Ошибка after effects недопустимый символ xml

Загрузил футаж Blockbuster Trailer 5 и не могу открыть его пишет предупреждение(

after effects предупреждение не удается получить доступ к ресурсу xml

подскажите что делать как исправить? Футаж просто очень надо!!!
пользуюсь АЕ СС 2015


предупреждение не удается получить доступ к ресурсу

В описании продукта указано, что универсальных выражений в проекте не используется, поэтому в русской версии AE он может просто не находить нужные имена объектов и переменных.

В описании продукта указано, что универсальных выражений в проекте не используется, поэтому в русской версии AE он может просто не находить нужные имена объектов и переменных.

тоесть или поменять АЕ на английский или просто сменить язык что лучше?


тоесть или поменять АЕ на английский или просто сменить язык что лучше?

Лучше снести и переставить заново сразу в английской локали.

Лучше снести и переставить заново сразу в английской локали.


Еще один маленький вопросик по проекту! Может где есть урок как сделать буквы светлее, а то в проекте они темные и на видео не видно, подскажите плиз кто знает!

  • Безымянный.png

    258,6 КБ
    Просмотров: 558


Еще один маленький вопросик по проекту! Может где есть урок как сделать буквы светлее, а то в проекте они темные и на видео не видно, подскажите плиз кто знает!

Не видя проекта наверняка сказать сложно, цвет там может быть задан напрямую, а может через выражение к чему-нибудь быть привязан. В любом случае, никакой магии, изучи структуру проекта.

Не видя проекта наверняка сказать сложно, цвет там может быть задан напрямую, а может через выражение к чему-нибудь быть привязан. В любом случае, никакой магии, изучи структуру проекта.

да уже все перелазил, я просто незнаю программы вообще практически подсказали бы куда смотреть( где найти вообще структупу проекта(


да уже все перелазил, я просто незнаю программы вообще практически подсказали бы куда смотреть( где найти вообще структупу проекта(

Офф-топик начинается, ответил в личку.


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Mar 01, 2019
Mar 01, 2019

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Im getting error when import another AE project, Im currently using wondows 10 with AE version 16.0.1 (Build 48)

Anyone having same problem and found a solution?


Here is the screenshoot.


Im using joystick n slider 1.7.1, Move anchor point 3.1 and Animation composer plugin.

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Kyle Hamrick

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Mar 01, 2019
Mar 01, 2019

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Are you able to open that project on its own?
Have you tried importing it into a new/blank project?

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Mar 01, 2019
Mar 01, 2019

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In Response To Kyle Hamrick

Yes im able to open the project, but i cant import it into new project.

I have tried to convert them and import to previous AE (version 14 and 15) but still get the error.

I think joystick n slider might be the cause. When i open the converted project in older AE, composition with joystick not showing in preview.

Right now im waiting for a reply from aescripts, hopefully they have a solution.

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Adobe Employee

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Mar 08, 2019
Mar 08, 2019

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Hi mochr,

Keep us posted about your progress.



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Apr 04, 2019
Apr 04, 2019

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Not sure if you figured this out but I found a work around as I was getting the same issue when trying to import a vector based animation using AE 15.1.2 on Windows 7. 

In my case I’d kept pressing «okay» on the warning until the project I was importing appeared in my AE project.  Everything appeared to be there but just not visible so I dropped a ‘fill’ onto one object and everything else suddenly appeared.

It wasn’t the most over complicated scene so maybe you might be sitting there for hours clicking okay but figured I’d let you know.

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May 09, 2019
May 09, 2019

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In Response To darkcurv

YES!! It work! Thanks alot darkcurv​ you save my day.

I hit enter repeatedly until the warning is closed . evreything is fine just some script error from animation composser, but it can be fix easly..

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In Response To darkcurv

Worked for me too! Big thanks!

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Parul Singh

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Jul 09, 2020
Jul 09, 2020

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The only way is — hit ENTER continuously until it gets merged. 

I had a 1 MB file, so I had to hit ENTER about 20 times.

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Sep 01, 2020
Sep 01, 2020

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keep ok ok . after many ok it will open surely . it happens to me many times .

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In Response To savan5D25

For me this is aways the solution :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I had project where I had to spam enter for more than 30 sec constantly and in the end the projects get merged!

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Dec 16, 2020
Dec 16, 2020

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I tried to import an layers AI into AE and having this problem. After this I tried to export the file into Jpeg, still having same problem. I just found out this problem is causing by the FILE NAME.
Just change your file name into an short and simple name will solve the problem.

So weird….

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I have this same issue. It’s definitely something to do with Animation Composer. I was hoping that when they moved to their new update it would sove the issue, but it doesn’t.  I spent 2 hours importing a project yesterday and when it does import (after getting through the delayed «OKs») I get the blank/black screen. The fill effect tip did not work. It took saving, then quiting then reopening and going through it again to finally start to work after a few minutes.

This is very frustrating and I’ve had to start moving away from using any animation composer stuff simply because trying to reuse any project files in a new project is a time sink I can’t afford. 

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Solution 1

Can you modify the XML encoding declaration? If so;

declare @xml XML = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><records>
  <r RecordName="Option - Foo" />
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

select @xml

(No column name)
<records><r RecordName="Option - Foo" /><r RecordName="Option – Bar" /></records>

Speculative Edit

Both of these fail with illegal xml character:

set @xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><x> – </x>'
set @xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><x> – </x>'

because they pass a non-unicode varchar to the XML parser; the string contains Unicode so must be treated as such, i.e. as an nvarchar (utf-16) (otherwise the 3 bytes comprising the are misinterpreted as multiple characters and one or more is not in the acceptable range for XML)

This does pass a nvarchar string to the parser,
but fails with unable to switch the encoding:

set @xml = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><x> – </x>'

This is because an nvarchar (utf-16) string is passed to the XML parser but the XML document states its utf-8 and the is not equivalent in the two encodings

This works as everything is utf-16

set @xml = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><x> – </x>'

Solution 2

Please permit me to answer my own question, for the purpose of me understanding it fully myself. I won’t accept this as the answer; it is the combination of the other answers that lead me here. If this answer helps you in the future, please upvote the other posts also.

The basic underlying rule is that XML with Unicode characters should be passed to, and parsed as, Unicode by SQL Server. Therefore C# should generate XML as UTF-16; the SSMS and .Net default.

Cause of original problem

This variable declares XML with UTF-8 encoding, but the entity en-dash cannot be used without being encoded in UTF-8. This is wrong:

DECLARE @badxml xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

XML parsing: line 3, character 29, illegal xml character

Another approach that doesn’t work is to switch UTF-8 to UTF-16 in the XML. The string here is not unicode, so the implicit conversion fails:

DECLARE @xml xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

XML parsing: line 1, character 56, unable to switch the encoding


Alternatives that work are:

1) Leave as UTF-8 but encode with hexadecimal on the entity (reference):

DECLARE @xml xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

2) As above but with decimal encoding on the entity (reference):

DECLARE @xml xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

3) Include the original entity, but remove UTF-8 encoding in declaration (SSMS then applies UTF-16; its default):

DECLARE @xml xml = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

4) Retain the UTF-16 declaration, but cast the XML to Unicode (note the preceding N before casting as XML):

DECLARE @xml xml = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

Solution 3

SQL Sever internally uses UTF-16. Either let the encoding away or cast to unicode

The reason you are looking for: With UTF-8 specified, this character is not known.

--without your directive, SQL Server picks its default
declare @xml XML = 
  <r RecordName="Option - Foo" />
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />
select @xml;

--or UNICODE, but you must use UTF-16
declare @xml2 XML = 
CAST('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
  <r RecordName="Option - Foo" />
  <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />
</records>' AS NVARCHAR(MAX));

select @xml2


UTF-8 means, that there are chunks of 8 bits used to carry information. The base characters are just one chunk, easy going…

Other characters can be encoded as well. There are «c2» and «c3» codes (look here). c3-codes need three chunks to be encoded. But the internally used UTF16 expects 2 byte encoded characters.

Hope this is clear now…


This code will show you, that the Hyphen has the ASCII code 45 and your en-dash 150:

'<r RecordName="Option - Foo" /><r RecordName="Option – Bar" />';

WITH RunningNumbers AS
    FROM sys.objects
FROM RunningNumbers

Have a look here All characters with 7 bits are «plain» and should encode without problems. The «extended ASCII» is depending on code tables and could vary. 150 might be en-dash or something else. UTF8 uses some tricky encodings to allow strange characters to be «legal». Obviously (this was new to me too) the internally used UTF16 cannot cope with c3-characters.

Solution 4

The MSDN guidelines says:

SQLXML 4.0 relies upon the limited support for DTDs provided in SQL
Server. SQL Server allows for an internal DTD in xml data type data,
which can be used to supply default values and to replace entity
references with their expanded contents. SQLXML passes the XML data
«as is» (including the internal DTD) to the server. You can convert
DTDs to XML Schema (XSD) documents using third-party tools, and load
the data with inline XSD schemas into the database.


  • This is not a question on how to overcome the «XML parsing: … illegal xml character» error, but about why it is happening? I know that there are fixes(1, 2, 3), but need to know where the problem arises from before choosing the best solution (what causes the error under the hood?).

    We are calling a Java-based webservice using C#. From the strongly-typed data returned, we are creating an XML file that will be passed to SQL Server. The webservice data is encoding using UTF-8, so in C# we create the file, and specify UTF-8 where appropriate:

    var encodingType = Encoding.UTF8;
    // logic removed...
    var xdoc = new XDocument();
    xdoc.Declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", encodingType.WebName, "yes");
    // logic removed...
    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(xmlFullPath, xdoc.Declaration.ToString() + xdoc.Document.ToString(), encodingType);

    This creates an XML file on disk that has contains the following (abbreviated) data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <r RecordName="Option - Foo" />
      <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

    Notice that in the second record, - is different to . I believe the second instance is en-dash.

    If I open that XML file in Firefox/IE/VS2015. it opens without error. The W3C XML validator also works fine. But, SSMS 2012 does not like it:

    declare @xml XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><records>
      <r RecordName="Option - Foo" />
      <r RecordName="Option – Bar" />

    XML parsing: line 3, character 25, illegal xml character

    So why does en-dash cause the error? From my research, it would appear that

    …only a few entities that need escaping: <,>,,’ and & in both HTML and

    …of which en-dash is not one. An encoded version (replacing with ) works fine.


    Based on the input, people state that en-dash isn’t recognised as UTF-8, but yet it is listed here http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2013/index.htm
    So, as a perfectly legal character, why won’t SSMS read it when passed as XML (using UTF-8 OR UTF-16)?

    • Do you get the same SQL error when omitting the XML declaration and solely feeding declare @xml XML = '<records> <r RecordName="Option - Foo" /> <r RecordName="Option – Bar" /> </records>';?

    • It works when the declaration is omitted. BUT — isn’t that bad practice potentially leading to other issues? Its not the fix so much that I’m after, but the cause.

    • Or try encoding=»utf-16″ .NET is probably not the problem. It is MSSQL.

  • Not sure I understand. What action is needed on my behalf here please? Do I need to define a DTD?

  • No, it throws an error about being unable to switch the encoding type, which is expected.

  • Yes it does. I know this already and its a handy workaround, the question was about why its happening?

  • @EvilDr:- yes you can give it a try else the workaround will be to make it unicode using N as Alex pointed.

  • Is there a standard DTD for this type of thing? .Net certainly doesn’t generate it for me

  • @EvilDr:- I don’t think that there exist any or may be I am not aware of it.

  • Yes I read this as a workaround, but the question is why the behavior occurs. Please see update in question for more.

  • Please see question update. If its a valid UTF8 character, why does it trip up SSMS?

  • @EvilDr Where do you see that it is a legal UTF8 character? As far as I see your link lists escape sequences for different encodings. Doesn’t this 0xE2 0x80 0x93 (e28093) show clearly, that it is not a legal UTF8 character?

  • I just read the title, «Unicode Character ‘EN DASH’». I’m probably wrong; I’ll be dreaming about the damn character for the next month

  • I don’t get how the source (UTF8) system then can provide me with that illegal character, or not throw an error of some sort when that entity is created?

  • utf-8 is not a subset of unicode, the dash is 3 bytes in utf-8 which is perfectly fine as utf-8 is a variable length encoding. Its 2 bytes in utf-16 however and that fact is probably why there is an issue with the encoding of the string literal and the xml parser.

  • Updated the answer

  • Lovely answer thanks. I feel sadly I must accept Alex’s as it was posted slightly before. Thank you for all your help — a real valuable learning experience.

  • @EvilDr No problem, happy coding!


Я пытаюсь вставить следующую строку в поле SQL xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

код вставки выглядит так:

    INTO Traffic(... , xmlGeoLocation, ...)
    VALUES (
        <cfqueryparam CFSQLType="cf_sql_varchar" value="#xmlGeoLocation#">, 


случаются две плохие вещи:

  1. Квебек превращается в Québec

  2. Я получаю сообщение об ошибке говорящее [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]XML parsing: line 8, character 16, illegal xml character


входящий тестовый поток состоит в основном из однобайтовых символов.

é-двухбайтовый символ. Особенно C3A9

также у меня нет контроля над входящим потоком xml

3 ответов

Я собираюсь снять заголовок…

у меня такая же проблема с забавным маленьким Апострофом. Я думаю, проблема в том, что к тому времени, когда строка преобразуется в XML, она больше не UTF-8, но sql server пытается использовать заголовок для ее декодирования. Если это VARCHAR, то в кодировке клиента. Если это NVARCHAR, то UTF-16. Вот некоторые варианты, которые я тестировал:

SQL (varchar, UTF-8):

SELECT CONVERT(XML,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><t>We’re sorry</t>')


XML parsing: line 1, character 44, illegal xml character

SQL (nvarchar, UTF-8):

SELECT CONVERT(XML,N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><t>We’re sorry</t>')

Синтаксический анализ XML: строка 1, символ 38, невозможно переключить кодировку

SQL (varchar, UTF-16)

SELECT CONVERT(XML,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><t>We’re sorry</t>')


XML parsing: line 1, character 39, unable to switch the encoding

SQL (nvarchar, UTF-16)

SELECT CONVERT(XML,N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><t>We’re sorry</t>')


попробуйте изменить это:




посмотри ссылке из w3 он говорит мне, что:

в HTML есть список некоторых встроенных имен символов, таких как &eacute; для é, но XML не имеет этого. В XML существует только пять встроенных символьных сущностей:&lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot; и &apos; Для , &, » и ‘ соответственно. Можно определить собственные сущности в определении типа документа или использовать любой символ Юникода (см. Следующий элемент).

в HTML, есть также числовые ссылки на символы, такие как & для &. Вы можете ссылаться на любой символ Юникода, но число десятичное, тогда как в таблицах Юникода число обычно шестнадцатеричное. XML также позволяет шестнадцатеричные ссылки:& например.

это заставляет меня поверить, что,é может работать для символа é.

также информация на этом ссылке из Штатов Microsoft что:

SQLXML 4.0 полагается на ограниченную поддержку DTDs, предоставляемую в SQL Server. SQL Server допускает наличие внутреннего DTD в xml-данных типа данных, которые могут использоваться для предоставления значений по умолчанию и замены ссылок на сущности их расширенным содержимым. SQLXML передает XML-данные «как есть» (включая внутренний DTD) на сервер. Вы можете конвертировать DTDs в документы XML-схемы (XSD) с помощью сторонних инструментов и загружать данные с помощью встроенных схем XSD в база данных.

но все это не поможет вам, если у вас нет контроля над входящим потоком XML. Я сомневаюсь, что можно сохранить é (или любой специальный символ, за исключением встроенных символьных сущностей, упомянутых выше) внутри XML-документа в XML-поле SQL Server, не добавляя DTD или не заменяя символ его шестнадцатеричным ссылочным аналогом. В обоих случаях вам нужно будет иметь возможность изменить XML, прежде чем он пойдет в базу данных.

просто быстрый пример для тех, кто хочет спуститься по маршруту «добавление DTD».

вот как добавить внутренний DTD в xml-файл, который объявляет сущность для символа é:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY eacute "é">]>

если вы идете здесь и поиск на странице «Ctrl+F» для «eacute», вы попадаете в список с примерами для других символов, которые вы можете просто скопировать и вставить в свой собственный внутренний шаблон DTD.


вы можете, конечно, добавить все объекты, как они указаны в ссылке выше: <!ENTITY eacute "é"><!ENTITY .. // Next entity>, или просто скопируйте их все из этого . Я понимаю, как добавление внутреннего DTD в каждый XML-файл, который вы добавляете в базу данных, не такая хорошая идея. Мне было бы интересно узнать, исправляет ли добавление его для файла 1 вашу проблему.


автор: Mathijs Flietstra

Посмотрите на эту ссылку от w3, она говорит мне, что:

В HTML есть список некоторых встроенных имен символов, таких как &eacute; для é, но у XML этого нет. В XML есть только пять встроенных символьных объектов: &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot; а также &apos; для <,>, &, «и» соответственно. Вы можете определить свои собственные сущности в определении типа документа или использовать любой символ Unicode (см. следующий пункт).

В HTML есть также числовые ссылки на символы, такие как & за &. Вы можете ссылаться на любой символ Unicode, но число является десятичным, тогда как в таблицах Unicode это число обычно шестнадцатеричное. XML также допускает шестнадцатеричные ссылки: & например.

Это заставляет меня верить, что é может работать для персонажа.

Также информация по этой ссылке от Microsoft гласит, что:

SQLXML 4.0 опирается на ограниченную поддержку DTD, предоставляемых в SQL Server. SQL Server допускает внутреннее DTD в данных типа данных xml, которое можно использовать для предоставления значений по умолчанию и замены ссылок на сущности их расширенным содержимым. SQLXML передает данные XML «как есть» (включая внутреннее DTD) на сервер. Вы можете конвертировать DTD в документы XML Schema (XSD) с помощью сторонних инструментов и загружать данные с помощью встроенных XSD-схем в базу данных.

Но все это не поможет вам, если у вас нет контроля над входящим потоком XML. Я сомневаюсь, что возможно сохранить é (или любой специальный символ в этом отношении, за исключением упомянутых выше встроенных символьных сущностей) внутри документа XML в поле XML SQL Server, не добавляя DTD или заменяя символ на его шестнадцатеричный эталонный аналог. В обоих случаях вам нужно будет изменить XML, прежде чем он попадет в базу данных.

Просто быстрый пример для любого, кто хочет пойти по пути «добавления DTD».

Вот как добавить внутренний DTD в XML-файл, который объявляет сущность для символа é:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY eacute "é">]>

Если вы зайдете сюда и поищите на странице «Ctrl+F» слово «eacute», вы попадете в список с примерами других символов, которые вы можете просто скопировать и вставить в свой собственный внутренний DTD.


Конечно, вы можете добавить все объекты, как указано по ссылке выше: <!ENTITY eacute "é"><!ENTITY .. // Next entity>Или просто скопируйте их все из этого файла. Я понимаю, что добавление внутреннего DTD к каждому XML-файлу, который вы добавляете в базу данных, не очень хорошая идея. Мне было бы интересно узнать, если добавление его для 1 файла решит вашу проблему, хотя.

Recently I was using the Dimension Processing task inside of SSIS to perform a process add to one of my dimensions. I then found out that I had some bad data, more specifically, I had some invalid XML characters in my source data and this was causing the dimension processing task to fail. Below is a screenshot that includes the invalid character, after Mitchell before =.


Error Message:


Business Problem:

I needed to remove invalid XML characters from source data so that I could use the dimension processing task to perform a process add on the dimension.


Sadly, I originally began this process by trying to write my own script transform to remove the invalid XML characters. Unfortunately the script I was using (Found on the internet) apparently did not account for all characters as my processing task continued to fail with the same error.

So what did I do? I turned to Task Factory of course! To solve this problem I used the Task Factory replace unwanted characters transform.


    1. Bring the Task Factory Replace Unwanted Characters Transform into your data flow and place it between your source and destination:
    2. image
    3. Next open up the Task Factory component and you will see a list of your columns on the left.
    4. On the right you will see the column “Choose Action”. Click this drop down menu for the column you wish to cleanse. This menu will provide you with 4 different cleansing actions! (List below)
      1. image
    5. Select “Replace invalid characters that cannot be part of an XML Document.



Now when I execute my package you will notice the illegal XML character is gone!


Thank you Task Factory Team!

After Effects Startup Error 23::46 - [SOLVED]

Error «Could not convert Unicode characters»

 While starting Adobe After Effects CC 2019, I was facing the error «could not convert Unicode characters ( 23::46 )». This is error was encountered because of the System Locale which is set to Unicode language. So I fixed it and now letting you how to fix it.

How to fix error 23::46

Step 1:

   Open Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Open Region

Location path: Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region

Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region

Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Open Region


Step 2:
   Click AdministrativeChange System Locale

Administrative >  Change System Locale

Step 3:
  Uncheck the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support, and hit OK

Uncheck the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support, and hit OK

  And press Restart Now.

After the restart, the error will vanish and you will enjoy the tool.

Video Tutorial

If you have any question or suggestion comment below.

  • After Effects CC 2015 | Cannot install | Error: DF024


    I tried to install the latest update of Adobe after effects CC 2015.

    Nothing helps. So I uninstalled Adobe after effects CC 2015, started again and tried a brand new facility from scratch.

    Still, I couldn’t complete the installation:

    Exit Code: 7
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DF024 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
     - 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s) 
    ----------- Payload: Adobe After Effects CC 2015 {147EC100-14BE-45EF-AB42-35BAEE7D02F0} -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2015/
    Adobe After Effects CC 2015.app/Contents/Frameworks/
    ArriRawSDK.framework/ArriRawSDK" (Seq 2099)

    I watched Error DF024 and found this:



    When you install a creative cloud on Mac OS application, you receive the following error message:

    «DF024: impossible to preserve the original file at» / library/ColorSync/Profiles/recommended. «»


    Make sure that it is not a folder (instead of a symbolic link) in the location below.

    … etc.pp.

    I don’t think that this help text is useful in my case.

    My error message clearly points to a folder inside of the 2015.app Adobe after effects CC.

    Can I ‘delete’ or ‘Rename’ this folder and try again? Or do I have to uninstall again?

    But then what? I already tried to uninstall and reinstall…

    And here the status of the installation immediately shown in a series of screenshots:

    Start the download:


    After the error message above here a view of my applications folder:


    A view inside the 2015.app Adobe after effects CC:


    And Yes, the symbolic link to ArriRawSDK is there. If I click on it the console opens with this message:


    Mac OSX 10.7.5 German (EDIT)

    Mac OSX 10.10.3 German

    CC desktop app version

    Thanks for all the help,


    Hi Aude,.

    Finally, I was able to install the latest version after effects CC 2015.

    1. I restarted the Mac not in secure boot mode.

    2. I zipped the ‘Adobe After Effects CC 2015’ in the application to hide the installation routine

    3. in the application of Office CC I supported on install

    The installation went through without a hitch.

    So what can we learn from this?
    If an an update installation failed, first hide * or delete the folder already installed the application.
    And then try again.

    * hide the folder by creating an archive zip is better, because if the second attempt fails, you can make available the installation files failed to Adobe customer service.

    I did not remove the installation failed and zipped.
    If you or someone else from the After Effects team would like to take a look or would like to have the console logs the process of the installation failure, let me know.

    Thank you

  • After Effects — GPU Manager Sniffer result error Code 3

    Adobe Photoshop cs6 Illustlator are ok. It is… After that effect cs6 and first cs6 do NOT open.

    Every time when I try to open these, Pop — up message comes out and says

    After effect error: current Crash. Last recorded message has been…

    < 10464 >, < 4540 >, < 8552 > < 3144 > < 11076 >, < 11304 >, < 11944 >… .more (it shows a different number each time) < GPUManager >, < 2 > result of Sniffer Code: 3

    2016-02-21 16-17-22.jpg

    2016-02-21 16-17-37.jpg

    I googled on result of Sniffer code < GPU Manager > 3 and I found people who had the same error. They solved this problem by uninstalling the CUDA program. So, I checked if my computer has CUDA, but no. I have found none.

    Updating the graphics driver, update windows (a service pack1), uninstallation and reinstallation of the AE, deleating fonts Korean, no. CUDA in my computer, downgraded graphics and updated driver to update again…

    I tried all these things to fix the error, but none of them worked…

    I talked about Korea Adobe by phone, the problem, but the Manager said there is no way they can help me. …

    What should I do now? Buy a new computer? or formatting?

    I need help

    Computer name: PC SPECIAL

    Operating system: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 K-bit (6.1 build 7601)

    Language: Korean (Locale: Korean)

    System manufacturer: ASUS

    System model: all series

    BIOS: BIOS Date: 29/10/13 15:13 worm: 16.02

    Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

    Memory: RAM 16384 MB

    Use of page 3634MB, 29007 available MB file

    X direct Virsion: DirectX 11

    Name of the card: NIVIDIA GeForce GTX660

    Manufacturer: NVIDIA

    Chip type: GeForce GTX660

    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

    Current mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60 Hz)

    Something on your GPU is to waste them. Try an old driver GPU as 353.30 and see if that helps. If this does not work, you may want to consider uninstalling your Adobe software, runs the Adobe CC cleaning tool and then put it back.

  • After effects CC 2015 Camera Tracker error: FLT_GeneralEffectCallPlus cannot be called reentrantly (25: 222)


    I installed the trial version of AE CC 2015 through creative cloud installed in my Windows 8.1 Pro x 64 and whenever I try to follow a sequence.

    After the track is finished and start solving this error appears: After Effects error: FLT_GeneralEffectCallPlus cannot be called reentrantly (25: 222)

    and I have to kill AE process because if I press ok, the message pops up again and again.

    I tried to use Adobe CC Cleaner and reinstall AE, but the problem persists.

    I´d want to buy a subscription of CC, but I want to see AE works.

    Can you help me please?

    Thank you for your attention.

    The update of the corrections after effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) is available, which corrects this problem: http://adobe.ly/1Il5JYe

  • After effects CC 2015.3 multiple errors

    I can’t believe that there are no live (Chat or phone) for all the money I give to Adobe CC. This is unacceptable!

    I get several error messages whenever I try to open a project in Ae. The police errors. Hide errors. Errors, I don’t know what they are.

    There are too many errors for the screenshot and download.

    I have a computer Dell brand new and CC Adobe Ae 2015.3. I am new to Adobe CC. I have ALL the CC apps.


    Intel Core i7 6700

    Hearts 4

    Thread 8

    Processor Intel Core i7 6700 name

    Skylake code name

    Package Socket LGA of 1151

    14nm technology

    Specification Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40 GHz

    Family 6

    Extended family 6

    Model E

    5th expanded model

    3 step by step

    Revision R0

    Instructions, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, Intel 64, NX, VMX, AES, AVX, AVX2 FMA3

    Virtualization made supported, disabled

    Hyperthreading is supported, enabled

    Bus speed 99.7 MHz

    Stock of basic speed 3400 MHz

    Stock of 100 MHz Bus speed

    Average temperature of 27 ° c.


    L1 Data Cache size 4 x 32 KBytes

    L1 Instructions Cache size 4 x 32 KBytes

    L2 unified Cache size 4 x 256 KB

    L3 unified Cache size 8192 KB


    Basic multiplier speed Bus speed temperature Threads

    0 x 8,0 MHz 797,3 99.7 MHz 27 c ° base APIC ID: 0, 1

    Core 1 797,3 MHz x 8.0 99.7 MHz 27 c ° APIC ID: 2, 3

    Core 2 797,3 MHz x 8.0 99.7 MHz 26 ° APIC ID: 4, 5

    3 x 8,0 MHz 797,3 99.7 MHz 27 c ° APIC ID of the base: 6, 7



    DELL NVIDIA GeForce gt 730 S2415H name

    Course resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels

    Work the resolution 1920 x 1040 pixels

    The active, primary State

    1920 screen width

    Monitor height 1080

    Monitor the BPP 32 bits per pixel

    Monitoring frequency 60 Hz

    Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 730

    Manufacturer NVIDIA

    GeForce GT 730 model

    Deviceid 10DE-1287

    Revision A2

    Subprovider Dell (1028)

    Output current level 1

    GPU current 405 MHz clock

    Memory current 405 MHz clock

    Current Shader clock 405 MHz

    Voltage v 1.025

    Bus interface PCI Express x 8

    Temperature of 29 ° c. driver version

    The BIOS version 80.28.8e.00.04

    2047 MB physical memory

    Virtual memory 2048 MB

    Number of performance levels: 2

    Level 1 — «2D Desktop.

    GPU clock 405 MHz

    405 MHz Shader clock

    Level 2 — «3D Applications.

    GPU clock MHz 653

    900 MHz Shader clock

    Now that I’m locked in Adobe CC with their contract, I can not uninstall and throw it in the trash, unless I want to pay for the cancelled subscription rate.

    Anyone has any idea what I can do to fix this?

    I bought and downloaded two projects After the Envato market Effects that have been tested and approved by Envato and used by hundreds of

    users with no reported similar problems.

    Thanks for any help members of the forum since Adobe seems not to be available to their paying customers.

    Will be

    I can’t believe that there are no live (Chat or phone) for all the money I give to Adobe CC. This is unacceptable!

    There are. I did it several times. Contact the customer service . Once you have finished toggle menus, you will have a window saying «needs help».

    I get several error messages whenever I try to open a project in Ae. The police errors. Hide errors. Errors, I don’t know what they are.

    There are too many errors for the screenshot and download.

    Be more specific. display error messages (screenshots). If it’s that bad — don’t try to contact support.

  • I’m trying to install Adobe After Effect, but I found an error Exit Code: 34

    Exit Code: 34 Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: -------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s) FATAL: Payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) {9B78FAB0-AC6B-11E0-8EF3-00215AEA26C9}' information not found in Media_db. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    What can I do?

    I have Windows.

    I tried to uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ but it did nothing.

    Please help me

    See if the following helps you: Re: Exit Code: 34—a mistake during the installation of

  • After effects WARNING: Error renaming «Workspace.xml.

    I did a complete uninstall and re-install. I’m unable to open after effects, and this is the error I get: After Effects Warning: cannot rename the file «Home/Users / / Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/10.0/Workspaces.9932.1407353177382401.xml ‘ to ‘Workspaces.xml ‘.

    After you have clicked twice, I gives me this error message:

    After that the effects can’t continue: unexpected failure during the application startup

    And then After Effects will stop. Any thoughts?

    You must ensure that the contents of this folder are also correct permissions.

    One way to do might be to move the Adobe folder to the preferences and then launch AE. This will require to rebuild the Preferences folder, and hope it will be OK.

  • After effects error: could not find the main entry point for TitlerAfterEffectsHost.plugin


    When start after effect CS6, I get this error message.

    Any ideas on how to solve this problem.

    Michael Smith

    As Mylenium says it’s a mistake to third party plug-ins, the titration module NewBlueFX plug-ins. I would like to ask for help with their plug-in:


  • Creating cloud not let buy me After Effects.

    Creating cloud not let buy me After Effects.

    Get an error on the official adobe site. When you try to buy it.

    Load the logo four Blue Squares but… This leaves:


    SE estan produciendo some problems; intentelo mas nuevo look forward. The continued if el problema, póngase in contacto con the customer support.

    Link to check: https://creative.adobe.com/es/products/download/aftereffects?promoid=KSPEC

    Use a browser that allows cookies and pop-up windows, please contact adobe for hourly pst support by clicking here and, when it is available, click «still need help,» http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/service-ccm.html

  • After Effects won’t update/install

    I tried to update after effects but I received an error message, so I renamed the 1.0.old application support folder had the same error… Finally, I uninstalled after effects CC and went to download and reinstall but it’s just stuck in «waiting.»  Any suggestions?

    Mac or Windows and EXACTLY what version of the operating system?

    Recent Mac AND Windows operating systems have been known to cause problems «weird.»

    You MUST have a 64-bit computer and operating system… What is your computer?

    -Programs are supposed TO not view or download if they are not installed on your computer

    MINIMUM for After Effects and Premiere Pro http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/system-requirements.html

  • CS6 after effect download help

    Exit code: 6

    Please see the faults and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF015, DW063…

    ————————————— Summary —————————————

    -0 fatal Error (s), 10 (s), 0 warning (s)

    -Payload: {CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20} Adobe Media Encoder CS6

    ERROR: DF015: cannot delete the symlink «/ Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CS6/Adobe Media Encoder CS6.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtlib.framework/Resources»(Seq 844).

    ERROR: DW063: ARKDeleteSymlinkCommand of command failed. (Seq 844)

    -Payload: {4817D846-700B-474E-A31B-80892B3E92E3} Adobe After Effects CS6

    ERROR: DF015: cannot delete the symlink «/ Applications/Adobe After Effects CS6/Adobe After Effects CS6.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtlib.framework/Resources»(Seq 1405).

    ERROR: DW063: ARKDeleteSymlinkCommand of command failed. SEQ (1405)

    ERROR: DF014: failed to create a symbolic link to «/ Applications/Adobe After Effects CS6/Adobe After Effects CS6.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtlib.framework/amtlib» with a goal of «» (Seq 1404)

    ERROR: DW063: error to reverse the order ARKDeleteSymlinkCommand (Seq 1404)

    ERROR: DF037: unable to delete the directory «/ users/roderickleverett/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects / 11.0″(Seq 33).

    ERROR: DW063: error to reverse the order ARKCreateDirectoryV2Command (Seq 33)

    ERROR: DW050: the following payload errors were found during the installation:

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe After Effects CS6: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe Media Encoder CS6: installation failed



    Please see the link below.

    Errors ‘ Exit Code: 6, «» Exit Code: 7 «|»» CC, CS6, CS5.5

    Hope this will help you.

    Kind regards

    Hervé Khare

  • After effects starting problem

    Hey guys, I just downloaded adobe cc on my iMac (that runs on Yosemite). I can’t get after effects to work because this error message keeps coming up.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times and I’m really lost!

    I hope that someone has encountered this problem before?

    I downloaded CC on my macbook pro, which has no problem at all. And it is also running on Yosemite. Help please!

    Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 11.30.29 pm.png

    See this:

    fix the permissions problem that prevents to start Adobe applications

  • After Effects will be not updated for MAC 10.9.4 even on the Root account.

    I’ve already updated my Mac OS to 10.9.4 and it was only until today that I wanted to use After Effects. I opened After Effects and I get an error, after some googling I am taken to a download page for the update of After Effects. I downloaded the update, but when I ran it, it said I had no sufficient privileges. After a long chain of events that involved trick my computer into thinking that it was all new to an admin account, I made an admin account and from there had access to the root account. Once the root account, I thought that all the permissions would be open, but no, I still receive the same error message, «please contact your system administrator if you want to apply updates on your machine. Updates have been removed by your administrator. »

    Is there an I need to press the button or command that I need to type in the root account, which will allow me to update the AE? Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    This is not the administrator of the computer; rather, it is the administrator of your software licenses. Who distributed your Adobe software seems to have chosen the option in this distribution to disable updates. You will need to talk with them.

  • Adobe After Effects do not install

    Hi all

    Forgive my ignorance if this has been discussed, but I am running Windows 7, with a processor i7 970 Hexacore, 12 GB of RAM, a GTX 460 (I know that the Mercury playback engine does not support this, for some reason any)… I bought CS5 Production Suite and I’m very psyched on this subject, however, After Effects will not install with the following error code. Can someone help me? (Would be my GPU prevent After Effects install?) I thought that it would simply not be able to use the Mercury playback engine if the card was not supported.)

    Thank you very much


    Exit code: 6

    ————————————— Summary —————————————

    -1 fatal Error (s), 3 (s), 36 warning (s)

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {33A3F995-8333-4676-8D6F-AB7674BB52EA}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {53BC789D-073D-47B6-AA9F-DE05990AF07A}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {565DE707-5798-4FC3-8DF6-0F58A348A9B0}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {5DDABB74-A879-4BE7-A4C6-FD41793942DB}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {694213D7-1E0E-4C8F-B822-E2E3680C0FCE}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {7816FDDE-40D4-482D-AD7D-97858985DB3E}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {AAE6F374-91CB-45FB-9282-4CFA0DED2088}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {B8D286BC-A68D-4E74-9F68-8756A49896D8}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {C0AA232E-BD1B-40B5-A176-A2BEB67FFAE1}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {CD29B5CA-4727-4114-9AD9-25CCCE6E4014}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {DA1B174B-4297-467C-9EF8-0AB8D4D5171E}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {DE5DE662-2ECB-4D93-967B-221FBCC8A736}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {F319804F-E3A4-4C02-8AEC-CB39A4F6447E}

    ATTENTION: OS configuration is not for {F9C71630-0EE3-475C-9E2B-ED95AE197DBD}

    WARNING: WARNING: {2F6B67F4-A2BB-45D7-A80C-25FF646CC1C5} Adobe Player for Embedding will not be repaired, because of update patch ITS and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} camera profiles installer will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {02731921-5711-4E7A-A898-D6BCF0F2A1CD} Adobe CSXS CS5 Infrastructure will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP panels CS5 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {7A33510F-1580-42C2-877E-8C5502566292} Adobe Player for Embedding x 64 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {0D067D13-C3D7-4EA6-B346-740CD91FD547} Adobe Bridge CS5 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: DeviceCentral {6E505C8F-2896-11DF-9B64-0013724DD917} will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {1D809D80-28A4-11DF-A816-0024E8692489} DeviceCentral_DeviceCentral3LP-en_US will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {61A3D10A-AA4D-4E4C-B9DB-6A08D318EA41} Photoshop Camera Raw (64-bit) will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {2F6B67F4-A2BB-45D7-A80C-25FF646CC1C5} Adobe Player for Embedding will not be repaired, because of update patch ITS and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} camera profiles installer will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {02731921-5711-4E7A-A898-D6BCF0F2A1CD} Adobe CSXS CS5 Infrastructure will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP panels CS5 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {7A33510F-1580-42C2-877E-8C5502566292} Adobe Player for Embedding x 64 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: File CreateAlias:Icon does not exist in C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Utilities — CS5\Pixel Bender Toolkit 2\windows\pb_app.icofile:\\\C:\PIXELB~1\source\winwood\Staging 0X1.2E4801P-1020rea\windows\pb_app.ico42178f80493091e8e552c84a2897e9da68fce32_32_f8049309 1e8e552c84a2897e9da68fce for icon C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Start Creative Suite 5 Production Premium\Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2. lnk with target C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Utilities — CS5\Pixel Bender Toolkit 2\Pixel Bender Toolkit.exe

    WARNING: WARNING: {0D067D13-C3D7-4EA6-B346-740CD91FD547} Adobe Bridge CS5 will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: DeviceCentral {6E505C8F-2896-11DF-9B64-0013724DD917} will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {1D809D80-28A4-11DF-A816-0024E8692489} DeviceCentral_DeviceCentral3LP-en_US will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    WARNING: WARNING: {61A3D10A-AA4D-4E4C-B9DB-6A08D318EA41} Photoshop Camera Raw (64-bit) will not be repaired, because of ITS update patch and a payload of high level is being installed.

    ATTENTION: Payload cannot be installed due to the failure of the operation dependent

    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during the installation:

    ERROR:-Adobe after effects CS5_AdobeAfterEffects10en_USLanguagePack: installation failed

    ERROR:-Adobe After Effects CS5: due to a lack of Language Pack installation

    FATAL ERROR: Failed to create active extract to «C:\Program Files (x 86) \Common {DA1B174B-4297-467C-9EF8-0AB8D4D5171E} ‘ zip file ‘D:\Users\B.R. Burton\Desktop\Adobe CS5 Production Premium\Adobe CS5\payloads\AdobeAfterEffects10AllTrial\Assets1_1.zip. Error 0


    > No problem! I have a question. Are there potential problems with allowing support for a GTX 460 via the popular ‘hack’ that are available online? Violate the EULA? I turn on and it seems to work perfectly, but if it violates a EULA, I’ll reverse the trend. Or if something happens, it will void the warranty? I don’t want to do something wrong…

    It is a question of Premiere Pro and has nothing to do with After Effects.

    Please ask questions about Premiere Pro on the Premiere Pro forum:


  • After effects OpenGL error on a Satellite A200 — 1 M 7

    I am engaged in the development of video. Earlier, I worked on an old computer (256RAM, 1.7 Mhz, 64 MB of video).
    I work in the program Adobe After Effect, but today to work on Toshiba satellite A200 — 1 m 7
    (It’s very powerful computer Core 2 duo 1.8 Mhz, 1024Ram 256 MB video), the program
    gives an error: After Effects error: OpenGL: could not share context — monitor color depth must be 32. (5044::0)

    This is what it means and what it can be corrected. Thank you!

    What display driver update?
    I’ve read many threads that different programs don t due to graphics driver compatibility issues.

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