Ошибка cannot find startup file

Друзья! Хочу дополнить тему, знаю что автор писал давно, но это для тех, кто так же как и я столкнулся с этой проблемой сейчас.

Описание моей проблемы:
Не работал микрофон, как бы я не шаманила. Даже после того, как сделала все по инструкции автора, микрофон все так же не работал. Функционировал нормально, как писала система. Звук есть, микрофон не отображает шкалу взаимодействия. Знаю, далее написано много, но на деле делается в два клика!

Мое решение:
Кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по значку звука в правом нижнем углу (рядом с часами), заходим в записывающие устройства, появляется окно звук, заходим во вкладку запись, и видим там все доступные вам устройства записи. (если нет нужного вам микрофона, тогда кликните по свободному полю правой кнопкой мыши, должны стоять галочки на показать отключенные устройства и показать отсоединенные устройства, должны появиться все микрофоны)
Далее, кликаем по вашему микрофону правой кнопкой мыши, нажимаем свойства, ив появившемся окне Свойства: Микрофон, во вкладке общие находим контроллер, возле него кликаем свойства, выходит окно которое именуется как Свойства:Устройство с поддержкой High Definition Audio. И уже здесь заходим во вкладку Драйвер, далее откатить, соглашаетесь откатить до более ранней версии, идет перезагрузка компьютера, и вуаля! Ваш микрофон активен!
Хочу сказать спасибо автору, возможно без предыдущих действий это бы не сработало.
И да, регестрировалась на сайте, чтобы описать вам данный метод.
Надеюсь помогло!


Try the following.

Open windows Control Panel, open Programs and Feature, right click the entry for IDT Audio and select Uninstall.  When this process has completed, restart the notebook.

When windows has fully reloaded, download ( unless you already have this file ) and install the latest IDT driver on the link below.


Again, when the installation has completed, restart the notebook.




****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
****I don’t work for HP****

Windows Insider MVP

1 Answer

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Reset to default


Emacs doesn’t need a startup file, you create one if you want one.

These days, the recommended location for your own file is ~/.emacs.d/init.el

One common way to create a skeletal startup file is to M-x customize and change some preferences, then save for future sessions.

Improve this answer

answered Feb 7, 2019 at 16:06

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  • Error 2: The system cannot find the specified file

    Failed to start the Windows Audio service on the local computer. Error 2: The system cannot find the specified file.

    Help, please


    What version of Windows, including service pack (right click on my computer > properties)

    What past just before the problem arises?

    Click Start > run > services.msc > OK
    Scroll down to «Windows Audio»

    The Windows Audio service must be started and its «Startup type» should be «automatic».  If it is not started, double-click the entry and click on the Start button.  If it is unable to start the service or instead generates an error message, the file for the Audio Service may have become corrupt or deleted (although this file has to be protected by Windows File Protection).

    Search for your system (probably C :) drive

            audiosrv. DL (it’s only one L)

    Make sure to look in the «system folders» «hidden files and folders,» and «subfolders.

    You should find the audiosrv.dll (with two Ls) in C:\Windows\system32.

    If she is not there, it should be in C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386

    If it’s not there either, you have a file named audiosrv.dl_ in C:\i386?

  • Impossible to delete the «cannot find the specified file. Be sure to only specify the path and the correct name?

    For sum reason my computer just started to do the following when I try and delete a file or move a file from one place to the other.

    I am the administrator and the file is there.

    Failed to remove «» cannot find the specified file. Be sure to only specify the path name and filre coeerct.



    Hi KAD Rebar,.

    1. Did you the latest changes on the computer?
    2. When was the last time it was working fine?
    3. Are you having similar problem with all the files you are trying to move or remove it from the computer?
    4. You have security software installed on the computer?

    Method 1

    See the link below and run the Fixit tool available, check if it helps.

    Diagnose and repair Windows files and folders problems automatically


    Method 2

    If the previous step fails, then I suggest that you start the computer in safe mode and check if the problem persists.

    A description of the options to start in Windows XP Mode


    If the problem does not persist in safe mode, then it is possible that some third-party programs installed on the computer is causing the problem.

    I suggest that you put the computer in a clean boot state and check if it helps.

    To help resolve the error and other messages, you can start Windows XP by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This type of boot is known as a «clean boot». A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.

    See section to learn more about how to clean boot.

    How to configure Windows XP to start in a «clean boot» State


    Reset the computer to start as usual

    When you are finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to reset the computer to start as usual:

    (a) click Start, type msconfig in the search box and press ENTER.

    (b) If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password or click on continue.

    (c) under the general tab, click the Normal startup option, and then click OK.

    (d) when you are prompted to restart the computer, click on restart.

  • «Error: could not load file or assembly ‘ WMIControlLibrary, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null ‘ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the specified file

    Hey all,.

    I have a user running windows Xp Professional with service pack 3. The user gets the following error message when it connects to the computer every morning. «Error: could not load file or assembly ‘ WMIControlLibrary, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null ‘ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the specified file. The only thing that seems to not work is calendar Office Print Wizard. I deleted this file and the problem persists. Also, I have not found anything in the case where the viewer that relates to this error. The only mistake I found was an issue with the .net framework. I removed all the facilities framework and their updates. Restarted the computer and ther error disappeared and was replaced by errors in programs that require this file to work. I reinstalled .net framework 2 and returns the error. I left all the machine off separation executives. I did a repair on the .net framework without change. I’m not quite sure that the .net framework is the problem though. I guess that if just. At this point I don’t know where to go from here how to solve this problem. Anyone got ideas?

    Hi tripleb316,

    ·         Did you do changes on the computer before the show?

    Follow these methods.

    Method 1: Follow these steps:

    Step 1: Start the computer in safe mode and check if the problem persists.

    A description of the options to start in Windows XP Mode


    Step 2: If the problem does not still in safe mode, perform a clean boot to see if there is a software conflict as the clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.

    How to configure Windows XP to start in a «clean boot» State


    Note: After completing the steps in the clean boot troubleshooting, follow the section How to configure Windows to use a Normal startup state of the link to return the computer to a Normal startupmode.

    After the clean boot used to resolve the problem, you can follow these steps to configure Windows XP to start normally.

    (a) click Start, run.

    (b) type msconfigand click OK.

    (c) the System Configuration Utility dialog box appears.

    (d) click the general tab, click Normal startup — load all services and device drivers and then click OK.

    (e) when you are prompted, click on restart to restart the computer.

    Method 2: Scan the file system (CFS) auditor to repair corrupted files.

    Description of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 System File Checker (Sfc.exe)


  • When you connect on Vista, get message of the system cannot find the specified file

    the above is displayed. whenever I connect. I can do everything works, that’s when I hit print, save appears and the file has been converted to a tiff file.  None of the office products will be printed.  I have the office 7 wiuth Vista 32 OS.  I went throgh HP, but there seems to be a problem in office

    * original title — MOM.implementation, Version = 2.0.3182.4658, Culture = neutral, publickeytoken = 90ba9c70f84672e’ or one of its depenencies.  The system cannot find the specified file *.


    1. Since when are you facing this problem?

    2. don’t you make recent changes?

    I suggest you to follow these steps and check if that helps:

    Method 1:
    Start the computer in safe mode and check if the same problem occurs:

    Method 2:
    Try to perform the clean boot and check if it helps:

    NOTE: When you are finished troubleshooting, make sure that restore you the computer mode normal startup such as suggested in step 7 of the above article.

    It will be useful.

  • Windows 7 backup (the system cannot find the specified file. (0 x 80070002))

    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    I’m NOT under a system dual boot, OR trying to save to an external drive.

    I get the following error message after you run backup.

    Backup has encountered a problem during backup of the file C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Audio Interviews Etc. error: (the system cannot find the specified file. (0 x 80070002))

    The Audio Interviews etc folder does NOT exist on my HD.  I know because I deleted it.

    It would seem that the backup uses a master list to determine which files should be saved and where are these files.

    I ran regedit looking for some Audio Interviews and did not get a hit.

    I also ran sfc/scannow and without errors, etc. were found.  «… Windows resource protection did not find any breach of integrity… »

    Where is this list and can remove Audio Interviews Etc. She?

    Create a folder called Audio Interviews etc in the folder systemprofile seems a kludgy way to deal with this issue.

    Suggestions/answers would be appreciated.



    I see that you have found an error after performing a backup. I’ll help you with this problem.

    As you already mentioned that you deleted the file, I would like to display hidden files and folders and check once more to confirm that the file is not present in the computer.

    Make sure the show the hidden files and folders option is turned on. To do this, follow these steps:

    Windows 7:

    1. start Windows Explorer. To do this, click Start, type userinit.exe in the Search box and press ENTER.

    2. click on organize, and then click folder and Search Options.

    3. click on the view tab.

    4. click on the next option to DISPLAY FILES AND FOLDERS HIDDEN — click Apply — OK.

    We can also refer to this article and check if that helps.

    0x8100002F error code and or error code 0 x 80070002 when you back up files in Windows 7: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/979281?wa=wsignin1.0

    I hope this helps.

  • Setup error «the system cannot find the specified file» (hpzprl40.exe)

    Trying to install HP Photosmart c5180 all-in-one using the latest version of the software download at HP and have Windows 7 Asus desktop computer. Receive error install «the system cannot find the specified file» (hpzprl40.exe), and the wizard stops.  Help, please.

    Hi loveisus,

    Try using the brush included in the CD or download. Let me know what you find?

    Of the Original installation CD:

    1. Insert the CD in the drive and then cancel Setup

    2. open my computer and click right then on the CD from the drive and select open

    3 open the Util folder

    4 open the CCC folder

    5. run the uninstall_L4 (exe or Bat)

    6. once the uninstall is complete, restart the computer

    7 run the Accessories\ System Tools Disk Cleanup

    8. download and install the latest version of Adobe flash player


    9 download drivers and full software features

    http://h10025.www1.HP.com/ewfrf/WC/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=MP-76232-1 & CC = US & DLC = in & LC = on & os = 4063 & Product = 1153481 & sw_lang=.

    10. run the download to reinstall the printer

    If the software has been downloaded and extracted to your system:

    1. type % temp % in the field of race

    2. Locate and open the folder starting with 7z (example: 7zS2356)

    3 open the Util folder

    4 open the CCC folder

    5. run the uninstall_L4 (exe or Bat)

    6. once the uninstall is complete, restart the computer

    7 run the Accessories\ System Tools Disk Cleanup

    8. download and install the latest version of Adobe flash player


    9 download drivers and full software features

    http://h10025.www1.HP.com/ewfrf/WC/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=MP-76232-1 & CC = US & DLC = in & LC = on & os = 4063 & Product = 1153481 & sw_lang=.

    10. run the download to reinstall the printer

  • Can’t backup windows because Backup has encountered a problem during backup of the C:\Users\marcel\Documents\Youcam file. Error: (the system cannot find the specified file. (0 x 80070002))

    can not backup windows because: Backup has encountered a problem during backup of the C:\Users\marcel\Documents\Youcam file. Error: (the system cannot find the specified file. (0 x 80070002))
    Backup has encountered a problem during backup of the C:\Users\marcel\Documents\Youcam file. Error: (the system cannot find the specified file. (0 x 80070002)).

    Maybe it’s because I disabled the camera to prevent other people using the computer?

    [Moved from comments]

    Hi Marrcel,

    Thank you for keeping us posted.

    The issue can be due to turning the camera off. I suggest you to activate the camera and try.

    Please come back for any clarification on this or any issue of Windows. We will be happy to help you.

  • Remote Desktop error: the system cannot find the specified file. C:\WINDOWS\system32\ < LANG_NAME > \mstsc.exe.MUI

    Came across an interesting problem this morning. After starting my PC from various applications (OutLook 2002, Management Studio of SQL Server 2008, etc.). I was able to connect to a server by using Remote Desktop (RDP, alias). On trying to connect to a second system, I started getting the following error message:

    The system cannot find the specified file. C:\WINDOWS\system32\\mstsc.exe.MUI

    Will always be connected to the server, I tried to launch a second instance using RDP, but received the same error message.

    I googled the error and found different solutions (the best solution to examine ishttp://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/itproxpsp/thread/164d1e0b-51e6-4201-9dc2-3f4a0ccb14e5), however, none of the solutions seemed to work.

    I tried checking the virus/malware, etc, but nothing was found. I tried to re — load the dll and the exe (s), but still not received the error message.

    The next solution was to try to see what can be changed on my system (new programs, etc.). I noticed there is an update downloaded to my system (C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log): AutomaticUpdates content success install successful and Restart required for the following update: update for Windows XP (KB969084)… the update is related to remote desktop.

    I rebooted the system, still not received the RDP error messages. Is I did a complete «install updates and shut down ‘, and then restarted my system that started working again.

    For the record, here is some information on my system:

    XP Professional: Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.091208 — 2036: Service Pack 3)

    c:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe: 6.1.7600.16385

    I wanted to just post this in case someone else runs into a similar problem…

    Thank you!

    Argue for your limitations and of course they will belong. -Richard Bach, Illusions

    I have a machine with the same problem

    XP Professional: Version 5.1 (Build 2600

    I installed the update for Windows XP (KB969084).

    It does not, but a reboot is required because the system is running on the old dll

    MSTSC.exe works now

    Thanks for the info!

  • Error 2: The system cannot find the specified file. Even after restarting the Printer Spooler service

    I tried all of the suggestions posted and have had no success in restarting my print spooler. Help, please.

    Original title: I tried to restart the print spooler as directed, and he returned the error 2: the system cannot find the specified file. He does that and is it fixable?

    @Winston Microsoft M committed Support Engineer ‘expert ‘.

    I can see your response that you did take the time to reproduce the problem and then try your own ideas to check if the problem persists.

    Here is what I suggest to you, so you can learn how XP actually works:

    Start in the XP Recovery Console or Safe Mode, so Windows File Protection does not run.

    Rename your file c:\windows\system32\spoolsv.exe you can remember (such as spoolsv.bak).  Now, the file is «absent».

    Restart normally.

    Then try to start the Print Spooler Service and you will see the error.

    So why don’t you follow your own advice and run SFC and troubleshooting automated (as you suggested) and check if the problem persists.

    Please report your results.

    When you see that it does help and that SFC does not replace the missing or damaged file (in the system32 folder) and that the automated troubleshooter does not help, will sing it a different song (we hope).

    Don’t forget to rename your spoolsv.bak to spoolsv.exe when you’re done messing around autour.

  • An installation support file could not be installed. The system cannot find the specified file

    I’m trying to get rid of some programs on my Windows xp, but the following alert continue to flock to the top: an installation support file could not be installed. The system cannot find the specified file


    • What programs you try to uninstall?

    You can check this link:

    Problems installing and uninstalling programs on Windows computers


  • The engine InstallShield (iKernel.exe) could not be installed. The system cannot find the specified file.

    I am running XP Pro and I am trying to install a program, and I get this error code: motor InstallShield (iKernel.exe) could not be installed.  The system cannot find the specified file.  How can I solve this problem?  Thank you.


    · What program are you trying to install?

    You can check the link and try the steps listed: error Ikernel.exe when you install programs by using InstallShield: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/810608

  • Cannot install Nero 10 Multimedia Suite Platinum HD because it cannot find the following files: VC Redist 2005 KB973544 (x 86)

    Original title: getting specific files

    I try to install Nero 10 Multimedia Suite Platinum HD, but it will not be installed because it cannot find the following files: VC Redist 2005 KB973544 (x 86)

    VC Redist 2008 SP1 (x 86) Direct 3D 9 Extensions 9.19.949.46 9.19.949.1104 9.24.950.2656 9.27.952.3001 Direct 3D 9.27.952.3022 HLSL compiler

    Reboot Validator

    My system is XP SP3 2 Gig of ram and all updates are underway.

    Hi DJ Wilfred.

    Download the stand-alone package of these updates and install it manually and check to see if it helps to fix the problem:

    In addition, refer to this article:

  • System cannot find the specified file «[path]» \hpzshl.ice_suffix.. «. exe»on Windows 8.1

    I’ve updated my OS to Windows 7 64-bit edition of Windows 8.1 pro 64-bit, and when you try to reinstall the software and the driver for my printer HP Officejet J4580 all-in-one I get all sorts of errors. It worked perfectly on Windows 7.

    I get the most common error is: System cannot find the specified file «[path]» \hpzshl.ice_suffix.. «. exe’, as well as the facility is abandoned.

    I tried a lot of solutions from the HP Web site and these forums, but my problem is still there.

    I already tried the long solution presented here:




    I even found the directory where installation has been decompressed and copied to the desktop, but the error persists.

    I need the complete software because I need to use my printer Officejet scanner, so I can’t just simply print drivers.

    I need desperate help on getting this new work.

    Specifications of the computer:

    CPU: Intel Core i7 — 4820 K Quad-Core 3.70 GHz 10 MB Intel Smart Cache LGA2011

    : DDR3 memory / 1866 MHz Quad Channel 16GB (4GBx4)

    Printer: HP Officejet J4580 all-in-one; connected via USB

    OS: 8.1 Pro 64 bit Windows

    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 series

    I finally solved it by myself after many hours of pain.

    I clean any installation of HP from my computer using the HP Officejet software and driver removal utility:


    After the computer restarts, I moved on the desktop, the installation directory unpacked that HP printer install wizard for Windows had previously downloaded and launched.

    I deleted all files in the directory %Temp%.

    I disabled McAfee antivirus real time and Windows Deffender analysis.

    I ran the setup.exe in the installation directory in my office.

    The installation is smoothly and completed. I have already tested the printer and all features function normally.

    I hope these steps help someone with similar problems to get the software installed.

  • The following error occurred while importing IMG_ #. JPG: The system cannot find the specified file.

    It really starts to annoy me. For some reason, Windows does not allow me to import my photos with Windows more, I was able to import pictures all the time, but all of a sudden it stopped. I tried the import with the program auto-importation of Windows and then I tried to use the import software called Windows Live Gallery. Both gave me the same error message «the following error occurred while importing IMG_ #.» JPG: The system cannot find the specified file. «I tried looking up this error on many sites and have not led to what. I tried to re-formating my memory card but it did not work. Please help me, I can not import all the images and is running out of memory cards, I don’t want to delete the images I took because I can not import to my computer.

    Thank you.


     1. you try to import these images on the camera?
    2. have you checked if the image files are present on the device?

     First cross check if the photos are present on the device and if you are importing from the right location. Try to copy the files manually and paste it on the desktop and see if it works.

     For more information on troubleshooting camera connection problems, visit this link:

     Post back with the results, so that we can help you better.

     Kind regards
    Answers from Microsoft supports the engineer.

  • Instructions


    To Fix (Beats audio cannot find .startup file) error you need to
    follow the steps below:

    Step 1:

    (Beats audio cannot find .startup file) Repair Tool

    Step 2:

    Click the «Scan» button

    Step 3:

    Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

    Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

    Download Size: 6MB
    Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

    Beats audio cannot find .startup file is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

    If you have Beats audio cannot find .startup file then we strongly recommend that you

    Download (Beats audio cannot find .startup file) Repair Tool.

    This article contains information that shows you how to fix
    Beats audio cannot find .startup file
    (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Beats audio cannot find .startup file that you may receive.

    This article was updated on 2023-09-16 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


    •   1. Meaning of Beats audio cannot find .startup file?
    •   2. Causes of Beats audio cannot find .startup file?
    •   3. More info on Beats audio cannot find .startup file

    Meaning of Beats audio cannot find .startup file?

    Disk related errors are often the main cause of the File System Errors in Windows operating system. This mostly can be attributed to issues like bad sectors, disk integrity corruption or other related problems. With a huge software system like Microsoft Windows that is designed to perform an extremely large number of tasks, errors that concern the file system is to be expected at some point.

    Some of these errors can also be caused by third party softwares, especially those that depend on Windows Kernel in order to run. Common users can also trigger such file errors with heavy use.

    Causes of Beats audio cannot find .startup file?

    Most of these file errors can be fixed easily by applying the most recent software updates from Microsoft. However, sometimes, certain type of errors can be hard to repair.

    For the more complex file system error issues, common solutions include the following:

    • Resetting Windows
    • Doing system file maintenance repairs
    • Clearing the Windows Store Cache
    • Repairing Component Store
    • Reinstalling Windows Apps

    You can also use the System File Checker tool in order to fix corrupted and missing system files. Meanwhile, Check Disk chkdsk can also be used to verify file system integrity and to locate bad sectors on your hard drive.

    More info on
    Beats audio cannot find .startup file

    RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

    Can’t Find Beats Audio! Please Help!

    Thanks !

    a link to download the driver? I would like it back on my Pavilion!

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    beats audio volume unstable Will re-installing beats fix an…

    Hi there @exrxfillr, May the Forums be with you!  It is a great place to to inaudible then back to normal volume sporatically.. Will uninstalling and reinstalling  Beats fix

    Volume on desktop is unstable and will drop find the help you need, from other users, HP experts, and other support personnel. be appreciated.

    Kudos would also this and how do I do that?

    question about Realtek HD audio on laptop with Beats Audio C…

    P7-1236s audio drivers with beats audio for windows 10

    I have had this working with wins 10 before, but seem to have lost the driver i found.

    The back input seems to be surrond sound.

    Audio Drivers for HP envy beats audio

    Cannot find File at Startup

    Tell us the file name and that I can search for it.The file does not exist . Better yet, Google the file name, to see if I can uncheck the file in the initial startup. One fix is to reinstall the program, another is to there is reference to this file .

    When starting my PC it says that a file cannot be found and maybe we can help further.

    I checked the startup file and I used the configuration utility search the registry for references to this file and delete them. I cannot find any place where figure out what it is.

    Windows Cannot Find File at Startup

    At startup RunDll cannot find file

    C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
    O23 — Service: avast! I don’t remember picking this up from anything particular, got the BSOD «System_Service_Exception». Also, I’m not sure if I remember removing it or not, but obviously so it’s been on here for a while.

    Antivirus — ALWIL Software — C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe
    O23 — Service: avast! I’m just trying to give I haven’t played WoW in probably a year, but this is what some research has told me. to the «331414kou.dll», I don’t know.

    In that period, I’ve had a bunch of issues with BSODs that I think may of had to do with a RAM chip that eventually fried. I only say this because they seem Although, yesterday I — C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe
    O23 — Service: avast! IAVS4 Control Service (aswUpdSv) — ALWIL Software some of the settings involved are still present and looking for the file.

    Whether or not this related to have stopped after removing the chip. Mail Scanner — ALWIL Software — as much info as possible.

    error at startup: cannot find file

    I know that this started when i was infected with I tried the repair from the XP cd but it takes me to first though incase you booger it. Good idea to backup your registry the kwbot worm from Kazaa but how do i fix this.

    some DOS prompt and i have no clue where i would go from there. Need more info, just ask.

    Excel — can’t find file on startup

    Thanks for the the file — and if so what should she do with it? Excel has been working but suddenly does not and studying away from home. Has a totally legal copy of trys to install but can’t find a file E22561412.cab.

    My daughter is programs still work.

    Other Office help.

      Is it of any use if I email her a copy of Office but installation disks are at home.

    Windows Cannot Find File at Startup

    Audio and Sound, Beats Audio

    I need my audio to work properly going on and how to fix it. but nothing has helped. I was able to reinstall it but the sound is still terrible and I can’t adjust the EQ in the Beats Audio control panel.

    I’ve tried reinstalling Can anyone help me figure out what’s because i use my laptop when DJ’ing.

    Beats Audio gone?

    It’s not under my Control Panel in Hardware and Sound where it should be. I’m hoping that I messed up my audio in the Beats nothing inside the main file but the Beats Icon and a file caleed «Category». I don’ t know the issue, View  After replacing it, my sound from the audio port to my speaker lacked bass entirely.

    Here’s my issue:I replaced my daughter board recently due to a broken audio port. Solved! as this is a new daughter board. Someone assist Solution. I tried finding the direct file that has the Beats Audio program, but there’s me please.

    There’s no drivers on the HP Audio mixer, but I cannot find the Beats Audio program at all. website that will replace the missing files. The file’s programming and such should be under my :C drive -> Program Files -> HP -> HP Utility Center -> Beats but contains only the two files listed above.

    Beats Audio

    It is a great place to find the help you an issue with the beat sound. Hi there @kissme123,Welcome to need, from other users, HP experts, and other support personnel. I understand you are having the HP Support Forums!

    Hp with Beats audio

    Thanks, Adam

      Is this the same laptop that as well as the Beats Audio control panel. Thanks sudden the volume seems to go lower for a minute, then comes back up. It has done this since I got it last year. This is for anyone that has any annoys me sometimes.

    I can play a song at a normal level and then all of a you are having trouble with the power adapter? My laptop has the subwoofer in it and I don’t think it’s anything with the actual speakers or the subwoofer. Does anyone else with these laptops have Aarons and have them make it right.

    Not sure where to put this one, so if ENVY dv6 with Beats Audio.

    If contract, I would return to full purchase from Aarons or on contract? I have an HP luck with their repair policy.

      I have always had good wonder if it has anything to do with it. I have played around with the sound settings, HP laptop with Beats Audio integrated in it.

    It also does it when I have headphones on so I a moderator wants to move it, feel free to. If so, did you do a in advance. Nothing critical, just anything weird going on with their volume.

    Пропал звук при установке Beats Audio

     ?????? ????.????????? Beats Audio ? ?????? ????.?????????? ??? ???????? ?????

    No Beats Audio

    can manage my sound with BEATS tools. I’m not

    I no longer have BEATS audio and sure what happenned.

    My beats audio is gone

    My beats audio has been removed from my pc?is it because im Solution. And Product No. View with the full Model No. Of your notebook — you can usually get this by holding down the fn using window 10 how can i reload it?my volume is very low atm


    Hi, Can you post back key and pressing esc, otherwise see Here for a guide on locating this information. Regards, DP-K

    Beats IDT Audio

    I’d lke to know how I can get this program back, or if I can find it in my pc. Hi, Please try the following

    So, my Envy has beats audio in it, along with a mixer program. software and driver:         http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp71501-72000/sp71717.exe Regards.

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