Ошибка 9003 sql server

Fix Microsoft SQL Server Error 9003 an Easy Way

sql server error 9003

Table of Content

  • Introduction to the Error
  • Reason for this SQL Error
  • Solution to Fix Error 9003
  • Suspect Mode Rectification
  • Bringing It All Together

What is SQL Server Model Database Error 9003?

Model database issue or the Microsoft SQL Server error 9003 is a special type of technical message that appears in SQL. These error messages are a result of a wrong sequence or when an unacceptable event ID is tracked for a specific database by the log manager. When these types of error messages appear and crash the system, error messages appear as in the below-mentioned form.

SQL Error 9003

Why SQL Server Error Code 9003 Appears?

Error 9003 of SQL server is generally triggered because of data corruption issues, replication issues among MDF and LDF files, inconsistency, etc. sometimes, this issue is also a result of misconfigured system files or the registry issue of files.


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Fix SQL Server Model Database Error 9003

To bring database to Normal Mode and to fix model database error, the following resolutions can be implemented. Though there are no straightforward solutions available for rectifying this SQL error yet these techniques are beneficial if properly executed.

Restore from Backup:

Just try deleting the related information or contents, if the model database error appears due to the issue of replication of the data components. After this step, make sure to take restoration of the database from the available archive or backup. This is indeed a good option to backup server database of SQL because it greatly helps in restoring entire data in some really critical situations.

SQL Server Re-installation:

If user has encountered error 9003 then uninstall the present SQL Server program and then try reinstalling it on the system. This will b e great step towards elimination of error in SQL server. Also, it is advised to take a backup of all MDF components like triggers, indexes, database tables, stored procedures, etc. before actually uninstalling the program. Restore all the components back to the database after the files are reinstalled.

DBCC Implementation:

Run DBCC CHECKDB after reinstalling the program so as to check the physical, logical errors and inconsistencies in that particular database components. By using the DBCC CHECKDB command, check the consistency of MDF files i.e, of primary database. Alternatively, user may detach model database by renaming database files and attaching it further. This may prevent SQL error 9003 from appearing.

Also Read: Solution to Fix SQL Server Error 1105 Smartly

Rectification of Suspect Mode

SQL database items are marked as SUSPECT if they are affected by server error 9003. To find out which database has undergone SUSPECT mode and to troubleshoot this erroneous situation, follow the procedure given below.

  • By executing DBCC CHECKDB, detect reasons for SUSPECT database.
  • Now to detect the actual cause, open the SQL error log.
  • After this, just bring the database to ‘Emergency Mode

NOTE: In SUSPECT mode, it is impossible to connect to database that is why it is important to turn it to Emergency Mode.

  • To check inconsistencies among database objects, run DBCC.
  • After this, just turn on ‘Single Mode’ in the database.
  • Using ‘REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS’, recover database.
  • Now, turn on ‘Multi-user Mode’ in database by performing suitable SQL command.

NOTE: The resolution methods mentioned-above may cause the withdrawal of SQL error 9003 from the database. Database is then brought to the normal mode when processed in an accurate way however if some mistakes are committed while executing these steps then, loss of data may occur.

Alternate Solution:

If all the above manual solutions fail to fix 9003 error code, then it is best recommended to opt for a third party software like SQL Recovery Software to overcome this issue and resolve 9003 SQL error.

Also Read: Know How to Make SQL Server Faster?


We have thrown lights on SQL Server database error 9003 in this post. Manual methods have been given to resolve 9003 error from MDF and NDF data files. If all the above manual solutions fail to fix 9003 error code, then it is best recommended to opt for a third party SQL MDF Recovery tool to overcome this issue and resolve 9003 SQL error.

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Home » Updates » Error » Fix SQL Server Error 9003 to Resolve Model Database Error

Fix SQL Server Error 9003 to Resolve Model Database Error

SQL Server error 9003 happens in the cases where some invalid log-event or some invalid sequence gets recorded to the log-manager for some particular SQL database. This is most likely to origin after corruption issues, inconsistencies or may be sometimes due to replication problems among the MDF (which happens to be the primary database) and also the LDF files (which are the transaction log files). This MS SQL attach database error 9003 is even called as the model-database-error. Or also, in some cases, this error can occur because of wrongly configured system files or due to some registry issues in the files.

Recommended Solution: To quickly fix SQL errors and removce corruption from SQL database files, use SQL Database Recovery Tool. This will help to perform SQL database corruption repair and restore process in a errro-free way.

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Fixing SQL Server Error 9003 for Bringing SQL Database Back to Its Normal Mode

As there are no clear-cut ways for rectifying this MS SQL error code 9003 and for eradicating the aftereffects of this error. So users can apply any of the following resolutions in these cases:

  • Restore Database Contents from Any Updated Backup: If this SQL error 9003 has originated because of replicated database components, then the user must delete the associated info/contents and then start with the restoration process of the SQL Server database from any available recent backup. So, it is always a good practice if users backup their databases regularly as this habit aids when any critical situation arises. So, maintaining healthy backups can help you come off to save from such critical situations.

Note: If you no backup or damaged backup, then you need to repair it to as soon as possible. For this you can take the help of SQL Backup Recovery which is capable to repair corrupt SQL BAK file.

  • Try Reinstalling the Microsoft SQL Server: First and foremost, the user must uninstall the existing MS SQL database Server application and then try to reinstall it again on the same system. This might aid in the elimination of any occurrences of such errors. Though, before the user-initiated this process of un-installation, it is always suggested to take the backup of all the MDF file’s components like database tables, triggers, stored procedures, indexes, etc. Once this task of reinstalling the application finally and fully accomplished, then the user can restore all these database components again back to his SQL Server database.
  • Try to Run DBCC CHECKDB: As an alternate solution to resolve SQL Server error 9003, the user can also try to detach the model database first, and then rename database files and after that attaching those same. And after the reinstallation of the application, the user must try to run the DBCC CHECKDB command for the presence of any physical/logical errors or any inconsistencies, particularly in those database components. Users must check the consistency of the MDF file or the primary database files by using this command.

SUSPECT Mode and How to Rectify It

It is important to note here that the database that has been damaged or affected or corrupted with this SQL attach database error 9003 might as well as be marked in SUSPECT mode. So it is always suggested to the users that, they must check whether their databases are not suspected. For identifying whether any particular database has undergone this SUSPECT mode and for troubleshooting this existing situation, users can try following the procedure given below:

  • First of all, execute DBCC CHECKDB to detect & repair SUSPECT database
  • Now, open SQL-Error-Log for detecting the actual reason of it
  • And then, bring that database to an ‘Emergency’ mode
  • Note here that it is not always possible connecting to the database when it’s in this SUSPECT mode, so it is kind of a mandatory thing for the user to turn that to the EMERGENCY mode
  • After that, run DBCC for checking any inconsistencies in the database objects
  • And now, bring the specific database to the mode of ‘Single User’
  • And then repair database with the help of “REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS”
  • Then perform some apt SQL command for bringing the SQL database to the mode of ‘Multi User’

Alternative Solution – Simplifying Way Fix to SQL Server Error 9003

If any of the manual ways fail to deliver any results, then 3rd party tools are the safest bet in this regard to resolve SQL Server error 9003 at hand. Most such SQL Recovery tools help to recover SQL Server database from SUSPECT mode & errors such as MS SQL attach database error 9003 too. Additionally, deleted/lost data files also get recovered back to the SQL database.

Download SQL Recovery


The article was a walkthrough for SQL Server error 9003 wherein the aspects like causes responsible for this error and ways of fixing the error are touched in detail for giving a clear picture of this issue and how to resolve it.

Recently I moved up to the next consecutive error number, a 9003 error:


Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSSQLSERVER
Date:          6/15/2017 4:49:59 AM
Event ID:      9003
Task Category: Server
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      Server1.domain.net
The log scan number (139943:2168:0) passed to log scan in database ‘DBStuff’ is not valid.

This error may indicate data corruption or that the log file (.ldf) does not match the data file (.mdf). 

If this error occurred during replication, re-create the publication. Otherwise, restore from backup if the problem results in a failure during startup.

<Cue Scary Music>


Like the 9002, this is a seemingly scary error with the word “corruption” in it, but when I checked the server it appeared the database was online and I saw connections to DBStuff once I signed on.

The server was throwing a series of the errors constantly in the SQL Error Log (and Windows Application Log) for more than an hour by the time it was escalated to me – constantly every minute or less!

The DBStuff database was a relatively small database (13GB) so I went to run CHECKDB against it manually from a query window to look for corruption, but I couldn’t even get that far:

Msg 5901, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
One or more recovery units belonging to database ‘DBStuff’ failed to generate a checkpoint.  This is typically caused by lack of system resources such as disk or memory, or in some cases due to database corruption. Examine previous entries in the error log for more detailed information on this failure.

Msg 1823, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
A database snapshot cannot be created because it failed to start.

Msg 1823, Level 16, State 8, Line 1
A database snapshot cannot be created because it failed to start.

Msg 7928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The database snapshot for online checks could not be created. Either the reason is given in a previous error or one of the underlying volumes does not support sparse files or alternate streams. Attempting to get exclusive access to run checks offline.

Msg 5030, Level 16, State 12, Line 1
The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation.

Msg 7926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be locked. See Books Online for details of when this behavior is expected and what workarounds exist. Also see previous errors for more details.

Msg 9003, Level 20, State 9, Line 1
The log scan number (139943:2168:0) passed to log scan in database ‘DBStuff’ is not valid.

This error may indicate data corruption or that the log file (.ldf) does not match the data file (.mdf).

If this error occurred during replication, re-create the publication. Otherwise, restore from backup if the problem results in a failure during startup.


Note that the last error in the series is again the 9003 error shown in the initial Log entry above.

Could there be corruption?


At that point I went Googling and found this from Nathan Courtine at dbi Services:

At first I dismissed the idea because it is talking about replication and I didn’t see any replication on Server1, but when I went to look at the log_reuse_wait_desc as the article mentions, sure enough I found this:

SELECT name, log_reuse_wait_desc 

FROM sys.databases

WHERE name = N’DBStuff’


As described in the article I tried running sp_removedbreplication against DBStuff since there is no apparent replication (publications or subscriptions) but as the author notes this did not resolve the issue in my case.

The fix described in the article involves setting up a new dummy table in the database in question and creating a publication for that dummy table, which will supposedly goose the system and reset the log_reuse_wait_desc from REPLICATION to some “normal” type such as NOTHING or CHECKPOINT.  After this you can remove the replication and the dummy table and be done.

The catch for us was that the replication components weren’t installed on the Server1 instance during its original install!

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on this instance of SQL Server. For information about installing replication, see the topic Installing Replication in SQL Server Books Online. 

Replication components are not installed on this server. Run SQL Server Setup again and select the option to install replication. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21028)


After mounting media and installing the Replication components the rest was relatively easy — add a dummy table, create a publication, then drop the publication and dummy table — just as described in the referenced post above.

Eventually we determined that the DBStuff database was restored from another server where it had been involved in a replication topology, which was the source of the offending bits.

Hope this helps!

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