Где-то с начала осени перестал работать автозапуск. Нет, дело не в брелке. Процесс стандартный — жмём «Закрыть», далее на несколько секунд зажимаем кнопку дистанционного запуска. На нажатие кнопки «Закрыть» машина реагирует — моргнула, на зажатие кнопки дистанционного запуска машина тоже отреагировала — моргнула, но далее ничего не происходит.
Сначала я не придал этому особого значения, ну не работает и не работает. Ошибок нет, лампа Джеки Чана не горит, все двери закрыты, топлива полный бак. Не понятно короче. Сброс клеммы помогает ровно на рабочую неделю
На днях заехал в Лаки поменять тормоза вкруг, так же попросил глянуть через Tech2, есть ли ошибки. В общем нашли мне (далее со слов мастера) некую ошибку в Body Control Module (BCM) под номером B1440 (симптом -00). Мастер выдвинул предположение, что возможно что-то с трапецией дворников.
Погуглив и начитавшись, что в таких случаях у людей отваливаются от BCM поворотники, стопы, кнопки на руле и так далее, я понял, что не мой случай.
Господа, кто-то сталкивался с таким?
UPD. Скорее всего проблема решится после решения этого вопроса
Пробег: 92 000 км
06.04.2007, 16:32
0Ошибка: Throttle Body Control Module
При тестировании двигателя вылезла ошибка:
01165 — Throttle Body Control Module (J338)
17-10 — Control Difference — IntermittentЧто это может быть?
06.04.2007, 16:47
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Сообщение от rust
01165 — Throttle Body Control Module (J338)
Блок дроссельной заслонки
06.04.2007, 17:32
Это-то понятно, а что значит: «17-10 — Control Difference — Intermittent» ?
06.04.2007, 17:45
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
06.04.2007, 18:35
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
После такой ошибки заменил заслонку.Машина как женщина — не важно сколько жрет, важно, сколько приносит удовольствия.
07.04.2007, 04:32
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Сообщение от rust
«17-10 — Control Difference — Intermittent»
Несходство (отличие) контроля — скачкообрзано
Сообщение от TheTERMINATOR
После такой ошибки заменил заслонку.
07.04.2007, 09:08
А если спорадическая, то всё равно готовиться к замене или нет?
Добавлено спустя 15 минут 56 секунд:
И что менять: саму заслонку или что-то ещё?
07.04.2007, 15:51
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Сообщение от rust
А если спорадическая, то всё равно готовиться к замене или нет?
Сообщение от rust
что менять: саму заслонку или что-то ещё?
саму заслонку…модуль управления с ДЗ — одно целое…
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I had to replace my BCM in my 2011 F250 Diesel engine. I was still able to connect to the old one using forscan and do a backup. I then put the new in and then loaded that to the new BCM. I did not receive any errors during that process. I also complete the PATS reprogramming and both keys start the truck. However I have several errors in the new BCM.
Code: U2100 — Initial Configuration Not Complete
— DTC Present at Time of Request
— Malfunction Indicator Lamp is On for this DTC
Module: Body Control Module
Code: U2200 — Control Module Configuration Memory Corrupt
Additional Fault Symptom:
— Not Configured
— DTC Present at Time of Request
— Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC
Module: Body Control Module
Code: C113A — Wakeup Control
Additional Fault Symptom:
— Circuit Short To Battery Or Open
— DTC Present at Time of Request
— Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC
Module: Body Control Module
Code: B10D7 — PATS Key
Additional Fault Symptom:
— Not Configured
— DTC Present at Time of Request
— Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC
Module: Body Control Module
I also have a Circuit Short To Battery Or Open error for all turn signals. Has anyone run into this type of issue before when programming a new BCM? Not sure why both the BCM and PATS say the configuration is not complete. I am also wonder if all the other error codes point to a possible bad replacement BCM that I received.
The Ford F-150 is a great truck, but it’s not without its problems. One of the most common issues is Ford F150 Body Control Module Problems. The body control module is responsible for controlling all of the electronic functions of the vehicle, and when it goes bad, it can cause all sorts of problems.
The good news is that there are some easy ways to troubleshoot the body control module and get it working again.
If you’re having trouble with your Ford F150’s body control module, you’re not alone. This seems to be a fairly common problem with this particular model truck. There are a few things that can cause the body control module to malfunction.
One is a faulty connection between the module and the battery. This can be caused by corrosion or simply loose connections. Another possibility is that the body control module itself is faulty.
If this is the case, it will likely need to be replaced. If you’re experiencing problems with your Ford F150’s body control module, check the battery connections and make sure they’re clean and tight. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to replace the module itself.
If your Ford F-150 is having electrical issues, one potential cause could be a problem with the body control module (BCM). The BCM is responsible for managing many of the truck’s electronic functions, and if it isn’t working properly, it can cause all sorts of problems.
Fortunately, there is a way to reset the BCM and hopefully fix any issues.
Here’s what you need to know about resetting the BCM on a Ford F-150. What Is the Body Control Module? Before we get into how to reset the BCM, let’s first talk about what it is and what it does.
As we mentioned, the body control module is responsible for managing many of the electronic functions in your truck.
This includes things like power windows, door locks, interior lights, and more. The BCM is essentially the brains behind these systems, and when something goes wrong with it, those systems can start acting up too.
That’s why to reset the BCM when you’re having electrical issues; it can sometimes fix whatever underlying problem there may be.
How to Reset Your Truck’s Body Control Module:
- Disconnect the negative battery cable
- Press and hold down the power window lock button
- Reconnect the negative battery cable
- Open and close each window
- Turn off all lights
- Lock/unlock doors
- Start the engine
- Test systems (windows, locks, etc.)
- If everything seems to be working properly, then you’re done.
Otherwise, you may need to take your truck to a mechanic for further diagnosis.
2012 Ford F150 Body Control Module Problems
If you own a 2012 Ford F-150, you may be experiencing problems with your body control module. This module controls many of the truck’s functions, including the lights, door locks, and windows.
Unfortunately, there have been reports of issues with this module, causing some owners to experience difficulty with their trucks.
One problem that has been reported is that the body control module may randomly turn off the headlights. This can be a major problem if you’re driving at night and suddenly lose your light source. Another issue is that the door locks may stop working properly, making it difficult to lock or unlock your doors.
Additionally, some owners have reported problems with their windows, including them becoming stuck in the up or down position. If you’re experiencing any of these issues with your 2012 Ford F-150, it’s important to bring it to a certified technician for diagnosis and repair.
In some cases, the body control module may need to be replaced entirely.
Don’t wait until something goes wrong – get your truck checked out as soon as possible to avoid any major headaches down the road.
Read More About:
- Ford F150 Idle High on Start
- Ford F150 Fuel Pump Driver Module Symptoms
2018 Ford F150 Body Control Module Problems
If you’re driving a 2018 Ford F-150, you may be experiencing problems with the body control module (BCM). The BCM is responsible for controlling various electronic components in your truck, including door locks, headlights, and windshield wipers. If it’s not working properly, it can cause all sorts of problems.
Some common symptoms of a faulty BCM include doors that won’t lock or unlock, headlights that won’t turn on or off, and windshield wipers that don’t work.
If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s likely that the BCM is to blame. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to try to fix the problem yourself.
First, check all the fuses related to the BCM and replace any that are blown. If that doesn’t solve the issue, you may need to reset the BCM by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. Finally, if neither of those solutions works, you’ll need to replace the BCM itself.
If you’re having trouble with your 2018 Ford F-150’s body control module, don’t despair. There are some things you can do to try to fix the problem yourself. And if all else fails, replacement is always an option.
2013 Ford F150 Bcm Reset
If you’re having trouble with your 2013 Ford F150, you may need to reset the body control module. This can be done by disconnecting the battery for about 30 seconds. Once you reconnect the battery, the BCM will reset itself and should clear any issues you were having.
2012 Ford F150 Body Control Module Location
If you’re looking for the body control module on your 2012 Ford F-150, it’s located in the engine bay. The module is usually mounted on the fender, near the battery.
2013 Ford F150 Body Control Module Location
If you’re looking for the body control module on your 2013 Ford F-150, it’s located in the front passenger footwell. To access it, simply remove the trim panel and carpeting. The module is mounted to the floorboard and is easily accessible once the trim is removed.
2015 Ford F150 Electrical Problems
If you’re having electrical problems with your 2015 Ford F150, there are a few things that could be causing the issue. First, check all of the fuses in the fuse box to see if any have blown. If there are any blown fuses, replace them with new ones of the same amperage.
Next, check all of the connections to make sure they’re tight and free of corrosion. If everything looks good there, it’s possible that the problem is with one of the electrical components on the truck itself.
A qualified mechanic or Ford dealer can help you troubleshoot and diagnose the problem so it can be fixed as quickly as possible.
What Happens When Body Control Module Goes Bad?
A body control module, or BCM, is a computer that controls various electronic functions in a vehicle. These functions can include power windows, door locks, exterior lights, and other accessories. If the BCM fails, these functions may stop working or work intermittently.
In some cases, the entire electrical system may shut down. The main reason for a BCM to fail is due to a loss of communication with the car’s engine control unit (ECU). The ECU provides information to the BCM that it uses to perform its functions.
When there is a problem with the ECU, it can cause the BCM to fail as well. Other reasons for BCM failure can include physical damage, water damage, and software issues. If you suspect your BCM is failing, it’s important to have it diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible.
A failed BCM can cause all sorts of problems with your vehicle’s electrical system and can even prevent it from starting.
How Do You Diagnose a Bad Bcm?
A bad BCM can often be diagnosed by looking for signs of corrosion or water damage. If the BCM is corroded, it may be difficult to read the data that is stored on it. Water damage can also cause the BCM to fail.
Can You Reset a Body Control Module?
A body control module, or BCM, is a computer used to manage various electrical functions in a vehicle. resetting a BCM is often done when the device has been replaced or needs to be reconfigured for a different vehicle.
The process can vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle but usually involves disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it after a few minutes.
In some cases, special tools may be required to access the BCM.
Read Also Ford Truck Gas Pump Keeps Shutting Off
Can a Bcm Be Repaired?
Yes, a BCM can be repaired. However, it is important to note that a BCM may need to be replaced if it is not working properly. A BCM controls many of the vehicle’s electronic functions and can malfunction if it is not working correctly.
2017 Ford F150 Body Control Module Replacement And Programming Using IDS
If you’re having trouble with your Ford F150’s body control module, you’re not alone. Many F150 owners have reported Ford F150 Body Control Module Problems with their BCMs, and it’s a common issue with this truck. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem.
First, check all of the fuses associated with the BCM and make sure they’re all intact. Next, try resetting the BCM by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the BCM entirely.
Thankfully, this is a relatively easy process and there are plenty of instructional videos online that can walk you through it step-by-step.
Техническое обоснование
Если датчик Клемма 15 ВКЛ рычага переключения передач в течение 5 мин. остаётся на включённой задней передаче, то Body Control Modul (BCM) воспринимает это как заклинивание контактного датчика, и регистрируется ошибка ‘00063008 Датчик включения фонарей заднего хода -F4, недостоверный сигнал’.
После отключения задней передачи и изменения состояния клеммы 15 ошибка в Body Control Modul (BCM) становится спорадической.
Касается только следующих деталей от поставщиков Continental и Kostal с номерами деталей:
Указание: Клиент неполадки не замечает. Она проявляется при считывании памяти неисправностей.
Решение в условиях сервиса
При указанном явлении очистить память неисправностей в Body Control Modul (BCM).
Указание: Замена Body Control Modul не допускается. Когда появится изменённый Body Control Module, данная TPI будет обновлена. До этого ремонт не проводить.