Ошибка c1643 тойота приус 20


  1. mubasherusman

    Oct 31, 2020
    2007 Prius

    I have prius 2007 NHW20, 1NZ-FXE, and its about 150k miles on odo, I had a yellow brake light on my dash for quite some time. And yesterday I scanned my prius and found the c1643 and c1644 trouble code.

    Here is the exact discription from LAUNCH device

    IPA/parking assist monitor
    C1643: Brake control system failure
    C1644: Brake control system invalid

    Can someone guide me exactly what is the issue and what need to be replaced/repair.

    Is it dangerous to drive with this?
    What is the solution if you can guide the exact area where this fault is?

  2. SFO

    Welcome to PriusChat!!

    That OBD2 scanner may not be toyota hybrid compatible, as the posted OBD2 codes (DTCs) don’t appear to be applicable. Many will use a «mini-vci» cable with a copy of techstream on a windows device, this is the same software that the dealership techs will use. Others get by with a OBD2 bluetooth adapter and a phone App like Dr Prius or Torque.

    Read this site before buying an adapter : Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus

    If you have access to other OBD2 readers in the area, you should try rescanning with those as well.

  3. mubasherusman

    Oct 31, 2020
    2007 Prius

    I went to another local technician and he scanned with bluedriver, same code appeared with same description.

    However I still have not reached to dealership because they are far from my place and they charge so many bucks for just scanning.

    Thay is why i am askinh on this forum if someone has knowledge of this code and what can be the root cause.

  4. SFO

    Let me rephrase then, the reported DTC (code) doesn’t appear to be related to the gen2 prius (do a search to confirm). You might try using another App (or Techstream) with an appropriate adapter and see if you can retrieve a different OBD2 code / DTC result.

  5. dolj

    Was IPA (Intelligent Park Assist) not available as an option on any Gen 2 option packages in the US?

  6. Elektroingenieur

    Jan 8, 2017
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring

    Since @mubasherusman is in India, his car may have been built for sale in Japan and then exported later as a used car. Such vehicles don’t necessarily have the same DTCs as those sold elsewhere, especially for features such as Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA) that were offered, at the time, only in Japan.

    DTCs C1643 and C1644 indicate that the IPA system has received a trouble report from, or been unable to communicate with, the brake system. The actual problem may be indicated by DTCs stored in the skid control ECU, the computer that runs the brake system, but perhaps the scan tools used so far haven’t been able to communicate with this computer. @SFO’s kind suggestion to use a more capable diagnostic system—preferably Toyota Techstream software—is the best way to proceed.

    It may be also necessary to refer to the Japanese edition of the Electronic Technical Manual (電子技術マニュアル) for the NHW20 series, published on CD-ROM. At this writing, a few copies are offered in Yahoo! JAPAN auctions; I didn’t check if their sellers would export directly or via a buying service.

    That’s difficult to say from the information available. The safest course is to assume that any brake-related problem could be dangerous until proven otherwise.

    SFO and mubasherusman like this.

  7. ChapmanF

    This thread is a reminder of a couple useful things to remember:

    First, while there are code readers that can get all the info from a Prius and readers that can’t, that’s not the same thing as getting a code from a reader and thinking it has showed you the code wrong. The codes come from the car as (at least in the Gen 2s and 3s) a sixteen bit number: you use two bits to pick the letter P, C, B, or U, the next two pick a digit 0 to 3, and each next group of four bits to choose from 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F.

    Those rules don’t change for manufacturer-specific codes; a code reader might not «know» the code, but that doesn’t mean it’ll show the code wrong. (More likely is a reader may show the wrong explanation for a code, mixing it up with what some other car uses the code for.)

    The other thing is that the codes are best looked up in the repair manual specific to the car. They just aren’t all going to come up in Google searches, and even when they do, Google could be finding posts about other cars, or cars in other markets, or posts by people guessing.

  8. mubasherusman

    Oct 31, 2020
    2007 Prius

    You are absolutely right about the car being imported from japan and its NHW20 Japanese model and now I am understanding your point.

    My Prius do have IPA. But I never used it as I dont know how to use it neither pressing IPA button did anything on my car so previusly I thought something wrong with IPA.

    I will try to diagnose with techstream software and thanks for you all guys pointing to right direction.

  9. SFO

    That only started in 2010 with introduction of the new Gen3 and the Advanced Technology Package upgrade.

датчик АБС, медленный отклик

(1 чел.) (1) гость

здравствуйте, загорелись ошибки по АБС и vsc, какое-то время пропадали-появлялись, потом стали гореть постоянно, сделали комп диагностику — ошибка по абс с0205 цепь датчика абс и с1643 с1644. сразу открыли опрос данных с АБС датчиков и на графике было видно что лев пер датчик выдаёт чуть запоздалые данные, остальные три в норме. очистить ошибки не удалось, сразу же появлялись, мастер приговорил датчик к замене на новый оригинальный, но цена в 7000 рублей не радует. что посоветоваете? может ли быть причина в ином кроме датчика?

boingy написал:

здравствуйте, загорелись ошибки по АБС и vsc, какое-то время пропадали-появлялись, потом стали гореть постоянно, сделали комп диагностику — ошибка по абс с0205 цепь датчика абс и с1643 с1644. сразу открыли опрос данных с АБС датчиков и на графике было видно что лев пер датчик выдаёт чуть запоздалые данные, остальные три в норме. очистить ошибки не удалось, сразу же появлялись, мастер приговорил датчик к замене на новый оригинальный, но цена в 7000 рублей не радует. что посоветоваете? может ли быть причина в ином кроме датчика?

1. Скиньте посмотреть осцилку с датчика. Проблема может быть не в самом датчике, а в кольце АБС.
2. Если вышел из строя действительно сами датчик, то новый ставить смысла нет. Контрактные у нас всегда в наличии и цена доступная (в личке).

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

к сожалению копий в сервисе не сделал, схематично график был проимерно такой. на сколько эффективна чистка датчиков? липнет ли к ним колодочная пыль? в сервисе сказали что не поможет 100%.

просмотр изображений доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям

boingy написал:

к сожалению копий в сервисе не сделал, схематично график был проимерно такой. на сколько эффективна чистка датчиков? липнет ли к ним колодочная пыль? в сервисе сказали что не поможет 100%.

просмотр изображений доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям

1. По вашим рисункам сказать невозможно ни чего. Нужны оригинальные осциллограммы.
2. Загрязнение датчиков не дает ошибку по цепи датчика, так что чистка точно бесполезна.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

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Найдена следующая информация по ошибке C1643 для автомобиля ТОЙОТА PRIUS W20, 1.5HYBRYD (1NZ-FXE):

На русском языке:

Это не часто встречающаяся неисправность в электрической цепи двигателя или автоматической коробки передач, вероятнее всего специфическая для Вашей марки автомобиля.

На английском языке:

OBD2 not find in catalog.

Вы можете задать вопрос или поделиться опытом устранения ошибки C1643 на автомобиле ТОЙОТА с другими пользователями.

Возможную причину возникновения и советы по устранению можно найти в каталоге причин и советов:

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Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Toyota (TYO) Prius W20, 1.5Hybryd (1NZ-FXE):

С учетом редкости и неоднозначности данной ошибки, мы не можем найти конкретный исчерпывающий ответ на вопрос причины возникновения неисправности.

Данная ошибка является специфичной для Вашей марки автомобиля, рекомендуем, либо обратиться на специализированный автосервис .

B0100 Short In D Squib Circuit / 13 B0101 Open in Driver-Side Air Bag Module Squib Circuit /14 B0102 Short in D Squib Circuit (to Ground) / 11 B0103 Short in D Squib Circuit (to B+) / 12 B0105 Short in P Side Air Bag Squib Circuit / 53 B0106 Open In P Side Air Bag Squib Circuit / 54 B0107 Short In P Side Air Bag Squib Circuit (to Ground) / 51 B0108 Short In P Side Air Bag Squib Circuit (to B+) / 52 B0110 Short In Side Squib (RH) Circuit / 43 B0111 Cab Side Airbag Circuit (Range/Performance) Malfunction (AV.’99) B0112 Short In Side Air Bag Module Squib (RH) Circuit (to Ground) / 41 B0113 Short In Side Squib (RH) Circuit (to B+) / 42 B0115 Short in Side Air Bag Module Squib (LH) Circuit / 47 B0116 Open In Side Air Bag Module Squib (LH) Circuit / 48 B0117 Short In Side Squib (LH) Circuit (to Ground) / 45 B0118 Short In Side Air Bag Module Squib (LH) Circuit (to B+) / 46 B0121 Seat Belt Buckle Swith, RH malfunction / 26 B0122 Seat Belt Buckle Swith, RH malfunction / 26 B0126 Seat Belt Buckle Swith, LH malfunction / 27 B0127 Seat Belt Buckle Swith, LH malfunction / 27 B0130 Short in P-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (RH) Circuit / 63 B0131 Open in P-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (RH) Circuit / 64 B0132 Short in P-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (RH) Circuit (to Ground) / 61 B0133 Short in P-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (RH) Circuit (to B+) / 62 B0135 Short in D-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (LH) Circuit / 73 B0136 Open in D-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (LH) Circuit / 74 B0137 Short in D-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (LH) Circuit (to Ground) / 71 B0138 Short in D-Side Seat Belt Pretensioner Squib (LH) Circuit (to B+) / 72 B1100 Airbag Sensor Assembly Malfunction (Progr. Avens) / 31 B1135 SRS Control Module – poor multi-plug connection / 24 B1140 Side Airbag Sensor Assembly (RH) Malfunction / 32 B1141 Side Airbag Sensor Assembly (LH) Malfunction / 33 B1142 Door Side Airbag Sensor (RH) Malfunction B1143 Door Side Airbag Sensor (RH) Malfunction B1144 Door Side Airbag Sensor (LH) Malfunction B1145 Door Side Airbag Sensor (LH) Malfunction B1146 Side Crach Sensor, RH B post Malfunction / 32 B1147 Side Crach Sensor, LH B post Malfunction / 33 B1148 Front Crach Sensor, RH Malfunction / 36 B1149 Front Crach Sensor, LH Malfunction / 37 B1153 Seat Position Sensor malfunction / 25 B1154 Side Crach Sensor, Rear RH in C posts / 38 B1155 Side Crach Sensor, Rear LH in C posts / 39 B1156 Front Airbag (Front crach) Sensor (RH) Malfunction / 15 B1157 Front Airbag (Front crach) Sensor (RH) Malfunction / 15 B1158 Front Airbag (Front crach) Sensor (LH) Malfunction / 16 B1159 Front Airbag Sensor (LH) Malfunction / 16 B1160 Inflatable curtain RH short circuit / 83 B1161 Inflatable curtain RH open circuit / 84 B1162 Inflatable curtain RH short circuit to Earth / 81 B1163 Inflatable curtain RH short circuit to Positive / 82 B1165 Inflatable curtain LH short circuit / 87 B1166 Inflatable curtain LH open circuit / 88 B1167 Inflatable curtain LH short circuit to Earth / 85 B1168 Inflatable curtain LH short circuit to Positive / 86 B1180 Driver’s Air Bag, Stage 2 – short circuit / 17 B1181 Driver’s Air Bag, Stage 2 – open circuit / 18 B1182 Driver’s Air Bag, Stage 2 – – short circuit to Earth / 19 B1183 Driver’s Air Bag, Stage 2 – short circuit tp Positive / 2 B1185 Passenger Air Bag Stage 2 short circuit / 57 B1186 Passenger Air Bag Stage 2 open circuit / 58 B1187 Passenger Air Bag Stage 2 short circuit to Earth / 55 B1188 Passenger Air Bag Stage 2 short circuit to Positive / 56 B1211 No Communication Between Driver’s Door ECU & Body ECU/11 B1212 No Communication Between Passenger’s Front Door ECU & Body ECU / 12 B1214 Door System Bus Communication Circuit is Shorted To Battery Voltage / 14 B1215 Door System Bus Communication Circuit is Shorted To Ground / 15 B1216 No Communication Between Right Rear Door ECU & Body ECU / 16 B1217 No Communication Between Left Rear Door ECU & Body ECU / 17 B1221 Power Window Master Switch Circuit / 21 B1222 Driver’s Door Lock Control Switch Circuit / 22 B1223 Passenger’s Front Window Switch Circuit / 23 B1224 Passenger’s Door Lock Control Switch Circuit / 24 B1225 Right Rear Window Switch Circuit / 25 B1226 Left Rear Window Switch Circuit / 26 B1231 Driver’s Jam Protection Limit Switch Circuit / 31 B1232 Driver’s Jam Protection Pulse Switch Circuit / 32 B1233 Passenger’s Front Jam Protection Limit Switch Circuit / 33 B1234 Passenger’s Front Jam Protection Pulse Switch Circuit / 34 B1235 Right Rear Jam Protection Limit Switch Circuit / 35 B1236 Right Rear Jam Protection Pulse Switch Circuit / 36 B1237 Left Rear Jam Protection Limit Switch Circuit / 37 B1238 Left Rear Jam Protection Pulse Switch Circuit / 38 B1241 Body ECU Switch Circuit Diagnosis ONE OF MONITORED SWITCHES HAS ABNORMAL OUTPUT / 41 B1242 Wireless Door Lock Tuner Circuit Malfunction (WIRELESS DOOR LOCK RECEIVER) / 42 B1243 GSW TERMINAL CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION / 43 B1244 Light Sensor Circuit Malfunction / 44 B1251 MIRROR CONTROL SWITCH / 51 B1256 Instrument Control Panel Circuit Diagnosis / 56 B1261 No Communication Between ECM & Body ECU / 61 B1269 THEFT DETERRENT ECU COMMUNICATION STOPPED / 69 B1272 No Communication between Power Seat ECU (W/Memory) & Body ECU (POWER SEAT ECU COMMUNCATION STOPPED) / 72 B1273 No Communication Between Sun Roof Control ECU & Body ECU / 73 B1275 No Communication Between Accessory Bus Buffer & Body ECU / 75 B1276 No Communication Between Combination Meter ECU & Body ECU B1277 No Communication Between Instrument Control Panel & Body ECU B1300 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor for Hydraulic Cooling Fan Circuit Malfunction B1305 Solenoid for Hydraulic Cooling Fan Circuit Malfunction B1421 Solar Sensor Circuit (Passenger Side) (Progr., RX3)) B1423 Open in pressure Sensor Circuit / Abnormal refrigerant Pressure (Progr, RX3) B1424 Solar Sensor Circuit (Driver Side) (Progr.) B2785 Ignition Switch ON Malfunction / 99 B2786 Ignition Switch OFF Malfunction / 99 B2790 Key Unlock Warning Switch ON Malfunction B2791 Key Unlock Warning Switch Off Malfunction / 99 B2796 No Communication in Immobiliser System B2797 Communication Malfunction No.1 / 99 B2798 Communication Malfunction No.2 / 99 B2799 Engine Immobiliser System Malfunction C0200 FR Whell Speed Sensor Malfunction (Cald,Cam, RX3, Cel.) C0205 FL Whell Speed Sensor Malfunction (Cald, Cel.) C0210 RR Whell Speed Sensor Malfunction (Cald,Cam, Cel.) C0215 LR Speed Sensor Circuit (Cel.) C0226 ABS Actuator Solenoid Circuit (Cel.) or ABS Solenoid Valve Circuit (MR) C0236 ABS Actuator Solenoid Circuit (MR, Cel.) C0237 Speed Sensor Circuit (Cel.) C0238 Speed Sensor Circuit (Cel.) C0239 Speed Sensor Circuit (Cel.) C0246 ABS Actuator Solenoid Circuit (MR, Cel.) C0256 ABS Actuator Solenoid Circuit (MR, Cel.) C0273 ABS Motor Relay Circuit (MR, Cel.) C0274 Water Pump Motor Relay Circuit Voltage to High (?)(Cam.) C0278 Solenoid Relay Circuit Voltage to Low (Cam.) C0279 Solenoid Relay Circuit Voltage to High (Cam.) C0371 VSC Sensor Signal or Circuit malfunction C1200 Brake Boost Sensor Circuit Malfunction / 98 C1201 Engine Control System Malfunction (VCS lamp ON-RX3) or ECM/TCM malfunction / 51 C1203 ECM/TRC communication Circuit malfunction / 53 (RX, LC) C1207 Starter Signal block malfunction / 37 (?) C1208 Steering Position Sensor Signal or Circuit malfunction / 72 C1210 No learned (adaptation) VSC Sensor/36 C1223 Malfunction in ABS Control System (RX3) C1224 NEO Signal Circuit Open or Short / 44 C1231 Steering Angle Sensor Signal or Circuit malfunction (Progr.) C1232 Accel. Sensor Signal or Circuit malfunction/32 C1233 VSC Sensor Circuit Open or Short/33 or Yaw Sensor Circuit Open or Short (Progr., RX3) C1234 VSC Sensor Signal Out of Range (malfunction) / 34 C1235 Speed Sensor Rotor / Right Front (Cel.) C1236 Speed Sensor Rotor / Left Front (Cel.) C1238 Speed Sensor Circuit (MR), Speed Sensor Rotor / Right Rear (Cel.) C1239 Speed Sensor Circuit (MR), Speed Sensor Rotor / Left Rear (Cel.) C1241 IG Power Source Circuit (MR, Cel.) C1244 Deceleration Sensor Circuit Open or Short (Progr.) C1249 Brake Light Switch Circuit Malfunction (Cam., MR) C1251 ABS Pump Motor Lock (MR, Cel.) C1271 Low Output Voltage of Right Front Speed Sensor (MR) / 71 C1272 Low Output Voltage of Left Front Speed Sensor (MR) / 72 C1273 Low Output Voltage of Right Rear Speed Sensor (MR) / 73 C1274 Low Output Voltage of Left Rear Speed Sensor (MR) / 74 C1275 Abnormal Change in Input Voltage of Right Front Speed Sensor (MR) / 75 C1276 Abnormal Change in Input Voltage of Left Front Speed Sensor (MR) / 76 C1277 Abnormal Change in Input Voltage of Right Rear Speed Sensor (MR) / 77 C1278 Abnormal Change in Input Voltage of Left Rear Speed Sensor (MR) / 78 C1336 No learned (adaptacion) VSC Sensor/39? C1340 Block Diff. Circuit malfunction/47? C1514 Torque Sensor Circuit Malfunction (11 / 14) C1515 Calibration of torque sensor zero point Not Performed / 15 C1516 Calibration of torque sensor zero point Not completed / 16 C1521 Power Steering Motor Malfunction / 21 (MR2, Pri) C1522 Power Steering Motor Malfunction / 22 (MR2, Pri) C1523 Power Steering Motor Malfunction / 23 (MR2, Pri) C1531 Power Steering ECU Malfunction / (31-33) (MR2, Pri) C1539 Power Steering ECU Malfunction / 39 (MR2) C1543 Speed sensor Malfunction / (41- 43) (Pri) C1552 PIG Power Source Drop Voltage Malfunction / 52 (MR2, Pri) C1553 When Resetting Voltage, Vehicle Is Being Driven / 53 (MR2, Pri) C1554 EMPS relay circuit malfunction / 54 (Pri) C1555 EMPS ECU malfunction / 55 (Pri) C1556 P/S warning light circuit / 56 (Pri) C1557 Memory of overheat prevention control / 57 (Pri) C1558 Memory of voltage drop at motor power supply / 58 (Pri) C1559 Memory of continuous control under high load / 59 (Pri) C1571 Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode) /(71 / 72) C1572 Speed Sensor Signal Malfunction / 72 (MR2) C1782 Stop Switch Circuit Malfunction (LX47) C1783 Door Courtesy Switch Circuit Malfunction (LX47) C1786 Hight Control Switch Circuit Malfunction (LX47) C1787 EMS Switch Circuit Malfunction (LX47) C1788 Height Control OFF Switch Circuit Malfunction (LX47) C1794 RH Front Weel Speed Sensor Circuit malfunction (LX47) C1795 LH Front Weel Speed Sensor Circuit malfunction (LX47) C2111 Tire pressure sensor ID1 operation stop / 11 C2112 Tire pressure sensor ID2 operation stop / 12 C2113 Tire pressure sensor ID3 operation stop / 13 C2114 Tire pressure sensor ID4 operation stop / 14 C2115 Tire pressure sensor ID5 operation stop C2121 Tire pressure sensor ID1 not received C2122 Tire pressure sensor ID2 not received C2123 Tire pressure sensor ID3 not received C2124 Tire pressure sensor ID4 not received C2125 Tire pressure sensor ID5 not received C2141 A malfunction in the tire pressure sensor registered to ID1 C2142 A malfunction in the tire pressure sensor registered to ID2 C2143 A malfunction in the tire pressure sensor registered to ID3 C2144 A malfunction in the tire pressure sensor registered to ID4 C2145 A malfunction in the tire pressure sensor registered to ID5 C2165 Abnormal temperature inside ID1 tire C2166 Abnormal temperature inside ID2 tire C2167 Abnormal temperature inside ID3 tire C2168 Abnormal temperature inside ID4 tire C2169 Abnormal temperature inside ID5 tire C2171 Tire pressure sensor ID not registered C2176 Tire pressure monitor receiver is error C2181 Tire pressure sensor ID1 not received (test diagnosis) C2182 Tire pressure sensor ID2 not received (test diagnosis) C2183 Tire pressure sensor ID3 not received (test diagnosis) C2184 Tire pressure sensor ID4 not received (test diagnosis) C2185 Tire pressure sensor ID5 not received (test diagnosis) C2191 Vehicle speed signal error (test diagnosis P0101 Mass Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0102 Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction (Low Input – Cor “04) P0103 Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction (High Input – Cor “04) P0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Malfunction / 31 P0106 Manifold Absolute Pressure Circuit Problem / 31 P0110 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Circuit Malfunction / 24 P0112 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Circuit Low Input – Cor ‘04 P0113 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Circuit High Input – Cor ‘04 P0115 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Malfunction / 22 P0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem (after Engine Operates at Least 20 Minutes, Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor Value is 86°F aka 30°C or less) P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input P0120 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Malfunction / 41 P0121 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem / 41 P0122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Low Input – Cor ‘04 P0123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit High Input – Cor ‘04 P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel Control P0128 Thermostat Malfunction (Coolant Temperature below Thermostat Regulating Temperature) P0130 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) / 21 P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0134 Oxygen Sensor Circuit no activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) – Cor ‘04 P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) /21 P0136 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) / 27 P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0142 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0150 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) / 28 P0153 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) or Oxygen Sensor Heater Current is Less than 0.25 amp, or Exceeds 2 amps or Voltage Drop for the Heater Exceeds 5 Volts (Cam.) P0156 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0159 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0161 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) / 28 P0162 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0167 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0170 Fuel Trim Malfunction P0171 System too Lean (Fuel Trim) (tens cars) / 25 P0172 System too Rich (Fuel Trim) / 26 P0174 System too Lean (A/F Lean Malfunction, Bank2) / 25 P0175 System too Rich (Bank2) 26 P0176 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0180 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Malfunction P0190 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction / 49 P0191 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor 15 Circuit Range/Performance (Vist.) / 49 P0201 Cylinder No. 1 Misfires Continuously P0202 Cylinder No. 2 Misfires Continuously P0203 Cylinder No. 3 Misfires Continuously P0204 Cylinder No. 4 Misfires Continuously P0205 Cylinder No. 5 Misfires Continuously P0206 Cylinder No. 6 Misfires Continuously P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected or Misfiring Of Multiple Cylinders During Same 200- 1000 Engine Revolutions P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected P0307 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected P0308 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected P0309 Cylinder 9 Misfire Detected P0310 Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected P0311 Cylinder 11 Misfire Detected P0312 Cylinder 12 Misfire Detected P0325 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction / 52 (Bank 1 or Single Sensor on Cor ’04) P0327 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) — Cor ’04) P0328 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit High Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) — Cor ’04) P0330 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) / 55 P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Malfunction / 12 or 13 (?) P0336 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance or Deviation in Crankshaft & Camshaft Position Sensor Signals (Cam.) P0339 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Intermittet – Cor ‘04 P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Mar.,Cam. Cor ‘04) / 12 P0341 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) – Cor ‘04 P0351 Ignition Coil “A” Primary/Secondary Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0352 Ignition Coil “B” Primary/Secondary Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0353 Ignition Coil “C” Primary/Secondary Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0354 Ignition Coil “D” Primary/Secondary Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0385 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Malfunction P0400 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction P0401 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Insufficient Detected With Engine Warm & Driven at 50 MPH for 3-5 Minutes, EGR Gas Sensor Value does Not Exceed Ambient Air Temperature By 72°F aka 40°C (Cam.) / 71 P0402 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Malfunction / 71 P0410 Secondary Air Infection System Malfunction P0411 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected. P0412 Secondary Air Infection System Switching Valve A Circuit Malfunction P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) — With Engine Warm & Driven at 20-50 MPH for 5 Minutes, Heated Oxygen Sensors Have Same Wave Patterns (Cam.) P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0440 Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction P0441 Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow P0442 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (Small Leak) P0443 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Malfunction P0446 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Malfunction P0450 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction P0451 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance P0452 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Low Input – Cor ‘04 P0453 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor High Input – Cor ‘04 P0456 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (Very Small Leak) P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction / 42 (Sensor “A” on Cor ’04) P0505 Idle Control System Malfunction or Idle Speed Varies Greatly from ECM Target Speed P0510 Closed Throttle Position Switch Malfunction P0511 Idle Air Control Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction or Closed Throttle Position Switch Does Not Turn On when Vehicle is Driven P0560 System Voltage – Cor ‘04 P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error P0606 ECM/PCM Processor P0617 Starter Relay Circuit High – Cor ‘04 P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input) — Cor ‘04 P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit malfunction P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range / Performance P0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Mar.) P0724 Brake Switch “B” Circuit High – Cor ‘04 P0725 Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction P0740 ECT ECU Malfunction P0741 Totque Converter Clutch Solenoid Performance (Shift Solenoid Valve SL) — Cor ‘04 P0750 Shift Solenoid A (SL1) Malfunction or Shift Solenoid A/B Malfunction P0751 Shift Solenoid “A” perfgormance (Shift Solenoid Valve S1) — Cor ‘04 P0753 Shift Solenoid A (SL1) Electrical Malfunction P0755 Shift Solenoid B (SL2) Malfunction or During Normal Driving, Gear Required By ECM Does Not Match Actual Gear (Cam.) P0756 Shift Solenoid “B” perfgormance (Shift Solenoid Valve S2) — Cor ‘04 P0758 Shift Solenoid B (SL2) Electrical Malfunction P0760 Shift Solenoid C Malfunction P0763 Shift Solenoid C Electrical P0765 Shift Solenoid D (S4 or Shift Solenoid Valve No. 4) Malfunction P0768 Shift Solenoid D (S4 or Shift Solenoid Valve No. 4) Electrical P0770 Shift Solenoid E (Lock-Up Solenoid, also called SL solenoid) Malfunction P0773 Shift Solenoid E (Lock-Up Solenoid) Electrical Circuit Malfunction P0850 Park/Neutral Switch Input Circuit – Cor ‘04 P0973 Shift Solenoid “A” control Citcuit Low (Shift Solenoid Valve S1) — Cor ‘04 P0974 Shift Solenoid “A” control Citcuit High (Shift Solenoid Valve S1) — Cor ‘04 P0976 Shift Solenoid “B” control Citcuit Low (Shift Solenoid Valve S2) — Cor ‘04 P0977 Shift Solenoid “B” control Citcuit High (Shift Solenoid Valve S2) — Cor ‘04 P1100 Atmospheric Press Sensor Malfunction P1101 Atmospheric Press Sensor Circuit Range / Performance P1105 Combustion Press Sensor Malfunction P1120 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction / 19 P1121 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Range/Performance Problem / 19 P1125 Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction / 89 P1126 Magnetic Clutch Circuit Malfunction / 89 P1127 ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction / 89 P1128 Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction / 89 P1129 Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction / 89 P1130 A/F Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P1133 A/F Sensor Circuit Response Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P1135 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P1136 A/F Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P1139 A/F Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P1141 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P1150 A/F Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P1153 A/F Sensor Circuit Response Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P1155 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P1156 A/F Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P1159 A/F Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P1161 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P1180 CNG Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1185 CNG Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1190 Fuel Pressure Regulator Malfunction P1200 Fuel Pump Relay/ECU Circuit Malfunction P1205 Electric Air Pump Circuit Malfunction. P1210 Injector Control Pressure Above Expected Level / 92 P1215 EDU Circuit Malfunction (Ath.) / 97 P1220 Timer Control Circuit Malfunction P1221 Venturi Control Circuit Malfunction P1225 Spill Control Circuit Malfunction P1230 Venturi Position Sensor Malfunction P1235 High Pressure Fuel Pump Circuit Malfunction or “Fuel Pump Control Out Of Range” / 78 P1240 Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit for Delivery Pipe Malfunction P1245 Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit for Pressure Regulator Malfunction P1300 Igniter Circuit Malfunction / 14 P1305 Igniter No. 2 Circuit Malfunction / 15 P1310 Igniter No. 3 Circuit Malfunction /15 P1315 Igniter No. 4 Circuit Malfunction P1320 Igniter No. 5 Circuit Malfunction P1325 Igniter No. 6 Circuit Malfunction P1330 Igniter No. 7 Circuit Malfunction P1335 Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) Circuit Malfunction (During engine running) (Vist., Cam.) / 13 P1340 Igniter No. 8 Circuit Malfunction (1998-2000 Land Cruiser & 2000 Tundra) P1345 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circ. Malfunction (Bank1) P1346 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 1) / 18 P1349 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) System Malfunction (Bank 1) 22 / 59 P1350 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circ. Malfunction (Bank2) P1351 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 2) P1354 VVT (Variable Valve Timing) System Malfunction (Bank 2) P1357 Exhaust VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1) P1358 Exhaust VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) P1360 Exhaust VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1) P1365 Exhaust VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) P1400 Sub Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1401 Sub Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem P1405 Turbo Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1406 Turbo Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem P1410 EGR Valve Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1411 EGR Valve Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem P1415 Air Pump Circuit Malfunction/ (AIR) System Bank 1 / 58 P1416 Port Air Circuit Malfunction/ (AIR) System Bank 2 / 58 P1420 Intake Constrictor CTRL Circuit Open or Short P1430 Vacuum Sensor for HC Adsorber and Catalyst (HCAC) System Circuit Malfunction (HV) P1431 Vacuum Sensor for HC Adsorber and Catalyst (HCAC) System Circuit Range/Performance Problem P1436 Toyota-HCAC-System By-Pass Value Impromevent-Open Malfunction (Pri) P1437 Toyota-HCAC-System By-Pass Valve Close Malfunction P1455 Vapor Reducing Fuel Tank System Leak Detected (Small Leak) (HV) P1500 Starter Signal Circuit Malfunction P1505 Switch Signal Malfunction P1510 Boost Pressure Control Malfunction P1511 Boost Pressure Low Malfunction P1512 Boost Pressure High Malfunction P1515 Inter Cooler System Malfunction P1520 Stop Light Switch Circuit Malfunction (A/T) P1525 Resolver Circuit Malfunction P1565 Cruise Control Main Switch Circuit Malfunction P1566 Input Signal Circuit Abnormal or Cruise Control Main Switch Circuit Fault P1600 ECM BATT Malfunction P1605 Knock Control CPU Malfunction P1610 Combustion Control CPU Malfunction P1620 ECT1 Signal Circuit Malfunction P1625 ESA1 Signal Circuit Malfunction P1626 ESA2 Signal Circuit Malfunction P1627 ESA3 Signal Circuit Malfunction P1630 Traction Control System Malfunction P1633 ECM Malfunction (ETCS Circuit) or Electronic Throttle Control System (ETCS) Circuit ECM Malfunction P1636 HV ECU Malfunction P1637 E(G?)STP signal Malfunction (ESTP Signal Malfunction – Pri) P1645 Body ECU Malfunction P1650 Fuel Pressure Up VSV Circuit Malfunction P1651 VSV For ACIS Circuit Malfunction P1652 IACV Control Circuit Malfunction P1653 SCV Circuit Malfunction / 58 P1654 Idle Up VSV Circuit Malfunction P1655 Idle Purge VSV Circuit Malfunction P1656 OCV (Oil Control Valve) Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1) / 39 P1657 Purge Cut VSV Circuit Malfunction P1658 Waste Gate Valve Control Circuit Malfunction P1659 Super Charger Control Circuit Malfunction P1660 Air Bleed Control Circuit Malfunction P1661 Exhaust Gas Control Valve Control Circuit Malfunction P1662 Exhaust Bypass Valve Control Circuit Malfunction P1663 OCV (Oil Control Valve) Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) P1666 Intake Air Control VSV No.2 Circuit Malfunction P1667 TCV Circuit Malfunction P1668 VSV for AICV Circuit Malfunction P1690 OCV For VVTL Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1) P1692 OCV For VVTL Open Malfunction (Bank 1) P1693 OCV For VVTL Close Malfunction (Bank 1) P1695 OCV For VVTL Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) P1697 OCV For VVTL Open Malfunction (Bank 2) P1698 OCV For VVTL Close Malfunction (Bank 2) P1700 Speed Sensor No.2 Malfunction P1705 NC2 (Direct Clutch Speed Sensor) Revolution Sensor Circuit malfunction or Direct Clutch Speed Sensor Output is 300 RPM or less with Vehicle at 20 MPH or more & with Park/Neutral Position Switch Off P1710 Steering Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1715 Rear Wheel Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1720 DC Clutch Forced Release Circuit Malfunction P1725 NT Revolution Sensor or Input Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1730 NC Revolution Sensor Circuit Malfunction or Counter Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Fault P1735 Right Front Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1740 Left Front Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1745 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor No.2 Circuit Malfunction P1753 Shift Solenoid No.4 Circuit Malfunction P1755 Linear Solenoid for Lock Up Ctrl Circ. Malfunction P1760 Linear Solenoid for Line Pressure Control Circuit Malfunction or Shift Solenoid Valve SLT Fault or Linear Solenoid for Lock-Up Control Circuit Malfunction P1765 Linear Solenoid 24 for Accumulator Pressure Control Circuit Malfunction (Shift Solenoid Valve “SLN” malfunction) or with Engine Warm, Current Flow to Shift Solenoid Valve “SLN” is 0.2 Amp or less for One Second with Engine at 500 RPM or more, or with Park P1770 Deferential Lock Solenoid No.1 Circuit Malfunction P1775 Deferential Lock Solenoid No.2 Circuit Malfunction P1780 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) Switch malfunction (A/T only) P1782 Transfer L4 SW Circuit Malfunction P1783 Transfer N SW Circuit Malfunction P1785 Auto Clutch System Malfunction P1790 ST Solenoid (Shift solenoid valve ST) Circuit Malfunction P1793 Shift Solenoid ST Circuit Malfunction P1800 Automatic Transmission Operation Circuit Malfunction P1805 Communication (between EFI ECU and Transmission ECU) Circuit Malfunction P1810 Communication for Torque Control Circuit Malfunction P1820 NIN Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1825 NOUT Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1845 PTO Sensor Circuit Malfunction P1885 SLS Circuit Malfunction P1888 SLS Circuit Malfunction P1890 SLC Circuit Malfunction P1891 SLC Circuit Malfunction P1895 DSU Circuit Malfunction P2195 Oxygen Sensor Signal Stuck Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) – Cor ‘04 P2196 Oxygen Sensor Signal Stuck Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) – Cor ‘04 P2716 Pressure Control Solenoid “D” Electrical (Shift Solenoid Valve SLT) — Cor ‘04 P2769 Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Circuit Low (Shift Solenoid Valve SL) – Cor ‘04 P2770 Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Circuit High (Shift Solenoid Valve SL) — Cor ‘04 P3000 HV Battery Malfunction P3001 26 Battery ECU malfunction P3002 HV ECU communication malfunction P3004 Power Cable Malfunction P3005 High voltage fuse snapped [sic] 27 P3006 Battery SOC are uneven 28 P3009 Leak detected 29 (Electric leak from high–voltage P3010 Battery total resistance malfunction P3011 to P3029 Battery block malfunction 30 P3012 Battery block 2 malfunction P3013 Battery block 3 malfunction P3014 Battery block 4 malfunction P3015 Battery block 5 malfunction P3016 Battery block 6 malfunction P3017 Battery block 7 malfunction P3018 Battery block 8 malfunction P3019 Battery block 9 malfunction P3020 Battery block 10 malfunction P3021 Battery block 11 malfunction P3022 Battery block 12 malfunction P3023 Battery block 13 malfunction P3024 Battery block 14 malfunction P3025 Battery block 15 malfunction P3026 Battery block 16malfunction P3027 Battery block 17 malfunction P3028 Battery block 18 malfunction P3029 Battery block 19 malfunction P3030 Battery voltage detective line snapped [sic] P3060 Battery temperature sensor circuit malfunction P3076 Abnormal air flow by battery cooling fan P3077 Battery cooling fan motor circuit malfunction P3100 HV ECU Malfunction P3101 Engine System Malfunction P3105 Battery ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction P3106 ECM Communication Circuit Malfunction P3107 Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction P3108 A/C Amplifier Communication Circuit Malfunction P3109 32 Brake ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction P3110 IGCT relay is always closed P3115 33 HV battery current sensor malfunction P3120 HV Transaxle Malfunction P3125 34 Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction P3130 Inverter Cooling System Malfunction P3135 Circuit Breaker Sensor Malfunction P3140 Interlock Malfunction P3145 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P3190 Poor Engine Power (Pri) P3191 Engine does not start (Pri)

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