 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, rocker arm actuator-

P2654 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, rocker arm actuator-

P2655 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, rocker arm actuator-

P2656 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or actuator stuck off- Rocker arm actuator-

P2657 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck on- Rocker arm actuator-

P2658 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, rocker arm actuator-

P2659 – Rocker arm actuator A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, rocker arm actuator-

P265A – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P265B – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P265C – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P265D – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P265E – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P2660 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, rocker arm actuator-

P2661 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or actuator stuck off- Rocker arm actuator-

P2662 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-actuator stuck on- Rocker arm actuator-

P2663 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, rocker arm actuator-

P2664 – Rocker arm actuator B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, rocker arm actuator-

P2665 – Fuel shut-off solenoid B-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, fuel shut-off solenoid-

P2666 – Fuel shut-off solenoid B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, fuel shut-off solenoid-

P2667 – Fuel shut-off solenoid B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, fuel shut-off solenoid-

P2668 – Fuel mode indicator lamp-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, fuel mode indicator lamp-

P2669 – Actuator supply voltage B-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, ECM-

P266A – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P266B – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P266C – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P266D – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P266E – Rocker arm actuator position sensor A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P2670 – Actuator supply voltage B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, ECM-

P2671 – Actuator supply voltage B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, ECM-

P2672 – Injection pump timing offset-(Posible Cause)-Offset malfunction

P2673 – Injection pump timing calibration-(Posible Cause)-calibration not learned

P2674 – Injection pump fuel calibration-(Posible Cause)-calibration not learned

P2675 – Air filter inlet control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-

P2676 – Air filter inlet control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-

P2677 – Air filter inlet control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-

P2678 – Engine coolant expansion tank valve control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-

P2679 – Engine coolant expansion tank valve control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-

P267A – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P267B – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P267C – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P267D – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P267E – Rocker arm actuator position sensor B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, rocker arm actuator position sensor, ECM-

P2680 – Engine coolant expansion tank valve control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-

P2681 – Engine coolant bypass valve control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-

P2682 – Engine coolant bypass valve control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-

P2683 – Engine coolant bypass valve control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-

P2684 – Actuator supply voltage C-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-

P2685 – Actuator supply voltage C-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-

P2686 – Actuator supply voltage C-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-

P2687 – Fuel heater-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, fuel heater, ECM-

P2688 – Fuel heater-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, fuel heater, ECM-

P2689 – Fuel heater-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, fuel heater, ECM-

P268A – Injector-(Posible Cause)-calibration not learned/programmed- Calibration not learned-

P268B – Fuel high pressure pump-(Posible Cause)-calibration not learned/programmed- Calibration not learned-

P268C – Injector 1-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P268D – Injector 2-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P268E – Injector 3-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P268F – Injector 4-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2690 – Injector 5-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2691 – Injector 6-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2692 – Injector 7-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2693 – Injector 8-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2694 – Injector 9-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2695 – Injector 10-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2696 – Injector-(Posible Cause)-data incompatible- Wiring, injector, ECM-

P2697 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P2698 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P2699 – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P269A – Exhaust after treatment fuel injector A-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, exhaust after treatment fuel injector, ECM-

P269B – Exhaust after treatment glow plug control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, glow plug control, ECM-

P269C – Exhaust after treatment glow plug control-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, glow plug control, ECM-

P269D – Exhaust after treatment glow plug control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, glow plug control, ECM-

P269E – Exhaust after treatment glow plug control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, glow plug control, ECM-

P269F – Exhaust after treatment glow plug-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, glow plug, ECM-

P26A0 – Exhaust after treatment glow plug-(Posible Cause)-performance problem- Wiring, glow plug, ECM-

P26A1 – Exhaust after treatment glow plug-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, glow plug, ECM-

P26A2 – Exhaust after treatment glow plug-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, glow plug, ECM-

P2700 – Transmission friction element A, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2701 – Transmission friction element B, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2702 – Transmission friction element C, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2703 – Transmission friction element D, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2704 – Transmission friction element E, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2705 – Transmission friction element F, apply time-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2706 – Shift solenoid (SS) F-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2707 – Shift solenoid (SS) F-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or solenoid stuck off- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2708 – Shift solenoid (SS) F-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- Transmission mechanical fault, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2709 – Shift solenoid (SS) F-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2710 – Shift solenoid (SS) F-(Posible Cause)-intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, shift solenoid (SS)-

P2711 – Unexpected mechanical gear disengagement- Operator error, transmission mechanical fault-

P2712 – Hydraulic power unit leakage

P2713 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2714 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or solenoid stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2715 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2716 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid-

P2717 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2718 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2719 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2720 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2721 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid D-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2722 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2723 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or solenoid stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2724 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2725 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid-

P2726 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2727 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2728 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2729 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2730 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid E-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2731 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2732 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or solenoid stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2733 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault-

P2734 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid-

P2735 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2736 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid F-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, TFP solenoid, TCM-

P2762 – Torque converter clutch (TCC) pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, TCC pressure control solenoid-

P2763 – Torque converter clutch (TCC) pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, TCC pressure control solenoid-

P2764 – Torque converter clutch (TCC) pressure control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, TCC pressure control solenoid-

P2765 – Transmission input shaft speed sensor/turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, transmission input shaft speed sensor/TSS sensor-

P2766 – Transmission input shaft speed sensor/turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, transmission input shaft speed sensor/TSS sensor-

P2767 – Transmission input shaft speed sensor/turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-no signal- Wiring, transmission input shaft speed sensor/TSS sensor-

P2768 – Transmission input shaft speed sensor/turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent- Wiring, poor connection, transmission input shaft speed sensor/TSS sensor-

P2769 – Torque converter clutch (TCC)-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, TCC-

P2770 – Torque converter clutch (TCC)-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, TCC-

P2771 – Four wheel drive, low gear ratio switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction- Wiring, low gear ratio switch-

P2772 – Four wheel drive, low gear ratio switch-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, low gear ratio switch-

P2773 – Four wheel drive, low gear ratio switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, low gear ratio switch-

P2774 – Four wheel drive, low gear ratio switch-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, low gear ratio switch-

P2775 – Transmission gear selection switch, upshift-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, transmission gear selection switch-

P2776 – Transmission gear selection switch, upshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, transmission gear selection switch-

P2777 – Transmission gear selection switch, upshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, transmission gear selection switch-

P2778 – Transmission gear selection switch, upshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, transmission gear selection switch-

P2779 – Transmission gear selection switch, downshift-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem- Wiring, transmission gear selection switch-

P2780 – Transmission gear selection switch, downshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring short to earth, transmission gear selection switch-

P2781 – Transmission gear selection switch, downshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring short to positive, transmission gear selection switch-

P2782 – Transmission gear selection switch, downshift-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic- Wiring, poor connection, transmission gear selection switch-

P2783 – Torque converter-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high- Transmission fluid level low, transmission mechanical fault, TCC slipping-

P2784 – Transmission input shaft speed sensor/turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor A/B-(Posible Cause)-correlation- Wiring, transmission input shaft speed sensor/TSS sensor-

P2785 – Clutch actuator-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high

P2786 – Gear shift actuator-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high

P2787 – Clutch-(Posible Cause)-temperature too high- Clutch slipping-

P2788 – Auto shift manual (ASM) transmission, adaptive learning-(Posible Cause)-at limit

P2812 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid G-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2813 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid G-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2814 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid G-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2815 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid G-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2816 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H

P2817 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-performance or stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P2818 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P2819 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281A – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-intermittent- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281B – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281C – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281D – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281E – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid H-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P281F – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-malfunction- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2820 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-performance or stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P2821 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P2822 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2823 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-intermittent- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2824 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2825 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2826 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2827 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid J-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2828 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K

P2829 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-performance or stuck off- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P282A – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-solenoid stuck on- Wiring, TFP solenoid, transmission mechanical fault, ECM-

P282B – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-electrical- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P282C – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-intermittent- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P282D – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P282E – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-control circuit range/performance- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P282F – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2830 – Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid K-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high- Wiring, TFP solenoid, ECM-

P2831 – Transmission shift fork A position-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P2832 – Transmission shift fork A position-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P2833 – Transmission shift fork A position-(Posible Cause)-signal low

P2834 – Transmission shift fork A position-(Posible Cause)-signal high

P2835 – Transmission shift fork A position-(Posible Cause)-intermittent signal

P2836 – Transmission shift fork B position-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P2837 – Transmission shift fork B position-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P2838 – Transmission shift fork B position-(Posible Cause)-signal low

P2839 – Transmission shift fork B position-(Posible Cause)-signal high

P283A – Transmission shift fork B position-(Posible Cause)-intermittent signal

P283B – Transmission shift fork C position-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P283C – Transmission shift fork C position-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P283D – Transmission shift fork C position-(Posible Cause)-signal low

P283E – Transmission shift fork C position-(Posible Cause)-signal high

P283F – Transmission shift fork C position-(Posible Cause)-intermittent signal

P2840 – Transmission shift fork D position-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction

P2841 – Transmission shift fork D position-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance

P2842 – Transmission shift fork D position-(Posible Cause)-signal low

P2843 – Transmission shift fork D position-(Posible Cause)-signal high

P2844 – Transmission shift fork D position-(Posible Cause)-intermittent signal

P2845 – Transmission shift fork A position sensor-(Posible Cause)-incorrect neutral position indicated

P2846 – Transmission shift fork B position sensor-(Posible Cause)-incorrect neutral position indicated

P2847 – Transmission shift fork C position sensor-(Posible Cause)-incorrect neutral position indicated

P2848 – Transmission shift fork D position sensor-(Posible Cause)-incorrect neutral position indicated

P2849 – Transmission shift fork A-(Posible Cause)-shift fork stuck

P284A – Transmission shift fork B-(Posible Cause)-shift fork stuck

P284B – Transmission shift fork C-(Posible Cause)-shift fork stuck

P284C – Transmission shift fork D-(Posible Cause)-shift fork stuck

P284D – Transmission shift fork A-(Posible Cause)-unrequested movement

P284E – Transmission shift fork B-(Posible Cause)-unrequested movement

P284F – Transmission shift fork C-(Posible Cause)-unrequested movement

P2850 – Transmission shift fork D-(Posible Cause)-unrequested movement

P2851 – Transmission shift fork position sensor-(Posible Cause)-A/B correlation

P2852 – Transmission shift fork position sensor-(Posible Cause)-C/D correlation

P2853 – Clutch A-(Posible Cause)-pressure discharge performance

P2854 – Clutch B-(Posible Cause)-pressure discharge performance

P2855 – Clutch A-(Posible Cause)-pressure charge performance

P2856 – Clutch B-(Posible Cause)-pressure charge performance

P2857 – Clutch A-(Posible Cause)-pressure engagement performance

P2858 – Clutch B-(Posible Cause)-pressure engagement performance

P2859 – Clutch A-(Posible Cause)-pressure disengagement performance

P285A – Clutch B-(Posible Cause)-pressure disengagement performance

P285B – Transmission shift fork actuator A-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P285C – Transmission shift fork actuator A-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P285D – Transmission shift fork actuator A-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P285E – Transmission shift fork actuator A-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P285F – Transmission shift fork actuator B-(Posible Cause)-open circuit- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P2860 – Transmission shift fork actuator B-(Posible Cause)-circuit performance- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P2861 – Transmission shift fork actuator B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P2862 – Transmission shift fork actuator B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high- Wiring, transmission shift fork actuator-

P2A00 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A01 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A02 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A03 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A04 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A05 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A06 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A07 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A08 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A09 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A10 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2A11 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit negative voltage- Wiring, HO2S, ECM-

P2BA7 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-reductant tank empty- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P2BA8 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-interruption of reductant metering- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P2BA9 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-insufficient reductant quality- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P2BAA – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-low reductant consumption- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P2BAB – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-incorrect EGR flow- Wiring, NOx sensor, EGR valve/EGR valve actuator, ECM-

P2BAC – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-EGR deactivated- Wiring, NOx sensor, EGR valve/EGR valve actuator, ECM-

P2BAD – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-cause unknown

P2BAE – Nitrogen oxides (NOx), limit exceeded-(Posible Cause)-NOx control monitoring- Wiring, NOx sensor, ECM-

P0018 – Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 2 sensor A-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P0019 – Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 2 sensor B-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P001A – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P001B – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, ECM

P001C – Intake camshaft profile control A-(Posible Cause)-bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P001D – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P001E – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P001F – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, ECM

P0020 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, intake/left/front, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, CMP actuator, ECM

P0021 – Camshaft position (CMP), intake/left/front, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-timing over-advanced/system performance-Valve timing, engine mechanical fault, CMP actuator

P0022 – Camshaft position (CMP), intake/left/front, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-timing over-retarded-Valve timing, engine mechanical fault, CMP actuator

P0023 – Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, exhaust/right/rear, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, CMP actuator, ECM

P0024 – Camshaft position (CMP), exhaust/right/rear, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-timing over-advanced/system performance-Valve timing, engine mechanical fault, CMP actuator

P0025 – Camshaft position (CMP), exhaust/right/rear, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-timing over-retarded-Valve timing, engine mechanical fault, CMP actuator

P0026 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Wiring, intake valve control solenoid

P0027 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Wiring, exhaust valve control solenoid

P0028 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Wiring, intake valve control solenoid

P0029 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Wiring, exhaust valve control solenoid

P002A – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, ECM

P002B – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, ECM

P002C – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P002D – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P002E – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P002F – Exhaust camshaft profile control B, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P0030 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0031 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0032 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0033 – Turbocharger (TC) bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TC wastegate regulating valve, ECM

P0034 – Turbocharger (TC) bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, TC wastegate regulating valve, ECM

P0035 – Turbocharger (TC) bypass valve-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, TC wastegate regulating valve, ECM

P0036 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0037 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0038 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0039 – Turbocharger (TC) bypass valve/supercharger (SC) bypass valve, control-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Wiring, bypass valve

P003A – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control A-(Posible Cause)-learning limit exceeded-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P003B – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-learning limit exceeded-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P003C – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-performance or stuck off-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P003D – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-stuck on-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P003E – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or stuck off-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P003F – Intake camshaft profile control A, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-stuck on-Wiring, mechanical fault, ECM

P0040 – Oxygen sensor signals swapped, bank 1 sensor 1/bank 2 sensor 1-Wiring

P0041 – Oxygen sensor signals swapped, bank 1 sensor 2/bank 2 sensor 2-Wiring

P0042 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0043 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0044 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0045 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control solenoid/supercharger (SC) boost control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid

P0046 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control solenoid/supercharger (SC) boost control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, mechanical fault

P0047 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control solenoid/supercharger (SC) boost control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, TC/SC boost control solenoid

P0048 – Turbocharger (TC) boost control solenoid/supercharger (SC) boost control solenoid-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, TC/SC boost control solenoid

P0049 – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) turbine-(Posible Cause)-over-speed-Mechanical fault

P004A – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P004B – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P004C – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P004D – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P004E – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control A-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P004F – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P0050 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P006D – Barometric pressure (BARO)/turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, BARO sensor, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, mechanical fault, ECM

P006E – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control A-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage low-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P006F – Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure control A-(Posible Cause)-supply voltage high-Wiring, TC/SC boost control solenoid, TC/SC boost pressure actuator, ECM

P0070 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P0071 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Outside air temperature sensor

P0072 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P0073 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P0074 – Outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P0075 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0076 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0077 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0078 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P0079 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P007A – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P007B – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P007C – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P007D – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P007E – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P007F – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 1/2-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P0080 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P0081 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0082 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0083 – Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, intake valve control solenoid, ECM

P0084 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P0085 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P0086 – Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, exhaust valve control solenoid, ECM

P0087 – Fuel rail/system pressure too low-Fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, fuel supply pipe blockage, mechanical fault

P0088 – Fuel rail/system pressure too high-Fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, fuel return pipe blockage, mechanical fault

P0089 – Fuel pressure regulator 1-(Posible Cause)-performance problem-Fuel pressure regulator, mechanical fault

P008A – Low pressure fuel system-(Posible Cause)-pressure too low-Wiring, fuel pump (FP), restricted fuel supply, fuel pressure control valve

P008B – Low pressure fuel system-(Posible Cause)-pressure too high-Fuel pressure relief valve

P008C – Fuel cooling pump motor control-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, fuel cooling pump motor, ECM

P008D – Fuel cooling pump motor-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, fuel cooling pump motor, ECM

P008E – Fuel cooling pump motor-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high-Wiring, fuel cooling pump motor, ECM

P008F – Engine coolant temperature (ECT)/fuel temperature-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, ECT sensor, fuel temperature sensor, ECM

P0090 – Fuel pressure regulator 1-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring open circuit, fuel metering solenoid, ECM

P0091 – Fuel pressure regulator 1-(Posible Cause)-short to earth-Wiring short to earth, fuel metering solenoid, ECM

P0092 – Fuel pressure regulator 1-(Posible Cause)-short to positive-Wiring short to positive, fuel metering solenoid, ECM

P0093 – Fuel system leak-(Posible Cause)-large leak detected-Wiring, fuel pressure sensor, mechanical fault

P0094 – Fuel system leak-(Posible Cause)-small leak detected-Wiring, fuel pressure sensor, mechanical fault

P0095 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, poor connection, IAT sensor, ECM

P0096 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, poor connection, IAT sensor, ECM

P0097 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low input-Wiring short to earth, IAT sensor, ECM

P0098 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high input-Wiring short to positive, IAT sensor, ECM

P0099 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, poor connection, IAT sensor, ECM

P009A – Intake air temperature (IAT)/outside air temperature-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, IAT sensor, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P009B – Fuel pressure relief system-(Posible Cause)-control circuit open-Wiring, fuel pressure relief valve, ECM

P009C – Fuel pressure relief system-(Posible Cause)-control circuit low-Wiring, fuel pressure relief valve, ECM

P009D – Fuel pressure relief system-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high-Wiring, fuel pressure regulator control solenoid, ECM

P009E – Fuel pressure relief system-(Posible Cause)-performance problem or stuck off-Wiring, fuel pressure relief valve, mechanical fault, ECM

P009F – Fuel pressure relief system-(Posible Cause)-valve stuck-Wiring, fuel pressure relief valve, ECM

P00A0 – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P00A1 – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P00A2 – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P00A3 – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P00A4 – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic, bank 2-Wiring, TC intercooler temperature sensor, ECM

P00A5 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00A6 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00A7 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00A8 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00A9 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00AA – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P00CC – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, fuel quantity adjuster, ECM

P00CD – Fuel quantity adjuster-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, fuel quantity adjuster, ECM

P00CE – Intake air temperature (IAT) measurement system-(Posible Cause)-multiple sensor correlation-Wiring, IAT sensor(s), ECM

P00CF – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor/turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, BARO sensor, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P00D0 – Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor/turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, BARO sensor, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P0100 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, MAF/VAF sensor, ECM

P0101 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Intake leak/blockage, MAF/VAF sensor

P0102 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, MAF/VAF sensor, ECM

P0103 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, MAF/VAF sensor, ECM

P0104 – Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, MAF/VAF sensor, ECM

P0105 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, MAP sensor, BARO sensor, ECM

P0106 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Intake/exhaust leak, wiring, MAP sensor, BARO sensor

P0107 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, MAP sensor, BARO sensor, ECM

P0108 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, MAP sensor, BARO sensor, ECM

P0109 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, MAP sensor, BARO sensor, ECM

P010A – MAF sensor or VAF sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P010B – Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control module B-(Posible Cause)-communication malfunction-Wiring, EGR control module, ECM

P010B – MAF sensor or VAF sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit range/performance-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P010C – MAF sensor or VAF sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P010D – MAF sensor or VAF sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P010E – MAF sensor or VAF sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent/erratic-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P010F – MAF sensor or VAF sensor A/B-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, MAF sensor, VAF sensor, ECM

P0110 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, IAT sensor, ECM

P0111 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-IAT sensor

P0112 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, IAT sensor, ECM

P0113 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring open circuit/short to positive, earth wire defective, IAT sensor, ECM

P0114 – Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, IAT sensor, ECM

P0115 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, ECT sensor, ECM

P0116 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Coolant thermostat, poor connection, wiring, ECT sensor

P0117 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-low input-Coolant thermostat, wiring short to earth, ECT sensor

P0118 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-high input-Coolant thermostat, wiring open circuit/short to positive, earth wire defective, ECT sensor

P0119 – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, ECT sensor, ECM

P011A – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 1/2-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, ECT sensor, ECM

P011B – “Engine coolant temperature (ECT)/intake air temperature (IAT)- correlation”-Wiring, ECT sensor, IAT sensor, ECM

P011C – Charge air temperature/intake air temperature (IAT), bank 1-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, IAT sensor, TC/SC boost air temperature sensor, ECM

P011D – Charge air temperature/intake air temperature (IAT), bank 2-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, IAT sensor, TC/SC boost air temperature sensor, ECM

P011E – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 1/outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, ECT sensor, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P011F – Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 2/outside air temperature sensor-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, ECT sensor, outside air temperature sensor, ECM

P0120 – Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0120 – Throttle position (TP) switch A/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0121 – Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP/APP sensor

P0121 – Throttle position (TP) switch A/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch A-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP switch, APP switch

P0122 – Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0122 – Throttle position (TP) switch A/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch A-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0123 – Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0123 – Throttle position (TP) switch A/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch A-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0124 – Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0124 – Throttle position (TP) switch A/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch A-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0125 – Insufficient coolant temperature for closed loop fuel control-Wiring, engine cooling system, coolant thermostat, ECT sensor

P0126 – Insufficient coolant temperature for stable operation-Wiring, engine cooling system, coolant thermostat, ECT sensor

P0127 – Intake air temperature too high-Wiring short to earth, IAT sensor 2, mechanical fault, ECM

P0128 – Coolant thermostat-(Posible Cause)-coolant temperature below thermostat regulating temperature-Mechanical fault

P0129 – Barometric pressure too low-Wiring, BARO sensor, mechanical fault

P012A – “Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure sensor- circuit malfunction”-Wiring, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, ECM

P012B – “Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure sensor- circuit range/performance”-Wiring, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, ECM

P012C – “Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure sensor- circuit low”-Wiring, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, ECM

P012D – “Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure sensor- circuit high”-Wiring, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, ECM

P012E – “Turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) intake pressure sensor- circuit intermittent/erratic”-Wiring, TC/SC intake pressure sensor, ECM

P0130 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Heating inoperative, poor connection, wiring, HO2S

P0130 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0131 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0131 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM

P0132 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0132 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM

P0133 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S

P0133 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Wiring, O2S

P0134 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring open circuit, heating inoperative, HO2S

P0134 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, O2S

P0135 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Fuse, wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0136 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0136 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0137 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0137 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM

P0138 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0138 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM

P0139 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S

P0139 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Wiring, O2S

P013A – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P013B – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P013C – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P013D – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P013E – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-delayed response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P013F – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-delayed response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0140 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, heating inoperative, HO2S, ECM

P0140 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0141 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0142 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0143 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0143 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM

P0144 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0144 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM

P0145 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S

P0145 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Wiring, O2S

P0146 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0146 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 3, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0147 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0148 – Fuel delivery error-Fuel pump/fuel injection pump

P0149 – Fuel timing error-Fuel pump/fuel injection pump

P014A – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-delayed response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P014B – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-delayed response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P014C – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S

P014D – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-slow response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S

P014E – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S

P014F – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S

P0150 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0150 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0151 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P015A – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-delayed response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S

P015B – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1-(Posible Cause)-delayed response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S

P015C – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-delayed response rich to lean-Wiring, HO2S

P015D – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-delayed response lean to rich-Wiring, HO2S

P015D – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM

P0152 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0152 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM

P0153 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S

P0153 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Wiring, O2S

P0154 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0154 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 1, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0155 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0156 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0156 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0157 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, HO2S, ECM

P0157 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-low voltage-Exhaust leak, wiring short to earth, O2S, ECM

P0158 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, HO2S, ECM

P0158 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-high voltage-Wiring short to positive, O2S, ECM

P0159 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Heating inoperative, wiring, HO2S

P0159 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-slow response-Wiring, O2S

P0160 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0160 – Oxygen sensor (O2S) 2, bank 2-(Posible Cause)-no activity detected-Wiring, O2S, ECM

P0161 – Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, heater control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, HO2S, ECM

P0216 – Fuel injection timing control-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, fuel injection timing control solenoid, ECM

P0217 – Engine over temperature condition-Wiring, engine cooling system, coolant thermostat, ECT sensor

P0218 – Transmission over temperature condition-Wiring, TFT sensor, ECM

P0219 – Engine over speed condition-Incorrect gear change

P021A – Injection timing, cylinder 7-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P021B – Injection timing, cylinder 8-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P021C – Injection timing, cylinder 9-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P021D – Injection timing, cylinder 10-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P021E – Injection timing, cylinder 11-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P021F – Injection timing, cylinder 12-CKP sensor, CMP sensor, mechanical fault

P0220 – Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0220 – Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch B-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0221 – Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP/APP sensor

P0221 – Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch B-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP switch, APP switch

P0222 – Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0222 – Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch B-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0223 – Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0223 – Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch B-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0224 – Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0224 – Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch B-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0225 – Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0225 – Throttle position (TP) switch C/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch C-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0226 – Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP/APP sensor

P0226 – Throttle position (TP) switch C/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch C-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Accelerator cable adjustment, TP switch, APP switch

P0227 – Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0227 – Throttle position (TP) switch C/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch C-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0228 – Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0228 – Throttle position (TP) switch C/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch C-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P0229 – Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP/APP sensor, ECM

P0229 – Throttle position (TP) switch C/accelerator pedal position (APP) switch C-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, TP switch, APP switch, ECM

P022A – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator A-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P022B – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator control A-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P022C – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator A-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P022D – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator control B-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P022E – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P022F – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler bypass actuator control B-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring, TC intercooler bypass actuator, ECM

P0230 – Fuel pump relay-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, fuel pump relay, ECM

P0231 – Fuel pump relay-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring short to earth, fuel pump relay, ECM

P0232 – Fuel pump relay-(Posible Cause)-circuit high-Wiring short to positive, fuel pump relay, ECM

P0233 – Fuel pump relay-(Posible Cause)-circuit intermittent-Wiring, poor connection, fuel pump relay, ECM

P0234 – Turbocharger (TC), engine boost condition-(Posible Cause)-limit exceeded-Hose connection(s), wiring, TC wastegate regulating valve, TC wastegate

P0234 – Supercharger (SC), engine boost condition-(Posible Cause)-limit exceeded-Wiring, SC bypass valve/motor, SC

P0235 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, MAP sensor

P0235 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor A/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TC/SC boost pressure sensor

P0236 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Intake/exhaust leak, hose connection(s), MAP sensor

P0236 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor A/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-range/performance problem-Intake/exhaust leak, hose connection(s), TC/SC boost pressure sensor

P0237 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, MAP sensor, ECM

P0237 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-low input-Wiring short to earth, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P0238 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, MAP sensor, ECM

P0238 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor A/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-high input-Wiring short to positive, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P0239 – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor B, TC system-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, MAP sensor, ECM

P0239 – Turbocharger (TC) boost pressure sensor B/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor-(Posible Cause)-circuit malfunction-Wiring, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P023A – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler coolant pump-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, TC intercooler coolant pump, ECM

P023B – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler coolant pump-(Posible Cause)-circuit low-Wiring, TC intercooler coolant pump, ECM

P023C – Turbocharger (TC) intercooler coolant pump-(Posible Cause)-control circuit high-Wiring, TC intercooler coolant pump, ECM

P023D – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor A-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, MAP sensor, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P023E – Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/turbocharger (TC)/supercharger (SC) boost pressure sensor B-(Posible Cause)-correlation-Wiring, MAP sensor, TC/SC boost pressure sensor, ECM

P023F – Fuel pump (FP), secondary-(Posible Cause)-open circuit-Wiring, fuel pump (FP), fuel pump relay, ECM


Сообщения: 132
Зарегистрирован: 01.03.2014 14:01
Авто: XC90 2004 г. 163 л.с дизель.
GSM: 916653245
Имя: Анатолий
Откуда: Железнодорожный


Мужчины, ошибка ECM-261A. Долговременная адаптация состава топливовоздушной смеси, блок 1-Верхний предел.
У кого было? Лямбда, подсос воздуха перед каталитическим нейтрализатором?

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

у меня ща такое. писал на форум и не дождался ответа. так мб ты уже решил эту проблему? если да, то поделись уж))

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander, Читай

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1 писал(а):kapikander, Читай

благодарю, только у меня B5254T2.
Долгосрочная регулировка подачи топлива
Нижний предел

и вот такая ещё к меня
Долгосрочная регулировка подачи топлива
Нижний предел

видой смотрели производительность насоса — всё гуд. форсунки гуд. единственное, так это утечка в системе вентиляции бака (сказали, что не критично)
мб кто нить сталкивался именно с этим набором ошибок и решил вопрос?

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander писал(а):благодарю, только у меня B5254T2.

А для этого надо профиль правильно заполнить или в вопросе все данные авто писать .

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1 писал(а):

kapikander писал(а):благодарю, только у меня B5254T2.

А для этого надо профиль правильно заполнить или в вопросе все данные авто писать .

да как бы у меня написано S60 2.5T тут или B5254T2 или Т4)) Ок. ща дополню.

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander, Ёк-макарёк , это я на Shusha, глянул и бурчу на тебя , не обижайся :D
Во, теперь вообче как у меня :D :good: Почти как у меня :D

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1 писал(а):kapikander, Ёк-макарёк , это я на Shusha, глянул и бурчу на тебя , не обижайся :D
Во, теперь вообче как у меня :D :good: Почти как у меня :D

Был я у Владимира в Уручье который. Он ничего конкретного не сказал. Смотреть лямбду, смотреть утечку воздуха на впуске и почистить дроссель. Дроссель почищу, так как вентиляцию картера буду менять, проверить утечку хз как))) а вот лямбду.. какую? переднюю или заднюю?? пока купил заднюю, но не знаю, ставить или нет. Старую то мне выкрутят и она в утиль же.

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander, Нет всё таки нужен VIN . что бы смотреть ошибки :pardon:
Не торопись , :ok: давай с ошибкой разберёмся

Последний раз редактировалось aleks1 10.12.2014 15:06, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

И ещё что такое нижний предел и верхний, блок1 и блок2??

Добавлено спустя 38 секунд:
во)) YV1RS59V342350899

Добавлено спустя 8 минут 25 секунд:
а мб потиху умирает MAF?? так как ошибка выскакивает спонтанно и нерегулярно, но редко. и вроде после того, как психану и давану на педальку газа.

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

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Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander писал(а):ECM-261A

kapikander писал(а):ECM-262A

Нет таких ошибок в твоём модуле ЕСМ. Чем читали авто ? Откуда эта инфа?

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

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Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1 писал(а):

kapikander писал(а):ECM-261A

kapikander писал(а):ECM-262A

Нет таких ошибок в твоём модуле ЕСМ. Чем читали авто ?

Dice. Себе я купил елм327 и он высвечивает те же ошибки только под видом P2178 и P2188. А если их перебить на язык ECM то и получаем 261 и 262.

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander писал(а):P2178 и P2188.

Сейчас я эти гляну :crazy: Но не в твоём не в моём модулях ЕСМ нет таких ошибок 261А 262А

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 36 секунд:

kapikander писал(а):Себе я купил елм327 и он высвечивает те же ошибки только под видом P2178 и P2188

Блин сколько уже пишут все диагносты , не читайте VOLVO левыми сканерами , ну не корректно они читают протокол VOLVO.

kapikander писал(а): А если их перебить на язык ECM то и получаем 261 и 262.

Это да , но в твоём модуле нет таких ошибок , ты можешь понять . В других есть я выше показывал , а у нас с тобой НЕТ.

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

вот ссылка на пост http://clubvolvo.ru/showthread.php?t=66526. так вот у него что-то шипит.. так вот у меня тоже при «пришпоривании» что то свистить/шипит. вроде раньше такого не было) это слышно, когда выключена музыка и печка немного дует тока)

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 38 секунд:
елм я купил для того, чтобы сбрасывать пока ошибки, чтобы чек не мазолил глаза. и когда чек не горит, то обороты в норме и не подпрыгивают иногда на холостую или во время движения без нажатия на педаль газа.

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander писал(а): так вот у меня тоже при «пришпоривании» что то свистить/шипит.

Ну так раз слышно , то надо искать что шипит? Скорее всего патрубок или интеркуллер .

kapikander писал(а):елм я купил для того, чтобы сбрасывать пока ошибки,

Ошибки не сбрасывать надо а устранять. Плавающие можно сбросить , но у тебя не плавающая а уже постоянная. Я хотел помочь , но с международными протоколами не связываюсь, без обид. Прочитай DICE+VIDA , покажешь что там у тебя творится , будем дальше диалог вести .

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1 писал(а):

kapikander писал(а): так вот у меня тоже при «пришпоривании» что то свистить/шипит.

Ну так раз слышно , то надо искать что шипит? Скорее всего патрубок или интеркуллер .

kapikander писал(а):елм я купил для того, чтобы сбрасывать пока ошибки,

Ошибки не сбрасывать надо а устранять. Плавающие можно сбросить , но у тебя не плавающая а уже постоянная. Я хотел помочь , но с международными протоколами не связываюсь, без обид. Прочитай DICE+VIDA , покажешь что там у тебя творится , будем дальше диалог вести .

после того, как сбросил ошибку в последний раз прошло уже 2 недели. и машина едет нормально. мне пришлют мой лог с ошибками из VIDA, так что позже закину его сюда. А то, что устранять, так это понятно. Просто мазолит глаза, а ездить надо) Так то с авто всё в порядке. Едет нормально и турбина дует)

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

aleks1, подскажи плиз, как сюда картинки то заливать?)))

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

Нажимаешь ОТВЕТИТЬ, там жмём кнопку ДОБАВИТЬ ВЛОЖЕНИЯ, выбираем файл, жмём ДОБАВИТЬ ФАЙЛ , жмём ОТПРАВИТЬ :D Усё

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 64
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2014 13:45
Авто: volvo s60 2.5Т B5254T2 AW55-51SN
GSM: +375299409672
Имя: Николай
Откуда: Жодино. Минская область.


kapikander »

оценю состояние кузова автомобиля. проконсультирую по вопросам в области кузовного ремонта и применяемым материалам.

B5254T2 AW55-51SN 2004г.в

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 2984
Зарегистрирован: 08.09.2011 17:26
Авто: volvo S60T5 2001г
GSM: +77017589741
Имя: Александр
Откуда: Казахстан


aleks1 »

kapikander, Ну когда мне 29 было и я хорошо видел :D Но разглядел , там у тебя 4 ошибки по ЕСМ и есть ЕСМ-261А ЕСМ-262А ЕСМ-130А ЕСМ-4801

Последний раз редактировалось aleks1 11.12.2014 13:39, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

B5234T3 AW55-50SN V-2.3L 250лс
https://avto.pro/ — запчасти без посредников

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