Ошибка doors roblox

ErroR is an entity that resides in The Caves at Floor 3.

It disguises itself as a player and tries to lure the other players.


ErroR is a figure shrouded in darkness. The only visible part of it

is its eyes that glow white. They also have a slight blur effect.

Behavior Behaviour[]

ErroR will make its presence known by the torches going out very fast and then lighting up again once a player enters a room. Once all players enter the next room, the door will slam shut and a cutscene will play. It involves the room being pitch black and ErroR’s eyes being visible. The entity then disappears, the cutscene ends and the torches lights again. ErroR will wander around the room aimlessly and the players must find a white portal leading to the next room. The twist is ErroR will transform itself to a player currently in the run. ErroR will, however, always have the white glowing eyes. If these are not visible — you know for sure that it is not a fake. If you see a player with these features, you must quickly walk away. ErroR will chase you at a slow speed, but will eventually stop and wander away. If an unsuspecting player gets caught, ErroR will jumpscare that player and transform into the specified player. If you get close enough to ErroR, your heartbeat will play loudly. It will become faster and louder the closer you get to ErroR. Once a player finds the exit, all other players will be teleported to the next room and a loud roar can be heard.

Entertainment Audio[]


The ambience that plays in ErroR’s room.


The heart beat sound that plays whenever a player gets close to ErroR.


The roar ErroR produces when a player escapes his room.




«I know my bud’ when I see him, and that’s not him!»
Survive ErroR.


Ctrl + Z

«After five days of bug fixing, I finally patched that bug!»
Use a Crucifix against ErroR.


  • ErroR is a non-canon entity. Therefore, Guiding Light is not able to determine who they died to if they died to ErroR.
  • This is due to ErroR just being an error. It was not coded into the game, ErroR just got in and knew what to do. (Just part of the lore)
  • ErroR is confirmed to not have a gender.

Death Messages[]

Message 1:

What…? There was not a single reason for you to be killed there…

I’m going to find out more about this strange entity.

That was really strange… Anyways, see you next time!

Message 2:

Okay, so I think I’ve found out some more about this strange entity.

It seems to transform itself into one of your friends.

Don’t let this fool you. I’ve discovered that it can’t control its white glowing eyes. If anyone has this feature, run away quickly.

Message 3:

Okay, so now I know that it is called “ErroR.”

It wasn’t supposed to be here but still got here somehow.

Try to avoid any player that has white, glowing eyes. It is a clear sign that ErroR has transformed into the player.

Message 4 and on:

You died to ErroR…

Stay away from any player with white, ominous eyes.

It is a clear sign that ErroR has transformed into them…

Try to find the white portal. It’ll lead you away from ErroR.




ErroR animated.

ErroR animated.

“Ctrl + Z” achievement image.

“Ctrl + Z” achievement image.

Как получить достижение Ошибка#DOORS #Roblox

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как получить ачивку Error в Doors Youtube


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Doors — это важная часть любой игры на Роблокс, которая помогает создать более реалистичную игровую среду. Однако, в процессе создания или добавления дверей в игру, возникают некоторые проблемы, которые мешают корректному функционированию. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как устранить проблемы, связанные с дверьми, при создании или добавлении их в игру Роблокс.

Проблема 1: Дверь не открывается

Если дверь не открывается, возможно, вы не правильно настроили скрипт двери. Следующие шаги помогут устранить эту проблему:

  1. Проверьте, что скрипт двери привязан к двери на самом деле. Вы можете сделать это, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши по двери и выбрав пункт «Model» в меню.

  2. Убедитесь, что скрипт двери находится в папке «ServerScriptService». Если вы случайно поместили его в другую папку, переместите его в «ServerScriptService».

  3. Откройте скрипт двери и проверьте, что код написан правильно. Существует множество видео-уроков и учебных материалов, которые помогут вам научиться писать скрипты.

Проблема 2: Дверь закрывается слишком быстро

Если дверь закрывается слишком быстро, это может означать, что вы не настроили скрипт двери должным образом. Следующие шаги помогут устранить эту проблему:

  1. Откройте скрипт двери и найдите строку, определяющую скорость закрытия двери. Это может быть значение переменной «closeTime» или что-то подобное.

  2. Измените эту строку, чтобы задержка закрытия двери была больше. Например, если вы хотите, чтобы дверь закрывалась медленнее, измените значение переменной «closeTime» с 0,5 на 1,5.

  3. Проверьте, что скрипт двери сохранен и загружен в «ServerScriptService». Проверьте, что дверь с привязанным скриптом по-прежнему находится в игровом мире.

Проблема 3: Дверь пропускает игрока через себя

Если игрок пролетает сквозь дверь, это может означать, что вы не правильно настроили физику двери. Следующие шаги помогут устранить эту проблему:

  1. Откройте скрипт двери и найдите строку, настройки физики двери.

  2. Убедитесь, что поле «CanCollide» установлено на «true».

  3. Измените поле «Anchored» на «true». Это предотвратит движение двери во время игры.

  4. Проверьте, что дверь с привязанным скриптом сохранена и загружена в «ServerScriptService». Проверьте, что дверь с привязанным скриптом по-прежнему находится в игровом мире.


Создание и добавление дверей в игру Роблокс — важный процесс, который помогает создать более реалистичную игровую среду. Однако, в процессе создания или добавления дверей возникают некоторые проблемы, которые мешают корректному функционированию. Следуя вышеописанным шагам, вы сможете устранить проблемы, связанные с дверьми, и создать более реалистичную игровую среду на Роблокс.

This page needs improvements to meet the Roblox Wiki’s standards.

Please proofread or rewrite this page as necessary to ensure that it meets the Roblox Wiki’s content and style standards. The specific problems are: Gameplay information is in need of summarizing, gallery needs to be cut down to necessary images. *REMOVE* guide content. Readers can go to the DOORS wiki if they want a guide, this page should not be a guide.

DOORS is a first-person horror experience created by Lightning_Splash and RediblesQW with additional help by GhostlyWowzers and Jasper_Creations. The game was published under the group LSPLASH.

DOORS is currently on Floor 1 (Hotel), with Floor 2 being under development.⁠[citation needed]


DOORS is a first-person horror experience with the goal of reaching Door 100, while avoiding entities that will attempt to kill the player. Within the lobby, players can enter elevator in groups up to 4 (12 in private servers). Progress is made by opening doors to rooms that increase up to 100. Most doors are randomly generated, with a set of predetermined rooms appearing in a different order in every game. Rooms will comprise of interactable furniture like shelves that contain coins, items, keys, or just plain nothing, and wardrobe/beds that allows players to hide in from certain entities. Some rooms will be dark—either naturally or by certain entities and locked doors that require a hidden key to unlock.


Gameplay will consist of main enemies called entities. Generally, entities try and act as an obstacle for the player. Each entity varies in occurrence which intends to jumpscare the player, which will play when the player interacts with, get harmed, or killed by said entity.

Recurring Entities[]


DOORS - Screech


Screech jumpscares players in dark rooms if they don’t look at it. One of the players attracted by Screech will be notified by a ‘psst’ sound and must find the Screech to scare it off, otherwise it will damage the player, inflicting 40 hp of damage. If a lit object is held, the chance of Screech attacking the player is lowered. Keeping the door of a dark room open means Screech could possibly follow and attack the player.


DOORS - Hide


Hide is an obscure entity hiding in both types hiding spots, closets and beds alike. If the player resides in the spot for too long, it will start warning the player before kicking them out, dealing partial damage. It does not appear in Doors 50/51 and 100, but Hide can appear if the Door 51 is opened (exit).


DOORS - Rush


Rush resembles a low contrast smiling face. It would go and zoom around the hotel and break the lights in each room it goes through. Its arrival is indicated by flickering the lights instantly or shortly after the door has opened, with its low-pitched screaming that gets louder as it gets closer. Any player caught within Rush’s radius would be instantly killed.


DOORS - Eyes


The Eyes have a random chance of spawning every time the player enters a new room. It is a floating entity of purple smoke with 37 eyes. They rapidly take away the player’s health if said player is viewing them.


Halt Updated


Halt is an entity that represents a typical sheet ghost. It has blue glowing eyes, and would inhabit thin hallways. When the player enters the next room, they will be taken to a blue ambient, narrow hallway. Halt will periodically switch sides of the hallway to throw off the player, signalling each switch with instructing the player to either turn around or run away until the door leading out of the hallway has been opened. Just like Rush, it will cause the lights to flicker, but for much longer than Rush.




Ambush functions in the same fashion to Rush, it flies through the rooms and the player must find a hiding spot before it passes by. However, Ambush glows green and pink instead of the black fog that Rush has. It also features a different scream and will rush up and down the hallway a minimum of two times and maximum of six before disappearing. Like Rush, it will break the lights in the room. Unlike Rush, Ambush will not open the door to the next room. Ambush’s chances of appearing increase by each room, but rarely he can appear as early as Door 2. Ambush will normally spawn 4 rooms behind the player but can spawn closer if it is door 2 or 3 or after an unloaded room (such as when Seek’s chase is over or when leaving the library).


Dupe better


Dupe is an entity that tricks the player by using fake doors, which are numbered incorrectly from the door the player previously entered. It would also scribble out the number of the door to confuse the player. It is not an instant kill unlike most of the other entities, and along with Screech, both deal damage overtime and will kill you if you can deplete to 0 health as you’re damaged.


DOORS - Timothy


Timothy is a spider that will rarely attack in containers the player opens (each opened container having a {\displaystyle {1 \over 200}} chance), jumping onto the player’s face and taking 5% of their health. Timothy can also be found on a web in the lobby. Timothy is one of the three entities found in the lobby.

The player cannot be killed by Timothy, as it does very little damage and will leave the player with 1 HP if attacked with 5 HP or less and is considered to be harmless.


DOORS - Jack


Jack has a {\displaystyle {1 \over 200}} chance to appear inside a wardrobe when trying to enter one, and very rarely it will spawn behind the door of a room ({\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2000}}} chance). When spawning in a Wardrobe, Jack jumpscares the player. It does not deal any damage but will stop the player from entering the Wardrobe it appears into until the doors fully close and it disappears. When spawning behind a door, it will make a loud noise and temporarily darken the room with a dark red shade before disappearing harmlessly. Jack spawns in closets at a 1/20 chance, meaning the player can face Jack while repeatedly getting in and out of a closet when Ambush is coming.


DOORS - Glitch


Glitch is activated when the game’s room generation fails, or an unknown occurrence happens, for example if a player falls into the Void. It is much rarer than before the Hotel+ update, especially since Glitch’s main purpose was replaced with Void in the Hotel+ update. It also used to damage players if they were left behind by other players.

The player can also encounter the Glitch in the Rooms secret area, it can appear if a room fails to generate or if a player strays away from their group.

«That is odd. I cannot figure out who you died to. However, I did notice you lagged back from your friends. Stay close together!» (Pre-Hotel+ update)




Window is a harmless entity that does not interact with the player in any way. It is a very rare occurrence and can occasionally be spotted when lightning strikes outside any of the small windows in any room. In the lobby, Window can be found in the room to the left of the spawn area in the 2nd window, where it stays idly and does nothing else. Window is one of the four entities found in the lobby. Window can also be found after Seek Chase or so.




Shadow is a slightly transparent entity that appears randomly and has about a {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{2000}}} chance of spawning. It is a very minor jumpscare, only flickering the room it is present in.


Void is an abstract entity will teleport players that are left behind in a lobby of at least 2 people. It doesn’t have an actual appearance, only its shade being present. When the previous rooms are unloaded, it’ll teleport all players that are left behind to the players ahead, preventing them from falling off the game.

It works similar to the Glitch from before the «Hotel+ update». It damages the player, although the amount it deals seems to be inconsistent or otherwise unknown.

Guaranteed Entities[]

The following Entities are guaranteed to spawn throughout The Hotel.


DOORS - Figure


The Figure appears to be a monstrous humanoid entity with a ribcage sticking out of its stomach and its face being a mouth. It seems to have 18 sharp teeth. The Figure is guaranteed to spawn in doors 50 and 100. The Figure is blind and will use its hearing in order to track the player. Producing noise or being in close proximity with it will attract the Figure, encouraging the player to crouch and stay away from it. The player can escape from the Figure by hiding in a closet or crouching in a corner. If the Figure comes close to the closet that the player is hiding in, it will trigger a heartbeat minigame where the player has to time their heartbeat using either the Q and E keys or the left and right mouse buttons for desktop, LB and RB for controllers, or the left and right side of the screen for mobile. Failing this minigame will kill the player.


DOORS - Seek


Seek is an entity, resembling a humanoid covered in an unknown black substance. Seek will first appear as eyes on the wall before its eventual crescendo, with more eyes popping up with each door passed until the player approaches a grand hallway.

Guiding Light[]

Guiding Light

Guiding Light

The Guiding Light is an entity that resides in the Hotel. Its main purpose is to help players by emitting a blue light in certain areas and doors. Although it does not have a physical appearance, the Guiding Light is capable of assisting the player with its glow, its sounds and advice when the player perishes.


Jeff Roblox Doors


Jeff is an entity that resides in the Hotel. Its purpose is to sell items to the player in a shop in Door 52. There is also a «tips» jar at the stand where the player can donate 10 coins each to Jeff. Filling up Jeff’s tip jar completely will reward the player with a badge and a booth in Community:Haz3mn/PLS DONATE.

Jeff sells 4 randomized items every run. Notable items are the Crucifix and Skeleton key, which both greatly aid the player.

El Goblino[]

El Goblino is an interactable entity in Jeff’s Shop. El Goblino is a red goblin like figure with a gold ear piercing and cargo shorts.

El Goblino talks about the other entities suggesting that he may have encountered them before, among other details about the Hotel.


Bob is an interactable entity in Jeff’s shop. He appears as a skeletal figure who might have died a long time ago. The Player can interact with Bob by holding E on him, however doing so will yield text on the player’s screen saying «Nothing happens…».

During the April Fools’ “Super Hard Mode” event, interacting with Bob had a {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{100}}} chance to jumpscare the player, resulting in an immediate game over.

«The Rooms»[]

As DOORS is based on a game called Rooms made by nicorocks5555, the developers made a tribute to it by implementing their own interpretation of Rooms as a secret floor with different entities and mechanics.

Unlike the original Rooms, DOORS’s Rooms only has about 1000 doors to go through before it ends and features 1 new entity, the only entity that’s not carried over from the original being A-90, whilst A-120 is a renamed and slightly changed A-200.

To access the Rooms, the player must go to Door 60 and pull on the lever in the next room to open a fenced gate blocking the entrance to the Rooms. After the lever’s been pulled and the door opens, the player must go through a maze. The player will need 2 lockpicks and the skeleton key to unlock the door to the Rooms. Opening it will teleport players to a separate game, the Rooms.

The only ways to get out of the Rooms, aside from dying to one of the entities, are to get to a door that appears every 200 rooms that’ll teleport players back to the Hotel and give a badge for ending the run early, or to go through all 1000 rooms to get the NVCS-3000 and the door back to the Hotel’s infirmary, along with a badge for beating it.




A-60 can be found by going to The Rooms easter egg. It typically starts appearing on room A-60 and will spawn in a previous room behind the player, though it can appear way before that. The player must hide in a locker when they hear A-60 as the lights will not flicker. There’s also a dev-exclusive version of A-60 that can only be spawned by the developers, as hackers cannot spawn them on the server.


A90 Normal


When A-90 initially jumpscares the player, they must cease all mouse/keyboard input, including turning around, clicking, or even typing a single key, or they lose 90 health. Like A-60, there’s also a rare chance it will spawn before Room A-90.




This entity’s behavior is similar to that of Ambush, but it isn’t guaranteed to loop back. However, it spawns in the next few rooms ahead of the player. The player must hide if A-120 is heard, because the lights will not flicker.

Curious Light[]

This entity acts similar to Guiding Light. However, it isn’t as useful at giving out information about the entities unlike Guiding Light and doesn’t light up dark spaces.



Limited-use item that creates a small circle of light around the player. It can be found in drawers or purchased in the pre-run shop or at Jeff’s shop for 100 gold. It cannot be refueled but can be swapped out if the player finds another. players cannot swap a lighter with one that has less fuel. It is recommended to have a full one when entering dark rooms to lower the chance of spawning Screech. It will be removed from said player’s inventory once all of the fuel in the lighter has been used up.


Creates a strong beam of light wherever the player is looking. Unlike the lighter, it will not disappear if the batteries run out. It can be refilled with batteries found in drawers around the Hotel, the Flashlight can be purchased at Jeff’s shop for 200 gold.


Its a special light source that can only spawn on tables, the candle will be blown out if an entity spawns.


Keys are used to open locked doors such as the one in The Reception Room (Door 0)


Vitamins appear as an unlabeled pill bottle that provides a speed boost to the player for a short period of time. The speed effect stacks when the player is falling behind from the group.

Players can use the vitamins during Door 50 to avoid the Figure. However, they should know that the Figure will hear this, and it will chase after them, but in this state, they will be much faster than the Figure.

Before Hotel+, it used to heal you by a small amount, but this feature was removed.


Lockpicks act as an alternative to keys and are non-reusable items that break when the player interacts with a locked door with them. They can be bought in the elevator/pre-run shop. If another player has found or gotten the key, it is not recommended to open the next door. They will always only appear after players have obtained either a lighter or flashlight from a previous drawer, similar to vitamins.


Heals the player by a small amount and an only spawn if any of the players in the run are damaged, the player can only find them in drawers.


Used to refill the Flashlight. Can only spawn if any of the players in the run have a Flashlight in their inventory, they can spawn in any container.


Eight of these can be found in the library, with the digits and symbols that helps the player escape from the Library using 5 total needed books.

The Note[]

Found in the Library. This grants the player five symbols and Roman numerals. The Roman numeral is for which digit it is for the lock, and the symbols are to find which digit goes where.


The Crucifix is used to stun entities for a short period of time or can successfully banish the entity. It has been removed previously. But was eventually added back into the game in the Hotel+ Update. The Crucifix can be used to protect you from being attacked by hostile entities. It can be used on almost every entity, such as Screech, Rush, Ambush, Eyes, Halt, and Dupe. Even though Seek and Figure are hostile entitys, the crucifix will not banish Seek or Figure, it will stun them for a short period of time.

Skeleton Key[]

The skeleton key is similar to the lockpick, except it opens 2 special locked doors doors with a skull lock. It was removed, but eventually added back into the game in the Hotel+ update.


In the Rooms, you can find a shakelight at A-001 on a dispenser which can be bought for 10 gold.

The shakelight has infinite power as it is charged by holding Left Click, but it will constantly have to be recharged as it depletes battery much faster than it’s Battery-powered counterpart.


If the player reaches Door A-1000 in The Rooms, they will be greeted with the NVCS-3000 (a.k.a. The Tablet or Scanner) on the ground of the bridge at A-1000, the Tablet is a night vision tablet and can light up progressive items, such as keys, books, and switches. (All of the above are highlighted with a star)


Drawers can include loot and miscellaneous items that don’t serve purposes, like listed above, they can include Keys, Vitamins, Lighters, Flashlights, Lockpicks, Bandages, Batteries, Gold, and very rarely, Crucifixes & Skeleton Keys.


Gold can be found throughout any run inside any container and/or top of a desk/table. They can be used to purchase items from Jeff’s shop.

Gold can also be exchanged for Knobs. (see below)


Knobs are another type of currency within the game, they are gained once the player has either died or beaten the game and during said run, the player has collected gold. Its only current use is to purchase Pre-run Shop items (Flashlights, Lighters, Vitamins etc.).

Knobs can also be purchased in the Lobby with Robux, there is also a star program menu made specifically for Star code Roblox accounts, including a button letting the player purchase 1,000,000 Knobs.


Boosts (also called knob boosts) is a form of currency boost which multiplies the amount of gold the player has gotten throughout a run, and converts it into Knobs. The Player can gain boosts by either purchasing them with Robux, or by redeeming codes.


These are all the badges that you can currently get in the game.

  • Welcome: Enjoy your stay!
    • Gain: Join the game for the first time.
    • Rarity: 20.7% (Challenging)
    • Won Ever: 161M+
  • Buddy System: Play a run with a friend.
    • Gain: The player has to play or win a round with a roblox friend.
    • Rarity: 8.5% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 72M+
  • Welcome Back: Are you enjoying your stay? (Join back the next day)
    • Gain: The player has to join the game the day after they first joined.
    • Rarity: 13.6% (Hard)
    • Won Ever: 101M+
  • Join The Group: Join the LSPLASH group and get a free revive!
    • Gain: Join the LSPLASH group.
    • Rarity: 1.6% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 11M+
  • Betrayal: Dibs!
    • Gain: Steal someone’s closet right before Rush or Ambush comes and kills them.
    • Rarity: 2.3% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 24M+
  • Back From The Dead: I have unfinished business.
    • Gain: The player has to use a revive after they die.
    • Rarity: 1.9% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 15M+
  • One Of Many: You’re just getting started.
    • Gain: Die for the first time.
    • Rarity: 14.2% (Hard)
    • Won Ever: 119M+
  • Ten of Many: You’ll get used to it.
    • Gain: Die a total of 10 times.
    • Rarity: 3.9% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 33M+
  • Hundred Of Many: That’s more like it!
    • Gain: Die a total of 100 times.
    • Rarity: 0.3% (Impossible)
    • Won Ever: 1.6M+
  • Out Of My Way: I’m walkin’ here!
    • Gain: Survive Rush by hiding in a wardrobe.
    • Rarity: 12.2% (Hard)
    • Won Ever: 98M+
  • You Can Run: But you can’t.. um… uhm… uhh….
    • Gain: Successfully escape from Seek.
    • Rarity: 4.9% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 37M+
  • Eviction Notice: And stay out!
    • Gain: Get kicked out of a wardrobe by Hide.
    • Rarity: 7.8% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 61M+
  • Rebound: Coming back for seconds!
    • Gain: Survive Ambush.
    • Rarity: 1.8% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 19M+
  • Two Steps Forward: And one step back.
    • Gain: Survive Halt.
    • Rarity: 1.7% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 21M+
  • Look At Me: Last chance to look at me.
    • Gain: Survive an encounter with eyes.
    • Rarity: 9.1% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 70M+
  • I See You: Peek-a-boo!
    • Gain: Scare off Screech by staring at him.
    • Rarity: 8.3% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 61M+
  • Shhh!: Careful not to make a sound!
    • Gain: Survive the Figure.
    • Rarity: 3.4% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 20M+
  • Expert Technician: I’m the one for the job.
    • Gain: Complete the Room 100 puzzle in under 1 minute or over.
    • Rarity: 0.1% (Impossible)
    • Won Ever: 1.0M+
  • Meet Timothy: Hello there little spider!
    • Gain: The player has to get jumpscared by Timothy when they open a drawer or compartment.
    • Rarity: 5.9% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 42M+
  • Meet Jack: Ooga booga!
    • Gain: Get jump scared by Jack when the player tries to hide in a wardrobe, or encounter Jack when entering a room.
    • Rarity: 2.2% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 25M+
  • Error: Well that just happened.
    • Gain: The player has to be too far away from their group and be teleported by Glitch, or a room generation error.
    • Rarity: 3.1% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 40M+
  • Wrong Room: Well this is awkward…
    • Gain: Go into a fake room and get «duped by Dupe».
    • Rarity: 9.0% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 33M+
  • Evil be gone: I banish thee!
    • Gain: Use a Crucifix successfully on any entity.
    • Rarity: 2.4% (Insane)
    • Won Ever: 8.6M+
  • Stay Out Of My Way: You’re not that guy, pal.
    • Gain: Use a Crucifix on Rush.
    • Rarity: 1.7% (Extreme)
    • Won Ever: 5.8M+
  • Not Five Stars:
  • Gain: Beat Door 100 using 50% more Knobs with modifiers
  • Rarity: 0.1% (Impossible)
  • Won Ever: 49k+


Figure's first appearance in Room 50.

Figure’s first appearance in Room 50.

Rush's jumpscare screen.

Rush’s jumpscare screen.

Seek emerging from a hallway, before chasing the player.

Seek emerging from a hallway, before chasing the player.

Screech jumpscaring the player.

Screech jumpscaring the player.

Eyes appearing in a room.

Eyes appearing in a room.

Halt's hallway.

Halt’s hallway.

Timothy hiding in a drawer.

Timothy hiding in a drawer.

An old image of Glitch appearing when the player wasn't catching up with the team, or if room generation has failed.

An old image of Glitch appearing when the player wasn’t catching up with the team, or if room generation has failed.

Window appearing outside a window.

Window appearing outside a window.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • All Music in the game was composed and created by Lightning_Splash.
  • Seek, Timothy, Screech and Window can be seen in the lobby.
  • In the lobby, there’s a door that has the song (when freddy fazbear turns off the lights)
  • The concept of doors is inspired by a similar game, Rooms, by nicorocks5555, a game where players go through infinite doors hiding in lockers to survive from the entities. It was made in 2020 but has not been updated since. It is also inspired by the indie-horror game Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion.
  • DOORS is the first major game to be made by LSPLASH, after their previous project Ragdoll Universe.
  • In Door 50/The Library, the only recurring entities that can mess with the players are Jack, Timothy, Glitch, And Void.
    • However, Hide appears in Door 50 after a player unlocks Door 51 and in Door 100 before the Lever door to the stairwell is pulled.
  • When encountering Screech, there is a slight visual cue. This means that Screech could spawn anywhere behind the player.
  • Eyes and Jack can spawn in sometimes after Rush breaks down the door.
    • Eyes can also spawn in blocked doors.
  • Jack can appear in Door 50, whether from the door itself or in a wardrobe. The chance of him spawning as the room variant is exceptionally rare, however.
  • The scrapped crucifix item was added in the Hotel Revamp Update on January 28, 2023. Jack can also appear in a blood room.
    • Also, originally the player had to assemble pieces of the Crucifix to create it, but this mechanic was scrapped in favor of finding it in certain rooms or from Jeff’s Shop.
  • Window was thought to resemble the Smiler from The Backrooms, but modeler RediblesQW confirmed that it was just a coincidence.
  • Guiding Light, Jeff, and El Goblino are the only entities that are helpful to the player.
  • You can get a PLS DONATE Booth if you tip Jeff 10 times. [1]
  • The Rooms entity, A-120, is actually named A-200, in the original Rooms game.
  • The entities’ names were actually given by the players themselves, according to the developers. In-universe, these entities do not have any actual names.
  • The game attracted large crossover following among many Roblox communities, countries, and ages, with being considered the largest since Piggy in 2020. It even attracted new players (alongside Rainbow Friends, and Evade) to the platform in August 2022 and the return of some popular Roblox YouTubers to the platform such as DanTDM, and Weegeepie.[1]
  • Bob’s jumpscare is a reference to a Five Night’s at Freddy’s Sister Location minigame, where Elizabeth gets scooped by Circus Baby.


  1. https://twitter.com/DoorsRoblox/status/1620190865896652801

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