Еще с покупки горела ошибка по подушкам, но знал что с ними все ок и машина не битая. В блоке была ошибка B1000. Насколько знаю, достаточно часто на дорестах в особенности на блоках AQ 13118804 появляется такая ошибка, из вариантов замена блока или залитие нормального дампа в блок.
Решил поступить первым путем и искать рабочий блок. изредка посматривая барахолки один рас нашел в России блок, решил купить его, тем более цена была всего около 10$, а меня пугали что рабочие они стоят около 100$.
Запчасти на фото: 13118804
Блок то пришел, но оказался с такой же ошибкой. Написал продавцу и они вернули деньги даже без отправки им блока.
Ну а я дальше искал блок, и вот наткнулся у нас в Минске на нужный, пока собирался поехать купить он еще и подешевел и обошелся всего 6$ и так же с гарантией 14 дней на проверку.
Поменять его вроде и не сложно, но ушло часа 2. Надо снять подлокотник, часть центрального тоннеля, открутить 3 гайки блока в неудобном положении и почти в слепую вытянуть два разъема.
Дальше подключаю блок и в целях безопасности отворачиваюсь и закрываю лицу руками и включаю зажигание и о чудо ошибки нет. Победа!
Дальше собрал все в обратной последовательности и на этом собственно все. Надеюсь ошибка в будущем снова не появится.
Цена вопроса: 6 $
15th March, 2010, 10:12 AM
Vectra C Airbag B1000 error
Hi, one friend have an Opel Vectra C (ModelYear 2002) with airbag light on.
OP-COM says:
OP-COM 081016 - PC based diagnostic tool OP-COM - CAN Communicaton Window> 2002|Vectra-C / Signum|Body|SDM (Airbag) Read Info... Identifier: 0x0001 Part Number:13118804 Software version number: 00BA845C System description: DELCO0400 Alpha code: AQ Manufacturing date: 020308 Total number of fault codes: 1 B1000 - Replace Electronic Control Unit (ECU) (00) - Present
Can I use airbag resetter (clip) to clear SDM-ecu?
Thanks in advance.
P.D.: Car don?t have any crash.
Last edited by djbill; 15th March, 2010 at 11:32 AM.
Reason: Car status
15th March, 2010, 10:31 AM
Use OPCOM090821d and use function Clear Deployment Data. Maybe this will work.
15th March, 2010, 10:33 AM
15th March, 2010, 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by djbill
Thanks, i will try this.
just crash data stored by the looks of things, you can erase with opcom
Dont forget to say
if i helped.
15th March, 2010, 11:34 AM
what do you think about this error (B1000) on airbag ecu?
16th March, 2010, 05:28 PM
i thought to clear crashed data from the module which normally locks you need to do it via the chip on the board not obd connection
Oh and by the way if my post has been at all helpfull
please press the little THANKS tab
17th March, 2010, 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by teerak2uk
i thought to clear crashed data from the module which normally locks you need to do it via the chip on the board not obd connection
Yes , you are correct!!
Read dump fileJose
17th March, 2010, 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by teerak2uk
i thought to clear crashed data from the module which normally locks you need to do it via the chip on the board not obd connection
you can clear most of the vauxhalls with op-com via obd
«I always tell the truth. Even when I lie»
«We Taking Over, One City At A Time»
9th January, 2011, 10:37 PM
Top Poster
do you have solve the b1000 problem, i have the samebest regards
9th January, 2011, 10:42 PM
No, sorry.
You need flash clear crash file on chip. Maybe Airbag resetter will work but i don’t know.
10th May, 2011, 06:10 PM
Hi, I have the same problem, there is also error on other modules that is no connection with airbag module, after clearing the dump of 95040 airbag light goes out for some seconds and then back on, in the time that the light is not on the diagnostic connection is possible, after that module dies again, when turn ACC off and on again in a minute or two the module lives again for some seconds and dies…
I need full flash of the processor 0K75F (912D60) to compare with my one
10th May, 2011, 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shmortz
Hi, I have the same problem, there is also error on other modules that is no connection with airbag module, after clearing the dump of 95040 airbag light goes out for some seconds and then back on, in the time that the light is not on the diagnostic connection is possible, after that module dies again, when turn ACC off and on again in a minute or two the module lives again for some seconds and dies…
I need full flash of the processor 0K75F (912D60) to compare with my one
what is the part number from the module
Oh and by the way if my post has been at all helpfull
please press the little THANKS tab
12th May, 2011, 12:22 AM
12th May, 2011, 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Shmortz
13129843 CL
Try this one
Oh and by the way if my post has been at all helpfull
please press the little THANKS tab
12th May, 2011, 01:21 PM
thanks but I don’t need this, already tested with good dump for 95040, I think the problem is in processor that’s why I want to compare the full flash for motorola with good one…
This page is about Opel Vectra C air bag problem code 21.
The possible SRS 21 airbag error reason/s;
Diagnostic Monitor Not Mounted to Vehicle Properly
Pressure sensor, driver
Restraint System — Air Bag Status (Passenger Front Air Bag Circuit Failure)
Safing Sensor Not Mounted to Vehicle Properly
Satellite right sensor side airbag Open Circuit
#21 Airbag Code Repair order («Recheck SRS at each replacement.»)
How to disable Opel Vectra C airbag module ?
- Remove ash tray from console panel
- Using a socket set, remove 4 hex head screws from console panel
- Pull console panel out of the two clips
- Remove connector from Passenger Airbag Disable module in console panel and take console panel to a work bench
- Remove 2 phillips head screws to remove the airbag key module
- Carefully unclip the plastic tabs that hold the airbag key module case together
- Remove circuit board from airbag key module housing
- To prepare the module housing I drilled a 1/4″ hole through the clear lens allowing my particular LED to be attached through that hole
- Now carefully unsolder the blown light bulb
- Then you are able to solder on the new LED *polarity matters* with that in mind the negative on the circuit board is closest to the outer edge of the circuit board
- Reassemble the PAD Module and put it back into the console panel and then put everything back together on the dash in the reverse order of removal.
How to clear Opel Vectra C 21 airbag code ?
- Follow the diagnostic procedures to service the fault condition flashing on the air bag indicator prior to code clearing.
- Cycle the ignition switch to OFF and then to RUN.
- Observe air bag indicator prove-out (six ? two seconds) followed by diagnostic trouble code (52-85) flashing completely one time.
- Locate the Diagnostic «Trouble Code Clear» Connector (grey connector). located underneath the glove compartment, left side (06010) containing Circuits 631 (T/R) and 57 (BK).
- Use a jumper wire to short Circuit 631 (T/R) to Circuit 57 (BK) or to another good ground. This short must be made after the diagnostic trouble code flashes completely one time, but before the warning light stays on continuously.
- Hold short until air bag diagnostic monitor tone sounds (approximately five seconds).
- Release short on Circuit 631 (T/R) to Circuit 57 (BK). This short must be released within 25 seconds after the diagnostic monitor tone sounds.
Diagnostic trouble code is now cleared from memory.
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- Air bag light on. B0975-00 CSD telltale circuit malfunction
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3rd February 2018, 18:41
Air bag light on. B0975-00 CSD telltale circuit malfunction
My Signum has developed a fault where the air bag light is on all the time. It used to occasionally come on and it was the connections under the drivers seat. Anyway, this time when using OpCom I get the fault:
B0975-00 CSD Telltale Circuit Malfunction (Child Seat Detection)
What exactly is this and where to I start to rectify the fault?
Thanks in advance
4th February 2018, 09:48
normally that means its the clocks themselves.. its saying the ‘telltale’ ie the light for the CSD on the dash isnt working… have you had the clocked led converted?
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4th February 2018, 15:33
Hi Plasma, thanks for the reply.
Just fixed the issue (fingers crossed). The top left LED on the right hand side LCD had lifted slightly.
It took me a while to work out that ‘telltale’ actually meant a light on the dash. Anyway, seems to be OK now. Re-soldered the LED and the fault is now gone.
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Блок Airbeg GP 13142540. Включилась лампа неисправности Airbeg. В памяти неисправностей ошибка B1000 «замените болк управления» (считано OP-Com). Неисправность возникла после холодного пуска в сильные морозы. Похоже из-за просадки бортсети что-то потерлось. Кто знает что-нибудь по этому поводу? Может быть что-то потерлось в EEPROM?
Cтоило-бы попытаться стереть эту ошибку в епроме
Диагнозой она однозначно не вылечится
А возникнуть она могла хотя-бы изз-за того, что в результате просадки акб в момент пуска не смогли зарядится бэкапные конденсаторы в блоке airbag..