Headlight Range Control Defective A6 C6
Сообщение Паша » 01 авг 2012, 23:26
Предыстория: поставил оригинальные проставки на задние пружины для увеличения клиренса на задней оси в своем универсале. Показалось что фары стали светить ближе к авто, чем раньше. Руки сделать адаптацию головного света (у меня стоит Би-ксенон) не доходили.
Сегодня была оказия и я подключил шнурок к своей ласточке, чтобы провести долгожданную операцию. Как только начал адаптацию, сразу же выскочила надпись на панели «Headlight Range Control Defective» и загорелся желтый значок фары со стрелочками вверх и вниз. В блок управления ксеноном (№55) записалась ошибка, которую пока я удалить не смог. Адаптация до конца не завершилась и висела в процессе. Скажу сразу, что я никакие манипуляции с кузовом. бампером, фарами не проводил за время владения авто.
Буду пробовать адаптировать по инструкции с http://www.ross-tech.com . По мере продвижения в решении вопроса, буду пополнять тему.
Сообщение Властелин колец » 02 авг 2012, 16:22
Сообщение Паша » 02 авг 2012, 22:06
Вот что про адаптацию в Эльзе:
Автомобили с автоматическим корректором фар:
ИнструкцияДля проверки / регулировки фар необходимо всегда переводить их в базовое положение для регулировки при помощи -VAS 5051-.
t Выполнить базовую установку с помощью тестера -VAS 5051-:
– Подключитьтестер -VAS 5051- при помощи провода адаптера -VAS 5051/5- к выключенному зажиганию.
– Включить зажигание.
– Нажать „Gefuehrte Fehlersuche (Ведомый поиск неисправностей)“
Ввести параметры автомобиля, опрашиваются все блоки управления.
– Нажать в указанном порядке следующие обозначения:
t Sprung (Переход)
t Funktions und Bauteilauswahl / Выбор функции и компонента
t Karosserie (Кузов)
t Elektrische Anlage (Электрооборудование)
t 01-Eigendiagnosefaehige Systeme (01 — самодиагностирующиеся системы)
t 55-Dynamische Leuchtweitenregelung (55 — динамическая коррекция угла наклона фар)
t J 431-Dynamische Leuchtweitenregelung, Funktionen (J 431– динамическая коррекция угла наклона фар, функционирование)
t J 431-Блок управления LWR, Базовая установка
t Нажать кнопку →
Следовать указаниям тестера и подтвердить ввод, пока не появится надпись:
J 431-Блок управления LWR, Базовая установка
t Нажать кнопку →
t Действовать в соответствии с ходом проверки
Сообщение Паша » 05 авг 2012, 20:35
Сегодня все сделал по описанию тут — Using the OBDTool to Remove the Auto Level Error ( http://www.a4mods.com ). Отличие в том, что для А6 появляется кнопочка «ON/OFF/END» в окне «004-Basic Settings», которую нужно нажать три раза. Всё!
По порядку действия:
— поставить авто на ровную площадку (в моем случае парковка возле «Гиппо» на Горецкого-Рафиева);
— запустил двигатель (не обязательно, все должно пройти просто при включенном зажигании)
— выключил ручной тормоз;
— Подключил Ваг-ком:
01-10-000-Read-Save (этим я сбросил все настройки света на заводские)
01-04-001-Go-ON/OFF/END (нажал три раза)
После проделанного ошибка сразу же исчезла сама, свет был адаптирован.
Напомню, что если необходимо отрегулировать свет фар, то это нужно сделать с помощью регулировочных винтов, расположенных на фаре сверху.
В стремлении к совершенству выбираешь лучшее. AS8 Клуб — сделавшие свой выбор.
headlight range control defective
headlight range control defective
Сообщение shtepa » Вт янв 16, 2018 4:09 pm
headlight range control defective
Сообщение Akin » Вт янв 16, 2018 6:57 pm
Не работает автокорректор фар.
Выложить ошибки по 09, 34 и 55 блокам.
headlight range control defective
Сообщение shtepa » Ср янв 17, 2018 8:20 pm
VCDS — Windows эмулятор VAG/VAS Выполняется Windows 7 x86
VCDS Версия:
Версия данных: 20150930
Адрес 09: Блок управления бортовой сети Label: 4E0-910-279.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 279 J HW: 4E0 907 279 J
Компонент и/или версия: ILM Fahrer H12 0190
Кодировка: 0031112
Код мастерской: WSC 02313 785 00200
Дополнительная информация: 4E1910113B Wischer WWS D3 H50 0400
Дополнительная информация: Geraet 00200
VCID: 2F67355ABE591046FF-807A
Неисправности не найдены
или поиск неисправностей не поддерживается блоком управления
или ошибка связи
Адрес 34: Регулировка дорожного просвета (пневмоподвеска) Label: 4E0-910-553.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 553 E HW: 4E0 907 553 E
Компонент и/или версия: LUFTFDR.-CDC H05 4290
Кодировка: 0015510
Код мастерской: WSC 00011 888 06946
VCID: 254BD772ECA55A1605-8070
2 Найдены неисправности:
01772 — Сигнальный провод от датчика давления регулятора дор.прос.(G291)
008 — Недостоверный сигнал — Непостоянно
Статус неисправности: 00101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 135
Пробег: 251099 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.09
Время: 18:03:32
00778 — Датчик угла поворота рулевого колеса
008 — Недостоверный сигнал
Статус неисправности: 11101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 15
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251054 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 00:23:32
Адрес 34: Регулировка дорожного просвета (пневмоподвеска) Label: 4E0-910-553.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 553 E HW: 4E0 907 553 E
Компонент и/или версия: LUFTFDR.-CDC H05 4290
Кодировка: 0015510
Код мастерской: WSC 00011 888 06946
VCID: 254BD772ECA55A1605-8070
2 Найдены неисправности:
01772 — Сигнальный провод от датчика давления регулятора дор.прос.(G291)
008 — Недостоверный сигнал — Непостоянно
Статус неисправности: 00101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 135
Пробег: 251099 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.09
Время: 18:03:32
00778 — Датчик угла поворота рулевого колеса
008 — Недостоверный сигнал
Статус неисправности: 11101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 15
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251054 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 00:23:32
Адрес 34: Регулировка дорожного просвета (пневмоподвеска) Label: 4E0-910-553.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 553 E HW: 4E0 907 553 E
Компонент и/или версия: LUFTFDR.-CDC H05 4290
Кодировка: 0015510
Код мастерской: WSC 00011 888 06946
VCID: 254BD772ECA55A1605-8070
2 Найдены неисправности:
01772 — Сигнальный провод от датчика давления регулятора дор.прос.(G291)
008 — Недостоверный сигнал — Непостоянно
Статус неисправности: 00101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 135
Пробег: 251099 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.09
Время: 18:03:32
00778 — Датчик угла поворота рулевого колеса
008 — Недостоверный сигнал
Статус неисправности: 11101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 15
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251054 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 00:23:32
Адрес 34: Регулировка дорожного просвета (пневмоподвеска) Label: 4E0-910-553.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 553 E HW: 4E0 907 553 E
Компонент и/или версия: LUFTFDR.-CDC H05 4290
Кодировка: 0015510
Код мастерской: WSC 00011 888 06946
VCID: 254BD772ECA55A1605-8070
2 Найдены неисправности:
01772 — Сигнальный провод от датчика давления регулятора дор.прос.(G291)
008 — Недостоверный сигнал — Непостоянно
Статус неисправности: 00101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 135
Пробег: 251099 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.09
Время: 18:03:32
00778 — Датчик угла поворота рулевого колеса
008 — Недостоверный сигнал
Статус неисправности: 11101000
Приоритет неисправности: 3
Частота появления ошибки: 15
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251054 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 00:23:32
Адрес 55: Корректор фар Label: 4E0-910-357.clb
Номер блока управления: 4E0 910 357 HW: 4E0 907 357
Компонент и/или версия: Pre-AFS H01 0040
Кодировка: 0000002
Код мастерской: WSC 80093 222 69422
VCID: 62C18C6EBD0BED2E20-8036
4 Найдены неисправности:
01539 — Фары не отрегулированы
005 — Нет или неверная основная установка/адаптация — Индикатор неисправности ВКЛ
Статус неисправности: 11100101
Приоритет неисправности: 2
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 91
Пробег: 251048 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 01:05:19
02233 — Блок питания левой фары(J667)
004 — Нет сигнала/связи — Индикатор неисправности ВКЛ
Статус неисправности: 11100100
Приоритет неисправности: 2
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251048 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 01:05:21
02234 — Блок питания правой фары(J668)
004 — Нет сигнала/связи — Индикатор неисправности ВКЛ
Статус неисправности: 11100100
Приоритет неисправности: 2
Частота появления ошибки: 1
Индекс забывания: 96
Пробег: 251048 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 01:05:21
01316 — Блок управления тормозной системы
013 — Проверте память DTC — Непостоянно
Статус неисправности: 00101101
Приоритет неисправности: 2
Частота появления ошибки: 0
Индекс забывания: 136
Пробег: 251048 km
Отсчет времени: 0
Дата: 2003.10.08
Время: 01:05:28
01535 error — Headlight range control defective
Registered User
I got the headlight range control defective light thrown on the dash and upon connecting VCDS I get the code 01535. Bought VCDS to try and fault find and fix this issue so new to this, anyone had this error? Lots of info on the net about the light being thrown but not on this error that I can find.
A bit of background, car is a 2011 TT Quattro with bixenon adaptive lightning, 30K on clock, lights are adaptive and work until the light is thrown on the dash after which will not self level and move side to side, turning car off and on resets them and they work fine until the light is thrown again, light only seems to be thrown after steering wheel moves 90deg+ to the right which makes me think could be a sensor issue and not a motor issue like listed below but I could be completely wrong!?
Also can anyone tell me exactly where the levelling sensors are on a Quattro car/any Quattro Audi? I have seen a lot of posts stating there is one sensor on front and back axle..this throws me it looks like I have a sensor connected to every control arm. And on them sensors, to my untrained eye they all look ok and not damaged.
Any help is much appreciated regarding any Audi model where you have had this issue. Thanks
01535 — Control Circuit for Right Headlight Range Adjusting Motor (V49)
010 — Open or Short to Plus — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 4
Mileage: 47432 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.06.16
Time: 20:10:12
HELP! Stability program error, parking brake fault, headlight range control defective
Registered User
I’m getting the following errors/faults and my car won’t start when they happen. I need to wait and close the car, and then try again, and eventually it will start without any errors on the dash.
First I get stability program error, then parking brake fault, and lastly headlight range control defective.
It’s a 2.0 TDI 143 from 2010, has anyone come accross this, I found one thread, but it’s from 2013 and didn’t get an answer/solution.
I was thinking maybe the battery needs replacing due to the electric errors popping up out of nowhere as nothing strange has happened to the car to trigger them.
Am totally lost here, as the car works 100% fine when the error doesn’t come up.
TTTS 8J Smile Machine
Have you had the car scanned?
Registered User
Hi thanks, I found those too but nothing conclusive, plus I never get anything when driving, as when it starts it’s totally fine, it’s just that if it doesn’t start straight away when pushing the key in then I know I will get the 3 beeps for the same 3 errors, and then I’m stuck for a while.
VIN: WAUZZZ8K3BA****** License Plate: *******
Mileage: 66020km-41022mi Repair Order:
Chassis Type: 8K (8T0)
Scan: 01 03 05 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 42 46 52 53 55 56 62 72
VIN: WAUZZZ8K3BA064437 Mileage: 66020km-41022miles
01-Engine — Status: Malfunction 1010
03-ABS Brakes — Status: Malfunction 0010
04-Steering Angle — Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. — Status: Malfunction 0010
08-Auto HVAC — Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. — Status: Malfunction 0010
10-Park/Steer Assist — Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags — Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel — Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments — Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway — Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver — Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. — Status: Malfunction 0010
52-Door Elect, Pass. — Status: OK 0000
53-Parking Brake — Status: Malfunction 0010
55-Headlight Range — Status: Malfunction 0010
56-Radio — Status: Malfunction 0010
62-Door, Rear Left — Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right — Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-CAGA) Labels: 03L-906-019-CAG.clb
Part No SW: 03L 906 022 NN HW: 03L 906 019 AL
Component: R4 2,0L EDC H29 9096
Revision: 25H29—
Coding: 12194012232403080000
Shop #: WSC 00150 219 87778
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI03L906022NN A02011
ROD: EV_ECM20TDI03L906019AL.rod
VCID: 7EF3D950E10FD5CE0C-802A
3 Faults Found:
4695 — Function Restriction due to Faults in Other Modules
U1113 00 [032] — —
Intermittent — Not Confirmed — Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 65078 km
Date: 2016.02.14
Time: 19:06:52
4698 — Function Restriction due to Faults in Other Modules
U1113 00 [032] — —
Intermittent — Not Confirmed — Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 65078 km
Date: 2016.02.14
Time: 19:06:52
4699 — Function Restriction due to Faults in Other Modules
U1113 00 [032] — —
Intermittent — Not Confirmed — Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 65078 km
Date: 2016.02.14
Time: 19:06:52
Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 8K0-907-379-V1.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 379 BF HW: 8K0 907 379 BF
Component: ESP8 front H04 0030
Revision: ——— Serial number: —————
Coding: 160504
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 7EF3D950E90FD5CE0C-802A
2 Faults Found:
00473 — Control Module for Elect. Park/Hand Brake (J540)
013 — Check DTC Memory
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101101
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 5
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:33:10
Freeze Frame:
Hex Value: 0x0000
Hex Value: 0x0782
Hex Value: 0x002E
Hex Value: 0x0295
Hex Value: 0x00FF
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 7
Reset counter: 5
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:33:52
Freeze Frame:
Hex Value: 0x0000
Hex Value: 0x0782
Hex Value: 0x0027
Hex Value: 0xB995
Hex Value: 0x00FF
Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J393) Labels: 8K0-907-064-05.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 064 CP HW: 8K0 907 064 CP
Component: BCM2 2.0 H04 0430
Revision: 00002001
Coding: 032200
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 000FA7A893FBA33E7E-8054
Subsystem 1 — Part No SW: 8T0 959 754 D HW: 8T0 959 754 D
Component: FBSAUDIB8 IDG H50 0071
Subsystem 2 — Part No SW: 8K0 905 852 D HW: 8K0 905 852 D
Component: J764 ELV MLB H37 0042
1 Fault Found:
01330 — Central Control Module for Central Convenience (J393)
013 — Check DTC Memory — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101101
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:36
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels: Redir Fail!
Part No SW: 8T1 820 043 AH HW: 8T1 820 043 AH
Component: KLIMA 1 ZONE H08 0180
Revision: A1000000 Serial number: 01111020101298
Coding: 34200000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 77FDCC74C635E4864F-8022
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
008 — Implausible Signal — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:31
Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels: 8K0-907-063.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 063 P HW: 8K0 907 063 P
Component: BCM1 1.0 H30 0392
Revision: 10030001 Serial number: 00000000819782
Coding: 260050914034AF010001000300001D0D0F1C070806010101000000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 3C771358BF9307DE62-8068
Subsystem 1 — Part No SW: 8K1 955 119 A HW: 8T1 955 119 Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
Component: WWS 071010 H06 0070
Coding: 00FD11
Subsystem 2 — Part No SW: 8K0 955 559 HW: 8K0 955 559 Labels: 8K0-955-559.CLB
Component: RLS H04 0003
Coding: 025028
Subsystem 3 — Part No SW: 8K0 941 531 AL HW: 8K0 941 531 AL
Component: E1 — LDS H08 0090
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:43:00
Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J446) Labels: 8K0-919-475.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 919 475 R HW: 8K0 919 475 A
Component: PARKHILFE 8K H06 0070
Revision: 11001001 Serial number: 50901028501120
Coding: 100203
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 489F7F88FB4B5B7EF6-801C
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:36
Freeze Frame:
Temperature: 21.0°C
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels: 8K0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 655 J HW: 8K0 959 655 J
Component: AirbagVW-AU10 H41 0610
Serial number: 003GKD0L76AA
Coding: 30343435363030303030554A304C384B3053
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaECUVWAUDI010 003010
ROD: EV_AirbaECUVWAUDI010_AU48.rod
VCID: 44876BB8CF637F1E1A-8010
Crash sensor for side airbag; driver side:
Serial number: 6334MSME580561356
Crash sensor for side airbag; front passenger side:
Serial number: 6344MSME58042E6CP
Crash sensor for side airbag; rear; driver side:
Serial number: 6352QSME17714626B
Crash sensor for side airbag; rear; passenger side:
Serial number: 6362QSME407442245
Crash sensor for front airbag; driver side:
Serial number: 63732SME48743930.
Crash sensor for front airbag; front passenger side:
Serial number: 63832SME7B743A3CE
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel (J527) Labels: 8K0-953-568.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 953 568 F HW: 8K0 953 568 F
Component: Lenks.Modul H17 0014
Revision: ——— Serial number: 90372JJ800002
Coding: 000017
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 3D711E5CA4890ED655-8068
Component: E221 — MFL H02 0010
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels: 8T0-920-xxx-17.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 920 930 N HW: 8K0 920 930 N
Component: KOMBIINSTR. H25 0258
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: EJC32WEAA
Coding: 0F04100002000008000000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 387F0F488BAB2BFE86-806C
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:37
Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels: 8T0-907-468.clb
Part No SW: 8T0 907 468 AB HW: 8T0 907 468 H
Component: GW-BEM 5CAN H06 0117
Revision: GB800053 Serial number: 5300G109238004
Coding: 00CF07
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 0109A2AC98F1AA3671-8054
Subsystem 1 — Part No SW: 8X0 915 181 HW: 8X0 915 181
Component: J367-BDM H07 0140
Subsystem 2 — Part No SW: 8K0 959 663 B HW: 8K0 959 663 B
Component: J532_DCDCStab H05 0006
2 Faults Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:37
Freeze Frame:
Bin. Bits: 10111
Voltage: 11.70 V
Count: 6
Bin. Bits: 10000
Time: 25.40 s
01312 — Powertrain Data Bus
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 1
Fault Frequency: 53
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:39
Freeze Frame:
Bin. Bits: 10000
Voltage: 11.90 V
Count: 7
Bin. Bits: 10000
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels: 8K0-959-793.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 793 M HW: 8K0 959 793 M
Component: TSG FA H12 0357
Revision: Serial number: 0000011456115
Coding: 011C02204100410001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 4A9B4580E547A96EE0-801E
No fault code found.
Address 46: Central Conv. (J393) Labels: 8K0-907-064-46.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 064 CP HW: 8K0 907 064 CP
Component: BCM2 2.0 H04 0430
Revision: 00002001 Serial number: 0135966900
Coding: 0100062020B904408120023680000000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 000FA7A893FBA33E7E-8054
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:35
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels: 8K0-959-792.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 792 M HW: 8K0 959 792 M
Component: TSG BF H12 0357
Revision: Serial number: 0000011458736
Coding: 011C02204100410001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 49997A8CE041A276E9-801C
No fault code found.
Address 53: Parking Brake (J540) Labels: 8K0-907-801-V1.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 907 801 H HW: 8K0 907 801 H
Component: EPB Audi B8 H09 0100
Revision: 00000003 Serial number: 00000000759455
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 34673B7897C3CF9EAA-8060
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:36
Freeze Frame:
Voltage: 11.80 V
Count: 64
Speed: 0.0 km/h
Hex Value: 0x0270
Hex Value: 0x0001
Hex Value: 0x0101
Address 55: Headlight Range Labels: 8K0-907-357.clb
Part No: 8K5 907 357 B
Component: Dynamische LWR H02 0010
Revision: 00000001 Serial number:
Coding: 0000004
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 39790A4C70A132F679-806C
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:32
Address 56: Radio (J503) Labels: 8Tx-035-1xx-56.clb
Part No SW: 8T1 035 186 P HW: 8T1 035 186 P
Component: Concert3 H07 0350
Revision: 00000011 Serial number: AUZ5Z6J1475895
Coding: 0500048004020500015B070000
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 44876BB8C7637F1E1A-8010
Subsystem 1 — Part No SW: 8T0 919 603 F HW: 8T0 919 603 F
Component: Display
1 Fault Found:
01314 — Engine Control Module
004 — No Signal/Communication — Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: 65837 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2016.03.12
Time: 19:32:37
Address 62: Door, Rear Left (J388) Labels: 8K0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 795 F HW: 8K0 959 795 F
Component: TSG HL H11 0357
Revision: Serial number: 0000109201912
Coding: 010C02204000210001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 458176BCCC5946160D-8010
No fault code found.
Address 72: Door, Rear Right (J389) Labels: 8K0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 8K0 959 795 F HW: 8K0 959 795 F
Component: TSG HR H11 0357
Revision: Serial number: 0000109202023
Coding: 010C02204000210001
Shop #: WSC 06335 000 00000
VCID: 458176BCCC5946160D-8010
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.
After only three weeks of ownership I had to say goodbye to Monty (my Audi S5 Sportback).
On the morning commute into work a yellow headlight warning light flagged up in the Driver Instrument System (DIS) screen. The DIS also showed the following warning text:
«Headlight Range Control Defective!»
I didn’t catch an image of the display showing the warning message as it only shows for a few seconds, but here’s how the Headlight Range Control Defective warning light looks.
And here’s a mock up of how the warning message appears.
And here’s a mock up of how the warning message appears.
How to Call Up Audi Fault Messages In The Instrument Cluster (DIS)
Turns out, having done some research into what the warning lights meant, I found this quote in the owner’s manual;
«A red or yellow symbol appearing in the instrument cluster display is normally accompanied by a corresponding message. The message will disappear from the display after about 5 seconds. If required, you can call up the message again by briefly pressing the SET button».
Headlight Range Control Defective! Warning Symptoms
As this happened in March, it was still very much dark during my commute. Unfortunately, this meant for the most part I couldn’t see where I was going. By default, when the Headlight Range Control Defective warning appears, the lamps move to the lowest position (or at least they did on my car), i.e. pointing at the floor about 10m in front of the car. I presume to avoid startling on coming traffic.
Not Again…
After the pain of replacing the turbos on my N54 engine’d BMW E92 335i in the first week of ownership, at a personal cost of just under £3k, it made me swear I’d never buy private again. Fortunately, that lesson had paid off, I called Andy Page (the dealer I bought the car from) and arranged that I would take the car to M G S Motors in Corby (this is where he sends all his cars for repair), to be fixed under warranty.
Headlight Range Control Defective! Audi / VAG Fault Codes
Being the curious type, and wanting to give Mick (the owner of M G S Motors) a fighting chance of diagnosing the issue quickly, I borrowed my mates Carista Bluetooth OBD2 adapter and app* (version 3.5) to run off the fault codes, if there were any.
Here’s the data that the Carista app spat out:
Headlight aiming
Part #: 8K0907357D
Coding: 3 (decimal)
Component: Dynamische LWR
Fault codes:
00471 Controller for EGD electronically regulated absorption (J250)
Part #: 8R0907364B
Coding: 050181 (hex)
Fault codes:
00774 Level Control System Sensor — Left Rear (G76)
03262 Comfort Limitation
Headlight Range Control Sensors
There are a number of level control system sensors on the car, one on each of the suspension arms. According to Carista, my problem was with the Left Rear.
Which part numbers you need will depend on the model year of your car and the suspension system you’ve got fitted (air suspension vs electronically controlled for example).
To find the right part number put your car’s details into realoem.
For my 2010 B8 S5 Sportback with the optional electronic Damper Control, the part numbers for the Rear Left Headlight Range Control Sensor is 8K0941309D.
The sensors can cost anywhere between £80-120.
I dropped the car off and left the keys with Mick. After a day’s diagnosis, he’d confirmed it was the level control sensor that was at fault. Frustratingly, Audi sent him the wrong replacement part, which pushed out the repair another day.
One, agonisingly long, week later I was able to pick the car up. I started it up and confirmed the error had gone and, after a short test drive of a few miles (the warning light was appearing within 1 mile before), I was convinced the problem had been solved and went off on my way home.
On the one hand I was glad the problem was resolved, but equally disappointed the problem had arisen in the first place.
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve had this problem and had to deal with it yourself, any pointers you could give others?
Have you been as unlucky as I have with your cars, have they had faults within the first few weeks of ownership?
Don’t forget to subscribe using the Follow by Email widget in the top right for plenty more content to come.
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Всем привет. Случилась такая проблема. Еду на работу а мне на пол пути выскакивает такая ошибка headlight range control defective audi a4. Теперь когда машину заводишь фары не отпускаются и не поднимаются. Подскажите что проверить первым делом, а если можно то с фото что бы было понятней.Фото спер с нета, с телефона скидывать долго, но суть та же. Всем спасибо и удачи на дорогах.
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Hi All,
Had a warning pop up this morning saying «Error: Headlight Range Control» followed by the yellow triangle at the bottom of the display.
Managed to solve the issue by turning the car off and back on again. This allowed the lights to level again and all was fine.
Came back out from work, started my car again and the lights levelled but we’re quite low and then the error popped back up again. Restarted the car and everything was back to normal again.
Any idea’s on what this might be? I’ve tried restarting the car a few times and I’m not able to make the issue happen so seems a bit random.
Don’t fancy paying Seat £80 to say «you need a new headlight» which will cost top side of £700-£800 per one.
Have you got the LED headlights ? If you get a chance when it’s dark park up facing a wall and check the beam pattern and height when the warning light is on. If all ok maybe don’t worry about it if your concerned about repair costs ?
Only guess work as never had that before or heard of it.
Sorry I couldn’t help more
Have you got the LED headlights ? If you get a chance when it’s dark park up facing a wall and check the beam pattern and height when the warning light is on. If all ok maybe don’t worry about it if your concerned about repair costs ?
Only guess work as never had that before or heard of it.
Sorry I couldn’t help more
Yep, got the LED headlights. I was about to enter the car lift at work when the error popped up and both the lights did look level, however, they were quite low.
Been having a look around online and I think I might have caused this by going over a massive bump last night on my way home as there’s a sensor on the suspension apparently. Went back out before and the error didn’t pop up. Tempted to ask them to have a look at it if it continues at the next service (Due in Jan/Feb), don’t fancy a massive bill though haha
Yeah well that could make sense. Would be much better off if it is the sensor over a headlight. I know the Volvo’s have a sensor on the rear suspension which measures suspension travel/height to work out how it needs to self level/dip the headlights. If that is the case shouldn’t be too much, much better than a headlamp anyway haha.
Fingers crossed for you mate !
Deleted member 103408
Do you have an OBD Scanner to see if the car is reporting any errors.
Do you have an OBD Scanner to see if the car is reporting any errors.
Nope not got one, aiming to order a Carista dongle within the next few weeks
My money is on the sensor in the rear suspension. Had it happen to mine.
When the sensor reports an error — the car goes into «safe» mode and points the lights about 5 foot in front of the car. Restarting generally cures it, until the sensor completely fails.
My money is on the sensor in the rear suspension. Had it happen to mine.
When the sensor reports an error — the car goes into «safe» mode and points the lights about 5 foot in front of the car. Restarting generally cures it, until the sensor completely fails.
How much was it to get yours sorted? Was fine today and hasn’t come back up since so might be OK! Gonna keep an eye on it.
Ordering a Carista dongle next week so I can troubleshoot issues like this easier!
How much was it to get yours sorted? Was fine today and hasn’t come back up since so might be OK! Gonna keep an eye on it.
Ordering a Carista dongle next week so I can troubleshoot issues like this easier!
The temperature headlight issue is a service thing — update should fix it when they service it.
Think they wanted £175 for a new sensor and installation at the dealer — but they did it under warranty, just before it ended!
The temperature headlight issue is a service thing — update should fix it when they service it.
Think they wanted £175 for a new sensor and installation at the dealer — but they did it under warranty, just before it ended!
I’ll mention it to them when I take it for the service to see if there are any updates available.
That price isn’t too bad I suppose from a main dealer, I was expecting more along the lines of £300-£400. My warrenty ended a month ago, typical for something to crop up as soon as it ends!
Error returned yesterday and wouldn’t go away, so ordered a Carista and got the fault code. However, the fault code it’s giving doesn’t bring up many results on Google.
Any ideas? Fault code is as follows
Headlight aiming
Part #: 5Q0907357
Coding: 048E000009000000 (hex)
Component: LWR-ECU
Fault codes:
5256721 Manufacturer-specific code
Looks like the part number refers to the headlight range control module (doing a quick google). From this kit the box with the Audi symbol on it. The ride height sensor went on mine — the sensor with the «arm». The kit is from an Audi, hence the two arms, purely for demonstration purposes. Hopefully someone else can help you further
Deleted member 103408
I have been doing a few track days recently and I do get this error once or twice after chucking the car around a lot.
But day to day road use never see it.
No permanent errors but I will raise it with garage when it goes in for MOT.
Looks like the part number refers to the headlight range control module (doing a quick google). From this kit the box with the Audi symbol on it. The ride height sensor went on mine — the sensor with the «arm». The kit is from an Audi, hence the two arms, purely for demonstration purposes. Hopefully someone else can help you further
Thanks for this, massive help! I’m looking into getting the ride height sensor replaced ASAP to see if this cures the problem. Makes sense the sensor has gone as the issue started after a massive bump which I’m guessing must have broke the arm or damaged the sensor in some way.
Glad it’s not an issue with the headlight, they cost a small fortune to replace
While it was dry earlier (didn’t last long), tested unplugging the ride height sensor on the back and the fault codes changed so looks like it’s not that.
Looking like going to Seat is the only option to get this sorted
The part number is the Control module — it lives in the front of the engine bay (I think) looks like this — you could try unplugging it — then see if the code changes (I approve of your detective skills!)
Seems quite cheap on Ebay — dealer would charge you £75 just to identify the problem! A new one cost <£40 on ebay…
Pre-owned ones can be had for around £20 and up.
Last edited:
Quick update on this. All sorted now, ended up going the dealer route and they replaced the ride height sensor on the rear of the suspension.
Total was £400, that’s for the part and also a minor service as I was due one.
Hello all, I’m new to the forum and wanted a bit of help with a similar issue. For the last 8 months I’ve had the same ‘headlight range error’ message which comes on within a few metres of driving each time I use the car. I took it to an auto electrician who plugged it in and it brought up a fault saying that the range motor inside the drivers side headlight was the problem. I bought a brand new headlight at considerable expense but the exact same fault appears.
When I start the car, the headlights do the usual range sweep up and down and most of the time they end up where they should. Sometimes the right one is too low. In any case, the warning message shows up EVERY time. Before the warning appears, if I switch from dipped beam to full beam, the headlights rise slightly just like they should, and lower again when on dipped beam. However, once the inevitable message appears, the drivers side headlight stays in the same position. The row of full beam LED’s still comes on, but it doesn’t rise up like it should.
I’m really at a loss as to what to do next and ANY help would be very much appreciated.
My car is a 2014 Leon ST FR184 with the LED headlights.
- 29 янв 2009
- 123
- Q7 сы лайн 3тди
- 20 мар 2008
- 468
- Москва
- Audi 100 C3 (MC2), Mercedes W201
А как / чем адаптируете?
По-идее нужно в VagCOM зайти в блок фар -> почистить ошибки -> зайти в базовые установки 001 канал / сбросить показания.Зависит от машины, но если использовать более продвинутый адаптер VCDS — надо делать то же самое, но в 001 канале справа вверху будет кнопка ON/OFF/Next (ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ/Далее). Нужно нажать на нее 1 раз, подождать пока моторчики сделают свое дело, отрегулировать фары вручную и опять на ту же кнопку нажать.
Stop hovering to collapse…
Click to collapse…
Hover to expand…
Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…
- 21 сен 2005
- 27.088
- Московская обл.
- Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.
А что с фарами то делали ?
Stop hovering to collapse…
Click to collapse…
Hover to expand…
Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…
- 21 сен 2005
- 27.088
- Московская обл.
- Tuareg NF 3.0TDI на пневме.
Cтоит добавить что все это надо делать на ровной площадке при прибл идентичных показаниях датчиков положения кузова .
Stop hovering to collapse…
Click to collapse…
Hover to expand…
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- 29 янв 2009
- 123
- Q7 сы лайн 3тди
всем спасибо все получилось.:[:]||||||
- 4 янв 2009
- 12.808
- Тюменская обл.
- 957 4.5t Magnum 23″
Stop hovering to collapse…
Click to collapse…
Hover to expand…
Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…
- 4 янв 2009
- 12.808
- Тюменская обл.
- 957 4.5t Magnum 23″
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Click to collapse…
Hover to expand…
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This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.
After only three weeks of ownership I had to say goodbye to Monty (my Audi S5 Sportback).
On the morning commute into work a yellow headlight warning light flagged up in the Driver Instrument System (DIS) screen. The DIS also showed the following warning text:
«Headlight Range Control Defective!»
I didn’t catch an image of the display showing the warning message as it only shows for a few seconds, but here’s how the Headlight Range Control Defective warning light looks.
And here’s a mock up of how the warning message appears.
How to Call Up Audi Fault Messages In The Instrument Cluster (DIS)
Turns out, having done some research into what the warning lights meant, I found this quote in the owner’s manual;
«A red or yellow symbol appearing in the instrument cluster display is normally accompanied by a corresponding message. The message will disappear from the display after about 5 seconds. If required, you can call up the message again by briefly pressing the SET button».
Headlight Range Control Defective! Warning Symptoms
As this happened in March, it was still very much dark during my commute. Unfortunately, this meant for the most part I couldn’t see where I was going. By default, when the Headlight Range Control Defective warning appears, the lamps move to the lowest position (or at least they did on my car), i.e. pointing at the floor about 10m in front of the car. I presume to avoid startling on coming traffic.
Not Again…
After the pain of replacing the turbos on my N54 engine’d BMW E92 335i in the first week of ownership, at a personal cost of just under £3k, it made me swear I’d never buy private again. Fortunately, that lesson had paid off, I called Andy Page (the dealer I bought the car from) and arranged that I would take the car to M G S Motors in Corby (this is where he sends all his cars for repair), to be fixed under warranty.
Headlight Range Control Defective! Audi / VAG Fault Codes
Being the curious type, and wanting to give Mick (the owner of M G S Motors) a fighting chance of diagnosing the issue quickly, I borrowed my mates Carista Bluetooth OBD2 adapter and app* (version 3.5) to run off the fault codes, if there were any.
Here’s the data that the Carista app spat out:
Headlight aiming
Part #: 8K0907357D
Coding: 3 (decimal)
Component: Dynamische LWR
Fault codes:
00471 Controller for EGD electronically regulated absorption (J250)
Part #: 8R0907364B
Coding: 050181 (hex)
Fault codes:
00774 Level Control System Sensor — Left Rear (G76)
03262 Comfort Limitation
Headlight Range Control Sensors
There are a number of level control system sensors on the car, one on each of the suspension arms. According to Carista, my problem was with the Left Rear.
Which part numbers you need will depend on the model year of your car and the suspension system you’ve got fitted (air suspension vs electronically controlled for example).
To find the right part number put your car’s details into realoem.
For my 2010 B8 S5 Sportback with the optional electronic Damper Control, the part numbers for the Rear Left Headlight Range Control Sensor is 8K0941309D.
The sensors can cost anywhere between £80-120.
I dropped the car off and left the keys with Mick. After a day’s diagnosis, he’d confirmed it was the level control sensor that was at fault. Frustratingly, Audi sent him the wrong replacement part, which pushed out the repair another day.
One, agonisingly long, week later I was able to pick the car up. I started it up and confirmed the error had gone and, after a short test drive of a few miles (the warning light was appearing within 1 mile before), I was convinced the problem had been solved and went off on my way home.
On the one hand I was glad the problem was resolved, but equally disappointed the problem had arisen in the first place.
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve had this problem and had to deal with it yourself, any pointers you could give others?
Have you been as unlucky as I have with your cars, have they had faults within the first few weeks of ownership?
Don’t forget to subscribe using the Follow by Email widget in the top right for plenty more content to come.