Ошибка denuvo driver error code 2148204812

Помогите избавиться от Denuvo Driver Error Code 2148204812. Ошибка появляется всякий раз, когда пытаюсь запускать Mortal Kombat 11. Не совсем понимаю, что произошло, но раньше игра работала как надо, разве что подлагивала иногда, но у меня слабое железо. Перезагрузка ПК не помогает от слова совсем, а ничего другого я придумать не могу. 

Ошибка «Denuvo Driver Error Code 2148204812» появляется в случае запуска видеоигры, защищенной антипиратским ПО (DRM) Denuvo. От появления такой ошибки, как правило, страдают владельцы лицензионных версий игр. Сообщение ошибки можно перевести следующим образом:

Не удалось инициализировать драйвер Denuvo. Код ошибки: 2148204812

Сложно сказать, почему не удалось пустить в работу драйвер Denuvo, но зачастую это случается по следующим причинам:

  • Файлы Denuvo, интегрированные в запускаемой игре, были повреждены.
  • Некоторые файлы запускаемой игры были повреждены или изменены.
  • Инициализации драйвера Denuvo препятствует иное ПО, например, антивирус.
  • «Кривое» обновление Windows мешает нормальной работе Denuvo.

В сегодняшней статье мы покажем вам, как избавиться от ошибки 2148204812 на своем компьютере.


Перезагрузка компьютера

Перезагрузка компьютера помогает крайне редко, но некоторые пользователи в сети все-таки утверждают, что от такого рода проблемы можно избавиться простой перезагрузкой. Если вы все еще не пробовали перезагружать ПК — пробуйте.

Переустановка игры

Как бы вам не хотелось этого делать, переустановка игры может помочь исправить ошибку 2148204812. Удалять внутриигровые сохранения и прочие файлы, располагающиеся в документах системного раздела Windows, не обязательно. Перезагрузите свой ПК после того, как удалите нужную вам игрушку, и только после этого переходите к ее повторной установке.

Удаление последних обновлений Windows

Удивительно, но некоторые обновления ОС Windows могут вызывать появление ошибки 2148204812. Вам нужно удалить последние несколько апдейтов из своей системы, перезагрузить ПК и проверить, была ли решена проблема. Чтобы удалить обновления Windows 10, вам нужно сделать следующее:

  • Нажмите комбинацию WIN+I, чтобы открыть параметры свой системы.
  • Перейдите в раздел «Обновление и безопасность», далее — в подраздел «Центр обновления Windows».
  • Опуститесь чуть ниже и кликните на пункт «Просмотр журнала обновлений».
  • Кликните на пункт «Удалить обновления», чтобы открыть окошко «Установленные обновления» в панели управления ОС.
  • Выберите последние несколько обновлений, нажмите на них ПКМ и выберите «Удалить».
  • Подтвердите свои намерения и следуйте дальнейшим указаниям на экране.

Как только удалить обновления, перезагрузите ПК и проверьте наличие ошибки 2148204812.

Удаление анти-чита Vanguard

Ошибка 2148204812 может возникать по вине конфликта между файлами Denuvo и анти-чит программой Vanguard. На вашем ПК установлен Vanguard? Чтобы удалить этот анти-чит, вам нужно сделать следующее:

  • Нажмите ПКМ на значок Vanguard в системном трее и выберите «Закрыть Vanguard».
  • Кликните ПКМ на меню Пуск и выберите «Приложения и возможности».
  • Найдите в списке программ Vanguard, выделите его ЛКМ и нажмите на «Удалить».
  • Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы удалить из своей системы Vanguard.
  • Перезагрузите ПК.

Как только получите контроль над системой, запустите игру и проверьте наличие ошибки 2148204812.

Отключение антивируса

В некоторых случаях помещать работе Denuvo может установленный на компьютере антивирус. Как правило, Защитник Windows не мешает австрийскому DRM, но пользователи в сети отмечают, что после отключения системного антивируса ошибка 2148204812 у них пропала. Вот как отключить Защитник Windows у себя на компьютере:

  • Нажмите WIN+S для вызова системной поисковой строки.
  • Пропишите запрос «Безопасность Windows» и выберите найденный результат.
  • Кликните на клеточку «Защита от вирусов и угроз», затем — на пункт «Управление настройками».
  • Переставьте переключатель «Защита в режиме реального времени» в положение «Откл.»

Отключив антивирус, проверьте наличие ошибки 2148204812.

Геймеры нередко сталкиваются с различными сбоями при запуске игрового софта на компьютере, и устранять их приходится самостоятельно. Одна из частых ошибок, встречающихся при старте игр (обычно речь о лицензионных версиях, защищённых антипиратским ПО), сопровождается сообщением «Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812».

Ошибка 2148204812 в Windows

Сбой инициализации драйвера Denuvo может возникать по разным причинам. Часто это конфликт с иным софтом, таким как анти-чит Valorant Vanguard, но есть также вероятность, что запуск игры блокирует антивирус или же пользователь промышляет взломом, что и стало источником проблемы, а в некоторых случаях причиной может послужить и некорректное обновление системы. Рассмотрим эффективные методы устранения ошибки, которые помогут справиться с ошибкой в том или ином случае.

Перезагрузка компьютера

Многие одноразовые сбои в работе системного программного обеспечения решаются путём обычной перезагрузки устройства. Не исключение и ошибка «Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812». В некоторых случаях этот простейший способ позволяет избавиться от неё, так что первым делом стоит перезагрузить компьютер.

Переустановка игры

Действенный способ устранения ошибки драйвера Denuvo «Error code: 2148204812» – переустановка софта. Так, в случае повреждения ПО сбой удастся исправить, если вы корректно удалите игру через оснастку «Параметры» (Win+I) или «Панель управления», перезагрузив устройство после выполнения процедуры, и затем повторно проинсталлируете её на компьютер.

Удаление игры в Windows

В случае использования игрового софта посредством Steam, удаление и последующая установка выполняются через лаунчер.

Пункт «Установить игру» в Steam

Удаление последних обновлений Windows

Как ни странно, иногда спровоцировать ошибку «Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812» могут недавно загруженные пакеты обновлений системы. В этом случае последние апдейты можно просто удалить. Для этого в Windows 10 выполняем следующие действия:

Удаление анти-чита Vanguard

Поскольку ошибка с кодом 2148204812 часто возникает по причине конфликта Denuvo с Vanguard, при наличии установленного анти-чита на компьютере его удаление поможет решить проблему. Процедура выполняется стандартно:

Отключение антивируса

Иногда виновником появления ошибки инициализации Denuvo, препятствующей запуску игры, становится установленный на устройстве защитный софт. Обычно такое происходит при использовании нелицензионной версии ПО. Файл игры мог попасть в карантин антивируса, в таком случае его потребуется восстановить, после чего добавить в исключения. Также у некоторых пользователей ошибка пропадала после отключения стандартного защитника Windows. Сделать это можно следующим образом:

В зависимости от источника появления проблемы, она может быть решена одним из вышерассмотренных способов. Даже если причина неизвестна, устранить сбой можно, поочерёдно используя различные варианты.


Issue: How to fix Denuvo driver error code 2148204812?

Hello. Every time I try to open Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, I receive an error “Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812.” I am not sure what I can do, so I would be grateful if you could help me with this. Thanks.

Solved Answer

Users typically receive Denuvo driver error 2148204812 on their Windows machines whenever they try to launch a game, such as Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 or Football Manager 2018. Nonetheless, some users reported that they received the error not only when launching games but also regular applications.

First of all, one might think that the Denuvo driver is a system or app component that allows a better performance of certain hardware (this is usually the purpose of a driver[1] on a Windows computer). However, the Denuvo driver is actually a piece of software responsible for DRM (Digital Rights Management).

DRM is a type of protection measure that is implemented by software developers to prevent piracy and unsolicited tampering with certain files or components of a program. Thus, for an app to be launched, the driver is meant to be initiated as well.

When something goes wrong, and it can’t be launched, users might experience Denuvo driver error 2148204812 and would not be able to launch the game or app.

Speaking of reasons, there are several of those why players see this error. First of all, it could be software conflict (namely, Valorant’s Vanguard anti-cheat engine). Thus, uninstalling it could solve the issue. In other cases, the error could be a sign of software piracy. Many users who pirated games reported the error.

Additionally, users also experienced the same error code with a different message, namely, “A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer. Error code 2148204812. In this instance, the root cause of the issue differs completely, although it also has to do with the incorrect verification process of a certificate within a certain app. This error is more common within corporate environments (there could be problems with the signature issuer), hence we are not going to focus on it.

How to fix Denuvo driver error code 2148204812?

If you are having a problem with a game or another application, on the other hand, several fixes could be useful to you. As evident, we will not discuss solutions for pirated versions of games, as we do not support or tolerate illegal software use.

Before you proceed with the steps below, we strongly recommend running a scan with powerful PC repair software FortectMac Washing Machine X9. It can fix the most common Windows issues, resolving BSODs, registry[2] errors, and other issues automatically.

Solution 1. Reinstall the game

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

There are several ways how you can uninstall the game – you can use a game client such as Steam or simply remove the app via the Control Panel. You can use the Apps and Features section to make it easy:

  • Right-click on Start and pick Apps and Features
  • Find the game from the list and select Uninstall > Uninstall

    Reinstall the game

  • Restart your PC
  • Re-download and install the game anew.

Solution 2. Uninstall Vanguard/Valorant

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

If you use Valorant on the same computer where you receive the error code 2148204812, it could be due to the software conflict. Vanguard is Valorant’s anti-cheat engine installed at the kernel – highest – level (which is essentially a rootkit and has been heavily criticized for security and privacy reasons).

If you are not currently playing Valorant, you should uninstall the game and the anti-cheat fully and see that that helped you solve the issue. Here’s how:

  • Open system tray
  • Right-click on Vanguard icon and select Exit Vanguard
  • Open Apps and Features and find Riot Vanguard entry
  • Select Uninstall > Uninstall

    Uninstall Vanguard

  • When User Account Control shows up, click Yes.
  • Restart your system.

Solution 3. Uninstall the latest Windows update [workaround]

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

Some users said that they started experiencing the error after a Windows update. In such a case, uninstalling the latest update could help you solve the issue. Keep in mind that this is not always possible due to time limitations. It is also not recommended to keep your system outdated due to software vulnerabilities,[3] so you should not consider this method as a permanent solution.

Solution 4. Contact game support

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

As we previously mentioned, if you are using an illegal version of an app or a game, you won’t find answers for that here, and this method will not work for you. Otherwise, contacting the technical support of the game that is not launching is one of the best solutions you can get.

Every game has a technical support team that could be contacted in one way or another – emails are usually used. Thus, find a genuine support email and write a message to staff – you might have to provide a game verification code/purchase receipt to receive the help, however.

Repair your Errors automatically

ugetfix.com team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

do it now!

Download Fix


do it now!

Download Fix


Compatible with Microsoft Windows
Compatible with OS X

Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using FortectMac Washing Machine X9, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Fortect — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Mac Washing Machine X9 — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect malware removal tool.To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Mac Washing Machine X9 malware removal tool.

Private Internet Access is a VPN that can prevent your Internet Service Provider, the government, and third-parties from tracking your online and allow you to stay completely anonymous. The software provides dedicated servers for torrenting and streaming, ensuring optimal performance and not slowing you down. You can also bypass geo-restrictions and view such services as Netflix, BBC, Disney+, and other popular streaming services without limitations, regardless of where you are.

Malware attacks, particularly ransomware, are by far the biggest danger to your pictures, videos, work, or school files. Since cybercriminals use a robust encryption algorithm to lock data, it can no longer be used until a ransom in bitcoin is paid. Instead of paying hackers, you should first try to use alternative recovery methods that could help you to retrieve at least some portion of the lost data. Otherwise, you could also lose your money, along with the files. One of the best tools that could restore at least some of the encrypted files –  Data Recovery Pro.

When launching a game on a Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, the error “Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812” may appear. Denuvo driver is a part of the software responsible for DRM (digital rights management) and serves to protect against hacking. Therefore, to start the game, the driver must also be initiated.

The culprit of Denuvo error 2148204812 may be a conflict with other similar software such as the Valorant Vanguard anti-cheat, or the user wanted to resort to hacking the game or changing any files. In addition, if the game was downloaded from a torrent, then the error code 2148204812 appears very often in the Denuvo driver. Here, we will explain how to fix Denuvo driver error code 2148204812 when starting games on a computer with Windows 11 and 10.

fix Denuvo Driver Error Code

Fix Denuvo Driver Error Code 2148204812

1. Reinstall the game

Uninstall and reinstall the game; thus, the Denuvo driver will work correctly if damaged. If you downloaded the game from a torrent, it is easier for you to contact the repack creator on the forum, as the game may be released with errors. If you are using the game through Steam, uninstallation and reinstallation must be done through this game launcher.

2. Removing Vanguard Valorant

If you are playing Valorant on the same PC where you get Denuvo error 2148204812, it may conflict with the Vanguard anti-cheat engine. Remove the Valorant game and the Vanguard anti-cheat, and see if that solves the problem. Go to Options> Applications> Applications & Features and uninstall Valorant and Vanguard. Remember to close Vanguard in the tray before uninstalling.

3. Uninstall the latest Windows update

If the error ” Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812 ” appears after the next Windows update, you need to uninstall the last installed update for Windows 11 or 10. Go to Settings > Windows Update > Windows Update Log > Uninstall Updates.

4. Antivirus

If you are using a pirated game, then the antivirus could add a crack to the quarantine, thereby initializing the denuvo driver will not be successful. If there is a crack from the game in quarantine, you will have to restore it from quarantine, then add the antivirus to the exceptions so that it does not block this crack in the future.

About The Author

You might have received “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” on your Windows Machines while trying to launch a game like Football Manager 2018 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. Or there is a chance that you’ll receive it while launching other apps as well. Some people consider Denuvo Driver a component of an app or system that lets specific hardware perform better. But that’s not the case since this is done by drivers on Windows Computers. Denuvo is mainly a piece of software, the job of which is “Digital Rights Management (DRM)”.

DRM is one of the protection measures that developers implement for preventing piracy and tempering with components of different programs. So, in order to launch an app, it is mandatory to initiate a driver as well. But if something is wrong with it, you find difficulty in launching it and experience “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812”.

Let’s take a look at the reasons behind “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” and see how to resolve this issue.

Facing PC Issues? Fix It Automatically..!!

1. Download Advance System Repair Tool Here.
2. Click Install and Scan Now to find all system issues causing the current problem.
3. Click Fix, Clean & Optimize Now to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance.

Why does Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812 occur?

There can be multiple reasons behind this issue. For example, if there is an issue with the software, you will receive “Denuvo Driver Error Code 2148204812”. And the only way left is to uninstall it. Users who pirate games also face the same issue, so it may be due to software piracy also. You may also experience the same issue with this message “A Certificate was explicitly revoked by its user. Error Code 2148204812.”

So, make sure that you find the reason first before trying to resolve it, or else, you may not even know what’s wrong with the app or software.

How to Resolve “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” issue?

If you are facing any such issue with a game or an app, you can try out any of the following methods to resolve it.

Fix Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812 by reinstalling the Game

You can Uninstall a game or app in a number of ways. Using a game client like Steam for this purpose is suitable, or you may also use Control Panel for removing the app. Just use the “Apps & Features” Section for making it easier. Here is how you can do it:

reinstall denuvo driver related games

  • First of all, right-click on “Start” and then choose “Apps & Features”.
  • You will see a list of apps or games there, find the one you want to uninstall and click on “Uninstall”.
  • Restart the PC.
  • Download and Install the game again.
  • See if the issue is resolved or not.

Sometimes, uninstalling a game or app removes the glitches in it and you get to play a better version of it after reinstalling or updating it. But it’s easy to do on mobile than on a PC. So, you may try this method to resolve the “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” issue.

Uninstall Valorant/Vanguard

If you are using Valorant on the same PC where you have received “Denuvo Driver Error Code 2148204812”, software conflict may be the reason behind this. Valorant has an anti-cheat engine named as Vanguard. If you aren’t using Valorant at the moment, you must uninstall it as it may resolve the “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” issue for you.

uninstall vanguard

Follow the below-mentioned steps in this regard:

  • First of all, open “System Tray”.
  • Right-click on “Vanguard Icon” and then select “Exit Vanguard”.
  • After that, click on “Apps & Features” for finding the “Riot Vanguard” entry.
  • Click on “Uninstall” for uninstalling it.
  • When you see “User Account Control”, click on “Yes”.
  • Restart the PC again.

Uninstalling a game is the simplest way of making it work. So, try out the above-mentioned steps and see if the “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” issue has been resolved or not.

Uninstall Windows Update

uninstall recent windows update

If uninstalling and then reinstalling the game doesn’t work, you may go for uninstalling the windows update. The reason is that you may face “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” after the latest update. So, the only way is to uninstall it. But this may not work either at times because of time limitations. Also, keeping your system outdated because of software vulnerabilities is never recommended. So, it is better not to consider this method since it may not prove to be a permanent solution.

However, you can try it out using the below-mentioned steps:

  • Type “Control Panel” in the Search bar and click on “Enter”.
  • Click on “Programs” and uninstall a Program.
  • You will see the option “View Installed Updates” on the left. Click on it.
  • Sort them out by date.
  • Right-click on the latest installment or update and click on Uninstall.
  • Restart your PC again.

uninstall windows update 2

As mentioned above, this method may or may not work. If there is any glitch in the Windows, this method may remove that. But you must try it out once to fix “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812”.

Facing PC Issues? Fix It Automatically..!!

1. Download Advance System Repair Tool Here.
2. Click Install and Scan Now to find all system issues causing the current problem.
3. Click Fix, Clean & Optimize Now to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance.

Contact Customer Support

Contacting customer support is usually considered as the last option since you have to provide them with proof and reasons that you are facing a certain issue. So, if you are using pirated version of a game or app, that will be considered illegal and the team won’t entertain you at all. Otherwise, it is one of the best solutions available to launch a game. Contact the game’s technical support via email and inform them about the issue, “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” in this case. Some games also require you to purchase a code for getting help. So, don’t take any method for granted and try to sort out the issue.


All the manual repair techniques may or may not work depending on the severity of the issue. But they get the job done most of the time. However, using automatic software to resolve “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812” is a better option. Also, since manual methods won’t work on pirated versions because of the usage of illegal software in them, automatic software can cope with them also. So, try to figure out the reason first and then use any of the above-mentioned methods or some other software to resolve “Denuvo Driver Error 2148204812”. If you have any question, you can click to Visit Our Discussion Board.

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