Ошибка 9017 кофемашина wmf 5000s

9013 Двигатель пресса, счётчик импульсов пресса или кабель повреждён/неисправен 9017 Ошибка положения пресса 9042 Низкое давление воды 9053 Прошло более 26 часов с момента последней очистки 9055 Прошло более 72 часов с момента последней очистки или её прервали 9062 Нажата кнопка выключения 9063 Неправильный уровень тока холостого хода кофемолки 9064 Неправильный уровень тока холостого хода кофемолки 9068 Контейнер для отходов не установлен 9069 Контейнер для отходов переполнен 9070 Контейнер для отходов скоро будет переполнен 9071 Внешний контейнер для отходов переполнен 9072 Секция ручной загрузки открыта 9073 Секция ручной загрузки открыта 9074 Открыта передняя панель 9077 Обнаружена утечка воды 9078 Исчерпан ресурс фильтра 9082 Молоко в охладителе тёплое 9083 Молоко слишком холодное или охладитель замораживает 9084 Водяной бак пуст 9087 Низкое давление воды, во время приготовления. 9091 Исчерпан ресурс пресса 9092 Превышен лимит по декальцинации 9108 Нагрев 9121 Идут тепловые промывки 9123 Ошибка положения пресса 9178 Контейнер для отходов пуст? 9184 Идёт промывка вспенивателя 9194 Скоро закончится молоко 9213 Было использовано много воды,идёт заполнение и нагрев 9216 Превышен лимит времени на приготовление напитка 9255 Пресс не обнаружен 9298 Нужно установить сервисный комплект 9299 Требуется установка сервисного комплекта 1 9300 Требуется ревизия 9301 Требуется декальцинация 9302 Требуется замена фильтра 9303 Требуется замена жерновов на кофемолке 2 9304 Требуется замена жерновов на кофемолке 1 9306 Требуется замена двигателя дозатора порошка 9307 Требуется замена миксера шоколада 9335 Перегрев паровой трубки (температура >200°С) или короткое замыкание датчика температуры 9336 Температура парового бойлера (<-4°С) 9344 Закончилось молоко 9345 Закончилось молоко 9346 Закончилось молоко 9347 Закончилось молоко 9357 Не поступает вода 9361 Нужно выполнить очистку молочной системы 9364 Опустошить каплеуловитель 9400 Неправильный файл конфигурации 9406 Нет отклика по времени, вкл/выкл. Ошибка ПО 9429 Ошибка пресса 9456 Ошибка пресса(по току) 9457 Ошибка кофемолки(по току) 9458 Распознана ошибка по току 9459 Ошибка миксера шоколада 9463 Ошибка защиты, узел не отвечает в течение заданного периода времени 9467 Мало кофе попадает в пресс, через кофемолку 1. 9468 Мало кофе попадает в пресс,через кофемолку 2. 9475 Отсутствует каплеуловитель 9476 Контейнер для отходов отсутствует 9477 Обнаружен сбой питания, недостаток по току 9478 Обнаружено короткое замыкание 24/30V 9479 Напряжение не приходит 9480 Минимальный поток 9484 Ошибка заполнения котла 9487 Ошибка пресса 9488 Открыта секция ручной загрузки 9489 Открылась секция ручной загрузки 9490 Максимальная сила тока, по прессу 9491 Запуск промывки миксера 9492 ТО2 года 9493 Удалить накипь 9495 Заменить мотор подачи шоколада 9496 Заменить двигатель пресса 9499 Заменить мотор кофемолки 2 9500 Заменить мотор кофемолки 1 9502 Идёт тёплая промывка 9506 Завершить промывку молочной системы 9507 Нет давления воды 9508 Ошибка по холодильнику 9509 Ошибка датчика температуры холодильника 9510 Молоко слишком тёплое 9511 Доделать удаление накипи 9512 Неисправен температурный датчик водяного бойлера 9514 Выливается горячая вода 9516 Заблокирована кофемолка 1 9517 Заблокирована кофемолка 2 9528 Запуск промывки при выключении 9529 Вышло время обработки для секции ручной загрузки 9530 Продолжить очистку молочной системы 9532 Ошибка положения пресса 9535 Первое заполнение бойлера 9539 Мало молока 9540 Проверить гидросистему 9572 Каплеуловитель заполнен 9574 Неправильно выключена кофемашина 9582 Машина перезапускается 9583 Сброс давления в паровом бойлере 9584 Минимальный поток при декальцинации 9595 Внешний сливной бак заполнен 9600 Напиток не может быть налит,открыт брызговик 9605 Взять напиток 9608 Автоматическое ополаскивание 9614 Не поступает молоко 9617 Заполнено молоко 1? 9618 Заполнено молоко 2? 9632 Не загружаются данные 9633 Не читается база данных 9634 Не читается информация 9635 Не считываются данные 9827 Обновление микропрограммы 9879 Не найден рецепт для нажатых кнопок 9880 Неверная установка времени 9881 Выбрать напиток 9883 Обновление каскада мощности 9887 Ошибка боковой подсветки F120 Нет связи от силовой платы к передней панели F121 Ошибка коммуникации внутри машины F130 Общая ошибка по току, превышен верхний предел F149 Ошибка блока питания F161 (9329) Вода не проходит через пресс F162 (9330) Минимальный поток при очистке F164 (9244) Минимальный поток при подаче горячей воды F165 (9368) Низкий поток при подаче шоколада F185 Пар выходит, а на заполнение парового бойлера время вышло F186 Не заполняется паровой бойлер F187 Ошибка датчика температуры парового бойлера F188 Перегрев парового бойлера F189 Паровой бойлер не нагревается F87 Ошибка датчика температуры водяного бойлера F88 Перегрев водяного бойлера F89 Водяной бойлер не нагревается 9667 Ошибка датчика давления (между бойлерами)

Двигатель пресса, счётчик импульсов пресса или кабель повреждён/неисправен

Ошибка положения пресса

Низкое давление воды

Прошло более 26 часов с момента последней очистки

Прошло более 72 часов с момента последней очистки или её прервали

Нажата кнопка выключения

Неправильный уровень тока холостого хода кофемолки

Неправильный уровень тока холостого хода кофемолки

Контейнер для отходов не установлен

Контейнер для отходов переполнен

Контейнер для отходов скоро будет переполнен

Внешний контейнер для отходов переполнен

Секция ручной загрузки открыта

Секция ручной загрузки открыта

Открыта передняя панель

Обнаружена утечка воды

Исчерпан ресурс фильтра

Молоко в охладителе тёплое

Молоко слишком холодное или охладитель замораживает

Водяной бак пуст

Низкое давление воды, во время приготовления.

Исчерпан ресурс пресса

Превышен лимит по декальцинации


Идут тепловые промывки

Ошибка положения пресса

Контейнер для отходов пуст?

Идёт промывка вспенивателя

Скоро закончится молоко

Было использовано много воды,идёт заполнение и нагрев

Превышен лимит времени на приготовление напитка

Пресс не обнаружен

Нужно установить сервисный комплект

Требуется установка сервисного комплекта 1

Требуется ревизия

Требуется декальцинация

Требуется замена фильтра

Требуется замена жерновов на кофемолке 2

Требуется замена жерновов на кофемолке 1

Требуется замена двигателя дозатора порошка

Требуется замена миксера шоколада

Перегрев паровой трубки (температура >200°С) или короткое замыкание датчика температуры

Температура парового бойлера (<-4°С)

Закончилось молоко

Закончилось молоко

Закончилось молоко

Закончилось молоко

Не поступает вода

Нужно выполнить очистку молочной системы

Опустошить каплеуловитель

Неправильный файл конфигурации

Нет отклика по времени, вкл/выкл. Ошибка ПО

Ошибка пресса

Ошибка пресса(по току)

Ошибка кофемолки(по току)

Распознана ошибка по току

Ошибка миксера шоколада

Ошибка защиты, узел не отвечает в течение заданного периода времени

Мало кофе попадает в пресс, через кофемолку 1.

Мало кофе попадает в пресс,через кофемолку 2.

Отсутствует каплеуловитель

Контейнер для отходов отсутствует

Обнаружен сбой питания, недостаток по току

Обнаружено короткое замыкание 24/30V

Напряжение не приходит

Минимальный поток

Ошибка заполнения котла

Ошибка пресса

Открыта секция ручной загрузки

Открылась секция ручной загрузки

Максимальная сила тока, по прессу

Запуск промывки миксера

ТО2 года

Удалить накипь

Заменить мотор подачи шоколада

Заменить двигатель пресса

Заменить мотор кофемолки 2

Заменить мотор кофемолки 1

Идёт тёплая промывка

Завершить промывку молочной системы

Нет давления воды

Ошибка по холодильнику

Ошибка датчика температуры холодильника

Молоко слишком тёплое

Доделать удаление накипи

Неисправен температурный датчик водяного бойлера

Выливается горячая вода

Заблокирована кофемолка 1

Заблокирована кофемолка 2

Запуск промывки при выключении

Вышло время обработки для секции ручной загрузки

Продолжить очистку молочной системы

Ошибка положения пресса

Первое заполнение бойлера

Мало молока

Проверить гидросистему

Каплеуловитель заполнен

Неправильно выключена кофемашина

Машина перезапускается

Сброс давления в паровом бойлере

Минимальный поток при декальцинации

Внешний сливной бак заполнен

Напиток не может быть налит,открыт брызговик

Взять напиток

Автоматическое ополаскивание

Не поступает молоко

Заполнено молоко 1?

Заполнено молоко 2?

Не загружаются данные

Не читается база данных

Не читается информация

Не считываются данные

Обновление микропрограммы

Не найден рецепт для нажатых кнопок

Неверная установка времени

Выбрать напиток

Обновление каскада мощности

Ошибка боковой подсветки

Нет связи от силовой платы к передней панели

Ошибка коммуникации внутри машины

Общая ошибка по току, превышен верхний предел

Ошибка блока питания

F161 (9329)
Вода не проходит через пресс

F162 (9330)
Минимальный поток при очистке

F164 (9244)
Минимальный поток при подаче горячей воды

F165 (9368)
Низкий поток при подаче шоколада

Пар выходит, а на заполнение парового бойлера время вышло

Не заполняется паровой бойлер

Ошибка датчика температуры парового бойлера

Перегрев парового бойлера

Паровой бойлер не нагревается

Ошибка датчика температуры водяного бойлера

Перегрев водяного бойлера

Водяной бойлер не нагревается

Ошибка датчика давления (между бойлерами)

  • Page 1: User Manual

    User Manual DI_00_00_00_00 Espresso Cappuccino Café Crème Latte Macchiato Milk Choc Milk coffee Coffee machine English 01.01.001 Series 1120 33 4097 3010 01.2017…

  • Page 2: Conditions For Use And Installation

    With its optionally available powder hopper, the WMF 1100 S can also make hot chocolate with milk or milk foam. Follow the User Manual CaUtion >…

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Descaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 4
    Eco mode display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Language User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 5
    10.3 Errors without error message 11 Safety and warranty 11.1 Hazards to the coffee machine 11.2 Directives 11.3 Duties of the owner / operator 11.4 Warranty claims appendix: technical data technical data for coffee machine appendix: accessories and spare parts index User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 6: Safety

    > Follow all the safety instructions. general safety instructions Hazards to the operator At WMF, safety is one of the most essential product features. The effectiveness of the safety devices can only be ensured if the following points are observed: >…

  • Page 7
    > Children must not play with the device. > Cleaning and user maintenance must not be performed by children. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 8
    > Avoid damage to the mains cable. Do not kink or crush it. > Never immerse the mains plug in water or other liquids, or pour water or other liquids over the mains plug. Always keeps the mains plug dry. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 9
    > Always place an appropriate cup under the spout before dispensing a beverage. risk of injury CaUtion • Long hair could become caught in the grinder head and drawn into the coffee machine. > Always protect hair with a hairnet. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 10: Risk Of Injury

    > Only use products that are suitable for consumption and for use with the coffee machine. > The powder hopper, the bean hopper, and the manual insert may only be filled with materials for the use intended. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 11
    • The drip tray may contain hot liquids. > Never reach under the spouts while cleaning. > Ensure that no one ever drinks the cleaning solution. > Move the drip tray carefully. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 12: Intended Use

    > The coffee machine may be used only as intended. The WMF 1100 S is designed to dispense beverages made with coffee and/or milk and/or powder (such as Choc or topping) into suitable containers. This machine is intended for use in hotels, restaurants, and similar locations.

  • Page 13: Conditions For Use And Installation

    The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this. Under no circumstances may the WMF 1100 S be used to dispense and heat liquids other than coffee, hot water (beverages, cleaning) or milk (chilled, pasteurised, homogenised, UHt).

  • Page 14: Introduction

    DI_00_00_00_00 Espresso Cappuccino Café Crème Latte Macchiato Milk Choc Milk coffee Display DI_02_01_00_00 Espresso Espresso Cappuccino Cappuccino Café Crème Café Crème Latte Macchiato Latte Macchiato DI_02_01_00_01 Ristretto Ristretto Milk coffee Milk coffee Steam Steam Steam User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 15
    Touch display for beverage buttons and settings “ready to operate” display Menu pad (opens the main menu) Eco mode display Message pad Barista pad Cup volume “Warm rinse” pad SteamJet pad Steam button in beverage field User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 16
    • for the installation location w  s tarting on page 100 > Always follow the User Manual. Technical data w  s tarting on page 101 note / tip notE • Instructions for safe use and tips for easier operation. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 17
    Prior to brewing cycle, coffee is briefly infused in order to ensure a more intense release of its aromatic substances. Pressing Automatic pressing of ground coffee prior to brewing cycle Rinsing Intermediate cleaning SB mode Customer self-service (self-service mode) User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 18: Start-Up

    • Never open the housing. • Never loosen the screws, and do not remove any housing parts. Conditions for use and installation iMportant Follow the User Manual. Technical data wstarting on page 101 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 19: Installation Location

    In case of doubt, do not start up the coffee machine, and inform the WMF Service. > Retain the original packaging in the event of any subsequent return. ™ Unpack the WMF 1100 S and place the coffee machine on a stable, horizontal surface ™ Observe the technical data Technical data w page 101 ™…

  • Page 20: Start-Up Program

    The adjacent surfaces and w  s tarting on page 6 spouts become hot. > When dispensing beverages, do not reach beneath the spouts. > Do not touch the spouts immediately after dispensing. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 21
    This item is a step that is performed during the start-up program. For drinking water with carbonate hardness from 5 °dKH or higher, a WMF water filter must be fitted; otherwise, the coffee machine can be damaged due to build-up of scale. Determine the water hardness ™…
  • Page 22: Operation

    ™ Press the ON/OFF switch A signal sounds. Coffee machine switches on and heats up. An automatic warm rinsing starts. When the coffee machine is ready to dispense beverages, the “Ready to operate” display appears. ON/OFF switch User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 23: Beverage Dispensing

    M = size of the beverage set, no pre-selection S = approx. 25 % less than M L = approx. 25 % more than M User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 24: Connect Up The Milk

    ™ Push the milk container back in carefully The milk storage temperature must be adjusted to the milk temperature and suitable steam nozzle. Milk storage temperature w  M ilk and foam page 56 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 25: Milk Lance (Optional)

    Dispensing option w  S oftware spout w  B everages ™ Touch the beverage button assigned to milk or milk page 41 foam The beverage is dispensed according to the recipe settings (dispensing option, milk foam quality, etc.) User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 26: Hot Water Dispensing

    > Do not touch the spouts immediately after dispensing. > Do not touch the bottom of the steam outlet. > Always place an appropriate cup under the spout before dispensing a beverage. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 27
    This blows out the condensate water. ™ Use as tall and slim a Cromargan® jug as possible, A Cromargan® jug, such as WMF order number 03 9090 0030 with handle or 03 9090 0050 ™ Fill jug to no more than half way ™…
  • Page 28
    ™ Touch the steam button and then touch it again after a short time Any residue in the steam outlet is flushed out by this brief jet of steam. ™ Wipe the steam outlet with a damp cloth User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 29: Cup Table

    Follow the Warranty chapter warranty. w  s tarting on page 100 > Ensure that no foreign objects land in the coffee bean hopper. > Do not overfill the powder hopper. > Do not press down and compact the powder. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 30: Manual Insert

    ™ Press the top of the manual insert lid in order to open the lid (push to open) ™ Insert ground coffee (maximum 15 g) ™ Close manual insert lid ™ Touch the desired beverage button Manual insert User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 31: Grounds Container

    M anual cleaning container and the coffee machine base have an page 73 opening that passes through the on-site counter on which the machine is placed. The spent coffee grounds are collected in a separate container under the counter. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 32: Drip Tray

    With the constant water supply, the water tank iMportant may be removed only when the display shows Constant water supply retrofit kit an appropriate message, or when the machine w  A ccessories and spare parts is switched off. page 104 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 33: Switch Off The Coffee Machine

    The ON/OFF switch is located on the right side of the operating panel. ™ Press the ON/OFF switch briefly (approx. 1 second) Coffee machine switches off. ™ Disconnect mains plug Coffee machines with a constant water supply ™ Turn off water mains tap ON/OFF switch User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 34: Software

    Milk coffee Milk coffee “ready to operate” display pads page 36 Eco mode (active) Messages page 62 page 90 SteamJet cup warmer Warm rinsing page 37 page 36 S-M-L pad Barista (coffee strength) page 50 page 36 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 35: Main Menu Functions

    54 page 62 Menu control pads Main menu / Back Confirm value / setting DI_pin PIN entry Delete value / setting Next / Start Preparation test Load settings Back Save settings Show keyboard Messages on the display Milk temperature display Error message (optional) User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 36: Ready To Operate

    15 % stronger than the setting * page 47 touch 2x 1 bean 15 % weaker than the setting * * Maximum quantity of ground coffee 15 g per brewing cycle The coffee strength will be altered for the next brewing cycle only. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 37: Steamjet Cup Warmer

    ™ Touch the page 48 Hot steam slowly flows into the cup from below. The jet of steam stays on for the time set in the settings. ™ Touch the SteamJet pad again The steam jet stops immediately. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 38: Care

    Mixer rinsing w  C are page 70 DS_03_04_01_08 Milk system rinsing The milk system rinsing rinses the milk hose, the milk Milk system rinsing nozzle, and the milk foamer. Milk system rinsing w  C are page 70 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 39: Cleanlock

    Descaling chapter of litres remaining before descaling is required. This w  s tarting on page 71 litres indication is calculated and displayed by the WMF 1100 S. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 40: Beverages

    A saved recipe is loaded to a beverage button here. ™ Touch a beverage button ™ Touch the “Load recipes” pad A submenu opens. ™ Mark the desired recipe ™ Touch the “Save recipes” pad The beverage button is assigned to the newly selected recipe. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 41: Cup Volume, Multiple Brewing, And Dispensing Option

    The beverage is brewed several times, as set. Up to 12 times the set quantity can be dispensed with one touch of a button. Available for beverages with coffee and with milk mixtures, as well as for hot water with the “metered” dispensing option. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 42
    The beverage or steam is output for as long as the button is pressed and held. • Start-Stop-Freeflow A brief press of a button starts start-stop dispensing. A longer press of the button, for more than 1 second, starts freeflow dispensing. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 43: Change Recipes

    The software indicates whether desired options are not technically possible. inventory of factory additions The additions that can be used for the recipe are shown here. ™ Touch the desired addition and slide it into the current recipe composition User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 44
    The setting options for the selected addition are displayed. The saved and current data are displayed. The current values The values saved by Service The factory values ground coffee quantity Enter in grams (g) Water quantity / milk quantity Enter in millilitres (ml) User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 45: Coffee Quality

    After pressing and a pre-infusion, wet pressing occurs. Same as for Quality 4, but with stronger wet pressing. Same as for Quality 5, but with stronger and longer wet pressing. Same as for Quality 6, but with stronger and longer wet pressing. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 46: Text And Picture

    35 Text + picture Cappuccino Note The beverage name and photo of a beverage button are adjusted here. Activate the keyboard by touching the keyboard pad. note A note about the beverage can be saved here. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 47: Operating Options

    • Cancel beverage: inactive • Menu pad: delayed • Error message: symbol • Cup size adjustment: inactive Barista pad Options: • active • inactive Default value: active active The pad is displayed when “Ready to operate”. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 48
    The pad is displayed when “Ready to operate”. Error message The error is displayed in various colours in the header bar on the display. Options: • Text • Symbol Default value: Text Text The errors are shown on the display as a text message. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 49: Button Layout

    49 pre-selection” can be activated here, or by selecting the “Self-service+Flags” button layout. Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive DS_03_06_01_01 Button layout Various standard button layouts are saved here can be Button layout selected. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 50: Postselection

    Standard modification factor for beverage sizes for S-recipes that are newly activated. Default value: 75 % Large Standard modification factor for beverage sizes for L-recipes that are newly activated. Default value: 125 % Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 51: Beverage Pre-Selection

    Decaf function. This setting applies to all coffee beverages with pre-selected “Decaf”. Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 52: Information

    The weekly overview of the timer opens. All switch-on and switch-off times are displayed in this overview. DS_03_07_03_01 Service Service Contact data for WMF Service. Serial number of the coffee machine. DS_03_07_04_01 Care Care The last cleaning and care actions that run via coffee machine programs are displayed here.

  • Page 53: Accounting

    408 4720 Default setting Counter 1 = day counter Counter 2 = week counter Counter 3 = month counter Counter 4 = year counter Each counter can be reset. Vending machines See vending machines User Manual. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 54: Pin Rights

    Operating options Language DI_usb DI_abr Accounting (without “delete”) DS_03_09_03_01 accounting pin Accounting On entering the valid PIN, access to: DI_pin DI_pfege Care DI_timer DI_getr Beverages Timer DI_bedien DI_system Operating options System DI_sprache DI_abr Accounting Language (with “delete”) DI_usb User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 55: Timer

    21:00 00:.. 21:00 00:.. 21:00 00:.. 21:00 00:.. 21:00 00:.. 21:00 00:.. 21:00 22:00 23:00 The weekly overview of all switching times for the button layout is displayed. The settings can be modified directly in the overview. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 56: 5.10 System

    Progress indicator Options: Line, circle, off Default value: Line DS_03_11_00_02 Display and illumination Display and illumination The display and illumination are set here. illumination • Spout illumination Options: • active • inactive Default value: active User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 57
    Recalibrate the touch display. Display background The colour design for the touch display can be set here. • Colour of the main page • Colour of following pages User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 58: Beverages: Large Font

    Measured carbonate hardness Enter the measured water hardness in °dKH here. ™ Request drinking water hardness reading from water supplier, or determine using WMF carbonate hardness test (complete with instructions) in the accessories The carbonate hardness test is supplied with the accessories.

  • Page 59: Eco Mode

    Beans empty message calibration Beans empty message The beans empty message is recalibrated here. calibration This must be performed as soon as the “Refill beans” message appears, even though there are still beans in the hopper. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 60: Antifreeze / Transport Preparation

    Load cup symbols Photos and beverage symbols stored on the USB stick are loaded to the coffee machine here. DS_03_13_00_03 Save recipes Save recipes Current recipes are exported from the coffee machine to the USB stick here. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 61: Export Counters

    (Can be protected by a PIN.) DS_03_13_00_08 Load language Load language If available, another display language can be loaded to the coffee machine from the USB stick here. DS_03_13_00_09 Firmware update Firmware update For Service only. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 62: 5.12 Eco Mode

    “Ready to operate” display. There are two states. Eco mode “active” The coffee machine is currently in the reduce phase. Eco mode “ready” Eco mode is based on idle time, 10 minutes after the latest beverage has been dispensed. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 63: 5.13 Language

    It can be set in increments of 30 minutes. Eco mode can be activated for a limited time using the timer. DI_sprache 5.13 Language The language used in the display is set here. The available languages are displayed in English. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 64: Other Settings

    The grinding degree can be set to a coarser level all at once, if desired. ™ Initiate coffee dispensing and wait until grinder starts up ™ With grinder running, alter grinding degree as desired using the multitool Grinding degree Grinding degree fine coarse Multitool User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 65: Care

    • Germs can multiply in a coffee machine that Follow the Safety chapter is not in use. w  s tarting on page 6 > Prior to and after every instance that the machine is shut off for several days, perform all cleanings. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 66
    CaUtion • All cleaning agents are perfectly tuned to Follow the Safety chapter the cleaning programs. w  s tarting on page 6 > Use only WMF cleaning and descaling agent. Health hazard /  CaUtion irritation and scalding hazard Follow the Safety chapter w …
  • Page 67: Cleaning Intervals Overview

    = Daily, at least once per day and as needed Weekly = Weekly cleaning Regularly = Regularly as needed Automatic = Automatic processing Message = After the display shows a message = Daily for severe soiling = optional (depending on the model) User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 68: Dishwasher-Safe Parts

    M ain menu with a WMF cleaning tablet. w  C are w  I nstructions A milk system rinsing and mixer rinsing are parts of the system cleaning. Total duration is approx. 10 minutes. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 69
    • If confirmed with , the coffee machine is of rinse water may get into the restarted after cleaning. coffee grounds container. This is not an error. ™ Select desired option ™ Information will be shown on the display User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 70: Mixer Rinsing

    The milk system rinsing rinses the milk hose, the milk nozzles, and the milk foamer. w Clean milk system manually ™ Start the Care menu page 80 ™ Touch Cleaning programs ™ Touch Milk system rinsing ™ Information will be shown on the display User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 71: Descaling

    6 surfaces and spouts become hot. > If the coffee machine is still hot, a cooling routine starts initially. Duration of the cooling routine is 5–10 minutes. > Wait until the cooling routine has finished. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 72
    Care | Descaling • WMF care products are designed and tested iMportant for use with these materials. Any other descaling agent may cause damage to the Follow the Warranty chapter w  s tarting on page 100 coffee machine. > Use only WMF descaling agent.
  • Page 73: Manual Cleaning

    Care | Manual cleaning Manual cleaning Order numbers for the WMF care program w  A ccessories and spare parts page 104 7.6.1 Clean the operating panel (CleanLock) Touch “CleanLock” to start a 15-second countdown. The touch display can now be cleaned. The touch display is activated again 15 seconds after the last time…

  • Page 74: Clean The Catch Pan

    ™ Remove the catch pan and clean it thoroughly with clear drinking water ™ Dry and replace the catch pan ™ Replace the grounds container 7.6.4 Clean the water tank Thoroughly rinse water tank weekly with clear water. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 75: Clean The Drip Tray

    ™ Clean the SteamJet spout and cover thoroughly with the included cleaning brush ™ Rinse the drip tray and the drip grid with clear drinking water ™ Dry the drip tray and the drip grid, reassemble and replace User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 76: Clean The Housing

    Do not use any cleaners a damp cloth or implements. ™ Wipe dry using a fine woollen cloth 7.6.7 Clean the spout manually Regularly clean the outside of the spout with a damp cloth and clean the dispensing openings with the appropriate brushes. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 77: Clean The Brewing Unit

    > Allow the coffee machine to cool before cleaning. • The brewing unit can slip downwards. iMportant > Always hold the brewing unit securely. Follow the Warranty chapter > Never use force. Danger of breakage. w  s tarting on page 100 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 78
    ™ Pull the springs outward and press them down This unlocks the insertion chute. ™ Swing the insertion chute [1] upwards ™ Clean the brewing sieve under running water or Illustration 3 with a cloth Illustration 4 User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 79
    > Turn the thread on the brewing unit head w  s tarting on page 100 slightly to the left or right with the multitool until the brewing unit slides into the guide. > Never use force. Danger of breakage. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 80: Clean The Milk System Manually

    ™ Clean the channels and connections with the included cleaning brush Health hazard CaUtion • In case of eye contact, the WMF milk system Follow the Safety chapter cleaner can cause severe eye injury. w  s tarting on page 6 > Ensure that the milk system cleaner never makes contact with the eyes of a person or…

  • Page 81
    39 ™ Immerse the length of the remaining milk hose in the cleaning solution This procedure prevents air bubbles from remaining in the milk hose. All parts must be completely immersed in the cleaning solution. User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 82: Clean The Mixer

    • If the mixer hose is not firmly attached, Follow the Safety chapter hot water or hot powder beverage can be w  s tarting on page 6 discharged inadvertently. > Place the mixer hose on the mixer bowl. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 83: Clean The Bean Hopper

    Coffee machine switches off. ™ Disconnect mains plug ™ Remove the cover from the bean hopper, empty it, and clean it with a damp cloth ™ Allow bean hoppers to dry completely ™ Refill bean hopper and close the covers User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 84: Clean The Powder Hopper

    ™ Remove the powder hopper, empty it out, and clean it with a damp cloth ™ Unscrew union nut at front and rear ™ Pull out the dosing auger and remove the discharge ™ Thoroughly wipe out hopper with a damp cloth User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 85
    (optional) ™ Unlatch the extension ™ Lift up the extension to remove it ™ Wipe out the extension thoroughly with a damp cloth and allow to dry ™ Replace the extension and latch it in place User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 86: Haccp Cleaning Schedule

    61 be established and implemented. With correct installation, care, maintenance, and cleaning, WMF coffee machines meet the requirements described above. If care and cleaning of the coffee machine is not carried out properly, dispensing milk beverages will constitute a food hygiene hazard point.

  • Page 87
    • If little milk is used, chilled milk must be placed in WMF offers a range of refrigeration options (e.g., WMF countertop the refrigerator again during operation. coolers or WMF milk coolers). HACCP cleaning schedule…
  • Page 88: Maintenance And Descaling

    Maintenance Maintenance after the display message; may only be Service maintenance message w  M essages and instructions undertaken by trained personnel or by WMF Service, as page 90 in this instance components affecting safety must be replaced. The following care or maintenance stages are provided: • Descaling may be undertaken by the user / operator.

  • Page 89: Wmf Service

    Maintenance and descaling | WMF Service WMF Service important. You can reach WMF Service if the local service point is For other maintenance work and not known. repairs, please contact your local WMF Service. The telephone number can be found on the address sticker WMF Group GmbH…

  • Page 90: Messages And Instructions

    ™ Change water filter For coffee machines with a constant water supply, we recommend using Follow water filter instructions. the bestmax V water filter. ™ Call WMF Service when needed Call WMF Service Error messages and malfunctions w  p age 91 Error number is displayed Service messages are instructions.

  • Page 91: Error Messages And Malfunctions

    If this does not rectify the error or if the error indicated is not listed please call WMF Service. Some messages lead to blocking of individual functions. You will notice this by the fact that the beverage button illumination goes out.

  • Page 92
    Boiler: ™ Switch the coffee machine off, allow to cool and over-temperature switch on again ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service Boiler: ™ Switch off the coffee machine and on again heat-up time error ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service…
  • Page 93
    If error not remedied carry out the next step. warm rinsing ™ Clean the brewing unit w Care w Clean the brewing unit, page 77 ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service Steam boiler: Beverage dispensing temporarily blocked. level ™…
  • Page 94: Errors Without Error Message

    Error pattern Action instructions • No hot water dispensing ™ Clean the hot water spout but water in grounds ™ Call WMF Service (coffee dispensing possible) container • No Choc dispensing ™ Do not use Choc dispensing but water in grounds ™…

  • Page 95
    Care w  C lean milk system manually, page 80 ™ Use lower powder dosage ™ Use higher water dosage • Pump runs continuously, ™ Switch the coffee machine off and on again water in grounds ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service container User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 96: Safety And Warranty

    Coffee grinder • Foreign objects can damage the grinders. This damage is not covered under the warranty. > Ensure that no foreign objects land in the coffee bean hopper. User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 97
    • For drinking water with carbonate hardness from 5 °dKH or higher, a WMF water filter must be fitted; otherwise, the coffee machine can be damaged due to build-up of scale. • For insurance reasons always ensure that, at the end of operation the mains switch is switched off or the mains plug is unplugged.
  • Page 98: Directives

    Safety and warranty 11.2 Directives Manufacturer: WMF Group GmbH, 73312 Geislingen (Germany) The device fulfils the requirements of all applicable regulations in the directives MD (MR) 2006/42/EC (EG), EMV directive (EMC) 2014/30/EC and RoHS 2011 / 65 / EG (EC). The manufacturer indicated above declares that this machine conforms to all applicable provisions of the directives listed.

  • Page 99: Duties Of The Owner / Operator

    These measures are conducted by WMF Service or by WMF authorised service personnel as part of the maintenance work. WMF special cleaning agent System cleaning must be carried out using only the w …

  • Page 100: 11.4 Warranty Claims

    Maintenance w  p age 88 WMF, or by repair or reconditioning work on the part of the purchaser or by third parties. • With respect to faults caused by inappropriate or improper use.

  • Page 101: Appendix: Technical Data

    Do not use old hoses. Water quality For drinking water with carbonate hardness from 5 °dKH or higher, a WMF water filter must be fitted. Water drain tube (optional) Hose a minimum of DN 19, minimum downward slope of 2 cm/m Water tank volumes approx.

  • Page 102
    Installation clearances For operating, service, and safety reasons the machine should be installed with a clearance from the building or non-WMF components of not less than 50 mm at the sides and 50 mm at the back. A minimum working space of 800 mm in front of the coffee machine is recommended.
  • Page 103
    In order to avoid possible faults from arising in our shielded data lines due to potential equalisation currents between the devices, an additional potential equalisation unit should be planned for devices connected to the vending system. (See EN 60309) User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 104: Appendix: Accessories And Spare Parts

    O-ring (friction piston) 33 7006 5190 all Multitool 33 7007 1261 all Bean hopper / product hopper Bean hopper lid 33 4051 0000 all Powder hopper lid 33 4051 0000 Choc Powder hopper, no cover 33 2916 5000 all User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 105
    (4 pcs in package) Documentation / Instructions Set of documents: 33 4097 3010 all User Manual WMF 1100 S Order numbers for the WMF care program Bottle WMF Special cleaner for milk foamer 33 0683 6000 all Pack Special cleaning tablets (100 pieces) 33 2332 4000 all…
  • Page 106: Index

    Preparation of ground coffee using the Installation location 19 Conditions for use and installation 13 manual insert 30 Installation surface 102 Connect up the milk 24 Instructions 39 Constant water supply 32 Intended use 12 Counter 53 Introduction 14 Cup size 49 Quality level 45 Inventory of factory additions 43 Cup table 29 User Manual WMF 1100 S…

  • Page 107
    Technical data for coffee machine 101 Settings (basic settings) 20 Water quality 101 Temperature 59 Settings PIN 54 Water quantity 44 Text and picture 46 S-M-L buttons 23 Water supply 101 Time/date 55 S-M-L Cup volumes 41 WMF Service 89 Timer 52, 55 S-M-L Function 41, 50 Touch calibration 57 Software 34 Transport preparation 60 Spout 15 User Manual WMF 1100 S…
  • Page 108
    Your nearest WMF Service: © 2017 WMF Group GmbH All rights reserved, in particular duplication, distribution, and translation rights. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated, or distributed using electronic systems without written consent. Design and production / typesetting and print presentation: TecDoc GmbH;…

Messages and instructions | Errors without error message

Error pattern

• No hot water dispensing

but water in grounds


• No Choc dispensing

but water in grounds


• Choc portioner blocked,

Choc dispensed only with


• Coffee dispensing on the

left / right differs

• No milk foam / milk

dispensing, but milk in

milk container

• Milk foam not OK


Action instructions

™ Clean the hot water spout

™ Call WMF Service (coffee dispensing possible)

™ Do not use Choc dispensing

™ Call WMF Service (coffee dispensing possible)

™ Clean the portioner

w Care w Clean powder hopper, page 84

™ Empty powder

™ Turn dosing auger manually until all powder is


™ If necessary rinse with water

™ (Allow to) dry completely

™ Clean the coffee spout

w Software w Instructions w Coffee spout, page 39

™ Check whether the milk hose is kinked or


™ Check that the correct steam nozzle is being


™ Re-route milk hose correctly

™ Clean the milk spout

™ Refill milk

™ Check whether milk cooler is iced


• green (standard)

• orange (accessories) chilled milk

If error not remedied

w Operation w Connect up the milk, page 24  

w System wMilk and foam w Milk storage temperature, page 56

Milk temperature

non-chilled milk

(16 °C to maximum 22 °C)

(to maximum 10 °C)

User Manual WMF 1100 S

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Тема: WMF 1100S Ошибка 9017  (Прочитано 2842 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Один раз запустил машину без заварника и двигатель работал со странным писклявым звуком, поставил заварник на место двигатель заработал нормально и после этого на следующий день ошибка 9017(не правильное положение З.У.), приехал достал заварник, поставил на место и вижу как при селф тесте заварник не доезжает вниз до конца и не сбрасывает остатки кофе и так раза 4 он ездет вверх и не доезжая вниз, после выдает ошибку 9017. Таких около 5 включений и выключений ошибка пропадает сама, потом машина работает нормально. На следующий день снова при первом включении ошибка 9017, та же история раз 5 выключаешь и включаешь машина работает, через день ошибка перестала выскакивать…
Заварник чистый перебранный.
Подскажите пожалуйста, в чём может быть проблема?

« Последнее редактирование: Октябрь 07, 2021, 10:08:18 от Lieto »


Машина при каждом включении калибрует заварное,определяя верх и низ. Ошибка выходит,потому что по какой то причине ЗУ  доходит до низа(по току), но делает слишком мало оборотов. Ищите проблему в заварном. Перебранный — ещё не значит,что с ним всё ок


Машина при каждом включении калибрует заварное,определяя верх и низ. Ошибка выходит,потому что по какой то причине ЗУ  доходит до низа(по току), но делает слишком мало оборотов. Ищите проблему в заварном. Перебранный — ещё не значит,что с ним всё ок

Спасибо за отклик, пока что пятый день аппарат работает без ошибок, если снова выскочит ошибка тогда буду смотреть заварник.


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WMF 5000 S +




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Summary of Contents for WMF 5000 S+

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    Ensure that there is always a receptacle under the outlet when dispensing hot beverages and hot steam to avoid scalding. Do not touch hot machine components. Never reach into the coffee grinder. Never reach into the powder hopper. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 3
    Never reach under the spouts while system cleaning. Do not reach into the bean hopper or the brewing unit opening when the Coffee Machine is switched on to avoid bruising or crushing when handling moving parts. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 4
    Thanks to the optional “Fresh Filtered Coffee” extension, the WMF 5000 S + can also dispense freshly filtered coffee. With its optionally available powder hopper, the WMF 5000 S + can also make hot chocolate with milk or milk foam. Follow the User Manual CAUTION >…
  • Page 5
    > Follow all the safety instructions. General safety instructions Hazards to the operator At WMF, safety is one of the most essential product features. The effectiveness of safety devices can only be ensured if the following points are observed: >…
  • Page 6
    A coffee machine poses a potential for hazard when correctly used, despite the use of safety devices. Please observe the following instructions when using the coffee machine to prevent injury and health hazards: User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 7
    Pull out the plug to do so. The person performing the maintenance or repair must always be able to check, with a clear line of sight, that the power supply has been disconnected. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 8
    > Do not reach beneath the spouts during the heating-up phase. > Do not touch the spouts immediately after dispensing. > Always place an appropriate cup under the spout before dispensing a beverage. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 9
    > Carefully and gently close the operating panel. > Do not reach into the area of the moving spout. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 10
    CAUTION • The milk system cleaner and the cleaning tablets are irritants. > Follow the protective measures on the packaging of the cleaning agent. > Only put in a cleaning tablet when an appropriate message is displayed. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 11
    • Fluids can be discharged from the coffee machine if used improperly or if errors occur. These fluids can cause a slipping hazard. > Regularly check the coffee machine for leaks, and make sure no water is coming out. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 12
    > The coffee machine must only be used as intended. • The WMF 5000 S + is designed to dispense beverages made with coffee and/or milk and/or powder (such as Choc or Topping). • The coffee beans, milk, topping, and chocolate powder products must be suitable for processing in a fully automated coffee…
  • Page 13
    • The set of hoses provided with the new coffee machine and/or the new water filter must be used. Do not use the old set of hoses. Ambient temperature • Ambient temperature 41 °F to a maximum of 95 °F (+5 °C to a maximum +35 °C) User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 14
    The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this. • Under no circumstances may the WMF 5000 S + be used to dispense and heat liquids other than coffee, hot water (beverages, cleaning) or milk (chilled, pasteurized, homogenized, UHT).
  • Page 15
    The work must be carried out by authorized installation technicians in compliance with general, country-specific and local regulations. The WMF Service engineers must only connect the coffee machine to existing prepared connection points. WMF Service is neither authorized nor responsible for carrying out any on-site installation work prior to connection.
  • Page 16
    “Warm rinse” pad …………..User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 17: Table Of Contents

    Re‑enter PIN…………..User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 18
    Firmware update …………..User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 19
    Error messages and malfunctions Errors without error message Safety and warranty Hazards to the coffee machine Directives Duties of the owner / operator Warranty claims Appendix: Technical data Technical data for coffee machine Appendix: Accessories and spare parts Index User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 20
    Milk coffee Espresso Café Crème Milk Espresso Macchiato Cappuccino Latte Macchiato Milk Choc “Ready to operate” display DI_02_01_00 Header bar 5000 S+ Milk coffee Espresso Café Crème Milk Espresso macchiato Cappuccino Latte Macchiato Milk Choc Function bar User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 21
    Beverage buttons SteamJet pad “Warm rinse” pad Barista pad The pads and buttons available on the display depend on the settings and the machine model. The functions shown here are examples. Software w starting on page 36 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 22
    Follow the Warranty chapter • for the installation location w starting on page 111 > Always follow the User Manual. Technical data w starting on page 112 Note / tip NOTE • Instructions for safe use and tips for easier operation. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 23
    Prior to brewing cycle, coffee is briefly infused in order to ensure a more intense release of its aromatic compounds. Pressing Automatic pressing of ground coffee prior to brewing cycle. Rinsing Intermediate cleaning Self-service mode Self-service customer operation User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 24
    Follow the Safety chapter consumption and for use with the coffee w starting on page 5 machine. > The powder hopper, bean hopper, and the manual insert may only be filled with materials for the use intended. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 25
    > Do not reach into the area of the moving spout. Other documents With syrup station option • Follow the User Manual for the syrup station. • Follow the Cleaning instructions for the syrup station. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 26
    ™ ™ Place the lid back on the container ™ ™ Insert the adapter on the milk hose into the connection in the milk container lid Milk container ™ ™ Push the milk container back in carefully User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 27
    Our new “Fresh Filtered Coffee” feature provides dispensing of filtered, freshly-brewed coffee. The freshly-brewed coffee is free from oil and sediment thanks to this additional filter system. Practically all coffee brews (Espresso or Café Crème) can be dispensed via this filter. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 28
    3.10 Hot water dispensing ™ ™ Place a cup of the appropriate size beneath the hot water spout ™ ™ Touch the hot water button Dispensing occurs according to the dispensing option. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 29
    • Milk and foam can boil over if the temperature is set to 194 °F (90 °C). > Fill jug to no more than half way. > Do not overheat milk when foaming, otherwise milk foam volume decreases. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 30
    Residue in the steam outlet tube is rinsed. ™ ™ Wipe the steam outlet with a damp cloth 3.11.2 Easy Steam (optional) Beverages can be heated using the Easy Steam discharge. Milk can be foamed by adding air manually. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 31
    54 Hot steam slowly flows into the cup from below. The jet of steam stays on for the time set in the settings. ™ ™ Touch the SteamJet button again The steam jet stops immediately. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 32
    Follow the Warranty chapter warranty. w starting on page 111 > Ensure that no foreign objects land in the coffee bean hopper. > Do not overfill the powder hopper. > Do not press down and compact the powder. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 33
    Ground coffee prepared using the manual insert (also possible with 3 receptacles) ™ ™ Open manual insert lid ™ ™ Insert ground coffee (maximum 0.67 oz/19 g) ™ ™ Close manual insert lid ™ ™ Touch the desired beverage button Manual insert User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 34
    Manual cleaning container and the coffee machine base have an page 89 opening that passes through the on-site counter on which the machine is placed. The spent coffee grounds are collected in a separate container under the counter. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 35
    ™ ™ Press the ON/OFF switch briefly (approx. 1 second) Coffee machine switches off. ™ ™ Disconnect mains plug ™ ™ Turn off main water supply tap PIN access control w PIN rights page 62 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 36
    38 SteamJet cup warmer Eco mode (active) Beverage size (S-M-L) Warm rinsing Steam button Barista (coffee strength) Second type of coffee (decaf) Hot water Milk system refill Cup size adjustment Nutritional information Second type of milk User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 37
    79 Menu control pads Main menu / back Confirm value / setting DI_pin PIN entry Delete value / setting Next / start Preparation test Load settings Back Save settings Show keyboard Messages on the display Milk temperature display Event and error message (optional) User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 38
    A beverage button can also be assigned for hot water. SteamJet pad For heating cups. SteamJet pad active / inactive w Operating options page 54 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 39: Nutritional Information

    15 % stronger than the setting * touch 2x 1 bean 15 % weaker than the setting * * Maximum quantity of ground coffee 0.67 oz (19 g) per brewing cycle The coffee strength will be altered for the next brewing cycle only. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 40: Milk System Refill

    This could be skim milk or a soy drink, for example. Second type of milk w Operating options page 55 Steam button The steam button is used to dispense hot steam for warming beverages. Milk can be foamed by means of the steam button. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 41: Care

    Milk system cleaning Milk system cleaning can be started separately. This makes sense if there are longer periods between Milk system cleaning w Care dispensing milk beverages. The milk system cleaning page 86 program cleans the milk system. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 42: Enable Milk System

    ™ ™ Touch A 15-second countdown starts. Clean the operating panel The touch display can now be cleaned. w Care page 88 The touch display is activated again 15 seconds after the last time it was touched. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 43: Instructions

    After the milk system cleaning cycle, the machine shuts down normally. If this function is activated, the user can replace and connect the milk container up to 15 minutes after cleaning. The coffee machine is then ready to run again. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 44: Beverages

    ™ ™ Touch a beverage button ™ ™ Touch the “Load recipes” pad A submenu opens. ™ ™ Mark the desired recipe ™ ™ Touch the “Save recipes” pad The beverage button is assigned to the newly selected recipe. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 45: Cup Volume, Multiple Brewing, And Dispensing Option

    The recipes for the sizes S and L are generated. M is as set. Default value: S = 25 % less than the setting. S-active Active L-active L = 25 % more than the setting. Change S‑M‑L for individual beverages w Cup volume User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 46
    • Freeflow The beverage or steam is output for as long as the button is pressed and held. • Metered The set volume is dispensed. The dispensing option is available for milk, foam, and hot water. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 47: Change Recipes

    The additions that can be used for the recipe are shown here. ™ ™ Touch the desired addition and then touch the desired position in the recipe composition again The addition is immediately inserted at the desired position. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 48
    Water quantity / milk quantity Enter in milliliters (ml) Set whether to direct the brewed coffee through the filter or not. Chilled coffee Set whether to direct the brewed coffee through the cooler to cool it down or not. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 49
    After pressing and a pre-infusion, wet pressing occurs. Same as for Quality 4, but with stronger wet pressing. Same as for Quality 5, but with stronger and longer wet pressing. Same as for Quality 6, but with stronger and longer wet pressing. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 50: Select Coffee Grinder

    The beverage name and photo of a beverage button Load custom beverage pictures w USB are adjusted here. page 79 Activate the keyboard by touching the keyboard pad. Note A note about the beverage can be saved here. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 51
    S‑M‑L must be active. Make cup settings under the system menu. w System w Cup detection If this function is active, the height can no longer page 74 be adjusted manually. The setting wheel is no longer displayed. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 52: Change Buttons

    Software | Beverages Change buttons The positions of two beverage buttons are swapped here. ™ ™ Touch a beverage button ™ ™ Touch the “Change buttons” pad ™ ™ Touch the beverage button that is to be swapped User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 53: Operating Options

    Cancel beverage • Fill milk system: active page 58 • Beverage pre-selection: inactive • Cancel beverage: inactive Barista pad Options: • active • inactive Default value: active active The pad is displayed when ready for operation. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 54
    The menu pad reacts immediately when the pad is touched. inactive Touching the empty pad twice calls up the main menu. SteamJet Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive active The pad is displayed when ready for operation. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 55
    A second type of milk is activated here. There is an option to dispense a second type of milk. This could be skim milk or a soy drink, for example. Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 56: Button Layout

    43 Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive active The errors are shown on the display as a text message. DS_04_05_02 Button layout Button layout Various standard button layouts are saved and can be selected here. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 57: Postselection

    Decaf function. quantity set in the recipe. This setting applies to all coffee beverages with pre-selected “Decaf”. Setting range: -25 % to 15 % Default value: 10 % User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 58: Beverage Pre-Selection

    • inactive Default value: inactive active Beverage dispensing can be interrupted by touching the beverage button again. Milk foam selection Options: • active • inactive Milk foam selection is possible only with Auto Steam option. Default value: active User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 59: Logo

    Load customer’s logo Insert the USB stick containing the customer’s logo. Load the customer’s logo. Size of customer’s logo The logo must not be greater than 80 pixels high. Larger logos will be scaled to this size automatically. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 60: Information

    The weekly overview of the timer opens. All switch-on and switch-off times are displayed in this overview. DS_04_06_03 Service Service Contact data for WMF Service. Serial number of the coffee machine. DS_04_06_04 Care Care The last cleaning and care actions that run via coffee machine programs are displayed here.

  • Page 61: Accounting

    Counter 1 = day counter Counter 2 = week counter Counter 3 = month counter Counter 4 = year counter Each counter can be reset. Vending machines See vending machines User Manual. External accounting See the waiter accounting instructions. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 62: Free Of Charge Settings

    One PIN can be assigned for each of the areas listed below. • Cleaning • Setting • Accounting The PINs are hierarchical. This means, for example: the settings PIN simultaneously grants all rights for the cleaning PIN, but not the rights for the accounting PIN. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 63: Cleaning Pin

    Accounting PIN, it can be reset only DI_usb by our service department. DS_04_07_06 Re-enter PIN Re-enter PIN Once a PIN has been assigned for access rights, DI_service-pin the PIN number must be entered here in order to assign a new PIN. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 64: Timer

    07:.. 07:.. 07:00:.. 07:.. 07:.. 07:.. 07:00 17:00 07:00 17:00 Self- Dynamic Self- Dynamic Self- 08:00 service Milk service Milk service 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 65: Delete Timer

    ™ ™ Set timer switching times The times are previously set for all selected days. After confirmation, a weekly overview is displayed with the switch time settings. The individual times can be modified in this weekly overview, as desired. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 66: Button Layout

    Set whether to switch to daylight saving time automatically here. This menu is displayed only if no telemetry module is installed. Options: active inactive Default value: inactive DS_04_09_03 Time zone Time zone The time zone can be set here. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 67: 4.10 System

    ™ ™ Connect the milk hose ™ ™ Place a measuring cup with 0.132 gal (500 ml) capacity under the spout ™ ™ Start the calibration ™ ™ As soon as the measuring cup has been filled with 0.132 gal (500 ml) (+/- 0.005 gal/20 ml), stop the calibration User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 68: Progress Display

    • Standard color side Event display (message) Options: • active • inactive For example, “Beans empty” message. Default value: inactive active The illumination during a message can be adjusted. Illumination for messages (event) • Event color side User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 69: Display Brightness

    Touch calibration Recalibrate the touch display. Display background The color design for the touch display can be set here. • Color of the main page • Color for additional pages User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 70: Beverages: Font + Color

    No liability is assumed for any resulting damage. Determine the water hardness ™ ™ Request drinking water hardness reading from water supplier, or determine using WMF carbonate hardness test (complete with instructions) in the accessories User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 71: Eco Mode

    Eco mode page 78 Options: • active • inactive Default value: inactive Switch off Options: never, 30 min/60 min/90 min/120 min/ 150 min/180 min Default value: never DS_04_10_08 Temperature Temperature The boiler water temperature is set here. (coffee brewing water temperature) User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 72: Grinding Degree Setting

    ™ ™ Set Bluetooth to active here ™ ™ Open the operating panel ™ ™ Insert the WMF Bluetooth stick on the back side of the operating panel ™ ™ Switch the coffee machine off and on again User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 73: S-M-L Function

    Assign names and symbols to syrups here. Activate the available metered quantities Detailed setting capability for the (single, double, big). syrup station w User Manual for the Syrup station DS_04_10_19 Milk (optional) Milk Assign names and symbols to milk 1 and milk 2 here. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 74: Nutritional Information

    The height for a recipe is set in the beverage menu. The tolerance set here determines how precise this height must be in order to enable the beverage. The required tolerance is thus entered here. Setting range: 0 inch/mm to ±1.18 inch (30 mm) Steps: approx. 0.30 inch (7.5 mm) User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 75
    The cup sensor detects whether there is a receptacle beneath the spout and determines its height. Based on this value, matching beverages are shown on the display. If S-M-L pre-selection is active, the sensor performs this pre-selection. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 76
    The cup size is deleted. Add cup size Change the size designations for beverages ™ ™ Place the new size cup under the spout w System ™ ™ Assign the desired S-M-L size w S‑M‑L page 73 ™ ™ Touch User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 77: 4.11 Language

    S-M-L settings. Beverage size preselection DI_sprache 4.11 Language The language used in the display is set here. The available languages are displayed in English. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 78: 4.12 Eco Mode

    Immediate start When Eco mode is set to “active”, the Eco mode symbol is shown on the “Ready to operate” display. Touching the symbol activates Eco mode immediately. The symbol changes to “active.” User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 79: 4.13 Usb

    Save recipes as pdf file The active recipes, all customer recipes, or all factory recipes can be exported as PDF files. DS_04_13_05 Export counters Export counters Current counter levels are exported from the coffee machine to the USB stick here. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 80: Haccp Export

    (Can be protected by a PIN.) DS_04_13_09 Load language Load language If available, another display language can be loaded to the coffee machine from the USB stick here. DS_04_13_10 Firmware update Firmware update For Service only. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 81: Care

    • Germs can multiply in a coffee machine that Follow the Safety chapter is not in use. w starting on page 5 > Prior to and after every instance that the machine is shut off for several days, perform all cleanings. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 82
    CAUTION • All cleaning agents are perfectly tuned to the Follow the Safety chapter cleaning programs. w starting on page 5 > Use only WMF cleaning agent. Health hazard /  CAUTION irritation and scalding hazard Follow the Safety chapter w starting on page 5 •…
  • Page 83: Cleaning Intervals Overview

    = Daily, at least once per day, and as required Weekly = Weekly cleaning Regularly = Regularly as required Automatic = Automatic processing = Daily for severe soiling = Optional (depending on the model) Instructions = Instructions available in the menu w “Software” w “Care” User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 84: Cleaning Programs

    Syrup station cleaning instructions WMF cleaning tablets for the coffee and milk systems. The optional FFC and Chilled coffee functions can also be cleaned as part of system cleaning when needed.

  • Page 85: Mixer Rinsing

    > Never reach under the spouts while rinsing. Mixer rinsing can be started separately. Instructions as animation w Main menu ™ ™ Start the Care menu w Care Mixer rinsing ™ ™ Touch w Instructions ™ ™ Follow the information on the display User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 86: Milk System Cleaning

    Easy Milk / Dynamic Milk, the special blue cleaning container is required for cleaning. A special cleaning tablet must be used. ™ ™ Start the Care menu Milk system cleaning ™ ™ Touch ™ ™ Follow the information on the display User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 87: Foamer Rinsing

    Health hazard / scalding hazard CAUTION > The filter capsule remains hot immediately Follow the Safety chapter after coffee is dispensed via the filter. w starting on page 5 > Allow the filter capsule to cool slightly before replacing. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 88: Manual Cleaning

    ™ ™ Follow the instructions on the display This menu shows how many more drinks can be dispensed via this filter and how many hours remain before filter replacement is due. Manual cleaning Order numbers for the WMF care program w Accessories and spare parts page 116 5.4.1…

  • Page 89: Clean The Grounds Container (Grounds Chute, Optional)

    ™ ™ Rinse the drip tray with clear drinking water ™ ™ Dry off the drip tray and replace it Descaling w Software w Care page 43 With optional syrup station w Syrup station cleaning instructions User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 90: Clean The Housing And The Cup Sensor

    Do not use any cleaners or switch implements. ™ ™ Allow the coffee machine to cool ™ ™ Once the coffee machine has cooled down, clean the housing with a damp cloth ™ ™ Clean the sensor with a clean, damp cloth User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 91: Clean The Milk System Manually (Easy Milk)

    > Disconnect mains plug. w Instructions Health hazard CAUTION • In case of eye contact, the WMF milk system Follow the Safety chapter cleaner can cause severe eye injury. w starting on page 5 > Ensure that the milk system cleaner never makes contact with the eyes of a person or…

  • Page 92: Clean The Combi Spout Manually (Dynamic Milk)

    ™ ™ Thoroughly clean the parts under running drinking water When needed (weekly) ™ ™ Mix 5 ml (0.001 gal) of WMF special cleaner or a special cleaning tablet with 0.132 gal (500 ml) of warm drinking water ™ ™ Immerse all four parts in the cleaning solution at least for 4 hours…

  • Page 93: Clean The Auto Steam Outlet

    > When dispensing beverages and steam, do not reach beneath the spouts. > Do not reach beneath the spouts during the heating-up phase. > Do not touch the spouts immediately after dispensing. > Always place a suitable cup under the spout when dispensing. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 94
    ™ ™ Screw the steam nozzle onto the Auto Steam outlet ™ ™ Immerse steam nozzle in a jug with clear water ™ ™ Briefly touch an Auto Steam button ™ ™ Wipe the steam outlet with a damp cloth User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 95: Clean The Bean Hopper

    ™ ™ Press the ON/OFF switch until coffee machine switches off ™ ™ Disconnect mains plug ™ ™ Turn the lock on the bean hopper 180° to open it Rotate the lock by 180° User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 96: Clean The Powder Hopper

    ™ ™ Press the ON/OFF switch until coffee machine switches off ™ ™ Disconnect mains plug ™ ™ Turn the lock on the powder hopper 180° to open it ™ ™ Tip hopper backwards and remove upwards ™ ™ Empty hopper completely User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 97
    ™ ™ Re-assemble and replace the dosing auger and Portioner with individual parts. Dosing auger screw on union nuts IMPORTANT Ensure correct orientation of discharge. ™ ™ Refill and replace powder hopper ™ ™ Turn the lock 180° to relock it User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 98: Haccp Cleaning Schedule

    80 be established and implemented. With correct installation, care, maintenance, and cleaning, WMF coffee machines meet the requirements described above. If care and cleaning of the coffee machine is not carried out properly, dispensing milk beverages will constitute a food hygiene hazard point.

  • Page 99
    Depending on the setting, one liter occasionally if needed. of milk is sufficient for approx. 20 cappuccinos. • If little milk is used, chilled milk must be placed in WMF offers a range of refrigeration the refrigerator again during operation. options (e.g., WMF countertop coolers). HACCP cleaning schedule…
  • Page 100: Maintenance And Descaling

    Maintenance Maintenance after the display message; may only be Service maintenance message w Messages and instructions undertaken by trained personnel or by WMF Service, as page 102 in this instance components affecting safety must be replaced. The following care or maintenance stages are provided: •…

  • Page 101: Wmf Service

    Maintenance and descaling | WMF Service WMF Service You can reach WMF Service if the local service point is Important. not known. For other maintenance work and repairs, please contact your local WMF Service. The telephone number WMF Group GmbH can be found on the address sticker on the coffee machine and on the Eberhardstraße 35…

  • Page 102: Messages And Instructions

    Grounds container missing ™ ™ Replace the grounds container correctly Change water filter ™ ™ Change water filter Follow water filter instructions. ™ ™ Call WMF Service when needed Call WMF Service Error messages and malfunctions w page 103 Error number is displayed Service message Service messages are instructions.

  • Page 103: Error Messages And Malfunctions

    If this does not rectify the error or if the error indicated is not listed please call WMF Service. Some messages lead to blocking of individual functions. You will notice this by the fact that the beverage button illumination goes out.

  • Page 104
    ™ ™ Switch the coffee machine off, allow to cool over-temperature and switch on again ™ ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service Flow error: Between each of the following steps switch off the coffee machine and on again. If error not remedied carry out the next step.
  • Page 105: Errors Without Error Message

    Action instructions • No Choc dispensing ™ ™ Do not use Choc dispensing but water in grounds ™ ™ Call WMF Service (coffee dispensing possible) container • Choc portioner blocked, ™ ™ Clean the portioner w Care w Clean the powder hopper, page 96 Choc dispensed only with ™…

  • Page 106
    • Pump runs continuously, ™ ™ Switch the coffee machine off and on again water in grounds ™ ™ If error not remedied call WMF Service container • Choc hopper cannot ™ ™ Manually turn the drive for the dosing auger at be replaced…
  • Page 107: Safety And Warranty

    Coffee grinder • Foreign objects can damage the grinders. Such damage is not covered under the warranty. > Ensure that no foreign objects land in the coffee bean hopper. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 108: Directives

    • For drinking water with carbonate hardness from 5 °dKH (5 gpg) or higher, a WMF water filter must be fitted. Failing to use the water filter recommended by WMF Service may damage the coffee machine (e.g. due to scale deposits).

  • Page 109
    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 110: Duties Of The Owner / Operator

    These measures are conducted by WMF Service or by WMF authorized service personnel as part of the maintenance work. Machine cleaning must be carried out using only the WMF special cleaning agent w Accessories and spare parts WMF special cleaning agent intended by WMF for the…

  • Page 111: Warranty Claims

    Important modifications undertaken without the consent of Maintenance w page 100 WMF, or by repair or reconditioning work on the part of the purchaser or by third parties. • With respect to faults caused by inappropriate or improper use. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 112: Appendix: Technical Data

    Do not use the old set of hoses. Water quality For drinking water with carbonate hardness from 5 °dKH (5 gpg) or higher, a WMF water filter must be fitted. Water drain tube Hose a minimum of DN 19, minimum downward slope (optional) of 0.02 in/in (2 cm/m)

  • Page 113
    We reserve the right to make technical modifications. A-evaluated sound pressure level Lpa (slow) and Lpa (impulses) at operating personnel workplace is under 70 dB(A) in any working mode. User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 114
    Installation clearances For operating, service, and safety reasons the machine should be installed with a clearance from the building or non-WMF components of not less than 1.97 in (50 mm) at the sides and 1.97 in (50 mm) at the back. A minimum working space of 31.50 in (800 mm) in front the coffee machine and overhead clearance of at least 7.87 in (200 mm) above…
  • Page 115
    If the machine is intended to be installed in a large kitchen, it is recommended that it be equipped with a ground potential bonding conductor. The potential equalization terminal is installed by WMF Service when needed. CAUTION Risk of fire and electric shock. Replace only with manufacturer´s cord set, please see spare parts list.
  • Page 116: Appendix: Accessories And Spare Parts

    Drip tray with SteamJet 33 2633 7100 with SteamJet Drip tray without SteamJet 33 2633 7000 without SteamJet Drip grid with SteamJet 33 2633 8100 with SteamJet Drip grid without SteamJet 33 2633 8000 without SteamJet User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 117
    Cleaning container lid for the milk system 33 2593 7000 all Pipe cleaner 33 0350 0000 all Cleaning brush 33 1521 9000 all Tube WMF Molykote “gasket grease” 33 2179 9000 all Documentation Set of documents WMF 5000 S + 33 4186 6900 all User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 118: Index

    Fresh Filtered Coffee ‑ FFC (optional) 21, 27 Menu pad 21, 54 Comments on the recipe 50 Function bar 38 Messages and instructions 102 Conditions for use and installation 15 Function bar “Ready to operate” display 36 Messages for operation 102 Cool milk 26 Messages on the display 37 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…

  • Page 119
    Preparation of ground coffee using the Switch‑off rinsing 43 manual insert 33 Switch on the coffee machine 26 Preparing the milk system after cleaning 43 Syrup (optional) 73 Pre‑selection pads (optional) 28 Syrup station option 25 Progress display 68 System 67 System cleaning 41, 84 Quality check (Dynamic Milk) 67 Quality level 49 User Manual WMF 5000 S +…
  • Page 120
    Series 1950 33 4186 6900 02.2020 Your nearest WMF Service: © 2018–2020 WMF Group GmbH All rights reserved, in particular duplication, distribution, and translation rights. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without written consent.

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Коды ошибок кофемашин WMF

  • F2/F7 – нет подачи электричества к заварнику
  • F5 – заварник отключен
  • F6 – затрудненная работа варочного модуля
  • F26/F36/F46 – сбой кофемолки
  • F87 – поврежден датчик бойлера
  • F88– перегрев бойлера
  • F89 – ошибка времени нагрева бойлера
  • F130 – общий сбой
  • F149 – общий сбой напряжения
  • F161 – сбой счетчика воды во время варки
  • F162 – сбой счетчика воды во время очистки
  • F163 – ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке
  • F164 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды
  • F165 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада
  • F166 — сбой счетчика воды во время декафината
  • F167 — сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации
  • F186 — перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера
  • F187 – поврежден датчик парового бойлера
  • F188 — перегрев бойлера
  • F189 — ошибка времени нагрева парового котла

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