Ошибка dbk32 error

this means that the .sig file doesn’t match the contents of the executable you’re using. (if you just renamed cheatengine-x86_64.exe then do not forget to rename cheatengine-x86_64.sig as well)

alternatively, compile the driver yourself as unsigned, and then sign it yourself (or run in testsigning or no signing requirement) (compile using wdk 7600.16385.1)

that it says your system doesn’t support DBVM might be because you either compiled CE in debug mode (default when you get it from the Git) or your cpu doesn’t support it, or you’re inside a virtual machine

for compiling DBVM I always use a 64-bit linux environment, but that’s something you shouldn’t concern yourself with for now.

and a tip for easily seeing if it’s a 32 or 64-bit build, look at the address range. 8 digits is 32-bit, 16 digits is 64-bit

Я решил данный вопрос. И пытался найти причину и решить несколько способами.
1)Игры, которые используют анти-читы в режиме ядра.
Такие игры блокируют доступ чтению процессов и работы с физической памятью.
Интересно то, что не все анти-читы блокируют запуск программ в режиме ядра,CE может не запустить DBK из-за нехватки ЦП(К примеру если запустить Nox и DBVM одновременно).
1)Запустить в «Безопасности Windows» — «Изоляция ядра»(Поможет заблокировать запуск анти-читов), перезагрузить устройство.
2)После перезагрузки отключить «Изоляцию ядра» и снова перезагружаем.

В моём случае проблема была решина.
2)Компоненты, которые мешают запуск DBK и DBVM.
1)Заходим в Доп. Компоненты: Параметры — Приложения — Приложения и Возможности — Дополнительные Компоненты — Другие компоненты Windows
2)Отключите (Уберите галочку) в

                                                                2.Платформа виртуальной машины.

                                                                3.Платформа низкоуровневой оболочки windows.

3)Сброс локальных политик безопасности Windows

Запускаем Командную строку от имени администратора, после этого пишем следующие команды.

Для Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8 и Windows 7: secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

Для Windows XP:                                                     secedit /configure /cfg %windir%repairsecsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose
Перезагружаем компьютер.
Если проблема осталось, пишем следующее:

 ren %windir%securitydatabaseedb.chk edb_old.chk


gpupdate /force


Shutdown –f –r –t 0

Мне лично это помогло.
4.Решение с помощью CMD:
Впишите всё туда.

bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING on
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off
%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32reg.exe add «HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTDriver Signing» /v BehaviorOnFailedVerify /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Затем перезапустите Win и зажмите F8.
У вас должно появится вот это: 75.jpg

Вуаля у меня всё сработало))))
5.Переустановка винды(Чистая)
Вам нужно будет пейти восстановление системы с использованием cmd.

Нужно будет использовать утилиту diskpart
А затем перейти к диску 0
и написать clean.
Подробно расписывать не буду(если не попросите), а так можете найти в других источников.



dbk64.cepack is extracted to dbk64.sys but dbk32.cepack is not extracted. dbk32.sys is missing. how can i extract it manually?

alt text

alt text

on a older version has working.

how can i extract ? or how can i fix it ?


If you install CE on a 64-Bit system, dbk64.sys will be extracted and used for both cheatengine-i386.exe, cheatengine-x86_64.exe and cheatengine-x86_64-SSE4-AVX2.exe.

If you install CE on a 32-Bit system, dbk32.sys will be extracted and used.

dbk64.sys cannot be used on a 32-Bit system, and dbk32.sys cannot be used on a 64-Bit system.


How do you fix it though, I have the same error


If you install CE on a 64-Bit system, dbk64.sys will be extracted and used for both cheatengine-i386.exe, cheatengine-x86_64.exe and cheatengine-x86_64-SSE4-AVX2.exe.

If you install CE on a 32-Bit system, dbk32.sys will be extracted and used.

dbk64.sys cannot be used on a 32-Bit system, and dbk32.sys cannot be used on a 64-Bit system.

okey, but how can i fix this error ? im on 64bit system with ryzen 9 5900x CPU


changed the title
DBK Error and DBK32 Error

DBK Error

Feb 27, 2023


error 647 usually means ‘something’ blocked starting dbk64.sys. . e.g. anti cheat or anti virus



unplug your power cable and hold power button for 10 seconds then plug back in



unplugged while it was still on?

and try turning it off in the core isolation control panel


error 647 usually means ‘something’ blocked starting dbk64.sys. . e.g. anti cheat or anti virus

i dont have an AV, just windows defender on win11. but to start cheat enginge i set scanner to off. i have reinstall windows and cheat enginge give me this error. anticheat is not because its an offline game without anti cheat


Okey, so i have delete in regedit the VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable file and create a new one and restart PC. than its working now. idk why its work but its work after create a new one


ok so I just downgraded to windows 10 cuz windows 11 sucked and it fixed the problem

So i tried everything that was on the forums and nothing worked. It also already worked today, but for some magical reason it doesnt works anymore. I didnt do crazy stuff with it and didnt change some system- or CheatEngine critical files. I turned off anti virus and also vanguard (i dont know if it has something to do with it).

(also it first didnt function after I tried doing the ce game tutorial)

level 1

after uninstalling vanguard restart windows (not shut down and back on, actual restart)

level 1

More information would help. What exactly did you try? Is it self compiled or precompiled CE/DBK? What error do you get?

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[Solved] DBK Error…

I want to scan the Physical Memory section, and after enabling it in options, I get greeted with a nice DBK error message.

I tried rebooting the computer already, but it’s still not working.


Anyone know what might be causing it or how to resolve it?

Last edited by Exeter on Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: DBK Error…


by Eric » Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:35 pm

Looks like your cheat engine executable has been changed. The driver will not work when the CE exe file has been changed.

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Re: DBK Error…


by Exeter » Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:23 pm

Yep, you’re right. Looks like it was a sloppy unsigned version that I got. Reinstalling the default version made it work.


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сообщение № 1 отправлено 12:16, 25.03.2018

Добрый день. Как решить данную проблему? За ранее благодарен за ответ.


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сообщение № 2 отправлено 20:20, 08.12.2018

AlexNumberZero (25.03.2018, 11:16) писал:Добрый день. Как решить данную проблему? За ранее благодарен за ответ.

сам сталкнулся с данной проблемой даже винду новую поставил и все равно ошибка не исчезла



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сообщение № 3 отправлено 13:20, 09.12.2018

Твой проц поддерживает DBVM ?

Я решил данный вопрос. И пытался найти причину и решить несколько способами.
1)Игры, которые используют анти-читы в режиме ядра.
Такие игры блокируют доступ чтению процессов и работы с физической памятью.
Интересно то, что не все анти-читы блокируют запуск программ в режиме ядра,CE может не запустить DBK из-за нехватки ЦП(К примеру если запустить Nox и DBVM одновременно).
1)Запустить в «Безопасности Windows» — «Изоляция ядра»(Поможет заблокировать запуск анти-читов), перезагрузить устройство.
2)После перезагрузки отключить «Изоляцию ядра» и снова перезагружаем.

В моём случае проблема была решина.
2)Компоненты, которые мешают запуск DBK и DBVM.
1)Заходим в Доп. Компоненты: Параметры — Приложения — Приложения и Возможности — Дополнительные Компоненты — Другие компоненты Windows
2)Отключите (Уберите галочку) в

                                                                2.Платформа виртуальной машины.

                                                                3.Платформа низкоуровневой оболочки windows.

3)Сброс локальных политик безопасности Windows

Запускаем Командную строку от имени администратора, после этого пишем следующие команды.

Для Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8 и Windows 7: secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

Для Windows XP:                                                     secedit /configure /cfg %windir%repairsecsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose
Перезагружаем компьютер.
Если проблема осталось, пишем следующее:

 ren %windir%securitydatabaseedb.chk edb_old.chk


gpupdate /force


Shutdown –f –r –t 0

Мне лично это помогло.
4.Решение с помощью CMD:
Впишите всё туда.

bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING on
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off
%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
%windir%System32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32reg.exe add «HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTDriver Signing» /v BehaviorOnFailedVerify /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Затем перезапустите Win и зажмите F8.
У вас должно появится вот это: 75.jpg

Вуаля у меня всё сработало))))
5.Переустановка винды(Чистая)
Вам нужно будет пейти восстановление системы с использованием cmd.

Нужно будет использовать утилиту diskpart
А затем перейти к диску 0
и написать clean.
Подробно расписывать не буду(если не попросите), а так можете найти в других источников.



  1. Cheat engine error open process
  2. Cheat engine error open process
  3. Cheat engine error open process

Cheat engine error open process

I read somewhere that you have to have windows xp pro and not windows xp home, is that true? If so that could be my problem. I am getting a new computer soon and that will fix the problem if that is the case.

I have tried a couple of different sites and various games that I am sure do not have a hack protection so I am positive that that is not the problem. Back to top

Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:52 am Post subject:
Make sure to run a administrator
And change the rights for the administrator so that it can debug and open processes in your configuration. Could be home sucks so much it doesn’t even allow administrators to do everything

also, easiest way to test if it’s a hack protection or not: See if you can do the tutorial

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping


Cheat engine error open process

So, I want to hack money in Aveyond 2: Ean’s Quest. I follow instruction from Labyrnth (I can’t enter the url, but the thread’s title is «Hacking .rwg files»), but, up until the fifth step, when he said «You are attached to the games process, not the loader.» When I click the process with title «Aveyond’s 2: Ean’s Quest (Version 2)»
I get error message that said «error while opening this process»
when double clicking that.
So apparently, when I search in another thread, the solution said that I must tick Extra -> Enable Open Process. And this is where new problem began. When I tick it, this error message come up:
-DBK32.DLL ERROR- «the driver couldn’t be opened! It’s not loaded or not responding. I recommend to reboot your system and try again»

I then follow another solution for this, such as reboot my computer, uninstalling my antivirus, reinstalling Cheat Engine, Run as administrator and run in Windows XP compatibility mode, press f8 and enable enforcement unsigned drivers, and also enter this in run mode.:

bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON

But still no result appeared.

I download my cheat engine from download page in this site, So it’s definitely not a modified one and I’m currently run Windows 7 32 bit on my pc.

Please help me, I already searching the solution of this problem for many hours without result, I really having a headache right now and it’s already past midnight here.

p.s: I want to enter the screenshot and url, but apparently, I can’t do that yet

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:41 pm Post subject:
Run the kernelmodule unloader and then reboot and run ce before you run the game

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping

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How do I cheat?

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Posts: 4

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:22 pm Post subject:
So, I do it just like you said, when I click Kernelmoduleunloader.exe, it said «The driver is successfully unloaded». After that I restart my pc, but when I open the CE, the same error window «DBK32.DLL Error» still appeared.

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:32 pm Post subject:
Run the unloader again. Uninstall ce and reboot
Then reinstall ce. (This deals with windows restoring an old version of dbk32.sys if it was loaded)
Optionally set the option for kernelmode openprocess again if you have reset the settings

After install confirm that dbk32.sys is present in the folder cheat engine is installed in.
If not, your anti virus may have deleted it

Again, make sure no games are running

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping

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How do I cheat?

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Posts: 4

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:39 pm Post subject:
Correct me if I did it wrong here.
First, I checked the open process despite there an error window. Then, I run the unloader, uninstall CE, reboot my PC then reinstall CE. I didn’t reset my settings. I also confirm that the dbk32.sys is present in CE folder before running cheat engine, and there are no application running beside CE. I also use compability mode and run as administrator just in case for countermeasure. But, when I open my CE and go to setting then checked open process, the error window still appeared.
It’s really frustrating

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:48 pm Post subject:
Get dbgview from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx

Close CE, Run the kernelmodule unloader and start debugview
Then make sure dbgview is set to capture kernel events

When you’re sure start cheat engine and post the results

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping

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How do I cheat?

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Posts: 4

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:52 pm Post subject:
I can’t use it, I run the debugview as administrator and compability in XP mode, but when I want to checked «capture kernel», there’s error message that said «error loading debugview driver: The system cannot find the file specified. Make sure you have the load driver and debug driver privilege in order to monitor kernel-mode debug prints»
Why is this error message appear eventhough I already turn signature checking off using «bcdedit -set nointegritychecks ON» and from F8 during boot?

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:07 am Post subject:
Do not run debugview nor ce in compatibility mode

Also, signature checking can not be set with bcdedit, and isn’t needed anyhow as both ce and dbgview have signed drivers (Integrity checks are something else)

If that doesn’t fix it send your system to someone to fix or reinstall windows as it looks like you have lost ownership of your computer. Something is preventing you to run things as administrator.

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping


Cheat engine error open process

So, I want to hack money in Aveyond 2: Ean’s Quest. I follow instruction from Labyrnth (I can’t enter the url, but the thread’s title is «Hacking .rwg files»), but, up until the fifth step, when he said «You are attached to the games process, not the loader.» When I click the process with title «Aveyond’s 2: Ean’s Quest (Version 2)»
I get error message that said «error while opening this process»
when double clicking that.
So apparently, when I search in another thread, the solution said that I must tick Extra -> Enable Open Process. And this is where new problem began. When I tick it, this error message come up:
-DBK32.DLL ERROR- «the driver couldn’t be opened! It’s not loaded or not responding. I recommend to reboot your system and try again»

I then follow another solution for this, such as reboot my computer, uninstalling my antivirus, reinstalling Cheat Engine, Run as administrator and run in Windows XP compatibility mode, press f8 and enable enforcement unsigned drivers, and also enter this in run mode.:

bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON

But still no result appeared.

I download my cheat engine from download page in this site, So it’s definitely not a modified one and I’m currently run Windows 7 32 bit on my pc.

Please help me, I already searching the solution of this problem for many hours without result, I really having a headache right now and it’s already past midnight here.

p.s: I want to enter the screenshot and url, but apparently, I can’t do that yet

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Dark Byte
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Joined: 09 May 2003
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Location: The netherlands

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:41 pm Post subject:
Run the kernelmodule unloader and then reboot and run ce before you run the game

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

Like my help? Join me on Patreon so i can keep helping

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How do I cheat?

Joined: 16 Aug 2014
Posts: 4

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:22 pm Post subject:
So, I do it just like you said, when I click Kernelmoduleunloader.exe, it said «The driver is successfully unloaded». After that I restart my pc, but when I open the CE, the same error window «DBK32.DLL Error» still appeared.

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:32 pm Post subject:
Run the unloader again. Uninstall ce and reboot
Then reinstall ce. (This deals with windows restoring an old version of dbk32.sys if it was loaded)
Optionally set the option for kernelmode openprocess again if you have reset the settings

After install confirm that dbk32.sys is present in the folder cheat engine is installed in.
If not, your anti virus may have deleted it

Again, make sure no games are running

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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:39 pm Post subject:
Correct me if I did it wrong here.
First, I checked the open process despite there an error window. Then, I run the unloader, uninstall CE, reboot my PC then reinstall CE. I didn’t reset my settings. I also confirm that the dbk32.sys is present in CE folder before running cheat engine, and there are no application running beside CE. I also use compability mode and run as administrator just in case for countermeasure. But, when I open my CE and go to setting then checked open process, the error window still appeared.
It’s really frustrating

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:48 pm Post subject:
Get dbgview from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx

Close CE, Run the kernelmodule unloader and start debugview
Then make sure dbgview is set to capture kernel events

When you’re sure start cheat engine and post the results

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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:52 pm Post subject:
I can’t use it, I run the debugview as administrator and compability in XP mode, but when I want to checked «capture kernel», there’s error message that said «error loading debugview driver: The system cannot find the file specified. Make sure you have the load driver and debug driver privilege in order to monitor kernel-mode debug prints»
Why is this error message appear eventhough I already turn signature checking off using «bcdedit -set nointegritychecks ON» and from F8 during boot?

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:07 am Post subject:
Do not run debugview nor ce in compatibility mode

Also, signature checking can not be set with bcdedit, and isn’t needed anyhow as both ce and dbgview have signed drivers (Integrity checks are something else)

If that doesn’t fix it send your system to someone to fix or reinstall windows as it looks like you have lost ownership of your computer. Something is preventing you to run things as administrator.

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Any idea of what to do? Is it just a bug due to the new Windows version + updates?

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:21 pm Post subject:
Open regedit

Navigate to HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlCIConfig

Create a new DWORD named VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set to 0

Reboot (not shot down and back on, actual reboot)

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:13 pm Post subject: WORKS
Dark Byte wrote:
Open regedit

Navigate to HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlCIConfig

Create a new DWORD named VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set to 0

Reboot (not shot down and back on, actual reboot)

Thank you so much! I appreciate it and thanks for everything you do for the community!

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How do I cheat?

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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:50 am Post subject:
Dark Byte wrote:
Open regedit

Navigate to HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlCIConfig

Create a new DWORD named VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set to 0

Reboot (not shot down and back on, actual reboot)

is not there any work around solution that does not evolve Disabling VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable

what about windows defender does disabling it help out ?

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:30 pm Post subject:
stay with an non-updated windows 10 install

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Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 6:35 am Post subject:
Dark Byte wrote:
Open regedit

Navigate to HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlCIConfig

Create a new DWORD named VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set to 0


Dbk error cheat engine

I tried using the old version again, but it has the same problem now.
I’ve spent the past 2 hours googling that error but everyones problem seemed to be antivirus deleting the files, which is simply not the case here.

I have downloaded cheatengine 6.7 from «cheatengine.org»

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Whateven rank

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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:10 am Post subject:
if one version have error then the second version will have it too, CE share configuration, hotkey, other setting.

i never faced this problem before, but i think uninstalling both versions and re-install latest version will fix it.

give it a try. and post again if your problem solved.

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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:19 am Post subject:
I’ve tried that multiple times, it didn’t fix the problem.
I completely uninstalled all cheat engine versions i had, even removed left over traces and deleted the ce settings in the registry, reboot, reinstalled 6.7 ce version, problem persists.
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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:20 am Post subject:
for the cleanest possible install try this:
run the kernelmodule unloader, reboot, run the kernelmodule unloader, uninstall all ce versions you have installed, reboot, install ce 6.7.

Make sure you download cheat engine from a valid source

Besides that, make sure you don’t edit cheat engine, as the driver will not function on modified executables (So don’t run any .exe infecting viruses on your system as well)

Do not run tools that hide cheat engine from your system (the driver needs to verify it is a valid CE)

and try installing ce to a different folder

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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:57 am Post subject:
I downloaded cheatengine from cheatendinge.org, should be the official one, i cannot post links though.
I have no intention of hiding or modifying cheat engine as it used to do everything i needed before, without any modification.

I tried installing cheat engine to a usb drive and a newly created folder on the main drive, using your clean install method, problem persists though.

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:30 pm Post subject:
and you’re sure you ran the kernelmodule unloader and rebooted ?

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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:01 am Post subject:
yes i’m sure. Kernelmodule unloader, reboot, again kernelmodule unloader, uninstall, another reboot, reinstall.
Error persists. I’m really at my wits end, elsewise i wouldn’t post here. Especially since everything was working fine with 6.5.1 before. Never change a running system, idiot me, shouldn’t have updated.
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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:53 am Post subject:
did you change your operating system recently ?
It’s also possible that something is ‘protecting’ you

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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:08 am Post subject:
no, i’m running windows 7 home premium for over a year now.

Is there any standalone pre configured build of cheat engine with memory read/write working and enabled? I’d like to try something like this, just to make sure the installation process is not the culprit.

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:47 am Post subject:
the download page has a link to a version without installer

i do recommend you also scan gor viruses. the main reason for the driver to not talk is having a modified executable, or something is blocking the driver from talking.

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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:51 am Post subject:
Found the standalone, it’s not working either though, same error.

I ran a full kaspersky scan over night yesterday, but it found nothing.

Uninstalled it again afterwards and then reboot, for another installation attempt of cheat engine. But nothing seems to work.

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:54 am Post subject:
you’re sure you haven’t put a driver64.dat file in the installation folder ?

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Whateven rank

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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 am Post subject:
ehm, i dont have any experience for such issues.
but i agree with DB, there might be something blocking some CE files to communicate with the system.

anti-virus? virus in windowssystem32? or systemWOW64? or maybe you have installed something from windows update recently?

EDIT: maybe one of the module files corrupted?

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STN wrote:
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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:56 am Post subject:
I didn’t change anything in the cheat engine folder.
Just checked and i don’t have a driver64.dat file. Well . should this file be there? I had no errors while installing.

I have not updated any drivers recently before the error occured. I installed a quality rollup from windows updates, but thats about it. Cheat Engine was working properly until i updated to the newest version, what worked 2 minutes ago suddenly didn’t work anymore.

Trying to fix this error is even more time consuming than i thought I’m about to give up. So if you have any final even radical advices let me hear it please. (Except for reformat system)

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:14 am Post subject:
i was gonna suggest reformat.

but try undoing the last patches or a system restore to a few weeks back ?

and you’re sure you’re not getting any other messages like invalid signature ?

try getting sysinternal dbgview, configure it to capture kernelmode messages, and log what it says when using CE

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Большинство ошибок, связанных с файлом dbk32.dll, возникают в результате отсутствия или использования повреждённой версии файла DLL, который был в комплекте Third-Party Application. Основной способ решить эти проблемы вручную — заменить файл DLL новой копией. Более того, поддержание чистоты реестра и его оптимизация позволит предотвратить указание неверного пути к файлу (например dbk32.dll) и ссылок на расширения файлов. По этой причине мы рекомендуем регулярно выполнять очистку сканирования реестра.

Формат Dynamic Link Library с расширением файла DLL классифицируют в качестве Системные файлы. Ниже представлен список самых последних версий файлов практически для всех версий Windows (а также для некоторых %%os%%), которые вы также можете скачать. Если в настоящий момент отсутствует необходимая вам версия dbk32.dll, запросите ей, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) рядом с необходимой версией файла. В крайнем случае, если ниже отсутствует необходимый вам файл ниже, для получения необходимой версии вы также можете связаться с Windows Software Developer.

Несмотря на то, что в большинстве случаев после размещения файла dbk32.dll в надлежащем месте на жёстком диске, сообщения об ошибках, связанных с этим файлом, больше не выводятся, следует выполнить быструю проверку, чтобы окончательно в этом убедиться. Убедитесь в том, что вам удалось устранить ошибку, открыв Third-Party Application и (или) выполнив операцию, при выполнении которой возникала проблема.

Dbk32.dll Описание файла
Тип: DLL
Тип приложения:
Program: Third-Party Application
Вер: 1.0
Компания: Windows Software Developer
Имя файла: dbk32.dll  

Байт: 121344
SHA-1: 2fe950b870d9069f0b22c7ac1faef8e4424e9651
MD5: f6f725be353177e2540e0ce81010d3d5

Продукт Solvusoft

WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в dbk32.dll


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Выберите программное обеспечение

Filename Контрольная сумма MD5 Размер Загрузить
+ dbk32.dll f6f725be353177e2540e0ce81010d3d5 118.50 KB
Application Third-Party Application 1.0
Компания Windows Software Developer
OS Windows XP
Архитектура 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 121344
MD5 f6f725be353177e2540e0ce81010d3d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 2fe950b870d9069f0b22c7ac1faef8e4424e9651
Контрольная сумма SHA256: db623926b7925d936b9e6ee1c4b53b62afedceb6486aa7824e43a90d7b66364b
Расположение каталога файлов %PROGRAMFILES%\Cheat Engine\

Типичные ошибки Dbk32.dll

Частичный список ошибок dbk32.dll Third-Party Application:

  • «Отсутствует файл Dbk32.dll.»
  • «Отсутствует файл Dbk32.dll.»
  • «Dbk32.dll нарушение прав доступа.»
  • «Не удается зарегистрировать dbk32.dll. «
  • «Файл %PROGRAMFILES%\Cheat Engine\\dbk32.dll не найден.»
  • «Third-Party Application не может запускаться, dbk32.dll отсутствует. Пожалуйста, переустановите Third-Party Application. «
  • «Не удалось запустить Third-Party Application, так как dbk32.dll не найден. Повторная установка Third-Party Application может исправить это. «

Эти сообщения об ошибках DLL могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с dbk32.dll (например, Third-Party Application) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. При появлении ошибки dbk32.dll запишите вхождения для устранения неполадок Third-Party Application и помогите Windows Software Developer найти причину.

Корень проблем Dbk32.dll

Как правило, dbk32.dll проблемы атрибут поврежденного/отсутствующего dbk32.dll. Обычно проблемы Third-Party Application возникают из-за того, что dbk32.dll является файлом из внешнего источника.

Файлы dbk32.dll повреждены от вредоносных программ, плохих отключений (ОС или Third-Party Application) и других сценариев, связанных с dbk32.dll. Повреждение файла dbk32.dll плохо загружает его, что приводит к ошибкам Third-Party Application.

Редко проблемы с записями реестра Windows для Third-Party Application могут вызвать ошибку dbk32.dll. Эти разбитые ссылки на пути dbk32.dll вызывают ошибки с Third-Party Application из-за неправильной регистрации dbk32.dll. Неверная установка/удаление Third-Party Application, dbk32.dll, который перемещен, или отсутствующий dbk32.dll может создать эти неработающие ссылки на путь к файлам.

В частности, проблемы dbk32.dll возникают с:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра dbk32.dll.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО поврежден dbk32.dll.
  • Не удалось (или связанное с ним) оборудование Windows Software Developer, повредив dbk32.dll.
  • Несвязанное программное приложение перезаписало необходимую версию dbk32.dll.
  • Другая программа злонамеренно или по ошибке удалила файл dbk32.dll.
  • Другая программа (не связанная с Third-Party Application) удалила dbk32.dll по ошибке (или злонамеренно).


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Another DBK problem

Here’s the story:
In Bro’s PC, I have CE 6.8.1 and 6.8.2, both can’t enable Open Process and there is popup saying dbk32 is unsigned and disabling secure boot in BIOS doesn’t work (oh yes, unloader method and tweaking through cmd & windows policy doesn’t work either)
while in my laptop (yes, the potato), 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 can be enabled and work nicely
Bro’s PC and my laptop use the same OS, Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

now here’s the thing:
Bro’s PC support’s DBVM (written green in CE about)
However CE 6.6 can enable Open Process (yes, ‘DBK64 LOADED’ text appears), while CE 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 gives the error
and all CE I downloaded is from cheatengine.org so there’s no way I downloaded the unsigned or modded version of CE

Anyone ever got this strange problem??? Please Help

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Re: Another DBK problem


by SunBeam »

People in 2019 still believe using CE’s driver will give them access to a game’s shielded-through-anti-cheat process :) Might I ask which game are you looking to cheat in via this method? As far as I know no single-player game requires DBK, so it must be something online. Yes, am digressing from the issue at hand, I know :) But please humor me.


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Re: Another DBK problem


by Eric »

Just do a physical memory scan, followed by DBVM’s find what accesses/writes to that physical address, get the code and then cloakedit, which bypasses all, so yes, the driver can still be used to bypass any clientside anti cheat whatsoever (Of course you don’t need the driver after loading DBVM so you can even unload that if you like afterwards, and I recommend you use the cr3 you get from dbvm to reconstruct the virtual memory layout if you like)
Only thing you need to do is hide CE (Try patching the kernel so that API’s used to detect CE return negative, patching the kernel can also be done with DBVM cloakedits)

As for the driver not loading, update your windows 7 install with the latest patches. The driver is supposed to work with windows 10 (and patched 7), but if your OS doesn’t have the sha256 signing patch it won’t recognize the signature
Alternatively since you’re on win 7: Hold f8 during boot, and in the menu that appears pick the option to allow unsigned drivers

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Re: Another DBK problem


by SunBeam »

You lost me in some parts; not to mention him when he reads :D :D Easier said than done.


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Re: Another DBK problem


by ZoanChrome »

SunBeam wrote: ↑

Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:44 am

People in 2019 still believe using CE’s driver will give them access to a game’s shielded-through-anti-cheat process :) Might I ask which game are you looking to cheat in via this method? As far as I know no single-player game requires DBK, so it must be something online. Yes, am digressing from the issue at hand, I know :) But please humor me.

It’s just that sometimes i get the right address when I enable dbk. (yes i’m dumb af)
Wait, single player game requires no DBK? Then what is Open Process and all that extra things used for? (again I’m dumb af)
and no, I didn’t use it to play online games, Online games nowadays always detect CE and sometimes there’s no need to use CE in online games because something that need cheating is server-side

Last edited by ZoanChrome on Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Another DBK problem


by ZoanChrome »

Eric wrote: ↑

Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:09 am

Just do a physical memory scan, followed by DBVM’s find what accesses/writes to that physical address, get the code and then cloakedit, which bypasses all, so yes, the driver can still be used to bypass any clientside anti cheat whatsoever (Of course you don’t need the driver after loading DBVM so you can even unload that if you like afterwards, and I recommend you use the cr3 you get from dbvm to reconstruct the virtual memory layout if you like)
Only thing you need to do is hide CE (Try patching the kernel so that API’s used to detect CE return negative, patching the kernel can also be done with DBVM cloakedits)

As for the driver not loading, update your windows 7 install with the latest patches. The driver is supposed to work with windows 10 (and patched 7), but if your OS doesn’t have the sha256 signing patch it won’t recognize the signature
Alternatively since you’re on win 7: Hold f8 during boot, and in the menu that appears pick the option to allow unsigned drivers

Just like Sunbeam says, I don’t really get what you’re saying
and for win 7 patch, yes I think this may be the problem, bro’s PC didn’t update anymore since 2012 while my laptop updated to March 2016
and for alternative I’ll try it
Thanks for the suggestion

EDIT: Righteous, Win 7 security Update KB3033929 fix the certificate problem, 6.8.2 dbk loaded and open process can be enabled
Btw, holding F8 didn’t do anything . It just start up like normal even when i’m holding it down (when the machine logo shows up), maybe i should have press another button
Anyway the problem is fixed
Thanks for your help Eric

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