Коды Компонентов (MID)
MID Описание Old Text Message New Text Message *
128 Двигатель #1 ENGINE ENG
130 АКПП — † Trans
136 Анти-блокировочная Система Тормозов (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake
140 Панель, Левая INSTRCLST Instr
142 Панель, Правая #1 INSTRCLST MGMT
172 Диагностическая Система DIAGNOSTC DIAG
179 Чёрный Ящик LOG CMPTR CMPTR
181 Спутниковая Система COMM SAT Satl
190 Кондиционер ACPU A/C
219 Радар VORAD Radar
231 Система Сотовой Связи COMM CELL Phone
234 Панель, Правая #2 INSTRCLST Instr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the MID number will display.
Коды Параметров (PID) 51 — 63
51 Положение Педали Газа THROTTLE POS Throttle Pos
52 Температура Интеркулера INTERCLR TEMP Intercool TEMP
53 Сцепление Синхронизатора SYNCRO CLUTCH Synchro Clutch
54 Тормоз Синхронизатора SYNCRO BRAKE Synchro Brake
55 Положение Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR POS Shift FNGR Pos
56 Статус переключателя диапазонов RANGE SWITCH RANGE Switch
57 Статус Активатора #2 КПП ACTTRSTATUS#2 Actuator #2
58 Статус Механизма Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR ACT Shift FNGR Act
59 Статус Мотора Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR GEAR Shift FNGR Gear
60 Положение Кулисы КПП SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail
61 Статус Активатора Стояночного Тормоза PRKBRKACTUATOR Park Brake Act
62 Статус Моторного Тормоза RETARDRINHIBIT RetardrInhibit
63 Статус Активатора #1 КПП ACT STATUS #1 Actuator #1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
64 Статус Переключателя Направления DIRCTNSWCHSTAT Dir Switch
Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
65 Статус Переключателя Тормозов SVCBRK SW STAT Serv Brake Sw
66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING
67 Статус Переключатель Подключения Передач SHFT RQST SWCH Shift RQST Switch
68 Фактор Ограничения Крутящего Момента TRQ LIMIT FCTR TORQ LimitFctr
69 Статус Переключателя Двухскоростного Оси 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH 2 SPEEDAxl Sw
70 Переключатель Стояночного Тормоза PARKBRK SWITCH Park Brake Sw
71 Статус Таймер Холостого Хода IDLESHUTDWNTMR IdleShutdwnTmr
72 Положение Клапана Воздуха в Кондиционере BLOWRBYPASSPOS Blowr BYPASVal
73 Давление Дополнительной Помпы AUXWATRPMPPRSS Aux PUMP Press
74 Максимальная Скорость Движения MAXROADSPEED Max ROAD SPEED
75 Температура Масла Передней Оси STRNGAXLTEMP Str. Axle TEMP
76 Давление Подъёмника Оси AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres
77 Температура Масла Средней Оси FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP
78 Температура Масла Задней Оси RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP
79 Температура Покрытия Дорог ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP
80 Уровень Жидкости Омывателя WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level
81 Давление в Ловушке Частицы PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press
82 Давление Системы Пневматического Стартера AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres
83 Статус Ограничения Скорости Движения ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim
84 Скорость Движения ROAD SPEED ROAD SPEED
85 Переключатель Круиза CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status
86 Переключатель Круиза «Set Speed» CRUISE SET Cruise Set
87 Переключатель Круиза «High—Set» CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set
88 Переключатель Круиза «Low—Set» CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set
89 Статус Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO STATUS PTO Status
90 Температура Масла Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP
91 Положение Педали Газа (Процент Полного Хода) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal
92 Процент Нагрузка на Двигателе ENG LOAD % % ENG LOAD
93 Выходящий Крутящий Момент OUTPUT TORQUE OUTPUT TORQUE
94 Давление Подачи Топлива FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress
95 Разница Давления через Фильтр Топлива FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter
96 Уровень Топлива FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level
97 Индикатор Воды в Топливе WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 98 — 127
98 Уровень Масла в Двигателе OIL LEVEL Oil Level
99 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres
100 Давление Масла в Двигателе OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
101 Давление Картерных Газов CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress
102 Давление, Добавленное Турбокомпрессором BOOST PRESSR Boost Press
103 Скорость Турбокомпрессора TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED
104 Давление Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress
105 Давление в Коллекторе INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP
106 Давление Воздух, Входящий в Фильтр AIR INLET PRSS AirInlet Press
107 Разница Давления через Фильтр Воздуха AIR FILTER Air Filter
108 Барометрическое Давление BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press
109 Давление Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press
110 Температура Охлаждающей Жидкости ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP
111 Уровень Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level
112 Разница Давления через Фильтр Антифриза CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs
113 Диапазон Регулятора Компрессора GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP
114 Ток Комплекта Аккумуляторов (амперы) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS
115 Ток Генератора (амперы) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS
116 Рабочее Давление Тормозов BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press
117 Давление 1-го Ресивера BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press
118 Давление 2-го Ресивера BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press
119 Давление Гидравлического Ретардера HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press
120 Температура Масла Гидравлического Ретардера HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP
121 Статус Моторного Тормоза ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status
122 Процент Моторного Тормоза ENG RETARDER % % Retarder
123 Давление Сцепления CLUTCH PRESSR Clutch Press
124 Уровень Масла в КПП OIL LEVEL Oil Level
125 Указатель Уровня Масла в КПП TRANSOIL HI/LO Oil Level
126 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла в КПП FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress
127 Давление Масла в КПП OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
154 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #2 AUX INP/OUTP#2 Aux. In/Out #2
Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
155 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #1 AUX IN/OUT #1 Aux. In/Out #1
156 Общее Давление Система Распределения Форсунок AUX IN/OUT #1 Inj Time Press
157 Общее Давление Система Подачи Форсункам INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press
158 Переключенное Напряжение Аккумуляторов BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)
159 Давление Подачи Газа (не дизель) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press
160 Скорость Вторичного Вала MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED
161 Скорость Входного Вала INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED
162 Положение Переключатель «Диапазон» КПП RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected
163 Положение «Диапазон» КПП RANGE ATTAINED RANGE Attained
164 Давление Управления Впрыска INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press
166 Рейтинг Мощности Двигателя RATED ENG PWR Rated Power
167 Напряжение на Генераторе VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)
168 Напряжение на Аккумуляторах VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)
169 Температура Внутри Кузова CARGOAMBTEMP CARGO TEMP
170 Температура Внутри Кабины CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP
171 Температура Наружного Воздуха AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP
172 Температура в Коллекторе AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP
173 Температура Выхлопных Газов EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP
174 Температура Топлива FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP
175 Температура Масла в Двигателе ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
176 Температура Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP
177 Температура Масла в КПП TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
178 Нагрузка на Передней Оси FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.
179 Нагрузка на Задних Осях REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.
180 Вес Прицепа TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT
182 Количество Топлива за Поездку TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel
183 Расход Топлива FUEL RATE Fuel Rate
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
184 Мгновенный Расход Топлива INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ
185 Средний Расход Топлива AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel Econ
Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
186 Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SPEED PTO SPEED
187 Ограниченная Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SET SPEED PTO Set SPEED
188 Обороты Холостого Хода IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED
189 Рейтинг Скорости Двигателя RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED
191 Скорость Выходного Вала КПП TRAN OUT SPEED OUTPUT SPEED
232 Исправление DGPS DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn
233 Заводский Код POWER UNIT # — †
234 Версия Софта SOFTWARE ID Software ID
235 Итого Часы При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs
236 Итого Топлива При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel
238 Направление Велосита Движения VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector
239 Положение Машины (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position
240 Заводский Код CHG REF # CHANGE Ref #
241 Давление в Шинах Колёс TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure
242 Температура Колёс TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP
243 Идентификация Компонентов COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID
244 Пробег Поездки TRIP DISTANCE TRIP Distance
245 Итог Пробега TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist
246 Итог Рабочих Часов Машины TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs.
247 Итог Рабочих Часов Двигателя TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.
248 Итог Рабочих Часов Коробки Отбора Мощности TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.
249 Итог Оборотов Двигателя TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs
250 Итого Сжигающего Топлива TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed
251 Часы CLOCK Clock
252 Дата DATE Date
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the PID number will display.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
1 Форсунка Цилиндра #1 CYL#1 INJECTR Cyl #1 Injectr
2 Форсунка Цилиндра #2 CYL #2 INJECTR Cyl #2 Injectr
3 Форсунка Цилиндра #3 CYL #3 INJECTR Cyl #3 Injectr
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
4 Форсунка Цилиндра #4 CYL #4 INJECTR Cyl #4 Injectr
5 Форсунка Цилиндра #5 CYL #5 INJECTR Cyl #5 Injectr
6 Форсунка Цилиндра #6 CYL #6 INJECTR Cyl #6 Injectr
7 Форсунка Цилиндра #7 CYL #7 INJECTR Cyl #7 Injectr
8 Форсунка Цилиндра #8 CYL #8 INJECTR Cyl #8 Injectr
9 Форсунка Цилиндра #9 CYL #9 INJECTR Cyl #9 Injectr
10 Форсунка Цилиндра #10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr
11 Форсунка Цилиндра #11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr
12 Форсунка Цилиндра #12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr
13 Форсунка Цилиндра #13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr
14 Форсунка Цилиндра #14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr
15 Форсунка Цилиндра #15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr
16 Форсунка Цилиндра #16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr
17 Главный Клапан Отключения Топлива FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff
18 Клапан Управления Подачи Топлива FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control
19 Клапан Байпас Акселератора THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS
20 Механизм, Управляющий Распределение TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator
21 Датчик Положения Коленвала ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor
22 Датчик Распред. Вала TIMING SENSOR TIMING Sensor
23 Механизм Топливной Плиты RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator
24 Датчик Положения Топливной Плиты RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens
25 Сигнал Системы, Защищающей Двигатель EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect
26 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver
27 Управляющий Механизм #1 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator
28 Управляющий Механизм #2 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2
29 Вход Сигнала Топливной Системы EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT
30 Вход Сигнала Скорости EXT SPEEDINPUT Ext SPEEDINPUT
32 Драйвер Перепускного Клапана Турбокомпрессора WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
33 Управление Пневмомуфты FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv
34 Датчик Подпора Выхлопа EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
35 Соленоид Регулировки Давления Выхлопных Газов EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol
36 Лампа Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGLAMP Glow PLUG LAMP
37 Реле Питания DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay
38 Реле Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay
39 Реле Стартера STARTER RELAY Starter Relay
40 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2
41 ECM 8-Волтовое Питание ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC
42 Регулятор Давление Форсунок INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG
43 Регулятор Высоких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act.
44 Регулятор Низких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
45 Регулятор Нейтральной Передачи АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act.
46 Цепь Земли АвтоШифта (минус) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common
47 Форсунка Цилиндра #17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr
48 Форсунка Цилиндра #18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr
49 Форсунка Цилиндра #19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr
50 Форсунка Цилиндра #20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr
51 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #3 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3
52 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4
53 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5
54 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6
55 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7
56 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8
57 Дополнительный PWM #1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1
58 Дополнительный PWM #2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2
59 Дополнительный PWM #3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3
60 Дополнительный PWM #4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4
61 Клапан Смеся Образования VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve
62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr
63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr
64 Датчик #2 Скорости Двигателя SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
65 Датчик Кислорода OXYGEN SENSOR — †
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
66 Сигнал Контроля Сжигания IG MODE SIGNAL — †
67 Сигнал Распределения Сжигания IG TIME SIGNAL — †
68 Давление во Втором Входе Турвокомпрессора TURBO PRSSRE 2 — †
69 Температура Афтеркулера ACOC COOL TEMP — †
70 Подогрев входного воздуха #1 — † — †
71 Подогрев входного воздуха #2 — † — †
72 Форсунка Цилиндра #21 CYL 21 INJECTR — †
73 Форсунка Цилиндра #22 CYL 22 INJECTR — †
74 Форсунка Цилиндра #23 CYL 23 INJECTR — †
75 Форсунка Цилиндра #24 CYL 24 INJECTR — †
76 Датчик Детонации KNOCK SENSOR — †
77 Клапан Управления Подачи Газа GASMETER VALVE — †
78 Управляющий Механизм Топливного Насоса — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 1 — 14
1 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L
2 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R
3 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L
4 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R
5 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L
6 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R
7 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L
8 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R
9 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L
10 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R
11 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve A3L
12 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve A3R
13 Реле Моторного Тормоза RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly
14 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. 1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 15 — 47
15 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2
16 Переключатель ABS ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch
17 Переключатель ASR ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch
18 Клапан DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve
19 Клапан DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve
20 Пневматический Контроль Двигатель PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl
21 Электрический Контроль Двигатель ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl
25 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Моста SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG
26 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Редуктора SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG
27 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Заднего Редуктора SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG
28 Модулятор Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod, Relay Valve
29 Датчик Давления Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv
30 Главное Реле Управления Системы ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay
31 Передний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
32 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
33 Задний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
34 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
35 Передний Ось Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
36 Передний Ось Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
37 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
38 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
39 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
40 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
41 Реле Высоты Подвески — † — †
42 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
43 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
44 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
45 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
46 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
47 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 48 — 80
SID Описание Old Text Message New Text Message *
48 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
49 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
50 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
51 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
52 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
53 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
54 Мотор Гидронасоса — † — †
55 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 1 — † — †
56 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 2 — † — †
57 Электрический Контроль Давление, 1-ый Ось — † — †
58 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 1 — † — †
59 Давления Тормозов, Ось 1 — † — †
60 Электрический Контроль Давление, 2-ой Ось — † — †
61 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 2 — † — †
62 Давления Тормозов, Ось 2 — † — †
63 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
64 Электрический Контроль Давление, 3-ий Ось — † — †
65 Давления Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
66 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
67 Пневматическое Управление Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
68 Давления Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
69 Датчик Нагрузки на Осях — † — †
70 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
71 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
72 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
73 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
74 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
75 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
76 Передатчик Сигнал Торможения — † — †
77 Датчик Сигнал #1 Торможения — † — †
78 Датчик Сигнал #2 Торможения — † — †
79 Размер Колёс — † — †
80 Контроль Торможения Машины — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 190 Коды Подсистем Кондиционера
1 Уровень Фреона REFRGNT CHRG REFRIG Pres
2 Уровень Влажности во Фреоне REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr
3 Неконденсирующийся Газ во Фреоне GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN
4 Соленоид, Управляющий Поток Фреона RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl
5 Датчик Низкого Давления Фреона LOW PRS SWITCH Low Pres SW
6 Цепь Управление Компрессора Фреона CLUTCH CIRCUIT Clutch Cir
7 Цепь Термостата Радиатора Кондиционера — † Tstat Cir
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 219 Коды Подсистем Радара VORAD
1 Передняя Антенна — † — †
2 Электроники Антенны — † — †
3 Монитор Тормозной Системы — † — †
4 Монитор Динамика — † — †
5 Монитор Положения Руля Управления — † — †
6 Монитор Спидометра — † — †
7 Монитор Правого Поворотника — † — †
8 Монитор Левого Поворотника — † — †
9 Дисплей — † — †
10 Датчик в Правой Стороне — † — †
11 Датчик в Левой Стороне — † — †
12 Задний Датчик — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 151 — 153
151 Системный Диагностический код #1 — † — †
152 Системный Диагностический код #2 — † — †
153 Системный Диагностический код #3 — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 154 — 248
154 Системный Диагностический код #4 — † — †
155 Системный Диагностический код #5 — † — †
219 Индикатор Сжигания † — — †
220 Электрическое Подключение Тягач/Прицеп (ISO 11992) — † — †
221 Напряжение Питания для Датчиков — † — †
222 Лампа «PROTECT» — † — †
223 Датчик Яркости — † — †
224 Сигнализация — † — †
225 Желтая Лампа — † — †
226 Датчик Передач КПП — † — †
227 Дополнительный Вход #1 — † — †
228 Переключатель Высокого Давления HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW
229 Переключатель Kickdown — † — †
230 Переключатель Подтверждения Холостого Хода — † — †
231 Цепь SAE J1939 — † — †
232 5-Волтовое DC Питание — † — †
233 Драйвер #2 — † — †
234 Механизм «ON» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
235 Механизм «OFF» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
236 Устройство Подключения Питания — † — †
237 Устройство Подключения Сжигания — † — †
238 Диагностическая Лампа — Красная — † — †
239 Диагностическая Лампа — Желтая — † — †
240 Память — † — †
242 Переключатель «RESUME» Круиза — † — †
243 Переключатель «SET» Круиза — † — †
244 Переключатель «ENABLE» Круиза — † — †
245 Переключатель #1 Педали Сцепления — † — †
246 Переключатель #1 Тормозной Педали — † — †
247 Переключатель #2 Тормозной Педали — † — †
248 Диагностическая цепь ОЕМ — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 249 — 254
249 Цепь SAE J1922 SAE J1922 SAE J1922
250 Цепь SAE J1708 (J1587) — † — †
252 Модуль Калибровки — † — †
253 Память Калибровки — † — †
254 Контроллер #1 CONTROLLER Controller
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Коды Неисправности (FMI)
FMI Описание Text Message
00 Выше нормы HIGH
01 Ниже нормы Low
02 Плавающий или Неправильный Сигнал Erratic
03 Напряжение выше нормы или КЗ в питание Short Hi
04 Напряжение ниже нормы или КЗ в землю Short Lo
05 Ток ниже нормы или обрыв OPEN
06 Ток выше нормы или КЗ в землю Short
07 Механическая система не правильно отвечает NoRESPONSE
08 Необычная Частота, Длина Импульса, или Период SIGNAL
09 Необычная Частота Обновления UPDATE
10 Необычная Скорость Изменение Rate
11 Ошибка не понятна Not Known
12 Сам блок не правильно работает Bad
13 Неправильно калибрирован Calibrate
14 Особенные Инструкции RSRVD
15 Резервирован RSRVD
Для записи на ремонт или ответ на интересующие вопросы обращайтесь по телефону:
+7 908 744 98 79
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Код 41
Вот значит, такое дело приключилось.
В рейсе, как обычно вдруг, после не продолжительной стоянки, заводим двигатель DD12.7 без ЕГР. До 1000 оборотов по тахометру двигатель работает ровно. При прибавлении оборотов выше 1000 двигатель начинает троить, обороты падают. До дома не далеко, машина пустая, потихоньку в гараж приехали.
Подключаем бук. В архиве 41 код.
Заводим, даем обороты выше 1000 и код становится активным. Двигатель «колбасит».
Меняем верхний датчик (был в запасе) результат тот-же.
Прозваниваем с контрольной лампой провода от разъема ЕСМ до датчиков. Верхние и нижние провода датчиков в норме. Лампочка уверенно горит.
Позже Меняем нижний датчик на новый. Двигатель троит уже на холостых.
Ставим старый датчик. До 1000 оборотов нормально, дальше троит.
Тут появляется мысль: вставить нижний датчик не до конца посадочного места. Оставляем зазор, толщина 5 рублевая монета.
И о чудо. Двигатель работает ровно во всем диапазоне оборотов, чисто, как раньше.
Ставим новый датчик с тем-же зазором, двигатель тоже работает ровно.
Вопрос к знатокам: Что делать дальше? Чем все это кончиться?
У кого какие мысли, может кто сталкивался с такими фокусами?
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Зарегистрирован: 07 ноя 2005 09:22
Сообщения: 356
Откуда: Свободный, Амурская область
Re: Код 41
я не сталкивался, но в таком случае под лобовину бы посмотрел.
Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2007 06:39
Сообщения: 814
Откуда: Москва
Re: Код 41
Пробовали замерять зазор между датчиком и вершиной зуба (согласно инструкции должен быть от 0,5 до 1.0 мм)? Сопротивление цепи датчика на разъеме к двигателю с подключенным датчиком (100-136 Ом)?
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Да, сопротивление порядка 126 ом. На двух датчиках.
Зазор измерять не пробовали, машина ушла во второй рейс.
Просто не понятно, что послужило изменением этого зазора…
Предупреждения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 15 сен 2008 22:38
Сообщения: 1310
Откуда: Лос Анжелес
Re: Код 41
Значит так братци.
Проверяем есть ли люфт коленвала. Водитель нажимает и отпускает педаль сцепления и вы проверяете дампер выбрации идет в перед и назад(если люфт 1мм и больше то плохо). Если нету люфта, то тогда все хорошо.
Новый сенсор ето еще не означает что он нормальний. В даном случае я 90% уверен, что там КИТАЙСКИЕ сенсори-копии стоят. Лично у меня был такой случай. Мотор колбасил когда обороты были 1300 и выше. Я експериментов не делал, просто поменял его на Оригинал-мейд бай Detroit Diesel.
over 1.5 milion miles on american highways
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Прошло три месяца….
Ездили с шайбой, ни кого не трогали.
На ходу двигатель стал временами троить, стрелять в глушитель. Сбросишь газ — потом некоторое время опять все хорошо.
Через несколько минут движения снова сбой в работе двигателя.
Меняли датчик на запасной — такая же картина.
Когда сняли шайбу и обнаружили что машина поехала как надо.
Что происходит?
Почему сначала с шайбой под датчиком работал двигатель а теперь без шайбы?
Sunny знает наверное природу этого явления.
Или еще кто?
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
История продолжается.
Двигатель работает то с шайбой или со снятой шайбой.
Может быть проблема с мозгами?
Кто подскажет….
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
На самом деле мозг делал 42 код.
А это другой датчик который стоит за компрессором.
Эти два датчика висят на одном проводе и видно когда за него дергаешь, работоспособность и восстанавливается.
Заменили верхний датчик и машина уехала.
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Вся эта история с кодом номер сорок два получила неожиданное продолжение. После замены двух датчиков TRS и SRS на новые машина поработала не много и вскоре «попросила» поставить старые датчики. После нескольких рейсов периодически машина отказывалась реагировать на педаль газа. Двигатель заводиться, но не газует. Заменили датчик положения педали газа на новый, газ появился. Через некоторое время газ опять «пропал». Потом появился, потом пропал….
Подсоединили диагностику. В архиве вдруг много ошибок появилось, плюс ошибки активные.
Ошибка код 22 далее 91/4. Прозвонили провода вдоль и поперек. Неисправность устраняли по Руководству по диагностике неисправностей системы DDEC на русском языке. По нему дошли до пункта 22.3.10 б) Если контакты и разъемы не повреждены, обратиться за помощью в техническую службу компании Detroit Diesel. Тупик.
Подыскали исправный автомобиль с похожей конфигурацией. Сняли с него блок ЕСМ. Установили свой блок ЕСМ. Подключили диагностику. Та же 22 ошибка, педаль газа не работает. Вывод: Мозги умерли. Правда смерть, какая то мучительная у них получилась. Теперь стало ясно, почему нужно было менять датчики положения коленвала и распредвала. Дело было не в датчиках. Только при размыкании цепи датчика (наверное) восстанавливалась на время работоспособность ЕСМ. Перед заменой блока ЕСМ на блок купленный не за дорого на разборке, выскочили еще коды:
На нашей машине стоят форсунки 7045. Блок ЕСМ с той машины, где стоят форсунки 6977. Турбина одинаковая. Настройки по конфигурации установок двигателя (передаточные числа, тип коробки, мощность, установки круиза и т.д. и т.п.) были успешно перенесены со старых мозгов в «новые». Калибровки форсунок тоже установили как на нашем моторе.
Вопрос: как сильно отличаются эти форсунки по своим характеристикам друг от друга? Или все-таки нужно перепрошить блок под наш конкретный двигатель и получиться ли эта процедура?
Модель нашего мотора 06R0567643
Модель мотора-донора 06R0560388
Или и так все будет работать? (работает двигатель нормально)
Кто что подскажет.
Зарегистрирован: 10 фев 2007 23:19
Сообщения: 1749
Re: Код 41
У Вас там в ошибках проскакивала проблема на замыкание плюсового провода на батареи, может быть из-за этого и мозги умирали (может быть еще не совсем умерли).
Может быть добиться того, что-бы эта проблема ушла, а она может унести и все остальные вместе с собой.
Салат званый вечер, наслаждайтесь.
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
На вновь поставленных мозгах этой ошибки нет, как и нет всех других ошибок. Проводка автомобиля осталась та же.
А коды пропали. БЛОК ЕСМ сам ошибки придумывал.
Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2008 15:03
Сообщения: 4
Откуда: Алтай
Re: Код 41
Умерший мозг не продаете?
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2006 14:02
Сообщения: 924
Откуда: Автоклуб ТРАК.РУ
Re: Код 41
Да все починить хочу по пробовать, руки не доходят пока.
Коды Компонентов (MID)
MID Описание Old Text Message New Text Message *
128 Двигатель #1 ENGINE ENG
130 АКПП — † Trans
136 Анти-блокировочная Система Тормозов (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake
140 Панель, Левая INSTRCLST Instr
142 Панель, Правая #1 INSTRCLST MGMT
172 Диагностическая Система DIAGNOSTC DIAG
179 Чёрный Ящик LOG CMPTR CMPTR
181 Спутниковая Система COMM SAT Satl
190 Кондиционер ACPU A/C
219 Радар VORAD Radar
231 Система Сотовой Связи COMM CELL Phone
234 Панель, Правая #2 INSTRCLST Instr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the MID number will display.
Коды Параметров (PID) 51 — 63
51 Положение Педали Газа THROTTLE POS Throttle Pos
52 Температура Интеркулера INTERCLR TEMP Intercool TEMP
53 Сцепление Синхронизатора SYNCRO CLUTCH Synchro Clutch
54 Тормоз Синхронизатора SYNCRO BRAKE Synchro Brake
55 Положение Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR POS Shift FNGR Pos
56 Статус переключателя диапазонов RANGE SWITCH RANGE Switch
57 Статус Активатора #2 КПП ACTTRSTATUS#2 Actuator #2
58 Статус Механизма Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR ACT Shift FNGR Act
59 Статус Мотора Управляющего Пальца КПП SHFT FNGR GEAR Shift FNGR Gear
60 Положение Кулисы КПП SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail
61 Статус Активатора Стояночного Тормоза PRKBRKACTUATOR Park Brake Act
62 Статус Моторного Тормоза RETARDRINHIBIT RetardrInhibit
63 Статус Активатора #1 КПП ACT STATUS #1 Actuator #1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
64 Статус Переключателя Направления DIRCTNSWCHSTAT Dir Switch
Коды Параметров (PID) 64 — 97
65 Статус Переключателя Тормозов SVCBRK SW STAT Serv Brake Sw
66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING
67 Статус Переключатель Подключения Передач SHFT RQST SWCH Shift RQST Switch
68 Фактор Ограничения Крутящего Момента TRQ LIMIT FCTR TORQ LimitFctr
69 Статус Переключателя Двухскоростного Оси 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH 2 SPEEDAxl Sw
70 Переключатель Стояночного Тормоза PARKBRK SWITCH Park Brake Sw
71 Статус Таймер Холостого Хода IDLESHUTDWNTMR IdleShutdwnTmr
72 Положение Клапана Воздуха в Кондиционере BLOWRBYPASSPOS Blowr BYPASVal
73 Давление Дополнительной Помпы AUXWATRPMPPRSS Aux PUMP Press
74 Максимальная Скорость Движения MAXROADSPEED Max ROAD SPEED
75 Температура Масла Передней Оси STRNGAXLTEMP Str. Axle TEMP
76 Давление Подъёмника Оси AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres
77 Температура Масла Средней Оси FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP
78 Температура Масла Задней Оси RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP
79 Температура Покрытия Дорог ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP
80 Уровень Жидкости Омывателя WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level
81 Давление в Ловушке Частицы PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press
82 Давление Системы Пневматического Стартера AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres
83 Статус Ограничения Скорости Движения ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim
84 Скорость Движения ROAD SPEED ROAD SPEED
85 Переключатель Круиза CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status
86 Переключатель Круиза «Set Speed» CRUISE SET Cruise Set
87 Переключатель Круиза «High—Set» CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set
88 Переключатель Круиза «Low—Set» CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set
89 Статус Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO STATUS PTO Status
90 Температура Масла Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP
91 Положение Педали Газа (Процент Полного Хода) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal
92 Процент Нагрузка на Двигателе ENG LOAD % % ENG LOAD
93 Выходящий Крутящий Момент OUTPUT TORQUE OUTPUT TORQUE
94 Давление Подачи Топлива FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress
95 Разница Давления через Фильтр Топлива FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter
96 Уровень Топлива FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level
97 Индикатор Воды в Топливе WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 98 — 127
98 Уровень Масла в Двигателе OIL LEVEL Oil Level
99 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres
100 Давление Масла в Двигателе OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
101 Давление Картерных Газов CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress
102 Давление, Добавленное Турбокомпрессором BOOST PRESSR Boost Press
103 Скорость Турбокомпрессора TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED
104 Давление Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress
105 Давление в Коллекторе INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP
106 Давление Воздух, Входящий в Фильтр AIR INLET PRSS AirInlet Press
107 Разница Давления через Фильтр Воздуха AIR FILTER Air Filter
108 Барометрическое Давление BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press
109 Давление Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press
110 Температура Охлаждающей Жидкости ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP
111 Уровень Охлаждающей Жидкости COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level
112 Разница Давления через Фильтр Антифриза CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs
113 Диапазон Регулятора Компрессора GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP
114 Ток Комплекта Аккумуляторов (амперы) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS
115 Ток Генератора (амперы) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS
116 Рабочее Давление Тормозов BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press
117 Давление 1-го Ресивера BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press
118 Давление 2-го Ресивера BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press
119 Давление Гидравлического Ретардера HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press
120 Температура Масла Гидравлического Ретардера HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP
121 Статус Моторного Тормоза ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status
122 Процент Моторного Тормоза ENG RETARDER % % Retarder
123 Давление Сцепления CLUTCH PRESSR Clutch Press
124 Уровень Масла в КПП OIL LEVEL Oil Level
125 Указатель Уровня Масла в КПП TRANSOIL HI/LO Oil Level
126 Разница Давления через Фильтр Масла в КПП FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress
127 Давление Масла в КПП OIL PRESSURE Oil Pressure
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
154 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #2 AUX INP/OUTP#2 Aux. In/Out #2
Коды Параметров (PID) 154 — 183
155 Статус Дополнительного Входа/Выхода #1 AUX IN/OUT #1 Aux. In/Out #1
156 Общее Давление Система Распределения Форсунок AUX IN/OUT #1 Inj Time Press
157 Общее Давление Система Подачи Форсункам INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press
158 Переключенное Напряжение Аккумуляторов BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)
159 Давление Подачи Газа (не дизель) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press
160 Скорость Вторичного Вала MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED
161 Скорость Входного Вала INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED
162 Положение Переключатель «Диапазон» КПП RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected
163 Положение «Диапазон» КПП RANGE ATTAINED RANGE Attained
164 Давление Управления Впрыска INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press
166 Рейтинг Мощности Двигателя RATED ENG PWR Rated Power
167 Напряжение на Генераторе VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)
168 Напряжение на Аккумуляторах VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)
169 Температура Внутри Кузова CARGOAMBTEMP CARGO TEMP
170 Температура Внутри Кабины CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP
171 Температура Наружного Воздуха AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP
172 Температура в Коллекторе AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP
173 Температура Выхлопных Газов EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP
174 Температура Топлива FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP
175 Температура Масла в Двигателе ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
176 Температура Масла в Турбокомпрессоре TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP
177 Температура Масла в КПП TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
178 Нагрузка на Передней Оси FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.
179 Нагрузка на Задних Осях REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.
180 Вес Прицепа TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT
182 Количество Топлива за Поездку TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel
183 Расход Топлива FUEL RATE Fuel Rate
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
184 Мгновенный Расход Топлива INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ
185 Средний Расход Топлива AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel Econ
Коды Параметров (PID) 184 — 253
186 Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SPEED PTO SPEED
187 Ограниченная Скорость Коробки Отбора Мощности PTO SET SPEED PTO Set SPEED
188 Обороты Холостого Хода IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED
189 Рейтинг Скорости Двигателя RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED
191 Скорость Выходного Вала КПП TRAN OUT SPEED OUTPUT SPEED
232 Исправление DGPS DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn
233 Заводский Код POWER UNIT # — †
234 Версия Софта SOFTWARE ID Software ID
235 Итого Часы При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs
236 Итого Топлива При Холостом Ходе TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel
238 Направление Велосита Движения VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector
239 Положение Машины (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position
240 Заводский Код CHG REF # CHANGE Ref #
241 Давление в Шинах Колёс TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure
242 Температура Колёс TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP
243 Идентификация Компонентов COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID
244 Пробег Поездки TRIP DISTANCE TRIP Distance
245 Итог Пробега TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist
246 Итог Рабочих Часов Машины TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs.
247 Итог Рабочих Часов Двигателя TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.
248 Итог Рабочих Часов Коробки Отбора Мощности TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.
249 Итог Оборотов Двигателя TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs
250 Итого Сжигающего Топлива TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed
251 Часы CLOCK Clock
252 Дата DATE Date
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the PID number will display.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
1 Форсунка Цилиндра #1 CYL#1 INJECTR Cyl #1 Injectr
2 Форсунка Цилиндра #2 CYL #2 INJECTR Cyl #2 Injectr
3 Форсунка Цилиндра #3 CYL #3 INJECTR Cyl #3 Injectr
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 1 — 32
4 Форсунка Цилиндра #4 CYL #4 INJECTR Cyl #4 Injectr
5 Форсунка Цилиндра #5 CYL #5 INJECTR Cyl #5 Injectr
6 Форсунка Цилиндра #6 CYL #6 INJECTR Cyl #6 Injectr
7 Форсунка Цилиндра #7 CYL #7 INJECTR Cyl #7 Injectr
8 Форсунка Цилиндра #8 CYL #8 INJECTR Cyl #8 Injectr
9 Форсунка Цилиндра #9 CYL #9 INJECTR Cyl #9 Injectr
10 Форсунка Цилиндра #10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr
11 Форсунка Цилиндра #11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr
12 Форсунка Цилиндра #12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr
13 Форсунка Цилиндра #13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr
14 Форсунка Цилиндра #14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr
15 Форсунка Цилиндра #15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr
16 Форсунка Цилиндра #16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr
17 Главный Клапан Отключения Топлива FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff
18 Клапан Управления Подачи Топлива FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control
19 Клапан Байпас Акселератора THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS
20 Механизм, Управляющий Распределение TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator
21 Датчик Положения Коленвала ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor
22 Датчик Распред. Вала TIMING SENSOR TIMING Sensor
23 Механизм Топливной Плиты RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator
24 Датчик Положения Топливной Плиты RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens
25 Сигнал Системы, Защищающей Двигатель EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect
26 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver
27 Управляющий Механизм #1 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator
28 Управляющий Механизм #2 Турбокомпрессора TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2
29 Вход Сигнала Топливной Системы EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT
30 Вход Сигнала Скорости EXT SPEEDINPUT Ext SPEEDINPUT
32 Драйвер Перепускного Клапана Турбокомпрессора WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
33 Управление Пневмомуфты FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv
34 Датчик Подпора Выхлопа EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 33 — 64
35 Соленоид Регулировки Давления Выхлопных Газов EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol
36 Лампа Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGLAMP Glow PLUG LAMP
37 Реле Питания DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay
38 Реле Системы Свечи Накаливания GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay
39 Реле Стартера STARTER RELAY Starter Relay
40 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2
41 ECM 8-Волтовое Питание ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC
42 Регулятор Давление Форсунок INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG
43 Регулятор Высоких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act.
44 Регулятор Низких Передач АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
45 Регулятор Нейтральной Передачи АвтоШифта AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act.
46 Цепь Земли АвтоШифта (минус) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common
47 Форсунка Цилиндра #17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr
48 Форсунка Цилиндра #18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr
49 Форсунка Цилиндра #19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr
50 Форсунка Цилиндра #20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr
51 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #3 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3
52 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4
53 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5
54 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6
55 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7
56 Драйвер Дополнительного Входа #8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8
57 Дополнительный PWM #1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1
58 Дополнительный PWM #2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2
59 Дополнительный PWM #3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3
60 Дополнительный PWM #4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4
61 Клапан Смеся Образования VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve
62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr
63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr
64 Датчик #2 Скорости Двигателя SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
65 Датчик Кислорода OXYGEN SENSOR — †
MID 128 Коды Подсистем Двигателя 65 — 78
66 Сигнал Контроля Сжигания IG MODE SIGNAL — †
67 Сигнал Распределения Сжигания IG TIME SIGNAL — †
68 Давление во Втором Входе Турвокомпрессора TURBO PRSSRE 2 — †
69 Температура Афтеркулера ACOC COOL TEMP — †
70 Подогрев входного воздуха #1 — † — †
71 Подогрев входного воздуха #2 — † — †
72 Форсунка Цилиндра #21 CYL 21 INJECTR — †
73 Форсунка Цилиндра #22 CYL 22 INJECTR — †
74 Форсунка Цилиндра #23 CYL 23 INJECTR — †
75 Форсунка Цилиндра #24 CYL 24 INJECTR — †
76 Датчик Детонации KNOCK SENSOR — †
77 Клапан Управления Подачи Газа GASMETER VALVE — †
78 Управляющий Механизм Топливного Насоса — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 1 — 14
1 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L
2 Датчик ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R
3 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L
4 Датчик ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R
5 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L
6 Датчик ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R
7 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Левый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L
8 Модулятор ABS, 1-ый Ось, Правый (передний) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R
9 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Левый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L
10 Модулятор ABS, 2-ой Ось, Правый (средний) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R
11 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Левый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve A3L
12 Модулятор ABS, 3-ий Ось, Правый (задний) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve A3R
13 Реле Моторного Тормоза RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly
14 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. 1
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 15 — 47
15 Реле, Диагональное Напряжение 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2
16 Переключатель ABS ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch
17 Переключатель ASR ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch
18 Клапан DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve
19 Клапан DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve
20 Пневматический Контроль Двигатель PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl
21 Электрический Контроль Двигатель ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl
25 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Моста SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG
26 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Переднего Редуктора SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG
27 Средняя Скорость Датчиков ABS Заднего Редуктора SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG
28 Модулятор Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod, Relay Valve
29 Датчик Давления Клапана ABS для Редукторов PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv
30 Главное Реле Управления Системы ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay
31 Передний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
32 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
33 Задний Мост Прицепа, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
34 Передний Мост Прицепа, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
35 Передний Ось Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
36 Передний Ось Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
37 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
38 Передний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
39 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Левый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
40 Задний Редуктор Тягача, Правый Тормоз, Регулировка Неправ BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
41 Реле Высоты Подвески — † — †
42 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
43 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
44 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
45 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
46 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
47 Держащий Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 136 Коды Подсистем ABS 48 — 80
SID Описание Old Text Message New Text Message *
48 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
49 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
50 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
51 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
52 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
53 Сбросной Соленоид Клапана —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
54 Мотор Гидронасоса — † — †
55 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 1 — † — †
56 Переключатель Тормозных Фар 2 — † — †
57 Электрический Контроль Давление, 1-ый Ось — † — †
58 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 1 — † — †
59 Давления Тормозов, Ось 1 — † — †
60 Электрический Контроль Давление, 2-ой Ось — † — †
61 Контроль Давления Запасной Системы, Ось 2 — † — †
62 Давления Тормозов, Ось 2 — † — †
63 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
64 Электрический Контроль Давление, 3-ий Ось — † — †
65 Давления Тормозов, Ось 3 — † — †
66 Электрическая Регулировка Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
67 Пневматическое Управление Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
68 Давления Тормозов, Прицеп — † — †
69 Датчик Нагрузки на Осях — † — †
70 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Левый — † — †
71 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 1 Правый — † — †
72 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Левый — † — †
73 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 2 Правый — † — †
74 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Левый — † — †
75 Датчик Толщины Колодок —Ось 3 Правый — † — †
76 Передатчик Сигнал Торможения — † — †
77 Датчик Сигнал #1 Торможения — † — †
78 Датчик Сигнал #2 Торможения — † — †
79 Размер Колёс — † — †
80 Контроль Торможения Машины — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 190 Коды Подсистем Кондиционера
1 Уровень Фреона REFRGNT CHRG REFRIG Pres
2 Уровень Влажности во Фреоне REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr
3 Неконденсирующийся Газ во Фреоне GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN
4 Соленоид, Управляющий Поток Фреона RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl
5 Датчик Низкого Давления Фреона LOW PRS SWITCH Low Pres SW
6 Цепь Управление Компрессора Фреона CLUTCH CIRCUIT Clutch Cir
7 Цепь Термостата Радиатора Кондиционера — † Tstat Cir
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
MID 219 Коды Подсистем Радара VORAD
1 Передняя Антенна — † — †
2 Электроники Антенны — † — †
3 Монитор Тормозной Системы — † — †
4 Монитор Динамика — † — †
5 Монитор Положения Руля Управления — † — †
6 Монитор Спидометра — † — †
7 Монитор Правого Поворотника — † — †
8 Монитор Левого Поворотника — † — †
9 Дисплей — † — †
10 Датчик в Правой Стороне — † — †
11 Датчик в Левой Стороне — † — †
12 Задний Датчик — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 151 — 153
151 Системный Диагностический код #1 — † — †
152 Системный Диагностический код #2 — † — †
153 Системный Диагностический код #3 — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 154 — 248
154 Системный Диагностический код #4 — † — †
155 Системный Диагностический код #5 — † — †
219 Индикатор Сжигания † — — †
220 Электрическое Подключение Тягач/Прицеп (ISO 11992) — † — †
221 Напряжение Питания для Датчиков — † — †
222 Лампа «PROTECT» — † — †
223 Датчик Яркости — † — †
224 Сигнализация — † — †
225 Желтая Лампа — † — †
226 Датчик Передач КПП — † — †
227 Дополнительный Вход #1 — † — †
228 Переключатель Высокого Давления HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW
229 Переключатель Kickdown — † — †
230 Переключатель Подтверждения Холостого Хода — † — †
231 Цепь SAE J1939 — † — †
232 5-Волтовое DC Питание — † — †
233 Драйвер #2 — † — †
234 Механизм «ON» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
235 Механизм «OFF» Стояночного Тормоза — † — †
236 Устройство Подключения Питания — † — †
237 Устройство Подключения Сжигания — † — †
238 Диагностическая Лампа — Красная — † — †
239 Диагностическая Лампа — Желтая — † — †
240 Память — † — †
242 Переключатель «RESUME» Круиза — † — †
243 Переключатель «SET» Круиза — † — †
244 Переключатель «ENABLE» Круиза — † — †
245 Переключатель #1 Педали Сцепления — † — †
246 Переключатель #1 Тормозной Педали — † — †
247 Переключатель #2 Тормозной Педали — † — †
248 Диагностическая цепь ОЕМ — † — †
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Общие Коды Подсистем (SID для любых MID-ов) 249 — 254
249 Цепь SAE J1922 SAE J1922 SAE J1922
250 Цепь SAE J1708 (J1587) — † — †
252 Модуль Калибровки — † — †
253 Память Калибровки — † — †
254 Контроллер #1 CONTROLLER Controller
* The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
† If there is no text message, the display area reserved for that text message will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
Коды Неисправности (FMI)
FMI Описание Text Message
00 Выше нормы HIGH
01 Ниже нормы Low
02 Плавающий или Неправильный Сигнал Erratic
03 Напряжение выше нормы или КЗ в питание Short Hi
04 Напряжение ниже нормы или КЗ в землю Short Lo
05 Ток ниже нормы или обрыв OPEN
06 Ток выше нормы или КЗ в землю Short
07 Механическая система не правильно отвечает NoRESPONSE
08 Необычная Частота, Длина Импульса, или Период SIGNAL
09 Необычная Частота Обновления UPDATE
10 Необычная Скорость Изменение Rate
11 Ошибка не понятна Not Known
12 Сам блок не правильно работает Bad
13 Неправильно калибрирован Calibrate
14 Особенные Инструкции RSRVD
15 Резервирован RSRVD
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Freightliner Trucks Fault Codes DTC
Freightliner Trucks Fault Codes DTC
Freightliner Trucks Fault Codes DTC.pdf
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40.6 KB
Component Codes (MID) — MID Description Old — Text Message — New Text Message *
128 Engine №1 — ENGINE — ENG
130 Automatic transmission — Trans
136 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) — TRCTR — BRK Brake
140 Panel, Left — INSTRCLST — Instr
142 Panel, Right № 1 — INSTRCLST — MGMT
172 Diagnostic System — DIAGNOSTC — DIAG
179 Black Box — LOG CMPTR — CMPTR
181 Satellite System — COMM — SAT Satl
190 ACPU — A / C — Air Conditioner
219 Radar — VORAD — Radar
231 Cellular Communication System — COMM CELL — Phone
234 Panel, Right № 2 — INSTRCLST — Instr
Parameter Codes (PID) 51 — 63
51 Position of the throttle pedal — THROTTLE POS — Throttle Pos
52 Intercooler Temperature — INTERCLR TEMP — Intercool TEMP
53 Synchronizer clutch — SYNCRO CLUTCH — Synchro Clutch
54 Synchronizer Brake — SYNCRO BRAKE — Synchro Brake
55 Position of the Control Shift Finger — SHFT FNGR POS — Shift FNGR Pos
56 Status of the range — SWITCH RANGE — Switch
57 Activator status № 2 — ACTTRSTATUS — transmission № 2 Actuator № 2
58 Gear Shift Gear Controller Status — SHFT FNGR ACT — Shift FNGR Act
59 Gear Shift Motor Status — SHFT FNGR GEAR — Shift FNGR Gear
60 Position Shift Gear Shift — FNGR RAIL Shift — FNGR Rail
61 Status of the Parking Brake Activator — PRKBRKACTUATOR — Park Brake Act
62 Status of Motor Brake — RETARDRINHIBIT — RetardrInhibit
63 Activator status № 1 — ACT STATUS — transmission № 1 Actuator № 1
Parameter Codes (PID) 64 — 97
64 Switch Status Directions — DIRCTNSWCHSTAT — Dir Switch
Parameter Codes (PID) 64 — 97
65 Status of the Brake Switch — SVCBRK SW STAT — Serv Brake Sw
66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status — VEHENABLCMPTST — Veh ENABLING
67 Status Switch Connections Transmission — SHFT RQST SWCH — Shift RQST Switch
68 Torque Limiting Factor TRQ — LIMIT FCTR TORQ — LimitFctr
69 Two-Speed Axis Switch Status — 2SPEEDAXLSWTCH — 2 SPEEDAxl Sw
70 Parking Brake Switch — PARKBRK SWITCH — Park Brake Sw
71 Status Idle Idle Timer — IDLESHUTDWNTMR — IdleShutdwnTmr
72 Air Valve Position in Air Conditioner — BLOWRBYPASSPOS — Blowr BYPASVal
73 Auxiliary Pump Pressure — AUXWATRPMPPRSS — Aux PUMP Press
74 Max. Travel Speed — MAXROADSPEED — Max ROAD SPEED
75 Front Axle Oils Temperature — STRNGAXLTEMP — Str. Axle TEMP
76 Axle Lift Axle Pressure AXLLIFTAIRPRES Axle Lift Pres
77 Medium Oils Temperature FWDRRDRVAXLTMP FR DrvAxl TEMP
78 Outer Axle Oils Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP
79 Road Coverage Temperature ROAD SRFC TEMP Road Surf TEMP
80 Washer Fluid Level WASHRFLUIDLEVL Washer Level
81 Pressure in the Particle Trap PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press
82 Pressure of the Pneumatic Starter System AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres
83 Status Movement Speed Limits ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim
85 Cruise Switch CRUISECNTRLST Cruise Status
86 Cruise Switch «Set Speed» CRUISE SET Cruise Set
87 Cruise Switch «High-Set» CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set
88 Cruise Switch «Low-Set» CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set
89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status
90 PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP Oil Temperature
91 Position of the Throttle Pedal (Percent of Full Run) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal
92 Percent Load on Engine ENG LOAD%% ENG LOAD
94 Fuel Injection Pressure FUEL DLVR PRSS Fuel DlvrPress
95 Difference of Pressure through the Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter
96 Fuel Level FUEL LEVEL Fuel Level
97 Indicator of Water in Fuel WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel
The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Parameter Codes (PID) 98 — 127
98 Oil Level in the Engine OIL LEVEL Oil Level
99 OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres Oil Pressure Difference
101 Pressure of Crankcase Gases CRANKCASE PRES CrankcasePress
102 Pressure Added by Turbocharger BOOST PRESSR Boost Press
103 Turbocharger Speed TURBO SPEED Turbo SPEED
104 Oil Pressure in Turbocharger TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress
105 Pressure in the Collector INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP
106 Air Pressure Entering the AIR INLET Filter PRSS AirInlet Press
107 Pressure difference via Air Filter AIR FILTER Air Filter
108 Barometric Pressure BAROM PRESSURE Baro Press
109 Cooling Fluid Pressure COOLNT PRESSR Coolant Press
110 Cooling Fluid Temperature ENGCOOLANTTEMP Coolant TEMP
111 Coolant Level COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level
112 Pressure Difference Through Antifreeze Filter CLNTFLTRDIFPRS CoolFltDiffPrs
113 Compressor Regulator Range GOVERNOR DROOP Governor DROOP
114 Current of Battery Pack (amps) NET BATT CURR Battery AMPS
115 Current of the Generator (amperes) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS
116 Working Pressure Brakes BRK APPL PRESS APPLI Press
117 Pressure of the 1st Receiver BRK PRIM PRESS Primary Press
118 Pressure of the 2nd Receiver BRK SEC PRESSR Sec. Press
119 Hydraulic Retarder Pressure HYD RTDR PRESS Retarder Press
120 Hydraulic Retarder Oil Temperature HYDRRTDROILTMP Retdr Oil TEMP
121 Status of Motor Brake ENGRTDRSTATUS Retardr Status
122 Percent of Motor Brake ENG RETARDER% Retarder
123 Clutch Pressure PRESSSR Clutch Press
124 Oil level in the gearbox OIL LEVEL Oil Level
125 Oil Level Indicator in the TRANSOIL HI / LO Oil Level
126 Differential Pressure via Oil Filter in the FILTER PRESSUR Filters FilterDifPress
The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Parameter Codes (PID) 154 — 183
154 Additional I / O Status № 2 AUX INP / OUTP № 2 Aux. In / Out № 2
Parameter Codes (PID) 154 — 183
155 Additional I / O Status № 1 AUX IN / OUT № 1 Aux. In / Out № 1
156 Total Pressure Distribution System Nozzle AUX IN / OUT # 1 Inj Time Press
157 Total Pressure Feed System Injectors INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press
158 Switching Voltage of Batteries BATTVLTGSWTCHD Volts (BattSw)
159 Gas Feed Pressure (not diesel) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press
160 Secondary Shaft Speed MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED
161 Input Shaft Speed INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED
162 Position Switch «Range» of the gearbox RANGE SELECTED RANGE Selected
164 Injection Control Pressure INJ CTRL PRESR Inj Ctrl Press
166 Engine Power Rating RATED ENG PWR Rated Power
167 Voltage on the Generator VOLTS (ALT) Volts (Alt)
168 Voltage on Rechargeable Batteries VOLTS (BATT) Volts (Batt)
169 Temperature Inside Body CARGOAMBTEMP CARGO TEMP
170 Temperature Inside Cabins CAB INT TEMP CAB TEMP
171 Outdoor Air Temperature AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP
172 Temperature in the AIR INLET TEMP Air Inlet TEMP Collector
173 Exhaust Gas Temperature EXH GAS TEMP Exh Gas TEMP
174 Fuel Temperature FUEL TEMP Fuel TEMP
175 OIL Temperature in Engine ENG OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
176 Oils Temperature in Turbocharger TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP
177 Oils Temperature in the TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP
178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt.
179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt.
180 Trailer weight TRAILER WEIGHT Trailer WEIGHT
182 Number of Fuel Per Trip TRIP FUEL TRIP Fuel
183 Fuel Consumption FUEL RATE Fuel Rate
Parameter Codes (PID) 184 — 253
184 Instantaneous Fuel Consumption INST FUEL ECON Inst Fuel Econ
185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel Econ
Parameter Codes (PID) 184 — 253
186 Speed of Power Pick Box PTO SPEED PTO SPEED
187 Restricted Power Pick Box Speed PTO SET SPEED PTO Set SPEED
188 Idle Turn Speeds IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED
189 Engine Speed Rating RATED ENG SPD Rated SPEED
191 Output Speed of the TRANCE SPEED OUTPUT SPEED
232 Correction DGPS DGPS DIF CRCTN DGPS Correctn
233 Factory setting POWER UNIT № —
235 Total Hours Under Idle Turn TOTL IDLE HRS Total Idle Hrs
236 Total Fuel When Idling TOTL IDLE FUEL Totl Idle Fuel
238 Direction of Velocity of Movement VELOCITYVECTOR VelocityVector
239 Machine position (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. Position
240 Factory setting Code CHG REF № CHANGE Ref №
241 Tire Pressure TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure
242 Temperature Wheel TIRE TEMP Tire TEMP
243 Identifying Components of COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID
244 TRIP TRIP Distance TRIP Distance
245 Total Run TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist
246 The Total of the Working Hours of the Machine TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs.
247 Total Engine Hour Hours TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs.
248 The Total of the Working Hours of the TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs.
249 Total Engine Revolutions TOTAL ENG REVS Total ENG Revs
250 Total Incineration Fuel TOTAL FUELUSED Total FUELUsed
251 CLOCK Clock Clock
252 Date DATE Date
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 — 32
1 Injector Cylinder № 1 CYL № 1 INJECTR Cyl № 1 Injectr
2 Injector Cylinder № 2 CYL № 2 INJECTR Cyl № 2 Injectr
3 Cylinder Nozzle № 3 CYL № 3 INJECTR Cyl № 3 Injectr
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 1 — 32
4 Injector Cylinder № 4 CYL № 4 INJECTR Cyl № 4 Injectr
5 Cylinder Nozzle № 5 CYL № 5 INJECTR Cyl № 5 Injectr
6 Cylinder Nozzle № 6 CYL № 6 INJECTR Cyl № 6 Injectr
7 Cylinder Nozzle № 7 CYL № 7 INJECTR Cyl № 7 Injectr
8 Cylinder Nozzle № 8 CYL № 8 INJECTR Cyl № 8 Injectr
9 Cylinder Nozzle № 9 CYL № 9 INJECTR Cyl № 9 Injectr
10 Injector Cylinder № 10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr
11 Injector Cylinder № 11 CYL 11 INJECTR Cyl 11 Injectr
12 Injector Cylinder № 12 CYL 12 INJECTR Cyl 12 Injectr
13 Injector Cylinder № 13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr
14 Injector Cylinder № 14 CYL 14 INJECTR Cyl 14 Injectr
15 Injector Cylinder № 15 CYL 15 INJECTR Cyl 15 Injectr
16 Cylinder Injector № 16 CYL 16 INJECTR Cyl 16 Injectr
17 Fuel Shut Off Main Valve FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff
18 Fuel Management Control Valve FUEL CONTROL Fuel Control
19 Bypass valve of the accelerator THROTTLE BYPAS ThrottleBYPASS
20 Mechanism, Controlling the Distribution TIMINGACTUATOR TIMINGActuator
21 Crankshaft Position Sensor ENG POS SENSOR PositionSensor
22 Sensor Distrib. TIMING SENSOR TIMING Sensor
23 Fuel Plate Mechanism RACK ACTUATOR Rack Actuator
24 Fuel Stack Position Sensor RACKPOS SENSOR Rack Pos Sens
25 System Signal Protecting the Engine EXT ENG PROTCT ExtENG Protect
26 Auxiliary Driver № 1 AUXOUTDRIVER1 AuxOut Driver
27 Controller Mechanism № 1 Turbocharger TURBO ACTUATR1 Turbo Actuator
28 Controller Engine № 2 Turbocharger TURBO ACTUATR2 TurboActuator2
29 Fuel System Signal Input EXT FUEL INPUT Ext Fuel INPUT
32 Turbocharger Bypass Valve Driver WASTEGATEDRVR WASTEGATE Drvr
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 — 64
33 Control Pneumatic FANCLTCH DRV Fan Clutch Drv
34 Exhaust Pressure Sensor EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 33 — 64
35 Solenoid Exhaust Pressure Regulation EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol
36 GLOWPLUGLAMP Glow PLUG LAMP Candle System Lamp
37 Power Relays DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay
38 System Relay Candles GLOWPLUGRELAY GlowPLUG Relay
39 Starter Relay STARTER RELAY Starter Relay
40 Auxiliary Driver № 2 AUXOUT DRIVER2 Auxout Driver2
41 ECM 8-Volt Power Supply ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC
42 Regulator Pressure Injectors INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG
43 High Speed Auto Shift Control AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act.
44 Low Speed Automatic Shift Control AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
45 Neutral Auto Shift Controller AUTOSHFTNTL GR Neutral Act.
46 Earth Auto Chain Circuit (minus) AUTOSHFTCOMLO Common
47 Injector Cylinder № 17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr
48 Injector Cylinder № 18 CYL 18 INJECTR Cyl 18 Injectr
49 Injector Cylinder № 19 CYL 19 INJECTR Cyl 19 Injectr
50 Injector Cylinder № 20 CYL 20 INJECTR Cyl 20 Injectr
51 Additional Input Driver № 3 AUXOUT DRIVER3 Auxout Driver3
52 Additional Input Driver № 4 AUXOUT DRIVER4 Auxout Driver4
53 Auxiliary Driver № 5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5
54 Auxiliary Driver № 6 AUXOUT DRIVER6 Auxout Driver6
55 Auxiliary Driver № 7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7
56 Additional Input Driver № 8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8
57 Additional PWM № 1 AUX PWM DRVR 1 Aux PWM Drvr 1
58 Additional PWM № 2 AUX PWM DRVR 2 Aux PWM Drvr 2
59 Additional PWM # 3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3
60 Additional PWM # 4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4
61 Valve Mixing Formation VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve
62 Prestroke Sensor PRESTROKE SNSR PreStroke Snsr
63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr
64 Engine Speed Sensor # 2 SPEED SENSOR2 SPEED Sensor 2
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 — 78
65 Oxygen Sensor OXYGEN SENSOR
MID 128 Engine Subsystem Codes 65 — 78
66 Combustion Control Signal IG MODE SIGNAL
67 Ignition Distribution Signal IG TIME SIGNAL
68 Pressure in the Second Turbocharger Inlet TURBO PRSSRE 2
69 Intercooler temperature ACOC COOL TEMP
70 Input air heating № 1
71 Input air heating № 2
72 Injector Cylinder № 21 CYL 21 INJECTR
73 Injector Cylinder № 22 CYL 22 INJECTR
74 Injector Cylinder № 23 CYL 23 INJECTR
75 Injector Cylinder № 24 CYL 24 INJECTR
76 Knock Sensor KNOCK SENSOR
77 Control valve for gas supply GASMETER VALVE
78 Fuel Pump Controller
MID 136 Codes Subsystems ABS 1 — 14
1 ABS sensor, 1st Axle, Left (front) WH SNSR AXL 1L Wh Snsr Axl 1L
2 ABS sensor, 1st Axle, Right (front) WH SNSR AXL 1R Wh Snsr Axl 1R
3 ABS sensor, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) WH SNSR AXL 2L Wh Snsr Axl 2L
4 ABS sensor, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R
5 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Left (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L
6 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Right (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R
7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve A1L
8 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve A1R
9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod. Valve A2L
10 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. Valve A2R
11 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Left (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve A3L
12 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Right (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod. Valve A3R
13 Motor Brake Relay RTDR CNTRL RLY Rtdr Cntrl Rly
14 Relays, Diagonal Voltage 1 RLAY DIAGONAL1 Relay DIAG. 1
MID 136 Codes Subsystems ABS 15 — 47
15 Relays, Diagonal Voltage 2 RLAY DIAGONAL2 Relay DIAG. 2
16 ABS switch ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch
17 ASR switch ASR MODE SWTCH ASR Mode Swtch
18 Valve DIF 1-ASR ASR DIF1 VALVE ASR Dif1 Valve
19 Valve DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve
20 Pneumatic Control Engine PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl
21 Electric Control Engine ELEC ENG CNTRL Elec ENG Cntrl
22 Speedometer sensor SPN SGNL INPUT SPEEDSIGNAL In
25 Average Speed of Front Axle ABS Sensors SENSOR AX1 AVG Sensor AX1 AVG
26 Average Speed of Sensors ABS of the Forward Reducer SENSOR AX2 AVG Sensor AX2 AVG
27 Average Speed of Sensors ABS Rear Gearbox SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG
28 Modulator of ABS Valve for Gearboxes PRSSRMODDRVAXL Mod, Relay Valve
29 Pressure Sensor for ABS Valve for Gearboxes PRSSRXDCDRVAXL Trans, Relay Vlv
30 MASTER RELAY Master Relay
31 Front Trailer Bridge, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
32 Front Trailer Bridge, Right Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
33 Rear Trailer Bridge, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
34 Front Trailer Bridge, Right Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
35 Front Axle of the Tractor, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
36 Front Axle Tractor, Right Brake, Adjustment Fault BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
37 Front Traction Gearbox, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
38 Front Traction Gearbox, Right Brake, Adjustment Fault BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
39 Rear Tractor Reducer, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
40 Rear Tractor Reducer, Right Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust
41 Relay Heights Suspension
42 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 1 Left
43 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 1 Right
44 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 2 Left
45 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 2 Right
46 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 3 Left
47 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 3 Right
MID 136 Codes Subsystems ABS 48 — 80
SID Description Old Text Message New Text Message
48 Valve Flushing Solenoid-Axis 1 Left
49 Valve Reset Solenoid-Axis 1 Right
50 Reset Valve Solenoid-Axis 2 Left
51 Valve Reset Solenoid-Axis 2 Right
52 Valve Reset Solenoid-Axis 3 Left
53 Valve Relief Solenoid-Axis 3 Right
54 Motor Hydraulic pump
55 Brake Light Switch 1
56 Brake Light Switch 2
57 Electrical Pressure Control, 1st Axle
58 Spare System Pressure Monitoring, Axis 1
59 Pressure Brakes, Axis 1
60 Electrical Pressure Control, 2nd Axis
61 Pressure Control of the Spare System, Axis 2
62 Pressure Brakes, Axis 2
63 Electric Brake Adjustment, Axle 3
64 Electrical Pressure Control, 3rd Axle
65 Pressure Brakes, Axle 3
66 Electric Brake Adjustment, Trailer
67 Pneumatic Brake Control, Trailer
68 Pressure Brakes, Trailer
69 Load Sensor on the Axes
70 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 1 Left
71 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 1 Right
72 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 2 Left
73 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 2 Right
74 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 3 Left
75 Shaft Thickness Sensor-Axis 3 Right
76 Transmitter Brake signal
77 Sensor Signal № 1 Braking
78 Sensor Signal № 2 Braking
79 Size Wheel
80 Braking Control Machines
MID 190 Air Conditioner Subsystem Codes
2 Moisture Level in Freon REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr
3 Non-Condensing Gas in Freon GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN
4 Solenoid Controlling Freon Flow RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl
5 Low Freon Pressure Sensor LOW PRS SWITCH Low Pres SW
6 Chain Freon Compressor Control CLUTCH CIRCUIT Clutch Cir
7 Thermostat Circuit of the A / C Radiator — Tstat Cir
MID 219 VORAD Radar Subsystem Codes
1 Front Antenna
2 Electronics Antennas
3 Brake System Monitor
4 Monitor Dynamics
5 Control Position Monitor
6 Speedometer Monitor
7 Right-angle monitor
8 Left Turn Monitor
9 Display
10 Sensor in the Right Side
11 Sensor in the Left Side
12 Rear Sensor
Common Subsystem Codes (SID for any MID) 151 — 153
151 System Diagnostic Code № 1
152 System Diagnostic Code № 2
153 System Diagnostic Code № 3
Common Subsystem Codes (SID for any MID) 154 — 248
154 System Diagnostic Code № 4
155 System Diagnostic Code № 5
219 Combustion indicator
220 Electrical connection Tractor / Trailer (ISO 11992)
221 Power Supply Voltage for Sensors
222 Lamp PROTECT
223 Brightness Sensor
224 Alarms
225 Yellow Lamp
226 Gearbox Transmission Sensor
227 Additional Input № 1
228 High Pressure Switch HI PRES SWITCH HI Pres SW
229 Switch Kickdown
230 Idle Walk Confirmation Switch
231 Chain SAE J1939
232 5-Volt DC Power Supply
233 Driver № 2
234 The «ON» mechanism of the Parking Brake
235 The «OFF» mechanism of the Parking Brake
236 Power Connection Device
237 Burning connection device
238 Diagnostic Lamp — Red
239 Diagnostic Lamp — Yellow
240 Memory
242 Switch «RESUME» Cruise
243 Switch «SET» Cruise
244 Switch «ENABLE» Cruise
245 Switch № 1 Clutch pedals
246 Brake Pedal Switch № 1
247 Switch № 2 of the Brake Pedal
248 Diagnostic chain OME
Common Subsystem Codes (SID for any MID) 249 — 254
249 Chain SAE J1922 SAE J1922 SAE J1922
250 Chain SAE J1708 (J1587)
252 Calibration module
253 Memory Calibration
254 Controller № 1 CONTROLLER Controller
FMI Description Text Message
00 Above the norm HIGH
01 Below norm Low
02 Floating or Wrong Erratic Signal
03 Voltage above normal or short circuit in the power supply Short Hi
04 Voltage below normal or short circuit in ground Short Lo
05 Undercurrent or open OPEN
06 Current above normal or short circuit in ground Short
07 The mechanical system does not correctly answer NoRESPONSE
08 Unusual Frequency, Impulse Length, or SIGNAL Period
09 Unusual Update Frequency UPDATE
10 Unusual Rate Rate Change
11 The error is not understandable. Not Known
12 The unit itself does not work properly Bad
13 Calibrate is incorrectly calibrated
14 Special Instructions RSRVD
15 RSRVD reserved
What are the fault codes for Freightliner engines?
Engine Fault codes (MID, PID, SID, FMI) FREIGHTLINER. Component Codes (MID) MID / Description / Old Text Message / New Text Message * 128 Engine # 1 ENGINE ENG 130 automatic transmission – † Trans 136 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left INSTRCLST Instr 142 Panel, Right # 1 INSTRCLST MGMT 172 Diagnostic System DIAGNOSTC DIAG
What is the oil temp on a Freightliner?
TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP 178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt. 179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt. * On March 7, 1997. 185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG.
Which is the SID number for Freightliner 7?
Only the SID number will display. 7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve a1l 8 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve a1r 9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod.
When did the mid code go out for Freightliner?
* On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. 154 Auxiliary IN / OUT Status # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux. In / Out # 2 155 Auxiliary IN / OUT status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux.
Engine Fault codes (MID, PID, SID, FMI) FREIGHTLINER. Component Codes (MID) MID / Description / Old Text Message / New Text Message * 128 Engine # 1 ENGINE ENG 130 automatic transmission – † Trans 136 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left INSTRCLST Instr 142 Panel, Right # 1 INSTRCLST MGMT 172 Diagnostic System DIAGNOSTC DIAG
What are the critical codes for Detroit Diesel?
Codes 43, 44,45,51 and 53 are critical codes and if they are shown; the Stop Engine Light will come on which causes the engine protections to engage and your engine may shut down. All other codes will cause the Check Engine Light to come on which will not engage the engine protections and will allow the engine to continue running;
Is the ECM dead on a Freightliner Columbia?
Discussion in ‘ Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum ‘ started by bruce25, May 19, 2017 . I have tried everything checked fuses pdm box battery fuses. Checked cables i am oit of ideas is the ecm dead? Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport. Please Select…
What is the OBD2 code for OBDII Freightliner?
OBDII Freightliner Code Definitions. Be sure to double check the codes. Anything P1000 to P1999 or P3000 to P3400 will be Manufacturer specific and may not match the ones listed here. Check specific manufacturer pages on the site, as some of them, we list the OBD2 codes on those pages for those specific vehicles.
What are the ABS codes for Freightliner M2?
Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action 136 001 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor.
What does the ecu128 code on Freightliner mean?
freightliner ecu128 code, what does this mean? It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.
* On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. 154 Auxiliary IN / OUT Status # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux. In / Out # 2 155 Auxiliary IN / OUT status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux.
Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action 136 001 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor.
What does the p0477 code mean on a PCM?
The P0477 code means that the PCM has detected an abnormally low voltage reading from the exhaust back pressure control valve circuit. This code may be stored along with other codes that relate to the exhaust back pressure control system, such as the P0478 and P0479 codes. The exhaust back pressure valve controls the exhaust back pressure.
Only the SID number will display. 7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve a1l 8 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve a1r 9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod.
How to repair a Freightliner Century class truck?
Freightliner (FL50-60-70-80-106-112, MB50-60-70-80) BUSINESS CLASS TRUCKS Workshop Service Repair Manual Freightliner CENTURY CLASS C112, C120, CORONADO Trucks Workshop Service Repair Manual Freightliner Shuttle Bus FB65 MB45 MB55 MBC XBP XBR XBS Chassis Workshop Service Repair Manual
Which is propane Gen 2 engine does Freightliner use?
PSI Power Solutions International 8.8L Propane Gen II Engine Service and Diagnostic Manual Freightliner Business Class FL50 FL60 FL70 FL80 FL106 FL112 MB50 MB60 MB70 MB80 Trucks Maintenance Manual
When did the mid number go out for Freightliner?
If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997.
What kind of engine does a 2000 Freightliner have?
2000 Freightliner FL112 Tandem Axle Water Truck, Cummins ISM 11L Engine, 100,880 Miles, 64K GVWR 18/46K, Diff Lock, Engine Brake, Hendrickson Rubber… 2005 Freightliner M2, CAT C11, 305HP, Allison 6 Speed Automatic, Jakes, Diff Lock, 56K GVWR 16/40K, 11R24.5 Tires On Steel Wheels, Spring Suspension,
Where can I find a Freightliner Maintenance manual?
Get to know your Freightliner truck by accessing our Driver and Maintenance Manuals, your source for technical and operational information by model. Additional video resources are available to optimize your Freightliner truck, and provide you with convenient overviews specific to the components of your vehicle by VIN.
What do you need to know about a Freightliner truck?
The better you know your Freightliner, the better equipped you are to maximize its profitability. Get to know your Freightliner truck by accessing our Driver and Maintenance Manuals, your source for technical and operational information by model.
What kind of truck is the 2010 Freightliner?
2010 FREIGHTLINER, CASCADIA 125, Heavy Duty Trucks – Conventional Trucks w/ Sleeper, Detroit DD15, Manual, 70″ Sleeper Tractor, Single Straight Stack,… 2005 FREIGHTLINER, COLUMBIA 112, Heavy Duty Trucks – Van Trucks / Straight Trucks – Dry, Mercedes , Automatic, Supreme 26L x 97H x 96W Lube Truck Dry
TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP 178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt. 179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt. * On March 7, 1997. 185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG.
freightliner ecu128 code, what does this mean? It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.
What is the fault code for a mid 128 engine?
Engine ECU Faults (MID 128) Fault Code Description FMI Codes MID 128 PID 26 Engine Fan Speed Percent 3,8 MID 128 PID 27 EGR Valve #1 Position Sensor 3,4,5 MID 128 PID 45 Preheater Relay Status 3,4,5 MID 128 PID 81 Particulate Filter 0,2,3,5,12
What was the problem with my 2006 Freightliner C15 engine?
Hi I just had my 2006 freightliner with the c15 with only 484000 km into the shop about 6 times in the last 2 months, dam neer every part of the cooling system was replaced.
What is the cat code for a C13 engine?
J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description CAT C13, C15, and C18 Tier 4 Final Engine Fault Codes 108-21 3528 -21 Barometric Pressure : Calibration Required Atmospheric Pressure Sensor : Calibration Required 109-3 2302-3 Engine Coolant Pressure : Voltage Above Normal Engine Coolant Pump Outlet Pressure Sensor : Voltage Above Normal
What are the fault codes for a caterpillar?
Caterpillar Fault Codes PID/SID FMI Fault Description 1 11 injector solenoid cyl#1 current below normal or open 2 11 injector solenoid cyl#2 current below normal or open 3 11 injector solenoid cyl#3 current below normal or open 4 11 injector solenoid cyl#4 current below normal or open
Hi I just had my 2006 freightliner with the c15 with only 484000 km into the shop about 6 times in the last 2 months, dam neer every part of the cooling system was replaced.
J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description CAT C13, C15, and C18 Tier 4 Final Engine Fault Codes 108-21 3528 -21 Barometric Pressure : Calibration Required Atmospheric Pressure Sensor : Calibration Required 109-3 2302-3 Engine Coolant Pressure : Voltage Above Normal Engine Coolant Pump Outlet Pressure Sensor : Voltage Above Normal
What does a diagnostic code mean on a Caterpillar engine?
CAT Fault Codes | Caterpillar Engine Errors And Trouble Codes Cat Diagnostic codes are used by the electronic system in order to alert the operator that a problem exists. A diagnostic code also indicates the nature of the problem for you, and you can see what is the code meaning with CatFaultCodes.com service.
What to do if your cat C15 engine is leaking?
Air might also be found on the return line to the tank, but be careful as some bubbles in the fuel is normal. Try pressurizing your fuel supply lines/fittings with shop air and check for leaks with soapy water. No codes or engine light (even intermittently)……. right?
When did the SID number go blank on Freightliner?
If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997.
What is the PID number on a Freightliner?
248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the PID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. 43 AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act. 44 Low Gear Regulator AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997.
248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the PID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. 43 AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act. 44 Low Gear Regulator AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.
What kind of transmission does Freightliner M2 106 have?
Upon starting truck in morning, very rarely it will not engage into “DRIVE” but will indicate “RANGE INHIBIT” in red on the dashboard cluster. Also, when descending a steep hill, the truck will “jump” and catch a lower gear.
Why does my Freightliner have a check trans light?
In September of 2016 (1 year ago) I brought my truck into a local Freightliner shop for a PM service. They recommended I flush and fill the transmission. I approved. Upon leaving the shop, I received a “CHECK TRANS” light in orange on the dashboard. I brought the truck back to the same shop, and they said it was due to the engine running rough.
How do you shift a Freightliner from first to second gear?
Push the accelerator gradually with the right foot. Accelerate the Freightliner until the truck needs to be shifted from first to second gear. The shift point will be dictated by the type of engine installed in the Freightliner. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s operating instructions for optimal engine operating rpm ranges.
What kind of engine does a Freightliner Columbia have?
I have a 2006 freightliner Columbia with mbe4000 engine and 12 speed smart shift. 48,000 miles. Going down highway check engine light came on,cruise kicked out, trans stuck in 12th gear. Pulled off ro…
How to find fault code 35 on Freightliner?
Code 35 and CA Technician: Don, Mechanic replied 11 years ago Try this Fault Codes Retrieval/ClearingRetrieving Fault Codes1. Place the shift lever in neutral. 2. Set the parking brake. 3. Turn the ignition key ON but do not start the engine.
What does the code ca mean on a Freightliner?
Rec ently when backing (particularly alley dock w/ tight turns) it bounces, bucks, and evfentually a code “CA” with a be… read more spankyjr1 Retired
What do the text messages on a Freightliner truck mean?
89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status 91 Position of the Throttle Pedal (Percent of Full Run) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal 95 Difference of Pressure through the Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter 97 Indicator of Water in Fuel WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
What are the error codes for Freightliner Trucks?
FREIGHTLINER Truck Error Codes DTC SPN Component Codes (MID) – MID Description Old – Text Message – New Text Message * 128 Engine №1 – ENGINE – ENG 130 Automatic transmission – Trans 136 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) – TRCTR – BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left – INSTRCLST – Instr 142 Panel, Right № 1 – INSTRCLST – MGMT
How to troubleshoot a cat check engine light?
Diagnose and Fix Cat Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights. – YouTube Troubleshoot A Cat Check Engine Light. Diagnose and Fix Cat Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations.
89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status 91 Position of the Throttle Pedal (Percent of Full Run) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal 95 Difference of Pressure through the Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter 97 Indicator of Water in Fuel WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.
Is the ECU 128 code a fault code?
Yes, let employers and TruckersReport text me with new opportunities, job alerts and other career information to the number I provided. There is no charge for this service, but standard message and data rates may apply. It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.
What do you need to know about an ECU fault?
You should also get a PID/SID and FMI number, which is the actual fault code, the only thing I can tell you is that you have a fault in the engine ECU, I need more info. Different trucks display faults in different ways.
What does Flash code 34 on engine mean?
Thanks for the information.Flash Code 34 indicates that the engine Turbo Boost Sensor input to the ECM has dropped below 5% (normally < 0.25 volts) of the sensor supply voltage. ? This diagnostic condition is typically:? Plugged or restricted air filter. What sensors did you replace.
How are Freightliner codes recorded in the ECM?
The engine control module, or ECM, constantly tracks voltage signals and records codes when values do not meet with the standard set for a specific system or part. Freightliner codes are categorized as inactive or active. If an error occurs but does not take place during diagnostic testing, it is referred to as an inactive fault.
When do I get my Freightliner Sid number?
* On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
* On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display.
What are the trouble codes on a Freightliner M2 106?
Can anyone decode a Freightliner M2 106 w/MBE 900 trouble codes SID 025 & FAIL 07 ?? You have only posted 2/3 of the code. bh 164, trucks not starting, like its losing its prime…
Why is the ignition not working on my Freightliner?
If all the items that normally operate only with the ignition ON don’t operate, the likely suspect is the IGNITION SOLENOID. Likely in the dash or basement compartment in front of driver’s wheel.
How to tell if a Freightliner chassis is dead?
Freightliner Chassis Dead No Power, Wont Start! Hi, Folks. I am stuck here in the Easton MD area. My Journey 2002, Freightliner CCC, *** ISB 8.3, Allison 2000, pulled up to a stop light and without warning stalled, dead. The engine stopped like the key was turned off. No dash lights, no head lights, nothing that I can find on the chassis has power.
Where is the parking brake light on a Freightliner?
I discovered that there is a Green Wire running from the front panel (under drivers window) to the rear panel (last bay on passenger side) that connects to a solenoid. It was barely holding on and came off when I pulled on it. I reattached it and tested the slides. They worked fine.
What does the VIN number on a Freightliner car mean?
Every Freightliner car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more.
What does the VIN number on a Freightliner mean?
The VIN code of the Freightliner contains the information about the technical aspects of the engine, the chassis and the equipment. You can use this information for several purposes. The first is defining that this very truck belongs to you.
What are the codes on a Cummins ISX?
I have code 285 and code 241 active and I dont have any throttle response when the engine is idling. It’s a cummins ISX I have code 285 and code 241 active and I dont have any throttle response when the engine is idling.
What kind of engine does a cat 3176 have?
You are right, it is 10 ltr, it also has a two piece engine block (top,bottom) that has been somewhat problematic for cat. They only made the 3176 for appx.3-4 yrs, it was replaced by the C-10, A much more reliable, (1 piece block) engine that made up to 370 hp and 1100 lbft tq.
CAT Fault Codes | Caterpillar Engine Errors And Trouble Codes Cat Diagnostic codes are used by the electronic system in order to alert the operator that a problem exists. A diagnostic code also indicates the nature of the problem for you, and you can see what is the code meaning with CatFaultCodes.com service.
What is the Flash code for a caterpillar truck?
Flash Code 55 signals No Detected Faults have occurred since the ignition key switch was turned ON. For further information, assistance for repairs, or troubleshooting, refer to the Service Manual or consult an authorized Caterpillar dealer. The following chart lists and describes electronic diagnostic codes.
Flash Code 55 signals No Detected Faults have occurred since the ignition key switch was turned ON. For further information, assistance for repairs, or troubleshooting, refer to the Service Manual or consult an authorized Caterpillar dealer. The following chart lists and describes electronic diagnostic codes.
How many hours does a Freightliner engine work?
185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel econ 239 Vehicle Position (GPS) by VEHICLE POS Veh. Position 246 Total Working Hours Machine TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs. 247 Total Engine Hours TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs. 248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997.
Which is ABS modulator does Freightliner A2R 11 use?
Valve a2r 11 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Left (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve a3l 12 ABS Modulator, 3rd Axis, Right (Rear) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod.
What are the fault codes for Detroit Diesel engines?
DETROIT DIESEL Engine Fault Codes list DTC Code Description DDEC V Circuit 11 P 187 4 Chain PTO. Short circuit in the power 11 P 187 7 control system PTO wrong answers 12 P 187 3 Chain PTO. Short circuit in the ground 13 P 111 4-level circuit antifreeze. Short circuit in the ground 13 P 111 6 second-level circuit antifreeze.
What should I do if my cat C7 loses power?
It should bring up a code, loss of power, diagnostic usually starts, low boost, test the CAC, low fuel pressure, change the filters and be sure they are on properly, and the right ones, and proper pressure. The air system filter plugged, or exhaust. Turbo seized or malfunctioning, Valve set to tight.
When did Freightliner start making Hood and cables?
Founded as Freightliner Inc. in the year 1942. It produces both hood and cabless trucks using, as a rule, diesel engines from Cummins, Caterpillar and Detroit Diesel, also part of Daimler AG.
What’s the problem with the ECM on a Freightliner Columbia?
So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key. Also dash shows option with EC with lines across seems like there is nothing coming out of ecm.
What are the components of a Freightliner truck?
Component Codes (MID) – MID Description Old – Text Message – New Text Message * 51 Position of the throttle pedal – THROTTLE POS – Throttle Pos 55 Position of the Control Shift Finger – SHFT FNGR POS – Shift FNGR Pos 56 Status of the range – SWITCH RANGE – Switch
How does the front axle of a Freightliner work?
75 Front Axle Oils Temperature – STRNGAXLTEMP – Str. Axle TEMP 81 Pressure in the Particle Trap PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press 82 Pressure of the Pneumatic Starter System AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres 83 Status Movement Speed Limits ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim 89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status
Every Freightliner car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more.
When does the fault code flash on an Eaton transmission?
Turn the key off and on 4 times within five seconds ending with the key in the on position. After 5 seconds, the Service light begins flashing two-digit fault codes. If no faults are active, the service light will flash code 25 (no codes). Two digit fault codes will be displayed in the gear display.
How to know if you have a transmission fault?
Any code within this range point to a transmission related fault.. CV (constant-velocity) axles, (also known as half-shafts), are used in front-wheel drive vehicles to transfer the engines power from the transaxle to the two drive wheels. When working on or around any vehicle injuries can and do occur.
How to find a Stoltz service case fault code?
Stoltz Sales & Service has spent months going through service manuals to compile one of the most complete lists of Service Case IH Fault Codes. If you can not find your Fault Code try Search All under Controller, if you still can’t find it please contact our Service Department.
What is the diagnostic code for a C13 engine?
Troubleshooting, “Sensor Calibration Required – Test” The Forced regeneration switch is installed and the disable regeneration switch is held for longer than 1 minute or the Forced regeneration switch is NOT installed and the disable regeneration input through the Datalink is received for longer than 1 minute.
Can anyone decode a Freightliner M2 106 w/MBE 900 trouble codes SID 025 & FAIL 07 ?? You have only posted 2/3 of the code. bh 164, trucks not starting, like its losing its prime…
What is the maintenance manual for a Freightliner truck?
Freightliner Heavy-Duty Trucks Maintenance Manual. Models – FLA COE, FLB COE, FLC 112 Conventional, FLD Conventional, FLL COE.pdf Freightliner Trucks – the largest manufacturer of tractors and trucks from the US, part of the corporation Daimler. The motto of the brand is “Run smart!”. Founded as Freightliner Inc. in the year 1942.
What is the code for the cat engine?
A fault serious enough to turn on the A fault serious enough to turn on the Cat C15 Intake Valve Actuation Pressure Sensor I mean the one on the Cat Engine Code 385-1 Ask Your Own Medium and Heavy Trucks Question Customer: replied4 years ago. Is that thru different
What’s the problem with my Cat C15 engine?
Its a Inside here is where you can see Cat Intake Valve Actuator the problem. It’s possible that they are Intake Valve Actuator Oil Pressure Voltage Fault Before troubleshooting the engine, look at the release Audi Code P0441 – overturzb.link hp blink code 5 pdf PDF cat c15 engine code gave you would have changed over to the new one.
What does a b5R fault code mean on a caterpillar truck?
This code indicates that Cat ET is not communicating on the J1939 data link. Cat ET must be communicating on the J1939 data link and the ATA data link in order to fully service the engine. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools” for additional information on establishing communication on both data links.
What kind of truck is the Freightliner Century?
See More Details 2002 Freightliner Century 112, Cummins ISM motor, 750,000 miles, very good running truck. Sold By: BASKIN TRUCK SALES LLC. Fleet Maintained – 2004 Freightliner – Century CST 112 – Mercedes Engine – MBE 4000 – 435 Horsepower – 535k miles – 10 Speed FRO13210B Transmission – Fuller Transmission – Airliner Air Suspension -…
What kind of engine does Freightliner Detroit Series 60 have?
Equal opportunity lender. Detroit Series 60 14.0L engine, engine brake, 455 hp, Eaton 10 speed trans, 3.70 ratio, 224″ wheelbase, odometer shows 323,676 miles, truck runs good, no check engine lights on, very nice.
Are there any Freightliner Toter trucks on the market?
Advantage Truck Group was recently named the winner of the 2020 Successful Dealer Award during a virtual award presentation. The new motor will be available in over-the-road Freightliner Cascadia trucks and in vocational Western Star 49X trucks built for construction and municipal projects. …
What kind of engine does a Freightliner Century have?
Fleet Maintained – 2004 Freightliner – Century CST 112 – Mercedes Engine – MBE 4000 – 435 Horsepower – 535k miles – 10 Speed FRO13210B Transmission – Fuller Transmission – Airliner Air Suspension -… See More Details
Equal opportunity lender. Detroit Series 60 14.0L engine, engine brake, 455 hp, Eaton 10 speed trans, 3.70 ratio, 224″ wheelbase, odometer shows 323,676 miles, truck runs good, no check engine lights on, very nice.
What kind of engine does Freightliner CST 112 have?
FREIGHTLINER CST 112 2012 DETROIT DD13 450HP, 18 SPEED MANUAL, MERITOR RT40/145 DIFFS WITH CROSSLOCKS ON AIRLINER AIRBAG SUSPENSION. GREAT LIGHT TARE PRIME MOVER. ORIGINAL 768,087KLMS. SOLD WITH… See More Details 2012 Freightliner CST112. Detroit DD13 Engine @ 450 HP, 18 Speed manual Transmission. 34 Integrated low roof sleeper.
Advantage Truck Group was recently named the winner of the 2020 Successful Dealer Award during a virtual award presentation. The new motor will be available in over-the-road Freightliner Cascadia trucks and in vocational Western Star 49X trucks built for construction and municipal projects.
What are the volts on a Freightliner ECM?
Series 60 12.7 year 2003 i checked harness pins for volts and the big pin close to cab has 4 pins with 12 volts and a 5 large pin cable above it has two pins with 12 volts. So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key.
Series 60 12.7 year 2003 i checked harness pins for volts and the big pin close to cab has 4 pins with 12 volts and a 5 large pin cable above it has two pins with 12 volts. So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key.
What causes a series 60 engine to fail?
This separation allowed the connecting rod to disconnect as well, and one of the loose components would then damage the engine block, often by creating a hole through it. This issue did not affect all pre-2002 Series 60 engines, but it was a problem that occurred and could cause catastrophic engine failure.
Why are my Detroit Diesel Series 60 brakes not working?
These brakes could require different programming than what is standard on the Series 60, and the disconnect could cause a loss of throttle. If this is not the issue and you’re still experiencing throttle issues, you’ll probably want to take a look at your TPS (throttle position sensor).
What is the trouble code for a Freightliner?
Freightliner Codes; Trouble Code Fault Location Probable Cause; P1000 – P1099 (Fuel and air metering and auxiliary emission control) P1000: Ignition coil, 5 -primary circuit range/performance: Wiring, connectors, ignition coil 5, ECM: P1001: Ignition coil, 5 -primary circuit high: Wiring, connectors, ignition coil 5, ECM: P1002
What is the code for cylinder 8 misfire?
Ive also had a cylinder 8 misfire code… ” May 26, 19:44 Nathaniel Olson on P0340 – Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 circuit malfunction: “ One. The pcm driver. Two the ignition. A terminal at the pcm should be a ground for the crank sensor,…
What is the diagnostic code for fuel injector problems?
The injector can face problems due to a contamination of the inlet filter on the injector. It is also possible for this problem to arise because of a dirty or clogged fuel filter or a defective fuel pump. P0253 is widely known as the diagnostic trouble code for “Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control A Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector.”
What does a faulty fuel injector code mean?
Some of them include: faulty fuel injector, loose or corroded fuel injector connector, dirty fuel injector supplying the number one cylinder, plugged fuel injector, and open or short in the fuel injector harness etc. You must be curious to understand what this particular code indicates.
What does it mean when a fuel injector is clogged?
A fuel injector is considered to be clogged if the amount of debris or gunk inside the injector or filter basket has built up to such an extent that it does not allow fuel to flow through. Once the injectors itself or the filter basket becomes clogged, no amount of intake or fuel rail induced injector cleaner will resolve the problem.
Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting
See also:
- Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – Automated-Manual Transmissions
- Freightliner Service Repair Manuals PDF
Freightliner Business Class M2
Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting
Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs
Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 001 | 01 | Incorrect sensor air gap | 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 7 and 8 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the LF wheel 30 rpm. | Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater | Sensor adjustment solved the problem. |
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed. | |||||
136 | 001 | 02 | Incorrect tire size | Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.
Correct as needed. |
136 | 001 | 03 | Sensor shorted to power | 2. Measure the voltage across pins 7 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. | Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness and sensor cable.
If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
No voltage at either pin | Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 001 | 04 | Short to ground | 3. Measure the resistance between pin 7 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. | Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms | Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness or sensor cable.
If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms | Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
136 | 001 | 05 | Open circuit | 4. Measure the resistance between pins 7u and 8 of the X2 (black) connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–.
Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists. |
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. | Perform test 5. | |||||
136 | 001 | 05 | Open circuit | 5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377LF+ and 377LF– in chassis harness. |
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms | Replace the sensor. | |||||
136 | 001 | 06 | Short circuit | Perform tests 4 and 5. | ||
136 | 001 | 07 | Damaged tone ring | Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed. | ||
136 | 001 | 08 | Excessive wheel slip | Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds. | ||
136 | 001 | 09 | Wire mismatch | 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. | Correct wiring connections, as needed. |
Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 001 | 10 | Intermittent signal | 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. | Signal output OK | Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem. |
Signal output incorrect | Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.
Repair as needed. |
136 | 001 | 11 | Erratic signal | Perform test 7. | ||
136 | 001 | 12 | Frequency too high | 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. | Wiring OK | Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists. |
Wiring incorrect | Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed. |
Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 002 | 01 | Incorrect sensor air gap | 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 5 and 6 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the RF wheel 30 rpm. | Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater | Sensor adjustment solved the problem. |
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed. | |||||
136 | 002 | 02 | Incorrect tire size | Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.
Correct as needed. |
136 | 002 | 03 | Sensor shorted to power | 2. Measure the voltage across pin 5 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 8 and ground. | Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness and sensor cable.
If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
No voltage at either pin | Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 002 | 04 | Short to ground | 3. Measure the resistance between pin 5 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 6 and ground. | Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms | Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness or sensor cable.
If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms | Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
136 | 002 | 05 | Open circuit | 4. Measure the resistance between pins 5 and 6 of the X2 (black) connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–.
Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists. |
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. | Perform test 5. | |||||
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377RF+ and 377RF– in chassis harness. | ||||
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms | Replace the sensor. | |||||
136 | 002 | 06 | Short circuit | Perform tests 4 and 5. | ||
136 | 002 | 07 | Damaged tone ring | Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed. | ||
136 | 002 | 08 | Excessive wheel slip | Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds. | ||
136 | 002 | 09 | Wire mismatch | 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. | Correct wiring connections, as needed. |
Right Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 002) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 002 | 10 | Intermittent signal | 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. | Signal output OK | Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem. |
Signal output incorrect | Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.
Repair as needed. |
136 | 002 | 11 | Erratic signal | Perform test 7. | ||
136 | 002 | 12 | Frequency too high | 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. | Wiring OK | Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists. |
Wiring incorrect | Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed. |
Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 003 | 01 | Incorrect sensor air gap | 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 1 and 2 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the LR wheel 30 rpm. | Voltage is 0.2 Vac or greater | Sensor adjustment solved the problem. |
Voltage is less than 0.2 Vac | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed. | |||||
136 | 003 | 02 | Incorrect tire size | Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.
Correct as needed. |
136 | 003 | 03 | Sensor shorted to power | 2. Measure the voltage across pin 1 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 2 and ground. | Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness and sensor cable.
If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
No voltage at either pin | Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 003 | 04 | Short to ground | 3. Measure the resistance between pin 1 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 2 and ground. | Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms | Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness or sensor cable.
If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms | Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
136 | 003 | 05 | Open circuit | 4. Measure the resistance between pins 1 and 2 of the X3 (green) connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–.
Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists. |
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. | Perform test 5. | |||||
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377LR+ and 377LR– in chassis harness. | ||||
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms | Replace the sensor. | |||||
136 | 003 | 06 | Short circuit | Perform tests 4 and 5. | ||
136 | 003 | 07 | Damaged tone ring | Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed. | ||
136 | 003 | 08 | Excessive wheel slip | Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds. | ||
136 | 003 | 09 | Wire mismatch | 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. | Correct wiring connections, as needed. |
Left Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 003) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 003 | 10 | Intermittent signal | 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. | Signal output OK | Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem. |
Signal output incorrect | Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.
Repair as needed. |
136 | 003 | 11 | Erratic signal | Perform test 7. | ||
136 | 003 | 12 | Frequency too high | 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. | Wiring OK | Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists. |
Wiring incorrect | Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed. |
Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 004 | 01 | Incorrect sensor air gap | 1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across pins 3 and 4 of the black X2 ECU connector while rotating the RR wheel 30 rpm. | Voltage is 0.2 VAC or greater | Sensor adjustment solved the problem. |
Voltage is less than 0.2 VAC | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play and hub runout. Repair as needed. | |||||
136 | 004 | 02 | Incorrect tire size | Check for correct tire size and mixed tire sizes. Check for correct number of teeth on tone wheel.
Correct as needed. |
136 | 004 | 03 | Sensor shorted to power | 2. Measure the voltage across pin 3 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 4 and ground. | Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness and sensor cable.
If problem is in the sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
No voltage at either pin | Repeat the test and check for intermittent short to power in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 004 | 04 | Short to ground | 3. Measure the resistance between pin 3 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat the test between pin 4 and ground. | Resistance between either pin and ground is less than 100,000 ohms | Repair the short to ground in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness or sensor cable.
If problem is in sensor harness, replace the sensor. |
Resistance between either pin and ground is greater than 100,000 ohms | Repeat the test for intermittent short to ground in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.
Suspect ECU is at fault if the problem persists. |
136 | 004 | 05 | Open circuit | 4. Measure the resistance between pins 3 and 4 of the X3 (green) connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repeat the test and check for intermittent open or short in circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–.
Suspect ECU at fault if the problem persists. |
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohm. | Perform test 5. | |||||
5. Disconnect the sensor connector from the chassis harness. Measure the resistance between the pins on the sensor connector. | Resistance is 900–
2000 ohms |
Repair open or short in circuit(s) 377RR+ and 377RR– in chassis harness. | ||||
Resistance is greater than 2000 ohms OR less than 900 ohms | Replace the sensor. | |||||
136 | 004 | 06 | Short circuit | Perform tests 4 and 5. | ||
136 | 004 | 07 | Damaged tone ring | Inspect tone ring for damage and missing teeth. Make sure correct tooth wheel is installed (100-tooth is normal application). Repair as needed. | ||
136 | 004 | 08 | Excessive wheel slip | Check sensor adjustment. This fault usually occurs when there is excessive tire spin for more than 16 seconds. | ||
136 | 004 | 09 | Wire mismatch | 6. Check for mixed sensor connection. Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin each wheel individually. Check that output is from the correct sensor. | Correct wiring connections, as needed. |
Right Rear Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 004) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 004 | 10 | Intermittent signal | 7. Adjust the sensor. Using the wheel sensor output screen in Meritor PC Diagnostics, spin the wheel or drive the vehicle and check for intermittent or erratic signal. | Signal output OK | Adjustment solved the problem. Make sure brake chatter is not causing the problem. |
Signal output incorrect | Check for intermittent wheel sensor circuit connections. Cause could be due to brake chatter.
Repair as needed. |
136 | 004 | 11 | Erratic signal | Perform test 7. | ||
136 | 004 | 12 | Frequency too high | 8. Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact. | Wiring OK | Suspect ECU at fault if problem persists. |
Wiring incorrect | Repair wheel sensor circuit, as needed. |
Left Front Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 007) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 007 | 03 | Short to power
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire. |
1. Measure the voltage between pins 2, 10, and 11 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. | No voltage at either pin | Repeat test. Check circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, and 378LF– for
intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary. If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault. |
Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF–. | |||||
136 | 007 | 05 | Open circuit
Inlet or outlet circuit open. |
2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF–. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace the modulator valve. | |||||
136 | 007 | 06 | Short to ground
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground. |
3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378LFI, 378LFO, or 378LF– for
short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace modulator valve. |
Right Front Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 008) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 008 | 03 | Short to power
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire. |
1. Measure the voltage between pins 3, 4, and 9 of the X2 (black) connector and a good chassis ground. | No voltage at either pin | Repeat test. Check circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, and 378RF– for
intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary. |
If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault. | ||||||
Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF–. | |||||
136 | 008 | 05 | Open circuit
Inlet or outlet circuit open. |
2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF–. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace the modulator valve. | |||||
136 | 008 | 06 | Short to ground
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground. |
3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378RFO, 378RFI, or 378RF– for
short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace modulator valve. |
Left Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 009) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 009 | 03 | Short to power
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire. |
1. Measure the voltage between pins 10, 11, and 12 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. | No voltage at either pin | Repeat test. Check circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR– for
intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary. If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault. |
Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit 378LRI, 378LRO, or 378LR–. | |||||
136 | 009 | 05 | Open circuit
Inlet or outlet circuit open. |
2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve resistance test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR–. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace the modulator valve. |
Left Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 009) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 009 | 06 | Short to ground
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground. |
3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378LRI, 378LRO, and 378LR– for
short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace modulator valve. |
Right Rear Modulator Valve Troubleshooting (SID 010) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 010 | 03 | Short to power
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to battery supply or another modulator valve wire. |
1. Measure the voltage between pins 7, 8, and 9 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis ground. | No voltage at either pin | Repeat test. Check circuits 378RRO, 378RR–, and 378RRI
for intermittent short to power. Check above circuits for shorts to other modulator valve wires. Repair as necessary. |
If problem persists, the suspect ECU is at fault. | ||||||
Measurable voltage at either pin | Repair short to power in circuit 378RRO, 378RR–, or 378RRI. | |||||
136 | 010 | 05 | Open circuit
Inlet or outlet circuit open. |
2. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378RRO, 378RRI, and 378RR–. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace the modulator valve. | |||||
136 | 010 | 06 | Short to ground
Inlet or outlet circuit shorted to ground. |
3. Check the modulator valve inlet and outlet circuit resistance. Disconnect the connector from the valve and perform the modulator valve test. | Resistance in both circuits is within 4 to 8 ohms. | Check harness wiring circuits 378RRI, 378RRO, and 378RR–
for short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance in both circuits is not within 4 to 8 ohms. | Replace modulator valve. |
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 014) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 014 | 04 | Low voltage or open circuit | 1. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between pins 1 and 12. | Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts. | System voltage is acceptable. Check for intermittent low voltage. Check the batteries and charging system. Voltage may have been temporarily too low. Repair as necessary. |
Voltage is less than 9.5 volts. | Check vehicle batteries and charging system. Check ABS ECU power and ground circuits for open or high resistance.
Repair as necessary. |
136 | 014 | 05 | Central group open or high resistance | 2. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. Check the ground circuit (pin 11) for high resistance or open circuit. | Ground is okay | Verify the fault. Check the ground circuits for open or high resistance. Repair as necessary. |
Ground is open or has high resistance | Repair ground circuit as necessary. | |||||
136 | 014 | 06 | Internal relay does not open | If fault repeats, replace the ABS ECU. |
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 015) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 015 | 03 | ATC valve grounded to power. | 1. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check for voltage between pin 6 and ground. | Voltage at pin 6. | Circuit 378T- is shorted to power. Locate fault and repair as necessary. |
No voltage at pin 6. | Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378-, repair as necessary. | |||||
136 | 015 | 04 | Low voltage or open circuit | 2. Disconnect the X1 (gray) connector at the ABS ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between pin 2 and a good ground. | Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts | System voltage is acceptable. Check for intermittent low voltage. Check the batteries and charging system. Voltage may have been temporarily too low. Repair as necessary. |
Voltage is less than 9.5 volts | Repair voltage supply to ECU. | |||||
136 | 015 | 05 | ATC Valve – High Impedance | Replace ABS ECU if fault persists. | ||
06 | ATC Valve circuit shorted to ground | Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check resistance between pin 6 and a good ground. | Resistance is less than 10,000 ohms | Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378-, repair as necessary. | ||
Resistance is great than 10,000 ohms | Verify fault. Check for intermittent fault in circuit 378T-, repair as necessary. |
Ground Faults Troubleshooting (SID 015) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 015 | 07 | Internal relay fault | If fault repeats, replace the ABS ECU. |
ATC Valve Troubleshooting (SID 018) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 018 | 03 | Short to power. | 1. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector from the ABS ECU. Disconnect the ATC valve connector. Measure the voltage between pin 5 of the X3 (green) connector and a good chassis harness. | Voltage | Circuit 378T+ is shorted to power. Repair as necessary. |
No voltage | Check circuit 378+ for intermittent short to power. Repair as necessary. If fault persists, suspect ECU at fault. | |||||
136 | 018 | 05 | Open circuit | 2. Disconnect the ATC Valve connector. Measure the resistance across the two pins of the ATC valve.
NOTE If the vehicle does not have an ATC valve, reconfigure the ECU. |
Resistance is 7 to 14 ohms. | Go to step 3. |
Resistance is not 7 to 14 ohms. | Replace ATC Valve. | |||||
3. Reconnect the ATC valve connector. Measure the resistance across pins 5 and 6 of the X3 connector. | Resistance is 7 to 14 ohms. | Verify fault. Check for intermittent open circuit in 376T+ and 376 T-. Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance is not 7 to 14 ohms. | Repair circuit 376T+ or 376T-. | |||||
136 | 018 | 07 | Short to ground. | 4. Disconnect the X3 (green) connector, check resistance between pin 6 and a good ground. | Continuity | Circuit 376T+ is shorted to ground. Repair as necessary. |
No continuity | Verify fault. Check circuit 376T+ for intermittent short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Auxiliary Output Troubleshooting (not currently used) (SID 019) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 019 | 03 | Short to power. | This fault should not appear. Re- configure the ECU. If fault continues to appear, check the wiring in the X2 (black) connector. This ABS ECU connector should be unused. Make sure there are no connections to these pins. If incorrect wiring is found, correct it and reconfigure the ECU. If this does not correct the problem, contact Meritor. | ||
136 | 019 | 05 | Open circuit | Verify fault. Contact Meritor WABCO if fault persists. | ||
136 | 019 | 06 | Short to ground | This fault should not appear. Reconfigure the ECU. If fault continues to appear, check the wiring in the X2 (black) connector. This ABS ECU connector should be unused. Make sure there are no connections to these pins. If incorrect wiring is found, correct it and reconfigure the ECU. If this does not correct the problem, contact Meritor. |
J1939 Datalink Troubleshooting (SID 231) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 231 | 02 | J1939 speed plausibility error.
NOTE: This fault indicates a discrepancy between vehicle speed reported on J1939 and ABS sensed vehicle speed. |
Check the speedometer calibration. Check for the tire size mismatch. The vehicle speed reported on the J1939 databus does not agree with the wheel sensor speeds. | ||
136 | 231 | 05 | J1939 open/short | Refer to SB 54-133 for troubleshooting J1939. | Repair J1939 datalink as necessary. | |
136 | 231 | 06 | J1939 open/short
Code 13s231 05 may be active as well. |
Check the driveline retarder ECU and wires. Check the J1939 Datalink.
Freightliner SB 54-133 |
Repair J1939 datalink as necessary. |
J1939 Datalink Troubleshooting (SID 231) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 231 | 07 | J1939 time out
NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly. |
Check the driveline retarder ECU and wires.
Freightliner SB 54-133 |
Check J1939 datalink and driveline retarder ECU. Repair as necessary. | |
136 | 231 | 08 | J1939 time out
NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly. |
Check engine ECU and wires. Check J1939 datalink.
Freightliner SB 54-133 |
Check J1939 datalink and engine ECU. Repair as necessary. | |
136 | 231 | 09 | J1939 time out
NOTE: Fault occurs if engine retarder sends message incorrectly. |
Check engine and transmission ECUs and wires. Check J1939 datalink.
Freightliner SB 54-133 |
Check J1939 datalink, engine ECU, transmission ECU, and wiring. Repair as necessary. | |
136 | 231 | 10 | J1939 time out
NOTE: Fault occurs if the exhaust retarder sends a message incorrectly. |
Check the engine ECU and wires. Check the J1939 datalink.
Freightliner SB 54-133 |
Check J1939 datalink and engine ECU. Repair as necessary. | |
136 | 231 | 12 | J1939 internal error | Verify fault. Clear code from the ECU memory. If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU. |
Voltage Troubleshooting (SID 251) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 251 | 03 | Overvoltage
Voltage to ECU was too high for more than 5 seconds. |
Using Meritor PC Diagnostics, check the diagonal voltages with the engine running at governed speed, or measure the voltage at the batteries with the engine running at governed speed. | Voltage is 9.5 to 14 volts | Check for intermittent sources of high voltage. Check condition of charging system and batteries. Verify fault. |
Voltage is greater than 14 volts. | Check charging system. Repair as necessary. |
Configuration Errors Troubleshooting (SID 253) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 253 | 01 | ATC configuration error
NOTE: ATC valve is detected without engine datalink (J1939). |
Check J1939 for proper wiring. Check engine ECU for communication. Repair as necessary, then reconfigure ECU. | ||
136 | 253 | 02 | ABS
configuration/ wheel parameter incorrect. |
Reconfigure ECU. If fault repeats then the wrong ECU is installed. Replace with the correct ECU. | ||
136 | 253 | 12 | Check sum error. | Check parameter setting. Check if diagnostic device was disconnected during active diagnosis. |
Miscellaneous Faults Troubleshooting (SID 254) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 254 | 05 | ABS/ATC ECU,
no loads |
No modulator valve connected. Fault may have resulted from end of line test at factory. | ||
136 | 254 | 08 | Excessive wheel slip. | Check wheel speed sensor air gaps. One wheel was much faster than the other. May have been caused by testing vehicle on a dynamometer. | ||
136 | 254 | 09 | Modulator valve actuated too long. | Modulator valve was activated too long (more than 75% of 5 minutes). After a delay, function will return to normal. | ||
136 | 254 | 12 | Internal error | If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU. | ||
136 | 254 | 13 | Accelerometer out of range | If fault persists, replace the ABS ECU. |
Miscellaneous Faults Troubleshooting (SID 254) | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 254 | 14 | ECU Mounting | Check ECU mounting. Replace
the ECU if fault persists. |
Extreme banked road (measured acceleration not plausible) | No correction required. This fault is for reporting only. | |||||
Accelerometer linearity
(measured acceleration not plausible) |
Meritor WABCO Hydraulic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs
Fault Codes
J1587 Fault Code (MID-SID) | Description |
136-001 | Left Front Wheel Sensor * |
136-002 | Right Front Wheel Sensor |
136-003 | Left Rear Wheel Sensor |
136-004 | Right Rear Wheel Sensor |
136-013 | Retarder |
136-014 | Power |
136-023 | ABS Warning Light |
136-030 | Recirculation Pump Relay |
136-042 | Left Front Inlet Solenoid Valve |
136-043 | Right Front Inlet Solenoid Valve |
136-044 | Left Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve |
136-045 | Right Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve |
136-048 | Left Front Outlet Solenoid Valve |
136-049 | Right Front Outlet Solenoid Valve |
136-050 | Left Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve |
136-051 | Right Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve |
136-054 | Recirculation Pump |
136-055 | ECU |
136-251 | Low Voltage |
136-253 | Internal Tire Parameter |
136-254 | ECU Internal Fault |
* Blink codes 5-1, 5-3 and 5-4 indicate a fault with the right front, right rear and left rear wheel sensors respectively.
Troubleshooting Tables
J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
001 |
01 |
Incorrect sensor air gap |
1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF+ and 377 LF–) while rotating the left front wheel 30 rpm. |
Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC |
Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h). |
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
001 |
02 |
Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance NOTE: This SAE J1587 fault code can also be caused by incorrect or mixed tire size. Also see test 4. |
2. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF– and 377 LF+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 3. |
3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–). Repair as necessary. Go to Test 4. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
136 |
001 |
02 |
Incorrect or mixed tire size NOTE: This SAE J1587 fault code can also be caused by an intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance. Also, see tests 2 and 3. |
4. Check for tire size deviation in excess of 16 percent. Mixed tire sizes can cause this fault. |
Correct tire size and size variation does not exceed 16 percent | Perform Test 2 and Test 3 if not already done. If the problem is not found, verify the fault and check the ECU. |
Incorrect tire size or size variation exceeds 16 percent |
Install the correct size tires. |
J1587 Fault 136-001 Left Front Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
001 |
05 |
Open circuit |
5. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LF– and 377LF+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 6. |
6. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LF+ and 377LF–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
J1587 Fault 136-002 Right Front Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
002 |
01 |
Incorrect sensor air gap |
1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–) while rotating the right front wheel 30 rpm. |
Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC |
Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h). |
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-002 Right Front Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
002 |
02 |
Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance |
2. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF– and 377RF+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 3. |
3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
136 |
002 |
05 |
Open circuit |
4. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 9 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RF– and 377RF+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 5. |
5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RF+ and 377RF–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
J1587 Fault 136-003 Left Rear Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
003 |
01 |
Incorrect sensor air gap |
1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 3 and 10 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–) while rotating the left rear wheel 30 rpm. |
Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC |
Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h). |
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
003 |
02 |
Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance |
2. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 10 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR– and 377LR+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 3. |
3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
136 |
003 |
05 |
Open circuit |
4. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 10 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377LR– and 377LR+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 5. |
5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377LR+ and 377LR–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
J1587 Fault 136-004 Right Rear Wheel Sensor | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
004 |
01 |
Incorrect sensor air gap |
1. Adjust the sensor. Check the AC voltage across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–) while rotating the right rear wheel 30 rpm. |
Voltage greater than 0.2 VAC |
Sensor adjustment solved the problem. Clear the stored faults and drive the vehicle 4 mph (6 km/h). |
Voltage less than 0.2 VAC | Check for excessive wheel bearing end play. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
004 |
02 |
Intermittent open circuit or incorrect sensor resistance |
2. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR– and 377RR+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 3. |
3. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
136 |
004 |
05 |
Open circuit |
4. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 7 of the green X3 ECU connector (Circuits 377RR– and 377RR+). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms |
Check for intermittent, loose or poor connections in Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR– and repair as necessary. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Go to Test 5. |
5. Disconnect the sensor at the sensor connector. Measure the resistance at the sensor connector (on the sensor side). |
Resistance reading between 500 and 2000 ohms | Check the wiring between the ECU and the wheel sensor (Circuits 377RR+ and 377RR–). Repair as necessary. | ||||
Resistance reading below 500 or above
2000 ohms |
Replace the wheel sensor. |
J1587 Fault 136-013 Retarder | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
013 |
03 |
Short to power |
1. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 7 of the black X2 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. |
Voltage zero |
Check for an intermittent short to power in Circuit 376R. If okay, ECU may be at fault. |
Voltage not zero |
Check for a short to power in Circuit 376R. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
013 |
05 |
Open circuit |
2. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. Measure the resistance between Pin 7 of the black X2 ECU connector and relay connector cavity that corresponds to pin 85 of the relay. |
Resistance less than 1 ohm |
Check relay coil resistance (should be 60-85 Ohms). If okay, check circuit 81C (power to relay coil) for open. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance more than 1 ohm | Repair open in circuit 376R. | |||||
136 |
013 |
06 |
Short to ground |
3. Disconnect the black X2 connector at the ECU. Disconnect the retarder relay. Measure the resistance between pin 7 of the X2 connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance is less than 10 Ohms | Check circuit 376R for short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
Resistance is much greater than 10 Ohms | Check for intermittent short to ground in circuit 376R. If okay, ECU may be at fault. |
J1587 Fault 136-014 Power | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
014 |
03 |
Voltage supplied to ECU with ignition OFF |
1. Check for voltage backfeeding to ECU with the ignition off, especially to pins 7/X2 and 10/X2. |
Voltage zero |
Repair as necessary. |
136 |
014 |
04 |
No voltage supplied to ECU with ignition ON |
2. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 3 of the black X2 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. Repeat between pin 11 and ground. |
Voltage between 9.5 and 14 volts at both pins. |
Check Circuit 376A for an intermittent open circuit. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Voltage below
9.5 volts at one or both pins. |
Check Circuit 376A for an open circuit and check Fuse F16. Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-023 ABS Warning Light | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
023 |
05 |
Open circuit or low current |
1. Disconnect the black X2 connector from the ECU. Turn the ignition ON. |
ABS light illuminates |
Check circuit 376L for open circuit between splice S22 and X2/8 at the ABS connector. Repair as necessary. |
ABS light does not illuminate |
Check the bulb and wire (circuit 376L between splice S22 and ICU pin B11. If okay, replace the ICU. |
J1587 Fault 136-030 Recirculation Pump Relay | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
030 |
03 |
Relay shorted to power |
1. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground. |
Voltage zero |
If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Voltage not zero |
Circuit 376H is shorted to power. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
030 |
05 |
Relay open circuit |
2. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Measure the resistance between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground. |
Resistance between 50 and
200 ohms |
If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance below 50 or above 200 ohms |
Check the relay coil, relay coil ground circuit, and Circuit 376H for an open circuit. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
030 |
06 |
Relay short to ground |
3. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Measure the resistance between Pin 6 and a good chassis ground. |
Resistance between 50 and
200 ohms |
If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance below 50 or
above 200 ohms |
Check Circuit 376H for a short to ground. Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-030 Recirculation Pump Relay | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
030 |
07 |
Pump relay sticks, pump continues to run when ECU deactivates the relay NOTE: The problem may be intermittent and a new relay may be required to correct the fault. |
4. If the fault is active, disconnect the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, check to see if the recirculation pump is running. |
Pump OFF |
The ABS pump relay (located in the chassis harness, near the ABS valve) may be intermittently sticking. Try a new relay and verify that the problem is solved. |
Pump ON |
The ABS pump relay (located in the chassis harness, near the ABS valve) is sticking. Replace the relay. |
J1587 Fault 136-042 Left Front Inlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
042 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (inlet valve) Open circuit (inlet valve) Shorted to ground (inlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 3 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LFI and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LFI between modulator connector Pin 12 and connector Pin 3 on the gray X1 ECU connector. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378LFI. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 12 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-043 Right Front Inlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
043 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (inlet valve) Open circuit (inlet valve) Shorted to ground (inlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RFI and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RFI between modulator connector Pin 4 and connector Pin 4 on the gray X1 ECU connector. |
Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378RFI. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 4 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-044 Left Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
044 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (inlet valve) Open circuit (inlet valve) Shorted to ground (inlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LRI and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LRI between modulator connector Pin 2 and connector Pin 5 on the gray X1 ECU connector. |
Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378LRI. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 2 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-045 Right Rear Inlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
045 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (inlet valve) Open circuit (inlet valve) Shorted to ground (inlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 6 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RRI and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RRI between modulator connector Pin 11 and connector Pin 6 on the gray X1 ECU connector. |
Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378RRI. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 11 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 6.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 6.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-048 Left Front Outlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
048 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (outlet valve) Open circuit (outlet valve) Shorted to ground (outlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 10 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LFO and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LFO between modulator connector Pin 13 and connector Pin 10 on the gray X1 ECU connector. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378LFO. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 13 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-049 Right Front Outlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
049 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (outlet valve) Open circuit (outlet valve) Shorted to ground (outlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 9 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RFO and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RFO between modulator connector Pin 5 and connector Pin 9 on the gray X1 ECU connector. |
Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378RFO. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 5 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-050 Left Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
050 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (outlet valve) Open circuit (outlet valve) Shorted to ground (outlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 8 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378LRO and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378LRO between modulator connector Pin 1 and connector Pin 8 on the gray X1 ECU connector. |
Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378LRO. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 1 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-051 Right Rear Outlet Solenoid Valve | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
051 |
03 05 06 |
Shorted to power (outlet valve) Open circuit (outlet valve) Shorted to ground (outlet valve) NOTE: Check for an open circuit in the wiring between the ECU and the modulator valve. Check the ground circuit to the modulator valve. |
1. Measure the resistance across Pins 7 and 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuits 378RRO and GRDE). |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms | Check for intermittent wiring connections. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Go to Test 2. |
2. Check the ground circuit by measuring the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 3. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check and repair the ground circuit. | |||||
3. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance between Pin 8 on the modulator connector and a good chassis ground. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 4. |
Resistance reading not close to zero | Check the modulator ground circuit, repair as necessary. | |||||
4. Measure the resistance in Circuit 378RRO between modulator connector Pin 10 and connector Pin 7 on the gray X1 ECU connector. | Resistance reading close to zero |
Go to Test 5. |
Resistance reading not close to zero |
Repair Circuit 378RRO. |
5. With the modulator valve connector removed, measure the resistance across Pins 10 and 8 on the modulator connector. |
Resistance reading 3.5±0.5 ohms |
Repeat Tests 1 through 5. The problem may be intermittent. If the wiring is OK, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance reading not 3.5±0.5 ohms | Replace the modulator valve. |
J1587 Fault 136-054 Recirculation Pump | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
054 |
03 |
Recirculation pump on without being activated by ECU NOTE: In this case the ECU is sensing voltage on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 connector) when the pump relay was not activated by the ECU (Pin 6 of the black X2 connector). |
1. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, measure the voltage between Pin 10 and a good chassis ground. |
Voltage zero |
Check the ECU and verify the fault. |
Voltage not zero | Go to Test 2. | |||||
2. Remove the ABS pump relay (R17) and repeat Test 1. |
Voltage zero |
Check the ABS pump relay R17; it may be sticking or shorted. | ||||
Voltage not zero |
Check for a short to power in Circuit 376B causing the pump to run when it should not be. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
054 |
04 |
Recirculation pump does not switch on when activated by the ECU
NOTE: In this case the ECU does not sense voltage on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 ECU connector) when the pump relay was activated by the ECU (Pin 6 of the black X2 ECU connector). |
3. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, link Pins 6 and 3 while measuring the voltage between Pin 10 and a good chassis ground. The pump should run (do not hold for more than 1 minute). |
Voltage between 9.5 and 14 volts |
Check for intermittent connections in Circuit 376B and check the ABS pump relay for intermittent operation. Repair as necessary. |
Voltage below 9.5 or above 14 volts |
Check Circuit 376A and check Relay R17. Repair as necessary. |
136 |
054 |
07 |
Recirculation pump sticks or is locked
NOTE: In this case, the ECU senses high current on the pump monitor circuit (Pin 10 of the black X2 ECU connector) indicating the pump motor is locked. |
4. Remove the black X2 connector from the ECU. With the ignition ON, momentarily link Pins 6 and 3. The pump should run (do not hold for more than 1 minute). |
Pump runs |
Repeat the test to verify. If the fault persists, suspect a problem with the ECU. |
Pump does not run |
Replace the recirculation pump. |
J1587 Fault 136-055 ECU | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
055 |
02 |
Reference to ground interrupted |
1. With the ignition OFF, measure the voltage between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector (Circuit GND) and a good chassis ground. | Voltage zero volts | Go to Test 2. |
Voltage not zero volts | Check the ground circuit for a short to positive voltage. | |||||
2. Measure the resistance between Pin 2 of the gray X1 ECU connector and a good chassis ground. |
Resistance near zero ohms |
Check the ECU ground circuit (GND) for an intermittent or loose connection. Check ground Splice S10. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. | ||||
Resistance above zero ohms | Check the ECU ground circuit (GND). Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-251 Low Voltage | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 |
251 |
03 |
Voltage too high NOTE: Voltage to the ABS ECU must be between 9.5 and 14 volts to function properly. |
1. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Start the engine and run it at governed speed while measuring the voltage between Pins 3 and 9. |
Voltage between 9.5 and 14 volts |
Check the electrical system. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Voltage below
9.5 or above 14 volts |
Check the batteries and charging system for malfunction. Repair as necessary. | |||||
136 |
251 |
04 |
Low voltage to ABS solenoid valves NOTE: Voltage to the ABS ECU must be between 9.5 and 14 volts to function properly. |
2. Disconnect the black X2 ECU connector. Start the engine and run it at idle while measuring the voltage between Pins 3 and 9 of the black X2 ECU connector. |
Voltage between 9.5 and 14 volts |
Verify that the batteries were not drained or the charging system was not overloaded when the fault occurred. If the problem persists, suspect the ECU is at fault. |
Voltage below
9.5 or above 14 volts |
Check the batteries and charging system for malfunction. Repair as necessary. |
J1587 Fault 136-253 Internal Tire Parameter | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 253 | 02 | Incorrect internal tire parameter | — | — | Contact Meritor WABCO (1-800-535-5560). |
J1587 Fault 136-254 ECU Internal Fault | ||||||
MID | SID | FMI | Problem | Test | Test Result | Action |
136 | 254 | 12 | Internal ECU Fault | — | — | Replace the ECU. |