Ошибка c8 snes mini

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C8 Error?


I’ve added games to my SNES mini and they all work but every time I shut off my SNES, I get a C8 Error and have to cycle the power button again. What could be the cause of this?

Nintendo released the Super NES Classic Edition console a while ago. While this little console is a reliable device, errors do occur from time to time, such as errors C8, C7 or C3.

Well, if you’re experiencing these nasty error codes, read this article to find out how you can fix the problem.

snes error C7 screenshot

Fix 1 –  Don’t keep to many games on the menu

Keeping way too many games on the menu may trigger error C8 when you shut down the console from the menu screen. Try removing a few games from the menu — one at a time — and check if the problem persists. It appears that 30-40 games is the limit.

On the other hand, other gamers suggested that you can keep even up to 60 games on the home menu or per folder. If you have more than that, simply split the games up a bit.

However, we recommend you to stay on the safe side and don’t go beyond 40 games.

Fix 2 – Make sure you have enough free space

If your console is running low on free space, this could explain why you’re getting error C8. Keep at least 50MB of storage. Delete some games and mods if necessary.

Fix 3 – Enable the Retroarch Module

If apart from errors C8 or C3, you’re also getting error C7 from time to time, make sure you have the Retroarch Module installed in addition to the module for the system, especially when you run non-NES games and they  fail to work.

Fix 4 – Use Nestopia (for fixing error C7)

  1. In Kachikachi, right click on a NES game
  2. Choose Select emulation core
  3.  A new window will appear on the screen
  4. Select the game again
  5. In the bottom right pane, check if Kachikachi is selected
  6. If it is, choose Nestopia instead
  7. Hit  Apply, then close the window
  8. Synchronize everything and launch your game.

If you keep on getting error C7, your system might be faulty. In this case, Nintendo recommends submitting a repair request to the Nintendo Service Centre.

There you go, we hope these three quick solutions helped you get rid of SNES Classic error C8, error C3 and error C7. If you’ve got additional tips and tricks to share, use the comments below.

Wow, thank you so much! Forgive my ignorance / lack of coding knowledge,
although I am very knowledge about computers in general so I should be able
to figure out with some guidance. Where is this /etc/init.d directory you
speak of? Is it on the actual SNES classic? Please advise easiest way for
a PC user to get to the folder to drop your custom script in! Thank you
again & I appreciate your help..

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 8:58 AM, brian91292 ***@***.***> wrote:

Like I said, this is a really ghetto script, and I wouldn’t recommend it
for basic users. Just copy it into /etc/init.d, when your console gets C8
error should turn off a second or two later. If you need to.uninstall it
just FTP in and delete the file.

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Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub
<#650 (comment)>,
or mute the thread

Nintendo released the Super NES Classic Edition console a while ago. While this little console is a reliable device, errors do occur from time to time, such as errors C8, C7 or C3.

Well, if you’re experiencing these nasty error codes, read this article to find out how you can fix the problem.

snes error C7 screenshot

Fix 1 –  Don’t keep to many games on the menu

Keeping way too many games on the menu may trigger error C8 when you shut down the console from the menu screen. Try removing a few games from the menu — one at a time — and check if the problem persists. It appears that 30-40 games is the limit.

On the other hand, other gamers suggested that you can keep even up to 60 games on the home menu or per folder. If you have more than that, simply split the games up a bit.

However, we recommend you to stay on the safe side and don’t go beyond 40 games.

Fix 2 – Make sure you have enough free space

If your console is running low on free space, this could explain why you’re getting error C8. Keep at least 50MB of storage. Delete some games and mods if necessary.

Fix 3 – Enable the Retroarch Module

If apart from errors C8 or C3, you’re also getting error C7 from time to time, make sure you have the Retroarch Module installed in addition to the module for the system, especially when you run non-NES games and they  fail to work.

Fix 4 – Use Nestopia (for fixing error C7)

  1. In Kachikachi, right click on a NES game
  2. Choose Select emulation core
  3.  A new window will appear on the screen
  4. Select the game again
  5. In the bottom right pane, check if Kachikachi is selected
  6. If it is, choose Nestopia instead
  7. Hit  Apply, then close the window
  8. Synchronize everything and launch your game.

If you keep on getting error C7, your system might be faulty. In this case, Nintendo recommends submitting a repair request to the Nintendo Service Centre.

There you go, we hope these three quick solutions helped you get rid of SNES Classic error C8, error C3 and error C7. If you’ve got additional tips and tricks to share, use the comments below.

Тема: Проблема со Snes mini  (Прочитано 14425 раз)

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После переустановки винды понадобилось заново подключить свою прошитую снес. По-глупости на прошивку закинули еще прошивку и после этого перестала включатся консоль на телевизоре. Попробовали откатить на заводские и консоль прекрасно работает. но когда пытаешься снова пропатчить и закинуть игры,виснет, загорается светодиод и не гаснет при вкл/выкл и только при отключение от сети гаснет, и еще предлагает установить драйвер, но пишет nes mini not found. После как бы прошития пробуешь подключить к тв и там так же виснет и светодиод не гаснет. Что делать помогите, можно ли еще спасти мою консоль? Извините если тема не туда)

Извините если тема не туда)

Ты бы это… Клустеру написал, который гуй и дополнения для этой балалайки писал.

Ты бы это… Клустеру написал, который гуй и дополнения для этой балалайки писал.

Где бы до него достучатся. У него, наверное, и без меня личка забита

После переустановки винды понадобилось заново подключить свою прошитую снес. По-глупости на прошивку закинули еще прошивку и после этого перестала включатся консоль на телевизоре. Попробовали откатить на заводские и консоль прекрасно работает. но когда пытаешься снова пропатчить и закинуть игры,виснет, загорается светодиод и не гаснет при вкл/выкл и только при отключение от сети гаснет, и еще предлагает установить драйвер, но пишет nes mini not found. После как бы прошития пробуешь подключить к тв и там так же виснет и светодиод не гаснет. Что делать помогите, можно ли еще спасти мою консоль? Извините если тема не туда)

1. Удаляемся с консоли (заходим в хакчи2/ядро/полностью удалиться)
2. После на вопрос записать начальное ядро отвечаем Да.
3. Подключаем консоль к ТВ в настройках сбрасываемся до заводских настроек (консоль перезагружается).
4. Качаем образ снес мини https://yadi.sk/d/PUGWCGgp3UA7FW
5. Кидаем образ в папку Dump (либо создаем папку если ее нет).
6. Из программы хакчи2 удаляем файлы из папки Config,Games snes,User mods.
7. Заходим в хакчи2/ядро/»запустить оригинальное ядро из рам»
8. Далее: Ядро/Прошить модифицированное ядро (прошиваемая должен загореться зеленый кружек в левом нижнем углу программы)
9. все должно заработать
10. У кого были установлены игры все придется записывать с сначала.

Спасибо, за оригинальный образ

Может и мне кто поможет с моей снес мини? :)
Дело в том, что начала виснуть на нес играх. Сначала 1ый раз после часов 3 игры. После на след. День уже минут через 20.
Кнопка выключения, песета и селект+старт не работают. Даже питание выключаю и диод горит, а повисшая картинка так и остаётся. Помогает только вытащить юсб шнур.
Мне Кластер посоветовал бп подключить, тк у меня от телека питается и может проблема в том, что питания не хватает, но пытался от телефона подключить зарядку и почему то даже диод не горит, зарядка 5в 1А, ещё есть с юсб входом одна, но 5В и 0,55А и тоже даже диод не горит :-

ww-Да, дело может быть в том, что запитываешь S Nes mini от USB  телевизора.
Но от нормальной телефонной зарядки приставка должна работать. Значит зарядки телефонные какие-то неисправные у тебя. И еще -кабель USB используешь , который был в комплекте с приставкой ?

Никто не знает причину такого глюка: почему исчезли пункты Save State и Load State во время вызова меню Retroarch кнопками Select + Start? Обновил Хакчи, увидел, что нет  этих пунктов, подумал, что их выпилили, вернулся к той версии Хакчи, где они были, нажимаю Select + Start и там их нет 0_0! Может мод какой отвечает за их появление, настройки вроде все перепробовал.

Что делать если на СНЕС мини при включении игры появляется внизу надпись: game loaded NTSC, а дальше: 100% Nintendo Clovercon — controller2 (0/0) not configured. ПОМОГИТЕ, коллеги ретрогеймеры… :'( Не загружается сохранялки на Нес играх, настройки сбиваются. стар+селект не нажимается что бы зайти в настройки. СНЕСовские игры играют нормально, а вот НЕСовские не работают геймпады

« Последнее редактирование: 04 Октябрь 2018, 19:58:36 от Aleks1988 »

мне тут чел затирает,что омл от того что в снес мини система люникс стоит,то омл система захламляется и потом когда захламится окончательно ее можно смел овыкидывать,это бред же?

мне тут чел затирает,что омл от того что в снес мини система люникс стоит,то омл система захламляется и потом когда захламится окончательно ее можно смел овыкидывать,это бред же?

По голове ему стукни чем-нибудь. Может ума прибавится.

Здравствуйте, проблема такая, за качал игры для снес, Сега и н64. Отоброжаются только игры для н64, но как понимаете кнопок в стандартном джойстики не хватает. Вопрос: как удалить всё (игры и прошивку) что было как раньше (при покупки в магазине). Если можно то пошаговую инструкцию.

1. Удаляемся с консоли (заходим в хакчи2/ядро/полностью удалиться)
2. После на вопрос записать начальное ядро отвечаем Да.
3. Подключаем консоль к ТВ в настройках сбрасываемся до заводских настроек (консоль перезагружается).
4. Качаем образ снес мини https://yadi.sk/d/PUGWCGgp3UA7FW
5. Кидаем образ в папку Dump (либо создаем папку если ее нет).
6. Из программы хакчи2 удаляем файлы из папки Config,Games snes,User mods.
7. Заходим в хакчи2/ядро/»запустить оригинальное ядро из рам»
8. Далее: Ядро/Прошить модифицированное ядро (прошиваемая должен загореться зеленый кружек в левом нижнем углу программы)
9. все должно заработать
10. У кого были установлены игры все придется записывать с сначала.

Пожалуйста объясните как Из программы хакчи2 удалить файлы? Никак не понимаю!

Snes mini после прошивки при включение сразу выключается а если сбрасывашь консоль и не прошиваешь то все запускается только после выключение она сама по себе сбрасывается



Rebooting the SNES Classic will solve a lot of problems. Uninstalling all versions of Retroarch and its cores, and then reinstalling their newest versions also solves a lot of problems. Returning the SNES Classic to a stock state may also help.

If the above doesn’t work, here are some suggestions.

C errors[]

C errors are the errors that result in the display of a CX error message, where X is a number between 1 and 8? These are default error messages, programmed by Nintendo’s NERD, to help on the debugging of the error and its solution.

error typical causes suggested solutions
C2 corrupted code within the kernel Settings will be reverted to stock (?) Re-flash original kernel
Corrupted game ?. Settings will be reverted to stock (?) check USB drive for errors
replace the game ?
C3 Low memory space free up memory space
corruption in memory check USB drive for errors
C4 Low memory space free up memory space
corruption in memory ?
C6 game corrupted delete the bad game, optionally substituting it for a known good working game
corruption in Retroarch or Retroarch cores Unninstall Retroarch and cores, optionally backing up settings and reinstalling
C7 game not compatilbe with Canoe Use Retroarch to run the game
Corruption in Retroarch or its core Unnintall completely all versions or Retroarch and the cores in question, and reinstall Retroarch and the desired core, making sure Retroarch and its cores are from the same set
wrong command lines right-click on the game that causes the C7 to happen, select emultion core using default command line
C8 Memory overload. too many folders/games/suspend points/thumbnails loaded on screen at a time keep 30 or less itens (folders, games) or less per folder
Too many games or suspen points on the system. Delete games or suspend points to free up space.
too much jumping beween games/folders in a single session. Turn off unit to reset RAM.
wrong «end-of-line» (EOL) format in a file Use Notepad++ when editing .desktop files, making sure to not change the EOL format

Console taking too long to reboot[]


— Try disabling the firewall before performing the install process. Re-enable it afterwards. You can also add an exception to your firewall software to allow future connections. Hakchi2 CE no longer uses Clovershell by default, but the SSH machine communication protocol. Clovershell is an application developed by Cluster that allows the communication between Hakchi2 and a SNES Classic. It was used in earlier version of Hakchi2 CE as well, being replaced by SSH since. Because of this, firewall software will often block the connection.

— Similarly, if you are using a VPN, temporarily disable this before the install process.

— It is also suggested using the USB cable included with the NES/SNES Classic. If it is not possible, it’s still worth trying a couple different USB cables.

— The USB port version can matter. It’s best to use USB 2.0 ports. It is also recommended using a rear port over a front port if possible. Regardless, trying a few different ports can’t hurt!

— A device connected to your network, like a games console, may be conflicting with hakchi2 CE or your SNES Classic. If possible, you can try temporarily disabling your ethernet or wifi connection to see if it helps.

— If the SNES Classic in question has previously been hacked with a non-CE version of Hakchi2, it might need be necessary to get the SNES Classic back to stock first, before attempting to hack it with Hakchi2 CE.

— Restart your PC and try again.

— On Windows’ Device Manager, unninstall any network adapters named Classic, Nintendo Classic (is it in network adapters ?), or Samsung Classic, as well as their drivers, and try again. Nintendo Classic is how a stock SNES Classic in the FEL mode is recognized (when the approppriate driver is installed) (maybe it doesn’t appear as a netwok adapter but under Universal Serial Bus devices  ? ). When the SNES Classic reboots and awaits (?), it is in RNDIS mode (?), that is why it is seen as a network adapter device (?). The SNES Classic may also be recognized as CLV-SNPY (or SNSY ?) (when not modded, and in normal non-FEL mode) (also maybe it doesn’t appear as a netwok adapter but under Universal Serial Bus devices  ? ), which is useless (??). Samsung Classic and Classic are the same situation, but different drivers being used by Windows.

— Drivers may not be installing correctly. This is more common with people who have used earlier versions of hakchi2 (2.21f, 2.30, 2.31) on their PCs. You can try manually installing the driver located in the hakchi2_CE/driver folder. You may need more expert advice if this is the problem.

SNES Classic not detected by Hakchi2 CE[]

With Hakchi2 CE open on the computer, and the SNES Classic connected directlyto the computer (with no OTG adapter inbetween them), turn the SNES Classic off, and them on.

Stuck on Recovery Mode[]

If the SNES Classic is stuck on Recovery Mode (does not confuse with FEL mode, different things) and other solutions like tols —> reboot do not work, follow these instructions: https://www.reddit.com/r/miniSNESmods/comments/ajdeq0/messed_up_bad_really_bad/eeulthg/


more informatio: https://www.howtogeek.com/252193/hdtv-overscan-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-probably-turn-it-off/

In order to disable overscan on your display, you may have to

  1. Connect a PC that displays at the target display’s native resolution to the target display
  2. turn both PC and display on
  3. Set the Display to PC mode or equivalent
  4. Turn the TV off
  5. Disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV
  6. plug the SNES Classic into the same HDMI port that the TV was plugged into
  7. Turn the TV on

The TV should remain in PC mode, with overscan disabled, until it loses power.

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Rebooting the SNES Classic will solve a lot of problems. Uninstalling all versions of Retroarch and its cores, and then reinstalling their newest versions also solves a lot of problems. Returning the SNES Classic to a stock state may also help.

If the above doesn’t work, here are some suggestions.

C errors[]

C errors are the errors that result in the display of a CX error message, where X is a number between 1 and 8? These are default error messages, programmed by Nintendo’s NERD, to help on the debugging of the error and its solution.

error typical causes suggested solutions
C2 corrupted code within the kernel Settings will be reverted to stock (?) Re-flash original kernel
Corrupted game ?. Settings will be reverted to stock (?) check USB drive for errors
replace the game ?
C3 Low memory space free up memory space
corruption in memory check USB drive for errors
C4 Low memory space free up memory space
corruption in memory ?
C6 game corrupted delete the bad game, optionally substituting it for a known good working game
corruption in Retroarch or Retroarch cores Unninstall Retroarch and cores, optionally backing up settings and reinstalling
C7 game not compatilbe with Canoe Use Retroarch to run the game
Corruption in Retroarch or its core Unnintall completely all versions or Retroarch and the cores in question, and reinstall Retroarch and the desired core, making sure Retroarch and its cores are from the same set
wrong command lines right-click on the game that causes the C7 to happen, select emultion core using default command line
C8 Memory overload. too many folders/games/suspend points/thumbnails loaded on screen at a time keep 30 or less itens (folders, games) or less per folder
Too many games or suspen points on the system. Delete games or suspend points to free up space.
too much jumping beween games/folders in a single session. Turn off unit to reset RAM.
wrong «end-of-line» (EOL) format in a file Use Notepad++ when editing .desktop files, making sure to not change the EOL format

Console taking too long to reboot[]


— Try disabling the firewall before performing the install process. Re-enable it afterwards. You can also add an exception to your firewall software to allow future connections. Hakchi2 CE no longer uses Clovershell by default, but the SSH machine communication protocol. Clovershell is an application developed by Cluster that allows the communication between Hakchi2 and a SNES Classic. It was used in earlier version of Hakchi2 CE as well, being replaced by SSH since. Because of this, firewall software will often block the connection.

— Similarly, if you are using a VPN, temporarily disable this before the install process.

— It is also suggested using the USB cable included with the NES/SNES Classic. If it is not possible, it’s still worth trying a couple different USB cables.

— The USB port version can matter. It’s best to use USB 2.0 ports. It is also recommended using a rear port over a front port if possible. Regardless, trying a few different ports can’t hurt!

— A device connected to your network, like a games console, may be conflicting with hakchi2 CE or your SNES Classic. If possible, you can try temporarily disabling your ethernet or wifi connection to see if it helps.

— If the SNES Classic in question has previously been hacked with a non-CE version of Hakchi2, it might need be necessary to get the SNES Classic back to stock first, before attempting to hack it with Hakchi2 CE.

— Restart your PC and try again.

— On Windows’ Device Manager, unninstall any network adapters named Classic, Nintendo Classic (is it in network adapters ?), or Samsung Classic, as well as their drivers, and try again. Nintendo Classic is how a stock SNES Classic in the FEL mode is recognized (when the approppriate driver is installed) (maybe it doesn’t appear as a netwok adapter but under Universal Serial Bus devices  ? ). When the SNES Classic reboots and awaits (?), it is in RNDIS mode (?), that is why it is seen as a network adapter device (?). The SNES Classic may also be recognized as CLV-SNPY (or SNSY ?) (when not modded, and in normal non-FEL mode) (also maybe it doesn’t appear as a netwok adapter but under Universal Serial Bus devices  ? ), which is useless (??). Samsung Classic and Classic are the same situation, but different drivers being used by Windows.

— Drivers may not be installing correctly. This is more common with people who have used earlier versions of hakchi2 (2.21f, 2.30, 2.31) on their PCs. You can try manually installing the driver located in the hakchi2_CE/driver folder. You may need more expert advice if this is the problem.

SNES Classic not detected by Hakchi2 CE[]

With Hakchi2 CE open on the computer, and the SNES Classic connected directlyto the computer (with no OTG adapter inbetween them), turn the SNES Classic off, and them on.

Stuck on Recovery Mode[]

If the SNES Classic is stuck on Recovery Mode (does not confuse with FEL mode, different things) and other solutions like tols —> reboot do not work, follow these instructions: https://www.reddit.com/r/miniSNESmods/comments/ajdeq0/messed_up_bad_really_bad/eeulthg/


more informatio: https://www.howtogeek.com/252193/hdtv-overscan-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-probably-turn-it-off/

In order to disable overscan on your display, you may have to

  1. Connect a PC that displays at the target display’s native resolution to the target display
  2. turn both PC and display on
  3. Set the Display to PC mode or equivalent
  4. Turn the TV off
  5. Disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV
  6. plug the SNES Classic into the same HDMI port that the TV was plugged into
  7. Turn the TV on

The TV should remain in PC mode, with overscan disabled, until it loses power.

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does anyone know how to fix this random error? for me, it only happens sometimes after hitting the reset button.

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  • SylverReZ



  • Xdqwerty65




  • NinStar



    I decided to kill my twitter account this week

  • NinStar



    it wasn’t easy

  • Xdqwerty65



    oh well

  • Xdqwerty65



    i dont even use twitter

  • Xdqwerty65



    i have an account i never use

  • Xdqwerty65



    also i miss my nintendo dsi

  • SylverReZ



    @Xdqwerty65, There’s always emulating a DSi in NO$GBA.


  • Xdqwerty65



    its not the same

  • Xdqwerty65




  • Xdqwerty65



    i mean

  • Xdqwerty65



    it doesnt feel the same

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    For me if you want to emulate the DS the best option is on Android, use DraStic and a controller that holds your phone… it’s clunky but it works insanely well. The next best option in my opinion is using a New 3DS XL, not really emulation but hacked it works really well.

  • Xdqwerty65



    i dont have a 3ds

  • Xdqwerty65



    but i would use drastic

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    It’s worth buying or finding a cracked APK

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    It divides your phones screen into 2 the touch screen functions work fine the microphone works

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Kind of the only good way to do it in my opinion

  • Xdqwerty65




  • K3N1




  • K3N1



    Introducing Amazon eero Max 7 tri-band mesh wifi router | Up to 9.4 Gbps | Connect 200+ devices | Coverage up to 2,500 sq. ft. | 2023 release https://a.co/d/0Sape2B

  • megaduck


    megaduck has joined the room.

  • Dark_Raven1997



    Ever since the medicat was updated i cant get it to work I reinstalled and now it shows up as a white ventoy screen instead of medicat and half tools wont work any ideas how to fix it

  • DinohScene



    Use minitool partition wizard to nuke the drive, start from scratch?

  • SylverReZ



    Morning Dinoh




    Morning Dinoh

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