Ошибка c1247 toyota


Gregory Harris

Дата создания:

7 Апрель 2021

Дата обновления:

18 Сентябрь 2023

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  • C1247 Toyota Описание

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  • Жгут датчика хода поршня открыт или замкнут
  • Цепь датчика удара плохое электрическое соединение
  • Неисправный ЭБУ системы противоскольжения Что это значит?

    Технические заметки

    На некоторых автомобилях Prius 2004-2009 модельного года на приборной панели могут гореть контрольные лампы MIL ON и ABS (VSC) с диагностическим кодом неисправности (DTC) C1247 (неисправность датчика хода), хранящимся в электронном блоке управления ABS / VSC. Блок (ЭБУ). Этот код неисправности может быть установлен в результате чрезмерно чувствительной логики мониторинга без каких-либо других проблем с системой ABS / VSC. При необходимости замените ЭБУ ABS / VSC на ЭБУ, содержащий обновленную логику мониторинга. Что это значит?

    Возможные симптомы

  • Контрольная лампа антиблокировочной тормозной системы (ABS) включена
  • Подсветка двигателя включена (или предупреждающая лампа обслуживания двигателя) Датчик хода вводит ход педали в ЭБУ системы противоскольжения. ЭБУ системы противоскольжения контролирует датчик хода. ЭБУ системы противоскольжения устанавливает код OBDII, когда датчик хода не соответствует заводским характеристикам.

  • PriusChat

    1. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      2004 Prius (not sure the package) with 130K
      Did quite a bit of reading but wasn’t seeing an exact fit for my situation so figured a post might be worth a shot.

      In 2012 we had the ABS and brake and I believe VSC sensors go off and the car was behaving very erratic.
      Lurching forward and a non responsive brake pedal.
      Dealer logged a C1247 brake pedal stroke sensor but reset it and sent me on my way (after some diag fees)

      Yesterday we had the same experience (pretty scary) and ABS, Brake and I believe VSC light up.
      Towed to Dealer and logged another C1247 code and was told that we should replace the ECU Skid Control Unit.

      Part number 8954047060 $1921 at dealer (see $90 used on ebay)
      And $400 labor.

      Reasonable diagnosis and repair costs?
      Seems like a reset of the sensor/computer got me almost another year until this most recent event but we don’t want to drive knowing this condition could pop up again.

      Thoughts, suggestions much appreciated!

    2. Either the brake pedal stroke sensor or the skid control ECU is at fault. I am wondering why your dealer did not suggest replacing the stroke sensor first, since that is less costly than the ECU.

      I would suggest that you first replace the stroke sensor with a new part; then if that doesn’t help, replace the ECU with a used part.

    3. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      Thanks for the prompt reply and input Patrick. I’ll run it by the dealer in the morning and see what they say.

    4. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      Interesting, when looking for a used ECU on ebay…. all the cars had front end damage. Could these be tied to a «bad» ECU and the same symptoms my car experienced? Or just coincidence?

      Just did an ebay search on 8954047060

    5. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      The Toyota technician said everything (including the pedal stroke sensor) checked out OK…. so the TSP guides them to replace the ECU to the tune of $1921 + $400 labor.

      2004 Prius with 130K miles… blue book is $5200… $2200 in repairs leaves me wondering if I cut my losses and go with something a bit newer?

    6. Yes, or else have a used part installed if your dealer is willing to do that.

      Try autobeyours.com as a good source of used Prius parts.

      Typically a Prius will be totaled as the result of a front-end collision since the SRS system would have deployed and there are many costly parts in the front that would be damaged. So it doesn’t surprise me that the eBay parts are coming from cars with front-end damage.

    7. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      Do you happen to know how to reset the ! and BRAKE light sensors when they are tripped?

    8. Apply a jumper to pins 4 and 13 of the OBD-II connector; do a search for how to reset skid control ECU DTC.

    9. Gib

      Mar 21, 2014
      2008 Prius

      My wife’s Prius is a 2008 model 1224A (package 2 including VSC) with 71,000 miles.
      Recently while my son was driving it, it displayed the common 4 warning lights on the dash:
      BRAKES / ! / ABS / VSC
      and the brakes became very touchy: grabbing rhythmically. The brake pedal itself doesn’t pulse, but it’s as if the brakes themselves are pulsing about once or twice a second. He drove it for a couple of days like this until he could get it back to me, then I drove on a couple of short errands-no change. I had a mechanic friend check the codes: C1247. He ran the Toyota Tech software and it came up with nothing out of spec. He did notice that there was a Tech Service Bulletin in 2012: T-SB-0174-12 «overly sensitive monitoring logic». Could this be the root of the problem?

      For now he cleared the computer code: the warning lights are gone and the braking is normal again. I’m driving it carefully to see if I can tell what triggers the malfunction. So far 3 short trips and all seems normal again.

      (Hopefully not to confuse the issue, but we had similar braking problems like this almost 3 years ago, at 50,000 miles. The braking symptoms were the same and the same 4 warning lights, but the codes were different: C2300, C1241, and C2318. The dealer replaced the 12V auxiliary battery, cleared the codes, and it was fine for almost 3 years. Even though we’re getting a different code now, could it be time to replace the 12V battery again?)

      I see by searching the forum that several people have had trouble with the braking system, often throwing code C1247. It also looks like there have been 4 different approaches to fixing the problem, but none of them seem to be definitive, often doing any combination of the 4 fixes and then having the problem come back.
      1. adjust or recalibrate the brake pedal stroke sensor
      2. replace the stroke sensor
      3. replace the ABS ECU
      4. clear the code

      Has anyone determined what is actually causing the problem and what the proper fix is?


    10. mttaylor1

      Mar 17, 2014
      2004 Prius

      Hi Gib, in my case I was told that all diagnostics came back OK and that the TSB was to replace the ECU. I had the sensors reset and drove the car off the lot only to have them all come back on the next day (yesterday). Last time this occurred I went a whole year without seeing them again.

      The service technician and adviser (I had them both there to pick their brains) made no mention of checking the batteries but that all the C1247 diagnostics came back OK.

      The service department tells me that ordering the new ECU (part #8954047060) has «updated logic». Yet when I talked to two other Toyota parts departments they say that part number is the same as the original 2004 that is in my car.

      I have read many forum posts on here and it all seems like a guessing game. I don’t want to roll the dice to a tune of $2300 to have it not fix the problem for good so I’m still trying to decide my next move.

    11. The following thread contains my comments on my 2007 experiencing this problem (at the time, the car was owned by my dad.) Basically, the dealer first tried clearing codes; then replaced the skid control ECU, then finally replaced the stroke sensor. The problem did not recur after that third service was done, the car has been driven 50K+ miles since the final repair and is now being driven by my daughter.
      See my posts 45, 48 and 54 here:
      BRAKE FAILURES ON 04+ PRIUS | Page 3 | PriusChat

    12. Gib

      Mar 21, 2014
      2008 Prius

    13. Hi Gib,

      Yes. I doubt that both the stroke sensor and the ECU had failed. Since the problem continued after the ECU was replaced, it is reasonable to me that the stroke sensor was the actual failed part.

      As a general rule, if there are two parts that might cause the failure it seems reasonable to replace the less expensive one first, if you are the one paying for the repairs.

      In my dad’s case, Toyota was paying for it so we allowed the dealer to let the mystery unfold over time.

    14. cajunprius

      Nov 12, 2014
      Lafayette La
      2005 Prius

      Gentlemen, I am having the same problem as described above. Where do you suggest I purchase a stroke sensor?

    15. From one of the Toyota dealers that sell parts at a discount over the web.
      parts.com is a source that I have recently started using. Basically that website will send the order to a Toyota dealer for fulfillment.

    Найдена следующая информация по ошибке C1247 для автомобиля ТОЙОТА AVENSIS T22, 2.0I (1AZ-FSE), D4:

    На русском языке:

    Датчик уровня тормозной жидкости заземлен

    На английском языке:

    Brake Fluid Level Switch Grounded

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    Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

    Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

    Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Toyota (TYO) Avensis T22, 2.0i (1AZ-FSE), D4:

    Неисправный датчик уровня тормозной жидкости. Жгут проводов датчика уровня тормозной жидкости разомкнут или замкнут. Цепь реле уровня тормозной жидкости плохое электрическое соединение.

    Датчик уровня тормозной жидкости контролирует уровень тормозной жидкости в главном цилиндре. Когда электронный модуль управления тормозом (EBCM) видит, что вход датчика уровня тормозной жидкости заземлен, он отправляет сообщение с последовательными данными на панель приборов (IPC), которое сообщает IPC о низком уровне тормозной жидкости. Затем IPC включает красный индикатор торможения.

    2013 TOYOTA PRIUS with 800.0 miles

    Abs, brake and traction control warning lights came on while driving on posted limits on highway under dry conditions. At same time, brake pedal suddenly required more pressure to stop car. Warning lights stayed on, and returned after car was turned off and on again. Dealer stated it was brake stroke sensor malfunction and replaced part. Car was purchased new and had only driven it for a few weeks. Exact same thing happen again june 2015 and july 2015. Driving on highway, dry conditions, all three warning lights came on, and brake pedal required much more pressure to work. Steering also lost some power. Dealer diagnosed a stroke sensor malfunction. Computer code was C1247. First dealer i took it to in june 2015 couldn’t recreate the problem, cleared the code, and said everything was fixed. Wrote «car is safe to drive» on my receipt. 2 weeks later same problem reappeared and a different dealer said brake master cylinder was failing.

    2012 TOYOTA PRIUS with 95755.0 miles

    My Toyota Prius 2012 with 95k mil. Abs, traction and brake lights came on while driving on highway, the breaking wasn’t like used to be, it was mushy after the warning lights, took it to Toyota dealership they estimated $3500 for the brake replacement the fault codes C1241, C1247, C1391 found break booster and pump assy, needed. This should be recalled by Toyota, its safety issue, i have owned the car since it had 41k miles and regularly maintained the car throughout my ownership period.

    2009 TOYOTA CAMRY HYBRID with 57000.0 miles

    Tl* the contact owns a 2009 Toyota Camry Hybrid. While driving at approximately 20 mph, the lights on the instrument panel illuminated and the brakes failed when the pedal was depressed. The vehicle was taken to a dealer where it was diagnosed that the brake code C1247 stroke sensor needed to be recalibrated. The vehicle was repaired. The manufacturer was made aware of the failure. The failure mileage was 57,000.

    2008 TOYOTA PRIUS with 11966.0 miles

    On 20 may 2010 at 11,966 miles every brake/stability warning light came on (including the warning for the parking/emergency brake which was not engaged), regenerative braking appeared to have failed, and hydraulic/friction brakes behaved as if abs was acting at a very slow pulse rate, approximately a 5-second cycle. For about 2 seconds during the «off» portion of this cycle the brakes were effectively inoperative, with the parking/emergency brake the only source of braking. This behavior persisted after shutting down and restarting the car. The dealer’s service department reported that three errors had been logged: C1247 — stroke sensor C1300 — abs ecu malfunction C2318 — low voltage error resetting the computers cleared the warning indications and restored normal brake system behavior. At my behest, the dealer worked with Toyota engineering to identify why a low voltage would cause a computer failure which could cause substantial loss of braking ability. They kept the car for 8 days but did not appear to complete any sort of root cause analysis of the failure. On 17 december 2012 at 27,324 miles the brakes again failed with the same set of warning lights illuminated. This time, abs does not appear to be active at all. For the first 2-5 cm of brake pedal travel, in the regime where regenerative braking would be active, no braking is evident. As the pedal is further depressed, the hydraulic/friction brakes abruptly engage. Pressing harder does result in increased braking though braking is rough. No pulsation as might be expected from abs was noticed. No attempt was made to brake hard enough to lock up the brakes. The vehicle is currently at the dealer.

    2008 TOYOTA CAMRY HYBRID with 83790.0 miles

    First incident: when in reverse, about 5 warning lights came on (abs light, caution light and red triangle and others) and braking required hard depressing. I took to Toyota dealer; they reset the warning lights and said car was ok. When i was driving home from dealer, multiple warning lights came on again and it took full pressure to brake, while car also seemed difficult to control. I would classify it as catastrophic failure, and was fortunate to be driving slow in the city. I returned to dealer. They diagnosed as C1247 error and recommended replacing skid control computer for $1,800. When i complained that this should be covered under a hybrid warranty, regional Toyota offered $500 «towards repair as goodwill assistance.»

    2006 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 76415.0 miles

    Codes C1223 (abs control system malfunction), C1247 (stroke sensor), and C1251 (pump motor is locked/ open circuit fault) had to replace vsc module/computer at my own cost.

    2006 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 78000.0 miles

    Abs system goes on without warning leaving me unable to brake, usually when i am backing out of a parking space & it’s cold outside. Has happened intermittently over the last year. When i turn the car off & back on it seems to clear up the issue. Took it in and was given the codes C1223 (fault in abs system), C1247, C1310, was then referred to a dealer. Did some research online & saw i am not alone so wanted to report it. Also 2 years ago we had our latch break on the rear door, had to have it replaced to open up the door, this has happened to many many Sequoias!!

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 86000.0 miles

    While driving, the check engine light, vsc light, brake light all came on. Vehicle would not accelerate past 40 mph. Diagnostic codes C1223, C1247, C1310 came back. Checking the internet, this is a common issue with this vehicle and a recall should be issued.

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 112098. miles

    While driving my vehicle on the highway to work, my brake warning light on the dash came on. I pulled over cut the truck off then back on, the light was gone. The next day driving home from work, it was pouring down rain and the brake warning light came on again, along with the trac and vsc warning lights. I was only driving about 25 mph since i was in the city and not on the highway yet. I pulled over cut the truck off and then back on, the lights were out, but within another mile they were back on. I avoided the highway since my brakes were having problems and it was pouring rain. The next day they were off so i drove back to work but when i was on the way home they all came back on, this time it was the afternoon and not raining so i took it to the Toyota dealership. They ran the codes and said my codes were C1247 stroke sensor and c136 master press sensor — they said this was part of a skid control ecm that controlled my antilock braking system! Very scary to think my brakes were not functioning properly. I was told it could be fixed for $1042.82 and may also need to replace the master cylinder at $715.85. When i looked up the problem online i found that this was very common failure with 2003-05 models and that Toyota had already recalled the 2003 problem. My service tech said that he was not aware this was a common problem, although there is a service bulletin out for it. I was very scared to drive, but the tech said that my brakes still worked but that the anti lock braking system will not stop «on a dime» but will skid or slide. When i asked to speak to the service manager (all were on vacation) i spoke with the lead tech on shift, who told me alot of what i read online was junk and there was no recall on my 2005 Sequoia but he gave me a number to Toyota complaint department:1-800-331-4331. I have not driven my vehicle since taking it home that day.

    2005 TOYOTA PRIUS with 199542. miles

    I was driving with my three children coming from school and slowing down us 301 towards traffic light when t tried to apply the brakes, the car did not stop. I had to reapply the brakes and the pedal went down very deep before the car jerked and slowly stopped. Thank god there was no car in front, otherwise would have been a collision. Went to the Toyota car dealer and they said that the failure code was dtc C1247 and told us to replace the skid control unit. Basically, the ecu of the brakes malfunctioned and the car did not have brakes on it. Please do a recall before anyone gets hurt on this.

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 129637. miles

    When backing out of garage and applying brakes, the abs motor was heard and then the brake light came on. Then the vsc trac, vsc off and abs lights came on. The brake pedal felt mushy so a visit to dealer was made. The concern was addressed with service, and they came back with : «test drove car and inspected brakes. Found dtc’s C1223, C1244, C1247, C1310. Provided estimate for updated skid control ecu @ $905 + tax». As the customer, i declined to schedule. Then during a past winter storm, backing out of driveway again, the same thing occurred. Very concerned that this braking system is defected in any wet/snowy/ice weather. I have had to divert to driving my 1998 honda accord in snow instead of the Sequoia. I am very concerned driving this Sequoia with my kids in car and braking at anytime. I feel an updated software/logic in ecu or an updated skid control ecu is valid enough to say they have a known issue that is ‘safety’ related, and Toyota should buck up covering this as warranty. I have contacted Toyota motor sales, usa, inc. And my case is filed at their headquarter office under my name and file #[xxx]. They stated their is no customer compliance issued recall/bulletin or warranty available to cover my concern due to its age and mileage. Information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.S.C. 552(b)(6).

    2005 TOYOTA PRIUS with 11705.0 miles

    Abs service light and brake light came on. When braking vehicle bucks — driver hesitated to drive car few miles to dealership. «abs code C1247 strolesensor malfunction performed linear int and calibrate. If condition recurs abs ecu may be faulty» — (9/7/06) «abs light comes on. Code #C1247…Internal open circuit in skid control computer, replaced computer. — (3/20/07) abs light on. Diagnosed brake pedal stroke sensor internally shorted code #C1247. Replaced sensor. (4/23/07) . The preceding was taken from the dealership service department’s notes on their service sheets. After the three trips to the dealer the problem appears to have been solved — obviously an electronic part that might have had serious consequences depending on the circumstances.

    2005 TOYOTA PRIUS with 3370.0 miles

    I have reviewed my service records and it is quite clear that i have had problems with the «electrical» system in my car since april 2006 @ 3,370 miles. This was also the same time it began to accelerate from a stopped position for the first time, when i noticed that the braking system began to «feel» different, when the car began «slipping» on perfectly dry roads, and when my steering wheel would lock up. I find it difficult to believe that the failure of my brakes and my intermittent acceleration issues are not somehow related to the cars «computer» system and not mechanical issues. I have filed complaints with Toyota for these issues (cases # 200807100210, 200811030088). I experienced my first braking issue on 27-jun-2008 (25,133 miles). While i was able to bring the car to a stop eventually, the slowing of my car was a very gradual process requiring heavy pressure on the brake with minimal braking response. I went to the Toyota dealership. The dtc code at the time was C1247 with «code 179» stored, there was «no brake assist.» the dealership reset the memory and reinitialized the linear solenoid valve and calibration. The brakes were reported to have returned to «normal.» on 09-jul-2008 (25,551 miles), i returned to the dealership because my brakes failed again. This time my brake failure resulted in a car accident (the person i hit stated at the time of the accident he had whiplash but he never contacted me afterwards). Toyota replaced the skid control ecu and rechecked operation reassuring me once again that the brakes had returned to «normal.» on 03-nov-2008 (29,575 miles) as i was driving over 65 on a major highway my brakes again failed (dtc C1247, code 179). Toyota case #08300402. At this point the repair shop replaced the brake stroke sensor. I am concerned because my car had an acceleration issue on 13-feb-2010 and i find it to be «slipping» again on dry roads. Similar problems to those i had before my brakes failed. Please help. Updated ivoq 04/02/10 updated 04/08/10.

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 36000.0 miles

    I have a 2005 Toyota Sequoia with 36,000 miles on it. Over the past month the dash board brake warning light has started coming on. I took the truck to the dealer last week, arlington Toyota in jacksonville florida. The dealer diagnostics revealed a error code on the computer of C1247 stroke sensor failure. After a $100 adjustment of the brake light switch, with in a day the light came back on. The dealer’s response was that a $2,300 ecu was required to correct the problem. I am amazed that a vehicle with 36, 00 miles and less that 4 years old could require a part that expensive. Doing a little research on the internet it is clear that this is a systemic problem Toyota trucks. An internet search will return pages of ‘hits’ covering several model years of Toyota trucks from hundreds of victimized owners. Most of those posts detail owners being taken for thousands of dollars by Toyota service departments as their technicians struggle to correct the problem by replacing multiple very expensive parts. In my mind, this is clearly something the government needs to get involved in, as quickly as possible. I do not know if there is a safety issue here. To me a sensor detecting an issue with a vehicles breaking system is not something that should be ignored and the manufacturer should be required to correct this clearly systemic problem with one of their products. Richard harp

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 56000.0 miles

    I have a 2005 Toyota Sequoia with 56,000 miles on it. Over the past month the dash board brake warning light has started coming on. I took the truck to the dealer last week, sterling mccall Toyota in houston, texas. The dealer diagnostics revealed a error code on the computer of C1247 stroke sensor failure. After a day the light came back on. The dealers response was that a $2,300 ecu was required to correct the problem. If you look online there are hundreds and thousands of similar complain on this vehicle. Something has to be done!

    2005 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 52214.0 miles

    We just purchased a used 2005 toyoyta Sequoia sr5 4wdon 01/23/2009. Almost immediately noticed that the brake warning lights kept coming on intermittently so in the intrest of our safety we took it in to a Toyota dealer and got it looked at. The dealership said the skid control ecu was bad and throwing the codes C1223 and C1247 and the cost to replace the ecu is around $2400 dollars after doing a few google searches i find out that this is a very widespread problem and cannot understand why there hasn’t been a recall for such an important and exspensive part of the vehicle.

    2004 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 49460.0 miles

    Began with e-brake light coming on while driving and only turning off when car turned off. Took to mechanic who could not tell why this was happening. Next while driving and slowing to make a turn my abs brakes engaged at slow speeds. The vsc, trac off and e-brake lights all cam on. I took to dealership who was aware of the problem after looking at my skid control computer that have codes C1223 abs control system malfunction, C1247 stroke sensor, C1310 active booster solenoid. They also found a tsb br006-06 control computer logic change. The dealership initially wanted me to pay $3600 to replace, they then said they would give me a «one time good faith replacement» i picked my car up on friday night with a «new» computer installed, by monday at noon it happened all over again. I am currently trying to get a tow back to the dealership, who will not take my calls. Not sure what to do next…… I’ve been lucky twice, not sure i will be lucky a third time. This is a significant safety hazard to my children, myself and others on the road around these cars.

    2004 TOYOTA PRIUS with 86831.0 miles

    We own a 2004 Toyota Prius and have been very pleased with it until it recently experienced a sudden brake failure. After stopping at a rest stop and preparing to return to the interstate, my wife experienced a complete brake failure as she drove the vehicle in reverse from the parking area. She then drove the vehicle forward to get it out of the traffic lane and continued to not have brakes. The vehicle was towed to amarillo, tx where the Toyota dealer repaired the vehicle by replacing the stroke sensor (scanned system code C1247).

    2004 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 177425. miles

    On friday, july 30, 2010, my 2004 Toyota Sequoia sr5 suddenly disengaged in the middle of oncoming traffic with loss of power; dashboard lights vsc, brake, and trac lights, illuminating, loud metal skidding noise coming from underneath, and subtle burning smell all happening simultaneously as it cruised in fatigue-mode the rest of the way. Scared the life out of me as all i could do was pray that a tractor trailer was not behind me in full speed as they so often do on major roadways. As the truck continued to glide and drivers honking for me to clear the way, i proceeded to nearest Toyota dealership. I reached closest Toyota dealership service dept. For them to examine root cause of issue. Rather than them explaining to me why issue occurred, they quickly concluded need for abs skid control computer, part# 89541-0c062, with diagnostic test results dtC1223 abs control, C1247 stroke sensor, and C1310 active booster solenoid and wanted to charge $$$$ number of thousand dollars. I called Toyota corporate not satisfied with results and corp suggested i get data from dealership’s diagnostic for further analysis by my selling/home dealership. I asked servicing dealership for data and they admitted they had erased it and it was no longer available; and said they cannot look into black-box unless mandated by law or by corporate tech support. I then wrote Toyota president mr. Steve st. Angelo and he forwarded it to exec. Customer relations. Customer rel vowed to pay repairs on reimbursement terms if i find Toyota dealer who is willing to repair the truck. I called servicing dealer and they refuse to fix without same-day payment by Toyota corporate. I asked my selling/ dealership who at first agreed to repair the truck then rengaged stating that since former dealership «erased the code» they have no way of confirming issue and if changed abs box and truck’s further issues later, they would be held liable. In meantime, i am urgent need of my truck; please help.


    2004 Toyota Sequoia. Consumer states that Toyota has inherent braking system defects and possible defect in the drive shaft *tgw the consumer stated at 16,117 the dealer found the front rotors were rusted and the brake pads were worn down requiring replacement of the front brake pads and resurfacing the front rotors. At 20, 230 miles, the brake warning light illuminated. The dealer found code C1247; skid control ecu had an internal failure. At 35,999 the brake warning light illuminated again. The dealer found codes C1247 ad C1223; abs control system malfunction and intermittent failure of the booster assembly. The dealer also found the drive shaft yoke needed modification. Additionally, the front seat belts tightened to the point where the consumer was unable to move forward to look out the side view mirror.

    2004 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 156000. miles

    Date and mileage above are approximate. While accelerating on an up inclined entrance ramp to the ben franklin bridge in philadelphia, the engine lost speed and the vehicle quickly slowed. No one was behind me so there was minimal danger. The behavior was similar to snow/ice skid control whereby the engine decouples and the accelerator pedal becomes useless. After about 5 seconds power returned. On 6/24/2014 (mileage 165,400) my brake light came on. I coincidentally had an 5,000 mile service appointment today (6/24/2014) and the diagnosis was a code C1247 — abs ecu (computer) is failing. The mechanic explained that the ecu had failing circuits, or failing solder connections. A little internet research suggested that the unit might simply have logic problems. The mechanic advised that when the brake light is on, all skid control and abs functionality is gone. As the light was on for a short period of time, and is now off i am going to see how the vehicle performs and if safety is effected.

    2004 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 120000. miles

    Brake light will occasionally come on and stay on. I took it to a repair shop and no code could be found and the light had gone out. I had new tires put on, brake pads replaced, and rotors turned.Brake light continued to occasionally come on. Recently the brakes started making a grinding noise. I took it to Toyota and was told the following codes: C1203, C1223, and C1247. Recommended brake booster and skid control computer be replaced at a cost of over $2k. Research shows that Toyota knows about this repeated problem and has not issued a recall on the 2004 although they did on the 03.

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 80000.0 miles

    In 2005 bought 2003 Toyota Sequoia with 20,000miles in 2007 check engine light came on the dealer codes were C1223, C1247,C1203 had to replace computer assy. Replace translate control unit and reset readiness codes. This computer controls traction and loss of power. In 7/09 the «vsc trac» and «trac off» lights and abs came on. I believe these are all safety issues that plague this Toyota model and recall is inorder. Are we going to wait for people to die before a recall is given?

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 85000.0 miles

    For the past year intermittently brake light on dash came on, if i turned off vehicle, restarted then the light stays off until the next time. Now with 80,000 miles on 2003 Sequoia vsc off, vsc trac & check engine lights came on going about 30 mpg. Took vehicle in for service found out there is a ‘service bulletin’ dating back to 2003 that Toyota is aware of computer failure concerning this issue. Computer codes are C1223, C1203 and C1247. I am concerned about spending $1700 for fix when most complaints say that it just re-occurs. Please address this promptly. I drive 5 children to an from school on highway every day.

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 10000.0 miles

    Shortly after purchasing my Toyota Sequoia in 2003, there was a recall on the vehicle stability (vsc) system and the trac system. I had the recall repaired at that time. In 2010, there was a recall again on the same system and i again had it repaired in 2011. Shortly after that, the incident occurred again. I again brought my vehicle into the dealer but was told the Sequoia did not have any open recalls on it and the repairs were for me to handle. At that time, i did not get the repair fixed because of the cost Toyota was charging for the repair. I explained to the dealer it was the very same defect that kept reoccurring and was told that there was no recall. I was esentially sent away. I recently (8/31/15) paid for a diagnostic to be preformed on my Sequoia and the codes for the issue came up again. Nhtsa campaign #10v176000 the Toyota codes that came up are C1203,C1223,C1244,C1247. I spoke with Toyota and they acknowledge the recall and that my Sequoia is included but insist, that because of the year of my vehicle, i am no longer eligible to be reimbersed for this recall. The then offered me money off purchasing a new Toyota instead of honoring and standing by their product. I am not in the market to by a new vehicle at this time and am seeking that Toyota absorb the cost of the recall to repair the safety issues.

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 66253.0 miles

    Vsc and vsc of lights are oncodes C1223 abs control system malfunction, C1231 steering angle sensor, and C1247 stroke sensor indicates needs the skid control ecu t 2.0 replaced skid control ecu 08/01/2010 check engine light found P0031 af sensor b1s1 t1.0 parts replaced. 6/01/2013 again vsc trac off service engine light on and dealership wants 1400.00 for new computer.

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA SR5 with 134819. miles

    Abs light on. Replace abs skid control ecu and recalibrate abs system (also found dtc C1247 for abs skid control computer logic change. Vsc light on recomend throttle body assembly/gasket dtc P2118 throttle body actuator motor current malfunction there was a recall for skid control. No abs or vsc. All systems affected as a result of skid control. Toyota says not covered. ???????????

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 118000. miles

    My 2003 Toyota Sequoia’s abs/vsc/trac lights are on. Now the brake light is coming on intermittently. We’ve had the rear and front brake pads changed recently. Recently while we were coming to a slow stop at a gas station, i was pressing the brake and it made a loud grinding noise. It felt like the brakes were going to give out. Immediately after, the brake light went on. I turned the engine off and the brake light was gone. A few times while at a stop light, the car will give a little jerk as if being hit from the back. Called Toyota customer care center to file a complaint with them regarding the issue with the lights and brakes issue. Did internet research and this is a very common complaint among Sequoia owners…Yet they still don’t have a safely recall on this vehicle. The Toyota representative said there was a recall for the ecu skid control system — but that my vin number didn’t fall under the recall. We have taken it to an independent mechanic and they pulled the following codes: C1223, C1244, C1247 and C1310. It seems that if this is a problem that many Sequoia owners are experiencing, Toyota should fix it. Please help!

    2003 TOYOTA SEQUOIA with 110000. miles

    My Toyota Sequoia 2003 is having abs lights,brake light and vsc/trac lights on problem. Bought it brand new at the Toyota dealer in hayward, california. Vsc/trac light came on when i first bought the car(brand new from the lot); they replaced the steering angle sensor. These lights are on and off through out the years. Found out the there is a recall last year, 2010, but i did not get any notice. Took the car to the dealer june 30, 2011, paid for the check up, initiated the flashing of ecu to correct trouble code C1247, and they said that ecu needs to be replaced and would cost me $1500.00 minimum, maybe more to fix the vsc/trac/abs/brake lights problems. My car is now 110.000 miles and according to Toyota -tim howe of 1800 331-4331 hot line number, they can not give any free service and parts due to over 100k miles on the car. This is not my fault, there were 50,000 2003 Toyota Sequoia have been affected with this kind of problem. The fact that i did not received any recall notice to them, it is just fair ,Toyota should cover the repair whether the miles is less or over 100k miles. I maintain my car to the fullest best, just to name one record, i spent $2000.00 for valves adjustments and belts replacements at the same dealer. I think Toyota should cover this repair as per the recall issued on april 2010. This repair is a big amount of money on my part, considering my job is only temporary. Any assistance to give pressure to Toyota will be highly appreciated.


    When driving the back light an traction control light come in brake light stays on an it says codes C1203 C1223 C1247 also saying the abs sensor on master cylinder open circuit also has a code fro 0dtc had it checked out on 7/1/2019


    My vehicle has an issue with the abs skid control. When the mechanic ran the check it came back with error codes C1203, C1223, C1247. I purchased hated this vehicle because i have a growing family and i needed the third row seating.The problem with the braking system happens when i have to stop quickly, which is a a safety concern. I believe there is an issue with the computer and the skid control or anti locking brakes.

    Комментарии к теме Что означает ошибка c1247 в Тайота Секвойя?

    Класс! Смазку Хадо использовали? Если да то какую не подскажите?

    Заина Марго

    Лучше Тойоты только Лексус. По мне Лексус по качеству материалов не хуже чем Порше Каен.

    Рамзан Поздникин

    Жуешь как животное


    Ножницы лютые


    отличные у вас видяхи


    на холодную не подскажешь что может стучать клапана в норме


    Снимайте ещё видео про ремонт сурфов,интересно смотреть


    Можно ваши контакты? Вы террано ремонтируете?


    Артём,привет из Новосибирска!


    Уменя хонда одисей96.только R панел и задный фанари не горяд.иногда горяд в чом причина можеть? Подскажте кто знает


    очем видео не понял?


    и надо ли смазку на пыльник вопрос конечно


    Наверно есть памятник тем людям которые придумали такую АКПП.
    Вопрос : если на холодную и сильно нагретую КПП дёргает иногда -? Пробег 120 т.км, не напрягал не мучал.

    Чубар Веня

    Добрый день Андрей! Спасибо за отличное, а главное познавательное видео. Огромная просьба, снимите пожалуйста, по возможности, видео о замене сальников клапанов без снятия цепи ГРМ (желательно на двигателе 2 AZ-FE). За ранее спасибо.


    Автор, вы не учитываете то, что у разных АКБ разный ток заряда. И допустим, в авто генератору отведено заряжать стоковый 55Ач аккумулятор, то хоть уписайтесь, 90Ач АКБ он будет гораздо дольше ДОзаряжать, чем родной 55Ач. Хоть и генератор с обоих при пуске возьмёт одинаково. Поэтому больший АКБ будет испытывать вечный голод, а значит раньше скрючится. А на кой мне на борту дорогущий балласт в виде паразита? Так же есть риск спалить диодный мост на генераторе из-за большого АКБ. Потому что так же если каким то чудом большой акум разрядился (фары уходя забыли выключить), то начальный ток заряда очень велик и в этот момент по генератору, словно молотом по голове. Поэтому не с проста мотористы и авто-электрики рекомендуют ставить максимум + 20-30% мощности от стоковой АКБ.


    Перебрал по вашему видео насос ГУР на 80ке, всё хорошо, руль стал легче крутиться, не течет, но после установки появился стук в ГУРе, как будто дизель работает. Снял насос, завел всё работает без шума, поставил насос обратно опять стучит. Разбирал и менял всё.


    Лайк. Кожух снял а релешку не понял как темно было машина алекс


    давай снимай чаще. все клас выходит!)


    Ждемс, лайк за продолжение!

    Нефедин Иги

    Подскажите из за коробки может вибрация идти на кузов

    Таеров Пан

    А они даже при регулировке должны так шоркать?


    У меня такая же проблема, развалилась тоже, где брали эту муфту?


    На 150 4.0 бензин прадо вчера при трогании с места раздался скрежет и машина встала, не поехала.. Теперь только на нейтрали работает нормально, а при попытке включить D или R дикий скрежет от раздатки идёт.. Подскажите, что делать, сколько может стоить контрактная раздатка, куда лучшие обратиться?

    Оставить комментарий

    ТОРМОЗНАЯ СИСТЕМА С ЭЛЕКТРОННЫМ УПРАВЛЕНИЕМ, диагностические DTC: C1247/47 и C1392/48

    Код DTC Наименование DTC
    C1247/47 Неисправность датчика хода
    C1392/48 Не выполнена калибровка «нуля» датчика хода

    Датчик хода педали тормоза в сборе передает в ЭБУ системы противоскольжения в сборе данные о ходе педали тормоза.

    Неисправность датчика хода

    Напряжение питания датчика (VCSK) в течение не менее 0,2 с не превышает 4,7 В, либо составляет не менее 5,4 В.

    Выходное напряжение датчика 1 (SKS) не более 6% или не менее 90% от напряжения питания датчика (VCSK) в течение 0,2 с или более.

    Выходное напряжение датчика 2 (SKS2) не более 6% или не менее 90% от напряжения питания датчика (VCSK) в течение 0,2 с или более.

    Значение хода, рассчитанное по показаниям датчика 1 (SKS), колеблется вследствие наличия шума.

    Значение хода, рассчитанное по показаниям датчика 2 (SKS2), колеблется вследствие наличия шума.

    Неисправность в цепи питания, отличная от тех, на которые указывают коды INF 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 182 и 183.

    Разница между выходным напряжением датчика 1 (SKS) и выходным напряжением датчика 2 (SKS2) различается.

    Выходное напряжение датчика давления в главном цилиндре 1 (PMC1) и выходное напряжение датчика давления в главном цилиндре 2 (PMC2) имеют низкие значения по сравнению с выходным напряжением датчика 1 (SKS) и выходным напряжением датчика 2 (SKS2).

    Обрыв или короткое замыкание в цепи питания датчика хода педали тормоза

    Неправильно подсоединен разъем, деформация или коррозия контактов

    ЭБУ системы противоскольжения

    Код INF: 172, 173, 174, 175, 181, 182

    Обрыв или короткое замыкание в жгуте проводов

    Неправильно подсоединен разъем, деформация или коррозия контактов

    Датчик хода педали тормоза в сборе

    Обрыв или короткое замыкание в жгуте проводов

    Неправильно подсоединен разъем, деформация или коррозия контактов

    Датчик хода педали тормоза в сборе

    Блок управления рабочими цилиндрами тормозов в сборе

    DTC системы электронного управления тормозами

    Не выполнена калибровка «нуля» датчика хода

    Калибровка «нуля» датчика хода педали тормоза не завершена.

    Не выполнена калибровка «нуля» датчика хода педали тормоза (не выполнена инициализация электронной системы и калибровка электромагнитного клапана с линейной характеристикой)

    DTC системы электронного управления тормозами


    После замены ЭБУ системы противоскольжения в сборе, блока управления рабочими цилиндрами тормозов в сборе или датчика хода педали тормоза в сборе выполните инициализацию и калибровку электромагнитного клапана с линейной характеристикой.

    Перед поиском неисправностей проверьте состояние разъемов соответствующих цепей.

    Убедитесь в том, что педаль тормоза и датчик хода педали тормоза установлены правильно, и педаль тормоза может нормально нажиматься.

    Проверьте и отрегулируйте высоту педали тормоза.

    Для моделей с левосторонним рулевым управлением: Нажмите здесьClick hereClick here

    Для моделей с правосторонним рулевым управлением: Нажмите здесьClick hereClick here

    Отрегулируйте датчик хода педали тормоза.

    Для моделей с левосторонним рулевым управлением: Нажмите здесьClick hereClick here

    Для моделей с правосторонним рулевым управлением: Нажмите здесьClick hereClick here


    Проверьте, не ослаблены ли фиксирующая и соединительная части разъема.

    Отсоедините разъем A62 ЭБУ системы противоскольжения.

    Отсоедините разъем A56 датчика хода педали тормоза в сборе.

    Проверьте на наличие деформации и коррозии как корпус разъема, так и контакты.

    Деформация и коррозия отсутствуют.

    Измерьте сопротивление в соответствии со значениями, приведенными в таблице.

    Table 1. для моделей с левосторонним рулевым управлением.

    Подключение диагностического прибора

    A62-8 (SKG) или A56-1 (SKG) — масса

    A62-10 (VCSK) или A56-3 (VCSK) — масса

    A62-20 (SKS) или A56-4 (SKS1) — масса

    A62-22 (SKS2) или A56-2 (SKS2) — масса

    Подключение диагностического прибора

    A62-8 (SKG) или A56-1 (SKG) — масса

    A62-10 (VCSK) или A56-3 (VCSK) — масса

    A62-20 (SKS) или A56-2 (SKS1) — масса

    A62-22 (SKS2) или A56-4 (SKS2) — масса



    Подсоедините разъем A62 ЭБУ системы противоскольжения в сборе.

    Подсоедините разъем A56 датчика хода педали тормоза.

    Выполните инициализацию и калибровку электромагнитного клапана с линейной характеристикой.

    Chassis > ABS/VSC/TRC > Utility

    Информация на дисплее прибора

    Chassis > ABS/VSC/TRC > Clear DTCs

    Переведите выключатель в режим READY.

    Проведите дорожные испытания.

    Проверьте, выводится ли такой же DTC.

    Chassis > ABS/VSC/TRC > Trouble Codes

    Коды DTC C1247/47 и/или C1392/48 выводятся.

    Коды DTC C1247/47 и C1392/48 не выводятся


      1. Источник

        Горят ABS, BRAKE,давление шин. заблокировалась коробка

        Модераторы: MIKLES, Ugin, odyssey, Camel, snow1975

        ГАЗ-3102, Toyota Camry, Lexus RX330, Nissan March, Husqvarna 323R, TLC-200, Toyota RAV-4, Peugeot 301.

        ГАЗ-3102, Toyota Camry, Lexus RX330, Nissan March, Husqvarna 323R, TLC-200, Toyota RAV-4, Peugeot 301.

        бороться и искать, найти и перепрятать

        у меня была такая хрень, поменяли «лягушку»

        у меня была такая хрень, поменяли «лягушку»

        у меня была такая хрень, поменяли «лягушку»

        Можно поподробнее, что именно поменять нужно ну или почистить?

        НАСТОЯЩИХ друзей много не бывает

        бороться и искать, найти и перепрятать

        abs, brake, vsc, давление в шинах. происходит это все чаще.

        Вот блин у всех 330-х кажется такая тема. Будем смотреть мою «лягушку».

        Дим, помнишь, мы с тобой 3 лаптопа настраивали чтобы считать ошибку? И ошибок как раз таки вообще не было! Выключаешь зажигание. и не сохраняется она (ошибка).

        Что уже какой раз поражает, глюки если вылазят в Рэксах, то такие, блин, хитрые! Самое главное не торопиться менять пол-машины деталей, в конце концов цена вопроса копейки и пол-часа неспешного ковыряния с разглядыванием, чисткой, пшиканием какой-нибудь фигни и попиванием пивка


        Тема: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Опции темы

        Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Приехала машина 2007 года, с другой диагностики, человек хотел поправить руль после сход развала, но не удалось. вместо этого теперь новогодняя ёлка. До этого загорался значёк на панели — руль. Ошибка была по датчику положения руля. Взял от камри переставил саму механическую часть датчика. Сделал несколько адаптаций индикатор неисправности руля перестал гореть. Зато горит АБС. С1345 not learning linear valve offset abnormality — вот что там. Адаптацию через дииагнозу не хочет проходить. Что делать? куда лезть? что это такое? пробывал адаптировать карман сканом, Скандоком. безуспешно. Может есть другой метод? И я слышал, что слетает прошивка тока в каком блоке?

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Адаптацию линейного клапана нужно делать. Примерно как на рексе.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        ABS — погас, спасибо за инфу а вот vgrs горит, ошибки с1591 — actuator neutral position calibration Undone

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        нужна калибровка VGRS, Vetroniks делает без проблем

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        пробывал адаптировать через скандок, карман. не проходит. с ума схожу. так хочется починить и вот машина 4 день застряла. нет других процедур? люди пишут вроде надо прошивать блок vgrs? Так?

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        После аварии налибровал все SST.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        до сих пор горит VGRS и все попытки безуспешны. даж под рулевой рейкой лазил. Провода целые фишки чистые. Может у кого нить дамп есть VGRS рабочий?
        хочется попробывать

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Дамп есть но толку от него не будет. Это уже сама рейка приехала. Я пробывал при этой ошибке менять комп , но все равно процедура не прошла. Лезть в рейку мне не дали

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Что происходит при калибровке поподробней.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Во первых при ошибке вообще не дает проводить калибровку ( не заканчиваеться успешно процедура), во вторых при замене дампа на рабочий, при входе в калибровку выбиваеться надпись vgrs и появляеться ошибка 1345 и все, после этого только опять лить новый дамп.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Мда, придётся тогда сжечь))) придётся отправлять менять рейку(((( Жесть. Подробнее начинается адаптация, выставите руль прямо, выкл заж, вкл. начинает записывать и Failed. как то так. Замечал такое, при адаптации когда руль отстёгнут от колёс вправо 4 оборота а в лево 2,5. Сомнительно. Может надо при отстёгнутом руле где нить чё нить покрутить?

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Сколько датчик угла в среднем положение кажет,пробуй загнать его в ноль,калибровка на подемнике один раз помогла.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        не знаю как сейчас,а пару лет назад в кармане был косяк в процедуре адаптации VGRS,там где он просил выкл.зажигание этого делать не надо было.Кажись так,много времени прошло.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Пробывал по разному как только не пробывал. перечитал кучу литературы. и всёж много не понятно. Выяснил что у владельца чек по системе VGRS (C1591 actuator neutral position calibration Undone) не горел, был смещён руль чуток в сторону и вот он решил поправить. поправить поправили, а процедура не прошла и вот ошибка. выяснилось, то что были ошибки на датчик положения руля и вот, что придумали: Дабы не покупать они заменили само кольцо тоесть датчик от камри (один в один, думали в этом была причина) а электронику оставили (перепаяли внутри шлейф).. говорят ошибки ушли, а процедура не проходит. Вот у меня возникает вопрос смотрю параметры. датчик угла положения 1 — в градусах и 2.. оба показывают, но когда выставляешь на 0 градусов — руль ровно, то например 1 — 0 град, а второй 0,5 град. Не должно ли быть одинаково? может датчик положения руля разбирали вплоть до шестерёнок и неправильно собрали? там они в виде магнитов 2 и вращаются шестерёнками вокруг микросхем мне кажется ставятся в одном положении. Хотя ошибок нет. Прочитал на форуме, что если прошить блок VGRS ошибка исчезнет. но руль может встать не ровно. Но и пусть неровно может его переставить просто можно. Если есть дапм пришлите кому не жалко поиздеваться. Заранее спасибо. буду дальше читать и соображать.

        Re: Lexus LS 460 ABS

        Чтоб не плодить тем, отпишусь тут. Имеется Lexus LS460 2007 года. 1UR-FSE,америкос. После замены заднего правого суппорта и последующей прокачки тормозов с помощью Intillegent Tester 2 не хочет проводить инициализацию клапана с линейной характеристикой и выкидывает ошибку C1345 и C1368.

        Мне не помогло ни перемычкой, ни с помощью сканера. До замены с авто было всё нормально, хотя клиент вскользь упомянул о каком-то иногда раздающемся хрусте в тормозной педали, да потом про это «забыл». Ещё один момент-слесаря сняли суппорт, поставили другой и лишь затем позвали меня. То, что перед снятием нужно делать кое-какие процедуры, для них было откровением. У кого какие мысли будут по данному поводу? Сами понимаете, замена блока управления тормозами-дорогое удовольствие.


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