Ошибка дозатор уникум

1.кофемолка — либо она забилась кофе (вроде Вы её чистили) либо сгорела, либо что-то с контактами. после чистки пробовали тестить, не крутит все равно?

2. микрик — на новой плате может уже стоит новая прошивка, там есть такая функция — инверсия дозатора, если у Вас старый апппарат, то у вас по старой схеме подключен микрик.

3. почистите еще блок дозатора, мож там забилось.

1. кофемолку почистил, но до этого она была рабочая, ну то есть до установки новой платы. аппарат стоял с неделю в нерабочем состоянии. ну так вот, чистка ничего не дала, всё равно не крутит а в тесте пишет ОК! то есть может ли она сгореть если в тесте -ОК??? да и работала ж она до того как плату снял… dont_know.gif

2. завтра гляну, а в каком примерно подменю искать? аппарат купил новым в августе этого года, работатет около месяца. проходимость слабая, около 20 стаканчиков/день. а какие различия у подключения «по-старой» и «по-новой» схемам? завтра закину фото, покажу как что подключено.

3. дозатор вроде чистым был когда сегодня его вместе с крышкой кофемолки снимал….

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Version 1.1 / December 2017


Related Manuals for Unicum NERO TOUCH

Summary of Contents for Unicum NERO TOUCH

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Document change log Version Date Brief description Pages 06.2017 Document creation 12.2017 Section 4.3.2 — added (Air fine tuning valve adjustment) Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 2…
  • Page 3
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT COMPLIANCE DATA The drinks vending machines models NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT are compliant with the requirements of the European Directives and Standards, listed in the following table: Directive / Standard Description 2004/108/ЕС…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL INfORMATION …………………..7 1.1 Introduction ……………………..7 1.2 Terms of use ……………………..8 1.3 Configuration options ……………………8 1.4 Manufacturer’s warranty ………………….8 1.5 Vending machine functionality ………………..9 2.0 TECHNICAL fEATURES …………………….10 3.0 SAfETY ……………………….11 3.1 Main provision ……………………..

  • Page 5
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT CONTENTS 8.0 DESCRIPTION USER MENU ………………….44 8.1 Home screen ……………………..44 8.1.1 Drink choice ……………………45 8.1.2 The process of making the drink ………………46 8.1.3 Coffee error ……………………46 9.0 DESCRIPTION SERVICE MENU — MENU TECHNICIAN …………..47 9.1 Menu technician …………………….47…
  • Page 6
  • Page 7: General Information

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 1.0 GENERAL INfORMATION 1.1 Introduction This user manual (hereinafter called the “Manual”) covers drinks vending machines models: NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT (hereinafter called the ‘‘Machine’’). The manual contains basic information about the Machine and its software. It includes the informa- tion,necessary for preparation for use, use and technical servicing of the Machine, as well as basic infor- mation about the Machine’s software.

  • Page 8: Terms Of Use

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 1.2 Terms of use This Manual is for a certain version of vending machine software, which is current at the time of printing of this Manual. All possible modifications, modernizations and/or adaptations, which are effected or will be executed in future for following sales, do not mandate the manufacturer to conduct similar modernization of software for the earlier sold Machines, as well as it does not mandate the manufacturer to amend the user docu- mentation, which is a part of the Machine’s package.

  • Page 9: Vending Machine Functionality

    (cappuccinatore). fRESH MILK option NERO TOUCH vending machines can be additionally (optionally) completed with the equipment, per- mitting the making of coffee beans based drinks with the addition of fresh milk made foam by using steam and air in the mixing device (cappuccinatore) in accordance with the vending machine settings.

  • Page 10: Technical Features

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 2.0 TECHNICAL fEATURES Table 1 Parameters NERO TOUCH NERO TOUCH INSTANT Dimensions (H х W х D), max. 840 х 385 х 495 mm Weight , max. 55 kg Number of drinks 10 elections Drink volume adjusted, max. 300 ml per portion Electrical supply ~230 V ±…

  • Page 11: Safety

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 3.0 SAfETY For safe operation of the vending machine comply with the requirements given in this manual. 3.1 Main provision • Before putting the vending machine in service always make sure that the operating instructions given in this manual were read and understood.

  • Page 12: Service Key

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 3.2 Service key When opening the vending machine door the special breaker automatically de-energizes the vending machine hardware and units. Any operations, carried out with the door open, should be performed by skilled technicians.

  • Page 13: Transportation, Installation, Commissioning

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 4.0 TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING 4.1 Transportation Since there’s always water in the vending machine water route, drain the water before the transporta- tion, long storage or replacing of the hydraulic system individual units. failure to follow these measures can lead to vending machine damages! Use an original package for the vending machine transporta- tion.

  • Page 14: Installation

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 4.2 Installation ATTENTION! A short circuit caused by water! Mortal danger! Vending machine damage. Never clean the vending machine by watering it from the hose. Note: • Make sure that power supply parameters coincide with characteristics, shown on the vending ma- chine nameplate, located on the rear side of the casing.

  • Page 15: Commissioning

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Installation conditions: Mains voltage • Admissible mains voltage: ~220 V ± 10% 50 Hz Vending machine unpacking Get the vending machine from the package, and remove all pack- aging. Because the vending machine should be transported only in the original package, it’s recommended to save the packaging.

  • Page 16
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 3. Before putting to use please remove the transportation bracket, which holds the coffee grinder unit, by loosening the not (see fig.4.3) Fig.4.3 4. To install the baffle plate, hang it on the bolt (see fig.4.4 pos.1), which is situated on the left inside wall of the vending machine’s body under the espresso group. Fig.4.4…
  • Page 17: Installation Fineness Of Grinding

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 4.3.1 Installation fineness of grinding The coffee beans are crushed using the coffee grinder, which is located underneath the coffee bean container. When you select a drink, which uses coffee beans, the beans fall into the coffee grinder, where they are ground using the built-in choppers, going further into the dosing apparatus, which is located in front of the coffee grinder.

  • Page 18
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT PLEASE NOTE THAT CHANGES IN LEVEL Of GRINDING AND TASTE ARE NOT NOTICED RIGHT AWAY. ONLY AfTER 3 CYCLES YOU CAN fEEL THE DIffERENCE (after changing the grinding parameters, discard two drinks and taste the third one to feel the differer.
  • Page 19: Air Fine Tuning Valve Adjustment

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 4.3.2 Air fine tuning valve adjustment Milk foam adjustment To adjust the milk foam on the vending machine do the following: Make sure that the milk container is installed in the refrigerator near the vending machine. Make sure that the milk is fresh and unspoiled.

  • Page 20
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT — Select a drink with the addition of fresh milk. As the drink is made, observe the milk flow from the cappuccinatore adapter. The flow should be uniform, without any «pulsations» or «jerks» (the foam should be poured into a cup in the form of a smooth stream without any splashes or inflating bubbles). Observe the cappuccinatore adapter — it’s manufactured of transparent plastic to facilitate its con- tamination level inspection and adjustment process. Fig.4.9 — At the cappuccinatore and the adapter joint there’s a gap (see fig. 4.9). The foam shouldn’t run out of the adapter during the operation.
  • Page 21
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Offsetting the range of adjustments on the air fine tuning valve This setting may be required for adjusting the air supply during the operation of vending machines with the FRESH MILK option if having trouble adjusting the acceptable quality of the milk foam because the milk from different manufacturers has a different composition.
  • Page 22
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 2. Unscrew the protective enclosure screw (fig. 4.13). Fig.4.13 3. Displace the enclosure and remove it from the valve body (fig. 4.14). Fig.4.14 4. Unscrew the gear sector fixing nut (fig. 4.15). Fig.4.15 Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 22…
  • Page 23
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Carry out the adjustment in accordance with the «Milk foam adjustment» section (see above). 6. After obtaining the required result set the geared sector as shown in fig. 4.16. Fig.4.16 ATTENTION! Don’t turn the knob after the adjustment. Set the geared sector with minimum off- set (by matching it with the slits).
  • Page 24: Connecting The Vending Machine To Water Supply Mains

    Before connecting the vending machine to the water supply mains: (old connection): • In accordance with the instruction to the Configurator program (see at the website: www. unicum.ru), go to the (Coffee) tab and in the (Water container) field select (Not installed). Create the configuration file and place it to the USB flash drive. In accordance with this man- ual “load” the file into the vending machine software. Without carrying out this item the rest items are meaningless (the settings will have no effect).

  • Page 25
    Before connecting the vending machine to the water supply mains: (new connection): • In accordance with the instruction to the Configurator program (see at the website: www. unicum.ru), go to the (Coffee) tab and in the (Water container) field select (Not installed). Create the configuration file and place it to the USB flash drive. In accordance with this man- ual “load” the file into the vending machine software. Without carrying out this item the rest items are meaningless (the settings will have no effect).
  • Page 26: The Vending Machine’s Components

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.0 THE VENDING MACHINE’S COMPONENTS 5.1 Appearance Fig.5.1 1. Coffee bean container (not-INSTANT) 2. Cup retainer 3. Vending machine handle 4. Door lock 5. Milk tube stopper (FRESH MILK) 6. Touch screen 7.

  • Page 27: Internal View (With Option Fresh Milk)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.2 Internal view (with option fRESH MILK) Fig.5.2 1. Coffee grinder and dosing mechanism 7. Container for solid (coffee) wastes 2. Milk foam intensity adjustment (FRESH MILK) 8. Container for liquid wastes 3.

  • Page 28: Internal View (Without Door Cover)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.3 Internal view (without door cover) Fig.5.3 1. Monoblock power supply 2. Monoblock (computer block) 3. Main Board 019-03 (controller) 4. Modem (option) Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 28…

  • Page 29: Back View

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.4 Back view Fig.5.4 1. Coffee bean container (not-INSTANT) 2. Switching unit (switch, fuse holders, power cord connector) 3. Water container connection (internal) 4. Ventilation 5. Water supply network connection (external) Version 1.1 / December 2017…

  • Page 30: Containers For Instants Ingredients And Coffee Beans

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.5 Containers for instants ingredients and coffee beans not-INSTANT Vending machine comes with three types containers for storing ingredients: • Coffee bean container (see fig.5.5а); • Containers for ingredients Chocolate and Milk (see fig.5.5b) • Container for ingredient Vanilla (see fig.5.5c) Fig.5.5c Fig.5.5b Fig.5.5а INSTANT: Vending machine comes with a single type of container for storing ingre- dients (see fig.5.6).

  • Page 31
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT filling the instant ingredients containers: • Open the vending machine’s door • Lift the top lid of the machine • Lift the lid of the required container • Fill the container ingredient, avoiding the formation of seals and lumps • Close the cap container…
  • Page 32: Waste Container

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT filling milk into the container (for vending machines with fRESH MILK option) • Install the cooling module next to the vending machine at the left side. Insert the milk supply tube into the cooling module side port.

  • Page 33: Flot Chamber, Boiler Pump, Boiler And Steam Boiler

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.8 flot chamber, boiler pump, boiler and steam boiler The water for the preparation of drinks is supplied by the following group of devices: boiler, which heats the water; boiler pump, which pumps the water into the hydraulic circuit; float chamber, which helps avoid air bubbles and blocks from entering the hydraulic system.

  • Page 34
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Boiler Electromagnetic The boiler is used to heat the water to a certain temper- ature as is set in the machine’s configurations. The boiler in the machine is placed in the rear section of the vending machine’s body (see fig.5.11). To access the boiler, remove the vending machine’s rear panel.
  • Page 35: Espresso Group

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.9 Espresso group (not-INSTANT) The espresso group is used to make coffee using ground beans (see fig.5.12). 1. Hot water inlet from the boiler 2. Ground coffee feed into the coffee maker 3. Reducer-motor of espresso group 4. Path for discharging coffee waste 5.

  • Page 36
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT The espresso group allows you to regulate the space in the chamber for intake of ground coffee from the dosing mechanism. In case of setting the dosing mechanism into positions 5 or 6 it is necessary to increase the capacity of the chamber by setting the stopper ring in position B (see fig.5.14).
  • Page 37
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Espresso group brewing camera with motor volume increase (option) This setting is carried out in the special Configurator program (see the instruction at the web-site: www.unicum.ru) at the Coffee tab. 1. Select the value Vario-brewer (7..15) in the Adjustable coffee dose field.
  • Page 38: Mixers For Instant Ingredients

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5.10 Mixers for instant ingredients The instant drinks, which are made of instant ingredients, are prepared in the mixers (see fig.5.16). Vending machine (not-INSTANT) has two mixer. Vending machine (INSTANT) has three mixer. Each mixer is installed and connected in front of the container with the relevant ingredient. In the vend- ing machines, one mixer is used for two ingredient containers.

  • Page 39: Vending Machine Control And Monitoring Devices

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 6.0 VENDING MACHINE CONTROL AND MONITORING DEVICES The control system and control the machine consists of the following electronic components: • Power supply board. Performs automatic actuating device management functions, interrogates sen- sors and controls the beverage preparation process.

  • Page 40: Main Board (Controller)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 6.1 Main Board (controller) Fig.6.1 1. Operator’s menu access button (used as reserve button, for use when regular service button does not work 2. Technician’s menu access button (used as reserve button, for use when regular service button does not work 3.

  • Page 41: Quick Access Keypad

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 6.2 Quick access keypad USB PC USB MB operator technician flushing test Fig.6.2 The machine has a quick access keypad, which has 4 (four) buttons and two USB-connectors. This key- pad is installed on the inner side of the machine’s door (see fig.6.2 and 5.2 pos.10).

  • Page 42: Vending Machine’s Working Principle

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 7.0 VENDING MACHINE’S WORKING PRINCIPLE ~220В Water Milk cooling module Vending machine Stand NERO TO GO ~220В (cooler) NERO (payment module) Option Option Milk Milk cooling module (cooler) • Cooling system: cools stored milk • Milk container: milk storage…

  • Page 43: Preparation Of Drinks

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 7.2 Preparation of drinks Instant drinks These drinks are prepared by continuously mixing the instant ingredient (powder) with hot water and then mixing various mixed ingredients in accordance with the drinks recipe, which is set using the vending machine’s service menu.

  • Page 44: Description User Menu

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 8.0 DESCRIPTION USER MENU 8.1 Home screen Each time the vending machine is switched on, it undergoes the all systems test (initialization). After the test completion the vending machine changes to the vending mode, showing the user menu on the screen (see fig. 8.1).

  • Page 45: Drink Choice

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 8.1.1 Drink choice Touch the icon with the desired drink on the initial screen (see fig. 8.1). The image will appear on the screen (see fig. 8.2). Fig.8.2 1. Start-up Confirmation of the selection. After touching the screen the vending machine will start the operation of making the selected drink. 2. Back to menu The return to the initial screen (see fig. 8.1). Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 45…

  • Page 46: The Process Of Making The Drink

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 8.1.2 The process of making the drink After the confirmation of the selection, the image will appear on the screen (see fig. 8.3). Fig.8.3 1. Percent Here the drink readiness (percentage wise) is shown. When the scale reaches 100% the drink is ready. 8.1.3 Coffee error When the giving out of coffee beans based drinks are blocked (coffee error, no beans, etc.) the image is…

  • Page 47: Description Service Menu — Menu Technician

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.0 DESCRIPTION SERVICE MENU — MENU TECHNICIAN The vending machine servicing is realized in the SERVICE MODE. To optimize the servicing the vend- ing machine is supplied with two types of the SERVICE MENU with different rights.

  • Page 48: System

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.1 System General Fig.9.1 — System (General) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Language Shows the language, to which the vending ma- Language selection chine automatically switches every time it returns to the initial screen. The customer can change the…

  • Page 49: Security

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Security Fig.9.2 — System (Security) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Technician password Enter / change the password technology. When 8 digits, 0 … 9 entering a password will be prompted when enter-…

  • Page 50: Franchising

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT franchising Fif.9.3 — System (Franchising) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Franchising expiration The date, after the expiry of which the vending machine stops operating until the renewal of a lease. The setting is actual only when the fran- chising code is input.

  • Page 51: Resets

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Resets Fig.9.4 — System (Resets) TOUCH BUTTON DESCRIPTION Reset Audit Reset temporary audit statistics Reset UI Reset specific settings for vending machine. At the current moment it is — de- fault language and list of available languages (setting System — UI) factory Defaults…

  • Page 52: Power

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Power Fig.9.5 — System (Power) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Power saving On / off power saving mode Disabled Enabled Start time Time when the Machine automatically switches to Enter the time power saving mode.

  • Page 53: Eva-Dts

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT EVA-DTS Fig.9.6 — System (EVA-DTS) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Swap machine IDs Permits swapping the fields (the vending machine Disabled number is replaced by the Main Board serial num- Enabled ber, and the Main Board serial number is replaced by the vending machine number).

  • Page 54: Modem

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Modem Fig.9.7 — System (Modem) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE State Enable — allows modem usage. When enabled, Disabled all resettable counters will be reset after the cash- Enabled box or stacker removing…

  • Page 55
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Server #1 IP address Enter IP address for server to which the Machine Enter IP address would connect. For the first manual connection to the server (via SMS) this parameter is set automatically by the server…
  • Page 56: Ethernet

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Ethernet Fig.9.8 — System (Ethernet) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Server IP address Here we set the Server’s IP address which is 4 numbers used to handle card data, saving balance infor- 0…255…

  • Page 57
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT UI Fig.9.9 — System (UI) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Language Shows the language, to which the vending ma- Language selection chine automatically switches every time it returns to the initial screen. The customer can change the…
  • Page 58: Loading Video To Vending Machine

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Loading video to vending machine 1. Create a folder named “NeroTouch” on a USB flash drive, formatted to support the FAT file system, and copy video files to this folder (in WMV and MP4 format, other file formats are not supported by the vending machine software). 2. Connect the USB flash drive to the USB-port (USB-PC), located on the inner surface of the vending machine door (see fig. 5.2 pos. 10 and fig. 6.2). 3.Enter the menu technician into the System — UI section (see the figure above) and press the Import video. 4. Choose a video from the list (see fig. 9.9.1) and press the Confirm button. Fig.9.9.1 — System (UI) — Import Video Version 1.1 / December 2017…

  • Page 59
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5. Then in the opened message box press the ОК button. Fig.9.9.2 — System (UI) — Import Video 6. Select the video file that will be played during the making of the drink. Fig.9.9.3 — System (UI) — Import Video ATTENTION! Video files other than WMV and MP4 format, will not be played! If during the video file import it will turn out that such file is already loaded into the vending machine, it cannot be loaded again! Version 1.1 / December 2017…
  • Page 60: About

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT About Fig.9.10 — System (About) NAME DESCRIPTION Application version Software version of the machine mbComm version mbComm version (the application component, responsible for communica- tion with the Controller Board (Main Board))

  • Page 61: Errors

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.2 Errors Reviewing errors, registered by the vending machine during the operation: type of equipment, where the error (fault) occurred, time and date of the last error detection, the number of faults, the error actuality.

  • Page 62: Setup Errors

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Setup Errors To return to the page with errors (see fig. 9.11.1) touch the View errors button at the bottom of the page. Fig.9.11.2 — Errors (Setup errors) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Auto reset Water error YES – reset water input errors automatically…

  • Page 63: Planogram

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.3 Planogram To edit the drink touch its image in the planogram (see fig. 9.12a and 9.12b). Then the drink setting page opens (see fig. 9.12.1). For loading the drink image into the vending machine press the Imjport images -2 button. The buttons (1) are used for changing between the planogram layouts. Furthermore when in the vending mode the layout is chosen automatically in accordance with the index of the last permitted product: if the index is more than 10, then the layout 16 is used, otherwise the layout 10 (see fig. 9.12b).

  • Page 64: Planogram Settings

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Planogram settings Fig.9.12.1 — Planogram (Settings) NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Cash Setting the cost of a drink when buying for cash Enter number Card 1…3 Setting the cost of a drink when buying a card 1..3…

  • Page 65
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT To set the discount/surcharge and prohibitions, touch the string opposite to the concerned price Cash, Card 1, Card 2, Card 3. Then the possibility of choosing the day of week and time zone appears.
  • Page 66: Setting Buttons

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Setting buttons 1. After selecting in the drink planogram, the tuning buttons appear (see fig. 9.12.3). Fig.9.12.3 — Planogram (Setting buttons) 2. The tuning buttons have the following purpose (see fig. 9.12.4). 1. Movement 2. Image adjustment 3. Prohibition/permission (in the case of prohibition the drink in the planogram is crossed out, see fig. 9.12b). Fig.9.12.4 — Setting buttons An example of the drink image adjustment is shown below 1. In the planogram select the drink, which image you want to edit (see fig. 9.12.3).

  • Page 67
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 3.The page for choosing the drink image setting algorithm will appear: automatic or manual. Fig.9.12.5 — Planogram (Beverage image) 4. When choosing the manual mode a list with images becomes available, permitting choosing the re- quired image.
  • Page 68: Loading Image To Vending Machine

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Loading image to vending machine To load the images to the vending machine base: 1. Create a folder named “Nero Touch” on a USB flash drive, formatted to support the FAT file system, and copy image files. To create own images use the template: https://uonline.unicum.ru/ef/tools/NeroTouch/template.png The template specifies: — format (PNG); — transparent background; — backlighting under the drinks (the backlight is white so it’s not visible on white background); — drink vertical position (specified by the back lighting under the drink); — size (504 х 660 dots/pixels); — resolution (96 dpi, dots per inch).

  • Page 69
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 5. Then in the opened message box press the “ОК” button. Fig.9.13.2 — Planogram (Import image) Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 69…
  • Page 70: Recipes

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.4 Recipes Here drink recipes are specified, which may consist of several steps (ingredients). Each recipe may have a differ- ent number of ingredients (up to 4). The sequence of the ingredients in the recipe corresponds to the sequence of the drink making. To adjust the recipe: 1. Select a drink (1) which recipe you want to adjust, in the left part of the page.

  • Page 71
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Buttons (7): 1. Test Drink — The machine performs operations for preparing the selected beverage. 2. Test Water — The machine performs operations for preparing the selected beverage without adding ingredients.
  • Page 72: Brewer

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.5 Brewer Fig.9.15 — Brewer NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Adjustable coffee dose The setting is meaningless for instant coffee vending machines (INSTANT). Specifies the coffee group type. The value (NO) prohibits the changing of the coffee Yes (7..9) powder dosage in recipes (only one portion will always Vario-brewer be ground, set by the dosing unit setting).

  • Page 73
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Preheating delay (in minutes) Water flowing through the espresso group for Enter number brewing camera preheating before making coffee. 0…240 (min.) Preheating delay setting. If from the moment of…
  • Page 74: Sped-Up

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.6 Sped-up Fig.9.16 — Sped-up NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Pre-grinding Данная настройка не имеет значения для растворимых аппаратов. This setting makes no difference for instant vend- ing machines. Selecting (YES) permits quickening the making of coffee-based drinks at the expense of pre-grinding (by grinding coffee before the cus- tomer selects a drink).

  • Page 75
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Completion before brewer opening This setting affects the illumination switching from red state to blue at the drink give out tray, as well as displaying the information about the drink read- iness.
  • Page 76: Boilers

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.7 Boilers Fig.9.17 — Boilers NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Minimum coffee temperature Here the boiler temperature is set. This is the Enter temperature temperature that the vending machine will hold immediately after making a coffee-based drink…

  • Page 77
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Heating time (in minutes) Here the time for rising the boiler temperature from Enter number the specified in the Maximum coffee tempera- ture setting is specified. Before this time pass the boiler temperature will gradually increase from…
  • Page 78: Cleaning

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.8 Cleaning Fig.9.18а — Cleaning (option FRESH MILK) Fig.9.18b — Cleaning BUTTON DESCRIPTION Clean All Cleaning the drink preparation and dispensing systems Clean Solubles Start flushing of instant drink dispensing system Clean Coffee Start flushing the ground coffee feed system Clean fresh milk Start flushing the fresh milk supply systems (only FRESH MILK).

  • Page 79: Sensors Test

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.9 Sensors test To view real-time sensor readings of the machine. Fig.9.19 — Sensors tests Buttons (1): 1. Poll Voltages — Displays voltage power board. 2. Poll Temper. — Displays information from the temperature sensors machine.

  • Page 80: Functional Tests

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.10 functional Tests Fig.9.20 — Functional tests BUTTON DESCRIPTION Cool Boiler Automatic boiler cools due to pumping cold water through it to a tempera- ture of 45 degrees. Empty Boiler The machine empties the boiler, after the devastation of the boiler must be…

  • Page 81
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT BUTTON DESCRIPTION Pump Test Testing the functioning of boiler’s pump Mixer #1 Valve Test Opens the boiler valve for hot water supply to the first mixer, closes the valve Mixer #2 Valve Test Opens the boiler valve for hot water supply to the second mixer, closes the valve Water Valve Test…
  • Page 82: Cycle Test

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.11 Cycle Test Fig.9.21 — Cycle test NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE first selection Setting number of the first test beverage Enter number Delay after first selection Pausing after the preparation of the first test drink Enter number (hh:mm:ss) Second selection Set number two test beverage Enter number Delay after second selection…

  • Page 83: Payment Systems

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.12 Payment Systems Fig.9.22 — Payment system BUTTON DESCRIPTION Signal Mainten. Sending collection data to the telemetry server. Usually, there’s no need to use this function, because collection data is sent to the server automatically when loading the coin receptacle / removing the cashbox / removing the stacker.

  • Page 84: Others

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.13 Others Fig.9.23 — Others NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE Filter AC frequency The setting permits enabling/disabling the soft- Included ware mains frequency filter in cases when the Disabled ~220 V mains used for the vending machine pow- er supply is noisy.

  • Page 85: Statistics

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 9.1.14 Statistics The vending machine statistical data display. Data display is implemented in the “Аудит” (Audit) program. Fig.9.24 — Statistics Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 85…

  • Page 86: Vending Machine (Vm)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Vending machine (VM) View general information on the automaton. Fig.9.25 — Statistics (VM) NAME DESCRIPTION 1.Serial number Serial number of Main Board 2.fM version Firmware version of Main Board 3.Decimal point Shows decimal point value for sums and prices 4.Snacks number…

  • Page 87: Current Data

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Current data Here is represented current statistic information. Fig.9.26 — Statistics (Current Data) NAME DESCRIPTION 1.Coins in changer tubes Coins amount in coin acceptor 2.Bills in recyder Bills amount in recycler 3.Audit file date…

  • Page 88
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT NAME DESCRIPTION 11.VM rebootings number Amount of the machine rebooting Сurrent — after the last reset of resettable counters Total — during the whole machine performance 12.Last loaded configuration Displays full name of config file, which was used for the last uploading of settings. It’s also marked whether the settings have been changed manually after the config file uploading or not Version 1.1 / December 2017…
  • Page 89: Common Audit

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Common audit Fig.9.27 — Statistics (Common audit) Here is represented detailed information of audit operations: • Name (Audit parameter) • Current count (Amount of operations since the last audit reset) • Total count (Amount of operations during the whole period of machine performance) • Current value (Summary value since the last audit reset) • Total value (Summary value during the whole period of machine performance) Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 89…

  • Page 90: Coins

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Coins Here is represented information about coins: separately for each denomination, the amount of coins in the coin acceptor and in the cash box, the amount of coins after the last reset and during the entire period of machine operation, amount of dispensed coins and filled coins.

  • Page 91: Power Boards

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Power boards Here is represented information about boards of machine power boar. Fig.9.31 — Statistics (Power boards) NAME DESCRIPTION 1.Snack 1 Not used 2.Snack 2 Not used 3.Coffee 1 Serial number of a power board;…

  • Page 92: Summary

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Summary Here is represented the summary information, that had been represented in the previous tabs of AUDIT menu. Fig.9.32 — Statistics (Summary) Version 1.1 / December 2017 page 92…

  • Page 93: Description Service Menu — Operator Menu

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 10.0 DESCRIPTION SERVICE MENU — OPERATOR MENU The vending machine servicing is realized in the SERVICE MODE. To optimize the servicing the vend- ing machine is supplied with two types of the SERVICE MENU with different rights.

  • Page 94: General Technical Servicing

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 11.0 GENERAL TECHNICAL SERVICING 11.1 General requirements After the installation of the vending machine it necessary to carry out complete disinfection of all water tracts (milk tract — only FRESH MILK) and other components that come in contact with the food products, to kill all bacteria that might grow inside during storage.

  • Page 95: Cleaning List

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT ATTENTION! Very high cleaning temperature! Plastic parts damage risk! • When cleaning the vending machine plastic parts don’t exceed the temperature of 65 С. • Make sure that the waste containers inside the vending machine are under the nozzles for drinks during the execution of the washing program.

  • Page 96: Daily Operations

    The time interval setting between the milk system washes is set in the program Configurator the Coffee clean. tab — see the manual at the web-site: www.unicum.ru. Here in the, Time before milk cleaning, hours. setting choose the interval from 1 to 3 hours. If during the specified time no sales of drinks with the addition of foamed milk were conducted, the vending machine pours off some milk to the drop tray to avoid milk stagnation in the system.

  • Page 97
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Washing operations: 1. Switch the vending machine off by turning the switch at the rear wall to the “0” position. 2. Open the door. 3. Get the milk supply tube from the milk container.
  • Page 98
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT • the Cleaning by cleanser inscription appears – the vending machine flushes the system with the remainder of the washing agent. The system will be flushed by another 225 ml of washing agent. • upon completion of the previous operation, the Prepare water inscription appears – put the milk supply tube into the container with water and press YES.
  • Page 99: Waste Containers

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Waste containers (see fig. 11.2) 1. Open the vending machine door 2. Raise the bracket with nozzles for drinks slightly 3. Remove the containers with water surplus and coffee wastes by pulling on 4. Empty the containers 5.

  • Page 100: Daily Operations

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 11.2.2 Daily operations Milk flow meter (FRESH MILK option) ATTENTION! Conduct flow meter cleaning at least once a week! 1. Switch the vending machine off by turning the switch at the rear wall to the “0” position. 2. Open the door. 3. Disconnect the milk circuit (1 and 2) from the flow meter (see fig. 11.5). Fig.11.5 4. Remove the screw (3) (see fig. 11.6). Fig.11.6 5. Disconnect the connector (4) (see fig. 11.7).

  • Page 101
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 6. Turn the flow meter cover all the way out and remove it from the case (see fig. 11.9 and fig. 11.10). Fig.11.8 Fig.11.9 7. Clean the flow meter inside parts (see fig. 11.10) • case -1 • gasket — 2 • impeller — 3 These items can be washed by water flowing from a tap. It’s PROHIBITED to wash the cover (4) in flowing water or submerge in water! Clean the cover with damp cloth. Fig.11.10 8. After cleaning the flow meter, assemble it in the reverse order. Then mount the flow meter on the vending machine and connect it in accordance with the hydraulic circuit. Version 1.1 / December 2017…
  • Page 102: Check Valve (Fresh Milk Option)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Check valve (fRESH MILK option) If constantly washing the milk system by using the special agent the separate washing of the check valve is not required. The valve case is semitransparent, so one can see if the cultured milk product is formed inside the valve.

  • Page 103: Coffee Container

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Coffee container (see fig. 11.14) Clean the coffee container once a week. 1. Open the vending machine door. 2. Remove the cover by opening the container lock. 3. Remove the container from the vending machine (see section 5.5).

  • Page 104: Cappuccinatore (Fresh Milk Option)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT Cappuccinatore (fRESH MILK option) ATTENTION! The cappuccinatore washing should be conducted at least once a week or oftener, depending on the service conditions! 1. Switch the vending machine off by turning the switch at the rear wall to the “0” position.

  • Page 105: Ingredients Weighing

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 11.3 Ingredients weighing To ensure precise ingredients dosage it’s necessary to conduct periodical weighing of the ingredients, used for making drinks. Ground coffee dosage weighing (not INSTANT): 1. Remove the espresso group (see section 5.9) 2.

  • Page 106: Vending Machine Washing

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 12.0 VENDING MACHINE WASHING To wash the drink making and pouring systems: Method #1 1. Open the vending machine door. 2. Insert the service key into the door trip. 3. Press the flushing button on the quick access keypad (see fig. 5.2 pos. 10 and fig. 6.2).

  • Page 107
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT BUTTON DESCRIPTION Clean All Cleaning the drink preparation and dispensing systems Clean Solubles Start flushing of instant drink dispensing system Clean Coffee Start flushing the ground coffee feed system Clean fresh milk Start flushing the fresh milk supply systems (only FRESH MILK). Clean Soluble 1…4 Start flushing the instant drink 1…4 dispensing system…
  • Page 108: Working With Usb Flash Drive

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT 13.0 WORKING WITH USB fLASH DRIVE The machine’s Regulator allows Machine’s configuration, software updates and data recovery by ex- changing files using a USB drive (flash drive). The drive is connected to the USB MB connector, located on the vending machine door inner surface (see fig. 5.2 pos. 10 and fig. 13). The connection should be made when in vending mode. When you connect the USB drive the Machine’s screen will show relevant information about the drive.

  • Page 109
    To download the information you want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller board in the trade regime and approve the request: Load Gen. Config.? Software updating: To update the vending machine software go to the manufacturer’s website http:// www.unicum.ru/en/ into the SUPPORT section and choose the technical documentation for the required vending machine model. Then choose the Machine Firmware. The automatic downloading of files to the PC will start. The files are downloaded as an archived folder. To record the files to the USB flash drive, decompress the folder first and then save the folder contents in the root directory of the USB flash drive.
  • Page 110: Appendix A — Hydraulic Circuit Functional Check Method

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT APPENDIX A — HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT fUNCTIONAL CHECK METHOD The vending machine hydraulic circuit is a set of assemblies and pipes, meant for making and giving out of drinks. The hydraulic circuit principle of operation is the following: When connecting the vending machine to the water supply network, water is supplied through the water supply solenoid valve.

  • Page 111
    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT At this stage, the boiler operation in the system, together with safety elements are thoroughly inspected. To prevent scale formation on the boiler heating element, which may lead to vending machine breakage, flush the vending machine system by special anti-scaling agents that are suitable for vending machines at least once a month or oftener, depending on the characteristics of water, used in the vending machine.
  • Page 112: Appendix B.1 — Hydraulic Circuit For Nero Touch

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT APPENDIX B.1 — HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT fOR NERO TOUCH Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water Float chamber Water (temperature= 92-98 Water Milk Vanilla Espresso group Chocolate Boiler Boiler pump…

  • Page 113: Appendix B.2 — Hydraulic Circuit For Nero Touch (Option Fresh Milk)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT APPENDIX B.2 — HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT fOR NERO TOUCH (OPTION fRESH MILK) Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water Float chamber Áîéëåð Steam »Emergency» Water Vanilla Milk Chocolate Group of mixers…

  • Page 114: Appendix B.3 — Hydraulic Circuit Nero Touch (Options Fresh Milk, Milk Flow Meter)

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT APPENDIX B.3 — HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT NERO TOUCH (OPTIONS fRESH MILK, MILK fLOW METER) Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water Steam »Emergency» Float chamber Áîéëåð Water Milk Vanilla…

  • Page 115: Appendix B.4 — Hydraulic Circuit For Nero Touch Instant

    ТМ User manual for NERO TOUCH, NERO TOUCH INSTANT APPENDIX B.4 — HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT fOR NERO TOUCH INSTANT Float chamber Water (temperature= 92-98 Water filter Water (temperature= 92-98 Water (temperature= 92-98 Water Water Coffee Milk Vanilla Chocolate Group of mixers…



2.1 Status

2.1.1 Show error

2.1.2 Reset error

2.1.3 Temperature

2.1.4 Voltage DC

10.1.2 CASH


2.2 Cash

2.2.1 Manual Coin ln

2.2.2 Manual Coin Out

2.2.3 Bill cash box (provided

if the modem is installed)

2.2.4 Print Z-report(s)

10.1.3 SNACK 1

10.1.4 SNACK 2

The following menu items are meant to configure snack vending machines and are not used for NERO

vending machines.

For proper functioning of the machine, in sub-menu «1.1.12 Snack number» set value to 0. In this case

the menu items «1.7 SNACK 1» and «1.8 SNACK 2» will be hidden.

Version 1.4 / January 2018



Display of operational errors

Shows a list of errors (current and previous) upon entry to the

menu item, indicating the type of equipment, number of fail-

ures, date and the time of last error, as well as the current state

of error (active or not)

Resets errors upon entry

Shows the temperature of two temperature sensors of SVM-1, which was fitted

with a new Regulator.

This menu item is hidden if the number of snacks is 0 or if there is no temperature

sensor connected to keypad 021 of SVM-1

Shows the DC voltage on main board (regular reading, when fed from a 220V

source is 32.6V).

This menu item is hidden if the first version of main board is installed

Machines configurations to handle cash

Upon entry it is allowed to load coins in tubes manually through coin entry slots,

located on the front of the management compartment and loading banknotes to

recharge change availability.

At the same time the LCD shows information regarding the selected tube: denom-

ination of the loaded coin. Letter «F» indicates that the tube is full.

After recognizing the loaded coins, you will see information about the tube to which

that given coin was deposited

This menu item is hidden if the Machine is in Operator’s menu, but Operator’s

privileges do not give access to coin discharge (privileges are set in technician’s


In the given mode the LCD shows information about the tube selected for dis-

charge (withdrawal) of coins: coin denomination, number of coins.

For discharge of one coin from the selected tube press «→»

When entered sends a simulated stacker emptying signal to the server (collection

signal) in cases when there is no Bank Note Acceptor (BNA), or the stacker sensor

is broken

This sub-menu position is displayed, but not used



List of errors

Page 74

Наличие автомата Unicum Rosso в ресторане или кофейне – это идеальный способ удовлетворить желания посетителей с минимальными усилиями. Однако, иногда даже этот надежный аппарат может выйти из строя и перестать работать. Если вы столкнулись с такой проблемой, не отчаивайтесь! В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные неисправности Unicum Rosso и способы их устранения.

Одной из наиболее распространенных причин поломки автомата Unicum Rosso является сбой электропитания. Если автомат не работает, проверьте подключение к электросети и убедитесь, что все провода целые и ни один из них не обрывается. Если все подключения в порядке, попробуйте перезапустить автомат, отключив его от электросети на несколько минут, а затем снова включив. Если эти меры не помогли, то возможно, проблема кроется в неисправности электрической платы, и вам потребуется обратиться к специалистам для ее замены или ремонта.

Еще одной распространенной причиной, по которой автомат Unicum Rosso может перестать работать, является засорение системы подачи ингредиентов. Если вы заметили, что автомат не производит напитки, либо выдает ошибку при их разливе, проверьте систему подачи ингредиентов на наличие засоров или дефектов. Для этого откройте доступ к системе и осмотрите все трубки и фильтры. Если обнаружите засоры или дефекты, удалите их или замените поврежденные детали. Если проблема с системой подачи ингредиентов не устранена, возможно, необходима диагностика и ремонт автомата специалистами.

Внезапные сбои в работе автомата Unicum Rosso могут быть вызваны программными ошибками. Чтобы исключить эту причину, попробуйте перегрузить программное обеспечение автомата, выполнив его перезагрузку. Для этого найдите кнопку сброса (обычно она расположена на задней панели или рядом с дисплеем) и нажмите ее на несколько секунд. Если перезагрузка не помогла, попробуйте обновить программное обеспечение автомата до последней версии, которая доступна на официальном сайте производителя. Если проблема с программным обеспечением не решена, обратитесь за помощью к специалистам или сервисному центру.

Независимо от того, с чем вы столкнулись – с неисправностью электрической платы, системы подачи ингредиентов или программными ошибками – не стоит пытаться самостоятельно проводить сложный ремонт без достаточных навыков. Лучше доверьте решение проблемы профессионалам, которые имеют опыт работы с Unicum Rosso и специальные знания для устранения любых неисправностей. Только в их руках ваш автомат снова станет надежным помощником в приготовлении вкусных напитков!


  1. Проблемы с автоматом Unicum Rosso и способы их решения
  2. Нет питания
  3. Плохое качество кофе
  4. Неправильно разливается кофе
  5. Автомат не дает сдачу
  6. Неисправность в функции самоочистки

Проблемы с автоматом Unicum Rosso и способы их решения

Автомат Unicum Rosso часто сталкивается с различными проблемами, которые могут привести к его неправильной работе или полному отказу. В данной статье рассмотрим наиболее распространенные неисправности и способы их устранения.

  1. Не включается автомат.

    Возможные причины:

    • Отключение электропитания. Проверьте, подключен ли автомат к электрической сети и включен ли выключатель.
    • Неисправность питающей платы. Проверьте питающую плату на наличие повреждений и перегоревших предохранителей.
    • Проблемы с кнопкой включения. Проверьте кнопку включения на наличие повреждений или замятия.

    Способы решения:

    • Подключите автомат к электрической сети и убедитесь, что выключатель включен.
    • Проверьте питающую плату на наличие повреждений и замените перегоревшие предохранители.
    • Замените кнопку включения, если она повреждена.
  2. Нет подачи воды.

    Возможные причины:

    • Закончился водный баллон. Проверьте уровень воды в баллоне и замените его при необходимости.
    • Засорение фильтра. Проверьте фильтр на наличие загрязнений и промойте его при необходимости.
    • Неисправность насоса подачи воды. Проверьте насос на наличие повреждений и замените его при необходимости.

    Способы решения:

    • Замените пустой водный баллон новым.
    • Промойте фильтр подачи воды или замените его.
    • Замените неисправный насос подачи воды.
  3. Не происходит необходимый процесс приготовления напитка.

    Возможные причины:

    • Некорректный выбор напитка. Проверьте правильность выбора напитка на панели управления.
    • Засорение кофейной группы. Проверьте кофейную группу на наличие остатков кофе и промойте ее при необходимости.
    • Неправильная работа клапана выпуска напитка. Проверьте клапан на наличие повреждений и замените его при необходимости.

    Способы решения:

    • Выберите правильный напиток на панели управления.
    • Очистите кофейную группу от остатков кофе.
    • Замените поврежденный клапан выпуска напитка.

Если перечисленные решения не помогли в устранении проблемы с автоматом Unicum Rosso, рекомендуется обратиться к сервисному центру или производителю для профессионального ремонта или консультации.

Нет питания

Одной из проблем, с которой может столкнуться автомат Unicum Rosso, является отсутствие питания. Если автомат не работает и не подает признаков жизни, первое, что стоит проверить, — это питание.

1. Проверьте электрическое подключение

  • Убедитесь, что автомат подключен к розетке, и розетка работает.
  • Проверьте электрический шнур на наличие повреждений или разрывов. Если обнаружены повреждения, замените шнур.
  • Подключите другое устройство к той же розетке, чтобы исключить возможность проблемы с самой розеткой.

2. Проверьте состояние предохранителей и автоматов

  • Убедитесь, что предохранители в электрической панели или автоматы не сработали. Переключите их в положение «включено», если они выключены.
  • В случае необходимости замените перегоревшие предохранители новыми.

3. Проверьте подачу питания на плату автомата

  • Откройте крышку автомата и найдите плату с компонентами.
  • Визуально проверьте наличие повреждений на плате, таких как выпавшие или перегоревшие элементы.
  • Убедитесь, что питание подается на плату. Проверьте наличие напряжения на контактах питания.

Если после выполнения перечисленных действий автомат все еще не работает и отсутствует питание, рекомендуется обратиться к специалисту или сервисному центру для проведения более глубокой диагностики и ремонта.

Плохое качество кофе

Одной из проблем, с которыми может столкнуться владелец автомата Unicum Rosso, является получение плохого качества кофе. Плохой вкус кофе может свидетельствовать о нескольких неисправностях в автомате:

  1. Плохое качество воды. Если автомат использует воду из водопроводной системы, необходимо проверить ее качество. Возможно, вода содержит примеси или имеет неправильный уровень жесткости. В таком случае, рекомендуется использовать фильтр для очистки воды или приобрести специальную питьевую воду для кофемашины.
  2. Неправильные настройки дозировки. Если кофе получается слишком крепким или слишком слабым, возможно, что настройки дозировки кофейного порошка нуждаются в корректировке. Руководство по эксплуатации автомата содержит информацию о том, как отрегулировать дозировку кофе.
  3. Просроченное или некачественное кофе. Если автомат использует готовые капсулы с кофе, необходимо проверить срок годности капсул. Также возможно, что используемые капсулы не соответствуют вашим предпочтениям по вкусу. Рекомендуется попробовать другой вид кофе и убедиться, что используемые капсулы свежие и качественные.
  4. Необходимость очистки автомата. Если автомат давно не проходил процедуру очистки, это может привести к плохому качеству кофе. Очистка автомата регулярно рекомендуется производить с использованием специальных средств или по инструкции производителя.
  5. Поврежденная или зашумленная машина. Если автомат имеет видимые повреждения или издаёт странный звук при приготовлении кофе, это может указывать на неисправность в механизме автомата. В данном случае, рекомендуется обратиться в сервисный центр для диагностики и ремонта автомата.

Если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не помогло улучшить качество кофе, рекомендуется обратиться к производителю автомата или сервисному центру для более подробной консультации и решения проблемы.

Неправильно разливается кофе

Если при использовании автомата Unicum Rosso кофе неправильно разливается, возможно, причина кроется в одной из следующих проблем:

  • Засорение фильтра или трубопровода. В таком случае необходимо выполнить процедуру чистки фильтра и трубопроводов, чтобы устранить препятствия для нормального потока кофе.
  • Неправильное настройка дозировки. Убедитесь, что дозировка кофе установлена правильно согласно инструкциям. Если доза слишком большая или слишком маленькая, необходимо отрегулировать настройки дозировки.
  • Проблема с насосом или клапаном. Если кофе не разливается вообще или разливается очень медленно, возможно, причина в неисправности насоса или клапана. В этом случае требуется обратиться к специалисту для диагностики и ремонта.

Для устранения проблемы с неправильно разливающимся кофе рекомендуется следовать указанным выше рекомендациям. В случае, если проблема не исчезает или вы не уверены в своих возможностях самостоятельно ее решить, рекомендуется обратиться к сервисному центру для профессиональной диагностики и устранения неисправностей.

Автомат не дает сдачу

Проблема, когда автомат не выдает сдачу, может возникнуть по разным причинам. В большинстве случаев это связано с неправильным заполнением или загруженностью денежного модуля, который отвечает за выдачу сдачи.

Чтобы устранить данную проблему, вам необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Проверьте, достаточно ли сдачи находится в денежном модуле. Если сдача закончилась, автомат не сможет выдать вам сдачу. Попробуйте добавить дополнительные монеты, чтобы заполнить денежный модуль.
  2. Если денежный модуль полностью заполнен, возможно, внутри него застряла какая-то монета или другой предмет. Откройте крышку денежного модуля и внимательно осмотрите его. Возможно, вам придется удалить застрявший предмет вручную, чтобы автомат снова функционировал правильно.
  3. Если после проверки денежного модуля проблема не устранена, перейдите к настройкам автомата. Возможно, он находится в режиме, когда сдача не выдается. Вам необходимо открыть меню настроек автомата и проверить соответствующие параметры. Если режим выдачи сдачи был отключен, включите его и проверьте, начал ли автомат выдавать сдачу.

Если после выполнения всех этих шагов проблема с невыдачей сдачи не устранена, рекомендуется обратиться к специалистам сервисного центра, чтобы осуществить более глубокий анализ и ремонт автомата.

Неисправность в функции самоочистки

Если ваш автомат Unicum Rosso не выполняет функцию самоочистки, возможно, есть несколько причин, вызывающих эту ошибку:

  • Плохое качество воды. Если вода слишком жесткая или содержит много примесей, это может привести к неполадкам в функции самоочистки. Рекомендуется использовать фильтры или подключить автомат к источнику воды с лучшим качеством.
  • Засорение системы. Накопление накипи, осадка или других загрязнений в системе автомата может препятствовать нормальной работе функции самоочистки. Регулярная очистка и обслуживание автомата могут помочь предотвратить эту проблему.
  • Неправильные настройки. Если автомат Unicum Rosso имеет несоответствующие настройки или неправильные параметры для функции самоочистки, это может привести к ее неработоспособности. Проверьте настройки автомата и убедитесь, что они соответствуют рекомендациям производителя.

Если вы столкнулись с проблемой в функции самоочистки автомата Unicum Rosso, рекомендуется обратиться к специалисту или сервисному центру. Они смогут оценить и устранить неисправность, восстановив его нормальную работу.

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