Ошибка ccid 136

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 3 series (E90)
лампа стоп перегорела

появилась ошибка по заднему левому стопу. странно, что он рабочий.
устал, поздно, и не хочется разбираться — завтра с утра со свежей головой «в бой» =))

Обновлено: замена одной лампы 12V P21W вернула к жизни стопы. диагностика не ошиблась, а проводка целая к счастью.
Так как все 4 лампы и справа и слева (по две) были чёрненькие, то заменил все 4 сразу.

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 3 series (E90)Фото в бортжурнале BMW 3 series (E90)

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  1. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

    Загорелся датчик «Неисправность наружного освещения»
    Все лампочки горят исправно!
    Код ошибки CC-ID 136
    Подскажите,на какую лампочку нужно обратить внимание судя по коду ошибки

  2. Попроси человека чтоб постоял снаружи, посмотрел пока ты включаешь выключаешь весь свет. если лампы все горят, проверь чистоту и надежность кабелей которые идут к платам. Бывает они делают мозги

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  3. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

    Я как бы не совсем блондинка )))
    Проверяли таким образом раза 3, даже не забыли обратить внимание на подсветку номера
    Каким образом можно проверить чистоту и надежность кабелей?
    Официальный дилер заломил за электродиагностику 6500 (((

  4. ну допустим если мы про задние фары, то отдернуть обшивку, отрыть лючки и там есть клемы

    к дилеру с такими вещами сразу ехать не надо. Съезди в МАДИ. или любой другой «просто сервис» скажи пусть пошербушат разъемы. Если это результатов не даст, то тогда уже в хороший сервис. И то, ОД опять же не обязательно использовать. Можно в тот же ЮНИТ.

    кстати, если у тебя перегорела лампа экстренного торможения то это будет видно только при как раз этом экстренном торможении.

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  5. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

    Может проще дождаться пока перегорит та или иная лампочка? )))

  6. это не исправит ошибку. Ведь так.

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  7. Meridianov

    Участник тусовки

    27 окт 2012
    Краснодарский край

    136 Модуль в
    для ног
    Brake light left, failure!
    (Левый стоп-
    сигнал не
    Brake lights (Стоп-сигнал)
    Left brake light failed. (Левый стоп-сигнал не
    Have the problem checked by the nearest BMW Service.
    (Обратитесь на ближайшую СТОА BMW)

  8. Левый тормозной стоп-сигнал.
    Сними обшивку и посмотри какая из лампочек не горит, при внешнем осмотре можно вообще не увидеть, была аналогичная ситуация, увидел только тогда, когда снял обшивку и любимую попросил на тормоз нажать ))

  9. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

    Огромное спасибо!!!На каком-то из форумов тоже читала про это )) Буду мучить мужа, чтоб слазил )))

  10. Можете смело это сами сделать, испачкаться там не обо что и ногти сломать тоже :D
    Делается все за 1 минуту.

  11. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

    Еще раз спасибо! Оказался правый стоп- сигнал )))

  12. На е-90 рестайле , как правило, выгорают крайние лампочки на плате. (Там где две лампы на стоп и они же габариты).

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  13. sunny_ptah

    31 май 2013

  14. Подниму тему..
    И так.. Ошибка по заднему левому стоп сигналу… Но- он горит! Все лампы в порядке, а ошибку на бк выводит.. Как решать, подскажите!

  15. Может дублёр горит при нажатии -проверь — ещё раз или поменяй на новые (200р пучок):hi:

  16. ага я знакомого попросил как то посмотреть лампочки пока я нажимал на тормоз. он говорит что типа все ок. а на самом деле перегорела лампа стоп сигнала и загоралась дублирующая лампа экстренного торможения, которая рядом.
    я не понимаю, как можно этого не заметить, но все таки видимо как то можно.

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  17. На дорест тоже есть эта дублирующая лампа?:shock:
    Завтра проверю..

  18. Ты прав.. Оказалось включалась дубл лампа.. Век живи-век учись)
    А эта лампа просто дубль или она участвует в экстренном торможении(когда свет от стопов становится ярче)?

  19. Сам и ответил:nod:

  20. Теперь я все знаю о бнв:D

  21. Stop hovering to collapse…
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Almost all the owners of the BMW will experience getting CC-ID codes (Check Control) on their cars. So it is something that BMW car owners would get to experience at least once in their lives. 

So what is CC-ID 136, and how to clear it? The CC-ID 136 code means Left Brake Light Failure. And so if this appears on your screen, this means Left Brake Light Failure.

Some car drivers already experience it regularly. And most of these car owners, especially those who are still new, most likely do not know this matter. It is designed to assist you in working out the BMW error codes you are getting on your vehicle. 

A lot of BMW bulbs can be changed with ease. However, there are times when you can’t access your bulbs. If this happens, you can seek a professional to do it. You need to access your BMW CC-ID codes, and they can give you additional information about the condition of your vehicle. 

It can also help you with troubleshooting some faults or errors. You can also determine which bulbs are burned and which wheel is reporting a low air pressure. 

With that, we have made this article to help you. We will guide you on coming across error codes based on your vehicle’s lighting. So let us get started.

CC-ID 136 Error Code

The CC-ID 136 code means Left Brake Light Failure. And so if this appears on your screen, this means Left Brake Light Failure.

How To Clear A CC-ID 136 Code?

If you want to clear your CC-ID 97 code, here is what you must do. Follow these steps.

  1. You have to turn the ignition on. 
  2. Dismiss or wait for all the warning and failure messages to disappear. 
  3. Use the left stalk to navigate to the “check” submenu. You can then cycle through all the messages.
  4. After, press the BC button on the left stalk and hold it for about five seconds.
  5. Release the button if the BMW CC-ID codes appear on the bottom display.
  6. Cycle through the messages again. You will now then see failure and warning code under each message.
  7. Compare the message number with the list below to find out more specifically about the cause of the warning or the failure message to show on the instrument cluster.

What To Do When You See CC-ID 136 Code?

The CC-ID 136 code means Left Brake Light Failure. And so if this appears on your screen, this means Left Brake Light Failure. 

If you see this, then you have to stop immediately. There is a failure on your brake light, which can be dangerous.

Is It Bad When You See CC-ID 136 Code?

This depends on the status of the code. Vehicles are only machines, and they can malfunction too. 

So then, if the code appears, there can be a possibility that it is just a malfunction. It is considered harmful if the code is not a malfunction. 


Almost all BMW car owners do not know anything about error codes. And most of these BMW car owners are experiencing error codes. To add, these drivers do not know how to fix them. 

This article is meant to be your guide on understanding CC-ID error codes. Of course, codes have meanings and their actual errors. But you can clear these error codes.


  • CC-ID 41 Error Code
  • CC-ID 63 Error Code
  • CC-ID 71 Error Code
  • CC-ID 97 Error Code
  • CC-ID 24 Error Code


Image credits – Canva

The Complete List Of BMW CC-ID Error Codes

Understand what each BMW diagnostic trouble code represents.

If you’re a BMW owner then it’s highly likely you will come across a CC-ID error code one day.

The CC-ID (Check Control) is designed to inform the driver of any issues that may occur.

Some issues might be engine related and other error codes might relate to the tyre pressure.

Use this page to discover what each BMW CC-ID code means.

To quickly find the code you’re looking for simply press CTRL + F (Windows) or Command + F (Mac) and type in the code you need.

bmw error code fix

Looking For A Way To Fix Your Error Codes?

This OBD-2 device is designed to search for and remove error message codes from your vehicle.

Simply plug it in to your vehicle, start the engine and remove or delete any error codes.

View Product On Amazon

CC-ID BMW Error Codes

Error Code Description
CC-ID 4 Trailer Parking Light Left
CC-ID 5 Trailer Parking Light Right
CC-ID 6 Trailer Indicator Left
CC-ID 7 Trailer Indicator Right
CC-ID 8 Trailer Brake Lights
CC-ID 9 Trailer Fog Light
CC-ID 87 Right Rear Light Failure
CC-ID 88 Dipped Beam Left Failure
CC-ID 89 Dipped Beam Right Failure
CC-ID 90 Trailer Reverse Light
CC-ID 111 Number Plate Light Left Failure
CC-ID 113 Sidelights Switched On
CC-ID 114 Rear Fog Light Failure
CC-ID 115 Reverse Light Right Failure
CC-ID 116 Indicator Rear Left Failure
CC-ID 117 Reverse Light Left Failure
CC-ID 118 Rear Light Right Failure
CC-ID 119 Indicator Front Right Failure
CC-ID 120 Dipped Beam Left Failure
CC-ID 121 Dipped Beam Right Failure
CC-ID 122 Indicator Front Right Failure
CC-ID 123 Rear Light Right Failure
CC-ID 124 Indicator Right Failure
CC-ID 125 Indicator Rear Right Failure
CC-ID 126 Fog Light Right Failure
CC-ID 127 Side Indicator Left Failure
CC-ID 128 Left High Beam Failure
CC-ID 129 Rear Fog Light Failure
CC-ID 130 Right High Beam Failure
CC-ID 131 Parking Light Left Front Failure
CC-ID 132 Front Right Side Light Failure
CC-ID 133 Right Rear Light Failure
CC-ID 134 Right Brake Light Failure
CC-ID 135 Centre Brake Light Failure
CC-ID 136 Left Brake Light Failure
CC-ID 137 Number Plate Light Right Failure
CC-ID 138 Fog Light Left Failure
CC-ID 148 Brake Light Control Failed
CC-ID 231 Light System Failure
CC-ID 256 Headlight Leveling System Failure
CC-ID 295 Adaptive Cornering Lights Failure
CC-ID 345 Brake/Tail Light Failure Right
CC-ID 346 Brake/Tail Light Failure Left
CC-ID 371 Number Plate Light Failure
CC-ID 372 Brake Force Display Light Failure Left
CC-ID 373 Brake Force Display Light Failure Right
CC-ID 378 Sidelight/Daytime Lights Defective- Left
CC-ID 379 Sidelight/Daytime Lights Defective- Right
CC-ID 380 Turn Signal Lights Defective- Left
CC-ID 381 Turn Signal Lights Defective- Right

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We love hearing your views, comments and opinions around BMW CCID codes so please make sure to drop a message below!

Don’t forget that we also have a complete database of VW And Audi Error Codes.


09-07-2009, 02:41 PM


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Fault code 136 (cc-id 136)

I received fault code 136 along with about 3 others. I was able to clear the other codes, but 136 remains… I searched and could not come up with any posts with fault code 136. Has anyone received this fault or knows what the fault it for?

Maybe i didn’t clear the codes with the BT scanner correctly? I plugged in the cable to the car then the pc then ran the program. I choose clear all fault codes. The engine was not on, but the ignition was turned on…

Thanks in advance!


2007 BMW 335i Cpe AW 6MT — All Stock
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09-07-2009, 07:48 PM


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2007 BMW 335i Cpe AW 6MT — All Stock
1972 Yamaha R5 (350 2-stroke)


09-07-2009, 11:21 PM


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2007 BMW 335i Cpe AW 6MT — All Stock
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12-29-2009, 12:41 PM


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I just received this code, the dealer replaced the bulb socket. This cleared the code cc-id 136 but the original problem still exists. The left rear taillight is intermittently on and off. It is clearly an electrical issue. I will post about it when the issue is resolved.


01-04-2010, 02:14 AM



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I’m getting the same issue. CC ID 136 but all lights appear to work properly.. head lights, rear lights, blinkers, reverse lights, fog lights, license plate lights, etc.

This car is starting to piss the hell out of me with all the faulty warning signals. This is the 2nd one this week.


04-15-2010, 06:47 PM



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Faulty Light Code

I just received the CC-ID 136 today. Happened in the morning going to work and was able to duplicate the error message. When I went to lunch and came back the error was gone. Came home tonight and looked up here what the error code meant. Was able to duplicate the error code again. When I went out a second time to verify the error code it was gone again!

What gives? Is this an intermitted error that will only occur when I’m not in the service shop? Hopefully the BMW service will be able to pull the past codes up in the computer and confirm what I have been seeing. Maybe the left rear brake light has some moisture in the socket that causes it to break connection with the computer?

Going to the shop tomorrow for them to check it out. That and I need to get the passenger seatbelt replaced; no longer catching by the extender arm. Just have the driver side replaced 3 weeks ago and the tech. did a number on my rear interior. The SA had to get his leather fix-it guy to repair the damage. Looks like new so no real complaint.

Will post back what the resolve is for the light.


04-15-2010, 07:53 PM


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Originally Posted by 335si
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I received fault code 136 along with about 3 others. I was able to clear the other codes, but 136 remains… I searched and could not come up with any posts with fault code 136. Has anyone received this fault or knows what the fault it for?

Maybe i didn’t clear the codes with the BT scanner correctly? I plugged in the cable to the car then the pc then ran the program. I choose clear all fault codes. The engine was not on, but the ignition was turned on…

Thanks in advance!

I cannot help you with the fault code, but want to congratulate you on your RZ5 — I have a two-stroke Yamaha myself and wish it were an RZ5.


07-08-2010, 11:40 AM



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cc-id 136 Light Bulb Fault

After having spent considerable money in replacing bulbs and having confused the living day lights out of the so call BMW specialists, who insisted it is a bulb fault, and indeed I agreed, they gave up and asked me to book the car in for a complete diagnostics!!! Ha! Anyway to make money!!
Well I was able to cure the fault with the use of that good old WD40, I took all the bulbs out of the rear connectors and sprayed the connector assemply with WD40. Bingo the fault has gone. Hope it works for you lot too. Good luck.



04-25-2011, 08:01 PM


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The brake light codes are 134 (RHS) and 136 (LHS). Since for safety there are two bulbs per side, it is difficult to diagnose when one is out and not the other, particularly with the lens design. I had the same code (136) on for a couple of days until I finally decided to test the bulbs individually with 12V and yes, one was out. Curiously, when testing the faulty bulb with a ohmmeter, it showed OK, but when connected to a 12V battery, was no good.

Based on the previous posts, I did apply some TV tuner cleaner and lubricant (buy it at Radio Shack) just in case.

Hope this helps …


04-25-2011, 10:27 PM


Going nowhere fast.

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Forget the fault codes, the R5 is all you need


03-10-2012, 01:01 PM


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fix to cc-id 136

To fix CC-id 136 its a good idea to replace all four brake light bulbs. My lights were working ok. What happens is as the bulbs get old devlope intermitant breaks in the filament as you drive down the road..

See my how to fix video at gkdicke01 channel on youtube. The best thing on this channel is my 8yr old son and his Jiu jitsu tournament wins.

You may not like what you see when you replace the bulbs.
The plastic bulb socket assemblies are melting from the heat of the 18w bulbs. BMW should have a recall regarding this. I guese a car has to cach fire or someone has to die be for any action is taken.
Now anyone running 100% meth in trunk might wana rethink what there doing.

I Love e90 post
The n54 low bost problem/ vacuum line fix at front of engine made my car run perfect.
The dealer would not adrdess my poor performanc issues untill they had a engin fault code.
Had they replaced the vacuum lines they would have charge 800 — 2000 dollars.
Hoses are not covered under extended warrenty.
My cost was 15 min of time and 5 dollers for tubing.

Also My car has 65.000miles with most current flash and is pulling 9.2 pounds of bost on 91oct
with no mods.
I wonder if the 335is has the same flash or has this much bost with 91 oct.
Proceed mode, Down pips and 50% Under Hood Meth injection are on the horizon.

Once again this post is the greatest.

Last edited by Gdickey@beckman.com; 03-10-2012 at 02:32 PM..

Reason: spelling errors


09-06-2012, 09:14 PM


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$5 worth of bulbs at pepboys and I am good to go. thanks. Also your son does indeed kick ass.


Originally Posted by Gdickey@beckman.com
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To fix CC-id 136 its a good idea to replace all four brake light bulbs. My lights were working ok. What happens is as the bulbs get old devlope intermitant breaks in the filament as you drive down the road..

See my how to fix video at gkdicke01 channel on youtube. The best thing on this channel is my 8yr old son and his Jiu jitsu tournament wins.

You may not like what you see when you replace the bulbs.
The plastic bulb socket assemblies are melting from the heat of the 18w bulbs. BMW should have a recall regarding this. I guese a car has to cach fire or someone has to die be for any action is taken.
Now anyone running 100% meth in trunk might wana rethink what there doing.

I Love e90 post
The n54 low bost problem/ vacuum line fix at front of engine made my car run perfect.
The dealer would not adrdess my poor performanc issues untill they had a engin fault code.
Had they replaced the vacuum lines they would have charge 800 — 2000 dollars.
Hoses are not covered under extended warrenty.
My cost was 15 min of time and 5 dollers for tubing.

Also My car has 65.000miles with most current flash and is pulling 9.2 pounds of bost on 91oct
with no mods.
I wonder if the 335is has the same flash or has this much bost with 91 oct.
Proceed mode, Down pips and 50% Under Hood Meth injection are on the horizon.

Once again this post is the greatest.


05-30-2013, 04:40 PM


I’d hit it

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This fixed my problem also… it was the bulb even though it looked like it was working correctly:

Last edited by 2Times; 10-03-2013 at 11:01 AM..


10-03-2013, 09:11 AM


FML Too Many Choices

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Thanks for the fix and video…worked perfectly! I have saved mucho $ from this board. Thumbs up to all you guys!


10-03-2013, 09:42 AM


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I changed bulbs and I am still getting the codes.. =[


10-03-2013, 11:23 AM



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Originally Posted by K20soldier
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I changed bulbs and I am still getting the codes.. =[

Did you change out the actual socket that holds them in?


10-06-2013, 09:20 AM


Private First Class

Drives: 09 328i xdrive Space Grey 4dr

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Originally Posted by GA335i
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Did you change out the actual socket that holds them in?

No just the bulbs


02-22-2014, 03:56 AM




Drives: 18 VW GTI;18 CX9;11 E91 N52

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Really useful post. I had fault code 136 (rear brake light) but saw that the lights were working fine. Good to know that there are two bulbs per side…


01-25-2015, 04:21 PM



Drives: 2007 335i

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Location: New England

Old thread, new bump. Munich needs to get its fucking act together.


02-02-2016, 06:00 AM



Drives: E81

Join Date: Jan 2016

Location: Poland

I have this same problem 134 and 136.All bulbs is working.
I cleaned all contacts, I exchanged bulbs and also replaced the sensor stop.(id 136 and 134)

Last edited by noname1982; 02-02-2016 at 06:08 AM..

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